Doris Chase Doane - Astrology - 30 Years Research
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By DORIS CHAE DOANE Secretary of he Chuch o Ligh
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BEYOND HISTORY and far back into the realms of Leg-
end and radition, the more enightened of the human race have ever ev er striven to nd the meas me as of uniting the sou with God. A few of te enighteed oes reazed that to accompish such an exated goa it woud be ncssry to discover a method of uiti u iting ng the sou th throu rough gh corespodences corespodences with the mani festation of of God as evideced in the Soar System They eary recognized that an individua coud coud ony unite with a power by uniting with te manfestation manfestation of of this this power ut of such pur pur posefu thinking Astroogy bornScience ad for uncounted ages Astroogy was regarded as aws acred n the dawning Aquarian Age whose Key Phrase is KNOV positive knowedge must suppant bind beief beief he ony method to obti such knowedge known to The Church of Light is research testing oe by one the ancent tenets of astroogy his book is is the the resut of 30 years research into into the Goden Key of Astroogy and it is presented with the hope that the ground covred thus far may proide the earnst student with vauabe materia heretofore unavaiabe in orgaized form We trust the time is fast drawing to a cose when bind pre judice is substituted for impartia impartia investigation \e aso trust that those seeking the ight of Truth re gaining scient emotiona and inteectua aduthood so that they wi not cast aside as worthess statistica esearch however rudimentary; but that they wi use it as a basis for further study We are aware that the evoution of knowedge resuting from further research may ater resent concusions to some degree and we are conducting further research with a of the means avaiabe to us Astroogy demands Eterna Resarch
to provide mankind with a progressive tool insuring a more perfect adaptation to the realities encountered encount ered in an ever-chang ing environment From time to tme, Research Buetins wil be issued by The Chuch of Light, allowing an opportunity for earnest searchers to keep up to date with the work done by the Astroogica Re search Depatment. In presentng the statistics on diease, no attempt has been made to dscuss proper precautonary measures of a dietary and menta nature Nor has th spcic spcic thoughttreatment een given to ater a variety of discordant conditions in ife Such informaton s found in the 21 Courses of Brotherhood of ight Lessons which collectively present the teachings of The Religion of The tars. Any astoogical research conducted by independent individuals or by other organized groups has not been evaluated in this work. As far as we know, this is the rst presentation of a work of this this particuar particuar type. t is not the last word nor is it the the end of anyt anything hing Rather, it is a beginning from which we we hope to rogress cotinuay toward th advancing horizon of perfec tion This book presents material useu to the student practica to the professional and valuabe to a who seek knowedge for the sake of knowedge or such ight as we have been enabled to shed upon the subject of Astrology we are gratefu to the Eterna pirit, the power behind a manifest creation EDWAR OAN
President The Church of ight
DEAS THAT GO BCK through ancient haldea and an cient Egypt to Atantis and Mu can be explained in terms of the most modern discoveries discoveries of ateria ateria science. Befoe an ad acquired the knowledge of electromagnetsm, of the princi ples o elativity of the behavior of electons, or the prnci pes of radio or before the exhaustie experiments in psy chology which ae been made in our universities since the beginning of the pesent century these ancient ideas could not be explaned During the Piscean ge ge just just p a s t the emphasis emphasis has been been paced upon unuestonn unuestonng g eief Bu Butt during the quarian ge to which the orld is no adjustng aut author hority ity - no mat mat ter how veneral veneralee it ay e - ll have no weight eope will no no longer accept a fact on faith or authoity Rightly, to avoid being isled y those who would exploit them as they were exploited in the past through beef accepted without proof people ill deand facts which they can demonstrate and with whch they can prove or disprove things for them seves Scientsts in our universities as yet have been unwilling to
make a statistic statistical al study oferhood) astrology in Apri, 1924, Te Chuch ( formery Broth Brotherhood) of But Light strological Re search epartentunder the direction of lert Bnjamine founder found er - began to solcit solcit from as an persons as i coul could d reach, the birthda birthdate te includin including g hour of birth and date the event happened of p e o p e who had experenced some particuar disease or event along with a cse cse history of thei lives In the yeas that followed tied brthcharts wee statisticly ana lyzed and the analyses were published in a wide number of books and and periodcal periodcals s These studies for the the sound statistical
basis on which Standad Astology mly ests, and they have poven invaluable to to both student astologes and a nd pofessionals alike. Because most of the published epots ae now out of pint, have gone though the wealth of mateial in the les to gather and pesent in one volume as much infomation as possible Theeappeaing have been n othe pojects othe haveconducted been unable to than nd those thiseseach book, but the wok seets, epots and and papes papes concened Though the yeas a geat any individuals have contibuted t this eseach eseac h activity, but none of them should be held esponsble fo ths pesentation, which is stictl my own. It takes little time and eot to lean to eect a bth-chat and calculate calculate the pogessed aspects. aspects. f you lean to do ths, you ae in a position position to use the chats of you family and othes o thes to pove o dspove ules set foth in The Bothehood of Light Lessons, which have been futhe elaboated n these statistical studies. t would be slly fo anyone to believe in astology because he Chuch of of Light says the planetay positions map staes o consciousness which manifest as taits of chaacte, o that the late lat e positions of the planets coincide with chaacteistc eents. And it is equally silly fo anyone to believe acadeic individ uals who have made no study of astology when they say it is a fallacy. fallacy. t is fol folly ly to accept accept asto astology logy o eject eject t on authoity, authoity, because with but little eot anyone can test its tuth fo h self. As topogessed how and why e ventsno events come ino life coincide with teistic aspects, scietic explanation waschac poss ble until Enstein had developed and gven to the wold hs Special Spec ial heoy of Relativity. Relativity. As explaned by C. C. Zan n his "Laws of Occultsm, pogessed aspets ae consistent with, and logically explained by, Relatvity. Now t is possible to undestan undestand d n tem temss of accepted scence which the an cients could not do th thee va vaious ious fa�ts of astolog. But fa moe impotant than an explanation, now any pe son of aveage intelligence though the applicaton of the facts
of astrolog can prove it for himself. I believe that anyone who wil test the statements in this book wil become convinced of astrolog Further, I believe the 21 Brotherhood of Light Corses and this book to be the best possible defense agains those who attack astrolog When ou have studied and tested the information given here, o will perhaps understand me when I sa that I agreed wholehearted wholehea rted with with C C Zain when he said: said: "Te neophte striving for adeptship can never hope to attain that exalted state or even to make much progress toward it so long s he supine waits for the misfortnes shown b the stars to overtake him or languorousl looks forward to such benets as are shown to be showered showered into his lap There is not one mis fortune that comes into his life that, foreseen cannot be made less severe in its eect pon him, and a nd not one bles blessing sing that can can not in some measre be made more bounteous b the proper se of inteligence and nitiative DORIS CHASE DON
os Angeles, Calif September 95 6
Astrological Combinaions ROM TIME O TE in all seriousness some people ask: why bother to go to the lengths demanded in precise chart erection? Others ar g e that it is not necessary to erect a chart at all, that a solar chart or a sun-sign reading can give a person all he needs to know.
Perhaps these people do not realize the stupendous amount of combntions that can be fomed between the various astro logical factors factors In the Hermetic System of Astrolo Astrology gy 12 signs IO planets 2 horoscope houses and 10 aspects are the factors upon which chart erection and delineation are based he least possble number of dierent combinations result ing from these four groups of astrological factors is 68
5.3937075 X 10
his staggering g re should give pause to those brushing side precison f that total perplexes the imagination a couple of comparable ones might help the mind encompass the limitless limitless possbilities Take the highe highest st United States debt occuring in 1946:
26942209 2694 22099 9 I73 X 10
Or look at another g re a bit more than the debt yet stil comparabl compa rablee to the numb number er of astrological combinatio combinations ns Based upon the present estimates here is the total number of atoms in the universe: 70
30 10-
Associating these gre of the same order of magnitude should give an inkling as to why the ermetic ystem of As trology insists upon precise chart erecton and does not consider
A stro/ogy - 30 Yeas Reseach
a solar chart or a sun-sign reading to be a vald ndex of the ndividual Here s how the least number of astrological combnatons would appear: 539,3707 539,3707 5 00000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000. 000000000000000000000000 0000000000000. That total is nnitely greater than that of the earth's entre popu ltion ltio n which is roughly 2500 2500000000 000000
Astrology vs. Fotune-Teing
HIS CHAPTER strangely enough attempts to set forth what Scientic Astrlgy should NO in our present state of knowledge be expected to do. Scientic Astrology as greatly suered thrug its almost indissoluble marriage ith ESP Knowingly or unknowi unknowingly, ngly, it is almst impossible to read a birth-chart r to give an opinion n what a progressed aspect is likely to bring into te life without exercising in some degree Extrasensor Percep tion And no one can state the limit limit of possible possible information information tat can be acquired relative to both past and future thrugh ESP e Zenith Foundation after sifting the vast amount of evidence they had gathered in their thirty weeks of researc during wich more than a quarter of a million pieces of mail were received and tabulated foun found: d: "Authenticated personal eperiences indicate that time is nott a factor n telepathic communication Pssession of the no ability to visualize in detail events which ave not happened a penomenon science calls precognition seems but slightly less rare than telepathy itself ofreseen describe by scenes or to give Perception, a detailed account of events thus Exrta-sensory is Fortune Tell ng. Because many persons calling themselves astrologers possess the ability to do this in a marked degree and because even the most scientic astrologers usually possess suc ability in some degree there as arisen a widespread belef that astrology foretells Specic Events Such however is not Scien Scien tic Astrology bFortune Tellg Because f te Fortune Tellng viewpoint of astrlogy almst every year witnesses te discovery of some new astrl ogical system of Predicting Events wic its proud originato
Astrology - 30 Years Reserch
proclaims wil infallibly indicate the precise nature and precse date of each signicant event in any person's life. life. When th astrologers try this system on numerous charts, and nd that t does not enable them to predetermine the Specic nature and exact day of even the more important events, most of them drop it and franticay turn to some still more recently developed System in the hope it will enable themwhat to do, mathematically ascertined planetary relations thewith ac complished clairvoyant often is abe to do with Extra-senory Prcption.
We can be quite sure that no such Fatalitially precse System of astrology ever will be found If it ever is, it i t w w demonstrate that no man has power to alter his destiny, that he is not moraly responsible for his acts, and that hs impres sion of a succession of events is merely his consciousness moving along a xed time dimension, with no power whatever to change any nnumerable of its incidents, al of which unalterablydemon prede termined experiences andare observations strate that the univers is laid out on no such Fataliti Pan Yet because of long custom in associating ESP Fortun Tllng with astrology, it wil be dicult to get even man astrologers to adopt a I onFotn onFotn lling View. Nevertheless, instead of considering events unalterably xed aong the path of time, let us consider the unconscious mind of a child at birth as composed of the mental elements derived from the experiences it as had n n lower forms forms of life Accord ing to their associations these experiences have been organized some harmoniously and some discordantly, into thought-cells and thougtstructur thougtstructures es Thus the birtchart maps the thought cells and thougtstuctures within the unconscious mind of the newborn abe, and the positions of the planets indicate their kind, intensity, and the general direction of their desires. The prominence of each panet indicates the voume of energy possessed by the corresponding family of thoughtcels Thus the prominence of Mercury maps te vigor of the nte lectua thoughtcells, the prominence of the oon the vgor of the Domestic thoughtcells the prominence of Jupter th
Astrology v. Fotune - Tling
vigor of the Religious thught-cells, and so on, each planet mapping a grup of thoughtcells. The expression of the ten thughtcell families, corresponding to he ten planets, cm prses the sum ttal f man's behavior. The sgns f the zdiac in which these planets are found in the brthchart denote that the Intelectual thoughtcells Do mestic thoughtcells, Religous thoughtcells, etc., mapped by the planets, have a basic tendency to express in the manner characteristic of the sign in which they are ocated The department of ife involved in the experiences which built these thought-cels before human birth, and the depart ment of fe they consequently wll aect during human life, i mapped in the chart f birth by the house which the planet rules Whether the desires f the dynamic thoughtcells symblized by the planets, and those of the common thoughtcells indicated by houses, the individual, andthe how muchare so, harmnius s indcated or by discordant the aspect�toreceived by the planet mappng the dynamic thoughtstrucures, rung the huse by which the cmmn thought cells are mapped. And we have every reasn to beleve, as the resut of ong years of careful experiment and observation, that it is the Psychokinetc Power exercised by the various types of thought cells and thought-structures f whch the unconscious mind or soul, is cmposed, that attracts t the ndividua the condi tions and events of his life, and whch inuence his thughts and profoundly aect his physica behavior Let us nt assume, however, that these thought-cels and thoughtstructures, even when thrugh a prgressed aspect they receive a tremendus new suppy of energy to use as Psychokinetic Power, are omni omnipoten potent t hey even then posse possess ss ony so much energy. energy. And with this amount amount f energy at their command, they are able to do ony a given amount of work in overcming overcmi ng the resistance f f environment that they may reaie their desires. desires. As most imprtant events that transpire transpire in the ife of man are inked up with factrs in his physica envron ent, we can never aord to negect the amount of resistance
Astrology -30 Year Rearch
oered by the particla physical environment of he individual to these Active Active thought-cell, in a reasonable attempt to predic the nature and importance of the event coincident with a given progressed aspect. There is a Fortune Tellr assumption that two birthcharts with identical positions could belong onl to persons of the same abilit and same fortune Obervation of of chartsover 10000 of which have been analzed analzed for for (a) BirthChart and Progressed Constants in statistical studies b the Church of Light Astrological Research Departmen De partment t and an d (b) Natal ad Progressed Clues in preliminar research in studies of disease and for (c) (c) subjective research on innumerable total case historieshowever does not agree with this view view The posi tions of the signs and planets in a chart give a ver good map of the factors of the unconsciou mind both as to volume of energ and their harmonies and discords relative to each other But the volum other volumee of ener energ g map mappe ped d b identica identica planetar positions in the charts of two dierent individuals often is markedly dierent While it is true that events and abilities in the lives of identical twins often are startlingly the same; in the lives of other twins it s usual to nd similar abilities or trends but that one takes the lead and goes much further than the other and often their lives lives dier also in other other respects It is custo mar to account for this on the ground that dierent signs rise but as a matter of record often the same sign rises in the charts charts of both or could the few degrees dierence o the sendant account for thi divergency of their lives et us not consider that the birthchart makes the individual what he is but tha the individual is born when the various heavenly con g rations are such that within limits the Row n the same direction as the energies within his unconscious mind This does not necessitate that the positions of the planets must give a portrayal of the Absolute Amount of energ of each tho though ughtst tstruct ructure ure the map or even that there is no margin of atitude between that which is shown in the k and that which is within the unconscious mind of the
Aitrology VI. Forune - Tellng
individua It seems merey that relative to the other actors within the unconscious mind, each thought-structure smbo ized b a panet, ithin broad imits, must b somehat similar to that panet's prominence and relations to the other planets in the birthchart hich in their turn indicate other important mental actors and teir retions ithin the unconscious mind. Whie the experiencs of creatures oer in the scale of ie, urnishing mental actors so mapped, buid up desires o denite type and harmony or discord, these hich no guide the Psychok1eti owr of the thoughtcells are not Coni tioned ( drected toard) to Specic things in the human !ife The ork o Mandel Sherman and rene Case Sherman has demonstrated it the exception of a e reactionssalo ing, closing the eye hen the cornea is irritated, sneeing, response to deep pressure, oud noise, restraint, and sudden movement such as droppin that an infants reactions are al conditione conditioned d given specic drection) by the peasure peasu re or pain accompanying experences it hs had ith physica situa tions ater birth Granted that even at the time of birth, as e as subse quenty the thoughtces usin Phokint Por have a seective action upon environment neertheess the Specic things that are key to be found ithin the environment vary idey ith the historica period, the race, the geoogica rea, the famiy customs and een the educationa and social status o the parens. Yet the groing infant infant and the thoughtces thoughtces ithinrom its unconscious mind can deveop or aay ony those Spcic things hichdesires are totoard be ound ithin its physica environment The thoughtces no matter ho much shont or they use, cannot attract into the ie o one chid the Specic events hich are the customary eents n the ife of another chid et it is these pecic eents, as the ears ears pass, hich come to direct the desires o the various famiies o thought ces toard or aay rom simir Specic events ater in life, hen these thoughtces acquire, through progressed aspects sucient ne energy to attract more vents
Astrology - 30 Year Rarch
This means that, given two birth-harts practially identi aland we have very similar harts from Alaska Equatorial fria and New York City in our researh lessimilar thoughtell ativity mapped by idential progressed aspets will attrat into the life Spei events that are dierent. They ould not be the same beause no amount of Psychokinet wer on the part of the thoughtells an bring snow shoe travel to a Jungeman of the Congo nor a ride on the Subway to an Indian in laska Furthermore beause of the early Conditioning of the desires of the thoughtells mapped by the third house the same aspet whih atrats an event where his brethren are onerned to an laskan Indian may attrat a short journey to a Congo Jungleman and may bring to a ew Yorker the deep study of some sienti sienti book That is the third house house thoughtells of the Indian may have been Conditioned to express their yhknec Pwer hiey through events in volving his relatives; those of the Jungleman may have had speial opportunty early in his life to develop travel desires while the ew Yorker may have ben so restrited in early life in referene both to brethren and travel and been reared where sienti talk was prevalent and with a library at his hand that his hand his third house ( of the horosope) thoughtells had learned to gain almost all their satisfation not through relatives or travel but through study. Yet no amount of Pychoknec Pwe developed from the energy of a pro gressed aspet ould have enabled either the Indian or the Jungleman have read with either pleasure or understanding the sientitobook. Our extensive researh on when and why events happen eveals that the event whih is attrated by a progressed aspet regardless of rae and geographial loation bears the hara teristis of the planets involved involved in the aspet It is aom panied by violene or strife if Mars is involved by labor loss or hardship if Saturn is an important member by good will abundane or extravagane if Jupiter is in the aspet by sud denness and aomplished through a human ageny if Uanus akes part et
Astro roogy ogy v. For Forun unee - Tel Telin ing g Ast
vVe hae demonstrated, in 999 instances out of 1,000 the department of life chiey aecte by the aspect is mappe by a ouse of the birt-chart rued by one of te panets taking part in the progressed aspect. To the extent the thought-ces mapped by the aspecting panets in the birtcart are armo nious or discordant, ae been modied in this harmony or discord by eents and menta attitudes since birth and whether the progressed aspect is harmonious or discorant, wi the eent attracted by te Psychokinetic Powr of the thought ces be harmonious or discorant he importance of the eent attracted attrac ted is determined ( 1) by the oume of energy of the thoughtces mapped by te aspecting panet panetss in te birth birthchart chart ( 2) the amount of Con dtioning they hae ha through simiar eents since birth te ( 3 amo amount unt of ener energy gy aded to them by te prog progress ressed ed aspet and ( 4) the ac of resistance to an imporant eent of the nature of the toughtces wich with this new progressed aspect energy at teir comman, the thoughtces try to Dem onstrate he eact time the eent takes pace is strongy inuenced by cumuatie panetary energy hat is, when in addition to te major progressions, there are minor progressions an transit progressions to a panet inoed in the maor pro gressed aspect, or to a panet ruing the same house of whic a paet inoed in te maor progressed aspect is co-ruer thus adding energy to the thougtces mapped by the same housethis increase actiity of a gien group of tought es tends to determine wen te eent wi transpire Howeer, at some period before or after tere is a mai mum accumuation of panetary energy aecting a gien group of thoughtces the physica enironment may oer so itte resistance tat te thoughtces hae no dicuty in Demon strating the eent Or it may be that ust at te time whe the accumuate tought-ce energy is greatest, the physica enironment may oer so muc resstance that no amount o cokc o can then demon demonstrate strate the eent e eent wic is attracted is brought to pass through wor
Astrology-JO Years Rsach
accomplished from th innr pan upon th physical nviron mnt by th thought-clls. Boh th diculy of th work a a givn tim, and th amount of nrgy ha can b dirctd to it, ar factors dtrmining whn t can b nishd. With sucin familiariy rgarding th prvious happn ngs and inuncs in h individual's lif which hav Condi tiond thoughtclls dsir Spcic hings, andargarding a h his various factors inoh physical nvironmnt th tim h Scintic Asrologr usually can fortl, not ony th D partmn of if which chiy will b actd by a progrssd aspct, but aso h Spcic Evnt, and abou how important it ill b. But mor of oftn tn than no, his compl informa ion about h characr, abou h ay hings customarily dvelop in h dirn dpartmnts of lif and about h various factors prsnt in h physical nvironmnt ar known only o th individu individual al himslf. himslf. If h is his on astrolog astrologr, r, h can know not mrly wha Spcic vnt to xpct bu also what o do to caus th vn o b mor forunat han i othrwis would b Givn somthing abou h nvironmntal conditions, such as h ag and prvious raining, and with crtain progrssd aspcs h probability of atracting a Spcic vn (mar riag, mploymnt, mony, to mntion a fw) is vry high. Not invariably but in a high prcntag of cass, for instanc, a powrful progrssd aspc o h rlr of h fh hous climaxing abou a ar afr marriag rsuls in th birth of a child Oftn, howvr, spcially hen knoldg of th dails of h physical nvironmnt is lacking Scinic strolog mus connt tslf with pointing ou that thr is a prdisposi tion at a givn tim toard th occurranc of an important evnt, rlaing rlain g o on of svral dpartmnts of lif nd ihin ach dparmnt of human lif thr ar svra altr naivs. Thus th fh hous rus ov aairs, spculaion, nrainmnt and childrn nd th sam progrssd aspc to th rulr of th fh, du to a plant urning rtrograd and hn again turning dirc, may occur in th sam woman's
Astrology ology v. Forun Forunee - Tei Teig g Astr
chart at 16 years of age, at 25 ears of age, and agan at 60 ears of age. At 6 t ma map a love aa aar, r, at 25 the brth of a chd, nd at 60 a er er on the stock market The thought cells assoited wth the fth house n each nstance demon strte n event but they do not demonstrte the brth of a chld n a woman's lfe t 60 ears of age Furthermore, t ma be possble for one man to accomplsh somethng, due to years of prctce and technca tranng, even when e s under discordnt progressed aspects; et t ma e qute mpossble for another, wthout such tranng, even under the best progressed aspects he can ever have ·thout a thor thoroug oughh knoedge of ( ) the Spec Cond tonng of the thought-cels mapped b the planets through vents snce brth, brth, ( 2 the voume and trend of the energ added to the the thoughtces b other progressed aspects aspe cts ( Ral ng Forces which t the same tme are aso wthn wthn one degree f perfect, and uled ( 3 the resst ance oere b envronment to varous events b resstance the houses nvoved n the varous progressed aspects whch re present, the Scentc strologer usual must content hmself to stte tere s a strong preds poston toard one of the severl Specc events, wthout def ntel statng whch one l occur hs, hoever, enables hm to gve valuabe and specc advce on what the ndvdual should not do, and what he should do. n f the ndvdua ndvduall hmsef s the astrologer wth hs more compete knowledge of pst Condtonng and Present Envronment, he cn lern aso to foreknow, usual, the Specc Event whch wl be ttracted, unless he does some thng about t, and thus can even more eectvl take steps to nsure that the events whch are attracted nto hs lfe are those whch he desres Research s eng carred forwrd to acqure a more perfect knowledge of those astrologcal factors whch powerful n cne to Specc Events But relatve to man happenngs happenngs Condtonng of thoughtcels through prevous events an the faclt of phscal envronment to respond to one event ruled b one of the houses nvolved n the aspect and s resst
Astrolgy - 30 Year Rch
ance to other events ruled by the houses involved, would appear to be the deciding factors determining which one of several possible events will be the one of chief importance attracted by a given progressed aspect. Properly considered, astrology cannot be fatalistic, for it deals withthe mental elements of the subconscious mind and timesand andemotional relative amont of stimulation of these elements Since the factor of free-will can be used by the intel ligent person to direct the energies into constructive channels no matter how discordant the energy (mapped by actie planetary aspects) may appear, scientic astology cannot cannot be considered For Fortune tune Telling.
Astrological Research epors
"} T WAS EINSTEIN'S Special Theory of Reativity, folowed to its practical and logical concusions, which le to the iscovery of releasing and utiizing utiizing atomic energy. An it is this same Special Theory of Relativity followed to its practical and logical conclusions which indicates how inner plane energs operate and what can be done to cause them to work more to the iniviuas advantage As university university scientists have conclusively emonstrated that time, erties istance radicallyand dierent gavitatin than they on thehaveinner on plane earth hae shouldprop we expect inner-plane weather to operate accoring to the same aws wether operates on earth? nsteins Specia Theory of Reativity carrie to its ogical conclusions indicates that inner pane weather aects the inividua not meey accoring to his innerpane consttution but through crtain timespace reationships that bring structural changes within his astra body Astroogica energies constitute the innerpane weather isand How notgravitation this dependent innerpane upon weather any theory; aects for an even inividual, as time, however distance properties of the inner plane have been eter mine experimentay by university scientists, so have the prop erties of innerplane weather, and how it works to aect ini viuas, groups cities, nations an world aairs been eter mined experimentay an through statistica stuies carrie out in the process of astrological research. research. One of the outstaning inuences of innerpane weather is that when a person creature or important event is born it is born at a tme when the innerpane weather tens to con cie with the innerplane makeup of that which is then born
Astrology - 30 Yers Resarch
Thus does the inner-plane weather at the time of hi birth, as mapped by his birthchart, indicate the predispostion of an individu indi vidual al to develop abiliti abilities es of a certan type. The planetary planetary positions and aspects whatever they may be, whch indicate such a predispostion are called its birthchart constants "The predispositions ndicated by the innerplane weather condtions at birth neer manifest as event or diseases except durng those those periods when the th e appropriate thoughtcells receive commensurate additional enrg from innerpane weather mapped by progressed aspects "Innerplane weathr conssts of astrological vibrations in their innite variety of combinations combinations hose mapped mapped b y pro gressed aspects enable planetary vbrations to reach nd make activee certain group activ groupss of thoughtcells. These thoughtcells have desires such as were imparted to them when they were formed and as indicated by the spects of the planets mapping them in the the birthchart Suc desires desires are temporarily altered by the planetary energy reaching them through the inner plane wather mapped by a progressed aspect aspect And the addi tional energy thus reaching the thoughtcells not only gives them the power to inuenc the individual's thoughts and be havior but it also enables them to attract events of the kind they desire into his life "By far the most important innerplane wather is mapped b y major progressed aspects Church of of Light statistical statistical re search covering lves ofevent many of persons cates that every the important ofthousands life takes plac duringndi the period while a major progressed a·spect is prsent involing planets characteristic of the nature of the event and which rule the birthchart house governing the department of life aected f more than than one department of li_fe s pronouncedly pronouncedly aected by the event at the time it occurs there are always major progressed aspects involving the ruler of each house governing these various departments of life "The periods in his life when t individual is likely to experience a specic event, condition or disease toward which he has a predisposition are indicated by certain major pro
Astrological Resch Rpots
gressed aspects. These progressed aspects mapping mapping nner plane weather conditions which have been found always to coincide with the given event, conditon or disease are called its progressed constants "Both the birth-chart position and the progressed position of a planet act as terminals for the reception of the planetary energy. Each terminal actually involved in the the progressed aspect receives the energy of the progressed aspect in full volume Bu Butt unless unless the progressed aspect is from a major pro gressed lant to its birthchart placein which case there are only two terminalseach progressed aspect has two other ter minals not directly involved in the the progressed aspect Each of these two terminals not directy involved in the progressed aspect rceives, through the principle of resonance onehalf as much energy as is received by each terminal directly nvolved "It is important to understand that ommonly a maor progressed aspect has four because our research has determined that each majorterminals progressed constant of an event or a disease s always reenforced by a minor min or progress progressed ed aspect asp ect heavier than from the Moon to one of its fou terminals at th time the event ocurs or the disease develops; and that each reenforced major progressed constant of an event or disease is always released by a transit aspect heavier than from the Moon to one o its four terminals at the time the event occurs or the disease develops develops And an independen independentt minor progressed progressed aspect s always reeased by a transit to one of the birthchart or maor progressed terminals inuenced by the minor pro gressed aspect at the time the event takes place As statistcally indicated n the strologcal Research Re port No 3 , the one eectve degree orb or b of a progressed aspect is always valid The more closely the planets approach the perfect progressed aspect the greater the amount of energ the temporary stellar aeral in the astral body is capable of pickng up radio fashion, and transmitting to the thought cels at its direct and ndrect terminals, and the more capable these become of inuencing events Due to the reenforcement eect of mnor progressed as
Astrolgy - 30 Yr Reearch
pects to any of the four termnals of the major progressed aspect, to the trgger eect of transt aspects to any of th four terminals of te major progressed spect, and to the pyscal envronmnt through whch events must come the mportant events events att attract racted ed by by major majo r progressed aspects seldom arrve exactly exactly on the date te te progressed aspect s perfect. perfect. But other thngs beng equal, tey are more apt to arrve close to the date the major progressed aspect s perfect than hle the Therefo refore re tha thatt te tme and an d nature spect s farter removed The of te mportant events hch ll be attracted nto the lfe unless they are forestalled by precationry ations-m be estmated n advance, t t s essental that the tme be knon hen each major progressed aspect becomes perfect "As major progressons are measured by the rato of the movements of the planets durng one apparent solar day re leasng energy hch causes the chef structural changes thn thelfe, astral that takes durng one planets astrologcal year of thebody movements and place postons of the each four mnutes after brth ndcate the structural canges that take place thn the astral body eac corr correspon espondng dng day after aft er brth; te movements and postons of the planets each to hours after brt spread te structural changes so shon over each correspondng month of lfe after brth and the movements and the postons of the planets each day after brth ndcate te structural canges and events attracted durng the corre spondng year and tme of year of lfe -From "Prediting E'Lents, by C C ZIN
he Church of Lght Astrologcal Research Department began n Aprl, 1924, to solct solct data and snce that tme has collected, erected and progressedaccordng to ths Hermetc System of Astrologymany, many thousands of brthchart to te te tme of some gven event The ndngs of ths actvt are presented n te condensed research reports that folo
Astroogical Reseah Rpots
Birth-charts of move stars analyzed....... Charts wth Mars prominent prominent Charts with Uranus promnent promnent. ..... ........ ..... . Charts with Neptue promnent Chartss wth Chart w th Mer Mercur cur prominent prominent ... ... Charts Char ts wth Venu Venuss prominent prominent . . . .
100 00 % 98 98% 94 94% 89 89 89% % 79 79% 74 74%
Ffth Hous Atvty of JOO Mov Star
Charts wth fth hous active........... Charts with panet in fth house.... Charts wth fth house more discordant than harmonious ........ Charts with fth house more harmonious than discordant ........
93 58
93% 58%
st Houe Actvty of 10 ove tars
Charts wth rst house active.......... 91 Charts with paet n rst house...... 54 54 9 % Charts with rst house more dscordant than harmonious ........................... 58 58 Charts with rst house more harmonious than discordant ............................. 40 40% We tabulated the the signs in which the Sun Moon and Ascen dant were located in the charts of 100 movie stars; but no sign stood out with sucient pominence to be signicant, and cer tainy tai ny not su suc cie ient ntly ly to be a birth birth-ch -chart art con consta stant nt o f m o v i e actors. An energetic personality the outward expression f unusu ally active thoughtcels of the type mapped by Mas appears to be a requisite for motion picture work Long working hours under great pressure also need strong Mars thought cels in order to withstand fati g e criticism from highstrung felow employees and to ward ward o discouragemen discouragement t ars is is prominent in 98% of the charts Ability to fascinate and express more than ordinary charm to portray a part so faithfuly that others fee it using better and better methods of portrayal t sway the emotions requires a magnetic personality ngenuity and originality is mappe mapped d by Uranus which is prominent in 94% of the charts
, strology - JO Years Rsarch
The constant seekng of an ideal is shown by the prominence al so map of Neptune in 89% of the charts. These thought-cells also ablty used to promote a project, to get recogntion for one's personaity to reproduce a musical symphony to porray c tonal characters; n fact eptune promnence indcates the dramatic ability The actors having eptune prominent por tray a wde variety of roes whie the abilty to enact a charac ter played constanty by the same actor does not requre the great dramatic talent mapped by Neptune Once a star hts the the top top he needs to work to stay there The aspirng star must work to get there Thus quck wittedness wittedness s important Mercury mapping the Intellectual thoughtcells is promnent in 79% of the charts Venus prominent in 74% of the charts concides with beauty grace and metculous dress demanded in many roes Th Thee fth house house department of entertanment n general and the stage and screen the rst house, house, mapping th personality and physal body and are two departments of !fe !fe actve in i n the chart of a oie star 2. MA MARR RRIA IAGE GE
Charts analyzed for marriage........................ ........................ 215 100% Charts wth progressed aspect to ruer of seventh... 215 00 Plants formig progsd aspts at arriag Toal planets makng progressed aspects wth wthnn one degree of perfect at tme of marage............... ............... ,374 00% Venus . . . . 261 % ercury ···-··· ··· -······· ······ ······· ··········· ······ 231 7 7% % Sun Sun .. .. 214 % Mars ........................... 92 4 % Jupter . .. .. . 1 8% Uranus................... Uranus ................... 10 8% Saturn ............................. 8 0 % Nepune............. 70 5% Puto ................ ................................ .......................... .......... 1 4 % Moon ........ ........ 3 3% Progssd Asps of 1oon a arriag
Chartswt progressed Moon tabuated......... ......... 7 00% Charts wth progresd Moon makn makngg no aspct 21 13 13% %
Astroogical Reseach Reports
Total progrssed progrss ed aspcts of Mon... To ur of svnth... To Sun.... Sun..... . To Vnus.. To Mars.... To Jupir Jupir.. .. To To To To To To
Saurn Saurn. . Mrcury Puto...... Puto... ... Naa Moon.. Moon... . Nptun... Uranus... Uranus...
186 100% 63 34% 29 16 28 15% 28 15% 21 10% 18 16 1 13 12 7
10 9% 8% 7% 7% %
Two thngs are ar e made pan by these tables: ( 1) People marry ony when both have a progressed aspect to the ruer f the seventh house to gve the thought-ces thus apped more han their ordnary psychoknet power. (2) There is no plaet f marage. When there s a progressed aspect o he ruer of the seventh, a progressed aspec to Vnus favors . marrage. hat these tabes do not show s that n a woman's chart progressed aspet to Mars stiuatng amatveness tends even ore toward arrage than a progressed aspect to Venu. The endocrine gands of man usuay are actve enough wthout the necessty of a progressed aspect to Mars to stmuate ther secretos But many peope marry when there s no pro gressed aspect to Venus and no progressed aspect o Mars operatve Marriage s notarrages of necessty assocated aecton Venus). In many the mos powerfuwth motve s no ove A stronger otve may e found n the desre for co panionshp for a home for nanca securty for chdren for soca prestge or for busness advantages. In the fe of a woan the portance of the ae sex n genera s ndated by the pronene of the Sun n her nata chart and how fortunatey or unfortunatey en tend o aect her fe s ndcated by the aspects f the Sun n he fe of a an the Moon and ts aspects te the mporance harmony or dscord assocated wth woen n genera
Astrology Astr ology - 30 Year Rerch
In order that marriage-whch s thus nuenced not only by the desres of the seventh house thoughtcells, but also by the desres of the thoughtcells mapped by the opposte sex planet, and, n so far as aecton s concerned, by the thought cells mapped by Venus-may not be confused wth fth house actvtes, t should be ponted out that amatve relatons, n marrage or out of 1t, 1t, as well as pleasures, entertanment and matters relatng to the osprng, are mapped by the fth house thoughtcells. Whle there must be a progressed aspect nvolvng the sev enth house to attract marrage, that aspect may be weak, pro vded other progressed aspects at the tme are sucently powerul t eems to make make lttle lttle derence n relaton to the probablty of marrage whether the general progressed as pects and the aspect nvolvng the seventh house are harmo nous or dscordant f together they provde sucent psycho knetc power However t makes a profound derence n the result of the marrage as wll be ndcated n a future table relatve to dvorces There s very lttle derence between the progressed aspects that to an unmarred person brng mar rage,, and those that to a marred person brng dvorce rage Any seventh house event o mportance whether t be mar rage, dvorce a law sut or partnershp, requres that the thoughtcells mapped by ths house gan addtonal psycho knetc energy. Not only s ths so, but because o the brthcha harmo of the seventh house thoughtcells the enus thughtcells, and the aspects thoughtcells relatng opposte sex, the pro gressed whch brng to to onthe person a satsfactory and permanent marrage f they occur n another person's chart who s already marred marred,, may brng dvorce. dvorce. hs other person may have the three mentoned sets of thoughtcells so ds cordant that he can get along wth no one, and almost any progressed aspect whch adds unusual psychoknetc power to the thoughtcells mapped by the seventh house and those mapped by the nnth house ( court a�ton), he has prevousl marred, wll brng dvorce. Nor does an analyss o the type o progressed aspecs pre
rologal al Reseach Reports Ast rolog
sent at the time when these 215 marriages occurred-00 of whch ended n permanent separation or divorce but a reason able number o which were considered highly successful as well as permanentreeal any particular aspect as outstanding. A spec ts. The semisextile took rst place, then came the onjunction to be ollowed by but tthe he they sextile and trine. The square and oppositon were low occurred about half as oten oten as the sextile sextile and trine 3. DE DEAT ATH H OF IN NV VU UA AL
Charts analyzed for death of ndviduaL............. ndviduaL............. Charts wth progressed aspect to ruler of eghth... eghth..... Charts wth progressed aspect to ruler of rst rst Charts wth progressed aspect to ruler of eghth dscordant on! y..... ............. .......... ..... .... . Charts wth progressed aspect to ruler of eghth haronous only....................... only......................... Charts wth dscordant progressed aspects only..... only..... Charts wth harmonous progressed aspects only.. only....
108 100% 108 lOOo 10 100% 62
21% 37% 00%
40 0
Haviest Pogessed Afcon at Death
Heavest acton a dscordant progressed aspect between planets not aspectng eah other haronously a brth brth...... ......... ..... ..... ... 97 Heavest aicton a dscorant progressed aspect between planets aspectng each other haonously at brth... brth........... .............. ........... ..... 11 11 Heavest acton a harmonous progressed aspect betwen planets aspectng each other dscordantly
90% 10%
at brth............... 00 10% 00% Planets nvolved n heavest progressed acton.. acton.. 216 Sun ....... ............. ............ ............ ....... . 55 25% Mars ................ 43 20% Uranus ........................... 5 2% ercur er curyy . ..... ......... ....... 23 21 21% % Saturn ..... .............. ............. .... 23 21 Pluto .. ............... ...................... ......... 15 07 Moon ..... .......... ......... ..... . 13 06 Neptune .... ......... .......... ......... ...... ... .. . 12 06 Jupte ... ... .. .. ................... ................... 4 2 Venus ..... ........... ........... ...... .. . 03 01
Astrology - 30 Years Resarch Pogrssd 1oon
Charts with pogressed Moon consdered______________ consdered______________ Chats wth pogresse pogressedd Moon discordant only__ Chats with progressed Mon making no aspect___ Charts with progressed Moon hamonious ony__ Chats wth Moon makng both discodant ad harmonios poressed aspects aspects__ __________ ________
08 OO 46 43 26 24 19 8 7
n all I08 charts, charts , at the time of death, there was (I) a progressed aspect to the ruler of the eighth 2) a progressed aspect to to the ruler of the the rst including aspects made by the rogressed Ascendant and to the birth-chart Ascendant, and 3) at lea least st one discordant discordant progre progresse ssed d asp aspect ect.. We may conclude that during the period when an individual does not have progressed aspects in his chart which fulll these three requisites he is in almost no danger of dying Saturn in adiediscordant progression tends to loss loss, peopleThere frequently when there there is no progressed aspect aspec t ,tobut Saturn. is no planet that can rightly be called the planet of death, although the Sun panet of vitality, more frequently is a member of a progressed aspect at the time of death An individual frequently dies where there are both harmo nious and discordant progressed aspects operative in his chart; but in each case there was always a discordant aspect present at the the time of death People die only when some of the thoughtcells are stimulated by dscordant progressed aspects But at the time both the progressed aspect to the ruler of the eighth and the progressed aspect to the ruler of the rst may be harmonious Another havy discordant discordant progressed aspect may act as a Rallying Force rousing discordant desires of these thoughtcells suciently that unde the envronmental facilitie present such as old age they attract death More than merely a progressed aspect to the ruler of the rst and a progressed aspect to the ruler of the eighth are nec essary to indicate a predisposition toward death during a given period Conditioning and environment must be on sideed
A /rologial Researc Rport
4. DE DEAT ATH H OF INV INV U UL L A� R RA A SS Charts analyzed or death of individua and reatives 608 00% Charts with progresed aspect to ruer o eighth eighth 608 00 Progeed
1 Deh of di1•ual and Rlaive
Charts with progressed Moon tabuated Charts ith progressed Mon disordnt on on Charts ith progre progresd sd Moo Moo harmon harmonous ous on on Charts with prog progress ressed ed Mon making no aspect aspect Charts wth Moo making bth discordant and harmonous progresed aspects
282 00 2 3 68 2 5 8 2
He e Pog;-e Pog;-e on ea of Inual and Re
Panets invoved in heaviest progress progressed ed aiction ,26 00 un 2 20 8 ars 29 8 aturn 7 2 ranuss ranu 39 2 Mercur 7 Putoo 05 09 Put eptune ept une 83 07 oon 52 0 enus 50 0 Jupiter Jupi ter 3 0 . q . ' .
Astrology - 30 Years Researh
reative, and the Rallying Forces, al may be harmonious. I the death is a distinct loss, the one who suers by the death of a reative has a discordant progrssed aspect at the time 5. DEATH OF AHER
Charts analyzed for eath of father...... 100 100% Charts pro gresse aspect to ruler r uler of ruler of fourth.... eghth. . Charts with th progresse pogresse aspect to fourth ...... Charts th progresse aspect to ruler of fourth haronly..................... ........................... ...... monous only Chats th progresse aspect also t ruler of tenth Charts wth scorant progresse aspect to ruler of tenth ... ........ ...... ..... ..... . Charts th progresse aspects to ruler of tenth har monous nly...... nly.............. ........... .....
100 100% O0 100 1 9
19 % 64
11% 11 %
Progessed Aspects at Death of Paent
Charts analye for eath of arent ar ent.......... Charts th progresse aspect to rulers of both fourth an tenth............................. tenth............................. Charts with heavest progresse acton to fourth for eath of father an to tenth for eath of mother ......... Charts wth heaest progresse acton to tenth for eath of father an to fourth for eath of mother
200 200 131
11% 11 %
The tables reative to the death of the father and mothe were compied at a time when as yet we had no special coniction regarding the tenth house rling the father or the mother Cancer, the ruler the forth seemed to indicate the mother mother sign, to benatral ruled by theoffourth, and the father by the opposite hose in the chart, or the tenth Howeer a in each of the 100 charts anayzed for the death of the fathe there was a progressed aspect to the rer of the forth, as wel as one to the rer of the eighth, and as n each of the th e mother ( see next 100 charts analyzed for the death of the table) there was a progressed aspect to the ruer of te tent as wel as a progressed aspect to th ruer of the eighth, e were forced to conclude that the tenth rules the moher nd the fourth the father hese facts have been veried in e
Astroogical Reseh Repo
research where the mother or father has aected an individual's life in other ways That the opposite house would show a progressed aspect to it n 65 % of the charts is not surprising when it is considered that the death of the fathr usually profoundly aects the lfe of the other, and the death of the mother usually pro foundly aects the life of the father. father. n other words if the other parent was still iving the progressed aspect invlving the survivng parent s about what would be expected; for what aects the survvng parent often has a profound inu ence upon the individual's life Often there are also heavy progressed aictions to both the fourth and the tenth as well as to the eighth; and one cannot decide the rulershp of father or mother merely because the tenth or fourth is more heaviy aicted by progressed aspects The surviving parent may nuence the individual's life more profoundly at ths tme than the death of the other parent If only the tenth s inuenced by a progressed aspect , the other s ndicated; and if only the fourt is inuenced by a progressed aspect the father is ndicated But in 65 % of the ases considered there were progressed aspects to both the ruler of the tenth and the ruler of he fourth at the death of a parent parent Furthermor Furthermore e in 11 % of the charts the aicton aicton to the house ruling the surviving parent was more powerful than he house ruling the the parent who died This ndicates that often knowledge of the physical conditions of both parents and knowledge of the progressed aspects operative n their charts are required to indicate which one is predisposed n the direction of demise during a period when the predisposition is strongly shown in the individual's chart toward losing a prent (Father foster-father, and step-father are indicated by the fourth house) 6. DEATH OF MOTHER
Charts anayzed f death of o f mthe. mthe..... ...... .. 100 Chas with pogesed aspect t ule f eighth.. eighth.. 100
100% 100%
Chars wth pgessed aspect ue f tenth 100
Astrology - 30 Years Research
Charts with progressed aspect to ruler of tenth harmonous ony....... ony................... ....................... ........... 16 16 Charts wth progessed aspect aso to rler of fourth 67 Charts wth dscordant progressed apect to rle of fourth four th ........ .................. ................... ............... ...... 50 Charts wth wt h progre progressed ssed aspects to t o ruler of fourth har
6% 67% 50%
monous only...... only........... .............. ................... ................... .............
Charts wth w th progressed Moon consdered consdered...... Charts wth progressed Moon makng dscordant as pectss only............................ pect Charts wth progressed Moon makng harmonos apcts ony............................. Chats wth progressed Moon aspectng ruer of fourth for fathe fatherr and tenth for mother. mother. ... .... ..... Charts wth progressed Moon makng both dscord ant an and d harmo harmonou nouss aspects.............. Charts wth progressed Moon makng no aspec aspect... t.......
25 25
14% 14%
DEATH OF USBN OR WIFE Charts anayzed for death o husb husband and or wfe. wfe. 00
Charts wth progressed aspect to ruer of seventh.... seventh.... 100
Progresd 001 at Dath of Parn
Of the 100 charts analyzed or the death o mother, al show a progressed aspect to the eighth house (death) and progressed aspect aspect to the the tenth house (mother). However the tenth and eghth hoses aso rule other aar in the native's ife Thus to decide that there is a predsposto durng a given period or the mo!her to die in additon to th indivduas chart, the mothers chart shoud be consuted, and how she is apt to be aected by progressed aspects under the envronmental conditons surroundng her It shold be noted aso, as demostrated by the progressed aspects in the charts of those who hae a oster-mother, or stepmother that when such a reationship exists the ife is importanty aected ony when there is a progressed aspec to the ruler o the tenth In other words, a ostermother o a stepmother comes under the inence of the same grou of thoughtces as does the bood mother 7.
Astrolgical Reseah R p
Charts with pogressed aspect to ruler of eighth. 100 harts with progressed aspect to er o seventh harmonous only . ........ .......... ...... ...... ... 0 harts wth progresed aspect to rler o eghth haronos only... 6
00% 10% 6%
Whenever the mate aects the life of the individua through some s aways a majorthe rogressed asect important to the rerevent, of thethere seventh. And whnever death of anyone aects the ife of the individua imortanty there s aways a rogressed asect to the ruer of the eighth However the mate does not aways die when rogressions nove both the seventh and eighth. There cn be a number of erods in the ife when these rogressions are resent As the seenth and eighth rue more han the mate and death e sectvey other events may occur at these times To ascertain if during the eriod when there s a rogressed asect to the is ruer of the seventhtoward and one to the rurhusband of the ehth there a redsposition death of th r wife the birth•chart an rogressed aspects n the chart of the mate shoud be consuted The study shoud incude the ondtioning and environment of the mate. 8. DEATH OF BROHER OR SIR
harts harts arts harts
anayzed for death of brother or sister.. sister.. 10 with progressed aspect to t o uler u ler o thrd . 100 with progressed aspects to er of eghth eghth 100 with progressed aspect to rlr o thrd har
100% 00% 100%
onios only..................... harts wth progresse aspect to ruer of eighth har 19 onos only........ 06
19% 06%
That death aects the ife ignicanty ony when the thought-ces maed by the eighth house receve additiona psychokinetic ower through a maor rogressed asect is roved by the tabes given in connecton with the death of the indvidua The tabes anayzing 608 charts of death of individ a and reatives aso indicate that there is no panet of death. he a brother or a sister in any way aect the if there be a major rogressed asect nvoving the thrd house
Astrology - 30 Yeas Rsach
In this esearch on deths, we hve noted tht wheneve ny eltive othe thn pent, bothe o site, mige pt ne o child ( unt, uncle, cusin, gndpent, moe distnt kin) ects the ife impotnty becuse of the eltionship the thn becuse they become ptne o foste pent, fo instnce, instnce, thee is invibly pogessed spect to the ule f the thid house. Foste nd step-eltionships coe unde the uleship of blood etionships Tht is step-bothe i hwn by the thid thid house, etc How fotuntely o unfotuntely unfotuntely the life il be ected by the nticipted eent cnnot be scetined fom the pogess ed spect t the eighth houe lne. Even if the event is the deth of eltive the mnne in which the individul is f ected must be detened by n ppl of ll the pogessed spects opetive t the time The tble indictes tht bothe bothe site my die only when pogessed spects to the ule of the thid nd the ule of the eighth e hmonious But in such instnces, unless t the time thee e hevy discodnt Rllying Fces, it is found tht the individul hs n get snse of loss, ut hs gined though legcy o in soe y though the deth 9. DEATH OF SPRING
Charts analyzed for eath of ospring........... ospring........... 100 Chars wth progressed progr essed aspect to ruer of eghth .. 100 Chart wth progressed apect to rule of th.... 100 Charts wth progressed aspet to ruler of eghth harmonous ony... ony.................. ....................... ........ 27 Charts wth prorese aspts to rer of fth ft h hmonous on.................. on..................... ... 0
00% 00% 100% 27% 0%
When son o dughte des thee is pogessed spect to the fth house nd pogessed spect t the eighth huse Peple ften go though unbelievbly poweful discodn pgessed spects without pssing on. Thus even when child's cht is hevily icted by pogessed spects nd thee is pogessed spect to its eighth house nd pogessed s pect t st house, it should not be consideed oe thn dnge fo the pevention of which pecutiony ctins
2 9 should be taken. And it may be counted on that the chd w ve f at the same tme there s not a progressed aspect to the eghth and a progressed aspect o the th, n the chas of both parents ,1 strological Reseach Reprs
Birth-charts analyzed of thse t hse pemanently sepaated r dvrced......... dvrced............ ......... ........... ...... Charts with ruler of seventh th both discrdant and harmonious aspects ...... .......... .... Charts th ruler of seventh discrdant nly..... nly..... Cartss th ruler Cart rule r f f seve seventh nth harmnus harmnus only onl y.. .. Opposte sex panet ith th dscodant and hao nus aspects .......... ................ .......... ..... Opposte ex planet discrdant only..... only....... nly........... Oppsite sex planet hamonus nly......... Chts wth Venus with bth discrdant and ham nous aspects ... .......... .............. ............. ......... .... Charts wth Venus discrdant nly........... nly........... Charts with Venus hamn hamns s nly.... ......... ......... .... Charts wth all thee elements acted....... acted....... Charts wth to elements aicted only.... only.... Charts with one eement aicted only....... .............. ........ ...
00 00
86 14 00
83 3 04
8 3 3 04
61 34 05 92 08 00
6 6 34 05 92 08 00
86 J4
Prgressed Asects W Dvoree Marre
Charts anayzed f marrage........... 00 00% Charts th only discodant progeed aspec to ruler of seventh..... seventh............... ................. ....... 52 52% Chats wthaspects oth to dscordant harmnus prgressed the ruler and f seventh......... Chats ith ony hamnus prgesed aspects rule of seve seventh nth .... ...... .. ... ..... ..... ...... ..... .... ..... ...... ..... .. Charts th nly dscordant progressed aspet to ruler of ppste sex................... Charts wth ony harmnious pgressed aspec t ruler of ppst ppstee sex............ sex................ .... Charts wth th dscordant and harnus prgeed spects to uler of opposte sex... Charts h ony discordant progressed spets to Vens . .. .... .... ... .... .... ... . .. ..
2 3
Astrology - 30 Years Rsearch
Charts with both discordant and harmonious progreed aspects to Venus.......... 33 Charts ith only harmonious pogressed aspects to Venus . . . . ... .... . . .. ... 5 Charts with discordant progressed aspects predomi nant ... ...... .............. ........... 79 79 Charts harmonious progressed aspects predoi 03 nantwith ......... ....... ..
33% 15 79 03
Prossd Asp Asps /,hn Divo or Seaae
Charts of those legay divorced.... 86 Charts with progressed aspect to ruler of ninth when
86% 14% Charts analyzed analyzed for divorce or permanent separation 100 100% Charts with ony dscordant progressed aspects to ruler of seventh..................... seventh...................... . 39 39% Charts with both discordant and harmonious pro gresse gre ssedd aspects to ruler of seventh. seventh. 38 38 38% % Charts wth only harmonious progresd aspect to ruer of seventh............. 23 23% Chats with only dscordant progressed aspect to panet uing opposi opposite te sex.... sex..... . 36 36% Charts wth ony harmonious progressed aspect to panet ruing opposite sex........... 24 24 Charts with both discordant and haonious pro se 20 20 gressd aspects to planet ruing opposite se Charts with ony haonious progressed aspect to V nus .... ............ ............. ..... 26 26 divored by the court... divored ............ . court.............. Charts of th those ose pean peanently ently separa separated... ted...
Charts with both discordant and harmonous aspect o Venus ..... ... ... .... ... ... .... ... ... ... .. Charts with only discordant progres'ed aspet to Venu ..... ....... ...... ..... . Charts wih both discordant and harmonous pr rss aspects...... aspects.............. ......... . Charts with ony discordant progressed aspects.. Chrts ith ony harmonous progresd aspects.
86 14
85 11 04
85% 85% % % 04%
Progresse Progr esse 1 1zz Wh io iore re O Prmanenly Seare
Charts with progressed Moon consiered. 100 100% Charts ith progressed Moon making no aspect.. 41 41%
Astrological Reseach Rpot
Chas wit progressed Moon dscodan only.... 35 art t progressed oo armonous only... 15 arts wt oon makng bot dscodant and aoous pogessd aspects........ 09
35 5 0%
Whethe the event elates to compettors to a aw sut, to te atttude of the publc to open enemes to partneshp o to marage if i i. importan it comes nto the life ony duing the tme there is a pogessed aspect to the rue of the sev enth. Th thought-cels thus mapped ae funishe funished d much moe than the odinay psychoknetc poe. But n so fa as the sevnth hose s concened thee is no notceabe deence n the aspects that bng arage dvorce la sut o othe kinds of seenth house events No ere the pogressed as pects derent n these chats analyzed fo permanen sepaa on than for legal dvoce; except that n al cases of divoce thee as a pogessed aspect to the nnth stmulatng the thoughtcells that eate to cout action he tables sho that people get a dvoce hen thee s a hamonious pogressed aspect to the ule ule of the seventh. seventh. And hen thee s both a harmonious and dscodant progessed aspet to the ue of the seventh they seem to dvoce almost as eadly as hen the s only an unfavorabe pogresson to the rule of the seventh. In these tabes the thee elements consideed ae: the rule of the seventh the rue of the opposte se (Sun ndicatng ' 'oon female) female) and the planet of of aecton (Venus). male M \hethe a progessed aspect to the ue of the seventh tends toad hamony hee othe people ae concened de pends upon the desres of the thoughtcels mapped by the seventh house house nd these deses ae not to be ascertaned om a consderaton of the the partcua progessed aspect aone he deses of the thoughtces as ndcated by the aspects n the bthchart and as ater modied by condtoning may be even moe signcant than the quaty of the enegy added to them by the pogessed aspect een though the pogessed aspect tends to make them more hamonous o moe discordant as the cse may be
Astrology - 30 Year Reech 11. AVITOR
Birth-hats of avatos analyzed____ analyzed____·················· ·················· 100 00 % Chats wth wth Neptne omnen omnentt..··· ······· ···· 99 99 % Chats with Mas pomncnt pomncnt ·········· ·················· ········ 96 96% Chats wth Uanus pomnent. pomnent...... .....· · 94 94% Ninh House Ativty of JOO vio
Chats wth nnth hose atv Chats atv..· ··· ·· 98 Chat wth pane n nnh hose... hose... 57 Chats wth nnth hose hose moe dsodant than haonos.. .... 56 Chatss wth nnth hose moe hamonos Chat than dsodant. dsodant.··· ··· 40
98 57 56 40
Third Hous tivity of JOO Avitor
Chats th thd th thd hose atve··· 95 Chats wth panet in thd hose.. hose.. 41 Chats wth thd hose moe dsodant thanwth thd harmonos harmonos . . 67 Chats wth wth thd hose moe hamonos than dsodant ..... 28 dsodant...
9 5
4 67% 28
A tabulation n whch the sgns of the Sun, Moon and s cendant of hese 100 charts were consdered revealed that no sgn as outstandng enough to warrant specal menton; ths d a brth-chat constan o avatrs. no sgn can be considere considered However n other research studies we came to the cncuson that Neptune rues avaton promnent eptune attracts the the indvdal to yng promnent ars maps the required eneral mechancal ablty ths s vocaton nd the ablty to and the necessary darng n n th hadle ha dle varous varous electrcal devces devces and to use ngenuty n makng repars on decate nstruments s mapped by a promnent Uranus travels ls much needs more than ordnay psycho One who trave ng the third and nin ninth th houses I these knetc power stmulat stmulatng houses are nactve, he w wll ll trav travel el lttle s most aaton work journeys, neys, to attract to hm such trps , the aator has nvolves jour nvolves actve thrd or nnh house thoughtcells
Astroogical Resh Rprt
12. LONG JURNEYS Chas analyzed for og joue joue............. 100 Chts wth poeed apec o lr f ih.......... 99 Chs wth poeed ap o le of rd. 53 Ch wih poed :oo mak o pe ........................... 79
100% 99 53 79
What woud be a long journey to one person mght be a short ourney to another The 00 tabuated above were con sdered ong journes by the the native. he one n whch a pro gressed aspect to the ruler of the nnth s missng s one of three trps taken from Ne York to Calforna and the return by the same same ndvdua At the tme tme o the journey journey n queston there were exceptonaly poerfu progressed aspects nvoving the ruer of the thrd, and progressed !oon was makng an aspectt to the aspec the ruler of the nnth t the tme of the other to trips there were progressed aspects to the ruler of the ninth progressed aspect to Iercury not brng trave ness at the sae tme ther s a progressed aspect to the nnth or thrd house; but when such an aspect to the ruler of trave s present a progressed aspect to 'v ercur and to a ess degee a progressed aspect to Uranus Uranus s an addtonal testmony of a Journey \ progressed aspect to eptune w not brng a voage uness at the same tme there s a progressed aspect to the ruler of the nnth house: but when the nnth house ruler s apected eptune-and to a less degree upternclnes toward the sea Before decdng that a progressed aspct to the ruler of the nnth predsposes toard a long journey or a journey by sea the brthchart should be apprased n reference to the actvty of the nnth house thoughtcels the past condtonng n refer ence to ong ourneys should be deterined and the probabe nuence of envronent durng the tme the progressed aspect s perfect However acte the nnth house thoughtcels ay be as ndcated by powerfu aspects to the ruer of the nnth or many panets n the nnth the ndvdua may never take a ong jou
Astrolgy - 30 Years Rsrch
ney. The ninth house thought-ells thought-ells early early n life may get the habt so strongly of expressng expres sng ther energy in a speic manne through publishing, throug through h the prati pratie e of oflaw, law, throug through h reli gion, or through teahing or other publ express expresson on of opnion that they invarably express through ths partular hanne whenever they gan new psyhokinet energy from a pro gressed aspet 13.
Charts analyzed or or ot journe. Cha with pogreed pect t e of hd Chat h proge progeed ed apect t re o nnth Chart wth prgreed Mon makng ome apect apect
100 100 68 87
100% 00 68 87
What woud be a short journey to some peope woul be a long journey to others tabulated onsere short by those by thoseThe whojourneys experiene them abve \Vhile were pro ressed aspets to the travel planets Merury an Uranus undoubtedly make trave more ertan the above table indi ates that the predtion of a short journey shou never be made from aspets to these planets alone; for unless at the same tme thee is a progressed aspet to the thir, the ini vidual wl not take a trp of suient mportane to onsider t an outstanng event On the other hand, it should be ponted out that people o not take a short journey time a ars progressd aspet to the ruler of the th e thrd thrdevery house house Inthere earlyisyears ye the niviua may have beome ontioned so strongly toar expressing through events in whih the reatves aet the lfe through writng or through stuies, that eah time third house thought ells reeve atonal psyhokinet energy from a progressed spet, they desre an work to bring about an event of thi partiular type N evertheess, although he table inates nothng of the adantages or savantages whih arose from the journeys, it is qute lear that short journeys of any sign ane ony our when there is a progresse aspet to the ruler of the third.
Astrological Resech Reports 14. GAIN MOEY
Chats analyzed fo gain of money........... ........... Chats with possed aspect to e of second second Chats with poessed aspect to e o second hamonous on....... on....... Chats with pressed aspect to e of second ds codantt on.. codan ... ...................... ..................... Chats wth poessed aspects to e of second both haonos and discodant...... discodant........ Chats with pogessed aspect to e of second ha monos between panets aspecting each othe dis codanty at bth...... bth.......... ......... ......... .... Chats wth pogessed aspect to e of second ds codant beteen paes aspectin each othe ha monosy at bth..... bth....... hats with hamonios poessed �pects pedom nant ..... ........
10 00% 00 100 4 9 9
7 6%
Chats natwth discodant pogessed aspects edomi 24
Pogsd 1oon
Chats wth poessed Moon consdeed.. Chats wth pogessed Moon hamonios ony... Chats with pogessed Moo discoant ony... ony.... . Chats wth Moon making both hamonos and dscodant poessed aspect aspect...... .......... .... Chats with poessed oon min o aspect.. W v
4 00% 1 9 9 % 1 28% 16 0 0 07
q given, v , , v T v v x : T ( ) { 3) J S, ( ) { 5) S ) I
Astrolgy - 30 Yea Rrch
specia source or venture, however, the normal abiity to gain from that source indicated y the birth-chart must be given specia consideration: f through business harmony and activ ity of the tenth house thoughtces; if preparaton and serving of food, the sxth house thoughtces and so on fo the dier ent departments of ife indicatng the various sources of nan cia gain. Making money at a certain time is not merey the resut of progresse aspects. aspects. It is chie chieyy determ determned ned by te mount of psychokinetic power which specia groups of thoughtces ac qure and the desires they have at that tme f they normy express in other ways than gaining money money (ndicatd y heavy birthchart dscords) no amount of harmonious harmonious progressed actvity can change them enough to demonstrate monetary gain. On the other hand if these groups of thoughtces nor may have a strong desire for moneyin moneyindicated dicated by harmonious rthchart rthcha rt aspects, it may e that any an y progressed progressed energy added to them wi be unabe to cause them to desire nanca oss then the ndividua wi make some gain even under progressed aictions Nevertheess the tabe reveas one thing unmistakay The other thoughtces however we intentioned are poweress to demonstrate money n more than norma amounts except dur ing such periods as the second house thoughtces thoughtces gain unusua activity through the energy aorded them by a progressed as pect to the ruer of the second 15. LOSE MONY
Chats analyzed for lo of money.. money.. Charts with pogrsed apect apect to uer of cond cond hat ith progrd act to to cond icordant ony ........ Chart th pod apect to er of cond har oniou ony .. .. Chart ith pogreed apect to ruer of cond odant.. ant.. onous ous and dic dicod both harm harmon
100 100% 100 100 % 64
Chart wth progrsed apct to rur of scond dis cordat beteen pants aspctng each other ha monousy at bth....... bth....... 2
A strologica! Researh Rpor
Charts with progrssd aspect to rulr of scond har monious btn plants apcting ach oth dscordntly at birth. .. . 04 04% harts ith discordant progrssd aspcts prdominant ......... ......... 93 9 harts wth harmonos progrsd aspcts prdomi nant 07 07 Progrssed JHoon
harts wth progrssd Moon considerd... only harts ith progrssd oon discordant only harts ith progrssd : harmonios nly nly harts th oon makng both discordant and har monios progrd aspcts............. aspcts............. harts with progrsd oon making no aspct aspct.
74 00 6 49 19 26 05 4
05 9
T , v v v I v , R F v A v v v , v v v v v
Astrology - 30 Ycars Reseah 16. ACIDENT
Charts analyzed for acciden.................... acciden.................... Chrts th Mars pominen..... harts with Uranus poinent................ Chats h Satu pronen hat th progee apet o Mas .. ..... ... hrts th as Chart th pogssd progessed acton apect to to Sau...... hats th pogrsed aiton to Stun. Chart th t h progrssed pr ogrssed spet to aus........ us........ Char th prgreed aton to rau Heavt progesd acto from a...... Heaies proged aiction from Sa.
00 100% 79
790 o o
9502 43 44
9502% % 3% 44% 4% 5 6% 20% 9% 100% 9%
53 % 44% 44 100 00% 53
20 Havet progr progressed essed aiction aiction fom Uanus Uanus........ ........ 19 Charts ith pogressed aspect actng rs hous hous. . 100 Chars ih pogessed aicton aecting r house 91 Prorsd !fn
Cas th pogessed Moon considered.. 66 00 00% % Chats h progresed Moon discodnt only 27 4% Chas th progressed Moon harmonios ony...... 19 29% Chats ith Moon makng boh discordan and harmonous pogressed aspects............ aspects...................... .......... 10 1% Chars Cha rs ih progessed Moon making no aspec aspec 10 15% These tables may justify abelng Mars as the accde panet; usualy Satu ad Uaus are volved. hose ho hae a aked predsposton towad accdet usualy hav Mars, and at east oe o these oth two paets pomne n ther ad planetsepecall often hav al hree �'I oathem outstand g Onebth-charts o these thee spomne dcates ome tedency tedency towad towad acdet. \Vhe two of the ae pomnet the pedsposto pedsposton n s oe maed. Ad th oe poet they ae and the moe dscorda the o ceta t s uless precautos ae take hat the dvdua ll attact accdets Qute as a s costat costat a acto accdets as a pogressed aspect to 1 as s a pogessed aspect nvovng the st house hs does ot mean meey a pogessed aspect to the ue of th sendant o to a plaet n the st house but us ncude
3 9 also any major progressed aspect to the natal Ascendant or a major progressed aspect made by the progressing Ascendant. Within the compartment of the astral body mapped by the rst house are the thought-cells that have been bilt by experi ences reating reating to the physical body and is condition condition nd uness they become more than unusay active, through energy coming to them from a progressed aspect ilness or death is not apt to come come nto the le Bt even when a harmonious and not very powerfu progressed aspect forms an aerial reac ng the rst house thought-ces the planetary energy of any other heavier progressed aspect then actve may be abe to reach them as a Ralying Force giving these thought-ces the enery and desire to attract events that eect changes in the physica body Astrological Resach Repos
Constnt ···· I 00 00% Birth-Charts analyed...................... analyedBrth-Cart ......................···· BrthChats wth rather severe actons to Mars. 96 96 % Prorssd Constants
Charts wth major progressed aspects ( aspecs made by pogressed Moon gnored) calcuated or the tme f typhod eer..................... eer..................... Charts wth pogessed aspect to rer o Ascendant. Ascendant. Charts wth progessed aspect to ruer o sxth... sxth..... Charts wth progressed aspect to Mars........... Charts wth dscordant progressed asp o ars. ars. Chrts wth progressed aspect to Mercury, or to a panet n Vrgo.......................... Vrgo............................ Charts wth progressed aspect to Saturn... Charts wth no progressed aspect to ether Mars or Satun ..................................... ..................................... Charts wth no dordant progressed pec...... ......
100 10% 10 1% 10 10% 96 96% 82 82% 100 100% 83 83% 04 00
04 00%
18 NEUMOIA ithChart Constants
Brthchars anayzed...................................... anayzed...................................... 100 10% Brthcharts wth Sn acted by Saturn Neptune Puto or the Moon......... ................ .......··· 9 988
988 9
Astrology - 30 Yers Rsarch Pogrssd Consnts
Chats with major progresed aspects ( aspecs made by progressed Moon Moon ignored) ignored) calculated for for tme of pneum pneumonia onia ......... ..................... ............ 100 100% Charts wth progressed apec to Mas.... .... 100 100% Chats with progessed aiction to Saturn, N ep• tune,with Putoprogressed Venus or aspect br thchart brthchart Mn.. ... . 10 100% Charts to Mercury or o planet in Gemin ..................... 100 100% 9 LO LI LIFE TO E E Charts o men past 70 years ye ars of age............ Sn aspct aspctng ng Ms........... Ms....................... ............ Sun in harmonous aspect to Jupter.......... Sun i an ange.... ange............. ........................ ..................... ...... Moon spectng Mars Mars.. .. Moon n an angle............................... angle..................................... ......
80 100% 5 74 41 51% 38 48 35 44% 27 34
Moon in harmonious aspect with Jupiter.. 23
2 2
Tabulation of Sn.Sg nd Rsing•Sgn · sng gn
Aries ......... ...................... ....................... .......... aurus ........................ ............................ Gemini ...... ................. ................ ..... Cancer ...... .................. .............. .. Lo. Lo . . ... ....... ....... .... ... .. .
irgo .... ................... ...................... ....... ibra ·-······· ·-················ ·················· ·········
6 12 9 4 6
Scorpo ...... .. ........... ........................ ................. 23 Sagittaris .............. .............. Capricorn Caprico rn .............. ............................ .............. 13 Aquarius ........ .................... .............. 6 isces ..... .................... ................ . L L LFE FE TO WOE Chats of women past 70 years of age........ Sun aspecting Mars.............. Sun at an ange... ange................. ................ .. Moon at an angle.....................
5 7 6
116 2 4 3
70 00% 54 77% 31 44% 28 40%
Sun in harmonous aspect with Jupiter.......... 27
3 3
Astrologil Reseach Repots
Mn aspecting Mars............. 18 Moon n harmonous as w w Juper....... 17
26% 24 %
Tbulton of Sun-Sgn nd RisingSign - Rsng Sign Sign 9 4
Ares ....................... Tauru Taurus s .. ..... ... Gmn ...... ........... ....... .. 8 Cancer .... 11 Lo ...... 5 Vrgo ............................... ............................... 8 Lbra ....... 3 Scorpo ........ .............. ......... ...... ... 1 Sagarus Sag arus .. 3 aprcorn ...................... ...................... 4 Aquarus ..... 4 Pes ............... 10
2 4 7 8 7 9 11 6 4 8 2
y f d f w vd y d f lf f , d - - f f y f wfy dd f f d d , f vy F k f d v lv w w lzd y d R R R f f B dd f , w d x f w w d fw y R w f d w w Of w v R w vy d vy d dd f d
Astrology - 30 Years Rsach 21 C CLD LDB BTH TH
Charts of women analyzed for birth bir th of a child..... Charts with progressed aspect t ruler f fth. . Charts with prgres prgressed sed aspect to rer f sxth...... Charts with progressed aspec t uler of rst.... rst .... Chats Cha ts men analy analyzed zed for brth a chd......
00 00 00 00 34
00% 00 00% 00% 00
Charts Char ts with progessed aspect to to ruler ruer of of sixth.. fth.... 00% Chats with proges with progessed sed aspect six th.... .. 34 34 00% Charts wth progres progressed sed aspect to ruler f seventh seventh.... ........ 34 100% 'When a child is born, there is a progresse aspect-heaver than from the Moonto the ruer of the fth an sixth houses in the charts of both husband and wife. In the wfe chart there s also a progressed aspectheavier than from the Moonto the ruler of the st house n the husbands chart there is aso a progressed aspectheavier than from the Moon -to the ruer of the seventh seve nth house house Peope progressed aspects rulers of the fth sixthoften and have rst houses at times when to no the chil is born n stea the thoughtcel actiity shown attracts other events rue by these houses hether the progresse aspects are harmonious or discorant has litte signicance on whether or not a chi wl be born born but bu t has much sign signcance cance as to the ee of the event on the ife of the natve . INF: INF:NTE NTE PARYSS PARYSS
Bith-Crt nstns
Brth-charts nalyzed....... nalyzed................. ................. ........... I 00 00% 99
Bthcharts wth Uranus Mars prmnent.................. Birthchrts with prminent.......... 97 Brthcharts with Saturn prmnent.............. 96 Brthcharts wth Sun promnent..... 95
96% 95%
Pogrssed onstants
Charts with major progressed aspects ( aspcts made y progressed Moon gnred) calculated or time f nfantl nfantlee paralys paralysis is...................... ........................ .. 00 00% Charts ith progressed aspect to Mars... 99 99 Sun................. 99 99% progressed apect to Sun.............. Charts with progressed harts with progressed spect to Uranus....... 97 97% Chrts with prgressd apect to Saturn..........
Astrological Resah Repots 23. SURGICAL OPERTN
Charts with major progressed aspects (aspects made byprogressed by progressed Moon gnored) calculated or time of srgical operaton....................... 100 Charts wth progress progressed ed aspect to rle rlerr o rst rst 100 Charts with progressed progressed aspec aspectt to rer re r o sixth.... 10 Charts Char ts with wit h progress progressed ed aspect to t o rler of twelt 00 Charts wth progressd aspect of Mars........ Mars........ 00 Charts wth progressed apects of Mars oth disordant and harmonios............... 49 Charts with progressed aspects to Mars dscordant ony ......... ............ ........... ............. ..... 38 Charts with progressed aspects to Mars harmonos ony............................................... ony............................................... 13
100 100 00 00 9 % 38 3%
However ll an ndvdual may be, we ay say that if there no no progressed progressed aspet of 1ars at the tme tme (heaver than a progressed aspet from the Moon) t s highly unlkely he wll have an operaton. And t s hghly unlkey he wll have an operaton even when there s a progressed aspet of ars unlss thee is also a progressed aspet to the ruler of the rst (hs body), body), to t o the ruler of th sxth (health), and to t o the ruler cf the twelfth (onnement (onnement and restrton but more frequent ly a hosptal If the other unfavoable progressons are heavy enough, e may have an operaton even f the only progressed aspet to ars s a sem•sextle, a sextle or a trne The hanes of an operaton are greater when the ony progressed aspets of ars are dsordant But in almost half the operatons n ad diton to one or more harmonous progressed aspets of ars there was also a dsordant ars progresson 24. PP PPE EDI DIII II
Bn-Chat Cotats
Brthcharts analyzed ............ .............. .. 100 rthharts with Urans promnent..... 92 rthcharts wth Mars promnent.............
100% 92% 90% 90 %
Astrology - 30 Yeas Rsech
Pssd Cn
Charts with major progressed aspects ( aspects made by progressed Moon ignored) caculatd for time of appndicts........ 100 00% Charts with progressed aspect to ars... 00 00% Charts with progressed aspect t Uranus.... 97 97% 25. HONORS
Chats anayzed for attanment of honor honor Charts with progressed asect to ruer of tenth.. tenth.. Charts wth progressed aspect to Sun....... Sun....... . Charts with rogressed aspect to ruer of tenth harmonous on....... on....... Charts wth rogressd sect to ruer of tenth ds cordant ony ony .. ... . Charts with progressd aspects to ruer of tenth both harmonious harmonio us and dscorda dscordant nt ...
00 00% 00 00% 00 00% 32
Chats progressed asect to Sun harmonous. 39 ony with ............ ...... ....... Chats with progressed spect to Sun discordant
Charts ith progessed aspects to Sun both harmoni ous and dscordant.... dscordant........ ..... . 43 Chats with hamonious progressed aspects predomi nant .... ......... ..... 76
43% 7 6%
Ths table indcats that t s qute dcult to get avorable recognn r to attan a pltca poston when there s only a dscordant prgressed aspect to to the ruer of the tenh. It s also unkely any honor wl b attaned durng those tme here s no progres progressed sed aspe aspect ct to th rur o the tenth tenth et faoable ublc recognton usualy there must be at least one harmonous progressed aspect to the tenth house ruer The Sun rules both sgncance and those n paces of authort who often must be reled upon to coner the honor n cases o ganng a poston through popular eecton, asde fro te Sun rulng those n authorty, t s the planet of pltcs Fo hnor o be attracted there mus be not only a pogressed aspect to the Sun bu also a progressed aspect nolng the tent
Astrological Reseach Repos
In consderng the actvty and the harmony or dscord of the thought-cells mapped by the tenth house, the degre occu. ped by the brthchart Mdheaven and the degree occuped by the progressed C are hghly s gcant Progrssed aspects to these ponts are potent where credt and honor are concerned 26. BENEFI THROUGH RENDS
Chars analyzed for benet through friends........ friends........ Charts wh progressed aspect to ruer of eeventh... eeventh... Charts wth progressed aspec o er of eevenh harmons ony.... ony.............................. .......................... Chars wth progressed aspect o rer of eevenh dscoda ony........ ony................................. .............................. ..... Chars wh boh harmonous and dscordan aspecs o rer of he eeveth.................... Chars wth harmonous progressd aspects predomnan ........................................
100 100
O0 00
4 9 9 o
66 66
Whle ths beneted analyss cover only the charts tmes progressed when a frend n some manner the indvdua to the tme a frend njured or otherwse nuenced the ndvdual ndcate that the actons of frends brng events of conseqence nto the le ony at those tmes when ther s a progressed aspect nvolvng the ruler of the eleventh house People use ther nuence n behaf of frends sgncantly only at tms when a progressed aspec o the rule o the eleventh house gves the thoughtcells thus mapped addtona psychoknetc energy These people can be dstngushed by house poston he eleventh house and the twelfth hose need to be dstn gushed from the seventh house n that the seventh house repre sents those who openly stand before the publc n favor of the ndvdual or opposed to hm; that s n a mannr they dentfy onents ents Elev theselves as partners wth hm or as oen on enth house nd twelfth house persons ay o my not publcly proclam ther desr to help or hnder but they do exert the nuence n varous prvate ways n te 10 charts analzed some were eeed n ech of the arous departments of lfe each tance n ddton ddt on
Astrolog Astr ologyy - 30 Year Rsarch Rsarch
to the progressed aspect to the ruler of the eeventh, there was also a progressed aspect to the ruer of the house governing the departmet departmet of lfe from whch the the benet came. Some of the ndvduas receved help from freds when the predomnant progressed aspects were dscordan These unfavorable progressons had attracted naca dcutes, ness, oss of jo, or troube wth the aw and a frend or fres came for ward and hepe heped d them out of the the dc dcuty. uty. Ths s, however, than the rue rue Usuay frends are of more more more the excepton than hep when both the predomnat progressed aspcts and te progressed aspect to the ruler of the eeveth ar harmonous 27. TUBERCULOSIS
BithChr Contat
Birth-charts analyzed. analyzed. ············ ·············· ·· 100 00% Charts with Satur promient.... ............... ........... 00 00 % Charts with Saturn prominent and aicted.... 98 98 % Charts with with Nepte Neptune promient promient.. Charts Ne pte promet prome t .. d ictd. ictd. Charts with Jupter promient........... Charts with Jupiter proinet ad icted.. Charts with Puto prominet......... Charts with wi th Puto prominent ad acted ···· ····
00 00 % 92% 9 2 00% 99% 99 99 89 89% 97 97% 79% 79
Progrssd Cota1s
Charts with progressed spects ( spects made by progressed Moon igored) cacated for time of tbercoss................... tbercoss.................... . Charts wth progressed aspect to Sturn. Charts wth progressed iction to Satr.. Satr.. Charts with progressed aspect to Jpier..... Charts with progressd icton to Jupiter..... Chrts with progressd aspect to Nepte... Charts with progressed aiction to Neptune.... Charts with proressed spect to Puto..... Puto.....__ Charts wth progressed ction to Puto.
I 00 00% 00 00% 92 92% 98% 9 8 8 8% 93 93% 74 74% 88 88% 57 57%
BthChat Coss
Birthcharts ayzed..... ayzed.......... ..... 100 00% Char wth tur promient.. 99
99% 99 %
Astrolgic Research Rpos Charts wth Saturn promnent and acted........ Charts with Jpter proment...... proment...... Charts wth pter promnent and acted..... Charts with Mn promnent....... promnent....... Charts th Moon promnent and acted.......... Charts wth Neptne pomnet...... pomnet......
97 97% 00 100% 95 95% 100 00% 9 6 96% 100 00% 9 91 °
Charts wth Neptne promient and acted.... Ped C 0ts Charts wth progressed aspects ( aspects made by progresse Moon goe) cacated or the time of cancr................... 00 00 ... 100 00% Charts wth progressed aspect to atrn... atrn...... Charts wth progressed progressed aspect to pt pte e........... 00 100% 29. REEFOCEMENT EC O IO POGESSED ASES
Charts wth Major pogresons consdered... consdered... 200 100% Charts owng reenocement of minor progressed 200 l00 aspects ................. Charts with aor pogrsed onstants at tme of event ........ ................ ........ 100 100% Charts wth constans reenforced b mnor progressions ..................... ..................... 100 00 Charts wth maor pogressed constants at tme of dsase .... 100 100 % Chats wth constants constants eenforced b mior progressons ............ ............. . .. .... .. 100 100 100 Charts sed the event seres....................... seres......................... Ant wth maor progressed constants n vovng 1r and the rs rs houe. houe... 10 Mrrig with maor progressed constant invovng sevh and ih 10 Drce wth maor progessed constants n voving sh and nT hos.. .. 10 Lmg Joreys wth maor progressed constants nvovng ith ho...... 10 Srgcl Operto wth maor progressed con stants nvoing s, the rs sixh and hoses.......... 10 •el fh hoses..........
Astroogy - 30 Years Research Births of Children to women wth progressed constants involvng the rst, fth and sixth houses .............................. Gains of Empoyment wth progressed constants nvolving the tenth and sixth houses. Attnments of Honor wth progressed constants nvolvng and tenth Sun, wth 1idheaven house Gains of Money progreed constants in volving the second house house Deaths of Individua wth progressed constants nvolvng the eighth house and Ascendant o rst house.
10 10 10 10
Charts used in dsease seres............ Dierent dseases pked at random from les les 100 Charts wth specc constants nvolved ... 100 Total number of charts used for analyss.........
In every one f these 200 charts studied, each prgressed cnstant was reenfrced by a minr prgressed prgressed aspect. As far as ur statistical studies have gne this reenfrcement eect seems t have n inuence whatever n the harmny r discrd f the majr rgressed aspect But it des apparently step up whatever pwer the majr prgressed aspect has at hat time by the same percentage a similar majr prgressed aspect steps up the birth chart pwer f the planets invlved. As ne day f majr prgressin time is equivalet t ne year f calendar time mar prgressed aspects are timed by the apparent mvement f the the Sun And as ne strlgical mnth f minr prgressin time is equivalent t ne year f caendar time minr prgressed aspecs are chiey timed b the apparent mvement f the Mn Symblcally the Sun is the father and the Mn the mther; "male and female created He them. n higher frms f life it requires the unin f male and female t bring frth spring The Hermetic Hermetic Axm As it is abve s it s belw is thus veried still further by the nding that bth Sun-meas ured prgressed aspects and Mnmeasured prgressed as pects inuencing all its prgresse cnstants must in t give birth t a ajr event.
Astrological Resarch Repots
From statistical ndings we may be justied in assuming that the major progressed constants of an event or dsease are always reenforced by a mno mnorr progresse progressed d aspect ( heaver than from the the Moon) to one o ts four termnas termnas at the tme th event occurs or or the dsease develops. Both brth-chart brth-chart and progressed postons are termnals and, unless a planet aspects ts natal place ( nvolvng two termnals) each progressed progressed as pect has four terminals NOTE: In several other research studes, at the tme of the major event, the major progressed aspect ndcatng it was always stmulated by a mnor progressed aspect and a transt progressed progresse d aspect withn wi thn one degree of perfect 30. IMPORTACE F THE ARALLEL SPET Charts progresed to time of attanng honor...... honor...... 100 100% Charts with progressed apct involvng Su....... 00 100% Charts progressed to he tme o surga surga operaton o peraton. 10 100%
Charts with progresed ape nvolvng Mars. Mars. 0
Because progressed parallels are sch long-tme aspect, there has been a tendency to underestmate ther power, just as there has been a tendency to underestmate the power of longtme zodacal progressed aspects Often zodacal aspects between slow-movng planets whch are wthn one degree of orb at brth reman in progressed progressed aspect throughou throughou lfe Be cause they ( of "hemselves) brng no sharp sharp change nto the lfe, they may be overlooked But that the progresse progressed d parallel aspects are eective may be observed when other shrper pro gressed aspects are present present The long-tme progressed progressed aspect aspect s reenforced by a mnor progressed aspect to one o ts four termnals and released by a transt aspect to one of ts four ermnals Events governed by a house ruled only by one of the planets nvolved n the progressed parallel or other long tme progressed aspect often take place In early research, we were nclned to eleve tht event ndcated by Mar or the Sun occasonally occurred hle the progressed aspect was slghtly more than one degree from erect, thus apparently provdng exceptons to the rule Ths however, was msleadng
Astrology - 30 Years Research
The rst report in which all paralel aspecs were considered deal wih aaining honor. I was demonsraed that when the parallels are carefully noed imporan Sun evns take pace only when a major progressed aspec involving he Sun is wihin one degree of perfec Whn the report on on surgical operaions was rst issued, one of he chars did no sho a major progressed aspec wihin he one degree orb of perfect involving Mars. Howeve However r when this char was rechecked it was found hat progressed Puto was well wihin the one degree orb of paralel birth-char ars Anoher insance of he mporance of he parallel is a char on le wich is correcly imed at birh et showe no zodiaca progressed aspect a the ime of deah of he individual When the paralels were considered he picured energy was present in sucient volume to attrac the event Research into Weaher Predicing also demonsred he imporance impor ance of heand parallel paralle l aspec asp ec Wiho Wihout ut its onsideraton errors in gauging iming waher changes occur ( See next repor for addiional informaion) 31. ONE DGR ORB VALI FR LL
Charts wih progressed constan (Mars) whn on degree of the perfec aspec at ime of automo moble accden... accden....... ........... ............. ........ 100 Charts wih progressed consan (Mars) whin one degree of the perfect aspect at tme of ohe accidens acciden s ..... ........... ........ .. 100
1 O 100
n he auo acciden charts where the odiacal progressed aspect involving ars was more hn one degree from perfect a progressed parallel invoving Mars was found well wthn the one degree of perfect n each case Oher accidens were consdered in in early research and a the ime only 78 % o th chars showed an acie ars involved a the ime of the even However these cacuaions were made before here was any ephemeris of Pluo. recheck of of he charts with h later nformation revealed revealed ha the oher 2 charts of the serie also had a progressed aspec involving Mars which was wthin one egree of perfec Pluto's position or paralle parallell aspect ac
Astrological Resech Reports
counted for them. The one degree orb, therefore may be considered vad But it was fond ( occasio occasioaly aly wth other planets than tha n Sn and Mars) that in judging judging,, a partcular event canot take place when the relevant progressed aspect is a litle byond the one degree of orb Therefore it is essentia to ascertain careful that parallel by progression involving the planet are also all more than aspects one degree from perfect At tims the event inicated by the zodiacal aspect wll take place whle the zodiacal progressed aspect is as mch as a degree and a half from perfect This, however must be attributed diecty to the eect of the paralle aspect ( calclated by declinati declination) on) within the one degree orb 32. INFLUEZA
Brth-Chat Contant
Charts analyzed for inuenza... inuenza... 00 100% Charts with Mars promnnt...... 97 97% Charts wth Neptune Progrssed proinnt.... 86 86% Cnants Charts wth progressed aspects ( aspects by pro gressed Moon gnored) caculated for date nuenza developed ...... 100 100% Charts wth progressed aspect nvovng Mrs 100 100% Charts wth wth progressed aspect nvolvng nv olvng Mercury 100 00% Charts wth progressed aspect nvovng eptune 98 98% 33 HEART OUBLE
BrthChart Consant
Charts anayzed for heart troube.... troube.... 00 100% Charts with promnent. 98 wth Mars Sun promnent.... 96 Charts wth Venus promnent 93
98% 96% 93%
Pogese Constants
Charts wth progressed aspect aspects made by Moon gnored) cacuated for date heart toube de veloped ............., ............., I 00 00% Charts wth progressed aspect nvovng Sun Sun 100 100 Charts wth progresed aspect nvovng Mars. 99 99% Charts wth progressed aspect nvolvng Venus 98 98% Charts wth one or more heavy discordant progressed aspct •····· •····· 100 100%
A stro/ogy
- JO
Years Research
34. SCARLET FEVE Birt-Cart Constant
Charts analyzed for scaret fever... Charts with Venus prominent.... Charts with Mars prominent Charts wth Neptne promnent..... Charts wth Mercury promnent Prorssed Co1stnts
100 00% 99 99% 9 6 9 6% 96 96 95 95 %
Charts with progressed aspects ( aspect aspectss made by Mon ignored) caculated for date of scarlet fever .... Charts with progressed aspect involvng Venus Venus Charts wth progressd aspects nvovng nvov ng Mercry .. Charts with progressed aspect nvoving Mars. Charts wth progresed aspect involving Neptune.
100 100% 100 100% 100 00 99 99% 97 97% 35. JUDGING A ONTET WNNER BY HORRY TROOG Charts erected to t o pick wnner of footbal ge. 100 100% Charts for wnner of event judged correcty correcty 75 75 75% % Charts wth tenth hose predomnately harmnios. 75 75% Charts for loser of event udged correcty. 25 25% Charts with tenth house predominantly discordant. 25 25% The winner winne r of a contest might m ight ref er to a nation whch would in a war, the winner in a prize ght, of an eection, of an oratorical contest, of a radio or TV contest, of a horse race of some type al game or the winnr of other varied activities Research has convinced us that in judging a menal event, ( formulating a denite, precise question about one singe mat ter instrongly which the person the question is natal deepyastoogical interested and desirous ofasking an answer) •the sae rules apply While the question is being formulated the mental event is under gestation, even as a child undergoes a period of gestation gestatio n When the question question is aske asked, d, it manifests manifests externally externally moving from the mental to the physical word even as a child at birth moves into the external world from the womb of its mother Thus, from an astrological point point of view, the birth of a uestion or idea is the moment wen it is expressed verbally verbally or in writing A chart erected for the time when such a mental event i
Astrological Research Repors
born will reveal reve al as much about it ( as we found f ound by studying numerous horary charts with notations of what actualy took place relative to the matter asked about) as the chart of a child will reveal about its character and the events it may attract. Within the tme limit of the chart-its lfe-the pro gressed aspects will indicate what will happen and when t will happen in precsely the same way, and by exactly the same rules In a horary question, it s essential that the individual shall have an intense desire to know the answer about some one thing More than one questi question on asked at the same time time brings a multiple birth of mental events, resulting in imperfect brths If there is not an intense desre to know the answer, the mental event does not have sucent vitalty to ive , and herefore the expected results results are not apt to be realized In games in which there was litte interest, the result ob tained in picking the winner was just about what would be attaine attained dn throu through chance But where there is much mu ch interest, the question questio shouldghbechance asked relative to te team which one desre desre to win, or about which at least there is the most interest Do not ask: ask: Will such and such a team beat such and such a team? Instead,, ask Will such and such a team be the winner Instead In handng the 100 football game charts, the quetion was asked if a certain team would be the winner beore the gae as playe played. d. The chart was erected and udgent passed as to whether whether or not the mentioned team woul woul wn he har mony and dscord of the tenth house was talled to see which predomnated predom nated All the aspects involving planets in tenth, idheaven and the ruler of the tent cusp were onsidered The astrodynes of al the harmonious aspects thus inuencing the tenth house were added together; then the astrodynes of all the discordant aspects thus inuencing the tenth house were otaled If there were more harm harmodyn odynes es than disc discordyn ordynes es n the particular chart in queston, the team named was udged to n, but if the total dscordynes was higher, it was udged tha he team would lose In wnning a game, a prize ght or an election, the main ob ective is the honor to be gained, although money or other con sderations may be of secondary mportance Therfore, the
Astrology - 30 Yers Rsearch
success lkey to be attained s judged by the harmony of the house of honor and busess (tenth). 36. NERVOUS BRAKDOW
Brth-Chrt Constts
Charts Charts Charts Charts
analyzed or nervos breakdown.......... 100 100% wth prominent. 996 6% wth Mercry Uranus promnent.... 6 6% wth Moon promnent.................... 93 3% Progrssd Costs
Charts wth progressed aspects ( aspects made by Moon gnored except n next to last statstc) for date o nervos breakdown... Charts wth progressed aspect nvovng Mercry Mercry Charts Char ts with pogressed pogressed aspec aspectt nvolvng nvolvng Urans Urans Charts wth progressed aspect to brth-chart Moon Charts wth progressed aspect to brthchart oon or rom progressed Moon....... Moon....... Charts wth one or more heavy dscordant progressed aspect
100 00% 100 100% 100 00% 89 8% 100 00% 100 00%
BirthChrt Costat
Charts analyzed or atomobe accdents. 100 100% Charts wth Satrn promnent. 96 96% 9 3 ent... . prominent.. Charts with with Mars promin 3 Charts with Ur Uranus prominent. prominent............ 9% ............ .. . 91 rogressd Costts
Charts wth progressed aspects ( aspects made by pro gressed Moon gnored) cacated for date of atomoble accdent...... accdent...... 00 100% Charts wth wt h progressed aspect nvolvng Mars.. 00 100% Charts wth progressed aspect nvolvng ercry 100 00% Charts wth progressed aspect nvolvng rer of thrd hose... hose......... ...... 00 00% Carts wth progres progressed sed aspect nvovng Satrn Satrn.. .. 99 99% Charts wth progressed aspect nvovng Urans 99 % The brth-char constants of accdets are Mars, Saturn an Uranus he more promnent and acted Uranus acted they are the greate he predsposon toward accdents
Astrologil Resarch Rports
The progressed constants of accidents, whether to one's person or possessions, or being involved without damage to onese or ones property, are aspects, especiay aictions, in voling Mars, Saturn and Uanus, with specia emphasis on Mars. One does not hav an accide accident nt of import: import:nce nce except when there s a major progressd progressd aspect (heavier than rom the oon) noving !ars. \n if at the same tim ther is progressed aspect i·oving aturn and one invoving anus te probabiity of accident is increasd . But when the accident concerns an automobie-hether getting knocked don by one hie crossing the street or hie rding a bicyce, or bein in an ato driven by another, or having ones car smashed by another car, or doing damage to anothers person or property hie driving ones own car there are aways to other progressed aspects Mercury is the panet of trae. h thrd house is the hose o short ourneysas In in amoement, 10 instances anayzed and studied some automobie traeing when it became nvoved in the accident; and there as present a progressed aspect nvoving both ercuy and the third house 38. TOlSIL TROUBE
Brt-Car o.1as
Chas analyzed for tonsi toube........... ...........__ 100 has ha s with with Pluto, Neptune Neptu ne o San San poinen- 100 Chas n which Ves has h as a dicodan dicodan aspec....____ 99
100% 100% 99%
Prorud osas
Cha s wth poges Chas pogessd sd aspects ( apecs made b Moon ignod) clc clculaed ulaed o o he date onsil onsi l ouble developed ·· ··- - · ··-- ·---·· -··- - Chas wih pogessed aspec nvolving luo ep• une o Saun__ Saun__---- -· · -· -·- -------- -------· --·---------------Chas with pogessed apect nvolving as..... as......... .... Chas with poessed aspec involving Venus--Chas wih diodant pogessed aspec involving Venus -------------·-·--------···--··- Chas wih one o oe heav dscodan pogessed aspec · aspec · - ----- ------- --- · · ---·-- ·-----·---·----
100 100 99
100% 00% 99%
Astrology - 30 Years Rescafh P1\:\LSIS Birth-Cha,·t Constants 39.
Chats analzed fo parysis................ parysis............................. ............. Chats Cha ts wth Uanus pomnen.... Chats wth Mas ponet.......................... Chats wth Mecu ponent..........
I 0 100% 98 98% 97 970 /o 96 96%
rogressed otats
Chats wth pogessed aspects (spects ade b Moon gnoed) cacated o date paass paas s deeoped ··········· Chats wth pogessed aspect aspec t nvovng ecu Chats with pogessed aspect noving as.. Chats th pogessed aspect nvoving Uanus.......
100 100 100 100% 98 98% 97 97%
40. E TOUL
Birthhart Costats
Chats anazed o ee toube.......................... 100 100% Chats wth Mas n discodant aspect to a panet Mdheaven, o Ascendant................. Ascendant ................. Chats wth Moon n dscodant aspect to a panet Mdheaven, Mdhe aven, o Ascendant........ Ascendant.................. .................... ............ Chas wth Mas n soe spect th 'o.. Chatss wth Mas n dsodant Chat dsodant aspe aspect ct wth on. on...
100 100% 98 70 6
98% 70 % 6%
rogs Constats
Chats wth pogessed aspcts (aspects b Moon gnoed gnoed invovn Mas at at the the sae tie thee was soe dscodant aspect aspect 100 100 % TOL Brth-Chart Coustants 41.
Chats anaed o a toube......... ................. .......... .. 100 100% Chats th Satun n dscodant aspect to a panet MC o Ascendant...................... Ascendant...................... JO 100 % Chats wth Satun n soe aspect ith on..... 71 7 Chats wth Satu n dscoda dscodant nt apect with :oon. 0 0 % rogrss Constnts
Chats th pogessed aspect (aspects ade b Moon gnoed) nvovng Mas Ma s a the sae te thee was soe dcodant apect............ apect............ 100 100 % Chats wth pogessed aspect nvovng Satun. 99
99% 99 %
Astrolgial Reearch Rports
Brth-Chrt Constnts
Chars anayzd o kide obl. 00 00% Cas wi Vus icd.. 9 Cas i :,Ias cd......... 7 7 96
Ca Plo aicd.
Pogrd onstants
Cas pogssd apcs ( aspc mad Moo god) cacad o da kid ol dvopd........... dvopd........... 100 00% Cas pogssd apt ivovg Vs % Cas i pogsd apc ivolvig Mas... 99 Cas Ca s i pog pogs sd d apc volvig vol vig Plo.. .. 100 00% 43.. DIP 43 DIPHH HHERI ERIA A
rth-Cht Constt
Cas aald fo dipa..... dipa..... Cas Mas aicd........ Cas Vs aicd............... Cas i Plo acd.. Cas i Mcy aicd.............. Cas Np acd.....
7 00% 7 100% 6 8% 6 8 5 7% 5 7%
Progrss Constnts
Cas pogssd aspcs aspcs mad Moo igod) caclad o da dipia dvlopd ....... ................ ............ ... 7 00% Cas Cas i pogsd pogssd aspc aspc volvig volvig Mas Mc Cas pogssd aspc ivolvg Vs.. Cas pogssd aspc volvg Np.. Cas pogssd aspc ivolvg Plo..
77 00% 00% 6 8 5 7 4 6%
44.. FE 44 FEMA MA TR TR
rthChar Cstat
Cas aad fo fma ol......... ......... 100 00% Cas Mas aicd.......... aicd.......... 00 00% Cas i Vs acd........... 7 7% Cas i Plo acd.. acd..······ 7
A trogy - 30 Year Resech Poged Cunnl
Charts wth rogressed asects caculated for date female trobe developed.......... developed.......... Charts th roresd apct inoln Mars.... Mars.... Charts th rogssed apect non Venus. Charts wth roresed sect non Pluto.
100 100 99 99
OO 100% 99%
45.. lM 45 lMPR PRIS ISON ON�' �'T T
Charts anayzed or mprsonmet. mprsonmet........ ......... Charts th oresed aect to rler of telfth telfth Chars wth roresed apect to rule of nnth.. nnth.. harts th roresed aspect eter to Netn or Pluto .... ....... ........ ..... It-charts wth acte telfth house..... ............ ....... Charts th roressed aspect to eptne. eptne. arts th progessed asect to Puto......... Puto.............. ..... hrts th dscordant proressed aspect predom ant ...... ............... ................ ........ . .. .... ..
100 00% 100 100% 100 00% 100 69 95 90
00% 69% 9% 90%
Standng out sgncantly n these charts: ( ) the hgh acte twelfth house in each brth-chart, 2) at the tme o mprsonment, the predomnantly dscordant progressed as pects. \Vhle most of these people were mprsoned hecause o crmes, some were mprsoned due to poltcal or regou deals contrary to the rulng authorty and some taken captve n tme of war \hether the mprsoment s due to martyrdom or to crme the bhfor chart aways showsdetectes acte twefth thought-cells Except nurses, doctors, thosehouse workng rom e hnd the scns, or n occut ork, strongly acte twelfth house thoughtcels generally generally proe detrmental to to the ortune Whle many who hae acte twelfth house thoughtcels nee are dangr of prsonment, they do attract restrictons and dsap pontments and prate enmtes People do not bcome mprsoned whle all ther progressed aspts ar harmonous ery frequently a person commts a crme and s eiher undetected or escapes durng the tme hs progressed aspects are harmonous; only to be dscoered o captured and imprsoned when heay progressed actons
Atrological Research Repot
come along in his hart at the same tme there is a progressed spet to the ruer of the twelth and nnth houses. 46. lNSTRU;!ETAL MIC
Birth-charts of intmenl muian anayzed..... anayzed..... Char wih Moon or Nepne promnen.... Char Char wih Mar Mar pomnen........ Chats wih Srn prominent prominent.......... ................. ....... Chas wih Moon prominen.......... Chas wih Nepne pomnen............... Chat wth Venu prominent.........
00 100% 00 00% 88 88% 86 86% 86 86% 82 82% 79 79
F/th F/ th Hou Actvty of 100 Intumetal Mua
Charts with th hose ve.................. ve.................. 00 00 Ch with pane in hoe...... hoe........... .......... ..... 4 4% Chat wh fh hoe more diorant han ha mos . ..... .... 5 5 Chars wih .......................... fh hoe more hamoniou han dis 49 49 ordan In a tabuaton of 100 harts o nstrumental muians by he sgns ouped by Sun, !oon and Asendant we ound hat Virgo quarius and Pises were hghest, wth Leo next, Taurus was owest with more than haf as many as Virgo and Caprorn was next owest No zodaa sin sgnanty pr rays the abity of an instrumenta musn Promnent Mars thought-es map reatve energ and mus uar ontro; Saturn maps podding podding perserverane reured for long monotonous prate sessons the oon maps tme tune and rhythm Neptune maps feeing and damat approah nd Venus, whie the panet of art maps a good ear fo har ony and tona quaty 47. Voc Mus,/\
Bthhas of oa miian n n y ...... ...... Chas wih Moon or Nepne prominen............ Chats wih Mar prominen.............. Chas wih oo promnen...................... Chats with Nepne prominen.......... prominen.................. ........ Chars wh San pminent. Charts wih Venu pominen..........................
00 5 00% 4 96% 84% 19 76% 17 68% 16 64%
Astrology - 30 Years Rsarch
In tabulating 25 charts of vocal musicians by the sign-posi tion o the Sun, Moon and Ascendant Leo was higest with Sagittarius a poor second. Much the lowest was Capricorn with Aries and Pisces next lowest Too much reliance cannot be placed on this factor however as only 2 accurately timed birthcharts were available
48.. COMPOSER OF u 48 usic
Birth-chat Birth-c hatss Charts wth Charts Char ts wth Charts wth
of com compose posers rs ana analyze lyzed d__·· ··· ··· ···· ·· ·· ·· 25 Uanus and Neptun pominent...... 25 Uranus promin prominent ent ···· ···· 24 Netune prominnt...... prominnt........ .. 3
00% 100%
96 92% For originality Uranus should be prominent in the chart of a composer Fine feeling and fertility fertility of imagination imagi nation is mappe mappedd by a prominnt Neptune All these great composers' charts showed Uranus and Neptune prominent 49 U 49 USI SIA AL L CON ONDU DUT TOR OR
0 00 09 90 09 90 Conductors use more Mars creative energy and more abiliy to nuence others through the personal magnetism indicated by a prominent ranus I neither Moon nor Neptune are prominent chances are poor a person would be successful in the music musi c profession ( ee Report 4) Birth-charts of o f musica ondutor ondutorss anayed _ _ Charts with Uran us prominent····· ······ · Chats wth Mas unusualy prominent _.. _..
00 00 00 00 Progressed aspects proved the best eans of timing events in the study o 1 Horary harts where the date was known when the indcated event happened major event was timed by a maor progressed spect a minor event by a minor pro gressed aspect aspect and a nd an insg insgnica nicant nt event by a transit transit At the time o he major event the maor progressed aspect indicat ing it was stimulated by a minor progressed aspect an a transit just as in atal Astroloy (Hermetc System) Chats eected fo time a queston was asked Outcome of question timed progresed aspect
Astrological Reseach Rpots
n this system, the Moon is no longer consdered as co-ruer of the Querent unless the Moon s in the rst house of the chart or unless Cancer rses or ntercepts the rst house. Translaton of Lght and Collecton of ight do not apply when ths method s used No reason was found to avod judg ment when the Moon or a sgncator was Vod of Course No eason was found to avod judgment of a horary chart when more than 27 o ess than 3 degrees of a sgn were found on the Ascendant f ths method of deineaton s folowd 51. DOCTOR
B z z 100 00% 99 99% J 99 99% Sxth Hus Act•ity of JOO Docors
x 99 99% x . 45 45% x 51 x 4 Tfth Tf th ouse Actvty of 10 Doctos
51 % 4%
99 99
99% 99%
5 8%
tabuatng thedoctors sgns of no thesn Sunstood oonout andwth scndant n theIn charts of sucent promnence to warrant special menton. udng and tern down are actvtes typca of the Mars thoughtcels Mars s promnent n a doctor's brthchart maping thoughtces sucenty active to make a success of an occupaton calng for ether constructive or destructve abity hese thoughtcells aso reate to surgca skl admn straton of medcne and other methods of epairn the body hrough the power of suggeston he menta and persona atmosphere of the doctor is an mportant factor in healng
Astrology - JO Yeas Rsch 62 The promnent Jupiter n a doctor's chart maps the wamth, genaty ondence and optmsm communcated to the paten. As doctors are contnuously brought nto contact th sickness the thought-ces mapped by the sxth house are unusuay actve \Vhe ony some of the doctors assocate wth hosptas the sickrooms they ist constanty are paces of connement to and restrcton n a doctors chartthe patent; thus the tefth house s acte
Charts analyzed for gettn gettng g emplomenL.... . Charts with progressed aspect to rer of tenth tenth Charts with progressd aspect to rler of sixth sixth Charts wth progressed aspect to rer of tenth harmonious on ..... ... .. Charts with progressed aspect to rler of sth harmonios onl.. onl.. Charts wth harmonos progressed aspects predomnant predomn ant Charts with dscordant progressed aspects predomnant .. ......... ....... Charts with progressed aspect to rer of tenth dscordant onl ..... ..... Charts wth progressed aspect to rler of sth dscodant on . . Charts th th progressd aspects to rler of tenth both harmonios and dscordant dscordant. . Charts wth proressd aspects to rler of sith oth harmonios and dscordant
100 00% 00 00 100 00% 0
3 9%
3 7 %
7 7% he tenth house thougtcels hae been fomed n human e by experences elatng ther desres and acttes o hono credt professon and superiors hs means that the jo tse apat from the actua abo noed s rued by the tenth house and subect to the tenth house thoughtcels On the othr hand the sxth house thoughtces hae been formed by experences reatng to condtons suoundng the worwhateer t sas we as to abor foods sma an mas empoyees serces and lness Empoyment noes the ob tsef whch s rued by the tenth house and the seces
63 rndred, ruld by th sxth hous. Ths plans why as rvald by th tabs, both tnth hous and sxth hos thoughtclls must gan mor than normal actty through thr ruers bng nod n progrssd aspcts, whn mploymnt s curd Astrological Reseah Repots
Charts analyzed or losing empomen........ empomen.......... Chars wh progressed aspec o ruler of sxh.... sxh.... Chars h progressed spec ruer o enh.... enh.... Chars h progressed apec o rlr o h dscordan only ... ... Chars h progressed aspec o rur of en dscordan on ... ..... ... . Chars h dcordan progressed aspecs predomnan .......... .......... Chars h harmoous prgrssd aspecs predomnan ..... ..... Chars h proressed spc o ruer o enh harmonous ony ................ ................ .. Chars h progressed aspec o rler o sxh harmonos ony ..... ..... Chars h rogressed aspecs o ruer o enh boh harmonous and dscordan... ..... Chars h proresed aspecs o ruer o sxh boh harmonous and dcordan..... dcordan...... .
1007 % 97 9 7 7
9 %
9 19
9% 9%
% In th loss of mploymnt, th nronmntal actr bcoms mportant So ar as hodng a job s concrnd ths tab ndicats th sxth hous to b mor mportant than th tnth Popl do not los obs mrly bcas thy ar dschargd or bcaus bca us thy cannot canno t gt along al ong wth supr suprors ors (th tnth hou hous s and th Sun); but at tms thy oluntarly qut or drnt rasons: th work bcoms too dcult; thy mo to a dr nt localty tc But, n gttng a ob whch dpnds upon th bl o th mployr tnth) n th th ablty (rputaton) o th mpoy to l th ob, th tnth hous sms to b mor mportant than th sxth h 100 charts nclud thos who obtaind or lost obs dur
ing th boom yars and thos who gand or ost obs n th
Atology Atol ogy - JO Years Rch Rch
depression years It ook more sixh and enth house thogh ce activiy in periods of depression o get a job, and a ot ess sixh and tenh hose thoght-ce aciity to ose a job in per ios of ready empoymen If a person is ide and goes to work i he is working and oses his job or if he changes from one job o anothr, this s an eent no ony aecting his position, bu aso aecting th abor and the conditions srronding i; an thus it invoves both enh and sixth house thoght-ce acivi. Such activit is presen ony when hese thoughces acquire additional energy from a progresse aspect to the ruers of the tenh and sixh 54. \VRITER
Birth-charts of writers analyzd......... analyzd......... 100 lOo Charts wth Mrcur promnnt promnnt. . 95 95% 91o Charts wth rcury apctng oon or Sun.. Sun.. . 91 Charts with rcur apctn oon. oon. 4 4% Charts wth rcury conjunction conjuncti on Sun..... ............. ........ 58 58% Thid Hou A'ty of 100 Ws
Charts with thr thrd d hou activ Charts wth plant n thrd hous ......... Chart th third ho mor dscordant than harmonou . .. ..... ..... . . .. .. Charts wth hr hou mor harmoious than dscordant ...... ........... ........ ..... ..
97 49
9 7 49o
94% % 494 %
Nnth Ho Avty of 100 .s
Charts wth nnth hos hos acti acti........... ............ Charts wth plant n nnth hos... hos... Charts wth nnth hous mor discordant than harmoous .... ............. .......... Charts wth nnth hous mor harmonous than discordant discor dant . .. .
n tabuang he signs in which he Sun, Moon and Ascend an were ocated in the charts of he 100 wriers no sign sood ou wih sucent proinnce t warran specia menio No sign can be considered a birhchar birhchar constan of of wriers The proinen Mercury indicaes hought-ces acie in epressing through writen and spoken anguage
Astrologcal Resech Rports
In the fie charts ,vhere lrcury was not prominnt an un usuay pominent Uranus or an unusuay prominent Moon (rting argey through impression) acted as a substtute for a prominen ercry. The e charts were those of riters of outstanding recogniton. \Vriting is an actiity associated associated with the third house and ony those with acte third house thought-ces are at to fee a stong enogh attraction to make writing as important as it must be in this oation n acti ninth house is necessary to get the materia pubish pubished ed 55. TEACHR
Birth-charts of teachers analyzd......... analyzd......... 00 00% Charts wth Mercur prominnt.... 84 84 Ninth ous ctvty of 10 Tcs
Charts ith nnth house actv.. Charts ith anet n nnth hous........ Charts th nnth hous mor discordant than har1onous .:.......... .:.......... Charts th nnh house more hmonious than discordant ...... ............. .......
96 5
Charts ith fth hose acti\'e acti\'e. . 92 Chrts Chr ts wth panet in fth hous. hous.. ... .. 4 Charts wth fth hose mor discordant than harmonios ..... ........ ... 60 Charts wth fth house oe hrmonios than
92% 4
dscordan........... dscordan....... .... 39
Ffth Hos Actty of JOO hrs
An anaysis of the signs in hich the Sun oon and s endant are found in these 00 charts dos not ndicate any sign as a brthchart constant of teaching Howeer Gemini irgo or Sagittarius seems to attract peope to this ocation more than any other sign /!so eery additiona aspect to 'er ury seems to strengthen the attraction attraction prominent ercury is commony found in the chart of a teacher o the extet ercy is prominent and strongy aspected is there abity to impart information to others Num
Astrology - 30 Yars Yars Reseach
erous Mercuy aspects map the acilty to grasp and teach vaiety of subjects. Teaches exercise the hought-cels mapped by the nnth house Any planet in the nnth house and the ruler o the cusp o the nnth house to a ess ponounced degree modies soe what the anner n whch the opnons ae publicly expressed 56. LAWYER
Birth-charts of lawes anayzed...... ......__ Charts with Me or Uan us pomnent... pomnent... Carts wth Sat pominnt............. Chart with er prominent.......... Charts with Uans Uans pominent................ hats wth Jpte prominent........... Ninth !ous tvty of 100 Lawyer
100 100% 100 100% 99 99 9% 96 95 95% 89 89%
Chats with nnth hoe ho e ative .......... .......... 100 100% hats with panet in ninth hose. 53 53% Chats with ninth hose moe disordant than hamonios ........... ........... 9 9 9 % Charts with ninth hose moe hamnios tan discordant .. .... ..... .... .. .. ... ... . 40 0% n anaysis o the signs ocupied by the Sun, oon and s cendant in the the 0 chats gives gives the the lead to Leo ira Sagt taius and Caprcorn; wth Gemin and Psces takng low paces he dierence etween the hgh and the low however s not signicant signic ant enogh to pont to any zodaca zoda ca sgn as a rthchart constantt of awyers N or s t important constan impor tant enough that people with the Sn oon or scendant in sces or emin should be discouaged om takng up aw povided the indicated planets are pominent and the ninth house s sucintly actve n actve mind aletness shewness aility to study and ease o expession are mapped by a pomnnt ecury or Uanus he abilty to work had at monotonous work sys tematize evidnce and eason logicaly ae mapped y Satun Fo patonage n any o the poessions the goollowship o the Jupite thoghtcells is required n the eleven cha chats ts whee upiter was not pominent the Sn was ssociaton wth the courts s attracted by thoughtcell activity mapped y the nnth house I these thoughtells ae
Astrological Resch Rports
not unusually active, there will be little attraction to legal matters. 57. POLTCI,\N
Brth-charts of politcns nyzed.............. nyzed... ........... I 0 % Charts wth Sun promnn promnntt......... Charts th wth Puo Urnusponent................... Urnus promnnt............... 97 f • Charts th ercu promnent............ 86 Charts th Jutr promnent.................... 84
97 97 9 7 c c 8)/ ,
Tn !u vy of JOO Plans
Chats th tnth ho t\·............ Chats ................. ..... Chts th pnt n enth ou....... Charts th tnth hoe dod3nt thn harmonou...................... Chrts th tenth hous ore hrmonous than dscordant ... ........ ....... .... ..... ...... .... .. ....... ..........
1 5
The seventh hse hse ctivity in th 0 charts of poiticins as tabulte an no acivity above or below nol as shown e signs in hich the Sun Ioon an Ascndnt re locate reveale no ehsis on any sign which can b con sere as a birth-chart constant for liticians The thoughtclls rule by a roient Sun ar th chi source of a erson's abiity to in the folloin of othrs n to exercise authorit Pluto is the general ruler of icttors an the ictator tye of oliticin nees active lto hoght cells But even if not given to ictting nyon ho hnles grous of eole neessss thse though thoughtcls tcls active bility to hane rous or arg is highly avantagos to an one asiring to olitical honors ersonal agntis s by olitcians to inunce othrs an nuence their ins is ae by a roinnt Urns Urns The shreness neee y a oiician is ae y roi nent Mercury he jovality gooil factor an feloshi resultn either n atronage or votes is ae by a ronent Juiter olitcs is essentially a tenth house association in two ier et ways The tenth house as the thoughtcells whih relat
Astroogyy - 30 Year Rrch Astroog Rrch
to politca oce and to the administration of public busness. But n addition, political choce-even when the exercise of otica power is not known to the public at large-depends mainly uon the reputation, which relates to thoughtcels mapped by the tenth house Thus it appears essentia or one who takes up poitcs as a vcation to have an actve tenth house. 5 8. POLICEMAN
Birth-charts of polcemen aalyzed.. Charts wth Satur pomet.......... pomet.......... Charts wth Mars ponent... ponent... Chats wth Puto promet................... Chats wth Neptue romet
100 100% 100 100 10 100 97 97 9 5 9 5
Twlfh Hous c•y of 100 Polimn
Charts wth telfth house actve..... actve..... 00 100 Charts wth pae t\elfth house...... 51 5 Charts wth twelfth house more scodant tha.. hamoous hamo ous ... .. .... ... .. .... 57 Charts wth twelfth house moe harmoous tha dscordat .. .. . . .. .. 40
57 40
abulating the 100 charts according to the signs occupied by the Sun, Moon and Ascendant showed Cancer, Leo , Vrgo and bra more numerous; numerous; with about an equal number in each The fewest had these factors in quarius next west in Pisces wth Gemin only a little more numerous than Pisces Yet polcemen are sucintly numeous with with Sun oon and scendant n quarus that no one should be discour:d from takng p this vocation because these facors are in that sign Nor can any one sgn be considered the birthchart constant f the vocaton to the etent that one shou be encoraged to take t up on th strength o sign postions Routine nature of the work prsstnt pupose in carrying out the letter of the law and strict justce are maed by a promnent Saturn ars was promnent in al cases and usuay aictemore oten than not by the oonmapping the thoughtcells indicatng courage and arng to face physica danger prominent Pluto maps the assocation wth ant
Astrological Resech Rports
social individuals and the need to dictate. In order to plan an trap his quarry, a prominent Neptune, as well as an active twelfth house-especialy if he is doing secret service workis an advantage to a policman 59. SALEMAN
100 100 00 100% 92 92 89 89% 85 85 An analysis of the sign locations of the Sun, Moon and scendant in the charts of 100 salesmen found Leo and Virgo highest, ries fewest, with Pisces and Taurus making a poor showing. Yet ries produced more than onethird onethird a many, and Taurus more than onehalf s many as the two hgh signs. Birth-charts of alemen ale men aayzed . Chart wth Jupiter o Uranu Uranu promnent Chart with upte promet Chart with Urau Urau promnent Chart wth Mercuy promnnt
Analyzing by Sunsgn only, eo ranked rst, with Gemini net ries by Sunsign alone produced the fewest, with about onethird as many. et while eo seems to be favoable to salesmen, it cannot be considere a birthchart constant of that vocation Enough successful successful salesmen are born undr strong strong nuences from all the other signs an without the more fav ored signs prominent, that it seems inadvisable to discourage any person from taking up salemanshp merely on the ground that he has Sun, oon or scendant or planets in certain zodiaca signs The types tale ofassalesmen: well as common observation, two distinct One who depends uponindicates the goodwill of his customer to make his sale, and the other depens upon his persuasie powers ost successful salesmen are to an ex tent a combination of both types Jupiter promnent coincides with various acts of friendship, joiality, and perhaps the ablity to tell entertaining stories; all of which gives the impression of the salesman as a ne fel low He gets goodwill he ability to eercise magnetic con trol over others and to make decisions quickly is mapped by a prominent Uranus ercury prominent maps glibness of ongue and a sharp intellect
Astrology - 30 }·ca Resh
The anayss reveals that uness either Jupter or Uranus is promnent n the brth-chart, t is better to dscourage such an ididal from enggng in slesmanshp as his ocation. hse most sccessfl n such wor hae both Jupter an ns conspicuousy promnent n their charts of brth 60 ASTROLGER Brth-charts of astrologers astrologer s nalyzd nal yzd .... ...... .... .. Chts wh Ur us promin promintt. ..... .... hrt wth 'ptun o Pluto promn.. promn.. Crt ,·th :Ircu pomnnt..... hrt h luto onnt.. Chrt \t �ptun pronnt.
10 100% 10 100 10 100 94 94 o o 92 92 86 86
utng the sgns occupe by the Sun Moon and Ascend ant none stood ot from the others sucienty to arrant spe cial ttention and certainly no sign can be consdere a birth chart constant of astrologers \ person with a proinent rans rans Neptne and Pluto ma be ttract t o astroogy or occlt or or Howeer these plan ts promnent are also assocated wth other types of ork rans plnt of o f astrology s promnent in i n the charts of a astrologers In these 100 charts of astrologers t as foun that those who follow professiona astrolo th some degree of sccss most nvarably he a promnent birthchar up t mppng the ablity to attract patronage prominent rcry maps thoughtclls of a studos nature necessar to an stlogr n th cass whr rcry was not rominent ( 6% ts hhr octaranuswas prominent. hre seem to e three types of astrologrs: astrologrs: 1 hose t cti ?ars thhtcls thhtcls sally rs n close aspect it cry) ndct ndctn n themat thematl l abty; 2 hose ith a domnant ptn t wth w Crans ars and ercury acng ablty n inttve to wor at scientic dlneaton epndng pon thr psychic faclis alone; 3 and he typ ca scintc ranan astroogers who do the mos vaua or by cmbning mathematical and psychical abities promnent to maps the thoughtcells hich assist the astroo
Astro/ogica/ Reeach Repor
ger t understand how how the panetary energies operate and wat t expect from fro m them. 61. DRAFTSMAN
Bith-chats of daftsmen analyzed···· Chats \,ith Mecuy pominent. pominent.··· ······· ······ ··· ·· ·· · Charts wt wthh Neptune o Venus pominent pominent Chats it as pomnent .. ... . ···· ········ Chats with Venus Venus pomnent... ·· Chats wth eptune pominent····
100 100% 100 100 100 100 97 97 97 91 91 88 88%
Thd Houe Acvy f JO Drafmen Drafmen
Chats ith th house actve___ actve___· · Chat Cha t th pa pant nt n th th hou house se· · · · · · Chats ith th ouse moe dscodant than hamonous · · · ··· ··· · Chats wh thi house oe hamonious than discodant ····· ·········· ·····
00 58
30 30
A tabulation of the signs signs in in whih the the Sun, Moon and scend ant are fund revea more draftsmen in Le and Caner with amost as many in ira and Pses wie ries, Taurus ad Sagittarius contain fewest with ny two-thirds as many as in the four favored signs Yet as many successfu draftsmen are born under ries Taurus and Sagittarius this does not war rant discuraging a person frm taking up te vocatin simpy beause he was brn under ne of these three signs. Merury rues te nerve urrents; and if there is to be ne -ordination etween the images in the mind and muscuar ation there e sucient braine and Mercur nervus ntro, whihmust is present ony among thoseactivity who hav prominent in their birth-harts Mst draftsmanship is empyed in the precise ptting of smething to gain more redy knowedge f it r in an or designs from which something is to e buit. This dmands a knowedge of mechanis and strutura wrk easiy quied ony by those who have Mars thoughtces prminent Su essfu drafting requires neat and attractive sheets Proper ettering is ften an important feature The artisti appear ane essentia t sucess in this work is made possibe chiefy
Astrology - 30 Yea Reech
throgh active Vens thought-cells, r those of its higher c tave, Neptne. Dratng lke wrtng is a third hose activity; and if one is to do scient r t mae a sccess f this occption, he ms have sciently active thoght-cells mapped by the third hoe 62. ENGINR Birth-charts of enginees ( lecical, civl mechan cal constucton avaton ado etc) analyz analyzed ed Chats with Uanus pominent pominent Chas th Mrs pomnent Chas th Satun promnent
100 100 100 100
O0 100% 100 100
Tablating the sgns in hich Sn, Moon and Ascendant are fond, I eo in the 00 charts of engineers rns abt 30% bove average I ibraabot Scorpio Cancer abt Yet abt 10%noabove average and Pisces 30and belo average one shold be discoraged from taing p engineering for en gneers ith sch positions are not ncommon, as this analsis shows Some boos say that Mars-Urans aspects map engineering ablit et this certainly cannot be considered as a birh-chart costant costa nt of engneering engneering,, as in i n 4 7 f these 100 chrts no sch aspect as present Almost any type f engneering reqires ingenity and ability to solve probems, mapped mapp ed by a prominent Urans Engineer� ing more cmmonly is emplyed i assciation ith constrct ingg something The natral aptitde fr any type of creative in endeav end eavor or or bild bildin ing g i s largel largelyy measr measred ed b y t h e am amo ont nt of Mars actvity in the birthchat o becme a sccessfl engineer, an ndivida mst be pre pared to sholder respnsibility, an to r hard and per sistently siste ntly He needs system fores foresight ight and lgica lgicall resoning resoning to mae sccessfl plans prominent trn trn cincides ith these qalications
Astological Research Rpots
63. fARME
Birth-charts of farmers analyzed............... Charts with Saturn prominent....... Charts with Plut Plut or the Moon prminent prminent.. ..... ... Charts wth Plut promnent....... Charts wth Mn roment....... roment............. ......
100 00% 100 00 100 100 92
Fourth House Activty of 100 Fames
Charts th furth hou actve ............. .............. . Charts with ruler of fourth member of heaviest con grt rtion ion chart .... ......... ....... ...... .... Charts wth planet in furth house............ Charts with urth huse mre dscrdant than harmonous .... ......... ......... ............ .......... .... .. Charts ith fourth house more harmnious than discrdant ..... ............ ........... ....
100 100 87 49
8 49
The tabulaton of the sgns n whch the Sun, Moo d As cenant were foun the 100 charts brought out unexpecte ata. Fornnstane t has generay beensome heldquite held that farmers were more apt to have these nuences n eathy sgn; yet n 45 of these charts the Sun oon an scenan we n other than eathy sgns. Obviousy enough, an aso contray to prevalent onon not ony Vrgo but but Lbra ran hghest wth w th 4% abov arage Perhaps the fact that Lbra s the exaltaton of Stun hs somethng to o wth ts hgh ratng; yet the signs ued d co rue by Satu rue Saturn rn - Cap Caprc rcorn orn an an quarus quarus - ran w o, o, the harvest sgn runnng hh was n confomty wt w t vnt opon. quarus ran owest wth 24 below avrage n us Scorpo an Capricorn next lowest wth 1% below avege Yet aurus has commonly been consere a farmng sgn n bra a sgn of avong agrculture. prominent Saturn maps the har n monotonous bor ong hours of work patence, plannng abity and foresght requre of the farmer. promnent promnent oon mps the fae's fae's functon of f eng the worl va crops, rasng chcken chckenss an breeng livestock. romnent luto, upper octave of the the
Astrology - 30 Yeas Rsach
Moon, coincides with mss producton of fruits grains veget bles nd stock. Active fourth house thouht-cells show the ssocition with nd 64. NURSE
Birth-c harts of nurses Birth-charts nurs es analyzed ana lyzed .......... Charts with Moon prominent......... prominent............... ...... Charts with Mars promnent.... Charts with Pluto promnent........
00 100 100 97
00% 100% 100% 9%
Chart with sxth house active...... 00 Charts with planet n sith house......................... 53 Charts with sxth house more discordant than haronious ...................................... ................................................ .......... 62 Charts wth sixth house ore harmonios than
00% 53%
discordant ............................................. 35
35 35
Sixth Hous Actvty of JOO Nuss
Twlth Hous Atvty f 100 Nuss
Charts with tweth house active Charts with panet in twefth hose................ Charts wth tweth house more dsordnt than haronious haroni ous ..... ......... ........ ....... ..... .... .... ..... ........ ....... .. Charts wth tweth house ore haronous than discordant ................................... .................................................... .................
5 2
95 5
A tbultion of the signs in which the Sn Moon nd A cendnt were found showed no vrition from norml sign d tribution suciently importnt to wrrnt mention The blity to tke care of the wek nd helpless nd look fter their wnts is mppe mpped d by prominent Moon Ability to ssist the ptient rebuid his body nd courge to uninchingy witness pin nd suering re mpped by prominent Mrs Pluto, the higher octve of the Moon mps the desir to serve with pride in reieving the pin of others Active sixth house thoughtcels ttrct environments of i ness mong other things nd ctive twelfth hose thought cels re ssocited with hospits nd plces of connement As these houses mp the type of enironment in which nurse
Astrological Resech Repots
works, the hough-cells of both deparmens o th cha cha r t should be actve. 65. MAHl�IST
ed............ ............ 00 10% Birth-chats of machint anal yed Chat wth Mas pomnent............ 99 99% Chts Ch ts with Saurn Saurn promnent. promnent...... ........... .......... .... 98 98 9 9% % Cha wth Uranu rmnent...... 96 96 Chats wh ecuy omnen............. 95 95 n the tabulaion o he I 00 charts by the sgns ocupied by Sun oon and Ascendan Lbra as hghest h 32% above the average Scorpo net hghes and then eo T loes sgn as Caprcorn 36o belo average Taurus as nxt loest and then Pisces No sgn as conspcuous conspcuous enough o be consdered a consant No acivty o any specal house as sgnicant n the chas o machnss To handle tools skllully and have he energy or he job s mapped by a promnen Mars. Saurn and Uranus though cells pomnen allo ceatve abily (Mars) o epress easily hrough mechanical lnes Satun also concdes concdes ih psstence to undergo raning do heavy labor and use planning and cae i doing precse ork. pominent Mercury indicate indicatess intelli gence o devse bete mhods handle ne suaton or ma chney ih ease and make make repairs machnst also needs a retentive memory to handle g res and precise measuremens SatunMercury). 66. COSEN
thchats o cometcan anazed.. Charts wth Netne or o r Puto romnent Chart wth a romnen..... Chart ,vh Venus romnent..... Chart wth oon minent minent. . Chart Cha rt wth Pu Puto to omnn omnn . . . . Charts wth Netune romnen romnen.. ..
00 00% 00 00% 99 9% 93 93 90 90% 0 90% 8 % n a tabulation o these charts by th sgns ocuped by n Moon and scendant we ound quarius hghest ith iba and and Vrgo nex he owest signs hd t abot abot hal as
A stlogJ• - SO Year Rch
many as the ighest signs. \Ve were unable unable to selec an par tula house hose ativity nspiuously ontributed t the suess f osmeans The varius things dne b a osmetiian requie ania kill, te use of tols sme physia avity and h eatie abit to onstrut somehng beer n the fundat t hand. hus a prmnent Ias s needed Atisti aste renement of feelng appreation of olr ombinatins ombina tins and form are mapped b a prmnnt enus n addition the ability to get along th peple s mpped b a rnent 1n; th thee ability to rk in operaton ith thers thers by a prminent Pluto the hgher-otae of he Mon and althg alth g not s equntly pomnent Neptun Neptunee map th abit assist the the lient b dramatizing the best pints n the ppear ane and subduing or making unnoteable the pnts of dstra tin
Chart analyzed of those bon u f wock..... wock..... 100 Cat ih teh hoe acte....... ........ .. 94 Chat h h fouh houe acte............ .................. ...... 92 Chat wth Venu apcng a ..... ....... .. 73 Boy' cha Vnu o o 1a apec apecn n Mon, pu chat h Venu o Ma ••••••••••••.••••••.•••••••••••••••• .••••••••••••••••.••••. .••••. apcn Su 1 ••••••••••••.•••••• 9
9 %
hese brths, obtaned from the rerds of a hsptal for unfortunate unfort unate grls ere all tmed t the mnute n he sense that t s somethng that mes nto the fe at a dente time after brth hen rtan prgressed aspets orm brth out of a edlok s nt exatly n n the same ategr as the ther eents dsussed dsussed n ths bk. Yet t ertanl s an eent hh ke ther mportant eents in the lfe tends to ndton the nddual een thugh the onditonng arses subsequent ent to brth he aspets radually oer many ears subsequ mapped at brth sgnantl prtr the ndtonng press that usuall folls legtma s a restrton restrton mpsed b manmade manmade las ar ents ma be unise to den soal nentn but as the hd
Astrological Rearh Repors
has no opton n seectng the method by whch t wl b bougt nto pyscal exstence, the buden of socal dsappova should not gty be attaced to t. Te andcap andcap so fequenty paced pon a cd bon out of wedock s not that f oganc infeo ty but of man-m man-made ade socal nfeorty s as a mke ef ect upon the chd's condto condtonng nng enegy Often eggeated tats of to chacompensate cha a c t e aefo aceab aceabe e o the unconous uncono us nd's endeavo the nfeo feeng he tenth house ues te eputaton and mote In bth out of wedlock te eputation s aected advesey advesey 94% of the ch cha ats ts so sow w a bad badly ly a ac cte ted d t e n t h In t h e ca case se e eee stong amonous aspects also nvoved te u of te tent, the cld was emoved to a new envonment weethe ccum tances of ts bt wee unknown Even toug toug the chld may ove ts mothe tse actons map dcltes tss and tumo assocated wth he The fouth was of bad acted n 92ouse, of he heulng catsthenfathe many and many caseshome the place the oftenabsent fate s taken by ots who may o may not be sympatetc Moth and cd may ve wt eate to en sympatetc abe mothe to wok o the cd may be lft n te ae of stanges, so the pvege of nomal home condtons s dned Cden of paents wose oe natues ae stong enoug to gnoe o defy the conventns ae apt aso to ave po nouncedy amoous tendences T s te sgncance of 73 out of te 100 chats anayzed havng an apct bten Venus to
and Masfotthese ponts socetys espnsbty povd op otuty cden to do ceatve ok to pata of the atstc type athoug these eneges may be dvted o ote constctv cannes ndcated by te pomnenc of some cetan cetan panet o pa panets nets Mas and enus a te to socal panets panets The Sun ues maes n genea, and te oon females Aspects of Mas and enus ndcate emoton�! ac tons n contact wth othes n ths stud enus o as com mony made an aspect to the Su n the gls cats and to the oon n the boys hats hats Du to te ntensty of of te ove na tues and to te condtonng that cetan atttudes of socty
Astrology - JO Years Rsrch
may impress on the ndvdual, he oose sex assumes mor than average nuence n ther ves. 68. \VAITER
Birth-chrts of waiter waiter or itrsses nlyzed...... I 00 100 Chrts ith Mrs promiet..... 99 99% Chrts ,\·ith ith Neptue oo promet........... Chrts promiet. 96 96 Chts ith Pto promet...... 96 Chrts with ercur promiet. 91
96 96 96 96 91 ous Actvt f O / /ts ts
Chrts th sixth house ctive ctive .. ... Chrts ith plet i sth house Chrts with sith hous more dsodt th hmoios hmoio s ..... .............. .............. ...... Chrts ith sith hose more harmoos th discordt . . . ... ... Chrt with rer of ith ctul teth ose set to ruer o teth....... teth.......
95 48
9 2
9% 62%
Frs Hous Acty o OO tr tr
Chrts ith rt hose i.. ....... ......... ...... Chrts th plet i rst house........ house........ Chrts th rst hose more dscordt th hrmoio ...... .. ....... ..... ... .. . Chrts ith rst house more hrmoios th discordt ................ .................. ....... ...... Chrts ith rst house outstdig ttrte be mgetc d peasi prsoit
88 88% 88 % An analys analysss of th sgns sgn s n whch he he Sun, Moon nd s cendant o the chars chars are found does not nce any sgn to be a brth-chat consan of waters Su, oon or scen an n Gemn Leo or Sagtarus seems to ma an tracon to ths calng more ofen han other sgns o quarus Tauru an Ares occur leas often hang only onehalf as mn waters as he other hree sgns ars mas muscuar strength requre for the amoun of wakng wak ng an to carry rays of of food on mas contac contac an assocaon wth eole n general nutrton an he foos
Astrologcal Research Repors
and beverage beveragess served. Neptune maps the courteous, imper sonal atttude. Puto maps groups; groups; usuay a water water serves serves partes part es rather than ndvduas As Puto nd the Moon are ocaves one or the other s aways promnent ercury ercury's 's prom nence s assocated wth nua dexterty aertness an ood tempora temporar r n memory requred A ofwaters these panets ar hghly promnent the charts of successfu Sxth house actvty embraces those who are at the beck and ca of others Frst house actvty maps the necessary physc movement as we as the personat both mportant for suc cess n ths vocaton 69. TEL ELEPHN EPHNE E OPRA PRA
Bth-chas of eephone operaos analyzed..... Chas wh Mecuy pominn......... Chas wih Uranus promnen......... Chas wih Pluo pominen............ Chas ih Moon pomnen............
100 100% 98 98% 98 98% 6 96% 95
Third House ctvty of 100 Teleone Opertor
Chas h hd house acve............ acve............ Chas wth plane in hird house................ Chas wih hd house moe dscodan han hamonous ................. ...................... ..... Chas wh hid house moe hamonious hamonious han· han· discodan ...... .................. .............. ..
100 100% 65 65% 61
39% 39 %
tabuaton of the 100 charts accordng to the sgns occu ped by the Sun oon and scendant ve some vraton ordng to sgns but nothng outstandng enough to be con sdered a brth-chart constant or markedy to encourage or dscourage anyone from becomng a teephone operator. promnen ercury maps the alertness and quck respon sveness requred A promnent Uranus reates reates to assocaton th somethng eectrca and varous devces whch are an essenta essent a part of a teephone teephone system Puto rues roups of peope and a teepho teephone ne operator operator works wth wt h and serv serves es othe others rs The sgncance of the oon as rung peope n enera s ovous. Peope keep the teephone operator busy he thrd
Astrology-JO Years Research
house rules cals that are made ad coversation takig place by meas of the telephoe system. 70 BOOKEEPER Birth-charts of bookkeepers analyzed.......... 00 Charts wth Saturn Sat urn prominent .......... ............... ..... 100 Charts wth Mercury pronet........ 97 Charts wth Mars promnent..................... 95
00 O0 97 95o
Tird House Ativy of 00 Bookkeepers
Chart wth thrd house active............ Charts wth panet thrd ouse............ Charts wth third house more dscordant than armonious .................... Charts wth thrd house more harmonous than discordant discord ant .....................................
94 5
94 5510
Eighth House ,1 iit of 00 Bookkeepr
Charts wth eghth house actve.......... Charts wth planet in eighth house............ Charts wth ehth house more dscordant than harmonous harmono us ......................... Charts wth eigt house more hamonious than dscordant .........................
91 54
1 54
I the aalysis of the 100 charts by the sigs occupied by the Su, Moo ad Ascedat, Libra was foud to be the higest-probably because Libra dislikes dirty work d teds to eatess eatess ad precis precisiow iowith ith twice as may as Pisces Pisces which was lowst Next to highest highest i umber were Gemii ad Lo ad ext to lowest were Capricor ad Aquarius o oe howeer should be discouraged from becomig a bookkeepe merely because of the sig occupied by Su Moo or sced at if the plaetary promiece ad house activit idicate atural aptitude fo such work We have foud hadlig gres with facility reuires a promiet Mercury ad Mars; but to be a matheatiia e quires als also o a promiet Satur To be be a successful bookkeeper while ot requirg muc mathematical ability, calls u the Satur thoughtcells because of the dull mootoous grid of
Astrological Reseah Reports
the work. work. Enough persstece ot ot to give up unti the the job has been nshed rght calls upo the experieces ncorporated i the Saturn Saturn though thought-cels t-cels The same Mars M ars mechanical mechanical abity eabg a person to hadle tools to bud thngs also seems to map abiit abiityy to use arithmetic as a too too The promi promiet et Mer cury ponts to aertness and the constant use of teligence in solvg probems The nature of the work s probaby why so much activty s shown shown i the thrd house of bookkeepers Wrting, caculat ig and thkg are all all assocat assocated ed with t Although not as oten as the thrd the eghth house s commony quite active mappng the work relating to other other peope's moey moey We nd that to be stongly assocated with the things of some one of the twelve departments of life the individual must have active thoughtcels mapped by the house in his brthchart ruing that department of ife. Athough otrelatg consdered as a constant Uranus was sigi cant probaby to short-cuts and quick methods. Its moderate promence seems to reenforce the work of the Mer cury thoughtcels. 71. STENOGRAPHER
Birth-charts of stenographers analyzed... Charts with Mercury or Uranus prominent prominent Charts with Uranus Uranus aspecting Sun, Moon or Mercury . . Charts wih Mercuy prominent prominent Charts with Uranus prominent
100 00 100 100% 100 97 97
100% 97% 97%
Charts with Mercury aspecting Uranus. 68 Third Hous Atvty of 100 Stogrph Charts with third house active. 8 Chas wth panet in third house.. 51 Charts with third house more diordan than harmonous . . 59 Charts with thrd house more hamonious than discordantt . 40 discordan
68% 98% 51% 59% 40%
A tabuatio tabuatio of the 00 chart accordig accordig to t o the sigs occu pied by the u Moo ad Acedat gae Cacer highet
Astrology - 30 Yeas Reseach
then Leo, with Virgo a close third. Taurus was lowest ad ad Pisces ext lowest; these two signs showing only abou hal as many as the high sign signs s Neverheless if the planetary planetary birh chart costats are shown there is no valid reason to discour age a person with strong Taurus or Pisces iuences from becoming a steographer Quickess in writing down thought in grasping the ideas of others ad in aking time-saving short cuts in lacing th thoughts of others o paper is an ability indicated by actv UranusMercury thoughtcells Thigs which come into the lfe unde raus stimulus come through a human agecy, ad stenography is work in which ther is close conact with others It is also the planet of short short cuts Taking shorthad shorthad wi ease is typical of Mercuryranus thoughtcells Probably the most favorable single aspect for ability as a stenographer is a aspect betwee Mercury and Uras Ura s 68% of theancharts this raus aspct and Next favorable seems to be aspect had between themost Moon with an aspec betwee raus ad the Sun coming third Perhaps we are waranted then in discouraging anyone from taking stenogra phy as a vocatio if Uranus is not prominent i his birthchar People who do not have the ruler of the third house powe fully aspected or at least plaets in the third, write compara ively litte 72. ARTIST
Brth-charts of artists analyzed a nalyzed . 100 100 % Charts wth Mars Vnuspromnent promnent.... 99 99 99% 99 % Charts wth promnent.... ...... 99 Charts wth Neptne promnent... promnent... 96 96% Charts wth Merury promnnt 94 94% Charts wth Venus aspectng Moon or Mercuy 9 91 Chrts wth Mars aspect aspectng ng Moon or Merur 1 9 % Charts wth Venus aspectng Mars. 66 66%
A tabulation of the 00 charts according to the signs occu pied by the Su oon and scendant gave Gemini h highest with ibr ibraa and Sagitarius ext highes The lows numbers were foud in Aries, Tauus ad Aquarius, ach
Astrologial Resarch Reports
whch had just to-thirds as many as ether Lbra or Sagt tarus. Evn so so f the planetary constants are shon, thre s no justcaton n discouragng a person from beomng an artst smply because hs Sun Moon and Ascendant are n sgns whch hold feer artsts than some of th others The four panets promnent in ths report ndcate secc abites anua dexterty dexterty takes ercury energy energy Dramat and magnave presentaton takes Neptunan enr enr o be abee to create ab create there must be ample ars energy ppreca ton of beauty s mapped by Venus Thus to create beuty there there must be ample ars and Venus energy The oon o on or ercur ercuryy aspectng aspect ng these panets facl facltates tates the epresson epress on n forms of art 73.
Birth-chats of soe ceks c eks analyzed ........ 100 100% Charts h Saun pomn .......... 100 00 Charts wth Puo omnen........... 9 9 98 Chas th Jup onn.......... Chas it ithh Moon prominen........... 97 9978 ° o o Chats h erc pomnen......... 96 96 Frst House tivity of JOO Stor Clrks
Charts th st hose actve. actve.. . Chats th panet n rst hose. hose. Charts th rst hose more dscordan than hamonoss ...... hamono ....................... ................. Chats h st hose moe harmonios thn dscordant ..............
95 62
9 62
Seventh I I s Att of OO Stor Clrs Chats h sevenh hose acive.............. 4 9 Charts th panet n sevenh hose........ 51 5 Charts th seventh hose moe dscodant tha harmonos.............. 5 5 Chats th seventh hose moe hamonos than dscodant ...... ............. ....... 49 49 tabulaton of the 100 charts accordng to sgns occuped by the Sun oon and scedant gave ra hghest ten Leo wth Psces thrd Taurus and Cancer were lowest wth a lttle ore than twothrds twothrds the number to be found n bra e
Astrolgy - 30 Yeas Rsch
lowest ere Ares, Gemin, Vrgo and qars; ach of these sgns contaning th same nmber. Satrn, promnent in a 00 charts maps the trde atmos phere n hch hch a store cerk mst mst feel at home and th reqired otne that that is fooed day aftr da Jpter s ssocated th saesmansp dependent upon good i an important spect n n the the rotine of hs job A prominent prominent Ivoon indicates the peope most most cerks contact dai The ntegence mapped mapped b Mercr is necessar to make ot bis and keep a record of saes. Pto as promnent moe oftn than pitr, er r or the oon to res a store store cerk's cerk's cooperaton in ths case not on th the cstomers, bt ith th boss and co-orkers as el Hs sccess depends pon the impression he creats ith the pbic, red b the seenth hose whic he is compled to contact da o some extent Satrn and piter a it, bt hs on personat, ndcated b the rst hose thogtces, assmes prominen prominence ce He needs ctie rst hose hose thoghtces for prsonait and persona actt, and acte snth hose thoghtcs to attract, for good or the pbic People lacking actie seenth hose thoghtcels do not ha constant ontacts th the pbi 74. ELCTRICIAN
Birth-carts of electrcans analyzed................ 100 00% Charts wth Uranus Uranus promnent..... promnent..... 100 100 100% % Carts wt Pto promnent........... promnent........... 00 00 % Carts wth Mercry promnent............ 98 98% Charts wth Mar Marss prominent prominent.. .. 97 97% Carts wt Mars aspectng rnus..... 7 7%
n the anasis of the 00 chats b the signs ocpied b the Sn, oon and scendant, Libra and Sagittaris re fond to be highest and Tars, emin and isces oest ith o qite tothirds as man Net to the higest ere irgo and Scorpo, ith ries and Caner trailin close qaris een hogh rled b Urans, the pant o ele
Astrologil Rearch Rpot
tnc1ty, had oly two ore tha Pisces a three mor tha Tars Gei. Oly people th a tog Uras are attracte to thigs electrical ate ad associat \·ith the th geatst por to of ther aly lves A electrica is clle clle po to exer exer se costat gety i repairg stallg a adjstg a vast assotet o achry rgig size fro hge ge erators ad yaos ow to ute a elicate istrets The vetive ablity of as whch was prot all 00 charts s called to play lto relates to hidde ores d the side of thigs rlig er plae forces a tra-ato tra-ato or electroagtic eergies electrca ee ot ersa these eerges bt hs ork does reqre tht he beco falar with electroag etc forces a isal teir actity ctie lto thoght ells proet al 0 hart5 facltats hs grap o he sject Mercry aps tellectal ailty a ars haca lity he proece of th arsras aspct favor gety relatg to echacs a bilg thgs 75. ATHLE
Brth-charts of athlets anyzd............ anyzd............ Charts with Mrs promnnt Chat wth Jpte promnnt ........ Charts th Nptun pronnt. Charts th Mrc prnnt........ Chats wth Mars apctng Jpt.
100 100% 9 % 8 8 8 % 5 5% 5 5%
Frt IIou IIou Avty of JOO Att
Chats th rt hos acv.... Chart th pant st hose...... hose............ ...... Charts th rst ho mor dcodant than harmonos .. ....... ........ ...... ... Charts th rst hos mor harmonos tha scoant ... ........ .....
7 53
% 5%
Astrology Astro logy - 30 Years Rsrch Fift Ious tivt JO ,tets·
Charts wih fh houe ve............ ve............ 96 9% Chars wh plan in fh oe 55 5 Char ih fh ho more dco ha haio..... 3 53 Chars ih h h hou hn ra....... ra ....... 42 A tabulation of of the 100 charts according to signs ocupie by the Sun Moon an Ascenant gave Virgo highest, with Sagittaius haing amost as many. Cancer was owt Capri corn next owst an ries with ny one more than aicorn an two more thn Cancr; Cancer having a itte mre than haf as many as Virgo The factor in the tabuation not anticipat is the pomi stuies ies nence of Neptune ruing ramatic aiity. In othe stu eptune is vacations strongy with amusments in fact often take vac ationsassociate or withdraw withdra w temporariy tempora riy from thepeope more utiitarian pursuits o if uner pogresse aspects inoving Neptune Most of the charts us here here wre of thse who attaine consierab ecognition either in the ameur or professiona profess iona classes o reach such a goa takes prootional aiity as we as the abiity to to dramatize inborn tants tants An other sie of eptune is sen in "xe contests and ames where the scheming quaities of the conence-man are in vove. sports come uner the genera ruership of Jupiter, ini cating "goo sportsmanship the spirit of fair pa an the wiingnss to aie y the rus rus ve ven n if th cost is grat Mus cuar abiity abiity is mappe by Mars Ma rs th panet ring ring athtes But as athletics is not merely a matt o bran a pominnt Mer cury maps the fast an soun heawork to si up a situation an make a quick decisio. either the numer of panets in the rst hous nor the number in the fth house house can be consiere consiere signicant n these same chats 54 show panets in in the eighth house an 6 panet in the twefth twefth However, the uers of of these two houses are powefuy enough aspecte to make the rst house ( ruing the
Astrological Reseah Repots
pesona actvty and physca bod) and the fth hou ( ung spots and amusements) signicant.
76. RADO TEC TECHNIC C Brt-charts of adio tenicans analyzed 00 100% arts wt pomnent pomnent t Puto Uan one nt onent 100 0 IOO' 100% art \•,t ,t Jar promn promnen en 100 00% arts t :Mecur or oon ponnt ponnt 100 100% Ninth Huse tvty f JO Rdo Techiis
arts t nnt oe t t ats t pet n nnt oe arts t nnt oe ore dcordant tan aronos arts t nnt ouse oe aronos tan dscordat
95 43
5% 3%
3 3% A tabuaton of the 100 chats acordng to sgn occuped b Sun Moon and scedant gae Liba highest wth Vgo Tauuss and Gemn Tauu Gemn next hghest Sagittaus was lowst wth to-fths as many as ba and es net to loest wth on one moe than Sagittaus Thus, thee oud be no bass fo ethe encouaging o discouaging a peson fom becomng a ado techncan mee because of the sgn un oon As cendant o planets ee n The electomagnetc waes used n adio ae uled y Pluto s the techncan mst assocate th and undestand these eneges the thoughtces mapped y Puto wee ponent n each o the the 00 chats Because the waes n a ado tans sson set ae electcal geneated Uanus was a po nent ndcatng an attacton to eecica deces an apttude o hanqing eectict and the ingenut and nent abit fo makng and handng the aous ntcae pats noed n ado wok wok Budng and epang ado appaatus demands he con stcte uge and the mechanca abt shon b a pomnent as The ae aett ntegence ceba actt and menta
As/roo s/roogy gy - JO ) ·as Ra Ral l
abty n:qured hs vci s mp b m M c r o. kg < ss s h hs hs w A bcsg h, cms h h hs s bcsg ss cosc r r h bcs of of bcs bcs h h s s c ss ssc c h hse. Th chc rs w tg s s hh-cs h s w he cc h c hs 77 RCE
Bih-charts f ahite analyzed......... analyzed......... Cha wth atu pmit...... pmit...... Cha ith !I prt . Cart wth p pot........ Cha ith a pi pin.... n.... Cha ith Ve piet....... Cart ·ith U U prit prit.... ....
100 100% 100 100 100 100 99 99 99 9 97 97 95 9
Third House ctivt f OO Achtcs
hat \\ith thi he ative........ Chart \\'ith paet th he........ Cha \\ih id he ida ha haoi ................... ha \\h t he e ha tha ia .. ...... ......... .....
9 7
Fouth oe t 1 OO Arhs
hart wh th he at atve... ve... Char \th pat i th he......... he............ h: " fth h re rdat rdat tha har ............. hat h h h e ha ha irat .............
9 9
9 9
bl bl h I 00 chs chs c c ss c b S sc L hh Sc x; h cm c V b. Pss ws h b h s m s h cr cs cs
Atrogil Reach Rprs
panstaking stiats which prced ·arios nd o stuctres built pon pon the land ar uld b b Saturn prominnt promin nt i al I harts An architect's wo s stine in nat: lig an painstak The abt to culate stresss, stresss, stat costs of matrals n asctan th xact amonts aos rquird itms cals or objctv n ruJ Mrcry and facit with matheatcs ndn in wt additin ars hes two pants r also ssocatd th slfl nry e of raft rafting ing toos toos ptu ptun n ma t magnation ncssary to isaize th compltd stct stct \ars maps creatv n rgy hich to ow persistntl no aistic wor mst b / accompanie b a prominent V?�s V?� s sions of be;ut, a mon an line must be prsntd n n desns an a prom inen Uranus maps th actal nvntie abiity an achtt nes s hs or cals for placn n papr his stimates an ains to mak ths dpartmnt of f sincant nough fr attractn sch or e neds actie thrd hos thohtclls he fourt ous maps the cmmon thouhtces ratng mor specca to te dpartnt of f hag to o ith builings of all kns 78. D:\NCER
B . ... . . C ..... ........ ..... .. C " ...................... .......... . ..... ....... ...... ... C ......... .......... . ...... .... ......... C · P ...
00 00 0 1 991 , 99 7
99 7 2%
Ft I I ou ,1 viy of JO Po_ol D
C ..................... C ................ C ................................... .... ........ .......... ....... ....... ............ ............ ...... .... ........ ....
7 62
7 62%
Astrology Astro logy - 30 Year Yearss Rs Rsc ch h Fi/h II IIous ous v of 1 PoSJl PoSJl Dans
Charts with fth house acve....... 88 Chars w whh planet n fth house..... 52 Charts wth fh houe more dsorda!t ha haronos ... 50 Charts h fh house oe haroous than dscordan d scordan ............. 0
88% 52% 50% 0
A tabuaton of the l 00 charts according to the ns occu pied by Sun, Moon and Ascendant ave Leo and Virgo highest with Gemini owest emini Aris agarius and Cance were ow but had more than two-thids as many as e Vrgo and quarius the hree highest. promnen enus maps beauty harmony and artistic ex pression; the oon indicates time tune and a sense of rhythm ars dnos cratv energy an muscuar strengh Neptune maps he more subte emoions which brng imagin:ton into pay ramatizing inherent taent Iercury enrges are needed to thoroughy memorie ong and intricae routines and pro fessona dancing s s of ten don don n n groups requiring an activ Puto The vigorous personaity and sutaind physica activity of the successfu dancer s mapped by a strong rst hos hos s ro fessona dancng is work which has to do ih entertainment fth hus assocatons durng the tme the profesion s fo oed are importan Therefore to t o attract these these asocations fth hous houghcs shoud be active 79.. CH 79 CHEM EMIS IST T
Brh-charts of hests analyze...... Charts wh Puo pronent....... pronent....... Chars wh Sau pronen......... pronen........... .. Chats wh Nptune proe............... Chars wh Uranus Uranus pronen...... Chas wth Mars pronet.
0 00% 00 100% 00 00 99 99% 98% 98 5 9%
Chars wh Mercury pronent......... 93
Astrological Reserh Reports Sixth Huse tivtJ• f ZOO Chmits
Charts wit sixth house acve................... 93 Cas t plane in sx ouse........ ....... 48 Chas t sxt ouse oe diodn an ham1onous ................. ..................... ............ ............. ..... 58
93% 8% 8
Cas dsodan sxh .......................... ......................... ose oe aonus han . 2 2 % ' tabulation of the 100 charts according to signs occped by Sun, Moon and Ascendant gave Leo hghest with Vrgo and ibra haing haing almost as man. Taurus was lowest lowest with a litte over half as man as eo; and Gemini and Cancer were next loest Chemisty relates to changing nside factors of copons of manipulating groups groups (Pluto) of atoms so the separate from or combine th other atoms to form other moecules o understnd how these invisible forces withn the moleules operate and to andle them successfully seems to requre atve Pluto thought-cells It appers that luto is the chif ruer of chemistry and and therefore of chemists chemst chem st can cannot not aord to hurry his work an no guesswo guesswork rk can be toerated toerated man of sy syst stem em a n d orde order r he m u s t b e delb delber erat atee an and d persi persist sten ent t hus, a promnent Saturn s a requisite t this vocation ases chemicals and poisons in general rule by Neptune, form part of the surroundings in which a chemist spends most of hi hiss time Unless eptune is is active, he may not be attracted to the envronment Research comes under ranus as well as compicated tools and the apparatus he is forced to invent him self Constructon of things in his laboratory requires ineligent :nd mechanica abilit mapped by Jars Jars and ercury. keen mind hard study and manufacturng kill are needed to follow successfully the vocation of chemist hemcals and drugs in particular come under the rle of the sixth house house herefore uness unes s the individual individual has active sth house thoughtcells it is nlikely he will be suciently at traced into assocation with these things to become successul as a chemst.
Astrology - 30 Yr Reach 80.. DE 80 DENT NTIS IS
Bith-charts of densts analyzed................. .................. . Chats wih Jupe J upe promnen...... pr omnen...... Chas wh Mec pomnen........................ pomnen........................ Chats wh Satn prominen prominen................. .................. . Chars wth as pmnen.............................. Chas wh Vens pomnent......................
10 100 00 10 100 00 99 99% 98 98 98 98
Six Iou v v f 1 Dn Dn
Chrts wth sxh hos ave.................. hats ith pane n ih hous........ Chas h sh hose moe diordan han hamonos ................................... Cha wh sh ho, mo hamons han dsordant ......................... ........................................... ..................
97 4
97 % '
A tabulaton t abulaton of the I 00 charts accordng to the signs occu ped by Sun, Moon and scendant gave res and Virgo high est, and Sagttarus lowest with a little more than half hal f as many. Next to hghest was Leo, and next to lowst were Gemn and Cancer 1\ctive Jupiter thought-cells stimulate the indvidua to take up a professon, gvng armth and genialty which cause peole to lke hm and come come o hm for servce Opmism en courages condence n his skll dentst often keeps peope entertand hl he drills ther teeth and hammers repar ma teral nto cavtes Many dntsts dvert the the patent wth n terestng cnversaton hle dong the necessary work l thes thngs stem from actve pter thoughtcells. Study alertn alertness ess and a hgh hgh dege degeee of dexterity dexterity ne man uaton uato n with the the hand requ required ired of a successful dentist de pen uon th rcury rc ury thoughtclls thoughtclls Hs chf job s s to sae teeth, rule by Saturn, and make them last as lon as possbe e exrcses great ngnuity savng and not removing them Dentstry s manly a Saurn occupaton t s also ork requirng mechan mechancal cal sl, and the budng of somethng and therefore needs ars thoughtcels actve ether ars nor Saturn, both beng harsh conduce o sen stvty person with these two planets promnent does not not
Astrologica Resh Repo
mind too greatly the suerngs of others, an a nist shoud not be be hypersenstve. To keep keep hs patients coin bck, he neds a certain egree of sociabity, appe by Venus hose thought-ces are stulate when he is cale upon o t teth artisticay an attractie. he aents people theye hav ith their teeth uner th incung ue of the thecutes xth house. n ntist tist , coeof epenss upon peope epen peope wth sick teeth for hs hs lho An uness he has actie sxth house thoughtcels, he is not su cienty attracte to aing aing people to gt gt thir thir patronge patronge hus a entist shou have an active sxth house GNRAL EPOTS 81. D DS, S, R R F R RU U IX R RSS
t is one one of the cardna octrnes of science, ppcabe to eery ine of research, that so long as a consiatn can be aequatey epane by factors areay rcognized, no ne facor fac or shou shoul l be be introduce introduce nto its xpan xpanto ton n Both n de inating the brth-chart an its progresson, w ha hd tna ciousy to this principe, upon which teri science hs o suc cessfuy been abe to build its ssts \e are soeties aske h we negect the Ioons Noes, the Part of Fortun Fo rtun and th xe Stars Stars in the the brthchat. brthchat. e o so because, up to ate we haH not foun any cnditon in a person's f which cou not satsfactory b xpind b th ithout recours other factors W planetary o not sypostons that thse postions hve to nothese aue; y tat up to the prsnt hav foun no no nee to to us the n expn ing the contions an nts in peopes vs h part of fortune s a point on the eciptc as far reo fro the :scenant b ongitue as the oon is ree fo te Sun by ongitue. he Moons nos are th ragons ea an ti oes refe to the pont whe the orbita paths of to he eny boies intersect s other panets o not oe in the sae pne s the earths orbit each panetary orbit ust cut th
A strofgy - JO Yeas R Ra ach ch
orbit of te earth at to ponts. Terefore, te Moon and and eac of te planets have an ascendng node and a descendng node f nodes are to be used s senstve ponts, logc would ndcate tat te nodes of all planets, as ell as tose of te Moon, sould be used 1\ltoug many astrologers o ave attaned outstandng reputatons for accurac n te practce of orar astrolog have started b usng te part of fortune nd the oon's nodes, t became apparent to them as te ganed greater procenc tat tese smbols n a cart ere a ndrance to te reablt o ter work. From te standpoint of non-astrologcal dvnaton, te more numerous nume rous te smbols presen presentt from c Extr ExtrSenso Sensor r Percepton ma take ts coce n gvng correct mpressons to objective conscous conscousness ness te better better But from from the the standpo standpont nt of the Hermetc Sstem of Astrolog, researc comels us to emplo onl tose factors c actuall equal or add accessor energ to te tought-cells of te unconscous mnd It s our ve that for astrolog to be a scence, equvalents must be estabsed wtn te unconscous mnd of te uman beng for ever ever factor n te brt-cart brt-cart o te best of our knoedge, no one as establsed suc equvalents for te oon's nodes, part of fortune or xed stars vast amount of statstcal ork n natal astrolog and ceckng predctons n mundane astrolog mpels us to ecom men tat xed stars te part of fortune fortune and te oon's nodes be omtted from al astrologcal carts 82. DIRNAL EVOUTIONS
A durnal revoluton s a cart erected for the moment te scendant on te gven da reces te sgn, degree and mnute of te zodac occuped b te brt-cart scendant e cart should be erected for te longtude and lattude occuped b te person at te te tme tme Our researc dd not nd nd durnal reolu tions relabe n ndcatng at wll appen durng te follow ng da
Astrological Research Repots
83. LUNAR EVOTJONS ' oon making the conjunction
The transiting th ts birth chart pace is one tpe of unar reoution. he other, and more creative riod is when the transiting Moon forms the conunction conun ction ith the natal natal Sun. In either case the chart shoud be erecte for the ongitude and latitude ocupied b the erson at the time. Astroogical reearch has not found lunar reoutions reia be in indicating hat wil transpire during the fooing month Some astrologers aot great importance to the birth chart house occupied by the IN :oon but astroogica re search found this house of no more importance than ordinar transit poitions fter conducting a grat grat dea of research on on this matter it as found that an ecipse of the Sun or oon fang on a birt-chart uminar or other birthchart position is of no more signicance than a hav transit 84 Or\R EOIOS
solar revoution is a chart erected for the moment the transiting Sun returns to the ame sign, degree and minute of the zodiac it occupi occupies es in the birthchart birthchart he chart shoud be erected for the longitud and atitude occupied b the eron at that time Some astroogers alot great importance to this tpe chrt, but astrologica research has not foun soar reoutions rlia be in indicating hat i transire during the fooing ear Hoever the time of the Sun's transit oer its birthchart posi tion sems ith a aluabe creatve erod that can be usetoocorresond gret adantage. 85. MOR Ho HousE C Csp sps s
Events occur in eoes ives hich can on be exained adequately through the rogressed asects of the scendant and idheaen he are progress progressed ed as if if te ere ere aets. aets. But in the birthchart no aspects to the cusps of other houses are cacuated and e do not progress anets to aspects of the cuss of an other houses nor rogress the cusps of other houses in an a in the ermetc Sstem of stroog; be
Astrology - 30 Years Rsarch
cause so ar vry extensi,·e astrologcal research work eeals nothng that cannot be epaned thout sch aspect and pro gressons. The term minor house house cusps refes refes to the ten othe othe cusps o o the brth-chart brth-chart aside rom the the rst (Ascendant) and the tenth Mdeaen 86. I:\lLS AND rSTROGY
Our research ound that stimuation mapped by progressed aspects aects anmals n the same manner it aects men due alloance ben made made or the normal leel o the animal is not to be epected that an insect ith a edays lie span ll respond other than to progressed postons ithin those e days Just ho ho they respo respond nd could only be judged by tim ng their their brths and calculatng subsequent subsequent aspects But e hae ha ample opportunity to obsere that cats dogs birds and horses on ther leel react under progressed aspects as do human beings In a seres o tmed and progresd rthcharts o dog: or instance a harmonios proresse aspect to the tenth house ndcated ith close certanty the do ould in a sho prze he same stimulation n a potcian's chart predisposes to in ng ng an ele elect cton on n not othe herr ser sere ess o c h arts on race hoses ealed hen the horses ere subject to accidnt to obsacles o a gien race and the horse was orth training in the st pae We hae charts o brds and dogs with the most impotant eents n ther lies lsted and the progressed aspects noted he same consants are present as appear in the concdent eents wth a prson's chart chart Furthr Furthrmore more in eery case each major proress aspect as renorced by a minor progresed aspect and trigered by a transt aspect to one o the noled terminals just as in the case o a human birthchart 87. MuN,E sJY
The Church o Lght stroogical Research Department dligently nestgated the brthcharts and progresd aspects o all countries and towns or hich accurate brthdata as aaiable Research ndcates that that hile hile countries and sectons sectons
Astrological Resh Repors
of counres respond more ponouncedly o Cycles and curen asronomcal asrono mcal phenomena phenomena han ndvidal ndvidalss d, hey - as well as ces and lesser corporaons-reac ch as peope do o he smulaon mapped by ajor, mnor and rans progres ons. As a naon or a secon of he counry responds kedly to Cces and curren asronmical phenoena hey should re cee specal consderaon en hen he bihchar is knn But relance shold have o be placd on only one nuence, ar greaer precson can be ganed hogh he se of major mnor and ansi pogressons o h birhcha han hrogh he use of Ccles and curn asroogica pions I as found ha in predcng evens fo a naion cy on or coporaon, nohing else gies he deals and pec son ha can be ganed by he se of a corrc bhcha and progressed aspes. he dcly n geing bih daa, Cyces anBecause Major ofConjuncion Chars gae corec ch nfoaion as o hat oud happen a a peced peced ie ihin ihin a gen aea Ho ee hese chas dd no cla designa he ct or loaly chey aeced by he evn. The did no pon ou h hee one specc enerprs aon an of a smar na, hich felt he ful egh of he Suc1 dals can ony be re ealed by pogrssons calclaed to a cecly ied brh cha Oher asc o he o sol mog planes hae a no ceable aec pon h aas o cis naon and h old nd a cha eced or h cy o caial of he conr or he exac me he apc is prfec ll gie mch inforaon as o he depamn of lfe chy aced b h apc Such aspecs n h sky ap some nence dn h me hey are foring and durng he me he are spaang oer an ob for he same number of degees aloed for he same brhchar aspec In hs hey are que deren han he aspecs ade by pogrsson in a Cycle Char hchih the excepion o he sfy ong Joon-map aciviy ony d ng he me he aspec is hn one degree of perfec
Astrology - 30 Years Resrch
88. GROUP LEADERS ND MU:Dr!E ASTOLY A peope are not equay receptive to bratins being broadcast from the sk; no ore so than are a nations Soe ndiduals wtn a roup ay tune in scarce at a on a en paneta bration, ie a few mmbers a pck up its ene gies n tremendous oume Tese mebers rsponding ak ed to a panetar braton braton are deterne te eect eect of te particuar ener upon te group ose an te panet prominent in their birt-carts are ore responsie to its brations than are tose o do not ae t proinent. hat s, te ae toutces toutces witin ter unconscous mins actin as natura receiing ets for tis ener But to pc up te panetar ener, radio fason in ost oume tere ust be at te time a progressed aspc to tat panet n te brtcart Such a progressed aspec fors an aera ich read pics up te eneries of te to panets inoed s energ energ s conducted immediate immediate to t t tougt ces apped n te brthcart b te panets And tese tese tougtcs acqurn so uc new ne of ter own tpe powerfu nuence te ndidua's thinkin is behaio and he ents attracted into is ife at tat time Astroogica researc aorded ape opportunit to o out the proressed aspects in te carts of tese nJiiduas ose acttes were ci responsbe for an ect upon a nation o a ndiduas cit coincdnt hea aspcts n te sk at te tme Such adwit the aspectin pants pomnent in ther brtcarts, and at te tie tere was a majo pogressed aspect to one or bot of te brthcat panets It was found that t fortune of a naton usua coincided t te prorssed aspcts of of ts adr ! stud of the Untd States Presdnts duin os ts o oce tere as ete a war or a natonde nanca depession since 1800 demonstrates te point. (ese brthca brthcarts rts wit decna decna tions and case stores appear in te book "Hooscops o te US Presdents, b Doris Chase oane) Abraham Lncon as eected pesident n 860 unde pro
A strologil Research Repos
gressed Jupiter trie atal Satur, a long-tie avorable aspect oicidet with his whole rise rise to political power power :\t irth Mercur was i cose sesquisquare aspect with ars a he the Civi Var reache its pak hi hiss progressed progressed Ierc Ierc y ored ore d the icojuc aspect th progressed 'Iars. Ulsses S Grat as electe presidet the sed time i 1872 uder progressed eus trie ata raus. raus. His atal chart shows ars sesqui-square sesqui-squa re raus raus a the ear oloig his seco eectio proresse Juiter Yas cosel square tal Mars ad sesquisq sesquisquare uare ata Jupiter Jupiter O Septeer 8 83 a acia paic starte a severe epressio lastig through his ter, a al that te the Jupiter aictio as operatie Groer Clevelad as electe the seco tie i 89 hie f progressed Su appe to a squar squar o progresse ;frs. ear the tie whe this aspect reache its pea o our oths ter his iaugatio a atioie coercia paic started. illia cKie was eected uer progresse us co uctio atal Jupiter a oth plaets ere oig to square progressed ars durig the the Spaish-Arca ar i 898 Whe he was reelecte i 900 progressed Su was sextie atal Jpiter ut i 0 he progresse ercur square atal ars there was a acial paic i all Street oodrow iso as electe the secod tie 96 uer pogressed Su setie atal Su a trie atal Satur ut at the tie his progresse Satur oposed atal Su ad pro gressed raus tie ito the progresse Satur ith a sei square aspect. The ite Sates tere or or ar ar erert ooer as electe i 8 uer rogrsse Su ouctio progresse Jupiter a trie ata Satu But Noeer o 929 he his progresse Satur oppose oth aal ]o ad atal rs a progressed eus oppose his ata scedat the orst period o ecooic epressio tarted i this outr Frali Delao Rooseet as elected i 93 a the olloig ear lauche the ew Deal uder progressed s edat trie ata ercur ad trie trie atal Mars he i 194 he progressed Mars was setile progresse Satur,
Astology - 30 Years Reseach
he was elected for he hird time By Dcember 7, 1941, he day of Pearl Harbor and he formal entr of the Unied Saes ino \Vord War , his progressed Sun squard progresse Mars at he same time progressed Mercury opposed his nata ranus. Harry S Truman inherited heSun presidency just as he nher ited the war In 948, his naal as in trine aspec with progressed Mars A he ime his discordant maor maor progres sions were passing ou of orb to make wa for hre sexiles and a semi-sextie, which pictured a quick ending o he war high wags, full employment and no nancial depression No only is his rend seen in he charts of presidents an nationa leaders, bu i holds for any type of group leade wheher a great religious poenae leading millions of people or the chairman of a sixmember sixmember poery group Progresse Progressed d aspecs to the leader's birhchart picture he fortune of his group in a broad manner 89
he Church of Ligh Asrological Researh Departmen collected a larg number of insancs in which iher a Solar Ecipse or a unar Eclipse took place in he ame zodiacal de gree occupied by he Sun and other planes in peoples birth chars n none of of hes did did he eclipse coincide wih evens that were no clearly and fully accounted for by the progressed ascts at he ie hae not been able to verify he doctrin hat he power of an eclipse persiss, even if a long eclipse, over a period of yars W have, have, hover, checkd the inuence of eery eery Solar Solar cips since 84 hat was visible in a part part of the orld fairly wl populated populated his sury lead o ositiv rsults t was found tha if a Solar clipse occurs in a region r there is considrable population, ithin a few months before or much more likey within a few months ater t clips here is a disaster in the region wher he eclps is visibe While the disaser nds to be near he central ah of the eclipse, i may be anywhere he eclipse s ven parialy visibe
Astrological Reeach Repo
t seems ikey that the exac pace of the disaster is determined by the progressed aspects in the birth-charts of cties and regions, and he progressed aspects in the Cyce carts erected or those places. Because the correct birthcharts of so few cities are known, it is dicut to determine where within the visibe area of a Soar Eclipse the disaster wi take pace However, the New Moon chart often reveaed the nature of te dsaster From the standpoint of Nata Astroog research ponts out tat an ecipse of the Sun or Moon faling on a birthchart uminary or oher birhchart position is of no mor signicance ance tan a heav ransit 90.. UP 90 UPPE PERR-OC OCTA TAVE VE LA LANE NETS TS
n the divine alphabet of the anguage of e stars there are 22 etters The tweve zodiaca signs signs correspond to the conso conso ants and he ten planets correspond to the vowes vowes This ay seem strange to those conversant with odern opinion that the ancients having no optica instrumens coud know ony panets visibe to he unaded unaded eye It ust see seem m tey coud not have known Uranus eptune and Puto Yet the attributes associted wit these three upperoctave panets are pres presened ened ceary and unistakaby unistakaby in ancent yth oogy fter painstaking painstaking study of eptune ep tune J ranus and Pluto, P luto, the modern astoogr notes their attribtes which eperi mentaly demostrated, in detai the sae to the mythoogica characterss are character Uranus Neptune and assigned Puto This Puto is more tan ere coincdence There are hose who, even today eiminate e iminate these thre threee "spir iua panets from a horoscope saying the masses have not evoved o a responseeve enabling them to receive stimu stimuation ation associated wih the wayward panets n thi we cannot agree Our research reveaed that not ony do indviduas react to stiuus mapped by the upperoctave panets today but peope aso reacted before their discover discovery y Reserch aso shows tha new panets usher in new periods in word aairs aairs Tese trends depend upon individuas within a group, whoo necessi
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expaned by the Law of Associaton-captu an reease astra eergies of the type mapped b Uanus, Neptune and Puto orkg to bring about the n· prio n or aar. t may be that beyon the orbt of uto which mars the present
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