Door Window Builder Manual

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Door & WindowBuilder 12

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Door & Window Builder Printed: 2008-07-08

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Door & Window Builder 12 Introduction Door & Window Builder is a design tool to model doors and windows, with a high degree of flexibility. Due to its versatility, small and large scale changes can be applied to individual windows or to batches of selected doors and windows. The tool also produces editable dimensioned and annotated schedules. These schedules display a list of door and/or window elevations, including ID labels and schedule notes. Elevations can be moved, dimensions edited, and notes added.

New Features for ArchiCAD 12 Glazing Setout Selecting and editing panels is now easier than ever. Just click to select a panel in the schematic preview window. You can select a single panel, multiple panels or all panels. Click outside the window to de-select all panels. You can also inject the current settings into non-selected panels. For large or complex windows, use the zoom and pan controls for easier selection. A move right and move left button have been added so you can move a whole selection of panels right or left. Custom Door Leaves ArchiCAD’s Custom Components tool allows you to create custom door leaves. Any custom door leaves you create can now be inserted into Door & Window Builder doors, windows and garage doors.

Schedule All Doors & Windows Door & Window Builder has always included a proprietary scheduling tool, but in the past it has only scheduled doors and windows from the Door & Window Builder library. This tool has now been enhanced to include doors and windows from any library.

Upgrading Very Old Doors & Windows Doors & windows placed prior to ArchiCAD 10 must be updated in a two-step process. First, open the project in ArchiCAD 11 and run the Update to ArchiCAD 11 tool. Then open the project directly in ArchiCAD 12.

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Door & Window Builder 12 Setup Before you can use the new Door & Window Builder tool, you must install the tool and update your ArchiCAD Work Environment. Installation Follow the instructions on the Cadimage Tools web site to download and run the installer. The installer will insert add-ons, data files, libraries and preset files into your ArchiCAD 12 folder. You can download and install documentation separately. This will be added to the Documentation folder, and can be accessed from the ArchiCAD Help menu.

Language Start ArchiCAD, and select the most appropriate language from the File > Set Cadimage Tools Language menu. This language will apply to all Cadimage Tools you have installed. You will have to re-start ArchiCAD for the language to come into effect. Note that a particular tool may not have a translation for the selected language, in which case the tool will display in English.

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Door & Window Builder 12 Default Settings In your ArchiCAD templates, set the default style for the stair component and railing. Whenever you open a new project, the default style will be re-set for these tools.

Modelling Doors & Windows You can use the DoorBuilder, WindowBuilder and Garage Door objects to model doors and windows. To model the door or window: 1.

Open the Door Settings or Window Settings dialog from the ArchiCAD toolbox.


For each item listed in the menu to the left of the user interface a.

Click to navigate to that page.


Click on the Open button and select a preset.


If you need more control, adjust the individual parameters.


For even more control, use the Show More Options button to display extra settings.

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Door & Window Builder 12 The Settings Dialog Open the Door Settings or Window Settings dialog. You will see that the settings dialog is organised into a set of pages. Each page displays information related to a particular construction feature of the door or window.

Page Menu Click on the menu to the left of the palette to navigate to a particular page. For example, click on Frame to navigate to a page that displays settings for the door or window frame.

More or Fewer Options Button Below the menu bar is a button labelled Show More Options or Show Fewer Options. Use this button to display more or less information about the window.

When you click on Show More Options, extra dialog pages will appear in the menu, providing more precise control over the door or window.

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Door & Window Builder 12 Presets At the top of each interface page are two buttons labelled Open and Save. These buttons allow you to select and create Presets. Click on the Open button to apply a Preset, and on the Save button to save the current settings as a Preset. What are Presets? To model a door or window parametrically, you have to set the values of parameters that control the length and height of the door or window, the shape of the door or window head (including the shape dimensions), the position of each mullion and transom, and the type of panel that goes into each space. There are many parameters, and so defining a door or window could be quite a chore. The Preset files have been designed to reduce the amount of work you have to do. Rather than setting all the parameters individually, you can simply choose a Preset file. The file contains a bunch of parameter values that are applied instantly on selection. Modelling the door or window is now a much easier task. All you need to do is to browse to choose a frame type, a shape, or a set of materials that has been previously stored. Multiple Presets Each page of the Settings dialog displays a group of fields into which you can type values, and lists from which you can select values. Each value sets some parameter of the door or window you are modelling. One page of the Settings dialog displays parameters that control the Shape of the door or window. Another page displays parameters that control the Interior Trim. There is no overlap between these two pages – selecting an interior trim type has no effect on the shape of the door or window, and vice versa. Rather than using a single Preset that stores all the data about the door or window, multiple presets are used. One preset stores data about the shape of the door or window, another stores data about the interior trim, and so on. This provides an intuitive environment for design, where you can mix and match the various components of a window or door. Initially, the shape and set-out is important. For structural purposes, it may soon become necessary to select a frame type, and because this can be done independently, the shape and set-out remain intact. Later you may want to apply trims, and once more this can be done using an independent Preset. Eventually you may even want to choose a colour scheme, using yet another Preset.

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Door & Window Builder 12 Using Presets To apply a Preset file: 1.

Click on the Open button. A file dialog will open.


The first time you use the library, you will need to browse to locate Cadimage the Extras\Defaults\DWBuilder for AC11\ folder.


Choose a folder that contains the correct defaults.


There may be sub-folders within this folder. Choose one, and then select one of the files contained in it.

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Door & Window Builder 12 Click on Open to open the file. The settings will be applied to the window or door parameters.

Combining Presets and Parameters Having applied a Preset, you can refine the model further by adjusting individual parameters. As soon as you adjust a parameter, the preset header will display Custom Settings.

Saving Presets To save a new Preset, or to over-write an existing Preset: 1.

Click on the Save button.


Browse to the folder where you want to store the file.


Enter a file name, and click on the Save button.

Sharing Presets Sharing Presets is easy. Just send the file to your colleague. He/she can place the Preset file into their Cadimage Extras folder for immediate use.

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Door & Window Builder 12 Editing Individual Parameters You can get further control by editing the individual parameter settings that make up the Presets. To edit individual parameters: 1.

Use the menu field to navigate to the various pages of the Settings dialog.


If necessary, use the Show More Options button to display even more settings. This will apply to all menu items.

Often, this will result in the page being split into parts.


Edit the individual parameters (e.g. dimensions, materials, pens, etc.).


With Clicking the Show Fewer Options you will return to the Regular menu options.

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Door & Window Builder 12 Dynamic Hotspots Each door and window has hotspots placed at strategic points on its 3D model. These hotspots can be used to select the door or window, and to align it with other construction elements. Some of the hotspots that define adjustable dimensions are also dynamic. If you select these hotspots, you can graphically adjust their dimensions. The dynamic hotspots are available in Section and Elevation windows (provided the section or elevation line is parallel with the wall containing the door or window), and in some 3D views. To edit a door or window using the dynamic hotspots: 1.

Select the door or window in section view.


Click & hold on a dynamic hotspot, and a dialog box will appear. You can adjust the hotspot manually by dragging the mouse cursor, or key in numeric data.


Click again to apply the setting. Finally, re-build the section window to remove hidden lines.


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Use dynamic hotspots whenever you need to match a window or door shape to surrounding structures (e.g. when placing a window under a gable roof, or a door under a stair). Make sure you are using the first option in the pet palette:

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Door & Window Builder 12 Placing Doors & Windows into Walls In Floor Plan, place a door or window into a wall at any checkmark or mercedes cursor position on the wall’s outline. You can also place doors and windows while in the 3D view.

Placing a Window To place a window into a wall in floor plan,


Choose a Geometry Method. This allows you to position the window by its midpoint or by one edge.


Click on the wall where you want to place the window. This defines the position of the window.


If you chose to place the window by an edge, click to indicate which side to form the window opening.


An Eyeball Cursor will appear. Move the Eyeball Cursor to indicate the exterior side of the wall, and the left hand side of the window (as pictured in the settings dialog).


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Click to complete the operation.

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Door & Window Builder 12 Placing a Door To place a door into a wall in floor plan, Choose a Geometry Method.


This allows you to position the door by its midpoint or by one edge. 2.

Click on the wall where you want to place the door. This defines the position of the door. An Eyeball Cursor will appear.


Move the Eyeball Cursor to indicate the direction of the door swing. 4.

Click to complete the operation.


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To place a mirrored version of the window, make your final click (step 4) on the right hand side. If the door or window is facing the wrong side of the wall, rotate it (Ctrl-E) in the wall. If the door or window is mirrored left-right, mirror it (Ctrl-M) in the wall. You can place multiple copies of the same door or window. Once the door or window settings have been chosen, the same settings will apply to all doors or windows placed. You can copy a door or window from one wall into another wall. Capture the settings of an existing door or window by holding the Alt key (the Option key for Mac users) and clicking on the door or window with a Syringe cursor. An identical door or window can now be placed in any wall.


You can transfer the settings of one door or window to another door or window. Capture the settings of an existing door or window by holding the Alt key (the Option key for Mac users) and clicking on the door or window with a Syringe cursor. Transfer the settings to an existing door or window by holding the Ctrl-Alt keys (the Option-Apple keys for Mac users) and clicking on the existing door or window with a Syringe cursor.

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Door & Window Builder 12 Corner Windows You can create corner windows in intersecting walls by butting two windows together. To create a corner window: 1.

Place a regular Window Builder window into each of the intersecting walls.


Select each window in turn, and open its settings dialog. Choose Setout, and click on the Show More Options button. Choose Setout > Join Adjacent from the menu. Choose Corner Post or Glass Joint for one end of the selected window. Set the mitre angle to match that of the walls. (For walls meeting at 90°, set the mitre angle to 45°. For internal angles, use negative values.)


If necessary, mirror one or other of the windows so that the mitred ends are pointing to the shared corner.


At the mitred end of the window, at the exterior side of the wall, you will see a hotspot. Drag each window until this hotspot sits directly on the corner of the two walls.

Bay Windows Bay windows can be created using the same technique as corner windows. Place the various sections of window into the bay walls, then mitre the ends and drag/stretch each section so that the mitred ends line up with the wall corners.

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Door & Window Builder 12 Labelling Doors & Windows For construction documents, it is necessary to label doors and windows in plan, section and elevation views. This section describes how to label doors and windows efficiently.

Dimension Markers in Floor Plan Attaching a Dimension Marker You should use a Dimension Marker such as the Cadimage DW Marker to label doors and windows in floor plan.

The Cadimage DW Marker gives options to show ID, opening size and (when used with Door Builder) the individual leaf sizes. There are formatting options for ID and dimension text.

On floor plan, dynamic hotspots allow re-positioning of the text.

Displaying Dimension Markers To show or hide dimension markers in any view set, choose the Document > Set Model View > Model View Options


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Door & Window Builder 12 Labels in Section and Elevation Use the Cadimage ID Label to label doors and windows in section or elevation. This label simply attaches the ID of the door or window to its elevation. First, check the Label Default Settings, then attach labels to the doors/windows.

To check the Label Default Settings: 1.

Open the Label Default Settings dialog.


In the Content and Preview section, choose the Door Tool.


Select the Cadimage ID Label from the menu at the right.


On the Text Style tab, set the font parameters, and choose whether you want a Label Frame. On the Symbol Label tab, choose some basic formatting options. Select Use symbol arrow unless you want a regular pointer on the label.


Choose a layer that you can be sure will be visible when you come to label the doors and windows in section and/or elevation.


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In the Content and Preview section, choose the Window Tool, and repeat steps 3 – 6.

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Door & Window Builder 12 Now you can label selections of doors or windows. To label doors or windows in section or elevation: 1.

Open the section or elevation view in which you want to place the labels.


Select the doors or windows to which you want to attach labels.


Click on the Label Element checkbox in your Info Box. (You can use Work Environment to set up your info box so that this checkbox is at the top of the list).


The doors or windows will be labelled automatically.


You can select the labels and move or edit them.


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Once the doors or windows have been labelled, the label remains attached and will follow changes made to the door or window. If the door or window is moved in floor plan, the section label will move to follow it. If the user ID is changed, the section label will display the new ID. If you want to include the zone number as part of the door or window ID, use the keyword in the ID. For example, imagine a door in a zone numbered ‘05’. If you set its ID to “D/A”, the label will display “D05/A”.

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Door & Window Builder 12 Door & Window Schedules You can create a schedule (a set of dimensioned and annotated elevations) of doors and windows in a project. Each schedule is automatically assigned to a worksheet, and displays a subset of the doors and windows. The exact selection of doors and windows displayed is based on criteria such as layer, type and element ID. You can create as many schedules as you like for a project. The schedules can contain both doors and windows, including doors and windows from other libraries.

Creating and Editing Schedule Schemes Schedule schemes are similar to Presets, in that they store all the settings of a schedule. You might have one scheme to create an exterior joinery schedule, another for interior doors, and a third for garage doors. When you want to use the schedule in a different project, you can import the scheme and all the settings are applied. To create a schedule scheme: 1.

Choose Door and Window > Schedule Settings from the Cadimage menu.

A Door and Window Schedule Settings dialog will appear.


Click on the Schemes tab to open it. Choose an existing scheme, or create a new one.


Click on the Criteria tab to open that section of the dialog. Here you can choose criteria that control which doors and/or windows to include in the schedule.


Choose whether to collate identical doors and windows, and which settings should be checked when testing for identical doors and windows.

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Door & Window Builder 12 5.

Open the Layout section and choose the Master Layout you intend to use to print the schedule. You can also set the distance from the door and window elevations to each layout margin, set the gaps between adjacent door or window elevations, and choose a drawing Scale.


Open the Dimensions section and choose settings for how the door and window elevations should be dimensioned.


Open the Labels section and choose whether or not to display the IDs of the doors and windows in the schedule. Also choose whether the Additional Notes should be displayed. Select formatting options for the IDs and notes.

Scheduling Doors and Windows Once you have created schedule schemes, scheduling is relatively straightforward. Scheduling from the Cadimage Menu If you are currently working in a schedule worksheet window, use the schedule quick palette to update the schedule. Otherwise, you can update schedules using the Cadimage menu. To create or update a schedule: 1.

Choose Door and Window > Update Schedule from the Cadimage menu.


From the dialog that appears, choose the schedules you want to update.


Click OK to update the schedules.

Note that when you update an existing schedule, you will lose any formatting you may have applied to that schedule, and default scheme formatting will be applied. For instance, if you moved some of the door or window elevations, added notes, or adjusted some of the dimension lines, these changes will not be retained.

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Door & Window Builder 12 Scheduling from the Quick Palette When you are working in a schedule worksheet window, a small palette will appear. This palette gives you direct access to the schedule scheme settings for that worksheet. It also provides a refresh button to update the schedule. Managing Updates When you update a schedule, the whole schedule gets rebuilt from scratch. Any formatting you did (moving door or window elevations, editing dimensions, etc.) will be lost. From time to time you will have to update a schedule that has had a lot of work done to it. Rather than losing all of that work, try the following technique. To retain the changes you made, you should work with two worksheets. One is the automatic schedule that gets rebuilt each time it is updated. The other is a copy in which you can edit the schedule. Because the copy is not automatically rebuilt on updating the schedule, the changes you made will be retained. You can use the Trace and Compare function to compare the newly updated schedule with your edited worksheet. Copy and paste window and door elevations from the updated schedule to the copy if they have changed in the model. You may want to work this way as common practice, to avoid accidentally losing work.

Schedule Settings Dialog The Door and Window Schedule Settings dialog provides all of the settings you need to define a unique schedule scheme. Creating and Editing Schemes Click the Create New … button to bring up the Create New Scheme sub-dialog.

Type the Name of the scheme (a description of the type of schedule it defines), and an ID to apply to the worksheet (the ID is optional – you may use an empty string). Another way to create a scheme is to Duplicate an existing scheme, and change one or two settings. You can also Rename and Delete schemes by clicking on the corresponding buttons. When you have created the schemes you want to use in the project, click on OK. A worksheet will be automatically created for each scheme.

Exporting and Importing Schemes Import and Export functions allow you to save

schemes for use in other projects. Click on the Export button to save a scheme as a Data file. A file Save dialog will appear. Type a name for the data file, then click OK to save the file. Having exported a file, you can import it into another ArchiCAD plan file.

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Door & Window Builder 12 Selecting Doors and Windows to Schedule The settings found under the Criteria tab of the Door and Window Settings dialog allow you to define a subset of the doors and windows you want to include in the schedule. Doors and/or Windows Choose whether to include doors and/or windows in the schedule Filter on ID You can choose to include only doors and windows that satisfy criteria applied to their Element IDs. For example, you could choose to include only doors and windows that have a ‘D’ or a ‘W’ in their element ID, but exclude all garage doors containing the letter combination ‘GD’. This would allow you to schedule certain windows as doors. Click on the Edit Filter button to define criteria for the element IDs. A subdialog entitled Element ID Filters will appear. Use the Add Filter button to add new criteria to the element IDs. You can apply multiple criteria in this dialog. Click on the OK button to apply the filters.

Layer Combinations The current layer settings can be captured and used as a criterion for which doors and windows are displayed in the schedule. Click the Store Current Layers button to store the current layer settings with the schedule setup. Only doors and windows in walls on the currently visible layers at the time you clicked the Store Current Layers button will be included in the schedule. Any layers created after storing the current layers will not be included in the schedule. To include doors and windows from all project layers, disable the Layer Combination checkbox. Storeys By default, the schedule will include doors and windows from All Storeys. To restrict the schedule to include doors and windows in a single storey, select that storey from the list.

Schedule Layout Open the Layout section of the Door and Window Schedule Settings dialog. Master Layout Choose which Master Layout you intend to use when you print the schedule. Distance from the Margins Set the Distances from Margin. These are measured from the layout margins, not from the edge of the paper. They are measured to the door or window elevation, so you should allow some space for the dimensions left, right and above the elevations. Also allow some space for door and window IDs and notes below the elevations.

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Door & Window Builder 12 Gap between Items Set the horizontal and vertical gaps between adjacent door or window elevations. These gaps should be set large enough to allow for dimension lines at each side and above the door and window elevations. You should also allow for the ID and notes below the elevations. Drawing Scale Choose a drawing Scale for the schedule. The scale you set here actively controls the scale of the schedule worksheet. Whenever you refresh the schedule, the worksheet’s scale will be re-set to this scale.

Collating Doors and Windows Frequently, many of the doors and windows to be scheduled are identical. In such cases, you can choose to display a single door or window elevation with multiple IDs listed under it. This not only saves paper, but also helps the door or window manufacturer. When deciding which doors and windows are identical, the schedule tool will check the parameter values. By default, some of these will always be checked. However, two doors may be considered identical if the only difference is the pen settings. Similarly, you may or may not care what materials you used when modelling the doors and windows. Use the check boxes to indicate which of the settings should be checked during the collation process. Dimension Options Open the Dimensions section of the Door and Window Schedule Settings dialog, and choose settings for how the door and window elevations should be dimensioned. These settings only apply to doors and windows from the Door & WindowBuilder library. Doors and windows from other libraries will be given a basic set of dimensions. Choose an option for how you want the door and window elevations to be dimensioned, and choose whether to dimension the sill height or to ignore sill height in the schedule. Set the Spacing between dimension lines, and the distance to the first dimension line. Click on the Dimension Settings button to bring up the regular Dimension Settings dialog. Note: Dimension Details are not used in the schedules, so are not stored in the schedule settings.

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Door & Window Builder 12 Door & Window Elevations Options The door and window elevations use the same pen settings as the original doors and windows in the project.

You can choose to display the elevations as shaded in hidden line view. You can show or hide the ID labels and the schedule notes.

Moving Door and Window Elevations Each of the door and window elevations is a separate object that can be dragged to a different location. You can use this to group associated doors and windows.

For example, if you used three windows to form a bay window, you can drag them together so that they touch each other.

In this case, you will also want to remove some of the dimension lines, and turn off the notes for the second and third windows. Any editing you do will be lost if you update the schedule. Adding Notes You can add a set of notes to each door and window elevation in the schedule. The set of notes might specify the construction materials, construction details, finish, location and hardware. The notes will appear below the dimensioned elevation.

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Door & Window Builder 12 To edit the notes for a door or window elevation, select the door or window elevation, and open its Settings dialog.

Navigate to the Notes page. You will see a list of notes. Each note has a title and text.

To select a note for editing, click on the item in the list. You can use the

Insert, Move Up, Move Down and Delete buttons to edit the list of notes.

To edit the text of a note, select it in the list, and type into the Selected Note fields.

Click on Save All Notes to save all the listed notes to a Preset file. Click on Save Selected to save just the single selected note to a Preset file. Click on Get Notes to add a list of notes from a Preset file to the list. A file Open dialog will appear. Browse to select the required note.


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You can add notes to a batch of doors/windows at once. Select a set of doors/windows and open the Door or window Settings dialog, then proceed as for a single door or window. If you use a key words in a note, the schedule will substitute calculated values. This only works for the doors and windows in the Door & WindowBuilder library. o

To display the total area in the schedule, use the key word (including the brackets).


To display the total glass area in the schedule, use the key word .


To display the area of opening sashes in the schedule, use the key word .


To display the U-Value in the schedule, use the key word .


To display the UA-Value in the schedule, use the key word .

Dimensions Depending on the schedule scheme settings, dimension lines will be placed on each of the door and window elevations. These are regular ArchiCAD dimension lines, so all of the usual editing options are available. Because the dimensions are associative, they will move with the door or window elevation. If you drag the elevation, the dimensions will move with it. Any editing you do will be lost if you update the schedule.

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Door & Window Builder 12 Parameters This section identifies the available parameters of the doors, windows and garage doors, and where to locate them in the Door & Window Builder interface.

Setout – Window Builder When you look at a window, the first thing you notice is its shape. Is it rectangular or arched? Is it long and narrow, or tall and thin? What about the positions of transoms and mullions? Can any of the panels open? All of these parameters can be set on the Setout page. Shape Set the Head Shape and Sill Shape of the window, including dimensions. Most shapes have dimensions for offsets from the bounding rectangle corners.

Size – More Options With Show More Options the Size page becomes available. On this page, set the Total Width and Total Height of the window, including the heights of the optional Top Panel Height (measured down from the head height) and Bottom Panel Height (measured up from the sill height).

Join Adjacent – More Options With Show More Options selected, the Join Adjacent page becomes available. Edge conditions can be set to allow windows to be pushed together to form corner windows or to merge windows vertically.

To model corner windows, select Corner Post or Glass Joint, for the Left or Right Jambs. Set the mitre angle.

To merge windows together vertically, choose a Half Transom or Glass Joint for the Head or Sill.

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Door & Window Builder 12 Glazing - WindowBuilder Use the Glazing page to set out the glazed panels. The page is split into two parts: •

In the center of the page is a graphic infield that shows a diagram of the window set-out. Under the infield are a set of buttons. Use this part of the interface to select, add, remove and shift the panels.

To the right of the page is a group of settings headed Panel Settings. Whenever you select a panel in the selection infield, its settings will be displayed here.

Selecting Panels Below the graphic selection infield you will see a set of icon radio buttons. These control the selection mode. Single Selection Mode

Choose single selection mode if you want to select a single panel. When in single selection mode (1), click in a panel rectangle to select that panel (2). You can also click outside the window (3) to de-select all panels.




Multiple Selection Mode

Choose multiple selection mode if you want to select multiple panels. When in multiple selection mode (1), click in a de-selected panel to select it (2), or click in a selected panel to de-select it (3).




Select All Mode

Click on the Select All button (2) to select all the panels. The selection mode will immediately revert to its previous setting (3).



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Door & Window Builder 12 Inject Settings Mode

Choose the inject settings mode if you want to inject all of the current panel settings into one or more panels. When in inject settings mode, click into any panel rectangle to inject the current settings. The Panel Width setting will not be injected.




Fit in Window Mode

For very large or complex windows, you may need to zoom in to select a panel. The fit in window restores the selection image to fit in the infield. Click on the fit in window button (2) to fit the selection image into the infield. The selection mode will immediately revert to the previous setting (3).




Zoom In Mode

For very large or complex windows, you may need to zoom in to select a panel. The Zoom In mode allows you to increase the image size. When in Zoom In mode, click on a point in the selection image (1) to zoom in. The point you clicked on will move to the centre of the selection field (2).



You can continue clicking in the image to expand it further. Zoom Out Mode

For very large or complex windows, you may need to zoom in to select a panel. The Zoom Out mode allows you to decrease the image size if you had previously zoomed in (1). When in Zoom Out mode, click on a point in the selection image (2) to reduce the image size. The point you clicked on will move to the centre of the selection field (3).


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Door & Window Builder 12 You can continue clicking in the image to reduce it further. When the image reaches a size that will fit completely within the selection field window, it will fit itself into the window as if you had clicked on the Fit in Window button. No further reduction is possible.

Pan Mode

If you have zoomed into a complex window, you can only see part of the selection image. To move the focus to another area of the selection image, choose the Pan selection mode. When in pan mode, click anywhere on the image (1) to move the clicked point to the center (2).



Editing the Panel Set-out Under the selection radio buttons are five buttons you can use to edit the panel set-out.

Adding Extra Panels

The first button provides a list of options. •

If you have not currently used the optional top row, you can Insert a Top Row. This option applies to the whole window.

For the main (center) row of panels, you can Insert a Panel Above (1). This breaks an upper panel off from any selected main panel. (2)

For the main (center) row of panels, you can Insert a Panel Below. This breaks a lower panel off from any selected main panel.

If you have not currently used the optional bottom row, you can Insert a Bottom Row. This option applies to the whole window.



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Door & Window Builder 12 Moving the Selection

Use the next two buttons to move the selected panels to the right or left. Click on the button to move the whole selection (2). If one of the selected panels reaches the end of the window, no further movement is possible (3).




Duplicating Panels

Use the + button to duplicate the selected panels.




Removing Panels

Use the – button to remove the selected panels.



Editing Panels Editing a Selection

You can edit the selected panels using the fields in the right column. These fields include settings for panel type, width, glass material, whether to include a ventilator strip, the number of sashes to include left and right, etc.

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Door & Window Builder 12 Whenever you change the value of a field, the new value is applied to every selected panel.

Most of the panel settings are self-explanatory (panel type, material, etc.). There are a couple of options that require special mention. These are described below.

Panel Width

To set the panel width for selected panels, type a value into the Panel Width dimension. Set the Panel Width to zero if you want the panel to automatically fit into the available width. For example, if you have a window with 3 panels, each with a zero width, the result will be even spacing.

To set a fixed width for some of the panels, select those panels and set the panel width value. Any zero-width panels will fit into the remaining width.

If there are no zero-width panels, the panels will be stretched proportionally to fit the available space.

For example, if you want to split a window into two sashes, one exactly twice the width of the other, you can set one sash width to 1m and the other to 2m. The sashes will calculate their true size automatically.

Splitting a Sash

You can split any of the sashes into multiple vertical and horizontal units. Below, the large sash is split into 2 horizontal rows and 3 vertical columns.



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Door & Window Builder 12 Glazing Bars – More Options With Show More Options the Glazing Bars page becomes available. Select panels as described above. Glazing bars can be attached to the selected panels, and the material and dimensions of the glazing bars can be set. For edge-type patterns, you can choose the edges to which the bars should be applied.

Doors If you included a door in the panel setout, then enable Show More Options to show the Doors page.

On this page, choose the door type to be used wherever doors are included in the window set-out. Choose the opening direction (inwards or outwards), and set the pivot offset. If the pivot offsets are set to zero, the leaves will become hinged.

Setout – Door Builder Setout – Regular Option Set the over-all Dimensions of the door, including sidelight widths & sill heights, overlight height, leaf width & height, and threshold height.

Shape – More Options With Show More Options the Shape page becomes available. Select a door head shape. For each side of the door, set the shape’s offsets from top and side.

For the Flat head type, use the Remove the head jamb checkbox to remove the frame from the door head.

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Door & Window Builder 12 Size – More Options With Show More Options the Size page becomes available. Set the over-all dimensions of the door, including over light height, sidelight width and threshold height, leaf width and height, and threshold height. Choose the number of panels across a leaf. On the image there is one panel set for the left leaf and zero for the right one.

Doors – More Options With Show More Options the Doors page becomes available. Choose an operation type for the door leaves on the left and right side of the opening. Select the Number and Width of the leaves. Under Mounting, choose to either Open to Exterior Side or Open to Interior Side.

If you selected a hinged door, you can select the Pivot Offsets for each side of the door. If you selected a sliding door, extra parameters will be displayed that provide control for the overlaps of the sliding leaves. A Note on Door Operation Note that different effects can be created by using the door operation together with other parameters such as the frame thickness and leaf pivot offset. None

No door leaf is placed. Single Swing

If pivot offsets are set to zero, this is a regular door leaf, hinged to the frame or to the next leaf. If non-zero pivot offsets are set, each leaf is pivoted at top and bottom. Double Swing

Similar to the Single Swing, but the leaf is free to swing either way.


The first leaf is hinged to the frame. Extra leaves are hinged alternately to fold together.

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Door & Window Builder 12 Closet Slider

Leaves are stacked to slide past each other between the frames. The door can be opened from either end. Surface Slider

The sliding leaves are stacked on the surface of the frame. If the frame aligns with the wall surface, the leaves will be mounted on the wall.

Pocket Slider

The leaves slide into a cavity formed in the wall.

Glazing – More Options With Show More Options the Glazing page becomes available. Choose how you want the over lights, sidelights and door leaves to interact with the frame.

Door Leaf Door Leaf – Regular Option Choose the Panel to Insert wherever non-glazed panels are indicated in the selected leaf setout. Choose from the selection of glazing bars. Change the horizontal and vertical spacing, thickness and width of the glazing bars. These settings apply to all glazed panels in the leaves.

Leaf Style – More Options With Show More Options the Door Leaf page breaks into 2 (Window Builder) or 4 (Door Builder) parts. The first (and third) of these, Leaf Style, are identical to the Door Leaf page in regular detail mode. For the Door Builder, you can select a different leaf style for each side of the door.

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Door & Window Builder 12 Custom Components ArchiCAD provides a tool to create custom door leaves. Design a door leaf using slabs. Whatever materials you assign to the slabs will be used for the door leaf.

Select the slabs, and choose File > Libraries and Objects > Save Custom Component.

A dialog will appear – choose Custom Door Leaf from the list, and save the door leaf using a unique name. Open the Door Settings dialog and choose DoorBuilder. On the Door Leaf > Leaf Style page, select the Custom option for Door Leaf Panel. Type the name of the custom component you created. Note that custom door leaves need not be rectangular. You can use this approach to create batwing doors. The custom component is stretched to fill the bounding rectangle of the door leaf.

Dimensions – More Options With Show More Options the Dimensions page becomes available. To avoid issues with existing doors, Door Builder requires you to click on the Click to Show Dimensions button before the full interface is displayed.

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Door & Window Builder 12 Set the dimensions for rails width & height, leaf thickness, panel width & handle position. Set the width of slats, if t&g or louvers have been selected for the panel type. Door Leaf Defaults can be used for both the Door Builder and the Window Builder.

Sidelight Panels – Door Builder Sidelight Panels – Regular Option Choose the panel setout for Sidelights and Over lights.

Left Sidelight/Right Sidelight – More Options With Show More Options the Left Sidelight and Right Sidelight pages become available. On these pages, select a Setout for the sidelight. For each panel in the setout, choose a panel type. Use the checkboxes to select the edges to which Glazing Bars should be applied.

Overlight – More Options With Show More Options the Over light page becomes available. Choose a Setout for the over light, and select panel types for End Panels and Mid Panels.

Dimensions – More Options With Show More Options the Dimensions page becomes available. Set the heights of sidelight rails (handrail height, vision rail height, door head height), and the rail dimensions. To remove rails, set the dimensions to zero.

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Door & Window Builder 12 Glazing Bars – More Options With Show More Options the Glazing Bars page becomes available. On this page, choose glazing bar patterns and dimensions for Sidelights, Overlights and Corner glazing.

Panel Insert – More Options With Show More Options the Panel Insert page becomes available. Choose which panel type to use in the sidelights wherever a non-glazed panel is selected.

Hardware Hardware Choose handle type. Set dimensions for the kick plates, and choose an inset from the leaf edge. Use the checkboxes to apply kick plates to the exterior and/or interior face of the door. To set the position of the handles on the door leaves see Door Leaf Dimensions. For GDL wizards who want to make their own handles, store up to 5 custom handles as .gsm files in the Door & Window Builder library. Use one of the existing custom handles as a template for the parameter set. Exterior Handles/Interior Handles – More Options With Show More Options the Exterior Handles and Interior Handles pages become available. On either page, choose the handle type and plate type, and set the dimensions.

Kick Plates With Show More Options the Kick Plates page becomes available. Set the Plate Height & Thickness, and its Inset from the Leaf Edge. Choose to fix a kick plate to the exterior and/or interior side of the door.

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Door & Window Builder 12 Handle and Kick Plates Placement For Door Builder doors, the interface includes checkboxes to control handle and kick plate placement. Handles are always included on the main (placement side) leaf. The Place Handles on Second Leaf checkbox controls whether or not the handles are also included on the opposite leaf. When multiple door leaves are used, use the Place Handles to All Leaves checkbox to include handles on all leaves. If the checkbox is Off, handles will only be placed to the latched leaf.

Frame Frame – Regular Option Choose the width and thickness of the main and inner frames, and the setback of the inner frame.

Main Frame – More Options With Show More Options the Main Frame page becomes available. On this page, define the fixed part of the frame that supports all the panels. Set the dimensions of the Main Frame that runs around the edge of the opening. By default the mullion and transom dimensions match those of the main frame. Unlink Dimensions if you want extra control over the dimensions of Mullions and Transoms. To include a Flange around the exterior edge of the main frame, click on the Include Flange checkbox, and set the flange dimensions. The flange can be used to model aluminium and steel profiles more realistically.


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Frame width can be set to zero to remove the frame altogether. Mullion & Transom widths can be set to zero to completely remove the mullions or transoms. This

can be used when modelling large commercial windows where glass sheets are butted together.

The flange adds extra complexity to the model, so use it only if needed.

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Door & Window Builder 12 Sashes and Doors – More Options With Show More Options the Sashes and Doors page becomes available. On this page, define the frame profile used to form glazed panels, and how the doors fit into the main frame. Set the width and thickness of the inner frame, and its setback from the main frame. Set the door leaf setback from the main frame, and the stop thickness (Door Builder only only displayed in plan view).

Extensions – More Options With Show More Options the Extensions page becomes available. Set the values of the extension fields to extend the frame beyond the face of the wall on the interior and exterior sides. This can be used, for example, to model a slimline interior reveal.

Timber Sill – More Options With Show More Options the Timber Sill page becomes available. Use this page when modelling a timber frame, including an integrated exterior sill to shed rainwater. Add a timber sill using the checkbox in the top palette. This sill takes the thickness of the main frame. Set the timber sill width and margin.


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In floor plan, the sill 2D symbol can be turned on or off under the Symbol/Plan View Items tab. The sill fall angle and extensions apply to both timber and brick sills. The sill end extensions only apply to the timber sill if it extends beyond the face of the wall.

Wall Skins – More Options With Show More Options the Wall Skins page becomes available. The Wall Skins page gives control over the behaviour of the wall surrounding the door or window in plan view.

Cavity Closure

This palette allows you to turn the exterior and interior skins around the end of the opening. For Exterior skins, choose None or Plaster. If you choose Plaster, the skin pushes into the opening.

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Door & Window Builder 12 For Interior skins, choose None, Plaster 1 or Plaster 2. Choosing Plaster 1 or Plaster 2 causes the interior skin to turn around the end of the opening to strike the door or window frame. Plaster 2 also forms a plaster coving to the window frame.

Number of Skins

This palette determines how many skins should turn in/out. Apply to Ends

Choose which ends to apply the formatting. Normally the formatting will apply to both ends.

Exterior Trims Use the trims for walls without attached wall accessories. Where wall accessories are used, these will provide their own trims around doors and windows.


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The exterior trims add extra complexity to the model, so use only if needed. In floor plan, a dynamic hotspot on the outer edge of the trim allows it to be pulled out from the surface of the wall. This allows you to use the Door & Window Builder trims when working with wall accessories, if you prefer.

Exterior Trims – Fewer Options With Show Fewer Options the basic settings for Exterior Trims are available. Choose a Head Moulding, Exterior Trim, Jamb Moulding and Sill type.

Head Moulding – More Options With Show More Options the Head Moulding page becomes available. Click on the Head Moulding page to choose a Head Moulding style and Placement method. Set the Profile Thickness, Profile Width and the amount that the moulding should Extend Beyond the edge of the Frame. Use the checkbox to split the moulding into Bricks, and set the brick width.

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Door & Window Builder 12 Exterior Trim – More Options With Show More Options the Exterior Trim page becomes available. Choose the Exterior Trim type. Set the Profile Width and Thickness, and the Offset from the edge of the Frame. Use the checkbox to split the exterior architrave into Bricks, and set brick width.



The exterior trim will completely surround the window, unless a brick sill and/or head moulding have been specified, in which case they will break the architrave.

Jamb Moulding – More Options With Show More Options the Jamb Moulding page becomes available. Choose a profile for the Jamb Moulding you want to apply inside the exterior reveals. Set the reveal offset dimension to each edge. Set Profile Width & Thickness. Use the checkbox to split the moulding into Bricks, and set the brick width.


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If you set the Profile Width or Thickness to zero, the moulding will automatically fill the space provided by the exterior reveals. For the reveal settings to take effect, the ArchiCAD reveal settings need to be turned off.

Only use the left or middle buttons for the ArchiCAD reveal setting with the Door and Window Builder. Brick Sill – More Options With Show More Options the Brick Sill page becomes available. (This sill models a brick or tile sill as part of the opening in the wall, and should not be confused with the timber sill which is part of a timber window or door frame. To add an exterior timber sill, or an interior sill, go to the Frame/Timber Sill page.) Choose a profile for the exterior sill. Set Fall Angle, Sill Thickness, Sill Width, and the distance the sill should Extend Beyond the Frame. Use the checkbox to split the sill into bricks, and set the brick width.

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Door & Window Builder 12 Interior Trim Interior Trim – Fewer Options With Show Fewer Options the Interior Trim page is available. Choose a profile for the Interior Trim. Under Interior Sill, choose whether to Include an Interior Sill, and set its thickness, width and the end extensions. In the Interior Reveal palette, choose the thickness of the interior timber reveal. To remove the interior reveal, set its thickness to zero.


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Omitting the sill will place the interior reveal board around the whole frame. Set the thickness to zero to remove the interior reveal. The interior trim, sill and reveal all add extra complexity to the model, so use only if needed.

Interior Trim – More Options With Show More Options the Interior Trim page changes to include the dimensions of the trim. Set the Profile Width, Thickness, and the Offset from the edge of the Frame.

Sill & Reveal – More Options With Show More Options the Sill & Reveal page becomes available. Under Interior Sill, choose whether to Include an Interior Sill, and set its thickness, width and the end extensions. In the Interior Reveal palette, choose the thickness of the interior timber reveal. To remove the interior reveal, set its thickness to zero.

Materials Materials – Regular Option With Show Fewer Options the Materials page is available. The material for each main component of the door or window is displayed. Choose a material for each component. The whole of the component will be painted with the same material. If a component is currently painted with more than one material, an asterisk will alert you to this situation. In the illustration above, there is currently more than one material set for Glass. This is a result of having set different materials © 2008 – Cadimage Tools Ltd.

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Door & Window Builder 12 for each of the glass panels. If you select a material for Glass in this palette, all the glass panels will take the new material. Materials – More Options With Show More Options the Materials page is broken into several new pages, one for each basic component of the door or window. Each page contains more than one material for the component. For example, the Door Leaf page allows you to paint the door leaf rails and panels with different materials, and also allows different materials for each side of the door leaf. Symbol Symbol - Fewer Options With Show Fewer Options the Symbol page is available. Set the 2D Pens for the plan view symbol, and the 3D Pens for 3D, Section and Elevation views. Choose which convention to use for Pivot Lines.

Plan View Detail - More Options With Show More Options the Plan View Detail page is available. In the Symbol Detail palette, choose how you want the floor plan symbol to appear. At small scales, where detail is not required, the floor plan symbol will be replaced by a simple generic outline. Choose the scale at which the more detailed symbol should be used. If you always want full detail to be used, set the Always show Full Detail checkbox to on. In the Door Symbol palette, choose a style for the Opening Arc. The example below shows the two options for leaf swing.



For steel frames in the Door Builder, the frame thickness is used to set the depth that the frame is embedded into the wall. The example shows the effect of changing the frame thickness parameter. The frame thickness for the door on the left is set to zero.

Plan View Items – More Options With Show More Options the Plan View Items page is available. On this page, use the checkboxes to select which items to display in the plan view symbol.

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Door & Window Builder 12

The example shows two ways of showing the exact same door by using different combinations of floor plan items.

2D Pens & Fills – More Options With Show More Options the 2D Pens & Fills page is available. On this page, select pens, fills and line types for various plan view components.

3D Pens – More Options With Show More Options the 3D Pens page is available. On this page, select pens for various components in the 3D, Section and Elevation windows. If the Extra Line to Glass checkbox is set to on, an extra line will be drawn around glass panels, inside the frame line.

Pivot Lines – More Options With Show More Options the Pivot Lines page is available. On this page are controls for how the pivot lines are drawn. The pivot lines show up in 3D and/or section/elevation views, and indicate how the door operates. Choose a convention for the Pivot Symbol. Set the checkbox on if you want to Use a Dashed Line for the pivot line, and set the Dash Length. Choose a Pen for the pivot lines. Choose to Show or hide the pivot lines in 3D, Section & Elevation using the checkboxes at the bottom of the interface. Opening Doors – More Options With the Show More Options on, you can also set the Opening Angles for door leaves in Plan View, 3D and Sections or Elevations independently. You can define special parameters for opening doors in Animations depending on the Camera position.

Opening Margins

For hinged doors, the opening margins are the angle to open the leaves. For sliding doors, this value is an opening percentage. You can control the left and right leaves independently (hence the two columns), You can set a different opening margin for 3D views and section/elevation views. Thus, you could show a door fully open in the floor plan, closed in section, and partly open in 3D for photorendered views.

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Door & Window Builder 12 Animation in Fly-through Sequences

Door Builder 3.5 will automatically open and close doors to allow realistic ‘fly-through’s. Set the camera distance beyond which the door is fully closed, and the distance within which it should be fully open. To enable this feature, you will need to ‘Rebuild Model for Each Frame’ when you create your fly-through.

Schedule Notes Each door and window stores specifying information about its construction and use. This might include information about the manufacturer, construction materials, construction details, finish, location and hardware. When the door or window is scheduled, this information will appear below the dimensioned elevation. To edit the schedule notes for a door or window, select the door or window and open its Door Settings/Window Settings dialog. Choose Schedule Notes in the menu field. You will see a list of notes. Each note has a title and text. To select a note for editing, click on the item in the list. You can use the Insert, Move Up, Move Down and Delete buttons to edit the list of notes. To edit the content of a note, select it in the list, then either use the Open button to apply a Defaults File, or click on the Show Note Editing button to edit the text of the note. Use the Save button to new or edited notes for future use. First, enter the Title & Body of the new note, then click on the Save button. A file dialog will pop up. You can save the new note anywhere on your system, but it is recommended that you keep all your Door & Window schedule notes in an organised set of folders inside the the Cadimage Extras folder.


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You can add notes to a batch of doors/windows at once. Select a set of doors/windows and open the Door or window Settings dialog, then proceed as for a single door or window. If you use key words in a note, the schedule will substitute calculated values. o

To display the total area in the schedule, use the key word (including the brackets).


To display the total glass area in the schedule, use the key word .


To display the area of opening sashes in the schedule, use the key word .


To display the U-Value in the schedule, use the key word .


To display the UA-Value in the schedule, use the key word .

Canada GSCNE Inc.

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