Don't Be Bother Just To Be Better Than Contemporaries or Predecessors. Try To Be Better Than Yourself. - William Faulkner

October 11, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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JONES RURAL SCHOOL- SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL JONES, ISABELA S.Y. 2021-2022 SUMMATIVE TEST GRADE 11 GENERAL MATHEMATICS  Don’t be bother just to be better than contemporaries contemporaries or   predecessors. Try to be better than yourself. – William Faulkner  DIRECTION. Given below are questions followed by four choices. Read and analyze each item carefully and write the letter that corresponds corresponds to the correct answer. Use capital letter. SUMMATIVE SUMMATIV E TEST 1 1. Which of the following is not true about function? a. Function is composed of two quantities where one depends on the other.  b. one-to-one correspondence correspondence is a function. c. Many-to-one correspondence is a function. d. One- to- many correspondence is a function. 2. In a relation, what do you call the y values or the output? a. Piecewise b. range c. domain d. independent 3. In this table, what is the domain of the function? x 1 2 3 4 5 a. D: {2,4,6,8,10} b. D:{a,b,c,d,e} y a b c d e c. D: {1 {1,2,3,4,5} d. D:{1,2,3,4,5 , a, b b,, cc,, d d,, e } 4. Which of the following relations is/are function/s? a.  x = ( −1,2 ) , (−3,4 ) , (− 1,7 ) , ( 5,1 )  b. g= (−3,2 ) , ( 3,1 ) , ( −3,2 ) , ( 5,7 )

{ } c.  x = {( 6,1 ) , (−2,3 ) , ( 2,6 ) , ( 7,2) }


} d.  x = {( 2,3 ) , ( 3,2 ) , (−2,3 ) , ( 3 ,−2 ) }

5. Judy is earning ₱ 300.00 per day for cleaning the house of Mrs. Perez and additional ₱ 25.00 for an hour of taking care Mrs. Perez’s child. Express the total salary (S) of the Judy including the time(h) spent for taking care the child. a. S ( h ) =300 + 25 h

 b. S ( h )=300 −25 h

c. S ( h )=300 ( 25 h )

d. S ( h )= 300

25 h

6. Which of the following is not a polynomial function? 2 3 a. ( x ) =2 x −10 b. g ( x )=4 x − 3 x + 8 c.  p ( x ) = x − 7 d. s ( x )=|3 x − 4|−9

 x ) = 7. What kind of function is being illustrated by f  ( ( x

3 x −11 ?  x + 7

a. Ra Rattio iona nall F Fun unct ctio ion n b. Cons Consta tan nt F Fu unc ncti tion on c. Grea Greate test st Integ teger Fu Fun nctio ction n d. Ab Abso solu lute te Va Valu luee Fu Func ncti tion on 8. Find the function value given h ( x ) =3 x − 8 ,if x =9 a + 1 a. 27 a + 5  b. 27 a − 5 c. 18 a + 11 d. 18 a −11 2 9. Give the value of the function c ( x ) =3 x − 36 at c ( 5 ). a. -21 b. 14 c. 111 d. 39 2

 x − 3   ,determine g(5). 2

10. Given g ( x )= a. 11

b. 7

c. -11



11. Findh ( 3 ) + d ( 2 ) and g(x)= x-1 and d(x)=7x+3. a. 2 b. 5 c. 14 2 2 12. t ( x )=− x + 7 x + 1 and r ( x  x )=5 x −2 x + 8 , find ( t −r ) ( 2 ) . a. 18 b. -18 c. -13 13. f   (( x )= 4 x + 2∧ g ( x ) =3 x −1 ,find ( f − g ) ( 4 ) . a. 0 b. -9 c. 7 14. If g ( x )= x −4 ∧ f   (( x )= x + 5  Find f(x) • g(x) a.  x 2+ x + 20  b.  x 2− x + 20 c.  x 2− x −20 15. When f   (( x  x )=3 x −5 ∧ g ( x ) =2 x


− 5 find g ( g ( x ) ) .  b. 6 x −20

a.  x 2+ 2 x + 3 For numbers 16-20 use the problem below:


−7 2

d. 19

c. 6 x 2+ 20

d. 13 d. -8 d.  x 2+ x −20 d. 2 x2 + 6

Emmanuel decided to put up a candy shop that sells a dairy chocolate that cost ₱ 135.00 per pack. The cost ₱135.00  per pack. The cost of making the the chocolate is 90 and the operating ex expense pense is 4500.00 16. Which of the following pertains to the profit function? a.  P ( x ) =45 x − 4,500   b.  P ( x ) =225 x −4,500 c.  P ( x ) = 45 x + 4,500  d.  P ( x ) = 225 x + 4,500  17. How many packs of beer chocolate must be sold to break even?


a. 50 b. 100 c. 150 d. 200 18. 18. Whi Which ch valu valuee of of x wi will ll make make a Emm Emman anue uel' l'ss can candy dy shop shop suff suffer er loss loss from from se sell llin ing g ? a. x > 100 b. x≤ 100 c. x
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