Don Mottin - Stage Hypnosis - Class Handouts
April 22, 2017 | Author: Raphael Maurin | Category: N/A
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Book about stage hypnosis...
REQUIREMENTS FOR SUCCESSFUL STAGE SHOWS The following are a list of essential requirements to achieve success with stage shows. 1. The environment. The surroundings should be conducive to the induction of the hypnotic state. Seating should be arranged to ensure that everyone in the audience can easily view the performance. 2. Minimum attendance of forty individuals. A larger group will ensure an adequate number of volunteers. 3. A minimum of four subjects participating in the show. 4. A proper sound system. 5. A predetermined plan for dismissing unresponsive subjects from the stage. 6. An induction that is limited to a maximum of five minutes. 7. All skits prearranged. 8. All skits designed to be entertaining, while not embarrassing to the volunteers. 9. Keep the audience involved with the show. 10. Dress in a professional manner. 11. If possible use the subjects first names. 12. If using props, have them in a location that they can easily be brought out, without creating a distraction. 13. Always give credit to your subjects. Never take the credit for a hypnotic response. 14. Remove all hypnotic suggestions prior to exiting the hypnotic state. 15. Limit the show to a maximum of 90 minutes. This 90 minute maximum is from the time you say good evening to the moment that you say good night. Anything longer will begin to bore your audience. REMEMBER ALWAYS LEAVE THEM WANTING MORE.
THE TYPE OF SHOW The performer basically has a choice of three types of shows that may be conducted with hypnosis. Each one of these shows as distinct advantages and disadvantages. The first is the SELF PROMOTING SHOW. (SPS) With a SPS show the entertainer will select their own location in which to perform the show. The entertainer will be the marketer, performer, and promoter for this type of a show. Depending on the expertise of the entertainer and the amount of time he or she has to spend on a SPS, this could prove to be the perfect type of show. On the following pages will be a break down of the cost and profit for a SPS, as well as the advantages and disadvantages. SPS COST FACTORS Facility Promotion Cost TYPES OF FACILITIES 1. 2. 3.
PROMOTION COSTS 1. 2. 3. 4. As with any type of a show or speaking engagement the entertainer must mentally select a dollar amount and a prediction as to how many individuals will attend the presentation.
SPS COST FACTORS CONTINUED PROFIT AMOUNT DESIRED PROJECTED COST PROJECTED ATTENDANCE TICKET PRICE THE FORMULA TICKET PRICE X PROJECTED ATTENDANCE = GROSS REVENUE. GROSS REVENUE - COST = NET REVENUE. EXAMPLE: PROFIT DESIRED $ 500.00. COST $ 250.00 PROJECTED ATTENDANCE 150. TICKET PRICE $ 6.00 GROSS REVENUE $6.00 X 150 = $ 900.00 $900.00 - $ 350.00 = NET REVENUE OF $550.00 CONTRACT SHOW (CS) The CS is exactly what the title implies. This is a show where the entertainer contracts with a club, organization, or individual to perform for a given time period for a predetermined amount of money. Normally, the entertainer will also require a minimum number of people in attendance. The CS frees the entertainer of any and all of the financial risks. FUNDRAISER SHOW (FRS) The FRS is a system where an organization or a club will sponsor the show and all proceeds will be split by the organization and the performer. A normal split is 50/50. Depending on the ticket price and the projected amount of participants this split may vary slightly.
A 40/60 split with the 60 percent going to the performer may be arranged if either of the two elements are involved. 1. The entertainer is extremely well know and has his or her own drawing ability in the area. 2. The projected amount of individuals in attendance is to low to ensure the performers minimum requirement in the area of income. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES SELF PROMOTING SHOW ADVANTAGES 1. 2. 3. 4. SELF PROMOTING SHOW DISADVANTAGES 1. 2. 3. 4. CONTRACT SHOW ADVANTAGES 1. 2. 3. 4. CONTRACT SHOW DISADVANTAGES 1. 2. 3. 4.
RATING THE SHOW There is a need to rate your shows so that you will have a form of entertainment that can be enjoyed by any type of group. If the entertainer has developed only one type of a show that is usually performed in a night club setting, of show would not be acceptable, or booked for a church function. A rating system that allows both the entertainer and the prospective client to know in advance the type of show that will be conducted will lead to more bookings and a successful show. Any form of a rating system will do. On the following page you will notice a rating system that everyone can relate to. THE RATING SYSTEM X-RATED …..The X-RATED shows will contain both language X-RATED.... and skits of a sexual nature. This type of a show is not performed with children in the audience. NOTE: There are very few locations where an X-Rated show is appropriate. The thought to always keep in mind is ........."Never offend the audience or your volunteers." R-RATED ….. The R-Rated shows may contain some language and skits that are not suitable for children, but will not be offensive to most adults. This is a typical show that may be performed at a night club, or convention.
PG-RATED ….. The PG-Rated shows are conducted in such a manner that any material that may have been objected to delivered in an g direct manner. This type of show is suitable for teenagers as well as adults. The PG-RATED show are ideal for high school functions. G-RATED ….. The G-RATED shows are acceptable, and enjoyable for any age group. Even children as young as 7 or S will enjoy this type of performance. The G-Rated show has also been proven to be very successful for church groups, school functions, and some conventions. It is advisable to have your skits categorized by the rating system so that the prospective client will understand the type of show that will be conducted. The entertainer will learn how to effectively use many of the same skits for any one of the four rating Systems. The following is an example of taking the same skit from a GRated show all the way to an XRated show. G-RATED ….. On the count of three you are going to see a movie with several Walt Disney characters in it. This movie will be so funny that you will laugh out loud. PG-RATED ….. On the count of three you will see a movie with Mickey and Minnie Mouse. Minnie is going to be yelling at Mickey for staying out to late. Minnie thinks that Mickey has been out mousing around. R-RATED ….. On the count of three you are going to see a funny movie with Mickey and Minnie Mouse. The funny part of this movie is that Mickey is going to be trying to get Minnie into bed with him. X-RATED ….. On the count of three you are going to see a very funny and strange movie. This is going to be a movie with Mickey and Minnie Mouse. Mickey is screwing the hell out of Minnie, and she is having a mouse organism. It is now easy to see how once we have a skit, it can be altered to accommodate almost any type of an audience.
YOUR IMAGE Your opening statements can easily make or break the entire show. When deciding the type of opening statements to make the performer must chose one of two approaches. With hypnosis there are two different ways of delivering suggestions, and thus there are also two ways of presenting the performer. The two methods are PERMISSIVE and AUTHORITARIAN. The permissive type of approach is letting the audience know that everything that takes place with hypnosis is accomplished through the subjects ability to concentrate, and the hypnotists is simply delivering appropriate suggestions. The permissive approach is putting some of the responsibility of success onto the volunteers, while removing the old thought that the hypnotist is controlling their actions. The authoritarian approach is the complete opposite of the permissive approach. The hypnotist is presenting himself as being the controlling force, and for the subjects to turn control over hypnotist on control to him. The authoritarian approach puts the hypnotist on a pedestal for his great abilities of mind control. As with any choices, there are both positive and negative qualities in both. AUTHORITARIAN POSITIVE
1. 2. 3. 4. Once the performer has decided what type of approach is best suited for their personality they are ready to establish a working opening statement. OPENING STATEMENTS The following are requirements in an opening statement regardless of which type of an image that you have chosen. 1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6. 7. 8. If the above information has been delivered properly the performer will be assured of many volunteers for the show. SAMPLE OF AN OPENING STATEMENT Good evening, my name is . I have been hypnotizing individuals for years now. Almost every intelligent person has heard or read about the use of hypnosis in therapy, for things such as, stop smoking weight loss, painless childbirth, and removing phobias. Many police departments are using hypnosis to aid a witness remembering parts of a crime. Today we are going to investigate the entertainment side of hypnosis, and do it in good taste without embarrassing anyone. I truly love conducting these shows as well as working in the area of . If we did not conduct the show in good taste I would be destroying my chances of the people in the audience or the kind people who volunteered for the show in using my other services. So, you have my word of honor that this show will be done in a fun loving way where everyone that volunteers will be pleased. For those of you that have not had a chance to see a hypnotic show before, I would like to give you a brief explanation as to what will be taking place. In a moment I am going to ask for volunteers to come up here on stage and be my guests. These people will be the lucky ones that will get to experience hypnosis. There are two requirements in order to be hypnotized. First, you have to be willing. No one can ever be hypnotized against there will. So, please don't come up here with the idea of, I'll show him that he can't hypnotize me. Second, you must have normal intelligence. Don't be alarmed. You do not need to be a genius. If you have enough concentration to count from 10 down to 1, you have enough intelligence to be hypnotized. Now, before you all rush up here to be hypnotized let me tell you how you will be feeling. The word hypnosis means SLEEP. That describes it very nicely. The hypnotic type of sleep is quite different from the type of sleep that we experience at night. In the hypnotic type of sleep you will hear my voice, and find it very easy to do as my voice suggests. The feeling is very similar to the way you feel just prior to fallen a sleep at night.
You are laying in bed, totally relaxed, but you can still hear sounds in the house or traffic on the road. This is how you will feel while your hypnotized. By a show of hands, how many people in the audience have ever been hypnotized before? Good, then you people already know how wonderful it is to be hypnotized. In reality, everyone in this room has experienced hypnosis many times before. Have you ever found yourself driving down the road, and suddenly realized that you didn't remember passing the last 4 or 5 streets? This is a light level of hypnosis that everyone goes in and out of occasionally. In this example, you shifted the responsibility of driving the car over to your mind, and started consciously thinking of something totally different. A deep level of hypnosis that many of you have experienced from time to time would be, setting an item down. Maybe your keys or a tool. You then turn around and discover that the item has disappeared. You might even say to yourself, "I know that I put it right there". If we have children we blame them for moving it. At this point you vent that frustration, turn around and notice that the item is right back where you placed it. This is called a negative hallucination. You were either rushed or under to much pressure, so your subconscious mind said, I wont let you find until you unwind. These are both examples of using more of your own subconscious abilities. Hypnosis is simple a way of using more of your own mental abilities. Today many of you will discover just how powerful your mind really is. I realize that there is a large number of people in the audience that are thinking, I CAN'T BE HYPNOTIZED. Please, don't feel bad. This is a very normal thought. Most people that I see are thinking, I believe in hypnosis on someone else, but I don't think that I can be hypnotized. If I had to rely upon the few people who come up on stage with the thought, I know you can hypnotize me, and I'll respond perfectly. I would be out of business. The key is to keep an open mind. Don't say yes, but don't say no. Come up here with an open mind, that you WANT to be hypnotized, and concentrate. You may even surprise yourself. Under hypnosis you will never do anything that you are morally against. If I told all of the volunteers to go out and rob a bank and then bring the money back to me. Everyone of them with sit there and continue to sleep. You will never, ever do anything that is against your will or that would be harmful to you. One of the last things that I hear all of the time is, "What if you can't bring me out of it"? Let me assure you that it is impossible to ever stay hypnotized. It has never happened. It never will happen.
If in the middle of the show I decided that I was going home and left you here. Which I would not do. You would simply leave the hypnotic sleep and enter a normal sleep just as you do each night. Once you were rested you would wake up. If someone shook your arm you would awaken. You can never ever stay hypnotized. Hypnosis is a mental state, not a condition. REQUESTING VOLUNTEERS (GUESTS) After the opening statements it is now time to request for volunteers. A hypnotic show or demonstration is working under the premise of odds. As a rule of thumb the hypnotist should anticipate that about 30% of the audience will have the ability to go into a deep level of hypnosis extremely quickly. Approximately another 30% will enter a deep level hypnosis after one or two deepening techniques. Another 20% of the audience would experience too high of anxiety about being stage in order to allow themselves experience hypnosis. With 10% of an average audience still holding onto a strong fear of hypnosis. The remaining 10% can be divided up into the individuals that do not believe in the existence of hypnosis and the people who have come to prove that they can not be hypnotized. After understanding the percentages in a show or demonstration the hypnotist may make several decision. The type of hypnotic induction to use, (slow pace) or a rapid induction. The ideal type of person to volunteer is the 30% that can go into hypnosis quickly, or the second 30% that will achieve a deep level of hypnosis after a few deepening techniques. Needless to say, these individuals will not be sitting in the audience with a sign around there neck advising you of how they will respond. Out of each 100 people in the audience the hypnotist will have 30 individuals that would be perfect for his show. The key is turning those 30 individuals from spectators into participants. It is also easy to see that a larger audience will tend to put the odds more in your favor, while a smaller audience will decrease your odds of attracting the ideal subjects. Imagine a show with 1000 people in the audience. That would mean that there are 300 ideal subjects waiting to be convinced to volunteer. There are several ways of putting the odds in your favor that you will have more than enough ideal subjects for your show, and thus ensuring a successful presentation. Be certain that there are plenty of chairs on stage prior to beginning the show. Ten chairs is sending the signal that you only wish to have ten volunteers. Even if ten is the number that you prefer to work with it is advisable to double the amount of chairs from the number that you would like on stage. If ten is your number have at least 20 chairs available.
REMEMBER: IT IS EASIER TO SEND SOME ONE AWAY THAN IT IS TO GET ADDITIONAL SUBJECTS. The second way of increasing your response from volunteers is giving a REWARD. The reward does not have to be financial. A statement that you are going to give hypnotic suggestions for self confidence can be reward enough. A book, tape, or other prize to the individuals that turns out to be the star of the show will serve two separate purposes. The enticement of a prize will increase the amount of participants that you have on stage. It has also been proven that the prize can start a friendly competition between the volunteers on stage to see who will be selected as the star of the show. Imagine a group of twelve volunteers all striving to be selected as the star of the show. When giving a single prize BEWARE of the individual(s) that may be faking hypnosis in order to win the prize. These types of people will be discussed on the following page. The third technique is to reinforce the thought that the more intelligent a person is the better they will respond. This technique will also improve the number of volunteers while insuring the proper responses. THE ACTOR The actor is the person that is really not under hypnosis, but is pretending to be hypnotized. The actor can be divided into one of two categories. The first he or she is not there to disrupt your show, but rather than being turned away they are cooperating with every suggestion. There will be many times when the actor by pretending to be hypnotized will actually slip into a hypnotic state. We have all heard that if you pretend something long enough, it becomes a reality. The second positive effective of this type of actor is that he or she may stimulate other volunteers in responses. The type of actor to dismiss without exception is the one that is there to disrupt the show. This individual will over exaggerate each suggestion. This person if left on stage will either open their eyes and wave at the audience while your back is turned, or will try to embarrass you during one of the skits by standing up and saying I was never hypnotized, and then walking off the stage.
STAGE FORMAT When we use the term stage format, we are referring to how the stage is in relationship to audience. If members of the audience can not see what is taking place on stage you will lose their interest and they may then become disrupted to the show.
As mentioned earlier it is advisable to double the amount of chairs that you plan to use. Most entertainers find that 10 to 12 volunteers are the most that can be handled easily. If the entertainer is striving for 12 volunteers he or she will need a stage that can accommodate 24 chairs. If we keep in mind that we are starting with 24 chairs, but plan on only using 12 people it does not matter if the chairs are set one in front of the other. On the following page notice several possible stage format. The darken x's represent the chairs that will stay throughout the show. The regular x's represents the chairs that will be removed. 1.
Any type of seating that allows the maximum amount of the audience to see the most of the subjects will do well. If you spotter keep in mind that he or she will need room to move also.
THE USE OF A SPOTTER A spotter may be used to ensure that no one receives any injury in your show. The spotter's job is to watch the volunteers and make sure that no one falls over in a chair, falls off the stage and so on. By keeping in mind that many people respond very quickly under hypnosis it is easy to see that the performer can not see all of the subjects at all times. The spotter may be one of your own assistance or he or she could be a member of the audience that would like to volunteer to help out with the show without actually participating under hypnosis. There is not a need for the spotter to have any real knowledge of hypnosis. The understanding that we do not want any getting hurt is enough. Usually one spotter can handle 5 or 6 subjects. If the group is more laid back the number of spotters may reduced. If the group is extremely wild the number of spotters needs to be the increased. The spotters are normally positioned behind the subjects. THE USE OF AN ASSISTANT The use of an assistant can be of a great value to your show. Unlike the spotter the assistant must have a knowledge of hypnosis and your show. An assistant can serve several different functions beginning of the show all the way to the end. INTRODUCTION. It is difficult to receive a better introduction than from your own assistant. He or she can create the expectations that are needed to ensure a successful show. It is always better to hear positive things about the performer from some one other than the performer himself. ASSISTING VOLUNTEERS. As the volunteers are coming up on stage it may be difficult for the hypnotist to greet each and everyone of them. The use of name tags for each subject will allow the hypnotist to call each subject by name. Your assistant can be obtaining names while individuals are coming forward. SUGGESTIBILITY TEST. An experienced assistant will help to eliminate the individuals that do not respond well to the suggestibility test. SPOTTER. The assistant will make a very good spotter. He or she will know the types of skits that people tend to become more animated on.
MUSIC. An assistant can aid with the show with the use of music. If your assistant has the ability to play an instrument such as an organ or guitar, he or she can add quite a bit to the various skits. Music may also be used by an assistant by means of a tape player. Prerecorded music that will work with various skits can selected in advance. DISMISSING SUBJECTS. The assistant will be able to dismiss a subject that is either responding poorly or not at all. This will free the hypnotist up to continue with the show without interruptions. If the assistant does not feel comfortable with selecting subjects to be dismissed the hypnotist may simple signal to the assistant the individuals to be sent back to their seats. EXITING THE HYPNOTIC STATE. One way of ending a hypnotic show is to send the subjects back to the audience while performing a skit. The assistant may go out into the audience and bring the subjects out of hypnosis while the performer is continuing with the show. A good assistant can easily take away a large portion of the work load that would have normally been performed by the hypnotist. On a SPS the assistant could prove to be the key in effective marketing of the show, and securing locations. The jobs for an assistant is endless. SUGGESTIBILITY TEST A suggestibility test is a way of selecting subjects that should respond best to the hypnotic suggestions. The suggestibility tests are normally performed after the volunteers have come on stage, but prior to a hypnotic induction. With a small audience many of the suggestibility tests can be performed on the entire audience. SPECIAL NOTE: It has been proven that it is best to term concentration test, rather use the than suggestibility test. Some people tend to associate the idea of being suggestible with being gullible. It is rare to find an individual that is trying to fail a concentration test. If the hypnotist is striving for 12 subjects for his show and only has 12 or less volunteers it would be advisable not to conduct the concentration test. With a small turn out you do not want to dismiss any possible subjects. If need be they can be dismissed after the induction. FINGER TEST Have the subjects interlace their fingers together and then have them extend the two index fingers up and spread them apart. You will then begin to deliver suggestions that the fingers are pulling together as if there was a rubble band stretched between the two fingers. Once the fingers
touch, have the subjects unclasp their fingers. LIGHT AND HEAVY ARMS Have the subjects extend both of their arms out directly in front of them. After having the subjects close their eyes begin with suggestions that are the right arm you are attaching a helium balloon. Feel it becoming lighter, and lighter. Now begin suggestions that are the left wrist you are draping a heavy iron bucket across the left wrist. The bucket is now being filled with wet, moist heavy sand. Continue suggesting that the right arm is feeling lighter, and lighter, while the left arm is feeling heavier and heavier. After a few moments have the subjects open their eyes without moving their arms, and look at where their arms are and the other people around you are. FALL BACK TEST The following test may be conducted either with or without the aid of an assistant. Either the hypnotist or an assistant must be standing behind the subject. While standing have the subject place their feet together, and their head titled back with the eyes closed. Begin to give suggestions that their body is beginning to sway. As the body begins to sway give suggestions that they are beginning to fall back, but you will stop them from falling. As the subject begins to fall, stop them from falling. NOTE: FOR FEMALE SUBJECTS THAT ARE WEARING HIGH HEELED SHOES, HAVE THEN REMOVE THEIR SHOES PRIOR TO THIS TEST. HAND CLASPED Have subjects clasp their hands together with the fingers interlaced. Have them stare at their hands only. Begin to give authoritarian suggestions that the hands are becoming locked together. As you count from 5 down to 1 begin with suggestions that they are squeezing the hands together so tightly that they will not separate. On the count of 1 have them try to pull the hands apart. They will be stuck together. After a few moments give the suggestion to relax, and the hands come apart. THE USE OF YOUR VOICE While giving suggestions either for a suggestibility test or during the show your voice and tone can dramatically increase your effectiveness. For example when you are delivering suggestions that the left arm is becoming heavier, and heavier, lower your voice slightly. While talking about the right hand becoming lighter raise the tone of your voice. If the subjects were going to laugh out loud you would have a laugh or chuckle to your voice as you delivered the suggestions. Anything the hypnotist can do in order to relay the correct suggestions will add to the show or presentation.
With a little practice you will find that changing your voice and inflections will become almost automatic in every skit. THE CORRECT GESTURES In the same way that the hypnotist can add to a suggestion by the use of his voice, the correct gestures will also send a positive message to the subjects. If you were showing the subjects how to interlace their fingers for the hand clasp test in which they would be unable to separate their hands the hypnotist would also lock his hands together, On the light and heavy arm test the hypnotist could show how slowly moving the arms would be moving. The right arm upwards, while the left arm slowly moving downward. With the use of the right types of gestures we have both a visual and an audio suggestion working for us. Individuals learn by SEEING HEARING AND FEELING. With the knowledge that an individual learns by seeing, hearing and feeling the more of these three senses that you can tune into the easier it will be for the subjects to respond to your suggestions. Later in the class you will learn how to use the sense of feeling as a powerful deepening technique. DISMISSING SUBJECTS Many shows will produce more volunteers than the hypnotist could ever have room to seat or handle correctly. This is when being able to dismiss a subject and send them back to their seats should be handled in a diplomatic way. Once the hypnotist has conducted the suggestibility tests he or she should select the individuals that performed the tests the best. It is important not to humiliate the individuals that volunteered that will be sent back to their seats. If you come across as seeming harsh you will lose the rapport that is needed with the remaining subjects. The following is an acceptable statement. First, I would like to thank all of you for volunteering, you all did excellent. However, I am only going to be able to use 12 of you. Those of you that I send back do not be offended. t doesn't mean that you can't be hypnotized. I have seen people who did not make it for one show and they tried again and did wonderful. Once again thank all of you for coming up. The people who I have selected may have a seat and the others may go on down the steps and enjoy the show. Let's give them all a hand for volunteering.
HYPNOTIC INDUCTIONS For many individuals the thought of actually inducing the hypnotic state seems to be a frightening experience. These fears are totally unneeded. If we keep in mind that the ability top go into hypnosis belongs to the subject, and the hypnotist is simply saying thee correct words, at the correct time. A better word than hypnotist or hypnotherapist would have been a hypnotic guide. If we keep in mind that you are leading a person into a state that they have the mental and physical ability to achieve the induction procedure is the easiest part of your job. On the following pages you will see several different types of hypnotic inductions. You will discover that the only thing different from one induction to another is the speed in which an individual will enter the hypnotic state. As one develops more experience with inducing hypnosis they learn to select the type of induction that will best suit the type of demonstration that is being conducted. In a demonstration of hypnosis as opposed to a therapy type of session the hypnotist is limited some what on the amount of time that can be spent on the actual induction of the hypnotic state. The hypnotist needs to keep in mind that most of the individuals in the audience will not understand the mechanism of hypnosis that are taking place as an individual leaves a fully conscious state and enters the hypnotic state. These people are there for entertainment and are not overly interested in the hypnotic process. Prior to the hypnotic induction it is advisable to ask for the audience cooperation to be as quiet as possible under the subjects are in a hypnotic state. To hope that an audience of two or three hundred people will remain quiet for 15 to 20 minutes will never take place. A safe rule of thumb is to try and have the induction over within five minutes. It is not unreasonable to have the audience remain quiet for five minutes. SPECIAL NOTE: ALTHOUGH FIVE MINUTES IS THE MOST DESIRED TIME PERIOD IF THE HYPNOTIST IS WORKING WITH A LOW NUMBER OF SUBJECTS OR HE HAS A GROUP THAT NEEDS MORE DEEPENING TO RESPOND WELL YOU WILL ALWAYS BE BETTER OFF SPENDING MORE TIME TO REACH AN ADEQUATE LEVEL THAN TO ATTEMPT A SHOW WITH THE SUBJECTS ONLY IN A LIGHT STATE. Do not allow yourself to get rushed into the actual show until you are ready. If you spent to long on the induction process and had a positive show the audience will be recalling the last few skits that were conducted rather than the time you spent on inducing the hypnotic state. The audience will judge your show by the last five to ten minutes of the performance. If the hypnotist is faced with the decision of spending a longer time inducing the hypnotic state and having a wonderful show or a shorter time on the induction with the show being only adequate, spend the extra time. It will always be worth the wait.
The following is the statement that is made for the audience just prior to beginning the hypnotic induction. This statement is designed to ask for the audience help in remaining quiet during the induction while at the same time advising the audience that they may also go into hypnosis if they would like. Make note that this statement, is also reinforcing the wonderful concentration that the subjects have. We are now ready to allow my guests up here on stage to experience hypnosis. I need you help in the audience. It does take a lot of concentration on their part to go into a deep hypnotic state. So, I would like to ask all of you to remain as quiet as possible for the first five minutes or so. Once we have them hypnotized you can make all the noise you want. They will still hear you, but it won’t disturb them at all. However, if you make a lot of noise and distract them, we will have to stop and start all over, and that would not be fair to the people up here on stage or the people in the audience that are trying to go under. Give me about five minutes and we will have a better show for you. I'll let you know once they are under by waving my hand in the air. Thank you very much. THE FOUR MECHANISMS OF HYPNOSIS There are basically four different elements that allows hypnosis to take place whether it is in a therapy session or a stage show. The first important element is BELIEF. Over the years every hypnotist has heard the statement, I don't believe in hypnosis". In reality what the individual is actually sayings is, "I have a fear of hypnosis. Anything that we have a fear of it is easier to pretend that it does not exit, rather than verbally admitting that we are afraid. The hypnotist creates the belief simply by appearing on stage. How many people would appear on stage in front of hundreds of individuals to perform a show using hypnosis if hypnosis was not real" You can be sure not to many. From your audience stand point, How many people would pay to see a show that they really, believed would never take place Once again we see that the belief is present throughout your audience. The second important mechanism is CONCENTRATION. Although the hypnotist can not give concentration to a person that has none, he can help increase an individuals ability to concentrate. As was discussed earlier with suggestibility test, we show the subjects their ability to concentrate. The hypnotist further reinforces the idea of concentration through his opening statements by giving examples of times where each and every subject has demonstrated their ability to concentrate. Examples of driving a car and not recalling the last few streets that were past. The concentration is also enhanced with the suggestions to the audience to remain quiet for the first few moments of the show.
Finally the last element that the hypnotist has working for him is that everyone else on stage is concentrating I should do the same. In a show or presentation we are working under the thought of "mob psychology". This is where a person gets so wrapped up into what the other people are doing that they tend to automatically follow suite. Another very powerful mechanism of hypnosis is EXPECTATION. Expectation is the easiest of all of the hypnotic mechanism to implement during a stage show. For most people this may be the first time in their life that they have ever been on a stage in front of an audience. With this being a new experience there is no way to have any preconceived ideas or expectations. The individuals will expect the type of sensation and feelings that the hypnotist described during his opening statement. The expectation is even higher for members of the audience that has watched a successful hypnosis show in the past. It does not matter if the show was live or broadcasted on television. The individuals will have a tendency to expect to behave the way that they have seen others respond. The negative side of the expectations is when an individual has seen a hypnotic demonstration that was not successful. This person may be going into the show expecting to fail. Normally the person that has seen a negative response with hypnosis would not volunteer as one of your subjects. He or she would prefer to watch the show from the audience. A successful show could change the view point of hypnosis entertainment. The last, but by no means the least important mechanism of hypnosis is the IMAGINATION. The imagination is the most powerful element that we have working for us in a hypnosis show. There is hardly a person around that at one time in their life their imagination played tricks on them. It may have been after watching a horror movie and we started to hear sounds in the house. It could have been something that we thought we saw or simply a feeling that we had. Children are born with a wonderful imagination. They can hear, see, and experience things that most adults would have problems with. It is important to keep in mind that adults are simply children grown tall. There is still a lot of child in all of us. The imagination that we had as children has not vanished, it simple has laid dormant, not in use. With hypnosis we can begin to excite the imagination. Once we have use of the imagination we can do almost anything.
Five (5) levels of hypnosis: (1)
Characteristics: (a) (b)
Characteristics: (a) (b)
Characteristics: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
Characteristics: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
Characteristics: (a) (b)
RAPID INDUCTION NOTE: THE KEY TO ANY TYPE OF HYPNOTIC INDUCTION IS FOR THE SUBJECT TO BE WILLING TO ENTER HYPNOSIS. With the subject standing with both feet together, arms limp their sides. Hypnotist places his left hand on the subjects right shoulder, near the neck. I want you to look right at me. Are you ready to go into a hypnotic sleep? (MUST BE A YES RESPONSE) I am going to count from 5 down to 1. On the count of 1 your eyes will close and your whole body will become loose and limp. Have no fear of falling I will catch you.
Five the eyes are beginning to close. Four, on the count of 1 let the eyes close and the whole body relax. Three, the eyes are beginning to close. Two, get ready, almost there, want it to happen, watch it happen, feel it happening. One, eyes closing down now. SLEEP. NOTE: The very second that the eyes close give the COMMAND sleep while pulling the subject forward, causing them to loose their balance. Be prepared to catch the subject, and lower them to the floor or a chair. RAPID INDUCTION (permissive # 1) Begin with subjects sitting in a straight back chair. Are you ready to go into a hypnotic sleep? (Must have yes response )Close your eyes and take in a few deep breaths and relax with each breath that you take. I am now picking up your right hand. NOTE: PICK UP SUBJECTS HAND AS IF YOU WERE GOING TO SHAKE HANDS. In just a moment I am going to have you open your eyes and look at me. I will then count from 3 down to 1. On the count of 1 your eyes will close again and your whole body will feel loose and limp. You will quickly enter a hypnotic sleep. Do you understand? (WAIT FOR A NOD OR A YES SIGNAL) NOW, I WANT YOU TO OPEN YOUR EYES AND TRY TO KEEP THEM OPEN UNTIL I REACH THE NUMBER 1. THREE YOUR EYES ARE FEELING HEAVY, TRY TO HOLD THEM OPEN. TWO, ALMOST THERE, ON THE COUNT OF ONE THEY MAY CLOSE AND FEEL WONDERFUL. GET READY. ONE, EYES CLOSING AND SLEEP. NOTE: At the moment that the eyes close, firmly pull the right arm in a downward movement, while delivering the command of sleep. RAPID INDUCTION (PERMISIVE # 2) NOTE TO HYPNOTIST: IT IS IMPORTANT TO REALIZE THAT THE ABILITY TO GO INTO A HYPNOTIC STATE IS THE CLIENTS ABILITY, AND NOT RELATED TO THE HYPNOTIST. THE HYPNOTIST IS SIMPLY A GUIDE, LEADING THE CLIENT INTO A LEVEL OF HYPNOSIS. AFTER ACCEPTING THE FACT THAT THE ABILITY TO ENTER HYPNOSIS IS THE CLIENTS ABILITY, AND NOT THE THERAPISTS, WE SEE THAT THE TIME SPENT ON INDUCTION SHOULD BE RELATED TO THE CLIENTS WILLINGNESS TO ENTER HYPNOSIS QUICKLY. I would like you now, to take in three deep, easy breaths. As you exhale each time, I would like you to relax the muscles in, and around your eyes.
By the third breath you will have relaxed the muscles in, and around the eyes to the point that the eyes, no longer want to open. Now, take in three deep, easy breaths, and relax the eye muscles totally as you exhale. (ALLOW THE CLIENT TO TAKE IN THREE BREATHS, AND PROCEED.) Good, you have now relaxed the eyes to the point that they no longer want to open. I would like you now to relax the eyes to the point that, they will not open. Once you have relaxed THEM, make sure that they will not open. (ALLOW A TEST) RAPID INDUCTION Begin by having the client hold their arms stretched out directly in front of them, so that the palms of the hands are facing each other. Have the hands about 6 inches apart. Proceed in the following manner. You may now lower your hands back to your side. In just a moment I am going to have you bring' your hands back to this position, and you will find it very easy to go into a deep, pleasant level of hypnosis in just a matter of seconds. Would this be alright with you? _________ NOTE TO HYPNOTIST: YOU MOST HAVE THE CLIENTS CONSENT BEFORE PROCEEDING ANY FURTHER. Now close your eyes, and take in a couple of deep easy breaths. Hold each breath for a moment and then exhale slowly. In just a moment I am going to have you extend your arms in front of you, just as you had them a moment ago. When I ask you to move your hands to this position I am then going to have you open your eyes, and follow my simple instructions. Remaining relaxed, and at ease I want you to extend your arms out in front of you just as you had them earlier. NOTE TO HYPNOTIST: AFTER CLIENT EXTENDS THEIR ARMS ADJUST THE DISTANCE BETWEEN THE HANDS TO ABOUT SIX INCHES, AND THEN PROCEED AS FOLLOWS. HOLD YOUR INDEX FINGER AT EYE LEVEL, AND INSTRUCT CLIENT TO FOLLOW THE MOVEMENT OF YOUR FINGER. SLOWLY MOVE YOUR INDEX FINGER BETWEEN THEIR HANDS. Now I want you to concentrate on my finger. In just a moment I am going to move my finger away, and I want you to begin to concentrate on the spot where my finger was. NOTE TO HYPNOTIST: QUICKLY MOVE YOUR FINGER IN A DOWNWARD MOTION, AND CONTINUE IN THIS WAY. You are doing good. Keep concentrating on the spot where my finger used to be. I am going to begin to count from 3 down to 1. On the count of one allow your eyes to close. Three your eyes are feeling heavy, and tired. Two, they are beginning to water, and tear slightly. Three, so heavy just allow them to
close, and relax. Even with your eyes closed you can still imagine that spot between your hands. I am now gently touching your hands, and as I do notice that your hands are beginning to move together. In just a moment your hands will touch. As they touch your entire body will feel loose, and limp. You will be going into a very deep hypnotic state. The hands are moving closer, and closer. The moment that they touch the whole body becomes lose and limp. You will be going into a very special kind of sleep. Almost there get ready to let go. The moment that they touch a very deep special type of sleep. NOTE TO HYPNOTIST: AS THE HANDS MOVE TOGETHER, HAVE YOUR HANDS IN A POSITION THAT WILL ALLOW YOU TO LIGHTLY SLAP THE OUTSIDE OF THE CLIENTS HANDS, AND THUS PUSHING THEM TOGETHER. YOU MOST BE READY THE MOMENT THAT THE CLIENTS HANDS TOUCH. AT THE EXACT MOMENT WHEN THE CLIENTS HANDS TOUCH, RAPIDLY, AND FIRMLY SLAP THE TWO HANDS TOGETHER WHILE GIVING THE COMMAND TO SLEEP. AT THE SAME MOMENT LIGHTLY APPLY A DOWNWARD MOTION TO THE CLIENTS HANDS. THIS WILL CAUSE THE CLIENT TO BEND AT THE WAIST. ALLOW THE ARMS TO DANGLE AT THE CLIENTS SIDE. PROCEED WITH ANY TYPE OF THERAPY.
HYPNOTIC INDUCTIONS SLEEP NOTE TO HYPNOTIST: THE FOLLOWING INDUCTION IS USING THE WORDS SLEEP THROUGHOUT THE INDUCTION. IT IS IMPORTANT TO EXPLAIN TO THE CLIENT PRIOR TO THE SESSION THAT ALTHOUGH YOU MAY BE USING TERMS OF SLEEP, THAT THEY WILL NOT BE ASLEEP IN THE SAME WAY THAT THEY ARE AT NIGHT. STRESS THAT THEY WILL STILL BE AWARE OF EVERYTHING THAT IS HAPPENING AROUND THEM. With your eyes closed I would like you to take in a deep breath, hold it for a moment and exhale slowly. As you continue breathing in deeply, and exhaling slowly you are starting to notice a very heavy feeling covering your entire body. Everything is becoming heavier, and heavier. It is beginning to feel as though you were moving into a state of SLEEP. Now this SLEEP is quite different than the sleep that you experience at night. IN this SLEEP you can hear my voice, and do has my voice suggests. Each time I say the word SLEEP, SLEEP, SLEEP. Let yourself go deeper into this wonderful SLEEP. As you sit there in
this pleasant darkness it is easy for you to go deeper into this perfect SLEEP, SLEEP, SLEEP. HAND TO FACE INDUCTION INSTRUCTIONS: Tell client to get as comfortable as possible with there arms resting on the arms of the chair. Show client how you would like them to hold their hand in front of their face. Palm of their hand facing in towards them, with fingers pointing upward pressed lightly together. Hand should be about eye level. Begin with progressive relaxation and then proceed with the Hand to Face induction. "In just a moment, when I ask you to, I am going to have you bring one of your hands up in front of your face, fingers extended upwards and pressed together. I am then going to have you try to open your eyes, and pick a spot on your hand. It may seem difficult to open the eyes, and keep them open, which is only natural since you have been relaxing so far. I am going to want you to try, and open your eyes, and with a little effort you will at least be able to get them open. Now, the one thing that you must accomplish is that I want you to remain totally relaxed, and at ease even with your eyes open, and your hand in this position. Remaining relaxed, and at ease, move your hand up in front of your face with the fingers pointed upward, and pressed together. Now, attempt to open your eyes, and pick one spot on your hand, and begin to concentrate on it. As you concentrate on that one spot, and one spot only, your fingers are going to begin to spread apart. You do not have to make them spread, but do not try and stop them. Concentrate, and allow things to take place. Feel them spreading apart now. Automatically separating now. It is beginning to feel as though there was a string tied to each finger pulling them apart. Separating further, and further. NOTE, TO HYPNOTIST: ONCE, THE FINGERS HAVE SEPARATED, PROCEED IN ME FOLLOWING WAY. Now, please do not let it disturb you that the drowsy heavy feeling in your eyes is becoming stronger now that your fingers have spread apart. It is a very normal, natural sensation. As I begin to count from 5 down to 1 that heavy, drowsy feeling will continue growing stronger. NOTE TO HYPNOTIST: AT THIS TIME BEGIN COUNTING SLOWLY FROM 5 TO
1 WHILE GIVING SUGGESTIONS FOR EYE CLOSURE. DELIVER SUGGESTIONS, AS THE CLIENT RESPONDS. HAND SHAKE INDUCTION NOTE TO HYPNOTIST: THE FOLLOWING HYPNOTIC INDUCTION UTILIZES ALL THREE OF THE LEARNING MODES. THE CLIENT WILL BE RESPONDING THROUGH HEARING, SEEING, AND FEELINGS. BEGIN WITH THE CLIENT SITTING IN A COMFORTABLE CHAIR, AND PROCEED IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER. Hypnotist: Would you like to experience the state of hypnosis? After a yes response, have the client extend his or tier arm to you as though you were going to be shaking hands. Take the clients hand with your right hand while making sure the clients arm is straight. I would like you to look at me for just a moment. As you focus your eyes on me, and listen to my voice, I would like you to allow things to take place. Slowly begin raising, and lowering, the clients arm. The up and down movement of the arm should be about three inches each way. As I raise and lower your arm, I wonder if you have noticed yet that there is a drowsy, heavy feeling beginning to occur in and around your eyes. Each time I raise your arm upward, that heavy feeling in those eyes will keep becoming stronger. As the eyes begin to close down, it becomes increasingly more desirable to allow them to remain closed. They are closing down all the way now. Let it happen. Want it to happen. Feel it happening now. Make special note to when the eyes begin to blink or start to close. This will be a signal to the hypnotist to reinforce that feeling by raising the arm higher into the air. The client will quickly associate the raising of the arm with closing of the eyes. DEEPENING THE HYPNOTIC STATE Every individual with normal intelligence has the ability to achieve a hypnotic state. The level of hypnosis that is reached will vary from one person to another and will also change from day to day even with the same person. This is why it is so important to be able to deepen the hypnotic state. An individual will actually alter the level of hypnosis several times within a 30 minute time period. A subject may enter a deep level of hypnosis almost instantly and begin to move into a lighter state, and then start to reach a deep level once again.
It is very unlikely for a subject to reach a certain level of hypnosis and maintain that level throughout the show or presentation. This is why it is also important to ascertain which level a subject is in at any given time. On the following page you will discover the five levels of hypnosis and how to distinguish one from the other. The hypnotist should keep in mind that it is impossible to ever over-deepen the hypnotic state, so there is never a reason to avoid using deepening techniques. THE FIVE LEVELS OF HYPNOSIS WALKING STATE
STAGE SHOW DEEPENING As you continue sitting there in this pleasant darkness, you find that you can look into this darkness further, and further. As you look further into the pleasant darkness you can simply allow yourself to relax. As you sit in the darkness relaxing more with each breath you will find and discover that you have the ability to escape outside sounds and noises by simply going deeper than then. And now as I begin to count from 5 down to I let your mind and body relax even more into that pleasant wonderful darkness. 5 ... We take the first step downward ... each muscle and nerve grows more loose, limp ... and relaxed. 4 ... That wave of relaxation begins spreading all across your body. 3 ... Going down ... deeper ... drowsy ... relaxation. 2 ... You are relaxing more with each breath that you take ... each sound that you hear. 1 ... Simply relax all the way down ... whole body just loose and limp, relaxed and at ease. DEEPENING As you continue sitting there in this pleasant darkness, You find that you can look back into this darkness further, and further. You have the ability to escape outside sounds and noises by going deeper than then. The darkness will now begin to change. As the darkness begins to change, you will relax even deeper than you have before. This change will be noticeable in a visual way. The chance may begin with colors. Many people report a variety of colors. This visual change might be as simple as shading. You may experience a sensation of light and then darkness. Regardless of whether the change is a color, an image, or darkness the chance will begin. Each time your subconscious mind encounters a change, you will a feel yourself relaxing deeper. This deeper relaxation will be a wonderful sensation that you will look forward to. You are now looking for these visual changes so that you can relax even deeper, and enjoy it even more.
NOTE TO HYPNOTIST: IF THE CLIENT IS A MALE, USE A SMALL BOY IN THE METAPHOR. IF THE CLIENT IS A FEMALE, USE A SMALL GIRL IN THE METAPHOR. I want you to imagine a little boy, walking through the woods on a beautiful spring day. Imagine this child walking down a path in the woods. He is at ease, and secure. As you imagine this child in the woods, you will continue relaxing even further, and noticing yourself slipping into a state that is much like a deep, deep dreaming state. This scene will continue becoming more vivid, and real to you. This young boy is coming upon a clearing just ahead. Like most children he can hardly wait to discover what he will encounter in this clearing. He begins to see a beautiful meadow, with the grass so green, the sky blue, and the air fresh, and clean. To his right, he notices a small pond. This young boy bends over, and picks up a stone. He then tosses the stone into the pond. As the stone hits the water the child sees the ripples in the water. They begin with a small circle, and continue growing larger, and larger. He proceeds to toss a second, and third stone into the pond. With each stone he tosses, the water begins to create the ripples. Beginning at the location where the stone first hit the water, and then moving out ward all the way to the bank. This young boy finds a comfortable place to sit down where there is still a large supply of stones. He then proceeds to toss the stones into the water one at a time, and he watches the rippling effect of the water. Watching the ripples in the water causes this little boy to begin to feel very relaxed, and sleepy. He is now laying on his side, tossing the stones into the water, while feeling drowsy has he watches the ripples of the water slowing moving from the center of the pond to all sides. Soon the boy closes his eyes, and begins to drift off into a pleasant nap. As he begins to drift off to sleep. He has a mental image of the pond, and the rippling effect of the water. AUDIO DEEPENING The following technique works extremely well in two different modes. First, it will aid your client in reaching a deeper level of hypnosis. Second, it will reinforce the aspect of distracting the conscious portion of the mind. Here is the way the technique works. As you've been listening to the tone of my voice, you have found yourself continuing to
relax even deeper. You may or may not have even realized that there is more taking place than simply the words that I am sharing with you. At least subconsciously, your mind has been able to interpret different tones, volume changes, and emphasis on one word opposed to the other. As I continue speaking with you today, each time your mind interprets a different change in the tone of my voice, the volume of my voice, or a change in the emphasis of the words, you will automatically discover that you have relaxed even deeper. Consciously there is no need to pay attention to these changes. Your subconsciously mind will hear and will respond to these changes in a wonderful, beautiful, positive way. Let yourself relax deeper as you listen, as you experience and encounter these changes. DEEPENING BY MUSCLE RELAXATION NOTE TO HYPNOTIST: THE FOLLOWING TECHNIQUE SHOULD BE USED AFTER THE HYPNOTIC INDUCTION. ALTHOUGH THE CLIENT WILL ALREADY BE EXPERIENCING A DEGREE OF PHYSICAL RELAXATION, THE FOLLOWING SUGGESTIONS WILL ALLOW THEM AN EVEN MORE PLEASANT FEELING, AND WILL DEEPEN THE HYPNOTIC STATE. You know that if I asked you to, you could clench your fist together so tightly, that it would seem almost impossible to make it any tighter. That would be the ultimate level of tension in your fist. In the same way, if I asked you to relax your hand, you could relax that hand so far that it would seem impossible to relax it any further. That would be the ultimate level of relaxation. I would like you now to begin and tense up the muscles in your feet. That's right make the muscles in and around your feet, as tight as possible. Now, relax your feet. Relax every muscle in and around your feet until you have reached the ultimate level of relaxation. Now let's duplicate the same procedure again. This time I would like you to tighten up all the muscles in your legs. Once you have created the tight feeling, begin to relax your legs totally. Now start with tightening the muscles in your abdomen, and then allow them to relax. It is time now to tighten up the muscles in and around your shoulders, and then allow them to relax all the way. Tighten up the muscles in your hands, and arms, and then allow them to relax all the way. Finally, begin to tighten the muscles in your forehead, and eyes. Now allow them to relax all the way. It is now time to be certain that every single part of your body is relaxed, to the ultimate of relaxation.
REPEATED INDUCTION (DEEPENING TECHNIQUE) NOTE: ONCE THE CLIENT HAS REACHED THE DESIRED LEVEL OF HYPNOSIS PROCEED IN THE FOLLOWING WAY. in just a moment I am going to count from 3 down to 1 and when I reach the number one your going to open your eyes and be fully alert feeling great, but when I say the word SLEEP you will take in a nice deep easy breath let the eyes close down and go into an even deeper hypnotic state then you are in at this moment. To show me that you understand just easily nod your head yes. (WAIT FOR RESPONSE THEN PROCEED) Good ... 3 coming back and up to a wide awake alert state feeling great through the mind and body. Being able to relax is always enjoyable 2 you are feeling rested and refreshed, looking forward to experiencing an even deeper state of relaxation. 1 at your own pace when you are ready take in a deep easy breath eyes opening easily feeling wonderful as they do. Hypnotist: That was great wasn't it. Are you ready to go even deeper? Good I want you to just SLEEP take in a nice deep easy breath let the eyes close down and go into an even deeper hypnotic state then you were in before feeling wonderful. HYPNOTIST YOU CAN NOW DEEPEN IF DESIRED. NOTE: THIS PROCEDURE CAN BE USED MORE THAN ONCE DURING THE HYPNOTIC SESSION. DEEPENING BY COMPOUNDING As you continue to drift off into the pleasant darkness of relaxation, every muscle continuing to grow more loose, limp, relaxed and at ease you will find and discover that the deeper you go into this wonderful relaxation the better you will feel. The deeper you go, the better you will feel. You have found something amazing within yourself, the ability to relax and yet concentrate at the same time. I wonder now if you will allow yourself to go even further into this pleasant darkness then you were just a moment ago, freeing yourself of all tension, stress, worries frowns, thoughts or ideas in fact your own breathing can allow you to relax even further than you are right now. freeing your self for success and accomplishment. THE SEVEN DEEPENING TECHNIQUES COUNTING ________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________ REALIZATION ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________
COMPOUNDING ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________ POSTHYPNOTIC ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________ MUSCLE RELAXATION ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________ REPEATED INDUCTION ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________ ________________________ VISUALIZATION ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________
SECOND DISMISSING OF SUBJECTS When it is required to dismiss a subject once the show is in progress it should be done as quickly, and as quietly as possible. If you make it known to the other subjects on stage that there are individuals that are being sent back to their seat this could create a chain reaction of other subjects bringing themselves out of the hypnotic state. This chain reaction process is especially true if you are eliminating a large number of subjects. The exact opposite response is also possible if the hypnotist is eliminating only one or two subjects out of 12 to 15. This sends a message that they do not want to be one of the individuals that "did not make it" If the hypnotist keeps in mind that most people want to be part of the group, and which ever way the group is responding is the way most of your subjects will decide to respond. Imagine if you told the group to laugh at a funny movie and only one or two people started to laugh. Very quickly these two individuals would realize that they are not responding the way the majority of the group is responding, and would stop laughing. If you conducted the same skit of laughing at a funny movie and had 10 out of 12 subjects laughing, it would be difficult for the two subjects not to join in on the laughter. One of the most effective ways of dismissing subjects once the show has begun is by assigning numbers to the subjects that you want to stay on stage. The hypnotist would tell all of the subjects that he is going to come by and touch their shoulders and give them a number. Any type of suggestion now using the numbers would distinguish the positive subjects from the individuals that you wish to send back. For example if you have a number begin to nod your head up and down. At this point either the hypnotist or an assistant would awaken the subjects that have not been chosen and lead them off stage. The remaining subjects are the one's that will be used in the rest of the show. This technique seems to be similar to a contest where individuals are gradually eliminated until the only remaining individuals are the winners.
KEY WORD FOR RE-INDUCTION The rapid re-induction of the hypnotic state will always amaze your audience. The audience has just seen the hypnotic state being induced over a time period of 5 minutes or longer, but will now see you re-induce the hypnotic state in seconds. The following suggestion is given just prior to bring the subjects out of the hypnotic state. You have found this special kind of sleep to be very enjoyable. Since you have found this sleep to be so enjoyable I am going to allow you to experience it a few more times. However, the next time I want you to go back into this sleep, I will point my finger at your forehead or shake your hand and say the word SLEEP. Your eyes will close and you will instantly go back into a deeper sleep. So, from now on when I want you to go into this sleep, I will either point my finger at your forehead and say the word sleep or I will shake your hand and say the word sleep. Without hesitation your eyes will close and you will go back into an even deeper hypnotic state. Do you understand ? Nod your head yes and show me you understand. Three, starting to wake up. Two, feeling very good. one, eyes opening all the way, wide awake feeling great. EXITING THE HYPNOTIC STATE WITH A POSTHYPNOTIC SUGGESTION. A posthypnotic suggestion is a suggestion that is to be carried out after the subject comes out of hypnosis. The use of posthypnotic suggestions will amaze the audience do to the fact that although the subjects are no longer in hypnosis they are still responding to a suggestion that was delivered earlier. The posthypnotic suggestion should be delivered just prior to bring the subjects out of hypnosis. The following type of suggestion may be delivered during your first exit or at any time throughout the show. SAMPLE SUGGESTION In just a moment I am going to bring you to a wide awake state and you will feel wonderful and well rested. When you are wide awake you will notice a terrible odor coming from the person sitting next to you. It will be one of the worst odors that you have ever smelled. Now, no bad language or hitting. I am now counting from 3 down to 1. Three, you are beginning to feel alert and starting to notice that terrible odor. Two, becoming more alert and the odor is already getting stronger. one, wide awake. What a terrible odor.
RAPID RE-INDUCTION The following is the re-induction of hypnosis after a posthypnotic suggestion has been delivered. All of your subjects are totally awake and are alert. If you have used a posthypnotic skit this is the time to elaborate on the responses from your subjects. When you are ready to re-induce the hypnotic state there are two ways of doing so. On the first re-induction it is advisable to go to each subject individually and ask would you like to experience that wonderful state even deeper? Then either shake their hand while delivering the suggestion of sleep, or point your finger at their forehead while giving the suggestion of sleep. After the first re-induction the hypnotist may simple point to the group saying sleep ... sleep .... sleep, and watch as each subject goes back into the hypnotic state. The image of seeing 12 people going from an alert state to a hypnotic state instantly is a sight that the audience will long remember. SALES PITCH The ideal time to make a pitch for either your other services or a product that is available is just prior to your grand finale. The hypnotist should begin the pitch by giving credit to the subjects on stage. By beginning in this manner the audience will not feel as though they have paid their money to hear a commercial. By giving the credit to the subjects on stage will also increase the success of your grand finale. The hypnotist must keep the sales pitch short, no longer tan one or two minutes. The following is a sample of the sales pitch. I would like to take just a moment to complement all of the people up here on stage. They all have a wonderful concentration level. Let's give them a hand. (applause) Hypnosis is truly amazing as you have all witnessed this evening. For those of you that are interested in the therapy side of hypnosis I will have written material available after the show is over. Now, let's get back to the real stars of the show. EXITING THE HYPNOTIC STATE There are many ways in which to bring your subjects out of the hypnotic state. Either the hypnotist or an assistant may be the one to bring the subjects to a wide awake state.
This is usually done by counting from 1 to 5 while giving suggestions of feeling wonderful. The subjects may exit the state all at the same time or on an individual base. They may be awakened either on stage or sent back to their seats in the audience and then awakened. The choice is up to the hypnotist. The only requirement is to always awaken the subjects slowly. A typical exiting is as follows. One, you are feeling very good. Two, beginning to breath a little heavier. Three, starting to wake up feeling perfect in every way. Four, becoming more aware of the outside sounds and noises. Five, at your own pace take in a deep breath and let the eyes open feeling wonderful. ENDING STATEMENTS Your ending statements should be sure to include the items listed below. It is best for each individual entertainer to develop the wording for an ending statement that he or she feels most comfortable with. 1. THANK ALL OF THE VOLUNTEERS 2. THANK THE AUDIENCE FOR BEING SO WONDERFUL 3. ONCE AGAIN GIVE THE CREDIT TO THE SUBJECTS 4. THANK WHOEVER WAS THE SPONSOR OF THE SHOW 5. ELABORATE SLIGHTLY ON YOUR EARLIER SALES PITCH 6. WISH EVERYONE A SAFE TRIP HOME AND A GOOD NIGHT Your ending statement should not be any longer than two to three minutes. If you are going to be available to talk with people after the show be certain to advise the audience where you will be. HYPNOTIC PRESENTATIONS Think of a hypnotic presentation on a scale from 1 to 10 with the stage show being a 10. It is easy to see that there are many types of presentations that can be light hearted, and entertaining with out going all the way into a stage performance. The opportunity for hypnotic presentations with clubs, groups and businesses is unlimited. There are many individuals that earn their entire income simply from doing public speaking. on the following pages you will see several different outlines that will help you develop exactly the type of presentation that will be the best for you.
These are simply outlines, and are to be used as a guideline. Each individual will need to alter them to suit a particular speaking engagement. Beware, you may catch the speaking fever. Many, many individuals find that giving presentations is a wonderful, natural high. SPEAKING ENGAGEMENT ONE HOUR. THE FOLLOWING IS AN OUTLINE FOR A ONE HOUR SPEAKING ENGAGEMENT. 9:00
10:00 PASS OUT CARDS AND OR BROCHURES. SPEAKING ENGAGEMENT - 3 HOUR The following is an outline for a three (3) hour speaking engagement. You will discover that this outline is easily changed to work with a large number of groups.
There has also been time allotted for the use of demonstrations. 9:00
Begin with a short personal history. Your training, experience, and how you became interested in hypnosis.
At this point explain to your group the following. 1. What you will be discussing. 2. How it will pertain to them.
History of hypnosis.
Hypnosis today. (Hypnosis in therapy.)
Hypnosis in the future. (How you see hypnosis in years in years to come.)
Discuss the qualifications in order to be hypnotized. Ability to concentrate, normal intelligence, and the willingness to follow suggestions.
Remove fears. Fear of losing control, fear of telling secrets, and the fear of not exiting.
10:05 Group suggestibility test. NOTE: DO NOT USE THE TERM SUGGESTIBILITY TEST. USE THE WORDS CONCENTRATION TEST. FEW PEOPLE WANT TO FAIL A CONCENTRATION TEST. USE LIGHT AND HEAVY HAND TEST. 10:15 Ask the entire group how many people felt the heavy feeling stronger than the light? (Look for show of hands) Ask how many people felt the light feeling stronger than the heavy ? (Note show of hands) How many felt both of the sensations very well. (PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THE INDIVIDUALS THAT RESPONDED WELL TO BOTH) 10:25 Break. Usually ten minutes is enough time. If the group is extremely large you might want to extend the break to fifteen minutes. During break try and talk to some of the people that responded best to the suggestibility test. 10:35 Everyone can be hypnotized. Give examples of waking, or walking hypnosis. Driving a car, and not remembering the last few streets. Watching television, and not noticing some one walking into the room. Etc ....... 10:50 Small group suggestibility test in front of the audience. Select three, or four people who responded well in the first test. Use the fall back test one at a time. Have the audience give your volunteers an applause for volunteering. 11:00 Prepare for hypnotic induction. Select two people who responded the best to use as subjects. Explain to the entire group how one feels while being hypnotized. Ask your subjects if they would like suggestions that would build their confidence? 11:10 Hypnotic induction. Any type of induction that you feel comfortable with. Try to avoid a long drawn out induction. Your audience will become bored. About ten to fifteen minutes total.
11:25 Exit from the hypnotic state, and allow the volunteers to share their experiences with you and the audience. 11:35 War stories. Share with the group some of you past experiences in hypnotherapy. Usually about two case histories. 11:50 Questions, and answers. 12:00 Closing statements, and end of talk. POLICE DEPARTMENTS 3 HOUR 9:00
Begin with a short personal history, your training, and experiences.
Give a brief history on hypnosis.
Explain how the power of suggestion works.
Explain both direct and indirect suggestions and how they are utilized.
Explain how to use progressive relaxation, and visualization techniques to reduce tension during the interview.
10:00 Demonstrate a progressive relaxation technique on a volunteer from your group. 10:15 Permissive vs. authoritarian approach to questions. 10:25 Question & answers 10:35 Break 10:45 Conscious and subconscious responses to your questions. 10:50 Neutral territory away from the crime scene and the police department, and why this can be beneficial. 11:00 Group practice using progressive relaxation techniques. (NOTE: at this time you may want to give written wording on progressive relaxation.) 11:15 Explain why stress can interfere with recall abilities. 11:25 Discuss the importance of trust and understanding. 11:35 Non verbal communication. 11:50 Questions & answers 11:55 Closing statements. NOTE TO HYPNOTIST THIS TYPE OF PROGRAM IS PRIMARILY DIRECTED TOWARDS HELPING POLICE OFFICERS UNDERSTAND COMMUNICATIONS WITH CRIME VICTIMS OR WITNESSES RATHER THAN INTERROGATING A CRIMINAL, OR SUSPECTED CRIMINAL. ALSO BY STIMULATING INTEREST IN HYPNOSIS THIS COULD CAUSE THE POLICE DEPARTMENT TO UTILIZE YOUR SERVICES IN REGARDS TO REGRESSIONS, OR ENABLE YOU TO ACTUALLY TRAIN AN OFFICER OR
OFFICERS IN THE ACTUAL REGRESSION PROCESS OUTLINE SPORTS IMPROVEMENT - 3 HOUR The following is an outline for a three (3) hour sports improvement program. 9:00
Begin with a short personal history. Your training, experiences, and how you became interested in hypnosis.
Give a brief history of hypnosis.
Explain the power of suggestion.
Remove fears, fear of losing control, fear of telling secrets, and fear of not exiting.
Group suggestibility test. Note use the term concentration test. Use the light and heavy hand test.
Discuss physical vs. mental abilities.
10:00 Past performances. 10:15 Use of visualization. 10:30 BREAK 10:40 Discuss procrastination. 10:50 Use of goal setting short, and long term. 10:55 Self esteem and sports. 11:00 Winning attitude. 11:10 Group hypnotic induction, deepening and suggestions. 11:40 Repeat sessions and their advantages. 11:50 Questions and answers. 12:00 Dismissal. OUTLINE - STRESS PROGRAM - 3 HOUR NOTE TO HYPNOTIST. FOR THIS PROGRAM YOU SHOULD HAVE A SHORT QUESTIONNAIRE ESTABLISHING WHAT THEY BELIEVE CAUSES THEM STRESS. ALSO A HAND OUT ON WHAT TYPES OF FOOD OR DRINK CAN ADD TO STRESS. CAFFEINE, SUGARS ETC... 9:00
Introduction and personal history.
Explain objectives of program, and how it will benefit the participants
Define and establish causes of stress. (HAND OUT)
Review and answer questions.
10:05 Ranking levels of stress. 10:15 Importance of diagnosing stress levels. 10:25 Short term stress reduction. 10:40 Long term stress reduction. 10:55 Physical relaxation verses psychological relaxation 11:05 BREAK 11:15 Group progressive relaxation and guided imagery to reduce stress, with the use of key words for continued results. NOTE: A HAND OUT ON HOW TO DO PROGRESSIVE RELAXATION AND DEEP BREATHING CAN BE GIVEN OUT AT THIS TIME FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. 11:40 Answer any questions from the group. 11:50 Explain that stress reduction practiced on a regular basis, will help them to perform and feel their best. 11:55 Closing statements 12:00 Dismissal SELF HYPNOSIS 6 HOUR PROGRAM. The following is an outline for a six hour self hypnosis class, that may be taught in either a single day or divided into two (3) three hour classes. Cost
for (6) six hour class will vary from $ 75.00 to $150.00. DAY 1
Self introduction.
Advantages of self hypnosis.
Short history of hypnosis.
Walking, or waking hypnosis. Establish earlier on that everyone is capable of being hypnotized. Examples such as driving a car, watching television, etc
Suggestibility, and how it works.
Group suggestibility tests.
Explain the difference between audio, visual, and kinesthetic persons.
Positive suggestions verses negative suggestions.
Group progressive relaxation exercise.
Individually self induced progressive relation.
Questions and answers.
Homework. Practice progressive relaxation exercise.
Dismissal. DAY 2
Comments from homework.
Guided imagery to distract the conscious mind. Give examples of several types. Beach, raft, etc ........
Students ideas, and input for guided imagery.
Explain deepening by counting, and it's purpose.
Wording of hypnotic suggestions.
Explain post hypnotic suggestions.
Exiting techniques.
Hypnosis demonstration of an individual from class.
Group hypnotic induction, with KEY WORD for re-induction.
Group practice.
Group discussion
Problem solving.
Closing statements.
SELF HYPNOSIS 12 HOUR OUTLINE. The following outline has worked very well when conducted over two Saturdays. The same outline may be used in a variety of settings. DAY 1 10:00 Self introduction. 10:05 Origin of hypnosis. 10:15 Hypnosis as related to bio-feedback, meditation, and mind power. 10:30 The differences between hypnosis, and self hypnosis. 10:45 Examples of walking or waking hypnosis. 11:00 Requirements to achieve hypnosis. 11:15 The use of suggestions. 11:45 Direct, and indirect suggestions. 12:00 Permissive versus authoritarian approach. 12:00 Break. 12:15 Positive, verses negative suggestions. 12:45 Group suggestibility test # 1. 12:55 Group suggestibility test # 2. 1:05
Group suggestibility test # 3.
Open discussion of suggestibility test.
Auto suggestions, suggestibility tests.
Steps of self hypnosis.
Group progressive relaxation.
Explanation of guided imagery.
Distracting conscious mind.
Class writing of guided imagery.
Group hypnotic induction, with post hypnotic suggestion for self hypnosis.
Questions & answers.
Homework, self induced progressive relaxation.
Day 2 10:00 Class discussion of homework, and the sensations. 10:15 Individual hypnotic induction. 10:35 Hypnosis, and habits. 10:55 Levels of hypnosis. 11:10 Regression, and self hypnosis. 11:30 Wording of auto suggestions. 12:00 Break. 12:15 Use of key words. 12:30 Deepening techniques. 12:45 Exiting hypnosis. 1:00
Class practice.
The need for practice.
Best environment for self hypnosis, and time of day.
Test, and challenges.
Post hypnotic.
Hypnosis, and pain control.
Hypnosis, and stress.
Phobias, and hypnosis.
Memory, and hypnosis.
The use of N.L.P. in self hypnosis.
Depth of hypnosis as related to success.
Questions, and answers.
Ending statements.
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