Document 49

July 18, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Develo Develop p And Manage Manage Quali Quality ty Custo Customer mer Servic Servicee Pract Practice icess

Identi Identify fy Mr. Mr. and and Mrs. Mrs. Jone Jones' s' custo customer mer needs needs and and expe expecta ctatio tions ns in this this case case stu study. dy. What would a customer expect not only on an important occasion like the mentioned anniversary anniversar y but on each occasion when visiting an establishment? Response: Mr. Jones has made the booking confirmed a week prior to the arrival at the Restaurant. Being their anniversary, he was expecting the best service from the restaurant according to the name they are having. However, when Mr. and Mrs. Jones arrived at the

restaurant, there wasn't any detail of the Booking for them. However, there was also the negligence from Mr. Jones's side also as he should have asked for some reference details from the booking executive and also, he should have saved the contact person name, with which he has confirmed the final booking. Once they have arrived, first the booking as to be confirmed as per the expectation. If not then the thinking about the event couple is celebrating, Restaurant management should have made the sitting arrangement in such a way which make the occasion memorable. Also, service must be timely as per the image and name of the restaurant. Every customer is to be treated equally either reserved or unreserved; a customer with high billing or low billing, a good customer service says that every customer should be treated equally. However, this didn't happen in the case of Mr. and Mrs. Jones. Food was delayed which adds up to the frustration of Jones couple, everything was served in distorted manner which ruined the evening for the couple. However, this can be evened out if the restaurant has apologized for the to is theone couple a sign respect making the customer feel special andinconvenience making it surecaused that this of theas kinds of mistake. But no one was there to take the responsibility which made it even bad for the Jones as they felt fe lt like being ignored by the restaurant management and staff, which is not the good sign of any customer service and satisfaction. 2.

What What could could be be the the likely likely eff effect ectss of this this inci inciden dentt for for the the busin busines esss and cu custo stom m down down the the track if the customer service issues are not addressed? Response: Worse reputation: when customers have a bad experience with a company, they are quick  to write negative reviews online. In addition to leaving critical comments, customers take to social media to vent their frustration on their friends, family, colleagues, and people around the world. In a recent study 95 percent of respondents said they usually told at least one other person about their poor customer experience at a company, while 54 percent said

they shared it with at least five people. The same study found that 88 percent of respondents were influenced by online reviews when making a purchase decision. That means a drop in overall sales, but more importantly, a big drop in word of mouth- arguably the most valuable marketing channel a brand can have. Lose sales: poor customer service can also hurt profits. First, when the restaurant’s reputation is damaged, it starts to lose new sales (especially new customers recommended  by loyal customers), and then even your your loyal customers start to leave. At this point, you must decide: do you cut costs and manage to get through it, or do you do more marketing to attract new customers? If you cut costs to make up for lost revenue, you still need to improve your customer service through training or hiring, which requires more resources. /blog/5-dangerous-side-eff us-side-effects-of-b ects-of-badadReference: customer-service





Develo Develop p And Manage Manage Quali Quality ty Custo Customer mer Servic Servicee Pract Practice icess

You are the Genera Generall Manag Manager er of of the the Cape Cape Ligh Lightho thouse use and the experi experien ence ce of of Mr Mr and and Mrs Jones has come to your attention. You are determined to make contact with the customer to attempt to resolve the issue and achieve a positive outcome. Draft a letter which clearly outlines the steps you will undertake to contact Mr and Mrs Jones and how you will try to solve the issues. (This could be used as guidance for a telephone conversation for contact). Response:

To: Mr. and Mrs. Jones, 71 MI MI STREET, OATLEY, NSW 2223 08/08/2021 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Jones, On sake of our company, I am composing this letter to apologize for our amateurish service on your visit to our restaurant on your 5th wedding anniversary night. I listened that those few terrible things had happened on your 5th wedding anniversary: we did not have the record of your booking which you had booked two months prior, and you had to hold up another 15 minutes for a supper, your course and drink didn’t go within the right arrange, and our server attempted to disregard your eye contact to avoid advance activities, no staffs were there to statement of regret to you after you pay the bill. It’s totally our fault, I’m so sorry for your terrible involvement. And, it’s exceptionally amateurish for us to serve course within the off-base arrange and overlook eye contact. We have cautioned the significant staff for their mistakes during the work, and we'll make strides our preparing on the staff to avoid these sorts of things happened. We need all our customers to be fulfilled, so in arrange to appear our truly statement of regret for this terrible circumstance, we offer those compensations for another visit: • 80% discount, • free beverage, • special appetizer, • seats with the best vi view of Coral Sea. We sincerely apologize again; I hope you can continue choosing our restaurant to accompany you through important days. Kind Regards

Kaushal Pathak  General Manager of the Cape lighthouse.


Consid Consider ering ing Mr. Mr. and and Mrs. Mrs. Jones Jones'' recen recentt ex exper perien ience ce,, it is impo importa rtant nt to to asse assess ss if there there are recurring issues with customer service at the Cape Lighthouse. How will you determine if this is a one-off issue or if there are persistent problems? Outline your approach. Response:

If a consumer transacts (comments) online, website statistics can aid in the company's understanding of the client's behavior. Analyzing site analytics, including DC5242 KAUSHAL PATHAK



Develo Develop p And Manage Manage Quali Quality ty Custo Customer mer Servic Servicee Pract Practice icess

tracking customer interactions, can help you figure out when, where, and if individuals visit on a regular basis (repeat visitors). The quantity of customer complaints you receive can be tracked and recorded to assist you evaluate the level of service you provide. u/people/customers/measure mers/measure-customer-customerReference: (https://www.bu ( service)) service


You You are are requi require red d to develo develop p a po polic licy y and and proc procedu edure ress for for each each of of the the follo followin wing g problem areas which were evident:

a. Bookings  b. Staff Presentation / Greeting / Hosting c. Reporting Reporting requirem requirements ents / staff staff hierarchy hierarchy (General (General Responsibil Responsibilities ities and who is to  be contacted in case of an issue – if your industry sector varies [events, cooke cookery, ry, tourism, accommodation] you may use the hierarchy which is commonly relevant to that industry sector) d. Customer Customer Service Service Procedure Proceduress for Service Service (Orders, (Orders, timelin timelines, es, attendance) attendance) e. Deal Dealin ing g comp compla lain ints ts

Each policy needs to:


The policy name


The aim or purpose


The details of what is included


The procedures included to achieve the purpose


What are the requirements to train staff to be able to perform the procedures?


How will this policy and its effectiveness be monitored and evaluated?


To whom will this policy be made available? How?

Policy name Aim or purpose Details of what is included Procedures


Booking To make sure customers reserve service with ease Booking procedures, trading hours , number  of   people, cancellation, changes 1. Greeting (good morning, afternoon , ev eveening, cape lighthouse se
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