Document 3CA932722 Operations Parts and Maintenance Manual

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1616 Meridian Road N.E. Calgary Calga ry,, AB T2A 2P1 CANADA Ph: 001 403 569-2222 Fax: 001 403 569-2294

Intermediate Coiled Tubing Unit

NOV Hydra Hydra Rig Docum Document ent Number Number 3CA93272 3CA932722 2 Built Buil t for: TricaN Trica N Corpora Corporation tion

Job Number 7389 Model No. 3CD020999 Serial No.   01738907U-1

01738907U-2 01738907U-3 01738907U-4


Intermediate Coiled Tubing Unit Intermediate Operations, Parts and Maintenance Manual

J OB #7389

Int nte erm rme edi dia ate C Coi oiled led T Tub ubin ing gU Uni nitt Serial Number Num ber:: 01738907 01738907U-1 U-1 01738907U-2 01738907U-3 01738907U-4 

Operatio Ope rations ns Parts and Ma Main intenance tenance Ma Manual nual . 

Apr il 200 2007 7 NO NOV V Hydra Rig Document Docu ment #3 #3CA932 CA93272 722 2 © April


CONFIDENTIAL/PROPRIETARY NOTICE  NOTICE  This manual contains confidential and proprietary information of Hydra Rig. It is provided to customers of Hydra Rig, in confidence, with the understanding that it is not to be copied or reproduced without the expressed, written consent from Hydra Rig. Copies of this manual may be obtained through Hydra Rig Sales Department. All copyrights and patent rights are reserved

Documen t Number 3CA932 3CA932722 722 Revisi on Apri l 2007 © April 2007 Hydra Rig NOV


Intermediate Coiled Tubing Unit Intermediate Operations, Parts and Maintenance Manual

Ta Table ble of Contents


Table of Contents Table of Contents ........................................................................................................ ................................................. ............................................................................. ...................... 1   List of Drawings .................................................. ......................................................................................................... .............................................................................. ....................... 1  1 

General Information ................................................................................................ ............................................. ................................................................. .............. 2-1  1.1 

General Assembly Drawings.....................................................................................................2-2 


Model and Serial Numbers ................................... ................. .................................... .................................... .................................... ................................ .............. 2-3 


Approximate Fluid Reservoir Capacities .................................. ................ ..................................... ..................................... ........................... ......... 2-4 


General Safety Recommendations ................. ................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... .................... .. 2-5 

Qualified Personnel.............................. Personnel............................................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................. ................. 2-5  Protective Equipment...................................... Equipment................................................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ........................... ............................ ............................. ..................2-5 ....2-5   Safety Practices....................................... Practices.................................................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ...........................2-5 .............2-5  Unauthorized Personnel ............. ........................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... .........................2-5 ...........2-5  High Pressures ........................... ......................................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ .........................2-5 ...........2-5  Unauthorized Maintenance ............ .......................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ........................... .......................... ........................... .......................2-5 .........2-5   Lifting ............. .......................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ .........................2-5 ...........2-5  Use of Solvents Paints .............. ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................. .......................2-5 ........2-5   Compressed Air or Usage........................... Usage............. ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ .......................... .......................... ............................2-6 ..............2-6 Moving Parts....................................... Parts..................................................... ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ............................. ................. 2-6  Visibility ............................ .......................................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ..................2-6 ....2-6   Pre-Start .............. ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................. ............................. ............................ ....................2-6 ......2-6   Transporting the Unit .............. ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ............................. ............................. ...........................2-6 .............2-6 


General Maintenance Instructions...........................................................................................2-7 

Daily Maintenance ............. ........................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ....................2-8 ......2-8   Weekly Maintenance........ Maintenance...................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... .....................2-8 .......2-8   Monthly Maintenance .............. ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................. ............................. ...........................2-8 .............2-8  Every Six Months....................... Months.................................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................. ............................. .........................2-8 ...........2-8 


Lubrication Guide ................................... ................. .................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... ............................ .......... 2-9 

Cabin and Stairway Lubrication Points............................. Points........................................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ............................. .............................2-9 .............2-9  Rear Module Lubrication Points .......................... ....................................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ...........................2-10 ............2-10 


Tubing Reel and Spooler Arm Lubrication Points .......................... ........................................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ..........................2-10 ............2-10 

Wetkit Module ....................................................... .............................................................................................................. ................................................................. .......... 2-1 

2.1 Wetkit Drawings .................................... .................. .................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... .................... 2-2  2.2 

Hydraulic Fluid Considerations .................................... .................. .................................... .................................... .................................... ....................... ..... 2-3 


Unit Lubrication Requirements and Recommendations .......................................................2-4 


Wet Kit Operational Summary .................................... .................. ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ....................... .... 2-5 

 H ydraulic ydraulic


Functional Overview........................ Overview..................................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ........................... ............................ ............................. ................ ..2-5 2-5 

Wet Kit Specifications...............................................................................................................2-6 

Filters ............................ .......................................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ .........................2-6 ...........2-6  Pumps.......................... Pumps............ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ .........................2-6 ...........2-6  Mis. Specifications.......................... Specifications........................................ ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................. ....................2-6 ......2-6    Batteries ............. ........................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... .....................2-6 .......2-6  

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Intermediate Coiled Tubing Unit Intermediate Operations, Parts and Maintenance Manual

Ta Table ble of Contents








Component Manufacturer Supplied Information ...................................... ................... ...................................... ............................ ......... 2-8 


MSDS Sheets ................................. ............... ................................... ................................... ................................... ................................... ..................................... ....................... .... 2-9 

Control Cab Module..................................................... Module.............................................................................................................. ........................................................... 3-1  3.1 

Control Cab Module Drawings .................................. ................ .................................... .................................... .................................... .......................... ........ 3-2 


Control Cabin Operational Summary.....................................................................................3-3 




Control Panel ................. ................................... ................................... ................................... ................................... ................................... ..................................... ..................... 3-4 


Auxiliary Control Panel .................................. ................ .................................... .................................... .................................... ..................................... ..................... 3-8 


Cabin Lift Control Panel ..........................................................................................................3-9 


Control Panel Component OEM Manual..............................................................................3-10 

Tubing Reel Module...................................................... Module.............................................................................................................. .......................................................... 4-1  4.1 

Tubing Reel Module Drawings.................................................................................................4-2 

4.2Dimensions Specifications..............................................................................................................................4-3   ............. ........................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ................ ..4-3 4-3   4.3 

Hydraulic Maximum Flows and Pressures .............................................................................4-3 


Recommended Greases and Fluids .................................... ................. ..................................... .................................... .................................... .................. 4-3 


Grease Zerk and Lube Zone Locations .................................... .................. .................................... ..................................... ............................. .......... 4-4 


Tubing Reel Operational Summary.........................................................................................4-5 


Component Manufacturer Supplied Information ...................................... ................... ...................................... ............................ ......... 4-8 


Certification and Test Documents............................................................................................4-9 

Vanoil Equipment Inc ............ .......................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................. ................. 4-9  Hydra Rig 1502 Iron Pressure Tests ......................... ....................................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ............................ .......................4-9 .........4-9  


 Front and Rear Deck Module..................................................... Module.. .............................................................................................. ........................................... 5-1  5.1 

Trailer Deck Module Drawings................................................................................................5-2 


Front Deck Functional Description..........................................................................................5-3 


Electrical (Genset) Functional Overview.................................................................................5-3 


Rear Deck Module Functional Description.............................................................................5-4 


Auxiliary Hose Reels .................................................................................................................5-4 


Power Hose Reel Assembly.......................................................................................................5-4 

Dimensions ............. ........................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ................ ..5-4 5-4 


Dual Hose Reel...........................................................................................................................5-5 


Five Bank Directional Control Valve.......................................................................................5-5 




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Intermediate Coiled Tubing Unit Intermediate Operations, Parts and Maintenance Manual

Ta Table ble of Contents



Manufacturer Supplied Documentation..................................................................................5-6 

Hose Reel Certifications ............. ........................... ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... .........................5-6 ...........5-6  RT 40 Injector Certifications .......................... ....................................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ....................5-6 ......5-6    National Crane Crane Certifications Certifications and Test Documents Documents ............. ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ..........................5-6 ...........5-6 

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Intermediate Coiled Tubing Unit Intermediate Operations, Parts and Maintenance Manual

List of Drawings Drawings

List of Drawings 1.1 Tractor and Trailer GA Drawings Tractor Module Assembly ...........................................................................................................3CB011130 Intermediate CTU Trailer - Trican...............................................................................................3CD020999 Intermediate CTU Trailer Module Assembly ................................... ................. .................................... .................................... .........................3CD021204 .......3CD021204 2.1 System Schematics Hydraulic

Tractor Module Hydraulic/Pneumatic Schematic........................................................................3CD191129 Hydraulic Schematic Int CTU Cabin Trican................................................................................3CB092084 Hose Reel IInt nt CTU CTU Hose Hose Reels Trican ................................... ................. .................................... .................................... .................................. ................3CB092085 3CB092085 Hydraulic Schematic, Int CTU Trailer Trican ................................... ................ ..................................... .................................... ........................3CB092086 ......3CB092086 Hydraulic Schematic, Tubing Reel ................................... ................. .................................... .................................... .................................... .......................3CB492171 .....3CB492171 Electrical Schematics Schematic Overall........................................................................................................................3CB091733

Schematic Overall Detail 1 ................................... ................. .................................... .................................... .................................... ................................... .................3CB091734 3CB091734 Schematic Overall Detail 2 ................................... ................. .................................... .................................... .................................... ................................... .................3CB091735 3CB091735 Schematic Overall Detail 3 ................................... ................. .................................... .................................... .................................... ................................... .................3CB091736 3CB091736 Schematic Joystick Modified.......................................................................................................3CB091737 Schematic BOP Remote Box ......................................................................................................3CB091738 Schematic Tractor .......................................................................................................................3CB091739 AC Distribution 1.........................................................................................................................3CB092321 AC Distribution 2 ........................................................................................................................3CB092322 Electrical Schematic Crane ................................. ............... ................................... ................................... ................................... .................................... .....................3CB092495 ..3CB092495 Schematic Overall BOP .................................... .................. .................................... .................................... .................................... .................................. .....................3CB091741 .....3CB091741 Schematic Cab Lift Box...............................................................................................................CB0911742 3.1Control Cabin Module

Control Cabin Module Assembly ................................................................................................282-D-300 Large Control Cabin Interior Assembly.......................................................................................282-D-305 Platform Module Assembly .................................. ................. ................................... ................................... .................................. .................................... ...................282-D-200 282-D-200  Main Control Panel Assembly .................................. ................ .................................... .................................... .................................... ............................... .............282-D-675 282-D-675 Cabin/Scissor Lift Assembly .......................................................................................................282-D-302

Docum ent Number 3CA932722 3CA932722 Revisio n Apri l 2007 © Apri l 2007 Hydra Rig NOV



Intermediate Coiled Tubing Unit Intermediate Operations, Parts and Maintenance Manual

List of Drawings Drawings

4.1 Tubing Reel Module

Tubing Reel 113"x 85.5" Core x 68" F/F Assembly ...................................................................3CD401003 Spooler Arm Assembly 282 Series Large Tubing Reel...............................................................3CD411595 Tubing Counter RC-203 Meters Assembly .................................................................................CD416218 Drive Reel/Spooler Drive Assembly............................................................................................3CD411653 Reel Piping (Standard) Assembly.................. Assembly .................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... ........................3CB421690 ......3CB421690 Tubing Reel Bulkhead Panel Assembly.......................................................................................3CB462384 Trailer Deck Modules 5.1 Front Deck

Deck Front Module Assembly .................................... .................. .................................... .................................... .................................... .............................3CD161389 ...........3CD161389 Electrical Box Assembly..............................................................................................................282-B-617 Rear Deck 

Rear Deck Module Assembly .................................. ................ .................................... .................................... .................................... ................................ ..............3CD021233 3CD021233 Injector Power Hose Reel Assembly ...........................................................................................280-B-510 Lube Motor/Pump Assembly.......................................................................................................3CB332080 B.O.P./Return Reel 'Stand Assembly...........................................................................................282-D-031 Split Hose Reel (24 x 40(dia.) x 16) Assembly ...........................................................................260-D-400 Rotary Swivel Assembly, 10 Port (½” ORB) ..............................................................................260-B-085 Rotary Swivel Assembly 12 Port.................................................................................................260-B-088 B.O.P. Valve Mount Assembly 282 Series..................................................................................282-B-333 Crane Installation ........................................................................................................................3CD061896 

Docum ent Number 3CA932722 3CA932722 Revisio n Apri l 2007 © Apri l 2007 Hydra Rig NOV



Intermediate Coiled Tubing Unit Intermediate Operations, Parts and Maintenance Manual

Se Section ction 1 General Information


1  General Information  1.1 General Assembly Drawings............................................................................. Drawings.......................... ..................................................................... .................. 2-2 1.2 

Model and Serial Numbers .................................... .................. .................................... ................................... ................................... ............................. ...........2-3 2-3 

1.3  1.4 

Approximate Fluid Reservoir Capacities .................................. ................ ..................................... ..................................... ........................2-4 ......2-4   General Safety Recommendations ................. ................................... .................................... .................................... ................................... ................. 2-5 

Qualified Personnel.............................. Personnel............................................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... .......................... ............ 2-5  Protective Equipment...................................... Equipment................................................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ........................... ............................ ............................. .............. 2-5  Safety Practices....................................... Practices.................................................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ....................... ......... 2-5  Unauthorized Personnel ............. ........................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ..................... ....... 2-5  High Pressures ........................... ......................................... ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ..................... ....... 2-5  Unauthorized Maintenance ............ .......................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ........................... .......................... ........................... ................... ..... 2-5  Lifting ............. .......................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ..................... ....... 2-5  Use of Solvents or Paints .............. ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ................... ..... 2-5  Compressed Air Usage........................... Usage......................................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ....................... ......... 2-6  Moving Parts....................................... Parts..................................................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ............................ .......................... ............ 2-6  Visibility ............................ .......................................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ .............. 2-6  Pre-Start .............. ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................. ............................. ............................ ................ .. 2-6  Transporting the Unit .............. ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ............................. ............................. ....................... ......... 2-6 


General Maintenance Instructions........................................................................................2-7 

Daily Maintenance ............. ........................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ................ .. 2-8  Weekly Maintenance........ Maintenance...................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ................. ... 2-8  Monthly Maintenance .............. ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................. ........................ ......... 2-8  Every Six Months....................... Months..................................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ........................... ............................ ............................. ..................... ....... 2-8 


Lubrication Guide ................................... ................. .................................... .................................... .................................... ................................... .........................2-9 ........2-9  

Cabin and Stairway Lubrication Points............................. Points........................................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................. ........................ ......... 2-9  Rear Module Lubrication Points .......................... ....................................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ....................... ........ 2-10  Tubing Reel and Spooler Arm Lubrication Points .......................... ........................................ ............................ ........................... ............................ ...................... ....... 2-10 

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Intermediate Coiled Tubing Unit Intermediate Operations, Parts and Maintenance Manual

Se Section ction 1 General Information


1  General Information  1.1  General Assembly Drawings Tractor and Trailer GA Drawings

Tractor Module Assembly .............................................................................3CB011130 .................................................... .........................3CB011130 Intermediate CTU Trailer - Trican.................................................................3CD020999 Intermediate CTU Trailer Module Assembly ................................................3CD021204 ................................................ 3CD021204

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Intermediate Coiled Tubing Unit Intermediate Operations, Parts and Maintenance Manual    

1.2   Model and Serial Numbers Unit Weight (Estimated: No Tubing) ..............................63,035lbs (28,592kg)

Job Number ........................................................................7389 Description..........................................................................Intermediate Series CTU Date of Manufacture ...........................................................2007 ................................................... ........2007 Customer .............................................................................Trican .............................................. ...............................Trican W Well ell Service Unit Model Number............................................................3CD020999 Trailer Model ......................................................................Peerless: ................................................... ...................Peerless: CH 45-3A  National Crane Model Number ..........................................647E .......................... ................647E Unit Serial Number .............................................................01738907U-1 ................................................ .............01738907U-1 Trican Serial Number .........................................................420018 Wet Kit Model Number .................................................... ......................................................3CB011130 ..3CB011130

Se Section ction 1 General Information

Wet Kit Serial Number .......................................................01738907P-1 Tubing Reel Model Number ...............................................3CD401003 ...............................................3 CD401003 Van Oil Rotating Joint Serial Number................................N061240 Control Cab Model Number ...............................................282D300 ...............................................2 82D300 Control Cab Serial Number ................................................01738907C-1 Injector Model ....................................................................RT40 Injector Serial Number........................................................01738907-1  National Crane Serial Number............................................292648 Number.......... ..................................292648 Unit Serial Number .............................................................01738907U-2 ................................................ .............01738907U-2 Trican Serial Number .........................................................420019 Wet Kit Model Number .................................................... ......................................................3CB011130 ..3CB011130 Wet Kit Serial Number .......................................................01738907P-2 Tubing Reel Model Number ...............................................3CD401003 ...............................................3 CD401003 Van Oil Rotating Joint Serial Number................................N061307 Control Cab Model Number ...............................................282D300 ...............................................2 82D300 Control Cab Serial Number ................................................01738907C-2 Injector Model ....................................................................RT40 Injector Serial Number........................................................01738907-2  National Crane Serial Number............................................292647 Number.......... ..................................292647

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Intermediate Coiled Tubing Unit Intermediate Operations, Parts and Maintenance Manual    

Unit Serial Number .............................................................01738907U-3 ................................................ .............01738907U-3 Trican Serial Number .........................................................420020 Wet Kit Model Number .................................................... ......................................................3CB011130 ..3CB011130 Wet Kit Serial Number .......................................................01738907P-3 Tubing Reel Model Number ...............................................3CD401003 ...............................................3 CD401003 Van Oil Rotating Joint Serial Number................................N05077 Control Cab Model Number ...............................................282D300 ...............................................2 82D300  National Crane Serial Number Control Cab Serial Number ................................................01738907C-3 Injector Model ....................................................................RT40 Injector Serial Number........................................................01738907-3 Unit Serial Number .............................................................01738907U-4 ................................................ .............01738907U-4 Trican Serial Number .........................................................420021 Wet Kit Model Number .................................................... ......................................................3CB011130 ..3CB011130

Se Section ction 1 General Information

Wet Kit Serial Number .......................................................01738907P-4 Tubing Reel Model Number ...............................................3CD401003 ...............................................3 CD401003 Van Oil Rotating Joint Serial Number................................N061549 Control Cab Model Number ...............................................282D300 ...............................................2 82D300 Control Cab Serial Number ................................................01738907C-4 Injector Model ....................................................................RT40 Injector Serial Number........................................................01738907-4  National Crane Serial Number 1.3   Approximate Fluid Reservoir Capacities Hydraulic System Tubing Oiler Lube Reservoir Back Up Hand Pump


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Intermediate Coiled Tubing Unit Intermediate Operations, Parts and Maintenance Manual

Se Section ction 1 General Information


1.4  General Safety Recommendations The following are general safety precautions. Personnel must understand and apply these  precautions during all phases of operation and maintenance of this equipment.

1.4.1  Qualified Personnel Only qualified personnel should be authorized to operate and perform maintenance on this equipment.

1.4.2  Protective Equipment Personnel operating and performing maintenance on this equipment should wear suitable  protective clothing.

1.4.3  Safety Practices

Overall good safety practices should be adhered to at all times when setting up, operating, shutting down, and maintaining this equipment. It is the equipment owner’s/operator’s responsibility to ensure that good safety practices and personnel training programs are maintained.

1.4.4  Unauthorize Unauthorized d Personnel Keep unauthorized personnel away from the unit when operating, servicing, or  performing maintenance.

1.4.5  High Pressures Ensure that the pressure in piping connected to the unit has been bled to zero (0) before attempting to disconnect any equipment.

1.4.6  Unauthorized Maintenance Do not attempt unauthorized disassembly or maintenance of components. Some components, such as accumulators, store fluids under pressure. Contact your representative for further information.

1.4.7  Lifting Equipment used in lifting and moving the unit must be of sufficient rating to handle the weight involved.

1.4.8  Use of Solvents or Paints Keep cleaning solvents or paints in approved safety containers and in minimum quantities. Some solvents or paints may be toxic to the skin, eyes, and respiratory tract. Observe manufacturer’s warning labels and safety directives. Use solvents, paints, and other volatile/aromatic chemicals in well-ventilated and authorized areas. Discard rags that have been soiled with chemicals in approved disposal containers.

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Intermediate Coiled Tubing Unit Intermediate Operations, Parts and Maintenance Manual

Se Section ction 1 General Information


1.4.9  Compressed Air Usage Use of compressed air can create an environment of propelled foreign particles. Air  pressure used for cleaning should be reduced to less than 30 PSI/2 bar and used with effective chip guarding and personal protective equipment. Never direct compressed air towards other personnel.

1.4.10 Moving Parts Keep hands, hair, clothing, jewelry, rags, and tools away from moving parts.

1.4.11 Visibility Do not attempt to operate equipment with obstructed visibility. Never operate equipment  between sunset and sunrise without suitable lighting.

1.4.12 Pre-Start Before starting the unit, ensure that all operating controls are in the proper start-up


1.4.13 Transporting the Unit Ensure that all components are secured before transporting the unit to another location.

1.5  General Maintenance Instructions Successful field operation of machinery is a partnership of practices. Appropriate design  principles, conscientious fabrication techniques, capable start-up care and procedures put a unit in field ready condition, capable of performing well over a long period. Responsible and appropriate field maintenance must then be initiated and executed to ensure maximum operational life expectancy. Hydraulic system failures are commonly caused by system contamination. The symptoms of a contaminated system, short of complete catastrophic component failure, are:

  a progressive loss of force and speed;   erratic behavior of the operating functions;   sticking spools; and

  leaking rod seals.

Lack of an appropriate lubrication program is also a common cause of component and system failure Maintenance of fluid viscosity and chemical composition through temperature and moisture control is essential. Important instructions and procedures should be followed when replacing or repairing components in the field. Contact Hydra Rig NOV for details and assistance.

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Intermediate Coiled Tubing Unit Intermediate Operations, Parts and Maintenance Manual

Se Section ction 1 General Information


1.5.1  Daily Maintenance   Check hydraulic fluid reservoir level. Fill if necessary.

  Ensure quick disconnects are cleaned and connected properly.

  Check for evidence of hydraulic leaks. Replace damaged hoses as necessary, and reroute

any twisted hoses.

  Inspect for leaking hydraulic cylinders, motors, pumps, and controls. Repair or replace as


1.5.2  Weekly Maintenance   Check skate accumulator N2 pressure,

  Check skate roller chain tension.

  Visually inspect hydraulic fluid for evidence of moisture contamination con tamination or discoloration.

1.5.3  Monthly Maintenance   Replace all hydraulic and reservoir breathers.

  Verify function-operating speeds.

  Check hydraulic fluid for contamination levels.

1.5.4  Every Six Months   Recheck circuit and function operating maximum set pressures. Reset, if necessary.

  Inspect all hoses for wear and replace as necessary.

  Verify sequence of operation of major functions.

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Intermediate Coiled Tubing Unit Intermediate Operations, Parts and Maintenance Manual

Se Section ction 1 General Information


1.6    Lubrication Guide Guide This guide is included for reference only. It may not include all lubrication points for this unit. Operators and maintenance personnel must inspect the unit to be sure they are aware of and servicing all the lubrication points when servicing this unit. a)  Check all pivot areas. Where there is no grease fitting grease may need to be applied

generally over the surface area.  b)  Clean the grease nipple before servicing. This will help keep debris out of the lubrication

area.  c)  Refer to the lubricant recommendations in this manual or your company documentation

for the correct grade of lubricant. Cabin and Stairway Lubrication Points

Pivot points on stair assembly

Documen t Number 3CA932722 3CA932722 Revisi on Apri l 2007© Apri l 2007 Hydra Rig NOV

Page 2-9


Intermediate Coiled Tubing Unit Intermediate Operations, Parts and Maintenance Manual    

Rear Module Lubrication Points

A.  Injector Pivot Points B.  Injector Arch C.  Injector Hose Reel: Both sides and top of pillow block bearing.

Se Section ction 1 General Information

D.  BOP Return Reel Both sides of support stand stand

Tubing Reel and Spooler Arm Lubrication Points

A.  Top of rotary swivel and planetary brake B.  Top and bottom of spooler lift cylinders C.  Cam Follower and Guide Rollers D.  Drive assembly bearings. E.  Reel stand swivel cylinders

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Intermediate Coiled Tubing Unit Intermediate Operations, Parts and Maintenance Manual

Se Section ction 2 Wetkit Module


2  Wetkit Module 2.1 Wetkit Drawings



Hydraulic Fluid Considerations



Unit Lubrication Requirements and Recommendations



Wet Kit Operational Summary


Functional Overview


Wet Kit Specifications


 H ydraulic ydraulic


Filters Pumps Mis. Specifications  Batteries 

2-6  2-6  2-6  2-6 


PTO/Pump Spacer



Component Manufacturer Supplied Information




MSDS Sheets

Documen t Number 3CA932722 3CA932722 Revisi on Apri l 2007 © Apri l 2007 Hydra Rig NOV

Page 2-1


Intermediate Coiled Tubing Unit Intermediate Operations, Parts and Maintenance Manual    

 2.1 Wetkit Drawings Hydraulic Tractor Module Hydraulic/Pneumatic Schematic.. Schematic................... ................................... ................................. ............... 3CD191129 Hydraulic Schematic Int CTU Cabin Trican................................................ Trican.............................. .............................. ............ 3CB092084 Hose Reel In Intt CTU CTU Hose Hose Reels Trican .................................. ................ .................................... ................................. ............... 3CB092085 Hydraulic Schematic, Int CTU Trailer Trican ...................................... ................... ...................................... ................... 3CB092086 Hydraulic Schematic, Tubing Reel .....................................................................3CB492171

Se Section ction 2 Wetkit Module

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Intermediate Coiled Tubing Unit Intermediate Operations, Parts and Maintenance Manual  

Se Section ction 2 Wetkit Module


 2.2   Hydraulic Fluid Considerations Conformance

The hydraulic oil used for this system may not be suitable for all season use, depending on the ambient temperature encountered. The operating temperature should be monitored and should not exceed the oil manufacturer’s limits. If alternate oils are required for extreme operating temperatures, the selection of alternates should consider the following criteria:  

The lowest temperature of the fluid that the hydraulic system will be started and allowed to idle at low pressure. The fluid viscosity should not be above 4000 SUS (862 CST) at this temperature.


The highest temperature at which the system will be run is at maximum engine speed (rpm) and/or system pressure. The fluid viscosity should not be below 100 SUS (20 CST) at this temperature.


Hydraulic fluid must be kept free of contaminants to be effective. Hydraulic fluid contamination is a

common source of poor system performance and /or pump failure. Improper storage and handling are common sources of contamination Drums containing hydraulic fluid should only be opened to transfer the contents to a system. When drums are not being accessed to transfer  product, then they should should be closed using a pro proper per seal. Drums containing hydraulic fluid should be stored in a covered structure. If not stored in a covered facility the container should be properly closed and covered with a tarp. If empty hydraulic fluid drums are used to store other fluids including used or dirty hydraulic fluid; the drums should be clearly labeled. This will help to prevent this fluid from being added to a system and contaminating it.  Poor maintenance procedure can also be a source of contamination. Care must be exercised to keep contaminants from entering open reservoirs while working on the system. Personal items that could fall from pockets or maintenance items that are small enough to drop in to the reservoir through the fill opening should be secured or kept away from the opening. Items used during maintenance should be audited when the service is finished to ensure nothing was left in the system unintentionally. Maintenance considerations that help to eliminate or mitigate the consequences of contamination should include:

  Regular fluid and filter changes at appropriate times. 

  Inspection of filter elements for excessive filings

Maintenance personnel should be aware that hydraulic fluid contamination may appear as a problem in another system.

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Page 2-3


Intermediate Coiled Tubing Unit Intermediate Operations, Parts and Maintenance Manual  

Se Section ction 2 Wetkit Module


If fluid contamination is suspected in a hydraulic system; then the system should be carefully inspected until the source of the contamination is found and the fluid filtered or replaced before it is returned to the system. 

 2.3  Unit Lubrication Requirements and Recommendations The lubrication recommendations made here can be used as a guide to the use of other companies’  products, and should not not be limited to the product product examples herein enclosed. enclosed. Hydraulic System Oil:

Univis Extra N22 (Year Round)

Transfer Case/Gear Boxes Injector Injector chain lubricating oil 

Mobil Delvac TOS 75W90 Winter Chain saw oil


Unirex EP2 

FabcoTransfer Case

Mobiltrans 50

Brevini Reel Drive 

Mobil Delvac Synthetic 75W90

See individual OEM equipment documentation for individual component lubrication requirements. 

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Page 2-4


Intermediate Coiled Tubing Unit Intermediate Operations, Parts and Maintenance Manual  

Se Section ction 2 Wetkit Module


 2.4  Wet Kit Operational Summary  H ydraulic ydraulic Functional Overview The wet kit module is mounted on the customer supplied tractor chassis behind the sleeper on a subassembly (skid) bolted to the tractor rails. It is designed to provide the hydraulic utilities to operate the coiled tubing unit modules. Supply for the hydraulic system is provided by a 130 USG capacity reservoir. This reservoir is equipped with two glass sight levels of capacity, one displaying the capacity with the accumulators discharged and one with the accumulators charged. The implications of these two conditions should be understood to ensure correct reservoir fill levels. The tractor engine supplies power to run the pumps through a P.T.O. and power transfer case. The tractor air reservoir provides air for the CTU system's pneumatic functions. The hydraulic pumps are mounted on a dual pump drive that is turned by a driveshaft from the power

transfer case. One closed loop variable displacement pump provides hydraulic flow dedicated to Injector in- hole and out-hole functions. This pump is pressure compensated with an internal charge pump. The CTU Reel, has dedicated flow from an assigned hydraulic pump. Another variable displacement pump  provides an auxiliary auxiliary pressure compensated suppl supply y to electrically activated d directional irectional valves. The hydraulic pump system is augmented by alternative sources to provide emergency back up hydraulic  pressure to the unit in case of pump/power pump/power failure. a)  Two 11 gallon accumulators.  b)  One 5 gallon accumulator. c)  A hand operated emergency pump is mounted in the control cabin on the floor. This pump is equipped with its own reservoir and will enable limited operations in the case of all other hydraulic system failure. The hydraulic oil is protected from heating above 150°F by a thermostatic valve installed on the return to tank line. If the thermostatic valve senses the oil is becoming over heated it routes it past an electrically controlled cooling fan. The wet kit hydraulic system is protected from contamination by filters mounted on the wet kit skid.  

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Page 2-5


Intermediate Coiled Tubing Unit Intermediate Operations, Parts and Maintenance Manual  


 2.5  Wet Kit Specifications Filters

Part Number



High Pressure Filter – Pressure Compensated Supply

602-0283 602-1502 203-2120 602-0283

High Pressure Filter – Injector Low Pressure Filter - Injector Charge Servo Filter Element Closed Loop System High Pressure Filter - Reel

602-1411 602-2710 602-1413

High Pressure Return


Se Section ction 2 Wetkit Module


Part Number

Operating Capacity 

Injector Drive Pump


110 GPM.

Tubing Reel Pump


40 GPM

Pressure Compensated Auxiliary Supply


18 GPM Max

Mis. Specifications Connections

Quick Disconnects to Bulkheads

Air Reservoir

Tractor Air Supply

Hydraulic Oil Max Temp.



BOP Bleed Hydraulic Fan –ON/OFF

 Batteries D.C. Power for the CT unit is supplied from the tractor batteries, located on the passenger side of the unit. 

Documen t Number 3CA932722 3CA932722 Revisi on Apri l 2007 © Apri l 2007 Hydra Rig NOV

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Intermediate Coiled Tubing Unit Intermediate Operations, Parts and Maintenance Manual  


 2.6    PTO/Pump Spacer

Se Section ction 2 Wetkit Module

This spacer is used between the customer supplied Fabco PTO and the Injector hydraulic supply pump  NOVHR Part Number 601-1055.

Documen t Number 3CA932722 3CA932722 Revisi on Apri l 2007 © Apri l 2007 Hydra Rig NOV

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Intermediate Coiled Tubing Unit Intermediate Operations, Parts and Maintenance Manual  


 2.7   Component Manufacturer Supplied Information For more information on the tractor module, please see the Kenworth manual. Power Take Off User Guide

  NOV Hydra Rig Part Number 601-1050

Pump Data Sheets

  Injector Drive Pump


  Tubing Reel Pump


  Pressure Compensated Auxiliary Supply


Se Section ction 2 Wetkit Module

Documen t Number 3CA932722 3CA932722 Revisi on Apri l 2007 © Apri l 2007 Hydra Rig NOV




Page 2-8











Injector Pump  

HR Part Number 601-1055

Data Sheet


 Injector Pump  

HR Part Number 601-1055

Data Sheet


Reel Pump  

HR Part Number 601-1049

Data Sheet


Hydraulic Axial Piston Pressure Compensated Pump HRNOV PART NUMBER 601-0705 Pump Characteristics Sheet


Technical Data

These are the expected characteristics characteristics of this equipment.




Intermediate Coiled Tubing Unit Intermediate Operations, Parts and Maintenance Manual    

 2.8   MSDS Sheets

  Univis Extra (Year Round)

  Mobil Delvac 75W90

  Mobiltrans 50

Se Section ction 2 Wetkit Module

Documen t Number 3CA932722 3CA932722 Revisi on Apri l 2007 © Apri l 2007 Hydra Rig NOV

Page 2-9




October 2003 October 2003

UNIVIS EXTRA offers the following features and benefits:  

Longer pump life

 Primary Applications Severe Canadian conditions demand a winter  hydraulic oil with the same outstanding low


Year round grade in many cases


Excellent shear stability


Less chance of catastrophic pump failure


Energy savings


Reduction of number of oils in use

temperature viscosity properties as UNIVIS N22, but with more protection at the "high" end, when ambient temperatures in the spring take sudden jumps. Responding to these demands, Esso Petroleum developed and field tested a product which will do exactly that.

 Performance Features Longer Pump The ability to Life operate hydraulic equipment within manufacturer's specified viscosity limits for a greater   portion of the year, particularly in spring and fall operations, should result in extended pump life. Year Round Grade in Many Cases Because of its "multi-season" behavior, in many cases (especially in intermittently operation equipment), the operator can save the expense of  seasonal oil changes. Excellent Shear Stability The Viscosity Index Improver technology used  provides extra resistance to shear down and viscosit viscosity y loss during service, adding stay-in-grade protection. Less Chance of Catastrophic Pump Failure UNIVIS EXTRA protects against cavitation in cold weather due to too viscous a fluid; conversely, the  problem of getting caught with a light winter oil in unseasonable warm weather will be avoided. Energy Savings On cold spring and fall mornings, the equipment may  be able to function after a shorter period of warm-up time, therefore saving time and fuel.

*Trademarks of Imperial Oil Limited. Imperial Oil, Licensee. Lubricants and Specialties, Marketing Technical Services Trademark of Exxon Corporation. Imperial Oil, Licensee. Helplines: 1-800-268-3183


Reduction of Number of Oils in Use UNIVIS EXTRA meets the requirements of most types of pumps, i.e. vane, axial piston, radial piston and gear over a wide wide temperature range. where different oils may have been necessary to meet all these varied demands, UNIVIS EXTRA just may be the only grade necessary for all of an operator's equipment. this will reduce the cost of inventory inventory and  potential for misapplication.

*Trademarks of Imperial Oil Limited. Imperial Oil, Licensee. Lubricants and Specialties, Marketing Technical Services Trademark of Exxon Corporation. Imperial Oil, Licensee. Helplines: 1-800-268-3183


Wide Temperature Range Protection  As mechanical harvesting machines aand nd other  logging equipment become more sophisticated, the demands on the hydraulic fluids increase  proportionally. It is not unusual to find three or four  separate hydraulic circuits - each with its own pumps and sometimes hydraulic motors operating from one central hydraulic oil reservoir. Pressures in the 3000  psi (21,000 KPa) range are not uncommon, and the oil must be of the highest quality to get the most out of these systems. systems. Table 1 shows that most hydraulic equipment manufacturers recommend the oil to be in a narrow "viscosity band: for maximum efficiency and component life. For example, Vickers

 popular UNIVIS N line. In the Vicker's 35VQ25  pump test, excellent pass protection was obtained.

recommends a range of 13 to 54 cSt. The viscositytemperature graph, Figure1 shows that UNIVIS N22 reaches the lower viscosity limit of 13 cSt at 57C (135F). UNIVIS EXTRA does not "thin ou out" t" to 13 cSt until it reaches a temperature of 70 C (158F). On the other hand, UNIVIS EXTRA reaches 54 cSt

Excellent demulsibility allows free water caused by condensation to settle rapidly; water should be drawn off frequently.

Rust protection is an important feature and UNIVIS EXTRA passes the severe synthetic sea water rust test - ASTM D665B. Oxidation resistance is outstanding at low as well as very high bulk oil temperatures, giving the oil long service life. Effective foam inhibitors eliminate foam which can lead to "spongy" systems.

Cleanliness To achieve maximum component life the oil should

at 23C, similar to UNIVIS N 32. It can easily be seen that this "super-multi-grade"  behavior of UNIVIS EXTRA EXT RA enhances the protection pr otection of hydraulic equipment operating in extreme climatic conditions. Low Temperature Performance It is of the utmost importance that the hydraulic fluid

flows to the intake of the pump instantly when starting. Too thick or heavy a fluid creates cavitation which can lead to instant damage to pumps. Esso Petroleum's experience has shown that 9,300 cSt is the maximum viscosity whereby a fluid will not cause cavitation in properly designed systems under normal conditions. conditions. UNIVIS EXTRA reaches this limit at -40 C, matching UNIVIS N 22 in low temperature performance. Full load can be applied when the oil reaches viscosities recommended by the manufacturer. For  example, Rexroth's limit for axial piston pumps is 100 cSt or 11 C and the ideal operating range for  these pumps is 36 cSt to 16 cSt or 36 C to 64C. Other Performance Features UNIVIS EXTRA meets major pump manufacturers'  performance application requirements and can therefore be used in a wide variety of equipment, reducing the number of fluids required.

UNIVIS EXTRA exhibits the same excellent wear   protection characteristics as the balance of the

 be kept clean by scrupulous handling and in-system fine filtration. Follow filtration recommendations closely for best results. NOTE Viscosity ranges discussed in this bulletin are the manufacturer's recommended ideal ranges. Lower  viscosities can be tolerated for short periods. Check  you operator's manual for details. It follows that the

installation of an accurate temperature gauge in the hydraulic tank will be of great help to the operator to assist in ensuring that the oil stays in the safe temperature range. If a change-over becomes necessary, the wide application range of Univis extra also reduces  possible pump damage caused by incomplete drainage during during the change-out. This occu occurs rs when enough winter oil is left in the system to seriously affect the summer oil viscosity.

 Precautions UNIVIS EXTRA is manufactured from high quality  petroleum base stocks, carefully blended with selected additives. As with all petroleum products, good personal hygiene and careful handling should always be practiced. Avoid prolonged contact to skin, splashing into the eyes, ingestion or vapour  inhalation. Please refer to our ESSO Material Safety Data Sheet for further information.  Note: This product is not controlled under Canadian WHMIS legislation.

*Trademarks of Imperial Oil Limited. Imperial Oil, Licensee. Lubricants and Specialties, Marketing Technical Services Trademark of Exxon Corporation. Imperial Oil, Licensee. Helplines: 1-800-268-3183




Operating Manufacturer


Denison Bulletin 440

Piston Pumps (2) Vane Pumps

Racine Form No S-106 (7-81)

FA; RA; K  Q; Q6; SV-10, 15, 20, 25 SV-40; 80 & 100 Radial Piston Axial Piston In-line Piston Angle Piston, Vane Gear, Pumps &

Vickers Data Sheet I286-S

Minimum cSt 13 10

Maximum cSt 107

15 21 32 10 14 13

Start-up (Under Load)




860 (low speed & pressure) 864

24-31 30 26-45

216 216 65 450 54

864 864 162 647 220

32-54 43-64 21-54 32-65 -



Motors MHT Vane Motors Piston Pumps, Series 30 Other Piston Units Axial Piston Pumps Vane Pumps  (V2 Model) Radial Piston Pumps Gear Pumps & Motors (G2-G4) (G8-G10) (GM)

13 13

54 54

860 110


6.4 9.0 16 16 16 10

100 200 160 200

1000 800

13 13 16-36 25-160

10 10 20

300 3000 300

1000 1000


(1) Imperial Oil experience shows that most systems can be started at 9300 cSt under no load conditions. Full load can be applied when the startup (under load) viscosity is reac hed (see above). (2) Viscosity index of fluid to be 100 or above.

Typical Properties UNIVIS EXTRA

Viscosity cSt   @ 40°C   @ 100C Viscosity Index Temperature C @ 9300 cSt Pour Point C Flash Point, COC C Rust Inhibition Characteristics,   24hrs. @ 60C (synthetic sea water) Demulsibility, after 30 minutes   oil/water/emulsion (mL)

32. 8 7.6 2 13 -40 -54 170  pass 40-40-0

The values shown above above are representative of current production. Some are controlled by manufacturing and performance performance  specifications while others are not. All may vary within modest ranges.

*Trademarks of Imperial Oil Limited. Imperial Oil, Licensee. Lubricants and Specialties, Marketing Technical Services Trademark of Exxon Corporation. Imperial Oil, Licensee. Helplines: 1-800-268-3183


*Trademarks of Imperial Oil Limited. Imperial Oil, Licensee. Lubricants and Specialties, Marketing Technical Services Trademark of Exxon Corporation. Imperial Oil, Licensee. Helplines: 1-800-268-3183



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Dat e Pr epar epar ed ed:: J an anua uarr y 2 25, 5, 20 2002 02 Super sed sede es: Apr i l 12, 2000 MSDS SDS Num Number : 16303  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

1. PRODUCT INFORMATION Pr od odu uct I den entt i f i er : EXXON UNI VI S E EX XTR TRA A

Appl i ca catt i on and and Use: Hydr aul i c f l ui d Pr oduct Descri pt i on: Mi xt ur e o off paraf f i ni c and and napht heni c h hyd ydrr oc oca ar bon ons s ( sat ur at ed an and unsa satt ur at ed) , and addi t i ve ves. s.  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ REGU EGULATOR LATORY CLASSI FI CATI ON WHMI S: Not a con contt r ol l ed pr od odu uct CEPA: CA CAN NADI AN EN ENVI VI RONMENTAL ENTAL PRO PROTECTI TECTI ON A ACT CT Al l co com mpon one ent s of t hi s pr od odu uct are ei t her on t he Domest i c Subst an ances ces Li st ( DSL) or ar e ex exem empt .  TDG I NFOR  TDG FORMATI ON ( RAI L/ ROAD) : Not Regul egul at ed i n C Can anad ada. a. Pl ea ease se be be awar e t hat ot her r eg egu ul at i on ons s may ap app pl y.  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  TELEPHONE NUMBERS ERS Emer gency gency 24 hr .  Techni cal I nf o.

MANUFAC FACTU TUR RER ER// SU SUPPLI PPLI ER: ER: ( 519) 519) 33 3399- 2145 2145 ( 800 800)) 268 268-- 3183 3183

I MPER PERI AL OI L Pr oduct oduct s Di vi s i on 240 4t h A Avenu venue e S. W. Cal gar y, Al ber t a  T2P 3M9

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ MSDS No: 16303 EXXON UNIVIS EXTRA



Page 2 of 6

2. REGULATED COMPONENTS  The f ol l owi ng compon ponent ent s ar e def i ned i n accor dan dance ce wi t h sub- par agr aph 13( a) ( i ) t o ( i v) or par agr aph 14( a) of t he Haza zarr dous P Prr odu oduct s Act Act : NAME



Not appl i cab cabl e  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3. TYPICAL PHYSICAL & CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Physi cal cal St at e: Speci f i c gr gr avi t y: Vi scosi t y: Vapou ourr Densi t y: Boi l i ng Poi nt : Eva vap porat i on r at e:

Li qui d not avai l abl e 32. 00 cS cStt at 40 deg C not avai vai l abl e not avai l abl e I nh nhal al at i on : LC LC50 50 >

t hi s 50 5000 00 3160 3160 50 5000 00

pr pr oduct i s ex expect ed t o be be: mg/ kg ( Rat ) mg/ kg ( Rabb abbii t ) mg/ m3 ( Rat )


For For oi l mi st s, 5 mg/ m3. Loca Locall r egul at ed l i mi t s may v va ar y.  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Vapou ourr pr essur e of t hi s mat er i al i s l ow and and as such such i nhal at i on under

nor mal con condi t i ons i s u usu sua al l y not a pr obl em. I f ove verr exp xpose osed d t o oi l mi st , r emove f r om f ur t her exposur sur e. Admi ni st er ar t i f i ci al r espi spi r at i on i f br br eat hi ng has st opped. Keep at r est . Cal l f or pr ompt medi cal cal at t ent i on on.. EYE CONTACT:

Fl ush eyes yes wi t h l ar ge amount s of wat er u un nt i l i r r i t at i on sub subsi des. i r r i t at i on per s i s t s , get medi c a all at t ent i on.



Fl ush wi t h l ar ge amount s of of wat er . Use soa soap p i f ava vaii l abl e. Remov ove e seve severr el y con cont ami nat ed cl ot hi ng ( i ncl udi ng shoes) shoes) an and d l au aun nde derr bef or e r euse se.. I f i r r i t at i on per s i s t s , s ee eek medi c a all at t ent i on. INGESTION:

I f sw swal al l owed ed,, DO NOT i nduce vom vomi t i ng. at t ent i on.

Kee eep p at r est .

Get pr ompt med edii cal

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


 The sel ect i on of per sonal pr ot ect i ve equ equii pment var i es, depend dependii ng upon upon con condi t i ons of of use se.. I n open systems w wh her e c co ont act i s l i kel kel y, wear sa saff et y go goggl es, che chemi cal cal r esi st ant ove verr al l s, and che chemi cal cal l y i mper vi ous gl gl ove oves. Wher e onl y i nci dent al con cont act i s l i kel kel y, wear sa saff et y gl asses sses wi t h si de sh shii el ds. No ot ot her sp spe eci al pr ecau caut i ons ar e n ne ecessa cessarr y pr pr ovi ded ski ski n/ eye con cont act i s avo avoii ded. Wher e concen concentt r at i ons ons i n ai r may ex excee ceed d t he occup occupat i on onal al ex exp posur osur e l i mi t s _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ MSDS No: 16303 EXXON UNIVIS EXTRA



Page 4 of 6 gi ven ven i n S Sect ect i on 4 a an nd wher e en engi nee eerr i ng, wor k pr pr act i ces or ot her mea eans ns of ex exp posur osur e r ed edu uct i on ar e not not ad adeq equ uat e, ap app pr ov oved ed r espi espi r at or s may be nece cessar ssar y t o p prr eve ven nt ov ove er exp xposu osurr e b by y i nhal at i on on.. ENGINEERING CONTROLS:

 The use of l ocal exha exhaust ust vent i l at i on i s r ecommended ended t o cont r ol emi ssi on ons s nea nearr t he sou sourr ce. Lab Labor or at or y sampl es shou shoull d be han andl dl ed i n a f umehoo ood d. Pr ov ovii de mec ech hani ca call ven ventt i l at i on of con conf i ned space spaces. s. HANDLING, STORAGE AND SHIPPING:

Kee eep p cont cont ai ner s cl osed. osed. Han and dl e an and d op open en con contt ai ner s wi t h car e. St or e i n a coo cool , wel l vent i l at ed pl pl ace away f r om i ncom compat i bl e mat er i al s. I n kee keep pi ng wi t h good good per per son sonal al hygi ygi en ene e pr pr act i ces, wash han and ds t hor ou oug ghl y af t er handl i ng t he mat er i al . Empt y con cont ai ner ner s may con contt ai n pr od odu uct r esi due. Do not not pr essur essur i ze cu cutt , hea eatt , or wel d empt y con cont ai ner ner s. Do not not r eu euse se em empt y con cont ai ne nerr s wi t hout com commer ci al cl eani ng or or r econ condi t i oni ng.


El i mi nat e so sou ur ce of i gni t i on. on. Keep publ i c away. Preve Prevent ad addi t i ona onal di sch scha ar ge of mat er i al , i f possi bl e t o do do so wi t hout haza zarr d. Pr eve ven nt spi l l s f r om ent er i ng se sew wer s, wat er cou cour se ses s or l ow ar eas. Cont ai n spi spi l l ed l i qui d wi t h san sand or ear t h. Recove ecoverr by pum pumpi ng or by u usi si ng a su suii t ab abll e ab absor ban antt . Consu sull t an exp xpe er t on di sp spo osa sall of r ecove coverr ed mat er i al . Ensu surr e di sp spo osa sall i n compl i an ance ce wi t h g gov over er nmen entt r eq equ ui r emen entt s and en ensur sur e con conff or mi t y t o l ocal ocal di sp spo osa sal egiutl iaonal t i ons.act iNon ot i necess f y t hearap oppr r i even at e tauand t hor ri em t i edy es i tmhe medadver i at erl y .  Take al ll raddi add necessar yprt o event adve se ef f ec t s o off t he he s p pii l l .  WATER SPILL:

Remov ove e f r om surf ac ace e by ski mmi ng or wi wi t h sui t abl e absor bent ent s. I f al l owed by l ocal cal aut hor i t i es a an nd envi r onment al agenci es, si nki ng and/ or su suii t abl e di spe sperr san santt s may be be u used sed i n u un ncon conff i ned wat er s. Consu sull t an exp xpe er t on di sp spo osa sall of r ecove coverr ed mat er i al . Ensu surr e di sp spo osa sall i n compl i an ance ce wi t h g gov over er nmen entt r eq equ ui r emen entt s and en ensur sur e con conff or mi t y t o l ocal ocal di sp spo osa sall r egul at i ons. Not i f y t he appr opr i at e aut hor i t i es i mmedi at el y.  Take al l addi addi t i onal act i on necess necessar ar y t o pr even eventt and r emedy t he adver adver se ef f ec t s o off t he he s p pii l l .  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

7. FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD Fl ashpoi nt and met hod: hod: 160 160 deg deg C COC ASTM D92 Aut oi gni t i on on:: NA

Fl ammab abll e Li mi t s: LE LEL: L: NA



Low Hazar d; l i qu quii ds may bu burr n up upon on he heat at i ng t o t empe perr at ur es at or ab above ove t he _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ MSDS No: 16303 EXXON UNIVIS EXTRA



Page 5 of 6 f l as h poi nt .  Toxi c gases wi l l f or m upon upon combust i on. FIRE FIGHTING:

Use wat er s pr ay t o c coo ooll f i r e exp xpose osed d su surr f ace ces s and and t o pr pr ot ect per sonn sonnel . Shut o f f f uel t o f i r e e.. Use f oa oam m, dr y ch chemi cal cal or wa wat er sp sprr ay t o ext i ngui sh f i r e. Resp spii r at or y an and eye pr ot ect i on r equi r ed f or f i r e f i ght i ng per so son nnel . A sel f - con contt ai ned br eat hi ng appar at us ( SCBA) shou shoul d be used f or al l i ndoo oorr f i r es and any si gni f i ca can nt out out door f i r es. Fo Forr smal l out door f i r es, whi ch may e ea asi l y b be e e ext xt i ngui sh she ed wi t h a por t abl e f i r e ext ext i ngui sh she er , use of of an SCB SC BA may no nott be r equi equi r ed. ed. HAZARDOUS COMBUSTION PRODUCTS:

Smoke oke,, car bon monox onoxii de, car bon di ox oxii de an and d t r aces aces of ox oxii des of sul phur  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


 Thi s pr odu oduct ct i s s t abl e.

Hazar dou dous s pol ymer i z at i on wi l l not occur .


St r ong oxi oxi di zi ng ag agent s HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION:

none  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

9. NOTES Al l com component s of t hi s produ product ar e l i st ed on on t he U. U. S. TSCA i nve ven nt or y.  THR  TH REE YEAR YEAR WHMI S REVI EVI EW. REVI SI ON SUM REVI SUMMAR ARY: Y: Si nce 12 Apr i l 2000, t hi s MSDS has bee been n r evi sed i n Sect i on on(( s) : 7  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

10. PREPARATION Dat e Pr ep epar ar ed: ed: J anua anuarr y 25, 25, 20 2002 02 Pr epar ed by: Lub Lubr i can cant s & Speci al t i es I MPER PERI AL O OII L Pr oduct s Di Di vi si on 240 4t h A Avenu venue e S. W. Cal gar y, Al ber t a _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ MSDS No: 16303 EXXON UNIVIS EXTRA



Page 6 of 6  T2P 3M9 ( 80 800) 0) 268268- 31 3183 83

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CAUTI ON: " The The i nf or mat i on con cont ai ned her ei n r el at es on onl y t o t hi s pr pr od odu uct or mat er i al an and d may n not ot be val i d whe hen n u used sed i n co com mbi na natt i on wi t h any any ot he herr pr od oduct uct or mat er i al or i n any pr oc oce ess. I f t he pr oduct i s no not t o be use sed d f or a pur pose or und under cond condi t i on ons s whi ch ar e normal or r eason sona abl y f or eseeab seeabll e, t hi s i nf ormat i on ca can nnot be r el i ed upon as c com ompl et e or app appl i cab cabl e. Fo Forr gr ea eatt er cer cer t ai nt y, uses o ott her t han t hose descri bed i n S Se ect i on 1 must be r evi ewed wi t h t he supp suppl i er. Th The e i nf ormat i on con cont ai ned her ei n i s b ba ased on t he i nf or mat i on ava vaii l abl e at t he i ndi cat cat ed dat e of pr epar at i on. Thi s MSDS i s f or t he use o off I mper i al Oi l cust omer s and and t hei hei r empl oy oyee ees s and and ag agen entt s onl onl y. Any f ur t her di st r i but i on of t hi s MSDS by I mper i al Oi l cust cust omer s i s pr ohi bi t ed wi t hout t he wr i t t en co con nse sen nt of I mper i al Oi l . "

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ MSDS No: 16303 EXXON UNIVIS EXTRA


  Product Name: Name: MOBIL DELVAC DELVAC SYNTHETIC SYNTHETIC GEAR OIL 75W-90 Revision Date: 22Nov2005 Page 1 of 7  ______________________________________________________  _________________________ ________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________ __________



PRODUCT  Prod uc t N Name: ame: MOBIL DELVAC SYN SYNTHE THETIC TIC GEAR OIL 75W-9 75W-90 0  Product Description:  Description:   Synthetic Base Stocks and Additives Additives   MSDS Number:  Number:   10525  Intended Use: Gear oil  COMPANY IDENTIFICATION IDENTIFICATION  Imperial Impe rial Oil Products Division Division   Supplier: 111 St. Clair Avenue West Toronto, ONT. M M5W 5W 1K3 Canada  24 Hour Hour Envi ronm ental / He Health alth Emergency 519-339-2145   519-339-2145 Telephone Transportation Emergency Phone Number 519-339-2145   519-339-2145

Product Technical Information Supplier General Contact


1-800-268-3183   1-800-268-3183 1-800-567-3776  1-800-567-3776 


* All concentrations are percent by weight unless unl ess ingredient is a gas. Gas concentrations are in percent by volume.   SECTION 3  HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION  This material is not considered to be hazardous according to regulatory guidelines see Section 15.  

HEALTH EFFECTS  Low order of toxicity. Excessive exposure may result in eye, skin, or respiratory irritation. High-pressure injection under skin may cause serious damage.

NFPA Hazard ID:  ID:   HMIS Hazard ID:  ID:  

Health: Health:

0  0 

Flammability: 1  Flammability: 1 

Reactivity: 0  Reactivity: 0 

Note: This material should not be used for any other purpose than the iintended ntended use in Section 1 without expert advice. advi ce. Health studies have shown that chemical exposure may cause potential human health risks which may vary from person to person.  SECTION 4  4 


INHALATION  INHALATION  Remove from further exposure. For those providing assistance, avoid exposure exposure to yourself o orr others. Use adequate respiratory protection. protection. If respiratory irritation, dizziness, nausea, or unconsciousness occu occurs, rs, seek immediate medical assistance. If breathing has stopped, assist ventilation with a mechanical device or use mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.


  Product Name: Name: MOBIL DELVAC DELVAC SYNTHETIC SYNTHETIC GEAR OIL 75W-90 Revision Date: 22Nov2005 Page 2 of 7  ______________________________________________________  _________________________ ________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________ __________

SKIN CONTACT CONTACT   Wash contact areas with soap and water. If product is injected into or under the skin, or into any part of the body, regardless of the appearance of the wound or its size, the individual should be evaluated immediately by a physician as a surgical emergency. Even though initial symptoms from high pressure injection may be minimal or absent, early surgical treatment within the first few hours may significantly reduce the ultimate extent of injury. EYE CONTACT  CONTACT  Flush thoroughly with water. If irritation occurs, get m medical edical assistance. INGESTION   INGESTION First aid is normally not required. Seek medical attention if discomfort occurs.



EXTINGUISHING MEDIA  MEDIA    Appr  Ap pr op ri ate Exti Ex ti ng ui sh in g Media: Med ia: Use water fog, foam, dry chemical or carbon dioxide (CO2) to extinguish flames.   flames. Inappropriate Extinguishing Me Media: dia: Straight streams of water FIRE FIGHTING  FIGHTING  Fire Fighting Instruction s: Evacuate area. Prevent run-off ffrom rom fire control or dilution from entering streams, sewers or drinking water water supply. Fire-fighters should use standard protective equipment and in enclosed spaces, self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). (SCBA). Use water spray to cool fire exposed surfaces and to protect personnel. Hazardous Haza rdous Combu stion Product s:  Aldehydes, Sulphur Oxides, Incomplete combustion products, Oxides of carbon, Smoke, Fume FLAMMABILITY PROPERTIES Flash Fla sh Point [Me [Method]: thod]: >150°C (302°F) [ ASTM D-92] D-92] Flammable Fla mmable Limits (Approximate volume % in air): LEL: 0.6  Auto  Au to ig ni ti on Temp Temperat erat ur e: N/D SECTION 6 6  

UEL: 7.0


NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES  PROCEDURES  In the event of a spill or accidental release, notify relevant authorities in accordance with all applicable regulations.

SPILL MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT   Land Spill: Stop leak if you can do so without without risk. Recover by pumping or w with ith suitable absorbent. Water Spill: Stop leak if you can do so without risk. Confine the spill immediately immediately with booms. Warn other shipping. Remove from the surface by skimming or with suitable absorbents. Seek the advice of a specialist before using dispersants.


  Product Name: Name: MOBIL DELVAC DELVAC SYNTHETIC SYNTHETIC GEAR OIL 75W-90 Revision Date: 22Nov2005 Page 3 of 7  ______________________________________________________  _________________________ ________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________ __________

Water spill and land spill recommendations are based on the most likely spill scenario for this material; however, geographic conditions, wind, temperature, (and in the case of a water spill) wave and current direction and speed may greatly influence the appropriate appropriate action to be taken. For this reason, local experts sho should uld be consulted. Note: Local regulations may prescribe or limit action action to be taken. ENVIRONMENTAL PRECAUTIONS ENVIRONMENTAL PRECAUTIONS   Large Spills: Dyke far ahead of liquid spill for later recovery and disposal. Prevent entry into waterways, sewers, basements or confined areas.



HANDLING  HANDLING  Prevent small spills and leakage to avoid slip hazard. Static Sta tic Accumul ator: This material is a static accumulator.

STORAGE  STORAGE  Do not store in open or unlabelled containers.  containers.  SECTION 8 


Exposure limits/standards for materials that can be formed when handling t his pro duct: When mist can occur, the following are recommended: 5 mg/m³ (mineral oil) - ACGIH TLV; TLV; 10 mg/m³ (mineral oil) - ACGIH STEL. NOTE: Limits/standards Limits/standards shown for guidance only. Follow applicable regulations.  ENGINEERING CONTROLS  The level of protection and types of controls necessary will vary depending upon potential exposure conditions. Control measures to consider:  No special requirements under ordinary conditions of use and with adequate ventilation.   PERSONAL PROTECTION PROTECTION  Personal protective equipment selections vary based on potential exposure conditions such as applications, handling practices, concentration and ventilation. ventilation. Information on the selection of protective equipment for use with this material, as provided below, is based upon intended, normal usage. Respiratory Protection: If engineering controls do not maintain airborne Respiratory a irborne contaminant concentrations at a level which is adequate to protect worker health, an approved rrespirator espirator may be appropriate. Respirator selection, use, and maintenance must be in accordance with regulator regulatory y requirements, if applicable. Types of respirators to be considered for this material include: i nclude:  No special requirements under ordinary conditions of use and with adequate ventilation.   For high airborne concentrations, use an approved a pproved supplied-air respirator, operated in positive pressure mode. Supplied air respirators with an escape bottle may be appropriate when oxygen levels are inadequate, gas/vapour warning properties are poor, or if air purifying filter capacity/rating may be exceeded.  


  Product Name: Name: MOBIL DELVAC DELVAC SYNTHETIC SYNTHETIC GEAR OIL 75W-90 Revision Date: 22Nov2005 Page 4 of 7  ______________________________________________________  _________________________ ________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________ __________

Hand Ha nd Protection:  Any specific glove information provided provided is based on published literature and glove manufacturer data. Work conditions can greatly effect glove durability; inspect and replace worn or damaged gloves. The types of gloves to be considered for this material include:  No protection is ordinarily required under normal conditions of use.  Eye Protection: If contact is likely, safety glasses with side shields are recommended.   Skin and Body Protection:  Any specific clothing information provided provided is based on published literature or manufacturer data. The types of clothing to be con considered sidered for this material include:  No skin protection is ordinarily required under normal conditions of use. In accordance with good industrial hygiene practices, precautions should be taken to avoid skin contact.  Specific Hygiene Measures:  Always observe good personal hygiene measures, measures, such as washing af after ter handling the material and before eating, drinking, d rinking, and/or smoking. Routinely wash work clothing and protective equipment to remove contaminants. Discard contaminated clothing and footwear that cannot be cleaned. Practise good housekeeping. 



Typical physical and chemical properties are given given below. Consult the Supplier in Se Section ction 1 for additio nal data.  GENERAL INFORMATION  Physical State: Liquid Liquid   Form: N/D  Colour:  Amber   Odour: Characteristic  Odour Threshold: N/D  IMPORTANT HEALTH, SAFETY, SA FETY, AND ENVIRONM ENVIRONMENTAL ENTAL INFORMATION  Relative Density (at 15 °C): °C): 0.856 Flash Fla sh Point [Me [Method]: thod]: >150°C (302°F) [ ASTM D-92] D-92]  Flammable Fla mmable Limits (Approximate volume % in air): LEL: 0.6 UEL: 7.0  Auto  Au to ig ni ti on Temp Temperat erat ur e: N/D Boiling Point / Ra Range: nge: > 316°C (600°F)  Vapour Density (Ai r = 1) 1):: > 2 at 101 kPa  Vapour Pressure: < 0.013 kPa (0.1 mm Hg) at 20ºC   Evaporatio n Rate (N (N-Butyl -Butyl Acetate = 1): 1): < 1  pH: N/A  Log Pow (n-Octanol/Water Partition Coefficient): > 3.5  3.5  Solubility in Wa Water: ter: Negligible   Viscosity: >140 cSt (140 mm²/ mm²/sec) sec) at 40ºC Oxidizing properties:  properties:   See Sections 3, 15, 16.  OTHER INFORMATION  Freezing Point: N/D N/D   Melting Me lting Point: N/A N/A   Pour Point: -36°C (-33°F) SECTION 10 



  Product Name: Name: MOBIL DELVAC DELVAC SYNTHETIC SYNTHETIC GEAR OIL 75W-90 Revision Date: 22Nov2005 Page 5 of 7  ______________________________________________________  _________________________ ________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________ __________

STABILITY: Material is stable under normal conditions.   CONDITIONS CONDITIO NS TO AVOID: Excessive heat. High energy sources of ignition.   MATERIALS TO AVOID: Strong oxidizers  HAZARDOUS DECOMPOS DECOMPOSITION ITION PRODUCTS: Material does not decompose at ambient temperatures.  HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur.  SECTION 11   Ac ut e Toxic  Acut Tox ic it y   Route of Exposure INHALATION  INHALATION  Toxicity (Rat): LC50 > 5000 mg/m³


 Conclusion / Remarks Remarks Minimally Toxic. Based on test data for structurally similar

materials. Negligible hazard at ambient/normal handling temperatures. Based on assessment of the components.

Irritation: No end point data.

INGESTION  INGESTION  Toxicity (Rat): LD50 > 2000 mg/kg

Minimally Toxic. Based on test data for structurally similar materials.

Skin   Skin  Toxicity (Rabbit): LD50 > 2000 mg/kg Irritation (Rabbit): Data available.

Eye   Eye Irritation (Rabbit): Data available.

Minimally Toxic. Based on test data for structurally similar materials. Negligible irritation to skin at ambient temperatures. Based on test data for structurally similar materials.

May cause mild, short-lasting discomfort to eyes. Based on test data for structurally similar materials.

CHRONIC/OTHER EFFECTS Contains: Synthetic base oils: Not expected to cause significant health effects under conditions of normal use, based on laboratory studies with the same or similar materials. Not mutagenic or genotoxic. Not sensitising in test animals and humans.  Additional information is available by request.  CMR Status:  Status:   None. 

1 = IARC 1 2 = IARC 2A 




The information given is based on data available for the material, the components of the material, and similar materials.


  Product Name: Name: MOBIL DELVAC DELVAC SYNTHETIC SYNTHETIC GEAR OIL 75W-90 Revision Date: 22Nov2005 Page 6 of 7  ______________________________________________________  _________________________ ________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________ __________

ECOTOXICITY Material -- Not expected to be harmful to aquatic organisms.   MOBILITY  MOBILITY  Base oil component -- Low solubility and floats and is expected to migrate from water to the land. Expected to partition to sediment and wastewater solids.  



Disposal recommendations based on material as supplied. Disposal must be in accordance with with current applicable laws and regulations, and material characteristics at time of disposal.

DISPOSAL RECOMMENDATIONS RECOMMENDATIONS  Product is suitable for burning in an enclosed controlled burner for fuel value or disposal by supervised incineration at very high temperatures to prevent formation of undesirable combustion products. REGULATORY DISPOSAL INFORMATION  Empty Container Warning (where Warning  (where applicable): Empty containers may retain residue and can be dangerous. DO NOT PRESSURISE, CUT, WELD, BRAZE, SOLDER, DRILL, GRIND OR EXPOSE SUCH CONTAINERS TO HEAT, FLAME, SPARKS, STATIC ELECTRICITY, OR OTHER SOURCES OF IGNITION; THEY MAY EXPLODE AND CAUSE CAUSE INJURY OR DEATH. Do not attempt to refill or clean container since residue is difficult to remove. Empty drums should be completely drained, properly bunged and promptly returned to a drum reconditioner. All containers should be disposed of in an environmentally safe manner and in accordance with governmental regulations.  SECTION 14 


LAND (TDG) : (TDG) : Not Regulated for for Land Transport 

LAND (DOT) : (DOT) : Not Regulated for for Land Transport 

SEA (IMDG) : (IMDG) : Not Regulated for Sea Sea Transport according to IMD IMDG-Code G-Code 

 AIR (IATA) (IATA ) : Not Regulated for Air Transport Transport  SECTION 15 


WHMIS WHM IS Classific ation: Not controlled This product has been classified in accordance with hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations and the (M)SDS contains all the information required by the Controlled Products Regulations.  Regulations.   CEPA:  All components of this material material are either on the Canadian Domestic Substances List List (DSL), exempt, or have


  Product Name: Name: MOBIL DELVAC DELVAC SYNTHETIC SYNTHETIC GEAR OIL 75W-90 Revision Date: 22Nov2005 Page 7 of 7  ______________________________________________________  _________________________ ________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________ __________


The Following Following Ingredients are Cited Cited on t he Lists Below:  Below:   None.

1 = TSCA 4 2 = TSCA 5a2


SECTION 16  16  OTHER INFORMATION  INFORMATION  N/D = Not determined, N/A = Not applicable

THIS SAFETY DATA SHEET CONTAINS CONTAINS THE FOL FOLLOWING LOWING REVISIONS:  REVISIONS:  Revision Changes: Not Applicable  Applicable  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WHMIS Classification: Not controlled

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The information and recommendations contained herein are, to the best of Imperial Oil's knowledge and belief, accurate and reliable as of the date issued. Imperial Oil assumes no responsibility for accuracy of information unless the document is the most current available from an official Imperial Imperial Oil distribution system. The information and recommendations are offered for the user's consideration and examination, and it is the user's responsibility to satisfy itself that they are suitable and complete for its particular use. If buyer repackages this product, legal counsel should be consulted to insure proper health, safety and other nece necessary ssary information is included on the container. Appropriate warnings and safe-handling procedures should be provided to handlers and users. Alteration of this do document cument is strictly prohibited. Except to the extent required by law, republication or retransmission of this document, in whole or in part, is not permitted.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DGN: 5008529 (1010351) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Copyright 2002 Imperial Oil Limited, All rights reserved Prepared By: Imperial Oil Limited, IH and Product Safety


  Product Name: MOBILTRANS HD 50 Revision Date: 13Dec2006 Page 1 of 7  ______________________________________________________  _________________________ ________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________ __________



PRODUCT  Prod uc t Name: MOBILTRANS HD 50  Product Description:   Base Oil and Additives  MSDS Number:   18213  Intended Use: Manual transmission fluid  COMPANY IDENTIFICATION IDENTIFICATION  Imperial Oil Products Division  Imperial Supplier: 240 4th Avenue Calgary, ALBERTA. T2P 3M9 Canada  24 Hour Hour Envi ronm ental / He Health alth Emergency 519-339-2145  Telephone Transportation Emergency Phone Number


Product Technical Information Supplier General Contact


1-800-268-3183  1-800-567-3776 


No Reportable Hazardous Substance(s) or Complex Substance(s).  



This material is not considered to be hazardous according to regulatory guidelines see Section 15.  


Low order of toxicity. Excessive exposure may rresult esult in eye, skin, or respiratory ir irritation. ritation. High-pressure injection under skin may cause serious damage.

NFPA Hazard ID:   HMIS Hazard ID:  

Health: Health:

0  0 

Flammability: 1  Flammability: 1 

Reactivity: 0  Reactivity: 0 


This material shouldthat not chemical be used for any other purpose the iintended ntendedhealth use inrisks Section 1 without expert Health studies have shown exposure may cause than potential human which may vary fromadvice. person to person.  SECTION 4 



Remove from further further exposure. For those providing assistance, avoid exposure exposure to yourself o orr others. Use adequate respiratory protection. protection. If respiratory irritation, dizziness, nausea, or unconsciousness occurs, occurs, seek immediate medical assistance. If breathing has stopped, assist ventilation with a mechanical device or use mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.


  Product Name: MOBILTRANS HD 50 Revision Date: 13Dec2006 Page 2 of 7  ______________________________________________________  _________________________ ________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________ __________


Wash contact areas with soap and water. If product is injected into or under the skin, or into any part of the body, regardless of the appearance of the wound or its size, the individual should be evaluated immediately by a physician as a surgical emergency. Even though initial symptoms from high pressure injection may be minimal or absent, early surgical treatment within the first few hours may significantly reduce the ultimate extent of injury. EYE CONTACT 

Flush thoroughly with water. If irritation occurs, get m medical edical assistance. INGESTION  

First aid is normally not required. Seek medical attention if discomfort occurs.



EXTINGUISHING MEDIA    Appr  Ap pr op ri ate Exti Ex ti ng ui sh in g Media: Med ia: Use water fog, foam, dry chemical or carbon dioxide d ioxide (CO2) to extinguish flames.  Inappropriate Extinguishing Me Media: dia: Straight streams of water FIRE FIGHTING  Fire Fighting Instruction s: Evacuate area. Prevent run-off from fire control or dilution from entering streams,

sewers or drinking water supply. Fire-fighters should use standard protective equipment and in enclosed spaces, self-contained breathing apparatus apparatus (SCBA). Use water spray to cool fire exposed surfaces and to protect personnel. Haza Ha zardous rdous Combu stion Product s: Oxides of carbon, Smoke, Fume, Sulphur Oxides, Incomplete

combustion products, Aldehydes FLAMMABILITY PROPERTIES Flash Fla sh Point [Me [Method]: thod]: 220°C (428°F) [ ASTM D-92] Flammable Fla mmable Limits (Approximate volume % in air): LEL: 0.9  Auto  Au to ig ni ti on Temp Temperat erat ur e: N/D SECTION 6 

UEL: 7.0



In the event of a spill or accidental release, notify relevant authorities in accordance with all applicable regulations.

SPILL MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT  Land Spill: Stop leak if you can do so without risk. Recover by pumping or with suitable absorbent. Water Spill: Stop leak if you can do so without risk. Confine the spill immediately with booms. Warn other

shipping. Remove from tthe he surface by skimming or with suitable absorbents. Seek the advice of a specialist before using dispersants.


  Product Name: MOBILTRANS HD 50 Revision Date: 13Dec2006 Page 3 of 7  ______________________________________________________  _________________________ ________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________ __________

Water spill and land spill recommendations are based on the most likely spill scenario for this material; however, geographic conditions, wind, temperature, (and in the case of a water spill) wave and current direction and speed may greatly influence the appropriate appropriate action to be taken. For this reason, local experts should should be consulted. Note: Local regulations may prescribe or limit ac action tion to be taken. ENVIRONMENTAL ENVIRONM ENTAL PRECAUTIONS 

Large Spills: Dyke far ahead of liquid spill for later recovery recovery and disposal. Prevent entry into waterways, sewers, basements or confined areas.




Prevent small spills and leakage to avoid slip hazard. Static Sta tic Accumul ator: This material is a static accumulator.


Do not store in open or unlabelled containers.  SECTION 8 


Exposure limits/standards for materials that can be formed when handling t his pro duct: When mists / aerosols

can occur, the the following are recomm recommended: ended: 5 mg/m³ - ACGIH TLV, 10 mg/m³ - ACGIH STEL. NOTE: Limits/standards shown for guidance only. Follow applicable regulations.  ENGINEERING CONTROLS 

The level of protection and types of controls necessary will vary depending upon potential exposure conditions. Control measures to consider:  No special requirements under ordinary conditions of use and with adequate ventilation.  PERSONAL PROTECTION PROTECTION 

Personal protective equipment selections vary based on potential exposure conditions such as appli applications, cations, handling practices, concentration and ventilation. ventilation. Information on the selection of protective equipment for use with this material, as provided below, is based upon intended, normal usage. Respiratory Re spiratory Protection: If engineering controls do not maintain airborne a irborne contaminant concentrations at a level which is adequate to protect worker worker health, an approved respirator may be appropriate. Respirator selection, use, and maintenance must be in accordance with regulatory requirements, requirements, if applicable. Types of respirators to be considered for this material include: i nclude:  No special requirements under ordinary conditions of use and with adequate ventilation. 

For high airborne concentrations, use an approved a pproved supplied-air respirator, operated in positive pressure mode. Supplied air respirators with an escape bottle may be appropriate when oxygen levels are inadequate, gas/vapour warning properties are poor, or if air ai r purifying filter capacity/rating may be exceeded.  


  Product Name: MOBILTRANS HD 50 Revision Date: 13Dec2006 Page 4 of 7  ______________________________________________________  _________________________ ________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________ __________

Hand Ha nd Protection:  Any specific glove information provided is based on published literature and glove

manufacturer data. Work conditions can greatly effect glove durability; inspect and replace worn or damaged gloves. The types of gloves to be considered for this material include:  No protection is ordinarily required under normal conditions of use.   Eye Protection: If contact is likely, safety glasses with w ith side shields are recommended.   Skin and Body Protection:  Any specific clothing information provided is based on published literature or manufacturer data. The types of clothing to be con considered sidered for this material include: 

No skin protection is ordinarily required under normal conditions of use. In accordance with good industrial hygiene practices, precautions should be taken to avoid skin contact.  Specific Hygiene Measures:  Always observe good personal hygiene measures, such as washing after handling the material and before eating, drinking, d rinking, and/or smoking. Routinely wash work clothing and protective equipment to remove contaminants. Discard contaminated clothing and footwear that cannot be cleaned. Practise good housekeeping. 


See Sections 6, 7, 12, 13.  SECTION 9 


Typical physical and chemical properties are given given below. Consult the Supplier in Se Section ction 1 for additio nal data.  GENERAL INFORMATION  Physical State: Liquid Colour:  Amber   Odour: Characteristic  Odour Threshold: N/D  IMPORTANT HEALTH, SAFETY, SA FETY, AND ENVIRONM ENVIRONMENTAL ENTAL INFORMATION  0.89 Relative Density (at 15 °C): °C): 220°C (428°F) [ ASTM D-92]  Flash Fla sh Point [Me [Method]: thod]: Flammable Fla mmable Limits (Approximate volume % in air): LEL: 0.9 UEL: 7.0  Auto  Au to ig ni ti on Temp Temperat erat ur e: N/D Boiling Point / Ra Range: nge: > 316°C (600°F)  Vapour Density (Ai r = 1) 1):: > 2 at 101 kPa  Vapour Pressure: < 0.013 kPa (0.1 mm Hg) at 20°C  Evaporatio n Rate (N (N-Butyl -Butyl Acetate = 1): 1): N/D  pH: N/A  Log Pow (n-Octanol/Water Partition Coefficient): > 3.5    cSt (18.6 mm²/sec) at 100°C Solubility in [N/D Wa Water: ter: Negligible Viscosity: at 40°C] | 18.6 Oxidizing properties:   See Sections 3, 15, 16. 

OTHER INFORMATION  Freezing Point: N/D  Melting Me lting Point: N/A  Pour Point: -15°C (5°F) DMSO DMS O Extract (mineral o il o nly), IP-346: IP-346: SECTION 10 

< 3 %wt



  Product Name: MOBILTRANS HD 50 Revision Date: 13Dec2006 Page 5 of 7  ______________________________________________________  _________________________ ________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________ __________

STABILITY: Material is stable under normal conditions.   CONDITIONS CONDITIO NS TO AVOID: Excessive heat. High energy sources of ignition.  MATERIALS TO AVOID: Strong oxidizers  HAZARDOUS DECOMPOS DECOMPOSITION ITION PRODUCTS: Material does not decompose at ambient temperatures.  HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur.  SECTION 11   Ac ut e Toxic  Acut Tox ic it y   Route of Exposure INHALATION  Toxicity (Rat): LC50 > 5000 mg/m³


 Conclusion / Remarks Remarks Minimally Toxic. Based on test data for structurally similar

materials. Negligible hazard at ambient/normal handling temperatures. Based on assessment of the components.

Irritation: Data available.


Toxicity (Rat): LD50 > 2000 mg/kg

Minimally Toxic. Based on test data for structurally similar materials.


Toxicity (Rabbit): LD50 > 2000 mg/kg Irritation (Rabbit): Data available.

Minimally Toxic. Based on test data for structurally similar materials. Negligible irritation to skin at ambient temperatures. Based on test data for structurally similar materials.


Irritation (Rabbit): Data available.

May cause mild, short-lasting discomfort to eyes. Based on test data for structurally similar materials.

CHRONIC/OTHER EFFECTS For the product itself:

Repeated and/or prolonged exposure may cause irritation to the skin, eyes, or respiratory tract. Contains:

Base oil severely refined: Not carcinogenic in animal studies. Representative material material passes IP-346, Modified  Ames test, and/or other other screening tests. Dermal and inhalation studies showed minimal effects; lung nonspecific infiltration of immune cells, oil deposition and minimal granuloma formation. Not sensitising in test animals.  Additional information is available by request.  CMR Status:   None. 

1 = IARC 1 2 = IARC 2A 



  Product Name: MOBILTRANS HD 50 Revision Date: 13Dec2006 Page 6 of 7  ______________________________________________________  _________________________ ________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________ __________



The information given is based on data available for the material, the components of the material, and similar materials. ECOTOXICITY

Material -- Not expected to be harmful to aquatic organisms.  MOBILITY 

Base oil component -- Low solubility and floats and is expected to migrate from from water to the land. Expected to partition to sediment and wastewater solids.   PERSISTENCE AND DEGRADABILITY  Biodegradation:  

Base oil component -- Expected to be inherently biodegradable BIOACCUMULATION POTENTIAL  

Base oil component -- Has the potential to bioaccumulate, however metabolism or physical properties may

reduce the bioconcentration or limit bioavailability.



Disposal recommendations based on material material as supplied. Disposal must be in accordance with ccurrent urrent applicable laws and regulations, and material characteristics at time of disposal. DISPOSAL RECOMMENDATIONS RECOMMENDATIONS 

Product is suitable for burning in an enclosed controlled burner for fuel value or disposal by supervised incineration at very high temperatures to prevent formation of undesirable combustion products. REGULATORY DISPOSAL INFORMATION  Empty Container Warning  (where applicable): Empty containers may retain residue and can be dangerous.

DO NOT PRESSURISE, CUT, WELD, BRAZE, SOLDER, DRILL, GRIND OR EXPOSE SUCH CONTAINERS TO HEAT, FLAME, SPARKS, STATIC ELECTRICITY, OR OTHER SOURCES OF IGNITION; THEY MAY EXPLODE AND CAUSE INJURY OR DEATH. Do not attempt to refill or clean container since residue is difficult to remove. Empty drums should be completely drained, properly bunged and promptly returned to a drum reconditioner. All containers should be disposed of in an environmentally safe manner and in accordance with governmental regulations.  SECTION 14 


for Land Transport Transport  LAND (TDG) : Not Regulated for for Land Transport Transport  LAND (DOT) : Not Regulated for SEA (IMDG) : Not Regulated for Sea Transport according to IMDG-Code   AIR (IATA) (IATA ) : Not Regulated for Air Transport 


Intermediate Coiled Tubing Unit Intermediate Operations, Parts and Maintenance Manual

Se Section ction 3 Control Cab


3  Control Cab Module  3.1 

Control Cab Module Drawings



Control Cabin Operational Summary






Control Panel



 Auxiliary Control Panel



Cabin Lift Control Panel



Control Panel Component OEM Manual


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Intermediate Coiled Tubing Unit Intermediate Operations, Parts and Maintenance Manual    

 3.1  Control Cab Module Drawings Control Cabin Module

Control Cabin Module Assembly .................................. ................ .................................... .................................... ........................ ...... 282-D-300 Large Control Cabin Interior Assembly......................................... Assembly....................... .................................... .......................... ........ 282-D-305 Platform Module Assembly .................................. ................ .................................... .................................... ................................. ............... 282-D-200  Main Control Panel Assembly .................................. ................ .................................... .................................... ............................. ........... 282-D-675 Cabin/Scissor Lift Assembly


Electrical Schematics

Schematic Overall.................. Overall. ................................... ................................... ................................... ................................... ............................. ............ 3CB091733 Schematic Overall Detail 1 .................................. ................ ................................... ................................... ................................... ................. 3CB091734 Schematic Overall Detail 2 .................................. ................ ................................... ................................... ................................... ................. 3CB091735

Se Section ction 3 Control Cab

Schematic Overall Detail 3 .................................. ................ ................................... ................................... ................................... ................. 3CB091736 Schematic Joystick Modified.................. Modified ................................... ................................... .................................... .............................. ............ 3CB091737 Schematic BOP Remote Box .................................... ................... .................................. .................................. ............................. ............ 3CB091738 Schematic Tractor ................................. ................ ................................... .................................... ................................... .............................. ............. 3CB091739 AC Distribution 1............................. 1........... ................................... ................................... ................................... ................................... .................... .. 3CB092321 AC Distribution 2 .................................. ................. ................................... ................................... ................................... ............................... ............. 3CB092322 Electrical Schematic Crane ..................................... .................. ..................................... .................................... ............................... ............. 3CB092495 Schematic Overall BOP ................................... ................. ................................... ................................... ................................... ..................... .... 3CB091741 Schematic Cab Lift Box..................... Box.... ................................... ................................... ................................... ................................... ................. CB0911742 

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Intermediate Coiled Tubing Unit Intermediate Operations, Parts and Maintenance Manual

Se Section ction 3 Control Cab


 3.2  Control Cabin Operational Summary Functional Overview 

The control cabin provides an enclosed environment in which the operating personnel of the Coiled Tubing Unit carries out many of their of their duties. The main control console from which the coiled tubing unit is operated and monitored is located in the control cabin. The cabin is equipped with heaters and an air conditioning unit to provide a more comfort environment during operations. A chair is available for the operator and auxiliary personnel are provided with a bench seat. During transport the cabin is in the lowered position on a rubber shock absorbing mount. During operations a scissor lift raises the cabin to enable operating personnel to observe the operation of the unit. A hydraulic counterbalance valve prevents the cabin from lowering unless hydraulically lowered and further protection against creep or unwanted lowering is provided by a mechanical lock. The front window is constructed of laminated safety glass ¼ inch thick. The window is equipped with 2 electric wipers. A stairway secured into place allows access to the cabin when it is elevated.  3.3 


Weight (Estimated)

5,000 lbs. (2,268kg)



8.5 ft.


8.5 ft.


84 inches.

Elevated Position (App.)

40 inches above trailer deck.


External Flood lights on front

Electrical Outlets

110 Volt Inside and Outside

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Intermediate Coiled Tubing Unit Intermediate Operations, Parts and Maintenance Manual

Se Section ction 3 Control Cab


 3.4  Control Panel

The control panel provides an interface for the operation of the Coiled Tubing Unit functions. Functional Description 

Figure 3-1; Control Panel Layout  This Figure is for Reference Only For Full Layout View See Drawing Number 282-D-675  1. 

BOP Panel Blind/Blind Shear (Close/Open) – A toggle switch that operates a set of rams that opens

and closes the blind and shear rams on the BOP. In the event of a well control emergency these cut off and seal the down hole tubing stem. Shear (Close/Open) - Opens and closes the shear rams on the BOP. In the event of a well

control emergency these cut off the down hole tubing stem Slips (Close/Open) - Opens and closes the wedging devices that hold the tubing string in

 place. Pipe/Pipe Slip (Close/Open) – A toggle switch that opens and closes a set of slips with

more aggressive tubing grippers. Annular/Pipe Seal (Close/Open) – A toggle switch that opens and closes a seal around the

outside of the tubing string. 

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Intermediate Coiled Tubing Unit Intermediate Operations, Parts and Maintenance Manual

Se Section ction 3 Control Cab


B.O.P. Pressure - A 0-5,000psi gauge that displays the hydraulic pressure to the BOP

system.  B.O.P. Activate - A pushbutton switch to activate the B.O.P.   2. 

Circulating Pressure – A gauge that indicates the pressure of the fluid in the tubing string.


Spooler Arm (Up/Down) – A toggle switch that allows the operator to direct the vertical

movement of the tubing spooler.  4. 

String Weight - An electronic analog meter that indicates the weight of the tubing string in the

hole. 5. 

Injector Lube (Chain/Stripper) – A toggle switch that allows the operator to direct a spray of

lubricating oil to the chain or the stripper components of the injector.  6. 

Wellhead Pressure – A gauge that measures the pressure at the wellhead.


Skate Pressure – A gauge that indicates the clamping pressure of the skates on the tubing. 


Skates Pressure Release/Apply - A switch used to apply or release skate pressure.


Stripper Pack/Retract - A switch that controls the function of the stripper around the tubing

string. 10.  Stripper Pressure - A 0-5,000 psi gauge indicating the hydraulic pressure to the tubing stripper

 providing a seal around around the pipe string. 11.  Chain Tension Pressure - A gauge that indicates the vertical tension pressure of the skate

chains. 12.  Chain Tension Pressure - A rotary dial control that allows hydraulic pressure controlling the 

vertical tension of the skate chains to be dialed up or down. 13.  Engine Speed – A remote tachometer that allows the operator to read the truck engine speed

while operating from the control cabin. 14.  Coolant Temperature – A gauge that allows the operator to monitor the engine coolant

temperature from the control cabin. 15.  Volts - A voltmeter that displays the condition of the truck's charging system. 16.  Oil Pressure – A gauge that displays the truck engine oil pressure. 17.  Circuit Breakers – Provide protection from overload to their assigned electrical component or

circuit. 18.  Toggle Switches - Control the operation of assigned cabin accessories. 19.  Wiper (Off/On) – Switch that turns the windshield wipers on or off. 20.  Power (Off/On) – Master disconnect switch for cabin 12V power.

Green Lens – Illuminates to indicate cabin power is on. Documen t Number 3CA932722 3CA932722 Revisi on Apri l 2007 © Apri l 2007 Hydra Rig NOV


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Intermediate Coiled Tubing Unit Intermediate Operations, Parts and Maintenance Manual

Se Section ction 3 Control Cab


21.  Horn – Push to operate unit horn. 22.  Throttle Control: On/Off – Toggle switch. Green Lens - illuminates too indicate throttle control is turned on. Increase/Decrease – A toggle switch to control engine rpm. 23.  Engine Kill (Run) – Control Valve. Pull up to run engine, push to shut down engine. 24.  Chain Tension – Allows the tension on the skate chains to be dialed up or down. 25.  Injector Motor Shift – Operates a pressure reducing valve that shifts the injector motor to high

gear for in- hole or out-hole operations. 26.  Stripper – A pressure reducing valve that increases or decreases the hydraulic pressure to the

stripper. 27.  Injector Motor Shift Pressure – A 0-600psi gauge that displays the hydraulic pressure to the

injector motor. 28.  Skate Pressure – A pressure reducing valve that increase or decreases skate hydraulic pressure. 29.  Skate Pilot Pressure – A pressure reducing valve that increases or decrease the hydraulic pilot

 pressure to the skates. 30.  Out- Hole Pressure Control – A relief valve that controls the hydraulic pressure to the injector

during out - hole operations 31.  In- Hole Pressure Control – A relief valve that controls the hydraulic pressure to the injector

during in – hole operations. 32.  Gauges a)  Injector Brake Pressure – Displays hydraulic pressure to the injector brake circuit. b)  In- Hole Pressure – Displays the hydraulic pressure supplied to the injector during in – hole

operations. c)  Out- Hole Pressure – Displays the hydraulic pressure supplied to the injector during out – hole

operations. 33.  Injector Fine Speed Control – A rotary switch that provides a greater degree of incremental

control over the Injector speed during in-hole or out-hole operations.

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Intermediate Coiled Tubing Unit Intermediate Operations, Parts and Maintenance Manual

Se Section ction 3 Control Cab


34.  Switch  a.)  In-Hole - Select this switch for fine speed control of the injector during in – hole operation of

the injector. b.)  Joystick – Selects joystick (Stroker) control of the injector. Deselects the Injector Fine Speed

Control. c.)  Out-Hole - Select this switch for fine speed control of the injector during out – hole operation

of the injector. 35.  Injector Speed Control (In- Hole/ Out/Hole) A joystick style control that allows selection of

the injector direction and speed. 36.  Brake Release – A green indicator light that illuminates when the injector brake is applied. 37.  Reel Drag Pressure – A relief valve that hydraulically controls the tubing reel's drag

(resistance to the injector pull). 38.  Reel Drag Pressure – A 0-300psi gauge that displays the hydraulic pressure corresponding to

the tubing reel's drag. 39.  Spooler Override – An electronic joystick that allows manual control of the spooler arm

during in – hole or out – hole operations. 40.  Reel Planetary Brake (Off/On) – A ball valve that controls hydraulic flow to the tubing reel's

 planetary brake. 41.  Tubing Clamp (Off/On) – Toggle switch. 42.  Gauges a.) 

Press. Comp. Circuit Pressure – A 0-3000 psi gauge that that displays the hydraulic hydraulic pressure in

the pressure compensated circuit. b.)  Injector Charge Pressure – A 0-600psi gauge that displays the charge pressure of the closed

loop pump. c.)  Reel Brake Pressure – A 0-600psi gauge that displays the hydraulic pressure in the reel  brake circuit. 

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Intermediate Coiled Tubing Unit Intermediate Operations, Parts and Maintenance Manual

Se Section ction 3 Control Cab


 3.5   Auxiliary Control Panel

Figure 3-2; Auxiliary Control Panel This panel contains controls and gauges to operate and monitor the following. 1. 

Back up Supply Pressure – A 0-3000psi gauge that displays the hydraulic pressure in the hand

 pump supplied circuit. circuit. 2. 

BOP (On/Off) - A 2 way ball valve that allows the hand to supply hydraulic flow to the BOP

circuit.  3. 

Skate Chain A 2 way ball valve that allows the hand to supply hydraulic flow to the injector skates

and chains. 4. 

Stripper ON/OFF  – A 2 way ball valve that allows the hand to supply hydraulic flow to the

stripper. 5. 

Hand Pump Tank Fill – A three way ball valve that allows the Hand Pump reservoir to be filled.


Hand Pump Level Sight Glass  – Allows visual monitoring of the hand pump reservoir's

fill level. 

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Intermediate Coiled Tubing Unit Intermediate Operations, Parts and Maintenance Manual

Se Section ction 3 Control Cab


 3.6   Cabin Lift Control Panel This panel is located outside, below the control cabin on the Driver's Side of the unit.

Figure 3-3: Cabin Lift Control Panel   Cab Lift Raise/Lower – A toggle switch that allows raising and lowering of the control cab.

  Spooler Arm RAISE/LOWER – A toggle switch that allows the tubing reel spooler arm to be

raised or lowered.

  Spooler Override+/- – A toggle switch that allows the operator control of the tubing reel spooler


  Driver's Side Trailer Jack RAISE/LOWER – A toggle switch that allows raising or lowering

of the trailer's driver side hydraulic landing pad. •

  Driver's Side Trailer Jack RAISE/LOWER – A toggle switch that allows raising or lowering of the trailer's driver side hydraulic landing pad.  

Warning:: Warning The potential for personal injury or equipment damage is high while raising or lowering the control cabin. It is extremely important that good safety practices be observed during these operations. Follow a check list that establishes personnel safety and priority operational procedure. 

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Intermediate Coiled Tubing Unit Intermediate Operations, Parts and Maintenance Manual

Se Section ction 3 Control Cab


 3.7   Control Panel Component OEM Manual

  SG Meter User's Manual

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"#        $     % '(!)  &        * +  , *  -            , ' ) )    * ,  ,    .    , ,      /    

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