DOCU0226 - STA 40 - Quick Guide For Onboard Administrators PDF

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DOCU0226 - STA 4.0 - Quick guides for onboard administrators i


Seagull Training Administrator 

STA 4.0  4.0 

Quick guides for administrators on vessel installation  


DOCU0226 - STA 4.0 - Quick guides for onboard administrators 1

General information This quick guide describes Seagull Training Administrator 4.0 (STA 4.0) functionality defined for your role as an onboard administrator. The vessel administrator ’s focus ’s focus is to: - Maintain an updated list of tthe he perso personnel nnel on onboard, board, includin including g accur accurate ate sig sign n on and sig sign n -

off dates. Ensure that d data ata is updated at all time th through rough data exchange, ship ship –  – shore  shore –  – ship.  ship. Register C Company ompany Specific training, (CST) such as mus muster ter drills, fire drills etc. if used by the company. Change the password of personnel onboard when needed.

STA login Click the STA icon on the desktop. Fill in the following fields: Login: Password :


admin admin

When all the information has been entered, click the ‘Login Login’’  button.

The help section More detailed ‘Help’ ‘Help’ is  is available in the top right corner of the screen.

How to assign a person to the vessel You need to assign personnel who sign on one by one. -

Click “Personnel Personnel”” section menu and select “Search for personnel” personnel”. Enter your search criteria, preferable their ID.


Select status “ Active”  Active” or “ All”  All”. Click “Search”. “Search”. Select the person from the search results. Click “Assign” “Assign” in  in the personal card. Select the rank he/she signs on as for this period of time. Change the sign on date and the sign off date. This pers person on will be able to log into STA within this period of time. Click “Confirm assignment” assignment”. Click “Close Close””.


Note: You will be notified of conflicting service records. Then you need to click “Go to Service records”” (in assignments tab) and select the service record to adjust. records


DOCU0226 - STA 4.0 - Quick guides for onboard administrators 2

How to search for personnel The search function onboard consists of basic search and advanced search, but you can also select personnel already on board from the “personnel list” list” displayed when you login to STA. - Click the “Personnel “Personnel”” section menu. - “Search for personnel” personnel”. - Enter search criteria, preferable their ID. --

Click the “Search” button. “Search” Select theblue person in the button. “Result Result”” panel.

Note: To use advanced search options click the blue “Show advanced search” in search” in the right hand lower part of the panel.

How to change personnel’s password  -

Click the “Change password” password” button in their personal card. Enter new password. Re-enter new password. Click the “Confirm Confirm”” button.

( CST) How to register company (CST)  All participants in company specispecific specific fic trainingtraining (CST), such as lifeboat drills, fire drills, video sessions etc. have to be registered. - Click “Training registration” registration” menu. - Click “ Add  Add training record” record”. - Select the “Training Training”” activity. - Select the “Date of the training session” session ”. - Type a comment of the training session in the “Training remarks” remarks” field. - Select one or several participants among the “ Available  Available personnel” personnel”. - Click “ Add  Add selected persons” persons”. The persons will then be transferred into the “Participants Participants””  panel below. - Click the “Save and close” close” button. How to print reports -

Click the “Reports & Statistics” Statistics” menu. Click “Reports “Reports””. Select the preferred report. Click the “Generate Generate”” button. Select report filters if required. Click the blue “Request new report” report” button. Click “Report manager ”. Click the “Download Download”” button on the right hand side of the requested report. Click the (browser specific) notification to “download download””, “save as” as” or “open open”” the document. If you have printer connected, click the print icon.


DOCU0226 - STA 4.0 - Quick guides for onboard administrators 3

Data exchange It is essential to the system that all vessels perform data exchange periodically (e.g. monthly, or with crew change).

How to export data -

Enter Seagull Training Administrator with admin user account. Click “ Administration”  Administration” and select “Data exchange” exchange”. Select “Export data” data” and click “Next Next””. Select “Export latest changes” changes” and click “Next Next””. Check “On completion take me to the data exchange section in the task status” status” and click “Finish Finish””. Click “Download Download”” and save the file to a portable storage device. Transfer the file to a computer with Internet connection. Create an e-mail and attach the file. Send the e-mail to your company's training address.

Important! Do not change the file name, compress the file or alter it in any way. Do not add any messages or other requests to the e-mail as it will be b e automatically processed.

How to import data The vessel will receive email from the central database with a data exchange package e.g. o123456.nft attached. You are requested to manually import this package into STA. -

Enter Seagull Training Administrator with admin user account. Click “ Administration”  Administration” and select “Data exchange” exchange”. Select “Import data” data” and click “Next Next””. Click “Browse Browse””, select the received .nft file and click “Finish Finish””.

Note that after the import you need to log out and back in for some changes to take effect.

How to request for ID In order to get personnel in your onboard database you need to send a “Request for ID” ID” to your training address. If the requested personnel are not found in the t he main database, please contact your main office. -


Enter Seagull Training Administrator with admin user account. Click “ Administration”  Administration” and select “Data exchange” exchange”. Select “Request for ID” ID” and click “Next Next””. Add reques requestt by ID, or by name and date of birth. You ca can n add requests for several IDs. Note that it is recommended to request by ID. If you request by name and date of birth the name must be spelled exactly as it is entered in the main database in order to return a result. When the personnel w who ho you want tto o request ID for is a added dded to the list, click “Next Next””.


DOCU0226 - STA 4.0 - Quick guides for onboard administrators 4


Check “On completion take me to the data exchange section in the task status” status ” and click “Finish Finish””. Click “Download Download”” and save the file to a portable storage device. Transfer the file to a computer with Internet connection. Create an e-mail and attach the file. Send the e-mail to your company's training address.

Important! Do not change the file name, compress the file or alter it in any way. Do not add any messages or other requests to the e-mail as it will be b e automatically processed. The Seagull database will reply within the hour and return with an e-mail containing an nft-file attachment. Import this file into the Seagull Training Administrator (See import procedure in the reply e-mail). e -mail).

How to request for results The “Request for results” results” function enables the possibility to request the records of one or several persons from the central database. --

Enter “ Administration” Training Administrator with admin user Click  Seagull Administration ” and select “Data exchange exchange” ”. account. Select “Request for results” results” and click “Next Next””. Select th the e pe person(s) rson(s) you w would ould lik like e to request the re records cords for an and d cli click ck “Next Next””. Check “On completion take me to the data exchange section in the task status” status ” and click “Finish Finish””. Click “Download “Download”” and save the file to a portable storage device. Transfer the file to a computer with Internet connection. Create an e-mail and attach the file. Send the e-mail to your company's training address.

Important! Do not change the file name, compress the file or alter it in any way. Do not add any messages or other requests to the e-mail as it will be b e automatically processed. The Seagull database will reply within the hour and return with an e-mail containing an nft-file attachment. Import this file into the Seagull Training Administrator (See import procedure in the reply e-mail). e -mail).

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