Cases Advocateson0ecord Association v. &nion of India.....................% Asiad +ase AI0 1#" '+1/73...................................................... ........................................ ..............................1 ...1 A&i- .'meed / St'te o- 0'mmu '+d 1'&*mir ............. C*'+dr' Mo*'+ / St'te o- U//............................................................
+o!!on +ause vs &nion Of India And Others.............................3 6lanroc4 state ,td vs $he 'tate Of $a!il $a!il 8adu.......................... 8adu................... .......3 3 Hari 'han4ar 8agla v. 'tate of M.P..............................................% 9a:anti ,al A!rit ,al v. v. '.M. 0a!....................................... 0a!................................ ............... .......... ..1# 1# 1e&''+'+d' B*'rti / St'te o- 1er'l' ....................................................% L'mi N'r'y'+ / U+io+ o- I+di' ..........................................................1 M'4*'+ Si+5* / St'te o- u+6'b ...........................................................1 R'm 1ri&*+' 7'lmi' / 0u&ti)e Te+dol4'r ................................................1#
'ita 0a! v. 'tate of &.P............................................................... Sri R'm / St'te o- Bomb'y .................................................................1 Ud'i R'm S*'rm' / U+io+ o- I+di' ......................................................%
&nion Of India vs 0. 6andhi.........................................................3 U+ited St'te& / Curti&&89ri5*t Eort Cor ............................................11
Constitutional Provisions Arti)le $, Se)tio+ ;3",%;3,%;% >%/ Asif 1ameed v. $tate of Jammu and Kashmir AIR !#! $.%. #!!
$he 'ure!e +ourt o2served EAlthough the doctrine of searation of o-ers has not 2een recogniCed under the +onstitution in its a2solute rigidit: 2ut the +onstitution !a4ers have !eticulousl: dened the functions of various organs of the 'tate. ,egislature; executive and Budiciar: have to function -ithin their o-n sheres de!arcated under the +onstitution. 8o organ can usur the functions assigned to another. $he +onstitution trusts to the Budg!ent of these organs to function and exercise their discretion 2: strictl: follo-ing the rocedure rescri2ed therein. $he functioning of de!ocrac: deends uon the strength and indeendence of each of its organs.F In the 2eginning u2lic interest litigation cases -ere led against violation of hu!an rights; to rotect the condition of la2orers @7 'C(3-6 =. $hen e!erged the eriod of environmental litigation. $he +ourts are ta4ing one of the to 2ureaucrac: and the oliticians. $he aex +ourt has 2egun to realise that 2: not acting on a !atter of u2lic concern; it could lead to a state of olitical * | P a g e
anarch:.F3 'ita Ram v) 'tate of &)P) AIR (>-7 ')C) ((;@ at p) ((;>
HonL2le Hegde 9. exressed the current attitude of the +ourt regarding delegation of legislative o-er in follo-ing -ords EHo-ever !uch one !ight delore the 8e- Desotis! of the executive; the ver: co!lexit: of the !odern societ: and the de!and it !a4es on its 6overn!ent have set in !otion forces -hich have !ade it a2solutel: necessar: for the legislatures to entrust !ore and !ore o-ers to the executive. $ext 2oo4 doctrines evolved in the 1# th centur: have 2eco!e out of date. Present osition as regards delegation of legislative o-er !a: not 2e ideal; 2ut in the a2sence of an: 2etter alternative; there is no escae fro! it.F %handra 2ohan v. $tate of +.P / AIR !(( $% !#* at p. !!&
'ure!e +ourt held E$he Indian +onstitution; though it does not accet the strict doctrine of searation of o-ers; rovides for an indeendent Budiciar: in the 'tates....... ut at the ti!e the direct control of the executive.
indeendence India there -as a strong agitation that the Budiciar: 3 T*e Su+d'y Time& o- I+di' Febru'ry %, $""
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