doctor online

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“Doctor online” A Project Report Session 2008-2009 Under The Guidance of Mr. Tanay Kishore Mishra In Partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of Master of Computer Application Submitted By: Sahdev Singh Ram Prawesh Yadav

Signature of External Examiner

0607514028 0607514025

Signature of Internal Examiner

CERTIFICATE This is to certify that this project entitled “doctor online” submitted by Sahdev Singh and Ram Prawesh Yadav of MCA final year (session 2008-2009) developed by the students during the industrial training at CMC Limited Noida, has not been submitted by any other student earlier. We also certify that this project fulfills the requirements that are necessary in the project submitted by the student of the Industrial training. We find that the above mentioned project is suitable in the partial fulfillments of the requirement for the award of degree of Master of Computer Application.

Mr. Lakshmi Kant Vishwamitra Head of the department Computer Application

Mrs. Paramjeet Rawat Project Guide Computer Application Dept.

DECLARATION We hereby declare the this project entitled “doctors online” assigned to us during our 6 month industrial project training at CMC Limited has been made by our team comprising of four members including us. We have developed that project, all its component and designing has been done by the team. During the development of this project emphasis was given on the client requirement specified in the synopsis. As we are submitting this project for the partial fulfillments of the requirement for the award of degree of Master of Computer Application, we wish to declare that this project is developed by us and none of its component is copied from anywhere.

Sahdev Singh MCA Final Year Roll. No. 0607514028

Ram Prawesh Yadav MCA Final Year Roll. No. 0607514025

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to extend our heartiest gratitude to Sh. Tanay Kishore Mishra, project manager of CMC Limited for his invaluable guidance, inspirations and timely suggestions which facilitated the entire process of bringing out this project entitled “doctors online” possible. We are highly obliged to Mr. Manoj Kumar, Mrs. Neetu and Mr. Ashish Kumar of CMC Limited for their valuable technical guidance during the development and testing of this project. We extend our sincere gratitude to Mr. Lakshmi Kant Vishwamitra (Head of Computer Application Department) for his kind and unpartial attitude towards us. We also wish to express our heartiest gratitude to our project guide Mrs. Paramjeet Rawat for making the valuable information available on time and for her kind and supportive nature towards us.

Sahdev Singh

Ram Prawesh Yadav

COMPANY PROFILE CMC Limited a Tata Enterprise is a premier information technology company with an all India having ISO 9001-2000 certification for its R &D center & System Integration (NR group). CMC Limited has been conducting computer training programmes for various organizations since 1978. Large and computer project management capabilities since its incorporation in 1975, CMC has an enviable record of successfully building IT solution for massive and complex infrastructure and market projects. Take, for instance, just three of the many major projects undertaken by CMC: • A passenger ticketing and reservation system for Indian Railway, which runs 6,000 passenger trains carrying over 10 million passengers a day, on a 90,000 km railway network covering 8,000 railway stations. •

Cargo handling system is a comprehensive online real time cargo handling system so integrate all complex and varied activities of container terminals. The system has been implemented for several Indian and International ports.

An online transaction processing for the Bombay Stock Exchange, which handles millions of securities trading transaction every day.

CMC NOIDA has been selected for imparting corporate training for the renowned leading organization like Tech Mahindra, HCL Technologies, Tata Motors and so on. We have already trained 400 employee of Tech Mahindra and more than 800 employee of HCL as ILP at Noida center since July 2006. To add on we are also providing Pro-metric Testing facilities for the candidates which add on the enduringness to our program. We are also proud to have world class trainers for providing in depth study for the topics. Apart from that we have tie-ups with various Engineering colleges in the form of Project /Industrial training to provide the high-end training programs especially on .Net/Java/Embedded System/Oracle etc for Engineering and MCA students. Location – D 108 Sector -2 Noida (U.P) Ph. 95120-3061873, 9810041839, 9810041879 WebSite: E-mail: [email protected]

Contents  Project introduction

 system analysis  feasibility study  software and hardware specification  software description  System development life cycle  system design  database description  Project Dictionary o Use Case diagram o Class diagram o Class relationship diagram o Sequence diagram o Collaboration diagram  ER diagrams  Testing  User interface

 Implementation  Enhancement  Limitation  References

Project Description This System is mainly used by Doctors, Dentists, Optometrists, and any medical professional. Medical Professionals use photos on a daily basis in the practice of medicine. Many times they run into a complicated patient and need to refer them to another colleague or specialist. A nice way to get a second opinion is through photos. But then they have to take photo’s print them out and mail them.

Or you can email them to an intended

specialist but this can pose serious privacy issues and can be time consuming. This system is to solve this problem. i.e., to make it easy for anyone to take photos, upload them to a web page that is secure and then simply email the link to anyone. The intended referral can then view the pictures and enter comments at the end of the page, which are then emailed to the user.

This can save valuable time and money and is much easier on patients that have very limited resources. It is a membership based web site that allows individuals to sign up and create an account. The basis of the site is for members to create web pages from preformatted templates with simple point and click. They can upload pictures and add text to these templates. Once they are finished they click create and the web page is created in their folder under the root domain. They need to be able to password and username protect the individual web pages they create so when someone comes to a particular page in their folder they must enter the correct username and password in order to view the page. The web page that is produced should have small thumbnails of the original images uploaded (so the page loads fast).

Then when someone clicks on the

thumbnail the actual larger picture opens in a separate window. After the user has created the page, they should be able to email anyone they want to come see the page they have created. An email should be sent to anyone the user desires. The webpage created needs to have an open form at the bottom of the page, where a viewer can respond to the creator within the web page. In other words when a visitor comes to the site and views the pictures and the text they can then enter a response in the form and then click on a link that will email the form to the creator of the web page.

MODULES The system is basically divided into the following modules. 1. Member Area 2. Control Panel Members Area: When users first comes to the site they will obviously hit the home page that will have an overall description of the service and some marketing hype, etc. They will then click on a “join” or “sign up” link, which will take then to the first stage in the application. At sign up, the user should provide all essential information. After the user has entered all essential information it should be stored in a database. An account will then be created for the user. This account will create a folder under the root domain with their username.

Now that John has created his account there should be some sort of control panel that he can log into to create pages, view user feedback, delete pages, change usernames and passwords for different pages, etc., The control panel should probably be located within his folder to avoid confusion later on. Page Creation : When user decides that he wants to create a web page with some photos so he can get some feedback from a colleague. He comes to the site and clicks on a “LOG IN” link, enters his username and password and is then taken to his control panel. Within his control panel there is a button that allows him to create a new page. He clicks the button and then the wizard begins. He should first be asked to name the page. This text will show up at the top of the page created. He will then be asked to choose a template. The templates should be nothing more than simple web pages that have 2 pictures side by side with an area for text below each one. There should be 4 templates. 2 pics, 4 pics, 6 pics, 8 pics. After choosing a template there should be an editor in a window with the template inside. Within each picture spot there should be a link that when clicked will allow john to choose a photo from his PC to be uploaded to that spot. User should be able to preview his page before finalizing. The preview should have a picture in each spot and the accompanying text below each picture. This application will be dealing with sensitive patient information and needs a good level of security. User should be able to choose a username and password for the web page or the folder that will be created for it. So when a viewer comes to the page they should be prompted for the username and password. The application

should then check it against the set stored in the database and grant permission to view or deny the user based on input. When user clicks create, the application creates a unique folder within his folder, uploads the photos to the folder, creates the HTML and saves the photos and web page in it. (i.e., JSmith). The folder should be named similar to the web page being created. **Notes on the page generated. When the application creates the web page should have a form at the bottom of EVERY page created that allows a visitor to put his/her input in and then submit those comments to the creator. This can be part of every template in the system. It needs to email the responses to the email address on file for the user and also alert the user at their control panel that a response has been posted to whatever web page they created. They should then be able to view these responses from within the control panel and delete them when they are done. User can then select to email an alert to who ever he chooses. So if he wants his colleague in Germany to view the pictures he can enter the email address and send an email that will have a link to the web page in it. The email should also send the username and password for the particular page. After user has created his page there should be an area in his control panel that allows him to view, delete and edit his work. This part should allow him to email alerts, change usernames and passwords, delete pages (and also the associated folder and files in that folder) and change text within the template, change pictures within the template.

Generated Pages: The people using this system will be medical professionals. After they have created their pages and emails sent then other medical personnel will view the pictures and provide feedback. When a viewer comes to a generated page the first thing that should happen is a prompt for username and password. Once they have provided the correct pair then they can view the page. The pictures should be smaller thumbnails of the originals. When the viewer clicks on the picture a new window opens with the original sized picture. After they have reviewed the pictures and text they should then scroll to the bottom of the page and enter their comments into a form. This form should ask for the viewers name and comment. The viewer, then clicks submit and the comments will be emailed to the creator and also saved in the database. When the creator comes to his control panel, there should be an alert that a comment has been posted. He/she should then be able to click on a link and view the comment. After reviewing the comment they should be able to delete or respond to the comment. Once they have deleted the comment then it will be removed from the database and the control panel. Control Panel -

Central member area after login


User can create, delete or edit pages


View and respond to or delete comments


Address book with users contacts for easy emailing

Application -

Signup and create account


Creates unique folder on server


From control panel launch template wizard


Choose from templates


Upload pics and create text in easy editor


Username and password protect file/folder


Creates web page and stores all files for that “session” in unique folder


Can send email alert to anyone, will email link and username and password


Viewer comes to page and submits comments


Comments are emailed to user and stored for viewing at control panel.

System Analysis System Analysis is the process of examining a business situation with the intent of improving it through better procedures and methods Requirement analysis is the first technical step in developing process. It is a process of discovery, refinement, modeling and specification. It is the systematic use of proven principles, techniques, languages and tools for the cost-effective analysis, documentation and on-going evolution of user needs and the specification of external behavior of a system to satisfy those user needs. The very first thing is the problem recognition. After the need of the project is identified the implementation of the project is identified – who is going to use the system, what all are the points needed in modeling the design of the system.


The term user is widely used in the system analysis and design. The term end-user is widely used by the analysts to refer to people who are not professional information systems specialists but they are specialist in their respective field and who can use computers to perform their Jobs. We can group end-user into three categories.

Hands-on Users actually interact with the system. They are medical professional or might be their representative who fed in data and receive output as answered from the specialist.

End- Users benefits form the results produced by these systems but do not directly interact with the patients, but overall it is the patients who gets the benefits of the system.

Manager users are third types of users and are talking increased responsibility for the development and management of this system.

SYSTEM DEFINATION In the broad sense, a system is simply a set of components that interact to accomplish some purpose. Systems are all around us. As computers are used more and more by persons who are not computer professionals, the face of systems development is taking on an additional dimension. Users themselves are undertaking development of some of the systems they use, as the executive in the vignette emphasized. These different situations are represented by three distinct approaches to the development of computer information systems: -

Systems Development Life Cycle.

Structured Analysis Development Method.

Systems Prototype Method.

Systems development, a process consisting of two major steps of systems analysis and design, starts when management of sometimes systems development personnel realizes that a particular business system needs improvement. Systems development is classically thought of as the set of activities that analysts, designers and users carry out to develop and implement an information system. Different parts of the project can be in various phases at the same time, with some components undergoing analysis while other advanced stages.

Systems development consists of following steps: •

Preliminary investigation.

Determination of system requirements.

Design of system.

Development of system

System testing.

Implementation and evaluation.

System analysis is performed with the following objectives: •

Identify the user’s need.

Evaluate the system concept for feasibility.

Perform economic and technical analysis.

Allocate functions to hardware, software, people, database and other system elements.

Establish cost and schedule constraints.

Create a system definition that forms the foundation for all subsequent engineering work. Both hardware and software expertise are required to successfully attain the objectives listed above. As our website “doctor online” is going to be used by the people who may or may not be computer literate, we had tried to make it user-friendly.

IDENTIFICATION OF NEED This step is initiation of system analysis .An overview of the doctor’s requirement has been done. The basic need of the user to opt for such kind of project is analyzed. Manually maintenance can create a lot of problem. Such as: 1. Slow process 2. Time consuming. 3. Lacks accuracy. 4. Difficulty to retrieve information 5. Difficulty to analyze the related data 6. More paper work

Computerizing the System for doctors needs will help a user i.e. a doctors and specialist to quick access of all records. It also maintains all the files in databases to provide quick access and save the time. The objective of the project is to develop system for handling the patients where a doctors need to take advice of other doctors. The main aim of the project is to increasing the efficiency of the management process and to better maintain the records of the patients who visit the doctors. And when need records should available easily. As Information is needed in organizations for planning, staffing and controlling purposes. Regardless of the nature of the information required, the information should possess the characteristics of accuracy, timeliness, completeness and relevancy. In the recent years, need for information improvement by reports lacking one or more of these characteristics and by increased paper work volume, rising costs, and pressures from outside changes.

Fortunately computers thrive on repetitive large volume processing tasks, are fast and accurate. The processing capability in many organizations has been strained by 1. Growth in size and complexity of the organizations 2. The increased requirements for data from external sources and 3. The demand of administrators for more information.

More than a million new pages of data are generated each minute of the day in offices. Compare to other processing methods, the use of computers may make it possible for certain administrative costs to be reduced while the level of processing activity remains stable. The increased cost and clerical labor materials and other expenses associated with the data processing operation require eventual managerial attention.

We all agree that meaningful information is timely information. But with an increase in volume and size of an organization, there is only a reduction in the speed of processing. Rapid changes are taking place in the world socially, economically and technically. Such changes have a significant impact on the environment in which organizations must operate, on the planning that managers must do, and on the information that they must have. But if a data processing operation is strained to or beyond the capacity for which if was originally planned, inaccuracies will begin to appear. Inadequate control will permit inadequate performance. It is due to these pressures (increased paper work volume, costs, pressure from outside changes, and demand for timeliness & demand for quality) that most of the organizations today are opting for computers to do data processing for them. The project is mainly an information-processing sub-package. The problem if handled manually the information might lose the characteristics of either timeliness or accuracy. Hence the need for this project was realized. All the data has to be first fed in the computer. Once it is stored in the files any query regarding the patient to a specialist can be made satisfactorily. The retrieval process involves much less time and the information is accurate. Any updating is easily accommodated.

PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION The user is a doctor and a specialist, which has to keep records of his patients, their details, the details of their requirements. The doctors can also maintain the resource pool of patients information can send them to suitable specialist to be consulted.

PROJECT PLANNING We took assignment for developing a computerized system of “doctor online”. Planning of this project will include following things: •

Team Structure.

Topic understanding.

Modular break-up of the system

Processor logic for each module

Database requirements

TEAM STRUCTURE The project team comprises of four members who worked as developers and a project leader who assigned the whole task and provided the finest details of the problem. The project guide supervises the whole project work and sort out the problems occurred during the development phase.

TOPIC UNDERSTANDING It is vital that the field of application as introduced in the project may be totally a new field. So as soon as I took this project, I carefully went through the project to identify the requirements of the project.

SUB-MODULES in Doctor online

Password Module In this module, user enters a password and the system checks its validity. If the password is valid then he is allowed to enter, otherwise “Invalid User/Password” message is displayed.

Registration Those who are interested can have the membership of the website for this they have to be registered themselves on the website they will be provided a valid identification and the password.

Create Web page Doctors can create the webpage of the patients regarding whom they want to consult their colleagues or seniors. These page will have the description of the along with information and the pictures of the patient for better results.

Edit / Delete page As any formation regarding a patient can be changed due to wrong entry or due to change of problem hence a facility to edit the page is provided. If page is not needed in future doctors can delete the pages from saved pages.

Send / compose page As we make entry of a patient so at the time of creation of a page we need to choose a specialist to whom we want to send the page. Apart from this we can send the pages later on that are saved in our account


Alert and Feedback Alert and feedback are like inbox that we see when we check our e-mail. Alert is a inbox in which specialist get the message received from doctors while feedback are the answered mail from the specialist to the doctors.

Address book Members are being provide this facility based on the specialization they are provided this facility to see the address book of the doctors having their details.

Setting Members have this facility to change the setting of their account i.e. the password for security purpose.

Validation of Data Entered by the doctors and Error Handling

In this module, the validity of data entered by the doctors during the various processes is checked through various validation checks. For example, there shouldn’t be any characters entered in the numeric fields, likewise if there is any error occurs that it should handle that particular error and give the required messages.


In the first module, validity of Identification and password is checked against a particular doctor. In the second module, whenever a new operation is performed a security check is performed, just like the first module it should have the proper checks for every entity being modified or updated. In this module, validation checks are made and the different messages are generated to ease the business processes and decision-making.


Identify the various tables required.

Fields for these tables.

The various key fields (for example Primary key and foreign key).

Identify the various constraints like not null, Unique etc.

Feasibility Study Depending on the results of the initial investigation, the survey is expanded to a more detailed feasibility study. Feasibility study is a test of system proposal according to its work ability, impact on the organization, ability to meet user needs, and effective use of resources. The objective for this phase is not to solve the problem but to acquire a sense of scope. During the study, the problem definition is crystallized and aspects of the problem to be included in the system are determined.

Web Information processing systems are capital investments because resources are being spent currently in order to achieve benefits to be received over a period of time following completion. There should be a careful assessment of each project before it is begun in terms of economic justification, technical feasibility, operational impact and adherence to the master development plan.

We started the project by listing the possible queries that the user might want to be satisfied. And on these lines we guided the project further. The three main points, kept in mind at the time of project, are: •

Possible (To build it with the given technology and resources)

Affordable (given the time and cost constraints of the organization)

Acceptable (for use by the eventual users of the system)

The three major areas to consider while determining the feasibility of a project are: ---


An evaluation of development cost weighed against the ultimate income or benefit derived from the developed system. Today, software is the most expensive element of virtually all computer-based systems. A large cost estimation error can make the difference between profit and loss. Estimation of resources, cost, and schedule for a software engineering effort requires experience, access to good historical information, and the courage to commit to quantitative predictions. Estimation carries inherent risk and this risk leads to uncertainty. Project complexity has a strong effect of the uncertainty inherent in planning. Complexity,

however, is a relative measure that is affected by familiarity with past effort. Project size is another important factor that can affect the accuracy and efficiency of estimates. As size increases, the interdependency among various elements of the software grows rapidly. Software cost and effort estimation will never be an exact science. Too many variableshuman, technical, environmental, political-can affect the ultimate cost of software and effort applied to develop it. However, software project estimation can be transformed from a black art to a series of systematic steps that provide estimates with acceptable risk. The system is not too costly according to the features of the application. The cost of the project is balanced. The cost of the project might be increase or decrease as according to requirement of the end user. The system has developed systematically.

TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY This involves financial consideration to accommodate technical enhancements. If the budget is a serious constraint, then the project is judged not feasible. The analyst thinks about the technical feasibility of the system. In the proposed system, the application has made in this way so that it is technically feasible for the distribution promotion. There are some certain types of control being used in the system to make the application more users friendly i.e. the grid view is used. The system has made in such away that it is being used for a single user as well as multi-user environment. The operating systems are Windows 2000/2003 Windows XP. Thus we see that the system is more technically feasible regarding to

operating system. We are using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 as backend for maintaining the database. SQL Server is a relational database management system of an object that is formed by the database and an instance of the SQL Server. SQL Server 2005 is Windows based RDBMS. This is one of the powerful RDBMS due to its menu driven facility. This provides a better service to the user in the sense of taking the backup of data and then restores it. We can easily mirror the database in the SQL Server 2005 This application is very easy to operate as it is made user friendly. Main consideration is user’s easy access to all the functionality of the application.

Outcome of Feasibility Study The findings of a feasibility study are generally documented in what is called a feasibility report. The degree of detail in such reports would be greatly dependent on the native of the project. The content of this project would be as given in:

Introduction •

Statement of problem

Implementation Environment


Summery and recommendations •

Important findings




Alternatives •

Alternative system configurations

Criteria used in selecting the final approach

System description •

Abbreviated statement of scope.

Feasibility of allocated elements

Hardware and Software Specification The important requirements specification is produced at the culmination of the analysis task. The function and performance allocated to vital as part of system engineering are refined by establishing a complete information description, a detailed functional description, a representation of system behavior, an indication of performance requirements and design constraints, appropriate validation criteria, and other information pertinent to requirements. The Introduction of the vital requirement specification states the goals and objectives of the vital, describing it in the context of the computer-based system. Actually the introduction may be nothing more than the software scope of the planning document. The information description provides a detailed description of the problem that the vital must

solve. Information content, flow, and structure are documented. Hardware, Software and human interfaces are described for external system elements and internal software functions. For this project we need some special type of environment for setup. This is as follows:

Software Interfaces Following software are required for developing Web based application: I. Operating System

Windows NT, 2000, XP SP2

II Environment .


II Front end Tool I.

C#, VB.Net

I Technology V .


V Versioning Tools .

IIS 6.0.

V Backend Tool I.


V Data Access Tool II .


Hardware Interfaces It's a web – based project, so a robust hardware configuration is required. The hardware requirements are: I. Processor

PIII 700 MHz and above.

II Motherboard .

Intel 845 and above


256 to 768 MB

I Hard Disk V .

2.5 GB for Visual Studio .NET and 1 GB for Microsoft SQLServer2000.

V Network Card .

Standard Ethernet card for networking.

V I/O Devices I.

Keyboard, mouse and Color monitor

V Wires II .

Twisted pair for networking.

DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 .NET The .NET Framework is a managed type-safe environment for application development and execution. The .NET Framework manages all aspects of your program’s execution. It allocates memory for the storage of data and instructions, grants or denies the appropriate permissions to your application, initiates and manages application execution, and manages the reallocation of memory from resources that are no longer needed. The .NET Framework consists of two main components: the common language runtime and the .NET Framework class library. The common language runtime can be thought of as the environment that manages code execution. It provides core services, such as code compilation, memory allocation, thread management, and garbage collection. Through the common type system (CTS), it

enforces strict type-safety and ensures that code is executed in a safe environment by also enforcing code access security. The .NET Framework class library provides a collection of useful and reusable types that are designed to integrate with the common language runtime. The types provided by the .NET Framework are object-oriented and fully extensible, and they allow you to seamlessly integrate your applications with the .NET Framework. The .NET Framework is designed for cross-language compatibility, which means, simply, that .NET components can interact with each other no matter what supported language they were written in originally. So, an application written in Microsoft Visual Basic .NET might reference a dynamic-link library (DLL) file written in Microsoft Visual C#, which in turn might access a resource written in managed Microsoft Visual C++ or any other .NET language. This language interoperability extends to full object-oriented inheritance. A Visual Basic .NET class might be derived from a C# class, for example, or vice versa. This level of cross-language compatibility is possible because of the common language runtime. When a .NET application is compiled, it is converted from the language in which it was written (Visual Basic .NET, C#, or any other .NET-compliant language) to Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL or IL). MSIL is a low-level language that the common language runtime can read and understand. Because all .NET executables and DLLs exist as MSIL, they can freely interoperate. The Common Language Specification (CLS) defines the minimum standards to which .NET language compilers must conform. Thus, the CLS ensures that any source code successfully compiled by a .NET compiler can interoperate with the .NET Framework. The CTS ensures type compatibility between .NET components. Because .NET applications are converted to IL prior to deployment and execution, all primitive data types are

represented as .NET types. Thus, a Visual Basic Integer and a C# int are both represented in IL code as a System.Int32. Because both languages use a common type system, it is possible to transfer data between components and avoid time-consuming conversions or hard-to-find errors. Visual Studio .NET ships with languages such as Visual Basic .NET, Visual C#, and Visual C++ with managed extensions, as well as the JScript scripting language. You can also write managed code for the .NET Framework in other languages. Third-party tools and compilers exist for Fortran, Cobol, Perl, and a host of other languages. All of these languages share the same cross-language compatibility and inheritability. Thus, you can write code for the .NET Framework in the language of your choice, and it will be able to interact with code written for the .NET Framework in any other language.

V I S U A L S T U D I O . Ne t t


Jscript. net

Common Language Specification (CLS) Window s Forms

Web Form

Web Service

ADO.Net and XML .Net Framework Classes Common Language Runtime Windows

COM+ Services

Microsoft .NET Architecture Hierarchy

SQL SERVER 2005 A database is stored in a very structured manner. Each database requires some way for a user to interact with the information within. Such interaction is performed by a database management system (DBMS). SQL Server is a member of a large category of products known as database management systems (DBMS). The general purpose of a DBMS is to provide for the definition, storage, and management of data in a centralized area that can be shared by many users. SQL Server’s database management system is patterned on the relational model. Relational databases allow us to store vast amounts of data with far sampler maintenance and smaller storage requirements than the equivalent flat database. Relations among tables in a relational database are established using keys. A primary key is a field that uniquely identifies a record so it can be referenced from a related table. A foreign key is a field that holds identification values to relate records stored on other tables.

Querying the database With each query of the database, we form a virtual table that contains the results of our query. Database queries are made with a specific language named SQL (structured query language). SQL Server 2005has many performance improvements and features which allows us to build and manage large databases, query them fast, insert data into them at high rates, partition them for fast loading and backup and store very large objects or whole files. Central, Shared, Accessible, Backed up, Version etc. SQL, as a relational data language supports certain basic functions to control, define and manipulate data. SQL uses the term row to refer to a database record and the term column to refer to database field

The Data type that a Cell can hold Data Type


Char (size) : varchar (size)


nvarchar (size)


int (P, S)






This data type is used to store character strings values of fixed length. The size in brackets determines the number of characters the cell can hold. The maximum number of characters this data type can hold is 255 characters This data type is used to store variable length alphanumeric data. The maximum this data type can hold is 2000 character. This data type is used to store variable length alphanumeric data. The maximum this data type can hold can be specified in brackets. The ‘int’ data type is used to store numbers (fixed of floating point). Numbers of virtually any magnitude may be stored up to 10 digits of precision. This data type is used to represent data and time. The standard format is DD-MM-YY as in 24-JAN-03. To enter dates other than the standard format, use the appropriate functions. Date Time stores date in the 24hour format. This format is used to store date in a small format not to lengthy.


This data type is used to store variable length character strings containing up to 2GB. LONG data can be store arrays of binary data in ASCII format.

DATABASE DESCRIPTION UserDetails Sno 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12

Attribute UserID Password First Name LastName Address City Phone Specialization HintQuestion HintAnswer Email Hospital Name Hospital ID

Data Type nvarchar(25) nvarchar(25) nvarchar(30) nvarchar(30) nvarchar(30) nvarchar(20) nvarchar(11) nvarchar(30) nvarchar(50) nvarchar(50) nvarchar(30) nvarchar(50) int

Key constraint Required Required Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Required Required Required Required Required Required

Messages Sno 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Attribute MessageID FromUserID ToUserID subject Date Message Pageid password File Status

Data Type nvarchar(20) nvarchar(40) nvarchar(40) nvarchar(80) datetime nvarchar(400) nvarchar(20) nvarchar(20) nvarchar(30) nvarchar(30)

Key constraint Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required

Data Type Alpha-Numeric Alpha-Numeric Alpha-Numeric Alpha-Numeric Alpha-Numeric Alphabetic Alpha-Numeric Alpha-Numeric

Key constraint Required Required Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Required

PhoneBook Sno 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Attribute PhID UserID Name Address OfficePhone MobilePhone ResiPhone Email

Pages Sno 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Attribute PageID PageName Username Createdon Patient_name Patient_address Patiient_age Patient_gender Patient_phone Patient_email Problem_ident. Xray_ultra

Data Type nvarchar(20) nvarchar(30) nvarchar(30) datetime nvarchar(30) nvarchar(40) nvarchar(10) nvarchar(10) nvarchar(15) nvarchar(40) nvarchar(100) nvarchar(100)

Key constraint Required Required Required Required Required Not Required Required Required Required Not Required Not Required Not Required

Pictures Sno 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Attribute ImagesID Image1 Image2 Image3 Image4 Image5 Image6 Image7 Image8 Filename

Data Type nvarchar(25) nvarchar(20) nvarchar(20) nvarchar(20) nvarchar(20) nvarchar(20) nvarchar(20) nvarchar(20) nvarchar(20) nvarchar(25)

Key constraint Required Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Required

Attribute FeedbackID pageid Patient_name comments

Data Type nvarchar(20) nvarchar(20) nvarchar(30) nvarchar(400)

Key constraint Required Required Required Required

Feedback Sno 1 2 3 4

UML DIAGRAMS Usecase diagram for page creation

Us ec as e D iag ram for P age-C reatio n

S pec ialis t s elec tion

Doc tor

P age c reation S elec t a Tem plate & Nam e the Up load P hot os page

Com m ent the P hotos

Usecase diagram for Mailing the page

Mailing the Page


Specialist selection

Set a password

Mailing the page

Specialist View pages

Usecase diagram for view-messages

Us ec as e Diagram for V iew-M es s ages

Doc tor

M ails to S pec ialis ts

V i ew M es s ag es

S pec ialis t

M ails from doc tors

Class diagram for Doctor’s discussion forum:

Class Diagram s for Doctor's Online Discussion Forum

Hospital Name : Strin g Addre ss : String Branc h : String Branc h-Code : String Data-Maint enance () Operat ions() Facilities-Provisi on() Login UserID : S tring Pass word : String

Doctors Name : String Hospital-name : String Hospital-ID : String Specialist : String Email-ID : String UserID : String Register() Login() Page-Creation() Page-Mailing() View-M essages() Send-Password()

Pages Name : String Code : Int Date-Creat ed : date Date-Mailed : d ate Status : St ri ng Receiver : Strin g Sender : Strin g Creat or : String Numbe r-of-pages() Pending-P ages ()

Vali date()

Validation UserID : S tring Pass word : String

Specialists Nam e : String Hospita l-N ame : Strin g Hospita l-ID : S tring Specialist : String Em ail-ID : String Address : String

Vali date() Aut hent icate()

View -Pages() Reply()

Messages Name : String Sender : String Receiver : String Me ssageID : String Numb er-of-Messages()

Class relationship diagram for doctor’s online discussion forum

Class Diagrams for Doctor's Online Discussion Forum

Hospital Name : String Address : String Branch : String Branch-Code : String

Doctors Name : String Hospital-nam e : St ring Hospital-ID : String Specialist : String Email-ID : Strin g UserID : String

Belong to 1


Data-Maintenance() Operations() Facilities-Provision() Login Login UserID : String Password : String

Regis ter() Login() Page-Creati on() Page-M ailing() View-Mess ages() Send-Pass word()


Mails *

Pages Name : String Code : Int Date-Created : date Date-Mailed : date Status : String Receiver : String Sender : String Creator : String Number-of-pages() Pending-Pages()

Creat es & Views

Validate() Login

Validation UserID : String Password : String

Sp eciali sts Name : String Messa ges Hospital-Name : S tring Name : String Hospital-ID : String Creates & Views Sender : String Specialist : String Receiver : String Email-ID : String MessageID : String Address : String

Validate() Authenticate()

View-Pages() Reply()

Aut hentication


Class relationship diagram for page creation

Class-Relationship Diagram for Page-Creation

Doctors Name : String Hospital-name : String Hospital-ID : String Specialist : String Email-ID : String UserID : String

Pages Name : String Code : Int Date-Created : date Date-Mailed : date Status : String Receiver : String Sender : String Creator : String

Register() Login() Page-Creation() Page-Mailing() View-Messages() Send-Password()

Number-of-pages() Pending-Pages()

Login Login UserID : String Password : String Validate()


Validation UserID : String Password : String Validate() Authenticate()

Class relationship diagram for mailing the page

Class-Relationship Diagram for Mailing the page

Doctors Pages

Name : String Hospital-name : String Hospital-ID : String Specialist : String Email-ID : String UserID : String Register() Login() Page-Creation() Page-Mailing() View-Messages() Send-Password()

Mails 1


Name : String Code : Int Date-Created : date Date-Mailed : date Status : String Receiver : String Sender : String Creator : String Number-of-pages() Pending-Pages()

Login Login UserID : String Password : String Validate()


Validation UserID : String Password : String Validate() Authenticate()

Class relationship diagram for View-Messages

Cl ass Relation ship Di agram for V iew-M ess ages

Login Login Us erID : S tring P as sword : S tring V alidate()

A uthentication

Lo gin

Doc tors Nam e : S tring Hos pital-nam e : S tring Hos pital-ID : S tring S pecialis t : S tring E m ail-ID : S tring UserID : S tring Regis ter() Login() P age-Creation() P age-M ailing() V iew-M ess ages () S end-P ass word()

M es sages Nam e : String S end er : S tring Rece iver : S tr ing Create s & ViewsM es s ag eID : S tr ing Num ber-of-M essa ges()

Creates & V iews

V alidation Us erID : S tring P as sword : S tring V alidate() A uthenticate()

S pecialis ts Nam e : S tring Hos pital-Nam e : S tring Hos pital-ID : S tring S pec ialis t : S tring E mail-ID : S tring A ddress : S tring V iew-P ages() Reply ()

Class relationship diagram for facilities utilization

Cl ass Relati onshi p Di agra m for Fac il it ies Ut il iz ati on

Doctors Name : String Hospital-na me : String Hospital-ID : String Speciali st : Strin g Emai l-ID : Strin g UserID : S tring Regis ter() Login() Page-Creation() Page-M aili ng() View -Mes sages() Send-Pas swo rd()


Hospital Name : String Address : String Branch : String Branch-Code : String


Data-Maintenance() Operations() Facilities-Provision() Discussion-Forums()

Sequence diagram for Page-Creation

Sequence Diagram for Page-Creation D:Doctor



Enter UserID

Enter Password


Report if invalid

Authenticate if valid

Name the page

Select a template

Select images & insert them

Select a specialist & retrieve their ID

Send the selected specialist ID

Save the created page


Collaboration diagram for Page-Creation

Coll aborat io n di agram for Page C reati on 11: Save the created page 3: V alidate 1: Enter U serID 2: Enter Password



6: Name the page 7: Select a template 8: Select i mages & insert them 10: Send the selected specialist ID


4: Report if invalid 5: Authenticate if valid 9: Select a specialist & retrieve their ID


Sequence diagram for Mailing the Pages

Sequence Diagram for mailing the pages D:Doctor

A:Authentication Enter UserID

Enter Password


Report if invalid

Authenticate if valid

Select a page am ong the created ones

Get the page ID

Create a password

Select a Specialist

Mail the page


S: Specialist

Collaboration diagram for Mailing the Pages

Collaboration Diagram for Mailing the page 3: Validate

P:Page 1: En ter U serID 2: Enter P assword


8: Create a password 6: Select a page among the created ones 7: Get the page ID D:Doctor

4: Report if inval id 5: Authenticate if valid

9: Select a Specialist 10: Mail the page S:Specialist

Sequence diagram for View-Messages

Sequence Diagram for View-Messages D:Doctor



M: Mess age

Enter UserID

Enter Password


Report if inval id

Authenticate if valid

Edit a message

View/Mail the message

Edit a message

View/Mail the m essage

Collaboration diagram for View-Messages

Collaboration diagram for Viewing Messages 3: Validate

1: Enter UserID 2: Enter Password A:Authentication

D:Doctor 4: Report if invalid 5: Authenticate if valid 6: Edit a message 7: View/Mail the message


S:Specialist 8: Edit a message 9: View/Mail the message

Testing System is tested for online response, volumes of transactions, stress recovery and recovery from failure and usability. It has been vital for that system to make a logical assumption that if any part of the system is not working properly. Although software testing is itself an expensive activity, yet launching of this software without proper testing was not possible. Test Cases The proper choice of test data is as important as the test itself. If test data as input are not valid or representative of the data to be provided by the user, then the reliability of the output may be suspect able. Test data may be artificial or live. It depends where exactly we are going to execute the testing. Unit Testing In unit testing process different modules were taken independently to perform the test. The software product by using prepared test cases and comparing the actual results with the results predicted by the specification and design module. There were a number of reasons in support of unit testing. These are given below: • The size of single module is small enough, so we can locate error fairly easily. • The module is small enough that we can attempt to test it in demonstrably exhaustive fashion. • Confusing interactions of multiple errors in widely different parts of the software are eliminated. In unit testing the focuses was on the modules, independently of one another, to locate errors. The programs were tested for correctness of logic applied and to detect errors in coding. Valid and invalid data was be created and the programs were be made to process this data to catch errors. All data that are entered was be validated. All conditions present in the program was tested, before proceeding one must make sure that all the programs are working independently. Unit testing is simplified when a module with high cohesion is designed. Integration Testing Symmetric technique for constructing the program structure while at the same time conducting tests to uncover errors associated with interfacing. The objective is to take unit tested components and build a program structure that has been dictated by design.

Top-Down Integration Testing The high level components of a system are integrated and tested before their design and implementation has been completed. Integral part of a top-down development process are where the development process starts with high level components and works down the components hierarchy. Bottom-Up Integration Testing All the low level components were integrated and tested before the higher level components have been developed. It involves integrating and testing the modules at the lower levels in the hierarchy and then working up the hierarchy of modules until the final module is tested. There is often a tendency to attempt non incremental integration, i.e. to construct the program using a “big-bang approach”. .All modules were combined in advance. The entire program is tested as a whole and chaos usually results. Some errors were encountered. Correction was little bit difficult because isolation of causes is complicated by the vast expanse of the entire program. As integration testing is conducted, the tester should identify critical modules .A critical module has one or more of the following characteristics: • Addresses several software requirements. • Has a high level of control. • Is complex or error prone? • Has definite performance requirements. System Testing Actually a series of different tests whose primary purpose is to fully exercise the computer based system. Although each test has a different purpose, all work to verified that the system elements have been properly integrated and perform allocated functions. When unit testing were conducted, we test the components i.e. various modules of the software system. During integration of these modules we perform integration testing and when all components of the system were integrated, we have a complete computer based system and now we perform unit testing. System testing also verified that file sizes are adequate and that indexes have been built properly. Sorting and reindexing, procedures, assumed to be present in lower – level modules, must be tested at the system level to see that they in fact, exist and achieve the results the modules expect. During the system testing, we should evaluate a number of attributes of the software that are vital to the user. There were some special types of system tests which were peak load test, storage testing, performance testing, recovery security and stress testing.

Coding Implementation

FUTURE ENHANCEMENTS The project involves transforming the already existed manually operated system, so that it can be accessed easily. Efforts have been made to cover all user requirements to the extents possible and to make it user friendly. Input screens have designed in such a way that user have practically no possible in entering the information.

Advantages of the proposed system The user can access the system from anywhere .If the user wants to check any feedback then with a few keystrokes on a computer keyboard by a operator can avail all the details helping him/her not to wander here and there in doing so. The paper work is greatly minimized. No training is required for the users (doctors). With the interface a layman can have pleasant experience working with the application. A detailed analysis of system requirements would provide necessary information for estimates, but analysis often takes weeks or months to complete. Therefore, we must examine the product and the problem it is intended to solve at very beginning of the project, At a minimum, the scope of the product must be established and bounded. Scope is defined by answering the following questions.

Context- how does the system to be built into a larger system, product, or business context and what constraints are imposed as a result of the context?

Information Objectives– What doctor visible data objects is produced as output from the system? What data objects are required for input?

Function and Performance– What function does the system perform to transform input data into output? Are any special performance In recent times in India and also other parts of the world record handling and maintaining the accuracy have become cumbersome processes. This system will assist the concerned doctors in maintaining their records and searching proper matching as per requirement only at mouse click. Manually find out the certain records in a very tedious, cumbersome and risky job. This system can well assist in proper real estate records management.

LIMITATIONS Like any other standard application software (or any type of application in real world), this developed software too has limitations. Although compared to the market, this software “doctor online” this application might have some limitations and but in future with enhancement it can be a better substituted for the “doctors”. Here is listing of known confines under this application:

As this is a web-based application, like modern portals present on the internet or web this portal might not be is not providing excellent user interface and GUI features. However, attempts have been maintained to provide a sort of good user interface.

Although security has been applied maintain the user name and password but still there are chances that the confidential information provided by the user may get leakage or tampered.

As this a live project still the administrator part has to be made more affective to perform functional tasks like checking the such as maintaining the database etc.

Doctors are registered through online registration so there could be some fake person trying to be a doctor/specialist so such checks with its primary information is still to be made which is not available in this project now.

Whole of the registration process and the specialist searching is done on the website, so the user must be aware of the computer system as such other device is being using to automate the task.


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