Doctor Faustus as a man of the Renaissance Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593) was a well-educated scholar and one of the University its who co!es in second and closin" years of the century# $is play %a!&urlaine %a!&urlaine the "reat' octor austus and the *ew of Malta' +dward the second and part of the !assacre of ,aris and the tra"edy ido' ueen of Cartha"e# $e is the !ost talented playwri"ht and .ha/espeare is a visi&le and distinctive !e!&er of the "roup# $is hero' octor austus is really representative of the 0enaissance spirit# irst we need to /now' 0enaissance 0enaissance &e"an in +n"land fro! 1522 to 1622# %his period in +n"lish literature is also called Catherine period or a"e for .ha/espeare# 0e !eans a"ain or enli"hten!ent# %his was a reaction to the dar/ness of the !iddle a"es# $e ca!e for the first ti!e' taly' rance' and then to +n"land# %he isolated islands of +n"land ca!e very ver y unhurriedly rilliance of the 0enaissance# %heir !ain function is hu!anis!' which further divided personality' thirst of /nowled"e' power' &eauty' etc#' !ean hu!an c oncern with hu!anis! itself as a point of conte!plation# octor austus &y Christopher Marlowe' a !asterpiece of wor/ and co!in" into the real! of !orality plays# t shows the conflict &etween the traditions of the !edieval world and the world of /nowled"e# s the dra!a opens' octor austus' the !ost learned er!an scientist who discovered the unsatisfied in his /nowled"e of !edicine and theolo"y of 7ista# $e sees theolo"y as a &orin" su&8ect' &ecause he tal/s a&out doo! and power restrictions# $is thirst for /nowled"e' and e!otional !ood of the stren"th reflected the spirit of the 0enaissance# %his thirst for /nowled"e and power forced hi! to "ive his life and to si"n a &ond for twentyfour years with an a"ent of satan' Mephistophilis# $e !a/es such &onds to fill the desire of power' pelf' na!e na!e and fa!e' whereas Mephistophilis hi! will serve twenty-four years and he will &e his !i"hty od# 0eally this is a&andonin" the !edieval for!s and resolutions to &eco!e stron" throu"h uest !ode of of !a"ic# %he central ele!ent is the thirst of /nowled"e and power' and which will &e sold at the end of the soul# octor austus as/s Mephistopheles willin"ly shows astrono!y' aust the secrets of astrono!y' &ut a uestion a&out the creator of peace' Mephistopheles is unwillin" to answer#Mephistophilies tells hi! a&out heaven' hell' and +arth# octor austus has li!its and it dissatisfies the!# $is pact with Mephistophilis hi! fro! od# ndeed' those were issues of a"e' "ivin" the hero to find answers for the Christopher Marlowe Mephistophilis# 0elationship to /nowled"e as a result of Mephistophilis is wron"' &ecause he:s "ot s/ills' which she /new# %he second ele!ent is the stren"th in which sells his soul# Mephistophilis of his &ody and was with hi!# %he power to fly and reuest space' etc#' he has a lot of the power of necro!ancy' and use it in your desires' either ei ther in the 7oluptuous 7oluptuous or trivial thin"s# t t is true that the spirit of the 0enaissance# y si"nin" it' the "ood n"el co!e ond and was tryin" to divert to od' &ut he denied it' and did as was his desire# n 0o!e' he' however' Mephistophilis' !a/es fun of ,opes and !on/s# $e went into the er!any Court and shows its power' causin" "host Carlous +!peror le;ander the "reat# %he tric/ with the
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