DND vs Manalo
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Case digest for DND vs Manalo...
The Secretary of National Defense, the Chief of Staff, Armed Forces of the Philippines vs Raymond Manalo and Reynaldo Manalo FACTS: Bein s!spected as mem"ers and s!pporters of the Ne# People$s Army, the "rothers Raymond Manalo and Reynaldo Manalo #ere a"d!cted "y military men% The petitioners #ere detained as captives for &' months #here they #ere also tort!red "y their captors% (vent!ally, the "rothers planned to escape and on A!!st &), *++ they #e re a"le to evade their captors% After their escape the "rothers filed a Petition for Prohi"ition, -n.!nction, and Temporary Restrainin /rder to stop the military officers and aents from deprivin them of their riht to li"erty and other "asic rihts% 0hile their case #as pendin the R!le on the 0rit of Amparo too1 effect on /cto"er *2, *++ and then the "rothers s!"se3!ently filed a manifestation and omni"!s motion to treat their e4istin petition as Amparo petition% /n Decem"er *5, *++, the Co!rt of Appeals 6CA7 rendered a decision in their favor rantin them the privilee of the 0rit of Amparo% The CA ordered the Secretary of the Department of National Defense and the Chief of Staff of the AFP, their aents, representatives, or persons actin in their stead, incl!din "! t not limited to the CAF89 to s!"mit their Comment and en.oined them from ca!sin the arrest of therein petitioners, or other#ise restrictin, restrictin, c!rtailin, a"ridin, or deprivin them of their riht to life, li"erty,and other "asic rihts as ! aranteed !nder Article ---, Section &2 of the &' Constit!tion% The Secretary of National Defense and the Chief of Staff of the AFP appealed to the SC see1in to reverse and set aside the decision prom!lated "y the CA% -SS9(: 0hether or% ;( The petition for a #rit of Amparo Amparo is a remedy availa"le to any person #hose riht to life, li"erty and sec!rity is violated violated or threatened #ith violation "y an !nla#f!l act or omission of a p!"lic official or employee, or of a private individ!al or entity%
The #rit shall cover e4traleal 1illins and enforced disappearances or threats thereof% Sections & and &', on the other hand, provide for the deree of proof re3!ired, #hich is s!"stantial evidence% S!"stantial evidence has "een defined as s!ch relevant evidence as a reasona"le mind miht accept as ade3!ate to s!pport a concl!sion% After revie# of the evidence presented, s!ch as the affidavits of the petitioners and the medical reports and other pertinent evidence, the SC affirmed the findins of the CA and the "!rden of proof as presented "y the "rothers #ere satisfied th!s the rantin of the 0rit of Amparo #hich is an appropriate remedy iven the foreoin facts in the case% After their escape, the petitioners have "een in hidin and is "ein protected "y private citi?ens "eca!se of the threat to their life, li"erty, and sec!rity% The circ!mstances of respondents@ a"d!ction, detention, tort!re and escape reasona"ly s!pport a concl!sion that there is an apparent threat that they #ill aain "e a"d!cted, tort!red, and this time, even e4ec!ted% These facts therefore constit!te threats to their li"erty, sec!rity, and life, actiona"le thro!h a petition for a 0rit of Amparo%
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