Dmitri Sollertinsky - Pages From The Life of Dmitri Shostakovich - Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (1980)
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' a e" t L L f if e e o
Here is the storypublic of Dmitri Shostakovich-the gur, the pivate an, the gian of n tiethcentry music. Shostakovich extraordary al ent ad ispiration, his work, his lie, ar seen through the urbuln o h tie. He was a proigy at pino i 7; a restran young man who kep cose to his motr ad sisters whe earing his liveli hood play playg g a sientlm sientlm thatr; a idely recoged composr r his First Symphony i 1926. In th
Shostakovich was th arge o Stai criticism r his opra
Macbeth ofMtssk Disic, and r his Fourth Symphony, no pr red ut eiht years ter Sta li death. I 4 he went on o wite his mos Seventh Sym ·
phoy,, or whi phoy which ch he as acclaimd Translated by Graham Hobbs and Charles Midgley
back p)
Pages from
e Life o Ditri Shostl�ovch
Pages from the Lif o Ditr Shostal�ovich &
by mitri Ludmia Soertnsy TRANSLATED Y RAAM OS & CARES MIDEY arcour race ovanovch ovanovch New ork an Lonon
Original Russian version copyrght© copyrght© 979 by Novsi Press Agency Publhing Hus English ransaion copyright© 1980 by Hacourt Brace Jovanvich Inc. All righs reserved No pat of thi publicaton may b eprodced tansmited n any fom by any mans, eectronic mechanical cdig phtcpy, ecng o an inrmation sorage and rieval sysem wihut permission in wriing from he publish. Requests for permission to mak cope f any t f th work should be mailed : Permssons Hacot a Jovanovich Inc 757 Third Avenue New York NY 00 Th quotaon fm Ca Sandbug o pag 0 s fom h Wag P July 26 1942, © Wag P Prnted n he Unied Staes of Ameica Lbay f Congres Catagng n Publican Data Stinsky Dmit. Pages from he ife f mir Shosavich. ansain f Stanitsy zhz Dmt Shstakvicha Includes index Shosakvch Dmrii mitievch 906-1975 2. CompssRussiaBiograpy. D. Sollrtinsky Lmila jont auth I. e. 793364 785'092'4 [B M40.S53S643 015707308 St in Linope Gajn Firs dition
Contents] Contents]
AUTHOR OT 02 222 22 23 0 230 93034 34 444 4449 945 95590 03 39 9 7 7 97097 297 7 7297 7 7 INDE
3 2 37 54
3 75 97 30
1 39
77 92 203 23 227 235
BETWEEN PAGE 118 ND 119) Shosaochs ohr, Soa Vaslya Shosaoch amy arche
Dr 914 Shoso Sh osoch ch amy ache
Dr wh hs ssrs, Mara a Zoya, 1911 Shosa Sh osaoc ochh amy arche
Shosaoch 193 Shosaoch amy arche
Shosakoch a Ia Sollrsky, 199 Auhh ors Au ors coec coecon on
Shosaoch Shosao ch Vsolo Myr Myrhol, a Vlar V lar Mayaosy Mayaosy Noos Pres Presss Aen Aen Pub Pu bs shh n n House
Shosakoch a hs rs wf, a Vaslya 943 Noos Press Aency Pubshn Hous
Coposon class a h Moscow Cosraory 94 Noos Press ency Pubshn Hous
Shosakoch urg u rg h h arly ar ly 1940s 1940s Noos Press Press Aency Pubshn Hous
hosaoch a hs chlr, Mam ad Gal
a h faly acha n Koaroa, Koaroa, 1948 Shosaoch amy arche
Shosako ch a h po Y g Shosakoch g Yshk h Gra all al l of h Moscow Moscow Cosraor Cosraor 1962 Phoo by V. Ahomo
Shosakoc Shosa kochh a Bjamn Bjam n Brn Phoo by 0 aaro
Shosakoch a hs so, Ma, urg rharsals of h Ffh Syphoy Syphoy 1972 Phoo by V Ahomo
Dr Shosaoch Phoo by 0 Maaro
Note] e] Authors' Not Augus 1975 Dmiri Shosakovich he comoser ie Mankin ha os one of is geaes ceaive musica sis A goo ea has een wie aou Shosakovich mos suies of his work u some ouar ooks as we Our book ors ors he reaer an ouine o uine of he ife of his gra gure gure i wniehcenu music Those eisoes which as chance wou hav i we have manage o earn aou in eai we ora in eai he incue his as ears his frienshi
wih Ivan Soerinsk an his reaionshis wih his su ns Aar from auoiograh he arge nume uishe sources Shosakovichs oher ofeoes reminiscencs of him an his eerswe have rawn eensive on ma eia from ou archive eia archivess he comoses eers o I van So Soe e insk an o Oga an Dmiri Soerinsk; oher wok from his ha; Ivan Soerinsks noeooks; maerias from he Shosakovich archives o which we were given access Shosakvichs wife Irina; her recocions an hose of hi chiren; an reminiscences hi siser Zo an nehew Diri Frriks To a he aove an o Shosakovich friens an suens who share heir memories an achve wih us w xen ou ee graiue fo hei invauae he
Pages om te ie o Dmiti Sosta�oc
S Peers S Peersurg urg a he eg egnnng nnng of he en eneh eh cenur o eher se of a roa sragh ron of gavecvere ouevar san a smar ungs an here an here hansome manson The ros of eegan faaes are occa sona nerrue a square h a monumen surroune a ie garen or a rge ecorae h gros of scu ures or he roa coonnae of a magncen ccahera ahera Ths s Nevsk Prosek e o n a sao su ofen ws here accomane hs aun eanra an hs wo ssersMara he eer an a Za The o ves n far from he Nikoaevsk Saon near Nevsk Prosek o Nkoaevsk Sree hich s sragh an reguar h rows of amos enica houses Nevsk Pros Prosekr ekresen esenen en n summer uores sern an goom on wner evenngss one of hs rs memores mem Anoher of his memores s of a ca evenng a ome he rawng room Some frens ave come see hs a ens Afer ea as aas he muscmakng egns s moher So V asevna ss own a he gran ano Ther neighbor oris Sssesovs an engineer an que a goo amaeur ces unes hs nsrumen an cks u hs bw Somemes one of he visors haens o a he von a hen hs moher ges ou some of her favore musica r Tchaiovs or Rachmaninov s faher on he ohe han oves sngng an erforms o Russan romances rea feeing accomaning accomaning hmsef on he guar
vaansee v the Cons ie d a the tuddied Sh e had s tu e. She ye d we. plaa yed H i s mother he r pl ni s t, pi anis a pia si o n a ofess sio g a profe ing co min ht of becom ought houg y an ncee h y andd o nc no n S. ork k- no nc e r wor so e conce ing g so oin ha ps o perrhap hi ng an an pe eaachin e fo r nouugh for ene eno a lene ce she w as no al s ince sburg g o f co couurse, sin Peerrsbur Pee ha,, bu n a o ha ow wn n he rov rovnce ncess . Sh Sho o be beffoe ns nsh hn ng g an ss an ch e youu ng che oweever, she e a yo or, how a h ervaor, Connserva hee Co ha wh ha ch, wh sakv vch, Sh sak ovch h Sh leslavvovc Bolesla nee na e D r Bo ng n gnee e D ma r verss y; n 1 902 she mar uae from S . Peers ersuurg Un ver gr uae gr Theer a . Th he fa. en rel e h h erself u en h an gave herself 190 an r n n 190 Dr hen D orn n 190 ugherr Ma aughe a Marria was orn 19 03 hen
hree years aer her augher Zoya Dr oleslavovch worke a he Cena Dearen f Weghs an Measures uner Meneleev, he aus ches who ha oune an who ha evse he eroc ale of he eleens Follwng eneleevs eah he wen work a he Mnisry of Trae an Inusr e was a goo engineer a caale organzer, a man conen wh lfe e was oservan, aer an uisive an no conne hs neress o hs o, u se his sare e workng selessl n a coee o hel he coasal wellers f he Russan Norh, anUnversy wh a socey o asss Seran suens a S Peesurg The Shsakovches were an ornar faml he Rus san neligensa who like o celerae rhas an sans as wih resens an reas an who saw he ew Yea n wh grea cereon On Sunays he whole faml woul g he heaer vs frens, or have coany a hoe The fen enerane vsors, an when hey hee woul generaly e usc On such evenngs le Dr woul everyhng he cul o sa n he rawng ro as long a ossle e coul no e aken o a ee whou a
errle scene Usuall he re o he n soe ouofhe way corner n he nave hoe ha he woul e ogoen an lef n eace o eno he sic
u was no only he souns of he rawng roo an he oera house where he chlre were ofen aken for a mane erorance whch ae u hs earles uscal ressons e lsene eagerly o all he any an vare souns aroun h he nanny genly sngng a smle une as she u he chlren o e; he souns he hear urng her walks silling ou of he cnemas whch ha recenly oene on evsky Proseksouns ha were rs hay, hen sa rshing healong one oen hen slow an en er he ex An here was he gran awesome son of he chor n he hansoe chrch wh he colorele exeror Trny Church near heirhouse homeself rove a goo any The couryar of he higs o lse o Lae n he S Peersrg srng when he sun egan o shne more warmly an he wnows seale shu hroughou he wner were ung we oen a os neresng collecion of eole gahere n he yar The cranerry seller a srghly ol woman n a rgh shawl, woul cry ercngly o an nrcae rhyhm "Cranerres, cranerries resh from he snow! eore long he grl fro he neares asry sho woul ake over "Fresh es, fancy uns! The hurygury an was also a freuen vs or when he egan o urn he hanle on hs rghly ane ox he enre yar woul e eafene wh sren, okey olkas an walzes These eores of hs chlhoo remaine wh Shosakovch all hs lfe More han ha he ore fri fri en an even ory years laer
When he eler augher Maria reache he age of en, her oher egan o gve her usc lessons er sal roher was generally no far away e lsene nenly he ieces she was suying an o his oher's coens, looking a he usc in fron of Mara an rememerng how she hel her hans over over he keys e exresse no esre o ake lessons hsel an no one
suggesed i is moher held he view ha sic lessons oo earlyy did nohing u ha earl harm rm "I don don alog alogehe eherr a arove rove of eole who ormen a gied child simly in order o creae a sensaion y ushing a scared lile creaure ou ono a con cer sage and giving i he awesome ile o a rodigy Is os unusual in my view or such a child o devel laer no anyhing really ineresing For he mos ar hey cause a sir a he age o ve or six ecause o heir recocious ailiies a hiry hey seem erecly ordinary; heir cre aive owers have dried heir sysem is drained and hey are urn ou eore eore heir ime True o her convicions rs Shosakovich sa her son own a he iano only in he summer o 195, shorly e ore his ninh irhday A ha ie o course she had no idea o he msical career ha lay eore him; she iagined hi going ino engineering like his aher As a resul his arens did no even send him o a high school where he woul have received an educaion in he humaniies; insead he o he o and Commerce whereIn he waswen on he exacCollege sciences accouning acemhasis he re ceived msic lessons only ecause i was he cusom among he inelligensia I was generally acceed ha whaever his roession an educaed man should e ale o sighread
simle ieces accomany a singer or lay music or dncing if asked wh when en am amon ongg comany u on he ay o his rs lessonuie lierally during he rs ew minues o his sudiesrs Shosakovich re alized ha her son had henomenal musical ailiy To egin wih he announced ha he did no wish o learn aou he "lile lines as his siser had done a her rs lessons; he waned a iece o lay is moher smiling o hersel de cied o damen his ardor y seing an arrangemen o an ndane fro a aydn symhony on he music sand Al hough no echnically dicul he iece reuire a knowl
ege of usical noaion an a leas a lile keyboar rain g rs Shosakoich hough he boy wou e u o n sa, he erely aske her o exlan wha he shars, as, an naurals ean (he ha long since comie o eor wha noe lay on wha line, as a resu of waching his sisers lessons), an hen, frowning wih concenraion, he began o lay slowly bu wih absolue accuracy, coensaing uainly for his lack of failiariy wih he keyboar by eansorofwo ngerings aeareay u as helay wenhealong Afer one lessons ha he hecoul whole of Chle e's 's Album Alb um wih ease Tchaikosk's Chl rs Shosaoich soon becae aware ha her eaching skills were no aeuae o working wih so gife a u She ecie o sen her son o one of he bes eachers in S Peersburg, Igna lyasser, wih whom her eler agher was area suying aria was aking signican rogress, bu i no san ou aong he oher uils n her class Conseuenly, lyasser reace soewha ronically when
rs Shosakoich resene her son o hi, saying roul, "I bringing ou a rearkable uil! "All ohers have rearkable chilren, he ree wh a sile u once he ha hear he boy lay he reaily aie ha rs Shosa koich igh be righ Young Diri began o aen his classes lyasser, once a uil of he wellknown eran ianiss Kullak an Klin worh, iare o his uils a ne echniue wih enviable nibleness of he ngers an a sure, r ouch e evienl ai oo lile aenion, howeer, o he arisic sie of ian laying e was an excellen echnician a he iano bu no a grea uscian, being nclne o rness an an nfeeng raiona aroach For he sensiie young Shosakovich, who was eeoig a an asonshing rae, i ecae ncreas ingy icul o n a coon language wih his eacher eacher 7
Shosakoch was also greatly atrace o coosng e loe o eel sehng ersonal soehng neer eor hear grow eneath hs ngers The oy le usc I cease o e just a leasure or h ecae a necessty e neee usc o exress hsel hs eelngs hs sll ery aure an oen clsh eas lyasser coul no unersan hs e el cooson srace hs ul ro he an ask at han whch was o eeo a goo ano echnue e een tre to ake the oy ge u coosng The resul he achee was coleely eren eren as Shosakoch laconcally rrecalle ecalle at a laer ae suyng wth lyasser "got orng Realzng hs rs Shosakoch urne o anoher teacher Proessor Rozanoa of he Conseratory wth who she herself ha
aken lessons lessons The lessons wh Rozanoa were a success er aroach was strkngly eren ro lyassers She worke atenly whout losng her eer or akng young Dr work on endess echncal exercses; nsea she concenrae on eren kns o ouch an he oo o a ece Wth her he learne o lsen o usc wh he ecuous sensy o a oet Rozanoa also encourage hs exerens n coos on an e hat he shoul ursue he serously wh a teacher Those were Those were stor stormy, my, anxious anxious years. years . Firs Firs there there was World World Warr I, wih bad Wa bad nes nes from the from the front and a nd persisen persisentt rumors rumors of of beray eraya a and and tr treason eason " a t th thee hi hig g hes level levelss w ithin ithin he Tsr 's family. family. Th Theen ca cam me po popular pular uprisings uprisings : e em monsr onsraions aions i n h hee srees srees dispe dispersed rsed by mou ounned police police,, sounds sou nds of shooting, in g, a n d coum oumns ns o worker orkerss marchi arching ng ow ownn Nevsky Ne vsky Pr Proospekt l lm most i n ron rontt of of wh where ere he Sh Shoosak sakovich oviches es live live.. Once, duri during ng a c l a s h with s o m e worke orkers, rs, a a pol po licem iceman an kille killedd a boy befo forre young Dmit itrri's i' s v vee ry e y es . 8
Shosakovch s ness o he Feruay Revoluon ha overhrew he Tsas govenmen. n n r 1917 hen Lenn reurne fo aoa o S. Peersurg an housan h ousans s ooff workes workes we wen n o gee hm a he Saon, Dm Dmr r oo was here. e an hs classmaes from he College of Commece on Shaleny See, a sone's hrow fom he Leiny rige, one he coumn of workers crossng he rige suare ears Lenin's ove name.he e Neva coul owa no heahe ha Leninha saoay ecause he ha o san a long way o on he ege of he sure, aove
whch ose a releness clamo of voices. u he secace of illowing sea of eole, he elemenal force of he evens aking ace, an he gue of Lenina his was mrne forever n his memory, o ou ou lae n sweeing symhonic canvases. Even a ha me, in 197, he com ose he chien's ieces The Soler, Hm of Freeom, an Fuerl Mrh for the tms of the Revoluto. e ha wien oher hings as well. he age of en an eleven, young Dmiri was no nerese solely in he hisoric eves whch wee akng lace. e wroe an oera cae Tsg The ysies) afe he oem y Pushki; a ale calle Ruslohk The ermai) ase on a sory y nersen; riogy for for iano eni enile le I the Forest; a fanasy fo wo anos an oher oher iano ieces. e also foun ime for ohe hoies. uie, nese, nosecive chil, he never ike rowy oys' games wih los of shouing an unnng aou. Whe sil very young, he woul lay for hours uiing imroae srucures wih hs locks. Lae he ecame houghful an aloof, whrawig no his reecions an forgeing aou everyhig ese. Then he me came w when hen he grew ass assionaely ionaely fon fon of ooks ooks.. rs he ea oinay chiren's ooksfairy ales an so ies aou Thenevens. he wasFnay rawni owasooks on Leskov, fmous eole anaimas. ousaning ogo, 9
Chekho a Dosoevskyauhors he woul love all his lie Even in his early ees however Dmiri looke on his favorie auhors rom a acive an creaive oi of view The images which caure his aeio egge o e recreae i musical erms Early in 1918 in a le r o his
favorie auhis mohers Naezha Kokouiahe wroe "I "Ive ve ecie oo se siser Lermoo Lermoovs vs oe oem m aou aou Ts Tsar ar V asilyevich h hee youg guarsma a he earless mercha Kaashnikov o music A he mome Im wriig musc or Gogos rful Rvg." From he age o aou eigh o youg Dmiri ha also eoye wriig oery All her life his her reasure a iy homemae oscar o which he ha wrie i a chilish ha I' seig se ig yo a ew poe poe Morig peeps hrogh he wio, The s is alreay p The wiow is brigh wih a gole ligh, The s' playig gaes gaes wih he pp. p p.
Amusig naive a chilish u roo o eurig ier s "A new oem imies ha here ha bee earier a ems; urher eors wou oow The enveoe coaiig his leer o his au also hel wo log oems Th To Brs a A rovrb. The youg auhor viewe he criicaly "he rhymes rhymes aare re a i i sraie The To Brs is righ u A rovrb is eer Aou ha ime his years o suy a he College of Com merce came o a e is eachers his ares a he himse ha al reaize ha he was o in he leas ierese i a career i i he egieerig aoe icommerce A aha amiy coferece summer e o 1917 was ecie he oy shoul e se o he amous high school foue y he IO
weknown acher Maria Soyunina, a frien of he Dos
oevsky faiy The schoo owe s euaion o s rian eaching sa, any f wh were universy rofessors, an o he hgh sanars se for is us The schoos ue ineigensia aoshere hee o rng ou h uis ni iua aiues eveo heir aes aes Concers werean given reguary, a eas once a onh, in he schoo ha, where gues usicians an Conservaory su ens ook ar, an chiren a he schoo aso efore A hese concers Dri Shosakovich aye usic y Schann, Choin, an rieg e was a goo i, ese ciay in he ars e cou resen his hoghs n a cea, orery, erse, recise anner, an was renowne for hs nviua an ofen araoxica w an hs wonerfu sense o huor is eachers eeve ha he igh ake a schoa of oe Diri was very on o anias e wou ay haiy wih he ogs a he faiys acha in he counry, an ook ouching care o newy hache irs faen ro heir ness his ove o ving creaures, "our ie rohers, reane wh he cooser a his ie e aways ke ogs an cas an rie o ake vacaions where he cou e cose o an as As ie wen y, Dis aens egan o see or ceary ha heir sons uure ay in usic His aying eve oe a auriy an originay eyon hs years Whenever he aiy was invie ou or ha coany, Diri wou e aske o ay soe reg, Chon, or occasonay soehn of his own Perhas was his own ieces whch os resseKonsani hs seers A rief own o s ro Konsa ninn Fein, henescrion s s sari saring nghasocoe in he wor o eers, on who he young uscan ae an nee ressn
It wa woerfl o b aog he gess whe he o boy wh h lps presse ogeher, a sall, arrow, fal Roa os, a olfashoe specacles wh brgh eal fraes ere he large roo a, rsg o poe, sat ow a he hge pao Worfl, for soe obscre law of coracos he boy bo was rasfore t he pao o a bol usca wh a a' sregh hs gers a a arrsg rhyhc re e playe hs ow coposos, whch were full of he ces of he ew scepce works whch force oe o lse as f oe were he heaer, where eeryhg s so clear ha oe st laugh or weep s sc alke, chaere, wa soees que ouspoke Aog cofse ssoaces t sely reeale sch eloes hat all eyerows were rase Th he by go p a we qely o jo hs oher, who blsh a sle as f he applase were for her a o her worlss so Laer, whe he sca was bese fro all ses wh reqss to play aga a he jst sa here, eyes lowere agrly h hs specacles, has o hs sharp bosh kees, hs oher sa, Well go o, Dr, play soehg soehg else I a sa Dr obeel soo p a walke wh a chl's awkwarss o he pao As he oche the k he brskly regae hs al sare a ook o he pr posefless whout whch grea sc s cocable Those wh a gf for preco col alreay se he wb of hs sglar aggs he fre Dr Shosakoch Shosakoch
Tis descipion efes to one of e soi�es eld a te ome of e eminen S Peesug sugeon Ivan Gekov, hee te ceam of e capial's inelligensia gaeed egu la visios incuded e wie Aleei Tolso a lage sou, enevolenlooking ussian noleman opposie Aleei eizov a so oken and man is woeact woe of msical and diaolic ings and imself esemled e Devi of popua imaginaion Te eminent dieco and eaica pesonali Vladimi NemiovicDancenko ould appea
there wheever he came up from Moscow The poeess Anna Akmaova would e there lisei kidl o he praises avised on her an rekov's rekov's med medica ica colleagues gladl came o forget heir professiona concerns. The oung ass Pavel Adreev aer a sooist at he Kirov Theaer ad the pianist Vladimir Sofronisk oe of the est ierpreters of Scrai appeared at hese improvised soi�es just for the hoor of atedig. Possi the most esteemed amog Grekov's guests was Aeader Glazouov. A major ssia composer ad the ouger coemporar pupil ad fried of imsk Korsakov he was an udispued auhori in musica circles. He had heard Dmiri severa imes at the Grekovs' an had ee ierested i this ucomol gifed o for some time. It was o him that Mrs. Shosakovich tured for advice "Having satised himself as to Dmitri's knowledge and aili ties she aer recaed "Gazouov decided that he cou easil go straight io the composito departmet ad omit all the heoreical courses. He said somehig to me he that I wrote down and that remains amog m most precious memories cannot a tie when as gifed s Iour so atrecal he oserva oservaor.' or.' here were cidren Dmitri took the entrace eaminatio i te fa of 1919 For ma ears now he onservaor has een an institute of higher educaio ateded oug me ad women of etween seveeen ad twe afer completig their sec ondar education. But things were dieret in 1919: o ge into te onservator it was necessar on to have a certain degree of talet a kowedge of musical disciplie ad e aili o work like a professioal. Bearded oug men with
degrees i egieerig or medicie ad girs i pigtails frequent sat net to oe aother in cass. Oe ear for eample a miiar egineer named Nikolai Miaskovsk
ho as almost thi sudied in he same class as a phenomenall gifed teneaold named Segei Pokoev At he enance eaminaion theefoe he on Shostakvich looking even ounge han his thiteen eas found hself in he compan of sudents fa olde than he The eaminaion ent easl he plaed a nume nume of his compos compos tions anseed quesions testing his ea and his theoeica knoledge and hen s alloed to go A fe hus lae the od had spead hough the enomous uiding n Teaaln Squae he Consevato had accepted a student hose talens ee as Glazounov put it "on a eve ith Moza's Those ee ve dicult eas fo ussia and fo evoluiona Peogad The coun la in uns a pe to savage famine avaged the man eas f a and the ensuing foeign inevention aion cads ee intoduced ut not much coud coud e otane otanedd ith he hem m millet vegea vegeale le oi an ccasiona sadine Thee as no utte suga o meat in the ci Fuel as sho Insead of thei tadiina ussian o Dutch a lagefo amount eod people usedstoves in hich castionneeded ones hich some of eason ee knon as bourzhouk. The could e stoked up ith a hand ful of shavings ut did not sta hot fo longust enough to o o a kele kele o heat up some thn mille soup sou p Cit tanspot as not functioning e the seecas ael an Peope ho needed to get o the othe side of the enomous cit ich spead out aon oth anks and
the man anches f the Neva ould de on the steps he cas hanging on thei ngenais Eve da Dmii had to go a susantia distance fom his house nea the Mos co Saion to Teatan Squae hee e enngad Cnseva si stands toda In all eathe eve da he oveed that distance oh as n foo and eve da ithut fail he appeaed at his classes
Te onservaor ad admied im o o facuies a e same imecomposiion and piano. He coninued o sud e pano w oanova and for coosiion wen imskKosakov's reaive and favorie pupi Maimiian Seinerg. Seinerg was a marveous eacer a riian profssna wo coud aso insi a ig degree of professionaism in is ppis. He was ver conscienos. In spie of cod (e onservaor oo was wiou ea) e awas arrived in e cassroom puncua and as painsaking in is work w is sudens. I canno e said a e reaed im n ike manner for e cod e prospec f working on an emp somac and e ong disances pu man of em o. We Senerg's reguar cass was fu in e fa e sprng ver few sudens si came o i u among ose few nvaria was Dmiri. Te casses proved mos ineresing. Besides academic discipines and pracica composiion Seinerg aaced grea imporance o genera musica deveopmen. His casses awas dd a o of fourand paing and en anazed e form of e pieces paed and e wa e were arranged for e insrumens. Seinerg ep epaned aned evering o ddoo wi wi e armon cear and concise drawing is pupis' aenin
o neresing passages and nururing n ururing eir armonic ase. Dmiri's feow cassmaes were sruck ow quick and compee e pcked up and assimiaed aning reaed e musc. Te principes of armonizaion e pecariie of modaion and eure e ogc of counerpoin e wiss of armon rtm and imrein a is e was enire a ome. In aura ess e coud ake down e mos compicaed passages from dicaion quick and wiou misake. His ear in e sensiiv and accurac w wc denied sounds was ike a pece of sopisicaed acousica equipmen and is musica memor insan capured wa e eard. Indeed is capaci f is so deiged is cm
ades a e wen ou of ei wa o devise moe and oe new ess fo im Appaenl is ea fo music was no onl asolue wic in iself is impoan fo a musician u also inenala is visual o concepuasince i did no depend on wa e ead e could pick up e inies deails of e music jus fom looking e pages of a piano educ ion o scoe He could sigead an piece wi ease no mae ow dicul as well as ocesal scoes wi a lage nme of ansposed pas In e sping and fall wen e empeaue in e Consevao's classooms pemied musicmaking e consanl laed aangemens of smponic and came woks Dmii ad oe uos esides Seineg in e composiion facul He sudied polpon wi Pofesso Nikolai Sokolov a gifed compose and eace wo also ad un ommon liea alens On e eeio Sokolov looked sen and foidding u in fac e was gea fun and a wi
ineausil invenive Hs casses alwas Soko coined ad wok wi soelle anecdoes jokes and panks lov's aonic and polponic ecnique was supe and e could coec eecises quckl and well puing is pupils on e ig ack He lied close o e Consevao in Mai milanovsk Passage u unlke e puncilious Seineg ofen skipped lessons Tis did no wo e oe sudens undul fo e oo wee glad o ge o of a lesson Dii oweve found a wa o o ousma is eace : no nding im in e classoom e would seek im ou a is oe In is wa e managed o acquie a ne solidl ased od of knowledge Afe Sokolov's dea in 9 Dmii compleed e couse in polpon unde Seineg wi wom e also sudied fom fom and ocesaion Fo music iso Dmii wen o e leues given Aleande Ossovsk s a pofesso and lae in 9,
recto of the onsevato who gave clea and accuate de sciptions of istoica peiods and related musical develop ments to the oveall oveall cultua cu ltua and poli politica tica agound. Soon Dmiti the oungest of the composiion students was te cente of attention thougou the facult. The on servato ha hadd a oung composes' clu meetin meetings gs wee no mall eld in the onsevato canteen and pofessos and even Glazounov himself would look in. Thee would e a lot of plaing anmaed discussions The suject followed of the discussion often poved to eofa the new pieces. wok Shostakovich. He took along is piano peludes and his st ochestal composition a schezo dedicated to his teache Maimilian Steineg late he plaed the Ftst s fo piano and the Theme and Vaiations fo Oches
ta dedicated to the memo of Pofesso Sokoov. (Almos all the compositions dating fom his cildood and out ae dedicated to someonea teache a fiend or a elative. I appeas that he oung musician shaed the teasues of his heat and imagination geneousl with those dea to him. As fa as composition was concened then evething was ne. Things wee moe dcult with th thee pia piano. no. At st he was happ studing with ozanova. He ad gown accustomed to e methods and was attached to he as peson. B the end of his s ea at te onsevato howeve it had ecome plain to him that he ust change teaches ozanova's esseniall feminine ened and deli cae u esticed piano stle was too oppessive fo a musi cian with his phenomenal talents. Afte agonies of dout as to wh whet ethe he iitt wa wass ehica ehicall Dmiti Dmit i eventu eventuall all m made ade the de decisi cisio. o. In his second ea he was taking lessons fom anothe po fesso Leonid Leonid Nkolaev Nkolaev.. Nikolaev was the most popula teache i te piano fac ult. Maia Yudina and Vladii Sofonitsk oth state
usans stuie with hi. Eve ianist tie to get into his classes but he accete ve few; of couse he agee to take Diti ithout hesitation ikolaev an his lasses his own wa. e i not give lessons to one uil at a tie; evebo who wishe to oe cae. Man knowing what was to be lae bought te usic with the so as to unestan ette an ee e his coents The atoshee in the classoo was like a concet hall. o one even consiee leaving uing a les
son (an not onl when soeone was laing). atecoes (the wee ve ae) stoo til in the sal aea etween the two sets of oos iviing the classoo fo the coi o thei eas to the naow cack between the inne oos. The "chosen few whose tun it was to la et in the classoo an hou befoe ikolaev aive The checke with one anothe to see if the ha eebee his instuc tions coectl an woul all but ght fo the chance to la fo a few inutes efoe the lesson began Both gan ianos oul be going at once each laing soething ieent an ach lae ting o outla the othe in oe to hea hi self bette. This iobable concet continue until a stuent oste b the ofessos cloakoo an in cing "es hee! Eveone ushe to sit in the ee oilcloth chais an o ove thei usic. ikolaev entee suce elegant an aiable an the lesson began began At the stat it was so col in the classoo that the lae in coats boots an gloves with no nges At st thei nges foze on touching the ic kes an coul hal ove but gauall the stuents wae u an thei la in beca oe u an uent It was bette when the bourzhouk aive The stuents bought fuelne a g anothe a lank fo a cuboa the leg of a chai o a section of ictue fae The net one to la sat b the little
90922 stove an wae his hans. When he went to the iano, the follow following ing uil took his l lace. ace. Stuents ought ieces the alea kn e well an ha woke on all the coul theselves. ikolaev listene fo stat to nish neve inteuting to coent. When the iece was ove he woul geneall sa "e nice. Then the
ok egan an"ve whennice he eoance. a nishe ikolaev nothing sought as a ule eaine of the to ake his uils listen intentl to the usic an n eaning in eve a eve note. e ew thei attention to the iece's tetue to its haonic an hthc featues the wa the elo eveloe, the constucton of the caences an how the wee eache. e analze all these etails. Soeties having nishe a set iece Diti woul sho ikolaev his coositions. ikolaev was hiself co ose having witten a nue of woks which enoe soe liite success in thei tie. The ee logical, efect in fo an ve leasant to listen to. Unfotunatel the ha no iniviualit o life of thei own. ikolaev a ne an sensitive usician was well awae of this an a as it as fo hi to enue the isait etween his ofessional ail it an his ceative owes he foun the stength to give u coosing an evote hiself entiel to iano laing an teaching. But fo that ve easonas one who coul feel the usic "fo the isie fo te oint of view of a ceato athe than a ee listenehe as ale to give Diti ul valuale avice aking enetating an sensitive coent on what he hea. The o value these coents highl. Much late einiscing aout hs eas at the Conseato, he egette that ikolaev ha not given a secial couse in coosition. Glazounov ket a caeful watch ove the ai evelo ent of this billiant oung an. e alwas took a atenal
[906922] neres in he students and was invarably present at at al he
xaminations held a he Conservaory for musicans of dier xaminations n specalizaions. specalizaio ns. For all his busy imeabe, e never ired of isening o pianis, violiniss, celliss, sngers, and wind nd brass players. Afer everyhing e isened o, e woud woud o dow a shor commen on survved. a piece concerning Shosako Shosakovich vich have surv ved.f paper. Hs commens In he spring of 920, a he end en d of Dmiri's rs year o sdes : "Ousandingy gifed gifed as muscan and viruoso. viruoso . Presention already highly individual and mature. 92 : "An 92 "An excellen musican despie is young age. Suc eary developmen is remarkabe. 1 92 " . . . a musician with alens quie ou ou of he ordinary and a echnique advanced beyond is years. . . . houghful presentation, ful of atmosphere. And of o f is developmen as a composer : "Excepional "Excepional gi gifts which have bossomed eary. Somehing o o be astonished and delighed at. Fine echnical workmanship, inerest ineresting ing and orig origina ina conen. ( 5+)* A year aer, wihou waiing for him to concude concud e his erm the Conservatory, Glazounov was caling Dmir "already a compleely compleely maure musician. musician. Gazounov's ineres showed n more han jus is comments and enhusiasic enhusiasi c acclaim for a brilliany unfolding an. He did everyhing in is power o ensure ha during hose dicu years of meager meager raions and severe resrictions, when cothing and od were consanly in shor supply, Dmitri go wha e required. The young y oung boy needed o de velop physicaly a a ime when when he burdens he carriedbo e menal ones associaed with hs rapid deveopmen and incessan absorption absorption of knowledge, and physica ones, oo (a panis's life nvoves oo muchlife for also his frail bodyhard pyscal work)were amos "5
is the highest mark warded war ded under the system used in the Sovet Union.-Trans
lazounov arranged for Dmitri to receive a gran from he Borodin und, hich as nanced receits from er formances of Borodins oera e Igo. nder a covenan Borodins friends, ho had comleed the oera and succeededent in getting due studen them under co right ino theit staged, fund othe helmone talente comosers lazounov also alied for secial academic rations of sugar, utter,, and meat to e iss utter issued ued o Dmitri Dmitri In 19, recognizing ha even this as not enoug, lazounov rote a leter to the Peoles Commissar for Education, Anatol Lunacharsk, under hose authorit the Conservaor oerated a tat time Mos seee Sir, In he S. Persbrg Sae Conseraory here s a higy gife ppil nae Diri Shosakoich who wil nobtely becoe a coposer, an who is takig casses in the heory of coposiion an he pianofe. He s aking phe oenal progress b this, nfornaey, s hang a ee erious eec o his frai healh, which has been weakene by lack of norishe. I hbly reqes yo o sppor y pea hat his ost alenehisboy be h. prie wih norishen in orer o n crease srengh. sreng
When Dmitri fell ill to ears later, lazounov again a ealed to Lunacharsk for hel his time his leter closed ith the ords "he death of such a man ould e an irremediale loss for for te arts the orld over over he mos remarkale hing is ha here as no creaive anit eteen he venerale musician and his oung charge it ould dicult o as imagine to more strikinglIndeed, dieren artiss eheir musc as dieren as the themselves diered hsicall from each other lazounov massive, imressive, rather corulent, delierate, and hlegmaic, reminiscen of a khan; and Shosakovic, a
shap cons, tn ight, and nkmpt lik a sparo laounov's msic as alancd, classicall autiful, and forhigt, ha his oung contmpoas as alrad angla somtis dramatic and u nv rtfl, as if gathring into somtims itslf all hsacastic, storms and passions of its ag his msic, novl in vr a, as foign to laounov t h as ll aar of h talns possssd th oung studnt or a hil Dmiti continud to go to school hil stding in to facultis at th Consrvato ru, th Consvato od class in gnal sjcts for th f ppils ho, lik him, had not t compltd thir sconda dca tion, t th standard of tching as gnrall poo, attntion ing dvotd mainl to th spcialid disciplins is parnts rsolvd tha h ould no tak th as a ou thi son mst no onl hav a scur grounding in msic, u co a gninl cltivatd pson ll infom infomd d iinn man sujcts So Diti li oth his sits, contind to go to th old Stounina ig School Evon qickl ralid, hovr, tha this doul lif mad impossil dands on th stil immatu and going o Profsso fanasv, h dirco of th high school askd Dmitris fathr to com for a alk is vi as tat, sinc Dmitri had ml dcidd on a futr as a musician, it as nonsnsica and vn dangous to mak him std in a school ith acting rquirmn and a road curiclum dsignd for futu scintists hi convrsation long ith ovrdu dcisioncuriculuma Dmitri a transfrrd tohastnd anothr aschool a normal
school that in addition, as vr clos to his hom on Kuntsk Lan o Ditr Ditrii had mor im for for music and kn kn ho o us
i o es avaage; is irs for knoege an ne msi ca eeriences as insaiae fer a f a of s, in e evening, e ou rs o o e Pilarmonic a, Oera, or sim visi friens an mak mic "W sens ere forever going o erformances a e Piarmonic, cael, or Oera, e comosr recae aer "W a as aene reearsas aing no mone, urne sneaking ino a fre io crang a scen ino ne armainaining aearances riving e icke oce an aer aminisraion o isracion u s ite misees re comlee usie e range of ms ical knoege acqire suc nesirae means In sie of arsis of erio, e earica an concert if of S Peersrg as fu an arie e oera oses resene e es rocions o or reeroir oeras eri an caikovsk, Wagner an Rimsk Korsakov, ck, Mozar, Weer, an inkai onerfu acorsingers oor Caiain an Ivan Yerso erforming Music nineeencenr Rssian comosers an e iennese masers, rams, an r ioz co ear amosanver a in Wagner, e Piarmonic al acie msicmaking reominae mark or assiv acqainance Te ong o Conseror o ofen mee a someones os o a an nfamiiar ice as a iano e Sc as ir nsiasm a
ere reare o ak mies an go io ser in argain On Mona vnings sa gar a om of a eknon msic ovr, nna og Msicians arg room, ic as ii n arc i mar c mns Comosrs, cnucrs, an ianiss o r s as rofssors an sns rom onservor
he progam for the evening as never announced in ad vance, ut everone aited impatientl for Monda to come rond People plaed their on compositionspeces the had ust completed, o sometimes even unnished orks; he ere keen to shae thei ieas and hea constuctive and nformed criticism t ogts the also encounteed modern music from aoad orks lan Beg and rnold Schneg, the rench goup "Les Si, and Hindemith, and ne pieces Igor Stravinsk Bt Dmitis nteests etended eond ust music He as keenl ineested in allet and enoed going to the cinema, hee the st Soviet pictures Pudovkin, Eisenstein, and other ne directos ee shoing He sa lms ith such ellknon stars as Emil Jannings, Konrad eidt, Piscilla Din and sta Nielsen He ead a great deal, too and eing interested in painting, as friendl ith students at the cadem of ts Like other Conservato students he as often to e seen in the handsome cadem uilding on the ank of theevening eva, and notasonl ehiitions since thee ee often events ellat he cadem stdents old put on plas the had ritten themselves, poviding thei on scene, for hich te sudents at the Consevator
composed music ll in all, Dmit achieved a supising amount With him, tie seemed to strech and accommodate an unheadof numer of activitiesa caacteistic that ould remain ith him all his life It clearl reects the inuence of his famil nd the haits acquied thogh his upinging his mother in accordance ith strict pedagogical pinciples hough enormousl us ith to Consevato faculties, studies at school, and his etensive msical interests and contacts, Dmiti still had time for a ide cicle of friends s in the past, his famil often ent visiting and constantl receivd guests at home amil celerations ere particu
90922] larl enjoale; a relaed and merr mood revailed. aria, vivacios et gentle, femnine and attractive, and Zoa, strange, rovocatie schoolgirl ith an anlar and uncomromising characer, conrasted ith te serious, sometimes distant Dmitri, ho seemed to hide ehind his shining sectacles. Bt he too could e mischievous at times, surrising eole ih his not alas unimeachale humor Dmitris father as he life and sou of the ar, u he giding force ehind i as undotedl the intelligent, strongilled, dilomatic, imeccal Shostak Sho stakovic ovich. h. he he e in and the ddin ining ing roo room, m, ellred hich hich asrs. o narro hat the laden ale, at hich the guests sa almos sholder to sholder, seemed to take u all the sace. he the ent into the draing room. rs. Shostakovichsmall u ver erec, seeing everthing ith her iercing lue ees led the conversation and made sure hat everone felt a ease. r. Shostakovich, of medium heigh and a it ortl, oined one or another of the grous in the room, smiling a
elcome here as msic and the laed charades. he acting as full of humor and quirk details, and as accom anied itt muscal imrovisations. Dmitri sat at the iano, a michievos gleam in his ees. ll resent ere geninel ha.
eruar 9 rough grea grief to he Shosakovic fam il he Dmitris father died a the age of forsi I as a errie ad ueected lo Youg Dmiris life had ee
goig smoothl a is accusomed if hectic ace; he fuur had seemed rgh ad secure en in he course of a fe das everthig chaged His father caught a cold ad he cold develoed i to do dole le eumoia he docors did all the could u earl i he ceur he there ere still o atiiotics or sulfoilamides tha as ot much Professor rekov visited he atie regularl ad durig the critical eriod did o leave his edside all ight But the atiet could ot e saved Earl i he mornig of eruar 4 rs Shosakovich dra gra airs shoig at her temles came ou of the edroom ad old the"Ichildre "ather is o loger ith us rememer he eral of Dmitri Bolesavovich the head of the Shosakovich famil i he leander evsk onaster ter rote Elea rusova a Perograd musicolog musicologis istt "rieds et to oor aria d rs Shostakovich he fresh grave o oer their codolences Dmitri ad Zoa sood a little o to oe side o a moud of el dug earth Zoas disraugh little face as e ith tears and her coa as ufasteed Dmitri stood his ca crushed uder his arm slol iig his sectacles His ees looked eseciall defeseless ithou hem ut his eire face as lled ih iard con
cenraion an comosure o need o go o im i con dolenes! fer e rs as of mourning, c assed as if in aze, e famil ad o confron e ressing issue of earning a liveliood Dmiri as feen e considered imself an aul and, eing e e onl man lef n e fa famil, mil, eld e en radiional vie a e as is naura ea and had ae look care of e ohers; e mus give uofishissudies and urgenl for aerefore, o e old is moer deci
sion u ran u agains er unincing oosiion o allo im o ae suc a se ould ruin is fuure; se as fu aare of e romise a fuure eld, given er sons enomous alen, and could no reconcile erself o is loss or idding im o cange is curren a of living in an a, se erself en ou o ork, a rs as a mere casie e qualicaions as a ianis and eacher ad los heir vaue afer man ears iou racice, and er cildren a gone from er oo la lasser sser for lessons fer a fe mons se received an oe o ork as a is in he oce of e Cenal Deamen of Weighs an easures, ere er usand as sill rememered; in is laer ears e ad eurned o is former lace of ork, houg in a far more resonsile osiiona osiion no aken over rs Sosakovics roer, Yakov Kokouin eanile aria ended er iano classes a e Conserva or i Rozanoa and oo rivae lessons fe mons laer, hen se received er ianiss diloma, se en or a e College of Coreogra So e nancia ues ion as seled for e ime eing, and Dmiri could coninu is educaion uninerrued e loss of is faer lef a ainful ound in Dmiris ear o eress e urned anguis,o ain, is ms oss, e oung comoser musicand andierness roducedof 2
impotat com impotat compostio postio o ss Cosrvator ars a t t or or To Piaos ddcatd to t mmor o is fatr h or mo mtsrelue Ftst e, Noture, ad Fle ar varg mods pat a pctr of dp tog ad lf goig o all arod ad rgt lrcsm ad
mal rstrad gr st clarl rvals hostakovics ormos gt or mlod hs sprlatv ss of form ad t tragic t o mch o s latr ork h coc o gra composito or to prormrs to paistsas o accdt plad t pc msl it ara It as a jot orig rom tm to tr lat fatr tm old lav t pao aclt as approacg ad as orkg o t program or s gradato cocrt H as a rlliat past Hs tc spcall s gr tc spr sm to ist or m Bt oas cors t Prolms attracto dd o ot s plag dd ot l tc alo possssd a ormos ad gl sal talt Udr s grs a composto ovr llo sodd rs ad orgal pctd ad v paradocal i itrprtato t alas covcg Watvr Dmtri plad th pao sodd as t r ot o strmt t a ol smbl cold pck ot stl prcssv or lllk cts otcd i th msc prodcig at tms almost a picato t a ll ttti rqrd as if h r plag a complt orcstra T most immdatl otcal caractrstc o his plag as hs idvidalstic piao stl c ad dvlopd dr te ic o is o compostos t tir dstigsg fatrsradt pgc vtal immdac t aaltical por of t mscal togt ad t cocisss ad trm prc prcso so t hc t composr st ot s ida idass h al amiato cosstd o to cocrt prormacs t t rst ad to pla a mr of solo pics of 28
dieren dier en sles s les h hee Prelud Pre ludee and Fug Fugue ue in F# in inor or rom he
rs ook o J. S. Bachs Bac hs WellTemere Clver, Beeho vens Sonaa no. , oars C aor riaions, Choins hird Ballade, Ballade, Schuman Schumanns ns Humoreske, and he iece ie ce "enice and Nales rom Liss Yer Yerss of lgr lgrm mge. ge. comple and varied rogra hem erormed suerl; hehis oard o eaminers aard aarded ed him him o marks arks he olloing da he laed Schumanns Concero for Piano and Orchesra ih raher ess success, u hee as good reason or ha Earl in 3 Shosakovich had egun o e roled ains in he region of his neck rs he aached no porance o he laer, hen his overall con diion deerioraed, he sough medical advice he diagnosis as no reassring he had uerclosis o he ronchial and mhaic glands rekovs recommendaion he as sen o he clinic run he amous Perograd lung secialis, Proessor Sernerg, here he underen an oeraion, aer hich he as advis advised ed o ggoo he Souh o conv convalesce alesce he illness and he oeraion ould have een reason enough o ospone his nal eaminaion, and his as ro osed He, hoever, adamanl reused he sill had o grad uae ro he composiion acul, and had o hink also aou geing a jo and helping his moher and siser So he egan orking or his eaminaions eore he had recovered rom he oeraion, a andage around his hroa I is hardl surprising hen, ha he remendous nervous and hsica srain roved oo mch for a o ho had een delicae since irh and as no eakened serious illnes illnesss ha summer, aer he eaminaions, Dmiri reare o go Crimea, heclimae allhe recover in hehere healh healh clidocors mae hough he ould evenu he amil as in sraiened circumsances, and he our ne roved dicul o arrange he could no ge ut
a travel and accommodation assfor a sanatorium lazounov contrived to get hold of a ass to the medical facilities a the asra Saatorium, u Dmitri ould have to arrange meals and accommodation locall In addition, rs Shostakovich asthat afraid to lettimid her son She felt, not ithout reason, he as and go notalone equied for the diculties of living aa from home aria ould have to go ith him to look after him inding the mone for the tri as a ainful task he orroed from friends and sold the ianoa eloved ol Diederichs ith suer tonealthough it as as necessar to them as the food in their ouths But the still did not have enough, enou gh, so D Dmitri mitri and his si sister ster decided on a lan the set out for the Crimea ut gave concerts along the a Consequentl, the arrived there late Kustodiev, an artist ho had taken a room for them in asra, as getting orried and rote alarmed letters to Petrograd Eventuall, hoever, the Shostakoviches did turn u, a fe das late u in goo sirits; the had managed to earn some mone and see a great gr eat dea deall he had a onderful time in the Crimea Dmitri ent for treatment in the morning, then as fee for the rest of the da e traveled all over the district, going to Yalta, urzufe, and Simeiza e got to iPetri, a eautiful mountain ith a crenellated eak like the alls of an ancient fortress, and the Bear Rock or udag, hich leans over the ater like a ear slaking its thirst e came to kno the Crimea, hot and intoicating, lled ith the scents of ild, unfamiliar oers, the fragrance of junier, the smell of the sea, an the coolness theas reeze ot allofhis ere idle here too he earned mone giving concerts aria rote to their mother "oda Dmitri las in luka; hell get a illion and he ants to send it one then as not counted in rules r even hundreds of
rues; inain as raman n mions cnge ans ike koecks Wi e ilion a Dmiri earne e cou ive for a eek a es Dmiri in ae a goo ea In e sumer man musician gahere he Crimea, aricuar from Mosco aniss Igumnov an Semono ere ere, an Minae, arione from e oso eaer miri as e ounges, eing no even seveneen, u Muscoves a ear o im and, al accouns, reae eir oung coeague i grea resec e s ofen ask o a n i so ire ess, erforming Scumann, Coin, Lisz, an is on comosiions eveheless, eras for e rs ime since ear ci ho, his hougs ere no enire aken u i music In he sanaorium ere e en for reamen, e a me gir ana ivenko, e auger of a eknon Moco ierar scoar, a gone o asr i er siser for a oida a e en of e acaemic ear Se as si n coo an of e same age as Dmir; e as seveneen on Seemer 2 se o eeks eeks aer anasma, sim, i ck ark air and a roun re faceas o, sociae, an ereme ouar S as alas surrouned a ive cro, incuding a numer of neresing an neigen oung eoe e Sosako vices oine his circle e sen e das ogeer sim ming, laing olea, an king in e neighoroo In he evenings heir ne friens ou come aong in a grou o er e Sosakovices erform Dmiri, ike e oer os, cou no remain inieren o anas carms e are no oe a se ou reciro
cae is feengs Painfu s, as as reiring n coman an afrai of aracing aenion mi ese con en, aronzing oung eoe e f ike an ug uckng i is anage neck an ig oun secac Y f
few as a miracle occurredhe realized ha his feelings were eliciing a resonse ana reaed him wih aenion and indnesslaer and her faceDmiri li u wih jo wheneverheheworld me Decades when Shosaovich, famous comoser ied aan live liveno no elained "How ould anbod no have loved him? Everbod di He was so ure and oen and alwas hough abou oher eole how o ae hings beer an easer and nicer for he He never hough or worried abou hiself If here are sains on his earh he was one He was lie ha when he was oung when we me and he remained lie ha o he end of his lfe eiher aria nor Kusodev who was looing afer e oo he ouhful "seasde roance seriousl he hough of he air of he as children Bu ana long reaed in Shosaovich's hear he lived in dieren ciies Of course he wroe o each oher He dashed o o oscow o see ana; she visied Perograd rs Shosaovich receved her brighl and was as welcoming and resened hosiable ver Bumigh Dmiri sensedher ha inside his moher heasgirl who derive of her son Afer his fahers deah he was he famils sole rd jo and hoe His moher and wo sisers loved him ercel e ealous rac of his achieveens and were sil ha ealous ana was genle and ndecisive while Dmiri was
no noed for his resolve and was used o he rouine of home ife So he ears wen b hen in 929 ana go married Dmri had reurned o Perograd in Augus 92 lazou nov had once again managed o obain nancial aid for his rog bu no enough o sele he debs and hire a iano Dmiri had o nd a job ow ha he had onl one course of udies lef o nish and he docors conrmed ha his 2
alt ad improvd and gav no caus fr alarm, Mrs Shostaovich agrd h sarch gan It as th arl 90s, ovr, ad e countr as still i turmoil; thou sands of popl in the laor changs ere vainl looing for or t last he fund a o as an accompanist in a movi thatr his as a succss, ut it did av its dra acs h cima thn as still silnt Evr thater had live music plaing il the lm as ona piano, a group of instrumntalists, or in some placs vn an orchstra h mcians had to follo hat as gong on on th scren, tring to ma t mood of th muic match at th audi c a Dclaations of lov, cha scns, idllic famil sttings, and ghts r suital accompanid tndr, lcal mlodis or storm passags Evron plad as st th col som mprovd, othrs dre on approp th appropriat riat pics from thir rprtoirs hr r vn spcial collc tios of "mood usic, complte th instructions, ranging from "rntmnts Con scienc to "Drams ofofthDag Blovdthrough Non of"angs tis, ofofcours, as for talntd micias, ut Dmitri approachd hs or i a sros ad cratv prt, composing hol suits
arond th contnts of lms his did not pass unnoticed; ma msic lovrs gan to go to th thatr hr he ord ut to har hi rillant improvisatons he or as hard hours spnt dai at th piano o him out ithout rigng an crativ satisfaction ftr hil h found a a to ma sur h did not ast th hour asolutl duing the shoings he gan gan ttoo or o coct pogram H ould practce dclt passags, cunningl incorporatig thm into is improvisatio, slo ig t don o pdg thm up accordng to th vnts on th cn H achivd such virtuosit in ti ercis that, hil prparig a trio ddicatd to ana lvnko fr 33
he ulic, he arfull succeeded in rehearsing i ih violinis Venamin Sher and cellis rigori ekker as an accomanimen o he imroale escaades of he heroes on he screen He roe he rio in he earl fall, draing on memories of he Crimea B he could comose nohing else consan faigue as aing is oll Laer he wroe "os usicians orking in he cinema consider i a mire hich ill sallo musicians u, sie heir alen, urn hem ino insired machines, and leave a dee nd indelile mar mar ll he ne ear, ih shor reaks, he orked in movie hoses He could no comose a smhon he had conceived earl in 93 made hardl an rogress eanhile he as almost due o leave e Conservaor In he sring of 9 5 he decided o gve u he or, hich had gron haeful o him, and in June he smhon as nished he oung comoser sumied i at he end of his comosiion course
In ri 196, at he same ime ha he as recommended for he nel esalished higher degree course, i as decided o erform he smhon in ulic he nineeenearold o en in reidaion o see he venerale musician iolai alk, rincipal conducor of e Leningrad Philharmonic alk received him kindl he had alread heard of Dmiri and is msic Rehearsals egan in earl a, aou en das efore he concer or he rs ime Dmiri reall heard as orchesral sound ha he had reviousl imagined onl in his inner ear He as delighed hi hiss ide ideas as had een een eac eacl l rig righ, h, and everhing sounded us as he inended He sa hrough all he rehearsals, incing a ever sli and inaccurac he erformers and menall laing along ih each ar During he reaks he ran o o elehone his moher a or o ell her ho hings ere going 3
On a , 92, he hole famil e o he Pilhar monic allrs Shosakovich ouardl reserved u on her mele, read o sand er son come ha ma; quie, smiling aria, alread convince ha everhing ould go ell; and Zoahe omo, as he hough of herho as miscievous and r and oo nohing seriousl, u as sill anious fo forr her roher roher he concer seemed o ake ainfull long ime o egin he crsal chandeliers inkled, he musicians saunered o heir laces, and he audience gahered ver slol in he hall Bu hen he ros of red velve seas ere lled, he hall fell silen, he orchesra froze on he sage alko seed ono he la laform form and raised his hi s aon
Aferard came he alause, loud and slo o die aa e en ou o ake a oakard, agonizingl conscious of his eremel ouhful aearance, his velve acke, his round secacles ih hin meal fres, and he nrul f of air hich alas oked u no maer ha he did ih i So fame came o him Criics roe aou he smhon a lengh he ere amazed a he earl mauri of such oung comoser, and commened on his assurance and skill, redicing a grea fure he irs Smhon as soon heard aroad in Euroe and America, under such emnen conducors as oscanini, Sokoski, and Waler Of course here ere criical voices as ell as raure an raise o hese Dmiri lisened ih aricular aenion learned Mos of all he rememered he commens of ikola iaskovsk, an auhoriaive comoser of man smhonc orks, hose ords imressed im heir accurac an susance Bu hile he noed all ha as said aou hi music, he did no rerie anhing e himself could see he iece's defecs i shoed he inuence of man omosers in hom he as ineresed a he imecomoser ho ad ef heir mark on his harmonic language, he melodes, and som 3
featus of the ochestaton ochestaton Ths Ths was was only natual natu al no atist i s without hs pecusos, o woks in a vacuum It s not surpisng that at the age of eghteen and nineteen and nineteen Dmiti had not arved at the completely pesonal and deeply ndivdual style which dstinguishes hs matue woks But the symphony had the most important ingedient: ing edient: an in ependent w hch was at once contempoay a nd matue undelying dea whch and pooundso profound that, ove the decades, decade s, t has constantly revealed new acets acets
In 1926 the audence, stuck by the compose's youth, took the symphony to be a bight, vvacious, "spinglke was ound that the lghtness and work. Some yeas later t was sombe emotons and damatc feedom wee mngled with sombe feedom preme some citcs even pognancy Tht Tht yeas ate the preme began to ague that the dak, tagic, "ateul side pedom nated And only anothe ten o freshness, fteen yeas fteen afte that dd t become appaent how much youthul mschie, and wt was pesent was pesent alongsde the tagc, the onical, and the gotesqe al l opnions o the The young youn g compose lstened to all them, but symphony and ecognized ecognized the justce o many of them, decided to take them into account accoun t only in futue woks All hs le t was hs invaable rule that what he had had composed would not be ewoked Much late, he sad he was appalled to thnk how much o his colleagues' tme went into making countless revisons, and how much new music could have been wtten instead The symphony remains as the nineteen yeaold yeao ld wrote it
Cioy th cc of hi t ajo wok i ot giv th copo ay coc i hilf o hi abiiti. O th cotay for o ti h copty ot hi faciity fo copoig. "I abo 9 I wt throgh a v crativ cii a co ot wit a ot h rcal o th v of hi ftith bithay. "I accot fo it y ayig that th ophiticatio of th Covatory ha toy y capac ity fo cativ w wok ok.. But that of cou wa icorct. Not oy co h ot writ b h wt thogh what h ha pviouly writt a toy a larg aout of i Aog oth thi th opa Tsg h Gypi) w ito th a a iao payig rai a a otioal ott. H pay a ga of al appar i Ligra of th Fri Chab ic a wt ato th oSocity to Savyak I th of 19 h for with alko i Kha kov payig chaikovky' Fit Cocto. Hi rptoir i c ay oo pic aig a log rio fo h bith of t piao copoitio o th lat roatic p cocrto by Chopi Schua chaikovky a roko v h p wa away f of prai fo th youg artts pfoac. Citic ot o th aac pth a covictio of hi itprtaio hi falt uical hi txtral caity batify hap haig a igpci tchi. hr wa o obt hat a ucc
fl ca a a vitoo piait lay aha of hi. Evyo wa covic of thi, a th ot ipriv coatn wa abot to appa. At th of 9 a gop of Sovit piait wa ivit o tak part i th t Chopi Coptition i Waaw. hi wapaticpat a gat occaio : for th t ti Sovit w to on bhalf of thir cotry i ica a ajor it atioal ic cott. ho cho to copt ha to e th c la cwothy ptativ of th at tic lif of th yog atio. Evry icia wait agly to ha who ha n lct. h th nw ca: Lv Oboi, Gigoi Gibg, a Yi Bryhkov wol goig fo Mocow, a fo Ligra, itri Shotako vich. hr w ay pb icia i ikolav cla, bt no on wa pi wh th choic fll on Shotako vich. h coptition wa togh a th poga vy iclt: th olonai i # Mio wa coplory, a i aitio ach cottat ha to play a alla a a cocrto, a wll a two pl, two azka, two t, an two octn cho fo a lit awn p by th jy. I Dcb Sho akovich gan to liv lik a cl. Evythig at ho wa arag to allow hi to work ccflly. H gav p all hi ol habit: goig to th that a coct, tig fi, icakig io, raig, a vig walk. It I ta, a, h wok o th th pic fo th copti coptitio. tio. h lt wr tiking. BogaovBzovky, a co po a writr a o of Shotakovich fllow tt, lat rcall: "Hi haply poal, forcflly hythic, tonally rich, an at th a ti ly ciptiv tyl of playing cae till o pronoc. Hi cativ litproc w thill by h flig of poxiity to a liv a ooff th th oigality of hi ical ic al i ia. a. ikolaev har hi ppil a wa contnt. H wa con
nc that Shostakoch oul r th nnr, ut things turn out irntly Bfor h lft for Mosco, th oy sur a svr attack of aicts Evryoy thought h shoul ha an oraton iatly, ut h rfuwnt co ay, h ant to atof th hy to hat Ivan Grkov, an ol frin thcotiton fay an o of th bst octors in th cty With a havy hart, h gav ga v Shotakovich Shotakovich risson to ggoo Bfor laving for Warsa, th iansts slct to co t gav a concrt n Mosco, n th Grat al of t Conrvatory his concrt, th nal tst, arous grat u ic intrt, an thoughtfu rvis aar in th rs Of Shostakovich, th crtics rot that h as an intllignt an thorogh usician ho gras th structur of th orks h pay an cou cou r rval val tt in i n vry ta tail, il, an that th o otc tc si of th usic a alays to th for n his laying o o gu hat orts orts it cost cos t hi to k going. h ays in Warsa r aso icult. h ains gan agai an gr staiy ors. lay l an th ulc grt hi ith thuias an l ovations, ut things r not in hi favor. h oitical oo in Wara as t. Cotrrvoutionary Rusian ig circls r hi pig up aiosity against th Sovit stat Incint follo icit, an th Sovit Sovit aassaor as kil. kil . On choo of thought h that ony oish ianists rally unrtoo Chopin or cou ntrrt his usic corrctly, an consir ths th ony caniat for th to rzs hr wr rizs for ony thr conttant. Whn t ca obviou that two of th ou unustionaly go to Sot anistLv an Grgor Ginsbrg, ho usicans, cau a snationth Oborin jury, a u ntiry of olih a anothr riz an a nur of ioa h a as crtaiy not to to awar th to to th Rusia Rusi a.. Wn th rsuts r announc an t as scovr
ha Shotakovich ha b awa oy a ipoa, vy boy hogh i a gaig ijtic a coia wih i. Diti, howv, waowig hi bitt, wa ight ight bttfa fo fo hi fibtt. vv Oboi Obo . Diti kwcoc h co pay Bi. ow hi oy wahav o go ho. O hi t h wt ito Gkov cii fo th opatio. Aft th opatio h wa ay to wok agai. Now ic wa wig wig p ii hi a aig aig o b t o. A , phap h ic of hi "piaitic if of c wk, it took h fo of piao pic. O aft aoth, fo Fbay 25 o Api 7 927 appa a fo fo pao : Recitative, Serenad, Nocturne, Elegy, tude, Funera Mrch, Dnce f Deat, Canon, Legend, a Crade Cra de ong, on g, kow coctvy a th Aporisms. Aft ivig wth Chopi' ic fo o og, Shotakovich to b xpitg, atig th igicac of pao fo which ha bco taiioa. h wa ao a of ichif, a i to hock th pbic. I wa o acct that h t hiccp i th Serenade o that h gow a wa bg toy ga Nocturne tio. Bt o a io v Shotakovich ao wat to xpo th poibiiti of aca itta fo a xpit with th, kg hi ow ty a co icatig icati g h vio of th th wo. Fo o ti ak, h how h Aphorisms o hi o a h Covatoy, ofo Stibg. Bt Stibg, a ic acaicia who ha b RikyKoakov favoi ppi, a who vot gaia of thica caicaitittaiio withi h wa waa of h ot Ria
io, ai tha h co o ta ch ic. Fo hi it wa ai a ipi othig xcp ba. Fo h o, Diti ca to how Stibg hi ic. pah of ach ach a ppi pa fo goo.
Aft th Aphorisms iti bgan copoing an ntily in wok, th Scon Syphony h yog copo nw yphoic wok wa icat t t tth aivay of th Octob Rvotion. H ha thi th bfo: hi Fit Soata fo iano, wittn a ya ai, ha b btit October. "In it nak paion a inxhatib, nta foc, wot th ic citic . Ginbg, "th onata co aco lik an xpoion, a pott, ik iba tion an a bak with th pat An now th wa a yphoy vot to th a bjct iti wa big with an ia which, haf a cnty at, ay a itt aiv: to wit a yphoic tibt to ach of th ipotat vt i th votionay cana. h Sco Syphoy, which h ca a yphonic oing "to Octob, wa to opn thi cyc of cooativ wok. h yphony wa a onovnt wok fo ochta with a choa na. iti cho tiing poty by Axa Bzyky in pai of tgg, th Octob Rvo tion, th Co, a Li. h wok wa witn in f fo, akig xtiv of iitativ o ct, a xp ay fat of th ag which fo pat of th copo' vivi, iiat ipio In th ya foowig th Rvotion, at fo th t ti ha bn intn fo th who poplation an bca a vhic for inpiing th a It ov ot ino city tt a
a, achig itay th who of th pop Ipi by th gat of th Octob Rvotio, th atit, icia, a acto of toga took to pttig o ga "vt, foowig th xap of th a cbation ing th Fnch Rvoltion The Capture of the Winter Pa ace icat to th oab vnt of 9 7 wa tag on toga' a an bakt o Novb 7, 92 with iitay nit, ba ban, an choir of thou 4
a taig pat th aic gay joi i ig the choa pat. oitica oga a cot o ctth boo of cao th att of a th oa f egifo thir way ito ay thatica a ica prouctio of h pio. h a ia w ao rct i th ryig cocpt of Shotakovich' Sco Syphoy, athogh th ic wa ot i th at ovrty pictoia. h yphony' tct poc a ch pvat at tha ti: fo a chao yboizig th ak hitoy of th Ria pop thi bjctio a thi ack of ight i pa thogh pott a trgg to th victory cbrat i th coig pt of th wok. h yphoy wa pfo ig th pbic hoiay of Novb 927 a t a favoab ecptio. "h ia of th voio i th Otober Syphoy i covy i the focf hgca yaicay xpoiv poy of th copo' vita ctiv pow o citic cot. hchiv. bga a p of it crativity a eoro artitic
Shotkovic acaitac o rth t biig of hi highy icio fihip with Iv Sotiky at fo hi pio. h vy bgiigwhat ight b c th phitoy of thi fihipat back to 99 wh th yog Covatoy tt bga to tt hihaoic coct gay. Yog ic ovr geray go tigoo tickt which wr chap. I th itiio thy wo ftch coat fo th coakoo o proc wpap p th o th oo i th gay k thv cofotab. Aog th ga coctgo Ditri oo bca awa of a faiy ta toopig thickipp yog a with picigy itigt y. hi a to xpic oro pa a h ite 2
to h ic a aftwa iaiaby ic hi ipe io wih hi fi ittigy a at gh Hi ae wa Soiky a h wa a g i toga toga Ya a Shoakoich pok of i fi a hi u tiy ath: uual frs ol ha h w ry laguag hat was or r ha bn spokn on h, that h kw abou all ks of sccs, n hat h kw th whol o Shaspar, ushk, Gogol, Asotl, an lao by hat, a ha h w shor, rythng I gan h prs so gh away ha h was soo out of h orary a cu a awwar for a arag prson o gt alog wh 191, wh a fr rouc to Sollrtnsky I back o as quckly as I coul, flg woul b oo cul o carry o an acqac wh such n ns a ur g was 196 Th Lgra suts wr akg a a MarsLns so s to b bl
o go o for hghr gr Aong th popl watng to b call bfor h boar of anrs was Sollrsky Bfor h a I ws nros Psly, Sollsky ws call Vry soo h ca ot agan I pluck up cou ag a ask h: cus , ws h a ry cu ? o, o o a a all, h rpl rpl Wha hy hy ask yo yo ? h, h ass hgs : h growh growh o aral arals s Act Act Grc Sophocls' pory as a prsson of atalst n c glsh sntnhcry phlosophrs a so hg ls hg ls bs bss s I say hat I was ll wh horor at hs ply Fally, 197 I h at th ho of a Lgra s ca Thr wr ay guss, jus hr or four clg Solrsy a slf Th pass quckly, whot our ocg was coplly bowl or wh Sollrnsky ur ou o b an ucooly ry, spl, brllanly wy, a rly owoarh prso ur cll host kp us ul la, h Sollrsky a I walk ho W
l h sa ghrh Th way s shr aus walig wh h was r h spk so rs gl au h s ari aspcs of lf a ar Duig h crsai i rg ha I ' kw a sgl fr g laguag, whil h cul' play h pa So h ry ay Sllrsy ga y rs lss i Gra a I ga hi a lss o h pia Th lsss ca o a swif a succssful I i' i ' lar Gra a SSllrisky llrisky lar play h pia, bu w sill a gra ris o h ry o his arkabl li
Fr that ig thy wr itray isparab sig ah th aiy Nray rtisy w rp by
th hstaihs th tw th w stt w i th rs a th ths i th hs w har si aiat is a t brsts agtr If thy tph t I t sa tis ay th thy thatw aitathy w a t ah ths hs (taty thy i i th sa igh bh) a a ts hy pt ah thr raraby w: tisy iparaby it a bri iat piist a atr itty asti at a ss; a th shy paiy iprssiab hstaih wh thss ha his w w a at t isi th w w hir i ah th was s ti 927 at a ts rtisys pssia itrsts r al hs l si wr ii r twa itrat a aa A phigist a paish sha by taig h ha witt abt paish itatr Lp ga is is a haspas Hmlt Eythig h ha pbish p t 927 r th thatr r bat whih h was as a gat air It is iiati that his st riw a praKs /was witt i Nb 92 at h ba is with hstaih 44
Stsys atts th shft fr g nt th usal H at ba atst rt f h Lga Phha a pfssr at th Csaty a th authr f ay ws w s uslg uslgyy h u th thr t was ss stg O th th f hhs s ftth br brhay hay Shstah Shsta h ra : ""II g a ga al ut f y frsh wh Slltsy wh was a hghly gft an a a alt uslgst wth a truly yp wg a a ba atst t Pp
ha t t aus h f bg a ba u bt fat h was always tyg t xt y utl Sllrsy bu wth a st n us fr Bah t Onbah s t spa Of s th was t just usa Stsy sha th whl walth f hs lag th l f ltau hstry an hstr But gal a t h thatrphlshy a batar wth hs yug f ths was th hf fatr th atshp hy wr utually spsab t th xtt that f pat f a fw ays thy p hpssly a wt lg tal ltts sbg ythg that ha happ ts tg thgs fatasg ah su that h wu b ry urst h lttrs tuh n bth busss a atst usns a atts atg th ra ls Alst always a t f sass at bg away f ah th pt Y hr ps apat w galy y sht h rst ur ast aty 197 hat su hstah wt t stay th sall twn f Dtsy Sl uts Lnga wh h l th om Uhokh (Shar (Sharss srt) ; th n ngg h w wa a th sp pa a pay ts wh ug th a bg uus t lss h hght hs ws as O August 20 h sn f thr h rs f th ltts ps t tsy syss ah ahss : 5
cpoally pla o rci a potca ro yo Yo quz o ay ipora ia a iigh io o all a spac, o ca oly arl. I ha't wr bor b I wa a ba oo, or Muzkor Mi Dpat h Misry o Clur oly yray t th
rubl As a rul, rubl rul , y oo ro a I cid ci d to writ you. Toorrow I go o Mocow Muzkor a tl gra llig o go or a orao o y roluio ary usc. The Nose s cog alog. So y Gra. My lr, probably o Way, wll clo wih h wor m ein iebe !wan wan owis owishh
Yor, D. Shoakoich Shoakoich
Shstavihs aia psiti ti t vr i t: hi ha th ratis j a r was th ivig hisSph graat wr stt grat an Otober xtr xtr iprt iprtat at spp sppt t t his gt wr the a i gttig pai avrs at his spirits As r hs Gra it rai at at th vl strat at th th ttr What is st sigiat i th ttr hw vr is th rr t he Nose, a pra th ti f whihh was xrisig his i gratl whi gratl Gg was Shstavihs avrit athrs Ths highl rigia writr whs wrs wr alwas s rark a i iig rais with atas th hur with th grts a v Rssia with a hatr th at rati rgis "la aiatis ha asiat the cpsr r his arist hih Ev r h wt t th Csrvatr his rst spiratis ha an pra as n Ggl a he Dredful Revene Shsta kvih i nt jst i Gg; h was ver s t hi n tprat Fr his rst pra th g Shstakvih slt a r arkal sujt as fasat a lliat pice f
ogoli an grou ogolian grou : h al al of ho no no run run ffrom rom milranking govrnmn cial nam Kovalov, a col lg inco, an riv aroun S bug aring h uifor of o of h high civil vic gra in ari Ruia h Ns in Shoakovich bcau of i ar conr of alim i biing"Bfor iron an ihring arcam ar, ih in nfna, ricl nil he rmir ublih in Rach tat h Workr an h har) in 1 930 h coor r: "oaa an or on claical ubc ill b or lvan if h ubc i irical Bu h acion a o ju airical l mn A
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