DMI-BD-10-001-A4 Process Operating and Control Philosophy

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Process Operating and Control Philosophy

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PT. Bangun Bejana Baja



Pekerjaan Jasa Pembangunan Tangki Timbun LPG, Piping dan Instrument Di Depot Dumai Kap. 2 x 3000 MT

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Dumai - Riau, INDONESIA



004/R10000/2018-S3  004/R10000/2018-S3 

22-May-19 DATE

Issued For Review DESCRIPTION










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Process Operating and Control Philosophy

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Date 21 May19

Remarks Issued For Review



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1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. 4 2. OBJECTIVES ......................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ............................................. 4 3. DEFINITIONS ............................................................. ...................................................................................................................... ......................................................... 4 4. REFFERENCES ......................................................... .................................................................................................................. ......................................................... 4 5. PRESSURIZED LPG TERMINAL FACILITY AND SUPPORTING SUPPORT ING FACILITIES ................. 5 6. OPERATING AND CONTROL PHILOSOPHY.................................................................... PHILOSOPHY.................................................................... 6 7 REMOTE OPERATION MANAGEMENT BETWEEN OPERATIONS AREAS ................... 7 8. EMERGENCY POWER FAILURE FAILURE .............................................................. ..................................................................................... ....................... 8



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Sheet No. 4 of 12 

1.0 INTRODUCTION  INTRODUCTION  PT. Pertamina (Persero) Directorate of Mark eting and Commerce, intends to carry out the construction of pressurized LPG terminal in line with the government's program to reduce fuel subsidies of land for household tumble to LPG. By the conversion of fuel from kerosene k erosene to LPG, the LPG demand in tthe he future will continue to increase while the facility receiving, storage and distribution of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG terminal) available is not sufficient, so it should be added hoarding LPG facility, to anticipate the needs of LPG in the future in order to avoid a crisis availability of LPG in the community.

2.0 OBJECTIVES  OBJECTIVES  This document is prepared as Proces Operating and Control Philosophy of the Project Scope of work defined in Pekerjaan Jasa Pembangunan Tangki Timbun LPG, Piping dan Instrument Di Depot Dumai Kap. 2 x 3000 MT.

3.0 DEFINITIONS  DEFINITIONS  The definition contained in the contents of this procedure and other procedures are as follows:


: PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO) Direktorat Logistik Supply Chain Infrastruktur (LSCI), the owner of the Project “Pekerjaan “ Pekerjaan Jasa Pembangunan Tangki Timbun LPG, Piping dan Instrument Di Depot Dumai Kap. 2 x 3000 MT” MT ” 


: PT Bangun Bejana Baja

Vendor / Subcontracor : The party which provides manufacture/fabrication or construction or erection equipment / material specified and ordered by Contractor



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Sheet No. 5 of 12 

4.0 -


Project Document  Document 


Doc. No. DMI-BD-10-011-A4 DMI-BD-10-012-A4 DMI-PID-10-00X-A3 (All 16 Sheets)

No. Basic Engineering Design Data (BEDD) Process Design Basis & Criteria



Safe Chart



Process Control Narrative

1 2 3



Piping & Instruments Diagram





The pressurized LPG facility and supporting facilities with in the project of Pressurized LPG Terminal at Dumai consist of the following items: 1. Marine Loading Arms for Loading LPG Liquid & Unloadig LPG V Vapour apour to Tanker 2. The Jetty LPG Metering 3. LPG Storage Tank is 2 x 3000 MT units Spherical Tank. LPG Storage Tank shall be equipped with Automatic Tank Gauging (ATG) and magnetic level gauge interfacing to

Terminal Automation System (TAS). 4. The LPG Pump consist of 3 pumps) to pumping LPG from tank to Truck Filling Shed.  

5. 3 (three) LPG Filling Shed. With 3 (three) LPG Truck Weight Bridge. 6. Instrumentations and piping associated associated to the equipments. 7. Utility & Instrument Air system, system, consist of utility air air receiver, iinstrument nstrument air receiver receiver and air compressor package. 8. Electrical Back up use Diesel Engine Generator with Automatically Automatically by ATS. ATS.



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Process Operating and Control Philosophy

Sheet No. 6 of 12 

6.0 OPERATING AND CONTROL PHILOSOPHY 6.1. LPG Marine Loading Arms & Metering System System

Tanker Unloading The LPG is transferred into the LPG storage tanks by Marine Loading Arms & Jetty LPG Metering. Marine Loading Arms consist consist of Liquid for Loading Loading & Vapour of for Unloading Unloading of Mixture LPG from from Tanker. Due to the capacities of LPG Storage Tank, two storage tanks are normally filled in parallel from Tanker. Since LPG is unloaded into a single LPG storage tank, the unloading

rates may be lowered. The LPG discharged from the tanker is directed to the storage tanks through 16" headers serving the LPG storage tanks.

The actual unloading rates are established on level indications in the onshore storage tanks. Control valves at inlet storage tanks will be balancing the LPG fiowrate into each tank. The quality of LPG being unloaded is monitored by Jetty LPG Metering Package. The analysis

of incoming LPG is done to complete the cargo certificates provided with the incoming CIF (Cost, Insurance & Freight) LPG to ensure appropriately placed of LPG into the LPG storage tanks

through top or bottom fill nozzles avoiding roll-over risks. Tanker Loading  As Hu Hub b Termi Termina nal,l, loadi loading ng opera operatition on is re requi quired red.. Load Loadin ing g oper operat atio ion n is per perfor forme med d by LPG Pump Pumpss in pump station area of each tank group. LPG is pumped from LPG Storage Tanks to 3 Filling Filling

Shed by LPG

Pumps . Each LPG Pump has a capacity 146 m3/hr . The LPG suction

line consists of 12" header, 10" distribution line to each pump suction. The discharge line consists of 12" pipe into a 8" header.



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6.2 Jetty LPG Metering Metering System The LPG Receiving from Depot Dumai to be distributed to LPG Storage Tanks and LPG Tank with mass flow 3000 MT/hr. During transfer LPG from Tanker T anker to LPG Terminal will be measured by Jetty LPG Metering Metering system. After flowing through metering system, system, LPG is injected by odorant in Odorizer System Package. 6.3. LPG Storage Tank System LPG Storage Tank is equipped with Automatic Tank Gauging and magnetic level gauge. LPG Storage is also equipped with Motor Operated Valve (MOV) in inlet. Table 6.1. List of MOV on LPG Storage Tank Equipment LPG Tank

Motor Operated Valve (MOV) MOV-01-1 (Liquid Inlet) MOV-01-02 (Liquid Outlet) MOV-02-1 (Liquid Inlet) MOV-02-02 (Liquid Outlet) MOV-01-3 (Vapour Inlet) MOV-02-3 (Vapour Inlet) MOV-01-04 (VapourOutlet) (VapourOutlet) MOV-02-04 (VapourOutlet) (VapourOutlet)

During LPG filling process from Depot Dumai to LPG storage tank, when LPG storage tank has achieved High Level (LI-03), the inlet MOV (G-02) will automatically close. Whereas when the LPG storage tank has been reached Low Level (LI -03) due to pumping process to LPG Filling Shed by LPG Truck Filling Pumps, the outlet MOV (G-04) will automatically



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close. The filling process and emptying process of LPG from LPG Storage Tank as the above description are automatically worked by Automatic Tank Gauging (ATG). Whereas LPG Storage Tank can be operated with Terminal Automation System (TAS). LPG Storage Tank (200-T-01/02) is associated with water spray system installed around the storage tank outside. When Temperature Transmitter indicates that temperature of LPG Storage Tank (200-T-01/02) above the operating temperature (35  oC or 40oC) during operation or stanby mode, then deluge valves (DV-7A1 and DV-7B1) of water spray system will open to cooling the LPG Storage Tank until the operating temperature of the storage tank is achieved. This process will keep LPG with in the storage tank in liquid form condition.

LPG Storage Tank (200-T-01/02) has overpressure protection from fire case by two pressure safety valve (PSV-01-1/2 and PSV-02-1/2) with system operation in redundant. 6.4. LPG Pump LPG Pumps (300-P- 01/02/03) is a system for distributing LPG from LPG Storage Tank to LPG loading trucks. The LPG distribution from LPG Storage Tank (200-T-01/02) ( 200-T-01/02) to the Filling Shed is using LPG Pumps, whereas filling filling to The Truck Loading Loading Arms . The type of of LPG Pumps is centrifugal. 300 PCV 304 is designed for minimum flow / pump mechanical safety and If there is an excess of LPG liquid during LPG loading into the LPG distribution trucks from LPG Pumps, then the excess of LPG liquid will recycled to LPG Storage Tank (200-T-01/02).

6.5 LPG Truck Loading System System The LPG Truck Loading System. LPG Truck Loading System consists of the following items:

1. LPG Truck Filling Pumps (P-01/02/03) 2. LPG Metering Packages (300-M-01/02/03 ) 3. LPG Truck Loading Arms (300-LH-M-01A/02A02A)



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4. LPG Truck Vapor Arm (300-LH-M-01B/02B02B) (300-LH-M-01B/02B02B) 5. LPG Truck Weight Bridge (W-01/02 ) LPG distribution from LPG Storage Tank (200-T-01/02) to the LPG Filling Shed is done by LPG Truck Filling Pumps (P-01/02/03) with configuration 3 (two) operations. The type of LPG Truck Filling Pumps (P-01/02/03) is centrifugal pump. The motor drives of those pumps are equipped with Variable Speed Drive (VSD) to control the rotating speed of the pump. The LPG flow rate control to LPG Truck Loading Arms (300-LH-M-01A/02A02A) within LPG Filling Shed is managed by the electrical motor speed of LPG Truck Filling Pumps (P-01/02/03) via Variable Speed Drive (VSD), the running management of LPG Truck Filling Pumps (P-01/02/03) which run parallel or single (staging - de-staging), de-staging), and start/stop controlling. All of those are carried out by Terminal Automation System (TAS).The speed controlling of LPG Truck Filling Pumps (P-01/02/03 ) via Variable SpeedDrive (VSD) is triggered by signal inputs from Total Flow Controller (300-FY-300) via300-FI-300 and Pressure Transmitter (300-PIT-314) to control the speed of motor's VSD. Total Flow Controller (300-FY-300) gets data informationfrom LPG Metering Packages ( 300-M-01/02/03 300-M-01/02/03 ) installed at each of LPG Truck Loading Arms (-LH-M-01A/02A02A). If there is an excess of LPG liquid during LPG loading into the LPG distribution trucks from LPG Truck Filling Pumps (P-1/02/03 ), then the excess of LPG liquid will recycled to LPG Storage Tank (200-T-01/02). The LPG return flow is controlled by pressure control valve



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(PCV-314) which is triggered by pressure indicator transmitter (300-PIT-314) via pressure indicator controller (PIC-314). LPG Truck Vapor Arm (300-LH-M-01B/02B02B) is also attached with Truck Loading Arms (300-LH-M-01A/02A02A) within the Filling Shed. Whenever LPG loading process is carried out to the truck, LPG Truck Vapor Arm (300LH-M-01B/02B02B) is also connected to the truck. The release vapor from the truck is returned to LPG Storage Tank (200-T-01/02). LPG Truck Loading Arms (300-LH-M01A/02A02A) is completed with Quick Coupling and Safety Break-away Coupling. LPG Truck Loading System is completed by 2 (two) LPG Truck T ruck Weight Bridge (W-01/02 ) with capacity 60 MT. 6.5. Utility Air and Ins Instrument trument Air System System  Air compressor package (400-K-01/02) consists of one one compressor screw type with capacity of 63 Sm3/hr, Air Cooler, Pre Filter, two towers of Air Dryer and After Af ter Filter. The system also equipped

with Instrument Air Receiver (400-V-02). This air system will be used to supply instrument air and utility air demand in LPG Storage Tank 1 x 3000 MT facility. The air compressors (400-K-01/02) is oil injected screw type air compressor w with ith motor driver. The discharged compressed air is directed into into and Instrument Air Receiver ((400-V-02). 400-V-02). The operation of Air Compressor (400-K-01/02)

is controlled by Pressure transmitter via

pressure controller (PIC-06) installed at outlet of Instrument Air Receiver (V-06). When the

pressure controller indicates Low Pressure meaning that the end en d users usage for instrument air and utility air exceed than the flow capacity, then air compressor will run. When the pressure controller indicates High Pressure meaning that the esnd users usage for instrument air and utility air is less than the flow capacity air compressor will stop. Air Compressor Package (400K-01/02) is provided provided w with ith stand alone control system which is part of package vendor scope.

The Utility Air Receiver (400-V-01) is also a basic water knock-out (KO) drum to separate water



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from compressed air. Utility air is controlled with PCV-400 setting pressure at 7 kg/cm 2G from manifold discharge IA Receiver directed to utility station in LPG Storage Tank. The water level

is controlled by automatic drain trap. When the liquid fulfil the trap, the trap will automatically opened to draw the liquid into open ditch. There is PRV (Pressure ( Pressure Regulator Valve) at outlet of

Utility Air Receiver. This PRV is used to maintain pressure. PRV will close on low pressure of instrument air system.

The air from Air Compressor is dried by Air Dryer which is compatible in Air Compressor Package (400-K-01/02) prior to being flowed flowed to Instrument Air R Receiver eceiver (V-06). The Air Dryer will will absorb moisture from compressed air. Air Dryer is also attached with Pre-Filter Pre-F ilter at upstream of Air Dryer and After Filter at downstream of Air Dryer. The Air Dryer Unit is heatless regeneration type. The dried instrument air enters the Instrument Air Receiver (V-06). Instrument air is directed to

instrument air distribution system for being supplied to the terminal facility. Instrument air supply points shall be located in terminal facility and in suitable locations where instrum ent air supply is needed around the terminal facility. Operation of Instrument Air System is all automatic with its own dedicated local control panel.

However, all operating parameters can be communicated and monitored from Control Room. 6.6. Diesel Fuel System

Diesel Oil Storage Tank will be installed to provide backup of diesel fuel for Sea Water Pump in Depot LPG Dumai . Diesel Oil System consist of Diesel Oil Storage Tank, Diesel Oil Filter and transfer pump. Transfer pump with local start/stop will be used for transfer diesel oil from truck to Diesel Oil Storage Tank. Diesel oil from Diesel Oil Storage tank will be transferred to daily tank Fire Water Tank by gravity. Filter is provided at outlet of Diesel Oil Storage Tank to

remove dirt in diesel oil. 6.7. Cooling Water Water System & Sea Water System



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Cooling water system supplied by this facilities in order to cooling down LPG Tank Facility. Water supllied from deep well pump controlled controlled by manual, collected in Water Storage Tank Tank (500-T-06

capacity 1500 m3).Cooling water from Water Storage Tank distributed via Cooling Water Water Pumps (availability: 2 pumps capacity 454 m3/hr ) to 16 16”” Main Fire Water Ring. The Main Fire Pump

start, controll and stop by manual. In order to maintain fire water pressure in main fire water ring, there are available 1 jockey pumps. Sea water system supplied supplied by this facilities Fire Fighting System. System. Water supllied from sea water pump controlled by manual . Sea water distributed via Cooling W Water ater Pumps Pumps (availability: 2 pumps capacity 568 m3/hr (2500 gpm)) to 16” 16” Main Fire Water Ring by Ring  by Diesel Engi Engine ne Generator

(600-D-02). The Sea Pump Pump start, start, controll and stop by manual. In order to maintain fire water pressure in main fire water ring, there are available 1 jockey pumps from Cooling Water System. Sea water Supply for Fire Water automatically start by PAH and automatically stop by PAHH. Sea Water Pump automatically start by PAL at pump discharge, and stop manual at local panel. In order to maintain fire water pressure in fire water ring. The Jockey Pump automatically start by PAL and automatically stop by PAH at pump discharge. The main fire water ring is connected via 16” header pipe. There is Chemical Dosing Treatment for automatic aut omatic control by using Sodium Hypochlorite continuously with dosing pump & Sodiung Hypochloride tank. The chemical as hypochlorination is useful to be disinfection to convert sea water become fire water.

7.0 REMOTE OPERATION MANAGEMENT BETWEEN OPERATION AREAS 7.1. Main Control and Plant Operator Operator(s) in LPG Storage Tank Area shall be responsible for the plant operation of

the following Operation Units/Operation Field. See explanation of monitor/contr monitor/control ol / shutdown below:

 Area Name


Control  Automatic

Semi  Automatic

Shut Down Manual (Note 1)

 Automatic  Autom atic

Manual Manu al



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Ye Yes s



Storage Tank Note 1: Set-Point changing

7.2. Emergency Condition In the event of of an emergency condition condition in the

facility, operator operator must coordinate w with ith

personnel in the facility are area, a, mitigate hazard co conditions, nditions, m monitor onitor the the FGS and inform to

Control Room.

In the event of an emergency condition in LPG Storage Tank area, the operator must coordinate with personnel personnel in facility area to mitigate h hazard azard conditions, mo monitor nitor FGS and

inform the Control Room.

For LPG Storage Tank, Emergency Shutdown (ESD) automatically triggered from fire

detection (gas detector high-high) and manual push button for ESD. After receiving ESD signal, ESD system will take over control to protect equipment from damage. ESD push button location is in the Control Room. However for facility ESD will be activated manually by Operator.

8.0 EMERGENCY POWER FAILURE . 8.1 Engine Generator Electricity power for Pressurized LPG Terminal at Dumai is supplied from Asphalt Plant Dumai and 1 (one) Diesel Engine Generator for backup. Generator switching shall be using Automatic Transfer T ransfer Switch (ATS). When normal power from LPG Dumai Dumai is failure /black out, the emergency Diesel



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Engine Generator (600-D-001) automatically start up/running.  After normal nor mal power p ower fr from om  Asphalt Plant Dumai  is already exist, it will be automatically the the emergency Diesel Engine Generator (600-D-001) turn off.

8.2. Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) System  An uninterruptib unin terruptible le power supply, also uninter uni nterruptible ruptible power source, UPS or battery/flywheel batter y/flywheel backup is an electrical apparatus that provides emergency emer gency power to a load when the input

power source, typically mains power, fails. The UPS shall have sufficient capacity to supply the loads for a minimum of 30 minutes. The UPS for Pressurized LPG Terminal shall be separated with  Asphalt Plant Dumai

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