The ChemSy!tem! Proce!! E6alation/Re!earch Planning (PERP) $rogram i! recogni7ed glo3ally a! the ind!try !tandard !orce or inormation rele6ant to the chemical $roce!! and reining ind!trie!% PERP re$ort! are a6aila3le a! a !3!cri$tion $rogram or on a re$ort 3y re$ort 3a!i!%
"e9ant& :nc% (###%ne9ant%com) i! a leading management con!ltancy to the glo3al energy& chemical& and related ind!trie!% 'or o6er 58 year!& ChemSy!tem! ha! hel$ed client! increa!e 3!ine!! 6ale throgh a!!i!tance in all a!$ect! o 3!ine!! !trategy& inclding 3!ine!! intelligence& $ro;ect ea!i3ility and im$lementation& o$erational im$ro6ement& $ortolio $lanning& and gro#th throgh MA acti6itie!% "e9ant ha! it! main oice! in San 'ranci!co (Caliornia)&
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