Baybay National High School Paul James G. Luzon August !"# $%&
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*he learne learnerr demo demonst nstrat rates es unders understan tandin ding g of+ of+ Afric African an litera literatur ture e as as a means means of explor exploring ing forces forces that that huma human n bein beings gs conten contend d with !arious reading styles !is .-!is purposes of reading prosodic features that ser!e as carriers of meaning ways by which information may be organized, related, and deli!ered orally and parallel structures and cohesi!e de!ices in presenting information"
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*he learn learner er transf transfers ers learn learning ing by compos composing ing and and deli!er deli!ering ing an inform informati ati!e !e speech speech based based on a speci1c speci1c topic topic of intere interest st keeping in mind the proper and e'ecti!e use of parallel structures and cohesi!e de!ices and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and beha!ior" beha!ior"
(" 2earning (ompetencies3 Ob&ecti!es 4rite the 2( code for each
5" 4hich of my strategies worked wellL 4hy did these workL E" 4hat diNculties did 7 encounter which my principal or super!isor can help me sol!eL ?" 4hat inno!ation or localized materials did 7 use3disco!er which 7 wish to share with other teachersL ?ender and De!elopment ?AD# 7ntegration (lass 0ro1ciency 2e!el (02#
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