DLL in Gen Math

October 11, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Teacher: Teaching Dates and Time:


Grade Level:

OCTOBER 14-18, 2019




Learning Area:




OCTOBER 17-18, 2019

Objecves mus be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet th objecves necessay procedures must be ollowed and i needed, addional I. OBJECTIVES

 A. Content Standards

B. Performance Standards

lessons, exercises, and remedial acvies may be done or developing content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed using Formave Assessment Startegies. Valuing Objecves Objecves support the learning o content and competencies and enable children to fnd signifcance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objecv objecves es shall be derived rom the curriculum guides.

The learner demonstrates understanding The learner demonstrates understanding o The learner demonstrates understanding o o key concepts o variaon and radicals. key concepts o variaon and radicals. key concepts o variaon and radicals.  The learner is is able to ormulate and solve accurately problems involving radicals

The learner assess their knowledge and C. Learning Competency/ Objecves Write the LC Code uderstanding in selected topics  for each

 The learner is is able to ormulate and

 The learner is is able to ormulate and

solve accurately problems involving radicals solve accurately problems involving radicals The learner assess their knowledge and uderstanding in selected topics

The learner assess their knowledge and uderstanding in selected topics

Specic Objecves 1. Cognive

Defne Defn e terms terms rel relate ated d to previous previous lessons lessons

Def Defne ne terms terms related related to prev previous ious lessons lessons

Defne Defne terms terms rela related ted to p prev revious ious lessons lessons

So Solv lve e the the g giv iven en var varia iao ons ns and and rrad adic ical alss

Solv Solve e tthe he g giv iven en var varia iao ons ns a and nd rrad adic ical alss

Solv Solve e tthe he g giv iven en var varia iao ons ns and and rrad adic ical alss

Develop crical thinking in answering the test.

Develop crical thinking in answering the test.

Develop crical thinking in answering the test.

2. Psychomotor  3. Aecve II. CONTENT

Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject maer that the teacher aims to teach in the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.





TG, LM, Chalkboard, Laptop, LCD, Television, Visual Aids

A. References

Orines, Fernando B., et.al.; (2013) New Century Mathemacs 8. Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing House.

1. Teacher's Guide pages 2. Learning Materials pages 3. Textbook pages 4. Addional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal  B. Other Learning Resources

page 215-250

page 215-250

page 215-250




These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the acvies appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstaron o learning by the students which you can iner rom ormave assessment acvies. Sustain learning systemacally by providing students with mulple ways to learn new things, pratcce their learning, queson their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relaon to their lie experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the me allotment or each step.

 A. Reviewing previous lesson

The teacher will give 2 minutes to the

The teacher will give 2 minutes minutes to the

or presenng the new lesson

learners to review and prepare themselves.

learners to review and prepare themselves. Examinaon

The learners will will check their 2nd Quarter

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

The teacher will expalin the direcons on the 2ND QUARTER QUARTER EXAMINATION in Mathemacs

The teacher will expalin the direcons on the 2ND QUARTER QUARTER EXAMINATION iin n Mathemacs

The learners who got a score below 60% o the number o items will be given a remedial examianon

C. Presenng examples/ instances of the new lesson

D. Discussing new concepts and praccing new skills # 1

The teacher will administer the 2ND The teacher will administer the 2ND The teacher will administer the 2ND MATHEMATICS QUARTER EXAMINATION IN MATHEMATICS QUARTER EXAMINATION IN MATHEMATICS remedial EXAMINATION IN MATHEMATICS or Grade 8 & 9 students or Grade 8 & 9 students or Grade 8 & 9 students

E. Discussing new concepts and praccing new skills # 2 F. Developing mastery (leads to Formave Assessment)

G. Finding praccal applicaon of concepts and skills in daily living H. Making generalizaons and abstracons about the lesson

The learners discover the level o their mathemacal ability

The learners discover the level o their mathemacal ability

The learners discover the level o their mathemacal ability

The learners assessed themselves about their knowledge and understandi understanding ng in General Mathemacs

The learners assessed themselves about their knowledge and understanding in General Mathemacs

The learners assessed themselves about their knowledge and understanding in General Mathemacs

I. Evaluang Learning

 J. Addional Acvies for  Applicaon or Remediaon


Test Proper

Test Proper

Test Proper

Prepare and submit the summary o acvies, assignment, F10 and Perormance Task.

Prepare and submit the summary o acvies, assignment, F10 and Perormance Task.

Prepare and submit the summary o acvies, assignment, F10 and Perormance Task.



Reecon on your teaching and assess yoursel as a teacher. teacher. Think about your student's progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Ideny what help your instruconal supervisors can provide or you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant quesons.

 A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluaon B. No. of learners who require addional acvies for remediaon who scored below 80% C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson D. No. of learners who connue to require remediaon E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?  F. What dicules did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve? 

G. What innovaon or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers?  Prepared by:







Teacher I

Master Teacher I

SSHT-III Mathemacs

Secondary School Principal IV







Grade Level:




Learning Area:


Teaching Dates and Time:

OCTOBER 14-18, 2019



14-Oct-19 15-Oct-19 16-Oct-19 OCTOBER 17-18, 2019 Objecves mus be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet th objecves necessay procedures must be ollowed and i needed, addional I. OBJECTIVES

 A. Content Standards Standards

B. Performance Standards

lessons, exercises, and remedial acvies may be done or developing content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed using Formave Assessment Startegies. Valuing Objecves support the learning o content and competencies and enable children to fnd signifcance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objecves shall be derived rom the curriculum guides.

The learners demonstrate key concepts o The learners demonstrate key concepts o The learners demonstrate key concepts o simple and compound interests, and simple simple and compound interests, and simple simple and compound interests, and and general annuies. The learner and general annuies. The learner simple and general annuies. The learner demonstrates understanding understanding o basic demonstrates understanding understanding o basic demonstrates understanding understanding o basic concepts o stocks and bonds. concepts o stocks and bonds. concepts o stocks and bonds.

The learner invesgate, invesgate, analyze and solve problems involving simple and compound interests and simple and general annuies using appropriate business and fnancial instruments. The learner is able to use appropriate fnancial instruments involving stocks and bonds in ormulang conclusions and making decisions.

The learner assess their knowledge and C. Learning Competency/ uderstanding in selected topics Objecves Write the LC Code  for each

The learner invesgate, invesgate, analyze and solve problems involving simple and compound interests and simple and general annuies using appropriate business and fnancial instruments. The learner is able to use appropriate fnancial instruments involving stocks and bonds in ormulang conclusions and making decisions.

The learner invesgate, analyze and solve problems involving simple and compound interests and simple and general annuies using appropriate business and fnancial instruments. The learner is able to use appropriate fnancial instruments involving stocks and bonds in ormulang conclusions and making decisions.

The learner assess their knowledge and uderstanding in selected topics

The learners demonstrate the use o mathemacs through a song

Specic Objecves 1. Cognive 2. P sychomotor  sychomotor  3. Aecve II. CONTENT

Defne terms rela related ted to pre previous vious lesso lessons ns

Defne terms rela related ted to pre previous vious lesso lessons ns

Solve or the logarithms, interest annuies, Solve or the logarithms, interest annuies, Perorm a choreography and create a music stocks and bonds stocks and bonds video Develop crical thinking in answering the test.

Develop crical thinking in answering the test.

Develop their dancing and singing skills

Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject maer that the teacher aims to teach in the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.


Compose a song related to general mathemacs

TG, LM, Chalkboard, L aptop, LCD, Television, Television, Visual Aids




A. References

Dr. Dr. Debbie Marie B. Vers Versoza, oza, et.al General Mathemacs Learner s Material.2016.Le Material.2016.Lexicon xicon Press Inc,Pasig C ity, Philippines.


1. Teacher's Guide pages

page 153-233

page 153-233

General Mathemacs

General Mathemacs

2. Learning Materials pages 3. Textbook pages 4. Addional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal  B. Other Learning Resources


These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the acvies appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstaron o learning by the students which you can iner rom ormave assessment acvies. Sustain learning systemacally by providing students with mulple ways to learn new things, pratcce their learning, queson their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relaon to their lie experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the me allotment or each step.

 A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenng the new lesson

The teacher will give 2 minutes to the learners to review and prepare themselves.

The teacher will give 2 minutes minutes to the The teacher will give 2 minutes minutes to the learners to review and prepare themselves. learners to prepare themselves and their props.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

The teacher will expalin the direcons on the Final Examinaon in General Mathemacs

The teacher will expalin the direcons on the Final Examinaon in General Mathemacs

The teacher will expalin the mechanics and the criteria or judging.

C. Presenng examples/ instances of the new lesson

D. Discussing new concepts and praccing new skills # 1

The teacher will administer the Fina The teacher will administer the Fina Mathemacs emacs or Examinaon in General Ma Mathemacs themacs or Examinaon in General Math Grade 11 students Grade 11 students

Students' Perormance (Math Jingle)

E. Discussing new concepts and praccing new skills # 2 F. Developing mastery (leads to Formave Assessment)

G. Finding praccal applicaon of concepts and skills in daily living

The learners discover the level o their mathemacal ability

The learners discover the level o their mathemacal ability

The learners develop their dancing and singing skills through mathemacs applicaon.


H. Making generalizaons and abstracons about the lesson

The learners assessed themselves about their knowledge and understanding in General Mathemacs

The learners assessed themselves about their knowledge and understanding in General Mathemacs

The learners demonstrate their ability in composing a song and making choreography through mathemacs

I. Evaluang Learning

 J. Addional Acvies for  Applicaon or Remediaon

Test Proper

Test Proper

Perormance Proper

Prepare and submit the summary o acvies, assignment, F10 and Perormance Task.

Prepare and submit the summary o acvies, assignment, F10 and Perormance Task.

Prepare and submit the summary o acvies, assignment, F10 and Perormance Task.


 A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluaon B. No. of learners who require addional acvies for remediaon who scored below 80% C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson D. No. of learners who connue to require remediaon E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?  F. What dicules did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve? 

Reecon on your teaching and assess yoursel as a teacher. Think about your student's progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Ideny what help your instruconal supervisors can provide or you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant quesons.


G. What innovaon or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers?  Prepared by:






Teacher II

Master Teacher I

SSHT-III Mathemacs


SSHT-VI Senior High School


Secondary School Principal IV





Teacher: Teaching Dates and Time:


Grade Level: Learning Area:


AUGUST 26-30, 2019


2nd Quarter

AUGUST 27, 2019

AUGUST 28, 2019

AUGUST 29, 2019

AUGUST 30, 2019

Objecves mus be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet th objecves necessay procedures must be ollowed and i needed, addional lessons, exercises, and remedial acvies may be done or developing content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed using Formave Assessment Startegies. Objecves support the learning o content content and competencies and enable children to fnd signifcance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objecves objecves shall be I. OBJECTIVES+A5:E11E10A5 OBJECTIVES+A5:E11E10A5:E :E Valuing Objecves derived rom the curriculum guides.

 A. Content Standards

B. Performance Standards

C. Learning Competency/ Objecves Write the LC Code  for each

The learners demonstrate key concepts o The learners demonstrate key concepts o simple and compound interes interests, ts, and simple and compound interests, interests, and simple simple and general annuies. and general annuies. The learner invesgate, analyze and solve The learner invesgate, analyze and solve problems involving simple and compound problems involving simple and compound interests intere sts and simple and general annuies intere interests sts and simple and general annuies using appropriate business and fnancial using appropriate business and fnancial instruments. instruments. The learner illustrates simple and compound interests.

The learners disnguishes between simple and compound interests. interests. M11GM-IIa-2


Specic Objecves 1. Cognive

Defne simple and compund interest

Disngush between simple and compund interest

Illus Illustra trate te simple simple and ccompu ompund nd inter interest est

solve solve pr proble oblems ms involv involving ing ssimple imple int intere erest st

Inculcate the value o saving money or uture use

Inculcate the value o saving money or uture use

2. Psychomotor  3. Aecve

Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject maer that the teacher aims to teach in the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.


Illustrang Simple and Compound Interest

Simple Interest

Buwan ng Kasyasayan Celebraon


TG, LM, Chalkboard, Laptop, LCD, Television, Visual Aids

A. References

Dr. Debbie Marie B. Versoza, et.al General Mathemacs Learner's Material.2016.Lexicon Press Inc,Pasig City, Philippines.

1. Teacher's Guide pages 2. Learning Materials pages 3. Textbook pages







Intramurals 2019


4. Addional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal  B. Other Learning Resources IV. PROCEDURES  A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenng the new lesson

General Mathemacs

General Mathemacs

The teacher will give boardwork exercises The learner will be having a short review in a orm o drill about the dierence between simple and compound interest.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

The teacher will present the ollowing problem A bank oers 0.25% annual simple interest rate. rate. How much interest will 1 Ask the learners to give their opinion million pesos is deposited in savings about "What are some ways to take care o account or 1 year? hard-earned money?"

C. Presenng examples/ instances of the new lesson

The teacher will explain that deposing money in a bank is just like lending money to bank in return or which the bank pays interest by contrast o borrowing money The learners wil try to give possibe answers rom bank or lending instuons. in the given problem

D. Discussing new concepts and praccing new skills # 1 E. Discussing new concepts and praccing new skills # 2 F. Developing mastery (leads to Formave Assessment)

The teacher will discuss the concept o simple and compound interest using an illustraon illustra on o comparison and contrast

The teacher will discuss the procedure in fnding simple interest

The teacher will give dierent examples

The students will generalize the having group acvity procedures in fnding simple and compund The learners will be having interest using ormula

G. Finding praccal applicaon of concepts and skills in daily living H. Making generalizaons and abstracons about the lesson

The learners nurtured the value o saving money or their uture.

The learners nurtured the value o saving money or their uture.

The learner learned how to illustrate simple and compound interest

The leraner learned how to compute or simple interest

I. Evaluang Learning

The learners will be having an acvity about simple and c ompund interest

The leraners will present their group output


 J. Addional Acvies for  Applicaon or Remediaon


Assignment Supplementary Exercise Exercise A page 142

Peer Tutorial

 August 26, 2019 was declared holiday in relaon with the Naonal Heroes Day 


 A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluaon B. No. of learners who require addional acvies for remediaon who scored below 80% C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson D. No. of to learners connue requirewho remediaon E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?  F. What dicules did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve? 

G. What innovaon or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers?  Prepared by:






Teacher II

Master Teacher I

SSHT-III Mathemacs


SSHT-VI Senior High School


Secondary School Principal IV





Teacher: Teaching Dates and Time:


Grade Level: Learning Area:


AUGUST 26-30, 2019


2nd Quarter

AUGUST 27, 2019

AUGUST 28, 2019

AUGUST 29, 2019

AUGUST 30, 2019

Objecves mus be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet th objecves necessay procedures must be ollowed and i needed, addional lessons, exercises, and remedial acvies may be done or developing content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed using Formave Assessment Startegies. Objecves support the learning o content content and competencies and enable children to fnd signifcance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objecves objecves shall be I. OBJECTIVES+A5:E11E10A5 OBJECTIVES+A5:E11E10A5:E :E Valuing Objecves derived rom the curriculum guides.

 A. Content Standards

B. Performance Standards

C. Learning Competency/ Objecves Write the LC Code  for each

The learners demonstrate key concepts o The learners demonstrate key concepts o simple and compound interes interests, ts, and simple and compound interests, interests, and simple simple and general annuies. and general annuies. The learner invesgate, analyze and solve The learner invesgate, analyze and solve problems involving simple and compound problems involving simple and compound interests intere sts and simple and general annuies intere interests sts and simple and general annuies using appropriate business and fnancial using appropriate business and fnancial instruments. instruments. The learner illustrates simple and compound interests.

The learners disnguishes between simple and compound interests. interests. M11GM-IIa-2


Specic Objecves 1. Cognive

Defne simple and compund interest

Disngush between simple and compund interest

Illus Illustra trate te simple simple and ccompu ompund nd inter interest est

solve solve pr proble oblems ms involv involving ing ssimple imple int intere erest st

Inculcate the value o saving money or uture use

Inculcate the value o saving money or uture use

2. Psychomotor  3. Aecve

Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject maer that the teacher aims to teach in the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.


Illustrang Simple and Compound Interest

Simple Interest

Buwan ng Kasyasayan Celebraon


TG, LM, Chalkboard, Laptop, LCD, Television, Visual Aids

A. References

Dr. Debbie Marie B. Versoza, et.al General Mathemacs Learner's Material.2016.Lexicon Press Inc,Pasig City, Philippines.

1. Teacher's Guide pages 2. Learning Materials pages 3. Textbook pages







Intramurals 2019


4. Addional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal  B. Other Learning Resources IV. PROCEDURES  A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenng the new lesson

General Mathemacs

General Mathemacs

The teacher will give boardwork exercises The learner will be having a short review in a orm o drill about the dierence between simple and compound interest.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

The teacher will present the ollowing problem A bank oers 0.25% annual simple interest rate. rate. How much interest will 1 Ask the learners to give their opinion million pesos is deposited in savings about "What are some ways to take care o account or 1 year? hard-earned money?"

C. Presenng examples/ instances of the new lesson

The teacher will explain that deposing money in a bank is just like lending money to bank in return or which the bank pays interest by contrast o borrowing money The learners wil try to give possibe answers rom bank or lending instuons. in the given problem

D. Discussing new concepts and praccing new skills # 1 E. Discussing new concepts and praccing new skills # 2 F. Developing mastery (leads to Formave Assessment)

The teacher will discuss the concept o simple and compound interest using an illustraon illustra on o comparison and contrast

The teacher will discuss the procedure in fnding simple interest

The teacher will give dierent examples

The students will generalize the having group acvity procedures in fnding simple and compund The learners will be having interest using ormula

G. Finding praccal applicaon of concepts and skills in daily living H. Making generalizaons and abstracons about the lesson

The learners nurtured the value o saving money or their uture.

The learners nurtured the value o saving money or their uture.

The learner learned how to illustrate simple and compound interest

The leraner learned how to compute or simple interest

I. Evaluang Learning

The learners will be having an acvity about simple and c ompund interest

The leraners will present their group output


 J. Addional Acvies for  Applicaon or Remediaon


Assignment Supplementary Exercise Exercise A page 142

Peer Tutorial

 August 26, 2019 was declared holiday in relaon with the Naonal Heroes Day 


 A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluaon B. No. of learners who require addional acvies for remediaon who scored below 80% C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson D. No. of to learners connue requirewho remediaon E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?  F. What dicules did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve? 

G. What innovaon or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers?  Prepared by:






Teacher II

Master Teacher I

SSHT-III Mathemacs


SSHT-VI Senior High School


Secondary School Principal IV







Grade Level:




Learning Area:


Teaching Dates and Time:

AUGUST 19-23, 2019


2nd Quarter

AUGUST 19, 2019 AUGUST 20, 2019 AUGUST 22, 2019 AUGUST 23, 2019 Objecves mus be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet th objecves necessay procedures must be ollowed and i needed, addional

lessons, exercises, and remedial acvies may be done or developing content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed using Formave Assessment Startegies. I. OBJECTIVES+A5:E11E10A5:E OBJECTIVES+A5:E11E10A5:E Valuing Objecves support the learning o content and competencies and enable children to fnd signifcance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objecves shall be derived rom the curriculum guides.

 A. Content Standards Standards

B. Performance Standards

C. Learning Competency/ Objecves Write the LC Code  for each

The learners demonstrate key concepts o The learners demonstrate key concepts o The learners demonstrate key concepts o The learners demonstrate key concepts o simple and compound interests, and inverse uncons, exponenal uncons, simple and compound interests, and simple inverse uncons, exponenal uncons, simple and general annuies. and general annuies. and logarithmic uncons. and logarithmic uncons. invesgate, te, analyze and solve The learner apply the concepts o inverse The learner apply the concepts o inverse The learner invesgate, analyze and solve The learner invesga problems involving simple and compound problems involving simple and compound uncons, exponenal uncons, and uncons, exponenal uncons, and interests and simple and general annuies interests and simple and general annuies logarithmic uncons to ormulate and logarithmic uncons to ormulate and using appropriate business and fnancial solve real-lie problems with precision and solve real-lie problems with precision and using appropriate business and fnancial instruments. instruments. accuracy. accuracy. The learner illustrates the laws o logarithms. M11GM-Ih-3

The learner solves problems involving logarithmic uncon M11GM-Ij-2

The learner illustrates simple and compound interests. M11GM-IIa-1

The learners disnguishes between simple and compound interests. M11GM-IIa-2

Illustrate laws / properes o logarithms

Familiarize the properes o logarithms in solving logarithmic uncon

Defne simple and compund interest

Disngush between simple and compund interest

Expand the expression using the laws o logs.

solves problems involving logarithmic uncon

Illustrat Illustrate e si simple mple and compu compund nd inter interest est

solve problems problems involving involving simp simple le in intere terest st

develop crical thinking in decision making

Develop crical thinking and paence in doing one's work

Inculcate the value o saving money or uture use

Inculcate the value o saving money or uture use

Specic Objecves 1. Cognive

2. P sychomotor  sychomotor  3. Aecve

Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject maer that the teacher aims to teach in the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.


Properes o LLo ogarithms

Problems involving llo ogarithmic u uncon

Illustrang Simple and Compound Interest


TG, LM, Chalkboard, Laptop, LCD, Television, Television, Visual Aids

A. References

Dr. Dr. Debbie Marie B. Vers Versoza, oza, et.al General Mathemacs Learner's Material.2016.Lexicon Material.2016.Lexicon Press Inc,Pasig Cit y, Philippines.

1. Teacher's Guide pages


2. Learning Materials pages 3. Textbook pages

Advanced Algebra, Trigonometry, and Stascs pages 371-388

Advanced Algebra, Trigonometry, and Stascs pages 371-388

Simple Interest



4. Addional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal  B. Other Learning Resources


General Mathemacs

General Mathemacs

These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the acvies appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstaron o learning by the students which you can iner rom ormave assessment acvies. Sustain learning systemacally by providing students with mulple ways to learn new things, pratcce their learning, queson their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relaon to their lie experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the me allotment or each step.

 A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenng the new lesson

The teacher will give boardwork exercises in a orm o drill

The teacher will give boardwork exercises The learners will check their assignment by in a orm o drill presenng it on the board by selected learners and explain their so soluons. luons.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

The teacher will present a logarithm on the board and ask the students on how to evaluate the given logarithm

The teacher will present the ollowing problem A bank oers 0.25% annual simple interest rate. How much interest The teacher will present a problem on the Ask the learners to give their opinion about will 1 million pesos is deposited in savings "What are some ways to take care o hardboard and allow the learners to give account or 1 year? earned money?" possible soluons.

C. Presenng examples/ instances of the new lesson The teacher will answer and explain the presented examples

The learner will be having a short review about the dierence between simple and compound interest.

The teacher will answer the presented problem on the board and check i

The teacher will explain that deposing money in a bank is just like lending money

someone got the answer correctly and will be given merit.

to bank in return or which the bank pays interest by contrast o borrowing money The learners wil try to give possibe rom bank or lending instuons. answers in the given problem

D. Discussing new concepts and praccing new skills # 1 The teacher will explain the ollowing: Power Property:  orlog b (mn)= n log b (m)   n log b (m) = log b (mn) The teacher will discuss the procedure in fnding simple interest

Changing Bases o Logarithms: Any logarithm can be changed by its base by doing a division o logs: (Changing rom base b to base m)  l  log og b a = log m a   log m b

The teacher will give and explain the about problems involving logarithmic uncons

The teacher will discuss the concept o simple and compound interest using an illustraon illustra on o comparison and contrast


E. Discussing new concepts and praccing new skills # 2

The learner will try dierent exam examples ples with the applicaon o exponenal uncon and law o exponents

The teacher will give dierent examples

F. Developing mastery (leads to Formave Assessment)

G. Finding praccal applicaon of concepts and skills in daily living H. Making generalizaons and abstracons about the lesson I. Evaluang Learning

The learner will perorm First 10 The learners develop crical thinking in decision making

The learner learned how to evaluate logarithms using the properes.

Collaborave Learning

The will generalize generaliz e the procedures in students fnding simple and compund interest The learners will be having group acvity using ormula

The learners develop paence in doing one's work

The learners nurtured the value o saving money or their uture.

The learners nurtured the value o saving money or their uture.

The learners learned how to solve problems involving logarithmic uncon

The learner learned how to illustrate simple and compound interest interest

The leraner learned how to compute or simple interest

The learner will be having Acvity about Evaluang Logarithms using the The learners will be having boardwork properes.

The learners will be having an acvity about simple and compund interest

The leraners will present their group output

 J. Addional Acvies Acvies for  Applicaon or Remediaon Solve the ollowing logarithmic equaons and inequalies. Check your soluons. Expand the expression using the laws o logs. The word log will be used repeatedly repeatedly in each problem. 1. log6 3x 2. log2 xy2 3. ln x/y 4. log4 xy/5 5. log5


 A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluaon

1.) log6 (4x + 8) = 2 2.) log3 (x2 – 8) = 2 3.) log (3x – 1) = log ((4 4 – x) 4.) log1/2 (2x – 1) = –3 5.) log (x2 – 3x) = 1 6.) log5(3x – 1) > 1 7.) log3 6/x < log3 (x + 5) 8.) log5 (x – 2) ≥ 1/3 9.) log (x2 + 1) ≤ 5 10.) log3 (3 – 4x) > 2


Peer Tutorial

 August 21, 2019 was was declared holiday in relaon with the Ninoy Quino Day  Reecon on your teaching and assess yoursel as a teacher. Think about your student's progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Ideny what help your instruconal supervisors can provide or you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant quesons.


B. No. of learners who require addional acvies for remediaon who scored below 80% C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson D. No. of learners who connue to require remediaon E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?  F. What dicules did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve? 

G. What innovaon or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers?  Prepared by:






Teacher II

Master Teacher I

SSHT-III Mathemacs


SSHT-VI Senior High School


Secondary School Principal IV






 A. Content Content Standards

B. Performance Standards

C. Learning Competency/ Objecves Write the LC Code  for each



Grade Level:




Learning Area:


Teaching Dates and Time:


SESSION 1 SESSION 2 SESSION 3 SESSION 4 Objecves mus be met over the week and connected to the c urriculum standards. standards. To meet th objecves nec essay procedures must be ollowed and i needed, addional lessons, exercises, exercises, and remedial acvies may be done or developing content knowledge and competencies. T hese are assessed using Formave Assessment Startegies. Valui Valuing ng Objecves support the learning o content and competencies and e nable children to fnd signifcance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objecves shall be derived rom the curriculum guides.

The learners demonstrate key concepts o The learners demonstrate key concepts o inverse uncons, exponenal uncons, inverse uncons, exponenal uncons, and logarithmic uncons. and logarithmic uncons.

The learners demonstrate key concepts o inverse uncons, exponenal uncons, and logarithmic uncons.

The learners demonstrate key concepts o inverse uncons, exponenal uncons, and logarithmic uncons.

The learner apply the concepts o inverse The learner apply the concepts o inverse The learner apply the concepts o inverse The learner apply the concepts o inverse uncons, exponenal uncons, and uncons, exponenal uncons, and uncons, exponenal uncons, and uncons, exponenal uncons, and logarithmic uncons to ormulate and logarithmic uncons to ormulate and logarithmic uncons to ormulate and logarithmic uncons to ormulate and solve real-lie problems with precision and solve real-lie problems with precision and solve real-lie problems with precision and solve real-lie problems with precision and accuracy. accuracy. accuracy. accuracy. The learner assess their knowledge and uderstanding uderstandin g in selected topics

The learner assess their knowledge and uderstanding uderstan ding in selected topics

The learner solves problems involving exponenal uncons, equaons, and inequalies. M11GM-Ig-2

The learner solves problems involving exponenal uncons, equaons, and inequalies. M11GM-Ig-2

Read and analyze the given problem careully

Read and analyze the given problem careully

Defne Defn e terms relat related ed to previo previous us lessons lessons

Defne Defne terms relat related ed to previo previous us lessons lessons

solves problems involving exponenal uncons, equaons, and inequalies.

solves problems involving exponenal uncons, equaons, and inequalies.

Solve the given uncons, equaons, and inequalies

Solve the given uncons, equaons, and inequalies

Develop leadership ability, cooperaon and Develop crical thinking in answering the

Develop crical thinking in answering the

Specic Objecves 1. Cognive 2. Psychomotor 

Develop leadership ability, cooperaon

3. Aecve

and camaraderie in doing the acvity

camaraderie in doing the acvity



Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject maer that the teacher aims to teach in the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.


Problems involving exponenal Funcon { Growth and Decay}


TG, LM, Chalkboard, Laptop, LCD, Tele Television, vision, Visual Aids

A. References

Dr. Debbie Marie B. Versoza, et.al General Mathemacs Learner's Material.2016.Lexicon Press Inc,Pasig City, Philippines.

1. Teacher's Guide pages

Problems involving exponenal Funcon {Compound Interest}



page 89-93

page 89-93

page 1-93

page 1-93

Advanced Algebra, Trigonometry, and

Advanced Algebra, Trigonometr Trigonometry, y, and

Advanced Algebra, Trigonometry, and

Advanced Algebra, Trigonome Trigonometry, try, and

2. Learning Materials pages

3. Textbook pages

Stascs Stas cs pages 350-357

Stascs pages 350-357

Stascs Stascs pages 334-357

Stascs pages 334-357

General Mathemacs

General Mathemacs

General Mathemacs

General Mathemacs

4. Addional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal  B. Other Learning Resources


 A. Reviewing previous previous lesson or presenng the new lesson

These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the acvies appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstaron o learning by the students which you can iner rom ormave assessment acvies. Sustain learning systemacally by providing students with mulple ways to learn new things, pratcce their learning, queson their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relaon to their lie experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the me allotment or each step.

The learner will be having having a review o exponenal uncon through drill

The teacher will give 2 minutes minutes to the The teacher will give 2 minutes to the The learner will check their a ssignment by learners to review and prepare themselves. learners to review and prepare themselves. showing their soluons on the board The teacher will expalin the direcons on Ask the learners about about their knowledge in the Midterm Examinaon in General Interest, allow the students to share their Mathemacs ideas.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

The teacher will write a problem on the board and allow the learners to think about the possible soluons on the problem

C. Presenng examples/ instances of the new lesson

The teacher will answer the presented The teacher will answer the presented problem on the board and check i problem on the board and check i someone got the answer correctly and will someone got the answer correctly and will be given merit.

be given merit. D. Discussing new concepts and praccing new skills # 1 E. Discussing new concepts and praccing new skills # 2

F . Developing mastery (leads to Formave Assessment)

The teacher will expalin the direcons on the Midterm Examinaon in General Mathemacs

The teacher will administer the Midterm The teacher will administer the Midterm Mathemacs cs or Grade aon in General Mathema Mathemacs cs or Grade 11 aon in General Mathema The teacher will give and explain the about The teacher will give and explain the about students 11 students problems involving exponenal uncons problems involving exponenal uncons {compound Interest} {Growth and Decay}

Collaborave Learning

Collaborave Learning The learners discover the level o their mathemacal ability

The learners discover the level o their mathemacal ability

The learners learned how to solve problems involving exponenal uncon

The learners assessed themselves about their knowledge and understanding in

The learners assessed themselves about their knowledge and understanding in

uncon{Growth and Decay}

{compound Interest}

General Mathemacs

General Mathemacs

The learners will be having boardwork

The learners will be having boardwork

G. Finding praccal applicaon of concepts and skills in daily living H. Making generalizaons and abstracons about the

The learners develop paence in doing one's work

The learners develop paence in doing one's work

The learners learned how to solve problems involving exponenal

lesson I. Evaluang Learning

 J. Addional Acvies Acvies for  Applicaon or Remediaon Remediaon



Test Proper

Test Proper

Prepare and submit the summary o acvies, assignment, F10 and Perormance Task.

Prepare and submit the summary o acvies, assignment, F10 and Perormance Task.



Reecon on your teaching and assess yoursel as a teacher teacher.. Think about your student's progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Ideny what help your instruconal supervisors can provide or you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant quesons.

 A. No. of learners who earned earned 80% in the evaluaon B. No. of learners who require addional acvies for remediaon who scored below 80% C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson D. No. of learners who connue to require remediaon E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?  F. What dicules did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve? 

G. What innovaon or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers?  Prepared by: ,





Teacher II

Master Teacher II



ANGELITO S. MAGAT, Ed.D. Secondary School Principal IV






 A. Content Content Standards

B. Performance Standards



Grade Level:




Learning Area:


Teaching Dates and Time:


SESSION 1 SESSION 2 SESSION 3 SESSION 4 Objecves mus be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet th objecves necessay procedures must be ollowed and i needed, addional lessons, exercises, and remedial acvies may be done or developing content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed using Formave Assessment Startegies. Valuing Valuing Objecves support the learning o content and competencies and enable children to fnd signifcance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objecves shall be derived rom the curriculum guides.

The learners demonstrate key concepts o The learners demonstrate key concepts o inverse uncons, exponenal uncons, inverse uncons, exponenal uncons, and logarithmic uncons. and logarithmic uncons.

The learners demonstrate key concepts o The learners demonstrate key concepts o inverse uncons, exponenal uncons, inverse uncons, exponenal uncons, and logarithmic uncons. and logarithmic uncons.

The learner apply the conce pts o inverse The learner apply the concepts o inverse The learner apply the concepts o inverse The learner apply the concepts o inverse uncons, exponenal uncons, and uncons, exponenal uncons, and uncons, exponenal uncons, and uncons, exponenal uncons, and logarithmic uncons to ormulate and logarithmic uncons to ormulate and logarithmic uncons to ormulate and logarithmic uncons to ormulate and solve real-lie problems with precision and solve real-lie problems with precision and solve real-lie problems with precision and solve real-lie problems with precision and accuracy. accuracy. accuracy. accuracy. The learner represents an exponenal The learner represents rreal-lie eal-lie situaons The learner determines the intercepts, using exponenal uncons. M11GM-Ie-3 uncon through its: (a) table o values, (b) zeroes, and asymptotes o an exponenal graph, and (c) equaon. and disnguishes between exponenal uncon.

C. Learning Competency/ Competency/ Objecves Write the LC Code  for each

The learner solves problems involving exponenal uncons, equaons, and inequalies.

uncon, exponenal equaon, and exponenal inequality. M11GM-Ie-4  The learner solves exponenal equaons and inequalies. M11GM-Ie-f-1

M11GM-If-2  and fnds the domain range o an exponenal uncon.and

M11GM-If-4 and  graphs exponenal uncons.



Disnguishes between exponenal uncon, exponenal equaon, and exponenal inequality

Determine the domain and range o an exponenal uncon

Determines the intercepts, zeroes, and asymptotes o an exponenal uncon

Analyze the given problem creully.

solves exponenal equaons and inequalies.

Represents an exponenal uncon through its: (a) table o values, (b) g raph, and (c) equaon

Graphs exponenal uncons.

Solves problems involving exponenal uncons, equaons, and inequalies.

Represents real lie situaons using exponnenal uncon

Develop leadership ability, cooperaon and camaraderie in doing the acvity

Deve Develo lop p pae paenc nce e in doin doing g on one' e'ss wor work k

Par Parci cipa pate te a ac cve vely ly in in th the e disc discus ussi sin n


Specic Objecves 1. Cognive

2. Psychomotor 

3. Aecve

Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject maer that the teacher aims to teach in the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.



Exponenal Funcon

Solving Exponenal Funcon through its Table o Values and Graph, Domain and Range o Exponenal Funcon

TG, LM, Chalkboard, Laptop, LCD, Television, Visual Aids

Intercepts, zeroes, and asymptotes o Exponenal Funcon, Graphs o Exponenal Funcon

Problems involving exponenal Funcon

A. References

1. Teacher's Guide pages

Dr Dr.. Debbie Marie B. Versoza, Versoza, et.al General Mathemacs Learner's Material.2016.Lexicon Press Inc,Pasig City, Philippines. 100-104

page 100-104

page 105-111

page 89-93


Advanced Algebra, Trigonometry, Trigonometry, and Stascs pages 334-352

Advanced Algebra, Trigonome Trigonometry, try, and Stascs pages 334-352

Advanced Algebra, Trigonome Trigonometry, try, and Stascs pages 350-357

General Mathemacs

General Mathemacs

General Mathemacs

General Mathemacs

2. Learning Materials pages 3. Textbook pages 4. Addional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal  B. Other Learning Resources


 A. Reviewing previous lesson lesson or presenng the new lesson

These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the acvies appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstaron o learning by the students which you can iner  rom ormave assessment acvies. Sustain learning systemacally by providing students with mulple ways to learn new t hings, pratcce their learning, queson their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relaon to their lie experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the me allotment or each step. The learner will be having a quick review The teacher will give exercises about law about exponenal uncon o exponents and assess knowledge o the learners aboutthe exponents

The teacher will give a exponenal uncon The teacher will answer the presented and let the students solve or the zeroes, problem on the board and check i

exponenal uncon expressed in table o values and graph

intercepts, and asymptotes

The teacher will discuss the concept o exponenal uncon, equaon, and inequalies

The teacher will explain examples o exponenal uncons that can be solve using table o values and graph

The learners will present their output and the teacher will check i they got the correct answer

The teacher will discuss the concept o Solving exponenal uncon, equaon, and inequalies

The teacher will give and explain the steps The teacher will give and explain the steps in determining the domain and range o in graphing exponenal uncon exponenal uncon

The The lear learne ners rs wi will ll be ha havi ving ng boar boardw dwor ork k

Th The e le lear arne ners rs wi will ll be havi having ng a gr grou oup p ac acv vity ity Th The e le lear arne ners rs wi will ll do boa board rdwo work rk exer exerci cise sess

The learners develop paence in doing one's work

The learners develop leadership ability, cooperaon and camaraderie in doing the acvity

The teacher will check learners' execises and present variety o examples

G. Finding praccal applicaon of concepts and skills in daily living


The teacher will give examples o

C. Presenng examples/ instances of the new lesson

F. Developing mastery (leads to Formave Assessment)

The learner will be having having a review o exponenal uncon through drill

Let the learners search or the meaning o  The teacher will write a problem on the board and allow the learners to think intercepts, zeroes and asymptotes about the possible soluons on the problem

Let the learners give example o real lie situaon that can be expressed as exponenal uncons

E. Discussing new concepts and praccing new skills # 2

about fnding the domain and range o exponenal uncons The teacher will ask the learners " how to determine the domain and range o exponenal uncon?How to expressed it in table o values?

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

D. Discussing new concepts and praccing new skills # 1

The learners will be having a boadwork

The learners develop paence in doing one's work

someone got the answer correctly and will be given merit.

The teacher will give and explain the about problems involving exponenal uncons

Co Coll llab abor ora ave ve Lear Learni ning ng

The learners develop paence in doing one's work

H. Making generalizaons and abstracons about the lesson

The learner learned how to represents represents real-lie situaons using exponenal uncons and disnguishes and solve exponenal uncon, exponenal equaon

The learners learned how to solve exponenal uncons using table o values, graph and equaon and determine domain and range o exponenal uncons

The learners learned how to determine zeroes, intercepts, intercepts, a nd asymptotes o exponenal uncons and graph exponenal uncons

The learners learned how to solve problems involving exponenal uncon

I. Evaluang Learning The learners will be having an acvity about the lesson  J. Addional Acvies for  Applicaon or Remediaon

Take Home Acvity

The learners will present their output


The learners will be having an acvity about the lesson

Peer Teaching

The learners will be having boardwork



 A. No. of learners who earned earned 80% in the evaluaon B. No. of learners who require addional acvies for remediaon who scored below 80% C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson D. No. of learners who connue to require remediaon E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?  F. What dicules did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve? 

G. What innovaon or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers? 

Reecon on your teaching and assess yoursel as a teacher. Think about your student's progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Ideny what help your instruconal supervisors can provide or you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant quesons.

Prepared by: ,






Teacher II

SSHT-III Mathemacs




Secondary School Principal IV





 A. Content Content Standards

B. Performance Standards

Teacher: Teaching Dates and Time: SESSION 1 Objecves mus be met over the week and connected may be done or developing content knowledge and c ch chil ildr dren en to fnd fnd si sign gnif ifca cance nce and and jjoy oy in lear learni ning ng the the les les

The learners demonstrate key concepts o inverse inverse uncons, exponenal uncons, and logarithmic uncons. The learner apply the concepts o inverse uncons, exponenal uncons, and logarithmic uncons to ormulate ormulat e and solve real-lie problems with precision and accuracy.

The learner represents real-lie situaons using oneC. Learning Competency/ Objecves Write to one uncons and . M11GM-Id-1 the LC Code for each

Specic Objecves 1. Cognive 2. Psychomotor 

Defne one-to-one uncon Represent real-lie situaons using one-to-one uncon

Parcipate acvely in the discussion

3. Aecve Topic: One to One Funcons II. CONTENT

Sub-topic: One to One Funcons


TG, LM, Chalkboard, Laptop, LCD, Television, Visual Ai

A. References

Dr. Dr. Debbi Debbie e Marie B. V Verso ersoza, za, et.al et.al General General Mat Mathema hema 

1. Teacher's Guide pages


2. Learning Materials pages


3. Textbook pages


4. Addional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal  B. Other Learning Resources Resources




These steps should be done across the week. Spread ormave as asses esssment ac acv vies. S Su ustain le learning ssy yste what they learned in relaon to their lie experiences  

 A. Reviewing previous previous lesson or presenng the x-axis. Sketch the graph and ideny the domain the new lesson and the range.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Show the Lesson Outline: Outline: Defnion o a One-toOne-toOne Funcon

Real-lie situaons that can be represented by one-to-one uncons C. Presenng examples/ instances of the new lesson

Pr Pro omapping er ere ess o Discuss the kinds o relaons. Use the diagram and show the one-to-one relaon,one-tomany, many-to-one, and many-to-many relaon.

D. Discussing new concepts and praccing new skills # 1 Power point presentaon. Represent real-lie situaon using one-to-one uncon and introduce the horizontal line test. E. Discussing new concepts and praccing new skills # 2 F. Developing mastery (leads to Formave  Assessment) Let the students apply the vercal and horizontal line test.


G. Finding praccal applicaon of concepts and skills in daily living

Ask the students to think o real-lie situaons situaons that show one-to-one uncon.

H. Making generalizaons and abstracons I you were to choose one o the relaons about the lesson menoned above, what would it be and why?

I. Evaluang Learning


 J. Addional Acvies for for Applicaon or Remediaon

Peer Tutorial



 A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluaon B. No. of learners who require addional acvies for remediaon who scored below 80% C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson D. No. of learners who connue to require remediaon E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?  F. What dicules did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?   

Reecon on yo Reecon your ur teaching and assess y yoursel oursel as a teache provide or you so when you meet them, you can ask them

G. What innovaon or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers?  Prepared by: JESUS M. DEL ROSARIO

Teacher II



Grade Level:


Learning Area:

July 22-26, 2019

Quarter: SESSION 2


 to the curr curricu iculum lum sstan tandar dards. ds. T To o meet th th objecv objecves es necess necessay ay pro procedu cedures res mus mustt be o ollo llowed wed and and ii need needed, ed, ad addi di ompetencies. ompet encies. These are assessed assessed using using Formave Formave Assess Assessment ment Startegies. Startegies. Valuing aluing Objecve Objecvess su support pport the lear lear sons. Weekly objecves shall be derived rom the curriculum guides.

The learners demonstrate key concepts o inverse uncons, exponenal uncons, and logarithmic uncons.

The learners demonstrate key concepts o inverse uncons, exponenal uncons, and logarithmic uncons.

The learner apply the concepts o inverse uncons, exponenal uncons, and logarithmic uncons to ormulate ormulat e and solve real-lie problems with precision and accuracy.

The learner apply the concepts o inverse uncons, exponenal uncons, and logarithmic uncons to ormulate and solve real-lie problems with precision and accuracy accuracy..

The learner determines the inverse o a one-to-one unconM11GM-Id-2

The learner represents an inverse uncon through its: (a) table o values, and (b) graph. M11GM-Id-3

Explain inverse uncon

Dierenate inverse uncon through table o Dierenate values, graph and equaon

Give the inverse uncon o a one-to-one uncon

Represent a inverse uncon through its: (a) table o values, (b) graph, and (c) equaon

Develop leadership ability, cooperaon and camaraderie Develop leadership ability, cooperaon and in doing the acvity camaraderie in doing the acvity



Inverse Funcon

Inverse Funcon


Sub-topic: Inverse Funcon


Representaon o inverse uncon through its: (a) Representaon table o values, and (b) graph

s cs Learner's Material.2016.Lexicon Material.2016.Lexicon Press Inc,Pasig City, Philippines. 72-78






Video clip in youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwxaq4c9K6k


  ut the acvies appropriately appropriately so that that students students will learn well. Always Always be guided b by y demonstaron demonstaron o learnin macally by providing students with mulple ways ways to learn new things, pratcce their learning, queson their

and previous knowledge. Indicate the me allotment or each step.

Review the students on the defnion o a one to one uncon and applicaon in real-llie situaon by giving a short game: Put your thumbs up i the presentaons show an example o one-to-one, otherwise raise a thumb down. Brain Teaser The students will answer short problems that will smulate their brain in a un way.

Defnion: Let  be a one-to-one one-to-one uncon with domain A and range B. Then the inverse o , denoted by -1, is a uncon with domain B and range range A defned by -1(y)=x i and x)=y or any y in B. To fnd the t he inverse o ainone-to-one uncon: 1.) Write the uncon the orm y=(x); 2.) Interchange the x and y variables; 3.) Solve or y in terms o x

The learners recall how to determined the inverse o one-to-one uncon.

The learners will watch a video clip c lip about reecng images by using mirror.

Discuss the defnion o the inverse o a one to-one uncon. Give examples (reer to examples 1 and 2 on page 71, SHS Gen Math TG

The teacher will discuss the represenng inverse uncon by using table o values and graph.

Discusss t e Prope Discus Property rty o an Inv Invers erse e o a One One tto o One One uncon. Give examples example. Reer to page 71 - 74, SHS Gen. Math. TG Give a group acvity. acvity. Five minutes to solve problems on fnding the inverse o uncons. Reer to Seatwork Complete the table osketch values its orgraph. the ollowing ollowing inverse uncons and acvies on page 74 - 75, 7 5, SHS Gen. Math TG


  the lesson. The game is called “The Pond with queson” The students will be divided into our groups, they will be given a rog avatar avatar that needs to cross the pond. The

pond have our water lilies where each corresponds to a uncon that needs to fnd the inverse. The group members will help each other to fnd the inverse invers e o a given uncon in order or their rog avatar to advance on the next lilypod. The frst group that will give the correct answer will advance. The winning group will receive a prize. hps://www.youtube.com/watch? hps://www.youtube.com/ watch? v=bwvBAt5LmMg What are the steps in fnding the inverse o a one-to-one uncon?

The students will reect and give their thoughts about the qoute which related in invers inverse. e. "My happiness grows in direct proporon to my acceptance, and in inverse proporon to my expectaons" by Michael Fox.

In represenng inverse uncon, we have two ways to show it, the frst one is creang a table o values nd second is sketching graph. To complete the table o values, frst you will give any value o x in given uncon (note: not too large so that its easy or you to graph) then substute your given value o x in given uncon and you will fnd the invers inverse e uncon. Aer you done compleng the table, thats the me you plot all the point in the cartesian plane, then connect all the points and lastly you will create a graph o inverse uncons.

Give a seatwork (4 items) on fnding the inverse o a one Find the inverse o  o the ollowing uncon, then to one uncon. complete the table o values and sketch the graph.

Give a homework homework on the praccal applicaon o the inverse invers e o a one to one uncon.




r. Think Think abo about ut your your stude student' nt'ss pro progr gress ess thi thiss week. week. Wha Whatt wor works ks? ? Wha Whatt else else nee needs ds to be don done e to help help the st stude udents nts learn? learn? I relevant quesons.










onal and remedial ing o lessons, content exercises, and competencies and enable eacvies nable

The learners demonstr de monstrate ate key concepts o inverse uncons, exponenal uncons, and logarithmic uncons. The learner apply the concepts o inverse uncons, exponenal uncons, and logarithmic logarithmic uncons to ormulate and solve real-lie problems with precision and accuracy.

the leaner fnd the domain and range o inverse uncon. M11GM-Id-4

Defne domain and range. Solve or the domain and range o a inverse uncon.  Develop paence in doing one's work Topic: Inverse Funcon

Sub-topic: Domain and Range o Inverse Funcon

81-85 72-75 72-75


 by the students which you can iner rom learning processes, and draw conclusions about

Review: Find the domain and the range o each relaon.. a. (x) = 4x2 + 3x – 1 b. g(x) = 2/x2 – 16 c. (x) = x + 9 d. g(x) = 3x + 7 e. (x) = -8x + 2 Reverse Videos  hp://youtube/UBnI-oHOYtI hp://youtube/UBnI-oHOYtI

The students relate inverse in real lie-situa lie-situaon. on. Examples: a) atude o a twin child b) the inverse o your argument c) wearing o cloths

To fnd the domain and the range o the inverse uncons  -1(x) = x+6 , go go back to the original

uncon and then interchange the domain and the range o the original uncons. The original uncon is (x) = 5x – 6; Domain is the set o all real numbers; Range is also the set o real numbers

unc on. 1.  -1 (x) = x 3.  -1 (x) = x – 7 1

2.  -1 (x) = x + 3 4.  -1 (x) = 3x +

3 5.  -1 (x) = x + 6 5


Arnold and Tina are playing a number-guessing game. Arnold ask Tina to think o a posive number, triple the number, square the result, and then add 7. I Tina’s answer is 43. What was

the original number? Use the concept o inverse uncon in your soluon.

Let students generalize the lesson using the guide quesons. a. What do we mean by the inverse o a uncon? b. What is this inverse a uncon

Graph the inverse o each uncon. 1. (x) = 4x – 6 2. (x) = x + 1 3. (x) = 2x – 4 4. (x) = 3x – 1 5. (x) = 2x + 3


  eny what help your instruconal supervisors can



Secondary School Principal IV





Teacher: Teaching Dates and Time: SESSION 1 Objecves mus be met over the week and connected

may be done or developing content knowledge and c

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