C. Learning Competencies O!"ecti#es &rite the L' code for each
The learners demonstrate an understanding of: the different levels of iological organi!ation The learners should be able to: Em"loy a""ro"riate techni#ues using the com"ound microsco"e to gather data aout very small o$ects% Descrie the different levels of iological organi!ation from cell to ios"here( S$LT%IIc%& ios"here( S$LT%IIc%& )dentify the "arts that ma*e u" a human ody% Descrie ho+ the functioning of each "art +or* together in an organism% Descrie ho+ these "arts +or* together in an organism%
,arts of -uman .ody
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Additiona1 0ateria1s from Learning (esorce 5L(6 porta1
Ot,er Learning (esorce
EASE .iology% 4odule /% +riting materials5 "osters and "ictures of organisms5 organ systems5 organs5 tissues and cells
(e#ie7ing pre#ios 1esson or presenting t,e ne7 1esson
-o+ do +e calculate the magnification of a s"ecimen6
.elo+ are "arts of 0 different all"ens%
)dentify +hich "art elongs to +hich all"en% A all"en all"en has has "arts li*e those in the "ictures% "ictures%
Esta!1is,ing a prpose for t,e Lesson
Presenting e2amp1es instances of t,e ne7 1esson
)dentify the function of each "art% 1% &hat +ill ha"" ha""en en if any "art "art of of the all"en all"en is missing missing6 6 2% -o+ +ill +ill you com"a com"are re the +or* of of a all"en all"en +ith com"l com"lete ete "arts to the the one one +ith incom"lete incom"lete "arts6 Do the activity in L4 "" 7331 89,at 0a3es p an Organism Part I. Parts of a ;man Bod
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