DLL for Energy Transformation

April 17, 2018 | Author: Vhia Villagracia | Category: Photosynthesis, Adenosine Triphosphate, Cellular Respiration, Biochemistry, Earth & Life Sciences
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School Teacher Teacher Dates and Time "ONDAY

OB'E(TI)ES A. Content Content Standa Standards rds B. Perf Perfor orma manc ncee Standards C. #ear #earni ning ng Competencies$ %&ecti"es (Write the LC code for each)

Grade level Learning Area !arter T#ESDAY




The learn learners ers demon demonstr strate ate an unders understand tanding ing of: of: ATP ATP,-ADP ,-ADP Cycle Cycle,, Photosyn Photosynthe thesis sis and and Respira Respiratio tionn The learners shall e ale to: Prepare simple fermentation setup using common fruits to produce !ine or "inegar "ia microorganisms. Learning (om*etencies+ '(plain coupled reaction processes and descrie the role of ATP in energy coupling and transfer STE",BIO111.-II-a-/-1

Learning (om*etencies+ Descrie the ma&or features and chemical e"ents in photosynthesis and respiration. STE",BIO111.-II-a-/-.

O0/ectives+ The learners shall e ale to:

O0/ectives+ The learners shall e ale to:

). Discuss !hat an ATP mean *. '(plain ho! ATP supplies energy to the cell.

). +dentify +dentify the ma&or phases$ phases$ stages of photosynthesis and respiration. *. Recognie the importance of these t!o important process to manind.

Learning (om*etencies+ '(plai '(plainn the import importanc ancee of chhllorop o ro phy hylll aanndd othe oth err pigments. Desc Descri rie e the the patt patter erns ns of electr electron on flo! flo! throug throughh light light reaction e"ents.

Learning (om*etencies+ Descrie the significant e"ents of the Cal"in cycle

Remediation$ 'nrichment Day /i(ing of least mastered competencie

O0/ectives+ The learners shall e ale to:

). '(plai '(plain the signif significa icant nt e"ents e"ents O0/ectives+ that tha t happens happ ens in the Cal"in Cal"in The learners shall e ale to: cycl cycle$ e$ dar dar reac reacti tion on of photosynthesis ). Discuss the important role *. Dete Determ rmin inee the loca locatition on of of chlorophy o rophyllll and other other Cal"in cycle in plants. pigmen pigments ts in the proces processs of . Recogn Recognie ie the import importanc ancee of photosynthesis. this process in the production *. Trace race the the patt patter erns ns of of food and o(ygen. electr electron on flo! flo! throug throughh light light reactions e"ents.

(ONTENT LEARNING RESO#R(ES A. Refe Refere renc nces es ). Teache eacher0 r0ss 1uid 1uidee pages *. #ear #earnin ningg 2ateri 2aterial alss pages . Te(too pages

Energ Trans2ormation

Biology Te(too, pp. 34-35, Biology , 2c 1ra! 6ill, pulished y Phoeni( Philippines Pages *)7-**5

Energ Trans2ormation

Biology Te(too, pp. 48-49 B'A2 #earning 1uide Biology Creating 'nergy for #ife 'AS' Biology 2odule 4 Photosynthesis

Energ Trans2ormation

Biology Te(too, pp. 4-47 Biology , 2c 1ra! 6ill, pulished y Phoeni( Philippines Pages *)7-**5

Energ Tr Trans2ormation

Remediation Intervention

Respiration Biology , 2c 1ra! 6ill, pulished y Phoeni( Philippines Pages *)7-**5 4. Additio nal 2ateria ls from #earning Resources ;#R< Portal B. %ther #earning Resources

I)3 4RO(ED#RES A. Re"ie!ing pre"io us lesson or presenting the ne! lesson


https:$$!!!.reference.com$science $photosynthesis

https:$$!!!.reference.com$scien ce $photosynthesis

Boos, T1, 2anila paper, pentel pen, chal, materials needed in the acti"ity. Pictures$+llustrations$laptop, pro&ector +nternet connecti"ity

Boos, T1, 2anila paper, pentel pen, chal, materials needed in the acti"ity. Pictures$+llustrations$laptop, pro &ector +nternet connecti"ity

Boos, T1, 2anila paper, pentel pen, chal, materials needed in the acti"ity. Pictures$+llustrations$laptop, pro&ector +nternet connecti"ity

=hat are the different iological molecules> =hat do you no! aout carohydrates, lipids, proteins, enymes, nucleic acids>

). =hat is ATP> ). *. '(plain !hat the !a"y lines in ATP represent .3 P P P Adenosin . 6o! does ATP supply energy to the cell>

B. 'stalishing a purpose for the lesson (Motivation)

Pro"ide hand outs to students: +ntroduction to cellular energy  Playing a "ideo clip aout ho! and ATP !ors in the cell.

C. Presenting e(. $instances of the ne! lesson (Presentation)

Discussion$Picture Analysis ;By #earning 1roup< ATP in energy coupling and transfer

Playing a Photosynthesis song taen from ?ouTue. https:$$!!!.youtue.com$!atch> "@tS6m!+9/! https:$$!!!.youtue.com$!atch> "@C)ue5=)o Eideo clip presentation aout photosynthesis and respiration

Concept map$/ill in missing concepts on a graphic organier

Presenting Summary eHuation of The 'nergy FCurrencyG of the Cell Photosynthesis and respiration Diagram of ATP, reaing of a phosphate ond, represented y a !a"y line, from #ecture- Eideo presentation aout the ATP molecule releases energy. photosynthesis and respiration https:$$!!!.youtue.com$!atch>

=hat are the t!o ma&or e"ents$ phases of photosynthesis> +n !hich part of the chloroplast do the light reactions occur>

"@IJmT*4R7CyA https:$$!!!.youtue.com$!atch> "@8+I2RsTc!cg D. Discussing ne! concepts and practicing ne! sillsK) •

'. Discussing ne! concepts and practicing ne! sillsK* (By pair)

4er2orm Activit 63. ,pp. 4*-4 L Po!er point presentation$lecture 5e (once*ts: Biology oo %rganisms store or Fdeposit energy in G!ide !estions+ food molecules such as sugars, starch ). =hat are the t!o ma&or e"ents$ and fats. phases of photosynthesis> '"ery time the cell needs energy, it .3 +n !hich part of the chloroplast do F!ithdra!sG or releases energy from the light reactions occur> these food molecules through the process of respiration. Discussion $ #ecture L The role of ATP in energy transfer

#ecture$1i"ing hand-outs to students re: chemical e"ents in photosynthesis 1roup discussion

5e (once*ts: 'nergy is captured in ATP molecule !hich the cell can readily use. ATP is the energy FcurrencyG of the cell.

Additional "ideo clip presentation https:$$!!!.youtue.com$!atch> "@i#D="(6MNt@9s

/. De"eloping mastery (Answering Guide Questions)

G!ide !estions+

5e (once*ts+ T!o cell parts are essential in supplying organisms !ith energy. %ne is the chloroplast !hich maes food. The other is mitochondrion !hich releases stored energy in food. Photosynthesis and respiration are often descried as an opposite processes. G!ide !estions+

). =hat is ATP> ).=hat are the ma&or features and *. '(plain !hat the !a"y lines in ATP chemical e"ents in

. 6o! does ATP supply energy to the photosynthesis and respiration> cell> *.+f a plant is in the darness for se"eral days, it !ill e"entually die. =hich of the ma&or stages of photosynthesis cannot occur in darness> .6o! is stored energy in glucose molecule> released in rep

1. /inding practical application of concepts and sills in daily li"ing

6. 2aing generaliation and astractions aout the lesson


'"aluating learning


Additional acti"ities for application or remediation   (Assignment)

)3 RE"AR5S  RE&LE(TION A. o. of learners !ho earned 78O in the e"aluation. B. o. of learners !ho reHuire additional acti"ities for

ATP is the energy FcurrencyG of the cell. The cell uses ATP for gro!th, reproduction, mo"ement and other acti"ities. '(periment ;#aoratory Acti"ity<

Breaing of a phosphate ond, represented y a !a"y line, from the ATP molecule releases energy. =hat are the different uses of ATP molecule> 1roup presentation of the  !orsheet$hand-outs ans!ers A 2ultiple Choice Test !ill e gi"en.

=hat !ill happen if there0s no ATP molecule produced in the cell>

The fossil fuel that people use for energy is produced y the process of photosynthesis. Do you agree  !ith this statement> '(plain ho! people can help pre"ent gloal !arming y plating forest trees and stop deforestation. Summary eHuation of photosynthesis and respiration. 1roup presentation:

A 2ultiple Choice Test !ill e gi"en.$ The acti"ity can ser"e as an e"aluation Compose a song/ poem about photosynthesis/ respiration.

A 2ultiple Choice Test !ill e gi"en.

A 2ultiple Choice Test !ill e gi"en. Picture pule.

elo! 78O. C. Did the remedial le ssons  !or> o. of learners !ho ha"e caught up !ith the lesson. D. o. of learners !ho continue the reHuire remediation '. =hic h of my teaching strategies !ored !ell> =hy did these !or> /. =hat diffic ulties did + encounter !hich my principal or super"isor can help me sol"e> 1. =hat inno"ation or localied materials did + use$ disco"er !hich + !ish to share !ith other teachers> 4re*ared 0+

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