DLL for Energy Transformation
Short Description
School Teacher Teacher Dates and Time "ONDAY
OB'E(TI)ES A. Content Content Standa Standards rds B. Perf Perfor orma manc ncee Standards C. #ear #earni ning ng Competencies$ %&ecti"es (Write the LC code for each)
Grade level Learning Area !arter T#ESDAY
The learn learners ers demon demonstr strate ate an unders understand tanding ing of: of: ATP ATP,-ADP ,-ADP Cycle Cycle,, Photosyn Photosynthe thesis sis and and Respira Respiratio tionn The learners shall e ale to: Prepare simple fermentation setup using common fruits to produce !ine or "inegar "ia microorganisms. Learning (om*etencies+ '(plain coupled reaction processes and descrie the role of ATP in energy coupling and transfer STE",BIO111.-II-a-/-1
Learning (om*etencies+ Descrie the ma&or features and chemical e"ents in photosynthesis and respiration. STE",BIO111.-II-a-/-.
O0/ectives+ The learners shall e ale to:
O0/ectives+ The learners shall e ale to:
). Discuss !hat an ATP mean *. '(plain ho! ATP supplies energy to the cell.
). +dentify +dentify the ma&or phases$ phases$ stages of photosynthesis and respiration. *. Recognie the importance of these t!o important process to manind.
Learning (om*etencies+ '(plai '(plainn the import importanc ancee of chhllorop o ro phy hylll aanndd othe oth err pigments. Desc Descri rie e the the patt patter erns ns of electr electron on flo! flo! throug throughh light light reaction e"ents.
Learning (om*etencies+ Descrie the significant e"ents of the Cal"in cycle
Remediation$ 'nrichment Day /i(ing of least mastered competencie
O0/ectives+ The learners shall e ale to:
). '(plai '(plain the signif significa icant nt e"ents e"ents O0/ectives+ that tha t happens happ ens in the Cal"in Cal"in The learners shall e ale to: cycl cycle$ e$ dar dar reac reacti tion on of photosynthesis ). Discuss the important role *. Dete Determ rmin inee the loca locatition on of of chlorophy o rophyllll and other other Cal"in cycle in plants. pigmen pigments ts in the proces processs of . Recogn Recognie ie the import importanc ancee of photosynthesis. this process in the production *. Trace race the the patt patter erns ns of of food and o(ygen. electr electron on flo! flo! throug throughh light light reactions e"ents.
(ONTENT LEARNING RESO#R(ES A. Refe Refere renc nces es ). Teache eacher0 r0ss 1uid 1uidee pages *. #ear #earnin ningg 2ateri 2aterial alss pages . Te(too pages
Energ Trans2ormation
Biology Te(too, pp. 34-35, Biology , 2c 1ra! 6ill, pulished y Phoeni( Philippines Pages *)7-**5
Energ Trans2ormation
Biology Te(too, pp. 48-49 B'A2 #earning 1uide Biology Creating 'nergy for #ife 'AS' Biology 2odule 4 Photosynthesis
Energ Trans2ormation
Biology Te(too, pp. 4-47 Biology , 2c 1ra! 6ill, pulished y Phoeni( Philippines Pages *)7-**5
Energ Tr Trans2ormation
Remediation Intervention
Respiration Biology , 2c 1ra! 6ill, pulished y Phoeni( Philippines Pages *)7-**5 4. Additio nal 2ateria ls from #earning Resources ;#R< Portal B. %ther #earning Resources
I)3 4RO(ED#RES A. Re"ie!ing pre"io us lesson or presenting the ne! lesson
https:$$!!!.reference.com$science $photosynthesis
https:$$!!!.reference.com$scien ce $photosynthesis
Boos, T1, 2anila paper, pentel pen, chal, materials needed in the acti"ity. Pictures$+llustrations$laptop, pro&ector +nternet connecti"ity
Boos, T1, 2anila paper, pentel pen, chal, materials needed in the acti"ity. Pictures$+llustrations$laptop, pro &ector +nternet connecti"ity
Boos, T1, 2anila paper, pentel pen, chal, materials needed in the acti"ity. Pictures$+llustrations$laptop, pro&ector +nternet connecti"ity
=hat are the different iological molecules> =hat do you no! aout carohydrates, lipids, proteins, enymes, nucleic acids>
). =hat is ATP> ). *. '(plain !hat the !a"y lines in ATP represent .3 P P P Adenosin . 6o! does ATP supply energy to the cell>
B. 'stalishing a purpose for the lesson (Motivation)
Pro"ide hand outs to students: +ntroduction to cellular energy Playing a "ideo clip aout ho! and ATP !ors in the cell.
C. Presenting e(. $instances of the ne! lesson (Presentation)
Discussion$Picture Analysis ;By #earning 1roup< ATP in energy coupling and transfer
Playing a Photosynthesis song taen from ?ouTue. https:$$!!!.youtue.com$!atch> "@tS6m!+9/! https:$$!!!.youtue.com$!atch> "@C)ue5=)o Eideo clip presentation aout photosynthesis and respiration
Concept map$/ill in missing concepts on a graphic organier
Presenting Summary eHuation of The 'nergy FCurrencyG of the Cell Photosynthesis and respiration Diagram of ATP, reaing of a phosphate ond, represented y a !a"y line, from #ecture- Eideo presentation aout the ATP molecule releases energy. photosynthesis and respiration https:$$!!!.youtue.com$!atch>
=hat are the t!o ma&or e"ents$ phases of photosynthesis> +n !hich part of the chloroplast do the light reactions occur>
"@IJmT*4R7CyA https:$$!!!.youtue.com$!atch> "@8+I2RsTc!cg D. Discussing ne! concepts and practicing ne! sillsK) •
'. Discussing ne! concepts and practicing ne! sillsK* (By pair)
4er2orm Activit 63. ,pp. 4*-4 L Po!er point presentation$lecture 5e (once*ts: Biology oo %rganisms store or Fdeposit energy in G!ide !estions+ food molecules such as sugars, starch ). =hat are the t!o ma&or e"ents$ and fats. phases of photosynthesis> '"ery time the cell needs energy, it .3 +n !hich part of the chloroplast do F!ithdra!sG or releases energy from the light reactions occur> these food molecules through the process of respiration. Discussion $ #ecture L The role of ATP in energy transfer
#ecture$1i"ing hand-outs to students re: chemical e"ents in photosynthesis 1roup discussion
5e (once*ts: 'nergy is captured in ATP molecule !hich the cell can readily use. ATP is the energy FcurrencyG of the cell.
Additional "ideo clip presentation https:$$!!!.youtue.com$!atch> "@i#D="(6MNt@9s
/. De"eloping mastery (Answering Guide Questions)
G!ide !estions+
5e (once*ts+ T!o cell parts are essential in supplying organisms !ith energy. %ne is the chloroplast !hich maes food. The other is mitochondrion !hich releases stored energy in food. Photosynthesis and respiration are often descried as an opposite processes. G!ide !estions+
). =hat is ATP> ).=hat are the ma&or features and *. '(plain !hat the !a"y lines in ATP chemical e"ents in
. 6o! does ATP supply energy to the photosynthesis and respiration> cell> *.+f a plant is in the darness for se"eral days, it !ill e"entually die. =hich of the ma&or stages of photosynthesis cannot occur in darness> .6o! is stored energy in glucose molecule> released in rep
1. /inding practical application of concepts and sills in daily li"ing
6. 2aing generaliation and astractions aout the lesson
'"aluating learning
Additional acti"ities for application or remediation (Assignment)
)3 RE"AR5S RE&LE(TION A. o. of learners !ho earned 78O in the e"aluation. B. o. of learners !ho reHuire additional acti"ities for
ATP is the energy FcurrencyG of the cell. The cell uses ATP for gro!th, reproduction, mo"ement and other acti"ities. '(periment ;#aoratory Acti"ity<
Breaing of a phosphate ond, represented y a !a"y line, from the ATP molecule releases energy. =hat are the different uses of ATP molecule> 1roup presentation of the !orsheet$hand-outs ans!ers A 2ultiple Choice Test !ill e gi"en.
=hat !ill happen if there0s no ATP molecule produced in the cell>
The fossil fuel that people use for energy is produced y the process of photosynthesis. Do you agree !ith this statement> '(plain ho! people can help pre"ent gloal !arming y plating forest trees and stop deforestation. Summary eHuation of photosynthesis and respiration. 1roup presentation:
A 2ultiple Choice Test !ill e gi"en.$ The acti"ity can ser"e as an e"aluation Compose a song/ poem about photosynthesis/ respiration.
A 2ultiple Choice Test !ill e gi"en.
A 2ultiple Choice Test !ill e gi"en. Picture pule.
elo! 78O. C. Did the remedial le ssons !or> o. of learners !ho ha"e caught up !ith the lesson. D. o. of learners !ho continue the reHuire remediation '. =hic h of my teaching strategies !ored !ell> =hy did these !or> /. =hat diffic ulties did + encounter !hich my principal or super"isor can help me sol"e> 1. =hat inno"ation or localied materials did + use$ disco"er !hich + !ish to share !ith other teachers> 4re*ared 0+
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