DLL FOr Arts

July 4, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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School Teacher  Time and Date

Sergio P. Cerujales Jr. National High School Edward A. Taruc

I.OBJECTIVES A. Content Standard

2. the salient features of the arts of Mindanao by showing the relationship of the elements of art and processes among culturally diverse communities in the country 3. the Philippines as having a rich artistic and cultural tradition from precolonial to present times The learner … 1. create artworks showing the characteristic elements of the arts of Mindanao 2. exhibit completed artworks for appreciation and critiquing Derives elements from traditions/history of a community for one’s artwork (A7PR-IIIf-2) 1. Derive Derive elements elements from from tradition traditions/his s/history tory of a communi community ty for one’s one’s artwork 2. Create Create an art that that is derive derive element element from from tradition tradition of a communi community ty.. 3. Apprecia Appreciate te the importan importance ce of an artwork artwork from traditi tradition/h on/histor istory y of a community. C. Arts and Crafts of Mindanao

C. Lea Learn rnin ing g Competency/ Objectives (Write the LC Code for each)


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III. LEARNING RESOURCES A. Refe Refere renc nces es 1. Teac eacher’ her’s s Guide pages 2. Learner’s r’s Materials pages 3. Text extbook books s pages 4. Addit dditio ion nal Materials from learning resource (LR portal)

B. Othe Otherr lear learni ning ng resources IV. PROCEDURES A. Revi Review ewin ing g previous lesson


The learner demonstrates understanding understanding of … 1. art elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and skills

B. Perf Perfor orma manc nce e Standard

II. CONTENT A. Subje jec ct Matter 

Grade Level Learning Area Quarter  

 Architecture Toronga, Panolong, Badjao Houses and The Grand Mosque of Cotabato

Music and Arts pp. Music and Arts pp. 228-231

https://www.slideshare.ne t/JohnDalman1/arts-and-crafts-of 1/arts-and-crafts-of-mindanao -mindanao https://www.slideshare.net/JohnDalman https://www.youtube.com/wa https://www .youtube.com/watch?v=HZPIbqDFL tch?v=HZPIbqDFLI8 I8 https://image.slidesharecdn.com https://image.slid esharecdn.com/artsandcraftsofmin /artsandcraftsofmindanaodanao161207022813/95/arts-and-c 161207022 813/95/arts-and-crafts-of-mindan rafts-of-mindanao-15-638.jp ao-15-638.jpg? g? cb=1481077718 https://image.slidesharecdn.com https://image.slid esharecdn.com/artsandcraftsofmin /artsandcraftsofmindanaodanao161207022813/95/arts-and-c 161207022 813/95/arts-and-crafts-of-mindan rafts-of-mindanao-14-638.jp ao-14-638.jpg? g? cb=1481077718 Videos, audios, pictures and maps (youtube, google images) Teacher’s Activity/ies Recall the students about the Art Elements and its definition.

Learner ’s Expected Response/s  Answer: 1. Elements of Art are, Line,


or presenting the new lesson

1. What are the elements of Art? 2. Define each elements of Art.


Shape, Color, Texture, Form, Value and Space. 2. a. Line-expresses Line-expresses different emotion and ideas b. Shape-a freeform or geometric c. Color-can be very pure or ligthened. d.Texture-is the roughness or smoothness e. Form-is in 3D f. Value-the lightness and darkness g. Space-You can’t have shape or form without space.

B. Esta Establ blis ishi hing ng a purpose for the lesson

The teacher will play a video presentation about 7 Elements of Art https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=HZPIbqDFLI8

C. Pres Presen enti ting ng examples/instan ce of the new lesson

 After the video presentation, presentation, process the responses by asking example of each Element of Art. Discussion= integration of English Language

D. Di Disc scus ussi sing ng new new concepts and practicing new skills # 1

Discuss the following and ask the Element of Art. Torongan: The tor torongan is a traditional residence of the reigning Sultan of  the Maranaw people and his family. It is no ordinary home specially to a regular Maranaw Family because it was a symbol of high social status.

E. Di Disc scus ussi sing ng new new concepts and practicing new

Panolong Is a wing like design of a vernacular  house in Maranao called Torongan.

skills # 2

These ends floor beams that that proj prare ojec ects ts and anof d the sp spla lay y out ou t like like trian triangu gula larr butt butter erfl fly y wi wing ngs s on th the e facade and side elevations.

 Answer: Ex. of Element Element of Art 1. Line: straight, swirly, wavy,  jagged, dotted, dotted, dashed, broken, broken, thick, thin, zig zag, diagonal, vertical, horizontal, curved, bold parallel and perpendicular. 2. Shape: geometric, organic/natural/ irregular, circle, square, rectangle, diamond, oval, crescent, heart, triangle and octagon. 3. Color: Primary colors are red, yellow and blue and secondary colors. 4. Texture-sculpture and paints. 5. Form-cubes, cylinders, and spheres 6. Value- tint, shade, and hue 7. Positive and negative space.


F. Deve evelopi lopin ng mastery

G. Findin Finding g pract practica icall applications of concepts and skills in daily living

What are the elements of Art found in that picture? 1. Torongan

1. Elements of Art found in the picture are, Line, Shape, Color, Texture, Form, Value and Space.

2. Panolong

2. Elements of Art found in the picture are, Line, Shape, Color, Texture, Form, Value and Space

Activity: Do-it-Yourself (DIY) Panolong Music and Arts LM Page: 232 Design a Panolong using materials listed below.

H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

1. What are the 7 elements of art? 2. State an example of each element of Arts.

1. Evaluate learning

Formative Assessment What elements of art found in the picture:

2. Addit dditio iona nall activities for application or remediation V. REMARKS RE MARKS VI. REFLECTIONS A. No. of learne learners rs who earned 80%

 Answer: 1. Elements of Art are, Line, Shape, Color, Texture, Form, Value and Space. 2. Refered to above answer.  Answer: Elements of Art found in the pictu picture re are, are, Li Line, ne, Shape, Shape, Color Color,, Texture, Form, Value and Space.


in the evaluation B. No. of learne learners rs who require additional activities for remediation. C. Did the remedi remedial al lesson work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson. D. No. of learne learners rs who continue to require remediation E. Which Which o off my strategies worked well? Why did these work? F. What difficultie difficulties s did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve? G. What innov innovation ation or localized materials did I use/ discover which I wish to share with other teachers? Rubrics The student’s output will be rated using the rubrics below. Category Following directions Creativity and workmanship

Functionality and Relevance to the Theme / Lesson





(5 pts)the Followed directions correctly Student’s output is very creative and tidy  Artworks clearly clearly depict the character and the culture they are performing and interpreting, making it easier  for the audience

(4pts) Followed most of  the directions

(3pts) Followed some of the directions

(2pts) Did not follow the directions

Student’s output is good and tidy

Student’s output is fair and has few errors

Student’s output is dull with lots of  errors

 Artworks clearly clearly support the regional detail and culture, and portray or  showcase the exhibit properly.

 Artworks are creative but are somewhat out of  place, and only somewhat relative to the assigned region.

There is no visible creativity and relevance to the theme

to understand and recognize

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