Dll Fabm1 Week 6

May 17, 2018 | Author: bluemirage11 | Category: Accounting, Business, Teachers, Educational Assessment, Curriculum
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Session 1



Fundamentals o ABM1

!ULY !ULY 1"#1$% &"1'( MTTHF 1")$*#11)$* A.M.


Session 2

Session !

Session "

Session #

O)*ectives mst )e met over the +ee, and connected to the crriclm standards$ To meet the o)*ectives- necessar. /rocedres mst )e 0ollo+ed and i0 needed- additional lessons- eercises and remedial activities ma. )e done 0or develo/ing content ,no+ledge and com/etencies$ These are assessed sing ormative Assessment strategies$ (aling (aling o)*ectives s//ort the learning o0 content and com/etencies and ena)le children to 0ind signi0icance and *o. in learning the lessons$ 3ee,l. o)*ectives shall )e derived 0rom the crriclm gides$ 1. The defniton, naure, uncton, and hisory o accountng 2. he varied branches and areas o accountng, partcularly 1. fnancial accountng 2. managemen accountng 3. governmen accountng 4. auditng 5. a accountng !. cos accountng ". accountng educaton #. accountng research 3. he eernal and inernal inernal users o fnancial inormaton

1. ie specifc eamples in %hich accountn accountng g is used in ma-ing ma-ing business decisions. 2.*a-e a lis o business %ihin he communiy on he ypes o  accountng accountng services hey reuire 3 . ( ol ol ve ve e e e rc rc is is es es i n  he he identfcaton o he branches o  accountn accountng g described described hrough hrough he ypes o se rvices rendered. 4. ( ol ol ve ve e e e rc rc is is es es a nd nd problems on he identfcaton o users o inormaton, ype o decisions o be made, and ype o inormat inormaton on needed needed by he users 5. ie ie user userss o fnan fnanci cial al ino inorm rmat aton on and and iden ident ty y %heher hey are eernal or inernal users.

valuae he resul resul o he

The various orms o business organi$aton, organi$aton, as ollo%s& 1. sole ' single proprieorship 2. parnership 3. corporaton 4. cooperatves

The ypes o business according according o actvites, partcularly& 1. (ervice )usiness 2. *erchandising )usiness 3. *anuacuring business

+ccountng +ccountng conceps and principles

1. di/erentae he orms o business organi$aton in erms o naure o o%nership 2. ma-e a lis o eistng business enttes in heir communiy and identy he orm o business organi$aton

1. 0i/erentae he ypes o business according o actvites. 2. *a-e a lis o business in heir communiy according according o heir actvites.

denty generally acceped accountng accountng principles

1.di/erentae he orms o business organi$aton +)*+)*11b11

1. ompare and conras he ypes o business according according o actvites +)*+)*11b13 +)*+)*11b13

1. plain he varied accountng conceps and principles +)*+)*11bc15

4age  o0

chaper eaminatons

63rite the L' code 0or each7

2. identy he advanages and disadvanages o each orm +)*+)*11b12

2. denty he advanages, disadvanages and business reuiremens o each ype +)*+)*11b 14

2. (olve eercises on accountng principles as applied in various cases +)*+)*11bc1!

onen is %ha he lesson is all abou.  perains o he sub6ec ma7er ha he eacher aims o each in he 8, he conen can be ac-led in a %ee- or %o. orms o )usiness 9rgani$aton

Types o )usiness 9rgani$aton

+ccountng onceps and :rinciples

List the materials to )e sed in di00erent da.s$ (aried sorces o0 materials sstain children9s interest in the lesson and in learning$ Ensre that there is a mi o0 concrete and mani/lative materials as +ell as /a/er:)ased materials$ ;ands:on learning /romotes conce/t develo/ment$

)asic +ccountng *ade asy, ;.< )allada, page 151"

)asic +ccountng *ade asy, ;.< )allada, page

)asic +ccountng *ade asy, ;.< )allada, page

These ste/s shold )e done across the +ee,$ S/read ot the activities a//ro/riatel. so that stdents +ill learn +ell$ Al+a.s )e gided ). demonstration o0 learning ). the stdents +hich .o can in0er 0rom 0ormative assessment activities$ Sstain learning s.stematicall. ). /roviding stdents +ith mlti/le +a.s to learn ne+ things- /ractice their learning- =estion their learning /rocesses- and dra+ conclsions a)ot +hat the. learned in relation to their li0e e/eriences and /revios ,no+ledge- indicate the time allotment 0or each ste/$   

8reetngs +7endance =o% do you fnd he chaper eam

  

8reetngs +7endance 0iscussion o he resul o chaper es

  

8reetngs +7endance >evie% o he orms o business organi$aton

  

8reetngs +7endance >evie% o he Types o )usiness 9rgani$aton

;here %as he easies par, he hardes?

+s- he sudens o enumerae business enty hey are amiliar %ih.

+s- he sudens o enumerae he business esablishmens ha are common he localiy.

+s- he sudens.  you ever eperienced brea-ing he rules or you or or ohers@ benef? ;hy? +nd =o% did i happen?

>eurn he es papers o he sudens

0ivide he business enttes given by he sudens according o he orms o business organi$aton

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