DL/T 911-2004 (DL/T911-2004; DLT911-2004) - Translated English of Chinese Standard

March 20, 2019 | Author: Zheng Wenrui | Category: Nature
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More info: http://www.chinesestandard.net/Default.aspx?StdID=DL/T%20911-2004. Translated English of Chinese Standard DL/...


DL/T 911–2004

ICS 27.100 F 24 File No.: 15182-2005


DL/T 911–2004

Translated by: www.ChineseStandard.net

F!e"#e$%& Re'(o$'e A$)l&'i' o$ *i$+i$, Deo!)/io$ o Poe! T!)$'o!e!'

I''#e+ o$: De%ee! 14 2004

I(lee$/e+ o$: 3#$e 1 2005

I''#e+ &: N)/io$)l Deelo(e$/ )$+ Reo! Coi''io$ o /e Peo(le6' Re(#li% o Ci$)


DL/T 911–2004

T)le o Co$/e$/'


DL/T 911–2004

Fo!eo!+ In accordance with the re!ire"ents o# the doc!"ent $ %&otice on con#ir"in' the #or"!lation and re(ision )lannin' o# )ower ind!stry standards in 1999% *+!o ,in' -ao Dian Li 1999 &o.40 iss!ed by the or"er State cono"ic and Trade Co""ission3 this Standard is #or"!lated3 with the obecti(e o# re'!latin' and '!idin' #ield a))lication o# the #re!ency res)onse analysis on windin' de#or"ation o# )ower trans#or"er. re!ency res)onse analysis3 !sed to test the de#or"ation o# trans#or"er windin'3 has ad(anta'es in hi'h testin' sensiti(ity and con(enient in #ield ser(ice5 and does not re!ire trans#or"er hood s!s)endin'. It has been widely !sed in the )ower ind!stry. ind!stry.  6nne7 6 is nor"ati(e and 6nne7 8 is in#or"ati(e in#or"ati(e in this Standard. This Standard is )ro)osed by the China lectricity Co!ncil *CC. The technical co""ittee #or standardiation o# hi'h (olta'e test technolo'y in )ower sector 'o(erns this Standard and is in char'e o# the e7)lanation. Dra#tin' or'aniations: China lectric ower ;esearch Instit!te *C;I3 +!an'don' ower 7)eri"ental ;esearch Instit!te3 !ian ower Test < ;esearch Instit!te3 6nh!i lectr lectric ic ower ower ;esear ;esearch ch Instit Instit!te3 !te3 &orth &orth China lectric lectric ower ;esearch Instit!te3 Instit!te3 =!han >i'h ?olta'e ;esearch Instit!te Chie# dra#tin' sta##s: =an' Shen'3 +ao @eli3 Lin Ch!nyao3 A!yan' B!don'3 han' @on'lin3 ! +!o'an'3 >e >on'"in'3 -a ,i7ian3 -ei +an'


DL/T 911–2004

F!e"#e$%& Re'(o$'e A$)l&'i' o$ *i$+i$, Deo!)/io$ o Poe! T!)$'o!e!' 1


This Standard s)eci#ies the basic re!ire"ents in the #re!ency res)onse analysis on de#or"ation o# trans#or"er windin'. This Standard is a))licable to )ower trans#or"ers trans#or"ers o# EF? or hi'her (olta'e class3 and other trans#or"ers #or s)ecial )!r)ose.


No!)/ie Re Ree!e$%e'

The #ollow #ollowin' in' standar standards ds contai contain n )ro(is )ro(ision ions s which3 which3 thro!'h thro!'h re#ere re#erence nce in this this te7t3 te7t3 constit!te )ro(isions o# this Standard. or dated re#erence3 s!bse!ent "odi#ications *e7cl!din' corrected contents or re(isions do not a))ly to this Standard. >owe(er3 all )art )artie ies s reac reach h to a'ree a'ree"e "ent nt acco accord rdin in' ' to this this Standard are enco!ra'e enco!ra'ed d to st!dy st!dy whether the latest edition o# these doc!"ents is a))licable. or !ndated re#erences3 the latest edition o# the nor"ati(e doc!"ent re#erred to a))lies to this Standard. +8 1094.1 ower trans#or"ers $ art 1: +eneral *e( IC E00GE$1: 199H +8 1094. ower trans#or"ers $ art : 6bility to withstand short circ!it *ne IC E00GE$: 19GE DL/T 9E re(enti(e test code #or electric )ower e!i)"ent

Te!' )$+ +ei$i/io$'

or the )!r)ose o# th is Standard3 the #ollowin' ter"s and de#initions shall a))ly. .1 *i$+i$, +eo!)/io$ It is re#erred to a7ial or radial di"ensional (ariation o# )ower trans#or"er windin' ca!sed !nder "echanical #orce or electro$dyna"ical action3 and !s!ally a))ears as


DL/T 911–2004

)artial )artial de#or" de#or"ati ation3 on3 h!nchi h!nchin' n' or dis)la dis)lace" ce"ent ent o# windin windin'. '. =hen =hen a trans#o trans#or"e r"err is s!## s!##er ered ed #ro" #ro" the shor short$ t$ci circ rc!i !itt c!rr c!rren entt r!sh r!sh or cras crash h in tran trans) s)ort ortat ation ion33 wind windin' in' de#or"ation "ay ha))en. This will directly a##ect the sa#e o )eration o# trans#or"er. .2 D#)l-(o!/ $e/o! It is re#erred to networF ha(in' a )air o# in)!t )orts and a )air o# o!t)!t )orts. The networF $ consisted o# linear resistance3 ind!ctance *incl!din' "!t!al ind!ctance and ca)aciti(e co")onents3 and witho!t inde)endent )ower s!))ly inside $ is called as acti(e linear d!al$)ort networF. =hen the #re!ency is hi'her3 the trans#or"er windin' "ay be re'arded as acti(e linear d!al$)ort networF. . T!)$'e! T!)$'e! #$%/io$ It is re#err re#erred ed to the o!t)!t$ o!t)!t$in) in)!t !t ratio ratio o# )assi( )assi(e e d!al$)o d!al$)ort rt networ networF3 F3 e7)res e7)ressed sed by La)lace trans#or"ation. The )ole and ero distrib!tion o# the trans#er #!nction closely relate relate to b!ilt$ b!ilt$in in co")one co")onents ntsJJ )ara"e )ara"eter ters3 s3 connec connectin tin' ' "ode "ode and )ort$c )ort$conn onnect ectin' in'$$ i")edance o# d!al$)ort networF. .4 F!e"#e$%& !e'(o$'e It is re#erred to the relation between trans#er #!nction >*K and an'!lar #re!ency K o# the networF3 !nder the sine stable state. s!ally3 the relation o# >*K a")lit!de (al!e chan'in' with K is called as a")lit!de #re!ency res)onse3 and the relation o# >*K )hase chan'in' with K is called as )hase #re!ency res)onse. .5 See(i$, !e"#e$%& Contin!o!sly chan'in' the #re!ency o# e7ternally a))lied sine e7citation si'nal so!rce3 testin' the ratio o# the o!t)!t si'nal and in)!t si'nal o# the networF !nder di##erent


DL/T 911–2004

#re!encies3 and drawin' the corres)ondin' a")lit!de #re!ency res)onse or )hase #re!ency res)onse c!r(es.


Te'/i$, Teo!&

nder the action o# !))er #re!ency (olta'e3 each windin' o# a trans#or"er is re'arded as a )assi(e linear d!al$)ort networF consisted o# distrib!tion )ara"eters $ linear resi resist stanc ance3 e3 ind! ind!ct ctan ance ce *"!t *"!t!a !all ind! ind!ct ctanc ance e and and ca)ac ca)acit itanc ance. e. 6nd 6nd the the inter internal nal characteristics "ay be described by the trans#er #!nction >*K *see i'!re 1. In case o# windi windin' n' de#o de#or" r"at atio ion3 n3 the the )ara" )ara"et eter ers s incl incl!d !din in' ' dist distri rib!t b!tio ion n ind! ind!ct ctanc ance e and and ca)acitance will chan'e accordin'ly3 which res!lts in the chan'e o# the ero )oint and )ole o# the trans#er #!nction >*K o# its e!i(alent networF3 and the chan'e o# the networF #re!ency res)onse characteristics. The #re!ency res)onse analysis #or testin' de#or"ation o# trans#or"er windin' – is thro!' thro!'h h $ testin testin' ' a")lit a")lit!de !de #re!en #re!ency cy res)ons res)onse e charac characteri teristi stics cs o# each each windin windin' ' de#or"ation o# a trans#or"er5 cond!ctin' the ?ertical and horiontal co")arison on testin testin' ' res!lt res!lt55 and accord accordin' in' to the di##er di##erenc ence e in a")lit a")lit!de !de #re!en #re!ency cy res)on res)onse se characteristics3 !d'in' the )ossible de#or"ation o# trans#or"er windin'. The a")lit!de #re!ency res)onse characteristi characteristics cs o# trans#or"er trans#or"er windin' shall be obtai obtaine ned d by the the swee) swee)in in' ' #re #re!e !ency ncy "ode "ode indi indica cate ted d in i'!r i'!re e 1. Conti Contin!o n!o!s !sly ly C>6&+ C>6&+ the #re!en #re!ency cy # *an'!la *an'!larr #re!en #re!ency cy wM2N# wM2N# o# e7tern e7ternally ally a))lied a))lied sine sine e7citation so!rce S3 -6S; the si'nal$a")lit!de ratio o# the res)onse$)ort res)onse$)ort (olta'e 2 and the e7citation$)ort (olta'e 13 A8T6I& the a")lit!de #re!ency res)onse c!r(e o# the windin' !nder the condition o# desi'nated e7citation$)ort and res)onse$)ort. In the the #i'! #i'!re re33 L3 @ and C res)e res)ect cti( i(el ely y indi indica cate te distr distrib ib!te !ted d ind!ct ind!ctanc ance3 e3 dist distri rib! b!ted ted ca)acitance and 'ro!ndin' distrib!ted ca)acitance )er !nit len'th o# a windin'5 1 and 2 res)ecti(ely indicate the e7citation$)ort (olta'e and res)onse$)ort (olta'e o# the e!i(alent networF5 S indicates the sine$wa(e e7citation$si'nal$so!rce$(olta'e5 ; S indicates the o!t)!t i")edance o# the si'nal so!rce5 and ; indicates the "atchin' resistor.

DL/T 911–2004

Fi,#!e 1: )'i% /e'/i$, %i!%#i/ o !e"#e$%& !e'(o$'e )$)l&'i' The tested a")lit!de #re!ency res)onse is !s!ally e7)ressed by lo'arith"ic #or"3 na"ely3 the ratio o# (olta'e and a")lit!de$(al!e is )rocessed as:

=here3 >*# The "old O>*KO O>*KO o# the trans#er #!nction when the #re!ency is #5 2*#3 1*#

The )e )eaF (a (al!e or or e# e##ecti(e (a (al!e O O2*KO and O 1*KO o# res)onse$)ort

(olta'e and e7citation$)ort (olta'e when the #re!ency is #.

5 5.1 5.1

Re"# Re"#i! i!e ee$ e$/' /' o /e'/ /e'/i$ i$, , I$' I$'/! /!# #e$ e$// Te'/i e'/i$, $, !)$ !)$,e ,e o o 'ee 'ee(i (i$, $, !e !e"# "#e$ e$%& %&

The The test testin in' ' ran'e ran'e o# swee) swee)in in' ' #re #re!en !ency cy is 1F> 1F> P1-> P1->3 3 and and the test can can be cond!cted at se(eral di(ided$#re!ency$bands res)ecti(ely. 5.2

Te'/i$, e'/i$, o+e o+e o o 'ee(i$ 'ee(i$, , !e" !e"#e$ #e$%& %&

The swee)in' #re!ency "ode o# linear distrib!tion shall be ado)ted. 5. 5.

A%%#! A%%#!)%& )%& o 'ee( 'ee(i$ i$, , !e" !e"#e #e$% $%& &

The #re!ency acc!racy o# the o!t)!t sine$wa(e si'nal o# the si'nal so!rce shall not be 'reater than 0.01Q. 5.4 5.4

I$/e I$/e! !)l )l o o 'ee 'ee(i (i$, $, !e !e"# "#e$ e$%& %&


DL/T 911–2004

The inter(al o# the swee)in' #re!ency shall be s"aller than 2F>. 5.5 5.5

I(e I(e+) +)$% $%e e )/% )/%i i$, $, o+e o+e

The testin' instr!"ent shall ha(e a sine$wa(e e7citation si'nal o!t)!t )ort and two inde)endent si'nal detection )orts. In which3 the o!t)!t i")edance ;S o# the sine$wa(e si'nal so!rce S shall be 0R3 and the o!t)!t )ort shall be directly connected with the e7citation$)ort o# the tested trans#or"er windin' thro!'h coa7ial shielded cable5 the in)!t i")edance o# two inde)endent si'nal detection )orts shall not be less than 1-R3 and the si'nal detection )orts shall be res)ecti(ely connected with the e7citation$)ort and res)onse$)ort o# the tested trans#or"er windin' thro!'h coa7ial shielded cable. 6 "atchin' resistance *0R ; shall be connected with the res)onse$)ort o# the tested windin'. The wa(e i")edance o# ado)ted coa7ial shielded cable shall be 0R3 and the cable len'th sho!ld be 1"P20". 5.9

Te'/i$ /i$, )%%#! %#!)%&

The testin' instr!"ent shall ha(e dyna"ic state detection *testin' ran'e o# $100d8 P 20d83 and the testin' acc!racy within the ran'e $0d8 P 20d8 shall be less than 1d8. 5.7 F!e"#e$%&-'e F!e"#e$%&-'ele%/i$ le%/i$, , )$+ )e-il/e! )e-il/e!i$, i$, (!o(e!/& (!o(e!/& The testin' instr!"ent shall ha(e s!ch #!nctions o# #re!ency$selectin' and wa(e$ #ilterin'3 and the width o# the thro!'h$#re!ency$band shall be less than Q o# the center$#re!ency o# the #re!ency$selectin' #ilter. 5.8

D)/) '/o!e o!)/

The testin' data shall be stored in )lain te7t #or"at #or the )!r)ose o# data trans"ission and co")arison.


DL/T 911–2004


Te'/ e/o+


The testin' #or de#or"ation o# trans#or"er windin' shall be cond!cted be#ore all

direct$c!rrent test ite"s or a#ter #!ll electric dischar'e o# the windin'. The windin's o# a trans# trans#or" or"er er shall shall be tested tested one by one accord accordin' in' to the wirin' wirin' re!ir re!ire"e e"ent nt and connection "ode3 and the a")lit!de #re!ency res)onse characteristics c!r(es shall be recorded res)ecti(ely. res)ecti(ely. 9.2 9.2.1

*i!i$, !e"#i!ee$/ 8e#ore testin'3 all leadin' wires connected with the ti) o# the trans#or"er

b!shin' shall be dis"antled3 and @ the dis"antled leadin' wires as #ar as )ossible #ro" the trans#or"er b!shin'. I# the leadin' wires connected with the trans#or"er b!shin' cannot be dis"antled3 the ta) at the end o# the b!shin' "ay be !sed as res)onse$)ort #or testin'3 howe(er this "!st be noted3 and the test res!lt !nder this condition "!st be co")ared with the ones !nder si"ilar condition. 9.2.2

The a")lit!de #re!ency res)onse characteristics o# the trans#or"er windin'

is related to the )osition o# ta)$switch3 it sho!ld be tested at the hi'hest ta) )osition3 or it shall be '!aranteed that the ta)$switch is at the sa"e )osition #or each testin'. 9.2.

8eca!se the testin' si'nal is weaF3 all wirin's shall be stable3 reliable and o#

"ini"ied contact resistance. 9.2.4

The earth wires o# the two si'nal detection )orts shall be connected reliably

onto the ob(io!s 'ro!nd )ort *e.'. iron$coreJs 'ro!ndin' )ort on the trans#or"er case. The earth wire shall be as short as )ossible and witho!t enwindin'. 9.

*i!i$, o o+e

Si'nal e7citation *in)!t )ort and res)onse *testin' )ort shall be selected accordin' to the "ode indicated in i'!re 23 so that cond!ctin' the standardied "ana'e"ent on the testin' res!lts in #!t!re.

DL/T 911–2004

Fi, Fi,#!e #!e 2

Soe Soe %o %oo$ o$ i!i i!i$, $, o+e o+e' ' o /!)$' !)$'o!e o!e!! /e'/i e'/i$, $,

7 A$)l&/i%)l 3#+,e$/ o *i$+i$, Deo!)/io$ G.1 The #re!ency res)onse analysis on de#or"ation o# trans#or"er windin' "ainly re#ers to cond!ctin' the ?ertical and horiontal co")arison on the a")lit!de #re!ency res)onse characteristics o# windin's3 and co")rehensi(ely considerin' the #actors s!ch as the conditions o# trans#or"er short$circ!it i")act5 trans#or"er str!ct!re5 electrical


DL/T 911–2004

test and the dissol(ed 'as in oil analysis. 6ccordin' to the (al!es o# the correlated #actor3 the test can int!iti(ely re#lect the (ariance in a")lit!de #re!ency res)onse characteristics o# trans#or"er windin'3 and this can be !sed as an a!7iliary "eans to  !d'e de#or"ation o# trans#or"er windin'. The a!7iliary !d'"ent on de#or"ation o# trans#or"er windin' thro!'h the correlated #actor is detailed in 6nne7 6. 7.2 7.2

;e!/i e!/i%) %)ll %o( %o()! )!i' i'o$ o$ e/o e/o+ +


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