Divisional Charts Books

March 14, 2017 | Author: asicphani | Category: N/A
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HOW TO STUDY DIVISIONAL CHARTS, based on Systems' Approach - V.K. Choudhry, $15.00 Contents: About the author; Preface; 1. The scope of study of divisional chart; 2. Overall view of the horoscope; 3. Methodology to study divisional charts; 4. Analyzing debilitated planets; 5. Analyzing combust planets; 6. Special reference to the main period of Ketu; 7. Remedial measures in the aid of astrology; 8. Analysis of Hora; 9. Analysis of Decanate; 10. Analysis of Turyamsa; 11. Analysis of Shashthamsa; 12. Analysis of Sapthamsa; 13. Analysis of Ashthamsa; 14. Analysis of Navamsa; 15. Analysis of Dasamsa; 16. Comprehension of classical principles - Vargottama planets in their signs of debilitation, Exalted planets; 17. Some useful tables - Nakshatra & alphabet for names, Sub-periods, Sub-sub periods, Tables for making important divisional charts.

Comment: A quick overview of the divisionals: Hora (d-2) shows wealth; Decanate (d-3) is initiative & happiness from younger co-borns; Turyamsa (d-4) is net assets; Shashthamsa (d-6) is health & types of diseases; Sapthamsa (d-7) is progeny & happiness therefrom; Ashthamsa (d-8) is longevity; Navamsa (d-9) is general fortune, marital happiness, religious pursuits; Dasamsa (d10) is profession, fame & deeds; Dwadasamsa (d-12) is parents; and, Chaturvimsamsa (d-24) is education. In the introductory notes, Choudhry writes, A planet, which occupies the same sign in rasi & navamsa charts is called Vargottama. Classics attribute good results to planets in the state of Vargottama amsa. But these good results are experienced by the native if the planet is strong & well placed in the rasi chart. In case the planet is in its sign of debilitation, combust or weak on any other account, the planet fails to bestow the good results in its main or sub periods. A planet in its own decanate bestows good results relating to its significations in a chart while the one in its own navamsa makes one lucky. A planet in its own Sapthamsa confers fame, wealth & happiness in life through progeny. (pg. 3) Tables in back give Vimshottari dasa sub-periods & sub-sub periods. Also in the back are tables for constructing the various divisional charts. An excellent book. Sagar, 162 pages.

INTERPRETING DIVISIONAL CHARTS: An innovative approach through the destinies of twins - N.N. Sharma, $17.00 Contents: Dedication Acknowledgment Preface Some thoughts, by Deepak Bisaria, editor Introduction Divisional charts Navamsha

Sookhshams 38 case studies

Comment: This is a study of twins, as shown by divisional charts, in particular the navamsha. In the Introduction it says, The purpose of divisional charts is to highlight the position of the planets as these are the power centers in the horoscope. Highlighting of a planet also pre-supposes discarding a certain useless portion of the chart. A navamsha chart actually represents only forty degree of the original zodiac of 360 degree of the birth chart. In scientific parlance, it can be said the navamsha chart is the nine times magnification and focus around the position of planets (which are the power centers) and the remaining 320 degree of unwanted load is to be discarded in interpretation of specific area. In most of the cases, it is observed the ascendant in a divisional chart has got changed while the planets stick to the same rashis in one set of twins. This small observation forms the basis for differentiating between the prarabdha of twins.... Ascendant is a reference point from where the planet's position and its karkatawas (significations) are demarcated. In other words, with the change of the ascendant, the role of different power centers (planets) get altered. (pg. 11-12)

On the back cover it says, A Bold Innovation. Not run of the mill. Not lukewarm. Not mild but revolutionary. . . Methinks the folks at Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan are pleased with themselves. The author is a member of the teaching faculty. Vani Publications, 192 pages. PREDICT COMPREHENSIVELY THROUGH DIVISIONAL CHARTS - V.P. Goel, $45.00 Contents: Foreword, by K.N. Rao About the book Preface, by V.P. Goel About the author Divisional charts: Vimshopak bala; Varga vimshopak bala; Longitudes in the divisional chart; General rules Birth chart D1: Significations of houses; Significations of signs; Classification of rashis; Signfication of planets; Rules for examination; Key planets Hora D2: Parashari or Cancer/Leo or Uma shambhu hora; General effect of hora placement (Mansagri); Labh mandook hora or kerala hora; Poova Parashari hora; Venketesha hora; Sun & moon hora; Vikram mandook hora; Cyclical hora Drekkana D3: Parshari drekkana; Nature of a person; Twenty-second drekkana; Examination; Genetic link; Sex of coborn; Garga drekkana; Varanasi drekkana; Somnath drekkana; Sexual inclinations; Cyclical of parivrittitraya drekkana; Tajik drekkana

Chaturthamsha D4: Parashari chaturthamsha; Dieties of chaturthamsha; Examination of D4; Cyclical chaturthamsha; Parashari & cyclical chaturthamsha; Settlement abroad Saptamsha D7: Parashara saptamsha; House significations of saptamsha; Examination of saptamsha; Sex of children; Beeja sphuta & kshetra sphuta Navamsha D9: Parashari navamsha; Pushkar navamsha; Navamsha in nadi astrology; Rashi tulya navamsha; 64th navamsha; Dieties of navamsha; Marriage: 1. Promise of marriage, 2. Early marriage, 3. Late marriage, 4. Multiple marriage, 5. Status of spouse, 6. Caring spouse, 7. Mutual attraction, 8. After marriage; Jaimini navamsha; Kalchakra navamsha Dashamsha D10: Parashari dashamsha; Houses; Ruling dieties of dashamsha; Examination; Lord of 10th house in D10; Mathematical or cyclical dashamsha Dwadashamsha D12: Parashari method; Application; House significations of dwadashamsha; Karakas; Ruling dieties of dwadashamsha; Examination; Cyclical dwadashamsha Shodashamsha D16: Parashari or cyclical method; Houses of shodashamsha; Rules for examination of shodashamsha; Lords of shodashamsha; Phaladeepika; Other methods of casting shodashamsha - third version Vimshamsha D20: Parashara method; Houses in vimshamsha; Ruling diety; Planets; Salvation; Examination of D20 Chaturvimshamsha D24: Parashari method; Ruling dieties; Examination; Signification of planets Trimshamsha D30: Parashari method; Dieties of Parashara trimshamsha; Cyclical or varanasi trimshamsha; Houses of trimshamsha; Examination of D30; Conclusion Khavedamsha D40: Parashari; Ruling dieties; Examinations; Cyclical khavedamsha Akshayvedamsha D45: Parashara; Ruling dieties; Examination; Cyclical or mathematical Shashtiamsha D60: Parashar method; Examination; Ruling diety; Other methods Panchamsha D5: Cyclical; Hadda; Houses; Examination; Diety to worship Shashtamsha D6: Cyclical; House signification; Examination Ashtamsha D8: Cyclical; Raman method; Houses; Examination Ekdashamsha D11: Cyclical; Second method; Third method; Houses; Examination Higher divisional charts: Ashta navamsha; Nav-navamsha; Navamsha-dwadashamsha; Sex of horoscope; Dwadashamsha-dwadashamsha (D144); Nadi amsha; Other amshas Linking of divisional charts: One individual; Charts of members of a family; Charts of different individuals: a. Husband and wife, b. Division of property in a family, c. Business relations, d. Guru - disciple

Comment: Here is V.P. Goel's Preface, entire:

Our Guruji Shri K.N. Rao asked me to write on divisional charts. This was about one year ago. This book is a result of his direction. I am grateful to him for considering me worthy enough for this task. Divisional charts are the pride of Hindu astrology. They reflect the depth of knowledge our ancients had. Each divisional chart is a magnified view of a specific area of human life. Our seers have advised us to read each divisional chart in-depth to understand the horoscope hollistically. This study of divisional charts is presented in twenty three chapters. These chapters deal with sixteen divisions or shodashvargas of parashar. The four non-parashar divisional charts are also explained along with higher divisional charts. An interesting chapter of inter linking of divisional charts is also included. The linking of different divisional charts of one individual and of different individuals are given in a simple yet effective way. This linking is useful to provide a complete picture of the horoscope. I am grateful to the faculty of Institute of Astrology, Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan, who taught me Hindu Astrology. I am grateful to the almighty GOD for directing me towards Astrology. My special thanks to Sh. Rajender Singh for giving shape to the book from my hand written notes. I will fee satisfied if readers are benefitted from this work. V.P. Goel

Books from the K.N. Rao school are always of exceptional merit. This is clearly one of the best books ever on divisional charts, with details I have never seen elsewhere. Society for Vedic Research and Practices (Vani Publications), 387 pages.

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