Divine Healing Believers Manual

May 11, 2017 | Author: Sylvia Rivers | Category: N/A
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Divine Healing - Jesus The Healer. JOM Foundation as a non denominational Christian foundation gives believers in Jesus...



…they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. Mark 16:18. (KJV)

Copyright © 2013 JOM Foundation

All Rights Reserved


Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotations in this volume are from the king James Version of the Bible.

JOM Foundation as a non denominational Christian foundation gives believers in Jesus Christ a platform to be equipped for a victorious life and to render service to God and humanity.

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Chapter 1 - Sickness is not from God


Origin of Sickness


Sickness is not from GOD


Chapter 2 - Healing is fully paid and provided for everyone


Legal part of divine healing


Vital part of divine healing


Chapter 3 - It is the believers’ responsibility


Understanding the Healer & How He Heals


How to Minister Healing the Bible Way


Lies About Divine Healing


Frequently Asked Questions on Divine Healing



is not



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Origin of Sickness & Disease Sin is the parent cause of sickness. Sin is a nature of the fallen man, who is separated from God. Sickness came as a result of this nature and the separation from God this gave the enemy the devil the right to inflict humanity with sicknesses and diseases. The enemy achieves his mission of stealing, killing and destroying people here on earth using his demons that perpetuates this wickedness against humanity. Sin and all of its associates including sickness became illegal after the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus by the stripes on His body, crucifixion, death and His resurrection from the dead.

Sickness is not from GOD If there’s one thing you have to settle in your spirit once and forever is that sickness or disease in any form doesn’t come from God and it is not His will (desire) for anyone to be sick, weak and afflicted. The devil is the one responsible for sickness and diseases, he uses his agents known as the demons to cause affliction and pains to humanity in the spiritual realm. What you see physically is the manifestation of the affliction of the devil from the spiritual realm. The medical science doesn’t see the spiritual source of the problem but can only see the results of the affliction when it shows up in the physical realm. Thou the medical science have a great limitation fighting the results of the affliction in the physical realm. This truth explains why there are a lot of problems, afflictions, sicknesses and diseases against humanity in the world today.


Healing is

fully paid

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Legal Part to Divine Healing The Lord Jesus had already paid for ALL Sickness & Diseases for the whole world by the stripes He took on His body; there’s no body that sickness or diseases have the right to occupy their bodies, spirit and mind. These promises below in God’s word forms the legal part of the divine healing for everyone here on earth, meaning that everyone here on earth has right to divine healing. Divine healing is in the atonement of Jesus Christ for man. Psalms 103:3: WHO forgiveth all thine iniquities; WHO healeth all thy diseases; Isaiah 53:5: .. “HE was wounded for our transgressions; HE was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon HIM; and with HIS stripes we are healed. Matthew 8:17 …“HIMSELF took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses 1 Peter 2:24: WHO HIS OWN SELF bare our sins in HIS own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.

Vital Part of Divine Healing The Holy Spirit in your recreated human spirit as a believer in Jesus is the one that HEALS i.e. brings into manifestation the healing that the lord Jesus already paid and provided for. The believer who already received the measure of faith at the point of salvation MUST stand in faith. The Holy Spirit responds to only your FAITH (i.e. you acting on God’s word that you have accepted as yours in your spirit). Every divine healing that ever took place happened by the Holy Spirit. The vital part is when the Holy Spirit enters into the body of the sick person and heals the person. He only does this where there’s faith in the name of Jesus.

Romans 8:11: But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.

The rule is that it is your faith that the Holy Spirit of God response to and effects healing in your own body and the body of the person you are ministering healing to. And if you the believer don’t go out in obedience to God’s word (faith), the Holy Spirit who heals the sick won’t do anything. He heals ONLY when we obey God’s word. We act on God’s word in the name of Jesus; The Holy Spirit confirms the word of God with signs.



the believer’s responsibility.

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Understanding the Healer & How He Heals The Holy Spirit in your recreated human spirit as a believer is the one that HEALS i.e. brings into manifestation the healing that the lord Jesus already paid and provided for. The believer who already received the measure of faith at the point of salvation MUST stand in faith. The Holy Spirit responds to only your faith and every divine healing that ever took place happened by the Holy Spirit when the believer acted on God’s word. How To Minister Healing the Bible Way Stir up your spirit always (spend time speaking in other tongues in private & read, confess and mediate the healing scriptures.) You don’t have to speak in tongues when you are ministering healing to the sick. Every believer is like a Police officer, equipped (by the Holy Spirit, the name of Jesus and the word of God) to arrest, and evicts the devil (the thief & killer) from afflicting humanity (people whom the Lord Jesus took stripes on His body for). There’s no formula for ministering healing, all you need to know is your authority in Jesus and command the devil to leave his captives and allow the life of the Holy Spirit in your spirit to flow to them. Step 1: Find out what the name of the sickness or generally command the spirit of infirmity to leave their bodies now! In the name of Jesus. (The command MUST come out from your spirit not your head). Step 2: Lay hand (.i.e. make a contact with the person to allow the Holy Spirit who is the Healer to effect healing power in the sick person) and declare the sick person’s body Healed and proclaim the blessings of God upon their lives. Step 3: Check out for changes in their body, and if there’s any, thank Jesus immediately for it and if there’s none and you are convinced to pray again, just do it immediately. Jesus prayed for the blind man twice. The most important thing is for the healing power of God to get into them. Please be sensitive to what the Holy Spirit is do ing, trust and follow him. (He has been healing the sick since the time of Jesus here on earth, more than 2,000 years)

Caution: Never tell any sick person on medication to quit their medication; that’s not your job. It is the person’s doctor that has this responsibility. The medication can’t stop the healing power of God and once the healing takes place, the person’s body will react to the medication. Always refer them to their doctors when asked. Your job is to get the healing power of God into them in the name of Jesus.



the believer’s responsibility.

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Lies about Divine Healing • • • • • • • • •

You have to fast for days or beg God to heal you. Am faithful in the church so God will heal me It is God that put the sickness on me to teach me a lesson Paul’s thorn in the flesh Healing has stopped when the last Apostle died You must get everything right before you can be healed It is a generational curse Is the seed they sowed that they are reaping Job’s affliction is from God to teach him a lesson.

Frequently Asked Questions on Divine Healing Does the sick person need to have faith before they can be healed NO, because the sick person is not receiving directly from God by themselves; it is the believer that is laying hands on the sick who has faith (this faith was given to the believer by God at the point of salvation. Romans 12:3) that matters. Whatever the believer believes while ministering is what will happen. Laying on of hands is a method for unbelievers to receive healing because they don’t have the indwelling Holy Spirit in their spirits until they accept Jesus as their lord & savior. Is every sickness from the devil Yes. Anything that has come to steal, kill and destroy is a devil. Always access what’s happening to you or the person you are ministering healing to from this perspective. You won’t lose. Anything that is not from God (good) is of the devil (bad) there’s no neutral ground. What if the sick person is a believer and spirit filled, what do I do Minister healing to the person and also let the person know that he or she must live by the faith they already have in their spirit by feeding on God’s word and its application in their lives. (Read, confess and mediate on God’s word covering their healing). If I lay hands on the sick, what should I expect Laying hands is not necessary on the fore head; it simply means to make a contact. When praying for sick, you are acting on the word of God you believe. You should expect them healed and recovered just as the Lord Jesus said.



the believer’s responsibility.

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How should I pray for the sick Where possible find out the name of the sickness, and the symptoms. If the name isn’t known, command the spirit of infirmity to leave them NOW! In the name of Jesus. Declare the body HEALED and transfer the healing virtues either by laying your hands (make a contact with the person) or by spoken words, like BE HEALED from head to toe. Please pay close attention to what the Holy Spirit is doing as you lay your hands on the person. After the Sick is Healed, how can they stay healed Introduce the person to the lord Jesus as his or her personal savior. Tell them that is the only way for them to keep their healing as God will give them the measure of faith which they will use to defeat the devil if He tries to put the sickness back on their body. Lead them to Christ by having them pray this short prayer and accept it in their hearts “Lord Jesus, I believe that you died for my sins and that God raised you from the dead for my justication, I confess you as my Lord and personal savior from today. Help me to live for you. Amen” Tell the person to read the bible from Gospel of John and also join a bible believing local Assembly where divine healing by faith is believed, taught and practiced” please follow this person up and provide scriptures ( Matthew 8:17, Isaiah 53:5, 1 Peter 2:24, Romans 8:11, 1 John 4:4, 1 John 5:4-5, John 1:12-13, John 5:26, John 10:10, 2 Corinthians 5:17) that they can use to fight the good fight of faith (this is a MUST because the devil must come back to question the healing the received.), if they are not holding firmly on to God’s word, they will likely give away their healing by confessing sickness and this gives the devil a room to come back.

Must everyone I prayed for get healed Yes. As long as you ministered healing to them and the healing power entered them, and you declared them healed, they are healed. You should expect an instant manifestation once the healing power got into them. Above all, you must trust the Holy Spirit because He never fails. Jesus said if you lay hands on the sick, they SHALL recover, if He said it, then it is settled, the words of Jesus don’t fail. Mark 16:18. Can what is on them, jump into me No. The Holy Spirit in you is greater than the devils in this world be conscious of the greater one in you. Go with the police officer mentality. You are there to arrest the thief (the devil), and serve him his sentence and the Holy Spirit does the major part of the job. Go in love. Love never fails; it was love that made Jesus to take the stripes on His body for everyone and always commands every strange feeling to go out in Jesus name. Remember flies don’t peach on a hot stove. Am I qualified to minister healing Yes. Every believer in Jesus whom the Holy Spirit indwells their spirits, can minister healing to any sick person in the name of Jesus. The Holy Spirit is the person that heals but you the believer must act in line with God’s word for the healing to happen. You the believer must settle it in your spirit that it is the will of God (Jesus took the stripes on His body for everyone’s healing) and you command the sickness to leave in the name of Jesus. They have no option than to leave.

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