
December 18, 2016 | Author: OliverPeltier | Category: N/A
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An introduction to divination from a Wiccan perspective....



Astrology Introduction to Astrology

Astrology is the most common and popular method of divination, it is also, arguably the most complex. It cuts through virtually all religious barriers, and has pervaded our entire culture. How many of you have ever read your horoscope in a newspaper or magazine? Almost everyone knows his or her astrological sign; however few can tell you anything deeper about the subject. Anyone who turns their attention to a deeper study of the subject of astrology will gain a great deal of knowledge about not only themselves, but also the individuals around them A Brief History One may define Astrology as divination by the stars; however, it is in reality the study of planetary cycles and how these cycles affect all aspects of our lives. The Earth, as well as the other 8 planets in our solar system moves in individual cyclic patterns around our Sun. In much the same way, our Moon revolves around the Earth, creating a delicate and highly complex grand design, also known as the macrocosm. It is believed that the world above mirrors the world below, hence the ancient maxim “as above, so below.” The planets do not dictate our thoughts, words, and deeds, they merely reflect them. Astrology is believed to have originated in ancient Egypt and Babylon, however, some of mankind’s greatest thinkers from all over the world believed in this universal concept and undertook a detailed study of planetary patterns and how they affect the many aspects of our lives, in order to obtain enlightenment. Most of our knowledge of modern Astrology is based on information that came to use by way of the Greeks. The Greeks, who had developed advanced forms of mathematics, expanded on the information that had come from the Egyptian Astrologers. Even today, we still refer to the planets by their Roman name, simply because the Roman Empire absorbed so much of Greek culture when it invaded Greece, as it built is infamous empire. The Zodiac While today we know that the Earth revolves around the Sun. This was not always thought to be true. Man once believed that the Earth was the center of the universe and the Sun revolved around it; in fact, even suggesting the reverse was once a crime punishable by death! During the twelve months it takes for the Earth to rotate around the Sun, the Earth is bathed in light at angles, which constantly change---producing the four seasons. As stated earlier, the Earth rotates around the Sun, but from the viewpoint of those on Earth, the Sun appears to move across the sky.

As it does so, it moves through the Zodiac, an invisible 360 degree circle divided into 12 sections of 30 degrees each. Each 30 degree section of the Zodiac is thought to be under the influence of one of the 12 Signs and Houses that comprise the Zodiac. Houses vs. Signs The houses and signs occupy the same space within the zodiac. However, where the houses are stationary, the signs are constantly moving. To better illustrate this idea, imagine two concentric circles, one inside the other. Each circle is divided into 12 equal sections. The outer circle represents the Signs of Astrology, and the inner circle represents the Houses of Astrology. The first house is located at about the same place as the number 8 on the face of a clock, and it naturally lines up with Aries, the second House is located at the number &, and lines up with Taurus, and forth through the Zodiac. The Houses and the Signs also share the same correspondences. It is interesting to not that each sign is bases on a constellation additionally, each constellation has its own myth, or set of myths attached to it. The Search for Meaning in the Zodiac Each of the twelve Signs and Houses of the Zodiac have specific correspondence, they are. 1. Aries- Outer image, ego, identity. 2. Taurus- Money, material matters, and personal possessions. 3. Gemini- Communication, siblings, short journeys. 4. Cancer- Early childhood, family, home and security. 5. Leo- Love, children, creativity, romance, hobbies. 6. Virgo- Daily routine, health, pets, and service to others. 7. Libra- Marriage, agreements, partnerships. 8. Scorpio- Death, inheritance, taxes, the occult. 9. Sagittarius: Travel, long journeys, philosophy, and education. 10. Capricorn- Career, ambition, profession. 11. Aquarius- Goals, friends, hopes, clubs, and organizations. 12. Pisces- Karma, sacrifices, solitude, or lesson you must learn. The 12 signs are classified in three distinct ways. Once classification, known as the Elements, divides the twelve signs into four groups: Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. • • • •

Fire signifies energy, aggressiveness, enthusiasm, and impulsiveness. Earth signifies practicality, conservatism, stability, and materialism Air signifies intellect, reason, and communication. Water signifies emotion, imagination, sensitivity, and spirituality.

The second classification is known as Qualities, which divides the twelve signs into three groups: Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable. Qualities denote the signs interaction with the outside world. • • •

Cardinal Signs are outgoing, creative, and enterprising. Fixed Signs are resistant to change and are perfectionists. Mutable Signs are flexible and adaptable to change.

A third classification divides the signs into two groups named as male and female. Male signs are direct, outgoing and energetic, while Female signs are receptive, introspective and magnetic. Classification of the Signs of the Zodiac


































































In this way, no two signs are completely the same. For example, there are three Earth Signs; however, no other Earth Sign are both mutable AND female at the same time. Additionally, the astrological signs are said to be “ruled” by one of the planets. A ruler is a planet which serves as the major influence of a sign of the zodiac. Like the

signs, the planets carry their own distinct energy and correspondences. Traditionally they are as follows: 1. Sun- The ego, outer persona, identity, one’s logic. 2. Moon- The inner self, emotions, secrets, and intuition. 3. Mercury- Communication, intellect, skills. 4. Venus- Love, pleasure, beauty, the arts, women. 5. Mars- Passion, energy, challenges, stamina, men. 6. Jupiter- Good luck, expansion, success, happiness. 7. Saturn- Reality, blockages, responsibility, obstacles. 8. Uranus- Originality, progress, individuality. 9. Neptune- Dreams, illusions, inspiration, and psychic-ism. 10. Pluto- Rebirth, transformation, renewal, karma.

Archetypes of the Zodiac When one refers to his or her astrological sign, he or she is referring to which sign of the Zodiac the Sun was occupying at his or her exact moment of birth. The exact date at which the Sun makes its transition from one sign to another varies, but generally speaking, this occurs about once every thirty days. The sign of a person born on the day that the sun moves into the next sign is determined by the time that they were born. Two people may be born on the same day, and while one person may be considered one sign, the other person can, in fact, be considered another one. This transitory period is referred to as the cusp of that sign. Astrology espouses the idea that humankind is both simple and yet complex. Simple in the basic traits a human child will display at birth, and yet complex in the specific personality and behavioral patterns that an individual will ultimately assume. Both positive and negative personality traits are found in each generation and thus in each individual. Some of the personality traits attributed to the astrological signs are as follows: 1. Aries- Fiery, assertive, and direct. 2. Taurus- Productive for the purpose of gaining security, stable and stubborn. 3. Gemini- Adaptable, conversational, fragile, and restless. 4. Cancer- Nurturing and emotionally sensitive. 5. Leo- Self-Confident, proud, dramatic, territorial. 6. Virgo- Analytical, critical, meticulous and a perfectionist. 7. Libra- Harmonious, balanced, artistic, and appeasing. 8. Scorpio- Intense, magnetic, and penetrating perception. 9. Sagittarius- Inspiring, broad vision, an adventurer and tactless. 10. Capricorn- Disciplined, responsible, cold, rigid, practical, and materialistic. 11. Aquarius- Unconventional, innovative, aloof, naïve and a humanitarian. 12. Pisces- Intuitive, compassionate, gullible, and escapist. Take a moment to go back and read the correspondences for each sign as well as the correspondences for their planetary ruler. Notice how the same or similar key words are used for a planet as well as the sign that it rules? For example, the Moon, planet of

emotions rules Cancer which is known for being nurturing and emotionally sensitive. Also, notice how a planet rules more than one sign, but the planetary energy affects the sign in different ways. For example, Mercury the planet of communication, intellect and skills rules both Gemini and Virgo. Mercury gives Gemini an adaptability, while encourages Virgo’s perfectionism. The characteristics attributed to a specific astrological sign do not describe the whole of an individual. To completely understand the personality as a whole, the astrologer must take into account the aspects of a person’s horoscope. A horoscope is simply a pictorial map of the heavens at a specific moment in time, usually the moment of a person’s birth. To draw a horoscope, an astrologer needs three pieces of information, they are:

1. Date of birth. 2. The time at which the individual was born. 3. The place in which the individual was born. With this information, an astrologer can draw a person’s horoscope and from it tell a great deal about the person’s character, among other things. It is also these three pieces of information that you will need in order to obtain your own natal, or birth, chart.

Interpreting Your Natal Chart This workshop is designed to assist the student in learning a basic method of recognizing various elements in a Natal Chart, as well as how to process this information and present it in an understandable manner. The astrology that we will use in this workshop is what has been called "Simplified Astrology" What this means is that we will only concern ourselves with certain elements within a chart for the purpose of obtaining an accurate profile of the subject in question. These elements are: Hemispheres Quadrants Elements Qualities The Ascendant Planets in the Signs Planets in the Houses The Aspects Nodes of the Moon

This workshop is not written in "cookbook" form, that is, the meaning of certain of these elements will be given to you while others will not. In these cases, the student will be given tools which will help him in discovering what these elements mean in his natal chart. Finally, we will discuss the process of Astrological Synthesis. This means that when you have discovered the meaning of all the various elements in your chart, you will be given a proven method of organizing this information and presenting it in a logical and orderly manner.

The Hemispheres

As we have seen, an astrological chart is comprised of a 360 degree circle divided into 12 equal sections with each section containing 30 degrees. These 12 sections represent the span of both 12 Signs and 12 Houses. The Astrological Wheel can be divided in other ways as well. One manner of division is called the Four Hemispheres, named after the four directions, North, South, East, and West. The shaded areas below indicate the portion of the hemisphere indicated.

Eastern Hemisphere- This half represents a person..s impact on the world. Those who have a majority of planets in this hemisphere mold their own circumstances. They are the movers and shakers of the world, who not only actively promote change, but also achieve it. They often imprint their environment with their own personalities. Western Hemisphere- This half represents the impact the world has on a person. The keyword for those who have a majority of planets in this hemisphere is molded by

circumstances. These people are influenced by their surroundings and by the people in their lives, for them each experience becomes a part of their personality.

Southern Hemisphere- The keyword for this half of the hemisphere outer aimed. Those with a majority of planets in this hemisphere tend to be oriented towards career or professional life. They are usually involved with the community, or world, at large; the approval of the public gives them satisfaction. Northern Hemisphere- The keyword for this half of the horoscope is inner aimed. People with a majority of planets in this hemisphere are primarily interested in personal pursuits and pleasures, inner goals and satisfactions. This does not mean that they do not achieve in life, but that their primary motivation for achievement is to satisfy themselves. Exercise One Determine in what hemispheres you are both strong and weak, then answer the questions below. 1. In which of these hemispheres do you have the majority of planets? a. Eastern b. Western. 2. In your own words, what do you think that says about you? 3. In which of these hemispheres do you have a majority of planets? a. Southern b. Northern 4. In your own words, what do you think that this says about you? The Quadrants

As we have seen, the astrological wheel can be divided into halves, in like fashion it can also be further divided into quarters, or Quadrants. There are four Quadrants in all, they are:

First Quadrant- This quadrant covers the 1st, 2nd, & 3rd houses. People with a majority of planets in this sector are highly individual, and have strong personalities. They are self-assertive and self- motivated. In their early lives they will usually develop the character that will make a mark on the world later in their lives. Second Quadrant- This quadrant covers the 4th, 5th, & 6th houses. People with a majority of planets in this sector are relationship oriented. They need companionship in their lives to feel satisfaction and harmony. In their early lives they usually develop an instinct for dealing successfully with other people, and their associates are likely to bring success in life. Third Quadrant- This quadrant covers the 7th, 8th, & 9th houses. People with a majority of planets in this sector are outer directed and ambitious, but need cooperation of others in order to achieve their goals. They are adaptable to a wide variety of situations and people. In their early lives they usually develop an instinct for cooperation and diplomacy. Fourth Quadrant- This quadrant covers the 7th, 8th, and 9th houses. People with a majority of planets in this quadrant are the most independent and ambitious of all. They make their own way in life, and gain through their own efforts rather than those of others. In their early life, they usually learn to depend on themselves, which is likely to bring them success in life.

Exercise Two Just as you looked at your chart to determine in what hemispheres you are strong, you will now determine in what quadrant you are strong, and write what you think this says about you in your own words.

The Elements The number of planets in Fire Signs, Earth Signs, Air Signs, and Water Signs determines how the elements affect a person..s temperament. The elements that have the greatest and the least number of planets determine a person..s temperament. The element(s) with the greatest number of planets are referred to as the ..haves,.. and the ones with the least are referred to as the ..have nots... The 12 signs are divided into the four elements in the following manner: Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn Air Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces Those with an abundance of fire are energetic, active, enthusiastic, and passionate. They will tend to have a greater need to express themselves than others. They are impulsive, outgoing, extroverted, and have great initiative. Those lacking in this element are likely to have difficulty putting ideas into action. He or she does not tend to promote their self aggressively, and may wait to be motivated by outward circumstances and others people. Those with an abundance of earth are practical, stable, and place a great amount of importance on security. They are usually patient, industrious, strong willed, and able to apply their selves towards long range goals. Those lacking in this element are likely to be impractical and may have trouble holding onto money. He or she lacks the ability to work hard and tend to grow impatient if the results are too long in coming. Those with an abundance of air are communicative, intelligent, and like to deal on the mental plane. They grasp ideas quickly and can speak and write effectively. They will often take a rational viewpoint. Those lacking in this element are likely to have difficulty in expressing themselves correctly. There may be misunderstandings or crossed wires in communicating. He or she is probably not too interested in abstract ideas or intellectual pursuits. Those with an abundance of water are emotional, intuitive, and sensitive to their surroundings and to other people. They are often creative, artistic, and have good powers of imagination. They may be empathic and be perceived as a person of depth. Those lacking this element are not likely to have a lot of sensitivity to other people or their feelings. He or she may be self-oriented or selfish. Also there is often difficulty expressing their emotions and the subject may keep their feelings bottled up. Exercise Three Look at your chart now and determine how many planets are in Fire, Earth, Air and Water Signs, then answer the questions below. 1. In what element(s) are you strong and what do you think that says about you?

2. In what element(s) are you weak and what do you think that says about you? 3. If there is no clear indication numerically, how do you feel the way in which the elements are divided in your chart affects your own temperament?

The Qualities Like the elements, the qualities that have the greatest and least number of planets also determine a person's temperament. The twelve signs are divided into the three qualities in the following manner. Cardinal Signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn Fixed Signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius Mutable Signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces Those with an abundance of the Cardinal Quality are open to change, and place a great deal of emphasis on actions over words, or thoughts. They try to change their environment and often project their self onto their surroundings. They can be restless, impatient, and domineering. If they lack this quality, they may lack initiative. Those with an abundance of the Fixed Quality are likely to be resistant to change, and are often single minded in their pursuits. They are not easily swayed once they make up their mind on an issue or subject. They often attempt to mold their environment with their will. They can be stubborn, rigid, tyrannical, or afraid of change in life. If they are lacking in this quality, they may have little endurance or stability. Those with an abundance of the Mutable Quality are likely to be changeable and flexible. They are often mentally expansive, and place a great deal of emphasis on intellectual activity. They are adaptable to many types of people and environments. They can be ..wishy washy,.. unreliable, or unable to accept responsibility. If a chart has too little of this quality, the subject if likely to lack adaptability. Exercise Four Look at your chart now and determine how many planets are in Fire, Earth, Air and Water Signs, then answer the questions below. 1. In what Quality(s) are you strong and what do you think that says about you? 2. In what Quality(s) are you weak and what do you think that says about you? 3. If there is no clear indication numerically, how do you feel the way in which your qualities are divided in your chart affects your own temperament?

The Ascendant The Ascendant, or Rising Sign, is the astrological sign that was coming up over the Eastern Horizon at the time of your birth. The Ascendant always marks the beginning of the first house, and it characterizes your outward approach to life. Below is an abbreviated meaning of each of the twelve ascendants. Aries- You are determined, practical, industrious, usually frank and plain spoken, eloquent, progressive, energetic, and a natural trail-blazer. You are inclined to be irritable and impatient. You regard your opinions and judgment to be good, if not better, than others. Taurus- You are ambitious, determined, cautious, persevering, firm, magnetic, patient, brave, affectionate, courteous, and honest. At times, you are inclined to be peculiar, stubborn, solid, and emotional. Once you mind is made up you are hard to win over to some other idea or way of thinking. You are cheerful and optimistic, and do not become discouraged if your hopes and plans fail to develop as rapidly as desired. Gemini- You are changeable in opinion, alert, careful, intuitive, talented, magnetic, sensitive, active, restless, and of a nervous temperament. You have a constructive mind capable of entertaining big ideas. You are too readily influenced through your sympathies and have a roving nature. You are quick tempered but easily pacified. You have a deep understanding, keen judgment, and foresight. Cancer- You are extremely sensitive, adventurous, friendly, romantic, sensitive, and often irritable. You are a very positive person and usually move in a world of your own. You never like anyone to know your intimate affairs, but you are interested in the welfare of others. You usually attract many friends and are very popular. Leo- You are proud, ambitious, masterful, good natured, enthusiastic, generous, fearless, and determined. You have a strong temper, and are quick to anger, but get over it quickly, are inclined to go to extremes in emotions and sympathies. You are very impulsive and restless and sometimes like to follow the lines of least resistance. Nonetheless, you have a versatile nature and will accomplish what you set out to do, whether it is right or wrong. Virgo- You are very efficient, progressive, shrewd, and methodical in habits, energetic, refined, and intellectual. You are very discriminating in nature, have an analytical mind and possess a nervous, restless, temperament. You are endowed with more artistic and constructive ability than the average person. You have a faculty for handling detail. At times you are inclined to be shy and undemonstrative. Libra- You are extremely well balanced, have keen perceptive and intuitive powers, are timid, loving, self-willed, slightly selfish, honorable, and idealistic. You are sincere, and have implicit faith in others until they prove themselves unworthy. You have a kind, forgiving, affectionate, sympathetic nature and are inclined to be rather hasty of temper and too generous for your own good.

Scorpio- You have a great executive ability, are generous, sympathetic, determined, magnetic, progressive, and commanding. You are loyal to your friends, but at times are somewhat sarcastic, critical, and harbor an imaginary wrong. You are quick witted, possess great self control, and are endowed with clairvoyant and occult powers.

Sagittarius- You are possessed of a very positive nature, frank, plain-spoken, honest, intelligent, progressive, industrious, magnetic, and forceful. You are a lover of freedom, are of a naturally happy disposition, generous almost to a fault, and a person of discernment and good judgment. However, you are inclined to be stubborn and argumentative. You are also somewhat impatient of others who are not as active and energetic as yourself. Capricorn- This denotes that you are very talented, industrious, courageous, deliberate, truthful, and forceful. But you also have a quick temper, not always under control. You are at times painfully frank and give to fault finding. Often, you say things which you later regret. Aquarius- You are eclectic, magnetic, impressionistic, studious, affectionate, and intuitive. You have strong powers of concentration and usually attract attention in whatever circle of society you choose to move. You have deep feelings, a great love of beauty, art, music, and nature. You have a keen appreciation of the mystical or occult sciences. Pisces- This shows that you have a dual personality and, at times, appear to be two different people. You usually have to fight against a tendency to become pessimistic. You are a good conversationalist, are sympathetic and original, possess much foresight and keen judgment. You are thoughtful, truthful, kind-hearted and loyal to your friends.

Exercise Five Look at your Natal Chart and determine your Ascendant by recognizing the astrological sign that lines up with your first house. Read the description for the signascendant above and write this in your own words. However, in reading this description, keep in mind that this is not a delineation of you. You are a blend, and your ascendant is only a part of your personality. Only by self-examination can you discern which parts of you are your various elements as presented in the map of your astrological chart. Planets in the Signs In every Natal Chart, there are ten planets and they are spread out over twelve signs. This means that there will always be at least two signs that are not occupied by planets. An empty sign or house, is NOT an indication that one will not achieve in that area of life, but rather there will not be a great pull or emphasis in one..s life in

that area. In addition, there are also other elements of one..s chart that may indicate some potential in that area of life. Any sign (or house) that has a grouping of three or more planets in it, called a stelium, is an indication of the area of life which the subject will feel the greatest pull in life. The relationship between the planets and the signs can be determined by use of the following formula:

(Planet) expresses its urge of (urge of planet) in the area of (ruler ship of sign) The urges of the planets are as follows: 1. Sun- Self 2. Moon- Emotions 3. Mercury- Communication 4. Venus- Affection 5. Mars- Action 6. Jupiter- Expansion 7. Saturn- Discipline 8. Uranus- Freedom 9. Neptune- Perception 10. Pluto- Change The ruler-ships of the signs are as follows: Aries- Self Identity, and ago. Taurus- Money and material matters. Gemini- Communication, siblings, short journeys. Cancer- Home, family, early childhood. Leo- Love, children, and creativity. Virgo- Health, work, and pets. Libra- Marriage, agreements, partnerships. Scorpio- Birth, death, sex, and regeneration. Sagittarius- Personal growth, exploration, and long journeys. Capricorn- Career, ambition, profession. Aquarius- Friends and associations. Pisces- Secrets, sorrows, and self-undoing.

Exercise Six Look at your chart and determine what astrological sign each of your planets occupies and use the formula given to write in your own words what you think this placement means in your chart. This will require some thought on the part of the student. Planets in the Houses In every Natal Chart, there are ten planets and they are spread out over twelve houses.

This means that there will always be at least two houses that are not occupied by planets. An empty sign or house, is NOT an indication that one will not achieve in that area of life, but rather there will not be a great pull or emphasis in one..s life in that area. In addition, there are also other elements of one..s chart that may indicate some potential in that area of life. Any sign (or house) that has a grouping of three or more planets in it, called a stelium, is an indication of the area of life which the subject will feel the greatest pull in life. The relationship between the planets and the signs can be determined by use of the following formula: (Planet) expresses its urge of (urge of planet) in the area of (keyword of house) The urges of the planets were covered in the previous section, Planets in the Signs. To apply the formula, refer to that section. The keywords for each house are as follows: First House- Self Identity, and ago. Second House- Money and material matters. Third House- Communication, siblings, short journeys. Fourth House- Home, family, early childhood. Fifth House- Love, children, and creativity. Sixth House- Health, work, and pets. Seventh House- Marriage, agreements, partnerships. Eighth House-Birth, death, sex, and regeneration. Ninth House- Personal growth, exploration, and long journeys. Tenth House- Career, ambition, profession. Eleventh House- Friends and associations. Twelfth House- Secrets, sorrows, and self-undoing.

Exercise Seven Look at your chart and determine what astrological house each of your planets occupies and use the formula given to write in your own words what you think this placement means in your chart. This will require some thought on the part of the student. The Aspects The Aspects in a chart refers to the distance between the planets by degrees, which indicates areas of harmony, challenge, strain, ease, and/or power. The relationship between the planets may be interpreted by use of the following formula: (Keyword of Planet #1) (Keyword of aspect) (Keyword of Planet #2) in the area of (Keyword of Planet #2's House) • A conjunction occurs when two planets are in the same sign, the keyword for a conjunction is "enhances". • A sextile occurs when two planets are two signs apart, the keyword for a sextile is "supports."

• • •

A square occurs when two planets are three signs apart, the keyword for a square is "strains." A trine occurs when two planets are four signs apart, the keyword for a trine is "favors." An opposition occurs when two planets are 6 signs apart, the keyword for an opposition is "confronts."

Exercise Eight Determine the aspects between each of the planets to all of the other planets by counting the number of signs between them and then use the formula given to determine what these aspects mean in your chart and write this in your own words. This will require some thought on the part of the student. The Nodes of the Moon The Nodes of the Moon refer to two points in space where the orbit of the moon around the earth intersects with the orbit of the Earth around the Sun. To better illustrate this idea, refer to the diagram below. The North Node, also called the Dragon's Head, is the Northern most place where the ecliptics intersect and it is said to represent where (house) and how (sign) you seek to find your soul's purpose. The South Node, also called the Dragon's Tail, is the Southern most place where the ecliptics intersect and it is said to represent the skills and talents that you brought into this life. The North Node and the South Node are always separated by 180 degrees, meaning that they are always across from one another in the natal chart. Exercise Nine Look at your chart now and determine in what Sign and House your North Node is, and then look at what house and sign is directly across from it to determine the house and sign of the South Node. Think about what you have learned about the sign and house in which mark these positions and answer the questions below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

In what sign is your North Node? What does this say about how you seek to find your mission in life? In what house is your North Node? What does this say about where you seek to find your mission in life? In what sign and house is your South Node, and what does it say about the talents and skills that you brought into this life?

Astrological Synthesis Astrological Synthesis refers to the art of taking all the various pieces of information from your natal chart and writing what you have learned in an orderly manner. To begin this process, review all of the notes you have written down. As you do, you will

notice that information forms a pattern. Some information may not seem accurate, and you will not use every piece of information in your interpretation. For example, you may have three elements which indicate that you are outgoing, and one element that says that you are shy and introverted. Depending on what that element is exactly (a planetary placement, an aspect, etc.) you will either disregard that one element, or you may determine that in certain situations you are outgoing, while in others you are shy. However, you will not simply disregard an element of your chart just because you don't like what it says about yourself, remember the motto "to thine own self be true." Once you have weeded out those elements that don't fit the pattern, then you will divide the remaining information into those areas of life that each speaks of, for example, self-identity, love, home and family, etc.. Devote one paragraph to each of these areas and write in your own words what these elements say about you when combined. Exercise Ten Using the process of astrological synthesis, generate a personality profile based on your interpretations of the various elements in your Natal Chart.

Link: Free Printable Astrological Charts

On Dreams & Dreaming

The Science Behind Dreams

Dreams are a fascinating areas of study and many have been made about them due to the fact that we all have them, whether we remember them or not. With so many studies being made about the same subject, there are bound to be contradictions and inconsistencies. However, for the moment, we will turn our attention to the matters upon which most scientists and researchers can agree. The act of sleeping consists of several stages that repeat, or cycle, throughout the night. Types of brain waves determine the stages of sleep. The sleep cycle begins with four stages of Slow-Wave Sleep (SWS). The first state of SWS is the transitory stage between wakefulness and sleep, and it is characterized by ALPHA brain waves. At the second stage of SWS, the brain waves begin to peak higher and higher, into THETA. A third stage of SWS brings one to DELTA, or deep sleep. Finally, the fourth stage of SWS has the brain altering between DELTA and THETA, with the majority of brain waves being DELTA. At this point, the four stages of SWS quickly reverse, and are followed by the first REM (Rapid Eye Movement) period. Lucid dreams occur in this 5th stage of sleep, also known as the REM stage. It is interesting to note that during the 5th stage of sleep, the brain exhibits BETA brain waves, the same as are present during the normal everyday consciousness. Also some scientist and researchers add a 6 th stage, that of waking up in the morning. On average, a person will go through stages one through five about 4 to 5 times during a normal eight hour sleep period. Stages 3 and 4 of the sleep cycle decrease the longer that one sleeps while at the same time, the length of REM sleep increases, and can last up to one hour, but only after the sleep cycle has repeated a few times. So the longer one sleeps, the more one dreams, and for longer periods of time. Dreams can be categorized into three types. Dreams in which your subconscious mind is analyzing the problems of the day or a particular issue that you are presently dealing with in the waking world. These dreams can be about things that we are ignoring, things that we fear, an event that happened to us during that day that we would have like to have handled differently. Dreams in which you are actually astral projecting into either this realm or the astral planes. These dreams normally, but don’t always take the form of flying or floating. These dreams can be quite enjoyable, and they often help reduce

stress and allow one to relax and enjoy oneself. Nonetheless, they sometimes occur for another purpose, relating to your spiritual work. Dreams which are psychic episodes of events that have not yet to come to pass, or things which have occurred in the past, but which are having or will have a direct influence on the present, and therefore the future. Prophetic dreams, like all other forms of divination, are not written in stone and do not automatically have to come to pass. As in all cases, you are in control of your own life. Prophetic dreams are regarded as an early glimpse of one of many possible futures, however, what you do with the information is completely up to you. All dreams have a function and therefore all dreams are important, regardless of what category they fall into. Often, the biggest obstacle to learning to control and use your dreams is actually remembering your dreams in the first place. However, with patience and training it can be done. To begin, choose a day which has followed your normal routine, and not a day that has been overly stressful. Before retiring for the night, put a pad and pencil near the bed. While lying in bed, in the most comfortable position for you, begin to relax by breathing deeply. Review you day in reverse, from what you did most recently to what you did at the start of the day. This process will help you develop that ability to focus backwards in time. As you come closer to falling asleep, repeat to yourself that when you awake in the morning that you will remember your dreams. When you wake up in the morning, stay relaxed and keep your eyes closed. Tell yourself that you want to remember your dreams from the previous night, and allow yourself to recall your dreams. It may actually take your anywhere from one week to one month of practice before you being to remember your dreams. Once you start to remember your dreams, start writing them down, so that you can begin to analyze them.

The Magick of Dreams The subject of dreams has a long history of speculation in many cultures. They have been both a topic of philosophical and scientific conjecture as well as a source for inspiration. Dreams have been thought to be the body’s response to outside stimuli such as stress; or alternately as reflections of our innermost thoughts and desires; and finally as messages from God or glimpses into the future. Mankind has always sought the hidden meaning in his dreams, and many ideas have been suggested as to how to unlock the secret language of dreams Many cultures have beliefs and practices concerning dreams, what they are, how they are interpreted, and what they mean. Among the Hebrews, dreams are believed to be a connection to God; and dreams were incubated in order to receive guidance from God. In the Talmud, as well as the Holy Bible, God is described as visiting many historical figures in their dreams such as King Solomon, Jacob, Nebuchadnezzar to name a few.

They have a basic belief concerning dreams interpretation, that is, dreams are only subject to fulfillment according to the interpretation that is given to them. What this means is that should you have a bad dream, you can interpret it in a positive manner and in doing no ill effects of that dream will occur. The traditional ceremony for ‘making a bad dream good,” is called Hatovat Chalom. Through this rite disturbing dreams can be transformed to give a positive interpretation by a rabbi or a rabbinic court. The Babylonians, a civilization which lasted from circa 1800 to 600 BC, believed that their world was made up of invisible powers, called spirits, which represented forces of both good and evil. Their beliefs and observations regarding dreams were therefore deeply colored by their world view. The desire for living a balanced, peaceful life, in harmony with God, nature and the spirits led the Babylonians to develop many techniques concerning the foretelling of the future, magick, and understanding the will of god. The study and interpretation of dreams represented one path to that understanding. The Babylonians kept note of strange occurrences and odd dreams, and carefully examined events that occurred shortly after these episodes. For example, if a man dreamed of meeting a stranger on the road and shortly after a loved one died; then the next time someone dreamed of meeting a stranger on the road, then surely one of his loved ones would die as well. Dream books which were written before the emergence of modern psychology, bear a remarkable resemblance to the notes and books regarding dreams written thousands of years ago by the ancient Babylonians. Most definitions are still written in the same style - that the dream will bring good or bad luck regarding money, romance or health. It has been put forth that these dream books were derived from the ancient Babylonian dream books, which were themselves a collection of observations, conjecture, and beliefs concerning dreams. These dream dictionaries were studied by King Assurbanipal who had them copied and took them to Nineveh. Later, the scholar Artemidorus consulted these copies for his own education. In fact, the part of the Jewish Talmud that was written during the Babylonian captivity contains dream interpretation and ways of dealing with dreams are believed to have been inspired by Babylonian beliefs and practices. The Egyptians divided dreams into three categories. Those that happened as a result of ritual. Dreams that contained warnings. Dreams where the Gods were demanding some type of action. They believed that the Gods revealed themselves in one’s dreams. People often slept in temples to receive guidance from their gods, and Priest would be available the following morning to assist the individual in interpreting their dreams. More than any other group on Earth, the aborigines have the longest cultural history dating back an estimated 65,000 years. The Dreamtime, associated with the

Aborigines, is that part of aboriginal culture which explains the origins and culture of the land and its people. It represents both their religion and their culture. The Dreamtime consists of several parts. It tells of things which have occurred in the past, the origin and formation of the universe, the creation and function of humans in the cosmos. In addition, the Dreamtime represents the Aboriginal cosmology which is made up of God and Goddess who, like humans, are both kind and cruel. The Aborigines believe that everything in the natural world is a symbolic footprint of the metaphysical beings whose actions created our world. As with a seed, the potency of an earthly location is wedded to the memory of its origin. The Aborigines called this potency the "Dreaming" of a place, and this Dreaming constitutes the sacredness of the earth. Only in extraordinary states of consciousness can one be aware of, or attuned to, the inner dreaming of the Earth. The Chinese believed that the soul of the dreamer is the guiding force in the production of dreams. During sleep, the spiritual soul would leave the physical body and communicate with the dead. Dream incubation influenced politics and government policy, as high officials were required to report to dream temples in order to receive dreams that would guide them in their missions. In addition, high officials such as judges and lawmaker were also required to seem insight from their dreams. The ancient Greeks believed that their gods physically entered their dreams to impart knowledge, and then leave the same way they entered. Through contact with other cultures, the Greeks came to believe that the soul left the body during sleep. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, theorized that during the day the body receives images, and during the night it produces them, thus we dream. Conversely, Aristotle did not believe that dreams were divinely inspired. He felt that during the sleep the body was devoid of external stimuli and therefore dreams were a representation of what was occurring within the body itself. Some physicians believed that one’s dreams held the key to diagnosing illness. Much like the Egyptians, many Greeks would travel to temples or shrines dedicated to Gods associated with health, medicine and healing where they would perform sacred rites and then sleep in the temple hoping to have a dream which would hold the cure for their ailment, or which would predict a healthy recovery. With the advent of modern psychology many “educated” people came to look upon dreams with a more rational, scientific view, rather than accept the cultural beliefs of their people. Sigmund Freud, considered the father of modern psychology, once believed that all dreams contained some form of sexual content. A theory he later withdrew. However, he continued to believe that every dream contained a seed of wish fulfillment. Building on Freud’s theories, Carl Jung espoused the idea that dreams are a natural phenomenon which we can study, thereby gaining knowledge of the hidden part of our mind. The images are symbolic of conscious and unconscious mental processes. Some modern scientists claim that dreams are nothing more than images resulting from random electrical activity in the brain as it “housecleans” itself during the night.

It seems that modern scientists are no longer closer to unlocking the secrets hidden in our dreams than the ancient priests, kings, and magicians were. The truth probably lies somewhere in that gray area between science and magick.

Interpreting Your Dreams Many books have been written about this subject, and not doubt, many more will be written. However, it is the general consensus of many witches that dreams are personal things and no set of symbols will mean the same thing to millions of people, and therefore these books are of no use in the interpretation of one’s dreams. The subconscious mind does not work like the conscious one. It speaks in the language of symbols. To discover what these symbols mean to us as an individual is to interpret our dreams. The most common method of Dream interpretation is that of word association. To do this, take out your dream journal, and begin to write out the elements of your dreams on a separate line. For example, if you dreamed about a three legged, purple hippo, your list will look something like this: • Three legs • Purple • Hippo You would also include any other things that you may remember, such as time of day, what anyone or anything may have said to during the dream, over all mood inside the dreams, etc…. Now beside each word, you would either write the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear that word, or write what that word means to you. After having gone through the entire list you may begin to see a pattern that has a direct bearing on an issue of which you are aware. If not, the dream may be speaking of an issue that you are ignoring or subconsciously blocking for some reason. You may have to study the dream for a number of days or weeks, before it makes sense to you. Sometimes you will dream of those whom you do not know, however, the dream may be presenting a personality or situation which you are uncomfortable accepting, or one which you are not willing to admit. When our conscious minds are not willing to accept the reality of a situation, the subconscious mind will compensate by creating a similar drama with different people playing the parts in our dreams. If you were to examine these personalities and/or situations in depth, you may find yourself or someone you know among them, and draw a parallel to your own life. There is yet another aspect to interpreting your dreams, which occurs during the dream itself. Some individuals will often wake up within a dream, called DreamScaping. Dream-Scaping allows one to then control the dream itself. In this state, it has been shown that you can communicate directly with the elements of your dream. As in the case of the purple hippo in the earlier example, you will be able to ask it what it represents and it will answer you! Your task is then to determine what the dream is trying to tell you about the situation, or problem and to work towards a positive solution.

Dream Classification According to psychic and author Sylvia Browne in her Book of Dreams, dreams are defined as "one dimension of our minds that gives us access to a wealth of knowledge." She believes that dreams can be classified into five categories. They are: 1. Prophetic Dreams are always in color and their actions always take place in a logical sequence. 2. Release Dreams are our way of working out our fears, doubts, anxieties, and frustrations during the night, so that we don't carry these burdens during the day. Nightmares fall into this category. 3. Wish Dreams represent our wants and desires, however, a deeper look at these dreams will reveal the emotional and spiritual results you would get from receiving your wish. 4. Information and Problem Solving Dreams lead us to solutions we previously didn't have. These dreams also unfold in a logical order. 5. Astral Visits are a real connection to loved ones, on both here and the other side. Dreams in which you are flying or floating are indicative of astral visits.

Workbook of Shadows EXERCISES 1. Obtain a separate journal in which to begin recording your dreams, and do so for a period of one year. Remember to date each entry and leave space for future information. 2. Using the method given in this chapter, interpret your dream to the best of your ability. 3. Using the information given in this chapter, determine in which category your dream falls.

Dowsing What is Dowsing ? Dowsing in the art and science of locating people, places, and thing by means of a forked stick, called a dowsing, rod, or by a pendulum. A pendulum is comprised of a weighted object, called a bob, suspended on a chain or thread so it can swing freely. Many new-age shops offer pendulums which make use of a crystal as a bob. However, a pendulum can easily be made by suspending any weighted object, such as a needle or a ring, on a thread or chain. In the Hoodoo Tradition, spiritual workers often make a pendulum by suspending a piece of Queen Elizabeth root on a length of red thread. In certain cases, the worker may make a special kind of pendulum called a Jack Ball with the root in the center along with other items.

Dowsing for Something Lost

1. Thread a needle (or a cyrstal on a chain) and hold it over a map of the search area. 2. Focus your thoughts on that which you wish to find. 3. The closer you move to the location of the object or person the stronger the pendulum will begin to swirl. 4. When the needle hangs over the location of the object or person, it will stop moving and you will likely feel it ‘pull’ towards that location.

Divination with a Pendulum A pendulum may be used to divine the answer to subjective questions. To do this, hold your pendulum on its thread or chain between your thumb and forefinger. Place your elbow on a tabletop, and lower the bob to within an inch of the table surface. Speak to your pendulum and say “show me yes.” Note which direction the pendulum swing. Next, ask “show me no,” and note the direction in which the pendulum swings. Finally, ask “show me I don’t know,” nothing the pendulum’s direction. Test your pendulum by asking it subjective questions to which you know the answer. When you are sure that the pendulum is answering truthfully via the correct pendulum swing, move on to asking it subjective (yes/no) questions to which you do not know the answer. With continued use and practice you will find your pendulum to be an accurate and useful source of information.

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