Questions for Divemaster Candidates to complete. Curtisy of Puffin Dive School...
Divemaster Knowledge Reviews These Knowledge Reviews are intended for use for courses taught at Puffin Dive Centre and after printing should be filled in and brought in for evaluation and if a ppropriate, correction. These knowledge reviews must be completed for certain courses and form a mandatory part of the course content and will be retained by Puffin Dive Centre as pa rt of the corroboration of delivered course content. The answers reuired are available from and should be obtained from the P!D" Dive#aster #anual.
Chapter 1 - Divemaster Knowledge Review $. %hat three broad ch aracteristics may be e&pected of a P!D" Divemaster' $. (. ). (. *ist five criteria that define +professionalism+ as it is applied to a P!D" Divemaster. $. (. ). . -. ). &plain what a role model is.
. Describe a good role model Divemaster.
-. Describe the characteristics and attributes of a poor role model divemaster.
/. &plain how role model behaviour can have positive and negative effects on other divers.
0. &plain how role model behaviour can affect your ability to function as an effective divemaster.
1. &plain how good role model behaviour bene fits student divers when you assist with training.
2. *ist five benef its and five responsibilities of being a P!D" Divemaster. 3enefits $. (. ). .
-. Responsibilities $. (. ). . -. 4tudent Diver 4tatement5 This knowledge review h as been completed to the best of my ability. !ny uestions " answered incompletely or incorrectly have been e&plained and " understand what " missed. 6ame 777777777777777777777777777777777
Date 777777777777777777777777777777777777
Chapter 2 - Divemaster Knowledge Review $. 4i& characteristics of responsible diver behavior are5 $. (. ). . -. /. (. *ist four ways responsible diver behaviors can be encouraged. $. (. ). . ). Describe the aspects of diving that are and are not the responsibility of the divemaster, and the aspects of dive planning and diving that ea ch diver must retain responsibility for.
. Describe how to assess general dive conditions, and how you can e&pect conditions to affect diving.
-. The four aspects of supervision in managing diver are5 $. (. ). . /. *ist and describe the advantages and disadvantages of in8water versus out of water supervision, and compare the advantages and disadvantages of supervision vantage points in8water and out of water. 4upervision
9antage Points
0. *ist eight types of euipment that can assist in supervising certified divers. $. (. ). . -. /. 0. 1. 1. %hat is the primary purpose of diver accounting procedures'
2. Describe the characteristics of predive stress and how you can help divers overcome it.
$:. *ist the ten points;steps usually included in dive briefings5 $. (. ). . -. /. 0. 1. 2. $:. $$. Describe the general steps you would take to solve a problem you have never come across before.
$(. &plain when dive situations call for you to apply your pen %ater 4cuba "nstructor level. $. (. ). . -. /. (. &plain how it benefits you t o complete the P!D" !ssistant "nstructor course before continuing on t o the P!D" "nstructor Development Course.
). &plain how diver level specialty training can help your career as a P!D" Divemaster.
. *ist si& skills that can make you valuable in the dive industry, outside of diver training. $. (. ). . -. /. -. &plain how emerging technologies can af fect your career, and what you should do in response.
4tudent Diver 4tatement5 This knowledge review h as been completed to the best of my ability. !ny uestions " answered incompletely or incorrectly have been e&plained and " understand what " missed. 6ame 777777777777777777777777777777777
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