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Training Guide

TM-1870 AVEVA Everything3D Draw Administration


AVEVA Everything3D (1.1) Draw Administration TM-1870

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AVEVA Everything3D (1.1) Draw Administration TM-1870

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Approved for Training AVEVA E3D








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AVEVA Everything3D (1.1) Draw Administration TM-1870

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Introduction ............................................................................................................................9 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7


Draw Overview & Workflow .................................................................................................13 2.1 2.2


Aim ..................................................................................................................................................... 9 Objectives.......................................................................................................................................... 9 Prerequisites ..................................................................................................................................... 9 Course Structure............................................................................................................................. 10 Using this Guide ............................................................................................................................. 10 Entering a Draw Session................................................................................................................ 10 Setting up the Training Course ..................................................................................................... 12 Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 13 Draw Workflow ................................................................................................................................ 14

Draw User Interface..............................................................................................................19 3.1 3.2 3.3

3.4 3.5

3.6 3.7

Draw Hierarchy................................................................................................................................ 19 User Interface Overview ................................................................................................................. 19 Project Menu & Tabs ...................................................................................................................... 20 Project Menu.............................................................................................................................. 21 Home Tab .................................................................................................................................. 26 Admin Tab ................................................................................................................................. 26 Draw Tab ................................................................................................................................... 28 Annotate Tab ............................................................................................................................. 28 Update Tab ................................................................................................................................ 28 Manage Tab............................................................................................................................... 28 Tools Tab................................................................................................................................... 28 Auto Tab .................................................................................................................................... 29 Area Tab .................................................................................................................................... 29 View: Format 2D Tab................................................................................................................. 30 View: Format 3D Tab................................................................................................................. 30 Label Tools: Format Tab ........................................................................................................... 30 Status Bar ........................................................................................................................................ 30 Messages Window..................................................................................................................... 33 Active Properties ............................................................................................................................ 34 Current Owner ........................................................................................................................... 34 Visual Layers ............................................................................................................................. 35 Format Painter ........................................................................................................................... 39 Properties Grid................................................................................................................................ 40 The Draw Canvas ............................................................................................................................ 43 Mouse & Keyboard Controls...................................................................................................... 43 Draw Canvas Tools ................................................................................................................... 43 Draw Contextual Editor.............................................................................................................. 44 Grips & Object Snapping ........................................................................................................... 45 Draw Power Wheel .................................................................................................................... 47

Exercise 1 Draw User Interface .................................................................................................49 4

Draw Access, Libraries & System Defaults ........................................................................51 4.1 4.2 4.3

4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7

AVEVA E3D Draw Administrative Rights ..................................................................................... 51 AVEVA E3D Draw Load Errors ...................................................................................................... 51 Typical Load Errors ................................................................................................................... 52 Libraries ........................................................................................................................................... 53 Hierarchy Browser ..................................................................................................................... 53 Sample AVEVA E3D Draw Libraries ......................................................................................... 54 Confirmation of Project Libraries – A Worked Example ............................................................ 55 AVEVA E3D Draw Defaults ............................................................................................................ 56 AVEVA E3D Draw User Defaults................................................................................................. 57 Setting User Defaults...................................................................................................................... 57 User Defaults & Draw Interface ................................................................................................. 58 AVEVA E3D Draw System Defaults............................................................................................... 58

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AVEVA Everything3D (1.1) Draw Administration TM-1870 File Menu Options...................................................................................................................... 59 Library Reference Pointers........................................................................................................ 60 Element Name Delimiters.......................................................................................................... 60 Layer Definitions (LAYE Element) ............................................................................................. 61 Sheet Sizes – A Worked Example............................................................................................. 61 Naming Conventions ................................................................................................................. 62

Exercise 2 - Draw Administration Defaults ...............................................................................63 5

Drawlist Libraries .................................................................................................................65 5.1 5.2

Creating a Drawlist Library – A Worked Example ....................................................................... 65 Creating and Modifying a Drawlist – A Worked Example ........................................................... 67 Selecting a Drawlist Library & Drawlist...................................................................................... 68 Creating a Drawlist .................................................................................................................... 68 Deleting a Drawlist..................................................................................................................... 69

Exercise 3 - Drawlist Library......................................................................................................71 6

Sheet Libraries .....................................................................................................................73 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4

Creating a Sheet Library – A Worked Example ........................................................................... 73 Creating a Backing Sheet & Content – A Worked Example ....................................................... 74 Backing Sheet Notation ............................................................................................................. 75 Creating an Overlay & Content - A Worked Example.................................................................. 81 Creating Views in Overs – A Worked Example ......................................................................... 82 Keyplan Annotation - A Worked Example .................................................................................... 85 Keyplan Design Areas ............................................................................................................... 86

Exercise 4 - Sheet Libraries .......................................................................................................89 7

Drawing Templates ..............................................................................................................91 7.1

Creating a Drawing Template – A Worked Example ................................................................... 91 Visual Layers ............................................................................................................................. 93

Exercise 5 - Drawing Templates ................................................................................................96 8

Symbol Libraries ..................................................................................................................97 8.1 8.2 8.3

Creating a Symbol Library – A Worked Example ........................................................................ 97 Creating Symbol Templates – A Worked Example...................................................................... 98 CAD Import – Backing Sheet & Symbol ..................................................................................... 101

Exercise 6 Symbol Libraries ..................................................................................................102 9

2D Symbolic Representation Administration ...................................................................103 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8

Project Structure and Distribution .............................................................................................. 103 Equipment Templates................................................................................................................... 103 2D Symbolic Representation Symbols ....................................................................................... 104 AVEVA E3D Draw Symbol Sets – A Worked Example .............................................................. 104 Non-uniformly Scaled Design Symbols...................................................................................... 109 Orientating Design Symbols........................................................................................................ 109 Adding 2D Symbology to a Part – A Worked Example ............................................................. 110 Creating a Local Rule ................................................................................................................... 112

Exercise 7 2D Symbolic Representation.................................................................................116 10 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4

Label Library Administration .........................................................................................117 Creating a Label Library – A Worked Example ...................................................................... 117 Creating a Symbol Template – A Worked Example ............................................................... 119 Creating Text Template – A Worked Example........................................................................ 121 Searching Label Libraries ........................................................................................................ 125

Exercise 8 Label Libraries........................................................................................................126 11 11.1 11.2

Tag Rule Libraries...........................................................................................................127 Creating a Tag Rule Library – A Worked Example ................................................................ 127 Creating and Deleting Tag Rule Sets ...................................................................................... 128 Creating a Tag Rule Set .......................................................................................................... 128

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AVEVA Everything3D (1.1) Draw Administration TM-1870 11.3

Deleting a Tag Rule Set .......................................................................................................... 129 Creating and Defining Tag Rules............................................................................................. 129 Viewing Tag Rules................................................................................................................... 129 Specifying the Elements to which Rules Apply ....................................................................... 129 Creating a Tag Rule ................................................................................................................ 129 Deleting a Tag Rule ................................................................................................................. 130 Criteria for Tag Rule Application.............................................................................................. 130 Associating a Label Template with a Tag Rule ....................................................................... 130 Associating a Drawlist with a Tag Rule ................................................................................... 131

Exercise 9 Tag Rules................................................................................................................132 12 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4

Visual Styles Administration..........................................................................................133 Creating a Visual Style Representation Library – A Worked Example ................................ 133 Visual Styles form – A Worked Example ................................................................................ 134 View Section Indicator - Administration ................................................................................. 137 RefGrid Annotation Administration......................................................................................... 139

Exercise10 - Visual Styles........................................................................................................142 13 13.1 13.2

13.3 13.4

Style Libraries .................................................................................................................143 Creating a Style Library – A Worked Example ....................................................................... 143 Creating and Deleting Styles – A Worked Example............................................................... 144 Creating a Style ....................................................................................................................... 144 Deleting a Style........................................................................................................................ 145 Listing Style Attributes ............................................................................................................. 145 Style Attributes......................................................................................................................... 146 Drawing Levels ........................................................................................................................ 146 AVEVA E3D Draw Line Widths ............................................................................................... 148 Creating a Hatching Library – A Worked Example ................................................................ 148 Creating and Deleting Hatching Styles ................................................................................... 149 Creating a Hatching Style........................................................................................................ 149 Deleting a Hatching Style ........................................................................................................ 150 Setting Hatching Style Attributes ............................................................................................. 150

Exercise 11 Style Libraries ......................................................................................................154 14 14.1 14.2

14.3 14.4


Representation Rules .....................................................................................................157 Creating a Representation Library – A Worked Example ..................................................... 158 Creating and Deleting Representation Rules......................................................................... 159 Creating a Rule........................................................................................................................ 159 Deleting a Rule ........................................................................................................................ 160 Specifying the Elements to which Rules Apply ....................................................................... 160 Associating Representation Rules with Styles ........................................................................ 161 Creating a Hatching Library – A Worked Example ................................................................ 162 Creating and Deleting Hatching Rules.................................................................................... 163 Creating a Rule........................................................................................................................ 163 Deleting a Rule ........................................................................................................................ 163 Specifying the Elements to which Rules Apply ....................................................................... 163 Associating Hatching Representation Rules with Hatching Styles.......................................... 164 Piping Insulation REPR ............................................................................................................ 165

Exercise 12 Representation Rules ..........................................................................................167 15 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5

16 16.1

Database Updates...........................................................................................................169 Perform Queries ........................................................................................................................ 169 Updating Picture Files .............................................................................................................. 169 Updating Template Instancing................................................................................................. 169 Updating Cross-DB Reference Attributes .............................................................................. 169 Updating Cross-DB Name Attributes ...................................................................................... 170

Plot Styles .......................................................................................................................171 Plot Styles .................................................................................................................................. 171 Display Options........................................................................................................................ 172

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AVEVA Everything3D (1.1) Draw Administration TM-1870 Addition & Definition of Plot Styles – A Worked Example ....................................................... 172 Using a Plot Style – A Worked Example ................................................................................. 175

Exercise 12

Plot Styles .....................................................................................................177

Appendix A Draw Options........................................................................................................179 A.1 Configuration ................................................................................................................................ 179 A.1.1 Coordinates ............................................................................................................................. 180 A.1.2 Explorer Settings ..................................................................................................................... 180 A.1.3 Forms....................................................................................................................................... 180 A.1.4 Unit Settings ............................................................................................................................ 181 A.2 View ................................................................................................................................................ 181 A.2.1 Animations & Colours .............................................................................................................. 182 A.2.2 Section & Snaps ...................................................................................................................... 183 A.2.3 Configuration ........................................................................................................................... 184 A.2.4 Naming .................................................................................................................................... 185 A.2.5 Object Visibility ........................................................................................................................ 186

Appendix B Draw Keyboard Commands ................................................................................187 Appendix C - Draw Canvas Commands ..................................................................................189 Appendix D Intelligent Text & Alternative Characters ...........................................................193 Appendix E - Hull (Marine) Administration .............................................................................197 E.1 E.2 E.3 E.4 E.5 E.6 E.7 E.8 E.9 E.10

Draw Module ............................................................................................................................... 197 Default File - 'dra-gen-system’ file............................................................................................... 197 Convert GRIDSY to REFGRD..................................................................................................... 198 Default Grid ................................................................................................................................. 198 Grid Ruler Setup.......................................................................................................................... 199 Transform Drawing in Batch Mode.............................................................................................. 202 Batch Mode in Application........................................................................................................... 202 Batch Mode ‘tty’........................................................................................................................... 203 Mapping User Defined Line Types.............................................................................................. 205 Mapping of Ruler Styles .......................................................................................................... 206

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AVEVA Everything3D (AVEVA E3D ) allows designers to utilise an array of applications contained within the program modules. This training guide provides discipline specific training for the Draw module. Draw is the AVEVA Everything3D drawing production module where drawings are populated with information taken directly from the Design or Drawing Databases. The associated intelligence with the Design database ensures the drawing accurately reflects the intended design and updates automatically to reflect any changes to the model. This training course is designed for Draw Administrators to understand the basics in administering project drawing production using AVEVA E3D Draw.



The aim of the training guide is to provide Draw Administrators with the knowledge and skills necessary to customise the Draw working environment; enabling users to create, dimension and annotate detailed engineering drawings from existing Model data using AVEVA E3D Draw functions and tools.



In general terms, the course objectives are to provide participants with the following: Familiarisation of the AVEVA E3D Draw User Interface. To understand the different types of administrative libraries. To be able to create and edit standard libraries. To be able to create and edit symbolic and general labels. To be able to create and edit backing sheets. To be able to create and edit representation rule sets. To be able to create and edit change highlighting rules. To be able to configure and customise Automatic Drawing Production. To be able to import and create transfer symbols and backing sheets from alternative CAD packages. To be able to configure and customise Isometric Production and Symbols. Chapter 2 Draw Overview & Workflow provides a detailed training outline, together with the outputs expected of participants.



It is expected that trainees will have completed the TM-1801 AVEVA Everything3D 1830 AVEVA Everything3D Draw training courses.

Foundations and TM-

Trainees who can demonstrate a suitable understanding of other AVEVA E3D applications and techniques may also be permitted to undertake the training.

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AVEVA Everything3D (1.1) Draw Administration TM-1870


Course Structure

Training will consist of oral and visual presentations, demonstrations, worked examples and set exercises. Each workstation will have a training project populated with model data. This project will be used throughout the training to ensure the course objectives are met through practice and the set exercises.


Using this Guide

Certain text styles are used to indicate special situations throughout this document. Button clicks are indicated by bold turquoise text. Information the user has to enter will be bold red text. Additional information notes and references to other documentation will be indicated in the styles below. Additional information Refer to other documentation System prompts will be bold, italic and in inverted commas i.e. 'Choose function'. Example files or inputs will be in the courier new font.


Entering a Draw Session

To open AVEVA Everything3D and login to the Draw module, the trainee must select the following shortcut or as directed by the Trainer.

Or AVEVA > Design > Everything3D 2.10 from the Windows Start Menu.

The Login form is displayed.

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AVEVA Everything3D (1.1) Draw Administration TM-1870 From the Login form select the Training Project (TRA) by selecting the Project tile TRA Training.

Enter the following login credentials. User:






The details above are indicative of typical entry to AVEVA E3D projects. Alternative login details may be supplied by the Trainer.

Click the Draw module tile.

On loading AVEVA E3D Draw, the following default screen layout is displayed.

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AVEVA Everything3D (1.1) Draw Administration TM-1870


Setting up the Training Course

In order to complete the exercises and worked examples in the training guide it is necessary to configure the training environment. Navigate to the TOOLS tab and click the Setup button located in the Training group. The Training Setup form will be displayed.

Navigate to the Basic tab and select the Setup Training Course checkbox followed by the Apply button. Close the Training Setup form by clicking the Close button.

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Draw Overview & Workflow

The following chapter describes the Draw workflow in general terms, together with expected training outputs i.e. a discipline specific annotated and dimensioned drawing. The Training workflow will follow the administrative workflow in creating the necessary ‘ingredients’ for Drawing production i.e. Backing Sheet creation through to Representation and Styles that may be utilised. The Drawing image presented at each workflow stage illustrates how each administrative task may be reflected in the final produced drawing.



Draw has been designed to allow the user to generate and retrieve industry standard engineering drawings efficiently. This has been achieved through an intuitive user interface and the following features.

The drawing can be formed by multiple views of differing orientation and scope directly from the 3D model. In addition, the representation of the drawing graphics may be controlled by representation rules that are pre-defined by the project administrator. View clarity is aided by various levels of view types and through the use of view sections. The scale of the drawing can be selected from a set of Metric, Architectural and Engineering values. A label can be attached to any model element and used to display the attributes of the identified element. In turn, the format, content and appearance of the labels are controlled by the designer or through a predefined Visual Style. Direct reference to the design data, combined with a simple update operation, ensures that the annotation always reflects the current state of the 3D model. The ability to employ Autotagging is an efficient solution for automatically generating labels to a defined tagging rule. The rule determines labelled design items and label representation. A dimension is calculated directly from the 3D model. As with label annotation, format, content and appearance are controlled by the designer or through a predefined Visual Style. Direct reference to the design data, combined with a simple update operation, ensures that the annotation always reflects the current state of the 3D model. 2D drawing and defined, scaled drawing Regions allow the designer to generate accurate 2D annotation and drawings within the Sheet. Drawing management is achieved through revision and status control, and is further aided by tools such as annotation reference checking.

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AVEVA Everything3D (1.1) Draw Administration TM-1870


Draw Workflow

Create Reference Drawlists

Drawlist Libraries (DLLB) contain a group of Drawlists (IDLI or ID Lists) which allow users to create lists of design elements to be drawn or sectioned. The DLLBs and IDLIs can be assigned to design items according to design disciplines, project areas, or any other classifications appropriate to specific working practices. Drawlist creation is regarded as the first administrative task in the training due to drawlist requirement for overlay / Keyplan creation. Refer to Chapter 5 for information on Drawlist Library creation. Create Sheet Library: Backing Sheet & Overlay

A key task for the AVEVA E3D Draw Administrator is to set up Sheet Libraries (SHLB) containing the Backing Sheets (BACK) and Overlay Sheets (OVER). These sheet libraries will be referenced by the general user on creation of Drawings and Views. Refer to Chapter 6 for information on the creation of Sheet Libraries. Copyright © 2013. AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.

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AVEVA Everything3D (1.1) Draw Administration TM-1870 Create Symbol Library

Symbol Libraries (SYLB) contain the Symbol Templates (SYTM) from which users can select 2D symbols to add to their drawings. Each SYTM may comprise any combination of 2D primitives, text primitives (TEXP) and existing symbol instances (SYMB). Refer to Chapter 8 for information on Symbol Library creation and Chapter 9 for information on 2D Symbolic Representation of elements. Create Label Library

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AVEVA Everything3D (1.1) Draw Administration TM-1870 A key administrative task is to set up Label Libraries (LALB) containing the Symbol Templates (SYTM) and Text Templates (TXTM) from which users can create symbolic (SLAB) or general (GLAB) labels respectively. Refer to Chapter 10 for information on the creation of Label Libraries. Create Tag Rules

Tag rules determine which items will be tagged in the View graphics, enabled by the Administrator defining Tag Rule Sets (TRST) and Tag Rules (TAGR) within Tag Rule Libraries (TRLB). When accessed during normal AVEVA E3D Draw drawing operations, each TAGR references a Tagging Template; this may be either a SYTM or a TXTM. Refer to Chapter 11 for information on the creation of Tag Rules. Visual Styles A Visual Style contains pre-set representation properties for the Draw elements View, Text, Label and Dimension. An element adopts a Visual Style either through definition on creation or by modification. The use of a Visual Style ensures the consistency of View creation within the Sheet and across a series of Drawings. The properties of the Visual Style are determined by the Draw Administrator and any further alterations to the View Visual Style are reflected in each instance the style has been referenced. Refer to Chapter 12 for information on the creation of Visual Styles.

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AVEVA Everything3D (1.1) Draw Administration TM-1870 Create Style Library & Representation Rules

It is required of the AVEVA E3D Draw Administrator to set up Styles (STYL) within Representation Libraries (RPLB); these define the detailed representation the general user will use for various aspects of the drawing. These styles are associated with the Drawing through the following: Representation Rulesets (RRST) and Representation Rules (RRUL) Hatching Rule Sets (HRST) and Hatching Rules (HRUL) Refer to Chapters 13 & 14 for information on the creation of Style Libraries and Representation Rules. Database Update Administration There are occasions when the AVEVA E3D Draw database is required to be updated specifically, as opposed to the routine updating that occurs from time to time in normal use. Refer to Chapter 15 for information on Database Update Administration.

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AVEVA Everything3D (1.1) Draw Administration TM-1870 Printing & Plotting Administration The Administrator has the ability to a control the representation of a print and export output through the use of Plot Styles.

Refer to Chapter 16 for information on Printing & Plotting Administration.

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Draw User Interface

The Draw module allows a designer to generate fully annotated engineering drawings directly from design data formed in the Model module. There are a number of facilities in the Draw application that may be used to create and modify drawings; aided by a user interface and concepts unique to Draw. The sections that follow consider the Draw User Interface and key concepts in greater detail.


Draw Hierarchy

The Draw User Interface and drawing production workflows are underpinned by a database hierarchy. While the user has little requirement to refer to the hierarchy during drawing creation, it is important to consider that the hierarchical organisation of data allows the logical creation of drawings and sheets.

The hierarchy has been simplified to give clarity to the basic arrangement. As with all AVEVA E3D databases, the uppermost element in the Draw hierarchy is the World; represented symbolically as /*. Before physical drawing elements can be created (Sheets (SHEE), Views (VIEW) and Regions (REGN)) a number of administrative data hierarchy elements must exist. The administrative elements Department (DEPT), Registry (REGI) and Drawing (DRWG) divide the project into structured areas for drawing creation. Libraries (LIBY) are flexible in their hierarchical position and are used for the storage of project or company specific defaults and Draw elements.


User Interface Overview

The Draw application is formed by the following interface components. Microsoft® Office Fluent

-based User Interface

The interface presents Draw functions and utilities via a series of general and context specific tabs. Draw Canvas The principal window in the application, this area is used to view, create and modify Drawing Sheets. The canvas may be tabbed to aid the navigation of multiple drawings.

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AVEVA Everything3D (1.1) Draw Administration TM-1870 Status Bar At the base of the application window, this area displays the current position and scale in the Draw Canvas with respect to the current owner and is used for the toggling of Draw Canvas settings such as Object Snap and Grid visibility. Active Properties & Properties Grid Two grids used to set, view and modify the common properties of Draw elements.


Project Menu & Tabs

Draw utilises a Microsoft® Office Fluent -based user interface with a series of tabs displayed at the top of the application window. When the module is opened, the HOME tab is initially displayed. General tabs group similar tasks such as annotation and update functions together for intuitive selection by the user. Context tabs are specific to the function being used, such as labelling or view modification, and are presented on instigating the command then dismissed on completion of the task. General Tabs

Context Tabs

Tab contents may be hidden by clicking the tab title or by selecting the Minimize the Ribbon option from the prompted right-click menu in the tab.

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Within the presented tabs, key functions are held in Groups. Group Specific functions are summoned by clicking the appropriate button in each group. Some buttons are segmented, allowing a number of functions to reside under one button. Where this is the case, clicking the upper section of the button will select the default command associated with the button. Clicking the lower section of the button will reveal an options list. Once the options list is open the user can select the appropriate button within the list to prompt the required function or form. Specific functions relating to the Draw application tabs are explained throughout this training guide. Where trainees are directed to select specific functions the instruction will usually follow the format Tab > Group > Button > Secondary Button (if required). Shortcut keys may also be used for application and module commands, for example Save Work (Ctrl+S), Get Work (Ctrl+G), Print (Ctrl+P) and Help (F1). Refer to Appendix B Draw Keyboard Commands for a complete table highlighting common keyboard commands that be may be utilised to invoke Draw functions.

Project Menu

The Project menu provides access to a number of key commands and facilities including the common AVEVA E3D commands Save Work, Get Work, Help, Modules and Exit.

With the exception of Modules, the Project menu commands may be selected via buttons in the Quick Access Toolbar / Tab menu bar.

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Users may add functions to the Quick Access Toolbar by right clicking on a button and selecting the Add to Quick Access Toolbar menu option. The added button persists between sessions.

Draw specific Project menu options are described in the following sections. New The New menu option is used to initiate a workflow to create a new Drawing Type from a Template, for example a Drawing or a Sheet.

The New area of the Project menu may also be accessed by clicking the New button within the Project group of the Home tab. Open

The Open menu button allows the opening of Draw elements and Sheets through navigation of the Draw Hierarchy using a prompted Open browser window.

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The Open browser window allows the navigation of the Draw Project hierarchy and Recent Draw elements that have been worked upon. Observing the Explorer area of the Open browser, the expansion of the Project folder reveals the Draw hierarchy. Selecting the required Department (DEPT), the hierarchy can be expanded using the symbol to show owned Registries (REGI) and expanded thereafter to display owned Drawings (DRWG) and Sheets (SHEE). At each stage of hierarchy expansion, owned elements are displayed in the adjacent display area of the Open browser.

The Open browser display area may also be populated by searching for Draw elements using the Search field. Items in the display area can be toggled to be displayed as thumbnails, listed or detailed as required by the use of the display button and options list below the search field.

Thumbnail images of Draw elements are displayed only on the claiming and saving of the identified element or where the Transform > Thumbnails function has been utilised from the ADMIN tab. Where this is not true, an icon is substituted for the thumbnail. Opened Sheets are visible as a tabbed window in the Draw Canvas (tabbed view is controlled by Home > Display > Tabbed View).

The Open browser window is also accessed by clicking the Open button within the Project group of the Home tab.

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Alternatively, a Draw element may be opened via the Draw Explorer; displayed by clicking the Draw Explorer button from the Explorers group of the Tools tab. Navigating to a Sheet with write access in the Draw Explorer, the Sheet may be displayed clicking the right mouse button and selecting Open from the displayed menu. Close All Drawings

The Close All Drawings menu option is used to close all currently open Sheets.

Alternatively, all and individual Sheets can be closed by clicking the segmented Close button from the Project group of the HOME tab and selecting the required button from the options list.

In addition, an individual Sheet may be closed via a right-click Close option for the Sheet tab or by clicking the tab icon

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AVEVA Everything3D (1.1) Draw Administration TM-1870 Print

Selecting the Print menu option updates the Project area to display a Print options area and Preview window. This area allows the user to set various print preferences and settings.

Refer to Chapter 16 Plot Styles for further information on the printing of Drawings. Export

The Export menu option updates the Project area to display an Export options area and Preview window. The Settings area allows the user to set preferences and settings for export to various file formats.

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AVEVA Everything3D (1.1) Draw Administration TM-1870 Options

The Options menu option updates the Project area to display an Options area. This area may be utilised to tailor the Draw application to the user’s preference by specifying general Display, View, Drafting and System options.

Refer to Appendix A Draw Options for a complete table highlighting Draw options that may be utilised.

Home Tab

In addition to the Project menu options of creating, opening and closing Drawings, the HOME tab allows the user to utilise a selection of functionality via accelerator groups to quickly create Views, annotation and draw elements. Drawing creation is aided by the HOME tab allowing the following actions: Creation of a new Drawing Type, View or Region. Opening and Closing of Drawing Sheets. Undertaking of common editing, drawing and annotation actions. Prompting and management of Properties Grids, Plot Styles, and Representation & Hatch Rules. Update the Current Owner.

Admin Tab

The ADMIN tab enables the Project Administrator to specify and customise the Draw environment. This includes setting application defaults and the definition of backing sheets, symbols, representations and labels. The ADMIN tab is displayed if the user is a member of the DRAWADMIN, MASTER or a project specific administration team.

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The Hierarchy group allows the Draw Administrator to navigate and control the Draw project hierarchy via a Browser prompted on clicking the Browse button.

The Libraries group allows the Draw Administrator to create and administer Draw project libraries that allow the Draw user to create and tailor drawings through the use of Labels, Symbols and Representations.

The Drawlist group allows the Draw Administrator to identify and create Drawlists for use during View creation.

The Visual Styles group allows the Draw Administrator to define a Visual Style for Dimension, Label, Text, View and Grid Ruler elements and thereby ensure consistent representation of annotation throughout a drawing project.

The Templates group allows the Draw Administrator to define and modify Text and Symbol templates for reference by the Draw project.

The Ruleset group allows the Draw Administrator to define Representation, Hatching and Tag rulesets that define the application of styles and labels within the Drawing Sheet.

The Settings group allows the Draw Administrator to specify project defaults for the Draw environment and create Plot Styles that define the representation of plot and export outputs.

The Query group allows the Draw Administrator to perform project level administrative queries and control.

The Data group allows the Draw Administrator to load pre-defined Master and Project Libraries together with a selection of sample Drawings.

The Isodraft Symbols group allows the Draw Administrator to import and export defined symbols for use in the Isodraft application.

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AVEVA Everything3D (1.1) Draw Administration TM-1870 The Transform group allows the Draw Administrator to control the transformation of projects from AVEVA PDMS Draft to AVEVA Everything3D Draw.

The AVEVA Net group allows the Draw Administrator to Add a connection to a server for Design in Context.

The following tabs may also be utilised by a Draw Administrator.

Draw Tab

The DRAW tab contains functionality pertaining to the creation, measurement and modification of 2D drawing elements. A Draw Administrator will utilise functions within this tab for tasks such as symbol creation.

Annotate Tab

The ANNOTATE tab contains functionality pertaining to the creation, specification, modification and checking of Sheet annotation.

Update Tab

The UPDATE tab contains groups that allow the explicit update of Draw elements such as the Sheet or Backing Sheet.

Manage Tab

The MANAGE tab contains functionality for the management of the Draw project and drawing. Drawing administration is aided by the MANAGE tab allowing the control and management of Database elements, Status Control management, Data Access Control and Draw hierarchy organisation.

Tools Tab

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AVEVA Everything3D (1.1) Draw Administration TM-1870 The TOOLS tab contains various utilities that aid Drawing creation and management. Drawing administration is aided by the TOOLS tab allowing the following actions: Display of secondary Draw windows and Explorers. Creation of Draw hierarchy elements. Searching of Draw elements and formation of collections. Import of Excel and CAD Drawing files. Creation of Reports. Refer to TM-1803 AVEVA Everything3D group.

Reporting for further information on the use of the Report

Refer to TM-1801 AVEVA Everything3D and Collections group.

Foundations for further information on the use of the Search

Auto Tab

The AUTO tab contains functionality related to the Automatic Drawing Production (ADP) utilities. As the title of the application infers, this aspect of Draw enables the Designer to produce annotated drawings automatically. A set of rules determine how the annotation is generated. The drawings can be edited, if necessary, using the normal editing options in Draw. There are a number of ADP applications for different actions: General ADP, Pipe Sketches, HVAC Sketches and Isometric ADP (HVAC & Cableways). Refer to TM-1831 AVEVA Everything3D Draw Automatic Drawing Production for further information on the navigation and use of the Auto tab.

Area Tab

The AREA tab contains functionality related to Area-Based Automatic Drawing Production utilities. This aspect of Draw enables standard production drawings, complete with annotation, to be automatically generated based on engineering disciplines and plant areas. A variation of Area-Based ADP is utilised for the production of automated Multi-Discipline Support drawings. Functionality for this area of the utility is presented within the Supports group of the tab. Refer to TM-1832 AVEVA Everything3D Area Based Automatic Drawing Production for further information on the navigation and use of the Area tab. Refer to TM-1818 AVEVA Everything3D of the Supports group.

Supports for further information on the navigation and use

In addition, context tabs are presented for use with certain view and element specific tasks. The context specific tabs are as follows.

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View: Format 2D Tab

The VIEW: FORMAT 2D tab is a context specific tab prompted on selection of a View in the Draw Canvas. The tab is utilised for the population and modification of the View.

View: Format 3D Tab

The VIEW: FORMAT 3D tab is a context specific tab prompted on selection of the Edit in 3D button from the Modify group of the VIEW: FORMAT 2D tab, or on creating a View in the Draw Canvas using a 3D View.

Label Tools: Format Tab

The LABEL TOOLS: FORMAT tab is a context specific tab prompted on the creation or selection of a Label annotation.


Status Bar

The Draw Status bar displays the scale and co-ordinate position at the mouse cursor in the Draw Canvas with respect to the current owner. In addition, the Status bar allows the toggle and selection of Draw Canvas graphical aids and representations such as Object Snap and Grid visibility.

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Message & Status Bar

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AVEVA Everything3D (1.1) Draw Administration TM-1870 The application of Status bar graphical aids is indicated by the button being highlighted. The Status bar comprises the following: Scale

Displays the scale of the View or Region when defined as the Current Owner.


Displays the current co-ordinates of the cursor with regards to the Current Owner. At Sheet level 2D sheet co-ordinates will be presented whereas specific co-ordinates will be displayed for a View or Region, including 3D co-ordinates where appropriate.

Grid Display

Displays a grid and rulers within and bordering the Draw Canvas. Used to graphically indicate position in the Draw Canvas and allow organisation of Sheet graphic and annotation layout.

Grid Snap

Used to position drawing elements at grid points through snapping i.e. the cursor ‘locks’ to the grid points.

Polar Tracking

Displays a polar orientation indicator in the Draw Canvas and provides a polar alignment to the cursor for Draw tasks such as 2D drawing.

Orthogonal Lock

Used to restrict annotation and element placement to an orthogonal direction in the Draw Canvas.

Dynamic Hints

Displays feedback in the Draw Canvas to aid the Draw user in performing the task at hand. For example, the drawing of a Straight element presents length and angle feedback.

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Additional Grips

Used to show additional manipulation grips on dimensions & other elements.

In-Canvas line weights

Used to turn the display of line weights on and off in the Draw Canvas.

Automatic Update Design

Enables changes to the drawing content to be automatically applied on setting. If not set, changes must be applied explicitly using buttons on the Home, Update, or View: Format 2D tabs.

Greyout Mode

Used to highlight the Current Owner in the Draw Canvas.

Canvas background gradient

An aesthetic option used to turn the Draw Canvas background gradient on and off.

Object Snapping

Used to snap drawing elements such as annotation and primitives to existing elements in the Draw Canvas

Object Snap & Grid Options

Selection from the Status bar prompts the Advanced Drafting Settings form. Through the relevant tab, the form allows Grid/Snap Spacing to be altered and the definition of default object snap modes.

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Messages Window During the course of creating a Draw output, a number of command, warning, error and alert messages may be encountered related to the user actions. The Messages window provides a means of storing and recalling recent messages within the User tab. In addition, the Messages window has a System tab for the independent display of system related messages. The Messages window allows, through a right-click menu, the sorting, searching and export of the contents. The Messages window is displayed by clicking the Messages button from the Display group of the TOOLS tab or by clicking the right hand side of the status bar. The Messages window may also be displayed and dismissed by clicking the Message Log button from the Display group of the Tools tab. User Messages (and right-click context menu)

System Messages

The Messages Window only stores messages for the current session. By default, a minimised Messages will be displayed within the Status Bar.

Clicking the Messages from the Status Bar will display the Messages window. The Messages window can be dismissed by clicking the cross in the top right corner of the window or clicking the Messages button from the Status Bar.

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Active Properties

The Active Properties form is used to view and change the default properties that will be applied to new objects when they are created, and to subsequently apply these properties to selected objects if required.

The form is displayed by clicking the Active Properties button in the Display group of the Home tab.

By default, the prompted Active Properties form is docked to the right side of the Draw Canvas.

The form allows the setting of the following: Current Owner Current Layer

Also known as the Visual Layer.

Current Line Type

May be defined explicitly or as defined by the Current / Visual Layer.

Current Colour

Current Owner Through the concept of Current Owner (CO) AVEVA E3D Draw has the inherent intelligence to interpret the user action in the Draw Canvas and automatically place the element within the Draw database hierarchy. This avoids the need for the user to open or continually refer to the Draw Explorer. A Draw Sheet, View, and Region, are all classified as being a Current Owners and thereby control where new objects are placed in the Draw hierarchy. In addition, the Current Owner controls how positions and distances are interpreted through graphical feedback and the status bar. By default all new entities are created below the first suitable owner in the Draw hierarchy based upon the Current Owner; for example the drawing of a line within a View is automatically placed beneath a LAYE element and View Note. On the occasion an appropriate owner does not exist, the owning element is automatically created.

The required Current Owner may be selected via the Current Owner options list from the Active Properties form or intelligently through modification of selection in the Draw Canvas – achieved by a double-left click within the required View, Region, or Sheet.

The Current Owner can also be altered via keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+0 for Sheet and Ctrl+1 through to Ctrl+9 for Views/Regions).

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AVEVA Everything3D (1.1) Draw Administration TM-1870 In addition to being referenced in the Active Properties form, the Current Owner is indicated by the Draw Canvas highlight of the View or Region frame. For example, the Sheet shown contains four Views and View 1 is highlighted as the Current Owner. Any element created at this point will be owned by View 1 with the appropriate hierarchy elements created automatically.

The highlighting of the Current Owner may be amplified by selecting Greyout mode from the Status bar.

The colour of the Current Owner border highlight may be modified via the PROJECT > Options > View area and selection of Colours: Current Owner border (active).

Visual Layers Draw utilises a system of Visual Layers to group objects in the Sheet to aid the management and editing of a drawing. The Active Properties form reflects the current Visual Layer via the Current Layer, Current Line Type and Current Colour fields.

Acting as a series of overlays to the Drawing content, each Visual Layer may be employed in an organisational capacity to group drawing elements by purpose or type i.e. construction lines or annotation. In addition, with each Visual Layer having an associated Colour and Line Type, a Visual Layer may be used to define the collective properties of a series of elements.

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For example, the following drawing is formed by a base Visual Layer containing the View contents (Visual Layer 0) and two annotation Visual Layers.

Visual Layers form Visual Layers are not applied to design graphics.

Visual Layer: Primitives & Notes

Visual Layer: Dimensions & Labels

Visual Layer 0: Sheet Views

In regards to the Draw Hierarchy, a Sheet (SHEE) owns a Visual Layer Set (VLYSET) which contains the individual Visual Layers (VLAYER). Visual Layers should not be confused with LAYE elements. From the perspective of a Draw User, the LAYE element is owned by a Sheet in the Draw hierarchy and is an administrative element for the storage of Draw annotation. A series of LAYE elements, through naming and setting of purpose, are integral to the Automatic Drawing Production process and the population of the Drawing Sheet.

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Visual Layers are administered via the Visual Layers form; displayed by clicking the Visual Layers button from the Project group of the Home tab.

Each Sheet, by default, contains a Visual Layer 0. The Visual Layer 0 cannot be renamed or deleted – this ensures a Sheet always has a Visual Layer for population. Additional Visual Layers may be added by clicking the + (plus) button and, in turn, the X (minus) button may be used to delete an identified Visual Layer. On creation of a Visual Layer, an appropriate name may be given by double-clicking the created Visual Layer name field and entering the required text. The Visual Layers form may be sorted by clicking the required column heading. The default Colour and Line Type assigned to elements within a Visual Layer are defined by selection from the respective Colour and Line Type options lists.

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AVEVA Everything3D (1.1) Draw Administration TM-1870 The visibility of a Visual Layer in the Draw Canvas is controlled by clicking the On / Off toggle button within the On column. This is a useful drawing management device where an unobstructed view is required or where annotations such as revision detail or construction lines are required only for reference. Similarly, a Visual Layer may be defined for Print by clicking the On / Off button within the Print column. In turn, the defined Visual Layers and set properties are referenced by the Active Properties form. The Current (Visual) Layer may be selected via the adjacent options list. From the point of selection, created Draw elements will be contained within the defined Visual Layer and inherit the associated Layer properties. Where an element is copied between Sheets, if the owning Visual Layer does not exist within the destination Sheet it will be created and the colour/linetype inherited from the element. If the owning Layer already exists in the destination Sheet and an element is copied with Linetype/Colour ‘By Layer’, the element will adopt the Linetype/Colour of the destination Layer. The Current Line Type defines the Line Type that is to be applied to the primitive element being created. The field may be set to By Layer; setting the Current Line Type to the Line Type associated with the specified Current Layer. If an explicit Line Type is defined via the options list, the set Line Type overrides the Current Layer default Line Type setting and is thus applied to the proposed primitive element.

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The Current Colour defines the colour that is to be applied to the primitive element being created. The field may be set to By Layer; setting the Current Colour to the Colour associated with the specified Current Layer. If a Colour is defined via the options list, the set Colour overrides the Current Layer default Colour setting and is applied to the proposed primitive element.

Format Painter The Format Painter is accessed by expanding the Active Properties form by clicking the Expansion button.

The Format Painter may be utilised to set the properties of an element in the Draw Canvas as the active Current Visual Layer, Line Type or Colour. With the adjacent checkbox ticked, the properties of an object can be used to set the Active Property by selecting the object in the Draw Canvas and clicking the Pick button.

The Format Painter may be utilised in the instance an existing element is required to be modified to be included in a Visual Layer or to be consistent with a Current Line Type or Colour. To apply the current Active Properties to an object, the check boxes for those properties to be applied are ticked prior to the elements being selected in the Draw Canvas and the Match button clicked.

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Properties Grid

The Properties Grid displays element attributes that are commonly altered during the course of drawing production. The Properties Grid is integral to the AVEVA E3D Draw workflow; allowing the user to modify the properties of a drawing without having to resort to cluttering forms and menus that obstruct the Draw Canvas view. The Properties Gird is displayed by clicking the Properties Gird toggle button in the Display group of the Home tab.

By default the prompted Properties Grid form is docked to the right of the Draw Canvas below the Active Properties form. In the instance no object is selected the Properties Grid displays the Drawing Sheet properties. The element type selected is indicated by the Selection List field at the top of the form.

The User is able to edit pseudo and user-defined attributes of elements. Pseudo attributes are contained within a collapsible area of the Properties Grid. Read only properties are indicated by a grey colour. The Properties Grid allows single and multiple element selection in the Draw Canvas for interrogation or modification. How elements are selected in the Draw Canvas is determined by the Object Selection Mode toggle button in the Properties Grid form. Indicates multiple object selection mode. Each object selected in the Draw Canvas is appended to the list of selected objects. Indicates single object selection mode. Only one object can be selected in the Draw Canvas at a time and any further selection removes the current selection. The object selection mode is ignored on using a cursor window to select multiple elements in the Draw Canvas. The Initiate New Selection button deselects the current selection and initiates a new selection.

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If a single object is selected, the object type is displayed in the Selection List field at the top of the form. The Properties Grid updates to display the properties of the selected element.

If multiple objects are selected, the Selection List field will initially display All (No. of selected elements) and the Properties Grid will display properties common to the selected objects.

Expanding the Selection List displays an options list detailing the element types currently selected, together with the number of instances. On selecting an element type from the options list, the Properties Grid updates to display the properties for the object type or common properties for multiple instances of the same object type.

The Properties Grid allows the definition and modification of the element(s) by input to the grid. The properties of an object may be amended by direct entry to the grid by left clicking in the cell and typing the required input.

A number of properties in the grid allow the selection of a pre-defined option via an options list e.g. Sheet Sizes defined by administrative System Defaults.

The Properties Grid acts as an interface to Project and Master Libraries through the clicking of an adjacent Browse button and the selection of an element from the prompted browser window e.g. the Open Backing Sheet window allows selection of the required Backing Sheet.

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The options presented by the Properties Grid options lists and the default path on selecting the Browse button are all influenced by the set User and System Defaults. Refer to Chapter 4 User Defaults for further information on the definition of User Defaults.

Prior to altering a Draw property the user should be wary of properties defined By Style or By Layer. Such properties are influenced by the respective Visual Style or Visual Layer defined for the element. The Default button from the Properties Grid may be used to set the properties of the selected element to the default definition i.e. return properties to By Layer or By Style where appropriate.

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The Draw Canvas

The following section highlights how the use and manipulation of the Draw Canvas aids the process of drawing production.

Mouse & Keyboard Controls Both the keyboard and mouse can be used to manipulate the Draw Canvas. The commands associated with canvas manipulation are described below. Left Mouse Button Clicking the left mouse button with the pointer over an element makes the model or draw element the Current Element (CE) in the respective Model and Draw hierarchies. Further, the left-mouse button may be used to select Draw elements, including the forming of a selection window, to populate the Properties Grid. A double-click within a View, Region or Sheet sets the Current Owner. @’ Middle Mouse Button The middle button allows the user to increase and decrease the zoom of the displayed area. Positioning the cursor at the centre of the required area, a rotation of the mouse wheel away from and towards will zoom in and out respectively. Holding the middle button and movement of the mouse allows the user to pan the Draw Canvas. Right Mouse Button

Clicking the right mouse button invokes the Draw Power Wheel. Refer to Section 3.10 Draw Power Wheel for further information.

Keyboard When the mouse cursor is in the bounds of the Draw Canvas a number of typed commands may be directly input. Each input command, for example zoom, is reported in the Messages Window. For a complete list of Draw keyboard commands refer to Appendix C Draw Canvas Commands.

Draw Canvas Tools Common tools such as Delete, Copy, Paste and Cut can all be accessed via the Tools group of the Home tab. In addition Draw Canvas navigation is aided by the Pan and Zoom commands.

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The Pan button and options list allows the navigation of the Draw Canvas by selection of the required pan mode and the use of the mouse as prompted.

The Zoom button and options list allows access to a number of zoom modes for the Draw Canvas.

Draw Contextual Editor The Draw Contextual Editor aids the drawing production process by allowing direct entry to the Draw Canvas during the performing of a Draw task such as 2D drawing or annotation.

On selection of a Draw function or task, the Contextual Editor updates to prompt the user to complete an action.

The user is able to select any available variations in method via the Contextual Editor menu, accessed by pressing the key, and selection of the available tiles.

Tile options are marked by key letters e.g. in the example shown, pressing the key will instigate the specify centre command. In addition to graphical selection in the Draw Canvas, the user is able to explicitly define position by the Contextual Editor text boxes.

Navigation between the text boxes is achieved by pressing the key. The text box field is locked by pressing the key. The Contextual Editor is varied by pressing the key. This variation allows the definition of position/length with an associated polar direction. In the example shown here, the first point of a line has been positioned explicitly and the second point has been positioned at a set distance and orientation. Copyright © 2013. AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.

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Further, on pressing the and keys together, the Contextual Editor toggles between Absolute positioning and Relative positioning.

Absolute Position

Relative Position

Example: Position at co-ordinate point X 1050mm, Y 515mm.

Example: Position at a point X 50mm, Y 25mm from current.

Grips & Object Snapping AVEVA E3D Draw utilises element grips within the Draw Canvas. Further to explicit element modification via the Properties Grid, a series of grips on Draw elements allow graphical manipulation and modification. For example, the below illustrates a Square primitive and available grips.

Taking the Stretch Grip as an example the grip allows the element to be resized through mouse selection and movement or direct entry of position to the Contextual Editor. An active grip is highlighted by a change in grip colour. On movement, the user is provided canvas feedback as to the change in View size before confirmation of the action. The use of Draw grips will be expanded upon in the proceeding chapters with examples including View, Annotation and 2D Drawing manipulation Element grips may be used in conjunction with Object Snapping to modify elements within the Draw Canvas. As selected from the Status bar and introduced earlier in the Chapter, Object Snaps are used to snap drawing elements such as annotation and primitives to existing elements in the Draw Canvas. Copyright © 2013 AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.

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AVEVA Everything3D (1.1) Draw Administration TM-1870 Available Object Snaps are dependent on the Current Owner and user default snap options. The current Object Snap is indicated by an icon at the cursor point. For example, the Square element below demonstrates a Midpoint, Endpoint, Nearest and Centre object snap.





The user may set the default Object Snap options to be made available via the Status bar, click the Advanced Drafting Settings form.

to display

The form allows definition of prompted snaps at the View and Sheet/Region Current Owner level. Due to the intelligence of the View contents, the Object Snap Modes for a View include the intelligent P-Point, Owner, Item and P-Line snap options.

The Grid Settings allows the user to set grid and snap increments as well as turning the display of the grids on and off, and also activating the snap options. When the boxes are ticked the options are active. The grids can be displayed as dots, crosses or lines. The display of grid ruler (if defined) can also be toggled on and off.

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Draw Power Wheel A number of Draw operations may be initiated and controlled through the use of the Draw Power Wheel; accessed by right-clicking within the Draw Canvas. A Draw function is selected from the Draw Power Wheel by a left-click on the required tile – this may prompt a secondary Power Wheel for refined selection. For instance selecting the Annotate tile from the primary Power Wheel prompts a secondary Power Wheel whereby a function such as Label or Text may be selected. Alternatively, by clicking and holding the right mouse button, the required tile can be indicated by moving the cursor in the appropriate direction and selection confirmed on release of the mouse button. The direction of selection is aided by an indicating line. On selection of the required option in the primary Power Wheel, the action may be repeated for selection in the secondary Power Wheel.

As an extension to the default Draw Power Wheel, pressing the key on clicking the right mouse button prompts an alternative layout with elevated functions for example Save Work and Open.

The Draw Power Wheel may also be utilised in context during a Draw action.

On selecting a grip or during a draw task such as annotating a View the user may invoke the Draw Power Wheel via a right-click of the mouse. The presented wheel allows the user to confirm or cancel the action in progress, or to navigate the Draw Canvas.

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AVEVA Everything3D (1.1) Draw Administration TM-1870 In addition, on selecting a grip or during a task such as annotating the View, pressing the key on clicking the right mouse button prompts the Object Snap Power Wheel. Selection of an object snap from the wheel filters Draw Canvas selection to the identified snap. The Object Snap Power Wheel is context sensitive to the Current Owner with presented Object Snap options dependant on whether the draw task is at the View, Region or Sheet level.

Object Snap Power Wheel – Sheet / Region

Object Snap Power Wheel – View

The default Draw Power Wheel arrangement may be altered via the Customisation area.

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Exercise 1 Draw User Interface Using Chapter 3 as a guide, complete the following tasks: Enter the Training Project (TRA) and confirm the existence of an ADMIN Tab by selecting it. Navigate to and open Sheet DRWG-E3D_TRAINING_PROJECT-001/1

Use the Open button from the Project group of the Home tab. The Sheet resides in Department DEPT-AVEVA-ALL_AREAS.

Become acquainted with the Draw User interface; selecting and exploring the various tabs including the Project Menu. Explore the VIEW: FORMAT 2D tab by selecting the central View content. Familiarise yourself with the Draw viewing controls to zoom and pan across the Drawing Sheet – try using the options within the Home > Tools group and the Draw Power Wheel option Zoom Extents. Examine the Sheet and Active Properties form to understand what constitutes a Current Owner (including the use of Greyout mode) and note how Visual Layers have been employed. Noting how selection in the Draw Canvas alters the Properties Grid change the Drawing Sheet Title from Training Project to (trainee name) Training Project. Using the Active Properties form and Format Painter add the North Arrow to Visual Layer 0. Utilise the Status bar to display the Draw Grid, and toggle the canvas Gradient before turning both off. The training requires that Object Snapping, Automatic Design Update, and Dynamic Hints are all set to on.

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Draw Access, Libraries & System Defaults

The following chapter will examine access to the Draw module, the use of Libraries to manage Draw administration elements and the use of defined defaults to direct the Draw user workflow.


AVEVA E3D Draw Administrative Rights

To be able to access the Administrator options within AVEVA E3D Draw, the user must be a member of a Draw Administration team with read/write access to the Draw database(s) that contain the relevant libraries. The list of authorised AVEVA E3D Draw Admin teams is held within the file DRA-SETUP; which is located in the defaults folder %AVEVA_DESIGN_DFLTS% typically: C:\Users\Public\Documents\AVEVA\Everything3D\Data2.10\DFLTS This variable can be checked by typing q evar 'AVEVA_DESIGN_DFLTS' in the Command Window. The file may be modified to suit the team names being used. The standard AVEVA E3D Draw administration team referred to during this course will be DRAWADMIN. $* Set administration team global variable $* If the user is a member of one of the teams specified $* he/she is given access to the Draft Administrator Applications var !!CDSADMTEAM |MASTER DRAFTADMIN DRAWADMIN| The value of the variable !!CDSADMTEAM can be modified as required. The DRAFTADMIN setting is included for legacy PDMS projects. In addition, the DRA-SETUP file contains the location of the AVEVA E3D Draw default files. The Administrator should give consideration to the location of these default files. It is possible to have two arguments set for the environment variable %AVEVA_DESIGN_DFLTS% to ensure that a subsequent AVEVA E3D installation does not overwrite these files. For example: Set AVEVA_DESIGN_DFLTS=f:\COMPANY_DESIGN_DFLTS;c:\Users\Public\Documents\AVEVA\Everything3D\Data2.10\DFLTS

Read/write access is required to this directory for the AVEVA E3D Draw Administrator but only Read access is required for general users.


AVEVA E3D Draw Load Errors

On entry to AVEVA E3D Draw, where the MDB does not include the required AVEVA E3D Draw database MASTER/PADD, MASTER/DICT and ADMIN/PADD and/or does not reference a number of basic settings for pens, aids, etc, that are required by AVEVA E3D Draw, load errors may occur. If AVEVA E3D Draw initialises without errors the default files have loaded correctly. The utilised Training Project will enter without Load Errors. This can be verified by selecting the Appware Load Errors button from the Windows group of the TOOLS Tab.

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The Default Load Errors form is displayed. As indicated, the form will state that ‘No Errors Occurred During Load’ for the Training project.

Typical Load Errors Note the following typical errors that can occur with customer projects if the database MASTER/PADD is not present in the MDB:

If load errors do occur, AVEVA Everything3D be displayed.

Draw will not load - only the Command Window will

The following errors are typical where the database ADMIN/PADD in not present in the MDB. The message log displays that there are 9 Errors/Warnings.

This can be verified by selecting the Appware Load Errors button from the Windows group of the TOOLS tab.

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Including and copying databases is covered by TM-1860 AVEVA Administration Fundamentals. The Dictionary database MASTER/DICT must be included but no load errors will be displayed if it is omitted in error.



The Draw environment is administered through a series of Libraries that define and provide elements for use by the Draw user.

Hierarchy Browser The Hierarchy Browser can be used to navigate the Draw Hierarchy and create elements in the database. On selecting the Browse button from the Hierarchy group from the Admin tab the Hierachy Browser form is displayed.

The Hierarchy Browser allows the context sensitive creation of administrative elements. For example, navigating to the World level and selecting the New button presents the option to create a Library or a Department

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By navigating to a Library the user is able to create a number of administrative libraries that may be owned by a Library.

Sample AVEVA E3D Draw Libraries The AVEVA supplied Master Project (ACP) includes two databases that must be referenced from the project MDBs. These databases are MASTER/PADD and MASTER/DICT, there is also a sample project library database supplied in the Sample Project (APS) called ADMIN/PADD, this database in normally copied into the current project for modification. The database MASTER/PADD contains two departments /Master_Libraries and /TT/Master_Libraries these have the same content but /TT/Master_Libraries is designed for use with True Type Fonts. The database contains examples of the following data: General Admin Master Library DEPT AID information Backing sheets Label and Symbol libraries H&S ADP hierarchy Structural detailing ADP hierarchy Symbol templates. There is also a Line Style World STYLWL /Master_PenStyles this holds examples of: User defined pen display The database MASTER/DICT contains the UDA definitions that are required within the AVEVA E3D Draw module. This database must be present in all AVEVA E3D Draw MDBs. The database ADMIN/PADD contains two departments /Project_Libraries and /TT/Project_Libraries these have the same content but /TT/Project_Libraries is designed for use with True Type Fonts. The database contains examples of the following data: Project Library Drawing and sheet templates ADP schedules Auto tagging hierarchy Representation Rule Sets Copyright © 2013. AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.

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AVEVA Everything3D (1.1) Draw Administration TM-1870 Hatching rules Styles Overlays General auto tagging Drawlists and circulation lists. If these databases are not referenced in the MDB used by AVEVA E3D Draw load error will occur. The databases MASTER/PADD and MASTER/DICT have been included as foreign databases and the database ADMIN/PADD has been copied to the Training Project and renamed PROJECT/PADD. Loading Sample AVEVA E3D Draw Libraries The Sample Libraries can be loaded from a .pmlmacro file. This is achieved by selecting the Load button from the Data group of the ADMIN tab

The prompted Load Data Files form allows the loading of the Master and Project Libraries together with a selection of sample Drawings.

Confirmation of Project Libraries – A Worked Example

Select the Draw Explorer button from the Explorers Group of the Tools Tab.

Navigating the Draw Explorer confirm the existence of the Project and Master Libraries.

Open the Command Window by clicking the Command Window button from the Explorers group of the TOOLS tab. Check the current MDB and ensure that the databases PROJECT/PADD (ADMIN/PADD), MASTER/PADD and MASTER/DICT are available in the MDB.

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This can be done via the Command Window using the STATUS Command. Use the command Q TEAM and confirm membership of the DRAWADMIN Team.

Remember If the Training is being carried out on a non-AVEVA supplied project ADMIN/PADD, MASTER/PADD and MASTER/DICT must be included in the current MDB.


AVEVA E3D Draw Defaults

AVEVA E3D Draw makes extensive use of default settings. The defaults are often configured and defined by the Draw Administrator, being applied on entry to the Draw module. The administrative libraries the defaults reference store Draw entities such as project and company specific Symbols, Labels, Backing Sheets, and Representation Styles. As an AVEVA E3D Draw Administrator, the settings in the defaults files may be altered; if necessary creating a different defaults file for each of the company's drafting requirements. The defaults file accessed by an individual user is determined by the setting of the user's %AVEVA_DESIGN_DFLTS% environment variable. Defaults can be set for the following: Definitions of name delimiters; that is, the characters used to separate the component parts of an element's name. Pointers to the libraries from which the different aspects of the AVEVA E3D Draw drawing functions obtain standard data, for example: 2D symbols and labels. Backing sheets and overlay sheets. Global representation rules and local styles. Drawlists. Tag rules and tag templates. Drawing and Sheet templates.

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AVEVA E3D Draw User Defaults

When entering the AVEVA E3D Draw module, the file DRA-GEN-SYSTEM is read and defines the User Defaults required. From a Draw user perspective the session defaults may be observed within the User Defaults form. To display the User Defaults form the User Defaults button is selected from the Defaults group of the Tools tab.


Setting User Defaults

The User Defaults are initially determined by the setting of the System Defaults but may be altered as required for the current session by the user. The User Defaults form may be modified in conjunction with the Draw Explorer. On selecting the appropriate User Default field for modification, the user navigates to the element to be referenced in the Draw Explorer and clicks the adjacent CE button in the User Defaults form. User Defaults are only valid for the current Draw session.

Using the File User Defaults form menu, users can load settings that have been pre-defined by the Draw Administrator.

Load Pre-Defined

Used to load the Draw System Defaults.

Load Pre-Defined From...

Used to load Draw defaults from a specified system location.

Display Load Errors…

Used to display any errors which may occur if the Default element does not exist in the database.

The training course has been configured to use the current True Type System Defaults defined.

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User Defaults & Draw Interface The defined User Defaults are utilised by the Draw Interface in the prompting of default locations for tasks such as selection from the Properties Grid or the selection of a Label or Symbol annotation.

For example, selection of the Backing Sheet browse button from the Properties Grid prompts a browser at the default location as defined by the User Defaults form i.e. TT/DRA/MAS/BACKS/MET.


AVEVA E3D Draw System Defaults

AVEVA E3D Draw system defaults may be modified by an administrator to suit project requirements. System defaults are set using the AVEVA E3D Draw System Defaults form. Open this form by clicking System Defaults in the Settings group of the ADMIN tab.

The current default file being used is displayed in the top of the AVEVA E3D Draw System Defaults form. The form displays all the default settings for the current project: Copyright © 2013. AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.

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AVEVA Everything3D (1.1) Draw Administration TM-1870 The Master Project Defaults and Local Project Defaults sections of the form show the default settings of the pointers to the AVEVA E3D Draw Libraries. To change any of these, either type the new element name into the text box, or navigate to the element required and press the appropriate CE button. The text to the right of the CE button shows the type of element required for each Library. By default, the individual parts of drawing element names are separated by a slash delimiting character. For example: SHEETS/SHLB1/BACK1/SN1. The Name Delimiters is used to specify any other delimiter character which has been used for Style names, Label Library names and Drawlist Library names.

File Menu Options The options available to save and load from file, via the AVEVA E3D Draw System Defaults form, are as listed: Save

save changes to settings to displayed file.

Save As…

save changes to settings to a specified file.


load defaults from current AVEVA E3D Draw defaults file.

Load From

load defaults from a specified file.

For the Load and Load From options, the AVEVA E3D Draw Administrator can perform either a full or partial load by selecting the relevant option from the submenu: Full Load clears all existing default values from the forms before loading the new ones. A check is also completed, to ensure that the minimum numbers of default values are loaded to allow the application to run correctly. Partial Load does not clear the existing form settings, allowing the Administrator to overwrite a subset of the defaults available. Display Errors… displays the Default Load Errors form, which shows all errors that occurred during loading. Each error message shows the load file line number at which the error occurred and a brief description of the error.

Restore Backup restores default settings from back up file, i.e. DRA-GEN-SYSTEM.bak. The File DRA-GEN-SYSTEM may be read only.

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Library Reference Pointers The Master Project Defaults and Local Project Defaults parts of the System Defaults form display the library references used throughout the AVEVA E3D Draw application.

To change the identified references, the User is able to navigate to the appropriate element in the Draw Explorer - as shown to the right of the CE button i.e. LIBY or SHLB, and click the CE button to transfer the name of the current element into the text field. Alternatively the appropriate reference can be directly entered into the text field or imported using the File menu options. The User Defaults form is initialised with the settings from the AVEVA E3D Draw System Defaults form after it has been loaded from file. Subsequent changes to the User Defaults form, override (but do not change) the settings on the AVEVA E3D Draw System Defaults form.

Element Name Delimiters By default, the individual parts of the AVEVA E3D element names are separated by a delimiting character (/), for example SHEETS/SHLB1/BACK1/SN1.

The Name Delimiters section of the AVEVA E3D Draw System Defaults form allows the Administrator to specify an alternative delimiter character to be used for Style names, Label Library names and/or Drawlist Library names.

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Layer Definitions (LAYE Element) The LAYE Element should not be confused with the Visual Layers used in AVEVA E3D Draw. From the perspective of a Draw User, the LAYE element is owned by a Sheet in the Draw hierarchy and is an administrative element for the storage of Draw annotation. A series of LAYE elements, through naming and setting of purpose, are integral to the Automatic Drawing Production process and the population of the Drawing Sheet. The LAYE element also exists for backward compatibility with AVEVA PDMS Draft. As the buttons Layer Purpose Definition, Layer Creation Definition and Layer Purpose Filtering are not used by AVEVA E3D Draw they are not covered in the Guide.

Sheet Sizes – A Worked Example The default sheet sizes that are available to the Draw user can be set via the Sheet Defaults form. This form is opened by clicking the Sheets Sizes… button on the Systems Defaults form. The Sheet Defaults form allows the Administrator to define the dimensions and display a reference description for up to 15 standard sheet sizes. The description should be limited to ten characters, including spaces. Although more characters can be entered, only the first ten will be displayed on the list of possible sheet sizes offered to the user. The maximum allowable Imperial sheet size is 128.976”. The maximum metric sheet size is 3276 mm. New Drawing Sizes can be added as required; as an example add the following: 216.00mm 280.00mm Letter & 841.00mm 1189.00mm P0.

Click the OK button to accept and close the Sheet Defaults form.

Confirm the existence of the additional Sheet sizes by navigating to a suitable sheet (DRWGE3D_TRAINING_PROJECT-001/1) and the Size property within the Properties Grid. The new Sheet sizes are available within the presented options list.

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AVEVA Everything3D (1.1) Draw Administration TM-1870 It may also be observed that the new Sheet sizes are also available for selection for a new Sheet Drawing Type from the new area of the Project tab.

Naming Conventions The Naming Convention form is displayed by clicking the Naming Conventions… button on the System Defaults form. The form is divided into two sections:

Mandatory Names Mandatory names apply to those elements that must be named, in order for the application to function correctly. As an example, drawing numbers are typically project related. Therefore any prefix should be entered in the Prefix box for the Drawing element. For example 1234- or DEPT- and REGI-. Any of these types of element, when created will use the Mandatory name as part of the default name visible to the user. Optional Names Optional names apply to those lower–level database elements that do not need to be named for the application to function. For each such element, the Named check box can be used to specify whether or not a default name is to be visible to the user.

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Exercise 2 - Draw Administration Defaults With reference to the previous Chapter complete the following: Open the System Defaults form. Create an A5 Paper size 148mm 210mm Define and check the application of new default names for a Department (DEPT-) and Registry (REGI).

Select Department > Create from the Explorers group on the TOOLS Tab.

Confirm that the new naming convention.

Note whether the new default standard sheet sizes are available on explicit creation of a Drawing. Name the Drawing: DRWG-DRAW_ADMIN-EXAMPLE.

Select Drawing > Create Explicitly from the Explorers group of the TOOLS tab.


Pick the Attributes Button and confirm that the new Sheet Sizes are available. Define an A0 Sheet size.

Use Quick Sheet to create a new sheet: DRWG-DRAW_ADMIN-EXAMPLE/S1.

Select New > Quick Sheet from the Project group on the HOME tab.

Use the Properties Grid to confirm the new Sheet Sizes are available. Copyright © 2013 AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.

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Drawlist Libraries

Considering the eventual drawing to be produced, this chapter explains how to set up Drawlist Libraries (DLLB). Each library contains a group of Drawlists (IDLI or ID Lists) which allow users to create lists of design elements to be drawn or sectioned. The DLLBs and IDLIs can be assigned to model items according to design disciplines, project areas, or any other classifications appropriate to specific working practices.

Each Drawlist comprises a list of Model elements, in the usual format of an Add List and a Remove List, which can all be displayed in an area view simply by reference to the IDLI name. The DEPT TT/Project_Libraries, supplied as part of the standard product, contains a LIBY named TT/DRA/PRJ/DRAWLISTS, which holds sample drawlist libraries.


Creating a Drawlist Library – A Worked Example

To create a new Drawlist library (DLLB), the Administrator may navigate to an appropriate Library (LIBY) or create a new Library.

Navigate to the World element in the Draw Explorer and ensure the Admin tab is the current tab.

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Select the Create option from the Library segmented button within the the Libraries group.

Enter a Library Name TT/LIBY-TRAINING and click the OK button to confirm.

The Library Attributes form is prompted. Navigate to the Pens tab of the form and select the * Select a True Type Font option from the Text Font options list.

The TrueType font selection form is prompted.

From the TrueType fonts list select Arial Unicode MS [5] and confrm the selection by clicking the OK button.

Returning to the Library Attributes form click the Apply and Cancel buttons to dismiss the form. Select the Create option from the Drawlist segmented button within the Libraries group.

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The Create DLLB form is prompted. Enter a Name TT/LIBY-TRAINING/DRAWLIST and click the OK button to confirm.


Creating and Modifying a Drawlist – A Worked Example Select the Manager button from the Drawlist group of the ADMIN tab to open the Drawlist Management form.

Select the New Drawlist from the Drawlist Management form.

Enter Drawlist name TT/LIBY-TRAINING/DRAWLIST/EQUIP and confirm by clicking the OK button.

The Drawlist Management form is displayed with the created Drawlist Library and Drawlist in the appropriate fields:

The Drawlist Management form may also be displayed by clicking the Modify option from the Drawlist segmented button within the Libraries group.

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Selecting a Drawlist Library & Drawlist With reference to the Drawlist Management form, the Drawlist Library options list allows the user to specify the Drawlist Library that owns the Drawlist (IDLI) to be modified. In turn, the Drawlist may be selected from the populated Drawlists text pane.

Creating a Drawlist

The Drawlist Management form may be utilised to create a Drawlist via the New Drawlist option; an action which prompts the Create Drawlist form.

As described previously with Drawlist creation via the ADMIN tab, a Drawlist name is entered and confirmed on clicking the OK button.

Alternatively, selecting Copy Drawlist option will create a copy of the selected Drawlist.

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AVEVA Everything3D (1.1) Draw Administration TM-1870 The Copied Drawlist can then be renamed by right-click button in the Model explorer

Deleting a Drawlist

To delete a Drawlist (IDLI) from the current Drawlist Library, the selected Drawlist is highlighted in the Drawlists text pane and the Delete Drawlist option clicked.

Defining Drawlist Members

The lower part of the Drawlist Management form contains the buttons that are used to build up the Add and Remove members owned by each Drawlist. Selecting the required elements from the Model Explorer, the Add CE button is used to add them to the Drawlist. Either by using Add CE, Rules or within Limits, to remove items from the Drawlist i.e. items that are not to be displayed on the drawing, elements are selected via the Selection Grid and click the Remove CE button. The Selection grid can show either Design elements or alternative existing Drawlists. The former allows the User to pick design elements explicitly; the latter allows the User to identify design elements by their presence in other Drawlists.

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Alternatively, elements can be added to the Drawlist by defining a volume by clicking the Limits. From view Button. All significant elements positioned partly or wholly within the current limits box will be added to the Drawlist when choosing Add Ce Within Limits option under the Add CE button

To delete an entry from the Drawlist the relevant line in the Selection List is highlighted and the Delete Entry button clicked.

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Exercise 3 - Drawlist Library Using the previous Chapter as a guide, complete the following tasks: Create a Library /TT/LIBY-TRAINING. Create a Drawlist Library (DLLB) /TT/LIBY-TRAINING/DRAWLIST. Create a new Drawlist (IDLI): TT/DRA/PRJ/DRAWLISTS/AREA01/KEYPLAN. The Drawlist contains design elements from the 3D Design Database: /ZONE-STRUCTURAL-AREA01 /ZONE-EQUIPMENT-AREA01 /REFGRD PLANT_GRID The exercise above demonstrates the ability to add Plant Design RefGRIDS, automatic annotation can be switched off using Annotation toggle within the format 2d grid group. Additionally Ensure the AVEVA E3D Draw System Defaults reference the correct Library. Using Drawing /DRWG-DRAW_ADMIN-EXAMPLE create a new Sheet SHEE DRWG-DRAW_ADMINEXAMPLE/S1 referencing the new Drawlist.

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Sheet Libraries

This chapter explains how to define Sheet Libraries (SHLB) containing Backing Sheets (BACK) and Overlay Sheets (OVER). These Sheet Libraries will be referenced by the Draw user on creation of Drawings and Sheets. The DEPT /TT/Master_Libraries, supplied as part of the standard product, includes a library called TT/DRA/MAS/BACKS containing sample Backing Sheets and the DEPT TT/Project_Libraries includes a Library named TT/DRA/PRJ/OVERS containing sample Overlay Sheets. There is a duplicate set of the Libraries without the prefix /TT i.e./Project_Libraries and /Master_Libraries. These Departments have exactly the same information as described above but are configured using Native Fonts.


Creating a Sheet Library – A Worked Example

To create a new Sheet Library (SHLB), navigate to an appropriate Library or create a new Library below the appropriate Department. In this instance navigate to LIBY TT/ LIBY-TRAINING. Select the Create button from the Sheet segmented button within the Libraries group on the ADMIN tab. The Create SHLB form is displayed.

Enter the name /TT/LIBY-TRAINING/BACKS and click the OK button.

The Sheet Library form is displayed.

The Sheet Library is effectively a drawing sheet template, which aligns with the Backing Sheets (BACK) and Overlays (OVER) which it owns. The dimensions must be specified, either explicitly or by selecting a standard sheet size i.e. A0.

The Ruleset Reference on the Sheet Library form is for member VIEWs on OLAY elements only. Attributes can be defined at the Sheet Library level by clicking the Attributes button to prompt the Sheet Library Attributes form.

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The text is automatically set to Arial Unicode MS from the defined owning Library.


Creating a Backing Sheet & Content – A Worked Example

The Backing Sheet (BACK) is a drawing sheet on which one or more NOTEs can be positioned. Each of the NOTEs may comprise any combination of 2D primitives, text primitives (TEXP) and existing symbol instances (SYMB). To create and display a new Backing Sheet within an appropriate Sheet Library (SHLB), in this example TT/LIBY-TRAINING/BACKS, the following method is followed. Navigate to the New area of the PROJECT tab and select the Drawing Type Backing Sheet.

Select a Template Type ISO, before selecting the required template ISO A0.

Click the Create button to progress to the location of the created Backing Sheet.

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AVEVA Everything3D (1.1) Draw Administration TM-1870 The Create Backing Sheet browser is prompted.

Navigate to the Sheet Library TT/LIBYTRAINING/BACKS.

Enter the Name TT/LIBY-TRAINING/BACKS/A0 and click the Create button to confirm. It is recommended that the new Backing Sheet is given a name that will make the content obvious to the user.

Backing Sheet Notation A NOTE element is an administrative element for the storage of Backing Sheet notation. A NOTE is created by selecting the Note button from the Libraries group of the ADMIN tab. The Create Note form is prompted.

The Note may be named and confirmed on clicking the OK button.

Depending on the detailed design required, the Backing Sheet Note may be formed using 2D annotation techniques available within the DRAW tab.

For this example, the position and alignment of individual NOTE components will be aided by a Grid e.g. a grid with spacing (10 mm) and the snap function set to ON. Grid and Snapping can be access via the icons within the Draw Status bar.

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Grid settings can be accessed by clicking the OSNAP options button within the Status bar to prompt the Advanced Drafing Settings form. Select the Grid Settings tab.

Set the Grid and Snap Spacing (X and Y) to 10mm and the Style to LINES.

In order to demonstrate the workflow in creating a backing sheet, navigate to the supplied Backing Sheet BACK TT/DRA/MAS/BACKS/MET/A0 as shown by the below hierarchy:

Some of the Notes will be copied to the new backing sheet and modified. Using the right-click context menu: Copy the NOTE TT/DRA/MAS/BACKS/MET/A0/FRAME and Paste beneath the newly created Backing Sheet. Rename the note to: TT/LIBYTRAINING/BACKS/A0/FRAME.

In order to see the effects of adding individual NOTEs, open the Backing Sheet within the Draw Canvas.

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AVEVA Everything3D (1.1) Draw Administration TM-1870 The following demonstrates the use of 2D primitives and annotation in the forming of the Backing Sheet. Select the Line primitve from the Draw group on the DRAW tab.

Draw a line as shown below using the cursor or by explicit position. Orthogonal mode can be activated using the key or via the Draw Status bar.

Select the Text button from the Insert group on the ANNOTATE tab.

Position the Text at the centre of the created line by using a centre object snap.

Change the Text contents to NOTES and set the alignment to centre.

The completed annotation should be as below:

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AVEVA Everything3D (1.1) Draw Administration TM-1870 In a similar manner, navigate to the text primitive ‘REFERENCE DRAWINGS’ in the Draw Canvas.

Select the Text using the cursor

In the Properties Grid navigate to Text and pick the Browse button


Using the Text Editor form, update the section title to: REFERENCE DRAWINGS & DOCUMENTS.

This form can also be displayed by double clicking on the Text.

In order to further demonstrate the workflow in creating a backing sheet and the use of Intelligent Text and Symbols, navigate to the supplied Backing Sheet BACK TT/DRA/MAS/BACKS/MET/A0. Using the right-click context menu Copy the NOTE TT/DRA/MAS/BACKS/MET/A0/TITLE and NOTE TT/DRA/MAS/BACKS/MET/A0/REV-TEXT and Paste beneath the newly created Backing Sheet.


Expanding NOTE TT/AVEVA-LIBY/BACKS/AVEVA-A0/TITLE demonstrates the use of intelligent text within the created backing sheet to allow detail to be extracted from the database rather than simply free text. For example, and as shown below, the Drawing Title is populated upon the User defining the Drawing Title (#TITL) and Sheet Title (#TITL) during Drawing creation. Copyright © 2013. AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.

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Similar Intelligent text can be applied to the Revision version information – as seen with NOTE TT/DRA/MAS/BACKS/MET/A0/REV-TEXT.

The date in each case should be updated from #RVDT(C1:6) to #RVDT(C1:8)

Image files such as BMP or JPG can be inserted; for example, such files are often used for company logos.

Click the Image button from the Insert group on the ANNOTATE tab to prompt the Open broswer.

Navigate to and select AVEVALOGO.jpg from the folder C:\AVEVA\Plant\PlantTraining2.1\Training\userdata\Draw. Click the Open button to initiate the insertion of image into the Draw Canvas. Copyright © 2013 AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.

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AVEVA Everything3D (1.1) Draw Administration TM-1870 The Contextual Editor updates to prompt the positioning of the image by centre point.

Position the image at the explicit position X: 870mm and Y: 45mm. On being prompted to define a Scale, use the cursor to ensure the image resides within the Backing Sheet area or set an explicit Scale 0.4 within the Contextual Editor field. The Contextual Editor updates to prompt a Rotation, enter a 0 degree rotation.

The Backing Sheet TT/LIBY-TRAINING/BACKS/A0 will now be similar to the following:

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Creating an Overlay & Content - A Worked Example

An Overlay (OVER) is a drawing sheet on which NOTEs may be positioned using the same procedure as for a Backing Sheet. However, an Overlay may also own 2D Views, typically used to display Keyplan views of all or part of the 3D model. For the purpose of Automated Drawing Production and the administration of a single Keyplan, each View can own one or more LAYE elements. Each LAYE element, in turn, owns VNOTEs (LAYE Notes). It will be easier to position and align individual NOTE components i.e. primitives, text and/or symbol instances, if a working grid is displayed. To create and display a new OVER, a Sheet Library is required. Navigate to the created Library TT/LIBY-TRAINING using the Draw Explorer. Select the Create button from the Sheet segmented button within the Libraries group of the ADMIN tab. The Create SHLB form is prompted. Name the SHLB /TT/LIBY-TRAINING/OVER and click the OK button to confirm.

On the prompted Sheet Library form set the Ruleset Reference to: TT/DRA/PRJ/REPR/GEN/BASIC. Click the Apply and Cancel buttons to confirm and dismiss the form.

A new OVER will be created below the SHLB TT/LIBY-TRAINING/OVER. Navigate to the New area if the PROJECT tab and select the Overlay Sheet Drawing Type. Select any template from the Templates area before clicking the Create button.

The Create Overlay Sheet form is displayed. Copyright © 2013 AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.

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Navigate to the Sheet Library TT/LIBY-TRAINING/OVER. Enter the name TT/LIBY-TRAINING/OVER/KEYPLAN and click the Create button to confirm. It is recommended that the new OVER is given a name that will make the content obvious to users. The new Overlay is displayed in the Draw Canvas.

Using the Properties Grid, navigate to the Size property and enter the explicit size: 120.00mm 67.00mm.

Creating Views in Overs – A Worked Example To create a View in an Overlay, the Draw Administrator may define and populate a View by 3D or 2D methods. Each View references a Representation Ruleset which defines the way in which the Design graphics are to be drawn. This Ruleset Reference can be defined either at an individual View level, at an OVER level, SHLB level or can be set to point to an existing System Ruleset. In the following worked example the View will be created and populated using Format 3D methods. Copyright © 2013. AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.

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Navigate to the Home tab and click the Design button within the View group.

The Contextual Editor updates to prompt the location of the first and opposite corners of the View. Using the majority of the Over area define the two opposite corners of the View. The identified View transforms to present the embedded 3D View within the Draw Canvas and the Contextual Editor is updated to prompt modification to View. In turn, the user interface updates to display the context View: Format 3D tab and the Model Explorer is automatically displayed for Drawlist modification. Holding the left mouse button, drag and drop the following elements into the 3D View within the Draw Canvas to form the Drawlist. /SITE-EQUIPMENT-AREA02 /SITE-EQUIPMENT-AREA01 /SITE-EQUIPMENT-AREA03 /SITE-STRUCTURAL-AREA01 /SITE-STRUCTURAL-AREA02 /SITE-STRUCTURAL-AREA03 /SITE-CIVIL-AREA01 /SITE-CIVIL-AREA02 /SITE-CIVIL-AREA03

In order to select the Model Grids from the Model Explorer the Administrator may be required to click the Explorer Options button within the Explorers group of the TOOLS tab and utilise the Explorer Settings form. The Grid World element will be shown on unchecking the Model Explorer – Hide nonuser System Data checkbox. Using the prompted View: Format 3D tab, navigate to the Define Limits group and select the Limits from Drawlist button.

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A Limits Box is created.

Orientate the added element by selecting the orthogonal Down direction from the Direction button options list within the Direction group of the View: Format 3D tab.

Define an appropriate scale for the View from the Scale options list. Ensure the Scale type is set to Metric.

Click the Apply button within the Complete group to confirm the creation of the limits-defined View.

The Overlay and View will now resemble the following.

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Keyplan Annotation - A Worked Example

The Keyplan can be annotated as required; in this instance Matchlines and a North Arrow will be added.

Select the created view to prompt the FORMAT 2D tab and click the Matchlines button from the Modify group.

The Matchlines, set to a defined Visual Style, are displayed about the limits of the Keyplan.

The North arrow may be directly created using 2D annotation or formed via symbol insertion.

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A Symbol may be directly inserted to the Sheet on selection of the Symbol button from the Insert group of the ANNOTATE tab.

Symbol selection is via a Select browser – North_Arrow within SYLB TT/Project_Symbols/General.

The chosen symbol is then placed and scaled as required within the Draw Canvas.

On selection of the Symbol the Contextual Editor menu allows the selection of an alternative symbol template and the scaling of the current selection.

On placement in the Draw Canvas, the Symbol may be modified in position, scale and rotation by the use of Symbol grips: Scale, Position and Rotate.

Place the North arrow adjacent to the created View in the Overlay.

Keyplan Design Areas Design areas can be indicated on the key plan. Design Areas are stored in Layers, each layer has a VNOT containing one rectangle representing the Design Area and another rectangle called .../LIMITS containing one TEXP that holds the Design Area Limits. The TEXP is used to set the limits on the ADP system when specifying limits from the key plan. Refer to TM-1831 AVEVA Everything3D information on the use of Design Areas.

Draw Automatic Drawing Production for further

Using the Draw Explorer navigate to the View TT/LIBYTRAINING/OVER/KEYPLAN/V1.

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AVEVA Everything3D (1.1) Draw Administration TM-1870 Click the Command Window button from the Windows group on the TOOLS tab to display the command window. A new LAYE element is to be created together with a View Note to hold the Design Area annotation In the Command window type: NEW LAYE /TT/LIBY-TRAINING/OVER/KEYPLAN/V1/ALL PURP A NEW VNOT A Note may also be created by selecting the Note button within the Libraries group of the ADMIN tab.

Navigate to the created View Note in the Draw Explorer.

Draw a rectangle the full extents of the view and select a Fill Type of 8009 System Style 9 using the Properties Grid.

Add some Text to the Overlay to annotate the defined area, for example “ALL AREAS”.

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The TEXP and HATCH area are now stored in the NEW LAYE element. When the OLAY is inserted into a drawing the visibility of layers can be controlled using the properties grid

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Exercise 4 - Sheet Libraries Perform the following task using the previous Chapter and Worked Example as a guide: Navigate to the created LIBY TT/LIBY-TRAINING and SHLB /TT/LIBY-TRAINING/BACKS: Create a simple A1 Backing Sheet /TT/LIBY-TRAINING/BACKS/A1. Navigate to the created LIBY TT/LIBY-TRAINING and SHLB /TT/LIBY-TRAINING/OVER: Using OVER TT/LIBY-TRAINING/OVER/KEYPLAN/V1/ create a Layer for Area 01: /TT/LIBY-TRAINING/OVER/KEYPLAN/V1/AREA01, PURP B the limits of which are: From W 322000mm N 289000mm U 98800mm To W 303000mm N 311000mm U 124000mm

Change the Default System Settings to point to the new Sheet Libraries (SHLB).

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AVEVA Everything3D (1.1) Draw Administration TM-1870 Create a new Drawing /TRAINING-A0 explicitly with the newly created backing Sheet, create a new sheet using Quick Sheet, check that it is the correct backing sheet. Insert the Keyplan overlay that has just been created to this drawing.

Display only the AREA 01 keyplan, navigate to the OLAY and set Layer Visibility to DESI B in the Properties Grid.

Setting Oslvisibility DESI A would display All Areas.

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Drawing Templates

The following chapter will discuss how to create Drawing (and Sheet) Templates. Drawing Templates are utilised by the Draw user to create drawings and sheets to a predefined standard and orientation. They can range from just a simple Drawing Sheet to a complete drawing containing several views, annotation and overlays. The Drawing Templates are made available to the Draw user via the New area of the PROJECT tab.

On selection of the required Drawing Type, the user is able to select a Template Type appropriate to the proposed Drawing and Sheet to be created i.e. an Equipment Drawing Template.

The DEPT TT/Project_Libraries, supplied as part of the standard application, contains Registries (REGIs) named TT/DRA/PRJ/TMP/, where represents Piping, Equipment, etc., related drawings. Each Registry contains Drawings, which own sample Sheets with associated Libraries. There is a duplicate set of these Libraries without the prefix /TT i.e./Project_Libraries and /Master_Libraries. These Departments have exactly the same information as described above but are configured using Native Fonts. The Template Types options list of the New area of the PROJECT tab is populated by Templates that adhere to the Default definition. The User & System Defaults forms allow the definition of the Drawing Template Prefix that is used to filter available templates for selection in the Template Types options list.


Creating a Drawing Template – A Worked Example

In this worked example a new sheet is created that contains the backing sheets and olay that has been created in the previous chapters, the addition of views will be discussed later.

The Department, Registry and Drawing elements can be created from the Explorers group of the Tools tab.

The hierarchy creation (and modification) buttons are context sensitive to the Current Element in the Draw Explorer i.e. the Drawing - Create Explicitly button only becomes active when the Current Element is a Registry. For this reason it is advised to have the Draw Explorer open.

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Display the Draw Explorer by clicking the adjacent Draw Explorer button in the Explorers group.

By navigating to the World element within the Draw Explorer, it is possible to begin creating the Draw hierarchy.

Although not required for this Worked Example, a new Department may be created from the Explorers group by clicking the Department segmented button and selecting Create from the options list.

The Create DEPT form is displayed. The User can enter a suitable name for the Department or accept the default autonaming. Enter the Name TT/DEPT-TRAIN and click the OK button to confirm. The prompted Department Information form displays the name of the Department and gives an opportunity to automatically create a Registry and/or to set the attributes of the Department. Click the Attributes button and ensure that the font is defined as Arial. The Create REGI form is displayed. The user can enter a suitable name for the Registry or accept the default autonaming. Enter the name TT/DRA/PRJ/TMP/TRAIN and click the OK button to confirm. The current defaults require that the name must contain /TT/DRA/PRJ/TMP.

The prompted Registry Information form displays the name of the Registry and gives an opportunity to automatically create a Drawing and/or to set the attributes of the Registry. As a Drawing element is to be created immediately, ensure the Create Drawing checkbox is checked and click the OK button.

The Create DRWG form is automatically prompted due to the checking of the Create Drawing checkbox in the Registry Information form.

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AVEVA Everything3D (1.1) Draw Administration TM-1870 The user can enter a suitable name for the Registry or accept the default autonaming. Enter the name TT/DRA/PRJ/TMP/TRAIN/A0 and click the OK button to confirm. The Drawing Definition form is displayed. The form allows the definition of some key Drawing properties. Enter the following information: Title:

Training A0


(Current Date)

Drawn By: (Trainee Name) The Title will be displayed when the Template is used. At this point in the Worked Example, the attributes will be set for the Drawing element to ensure any future Sheet created below the Drawing will inherit the required properties. Note Sheet creation methods such as Quick Sheet do not allow Backing Sheet definition on creation; therefore the Sheet creation process will be expedited by the definition of a Backing Sheet at the Drawing level. From the Drawing Definition form click the Attributes button. The Drawing Attributes form is displayed.

Selecting the Reference radio button, select the Backing Sheet created earlier from the options list: /TT/LIBY-TRAINING/BACKS/A0 Click the Apply button and dismiss the Drawing Attributes form by clicking the Cancel button.

Visual Layers It is likely that a Draw Administrator will define a series of Visual Layers within the Drawing Sheet Template to be used by the Draw user. This will ensure consistency in the creation of drawings across the project.

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Draw utilises a system of Visual Layers to group objects in the Sheet to aid the management and editing of a drawing. The Active Properties form reflects the current Visual Layer via the Current Layer, Current Line Type and Current Colour fields.

Visual Layers are administered via the Visual Layers form; display the form by clicking the Visual Layers button from the Project group of the Home tab.

Each Sheet, by default, contains a Visual Layer 0. The Visual Layer 0 cannot be renamed or deleted – this ensures a Sheet always has a Visual Layer for population. Additional Visual Layers may be added by clicking the in turn, the

button and,

button may be used to delete an identified Visual Layer.

On creation of a Visual Layer, an appropriate name may be given by double-clicking the created Visual Layer name field and entering the required text. Add an additonal Visual Layer named Annotation. Using the respective Colour and Line Type options lists set the default Colour to Red Colour 2 and the default Line Type to 8004 Chained for the created Visual Layer.

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Exercise 5 - Drawing Templates Using the previous chapter and worked example as a guide complete the following tasks. Create an A1 Drawing Template; use the Backing Sheet and Keyplan created earlier in the training. Perform a Save Work using the Save button or by pressing keys. Exit and re-enter AVEVA E3D Draw so that the new templates are made available within the New area of the PROJECT tab. Create a new Drawing based on the formed Training Templates.

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Symbol Libraries

Progressing with the formation of the required ‘ingredients’ for drawing production, this chapter explains how to set up Symbol Libraries (SYLB), containing the Symbol Templates (SYTM) from which users can select 2D symbols to add to drawings. Each SYTM may comprise any combination of 2D primitives, text primitives (TEXP) and existing symbol instances (SYMB).

The DEPT TT/Master_Libraries, supplied as part of the standard product, owns a REGI named TT/DRA/MAS/SYMBOLS. The LIBYs within the REGI own general symbols, electrical symbols and 2D Catalogue symbols. These symbols can be adapted as required.


Creating a Symbol Library – A Worked Example

To create and display a new Symbol Template (SYTM), a Symbol Library (SYLB) is first required. Using the Draw Explorer navigate to the Library TT/LIBY-TRAINING.

Select the Create button from Symbol segmented button within the Libraries Group of the ADMIN tab.

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Using the prompted Create SYLB form name the Symbol Library TT/LIBYTRAINING/SYMBOL and click the OK button to confirm. The Symbol Library form is displayed.

Click the Apply button followed by the Cancel button to dismiss the form.


Creating Symbol Templates – A Worked Example

The Symbol Template (SYTM) defines the appearance of the 2D symbols Draw users can select and add to their drawings. It will be easier to position and align individual NOTE components i.e. primitives, text and/or symbol instances if a working grid is displayed with a fairly small spacing (say 10 mm) and the snap function is set to ON. Using the created Symbol Library /TT/LIBY-TRAINING/SYMBOL complete the following.

From the HOME tab select the New segmented button from the Project group and select Drawing Type from the prompted options list.

Alternatively a symbol Template can be created any selecting Symbol from the Template Group on the ADMIN tab. The Project menu New area is displayed.

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Select the Drawing Type tile Symbol Template.

From the Template area select No Template.

On selection of the required template, click the Create button.

The Create Symbol Template form is displayed.

Navigate to the Symbol Library /TT/LIBY-TRAINING/SYMBOL and enter the name /NORTH-ARROW for the Symbol Template.

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AVEVA Everything3D (1.1) Draw Administration TM-1870 Click the Create button. The Draw Canvas and Properties Grid updates to allow the creation and definition of the Symbol Template.

The displayed blue circle in the Draw Canvas denotes the Base Point of the Symbol template i.e. the insertion point of the symbol on use.

The symbol shown here denotes a North Arrow and may be formed using primitives from the DRAW and ANNOTATE tabs / Draw Power Wheel and defined using the Properties Grid

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