Search-Borrow Book Use Case

July 10, 2024 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Search/Borrow Book - Use Case Specification Identifier Description Actors Goal Preconditions Post conditions Assumptions

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RUC09 Allows search of the Technical Library book inventory. Allows Librarian and Members to borrow available books. Librarian, Member, Non-Member Actors can search for Technical Library books and, if they are a registered Member, can borrow books. 1. None 1. A reservation request for a book(s) is initiated by the System. 1. Searching will be limited to the title or author of a book. 2. Books in [Retired] status will not be displayed as search results. 3. Basic Course assumes a Member who searches for books and is able to reserve books that are available or available to wait list in the System. Variable 1. The Use Case begins when the Actor indicates that they want to search the Technical Library for a book. 2. System displays a screen containing the following input fields for searching: 1. Title: alphanumeric and special characters allowed. Initial value will be set to blank. 2. Author: alphanumeric and special characters allowed. Initial value will be set to blank. 3. Input choice “Search” that when selected by the Actor allows the System to search for books based on words entered in Title or Author fields. 3. Actor enters desired word(s) into the Title input field and selects the input choice “Search”. 4. System accepts word(s) and displays search results screen with the following fields and data – there will be a results row for each book (books with multiple copies available will only be shown once) whose information matches one or more of the search words entered in Step 3 and is not in [Retired] status. The results will be sorted in ascending Call Number order and presented accordingly: 1. Column Header “Borrow?”. A data entry field with selection criteria will be displayed for each book in the results set that has a status of [Available]. Valid states for this field are [selected] and [unselected] and initial state will be [unselected]. Books in the results set with a status (see 4.5 below) of “Not Available” will not have this input selection criteria available. 2. Column Header “Title”. The title of each book will be displayed. This field should be 256 alphanumeric and special characters long and should dynamically size to show the entire title of the book. 3. Column Header “Call Number”. The call number of the book will be displayed. See RCOM01 for “Call Number” formatting.

Reference Model RUC09

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Updated 4/12/06

Search/Borrow Book - Use Case Specification 4.

Alternate Courses

Column Header “Author”. The author of each book will be displayed. This field should be 50 alphanumeric and special characters long and should dynamically size to show the author of the book. 5. Column Header “Status”. The status of each book will be displayed. Valid values for this field are “Available”, “Available to Wait List”, and “Not Available”. 6. Column Header “Edit”. (Available/shown only to the Librarian). An input choice “Edit” will be available to the Librarian to edit a specific book’s information. 7. Input selection choice “Delivery Method”. The valid choices are Mail to Member, Hold for Pickup, and In Person. Initial value will be set to blank. This selection choice is only shown once on the screen – not for each book. 8. Input choices “Borrow Book/Cancel” that when selected by the Actor allows the Actor to cancel out of the RUC09 process or allows the System to mark selected books as borrowed. This selection choice is only shown once on the screen – not for each book. 5. Actor changes the data entry field indicator for “Borrow?” from its default state of [unselected] to [selected] for each book the Actor wishes to borrow. The Actor can select books that are in “Available” and/or “Available to Wait List” status. 6. Actor selects the input choice “Borrow Book/Cancel” using the Borrow Book option to borrow all selected books. 7. Actor selects the input choice “Delivery Method” using the valid value of their choice. 8. System updates data on any selected book that was in “Available to Wait List” status to show the book is now wait listed. 9. System sends an email to the Librarian notifying them a book has been requested for Checkout and displays a confirmation message to the Actor with a list of the books selected for borrowing and, if applicable, books that are wait listed. 10. Use Case ends. A.1No Books Returned in Search 1. At Step 4 in the Basic Course, the System determines that no books meet the search criteria entered by the Actor. 2. The System displays an informational message that no books met the search criteria entered and puts the focus on the Title input field. 3. Use Case resumes at Step 2 of the Basic Course. A.2Actor Chooses to Search Only – No Book Borrowed 1. After Step 4 in the Basic Course, the Actor selects the input choice “OK/Cancel” using the Cancel option. 2. Use Case ends.

A.3Actor Searches on Author Only Reference Model RUC09 Page 2 of 4

Updated 4/12/06

Search/Borrow Book - Use Case Specification 1. At Step 3 in the Basic Course, the Actor enters an author’s name in the Author field and leaves the Title field blank. 2. Use Case resumes at Step 4 of the Basic Course. A.4Actor is not a Registered Member but Wishes to Borrow Book. 1. At Step 6 in the Basic Course, the System determines that the Actor is not a registered member. 2. The System displays an informational message that the Actor must be a Member to borrow books and provides a link to the Self-Register screen. Use Case RUC10 is invoked and completed (all Actor entered data is retained and re-displayed upon return from RUC10). 3. Once the invoked RUC10 Use Case is completed, this Use Case resumes at Step 7 of the Basic Course.

Included Use Cases Extended Use Case Issues Decisions

A.5Actor is Librarian – Edits Books. 1. At Step 5 in the Basic Course, the Actor (Librarian) selects a book to edit. 1. System displays a screen containing 1) the following data fields and information for the selected book, all of which are editable as outlined in RCOM01 (unless otherwise noted) and 2) input choices: 1. ISBN – not editable. 2. HHSC Call Number. 3. Title. 4. Author. 5. Publication Date. 6. Edition. 7. Availability Status – not editable. 8. Checkout Date – blank if book is not checked out. 9. Input choice “Update/Cancel” that when selected by the Actor allows the Actor to cancel out of the edit book process or allows the System to edit a book. 3. The Actor (Librarian) edits one or more fields as needed and selects the input choice “Update”. 4. System updates data for the book based on the entries from the Actor and returns a confirmation message to the Actor. 5. Use Case resumes at Step 5 of the Basic Course if additional books need to be edited. RUC10 – Self-Register N/A 1. 1.

CLOSED (4/6/06) - If a book is marked as [Checked Out] do we want to have a wait list option for that book? Yes – but only one Member can be on the wait list. Once a book is on the wait list subsequent searches will show the book as “Not

Reference Model RUC09

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Updated 4/12/06

Search/Borrow Book - Use Case Specification Available” – see Basic Course step 4.5.

Reference Model RUC09

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Updated 4/12/06

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