Revisiting Deped Order NO. 83, S. 2012

July 25, 2024 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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REVISITING DEPED ORDER NO. 83, S. 2012 Implementing Guidelines on the Revised SBM Framework, Assessment, Process and Tool ( APAT)

PROVISIONS To further strengthen the School-

Based Management practice and re-emphasize the centrality of the learners and the involvement of relevant community basic education service delivery

To improve on already

recognized successful SBM practices across the regions

The Revised SBM

framework, assessment process and tool shall be officially used as instruments in assessing the school’s SBM practice.

This Order shall also serve as the

venue to introduce the harmonized Philippine Accreditation System for Basic Education (PASBE) as an integral component of SBM practice.

The conduct of advocacy campaign on the guiding principles of the revised SBM assessment and the corresponding SBM practice is directed before conducting the assessment proper.



ACCESs ( A Child-and Community-centered Education Systems

Understanding SBM through ACCESs


To better highlight the children/ learner as the center of SBM practice

To encompass the diverse realities of learning contexts defined and uniquely occurring within specific

geographic, social, cultural, economic, political and environmental make-up of the contemporary society;

To enhance commitment of education stakeholders at all levels to their responsibilities and accountabilities in realizing the education outcomes for children;

To further promote shared governance between the school and community;

To integrate accreditation into SBM for a seamless assessment of a school system

To improve the school system’s capacity to be on track in achieving the EFA/MDG and sustain good performance.

The Revised SBM Framework

Leadership and Governance


Curriculum and Learning (K to 12)

Functio nallyLiterate Citizen

Resource Management


Accountability and Continuous Improvement

Central, Region, Division

SBM Conceptual Framework

The Conceptual Framework The system is guided by four ACCESs principles on: • leadership and governance; • curriculum and learning; • management of resources; and • accountability for continuous improvement


(A Child- and CommunityCentered Education Systems)

Strengthening the Practice of SchoolBased Management

Office of the Undersecretary for Regional Operations

Rationale for ACCESs Articulate the mandate of RA 9155; Clarify roles and accountabilities per

level of governance; Broaden the role of community in education management and delivery to emphasize “stewardship”; ACCESs: A Community- and Child (Learner)-Centered Education System (June

Rationale for ACCESs Emphasize centrality of

learners and learner’s outcome; Guide program development and evaluation; ACCESs: A Community- and Child (Learner)-Centered Education System (June

Col la b or a t ion Sh a r ed Gover n a n ce

Au t o n o m y

COMMU N IT Y-CEN TER ED Tr a n sp a r en cy

Ow n er sh ip

Sh a r ed V / M S U P P L Y

Acco u n t a b ilit y LGU s NGOs P r iv a t e Sect or Com m u n it y

Cen t r a l Re gion a l Div is ion Dist r ict Gen d er a n d cu lt u r a l sen sit iv it y


Accessib le

Dev el op m en t a p p r o p r ia t e

En v ir o n m en t a lly Sa fe

CHILD ( LEA R N ER ) CEN TER ED Lea r n in g-o r ien t ed a n d Lea r n er fo cu sed

ACCESs Framework

Features of ACCESs • •

Child(Learner)Centered Learning-focused Developmental-stage appropriate Gender- & culturesensitive Environmentally (physical, emotional, psychosocial) safe


• Shared vision & mission • Shared decision• making & governance • Collaboration • • Community ownership • Autonomy, • Accountability • Transparency ACCESs: A Community- and Child (Learner)-Centered Education System (June

Features of ACCESs

Child (Learner)-Centered • Accessible regardless of gender, race, culture, social & economic status ACCESs: A Community- and Child (Learner)-Centered Education System (June

In sum, ACCESs provides.. A framework to advance the philosophy of shared governance of education and to ensure a strong culture of effective leadership & management in the provision of basic education

ACCESs: A Community- and Child (Learner)-Centered Education System (June

ACCESs is about an education system…  Network of leadership  Learner-centered and context-based

learning systems and processes  Transparent and community developed

accountability system  Mutually reinforcing and harnessing

education targeted resource management

Operationalizing ACCESs Re-creating school (learning community) systems into communitybased and learner-centered;

Re-engineering the system through participatory planning and “demanddriven” monitoring and evaluation;

Operationalizing ACCESs Linking planning and budget processes with appropriate LGU and other local participation platforms at each governance level;

Strengthening accountability system by leveraging on the involvement of the “demand-side” of education. ACCESs: A Community- and Child (Learner)-Centered Education System (June

Getting Ready to Implement  Organize your team (First WHO, then

WHAT);  Level off and set performance contract  Plan and strategize to advocate;  Initiate dialogue with LGUs, private sector, NGOs and PTA;  Spot a champion (maybe a team).

Getting Ready to Implement  Check your realities and negotiate goals

and targets with stakeholders;  Train, coach and support team;  ID problem areas and prioritize;  Listen and collect information from stakeholders;  Invest time on working for common understanding and shared goals.

The SBM-PASBE Operational Framework

The SBM-PASBE Operational Framework The Framework presents the key components of the assessment system and how they are organized and interrelated to enhance continuous improvement of learning outcomes and products of learning.

The SBM-PASBE Operational Framework Three key components are presented: (1) guiding principles of the assessment system; (2) indicators of SBM practices; and (3) school accreditation.

Accreditation Status

Leadership and Governance

Accountabilty and Coutinuous Improvement

Curriculum and Learning

Management of Resources

Autonomous (Re-accredited Status)

Level III Advanced (Accredited)

Accredited (initial accreditation) Candidate Status

Level II (Developing)

Level I (Beginning) Levels of Practice

SBM-PASBE Operational Framework


+ Organizational Effectiveness

ACCES Principles


Curriculum & Accountability Resource Systems Learning Management

K to 12 Curriculu m

Strategies PASB E

The Revised SBM Assessment Process

SBM Assessment is conducted by the school to determine the depth of its SBM practice alongside the principles of ACCESs.


Discussion of documents

Closure or exit conference

Area Selection

Conduct process validation

Report Writing

Preassessment meeting

Assessment Proper


The Validation Procedure : DOD Conduct Document Analysis (RACCS Criteria) Conduct observations to obtain process evidence Discuss the synthesized documentary/pro-evid


The RSBM Assessment Tool is guided by the four principles of ACCESs. The unit of analysis is the school system which may be classified as developing, maturing, or advanced (accredited level)


Systems -oriented Principle-guided Evidence-based Learner-centered Process-focused


Non-prescriptive User-friendly Collaborative in approach Results/outcomes focused

Percentage Weights of the 4 ACCESs Principles

 Leadership and Governance 30% ( 5 indicators)  Curriculum and Learning ( 7 indicators )  Accountability and CI 25% ( 5 indicators)


- 30% -

Description of SBM Levels of Practice

Level I: DEVELOPING – Developing structures and mechanisms with acceptable level and extent of community participation and impact on learning outcomes

Description of SBM Levels of Practice

Level II: MATURING – Introducing and sustaining continuous improvement process that integrates wider community participation and improve significantly performance and learning outcomes

Description of SBM Levels of Practice

Level III: ADVANCED – Ensuring the production of intended outputs/outcomes and meeting all standards of a system fully integrated in the local community and is self-renewing and selfsustaining

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