
July 6, 2024 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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================================================================================ PES 2013 Editor [ PC ] ================================================================================ description: Tool to edit PES2013 Edit.bin file [ OF | Option File ]. supported platforms: 1. PC only ( not planned any other platform ) features: 1. edit player's - name - abilities - positions - motions - shirt settings - cards - face & hair relink - boots relink 2. edit team - names ( all 20 languages supported ) - numbers - team squads ( transfers via drag&drop ) - formations - strategies - team styles - supporter, kit and radar colours - home stadium relink ( ingame created stadiums supported too ) - emblems relink 3. edit kits - kit slots relink - detailed settings of player's and keeper's kits 4. import/export - players [ CSV ( PES6-2013 ), OF2, .Player files ( PES2011-2013 ) ] - teams [ OF2, .Team files ] - formations [ OF2, CSV ] - kits settings [ .Kit files ] - emblems [ most of graphic files ] 5. global adjustment - abilities - boots - injuries - motions - cards - macro reader ( to generate XML with global changes ) - all with variable options ... 6. leagues and stadiums - names editing ( real or default names by one click ) 7. other - footbal manager [FM] stats conversion - adding of players - quick removing of fake names - global renaming and adjusting size and style of names - and much more ... requirements: - installed .NET Framework (at least version 3.5) how to use:

1. open option file [ EDIT.bin ] from Documents\KONAMI\Pro Evolution Socce r 2013\save\ 2. do the chages 3. save thanks to: neogeo64, krejik, goldorakiller, Davide Citarelli, foxtrot, jenkey1002, GOAL, Tommsen, PATe.Arminia, Kenny, seresak, pita007, vlada, skip-br, mosu90, compulsion, SMcCutcheon , FCH, Inas, seraph, -Panos-, Patros46, barcafan, EPT team, MxSoniC, arianos10, Blazor, gigimarulla, i dsaturn, Nrby, zioborgo, DeFrenZ, hio, joserruiz, Simcut, Stelios, gigimarula, Omar Ahmed ... and anyone forgotten ;-) info and donation: Please, say thanks if you like or use my work in your patch! It costs no thing ... support: evo-web: homepage: donation: If you're feeling generous, consider a donation. Any and all PayPal donations are sincerely appreciated. Thanks! %40seznam%2ecz&lc=US&item_name=www%2efifacz%2ecom&item_number=PesEditor¤cy _code=EUR&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted how to enable extra teams support: 1. close PES 2013 Editor 2. open editor.exe.config file in any text editor 3. find key countOfExtraTeamsInOptionFile and change its value ( allowed v alues 0-284 ) 4. find key loadExtraTeamsWitInGameIdEqaulsToZero and change its value ( t rue or false ) 5. save file 6. run PES 2013 Editor hint: You can specify own order of teams and its types by changing ..\cfg\ team.cfg\ file warning: Use at your own risk! This functionality is not fully tested and do not expect any support from my side for this functionality! how to use chants relink: 1. extract by GameGraphicStudio or by any other tool chant-relink file -> unnamed_28.bin from dt03.img ( no DLC ) or unnamed_3040.bin from dt0f.img ( DLC 2.00 ) 2. open PES 2013 Editor and load OF as usual 3. load chant-relink file ( Main Menu -> Tools -> Chants -> Load ... ) 4. use chant relink form ( use right click on team or use tab 'Team' ) 5. save chant-relink file ( Main Menu -> Tools -> Chants -> Save ... ) 6. save OF hint: If you want to load and save unnamed_28.bin file automatically t ogether with OF -> specify chant-relink file in 'Settings' tab ( don't forget to apply settings by Save button ). changelog: version 2.0 - added league structure editation ( on EDIT.bin level ) - improved function to set Attack/Defence awareness of player based on

his stats -

added support for FM 2013 "print-screens" added Height and Weight to the global adjustment fixed issue "Index was out of range ..." in the edit team form fixed CSV export code refactoring, cleanup and other improvements

version 1.9 - added function to rename kit, font and number files according the se lected kit-slot - fixed import/export of kitserver configuration files - added player's position indicator to the formation preview - added more paste options and global movements to the toolbar of edi t team form - disabled validation of slider values for the extra teams - added overall rating according the lineup position to the edit team form - fixed issue with talisman card in player overview form - overview form remembers sorting and selected player after player edi tation - updated nationality.cfg list ( thx Baxter ) - added Spacing to the global adjustment - bugfixing and few minor chages version 1.8 - removed support for custom stadium names - added player's of ML NEWFACE EURO, AMERICA and JAPAN to the ML Youth list - updated fake_players.cfg file ( thx Tottimas, zlac, cRoNoSHaCk, Nick TheJoker, GOAL ) - fixed import from PES12_Team files - added 'Edit shirt numbers' form with sorting function and indicator of multiple usage of number - bugfixing and few other minor chages version 1.7 f editor e tactics version 1.6 xter ) ue ) r ) -

some minor improvements in edit team form import/export GDB kit configuration files fixed issue with wrong allowed nationalities in different versions o fixed issue with tactical assistance settings fixed function "mark player on wrong position" improved color conversion code ( thanks PATe ) and color picker form improved global adjust of team sliders and added posibility to chang bugfixing new edit team form ( I'm impressed by myself - is it bad? :) ) fixed slow speed of FM converter form updated configuration files ( thx Davide Citarelli, NickTheJoker, Ba changed exporting of players via context menu ( Chinese language iss changed exporting of teams to csv files ( will be improved more late added Somalia to nationality.cfg file added search by player ID function bugfixing and few other minor chages

version 1.5 - added support for DLC 2.00 - fixed ranges of abilities Age, Height and Weight ( HolĂ˝ DLC 2.00 issue ) - updated nationality.cfg file version 1.4 -

fixed nationalities ( update configuration file ) fixed stadium names issue improved editor to be more culture invariant ( Turkish i issue ) improved import of player commentary from PES 2012 added import of all team names via .PES12_Team files updated face_and_hair.cfg file added few shortcuts

version 1.3 - reworked chants relink - fixed global function to copy team names between languages - bugfixing and few minor chages version 1.2 - added option to find special faces into the remove fake plyers funct ion - bugfixing version 1.1 xtrot ) -

updated CFG files and fake players list ( thx Omar Ahmed, krejik, fo fixed issue with new S cards while importing PES 2012 player fixed saving of chants relink file improved pasting of PSD data ( SWP position issue etc. ) added support for stadiums renaming bugfixing and few minor chages

version 1.0 - first public version ================================================================================

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