PSYCHOSOCIAL ACTIVITIES-Week 1, Quarter 1, DLL-August 22-26, 2022

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I.OBJECTIVES/LAYUNIN A.Content Standard/ Pamantayang Pangnilalaman

B. Performance Standards/ Pamantayan sa Pagganap

C.Learning Competencies/ Mga Kasanayan sa Pagkatuto

Grade Level NINE (9) Learning Areas PSYCHOSOCIAL ATTRIBUTES Quarter FIRST – 1ST WEEK

Teaching Date AUGUST 22-26, 2022

MONDAY To promote the mental health of learners during natural and man-made disasters including pandemics.

Perform activities in Flag Raising Ceremony and be able to know people in the school like classmates, teachers, principal, guard, and utility workers. Familiarize the school through a simple tour around the area following health protocols.

To acquire self-esteem and independence through psychosocial activities.

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TUESDAY To promote the mental health of learners during natural and man-made disasters including pandemics. Listen/Recite the “Panunumpa sa Watawat “Panatang Makabayan” during Flag Raising Ceremony Listen/Sing the song DepEd Region III March, DepEd Cabanatuan March, Cabanatuan March Say/Follow simple prayer Watch a Video Presentation on Psychosocial Activities: Disaster Preparedness To inculcate love of God and Country Acquire disaster preparedness through film viewing.



III.LEARNING RESOURCES/ KAGAMITANG PANTURO A. References/ Sanggunian B. Teacher’s Guide pages/ MgapahinasaGabayngG uro C. Learner’s Materials pages/ Mga pahina sa Kagamitang Pang-Magaaral D. Textbook pages/ MgapahinasaTeksbuk E. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal/ Karagdagang Kagamitan mula sa portal ng Learning Resource



DepEd Order No. 14 s. 2020 A Psychosocial Support Activity Pack: A Teachers Guide

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WEDNESDAY To promote the mental health of learners during natural and man-made disasters including pandemics. Measure the height and weight of the pupils/students as baseline of data for Nutritional Status. Perform exercises like Galaw Pilipinas, and other games/sports Cooperate in community singing.

THURSDAY To promote the mental health of learners during natural and man-made disasters including pandemics. Measure reading ability of the learners through Diagnostic Test in Filipino and English

Literacy (English and Filipino)

FRIDAY To promote the mental health of learners during natural and man-made disasters including pandemics. Measure numeracy ability of the learners through Diagnostic Test in Mathematics

Numeracy (Mathematics)

Self-Awareness on Nutritional Status ▪ Self-Help through exercise to promote health ▪ Show talent in singing/dancing Health Awareness




Flashcards of phrases/sentences/ paragraph or short story

Window Cards

DepEd Order No. 14 s. 2020

DepEd Order No. 14 s. 2020

DepEd Order No. 14 s. 2020

A Psychosocial Support Activity Pack: A Teachers Guide

A Psychosocial Support Activity Pack: A Teachers Guide

A Psychosocial Support Activity Pack: A Teachers Guide

DepEd Order No. 14 s. 2020 A Psychosocial Support Activity Pack: A Teachers Guide


Other Learning Resources/ Iba pang KagamitangPanturo IV.PROCEDURES/ PAMAMARAAN A.Reviewing previous lesson or presenting new lesson/ Balik-Aral sa nakaraang aralin o pagsisimula ng bagong aralin B.Establishing a purpose for the lesson/ Paghahabi sa layunin ng aralin C.Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson/ Pag-uugnay ng mga halimbawa sa bagong aralin

D.Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1/ Pagtalakay sa bagongkonsepto at paglalahadngbagongkasanayan #1

E.Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2/ Pagtalakay sa bagong konsepto at paglalahad ng bagong kasanayan #2 F.Developing Mastery/ Paglinang sa Kabihasaan

G.Finding practical application of concepts and skills in daily living/ Paglalapat ng aralin sa pang-arawaraw na buhay H.Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson/ PaglalahatngAralin I.Evaluating Learning/ Pagtataya ng Aralin J.Additional activities for application or remediation/ Karagdagang Gawain para sa takdang-aralin at remediation Time Allotment Total Minutes V.REMARKS/ MGA TALA


Accepting enrolled students inside the classroom with love and caress to enable them to feel that they are welcomed in the school. Conduct a classroom-based flag raising ceremony. Singing song about “kumustahan” Song: Kumusta Ka, Halina’t Magsaya Have a short self introduction: Teacher first then the students Introduce the people inside the school through a mini tour around the school following health protocols to ensure the safety of the learners. Introduce the DO’s and DON’Ts inside the classroom as a simple strategy for values orientation. Film viewing about first day of school. “Ang Unang Araw ni Trina”

Singing and dancing. Ask the students about their feelings on the first day of classes. (Pre-observation on MHPSS) List down the observation of the teacher for each student in preparation for MHPSS Evaluation.

Conduct a classroom-based flag raising ceremony following the sequence to be able the students familiarize with content of the program. “Kumustahan” with the students by asking what they feel.

Conduct a classroom-based flag raising ceremony following the sequence to be able the pupil/students familiarize with content of the program. “Kumustahan” with the students by asking what they feel.

Conduct a classroom-based flag raising ceremony following the sequence to be able the pupil/students familiarize with content of the program. “Kumustahan” with the students by asking what they feel.

Conduct a classroom-based flag raising ceremony following the sequence to be able the pupil/students familiarize with content of the program. “Kumustahan” with the students by asking what they feel.

Ask the students the activities done yesterday for a follow up and to have a continuity of the objectives of the psychosocial activities.

Ask the students the activities done yesterday for a follow up and to have a continuity of the objectives of the psychosocial activities.

Ask the students the activities done yesterday for a follow up and to have a continuity of the objectives of the psychosocial activities.

Ask the students the activities done yesterday for a follow up and to have a continuity of the objectives of the psychosocial activities.

Have the students watch about disaster preparedness. Recent Earthquake transpired in the Philippines particularly in Cabanatuan City and other parts of the country.

Ask the students about their health. Have them tell about the sickness they had experienced before. Talk about it.

Prepare reading materials for diagnostic test.

Prepare materials for diagnostic test.

Talk about the video presented. Ask the students about the safety precautions before, during and after earthquake. Reminders on health protocols to avoid infectious diseases to spread on. Ask the students how they gonna keep themselves safe while they are in school. Have a short drill on disaster presented.

Ask them that the teacher will get their Nutritional Status by measuring their height and weight for baseline data. Community singing Group dancing “Galaw Pilipinas”

Tell the students the objectives of the test.

Tell the students the objectives of the test.

Administration of the Diagnostic Test.

Administration of the Diagnostic Test

Evaluation of the test as basis for immediate remediation and teaching strategy to be applied.

Evaluation of the test as basis for immediate remediation and teaching strategy to be applied.

Window cards/Number Cards

A.No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%

C.Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up the lesson

D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?

G.What innovation or localized materials did I use/ discover which I wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by:

Checked by:

Noted & Verified by:

JESSICA M. NAVOR Subject Teacher

RIC C. BERNABE Head Teacher I


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