Obe Syllabi Geology For Civil Engineers
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Republic of the Philippines CAMARINES NORTE STATE COLLEGE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Daet, Camarines Norte
CNSC as a premier higher education institution in the Bicol Region.
The Camarines Norte State College shall provide higher and advanced studies in the fields of education, arts and sciences, economics, health, engineering, management, finance, accounting, business and public administration, fisheries, agriculture, natural resources development and management and ladderized courses. It shall also respond to research, extension and production services adherent to progressive leadership towards sustainable development.
C. QUALITY POLICY: CNSC commits to continually uphold and strive for international standards through an effective and efficient management system providing excellent professional services on instruction, research and extension to meet the highest level of clientele’s satisfaction. D. DEPARTMENT/PROGRAM: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering E. COURSE CODE: ENGEO 1 F. COURSE TITLE:
Geology for Civil Engineers
G. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Fundamentals of geology applied to civil engineering problems. Topics include rock and mineral types, soil properties, rock mechanics, geologic structures, active tectonics and earthquake hazards, slope stability and landslides, groundwater, rivers and flood hazards. Team projects include engineering geology case studies and site assessment investigations. H. CREDIT UNITS: 2 units lecture I. PREREQUISITE: ENCHEM 1
J. NO. OF HOURS: 2 hours lecture K. SCHEDULE: L. CONSULTATION HOURS: 1hr./week M. INSTITIUTIONAL INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES: CSNC envisions a graduate having the following attributes: professional competence, critical and creative thinking skills, technical competitive skills, productivity, social and ethical responsibility, communication skills, interpersonal skills and lifelong learning. N. PROGRAM INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES: A graduate of the Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (BSCE) program must attain: 1. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, physical sciences, engineering sciences to the practice of civil engineering; 2. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data; 3. An ability to design, build, improve and install a systems or processes which meet desired needs within realistic constraints. 4. An ability to work effectively in multidisciplinary and multi – cultural teams; 5. An ability to recognize, formulates, and solves civil engineering problems; 6. An understanding to the effects and impact of civil engineering projects on nature and society, and of the civil engineers’ social and ethical responsibilities. 7. Specialized engineering knowledge in each applicable field, and the ability to apply such knowledge to provide solutions to actual problems. 8. An ability to effectively communicate orally and in writing using the English language. 9. An ability to engage in life – long learning and an acceptance of the need to keep current of the development in the specific field of specialization. 10. An ability to use the appropriate techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for the practice of civil engineering. 11. Knowledge of contemporary issues.
O. COURSE INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of the course, students should be able to: 1. Describe and explain the role of geology in the design and construction process of underground openings in rock. 2. Apply geologic concepts and approaches on civil engineering process. 3. Identify and classify rock using basic geologic classification system. 4. Use the geologic literature to establish the geotechnical framework needed to properly design and construct heavy civil work rock projects. 5. Utilize background in engineering and earth science to provide solutions to engineering problems within the context of the natural world. P. LEARNING PLAN:
At the end of the rating period, students should be able to:
Orientation CNSC Vision, Mission, Unit Goals and Objectives Get at overview of the topics to be covered in the whole semester; Have an idea of what is to be expected during lessons and discussions; Know certain rules and policies governing the whole class;
Parbin Singh, “Engineering and General Geology”, Katson Publication House
PowerPoint presentation
Worksheet Papers Case Studies
Week 1
Define and explain the role of geology in in the design and construction process of underground openings in rock.
Identify and apply the different geologic concepts and approaches on civil engineering process.
Describe the importance of ground water in civil engineering.
Be aware of the requirements and grading system of the course. 1. General Geology 1.1. Geology in Civil Engineering
P.C. Varghese, Engineering Geology for Civil Engineers”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.,
Week 1-2
1.2. Branches of Geology 1.3. Earth Composition.
1.4. Elementary Knowledge on continental drift and plate tectonics. Earth processes 1.5. Weathering – work of rivers, wind and sea and their engineering importance – 1.6. Origin and occurrence of earthquake – mode of occurrence – prospecting –
Week 2 Legeet “Geology and Engineering”, McGraw Hill Book Company, 1998.
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
1.7. Ground water – Importance in civil Engineering
End of Prelim
2., Blyth, “Geology for Engineers”, ELBS, 1995. Prelim Exam.
Week 6
At the end of the rating period, students should be able to:
Identify and classify rock using basic geologic classification system.
2. Minerology 2.1. Elementary knowledge on symmetry elements of crystallographic systems. 2.2. Physical minerals.
2.3. Study of the following rock forming minerals – Quartz family. Feldspar family, Augite, Hornblende, Biotite, Muscovite, Calcite, Garnet. 2.4. Properties, process of formation of all minerals – Coal and Petroleum – Their origin and occurrence in India.
Parbin Singh, “Engineering and General Geology”, Katson Publication House
PowerPoint presentation
Worksheet Papers
Week 7-9
Case Studies
P.C. Varghese, Engineering Geology for Civil Engineers”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., Week 8-11
3. Petrology 3.1. Classification of rocks – Distinction between Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic rocks. 3.2. Description – occurrence, properties and distribution of following rocks. 3.2.1. Igneous rocks – Granite, Syenite, Diorite, Gabbro, Pegmatite, Dolerite and Basalt. 3.2.2. Sedimentary rock – sandstone, limestone, shale, conglomerate and breccia. 3.2.3. Metamorphic rocks – Quartsite, Marble, Slate, Gniess and Schist.
Legeet “Geology and Engineering”, McGraw Hill Book Company, 1998.
Week 8-11
2., Blyth, “Geology for Engineers”, ELBS, 1995. Midterm Exam
End of Midterm At the end of the rating period, students should be able to:
Define structural geology and rock mechanics.
4. Structural Geology and Rock Mechanics 4.1. Attitude of Beds – Outcrops – Geologic Maps. 4.2. Study of structures – Folds, Faults and Joints – Their bearing on Engineering Construction.
Week 12 Parbin Singh, “Engineering and General Geology”, Katson Publication House
PowerPoint presentation
Worksheet Papers Case Studies
Week 13-15
4.3. Rock Mechanics
Use the geologic literature to establish the geotechnical framework needed to properly design and construct heavy civil work rock projects.
Identify the different geological and geophysical investigation applied to civil engineering.
4.4. Physical properties and mechanical properties of rocks – porosity – permeability – density – strength – hardness – elasticity – plasticity. 4.5. Dynamic property of rocks – types of wave theory – factors influencing wave velocity – statics and dynamics moduli of elasticity – grouting. 5. Geological and Geophysical Investigation in Civil Engineering 5.1. Site investigations 5.2. Geological Methods
Utilize background in engineering and earth science to provide solutions to engineering problems within the context of the natural world.
5.3. Exploration techniques
P.C. Varghese, Engineering Geology for Civil Engineers”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.,
Week 16-17 Legeet “Geology and Engineering”, McGraw Hill Book Company, 1998.
5.4. Geophysical methods – direct penetration – core boring – logging of cores 5.5. Geological condition necessary for construction of dams – tunnels – building - Road cutting. End of Final
2., Blyth, “Geology for Engineers”, ELBS, 1995.
Final Exam
Week 18
Q. COURSE POLICIES A. On Attendance Attendance is counted from the first day of regular classes to the end of the same as reflected in the approved academic calendar, regardless of student’s enrolment. A student who has incurred absences of more than 20 percent of the required total number of class hours in a given semester should not be given credit and is considered “Dropped”. Excuses for absences shall be made in accordance with the rules and regulations of the College. Excuses shall be valid for the time missed only. All work covered by the class during the absence should be made up to the satisfaction of the instructor within a reasonable period of time. A student who for unavoidable cause absents him/herself from classes must obtain an excuse letter from either adviser or the Dean to be presented to the instructors concerned not later than the second class session following his/her return. In case of illness where the absence is for five days, a medical certificate must be secured from the College Medical Clinic or from government/private physician. (Student Handbook) B. Course Requirements: 1. Class Standing a. Attendance 5% b. Class Recitation 15%
c. Homework/Assignments d. Quizzes
5% 25% 50%
3. Projects
2. Periodical Examinations (Prelim, Mid-term & Finals)
FINAL RATING = PRELIM GRADE + MIDTERM GRADE + FINAL GRADE C. Passing the subject 1. In order for the student to pass the subject, he/she must obtain a grade of 3.0 or 75%. The failing grade is 5.0. Grade from 74 and below shall not earn any credit. 2. The following grading system shall be used. 1.0 99-100 2.25 84 1.1 98 2.3 83 1.2 97 2.4 82 1.25 96 2.5 81 1.3 95 2.6 80 1.4 94 2.7 79 1.5 93 2.75 78 1.6 92 2.8 77 1.7 91 2.9 76 1.75 90 3.0 75 1.8 89 4.0 Conditional (Midterm Only) 1.9 88 5.0 Failed 2.0 87 UW Unofficial Withdrawal 2.1 86 Drp Dropped 2.2 85
Prepared by: ENGR. FRANCIS V. VILLACORTA Instructor I Reviewed by:
ENGR. GENARO B. BALANE Dean – CoEng Approved by:
DR. ERLINDA J. PORCINCULA VP for Academic Affairs
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