K To 12 Curriculum Guide Special Science Program: Research

August 7, 2024 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue Pasig City

K to 12 Curriculum Guide SPECIAL SCIENCE PROGRAM

RESEARCH (Grade 7 to Grade 10) August, 2017

K to 12 Special Science Program Research Curriculum Guide August 2017

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PROGRAM DESCRIPTION RESEARCH Research is the core of the Special Science Program (SSP) designed to provide learners with knowledge and understanding of scientific processes that they will use in undertaking science investigations. Various science process skills embedded in this course serve as criteria that will benchmark the higher order thinking skills in the field of research. The concepts on the nature of research and research processes will enable the learners to generate problems, select and synthesize relevant literature observing ethical standards, employ experimental designs, and apply basic statistical tools which will enhance the scientific writing skills in developing a research proposal. Furthermore, the learners will demonstrate the skills and competencies in conducting actual experimental research. This will lead them to establish linkages that will result to collaboration with different stakeholders such as partner research institutions, industries and the community itself. They will acquire mastery and proficiency in writing the scientific paper by exposing them to the rigors of writing research reports. This research course will strengthen the learner’s research capability and higher level of mastery and proficiency through continuous development of the science research project. This will foster the research culture among learners, creating critical thinkers, and problem solvers among them, and motivating them to pursue science and technology courses in the near future and become globally competitive individuals. .

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Research I

Research II

Research I for Grade 7 is a course in the Special Science Program designed to equip learners with essential scientific attitudes and science process skills that will prepare them in conducting science investigations. These skills include observing, measuring, inferring, classifying, predicting, communicating, formulating research problems, formulating hypotheses, defining and identifying variables, describing relationships between variables, designing an investigation, experimenting and writing simple scientific report. The simple science investigations shall be confined within the school premises. This course provides an excellent groundwork or prerequisite background for higher research work. Research II for Grade 8 introduces the nature of research and processes to learners. This will help them generate a researchable problems, formulate hypotheses, select, synthesize and cite relevant literature following ethical standards, apply the principles of experimental design and methodology, determine the basic statistical tools, and enhance scientific writing skills in preparing a research proposal. This subject is also designed to prepare the learners in establishing strong linkages, collaboration and consultation with research institutions, industries and nearby communities.

Research III

Research III for Grade 9 is the phase where the actual conduct of investigation/experimentation of learners starts. Topics are geared to equip learners with the necessary skills in conducting experimental research. In acquiring proficiency in conducting sound researches, the learners shall establish strong linkages, collaborate and maximize the available resources of research institutions and the community. Constant coaching, mentoring and consultation with experts will result to robust and well-guided execution of the research project. Learners should be able to acquire mastery and competence in writing the scientific paper by exposing them to the rigors of writing research reports.

Research IV

Research IV for Grade 10 aims to enhance the previous project study or develop a new scientific research. Competencies are designed to strengthen the learner’s research capability through the use of advance scientific applications for different research designs, stronger linkages, collaboration and consultation with research institutions and industries. Research IV will serve as an avenue for the learners to demonstrate much higher level of competence, mastery and proficiency in research through continuous development of the scientific research project.

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CONTENT STANDARDS Grade 7 –SCIENTIFIC ATTITUDES- Ist QUARTER (SA) A. Curiosity The learner • importance of demonstrates developing scien understanding of the “}`tific curiosity scientific attitudes, • ways of stimulating and applies learner’s scientific appropriate basic curiosity science process skills in designing simple B. Intellectual honesty • importance of science investigation. developing intellectual honesty in science • characteristics of intellectually honest learners • Ethics in reporting data and using other references D. Open-mindedness •importance of developing open- mindedness in science • intercultural understanding • adaptability to science and technology advances



The learner should be able to: a. design simple science investigation applying scientific attitudes and basic science process skills which are the inherent requirements in conducting science investigation

The learner should be able to: 1. apply scientific attitudes in designing simple science investigation 2. explain the importance of observation in the empirical nature of science 3. demonstrate the skills of observing a given event and/or object 4. use appropriate tools in measuring objects 5. describe the differences between an observation and an inference 6. classify objects and events according to observable characteristics 7. make predictions based on evidence 8. communicate the result of observations through different forms of science publications (e.g. flyers, posters…)

b. communicate the designed simple science investigation through flyers, posters etc….

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•ways of developing learner’s openmindedness in science E. Skepticism • importance of developing skepticism in science • ways to develop learner’s skepticism in science F. Objectivity • characteristics of objectivity: • validity and reliability G. Perseverance • importance of developing perseverance in science • ways to develop learner’s perseverance in science Grade 7- Basic Science Process Skills- Ist Quarter A. Observing 1. processes of observing: • qualitative • quantitative • change 2. importance of observation in the empirical nature of science: • detailed description of object • detailed description of an event • detailed description of a community/habitat B. Measuring K to 12 Special Science Program Research Curriculum Guide August 2017

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1. different measuring tools used in scientific investigations of the following forms of matter: • solid • liquid • gas 2. traditional laboratory measuring tools and their uses: • platform balance • graduated cylinder • meter stick • thermometer • others 3. modern laboratory tools and their uses: • ph meter • colony counter • calorimeter • galvanometer • voltmeter • oscilloscope • micropipette • laboratory sensors • others 4. importance of measuring skills in conducting science investigations C. Inferring 1. importance of developing learner’s inference skills 2. ways to develop learner’s inference skills in science 3. differences between observation and inference D. Classifying 1. importance of developing learner’s classifying skills K to 12 Special Science Program Research Curriculum Guide August 2017

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2. ways to develop learner’s classifying skills • similarities • differences • interrelationships E. Predicting 1. importance of developing learner’s predicting skills 2. ways to develop learner’s predicting skills in science 3. types of predicting skills • interpolation • extrapolation F. Communicating 1. importance of developing learner’s communicating skills 2. ways to develop learner’s communicating skills in science 3. forms of science communication • science journals • science presentations • research proposal • posters & flyers


CONTENT STANDARDS Grade 7 –INTEGRATED SCIENCE PROCESS SKILLS (PART A. Defining Variables The learner B. Identifying Variables demonstrates 1. dependent variable understanding of the 2. independent variable integrated science 3. extraneous variable process skills such C. Formulating Scientific as describing Questions relationships of 1. characteristics variables in research, developing scientific K to 12 Special Science Program Research Curriculum Guide August 2017

PERFORMANCE STANDARD I)- 2nd QUARTER (IPS) The learner should be able to design a simple science experiment using the identified variables on a researchable problem.


The learner should be able to: 1. identify variables in a problem 2. distinguish variables depending on their uses in planning a simple science experiment 3. develop a research problem/question 4. formulate a hypothesis


SSP_RS7-IPS-IIh9 SSP_RS7-IPS-II-h-i-10 SSP_RS7-IPS-II-i-j-11 SSP_RS7-IPS-II-j-12 SSP_RS7-IPS-II-j-k-13

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can have an answer and be tested • can be tested by an experiment or by measurement • builds on what is already known • can lead to other good questions 2. sources D. Describing Relationships Between Variables 1. linear relationships • positive • negative 2. unrelated relationships 3. nonlinear relationships E. Formulating Hypotheses 1. null hypothesis 2. alternative hypothesis F. Designing the Experiment 1. experimental group 2. control group

questions, formulating hypotheses which are needed in planning an experiment.


CONTENT STANDARD Grade 7 –INTEGRATED SCIENCE PROCESS SKILLS (PART A. Experimenting The learner 1. protocols demonstrates 2. biological safety levels (BSL 1 understanding of the & 2 only) integrated science 3. risk assessments process skills such 4. disposal as experimenting, B. Gathering Data gathering data, 1. types of data organizing data, 2. methods of collecting data analyzing and K to 12 Special Science Program Research Curriculum Guide August 2017

5. explain the relationship between variables 6. design a simple science experiment

PERFORMANCE STANDARD II)- 3rd QUARTER (IPS) The learner should be able to present, analyze and interpret data gathered from scientific experiment.


The learner should be able to: 1. perform scientific experiment 2. differentiate qualitative and quantitative data 3. collect qualitative and quantitative data 4. organize qualitative and quantitative data from actual observations




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3. time and frequency of collection C. Organizing Data 1. graphs 2. tables 3. charts 4. pictures D. Analyzing and Interpreting Data 1. descriptive analysis • frequency distribution • measure of central tendency • measure of variability CONTENT Grade 7 –SCIENTIFIC METHOD- 4th Fourth Quarter A. The Scientific Method 1. observing 2. identifying and formulating a problem 3. collecting relevant Information about the problem/topic 4. formulate hypothesis 5. designing an experiment 6. experimenting 7. gathering data from the Experiment 8. organizing experimental data 9. analyzing and interpreting data 10. making a conclusion

interpreting which are needed in performing scientific experiment.

CONTENT STANDARD QUARTER The learner demonstrates understanding of the steps in scientific method and follows the scientific process in conducting a simple science investigation.

5. use appropriate graphs, tables, charts and pictures to organize and present data 6. use appropriate measuring and observation tools in gathering data 7. evaluate gathered data

PERFORMANCE STANDARD The learner should be able to conduct a simple science investigation on a field of interest (science-life, physical, applied and mathematical).

LEARNING COMPETENCIES The learners should be able to: 1. apply the steps in the scientific method in conducting a simple science investigation 2. write a simple scientific report





B. Walkthrough of the different Research Categories 1. Science • Life K to 12 Special Science Program Research Curriculum Guide August 2017

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• Physical • Applied 3. Mathematical C. Conducting a simple science investigation using the scientific method and writing a simple scientific report

SPECIAL SCIENCE PROGRAM GRADE 8 – RESEARCH II CONTENT Grade 8 – Ist Quarter A. The Nature of Research 1. meaning 2. characteristics 3. importance of research B. Definition and Description of Types of Scientific Research 1. fundamental research 2. applied research 3. development work C. The Research Processes 1. documenting the research process • Project Data Logbook • Research Forms 2. international rules in the conduct of



The learner demonstrates understanding of the nature of research and research processes, different standard rules in the conduct of research, which are necessary in the preparation of the system of research documentation.

The learner should be able to make a portfolio of abstracts of researches in his/her field of interest.

K to 12 Special Science Program Research Curriculum Guide August 2017

LEARNING COMPETENCIES The learners should be able to: 1. explain the meaning, characteristics and importance of research. 2. categorize research in terms of features and relevance 3. demonstrate proper data log book writing 4. distinguish different research forms 5. recognize international standard and rules in the conduct of research 6. describe the nature of the research process 7. apply guidelines/criteria in the selection of research topic/problem 8. state the main problem and sub-problems of the research



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research • ethics • human participants • vertebrate animals • potentially hazardous biological agents • hazardous chemicals, activities and devices 3. steps in the research process • identification of the problem • formulation of hypotheses • review of related literature • planning of the research design and procedure • experimentation • data gathering, organization, processing, analysis, and interpretation • formulation of conclusion D. The Research Problem 1. research problem categories (Life Science, Physical Science, and Robotics) 2. identifying a research problem

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9. formulate research hypotheses

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• •

sources of research problem guidelines in the selection of research topic/problem formulating research Title

3. formulating research problem • characteristics of research problem • main problems and sub- problems of the research E. Formulating the Hypotheses 1. definition 2. types of hypothesis • null hypothesis • alternative hypothesis • cause and effect 4. writing the hypotheses CONTENT Grade 8-2nd QUARTER


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A. Review of Related Literature 1. purpose of related literature 2. guidelines in writing review of related literature 3. effective library and internet research 4. scientific writing: paraphrasing, quoting and summarizing 5. research ethics (intellectual property rights, plagiarism, etc.)

The learner demonstrates understanding of the guidelines and techniques in writing the Review of Related Literature (RRL), and the bibliography of a scientific investigation using the required standard style (APA, MLA, Chicago) which are essential in the organization of relevant information needed in writing the research proposal .

The learner should be able to write and present a critique paper on a science report of his interest from a reputable science journal published within the last five (5) years.

The learners should be able to: 1. gather relevant related literature 2. use proper citation (in-text citation) using standard format 3. organize sources using appropriate bibliographic format 4. critique a journal paper

SSP_RS8-RRLII-g-h10 SSP_RS8-RRL-II-i-j-11 SSP_RS8-WB-II-j-k-12 SSP_RS8-JR-II-k-l-13

B. Writing Bibliography/References section 1. three common reference/ standard styles in citing related literature • APA • MLA • Chicago Manual of Style C. Journal Review/Critiquing of Researches 1. contents • introduction • contribution to knowledge, theory, or • practice in the field • research design and methodology • findings-how it is presented and interpreted • conclusion

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2. writing quality, clarity, style and organization of the information presented






Grade 8-3rd Quarter A. Research Design 1. definition 2. significance 3. content 4. principles 5. types • Complete Randomized Design • Randomized Complete Block Design • Correlational

The learner demonstrates understanding on the principles and types of research design, sampling types and methods and appropriate laboratory techniques and methods necessary in conducting a science investigation.

The learner should be able to make a draft research design in his/her data logbook including protocols, methods and procedures.

The learners should be able to: 1. apply the principles of research design 2. make a valid experimental design 3. describe the types and methods of sampling 4. identify standard methods and techniques used in performing experiments 5. demonstrate proper use of specific, standard laboratory procedure 6. apply proper handling and setting of laboratory equipment

SSP-RS8-RD-III-m-n-14 SSP-RS8-RD-III-n-15 SSP-RS8-SA-III-o-16 SSP-RS8-RM-III-o-q17 SSP-RS8-RM-III-q-18 SSP-RS8-RM-III-r-19

B. Sampling 1. sample vs population 2. types of sampling C. Research Methods (basic laboratory techniques and methods) 1. biological • Microscopy • Tissue culture • Aseptic Technique • Dissection K to 12 Special Science Program Research Curriculum Guide August 2017

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4. 5. 6.

Agarose Electrophoresis • Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) chemical • spectrophotometry • extraction • titration • Qualitative test for secondary metabolites physical • weighing • grinding • drying • centrifugation • distillation • filtration • chromatography • pH measurement setting and handling of samples/ equipment assays others






Grade 8-4th Quarter

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A. Collection and Presentation of Data 1. methods of collecting data 2. classifying data 3. ways of data presentation • textual • tabular • graphical B. Basic Statistical Test (Analysis of Data) 1. introduction to statistics 2. types of statistics 2.1 descriptive statistics • measures of central tendency • measures of variation 2.2 inferential statistics

The learner demonstrates understanding of the ways of collecting, organizing, presenting data in preparation for the research proposal writing, and use of statistical tools in the conduct of scientific research.

The learner should be able to: a. design a data collection system in his/her data logbook b. write and present a comprehensive research proposal

The learners should be able to: 1. apply the different methods of data collection and presentation 2. differentiate descriptive from inferential statistics 3. determine the appropriate statistical tool for organizing and describing the numerical data gathered 4.draft a research proposal in their field of interest (life science, physical science and applied science)




C. Scientific Writing of a Draft Research Proposal 1. Introduction • Background of the Study • Statement of the Problem • Significance of the Study • Scope and Limitations of the Study 2. Review of Related Literature 3. Methodology K to 12 Special Science Program Research Curriculum Guide August 2017

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4. Literature Cited/Bibliography D. Summer Research Immersion (First Phase: Planning and Exposure)April-May OPTIONAL 1. approved letter of intent 2. memorandum of agreement (Principal/Department Head/Research Adviser and the partner research institution) 3. meeting and consultation with the research consultants

CONTENT Grade 9- Ist Quarter A. Revisiting and Refining of the draft Research Proposal B. Research Immersion actual experimentation/ testing (phase 2) Note: The experiment design may involve work outside the school (e.g. research institutions)


CONTENT STANDARDS The learner demonstrates understanding of : a. the research methods applicable to his/her science investigatory project, which are important in performing the different laboratory

The learner should be able to practice different laboratory methods/procedures, safety precautions, and rules for proper disposal methods (depending upon the nature of the problem).

C. The Research Paper K to 12 Special Science Program Research Curriculum Guide August 2017

The learners should be able to: 1. refine the research proposal by incorporating the suggestions / recommendations given by experts 2.conduct an actual experiment 3.follow IMRAD writing format • write an enhanced research title • present a written statement of the problem


SSP-RS9-RRP-Ia-1 SSP-RS9-CAE1-Ib-f-2 SSP-RS9-IM-Ig-h-3

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Parts of a Research Paper in IMRAD Format • Title Page • Table of Contents, • Introduction • Materials and Methods • Results • Discussion • Conclusion, • Acknowledgement • References/Bibliography

CONTENT Grade 9-2nd Quarter A. Actual Experimentation/ Testing (Phase III)

B. Collecting and Organizing Data • collection of data • classifying data • data presentation CONTENT Grade 9-3rd Quarter A. Analyzing and Interpreting Research Data 1. statistical tools used in inferential statistics research

techniques and procedures b .the different parts of the research paper, which are essential in writing the scientific paper using the IMRAD Format .

indicate the scope and delimitation of the study • select relevant literatures • cite related literature using standard style (APA, 6th edition) • choose the appropriate scientific research design • describe the sample/sampling procedure • write the research methodology • organize data collection and data analysis LEARNING COMPETENCIES



The learner demonstrates understanding of different tools/instruments in collecting and organizing data which are the basis for the analysis and interpretation of data.

The learner should be able to collect and organize data by constructing tables and graphs in the data logbook.




The learner demonstrates understanding of the process of analyzing, interpreting data, and

The learner should be able to a. use the appropriate statistical tool in analyzing and interpreting data

The learners should be able to: 1. utilize appropriate statistical tools in inferential statistics 2. interpret data/ statistical results 3. test hypothesis

K to 12 Special Science Program Research Curriculum Guide August 2017

The learners should be able to: 1. conduct actual experiment 2. use appropriate tools/instruments for gathering/collecting data 3. organize data in project data notebook/logbook.


SSP-RS9-CAE2-II-i-m-4 SSP-RS9-COD-II-n-o-5 SSP-RS9-COD-II-p-6



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test of significance (t-test, z-test, Chi-square, ANOVA, H-test, etc.) • measures of correlation (Pearson’s r, Spearman) • regression 2. statistical software as an alternative tool (e.g. Microsoft Excel, SPSS) 3. hypothesis testing • types of hypothesis • steps in testing hypothesis CONTENT Grade 9-4th Quarter A. Writing and Presenting Research Report 1. writing the research paper in IMRAD format 2. presentation of a research project • visual display • oral presentation/science congress

CONTENT Grade 10- Ist Quarter A. Revisiting of the Research Paper B. Writing of a revised Research Proposal

testing of hypothesis to be able to draw valid conclusions in relation to learner’s scientific research project. .

b. apply the steps in hypothesis testing to interpret data



The learner demonstrates understanding of the mechanics of writing a research report following the IMRAD format in presenting and communicating the results of scientific research project.

The learner should be able: a. to write and present a research paper following the standard IMRAD format b. to present the research project through an exhibit and a science congress

CONTENT STANDARDS The learner demonstrates understanding of the standards used in project evaluation, which are needed to enhance and create

4. draw conclusion


The learners should be able to: 1. follow the IMRAD format in writing scientific paper 2. construct visual display 3. present the research project in an exhibit/congress

GRADE 10 – RESEARCH IV PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCIES STANDARDS The learner should be able to prepare a revised research proposal incorporating the suggestions given by peers/school Scientific Review Committee (SRC)/experts.

K to 12 Special Science Program Research Curriculum Guide August 2017

The learners should be able to: 1. utilize the standards (criteria or checklist) in evaluating a research paper (peer/group/expert evaluation) 2. revise/ enhance/expand the research project by incorporating the suggestions given by peer/group/experts



SSP-RS9-WPR-IV-y-b-11 SSP-RS9-WPR-IV-c-12 SSP-RS9-WPR-IV-d-13


SSP_RS10-ERS-I-a-1 SSP_RS10-WRP-I-b-f-2

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new scientific research paper.

CONTENT Grade 10-2nd Quarter A. Conduct of Enhanced/Continuing Research Project • (Research Immersion Phase 3) B. Finalization of Enhanced/ Continuing Research Paper



The learner demonstrates mastery and proficiency in conducting a new and a continuing research project, which are important in writing the scientific research paper following the IMRAD format and in preparing for the presentation during the research exhibit and science congress.

The learner should be able to produce research project and research paper.

LEARNING COMPETENCIES The learners should be able to: 1. conduct an enhanced/continuing research project (maybe done in different research institutions) 2. practice constant consultation with experts 3.finalize the research paper


SSP_RS10-ECR-II-g-j-3 SSP-RS10-ECR-II-III-k-n-4 SSP-RS10-ECR-III-o-r-5

. CONTENT Grade 10-4th Quarter A. Research Festival (schoolnational level) 1. Research Exhibit 2. Science Congress




The learner demonstrates understanding of the process of presenting the

The learner should be able to present and defend the research project

The learners should be able to: 1. demonstrate mastery of the research topic, and delivery/ presentation of the research project

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SSP-RS10-RF-IV-s-t-6 SSP-RS10-RF-IV-u-7

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B. International Science and Technology Fairs

research project and preparing for a creative visual display for exhibit.

conducted in a science congress.

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2. design a creative visual display for exhibit

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