JRC Questions &amp Answers-1

October 9, 2024 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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This document was created based on the publicly available questions and answers from the JRC JAN 901B/701B/2000 Test. How to use this document: 1. Correct answers are bolded 2. Sometimes incorrect answers are highlighted in red 3. The best way to navigate through this document is via the function Command/Control+F, then search for keywords from your question Этот документ был создан на основании публично доступных вопросов и ответов теста JRC JAN 901B/701B/2000. Как пользоваться документом: 1. Правильные ответы выделены жирным шрифтом 2. Иногда неправильные ответы выделены красным 3. Самый удобный способ найти нужный вопрос - используя функцию Command/Control+F. Далее ищите ключевые слова из вопроса.

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Question Title: Alert Management Description: You are taking over the watch and notice that a "yellowish-orange flashing circle with a crossed out speaker symbol" is displayed in the alert indication area of the ECDIS. This indicates a specific type of alert and a specific operational status What type of alert is it?And what is its operational status? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- Alarm 02- Warning 03- Caution 04- Rectified 05- Silenced 06- Acknowledged Question Title: Route Planning Description: You are starting your round trip around Alcatraz Island. Please load the route "Around Alcatraz" What is the distance and course between waypoint 0 "Start" and waypoint 1 "Blossom Rock"? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- COG 026,4

02-COG 087,0 D 03- COG 274,7 04- Distance: 0.9 NM 05- Distance: 1.8 NM 06- Distance: 2,0 NM Question Title: Backup Arrangements Description: The captain asks you to add the weather report to the regular ECDIS pos Access the relevant function and select a "Specified Period" event. Which "Weather Conditions" are available through the respective drop-down menu? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- Stormy 02- Showers 03- Overcast 04- Snow Question Title: Navigational Tools Description: AIS Messages can be sent and stored using the ECDIS Which options are available to send a AlS massage? (Multiple answers possible) Answers 01- Addressed 02- Individual 03- Group 04- Broadcast C 05. Station 06- Ships Question Title: Navigational Tools Description: The anchor watch enables you to plan and monitor the anchoring and to watch the anchor status. What symbol is displayed on the chart when using the feature? Answers: 01- Anchor 02- Cross 03- Dot 04- Star Question Title: Navigational Tools Description: When AlS targets are displayed on the ECDIS, the screen may be cluttered especially in areas with high traffic density. To avoid this, AlS targets can be filtered by what properties? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- Navigation Status 02- Start Angle of a Sector 03 - Timeout 04- Ship Type 05- Ring Distance 06- Priority Question Title: ECDIS Basic Features Description: Set the Safety Contour value to 10 m, what will happen to the chart area around Alcatraz? Note Please set the safety contour value back to its default setting (9.0 m) after you answer this question

Answers: 01- Safety contour value will change to 12.0 m on the contour line 02- Safety contour value will change to 13.2 m on the contour line 03. Safety contour value will change to 14.5 m on the contour line 04- Safety contour value will change to 164 m on the contour line 05- Safety contour value will change to 18.2 m on the contour line 06- Safety contour value will change to 19.6 m on the contour line

Question Title: Chart Maintenance Description: In case of changing the chart supplier you are required to send your License Information, like S-63 User permit. In the same window where this information is provided you can also find information on the Data Server. Please state where the currently used Data Server is based. Answers: • 01- Nice 02- Genoa 03- Monaco 04- Marseille 05- Barcelona 06- Valencia

Question Title: Chart Maintenance Description: You received ENC permits during your port stay and inserted the CD/DVD or external flash drive. Which function do you have to access to install ENC licences? Answers: 01- [Install License file] 02- [Add License file] 03- [Import/Update License file] 04- [License Check] Question Title: Route Monitoring Description: While maneuvering you want to display your ship with a true scale outline on the chart area Please open the menu, where you can switch the ship's symbol. Which types are available through the drop-down menu, in this specific ECDIS? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- Default Symbol 02- Simplified Symbol 03- Custom Symbol 04- True Scale 05- Scale Outline 06- Outline Question Title: Route Monitoring Description: You are entering open waters and want to increase your ships course vector on the ECDIS, to fit the new conditions Please access the respective menu and increase the size to 12 minutes.

What are the maximum and minimum time values you can set for the vector? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- 1 minute 02 - 3 min 03 - 5 min 04 - 60 minutes 05 - 120 minutes 06 - 180 minutes Question Title: Route Planning Description: Please load the route "Around Alcatraz* On which legs are dangers through "Auds to Navigation' detsched? (Multiple answers possible) Note Please make sure that your ECDIS sill uses the default settings, especially for the Safety Centeur and the Special Conditon Areas you have changed these settings of you are not sufe if the seltings ars shil set is the standard, glease replace your vihad machine via HelpMe. The time for your Test is stopped during the procedure Answers 01-002.003 02.003.004 03. 004.005 04. 005.006 05 008-007 08-007-008 Question Title: User Interface Description: The "Multi Dial" can be customised to the users needs Which of the following Key Assignments are available? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- Past Track Length 02- Motion Mode 03- Display Mode 04- Panel Brightness 05- Vector Time 06- Colour Code Question Title: Navigational Tools Description: Parallel Indexing is an essential technique to monitor the ship's position and to maneuver in correspondence with the radar. What modes are NOT available for PI? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- Course 02- Track 03 - free 04. AI 05- Individual 06- Equiangular Question Title: User Interface Description: The "Multi Dial" can be customised to the users needs Which of the following "Key Assignments" are available? (Multiple answers possible)

Answers: 01- Past Track Length 02- Motion Mode 03- Display Mode 04- Panel Brightness 05- Vector Time 06- Colour Code Question Title: Chart Work Description: You took the following bearings for manual positioning "Blossom Rock Lighted Bell Buoy BR* (easterly of your own ship's position at 37°49. 105'N 122°24.200°W) with a true bearing of 101° "Anita Rock Light' (south of your own ship's position at 37°48.500'N 122°27 215W) with a true bearing of 193° Please manually fix your position with the "Transfer Position Line" disabled The positions are rounded to one decimal. Please select the answer that is closest to your position fix Answers: 01- 37°50 6'N 122°25.4 W 02- 37°48.7'N 122°25 4'W 03- 37°48 7N 122°27.3W 04. 37°49.5'N 122°27.3W 05. 37°49. 5'N 122°26 9W 06- 37°50.5°N 122°26.9W Question Title: Alert Management Description: Which of the following information is NOT displayed in the "Alerts" list? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Cause of the alert UTC Time the alert occurred 03- Local Time the alert occurred 04- Details of the alert 05- Advice 06- Time until the alert escalates

Question Title: Navigational Tools Description: The anchor watch enables you to plan and monitor the anchoring approach. and to watch the anchor status. What symbol is displayed on the chart when using the feature? Answers: 01- Anchor • 02- Cross 03- Dot - 04- Star 05- Wave Question Title: User Interface Description: The "Cursor Readout" is a useful tool to quickly check the latitude and longitude of chart objects. How can it be activated?

Answers: 01- It is always active and displayed next to the cursor 02- Through the [Tools] menu 03- Through the [View] menu 04Through the [Settings] menu 05 Via a right-click on the own ship Question Title: Chart Work Description: You took the following bearings for manual positioning: "Anita Rock Light" (south of your own ship's position at 37°48.500'N 122°27.215'W) with a true bearing of 210° "Alcatraz Light" (on Alcatraz Island, north easterly of your own ship's position at 37°49.575'N 122°25.325'W) with a true bearing of 060° Please manually fix your position with the "Transfer Position Line" disabled. The positions are rounded to one decimal. Please select the answer that is closest to your position fix. Answers: 01-37°48.8'N 122°26.3°W 02-37°47.7'N 122°26.3'W 03-37°47.7'N 122°28.8'W 04-37°50.2'N 122°28.8'W 05-37°50.2'N 122°27.0'W 06-37°48.8'N 122°27.OW Question Title: Navigational Tools Description: The anchor watch enables you to plan and monitor the anchoring approach and to watch the anchor status. What shapes may be chosen to monitor the anchorage position? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- Box 02- Triangle 03- Circle 04- Polygon 05- Ellipse 06- Hexagon Question Title: ECDIS Basic Features Description: The Border Range is used to determine the limit where the chart will be shifted when the own ship reaches the border range. It is effective only in "True" mode. What are the MIN and MAX Border Range values that can be set to Redraw the chart? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01-10% 02-20% 03-30% 04- 70% 05-80% 06-90%

Question Title: Backup Arrangements Description: In case of a power outage on your vessel, the safety of Navigation needs to be ensured. Please select the correct statements regarding an adequate ECDIS backup arrangement. (Multiple answers possible) Answers 01. The ECDIS requires an independent backup, in case it gets damaged C 02- Paper charts need to be available on every vessel as a non electronic backup 03. The backup needs to ensure continuity in the event of a failure and ensure a safe takeover 04. The only approved backup is a second ECDIS 05- Electronic backup devices can be used with private charts of the devices manufacturer 06- A laptop computer displaying official raster navigation charts (RNCs) can be used as a backup Description: Please create a route with the following waypoints WPO: 37° 20 214 N. 123° 11 406 W WP1: 37° 29 335 N. 123° 10 723 W WP2: 37° 32 361 N, 123° 02.745 W XTD Port and Stbd: 0.1 NM Turning Radius: 0.3 NM Planned Speed: 20.0 kn Which of the following dangers are listed in the "Check Route" window? (Multiple answers possible) Note: Please make sure that your ECDIS still uses the default settings, especially for the Safety Contour and the Special Condition Areas. If you have changed these settings or you are not sure if the settings are still set to the standard, please replace your virtual machine via HelpMe. The time for your Test is stopped during the procedure Answers: 01- SpeConAre (Anchorage area) 02- The planned ROT is beyond the MAX ROT 03- SpeConAre (Traffic precautionary) 04. The leg length is shorter the MIN Leg Length 05- SpeConAre(Caution area) Turn Radius: 1nm Average speed: 10.0kn What is the route distance and the total TTG? Note: Distances are rounded to one decimal of nautical miles and time is rounded to full minutes. Do not calculate the TTG manually. Sum up the TTG values for each leg (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- Distance over all: 122.0 nm 02- Distance over all: 124.0 m 03- Distance over all: 133.0 m 04- Time to go: 12:05 h 05- Time to go: 12:13 h 06- Time to go: 12:25 h Question Title: Backup Arrangements Description: An inspector asks you to playback information from the last voyage. Access the relevant function and select a playback file. Extend the [Detail Log]. Which information is displayed as part of the [Detail Log]? Hint The relevant code is "9999". (Multiple answers possible) Answers: ~ 01- Chart ~ 02- Scale P 03- Colour Code

M 04- Display Mode • 05- Motion Mode 06- Orientation Mode Question Title: Sensors Description: You are taking over the watch. During the handover you check the ECDIS and notice that the position dala, received your GPS sensor, shows the normal/set colour. What status is indicated by the normal/set colour? Answers: 01- Valid sensor data 02- Sensor data with low integrity or doubtful 03 Invalid data 04 Sensor not available 05- Manual input required

Question Title: Alert Management Description: You are taking over the watch and notice that the “yellow square with exclamation mark” is displayed in the alert indication area of the ECDIS. What type of alert is it? 01 Alarm 02 Warning 03 Caution Question Title: Sensors Description: The ECDIS is very depended on sensor input and displays the most relevant information for use during the voyage Which sensor information is/can be displayed in the "Own Ship Information" panel? (Muitiple answers possible) Answers: ○ ○ ○

01- Wind True 02- HDOP 03- Wind Relative

© 04- Heading ~ 05-STW • 06- AIS Status Question Title: Backup Arrangements Description: The captain asks you to add the weather report to the regular ECDIS position log. Access the relevant function and select a "Specified Period" event. Which "Weather Conditions" are available through the respective drop-down menu? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 1. 2.

Stormy Showers

~ 03- Overcast ~ 04- Snow • 05- Thunderstorm O 06- Dusty

Question Title: User Interface Description: You adjusted the ambient light conditions on your system to "Night". However due to the special light conditions you want to customise the colour of specific parts only. Access the respective window. Which options are available for adjustment? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: ~ 01- Dialog • 02- Windows © 03- Character 04- Letters [ 05- Own Symbol / HL / Vector • 06- Chart Symbols Question Title: Chart Work Description: You took the following bearings for manual positioning: Blossom Rock Lighted Bell Buoy BR (easterly of your own ships position at 37°49.105 N 122°24.200 W) with a true bearing of 101° Harding Rock Light Buoy (northerly of your ships position at 37 50.285 N 122°26.760 W) with a true bearing of 355° Please manually fix your position. The positions are rounded to one decimal. Please select the answer that is closest to your position fix. Answers: 01 - 37°49.5 N 122°26.7 W Question Title: Route Planning Description: Please load the route "Around Alcatraz". On which legs are the dangers "Safety Contour" and "SpeConAre(Spoil ground)" detected? (Multiple answers possible) Note: Please make sure that your ECDIS still uses the default settings, especially for the Safety Contour and the Special Condition Areas. you have changed these settings or you are not sure if the settings are still set to the standard, please replace your virtual machine via HelpMe. The time for your Test is stopped during the procedure Answers: 01-000-001 02-001-002 03-002-003 Г 04- 005-006 0 05-006-007 Г 06- 007-008 Question Title: Backup Arrangements Description: An inspector asks you to playback information from the last voyage Access the relevant function and select a playback file. Extend the [Detail Log] Which information is displayed as part of the [Detail Log]? Hint. The relevant code is "9999". (Multiple answers possible) Answers: ~ 01- Chart ~ 02- Scale • 03- Colour Code ( 04- Display Mode • 05- Motion Mode ( 06- Orientation Mode Question Title: Sensors

Description: You are taking over the watch. During the handover you check the ECDIS and notice that the position data, received from your GPS sensor, shows the normal/set colour. What status is indicated by the normal/set colour? Answers: 01- Valid sensor data 02- Sensor data with low integrity or doubtful 03- Invalid data 04- Sensor not available Question Title: ECDIS Basic Features Description: Which of the following statements regarding the two available look-ahead areas are true? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: • 01- You can only activate one area at the same time 02- The Length of the Look-ahead rectangle can be adjusted in minutes or nautical miles • 03- The Width for the Look-ahead rectangle can be adjusted in meter or degrees 04- If activated, the Look-ahead area is always displayed in the chart area Question Title: Route Monitoring Description: You are navigating in heavy weather and want to use a sea stabilized vector on your ECDIS. Which of the following statements regarding the vectors are true? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- You can activate both vectors at the same time 02- You can only activate one vector at a time • 03- There is only a ground stabilised vector 04- You can add vector time marks Question Title: Alert Management Description: Once an alert message is triggered, the ECDIS generates an acoustic signal and displays the alert symbol with the highest priority. How can an alarm, warning or caution be acknowledged? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: • 01- Alarms cannot be acknowledged 02- By pressing [ACK] in the Status column of the "Alerts" list 03- By turning off the buzzer 04- By clicking lACKI in the alert pi Question Title: ECDIS Basic Features Description: Which of the following statements regarding the two available look-ahead areas are true? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: • 01- You can only activate one area at the same time 02- The Length of the Look-ahead rectangle can be adjusted in minutes or nautical miles 03- The Width for the Look-ahead rectangle can be adjusted in meter or degrees 04- If activated, the Look-ahead area is always displayed in the chart area

Question Title: Navigational Tools Description: AIS Messages can be sent and stored using the ECDIS. Stored messages are saved in different trays and displayed in a list. By which criteria can you sort the messages in this list?

(Multiple answers possible) Answers: • 01- IMO Number M 02- Date(UTC) C 03-MMSI C 04- Ship's Name ○ ○

05- Call Sign 06- Length

Question Title: Navigational Tools Description: AIS Messages can be sent and stored using the ECDIS. Which options are available to send a AlS message? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: ~ 01-Addressed • 02- Individual 03- Group ~ 04- Broadcast ○ ○

05- Station 06- Ships

Question Title: Backup Arrangements Description: You are sailing on an older vessel which is not equipped with a second, independent ECDIS. As a backup the vessel has a portfolio of paper charts. This needs to fulfil certain requirements to be an adequate backup for your ECDIS. Please select all the correct statements regarding the paper chart backup. (Multinie anciere naccihlo) Answers: 01- The paper charts need to be exactly the same as your digital charts on the ECDIS ○ ○

02- The only approved backup is a second ECDIS 03- You need a full portfolio of the whole ocean you are sailing, independent of any flag state regulations

© 04- The paper charts need to be up to date 05- It is sufficient to carry the T&P notices and apply them to the charts if they ever get used © 06- The portfolio needs to cover the area of the intended voyage, in a way regulated by the flag state Question Title: Backup Arrangements Description: The captain asks you to add the weather report to the regular ECDIS position log. Access the relevant function and select a "Specified Period" event. Which "Weather Conditions" are available through the respective drop-down menu? Answers: [ 01- Stormy 02- Showers ~ 03- Overcast ~ 04- Snow ○ ○

05- Thunderstorm 06- Dusty

Question Title: Chart Maintenance

Description: Based on the recent communication, you need to add a military practice area on the chart area, using manual chart updates Which values can be set for the "Category of Military practice area" attribute? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: ~ 01- Torpedo exercise area • 02- Non dangerous for shipping area 03- Exercise shooting area ~ 04- Firing danger area • 05-Airforce practice area 06- Drone surveilled area Question Title: Chart Maintenance Description: To find out information on charts you can easily do a pick report. However you can also get "Cell Information" via the chart maintenance What cell information is NOT displayed here? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- Cell Name • 02- Edition 03- Horizontal Datum 04- Update Number [ 05- Agency C 06- Chart Number Question Title: Route Monitoring Description: Please load the route "Around Alcatraz" into monitoring mode. What is the distance to reach WPT 009 "End of route" from your current ships position? And how long does it take you with your current ship speed? The answers are rounded to full cables and minutes. (MultinIe anciere nAccihlal Answers: • 01-0.2 NM 02-0.3 NM • 03-0.5 NM 04-4 minutes • 05- 5 minutes 06-6 minutes Question Title: Route Monitoring Please access the respective menu. What are the maximum and minimum time values you can set for the "Early course change warning"? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01-0.5 minutes W 02- 1 minute ○ ○

03- 2 minutes 04- 3 minutes

C 05-5 minutes • 06- 10 minutes Question Title: Route Planning Description: Please load the route "Around Alcatraz". Which of the following dangers are listed for the leg 002-003?

(Multiple answers possible) Note: Please make sure that your ECDIS still uses the default settings, especially for the Safety Contour and the Special Condition Areas. If you have channed thace cattinas or won are not cure if the cattinac are ctill cat to the ctandard nleace renlare vour virtual machine via HainMo The time for Answers: ~ 01-AtoN 02- Hazard ○ ○

03- SpeConAre(Cable area) 04- SpeConAre(Deeper water route)

05- SpeConAre(Fairway) ~ 06- SpeConAre(Restricted area) Question Title: Sensors Description: During your voyage, you realize that your position data, received from your GPS sensor, shows a yellowish-orange status. What status is indicated by the color "yellowish-orange"? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 1. 2.

Sensor data with good integrity Sensor data with low integrity or doubtful

© 03- Lost sensor © 04- Invalid sensor data 05- Dead Reckoning mode enabled © 06- Sensor value is abnormal Question Title: Alert Management Description: During the last voyage the speed sensors was failing several times. You want to check the exact time of the sensor loss in the ECDIS to write a report. What are the names of the window and tab, that are used to display previous alerts? Do not use the logbook here Answers: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Alert Window Alert Reference Information Reference Past Information

C 05- Alert History 06- Past Alerts

Question Title: Chart Work Description: You took the following bearings for manual positioning: "Alcatraz Light" (on Alcatraz Island, north easterly of your own ship's position at 37°49.575'N 122°25.325'W) with a true bearing of 068° "San Francisco West Yacht Harbour Light 2" (south easterly of your own ship's position at 37°48.535'N 122°26.400°W) with a true bearing of 124° "Anita Rock Light" (south of your own ship's position at 37°48.500'N 122°27.215'W) with a true bearing of 193°

03-37°49,0'N 122°27,1'W Question Title: ECDIS Basic Features Description: Please deactivate the "Restricted area" (Special Condition Area) checkbox and make sure the alert priority is set to "Caution". Please adjust and display the "Look-Ahead Rectangle with the following parameters: Length: 20 minutes Width:200m Answers: C 01- Special condition area(Cable Area) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Special condition area(Traffic precautionary) Navigational Hazard(AtoN) Navigational Hazard(to be avoided) Special condition area(Caution Area) Special condition area(Traffic separation zone)

Question Title: ECDIS Basic Features Description: Set the "Display Mode" in a way that spot soundings will be displayed on the chart area and set your "Safety Depth" to 11 m. Which of the following statements are true? Please reset the safety depth value to its default setting (9.0 m) after you answer this question. Answers: © 01- It will display the spot soundings of less than 11m in black 1. 2. 3.

It will display the spot soundings of less than 11m in grey It will display the spot soundings of less than 11m in red It will display the spot soundings of more than 11m in black

© 05- It will display the spot soundings of more than 11m in grey 06- It will display all spot soundings in grey Question Title: User Interface Description: If, for any reason, your ECDIS (as part of a multi functional workstation) needs to be turned off, what is the proper procedure to do it? Answers: © 01- Press the power button on the Trackball operation unit 1. 2. 3.

Select the [Main] menu option and then [Exit] Select the [Shut Down] button from the tool bar Press and hold the Alt key and while holding press the [X] keyboard button

• 05- Press and hold the Ctri key and while holding press the [Delete] keyboard button 06- Turn the power switch on the display unit to off

Description: Please create a new route and measure the great circle (GC) and mumbline (RE) di the following positions 36951 0'S 174°47 0'E - Auckland 32°43 O'N 117°10 O°W - San Diego Mark the correct answers. Distances are rounded to full nautical miles (Multiple answers possible)

Answers: • 01- RL 5121 nm 02-RL 5674 nm O 03- RL 5342 nm Г 04- GC 4984 hm M 05- GC 5132 pm ~ 06- GC 5649 nm Description: You took the following bearings for manual positioning: "Anita Rock Light" (south of your own ship's position at 37°48.500'N 122°27.215°W) with a true bearing of 210° "Alcatraz Light" (on Alcatraz Island, north easterly of your own ship's position at 37°49.575'N 122°25.325°W) with a true bearing of 060° Please manually fix your position with the "Transfer Position Line" disabled The positions are rounded to one decimal. Please select the answer that is closest to our position fix. Answers: 01-37°48.8'N 122°26.3WW M 02- 37°47 7'N 122:26.3'W 03- 37°47 7'N 122°28 8'W 07 04-37-50 21 122-28 8W M 05-37:50 2'N 122°27.0'W W 06-37°48.8'N 122°27.0'W Question Title: Navigational Tools Description: AIS Messages can be sent and stored using the ECDIS Which options are available to send a AIS message? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- Addressed C) 02- Individuar C 03- Group ( 04- Broadcast 705- Station M 06- shios Question Title: Route Monitoring Description: You are on a voyage to an anchorage area. To be well aware of the approach to the anchorage area and the end of your track, you want to set up the "End of track warning" in your ECDIS Please access the respective menu What are the maximum and minimum time values you can set for the "End of Track warning"? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: [ 01- 1 minute ○ ○

02- 2 minutes 03- 3 minutes

04- 4 minutes (v. o5. 5 minutes ) 06. 10 minutes Question Title: Route Monitoring Description: You are entering open waters and want to increase your ships course vector on the ECDIS, to fit the new conditions Please access the respective menu and increase the size to 12 minutes.

What are the maximum and minimum time values you can set for the vector? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: [ 01- 1 minute m 02- 3 minutes M 03-5 minutes 04- 60 minutes C 05- 120 minutes © 06- 180 minutes Question Title: Alert Management Description: Which of the following type of alerts can generally be displayed within the "Alerts" list? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: [ 01- Alarms • 02- Dangers © 03- Warnings 04Cautions 05 Notes M 06- Promots Question Title: Route Planning Description: You are starting vour round trip around Alcatraz Island. How many waypoints are used in the pre-planned route "Around Alcatraziy Hint: Don't forget to count the starting wavooint "on Answers 0 01-6 1 02-8 03-10 CO 04-12 C 05-14 0 06-16 Please select all the correct statements regarding the paper chart backup (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 1. 2.

The paper charts need to be exactly the same as your digital charts on the ECDIS The only approved backup is a second ECDIS

( 03- You need a full portfolio of the whole ocean you are sailing, independent of any flag state regulations © 04- The paper charts need to be up to date 05- It is sufficient to carry the T8P notices and apply them to the charts if they ever get used O6- The portfolio needs to cover the area of the intended voyage, in a way regulated by the flag state Question Title: ECDIS Basic Features Description: ECDIS allows you to switch between 2 or 4 depth shades areas Which of the following will additionally be displayed when activating the 4 depth shades mode? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- Shallow Contour ○ ○

02- Safety Depth 03- Safety Contour

04- Deep Contour 1. 2.

Ver shallow contour Shallow Depth

Question Title: ECDIS Basic Features Description: You are viewing the chart in Two Shades mode at Day 1 Colors What color is used to display shallow waters (unsafe waters)? Answers: W 01- Blue ○ ○

02- Grey 03- White

04- Black • 05- Green M 06- Yellow Question Title: Backup Arrangements Description: In case of a power outage on your vessel, the safety of Navigation needs to be ensured Please select the correct statements regarding an adequate ECDIS backup arrangement. (Multiple answers possible Answers: 1. 2.

The ECDIS requires an independent backup, in case it gets damaged Paper charts need to be available on every vessel as a non-electronic backup

© 03- The backup needs to ensure continuity in the event of a failure and ensure a safe takeover I o4- The oniy anoroved backud isiansecond EcDis © 05- Electronic backup devices can be used with private charts of the devices manufacturer • 06- A laptoo computer displaving official raster navigation charts (RNCs) can be used as a backup Question Title: User Interface Description: If. for any reason, your ECDIS (as part of a multi functional workstation) needs to be fumed off, what is the proper procedure to do it? Answers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Press the power button on the Trackball operation unit Select the [Main] menu option and then [Exit] Select the IShut Downi button from the tool bar. Press and hold the Alt key and while holding press the [X] keyboard button Press and hold the Ctri key and while holding press the [Delete] keyboard button

) os- Turn the power switch on the display unit to off Question Title: ECDIS Basic Features Description: What displayed information is added when vou switch from the "Base" to the "Standard" display category? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- Spot soundings 0) 02- Accuracy 03- Magnetic variation o4- Place names

~ 05- Lights 06- Boundaries and Limits Question Title: Alert Management Description: Once an alert message is triggered, the ECDIS generates an acoustic signal and displays the alert symbol with the highest priority. How can an alarm, warning or caution be acknowledged? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- Alarms cannot be acknowledged © 02- By pressing [ACK] in the Status column of the "Alerts" list 03- By turning off the buzzer © 04- By clicking [ACK] in the alert pop-up window Question Title: Sensors Description: What will happen if all position sensors are lost? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- The ECDIS will reboot 02- Dead Reckoning mode will be activated automatically 03- Nothing happens 04- Sensor status will turn orangish-yellow 05- Sensor status will turn yellow 06- Alerts will be triggered Question Title: Chart Work Description: The "Scale Bar" gives a quick overview of the distances displayed at the current chart scale. What colours does it have for a chart scale smaller than 1:80,000? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: M 01- Blue 102- Red • 03- Green o4- Grey 05-Black 06- White Question Title: Alert Management Description: Which of the following type of alerts can generally be displayed within the "Alerts" list? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- Alarms • 02- Dangers o3- warnings 04- Cautions © 05- Notes C 06- Prompts Question Title: Route Monitoring Description: You are navigating in heavy weather and want to use a sea stabilized vector on your ECDIS. Which of the following statements regarding the vectors are true? (Multiple answers possible) Answers:

1. 2. 3.

You can activate both vectors at the same time You can only activate one vector at a time There is only a ground stabilised vector

04- You can add vector time marks with a custom interval

Question Title: Backup Arrangements Description: Due to the risk of break down of an electronic device, a backup is required. What is an adequate backup arrangement of an ECDIS? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- An electronic chart display using the provided private charts of the manufacturer © 02- The latest edition of the overview charts for the voyage C 03-A full and updated folio of paper charts as per flag state regulations M 04- Paper chart printouts supplied by the UKHO ( 05- Type-approved hardware running a RODS © 06- A second independent IMO compliant ECDIS Question Title: Backup Arrangements Description: You are sailing on an older vessel which is not equipped with a second, independent ECDIS. As a backup the vessel has a portfolio of paper charts. This needs to fulfil certain requirements to be an adequate backup for your ECDIS. Please select all the correct statements regarding the paper chart backup. (Multiple answers possible) Answers: © 01- The paper charts need to be exactly the same as your digital charts on the ECDIS C 02- The only approved backup is a second ECDIS [ o3- You need a full portiolio of the whole ocean you are sailing, independent of any flag state regulations 04- The paper charts need to be up to date M 05- Itis sufficient to carry the T&P notices and apply them to the charts if they ever get used 06- The portfolio needs to cover the area of the intended Question Title: Backup Arrangements Description: You had to steer a full circle as a collision avoidance maneuver. To document what happens, you activated the past track of your ship and want to save a screenshot. How can you do this onboard the vessel? Answers: *01-With the [Screenshot Track] button in the Own Track menu © 02- Via the IManual Screenshot button in the Right Toolbar Mo3. With the [save a Screenshot button in the Left Toolbar. 04- By pressing the Print Screen key on your keyboard ( 05- Only with an extemal camera, because there is no screenshot function 06- With the Screenshot function of the Multi Dial Question Title: Sensors Description: During your voyage, you realize that your position data, received from your GPS sensor, shows a vellow status What status is indicated by the color "yellow"? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- Sensor data with good integrity © 02- Reliability of the sensor value is deteriorated

F 03- Invalid data © 04- Sensor not available 05- Dead Reckoning mode enabled ( 06- Sensor information is doubtful Question Title: Sensors Description: During your voyage, you realize that your position data, received from your GPS sensor, shows a yellowish-orange status. What status is indicated by the color "yellowish-orange"? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 1. 2.

Sensor data with good integrity Sensor data with low integrity or doubtful

© 03- Lost sensor © 04- Invalid sensor data 05- Dead Reckoning mode enabled © 06- Sensor value is abnormal Question Title: Alert Management Description: You are taking over the watch and notice that a "yellow square with an exclamation mark" is displayed ni the alert indication area of the ECDIS. What type of alert is it? Answers: | 01- Alarm • 02- Warning 03-Caution • 04- Indication 05- Information Message

Question Title: Alert Management Description: You are taking over the watch and notice that a "yellowish-orange flashingcircle with a crossed out speaker symbol" is displayed in the alert indication area of the ECDIS. This indicates a specific type of alert and a specific operational status. What type of alert is it?And what is its operational status? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 0 1 - Alarm M 02- Warning 03- Caution • 04- Rectified © 05- Silenced • 06- Acknowledged Question Title: Alert Management Description: You are taking over the watch and notice that a"red flashing speaker symbol" is displayed ni the alert indication area of the ECDIS This indicates a specific type of alert a n da specific operational status. What type of alert is it? And what is its operational status? (Multiple answers possible) Answers:

~ 01-Alarm 0 2 - Warning 03-Caution [ 04- Silenced © 05- Unacknowledged | 06- Rectified

Question Title: Alert Management Description: When an alert is triggered, the buzzer sounds according to the alert type. The alert message is displayed in the alert status indicator. How can an alarm or warning be acknowledged? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 0 1 - Alarms cannot be acknowledged 02- By clicking on the Alert StatusIndicator 0 3 - By turning of the buzzer M 04- By clicking [ACK] key from the operation panel Question Title: Alert Management Description: An alert is an announcement of abnormal situations and conditions that require attention. In what categories are the alerts divided? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- Alarms • 02- Dangers © 03- Warnings 04- Cautions 0 5 - Notes 06- Prompts Question Title: Route Planning Description: Before creating new routes for your ship, you want to check the preset parameter settings. Whatare the minimum and maximum values, that can be set for the "Arrival Radius"? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: • 01-0 NM 02-0.01 NM 03-0.1NM 04-9NM ~ 05-9.99NM 06- 10 NM Question Title: Backup Arrangements Description: An inspector asks you ot show hmi hte logs available no your ECDSI Access the relevant function. Whattabs are available to switch to different kind of logs? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 1-User Task Log 02- User Event Log 03- Navigation Alert Log 04- Chart Danger Log 05- ECDIS Warning Log 06- System Alert Log Question Title: Route Monitoring Description: You are entering open waters and want ot increase your ships course vector on the ECDIS, ot fit the new conditions.

Please access the respective menu and increase the size to 12 minutes. What are the maximum and minimum time values you can set for the vector? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: ~ 01-1minute • 02- 3 minutes • 03-5 minutes 04-60 minutes 05- 120 minutes 06- 180 minutes

Question Title: Route Monitoring Description: You are navigating ni heavy weather and want to use a sea stabilized vector on your ECDIS. Which of thefollowing statements regarding the vectors are true? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- You can activate both vectors at the same time 02- You can only activate one vector at a time 03- There is only a ground stabilised vector 04- You can add vector time marks with a custom interval Question Title: Backup Arrangements Description: An inspector asks you to show him the logs available on your ECDIS Access the relevant function. What tabs are available to switch to different kind of logs? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- User Task Log 02- User Event Log 03- Navigation Alert Log 04- Chart Danger Log 05-ECDIS Warning Log 06- System Alert Log Question Title: BackupArrangements Description: You are sailing on an older vessel which is not equipped with a second, independent ECDIS. As a backup the vessel has a portfolio of p a p e rcharts. This needs to fulfil certain requirements to be an adequate backup for your ECDIS. Please select al the correct statements regarding the paper chart backup. (Multiple answers possible) Answers: • 01- The paper charts need to be exactly the same as your digital charts on the ECDIS 0 2 - The only approved backup is a second ECDIS 03- You need a ful portfolio of the whole ocean you are sailing, independent of any flag state regulations © 04- The paper charts need to be up to date • 05- tI is sufficient to carry the T&P notices and apply them ot the charts fi they ever get used 06- The portfolio needs to cover the area of the intended voyage, ni a way regulated by the flag state

What is an adequate backup arrangement of an ECDIS? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: | 01- An electronic chart display using the provided private charts of the manufacturer 02- The latest edition of the overview charts for the voyage 03-A full and updated folio of paper charts as per flag state regulations 04- Paper chart printouts supplied by the UKHO 05- Type-approved hardware running a RCDS 06- A second independent IMO compliant ECDIS

Question Title: Backup Arrangements Description: During a waiting period, your vessel has been drifting around the same area for some hours. The set up past track clutters your screen and you want toreduce its duration. Please open the menu related to the past track of your own vessel. What is the minimum value for the past track length? Answers: 7 0 1 - 12 h o u r s • 02-6 hours ~ 03-1 hour 04-30 minutes 0 5 - 5 minutes 06-30 seconds Question Title: Backup Arrangements Description: Due to the risk of a break down of an electronic device, a backup is required. What is an adequate backup arrangement of an ECDIS? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 0 1 - A n electronic chart display using the provided private charts of the manufacturer 02- The latest edition of the overview charts for thevoyage 03-A ful and updated folio of paper charts as per flag state regulations 0 4 - Paper chart printouts supplied by the UKHO 05-Type-approved hardware running a RCDS ~ 06- Asecond independent IMO compliant ECDIS Question Title: Backup Arrangements Description: You are sailing on an older vessel which is not equipped with a second, independent ECDIS. As a backup the vessel has a portfolio of paper charts. This needs to fulfil certain requirements to be an adequate backup for your ECDIS. Please select all the correct statements regarding the paper chart backup. (Multinie anciere necihlol Answers: • 01- The paper charts need to be exactly the same as your digital charts on the ECDIS 02- The only approved backup is a second ECDIS • 03- You need afull portfolio of the whole ocean you are sailing, independent of any flag state regulations © 04- The paper charts need to be up to date C 05- It is sufficient to carry the T&P notices and apply them to the charts fi they ever get used 06- The portfolio needs to cover the area of the intended voyage, ni a way regulated by the flag state Question Title: Backup Arrangements Description: The captain asks you to add the weather report to the regular ECDIS position log. Access the relevant function and select a "Specified Period" event. Which "Weather Conditions" are available through the respective drop-down menu? Answers: • 01- Stormy 02- Showers [ 03- Overcast C 04- Snow 0 05- Thunderstorm • 06- Dusty Question Title: Backup Arrangements Description: During a waiting period, your vessel has been drifting around the same area for some hours.The set past track, clutters your screen and you want to reduce its duration. Please open the menu related to the past track of your own vessel. What is the minimum valuefor the past track length? Answers: 01- 12 hours

• 02-6 hours ~ 03-1 hour 04- 30 minutes • 05-5 minutes m 06-30 seconds

Question Title: Backup Arrangements Description: An inspector asks you to show him the available logs on your ECDIS Access the relevant function. How si the third column in the window labeled? Answers: 01- No 02- Time • 03- POSN1 • 04- Latitude 05- Longitude • 06- COG

Question Title: Chart Work Description: You took the following bearings for manual positioning: "Anita Rock Light" (south of your own ship's position at 37°48.500'N 122°27.215'W) with a true bearingof210° "Alcatraz Light (on Alcatraz Island, north easterly of your own ship's position at 37°49.575'N 122°25.325'W) with a true bearing of 060° Please manually fix your position with the"Transfer Position Line disabled. The positions are rounded to one decimal. Please select the answer that is closest to vour position fix Answers: • 01-37°48.8'N 122°26.3'W 02-37°47.7'N 122°26.3°W 0 03-37°47.7'N 122°28.8'W D 04-37°50.2'N 122°28.8'W Г 0537°50.2'N 122°27.0'W © 06-37°48.8'N 122°27.0'W Question Title: Chart Maintenance Description: You have just joined a vessel. Before your first watch you go ot the bridge and check the ENC Update StatusReport. Pleaseaccess the ENC Update Status Report. What "Information" is displayed and the corresponding tab? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: O 01- Ship's Name 02- Data Server 03-MMSI 04- Date of last Update © 05- Number of Installed Charts 06- S-63 User Permit Question Title: Chart Work Description: Please use the ERBL Function to identify two objects. Center the ERBL on the "Blossom Rock Lighted Bel Buoy BR" (east of your own ship) and arrange ti with the following data :1 Bearing 298° distance 1,00 NM :2 Bearing244°, distance 1,07 NM Which objects can be identified? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- Harding Rock Light Buoy HR 02- San Francisco Bay North Channel Lighted Buoy 1 • 03- Alcatraz Wildlife Protection Area Buoy ALCZ1 04- Alcatraz Light (Lighthouse) 05- Aquatic Park Entrance Light 1 06- Raccoon Strait Lighted Buoy 1

Question Title: Chart Work Description: Duringa collision avoidancemaneuver one of your Crew went overboard. The officer of the watch has immediately activated the "Man Overboard" button on the ECDIS. Which information is NOT displayed ni the "Marker" window related to the incident? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- Position • 02Range to MOB position • 03Bearing to MOB position ~ 04- UTC Time of the incident 05- Date of the incident • 06- Elapsed Time Question Title: Chart Maintenance Description: While applying manual updates to a chart you want to show only the selected chart ni the chart area, ot clearly see the chart borders. Which of following statements is correct? Answers: 01- To show only the selected chart select [FIX] ni the Manual Updatewindow 02- While manual updating charts the chart area jumps ot the selected chart but al charts can be displayed in the chart area • 03- oT hide al non selected charts click on [only] after selecting a chart • 04- To fix achart and disable zooming ni orout click on [FIX] 05- Select the chart to be updated and click on [Hide other] 06- Deselect all o t h e rcharts which do not need to be shown

Question Title: Chart Maintenance Description: You received ENCs from a local chart supplier duringyour port stay and inserted the CD/DVD or external flash drive Which button do you use, ot install ENCs? Answers: • 0 1 - [Import/Update S-571 0 2 - [Import/Update S-63] 03- [Import/Update charts] • 04- [Install S-57] • 05- [Install S-63] • 06- [Install charts]

Question Title: Chart Maintenance Description: In case of changing the chart supplier you are required to send your Licence Information, like S-63 User permit. In the same window where this information is provided you can also find Information on the Data Server. Please state where the currently used data server is based. Answers: 01- Nice 02 - Genoa 03 - Monaco 04- Marseile 05- Barcelona 06- Valencia

Question Title: Chart Work Description: You took the following bearings for manual positioning: "Alcatraz Light" (on Alcatraz Island, north easterly of your own ship's position at 37°49.575'N 122°25.325'W) with a true bearing of 068° "San Francisco West Yacht Harbour Light 2" (south easterly of your own ship's position at 37°48.535'N 122°26.400°W) with a true bearing of 124° "Anita Rock Light" (south of your own ship's position at 37°48.500'N 122°27.215'W) with a true bearing of 193° Please manually fix your position with the "Transfer Position Line" disabled. The positions are rounded to one decimal. Please select the answer that is closest to your position fix. Answers: 01-36°50,2'N 123°28,5W" • 02- 37°49, 1N' 123°26,7'W V 03- 37°49,0'N 122°27.1°W M 04-38°51.1N 122°24,3W Question Title: Chart Maintenance Description: While applying manual updates to a chart you want to show only the selected chart in thechart area, to clearly see the chart borders. Which of following statements is correct? Answers: 01- To show only the selected chart select [FIX] in the Manual Update window • 02- While manual updating charts the chart area jumps to the selected chart but al charts can be displayed in the chart area • 03- To hide all non selected charts click on [only] after selecting a chart • 04- To fix a chart and disable zooming ni or out click on [FIX] 05- Select the chart to be updated and click on [Hide other] 0 6 - Deselect all other charts which do not need to be shown Question Title: Chart Work Description: Please measure the distance and bearing from the "Alcatraz Light" (on Alcatraz Island, north easterly of your own ship's position at 37°49.575'N 122°25.325'W) to the "Aquatic Park Entrance Light 1" (south of Alcatraz Island on the mainland at 37°48.635'N 122°25.415'W) using the EBL/VRM Function. The answers are rounded to full degrees and cables. (Multiple answers possible) Answers: • 01- Distance: 0.6 NM [ 02- Distance: 0.9 NM • 03- Distance: 1.3 NM © 04- Bearing: 181° 05- Bearing: 184° 06- Bearing: 187° Question Title: Chart Work Description: During the planning of a new voyage, you want to add some notes for critical points and store them in a new user chart. Please create a new user chart. What is the name of the window, used to create the new user chart? How is the new user chart named ni the system? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- File Operation 02- File Creation [ 03- User Chart Operation • 04- New Map File 05- User Map File

06- New User Chart Question Title: Chart Work Description: You took the following bearings for manual positioning: Alcatraz Light (on Alcatraz Island, north-easterly ofyour own ships position at 37°49.575 N 122°25.325 W) with a true bearing of068° San Francisco West Yacht HarbourLight 2 (south-easterly of your own ships position at 37°48. 535 N 122°26.400 W) with a true bearing of 124° Anita Rock Light (south of your own ships position at 37°48.500 N 122°27.215 W) with atrue bearing of 193° P l e a s e manually fix your position. The positions are rounded to one decimal. Please select the answer that is closest to your position fix. Answers: 01-36°50,2 N 123°28,5W • 02- 37°49,3 N 123°26,7 W 03- 37°49,0 N 122°27.1 W 04- 38°51.1 N 122°24.3 W 05-38°52.0N 121°25.6 W 06-39°53,7 N 121°26,8 W Question Title: Chart Maintenance Description: In addition to the automaticchart updates received by email or ships mail, the user has to perform some chart updates manually These can be T&P Notices, or other MS received by SafetyNET or NAVTEX. To do so, the user has to enter the respective mode. Via which button si this mode accessed? Answers: 01- Chart Update 02- Manual Update 03 - User Update 04- Chart Correction 05- Manual Correction • 06- User Correction Question Title: Chart Work Description: Please use the ERBL Function to identify two objects. Center the ERBL on the Blossom Rock Lighted BellBuoy BR (east of your own ship) and arrange ti with the following data :1 Bearing 298°, distance 1,00 NM :2 Bearing 244°, distance 1,07 NM Which objects can be identified? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 1 01- Harding Rock Light Buoy HR 02- San Francisco Bay North Channel Lighted Buoy 1 • 03- Alcatraz Wildlife ProtectionArea Buoy ALCZ1 © 04- Alcatraz Light (Lighthouse) © 05- Aquatic Park Entrance Light 1 0 6 - Raccoon Strait Lighted Buoy 1

Question Title: Chart Work Description: You are navigating apassenger vessel and suddenly a crew member informs you that a passenger fell into the sea. How is the MOB symbol displayed on the ECDIS? Answers: • 01- Circle 02- Cross 03- Arrow 04- Anchor

05- Square 06- Octagon Question Title: Chart Work Description: Please measure the distance and bearing from the "Alcatraz Light" (on Alcatraz Island, north-easterly of your own ships position at 37°49.575 N 122°25.325 W) to the "Aquatic Park Entrance Light "1 (south of Alcatraz Island on the mainland at 37°48.635 N 122°25.415 W) using the EBL/VRM Function. The answers are rounded to fulldegrees and cables. (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 0 1 - Distance: 0.6 NM 0 2 -Distance: 0.9NM 03- Distance: 1.3 NM • 04- Bearing: 181° [ 05- Bearing: 184° • 06- Bearing: 191° Question Title: Chart Work Description: You took the following bearing and range for manual positioning: Yellow Bluff Light (north - westerly of your own ship s p o s i t i o n a t 3 7 ° 5 0 . 1 9 2 N 1 2 2 ° 2 8 . 3 3 2 W) w i t h a truebearingof283° Alcatraz Light (on Alcatraz Island, north-easterly of your own ships position at 37°49.575 N 122°25.325 W) with a range of 16. NM Please manually fixvour position: The positions are rounded to one decimal. Please select the answer that is closest to your position fix. Answers: • 01-37°48.8 N 122°26.1 W • 02-37°47.8 N 122°25.3 W • 03-37°49.9 N 122°25.9 W • 04-37°48.4 N 122°26.7 W M 05-37°49.0 N 122°27.3 W 06-37:50.0 N122°27.3 W Question Title: ChartWork Description: You took the following bearing and range for manual positioning: Yellow Bluff Light (north-westerly ofyour own ships position at 37° 50.192 N 122° 28.332 W) witha true bearing of 283° Alcatraz Light (on Alcatraz Island, north-easterly of yourown ships position at 37°49.575 N 122°25.325 W) with a range of 1.6 NM Please manually fixyour position. The positions are rounded to one decimal. Please select the answer that is closest to vour position fix. Answers: 7 01-37°488 N 122826 1 W 0 02- 37°47.8 N 122°25.3 W M 03-37°49.9 N 122°25.9 W • 04- 37°48.4N122°26.7W 0 05-37°49.0 N 122°27.3 W ~ 06- 37°50.0 N122°27.3 W Question Title: Chart Maintenance Description: To find out information on charts you can easily do a pick report. However you can also get "Cell Information" via the chart maintenance. Whatcell information is NOT displayed here? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: • 01- Cell Name • 02- Edition • 03- Horizontal Datum W 04- Update Number •

05-Agency 06- Chart Number

Question Title: ECDIS Basic Features Description: Set the "Display Mode" ni a way that spot soundings wil be displayed on the chart area and set your "Safety Depth"to 1 m. Which of the following statements are true? Please reset the safety depth value to its default setting (9.0 m) after you answer this question. (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- It will display the spot soundings of less than 1m ni black 02- It will display the spot soundings of less than 11m ni grey 03- It will display the spot soundings of less than 11m ni red 04- It will display the spot soundings of more than 11m in black 05- It will display the spot soundings of more than 11m ni grey 06- It will display all spot soundings in grey Question Title: ECDIS Basic Features Description: What city can be seen on the following position: 37031.5 N 122°01.8 W Answers: 01- Alcatraz 02- New York 03- Los Angeles 04- San Diego (v05- San Francisco 06- Newark Question Title: ECDIS Basic Features Description: Set the Safety Contour value to 10 m, what wil happen to the chart area around Alcatraz? Note: Please set the safety contour value back to its default setting (9.0 m) after you answer this question. Answers: • 01- Safety contour value wil change to 12.0 m on the contour line 02- Safety contour value will change to 13.2 m on the contour line 03- Safety contour value wil change ot 14.5 m on the contour line 04- Safety contour value will change to 16.4 m on the contour line 05- Safety contour value will change to 18.2 m on the contour line 06- Safety contour value will change to 19.6 m on the contour line Question Title: ECDIS Basic Features Description: You are viewing the chart ni Two Shades mode at Day 1Colors. What color is used to display shallow waters (unsafe waters)? Answers: M 01- Blue 02- Grey • 03- White 0 4 - Black 05- Green 06- Yellow Question Title: ECDIS Basic Features Description: Please deactivate the "Restricted area" (Special Condition Area) checkbox and make sure the alert priority is set to "Caution" Please adjust and display the "Look-Ahead Rectangle with the following parameters. Length: 20 minutes Width:200m Answers: ~ 01- Special condition area(Cable Area • 02- Special condition area(Traffic precautionary)

• 03- Navigational Hazard(AtoN) ( 04- Navigational Hazard(to be avoided) • 05- Special condition area(Caution Area • 06- Special condition area (Traffic separation zone) Question Title: ECDIS Basic Features Description: Please set the display mode to Standard and enable the Sounding checkbox from the Chart Option window. Are the spot soundings displayed? Select the correct statement. Answers: 01-Yes, spot soundings of more than the Safety Depth are displayed 02- Yes, spot soundings of less than the Safety Depth are displayed • 03- Yes, al spot soundings are displayed 04- No, spot soundings are only displayed after the Other display has been activated 05- No. spot soundings are only displayed after the Chart Option window has been closed © 06- No, spot soundings are only displayed after the scale has been changed after activation ofthe feature Question Title: Navigational Tools Description: When AlS targets are displayed on the ECDIS, the screen may be cluttered especially ni areas with high traffic density. To avoid this, AlS targets can be filtered by what properties? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: • 01- Navigation Status 02- Start Angle of a Sector 03- Timeout • -40 Ship Type M 05 Rnig Distance 06 Priority Question Title: Sensors Description: After a manual position fix youdiscovered a smal discrepancy compared ot your GPS position. Therefore, you want ot cross check and compare the accuracy of your GPS 1with your GPS 2 sensor. Where can you read out the position discrepancy ni degrees and meters? Answers: 0 1 - In the Sensor Information window • 02- Right click on the chart area and select [Sensor Discrepancy] [ 03- In the Sub Information window 04- nI the Own Ship Information panel • 05- Right click on the chart area and select [Sensor Data] 06- In the [Maintenance Screen] Q u e s t i o n Title: Navigational Tools Description: Parallel Indexing is an essential technique to monitor theship's position and to maneuver ni correspondence with the radar. From what menu can parallel indexing lines be activated? Answers: 0 1 - [View] • 02- |Maintenance] • 03- [User Map] • 04- [Settings] • 05- [Chart] 06- [Tools] Question Title: Navigational Tools Description: The anchor watch enables you to plan and monitor the anchoring approach, and to watch the anchor status. What symbol is displayed on the chart when using the feature? Answers:

01- Anchor 02- Cross 03- Dot 04 -Star 05- Wave 06- Spiral Q u e s t i o n Title: Navigational Tools Description: The anchor watch enables you to plan and monitor the anchoring approach and to watch the anchor status. What shapes may be chosen to monitor the anchorage position? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 7 01Box 02Triangle [V 03-Circle 04-Polygon 05Ellipse 06Hexagon Question Title: Navigational Tools Description: AIS Messages can be sent and stored using the ECDIS. What message categories can be chosen? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- Standard Message 02- Routine Message 03- Urgent Message 04- General Message 05- Safety Message 06- Emergency Message Q u e s t i o n Title: Navigational Tools Description: Parallel Indexing is an essential technique to monitor the ship's position and to maneuver in correspondence with the radar. What modes are NOT available for PI? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- Course 02- Track 03- Free 04- Al 0 5 - Individual 06- Equiangular

Question Title: Navigational Tools Description: AIS Messages can be sent and stored using the ECDIS. Which options are available to send a AlS message? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01-Addressed 02- Individual • 03- Group 04- Broadcast 05- Station • 06- Ships Question Title: Navigational Tools

Description: AIS Messages can be sent and stored using the ECDIS. Stored messages are saved in different trays and displayed in a list. By which criteria can you sort the messages in this list? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: • 01- IMO Number 02- Date(UTC) 03- MMSI 04- Ship's Name • 05- Call Sign 06- Length Question Title: Navigational Tools Description: The anchor watch enables you to plan and monitor the anchoring approach, and to watch the anchor status What symbol is displayed on the chart when using the feature? Answers: 01- Anchor 02- Cross 03- Dot 04-Star • 05- Wave • 06- Spiral Question Title: Navigational Tools Description: The anchor watch enables you to plan and monitor the anchoring approach, and to watch the anchor status. What color is used on the chart when using this feature? Answers: 0 1 -Blue 02- Red 03- Orange • 04-Green • 05- Yellow • 06- Black Question Title: Navigational Tools Description: The Multi View allows the user to split the screen and display two chart areas simultaneously. Which of the following views are NOT available for Multi View? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: • 01- Single View 02 - Top Bottom C 03- Up Down 04- Right Top View 05- Select Area [ 06- Center View Question Title: Route Planning Description: Please create a new route and measure the great circle (GC) and rhumb line (RL) distance between the following positions: 02°32.0'S044°17.0'W - Sao Luis 41°11.0'N 008°42 0'W - Porto Mark thecorrect answers. Distances are rounded to full nautical miles. (Multiple answers possible) Answers: • 01- RL 3253 m 02- LR 3277 nm • 03- RL 3310 nm D 04- GC 3244 nm ( 05 - GC 3263 nm

06- GC 3280 nm Question Title: Route Planning Description: Before creating new routes for your ship, you want to check the preset parameter settings. Whatare the minimum and maximum values, that can be set for the "Arrival Radius"? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: • 01-0 NM 02-0.01 NM • 03-0.1NM 0 04-9NM 05-9.99NM 06- 10 NM Question Title: Route Monitoring Description: You are entering open waters and want ot increase your ships course vector on the ECDIS, ot fit the new conditions. Please access the respective menu and increase the size to 12 minutes. What are the maximum and minimum time values you can set for the vector? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: ~ 01-1minute • 02- 3 minutes • 03-5 minutes 04-60 minutes 05- 120 minutes 06- 180 minutes Question Title: Route Monitoring Description: You are navigating ni heavy weather and want to use a sea stabilized vector on your ECDIS. Which of thefollowing statements regarding the vectors are true? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- You can activate both vectors at the same time 02- You can only activate one vector at a time 03- There is only a ground stabilised vector 04- You can add vector time marks with a custom interval Question Title: Route Monitoring Description: While maneuvering you want to display your ship with a true scale outline on the chart area. Please open the menu, where you can switch the ship's symbol. Which types are available through the drop-down menu, ni this specific ECDIS? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: • 01- Default Symbol © 02- Simplified Symbol 03- Custom Symbol 04. True Scale | 05- Scale Outline [ 06- Outline Question Title: Route Monitoring Please access the respective menu. What are the maximum and minimum time values you can set for the "Early course change warning"? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: • 01-0.5 minutes 02- 1minute 03- 2 minutes

04- 3 minutes < 05 5 minutes 0 6 -10minutes Question Title: Route Monitoring Description: During a narrow passage you want to see the waypoint names directly on the chart, for easy reference. Open the menu, where you can enable "Show WPT Name". What "WPT Name Font Sizes" are available in that menu? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: • 01- Big 0 2 -Large [ 0 3 - Medium ~ 04- Standard 05- Small 06- Tiny Question Title: Route Monitoring Description: There are several fishing vessels on your track and you have to do collision avoidance maneuvers within your safe cross track corridor. Therefore you want to increase the"Course difference limit" of your ECDIS, to avoid unnecessary alerts. Please access the respective menu. What are the maximum and minimum degree values you can set for the "Course difference warning"? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: • 01-0.0° 0 02-0.18 03-0.5° 04-30° 05- 40° ~ 06-45° Question Title: Route Planning Description: Please create a new route and measure the great circle (GC) and rhumb line (RL) distance between the following positions 02°32.0'S044°17.0'W- Sao Luis 41°11.0'N 008°42.0'W - Porto Mark the correct answers. Distances are rounded to full nautical miles (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- RL 3253 nm C 02- RL 3277 nm 03- LR 3310 nm • 04- GC 3244 nm © 05- GC 3263 nm 06- GC 3280 nm Question Title: Route Planning Description: You are starting your round trip around Alcatraz Island. How many waypoints are used in the pre-planned route "Around Alcatraz"? Hint: Don't forget to count the starting waypoint "O". Answers: 01-6 • 02-8 ~ 03-10

• 04-12 • 05-14 • 06-16 Question Title: Route Monitoring Description: What wil happen fi you activate a route for monitoring, while another one si already active? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- Both routes will be active 02 - The new route will be active 03- The old route will stay active 04- The old route will be deactivated • 05- Both routes will be opened in planning mode instead 06- You have to UNLOAD the old route first Question Title: Route Monitoring Description: While maneuvering you want to display your ship with a true scale outline on the chart area. Please open the menu, where you can switch the ship's symbol. Which types are available through the drop-down menu, ni this specific ECDIS? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 0 1 - Default Symbol 02- Simplified Symbol 03 - Custom Symbol 04- True Scale 0 5 - Scale Outline 06- Outline Question Title: Route Monitoring Description: There are several fishing vessels on your track and you have to do collision avoidance maneuvers within your safe cross track corridor. Thereforeyou want to increase the Course difference alert of your ECDIS, to avoid unnecessary alerts. Please access the respective menu. What are the maximum and minimum degree values that can be set for the Course difference alert? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: M 01-0.0° 0 02-0.1 © 03-0.5° 04-30° О 05-40° © 06-45° Question Title: Route Planning Description: You are starting your round trip around Alcatraz Island. How many waypoints are used in the pre-planned route Around Alcatraz? Hint: Don't forget to count the starting waypoint 0. Answers: • 01-6 • 02-8 C 03-10 04-12 • 05-14 • 06-16

Question Title: Route Planning Description: Please create a route with the following waypoints: WP 0: 2 59.0' N, 079°08.0' W WP :1 22°47.3' N, 078°45.3' W WP :2 22°33.7' N, 078°06.6' W WP :3 22°16.4' N, 077°38.3' W Turn Radius: 1nm Average speed: 10.0 kn What is the ETA at the last WP fi the ship departs May 28, 2014 at 15:30 LT? Note: The answers are rounded to full minutes. (Multiple answers possible) Answers: • 01- May, 28 02- May, 29 • 03- May, 30 • 04-23:15 LT 05-00:53 LT 06-03:10 LT Question Title: Route Monitoring Description: You are entering open waters and want to increase your ships course vector on the ECDIS, to fit the new conditions What are the maximum and minimum time values you can set for the vector? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01-1 minute 0 2 - 3 minutes • 03-5 minutes 04- 60 minutes 05 - 120 minutes 06- 180 minutes Question Title: Route Planning Description: Pleaseload theroute Around Alcatraz. On which legs are dangers through Aids to Navigation detected? (Multiple answers possible) Note: Please make sure that your ECDIS still uses the default settings, especially for the Safety Contour and the Special Condition Areas. fI you have changed these settings or you are not sure fi the settings are still set ot the standard, please replace your virtual machine via HelpMe. The time for your Test is stopped during the procedure Answers: 01-2-3 02-3-4 03-4-5 04-5-6 0 05-6-7 Г 06-7-8

Question Title: Route Planning Description: Please create a route with the following waypoints: WP :0 22°59.0 N, 079°08.0 W WP 1: 22°47.3 N, 078°45.3 W WP 2: 22°33.7 N. 078°06 6 W WP :3 22°16.4 N, 077°38.3 W Turn Radius: 1nm Average speed: 10.0 kn What is the ETA at the last WP if the ship departs May 28, 2014 at 15.30 LT? Note: The answers are rounded to full minutes. (Multiple answers possible) Answers: | 01- May, 28 02- May, 29 • 03- May. 30 04- 23:15 LT

05-00:53 LT 06-03:10LT Question Title: Route Monitoring Description: Please load the route Around Alcatraz into monitoring mode. What is the distance to reach W T 009 End of route from your current ships position? And how long does it take with your current ship speed? The answers are rounded to full cables and minutes (Multiple answers possible) Answers: • 01-0.2NM 02-0.3 NM 03-0.5NM C 04-4 minutes 05-5 minutes 06- 6 minutes Question Title: Sensors Description: After a manual position fix youdiscovered a smal discrepancy compared ot your GPS position. Therefore, you want ot cross check and compare the accuracy of your GPS 1with your GPS 2 sensor. Where can you read out the position discrepancy ni degrees and meters? Answers: 0 1 - In the Sensor Information window • 02- Right click on the chart area and select [Sensor Discrepancy] [ 03- In the Sub Information window 04- nI the Own Ship Information panel • 05- Right click on the chart area and select [Sensor Data] 06- In the [Maintenance Screen] Question Title: Sensors Description: After a manual position fix you discovered a small discrepancy compared to your GPS position. Therefore, you want to c r o s scheck and compare the accuracy of your GPS 1 with your GPS 2 sensor. Where can you read out the position discrepancy ni degrees and meters? Answers: 0 1 - In the S e n s o r Information window • 02- Right click on the chart area and select [Sensor Discrepancy] © 03- In the Sub Information window • 04- nI the Own Ship Information panel • 05- Right click on the chartarea and select [Sensor Data] 06- In t h e [Maintenance Screen] Question Title: Sensors Description: During your voyage, you realize that your position data, received from your GPS sensor, shows a yellowish-orange status. What status is indicated by t h e color "yellowish-orange"? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: • 01 - Sensor data with good integrity 02- Sensor data with low integrity or doubtful 03- Lost sensor 04- Invalid sensor data • 05- Dead Reckoning mode enabled ( 06- Sensor value is abnormal Question Title: Sensors

Description: After a manual position fix, you discovered a small discrepancy compared to your GPS position. Therefore, you want to cross check and compare the accuracy of your GPS 1 with your GPS 2 sensor. What is the name of the checkbox that activates the secondary position on the chart? Answers: 0 1 -Show 0 2 - Activate 03-Display • 04- Switch On 05- Turn On Question Title: Sensors Description: After a manual position fix you discovered a small discrepancy compared to your GPS position. Therefore, you want to crosscheck and compare the accuracy of your GPS 1 with your GPS 2 sensor: Please display the secondary position on the chart and state its color. Answers: 7 01- Blue 0 2 -Purple ~ 03- Orange • 04- Black 05- Green • 06- Yellow Question Title: Sensors Description: You are taking over the watch. During The handover you check the ECDIS and notice that the position data, received from your GPS sensor, shows the normal/set color. What status is indicated by the normal/set color? Answers: 01- Valid sensor data • 02- Sensor data with low integrity or doubtful • 03- Invalid Data 04- Sensor not available • 05- Manual input required Question Title: Sensors Description: You are sailing in an area with bad GPS satellite coverage. To make sure all officers are aware of the reliability of the GPS data, you want to set an HDOP alert in the ECDIS. It is possible to set a threshold limit that will trigger an alert if the HDOP limit is exceeded. Is it possible? If yes, what is the possible limit that can be setfor HDOP Limit? Answers: 01- It is not possible • 02-4 0 03-8 П 04-10 • 05-16 • 06-20 Question Title: User Interface Description: The "Multi Dial" can be customised ot the users needs. Which of the following "Key Assignments" are available? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: • 01- Past Track Length 02- Motion Mode • 03- Display Mode 04- Panel Brightness 05- Vector Time 06- Colour Code Question Title: User Interface Description: The "Tooltips/Infotips" display information fo chart objects when hovering the mouse over the object.

Activate the feature and move the mouse over the "Alcatraz Light" (onAlcatraz Island, north easterly of your own ship's position at 37°49 575'N122"25.325W) Which of eht following information isdisplayed directly int h e tooltip? (Multiple Answers: answers possible) 01-Colour: white • 02-Fog Sig3naloln:g 03 Category of landmark: Tower • 04-Heightm6.52 05. Pattern: horizontal stripes • 0 6 -Period5s Question Title: User Interface Description: The "Cursor Readout" is a useful tool to quickly check the latitude and longitude of chart objects How can it be activated? Answers: 01- tIsi always active and displayed 02- Through the [Tools] menu • 03- Throughthe [View] menu © 04- Through hte [Settings] menu next ot the cursor -50 aVi a right-click o n the wno ship • 06- Through thetool bra no the worel left-hand dsie Question Title: User Interface Description: The "Cursor Readout is a useful tool to quickly check the latitude and longitude of chart objects. How can it be activated? Answers: 0 1 - It is always active and displayed next to the cursor 02- Through the [Tools] menu 03- Through the [View menu 0 4 - Through the [Settings] menu • 05- Via a right-click on the own ship 06- Through the tool bar onthe lower left-hand side

Question Title: User Interface Description: You adjusted the ambient light conditions on your system to "Night". However due to the special light conditions you want to customise the colour of specific parts only. Access the respective window. Which options are available for adjustment? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- Dialog • 02- Windows ~ 03-Character 04- Letters 05- Own Symbol / HL / Vector • 06- Chart Symbols

Question Title: User Interface Description: You requested a service technician for your ECDIS. Beforehand the technician requires the version number of the ECDIS App Please select the correct version. Answers:

• 01- Ver. 01.00 • 02- Ver. 02.00 03- Ver. 03.00 04- Ver. 04.00 • 05- Ver. 05.00 • 06- Ver. 06.00 Question Title: User Interface Description: What information is NOT directly available on t h e Display Panel, when the ECDIS is started in Navigation & Planning mode? Answers: 0 1 - Chart Datum 02 Chart Orientation 03-Motion Mode 04- Rate of Turn 05- Scale 06- Time and Date

Question Title: Alert Management Description: Once an alert message is triggered, the ECDIS generates an acoustic signal and displays the alert symbol with the highest warning or caution be acknowledged? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- Alarms cannot be acknowledged 02- By pressing [ACK] in the Status column of the "Alerts" list ○ ○

03- By turning off the buzzer 04- By clicking [ACK] in the alert pop-up window

Question Title: Alert Management Description: An alert is an announcement of abnormal situations and conditions that require attention. In what categories are the alerts divided? (Multiple answers possible) 01-Alarms 03-Warnings 04-Cautions Question Title: Alert Management Description: "Area Alerts" warnings will be triggered as soon as the vessel's look-ahead sector overlaps one or more prohibited or special condition areas. Which of the following alerts are Area Alerts? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- Crossing Safety Contour ~ 02- Approaching Hazard ~ 03-Channel ~ 04- Fairway • 05- Shallow Area Warning

Question Title: Alert Management Description: You are taking ever the watch and notice that a "red fasting speaker symbol" is displayed in the alert indication area of the ECDIS This indicates a specific type of alert and a specitfic operational status. What type of alert is it? And what is its operational status? (Multiple answers possible) Answers (S 01-Alarm • 02- Warning 03- Caution C 04- Silenced ~ 05- Unacknowledged • 05- Rectified Description are taking over the watch and notice that a "yellowish-orange flashing circle with This indicates a specific type of alert and a specific operational status. What type of alert is it? And what is its operational status? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: M 01- Alarm 02- Warning 03- Caution 04- Unacknowledged M 05- Silenced 06-Acknowledged Question Title: Alert Management Description: During the last voyage the speed sensors was failing several times. You want to check the exact time of the sensor loss in the ECDIS to write a report. What are the names of the window and tab that are used to display previous alerts? Da nat lice the l nahank harel Answers: 1. 2.

Alert Window Alert Reference

~ 03- Information Reference 04- Past Information ~ 05-Alert History 06- Past Alerts Question Title: Alert Management Description: During the last voyage the speed sensors was failing several times. You want to check the exact time of the sensor loss in the ECDIS to write a report. What are the names of the window and tab, that are used to display previous alerts? Do not use the Logbook here (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 1. 2.

Alert Window Alert Reference

03- Information Reference

04- Past Information 05- Alert History Г 06- Past Alerts

Question Title: Alert Management Description: An alert is an announcement of abnormal situations and conditions that require attention. In what categories are the alerts divided? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- Alarms 02- Dangers 03- Warnings 04- Cautions 1. 2.

Notes Prompts

Question Title: Alert Management Description: Which of the follewing information is NOT displayed in the "Alerts' list? [Muitiple answers possible) Answers: O D1 - Cause of the alert 0 02- UTC Time ll'e alert occurred 03- Local Time the alert occurred ○ ○

O4- Details of the aler: 05- Advice

06- Time until the alert escalates Question Title: Alert Management Description: During the last voyage the speed sensors was failing several times. You want to check the exact time of the sensor loss in the ECDIS to write a report. What are the names of the window and tab, that are used to display previous alerts? he not uce the echoes heroin Answers: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Alert Window Alert Reference Information Reference Past Information

05- Alert History 06- Past Alerts Question Title: Alert Management Description: You are taking over the water and not ce that a yellowish-orange flashing circle with a crossed out speaker symbol is displayed in the alert indication area o' the ECCIS, This indicates a specific type of alert and a specific operational status. What type at alert is it?And what is its operational status? (Multiple answers possible Answers • 01- Alarm

W 02- Warning M 03- Caution C 04 Rectfied ~ 05. Silenced D 06-Acknowledged Question Title: Backup Arrangements Description: In case of a power outage on your vessel, the safety of Navigation needs to be ensured Please select the correct statements regarding an adequate ECDIS backup arrangement. (Multiple answers possible) Answers: ~ 01- The ECDIS requires an independent backup, in case it gets damaged • 02- Paper charts need to be available on every vessel as a non-electronic backup 03- The backup needs to ensure continuity in the event of a failure and ensure a safe takeover [ 04- The only approved backup is a second ECDIS C 05- Electronic backup devices can be used with private charts of the devices manufacturer M 06- A laptop computer displaying official raster navigation charts (RNCs) can be used as a backup Question Title: Backup Arrangements Description: An inspector asks you to playback information from the last voyage. Access the relevant function and select a playback file. The playback speed can be adjusted. What are the minimum and maximum playback speed rates? Hint: The relevant code is "9999". (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 0 01-x0.5 C 02. x1 0 03-x2 0 04- x30 C 05- x60 0 06-×100 Description: In case of a power outage on your vessel, the safety of Navigation needs to be ensured Please select the correct statements regarding an adequate ECDIS backup arrangement (Multinie answers possible) Answers: 01- The ECDIS requires an independent backup, in case it gets damaged 02- Paper charts need to be available on every vessel as a non-electronic backup 03. The backup needs to ensure continuity in the event of a failure and ensure a safe takeover [ 04- The only approved backup is a second ECDIS 05- Electronic backup devices can be used with private charts of the devices manufacturer © 06- A laptop computer displaying official raster navigation charts (RNCs) can be used as a backup Question Title: Backup Arrangements Description: During a waiting period, your vessel has been drifting around the same area for some hours. The set past track, clutters your screen and you want to reduce its duration. Please open the menu related to the past track of your own vessel. What is the minimum value for the past track length? Answers: ○ ○ ○

01- 12 hours 02- Silvars 03-1 hour

04-30 minutes 05-5 minutes 06-30 seconds Question Title: Backup Arrangements Description: An inspector asks you to show him the available logs on your ECDIS. Access the relevant function. How is the third column in the window labeled? Answers: • 01- No 02- Time • 03-POSNI © 04- Latitude ○ ○

05- Longitude 06- COG(*)

Question Title: Backup Arrangements Description: You are sailing on an older vessel which is not equipped with a second, independent ECDIS. As a backup the vessel has a portfolio of paper charts. This needs to fulfil certain requirements to be an adequate backup for your ECDIS. Please select all the correct statements regarding the paper chart backup. (Multinie anciere naccihlo) Answers: 1. 2. 3.

The paper charts need to be exactly the same as your digital charts on the ECDIS The only approved backup is a second ECDIS You need a full portfolio of the whole ocean you are sailing, independent of any flag state regulations

04- The paper charts need to be up to date 05- It is sufficient to carry the T&P notices and apply them to the charts if they ever get used 06- The portfolio needs to cover the area of the intended voyage, in a way regulated by the flag state Question Title: Backup Arrangements Description: An inspector asks you to playback information from the last voyage. Access the relevant function and select a layback file. Extend the [Detail Log]. Which information is displayed as part of the [Detall Log]? Hint: The relevant code is "9999" [Muniple answers possible' Answers: 01- Chart 02- Scale 03- Colour Code • 04. Display Moce D5- Motion Mode M 06- Orientation Mode Question Title: Backup Arrangements Description: The captain asks you to add the weather report to the regular ECDIS pesition log Access the relevant function and select a "Specifed Period" event Which "Weather Conditions" are available through the respective drop-dowr menu? (Mutiple answers possible) Answers:

01- Stormy [ 02- Showers 03- Overcast 04- Snow • 05- Thuncerstorm O 06- Dusty Question Title: Backup Arrangements Description: in case of a power outage on your vessel, the safety of Navigation needs to be ensured.! Please select the correct statements regarding an adequate ECDIS backup arrangement (Multiple answers possible Answers: 01- The ECDIS requires an independent backup, in case it gets damaged 02- Paper charts need to be available or evervivessel as a non-electronic backup 03. The backup needs to ensure continuity in the event of a failure and ensure a safe takeover 1 04- The only approved backup is a second ECDIS ) 05- Electronic backup devices can be used with private charts of the devices manufacturer ChI 05- A laptop computer displaying official raster navigation charts (RNCs) can be used as a backup Question Title: Backup Arrangements Description: The captain asks you to add the weather report to the regular ECDIS position log. Access the relevant function and select a "Specified Period" event. Which "Weather Conditions" are available through the respective drop-down menu? Answers: 1. 2.

Stormy Showers

~ 03- Overcast ~ 04- Snow 05- Thunderstorm • 06- Dusty

Question Title: Backup Arrangements Description: An inspector Asus vou to snow rim the loos avalable o vour sOos Access the relevant unction What labs are available la switch to different kind o* Isgs? (Multiple answers possib e) Answers 01- User Task Log O 02. User Event Log 03- Navigation Alert Log © 04- Chart Danger Log D os. EGDIS Waming Log 06- System Alert Log Question Title: Backup Arrangements Description: The captain asks you to add the weather report to the regular ECDIS position log. Access the relevant function and select a "Specified Period" event. Which "Weather Conditions" are available through the respective drop-down menu? Answers: [ 01- Stormy 02- Showers

~ 03- Overcast ~ 04- Snow ○ ○

05- Thunderstorm 06- Dusty

Question Title: Backup Arrangements Description: An inspector asks you to show him the available logs on your ECDIS. What are the maximum and minimum value that can be set for the days displayed in the log? (Multiple answers possible) 01 - 1 06 - 90 Question Title: Backup Arrangements Description: You are sailing on an older vessel which is not equipped with a second, independent ECDIS. As a backup the vessel has a portfolio of paper charts. This needs to fulfil certain requirements to be an adequate backup for your ECDIS. Please select all the correct statements regarding the paper chart backup. (Multinie anciere naccihlo) Answers: 01- The paper charts need to be exactly the same as your digital charts on the ECDIS ○ ○

02- The only approved backup is a second ECDIS 03- You need a full portfolio of the whole ocean you are sailing, independent of any flag state regulations

04- The paper charts need to be up to date 05- It is sufficient to carry the T&P notices and apply them to the charts if they ever get used 06- The portfolio needs to cover the area of the intended voyage, in a way regulated by the flag state Question Title: Backup Arrangements Description: The captain asks you to add the weather report to the regular ECDIS pos log Access the relevant function and select a "Specified Period" event. Which "Weather Conditions are available through the respective drop-down menu? (Multiple answers possible Answers: (7 01- Stormy • 02- Showers 03- Overcasi 04- Snow Question Title: Chart Maintenance Description: While applying manual updates, you want to display only the selected chart in the chart area, to clearly see its borders. Which of following check-marks has to be activated/deactivated? Answers: ~ 01- Show Chart Border © 02- Display Chart Borders [f os Centerchart ~ 04- Fix Chart © os- Center view

06- Fix View Question Title: Chart Maintenance Description: You want to order new ENC charts in encrypted format (S-63) from a new chart supplier. Therefore, you need to send the User Permit of your ECDIS to the new supplier. What is the User Permit of the ECDIS? Answers: • 01- A1444ABB8A397763A4CC62FA3933 02- B5644ABB8A397763A4CC62FA3933 ○ ○ ○

03-C2744ABB8A397763A4CC62FA3933 04- D3144ABB8A397763A4CC62FA3933 05- E8844ABB8A397763A4CC62FA3933

( 06- F0144ABB8A397763A4CC62FA3933 Question Title: Chart Maintenance Description: Based on recent communication, you need to add a buoy, cardinal on the chart area, using manual updates. Which attributes can NOT be set for the buoy, cardinal? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: • 01- Buoy shape ~ 02- Depth ~ 03- Vertical accuracy ( 04- Horizontal accuracy 05- Status M 06- Color

Question Title: Chart Maintenance Description: Based on the recent communication, you need to add a military practice area on the chart area, using manual chart updates. Which values can be set for the "Category of Military practice area" attribute? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 1. 2. 3.

Torpedo exercise area Non dangerous for shipping area Exercise shooting area

04- Firing danger area 1. 2.

Airforce practice area Drone surveilled area

Question Title: Chart Maintenance Description: In order to check a chart for your next voyage it is required to manually check the desired chart via the portfolio The installed system charts can be sorted by: (Multiple answers possible) Answers:

• 01 - Issuing Hydrographic Office 02- Chart 03 - last update 04 - scale Question Title: Chart Mainterance Description: To find out information on charts you can easily do a pick report. However you can also get "Cell Information" via the chart maintenance What cell information Is NOT displayed here? (Multiple answers possible) Answers • 01- Cell Name M 02- Edter • 03- Horizontal Datum 04 Update Number • 05- Agency 06- Chart Number

question vitie: Unant maintenance Description: Based on the recent commun cation, you need to add a military practice area on the chart area, using manual chart codates. Which values can be set for the "Category of Military practice area" attribute? (Multiple answers possible\ Answers: 01- Torpedo exercise area 02- Non dangerous for shippirg arca 03- Exercise shooting area 04. Firing danger arca 05-Airforce practice area M 06- Drone surveilec area Question Title: Chart Maintenance Description: The last few days several manual updales have been made on the chart area. Check the history of the manual updates for the present chart. How is the Tab or Menu called? Answers: ( 01- Update Log 02- Manual Update Review 1. 2. ○ ○

Chart Updates Updated Objects 05- Chart changes 06- Additional chart information

In order to check a chart for your next voyage it is required to manually load the desired The installed ENC charts can be sorted by: Answers • 01- Issuing Hydrographic Office (~ 02- Cell Name © 03- Last Update © 04- Scale ○

05- Position

06- File size

Question Title: Chart Maintenance Description: You received ENC permits during your port stay and inserted the CD/DVD or external flash drive. Which function do you have to access to install ENC licences? Answers: © 01- [Install License file] • 02- [Add License file] ~ 03- [Import/Update License file] • 04- [License Check] Question Title: Chart Maintenance Description: To find out information on charts you can easily do a pick report. However you can also get "Cell Information" via the chart maintenance What cell information is NOT displayed here? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- Cell Name • 02- Edition 03- Horizontal Datum ~ 04- Update Number [ 05- Agency C 06- Chart Number

Question Title: Chart Maintenance Description: Based on the recent communication, you need to add a military practice area on the chart area, using manual chart updates Which values can be set for the "Category of Military practice area" attribute? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: ~ 01- Torpedo exercise area • 02- Non dangerous for shipping area 03- Exercise shooting area ~ 04- Firing danger area • 05-Airforce practice area 06- Drone surveilled area Question Title: Chart Maintenance Description: To find out information on charts you can easily do a pick report. However you can also get "Cell Information" via the chart maintenance. What cell information is NOT displayed here? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 1. 2.

Cell Name Edition

03- Horizontal Datum 04- Update Number 05- Agency 06- Chart Number

Question Title: Chart Work Description: You are navigating a passenger vessel and suddenly a crew member informs you that a passenger fell into the sea How is the MOB symbol displayed on the ECDIS? Answers: O 01- Circle 0 02- Cross O 03- Arrow 04. Anchor • 06- Octagon Question Title: Chart Work Description: During the planning of a new voyage you want to add some notes for critical points and store them In a new user chart Please create a new user chart What is the name of the window, used to breate the naw user chart? ow is the new user chartramned in he system? (Multiple answers possible) Answers ~ 01- File Operation M 02- File Creation M 03- User Chart Operation 01- New Map File © 05- User Map File M 06- New User Chart Question Title: Chart Work Description: You took the following bearings for manual positioning: Blossom Rock Lighted Bell Buoy BR (easterly of your own ships position at 37°49.105 N 122°24.200 W) with a true bearing of 101° Harding Rock Light Buoy (northerly of your ships position at 37°50.285 N 122°26.760 W) with a true bearing of 355° Please manually fix your position. The positions are rounded to one decimal. Please select the answer that is closest to your position fix. Answers: 01- 37°49.5 N 122026.7 W Question Title: Chart Work Description: You took the following bearings for manual positioning: "Alcatraz Light" (on Alcatraz Island, north easterly of your own ship's position at 37°49.575'N 122°25.325'W) with a true bearing of 068° "San Francisco West Yacht Harbour Light 2" (south easterly of your own ship's position at 37°48.535'N 122°26.400°W) with a true bearing of 124° "Anita Rock Light" (south of your own ship's position at 37°48.500'N 122°27.215'W) with a true bearing of 193° Answers: ○ ○

01_ 36°50 2'N 123°28 5'W" 02-37°49, 1'N 123°26,7'W

03-37°49,0'N 122°27, 1'W ○ ○ ○

04-38°51, 1'N 122°24,3'W 05-38°52,0'N 121°25,6'W 06- 39°53,7'N 121°26,8'W

Question Title: Chart Work Description: Please use the ERBL Function to identify two objects. Center the ERBL on the Blossom Rock Lighted Bell Buoy BR (east of your own ship) and arrange it with the following data: 1. 2.

Bearing 298°, distance 1,00 NM Bearing 244°, distance 1,07 NM

Which objects can be identified? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: ○ ○ ○

01 - Harding Rock Light Buoy HR 02- San Francisco Bay North Channel Lighted Buoy 1 03- Alcatraz Wildlife Protection Area Buoy ALCZ1

04- Alcatraz Light (Lighthouse) 05- Aquatic Park Entrance Light 1 • 06- Raccoon Strait Lighted Buoy 1 Question Title: Chart Work Description: You took the following bearing and range for manual positioning "Yellow Bluff Light" (north westerly of your own ships' position at 37° 50.192 N 122° 28.332 W) with a true bearing of 283° "Alcatraz Light" (on Alcatraz Island, north easterly of vour own ship's position at 37°49.575'N 122°25.325'W) with a range of 1.6 NM Please manually fix your position with the "Transfer Position Line" disabled The positions are rounded to one decimal. Please select the answer that is closest to your position fix. Answers: M 01-37°48.8 N 122°26.1' W 0 02-37°47 8' N 122°25 3' W 03-37°49 9 N 122°25 94 V [ 04-37°40.4 N 122826.7 W B 05-37°49 0 N 122°27.3 W 06-37°50.0 N 122°27 8' W

Question Title: Chart Work Description: You took the following bearings for manual positioning: Blossom Rock Lighted Bell Buoy BR (easterly of your own ships position at 37°49.105 N 122°24.200 W) with a true bearing of 101° Anita Rock Light (south of your own ships position at 37°48.500 N 122°27.215 WI with a true bearing of 193° Please manually fix your position. The positions are rounded to one decimal. Please select the answer that is closest to your position fix. Answers: 01- 37°50.6 N 122°25.4 W ○ ○

02- 37°48.7 N 122°25.4 W 03-37°48.7 N 122°27.3 W

O 04-37°49.5 N 122°27.3 W 05-37°49.5 N 122°26.9 W • 06-37°50.5 N 122°26.9 W

Question Title: Chart Work Description: You are navigating a passenger vessel and suddenly a crew member informs you that (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- By clicking the MOB Symbol on the right toolbar 1. 2.

Via the [U. Map] button and the [MOB] object With the [MOB Event] button in the left toolbar

04- Via [MOB] in the tools menu 05- By selecting [MOB] in the event window • 06- By right-clicking on the chart and selecting [MOB] Question Title: Chart Work Description: You took the following bearings for manual positioning: "Alcatraz Light" (on Alcatraz Island, north easterly of your own ship's position at 37°49.575'N 122°25.325'W) with a true bearing of 068° "San Francisco West Yacht Harbour Light 2" (south easterly of your own ship's position at 37°48.535'N 122°26.400°W) with a true bearing of 124° "Anita Rock Light" (south of your own ship's position at 37°48.500'N 122°27.215'W) with a true bearing of 193° Answers: 01-36°50,2'N 123°28,5'W" O 02-37°49, 1'N 123°26,7'W 03-37°49,0'N 122°27,1'W • 04-38°51,1'N 122°24,3'W O 05-38°52,0'N 121°25,6'W O 06-39°53,7'N 121°26,8'W Question Title: Chart Work Description: You took the following ranges for manual cositiening "Yellow Bluff Light" (north westerly of your own ship's position at 33/ 50 192 N 22 26.332 W) wth a range of 1 4 NM "Alcatraz Light' (on Alcatraz Island, nerth easterly of your own ship's position at 37°49.875'N 22°25 328W) wth a range of 1.6 NM Please manually fix vour pas tior with the "Transfer Position Line" disabled The positions are rounded to one decimal. Please select the answer that is closest to your position fix. Answery 0 01 37°49. 1N 122°26 84 M 07-37949 3N 128926 EW D 03-37948.3'N 122925.2'W ( ) 04- 37°47. 1'N 122°25.2W C 08. 37°47.1° 122°27 3' 06- 37*49.1N 22°27 3°W Question Title: ECDIS Basic Features Description: To have a simplified chart layout for an easy overview, you want to switch from the four colour mode to the two colour mode Which checkbox has to be activated or deactivated? Answers: ~ 01- [Two Color Mode] ~ 02- [Two Shades] ~ 03- [Four Shades] ○

04- [Two Color on]

05- [Display Simple Mode]

[ 06- [Depth Shades Simple] Question Title: ECDIS Basic Features Description: W-at is the maximum value for the "Width* for the Look-ahead rectangle? Answers • 01- 100m О 02- 150г [ 03-200m 04-250m C 05-300m • 06- 350m Question Title: ECDIS Basic Features Description: For the safety seltings, which of the following statements are true? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Safety Contour parameter can be larger than Safety Depth Safety Depth parameter cannot be larger than Safety Contour Shallow Contour settings change the colour of spot soundings 04- Safety Depth settings change the colour of spot soundings

Question Title: ECDIS Basic Features Description: Set the "Display Mode" in a way that spot soundings will be displayed on the chart area and set your "Safety Depth" to 11 m Which of the following statements are true? Please reset the safety depth value to its default setting (9.0 m) after you answer this question. Answers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

It will display the spot soundings of less than 11m in black It will display the spot soundings of less than 11m in grey It will display the spot soundings of less than 11m in red It will display the spot soundings of more than 11m in black 05- It will display the spot soundings of more than 11m in grey 06- It will display all spot soundings in grey

Question Title: ECDIS Basic Features Description: What is the height of the lighthouse Alcatraz Light (Landmark)? Answers: • 01 - 23.6 m Г 02- 24.6 m 03- 25.6 m ○ ○

04- 26.6 m 05- 27.6 m

О 06- 28.6 m Question Title: ECDIS Basic Features Description: The Border Range is used to determine the limit where the chart will be shifted when the own ship reaches the border range. It is effective only in "True" mode

What are the MIN and MAX Border Range values that can be set to Redraw the chart? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 0 01-10% 0 02-20% 03-30% 04-70% 05-80% • 06-90% Question Title: ECDIS Basic Features Description: What is the maximum value for the Radius of the Look-ahead sector? Answers: ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

01- 3.NM 02-5 NM 03-7 NM 04- 10 NM 05- 15 NM 06- 20 NM

Question Title: ECDIS Basic Features Description: Please deactivate the "Restricted area" (Special Condition Area) checkbox and make sure the alert priority is set to "Caution". Please adjust and display the "Look-Ahead Rectangle with the following parameters. Length: 20 minutes Width:200m Answers: 01- Special condition areaCable Area 02- Special condition area(Traffic precautionary) • 03- Navigational Hazard(AtoN) 1. 2. 3.

Navigational Hazard(to be avoided) Special condition area(Caution Area) Special condition area(Traffic separation zone)

Question Title: ECDIS Basic Features Description: Set the "Display Mode" in a way that spot soundings will be displayed on the chart area and set your "Safety Depth" to 11 m. Which of the following statements are true? Please reset the safety depth value to its default setting (9.0 m) after you answer this question. Answers: © 01- It will display the spot soundings of less than 11m in black 1. 2. 3.

It will display the spot soundings of less than 11m in grey It will display the spot soundings of less than 11m in red It will display the spot soundings of more than 11m in black

© 05- It will display the spot soundings of more than 11m in grey 06- It will display all spot soundings in grey Question Title: ECDIS Basic Features

Description: Please deactivate the "Restricted area" (Special Condition Area) checkbox and make sure the alert priority is set to "Caution". Please adjust and display the "Look-Ahead Rectangle with the following parameters: Length: 20 minutes Width:200m Answers: 1. 01- Special condition area(Cable Area) 2. Special condition area(Traffic precautionary) 3. Navigational Hazard(AtoN) 4. Navigational Hazard(to be avoided) 5. Special condition area(Caution Area) 6. Special condition area(Traffic separation zone) Question Title: ECDIS Basic Features FreePlay Glossar Description: Please make sure the Restricted area (Special Condition Area checkbox is deactivated. Adjust and display the "Look-Ahead Sector with the following parameters: Radius: 20 minutes Width: 40° Following the change, what alerts are triggered by the system and is found in the Alert List? (Multiple answers possible) Note: Please reset the Radius back to 6 minutes and Width to 20° after you answer this question. Answers: • 01- Crossing safety contour 02- Approaching AtoN 03- Approaching Harzard © 04- Vertical Clearance © 05- Approaching Spot Soundings • 06- Traffic crossing Question Title: ECDIS Basic Features Description: Set the "Display Mode" in a way that spot soundings will be displayed on the chart area and set your "Safety Depth" to 11 m. Which of the following statements are true? Please reset the safety depth value to its default setting (9.0 m) after you answer this question. (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- It will display the spot soundings of less than 11m in black • 02- It will display the spot soundings of less than 11m in grey 1 03- kwlaisplay the spe soundings ofles than tim inred C 04- It will display the spot soundings of more than 11m in black 05- It will display the spot soundings of more than 11m in grey C 06- It wil display all spot soundings in grey Question Title: Navigational Tools Description: The anchor watch enables you to plan and monitor the anchoring approach, and to watch the anchor status. What color is used on the chart when using this feature? Answers: • 01- Blue 02-Red ○

03- Orange

○ ○

04- Green 05- Yellow

O 06- Black Question Title: Navigational Tools Description: Clearing Lines can be placed on the chart to assist the OW in monitoring the course, for example during close passages What color is used to display the Clearing Lines? Answers: • 01- Blue O 02- Red 03- Orange ○ ○

04- Green 05- Yellow

O 06- Black Question Title: Navigational Tools Description: The anchor watch feature enables the user to plan and monitor the anchoring approach and watch the anchor status What shapes are used to monitor the anchorage position? Answers: ~ 01-Box • 02- Triangle ~ 03- Circle ~ 04- Polygon • 05- Ellipse ~ 06- Hexagon Question Title: Navigational Tools Description: Clearing Lines can be placed on the chart to assist the OOW in monitoring the course, for example during close passages. What color is used to display the Clearing Lines? Answers: 1. 2.

Blue Red

03- Orange 1. 2. 3.

Green Yellow Black

Question Title: Navigational Tools Description: The anchor watch enables you to plan and monitor the anchoring approach and to watch the (Multiple answers possible) Answers: • 01- Box M 02- Triangle

03- Circle 04. Polygon M 05- Ellipse Onestion to • 06- Hexagon Question Title: Navigational Tools Description: Parallel Indexing is an essential tennique to monitor the ship's position and te maneuver in correspondence with the radar. From what menu can para lel indexing lines be activated? Answers © 01- Mew ○ ○

02- (Maintenancel 09- (User Map)

0 04. (Settings) • 05- (Chart 06- [Tools] Question Title: Navigational Tools Description: AIS Messages can be sent and stored using the ECDIS. Which options are available to send a AlS message? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 1. 2. 3.

Addressed Individual Group

~ 04- Broadcast 05- Station • 06- Ships Question Title: Navigational Tools Description: The anchor watch enables you to plan and monitor the anchoring approach. and to watch the anchor status. What symbol is displayed on the chart when using the feature? Answers: 01-Anchor 0 02- Cross O 03- Dot F 04- Star 05- Wave Question Title: Navigational Tools Description: AIS Messages can be sent and stored using the ECDIS. Stored messages are saved in different trays and displayed in a list. By which criteria can you sort the messages in this list? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: • 01- IMO Number ~ 02- Date(UTC) ~ 03-MMSI

C 04- Ship's Name 1. 2.

Call Sign Length

Question Title: Navigatonal Tools Description: AIS Messages can be sent and stored using the ECDIS Which options are availabe to sere a AlS message? (Multiple answers possise) Answers: © 01-Acdressed ○ ○

02- Individua 03- Group

( 04- Broadcast 0 05. Staton • 06- Ships Question Title: Navigational Tools Description: The anchor watch enables you to plan and monitor the anchoring and to watch the anchor status. What symbol is displayed on the chart when using the feature? Answers: 01- Anchor M 02- Cross. ( 03- Dot • 04- Star Question Title: Navigational Tools Description: AIS Messages can be sent and stored using the ECDIS. Which options are available to send a AlS message? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: ~ 01-Addressed • 02- Individual 03- Group ~ 04- Broadcast ○ ○

05- Station 06- Ships

Question Title: Navigational Tools Description: AIS Messages can be sent and stored using the ECDIS. Stored messages are saved in different trays and displayed in a list. By which criteria can you sort the messages in this list? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: • 01- IMO Number 02- Date(UTC) 03-MMSI 04- Ship's Name

○ ○

05- Call Sign 06- Length

Question Title: Navigational Tools Description: The anchor watch enables you to plan and monitor the anchoring approach, and to watch the anchor status What symbol is displayed on the chart when using the feature? Answers: 01- Anchor 0 02- Cross 0 04- Star M 05- Wave • 06- Spiral Description: rou looK ine lonowing wearing and range lor manual posioning Yellow Bluff Light (north-westerly of your own ships position at 37° 50.192 N 122° 28.332 W) with a true bearing of 283° Alcatraz Light (on Alcatraz Island, north-easterly of your own ships position at 37°49.575 N 122°25.325 W) with a range of 1.6 NM Please manually fix vour position The positions are rounded to one decimal Please select the answer that is closest to your position fix. Answers: • 01-37°48.8 N 122°26.1 W 0 03-37°49.9 N 122°25.9 W 0 04- 37°48.4 N 122°26.7 W M 05-37°49.0 N 122°27.3 W 06-37°50.0 N 122°27.3 W Question Title: Route Monitoring Description: Load the Route Around Alcatraz into monitoring If you want to head directly for WPT 002 what would be your BRG and DIST? Do not use the cursor readout. (Multiple answers possible) Answers: • 01- DIST 2.0 NM ~ 02- DIST 2.5 NM • 03- DIST 3.0 NM P 04- BRG 069.6° C 05- BRG 079.6° ~ 06-BRG 089.6° Description: You took the following bearings for manual positioning: Blossom Rock Lighted Bell Buoy BR (easterly of your own ships position at 37°49. 105 N 122°24.200 W/) with a true bearing of 101° Anita Rock Light (south of your own ships position at 37°48.500 N 122°27.215 W) with a true bearing of 193° Please manually fix your position The positions are rounded to one decimal Please select the answer that is closest to your position fix. Answers: ○

01-37°50.6 N 122°25.4 W

02- 37°48.7 N 122°25.4 W

M 03-37°48.7 N 122°27.3 W C 04- 37°49.5 N 122°27.3 W 05-37°49.5 N 122°26.9 W 0 06-37°50.5 N 122°26.9 W Question Title: Route Monitoring Description: Please load the route Around Alcatraz into monitoring mode. What is the distance to reach WT 009 End of route from your current ships position? And how long does it take with your current ship speed? The answers are rounded to full cables and minutes. (Multiple answers possible) Answers: O 01-0.2 NM ~ 02-0.3 NM ~ 03-0.5 NM ~ 04. 4 minutes • 05- 5 minutes ~ 06- 6 minutes Question Title: Route Monitoring Description: During a narrow passage you want to see the waypoint names directly on the chart, for easy reference Open the menu, where you can enable "Show WPT Name* What "WPT Name Font Sizes ' are available in that menu? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: ○ ○ ○

01- Big 02- Large 03- Medium

~ 04- Standard ~ 05- Small • Os- Tiny Question Title: Route Monitoring Description: Please load the route "Around Alcatraz" into monitoring mode. What is the distance to reach WT 009 "End of route" from your current ships position? And how long does it take you with your current ship speed? The answers are rounded to full cables and minutes. (MultinIe anciere nAccihlal Answers: 01-0.2 NM 02-0.3 NM Г 03- 0.5 NM 04. 4 minutes 1. 2.

5 minutes 6 minutes

Question Title: Route Monitoring Please access the respective menu. What are the maximum and minimum time values you can set for the "Early course change warning"? (Multiple answers possible)

Answers: 01-0.5 minutes 02- 1 minute 1. 2.

2 minutes 3 minutes

05-5 minutes • 06- 10 minutes Question Title: Route Monitoring Description: Please load the route "Around Alcatra/" into monitoring mode. What is the distance to reach WT 009 "End of roufe" from your current ships position? And how long does it take you with your current ship speed? The answers are rounded to full cables and minutes (Maltiple answers possible) Answers: 01-0.2 NM 02.0 3 NM • 03-0.5 NM ~ 04. 4 minutes 11 05- 5 minules 06- 6 minutes Question Title: Route Monitoring Description: You are entering open waters and want to increase your ships course vector on the ECDIS, to fit the new conditions What are the maximum and minimum time values you can set for the vector? (Multiple answers possible) AnSwers: 01 - 1 minute • 02- 3 minutes 04-60 minutes Question Title: Route Monitor ng Description: There are several rishing vessels on vaur track and vou have to do collision avo dance maneuvers stingoul "Course ditterence limit" of your ECCIS, te avoid unnecessary alerts. Olenso access the respecriva mann What are the maximum and minimum degree values you can get for the 'Course aifferenas warning!? (Multiple answers possible) C 01-0.0° [ 02-0.11 03.0.5° [ 04- 30° O o5-20' 06-45 Question Tille: Route Monitoring Description: You are on a voyage to an anchorage area. To be well aware of the approach to the ar Please access the respective menu. What are the maximum and minimum time values you can set for the "End of Track warning"? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01 - 1 minute

02- 2 minutes ( 03- 3 minutes F 04- 4 minutes 05-5 minutes [ 06- 10 minutes Question Title: Route Monitoring Please access the respective menu. What are the maximum and minimum time values you can set for the "Early course change warning"? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01-0.5 minutes W 02- 1 minute ○ ○

03- 2 minutes 04- 3 minutes

C 05-5 minutes • 06- 10 minutes Question Title: Route Monitoring Description: Please load the route "Around Alcatraz" into monitoring mode. What is the distance to reach WPT 009 "End of route" from your current ships position? And how long does it take you with your current ship speed? The answers are rounded to full cables and minutes. (MultinIe anciere nAccihlal Answers: • 01-0.2 NM 02-0.3 NM • 03-0.5 NM 04-4 minutes • 05- 5 minutes 06-6 minutes Question Title: Route Planning Description: Please load the route Around Alcatraz. Which of the following dangers are listed for the leg 002-003? (Multiple answers possible) Note: Please make sure that your ECDIS still uses the default settings, especially for the Safety Contour and the Special Condition Areas. If you have changed these settings or you are not sure if the settings are still set to the standard, please replace your virtual machine via HelpMe. The time for your Test is stopped during the procedure Answers: 01- AtoN 02 Reso ~ 03- Cable area • 04- Deeper water route M 05- Fairway 06- Restricted area Question Title: Route Planning Description: Please create a new route and measure the great circle (GC) and rhumbline (RL) distance between the following positions 36°51.0 S 174°47.0 E - Auckland 32°43.0 N 117°10.0 W - San Diego Mark the correct answers. Distances are rounded to full nautical miles.

(Multiple answers possible) Answers: • 01- RL 5121 nm 02- RL 5674 nm ~ 03- RL 5342 nm • 04- GC 4984 nm 06- GC 5649 pm Question Title: Route Planning Description: Please create a route with the following waypoints: WP 0: 22°59.0 N. 079°08.0 W WP 1: 22°47 3 N. 078°45 3 W WP 2: 22°33.7 N. 078°06.6 W WP 3: 22°16 4 N. 077°38.3 W Turn Radius: 1nm Average speed: 10.0 kn What is the ETA at the last WP if the ship departs May 28, 2014 at 15:30 LT? Note: The answers are rounded to full minutes (Multiple answers possible) Answers: • 01- May 28 02- May, 29 0 03- May, 30 M 04-23:15 LT 05-00:53 LT Question Title: Route Planning Description: Before checking the route for geometre limits, you want te make sure the minimum leg length s set up correct y. What are the minimum and maximum settings, that can be set for the "Minimum Leg Length for Limit Check"? (Multiple answers possible) Answers • 01- 100 m 02-200 m 03- The ship length • 04- Douse the ship length © 05- 800 m 06- 8 times the ship length Question Title: Route Planning Description: You are on your round trip around Alcatraz island Please load What is the distance and course between waypoint 1 "Blossom Rock* and waypoint 27 (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- COG: 026,4 • 02- COG: 087,0 03- COG: 274,7 04- Distance: 0.6 NM ( 05- Distance: 1.6 NM • Os- Distance: 1,8 NM Question Title: Route Planning Description: Please create a route with the following waypoints: WP 0: 37°46.8' N. 122°35.4' W WP 1: 37°45.9' N, 122°38.5' W WP 2: 37°45.7' N. 122°41.9' W Turn radius: 1 nm Average speed: 16.8 kn

What is the route distance and the total TTG? Note: Distances are rounded to one decimal of nautical miles and time is rounded to full minutes. Do not calculate the TTG manually. Sum up the TTG values for each leg. (Multiple answers possible) 02- Total Distance: 5.3 nm 05 - Time to go: 00:18 h

Question Title: Route Planning Description: Please create a route with the following waypoints: WPO: 37° 47.180 N, 122° 48.120 W WP1: 37° 45.688 N. 122° 39.377 W WP2: 37° 45.580 N, 122° 38.750 W WP3: 37° 47.080 N, 122° 33.630 W XTD Port and Std: 0.1 NM Turning Radius: 0.3 NM Planned Speed: 10.0 kn On which legs are the dangers "SpeConAre(Caution area" and "SpeConAre(Fairway)" detected? (Multiple answers possible) Note: Please make sure that your ECDIS still uses the default settings, especially for the Safety Contour and the Special Condition Areas. If you have changed these settings or you are not sure if the settings are still set to the standard, please replace your virtual machine via HelpMe. The time for your Test is stopped during the procedure. Answers: • 01-000-001 02-001-002 Г 03- 002-003 04- 000-003 05- There is no SpeCon Are(Caution area) detected Question Title: Route Planning Description: Please create a route with the folloving waypoints WPO: 26°06.0'N - 079°40.0 W WP1: 25°15.0'N - 079°49.0 W WP2. 24°07.0'N -079°28 O' Tum Radius. 1nm Average speed: 10. 0km What is the route distance and the total TTG? Note Distances are rounced to one dec mal of nautical miles and time is rounded to full minutes. Do not calculate the TTG manually Sum up the TTG values for each leg. (Multiple answers possible) Answers 01- Distance over all. 122.0 pm 02- Distance over all: 124.0 nm ○ ○

03- Distance over all: 133.0 mm 01- Time te go: 12:05 h

05- Time te go: 12:13 h O 06- Tme to go: 12:25 h Question Title: Route Planning Description: Please load the route Around Alcatraz Which of the following dangers are listed for the leg 002-003? (Multiple answers possible)

Note: Please make sure that your ECDIS still uses the default settings, especially for the Safety Contour and the Special Condition Areas. If you have change these settings or you are not sure if the settings are still set to the standard, please replace your virtual machine via HelpMe. The time for your Test is stoppec during the procedure. Answers: 01- AtoN 02 Hazard. 03 Cable area 06 - Restricted area Question Title: Route Planning Description: You are starting your round rip around Almatraz slan. Pease load the route "Around Al-atraz What is the d stance and course between waypoint O "Start" and waysoint 1 "Blossom Rock*? (Mutiple answers possibla) Answers: 0 01-Co3. 028 4 02. COG: 087,0 03 COG. 274.7 L 04- Distanca: 0.9 NM • 05- Distance * 8 NM 06- Distance 2,0 NM Question Title: Route Planning Description: Please load the route "Around Alcatraz". Which of the following dangers are listed for the leg 002-003? (Multiple answers possible) Note: Please make sure that your ECDIS still uses the default settings, especially for the Safety Contour and the Special Condition Areas. If you have channed thace cattinas or won are not cure if the cattinac are ctill cot to the ctandard nleace renlare vour virtual machine via HainMo The time for Answers: ~ 01- AtoN 02- Hazard • 03- SpeConAre(Cable area 1. 2.

SpeConAre(Deeper water route) SpeConAre(Fairway)

06- SpeConAre (Restricted area) Question Title: Route Planning Description: You are on your round trip around Alcatraz Island. What is the distance and course between waypoint 1 Blossom Rock and waypoint 2? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01 - COG: 026.4 ○ ○

02- COG: 087,0 03- COG: 274,7

~ 04- Distance: 0,6 NM 1. 2.

Distance: 1,6 NM Distance: 1,8 NM

Question Title: Sensors Description: The ECDIS is very depended on sensor input and displays the most relevant information to use during the voyage Which sensor information is/can be displayed in the display panel? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: • 01- Wind True 02 - HDOP 03- Wind Relative 04- Heading 05 - STW 06-AIS Status Question Title: Sensors Description: After a manual position fix you discovered a small discrepancy compared to your GPS position. Therefore, you want to crosscheck and compare the accuracy of your GPS 1 with your GPS 2 sensor. Please display the secondary postion on the chart and state its color. Answers: • 01- Blue ~ 02- Purple ~ 03- Orange • 04- Black 0 05- Green • 06- Yellow Question Title: Sensors Description: After a manual position fix, you discovered a small discrepancy compared to your GPS position. Therefore, you want to crosscheck and compare the accuracy of your GPS 1 with your GPS 2 sensor. What is the name of the checkbox that activates the secondary position on the chart? Answers: ○ ○

01- Show 02- Activate

03- Display • 04- Switch On D 05- Turn On Question Title: Sensors Description: You are sailing in an area with bad GPS satellite coverage. To make sure all officers are aware of the reliability of the GPS data, you want to set an HDOP alert in the ECDIS. It is possible to set a threshold limit that will trigger an alert if the HDOP limit is exceeded. Is it possible? If yes, what is the possible limit that can be set for HDOP Limit? Answers: 01 - It is not possible 0 02-4 O 03-8 04- 10 О 05- 16 • 06- 20

You are taking over the watch. During the handover you check the ECDIS and notice t What status is indicated by the normal/set colour? Answers 01- Valid sensor data ○ ○ ○ ○

02- Sensor data with low integrity or doubtful 03- Invalid data 04- Sensor not available 05- Manual input required

Question Title: Sensors Description: After a manual position fix you discovered a small discrepancy compared to your GPS position. Therefore, you want to crosscheck and compare the accuracy of your GPS 1 with your GPS 2 sensor. Please display the secondary position on the chart and state its color. Answers: ○ ○

01- Blue 02- Purple

03- Orange • 04- Black O 05- Gheen • 06- Yellow

Question Title: Sensors Description: You are taking over the walon During the handover you check the ECDIS and netice that the pos flan data, received from your GPS senser, shows the normal set colour. What status is indicated by the normal/set colour? Answers: 01- Valid sensor data ○ ○

02- Senser data with low integrity or doubtful 03- Invald data

04- Sensor not ava lable • 06- Manual ir put required

Questior title: Sensors Descriotion: You are taking over the watch During the handover you check the ECDIS and notice that the position data received from our what status is Indicated by the normal/set color? 01. valid sensor data 02. Seneor derawth low integrito or deustin (I 03- Invalid cats © 04- Sensar rot avalatle [lOs. Manual inDotteau or Question Title: Sensors

Description: During your voyage, you realize that your position data, received from your GPS sensor, shows a yellow status. What status is indicated by the color "yellow"? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 1. 2.

Sensor data with good integrity Reliability of the sensor value is deteriorated

© 03- Invalid data © 04. Sensor not available © 05- Dead Reckoning mode enabled 06. Sensor information is doubtful

Question Title: Sensors Description: Alter a manual postion fix you discovered a small discrepancy compared to your GPS position Therefore you wan: te cross check and compare the accuracy of your GPS 1 with your GPS 3 sensor Where can you read out the position discrepancy in degrees and meters? Answers: O ot- In the Sensor Information window ) 02- Right click on the chart area and select Sensor Discrepancy! 03- In the sub information window ○ ○ ○

04- In the own Snip Information panel C5. R ght click on the orart area and selest [Sensor Data] C6- In the Maintenance Screer

Question Title: Sensors Description: During your voyage, you realize that your position data, received from your GPS sensor, shows a yellowish-orange status. What status is indicated by the color "yellowish-orange"? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 1. 2.

Sensor data with good integrity Sensor data with low integrity or doubtful

03- Lost sensor 04- Invalid sensor data 05- Dead Reckoning mode enabled 06- Sensor value is abnormal Question Title: User Interface Description: The color presentation of the display might change due to age or incorrect settings on your monitor. Therefore, a color differentiation test is implemented. What color is the background of box 3? Answers: • 01- White ~ 02- Gray 03- Blue 0y • 05- Red

06- Black Question Title: User Interface Description: What information is NOT directly available on the Display Panel, when the ECDIS is started in Navigation & Planning mode? Answers: ○ ○ ○

01- Chart Datum 02- Chart Orientation 03- Motion Mode

~ 04- Rate of Turn 0 05- Scale ~ 06- Time and Date

Question Title: User Interface Description: On startup, the user can choose from several modes. Which of the following is NOT an available mode? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: • 01- Navigation & Planning ~ 02- Route Monitoring • 03- ENC & ARCS Chart Portfolio ~ 04- C-Map Chart Manager M 05- Playback ~ 06- Installation Question Title: User Interface Description: The "Cursor Readout' is a useful tool to quickly check the latitude and longitude of chart objects. How can it be activated? Answers: • 01- It is always active and displayed next to the cursor 02- Through the [Tools] menu 03- Through the View] menu 04 Through the [Settings] menu 05 Via a right-click on the own ship 06 Through the tool bar on the lower left-hand side Question Title: User Interface Description: It's getting darker outside and you need to adjust the ambient light condition on your system to ensure a more convenient view. What "Colour Codes" are available in this system? (Multipie answers possible) Answers: 01- Day 02. Day 4 03- Dusk © 04. Dawn 05- Night O 06- Night Inverted Question Title: User Interface

Description: It's getting darker outside, and you need to adjust the ambient light condition of your system. What Color Codes are available? (Multiple answers possible). 03- Dusk 04- Dawn 05- Night • 06- Night Inverted Question Title: User Interface Description: You adjusted the ambient light concitions on your system to "Night* However due to the special light conditions you want to customise the cal@ur of specific parts only. Access the respective window Which eptions are available for adjustment? (Multiple answers poss ble) Answers: 01- Dialog [ 02- Windows 03- Character • 04- Letters 05- Own Symbol / HL / Vector • 06- Chant Symbols Question Title: User Interface Description: The "Cursor Readout" is a useful tool to quickly check the latitude and longitude of chart objects. How can it be activated? Answers: 01- It is always active and displayed next to the cursor ~ 02- Through the [Tools] menu | 03- Through the View menu 7 04- Through the [Settings) menu 05- Via a right-click on the own ship Question Title: User Interface Description: If, for any reason, your ECDIS (as part of a multi functional workstation) needs to be turned off, what is the proper procedure to do it? Answers: 1. Press the power button on the Trackball operation unit 2. Select the [Main] menu option and then [Exit] 3. Select the [Shut Down] button from the tool bar 4. Press and hold the Alt key and while holding press the [X] keyboard button 5. Press and hold the Ctri key and while holding press the [Delete] keyboard button 6. Turn the power switch on the display unit to off Question Title; User Interface Description: The "Teoltips/Infotips" display information of chart objects when hovering the mouse over the object. Activate the feature and move the mouse over the "Blossom Rock Lighted Bell Buoy BR" (easterly of your own ship's position at 37°49.106°N 122°24.200W) Which of the following information is displayed directly in the tooltip? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: ( 01- Fog Signal: 3 long 02- Status: permanent [ 03- Colour: green, red, green [ 04- Pattern: horizontal stripes

05- Period: 5s • 06- Buoy shape: pillar Question Title: User Interface Description: On startup, the user can choose from several modes. Which of the following is NOT an available mode? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- Navigation & Planning 02- Route Monitoring 03- ENC & ARCS Chart Portfolio 04-C-Map Chart Manager 05- Playback 06- Installation Question Title: User Interface Description: Which of the following statements regarding the Security Lock is NOT true? Answers: 01- The dongle contains the pin - Incorrect 02-eToken and dongle are important for chart updates 03- The dongle is neccessary to install charts 04- The ECDIS will run perfectly without the dongle fitted 05- The eToken contains the System ID 06- The eToken is necessary to display C-Map charts on the ECDIS Question Title: Alert Management Description: "Area Alerts" warnings will be triggered as soon as the vessel's look-ahead sector overlaps one or more prohibited or special condition areas. Which of the following alerts are Area Alerts? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- Crossing Safety Contour 02- Approaching Hazard 03- Channel 04- Fairway 05- Shallow Area Warning Question Title: ECDIS Basic Features Description: What is the Signal Sequence of the Yellow Bluff Light? (north westerly of your own ships position at 37° 50.192 N 122° 28.332 W) Answers: C 01-00.4+(05.4)s - incorrect 0 02-00.5+ (05.4)s 0 03-00.6+(05.4)s • 04-00.7+(05.4)s 0 05-00.8+(05.4)s 0 06-00.9+(05.4)s Question Title: Chart Work Description: You took the following bearing and range for manual positioning: Alcatraz Light (on Alcatraz Island, north-easterly of your own ships position at 37°49.575 N 122°25.325 W) with a range of 1.6 NM Lime Point Light (at the northern end of the Golden Gate Bridge, north-westerly of your own ships position at 37°49.535 N 122°28.735 W) with a true bearing of 297° Please manually fix your position. The positions are rounded to one decimal.

Please select the answer that is closest to your position fix. Answers: 01-37°50,2 N 122°23,5 W 02-36°49,1 N 122°26,7 W 03-37°50,3 N 122°28,0 W 04-37°48,9 N 122°27,2 W 05-37°51,5 N 122°25,6 W Question Title: Sensors Description: The ECDIS is very depended on sensor input and displays the most relevant information to use during the voyage. Which sensor information is/can be displayed in the display panel? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- Wind True 02- HDOP 03- Wind Relative 04- Heading 05-STW 06-AIS Status Question Title: Route Planning Description: Please load the route Around Alcatraz. On which legs are the dangers Safety Contour and Spoil ground detected? (Multiple answers possible) Note: Please make sure that your ECDIS still uses the default settings, especially for the Safety Contour and the Special Condition Areas. If you have changed these settings or you are not sure if the settings are still set to the standard, please replace your virtual machine via HelpMe. The time for your Test is stopped during the procedure. Answers: 01- 0-1 02- 1-2 03- 2-3 04- 5-6 05- 6-7 06- 7-8 Question Title: Route Monitoring Description: You are navigating in heavy weather and want to use a sea stabilized vector on your ECDIS. Which of the following statements regarding the vectors are true? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- You can activate both vectors at the same time 02- You can only activate one vector at a time 03- There is only a ground stabilised vector 04- You can add vector time marks with a custom interval Question Title: Route Monitoring Description: While maneuvering you want to display your ship with a true scale outline on the chart area. Please open the menu, where you can switch the ships symbol.

Which types are available, in this specific ECDIS? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: • 01- Default Symbol 02- Symbol - incorrect 03- Custom Symbol 04- True Scale 05- Outline(Extend Scale limit) 06- Outline Question Title: Chart Maintenance Description: You want to order new ENC charts in encrypted format (S-63) from a new chart supplier. Therefore, you need to send the User Permit of your ECDIS to the new supplier. Check the S-63 user permit of your system. What other information can be found in the window (all tabs)? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01-ARCS User Permit 02- Cell Permit - incorrect 03- Chart Supplier 04- Data Server - incorrect 05- File Server 06- Data Format Question Title: Chart Maintenance Description: While applying manual updates, you want to display only the selected chart in the chart area, to clearly see its borders. Which of following check-marks has to be activated/deactivated? Answers: ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

01- Show Chart Border 02- Display Chart Borders 03- Center Chart 04- Fix Chart 05- Center View 06- Fix View

Question Title: Backup Arrangements Description: You are the navigational officer on board and want to compare an existing route with the track that was actually used on that voyage. Therefore you want to check the past track of your ECDIS. Please open the menu related to the past track of your own vessel. What is the maximum value for the past track length? Answers: ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

01-6 hours 02-12 hours 03-18 hours 04-24 hours 05- 30 hours 06-48 hours

Question Title: Navigational Tools

Description: The anchor watch feature enables the user to plan and monitor the anchoring approach and watch the anchor status What shapes are used to monitor the anchorage position? Answers: ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

01-Box 02- Triangle 03- Circle 04- Polygon 05- Ellipse 06- Hexagon

Question Title: Navigational Tools Description: The Multi View allows the user to split the screen and display two chart areas simultaneously. Which of the following views are NOT available for Multi View? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

01- Single View 02- Top Bottom 03- Up Down 04- Right Top View 05- Select Area 06- Center View

Question Title: ECDIS Basic Features Description: Chart orientations are used to adapt the chart presentation to the current needs. One example would be the use of ECDIS in "Course Up" mode, to match a Radar image. Which chart orientation modes are NOT available on the system? Answers: ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

01- North Up 02- Head Up 03- Course Up 04- WPT Up 05- Rotation - incorrect

Question Title: Route Planning Description: You are on your round trip around Alcatraz Island. What is the distance and course between waypoint 1 Blossom Rock and waypoint 2? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- COG: 026,4 02- COG: 087,0 03- COG: 274,7 04- Distance: 0,6 NM 05- Distance: 1,6 NM 06- Distance: 1.8 NM Question Title: Route Monitoring Description: There are several fishing vessels on your track and you have to do collision avoidance maneuvers within your safe cross track corridor.

Therefore you want to increase the Course difference alert of your ECDIS, to avoid unnecessary alerts. Please access the respective menu. What are the maximum and minimum degree values that can be set for the Course difference alert? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01-0.0° 02-0.1° 03-0.5° 04-30° 05-40° 06-45° Question Title: Chart Maintenance Description: Based on the recent communication, you need to add a Pilot boarding place on the chart area, using manual chart updates. What attributes can be defined for this object? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- Category of pilot boarding place - incorrect 02- Only witner boarding station 03- Notice before arrival 04- Information - incorrect 05- Status 06- Pilot boarding side

Question Title: Backup Arrangements Description: In case of a power outage on your vessel, the safety of Navigation needs to be ensured. Please select the correct statements regarding an adequate ECDIS backup arrangement. (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- The ECDIS requires an independent backup, in case it gets damaged 02- Paper charts need to be available on every vessel as a non-electronic backup 03- The backup needs to ensure continuity in the event of a failure and ensure a safe takeover 04- The only approved backup is a second ECDIS 05- Electronic backup devices can be used with private charts of the devices manufacturer 06-A laptop computer displaying official raster navigation charts (RNCs) can be used as a backup Question Title: Backup Arrangements Description: You had to steer a full circle as a collision avoidance maneuver. To document what happens, you activate the past track of your ship and you want to save a screenshot. What do you have to click, in order to capture a screenshot? Answers: ○ 01-Screenshot - incorrect ○ 02- Capture Screen ○ 03- Record Screen ○ 04- Snapshot ○ 05- Save Screen

Question Title: Alert Management Description: Which of the following information is NOT displayed in the System Alert Log? (Multiple answers possible) Answers:

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

01- Alert 02- Detected 03-Acknowledge 04-Advice 05- Removed 06- Type

Question Title: User Interface Description: You requested a service technician for your ECDIS. Beforehand the technician requires the version number of the ECDIS App. Please select the correct version. Answers: M 01- Ver. 01.00 • 02- Ver. 02.00 03- Ver. 03.00 • 04- Ver. 04.00 C 05- Ver. 05.00 • 06- Ver. 06.00 Question Title: ECDIS Basic Features Description: Chart orientations are used to adapt the chart presentation to the current needs. One example would be the use of ECDIS in "Course Up" mode, to match a Radar image. Which chart orientation modes are NOT available on the system? Answers: ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

01- North Up 02- Head Up 03- Course Up 04-WPT Up 05- Rotation - incorrect

Question Title: ECDIS Basic Features Description: You are viewing the chart in Two Shades mode at Day 1 Colors. What color is used to display shallow waters (unsafe waters)? Answers: 01- Blue O 02-Grey O 03- White C 04- Black ~ 05- Green ~ 06- Yellow Question Title: Chart Work Description: Please measure the distance and bearing from the Alcatraz Light (on Alcatraz Island. north-easterly of your own ships position at 37°49.575 N 122°25.325 W) to the Blossom Rock Lighted Bell Buoy BR (easterly of your own ships position at 37°49.105 N 122°24.200 W) using the ERBL function. The answers are rounded to full degrees and cables. (Multiple answers possible) Answers: • 01- Distance: 0.7 NM © 02- Distance: 1.0 NM - Incorrect • 03- Distance: 1.5 NM © 04- Bearing: 113° - Incorrect

© 05- Bearing: 118° • 06- Bearing: 122°

Question Title: Sensors Description: The ECDIS is very depended on sensor input and displays the most relevant information to use during the voyage Which sensor information is/can be displayed in the display panel? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: ○ ○ ○

01- Wind True 02- HDOP 03- Wind Relative

04- Heading 05-STW • 06-AIS Status Question Title: User Interface Description: The color presentation of the display might change due to age or incorrect settings on your monitor. Therefore, a color differentiation test is implemented. Please access the feature and state the number of the displayed boxes. Answers: 01-10 02-12 03-15 04-18 05-20 06-25 Question Title: Alert Management Description: Which of the following information is NOT displayed in the System Alert Log? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: ○ ○ ○

01- Alert 02- Detected 03-Acknowledge

~ 04-Advice M 05- Removed ~ 06- Type Question Title: Alert Management Description: An alert is an announcement of abnormal situations and conditions that require attention. In what categories are the alerts divided? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01-Alarms • 02-Dangers 03-Warnings 04-Cautions M 05- Notes

[ 06- Prompts Question Title: ECDIS Basic Features Description: Which of the following statements regarding the two available look-ahead areas are true? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- The Radius of the Look-ahead sector can be adjusted in nautical miles or minutes • 02- The Width for the Look-ahead vector can be adjusted in degrees 03- Both areas can be activated at the same time 04- The Width for the Look-ahead sector can be adjusted in nautical miles - potentially incorrect Question Title: Chart Work Description: During the voyage, the Captain tells you to mark the current position on the chart for later reference, as an incident happened. Please use the Event marker function on the ECDIS. What information is displayed in the window, that opens afterwards? And how is the event displayed on the chart? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- With an orange rectangle 02- With a black circle 03- With a red square 04- Elapsed Time Information 05-Position Information 06- Distance Information

Question Title: Chart Work Description: You took the following bearing and range for manual positioning: Yellow Bluff Light (north-westerly of your own ships position at 37° 50.192 N 122° 28.332 W) with a true bearing of 283° Alcatraz Light (on Alcatraz Island, north-easterly of your own ships position at 37°49.575 N 122°25.325 W) with a range of 1.6 NM Please manually fix your position. The positions are rounded to one decimal. Please select the answer that is closest to your position fix. Answers: 01-37°48.8 N 122°26.1 W 02-37°47.8 N 122°25.3 W 03-37°49.9 N 122°25.9 W 04-37°48.4 N 122°26.7 W 05-37°49.0 N 122°27.3 W 06-37°50.0 N 122°27.3 W Question Title: Sensors Description: After a manual position fix, you discovered a small discrepancy compared to your GPS position. Therefore, you want to crosscheck and compare the accuracy of your GPS 1 with your GPS 2 sensor. What is the name of the checkbox that activates the secondary position on the chart? Answers: ○ ○ ○ ○

01-Show 02- Activate 03-Display 04- Switch On

05- Turn On

Question Title: Route Monitoring Description: You are sailing a great circle and need to adjust your course every few hours. You want to set up the Early course change indication in your ECDIS. Please access the respective menu. What are the maximum and minimum time values you can set for the Early course change indication? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01-0.5 minute 02-1 minute 03-2 minutes 04- 3 minutes 05-5 minutes Question Title: Route Monitoring Description: You are navigating in heavy weather and want to use a sea stabilized vector on your ECDIS. Which of the following statements regarding the vectors are true? (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 01- You can activate both vectors at the same time ○ ○

02- You can only activate one vector at a time 03- There is only a ground stabilised vector

04 You can add vector time marks with a custom interval

Question Title: Backup Arrangements Description: You are sailing on an older vessel which is not equipped with a second, independent ECDIS. As a backup the vessel has a portfolio of paper charts. This needs to fulfill certain requirements, in order to be considered as an adequate backup for your ECDIS. Please select all the correct statements regarding the paper chart backup. (Multiple answers possible) Answers: 1. 2.

The paper charts need to be exactly the same as your digital charts on the ECDIS The only approved backup is a second ECDIS

• 03- You need a full portfolio of the whole ocean you are sailing, independent of any flag state regulations 04- The paper charts need to be up to date 05- It is sufficient to carry the T&P notices and apply them to the charts if they ever get used 06- The portfolio needs to cover the area of the intended voyage, in a way regulated by the flag state Question Title: Navigational Tools Description: Clearing Lines can be placed on the chart to assist the OOW in monitoring the course, for example during close passages. When creating a not more than clearing line, what information is displayed next to it? Answers: • 01-NTL 02-NMT • 03- Time [ 04- Position Start Point M 05- Distance

[ 06- Planned Speed Question Title: Navigational Tools Description: In order to identify AIS targets on the first glance, it is possible to display the AIS target number. What options are NOT available to choose from the respective drop-down menu? multiple answers possible Answers: 0 01-ON O 02-OFF ○ ○

03-AIS Track 04- Ships Name

05-Ships ID 06- Symbol ID

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