Introduction To Indigenous Creative Crafts
July 31, 2024 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Introduction to Indigenous Creative Crafts
Brief Overview of Philippine Arts and Crafts
Throughout Philippine history, craftsmanship and its different forms have always been prevalent. The Filipinos have an innate i nclination to create, exemplifying the state of be in engaged in their craft and taking a sense of joy and pride in their work. The Filipino craftsman dedicates himself to his art and telling the story of the Philippines, bearing its truest essence-its soul for the world to see.
Brief Overview of Philippine Arts and Crafts
Blessed with natural resources, Filipino craftsmen are a ble to come-up with a magnificent product that tells a million story not just about their lives but the culture of their place. Clearly, this reflects Filipino crafts that magnify labors of love and patience. These are evident in the products of their skillful hands and imaginative minds. Creative crafts in the Philippines do not only satisfy our senses, but each artwork speaks of the passion and active involvement of the artists in visualizing, connecting, and appreciating the culture and the creative manipulation of the objects around.
Brief Overview of Philippine Arts and Crafts
Do you have what it takes to become a craftsman? In this chapter you will learn the brief overview of Philippine Arts and Crafts and its significance and relationship to the Hospitality Course. It is then expected that you will be able to find yourself become an agent of this culture-filled journey. As you will come to know more of these arts and crafts, be ready to become your most creative self for you will be creating your own handicraft. This journey transcends beyond “knowing” history or “applying” discussed topics, rather, it is an “awakening” of your soul in taking responsibility to promote, conserve, and develop Philippine indigenous creative crafts.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the lesson, you should able to:
◦ Describe the indigenous creative craft in the Philippines ◦ Discuss the significance and relationship of indigenous arts and crafts to your course ◦ Develop a sense of responsibility in promoting and conserving the Philippine culture through arts and crafts ◦ Identify the different type of traditional Arts and Crafts in the Philippines.
Brief Overview of Philippine Arts and Crafts
The National Commission for Culture and the Arts, the official cultural agency of the government of the Philippines, has categorized Filipino arts into traditional and non-traditional. Each category is split into various arts, which in turn have subcategories of their own.
Traditional arts
Folk architecture – including, but not limited to, stilt houses, land houses, and aerial houses
Traditional arts
Weaving – including, but not limited to, basket weaving, backstrap loom weaving, headgear weaving, fishnet weaving, and other forms of weaving
Traditional arts
Carving – including, but not limited to, woodcarving and folk non-clay sculpture
Traditional arts
Maritime transport – boat houses, boat-making, and maritime traditions
Traditional arts
Folk performing arts – including, but not limited to, dances, plays, and dramas
Traditional arts
Folk (oral) literature – including, but not limited to, epics, songs, and myths
Traditional arts
Folk graphic and plastic arts – including, but not limited to, calligraphy, tattooing, folk writing, folk drawing, and folk painting
Traditional arts
Ornament, textile, or fiber art – hat-making, mask-making, accessory-making, ornamental metal crafts
Traditional arts
Pottery – including, but not limited to, ceramic making, clay pot-making, and folk clay sculpture
Traditional arts
Other artistic expressions of traditional culture – including, but not limited to, nonornamental metal crafts, martial arts, supernatural healing arts, medicinal arts, and constellation traditions.
Non-traditional arts
Literature – including, but not limited to, poetry, fiction, essay, and literary/art criticism Film and broadcast arts – including, but not limited to, film and broadcast direction, film and broadcast writing, film and broadcast production design, film and broadcast cinematography, film and broadcast editing, film and broadcast animation, film and broadcast performance, and film and broadcast new media Architecture and allied arts – including, but not limited to, non-folk architecture, interior design, landscape architecture, and urban design Design – including, but not limited to, industrial design, and fashion design.
Non-traditional arts
Dance – including, but not limited to, dance choreography, dance direction, and dance performance Music – including, but not limited to, musical composition, musical direction, and musical performance Theater – including, but not limited to, theatrical direction, theatrical performance, theatrical production design, theatrical light and sound design, and theatrical playwriting Visual arts – including, but not limited to painting, non-folk sculpture, printmaking, photography, installation art, mixed media works, illustration, graphic arts, performance art, and imaging
Activating Prior Knowledge
Instructions: Read and answer each item. Put it in a short bond paper (softcopy) and pass it via email or messenger (PM). How CREATIVE are you? Make a creative ACROSTIC using your first name. Express your thoughts and expectation regarding this subject. Be creative! Expand your IDEAS! Note at least 10 words associate to the terms inside the circle below. Put it in a short bond paper (softcopy) and pass it via email or messenger (PM).
Instructions: Read and answer each item. Put it in a short bond paper (softcopy) and pass it via email or messenger (PM). ◦ List down at least 10 famous arts and 10 crafts works; indicate the place and short description in each item
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