IISMA Interview Question Skill Up

August 10, 2024 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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IISMA Interview Question by Education Service Skill Up 2022


This IISMA interview question is based on multisources analysis conducted by Skill Up team and may not 100% represent the actual IISMA interview question

IISMA Interview Question Bank Note: IISMA interviewer will ask several questions from your essay, so be prepared. What is your biggest dream Are you aware of potential culture shock that you might experience? How have you prepared yourself How can you rise from adversities/difficulties Tell us your involvement in your communit How do your friends or other people look into you Are you sure you will get this scholarship Biggest mistake you ever made This scholarship competition is tight, if you fail what will you do Why did you choose the university Why did you choose the courses, describe the courses to be taken Tell about your past academic and nonacademic activities Why do you have not good marks on your academic transcript? (if you have it How are you going to establish yourinternational network upon your study and utilize it for your career and for Indonesia?

IISMA Interview Question Bank 14. Interviewer may ask several questions about how you prepared for the culture shock (social, weather, food, etc.)

15. Your leadership style in a organization

16. Describe social activities that you have done

TIPS: you should try to answer all of the questions above, but you do not need to memorize it!

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