Elex Pre Board Exam Excel

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Use mason’s gain formula to calculate the transfer function of given figure.



Calculate the value of voltage V in the circuit shown below.

45 V


What would be the value of impedance of a parallel resonant circuit at antiresonance condition? A power supply with low output impedance has low: The format used to present the logic output for the various combinations of logic inputs to a gate is called a(n): Determine the transfer function Z₂₁ (S) in the circuit shown below. The transfer function G₂₁ (S) in the circuit is s/(s+1).

Resistive and maximum

A paramagnetic substance is placed in a weak magnetic field and its absolute temperature T is increased. As a result, its magnetization: Which of the following is an important feature of the sum-of-products form of expressions?

decreases in proportion to 1/T No signal must pass through more than two gates, not including inverters. current taken from the source pushing into 2 125 kΩ

4 5 6

7 8

9 10 11 12

The effect of connecting an additional parallel load to an electrical supply source is to increase the:  The process of storing the data in the stack is called _______ the stack. A change in frequency by a factor of ________ is equivalent to 1 octave. Determine the dc input resistance looking in at the base of the transistor in the figure below. β_DC = 125

Load regulation Truth Table. 2s


Find the capacitance of the capacitor required to build an LC oscillator that uses an inductance of L₁ = 1 mH to produce a sine wave of frequency 1 GHz.


The logic gate that will have HIGH or "1" at its output when any one of its inputs is OR gate HIGH is a(n): A length L of wire carries a steady current 1 A. It is bent first to form a coil of 1 turn. Four times of its first The same length is now bent more sharply to give a double loop of smaller radius. The value magnetic field at the center caused by the same current is: What is the overall transfer function from block diagram reduction for cascaded blocks?  Product of individual gain The charging time constant of a circuit consisting of an inductor is the time taken for the 37 voltage in the inductor to become __________ % of the initial voltage. In VHDL, how are the statements between BEGIN and END evaluated? Serially By carefully configuring the op-amp external circuit components the op-amp can be All of the choices made to function as: Which of the following is the Universal Flip-flop? J-K flip-flop The behavior of ferromagnetic domains in an applied magnetic field gives rise to: Hysteresis Which microcontroller is used in Arduino Leonardo? ATmega32u4 A voltage waveform V(t) = 12t² is applied across a 1 H inductor for t ≥ 0, with initial 4t³ electric current through it being zero. The electric current through the inductor for t ≥ 0 is given by __________. The tuned collector oscillator circuit used in 1199 kHz the local oscillator of a radio receiver makes use of an LC tuned circuit with L₁ = 58.6 µH and C₁ = 300 pF. Calculate the frequency of oscillations.

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

2.53 x 10¯¹¹ pF

25 26

What are the components that make the programmable logic controller work? If all the poles of H(z) are outside the unit circle, then the system is said to be: 

All of the choices None of the choices


A solenoid coil with a resistance of 30 ohms and an inductance of 200 mH is connected 327 W to a 230 VAC, 50 Hz supply as shown in the figure below. Calculate the average power consumed by the solenoid.


A full wave rectified voltage of 18 Vp is applied across a 500 µF capacitor filter. Calculate the ripple if load takes an average current of 100 mA. Assume supply frequency 50 Hz.

3.2 %

29 30

Control sequence state is indicated by:  Optoelectronics is based on the quantum mechanical effects of light on electronic materials. Which of the following axial-lead resistor types usually has a blue, light green or red body? When the number of poles is equal to the number of zeroes, how many branches of root locus tends towards infinity?

State box Yes


Which of the following gases are relevant for monitoring in a building system?

All of the choices


The circuit in the figure shown below uses a:

Negative clamper


Which of the following is true about microprocessors?


Determine the critical frequency of the output RC circuit for the FET amplifier in the figure below.

It contains ALU, CU and registers. 46 MHz


Find the voltage across the inductor in the circuit shown below. Assume the source 17.9/_25.3° V_pp voltage is 20/_0° peak-to-peak at a frequency of 20 kHz. L is equal to 10 mH, Q_coil is 50, and R₁ is 600 Ω.

31 32

Metal-film resistors. 0


Calculate the cross-sectional area, in mm², of a piece of copper wire, 40 m in length and having a resistance of 0.25 Ω. Take the resistivity of copper as 0.02 x 10¯⁶ Ω -m.


What type of register would shift a complete binary number in one bit at a time and shift SISO all the stored bits out one bit at a time?


What stage in which the CPU fetches the instructions from the instruction cache in superscalar organization? 

Prefetch stage


A network contains linear resistors and ideal voltage source s. If values of all the resistors are doubled, then voltage across each resistor is __________.

remains same


The Static Induction Thyristor (SITH) is a:


Current stability of a CC amplifier can be increased by:


The threshold voltage of an n-channel MOSFET can be increased by:


The drain current in JFET is controlled by:

3 terminal, selfcontrolled device Increasing emitter resistance and decreasing base resistance Reducing the channel dopant concentration. Reverse-bias at the gate


What measure the relative level of moisture in the air, and are important in critical environments like libraries, labs and data centers?  A typical data acquisition system consists of __________. The instruction, “INC” increases the contents of the specified register or memory location by:  Which of the following circuits is commonly used to provide transient protection? What is the disadvantage of machine level programming?  If an ac signal generator drives a series RLC circuit, then the current undergoes resonance only due to variation in _____.

Humidity sensors


Experimenter A uses a test charge-2q₀ to measure an electric field produced by stationary charges. A finds a field that is:

53 54 55

When two storage elements are present in a circuit, its equation is:  Which among the following varies in both magnitude and sign over a cycle? Which of the following is not a data copy/transfer instruction?

the same in both magnitude and direction as the field found by B 2nd order Instantaneous power DAS


Operation code field is present in:

machine language instruction


Which one of the following applications software’s is used to obtain an accurate root locus?


47 48 49 50 51

3.2 mm²

sensors 1 A clipper All of the choices supply frequency


For the typical characteristics of the 741 op-amp with r₀ = 75 Ω and A = 200 k Ω, calculate Z₀ if R_f  = 360 k Ω and R₁ = 12 k Ω.

0.011 Ω



The figure shown below is a circuit diagram of ___________ amplifier?


For a good, stabilized biasing of the transistor of the CE amplifier of figure. We should R_E/R_B >> 1 have:


Which of the following is known as the Maxwell’s first equation in free space? 

▽×H = D


What equation represents the time varying electric field? 

E = ▽V – A


Which of the following technology was used by Intel to design its first 8-bit microprocessor? Determine the impedance of the network shown in the figure below at a frequency of 10 kHz.



Cascade amplifier



Find the value of the currents I₁ and I₂ flowing clockwise in the first and second mesh respectively.

0.96A, -1.73A


The feedback circuit connection shown in the figure below is:

Voltage series feedback


Asynchronous circuits are useful in application where the input signals may:


A transistor with β = 120 is biased to operate at a dc collector current of 1.2 mA. Find the value of r_e.

Both change at any time and never change 20.6 ohms


In the circuit given below, the value of R_L for maximum power transfer is ___________.

2.8 Ω

70 71

A process is moved to wait queue when I/O request is made with ____________. Which of the following circuits is used to change the dc reference of a signal without changing the shape of the signal? A proton (charge e), traveling perpendicular to a magnetic field, experiences the same force as an alpha particle (charge 2e) which is also traveling perpendicular to the same field. The ratio of their speeds V_proton/V_alpha, is:

blocking I/O A clamper




Which of the low-frequency cutoffs determined by C_S, C_C, or C_E will be the highest predominant factor in determining the low-frequency response for the complete system?


The ________ directive instructs the assembler to begin memory allocation for a segment/block/code from the stated address.



Which of the following is modified by the second derivative input signals?

The time constant and suppress the oscillations.


If a 90 GB memory has to be connected to a microprocessor, minimum how many address lines are required?



Find the value of the currents I₁, I₂ and I₃ flowing clockwise in the first, second and third mesh respectively.

1.54 A, -0.189 A, -1.195 A


For the low-frequency response of a BJT amplifier, the maximum gain is where _______. A JFET cascade amplifier employs

R_E = 0 Ω

What is the unit step response of the system described by the difference equation?

[1.099+1.088(0.9)ⁿ.cos((π/ 3)n−5.2°)]u(n)

79 80 81


1 common-gate and 1 common-source amplifier. A logic probe is placed on the output of a gate and the display indicator is dim. A pulser The output of the gate is used on each of the input terminals, but the output indication does not change. What is appears to be open. wrong? Determine how much the Q-point (I_C, 18.6 % and 15.1% V_CE) for the circuit in the figure below will change over the temperature range B_DC increases from 85 to 100 and V_BE decreases form 0.7 V to 0.6 V.

  y(n)=0.9y(n-1)-0.81y(n-2)+x(n) under the initial conditions y(-1)=y(-2)=0? Solution:

83 84

Which of the following combinations cannot be combined into K-map groups? A band pass active filter connection using an operational amplifier will provide a constant output: What do you call the ratio of voltage transform at the first port to the current transform at the second port?

Diagonal corners From f₀₁ to f_oh

All of the choices


On which of the following factors does the sensitivity of a closed loop system to gain changes and load disturbances depend? Which of the following is the correct sequence of operations in a microprocessor?


The Q of a crystal is typically ______.

Opcode fetch, memory read, memory write, I/O read, I/O write 20,000


Calculate the mesh currents.

2A, 1A, 0.57A

85 86

Transfer impedance


What do you call the ratio of voltage transform at first port to the voltage transform at the second port?  Which one of the following is a method for designing finite state machines? A ripple counter’s speed is limited by the propagation delay of:

Voltage transfer ratio

Transient response analysis is done for _________ systems. What device from the thyristor family has its gate terminal connected to the n-type material near the anode?  From the circuit shown below, determine the impedance. Given: R = 250 Ω; L = 1.20 mH; C = 1.80 µF; V_p =120 V and f = 60 Hz.

stable PUT

According to the principle of current mirror, if gate-source potentials of two identical MOS transistors are equal, then the channel currents should be: A copper wire has a resistance of 200 Ω at 20°C. A current is passed through the wire and the temperature rises to 90°C. Determine the resistance of the wire at 90°C, correct to the nearest ohm, assuming that the temperature coefficient of resistance is 0.004/°C at 0°C



What is the name of the device that allows four surveillance camera images to be viewed on a monitor at the same time?

A quad switcher


Coefficients which have the dimensions of admittance are called:


91 92 93 94 95

96 97

100 Which of the following is NOT a major component of a sequential logic system.

ASM block each flip-flop

1495 Ω

252 Ω

XOR gates.

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