Dragonbane Cheatsheet

August 5, 2024 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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PARRYING Duration 10 sec 15 mins 6 hours

Perform Round Rest Explore Room/Stretch Rest Hike 15 km/Shift Rest

ROLLING DICE Roll Under skill system Rolling a 1 or Dragon = Crit Success Rolling a 20 or Demon = Crit Fail *for either crit mark that skill for later advancement. Boons take lowest results of two dice Banes take highest results of two dice *It is Possible to have multiple Boons & Banes


You can attempt to parry if you have not acted this round. You cannot free draw a weapon in parrying. You must declare you will parry before the damage dice are rolled If you succeed, you parry the attack and suffer no damage, however, if the damage exceeds the durability the weapon or shield are broken. Piercing weapons cannot damage a weapon or shield. Monster attacks typically cannot be parried. Roll any STR based skill to determine if you succeed If you roll a Dragon during parry you immediately perform a counter attack


If you fail a roll, you can attempt to push the roll. You can reroll immediately, but suffer a condition *Cannot Push a Demon Roll (Crit Fail) You can pick any condition but must justify it to GM. You will suffer a Bane to future rolls using that stat. Healing Conditions can only be done by resting.

You can attempt to dodge if you have not acted this round. You cannot both parry and dodge. Roll Evade to determine if you succeed On a success you can move 2m without triggering an attack Monsters attacks can be dodged, unless noted.



If you fail roll, you fail, regardless of opponent roll. If both rolls succeed, the lowest roll wins. *You can only push an opposed roll on your turn.

Damage Bonus - Determined based on Str or Agl Score Obscured Targets - You suffer a boon. Critical Hits - Choose one of the following on a Dragon (1) Doubles Damage (but not damage bonus) (2) Armor has no effect, (piercing weapon only) Crit Fails - Roll a d6 and consult the table on p49.

INITIATIVE Lowest draw goes first. *If you surprise enemy, then you get to go first Waiting If you choose to wait, you can swap initiative order. *You can swap with PCs, NPCs or Monsters *You can choose to have one initiative value for enemy group or individual. *Some monsters have multiple turns based on the Fierceness Value *Sometimes it is wise to wait, as you can only attempt to parry or dodge if you have not taken actions

ACTIONS & REACTIONS Each round you may move and take one action in any order. You can sacrifice an action to Dash Free actions include: Draw/Sheath weapon, Change Position, Drop Item, etc. *If you help any ally for your action you give a BOON. Attempting to Dodge or Parry are done as reactions to attacks from NPCs or Monsters, if you react you will lose your turn whether you succeed or not

MELEE COMBAT Damage Bonus - Determined based on Str or Agl Score Prone Targets - Get an additional D6 Damage Critical Hits - Choose one of the following on a Dragon (1) Doubles Damage (but not damage bonus) (2) Perform a 2nd attack on near enemy (3) Armor has no effect, (piercing weapon only) *Shoving-If damage bonus greater or equal to opponutes damage bonus then you can push back Crit Fails - Roll a d6 and consult the table on p46.

Parrying requires a shield, but no counter attack if you roll a dragon Dodge as normal

DAMAGE Armor absorbs damage If the armor negates damage, it will inflict durability damage on weapon. Optional Armor Rules -Leather +2 against Bludgeoning Damage -Chainmail +2 against Slashing Damage

DEATH Once you reach 0 HP you drop and are bleeding out. Death Rolls - Each round you roll against CON. You cannot push death rolls. You recover D6 health after 3 successful death rolls Rolling a Dragon counts as 2 successes and a Demon counts as 2 failures. If you suffer additional damage it counts as a failure. Rally - Another character can attempt to PERSUADE fallen character to keep fighting. This counts as an action. Still must make death saves Rally self against WIL with BANE Saving Life - Use HEALING skill on another to attempt reviving with D6 HP. Bandages item avoids BANE. Instant Death - No negative HP. If you get hit equalling your total HP, you die instantly Severe Injuries - If you go to 0 but survived. Roll against your CON. If you fail roll on table p 51

Special Attacks Find Weak Spot: Roll with a Bane with a piercing weapon to ignore armor Disarm: Opposed roll in same weapon skill. Counts as your turn but not opponents. If 2 handed weapon you get a Bane. Disarmed weapon flies D6 meters Grapple:Opposed Brawling Roll. If you succeed, the enemy is trapped beneath you, if you fail you fall.

HEALING & RESTING Round Rest - Once per shift. Recover D6 WP Only Stretch Rest - Once per shift. Recover D6 HP or 2D6 HP if someone is assisting by HEALING roll. You also recover D6 WP and heal one condition Shift Rest - Recover all lost HP, WP and Remove all conditions. Must be done in a safe place.

CONDITIONS Conditions are gained by pushing rolls. When you push a roll, you can determine which condition will affect your character. The condition chosen must make sense, but does not have to be same condition as attribute you are using Each condition gives a BANE against skills associated with the attribute. Multiple Conditions You cannot choose same condition. If you have all 6 conditions, you will now lose D6 WP. If you have no more WP then you lose D6 HP Healing Conditions A stretch rest allows you to heal any one condition A shift rest heals all conditions.

OTHER HAZARDS Fire - 2D6 Damage. Roll Melee Skill to use torch as weapon Darkness - Roll a awareness(free) to take an action Torches - Roll BUSHCRAFT, last 1 shift Fear - Roll against WIL. Failure on p.53 Poison - Potency Opposed Roll against CON Disease - Virulence Opposed Roll against CON Falling - D6 Damage or ACROBATICS reduces half Hunger - 1 ration per day. Famished cannot heal Cold - BUSHCRAFT - lose D6HP & D6WP Sleep - after 3 shifts cannot heal WP. Lose D6 each shift at 0 WP collapse

MAGIC To cast a spell you must spend WP and roll skill. Magic Spells can be pushed. Magic Tricks cost WP but auto succeed. Power Level: Spells cost 2 WP per level, some spells may be up cast, for additional affect. Power from Body: If you have no WP you can attempt to roll a die of your choice before casting. The result is how much WP you gain but you also lose that much HP. Cannot use for Healing Spells *Magic does not work while wearing metal armor or holding a metal weapon. Rolling a Dragon: (choose 1) (1) Damage or Range Doubled (2) Spell costs no WP (3) Cast 2nd spell with Bane Rolling a Demon (See mishap table p60)

JOURNEYS There are 4 shifts: Morning,Day,Evening & Night Travel: 15 km per shift. 30 on Horseback Can walk or ride MAX 2 shifts per day. Can force march a 3rd shift but gain EXHAUSTION Pathfinders: when traveling in wilderness select one player for this role. They must make a BUSHCRAFT roll. No Map is a BANE and a Spyglass is a BOON. A failure results in a mishap on p 102. Rolling a Dragon: Shortcut, travel distance doubled Rolling a Demon: GM choice Random Encounters: Roll once per shift

MAKING CAMP Must Sleep 1 shift per day. Each Character must make BUSHCRAFT roll. No Sleeping Fur results in BOON to roll. Failure results in no sleep and no Shift Rest benefit. Tents allow for a BANE on the roll. 1 Character rolls Keeping Watch: Designate 1 character for watch. Hunting: Roll HUNTING & FISHING to track animal and again if a trap used, if killing by weapon use skill Fishing: Roll HUNTING & FISHING; success give D4 rations by Rod or D6 rations by net Foraging: BUSHCRAFT roll. BANE in winter and BOON in fall. Success finds D3 rations. Cooking: Takes 1 shift. Roll BUSHCRAFT. Can make up to 10 Rations. Failure results in undercooked food. Eating it is poison virulence 10


Choose or Roll Kin Note Innate Ability Choose or Roll Profession Choose or Roll Age Chose or Roll Name Roll Attributes Calculate Derived Ratings Choose Trained Skills Note Heroic Ability Choose or Roll Weakness (optional) Choose or Roll Gear Choose or Roll Momento (optional) Choose or Roll Appearance

KIN 1.

Humans - Most Common in the world Ability: Adaptive 2. Halfling - Modest & Good Natured Small folk Ability: Hard to Catch 3. Dwarf - Proud Warriors of the Earth Ability: Unforgiving 4. Elf - Ancient and Introverted Watchers Ability: Inner Peace 5. Mallard - Small but fierce Ability: Ill-Tempered, Web Feet 6. Wolfkin - Thoughtful, Protectors of the Wild Ability: Hunting Instincts All player characters can speak, read, and write, the common language. Non-Human kin have their own language. Roll LANGUAGES to understand a language that is not common or for your kin.

PROFESSION Key Attribute and Heroic Ability 1. Artisan - (STR) Choose trade a. Master Blacksmith b. Master Carpenter c. MasterTanner 2. Bard - (CHA) Musician 3. Fighter - (STR) Veteran 4. Hunter - (AGL) Companion 5. Knight - (STR) Guardian 6. Mage - (WIL) Choose school of Magic a. Animism - Healers who speak to spirits b. Elementalism - Control the primeval forces c. Mentalism - Masters of Mind and Self 7. Mariner - (AGL) Sea Legs 8. Merchant - (CHA) Treasure Hunter 9. Scholar - (INT) Intuition 10. Thief - (AGL) Backstabbing

AGE d6 1-3 4-5 6



MOVEMENT Playing by Hexes see move speed on p25, this is further modified by your agility. For mind’s eye use, close(melee), near (ranged), far (some magic). Can only move one range distance in combat

Weapons, armor, helmets and shields are written in their respective areas and do not count towards your encumbrance. You can carry a number of gear equal to half your strength rounded up. Unless noted it is assumed the item takes 1 gear slot.

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