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COLLEGE CATALOGUE (COURSE DESCRIPTION) (Graduate in Midwifery) 2013-2015



4 Units

This course deals with concepts and principles in the provision of basic services of health promotion /maintenance and disease prevention at the individual and family level. PRIMARY HEALTH CARE II

3 Units

This course shall focus on the in-depth discussion of the principles, approaches, strategies, and processes to community health development. This will also include the principles and strategies of Community Organizing Participatory Action Research (COPAR) model. HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY

5 Units

This course is designed for students who are enrolled in a one-semester course. It is a course designed to introduce students pursuing careers in the allied health fields to the structure and function of the human body. The course orients students to the new world of learning in which they will soon become immersed in anatomical terminology, names of major body area, and functions of the human body systems that must be performed to sustain. MICROBIOLOGY WITH PARASITOLOGY

4 Units

This course is designed to assist students in the study of important microorganism and parasites. It explains the physiology and pathogenic properties of bacteria, fungi and viruses as an introduction to disease causation, their biology, the infections they cause, host response to these infections and their mode of transmission, prevention, treatment and students responsibilities. The laboratory experiences provide specimen collection, handling and processing of specimens for isolation and identification of microorganisms and parasites involved in the infectious processes.

HEALTH EDUCATION (Strategies of Health Education)

3 Units

The course includes discussion on health education, concepts, principles, theories and strategies as they apply in the clinical and classroom situation.

NUTRITION AND DIET THERAPY The course centers on the fundamentals of nutrition science as they relate to human life and growth. It includes the study of nutrients, their nature, functions, interrelationship and utilization in the body, food sources, requirements and deficiencies.



3 Units

The course provides the student with the basic/necessary knowledge, skills and acceptable attitudes in the care of individuals and families. It includes comfort measures applied to individual clients and family. M-101 PRACTICE 1 - MIDWIFERY (OBSTETRICS 1- CARE OF THE NEW BORN) 3 Units The course deals with the concepts of normal pregnancy, labor and delivery, puerperium; and the care of the newborn, introduction of concepts related to family planning and responsible parenthood. It includes intravenous insertion, vaginal examination and suturing. M-102 (PATHOLOGICAL OBSTETRICS, BASIC FAMILY PLANNING AND CARE OF INFANTS) 3 Units This course deals with the concepts of complications of pregnancy, labor and delivery, its causes and management, care of infants and children including integrated management of childhood diseases, and basic family planning. M-103 (PROFESSIONAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT)

3 Units

The course deals with aspects of Midwifery Practice. It includes midwifery ethics, professional growth, career development, current trends and issues including related laws affecting health care and midwifery practice and principles of Bioethics.



3 Units = 153 hrs

The course develops the students’ basic skills in the care of individuals and families.


3 Units = 153 hrs

The course deals with the skills in: (1) Management of normal pregnancy, labor and delivery, puerperium; and the care of the newborn; (2) counseling in family planning and responsible parenthood; and (3) intravenous insertion, vaginal examination and suturing.


1 Unit = 51 hrs

The course is a continuation of CP 100 A. It enables the students to proceed to the clinical areas in order for them to complete their experiences and course requirements. CP 102 (CLINICAL PRACTICUM 102)

6 Units = 306 hrs

This course deals with the important skills in identifying complications of pregnancy, labor and delivery including integrated management of childhood diseases, and basis family planning. CP 103 (CLINICAL PRACTICUM 103)

7 Units = 357 hrs

The course is continuation of CP 102. It enables the students to proceed to the clinical areas for completion of experiences and case requirements. CP PHC-1 (CLINICAL PRACTICUM PRIMARY HEALTH CARE I) 3 Units = 153 hrs This course deals with the important skills in providing basic health services for health promotion and disease prevention at individual and family levels CP PHC-2 (CLINICAL PRACTICUM PRIMARY HEALTH CARE II) 2 Units = 102 hrs This course deals with the important skills in providing basic health services for health promotion and disease prevention at the community level and community organizing. COURSE DESCRIPTIONS

Bachelor of Science in Midwifery 2015-2018 PROFESSIONAL COURSES


(5 units)

Structures and functions of each system with emphasis on the reproductive system.


(3 units)

Importance of nutrition to individuals, families, and community; sources of foods and functions of the basic food groups; nutritive requirements of the different age groups; foods fads and falacies; meal planning (Therapeutic Diets); preparation and preservation; nutrition problems; and Philippine Food and Nutrition Program.


This course is designed to assist students in the study of important microorganism and parasites. It explains the physiology and pathogenic properties of bacteria, fungi and viruses as an introduction to disease causation, their biology, the infections they cause, host response to these infections and their mode of transmission, prevention, treatment and students responsibilities. The laboratory experiences provide specimen collection, handling and processing of specimens for isolation and identification of microorganisms and parasites involved in the infectious processes.


(6 units)

The course provides the student with the basic/necessary knowledge, skills and acceptable attitudes in the care of individuals and families. It includes comfort measures applied to individual clients and drug administration.



The course deals with the concepts of normal pregnancy, labor and delivery, puerperium; and the care of the newborn, introduction of concepts related to family planning and responsible parenthood. It includes intravenous insertion, vaginal examination and suturing. CP 101 B – CLINICAL PRACTICE 1 – B (1unit)

The course is a continuation of CP 100 A. It enables the students to proceed to the clinical areas in order for them to complete their experiences and course requirements. HEALTH CARE 1 WITH RLE


This course deals with concepts and principles in the provision of basic services of health promotion /maintenance and disease prevention at the individual and family level. PRIMARY HEALTH CARE 2 WITH RLE

(5 units)

This course shall focus on the in-depth discussion of the principles, approaches, strategies, and processes to community health development. This will also include the principles and strategies of Community Organizing Participatory Action Research (COPAR) model. M102 – MIDWIFERY 2 WITH RLE (9 units)

This course deals with the concepts of complications of pregnancy, labor and delivery, its causes and management, care of infants and children including integrated management of childhood diseases, and basic family planning.


(10 units)

The course deals with aspects of Midwifery Practice. It includes midwifery ethics, professional growth, career development, current trends and issues including related laws affecting health care and midwifery practice and principles of Bioethics.


3 Units

This course deals with clinical management of obstetrical emergencies and high risk pregnancies including the elements of Reproductive Health. COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICE MANAGEMENT

3 Units

The course focuses on comprehensive discussion of the concepts, approaches, strategies and process of community health development, facilitating community involvement in the identification of health needs and priorities. Also, management of the community health services. MIDWIFERY PHARMACOLOGY

3 Units

This course deals with the different drugs used in conditions affecting pregnancy, labor and delivery and responsibilities of the midwife in drug administration. M-105 (COMPREHENSIVE FAMILY PLANNING)

3 Units

This course deals with population dynamics, population program, assessment of family planning (FP) client, modern methods of FP, promotion/counseling motivation, provision of FP services and management of a family planning clinic.


3 Units

The subject deals with the challenging opportunities for midwives, to look deeper into their profession and venture it into an entrepreneurial endeavor. CARE OF CHILDREN IN EARLY CHILDHOOD

3 Units

It focuses on the care of children, their growth and development, diseases and conditions affecting them.


3 Units

This deals with the purposes, historical background, types/methods of research and steps in the research process focusing on researchable health concerns. MIDWIFERY RESEARCH 2 3 Units It focuses on a number of broader issues ranging from strategic planning for health care research to local endeavors to develop, disseminate and use of research in clinical practice. M-106 (ADMINISTRATION AND SUPERVISION)

3 Units

This course focuses on the development of the administrative and supervisory skills of the professional midwife. It includes discussion of ethico-moral concepts relative to issues and concerns in the midwifery administration and supervision. MIDWIFERY MAJOR (ELECTIVE IN MIDWIFERY) Select 1 from any Midwifery Major subjects

3 Units

1. Health Care Facility Management This course aims to develop the students understanding of the concepts and principles of health care facility management. It includes formulation of mission, vision, goals and objectives of the facility. This will also provide the students the ability to discuss approaches, strategies and processes on entrepreneurship, quality services and client relation. 2. Midwifery Educational Program Management This course focuses on the educative process which includes the aims, educational setting, curriculum, methods of teaching. This takes into account the material and skills which must be mastered as well as the appropriate teaching learning methods, relevant evaluation of attitudes as well as the mastery of skills and content necessary in the management of midwifery education program 3. Reproductive Health This course deals with in depth discussion of the concepts, issues strategies concerning the ten elements of reproductive health. 4. Community Health Services Management The course focuses on comprehensive discussion of the concepts, approaches, strategies and process of community health development, facilitating community involvement in the identification of health needs and priorities. Also, management of the community health services.

5. Administration and Supervision This course focuses on the development of the administrative and supervisory skills of the professional midwife. It includes discussion of ethico-moral concepts relative to issues and concerns in the midwifery administration and supervision.



3 Units = 153 hours

This course deals with the necessary skills needed in the management of obstetrical emergencies and high risk pregnancies, including the elements of Reproductive Health CP CHM (CLINICAL PRACTICUM – COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICE MANAGEMENT ) 3 Units = 153 hours This course deals with the development of skills in identifying health needs and managing community health services. CP 105 (CLINICAL PRACTICUM 105)

3 Units = 153 hours

This course deals with the development of skills in providing family planning services to the target population as well as in the management of a family planning clinic. CP ECC (CLINICAL PRACTICUM – EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE) 3 Units = 153 hrs. The course deals with the development of skills necessary in the early childhood care.


3 Units = 153 hours

This course focuses on the development of the administrative and supervisory skills of the professional midwife. CP 107 (CLINICAL PRACTICUM)

6 Units = 306 hours

This course is focused on the development of skills in any one of the major courses that the students will enroll in. The graduating students will choose one from the major courses listed and will devote the whole semester in specializing on the selected course.

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