Class 1-C Tabletop Rulebook

October 5, 2024 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Ruleset by SunlightYellow


NOTE: For those reading, this system pdf is unfinished and will be consistently updated. A completed version will be revised and given a mark of completion. Until then message or tag any questions in the Discord Server “Starbase Perihelion”

Table of Contents *needs to be updated

Prologue……………………………..… 3


Rolling & DC………………………..….4



Quirk Manifestation…………………….65


Quirk Types……………………………..66


Quirk Usage………...…………………..68

Base Stats………………………………...8


Health & Stamina……………………….15

DM Tags……………………….….….…73


Player Tags…………………….…..……74


Outline Tags…………………………….75


Buff Tags………………………………..81

Prestige XP……………………………...33

Debuff Tags……………………………..82

XP SHOP……………………………….34

Ultimate Tag…………………………….83

Level 5 Bonus…………………………..36



NPC Stat Blocks……..………………….85

Action Economy………………………..38

Precreated NPCs………………………..86



Rest and Recovery……………………..48


Plus Ultra………………………………49


CHAPTER 4: EVERYDAY LIFE Dorms…………………………………...51 Shopping………………………………..53 Stores……………………………………54 Free Time……………………………….62


Prologue For those interested in running a campaign of Class 1-C it’s important to note multiple things. First things is first, there is no setting designated for this system. While in MH:C1C the campaign is set in an alternate timeline to the cannon MHA universe, it is simply so for dumb fun. If the DM or players would like to have a game set in America, Europe, Oceania, etc. it can be adjusted easily. Games can also be set to have both starting quirks and quirks that manifest over the course of the game. There is no list of quirks, powers or abilities available in this rule set though there are outlines provided for crafting said quirks by either the DM or players. The progression system for becoming more powerful is slower than most TTRPG’s. This is all due in part to the fact that this system is set in place to slowly help characters grow both in power and in depth as the campaign carries on. Death is very de-emphasised and the rules regarding death in game is very lenient, though these rules can always be modified by DM’s interested in running this campaign for friends. Most importantly amongst all things this system was made by fans for fans, the original rights to My Hero Academia belong to Shonen Jump and Kohei Horikoshi, please support the official production by watching, reading or enjoying the show officially.

Special Contributors to this System… @Lant0rn | @CorpseAutopsy | @Gh0stea99 | @DeadlyApple | @Breadbreaderson | @DradenC | @Afrokid | @Mathew | @th3_b35t_31ph | @Houseman | 3

@Skittleboo | @Will0Wisp | @Half Blood

Dice Rolls and DC Challenge Novice 1d6

Average 2d6

Adept 3d6

The dice used in Class 1-C is a simple scaling d6 system, requiring at maximum 5 to 6

Expert 4d6

Level 1 Stats

Master 5d6








6 - 12


1 - 10


11 - 18


1 - 12


13 - 24


1 - 15


16 - 30

individual d6 die for skill checks. When players lay out their stats and decide their levels during character creation they should be made aware

Level 2 Stats

that for each level they have in a particular stat they will in turn add another die to their rolls. These skills will level up when they finish

Level 3 Stats

studying all individual derived skills under their base stat. These level ups will rank up to level 5, with only a set number of base stats being able

Level 4 Stats

to reach level 5. Players will also be able to reach a level of 6, though these levels are only available for a set duration and will be reverted

Level 5 Stats

back to 5 after a set amount of rounds or time. 4

Critical Successes & Fails Critical rolls can occur in normal 20 sided die games when a player rolls a 20 naturally, however Class 1-C has differing scaling, therefore it’s a bit harder to critically succeed as well as critically fail from start to finish when scaling upward. Critical

Level 1 (1d6) Crit Fail | NAT 1

Critical Success |7+

Level 2 (2d6) Crit Fail | NAT 2

Critical Success |12+

success in Class 1-C only happens when players are able to attain their naturally highest available roll through normal luck or with the help of bonuses from abilities and other

Level 3 (3d6) Crit Fail | NAT 3

Critical Success |18+

Level 4 (4d6) Crit Fail | NAT 4

Critical Success |24+

means. Players use successfully crit during an attack roll to hit, automatically hit regardless of the AC, while successful crits during skill checks also succeed regardless

Level 5 (5d6) Crit Fail | NAT 5

Critical Success |30+

Level 6 (6d6) Crit Fail | NAT 6

Critical Success |36+

of the difficulty.


Chapter 1 Character Creation


Character Creation (Simplified) (Freshman Year Stats) 1

Starting base stats are set as follows 3 stats set at level 1 1 stats set at level 2 1 stats set at level 3


Calculate health, stamina and AC Heath | 10 + (5 x POWER Level ) Stamina | 10 + ( ½ Health ) AC | Speed + Technique + Any Bonuses


Choose a Class Archetype with bonus aptitudes and chosen aptitudes Refer to later page.


Choose a class for your quirk, if you’re starting with quirks move to design. Refer to later page.


Base Stats Base Stats are a players best friend. Based of the personal data sheets released by the official My Hero Academia books this system ranks 5 stats that every hero is gauged on. POWER ranks a hero's physical strength SPEED ranks a hero’s agility TECHNIQUE ranks a hero’s dexterity INTELLIGENCE ranks a hero’s brilliance and COOPERATIVENESS ranks a hero’s amiability Base stats carry players through their adventure, defining their capabilities. These stats be upgraded with training or evolve with use of quirks and class abilities. Starting stats vary depending on the year your players plan to begin at. You can start at any point in any high school year or even post graduation well within hero society. Use these as base stat assignment when starting in these settings Starting Stats for U.A Student Freshman:


Starting Stats for U.A Student 2nd/3rd Year: (2,2,3,3,4) 8

Starting Stats for Pro Hero / Villain:


Power Power is an integral part of staying in the


battle and doing damage. For those who

Combat is used for fighting, close combat or any melee fighting related check.

want to hit hard and stay in the fight, your best bet is Power!

STRENGTH Strength is used for any situation in which you find yourself carrying/ dragging/ lifting etc.

FORTITUDE Power has 5 Unique derived stats and is a major component to starting game health as well as combat! Using Power you can hit

Fortitude is used in situations where the body must overcome something, maybe poison or eating too much, drinking etc.

INTIMIDATION with physical attacks easier, lift or throw immensely heavy objects, sustain heavy injuries, intimidate foes into backing down and run / sprint long distances without

A check used when attempting to intimidate someone into doing something.

ATHLETICS Athletics is used for prolonged actions (Running after something)

slowing down! Recommended for those who want to deal as much damage as possible.


Speed Speed is an amazing stat for those who want to hit first, hit fast and dodge attacks like there is no tomorrow. Though it is lacking in derived stats all the stats involved are very useful and are integral for those who want to stay out of the line of attack.

Speed is great for those who want to dodge attacks, aim down sights with a careful hand in precision, match tempo with movements and stay out of the way of sightline,

REACTION Reaction is used during any encounter with a sudden change. That being getting punched / turning the wheel of a car to avoid an accident / playing a beat game. TEMPO Tempo is used when deciding battle order or when dancing. (not limited obviously) but it’s more or less an initiative roll. STEALTH Stealth is used when avoiding sight or detection from unwarranted eyes.

recommended for those who plan to make the first move.

PRECISION Precision is used in substitution of accuracy, when using any ranged item.


Technique Technique is an awesome skill for the

COMBAT CONTROL This stat is used for fighting, close combat or any fighting related

practiced hand. For those who wanna make sure those hits land and shots don’t miss, be sure to take some points in Technique!

For those who want to get a good grip on their quirk early, use some basic survival

check. Control is used for small scale quirk use (essentially useless STRENGTH This stat is used for any situation in early on) and forfindkeeping which you yourself carrying/ dragging/ lifting etc. control of moving vehicles & other Fortitude such isFORTITUDE events. used in situations where the body must overcome something, maybe poison or eating too much, drinking etc.

SURVIVAL INTIMIDATION Survival isAused when in a check used when attempting to intimidate someone into doing quick decision moment, something. when needing fire, water, or ATHLETICS Athletics is used for prolonged any other essential needed actions (Running after something) soon.

skills to ensure safety or land some amazingly practiced flips and tricks with acrobatic, technique is the way to go. Recommended for those who plan to fight from the backlines or

ACROBATICS Acrobatics is used as an agility like stat, used for traversing jumps, climbing walls, etc.

ensure hits with quirks.


Intelligence Intelligence, while maybe not having the most outwardly appealing set of skills boasts a hearty 5 derived skills great for those who

COMBAT PERCEPTION This stat is used for fighting, close combat or any fighting related Perception is used when listening, check. looking, tasting, smelling or STRENGTH feeling forThis anything inanyyour stat is used for situation in which you find yourself carrying/ immediate environment dragging/ lifting etc. FORTITUDE

wish to analyse and understand.

For the players who want to take in every detail and examine them to their fullest extent whether it’s basic knowledge, knowledge of quirks, technology or even patch up a wound, Intelligence is the way to go. Recommended for those who wanna be useful outside of combat!

GENERAL EDUCATION Fortitude is used in situations where the body must overcome something, General education is used intooplace maybe poison or eating much, drinking etc. of a regular check over things INTIMIDATION such as math/ history/ science/ A check used when attempting to intimidate someone into doing etc. something. ATHLETICS QUIRK EDUCATION Athletics is used for prolonged (Running after something) A knowledge actions or identifying check using the knowledge of quirks, heroes and logical reasoning. Determines quirk weakness with high enough checks.

TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION A check made to determine the knowledge or ability to use machines without harming or breaking it in the process. MEDICINE EDUCATION A check made for administering or understanding some level of medical practice.


Cooperativeness Cooperativeness is essential for those who plan to help out. Being able to work with one another is sometimes life or death when staring down your enemies, those who have good cooperativeness are always there to help.

Cooperativeness is great for those who want to get on the good sides of others, persuade them to change their mind, deceive them into believing, gauging the good from the bad and being able to land

COMBAT COMBO This stat is used for fighting, closeduring combat orbattles, any fighting Combo is used a related check. combining of two turns can leave STRENGTH an opponent with more damage or This stat is used for any in which youin find even a statussituation effect. Used yourself carrying/ dragging/ conjunction with another lifting etc.player or NPC. FORTITUDE Fortitude is used in situations where the body must overcome CHARISMA something, maybe poison or too much, drinking Charisma iseating a social skill thatetc. allows you to charm or gain favor INTIMIDATION A check used when attempting with another person. to intimidate someone into doing something.

PERSUASION ATHLETICS Used when Athletics attempting to prolonged have is used for actions (Running after another character dosomething) / say or enact something that you’d like. INSIGHT Used when trying to gauge the reliability or truthfulness of someone's statement or actions. DECEPTION Used when trying to deceive or convince another character of something.

combo attacks together! Recommended for those who wanna be helpful in all social facets!


Base Stats Bonuses When base stats reach 5th level, players gain a new ability. This ability may be added to their abilities list, though it disappears if they are given a base stat debuff

SPEED At 5th level, during combat, players gain +1 actions everytime they incapacitate, knock out or kill a target. This bonus is limited to +1 action per round.

POWER At 5th level, players may now, when rolling a critical hit when rolling to-hit die, deal triple damage. Players may only use this on a target once per encounter, resetting after the encounter ends. MIGHT!



INTELLIGENCE At 5th level players gain +3 in all derived stat aptitudes when aptitude is gained. All derived stats without aptitude now also have +1.

At 5th level, players can use a point pool equal to their total of all their base stats. This point pool can be used to reduce stamina cost (-1 per point), increase damage (+1 per point) or reducing incoming damage (-1 per point) the pool resets after a full night's rest. TOGETHER! STRATEGIZE!

COOPERATIVENESS At 5h level, any allies adjacent to the players gain a bonus to reactions, actions and skill checks equal to the players cooperation.


*Note this means players can actively seek to pull others out of the way of attacks or defend them from incoming attacks. It does not force other players to use their turn. 14

Health and Stamina Health: 10 + (5 x Base POWER Level )

Stamina: 10 + ( ½ Health )

Health is an integral part of every

Stamina is not used for anything

character. Regardless whether you have

beyond quirk attack and specific ability

low or high health each point is integral to

usage, this is due to the immense strain that

survival. It is possible however to gain

using the quirk has on the body. Just like

more health through various means

health, stamina can be increased with

including prestige XP, abilities, even

POWER stat increases as well as Prestige

certain items and increasing your base

XP, abilities and certain items bought in

POWER stat level.


Base Power Level

Base Health Calculation

Base Stamina Calculation















28 15

Aptitude Aptitude is the active proficient use of

Aptitude become harder and harder to

derived skills, giving you a +2. To gain the

attain as the base stat level increases.

active (+2) A character must attain aptitude

EX. For a player with a level 5 base

to start, but aptitude is only gained at

stat for their power must study their

character creation or training to gain

strength skill 5 times before gaining

aptitude with the skill through studying or


practicing at appropriate facilities. After each visit to a facility a player adds a point to their appropriate derived skill. After taking your class archetype, along with it’s bonus aptitudes, choose 2 aptitudes freely

POWER [5] COMBAT +2 | [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] STRENGTH | [X] [X] [X] [X] [] FORTITUDE | [X] [X] [X] [] [] INTIMIDATION| [X] [] [] [] [] ATHLETICS +2 | [X] [X] [X] [X] [X]

to immediately start with.

Training Facilities Power

Speed Gymnasium

Weight Room Pool




Batting Cage



Computer Lounge

+2 Person Tasks

Track Field Cardio Room

Art Room

Escape Room


Study Group Seminar

Side Job

Side Job

Side Job

Side Job

Side Job


Archetypes The closest players will get to a normal class in this system is called an

Tied Skills Leveling up archetypes is easy.

Archetype. Archetypes follow the

Each archetype has a tied skill or a skill

common cliches often seen in shows or

that, when leveled up, levels up your

television, though they may all suggest

archetype as well.

certain aspects of personalities these

Example, Delinquent is tied to the skill

traits are not required in order to choose

TECHNIQUE. Whenever a player whose

an archetype for your character.

archetype is Delinquent levels up their

When choosing an archetype the player also gains two free aptitudes pre-chosen by the archetype, these aptitudes remain even after level up, then they must then choose two aptitudes on their own which do not remain when leveling up their skills. Along with this, starting at the second level of an archetype players begin to gain

TECHNIQUE base stat, their class levels up along with it.

Archetypes also provide players with starting equipment which can be used or stored at any time. These items can also be sold or thrown away and merely provide the player with early access to good and otherwise nearly unobtainable items.

archetype specific skills that they can use in game to advantages or even solve problems they wouldn’t otherwise be able to. . . No more than *2 aptitudes per category can be taken at start.


Class Archetypes List Archetype

Starting Aptitude


Intimidate Survival


General Education Persuasion

Born with a silver spoon in their mouth, this privileged student has money to burn and a knack for flaunting their luxurious lifestyle.


Charisma Reaction

Always armed with a joke or prank, this student's mission is to keep everyone laughing and bring joy to the classroom.


Athletics Control

The embodiment of athleticism, this student lives for sports, fitness, and pushing their physical limits to the max.


Quirk Education Combo

Forever trapped in a world of fantasy and imagination, this student believes they possess supernatural powers and are destined for greatness.


General Education Medicine Education


Survival Strength


Tempo Deception


Stealth Insight


Technology Education Reaction


Acrobatics Precision

All about teamwork, competition, and the thrill of victory, this student excels in their chosen sport and leads by example on and off the field.


Combat Fortitude

With disciplined training and a body honed for combat, this student 18 embodies the way of the warrior, capable of delivering powerful strikes and mastering various martial arts techniques.

Archetype Description

A rebellious troublemaker with a knack for causing chaos and breaking the rules, they are above it all.

With their nose buried in a book at all times, this student is a walking library, overflowing with knowledge and a thirst for learning. Hailing from a rural background, this student brings a touch of down-home charm and a wealth of practical skills to the table.

A dramatic soul with a flair for the arts, this student's talents shine on stage, be it through acting, singing, or dancing. Preferring to blend into the background, this introverted student observes quietly, but their keen perception and insights are not to be underestimated. Master of all things tech, this student can hack, code, and troubleshoot their way through any digital challenge, armed with their trusty laptop.

Sub-Archetypes Sub-archetypes are divergent

Given Ability

paths of a chosen archetype. Players

A given ability is the ability granted

can choose their sub-archetype at any

in the top section of the

point through the course of their

sub-archetype guide sheet. These

campaign and gain the given ability.

abilities are given to a player

After a sub-archetype is chosen

whenever they decide their

players have until the first use of their


given ability to change, then there’s

5th Level Ability/Action

no going back. It should be urged that

The 5th level in an archetype is when

players should take their time

a player must choose which path they

deciding what sub-archetype they’d

plan to take if they have not yet

like to take, as the benefits are grand.

decided. This is when they gain access to the labeled ability in the bottom section of a sub-archetype.


A rebellious troublemaker with a knack for causing chaos and breaking the rules, they are above it all.



Skill Level Ability 2nd Level Ability Street fighter | After a successful hit, attack for a second time. Unsuccessful attacks disallow use of this ability. (1/day) 3rd Level Ability You call that a punch? | Halve a damage roll of made against you (1/encounter) 4th Level Ability Grand-Theft-Auto | Reroll any failed skill check to jumpstart a vehicle after failing. (1/per vehicle)

The Ruthless Ruthless archetypes gain a +1 damage to all attack rolls.

The Heart of Gold H.O.G archetypes gain a +1 all rolls made to help others.

5th Level Ability Chopping Block | Stomp out (knock out) any enemy with 10 or less health left. (5/Per Encounter)

5th Level Ability I’ll take it from here. | After an ally falls in combat, gain +1 action until combat has ended. This ability stacks to a maximum of 5.


Starting Equipment Motorcycle License: A plastic card that grants the owner express legal permission to operate a motorcycle. Though this doesn’t grant the user a full motorcycle Chain: A weapon with 10 feet of possible reach, dealing the blunt damage type. Attacks: Whipcrack (1d6+power)


RICH KID Tied Skill

Born with a silver spoon in their mouth, this privileged student has money to burn and a knack for flaunting their luxurious lifestyle.

Skill Level Ability


2nd Level Ability Do you know who my father is? | Automatically succeed one intimidation. (1/day) 3rd Level Ability Company card | Reveal a new credit card when making a purchase, making a free purchase (1/week) 4th Level Ability Extraction | The player can summon a vehicle of any kind to retrieve them from any place the DM allows. (1d4/week)

The Charitable Charitable archetypes gain +1 to all Charisma rolls.

The Greedy Greedy archetypes gain 25% off all purchases.

5th Level Ability Good Karma | Automatically succeed a check failed within 5 points of the required difficulty. (1/day)

5th Level Ability Hitman Index | Call in an NPC with the following stats (1/Week) (P|3)(S|3)(T|5)(I|3)(C|3) Costing $1,000 per combat encounter.


Starting Equipment Platinum Credit Card: made of sleek platinum, grants its holder exclusive access to a world of opulence and extravagance. Additionally, this particular card comes with a refreshing starting balance of $500. Designer Sunglasses: With their sleek and trendy design, not only serve as a fashion statement but also offer essential UV protection for the wearer's eyes. These shades provide an additional benefit of +1 AC shielding the wearer from light-based attacks.


Always armed with a joke or prank, this student's mission is to keep everyone laughing and bring joy to the classroom.


Skill Level Ability


2nd Level Ability All eyes on me | Using your cooperativeness stat, roll a DC 6 to attract all the attention to you. (1/round per encounter) 3rd Level Ability Gimmick | Gain a bonus to cooperativeness checks after consistent uninterrupted use stacking +1 (Max: +6) 4th Level Ability Quips | 2 times a day, when an opponent has failed an accuracy roll against you, enemies are forced to attack you again next round and have halved accuracy checks.

The Gutbuster Gain advantage cooperating with NPC’s you’ve made laugh. 5th Level Ability Got the whole squad laughing | Anyone you’ve made laugh gains +2 Combo with you.

The Instigator Gain bonus +1 AC against targets you’ve successfully used persuasion checks on. 5th Level Ability Professional Instigation | Cause a fight between two NPC’s using persuasion (1/encounter)


Starting Equipment Soundboard: A tiny device of 9 different noises all customizable. The tiny device is capable of recording as well as replaying any sounds it hears immediately or on a timer. Can causes distractions.


The embodiment of athleticism, this student lives for sports, fitness, and pushing their physical limits to the max.

GYM RAT Tied Skill


Skill Level Ability 2nd Level Ability Pack-a-punch | Enleash maximum possible damage with a power based attack. (1/round per encounter) 3rd Level Ability Powerlifter | Any strength checks that have a DC under 9 are automatically completed. (3/Day) 4th Level Ability Remove training weights | Remove your leg weights to gain a bonus action for 3 rounds. (1/day)

The Muscle MAXer Gain +3 to one Intimidation or Fortitude check 2/day. 5th Level Ability Flexing | Using an action to flex your muscles at the start of combat gives opponents disadvantage on attacks for 2 rounds.

The Lift God Gain +5 to one Athletics or Strength check once per day. 5th Level Ability Like Lifting Feathers | Automatically succeed any strength check under 15 DC (3/day)


Starting Equipment Gym Bag: A spacious and durable bag designed to hold workout essentials such as towels, extra clothes, shoes, and accessories. Equipped with compartments and pockets for easy organization. (Outfit carrying storage) Weight Lifting Gloves: High-quality, padded gloves that provide a better grip and protect the Gym Rat's hands during intense weightlifting sessions. +1 AC (+2 Strength Checks)



Forever trapped in a world of fantasy and imagination, this student believes they possess supernatural powers and are destined for greatness.

Tied Skill

Skill Level Ability


2nd Level Ability GAZE UPON ME! |Detract all the attention in the immediate area to you. Target's attention is dismayed. (1/round per encounter) 3rd Level Ability Unleashed demons | Attacking for the first time while below 50% health grants a second attack. Recharges after healing. 4th Level Ability I’ll use all of my power… AT ONCE! | Once per encounter, unleash 3 separate attacks at once. The user is stunned the following round.

The Dark Demon Lord Criticals range for Intimidation rolls are lowered by 3. 5th Level Ability Hellish Intimidation | All of your enemies in the immediate area gain disadvantage on their next attack or skill check. 1/day

The Heavenly Archangel Criticals range for Insight rolls are lowered by 3. 5th Level Ability Holy Motivation | Inspire all of your nearby allies to gain advantage on their next attack or skill check. 1/day


Starting Equipment Slingshot: In lieu of an oversized cannon or gigantic sniper, your mortal form must settle for man's most primitive gun, a slingshot. 1d8+Precision Ancient Artifact Replica: Carrying a replica of a legendary artifact, like a mystical amulet or a dragon-scale pendant, it’s believed to possess extraordinary abilities or connections to hidden worlds. +1 AC (+1 to any roll, though the item breaks after)


With their nose buried in a book at all times, this student is a walking library, overflowing with knowledge and a thirst for learning.



Skill Level Ability 2nd Level Ability Look up | Automatically succeed one Education based check. (1/day) 3rd Level Ability Did you try ___? | Anytime an ally fails an intelligence check nearby, allow them 1 reroll per session. 4th Level Ability Hyperfixation | Choose GEN / TECH / MED / QUIRK upon level up, Gain advantage on any roll using that derived stat.

The Game-show Winner Game-Show Archetypes gain stacking bonuses (+1) for all consistent intelligence checks. 5th Level Ability Think… Again | Reroll education based roll if you land on a 1 (3/day)

The Grad Schooler Pick a derived Education and naturally pass any check that requires 15 DC. 5th Level Ability Top of the Class | Your chosen Education stat rolls double whenever you choose (3/day)


Starting Equipment Reading Lamp: A portable, adjustable lamp designed to provide optimal lighting for reading. Provides 10 ft of light. E-Reader: A compact electronic device that stores and displays a vast library of digital books. Allows the Bookworm to carry their entire book collection in one device, making reading convenient and accessible.




Hailing from a rural background, this student brings a touch of down-home charm and a wealth of practical skills to the table.

Skill Level Ability 2nd Level Ability Hog tie | automatically succeed a grapple check 1 target. (1/day) 3rd Level Ability Motor mastery | The ability to hotwire any non-car vehicle with a successful tech education check of 7. 4th Level Ability Friend to the wildlife | Survival checks made to calm wild animals automatically succeed with anything beyond a critical fail.

The Animal Handler Gain advantage on all checks made, of any kind, to calming animals. 5th Level Ability Taming Hand | Turn an animal of medium size or larger into a mount.

The Field-Hand Identify herbs, medicines and other plants with a General Education check. 5th Level Ability Quick Aid | Allows the player to craft strong 1d10 - 1d12 strength medicines from local plants should the area permit.


Starting Equipment Rope | This rope bundle comes with 40ft of strong nylon that can be used for tying up, lassoing, hanging or dragging anywhere it's needed. Cowboy Boots | These leather boots were handcrafted to make traveling through difficult terrain easier to travel on. The leather is tanned to perfection and they’re stylish as hell! +1 AC.


A dramatic soul with a flair for the arts, this student's talents shine on stage, be it through acting, singing, or dancing.


Skill Level Ability


2nd Level Ability In character | Automatically succeed 1 Deception check. (1/day) 3rd Level Ability Quick change | Changing outfits in any circumstance, does not count as an action. Can keep 2 separate outfits / uniforms on hand at all times. 4th Level Ability Inspiring words | Player chooses a stat to boost nearby allies in, allies treat the stat as one level higher for the encounter or check. Players do not gain that levels bonus abilities.

The Singer Gain +5 to charisma checks made with song, or at least a little rhyme. 5th Level Ability The Solo | Singing requires enemies to make a DC 15 insight check or lose their next turn (1 every 3 rounds)

The Dancer Sub-Archetypes Checks made to TEMPO automatically succeed DC 12. 5th Level Ability Your Own Drum | As a bonus action do a tempo check, critical successes grant bonus damage die equal to your SPEED stat.

Starting Equipment Make Up Kit | This make up kit has all the essentials a theatre kid could need to help out in their lacking appearance. Optional +1 to Charisma, Intimidation, Deception or Persuasion.(10 Uses) Bluetooth Microphone | Though it may be cheap its versatile! With a TECH ED DC of 6, connect your microphone to any electronic with a speaker.




Preferring to blend into the background, this introverted student observes quietly, but their keen perception and insights are not to be underestimated.

Skill Level Ability 2nd Level Ability Plain Sight | Add a 6 in place of a dice roll during stealth checks (3/day) 3rd Level Ability Irish Goodbye | A player using stealth to escape a non-combat encounter only fails upon rolling a crit fail. 4th Level Ability Undercover | So long as the player is disguised in the appropriate attire, those they are disguised as cannot succeed in a perception check to identify them without critical success.

The Wall Scrambler Gain advantage on deception checks meant to divert attention. 5th Level Ability What’s that?! | Whenever a player is discovered by an enemy they can activate this skill and gain 1 round of combat to either attack or escape before initiative begins.

The Escape Artist Sub-Archetypes Gain the ability to discover all possible exits in a room with STEALTH DC. 5th Level Ability Now You See Me | Whenever a player fully leaves sight of an enemy they can disengage combat without a check.

Starting Equipment Sketchbook and pencils: These wonderful tools enable artistic expression and allow them to capture the essence of the world around them, immersing themselves in their creative endeavors. Noise-canceling headphones: These headphones provide a blissful escape from the noise and distractions of crowded environments, providing a nullifying barrier to sound based attacks.


Master of all things tech, this student can hack, code, and troubleshoot their way through any digital challenge, armed with their trusty laptop.



Skill Level Ability 2nd Level Ability Tech Help Desk | Add a +3 to an ally’s Intelligence check. (3/day) 3rd Level Ability Reboot | The player can ascertain any information available on a computer, so long as it is not in disrepair. 4th Level Ability Dark Net | The player is able to ascertain information through sources in the dark web for a heavy $ cost. This information can even be metagaming information.

The TOR Browser Gain access to a slew of new websites that sell illegal goods and services. 5th Level Ability Using these websites you can pay for illegal goods and services. These items or services can be redeemed anywhere anytime.

The Raspberry Pie Gain access to a computer parts shop store in certain locations. 5th Level Ability Using parts from the Computer Parts Store, create drones and simple computers from parts bought. Creating these requires Tech Education checks.


Starting Equipment Programmable RFID Kit: A DIY RFID kit that allows the Computer Wiz to copy any RFID tag to their their own customizable piece. Wireless Keyboard and Mouse Combo: A sleek and reliable wireless keyboard and mouse set that enhances the Computer Wiz's productivity and comfort during long hours of coding and gaming.


All about teamwork, competition, and the thrill of victory, this student excels in their chosen sport and leads by example on and off the field.



Skill Level Ability 2nd Level Ability Linebacker | Tackle attacks do double damage upon hit. 3rd Level Ability Put some ice on it | Gain a bonus equal to targeted allies Intelligence when making Med-Ed checks to heal an ally. 4th Level Ability In the Zone | Gain +1 base SPEED and TECHNIQUE when targeting the same unit 3 turns in a row.

The All Star Whenever a combo takes place, avoiding joining it gives you bonus +1 to combat, precision and control for 1 round. 5th Level Ability MVP | Fighting with higher health than allies gain 1 bonus die of damage, 2 With KO’d allies.

The Team Player All members who participate in combo with you gain +2. 5th Level Ability Weakest Link | Whenever allies face a group check with you, the lowest scorer may reroll their previous roll and take the highest number.


Starting Equipment Guards (Head, Chest, Arm, Legs) Choose 1 | A piece of strong sporting equipment that guards the wearer from severe damage. +2 AC


With disciplined training and a body honed for combat, this student embodies the way of the warrior, capable of delivering powerful strikes and mastering various martial arts techniques.


Skill Level Ability


2nd Level Ability Restraint | Players can choose to, instead of rolling for damage, take the median point of possible damage. (3/day) 3rd Level Ability Weak Spot Target | 1 Use per target, reroll the lowest die rolled during your attack. 4th Level Ability Stockpile | Relinquishing your turn grants you an AC (for 1 round) and stores your action until you choose to either release or store again (Max Turns Storage: X, X=Your power level)

The Teacher Give allies +2 to combat checks made after your last attack. 5th Level Ability A Quick Lesson | Give up your turn for a lesson and give an ally advantage on their to-hit.

The Black Belt Sub-Archetypes Criticals range for combat rolls are lowered by 2. 5th Level Ability Combo Breaker | Anytime a target attempts to attack you twice within the same round, cease the 2nd action, attacking them in return with advantage.

Starting Equipment Wooden Practice Sword: A lightweight yet sturdy wooden sword used for training and practicing martial arts techniques. Helps the Martial Artist refine their skills without the risk of injury. Deals Blunt damage, 2d6 + Technique Martial Arts Gi: A traditional uniform worn by martial artists, designed for flexibility, comfort, and durability. Enhances mobility and embodies the discipline and tradition of the Martial Artist. +2 AC


Chapter 2 Leveling Up


Prestige XP Prestiging

Using XP

Prestiging works by simply resetting

When purchasing upgrades, players put

derived skills when leveling up a base

them onto their abilities sheet or note them

skill. Players through the course of the campaign will “study” skills, adding aptitude points to their derived skills

on separate sheets. There are 5 levels of abilities players may use their XP in order to acquire. 1st level XP abilities cost 1 XP and

until they reach the total (a number equal may be taken up to five times, moving to their base stat) in each derived skill. forward these circumstances reverse. At 5th Once done they reset all their derived level players may spend 5 XP points in order skills, no longer having any bonuses but to buy an ability they may only purchase being given higher rolls via more die. When a player prestiges a skill it means to take it from one base level to the next and resetting it. Players gain equal XP to

once. When given XP, all XP points must be used at once and cannot be stored until further leveling.

the level attained, I.E players who reach level 3 in say, power, gain 3 XP to use in

Ex. Alix upgrades their base speed stat from

the XP shop however they like.

level 2 to level 3 and gains 3 XP. They use these points to unlock 3 levels of the Health Boost Skill which cost 1 point each..


XP Shop All level 1 XP abilities cost 1 point of XP and may be stacked 5 times. Health Boost!: Gain +5 bonus health per level of this ability. Stamina Boost!: Gain +5 bonus stamina per level of this ability. Allowance: Add $5 (+5 per stack) to your wallet every week. This allowance is doubled when this ability is maxed out.

Level 1

Lockbox: Gain a secret storage space to hide contraband (+1 space per stack) Green Thumb: Gain Access to Outer-Window plant holders (+1 decor space per level). Kickboxing Lessons: Gain +1 Damage to all kick and punch moves.

All level 2 XP abilities cost 2 point of XP and may be stacked 4 times. Medical Practice: Learn to craft small bandages for 1d4 healing (+1 per stack) Woops!: X times per week, reroll a failed roll! (+1 per stack) Need Help?: Once per day, add +2 to a friends rolls to help them out. (+1 roll per stack) Pet Owner!: Add a pet to your dorm (+1 pet per stack) These pets grant random

Level 2

bonuses whenever they’re interacted with, though they may only grant one bonus per day.


All level 3 XP abilities cost 3 point of XP and may be stacked 3 times. Breathe…: Recover ½ of your total stamina as a bonus action. (+1 uses per stack) Heavy Hitter: Maximize possible damage with a punch attack.(+1 uses per stack)

Level 3

Kick-Boxer: Maximize possible damage with a kickattack.(+1 uses per stack) Quirk Hints: Gain a hint towards unlocking new uses of your quirk (+1 hint per stack) Online Seller: Players are now able to list items to be passively sold (+1 item per stack)

All level 4 XP abilities cost 4 point of XP and may be stacked 2 times. Culinarian: Home-cooked meals gives +2 bonus health. (+2 health per stack) Coupon King!: Remove 1d12 cost of your purchases. (+1d12 per stack)

Level 4

Bullet Time: Gain an automatic dodge/block. One use per day. (+1 per stock) Interior Designer!: Gain a new slot in your dorm, of your choice. (+1 slot per stack) Part Timer Online: Once per week, make a technology education check, on a successful skill check gain 12x your roll in currency. On a failed, receive half.

All level 5 XP abilities cost 5 point of XP and may be stacked 1 times. Big Boost: Gain a Bonus 20 Health and Stamina. Support Tech: Gain an extra support item slot. Speed Boost: Gain an extra action during your turn.

Level 5

Mastered Proficiency: Gain a (+4) with aptitude in one base stat instead of (+2). Go Beyond, Plus Ultra!: Gain a Heroic Action you may store in reserve and use at any point. This heroic action returns at the beginning of every week. This action however costs no stamina and automatically succeeds regardless of the threshold, though players must roleplay the entire action. They must also yell “Go Beyond! Plus Ultra!!!” or the DM may choose to disregard their action and automatically fail them. Seriously. 35

Chapter 3 Combat


Action Economy Movement: Every round of

Turns in 1-C can be odd, but they work very similarly to a lot of tabletop game action

combat players are given 30ft of

economy. A player may, during their turn, use

movement (unless stated otherwise) to

an action and their movement.Reactions are

travel wherever they please during their

used in response to attacks.


Action: Every player starts with 1 Heroic Action: Thought not action per round of combat, though you may always available, a heroic action is an attain another action through either gaining a 5th level in speed or through quirk related means. Reaction: Players may react to a

action players only have access to during rounds they are in “Ultra”. When players gain a heroic action the player

number of attacks being made at them (or to

may automatically succeed any attack or

another nearby character when you reach

skill check that requires a DC within

level 5 in cooperativeness) equal to their

their levels threshold (within their max

speed level every round. Certain attacks

roll range). Note that though they will

however may be labeled with ability tags like automatically succeed in hitting attacks, “*Undodgeable” or “FTL” meaning some though the attacks stamina cost is still higher speed levels are suggested for reaction to them, due to their sheer difficulty.

required in order to perform it. 37

Combat If players have chosen a quirk

Attacking Targets: Players have 3

manifestation method of the campaign

different types of attack they can make

combat must wait until everyone has rolled

towards targets. Physical or melee

a 1d20. After rolling the DM will add the

attacks such as punches or kicks must

result to their quirk manifestation limit. If

succeed a COMBAT check made

their quirk has already manifested, add this

against a targets AC. When using a

value to their quirk progression instead.

ranged weapon attack upon a target,

Rolling Initiative: When players

players are required to use

start an encounter each player must roll

PRECISION checks made against a

SPEED to gauge where they stand in the

targets AC. Finally, quirk related

initiative. Though if players do not wish to

attacks require a CONTROL check

be at the end or the beginning of initiative

that matches or succeeds the targets

they may attempt a TEMPO check during


their turn to shift where they stand in the

*Note that certain quirk attacks may have


specific tags that say to use different skill rolls for landing attacks. Some may require COMBAT, PRECISION, etc, instead of control. 38

Combat (2) Reactions and Bonus Actions

Dodging and Blocking: During combat,

Dodging Reaction: Dodging is

whenever players are being targeted for an

the second reaction all players have

attack by an enemy, they can use reactions

access to at any stage of their

to either dodge or block to midgate damage.

campaign. Dodging allows players to

Whether or not they fail their reaction will

avoid all of the damage they’d be

be used and cannot be recovered until the

taking entirely on a successful SPEED

following round.

check against the incoming attack

Blocking Reaction: Blocking is a

made at them. Players who fail this

reaction all players can use at any stage

SPEED check must take 1.5x total

of their game, allowing them to roll a

damage directed at them.

POWER check equal to or greater than

Other Reactions: Players,

the targets COMBAT or CONTROL roll.

through means of archetypes or quirks,

Upon succession players take halved

may eventually gain other reactions

damage from the incoming attack, on a failed players take full damage.

that will have their own set of rules or circumstances that must be met.


Combat (3) Changing Position in Initiative

Tempo Change: After rolling their starting initiative, players unhappy with their placement or those trying to gain a tactical advantage may attempt a TEMPO check. These checks use the skill TEMPO and players may roll their tempo and move up or down equal to

EX: In a team of four, player 4 at the end of the rotation rolls their TEMPO and rolls a 3. Player 4 then moves 3 positions up to the front of the rotation, and at the start of the next combat phase they are able to move first.

their roll in the initiative. Players must

Tempo Turn Change Move Player 4s Turn

move their total amount either up or down with the position looping around when reaching the top or bottom of the initiative.

Next Round

Player 1

Player 4

Player 2

Player 1

Player 3

Player 2

Player 4

Rolls a 3*

First Turn

Player 3

fig 1.


Combat (4) Combination Attacks

Combo Attack: A combination attack can be used by any player or

Combo Level 1 Players may participate in a combo effort with a max of 1 person. Meaning they are unfit to participate.

character at any time, though there are certain conditions players must meet to be allowed to join in. Players must have not already used their action in the

Combo Level 2 Players may participate in a combo effort with a max of 2 people. Attacks in tandem deal 2x total damage.

round and must be on the same team as the targets they are attempting to combo with. Combination attacks require all the participants involved to

Combo Level 3 Players may participate in a combo effort with a max of 3 people. Attacks in tandem deal 2-3x total damage.

roll a group COMBO check, with the difficulty appropriately decided for the amount of participants. Whether or not players succeed in their check, all

Combo Level 4 Players may participate in a combo effort with a max of 4 people. Attacks in tandem deal 2-4x total damage.

players involved lose their action for the rest of the round.

Combo Level 5 Players may participate in a combo effort with a max of 6 people. Attacks in tandem deal 2-5x total damage. 41

Combat (5) Physical & [M]Weapon Attacks.

Physical Attacks Available at


Damage Roll

Power LVL 1



Power LVL 2

Flurry of Blows


Power LVL 3

Targeted Strike

PLd4+Power + Stun

Technique LVL 1



Technique LVL 2



Technique LVL 3


TLd4+Technique -Stun

FREE (Combat)


Power + Speed

FREE (Strength)


VS Strength

PL = Power Level TL = Technique Level

Physical Weapon Attacks *Weapons of the damage type Sharp or Blunt immediately grant the player these sets of 3 attacks. These attacks are only available when these weapons are equipped.

Damage Type


Damage Roll



(dd) + Technique



(dd) + Technique + Bleed



Inflicts Bleed



(dd) + Power



(dd) - Power + Stun



Inflict Stun

*Weapons of any type can come with different damage die (dd), these serve as a baseline for weapon creation and use for DM’s.


Combat (6) [R] Weapon & Explosive Attacks.

Ranged Weapons Weapon Type


Damage Roll


Poison Gas

Afflicts Poison


Paralysis Gas

Afflicts Stun


Pepper Gas

Afflicts Blind


Sleeping Gas

Afflicts Sleep






Afflicts Ranged Grapple



(dd)d8 + Power



Base Speed is lowered to 0


Small Shot

(dd)d8 + Speed


Scatter Shot



Heavy Shot

(dd)d20 + Speed

Projectile (Explosive)


(dd)d12 + Speed

*In opposition to Blunt and Sharp damage types, Ranged attacks only have 1 attack given to the player, the type of which are available here.

Explosive Weapons Explosive Type


Damage Roll

Small Scale



Small Scale



Heavy Scale



Heavy Scale



Heavy Scale



*Weapons of any type can come with different damage die (dd), these serve as a baseline for weapon creation and use for DM’s. 43

Combat (7)

In this system, weapons come with

Weapons and Damage Types

various components to define their use and power.


Damage Type(s)

Attack Bonus

Bat (Wooden)



Bat (Steel)



you can use with said weapons. These

Brass Knuckles



can also be reduced or enhanced




depending on the armor type striking.




These types are Blunt, Sharp and





Combat Knife



To-Hit Bonus: How much is added to




your roll to hit a targets AC (Combat,




Control, Precision)

Gun (Pistol)



Material: Weapons do not have a set

Gun (Shotgun)



durability they break after, instead they

Gun (Rifle)



are broken if a given attack made against




them is of a stronger material. Though

Weapons listed here are example weapons.

Damage Type(s): The type of damage you can use as well as what attack types

the DM has the power to break a weapon if it is being used improperly or in a way it wasn’t intended.


Combat (8) Status Afflictions

Common Status Effects Status effects are continuous effects that apply to characters. Red Afflictions are NEGATIVE Green Afflictions are POSITIVE. Many different things can inflict status effects from weapons to quirks to items.

[Stun]: Description Effect: When stunned, players lose either their turn for the current round if they have not acted, or a following turns action. [Bleed]: Description Effect: Causes 1d4 of damage every round, stacking when afflicted with bleed afflictions over and over. This affliction can be cured with bandages or other appropriate medical equipment. [Poison]: Description Effect: Those afflicted with poison take 1d4 damage every round, though the poison does not stack it deals a bonus +2 damage every round until unconscious or cured. [Freeze]: Description Effect: Players frozen must succeed a DC +6 strength check or remain frozen, the DC stacks for every stack of freeze applied. [Singe]: Description Effect: Singe effects parts of the body and burns clothes, parts of the body that are singed take double damage from attacks made against them. Singe can be cured through burn cream or other chilling means. [Grapple]: Description Effect: Those afflicted by grapple must beat a DC 3 (Multiplied by the targets POWER level) every turn or remain grappled until released. [Sleep]: Description Effect: Players remain prone and unable to move or take action until 1d4 turns have passed or they take damage.

[Control]: Description Effect: Players are taken over by the user of the control based quirk, their actions are taken by the target. Players must make a DC 4(Multiplied by targets Technique) or remain controlled for another round. [Exhaust]: Description Effect: Players who receive exhaust must take an extra 1d4 stamina along with their stamina cost for attacks, this bonus is also dealt in equal points of damage to their health. [Fatigue]: Description Effect: When players reach 0 stamina they reset their stamina to half of their maximum and take a level of exhaust. [Affliction]: Description Effect: [Heal]: Description Effect: Players regain 1/10th of their max health at the start of every round. [Empower]: Description Effect: Players raise the set base stat, chosen by the target empowering the player, by 1 until the end of the allotted time. [Focus]: Description Effect: Players gain advantage to attacks during combat encounters. [Armor]: Description Effect: Players gain a bonus AC of +1 - +3 [Beyond]: Description Effect: Players treat their set of base stats as a higher level until the allotted time is up. [Affliction]: Description Effect: 45

Combat (9) Outfits and Combat Gear

Outfits Outfits

AC Bonus

U.A “Class” Uniform


U.A “Gym Uniform


Casual Clothing


Costume (Rental)

+1 / +2

Suit / Dress


Work-Out Clothes


in some cases there are optional pieces

Stealth Outfit


that do not add nor detract from being

Sports Armor

+3 / +4

Outfits: Outfits are a set selection of clothes or armor that allow users to gain a bonus in AC, derived stats or anything else the DM chooses. Outfits only provide these bonuses when the full set of clothes are put on. Though

worn, but are considered part of the outfit nonetheless. Outfits can be purchased through places such as malls and other stores as well as borrowed or rented from people or places the DM chooses. If a player loses any piece of armor due to attacks or the armor becomes noticeably damaged a major part then the outfit loses its bonus.


Resting and Recovery When players have taken a beating, it’s keen that they be sure to properly allow their bodies some time to recover. Though the times may vary drastically, the healing follows a similar principle. ●

Day/Night - 8+ Hours of sleep ○

Full health recovery.

Full stamina recovery.

Short While - 4 Hours to 1 Hour ○

Half total health recovery

Half total stamina recovery

Nap - Anything under 1 Hour ○

1/10th total health recovery

1/10th total stamina recovery

Item Recovery: Though they cost varying amounts, to recover health with items is decently effective if you have someone with good medical knowledge. Players can purchase medical equipment from facilities providing them, paying a sum of money for an item with a single use. The one applying the healing to the target may add their Medicine Education to whatever roll the target makes to recover health. Quirk Recovery: Definitely the easiest of the many health recovery types, a quirk recovery is when a player uses their quirk on themselves or a target to recover health, equal to the abilities designated healing die. 47

Ultra There will undoubtedly be times, be

In order to enter the Ultra state,

they combat, natural disaster or even

players must find themselves under

ungodly power, where heros must answer

these set conditions.

an impossible call. Players may summon

all their strength for attacks, skill checks or use of an ability, essentially anything

total health. ●

that would call for one of their actions during their turn. During a players time in

Players must be below 50%

Players must be in a life threatening scenario.

There must be other

Ultra they gain a bonus equal to their total characters present to either combined stats, adding it to their protect or keep safe. subsequent rolls until their Ultra state is If these requirements are met players over. Along with this bonus to their may make a roll without any modifiers regular rolls, players gain heroic actions equal to their amount of Ultra rounds they are given. After entering Ultra and using its bonuses, players then must take 3

or bonuses, using a d100 or percentile. The DM may decide the required difficulty of this check. Rolling a 100

levels of fatigue once the round or rounds

on this allows for two full rounds of

are over.

Ultra instead of one round. 48

Chapter 4 Everyday Life


Dorm Rooms Each player who has joined is set into a room with whomever is playing, each person being allowed their own room to decorate with differing items that allow bonuses to be given to players. If players have not returned to their dorm within 24 hours all bonuses disappear until the players have returned. Items that can be placed will be labeled with Seating , Decor , Electronic or Extra and anything not labeled is not able to be placed. Certain XP\ abilities will modify these rules. Seating




Single Dorm Room (Bed Room)

small space LARGE SPACE

Single spaces allow small objects to be placed, allowing for smaller bonuses but larger quantities.

Double spaces allow for larger bonuses but lesser quantities of decor. Double spaces can also hold small items, but only 1 at a time.





Dorm Room (Common Room)


Shopping For this system, players are able to buy 3 types of items all of which can either a bonus that is constant, one that must be renewed daily, one time bonuses or items that give no bonus at all. These items are Equipment, Room Decorations and finally Food.




Equipment is essential for heroes who’s quirks alone won’t be enough.

Decorations can make returning to the dorm feel less like a rest and more like a relax!

Food is without a doubt one of the most vital parts of ensuring heroes are ready for the task!

Decorations are set into 4 different sub-groups based on their display.

Foods can, at the discretion of the DM, can contain either a +2 or +1 bonus to relevant stats. Or, if the DM chooses, none at all! Food is more often than not used in a roleplay aspect and offers time for players to settle down and enjoy a meal together, possibly even learning new things about NPC’s or the world they’re in. In regards to health, food doesn’t often provide much if any. The most relevant cases of being given non-derived stat bonuses is in medical food or medicine giving health. Stamina on the other hand is usually given in cases of performance based foods like protein shakes, pre-workout, etc.

Equipment | Equipment ranges from outfits to weapons and even support tools. These are often acquired through legal and sometimes illegal means. Equipment can give bonuses to AC, Base Stats, give new abilities or even enhance pre-existing abilities. All Equipment not listed in the module is up to your DM’s discretion for bonuses and abilities

Seating | This encapsulates anything a player can lay, sit or rest upon. Decor | This follows posters, prints, figures, art, potted plants, etc! Anything there solely to decorate. Electronics | Anything from a microwave, fridge, phone stand charger or even computer! Extra | Extra fills out anything the DM cannot discern as the 3 other groups!


Shopping | Stores

Store Layouts Store Type of Store or name of store.



How The items much each listed and item could available. or does cost.


The type of item item.

Description The description of the item as it’s sold or often found in other stores.



How many Any extra slots of a info about room it the item takes up if the player it does may need take up to know. slots.


Mall (1)





A two seater with comfortable pillows! Could you ask for more?


+2 Combo

Single Seat



A single seater! Nice backing and arm rest!


+1 Fortitude

Bean Bag



A large multicolored bean bag that conforms to the one sitting.


+1 Charisma




A sturdy wooden desk with multiple drawers and a smooth surface for writing and studying.


+1 Gen Ed

Gamer Chair



A sturdy wooden desk with multiple drawers and a smooth surface for writing and studying.


+1 Tech Ed




A decorative ceramic vase with intricate floral patterns, perfect for displaying fresh flowers or other decorative items.


+1 Charisma




A sleek and modern lamp with an adjustable arm and soft lighting, ideal for reading or creating a cozy atmosphere.


+1 Percep

Night Stand


A compact and functional nightstand with

Decoration drawers and shelves for storing books,


electronics, and other essentials.

Memory Bed



A state-of-the-art bed with adjustable firmness and temperature controls, as well as memory foam for personalized comfort.


+1 Fortitude

Massage Chair



A luxurious massage chair with multiple settings and massage types, perfect for relaxing after a long day of hero work.


+2 Fortitude

A compact kit containing essential

Emergency Kit


Medical supplies such as irst-aid items, and more


Heals 2d6


Heals 2d4


Reduces Quirk Drawbacks


Heals Singed


Heals Sleep

for emergency situations. A roll of adhesive tape used to cover and



Medical protect wounds or injuries of varying sizes.


A specialized medication used to manage or suppress quirks, which can have a wide range of effects depending on the individual.

Quirk Medicine



Burn Kit


Medical such as burn gel, sterile dressings, and

A specialized kit containing supplies pain relief medication for treating burns.

Wake up Kit



A kit containing various items such as caffeine pills, energy drinks, and other stimulants to help individuals stay awake and alert.


Mall (2) Poster



A high-quality, colorful print featuring iconic characters or inspiring art, perfect for decorating walls or lockers.

1 Decor

+1 Quirk Ed




A large and vibrant flag emblazoned with symbols, logos, or mascots, ideal for showing support for sports teams or clubs.

1 Extra

+1 Quirk Ed


$10 $60


A collection of meticulously crafted small statues depicting beloved characters or fantastical creatures from various universes.

1 Extra

(+1) - (+2) Tech Ed

1 Extra

+1 Charisma

Accessory Charm Set



A delightful assortment of charms crafted from various materials, such as metal, acrylic, or enamel, ready to adorn backpacks or keychains.

Pin Set



A trendy set of enamel pins featuring cool designs, allowing fans to express their interests on bags or clothing.

+1 Charisma

+1 Gen Ed

Mini Bank



A cute and compact bank in various playful shapes and colors, encouraging savings and adding a touch of fun to any space.




A full-length, sleek, and well-lit mirror that enhances the fitting experience, perfect for trying out different outfits.


A stylish and trendy outerwear available in various designs, made from premium fabrics to keep you warm and fashionable.





+1 Charisma


(+1) Deception Intimidation Persuasion




A comfortable garment with different colors and prints, perfect for casual wear.


(+1) Deception - Charisma - Persuasion




A wide selection of trousers, jeans, and leggings with various cuts and sizes, suitable for different occasions and styles.


(+1) Fortitude - intimidation




A collection of fashionable headwear, from baseball caps to beanies, adding flair and protection from the sun or cold weather.


Laundry Basket



A sturdy and collapsible basket designed for carrying dirty laundry with ease and convenience.


Mini Washer



A compact washing machine perfect for handling small loads of clothes quickly and quietly.



A small, portable dryer that complements the mini washer, ideal for fast drying of garments in limited spaces.

Mini Dryer




Mall (3) Charge Station





A set of stylish, energy-efficient LED lights that can be mounted on walls to provide ambient illumination.


+1 Charisma

Wall Lights



Mini Fridge



It’s honestly pretty big for the price, it holds a fair amount, about 2 slots worth. That and it’s chilly to boot.




A powerful and customizable personal computer available in various configurations, suitable for gaming, work, or creative tasks.


+4 Tech Ed


A range of cutting-edge smartphones with advanced features and sleek designs, catering to various preferences and budgets.



An assortment of electronic components and gadgets for DIY projects and repairs, perfect for tech-savvy enthusiasts.



A high-quality audio speaker with crystal-clear sound and various connectivity options, perfect for parties or personal listening.


+1 Tempo


+1 Tempo

A vintage-style turntable with a modern twist, capable of playing vinyl records with warm and rich sound.


+2 Tempo


A variety of musical instruments, including Accessory guitars, keyboards, drums, and more, suitable for musicians of all levels.


+2 Tempo



A sleek and portable device equipped to play CDs and digital audio files, offering a retro music experience.


+1 Tempo


A tall, rotating tower with multiple shelves to neatly store and display CDs and vinyl records.


+1 Charisma

Electronic PC


Electronic Parts


A sleek, multi-port charging station designed to keep all your electronic devices powered and organized.








Record Player



CD Player

CD Tower




A selection of comfortable and Accessory noise-canceling headphones, catering to audiophiles and music enthusiasts.


CD: A collection of CDs featuring various Accessory genres and artists, perfect for building a music library or giving as gifts.




Mall (4)

Athletic / Sports




A comfortable, lightweight fabric shirt with the team's colors and logo, designed for maximum breathability.


+1 Charisma




A sturdy and well-padded headgear available in various styles.


+1 AC

(S) Sporting Armor



A set of sleek, small-sized body armor designed for agility and protection.


+1 AC

(L) Sporting Amor



A set of durable, large-sized body armor providing enhanced coverage and defense.


+2 AC




An elegant, gleaming golden cup engraved with intricate designs, awarded to champions in various sports competitions.

Sports Ball



Baseball, Basketball, Football, Tennis Ball, etc


+1 Athletics

Signed Poster



A poster featuring renowned sports stars' signatures and motivational slogans to inspire aspiring athletes.






A pair of comfortable and grip-enhancing gloves available for various sports.

+1 Charisma

+1 Precision


Mall (5) Comic



White Clover, 2 Pieces, Trackers Association Blue Poncho, Duo Leveling, Fabric Softener.

Western Comic



Ultra-dude, Moleman, Steelboy, Colonel USA, etc.


+1 Quirk Education




Multicolored themed and non-themed notebooks.


+1 General Education




Quirk Society Standards, Intro to Mathematics.


+2 Education



+1 Quirk Education

How Books Work Books have a very simple system about them, players may request any number of books all that help research any skill. Books grant players aptitude points, however they are required to slowly build up to a labeled threshold to “finish reading” at minimum, being 30 for regular books and 15 for manga and comics. After checks with general education the players should save it to an ever growing total until they’re done with the book or reach the desired number through compounded skill checks. A gaming system that connects to a TV or monitor.





+3 Tech Ed

Solo Game (HARD) *New


Electric Siblings, Patch Beasts, The Story of


3x Random Aptitude Points

Solo Game (EASY) *Used




2x Random Aptitude Points

Split Screen Game


Electric Sack Box, Jumpman Festival


1x Combo Aptitude Point

Bright Hearts, Super Combat Link, Inaudible the Raccoon,


How Video Games Work Video games, like books, grant players multiple aptitudes in up to 3 different skills. The difference in attaining these however is in the fact that rather than compounding rolls the players must succeed skill checks 4 times (not necessarily in a row) these skill checks are usually set to difficulties of the game (think 5 for easy games, 10 for medium, etc) and must have 4 successful tech education checks before the game is completed and the players can claim their prize.

Shopping | Underground Market. School Market










A small green plant, nuggets the size of moss balls.


Ingest to reveal the effect.

Quirk Blocker



A tiny needle with a vile half its size attached to the back.





A tiny needle with a vial double its size attached to the middle, glowing red.


Doubles Quirk Abilities.

Stun Gun



A black and yellow pistol shaped weapon with a flat and square barrel.


Contraband* 1d6 + Stun


Contraband* [Throw against any wall to explode]

Drug Dealer

Weapon Making

Support Market

News Dealing

Smoke Bomb



A tiny bag of black pellets. Each inside having a small warning label of a bomb with a large crack in it.

Melee Weapon



*changes every week.



Quirk Almanac



A tiny book, pocket sized with a tiny outline of all-might!


+2 Quirk Education

Discarded Support Item



A piece of junk barely able to perform it’s given duty. Likely to break.


*Randomly Generated.

Discarded Blueprints



A large rolled up blue paper sits rubber banded shut, tapped closed.


*Randomly Generated

News on a Student



*Inquire Within



News on a Teacher



*Inquire Within



News on a Hero



*Inquire Within



News on a Villain



*Inquire Within




A wooden board with 3 studs on each side lays bare. The weapon rack holds 3 melee weapons.


*Has slots for weapon storage


*Randomly Generated


Weapon Rack

Room Decor

Disables Quirk


Lost and Found gift bag



A small paper bag sits with a large question mark adorning it. Inside is completely unknown




A somewhat well sized fan with large blades and even a wall mount.

*Notes. Blueprints are used to craft items (or to give an NPC to craft) *Students caught with Booster or Blockers are immediately expelled. *News on anyone is given specifically by the DM.


Shopping | Grocery Store.

*Meals must be prepared or taken time to eat, snacks can be eaten anytime. * Extra HP or Stamina adds to your total and disappears after use.




Pre-Made Meals

Workout Aid











Some sweet treats!

+1 Extra HP

Toaster Food



Quick and easy foods.

+2 Extra HP

Energy Bar



Great for on the go stamina!

+2 Extra Stamina




A little chicken for the soul.

+1 Extra Stamina




A good chunk of salmon should do the trick.

+2 Extra Stamina




A lean cut of meat to feed the muscles!

+3 Extra Stamina

Box Meals



A quick lunch for the busy hero!

+4 Extra HP

Hot ‘N Ready



Always ready to be heated and eaten!

+3 Extra HP

Frozen Burrito



No time for preparation, a quick emergency meal!

+1 Extra HP

Protein Shakes



Need the energy now!

+1 Power (1 Check)




Get ready for some serious heavy lifting.

+3 Strength (1 Check)

Protein Gummies



A light snack for some heavy workloads.

+3 Extra Stamina




Pocket snacks for the road!

+1 Extra HP




What's better than some juicy fruit?

+2 Extra HP




Carrots, Broccoli, Radishes, the works!

+1 Stamina

Sandwich Kit



Sit down and enjoy a nice half cut sandwich.

+2 Extra HP

Pizza Kit



Great lunch for the group to split!

+4 Extra HP 59

Sushi Kit



Time and effort well worth the presentation and taste!

+6 Extra Stamina

Shopping | Medical Supplies Food Type

Wound Treatment


Serious Harm

Status Ailment








A roll of white, adhesive cloth that comes in a compact, easy-to-carry container.

Heal 1d4 + MED ED


A small, pocket-sized capsule filled with healing gel that glows with a soft green light.

Heal 1d6 + MED ED

First Aid Kit


A sturdy red box with a white cross on it, containing various medical supplies and bandages.

Heal 1d12 + MED ED



A small vial filled with a swirling blue liquid and a cork stopper.

Heal 1d12 + 5

Affliction Lotion


A crystal-clear bottle with a silver stopper holding a soothing, shimmery lotion.

Cures quirk afflictions not usually encountered.

Sleeping Meds


A small container with blue capsules, each bearing a tiny crescent moon symbol.

Causes Sleep



A pack of sterile sutures with a metallic sheen, neatly stored in a sterile case.

Cures Bleed



A roll of flexible, thermoplastic material that hardens when heated, coming in different colors.

Heals broken bones



A sleek, adjustable brace made of lightweight metal and reinforced with intricate engravings.

Heals broken bones

Burn Cream


A tube of pale lavender cream with a cooling sensation upon application.

Cures Singed



A vial of transparent liquid containing swirling, colorful antidote particles.

Cures Poison

Smelling Salts


A small, ornate container filled with powerful-smelling salts that snap you awake when broken open.

Cures Sleep


A small, metallic vial filled with crimson liquid, topped with a twist-off cap and adorned with a black flame emblem.

Your quirk abilities and attacks gain the tag UNSTABLE. You gain a temporary base 8 CONTROL


A sleek, syringe-like device with a dark red barrel and a nozzle, featuring intricate black patterns that seem to pulse with energy.


Contraband IGNITION



Free Time Locations Free time is any time that players are given to which they do not have a set schedule. This could be time between class, time after class, weekend days, off work hours or even time they give themselves instead of other plans. There are three different types of locations players can visit, so clarification on their type upon discovery can help decide if it’s worth visiting or not. Work Locations: Work locations are notable locations players can travel to that have job listings or available positions for them to fill and earn money, with their pay being equal to their time spent working and the hourly wage. Example Locations: Select mall stores, kiosks and restaurants Shopping Locations: Shopping locations are any locations that contain stores or a seller. These locations range from malls, to grocery stores, to underground black markets hidden from school officials. Example Locations: School stores, clothing stores, pet shops Downtime Locations: Downtime locations are areas players can go to escape the worries of work and school, locations like a karaoke bar, arcade, game store, etc. Example Locations: Hobby shops, spa’s, salons, batting cages 61

Traveling *this page is considered flavor text and can be ignored if the DM wishes to use other means for transportation

Transportation is not absolutely necessary for campaigns to function, as in many series, especially some with such small campuses and distances between open areas, wholly ignore most of the time. Though for those interested in adding a layer of roleplay experience into the campaign, allow public or private methods of transport to add fun and entertaining experiences to the in-between few minutes from traveling off campus to select locations. Public Transport: The cheapest and easiest form of transportation should always be public transport via bus or train to the locations desired or at least close enough to them to walk. Though in certain situations where locations desired fall out of the city by a larger margin there may be other methods required. Tickets and fares should cost on average $1 to $3. Private Transport: Usually fairly expensive depending on the desired method, private transport is usually stuff like cars, motorcycles as well as bikes and scooters. These methods are usually given ranges of their use upon purchase as well as upkeep and fuel prices. Cars and Motorcycles can provide faster transport but usually cost an appropriate amount to fix should anything happen to them. 62

Chapter 5 Quirks


Quirk Manifestation Plan: Campaign Manifestation Session 1-3

1 - 40

Session 4-6

41 - 80

Session 7 and Beyond

Quirk manifestation is quite simple. When playing the module in a manifesting style storyline, players don’t acquire their

81 - 120+

quirks until sessions into the campaign. At

Outlined here is a guideline to

start, players are all given set manifestation

setting Manifestation Points,

points to start and are then sent into the

outlining the sessions players

world without any quirk to begin with.

would likely manifest their quirks.

Quirk Manifestation Point: is a set number decided by the DM used to identify when the players quirk manifests. At the start of every combat encounter all players roll a single d20 and tell their DM the amount, the DM then adds that to their secret counter. Once a manifestation point is reached that player will manifest their quirk giving them 3 quirk abilities and 1 quirk attack.


Quirk Manifestation Plan: Players Choice Player Choice: allows the player to decide their quirk as well as build its attacks along with effects. Players starting out with this quirk plan may also use (TBD) amount of points as a method of “building” their attacks and abilities by picking damage, range and effects with tags available or created by DM. Afterward they will send their ideas for their attacks and abilities to their DM who will confirm or deny whether the aforementioned abilities and attacks are legal and or acceptable. For creation refer to the quirk creation pages of this pdf.


Quirk (Type)



Emitters specialise in creating, controlling or manipulating matter. Players who choose to go down this path often have more ranged attacks than abilities or melee attacks and see a backline or supporting role.

Transformations specialize in morphing their body in some capacity. Players who choose transformation quirks can play either melee or ranged combat and find themselves usually in any position depending on their quirk given.



Mutant quirks specialize in a constantly readid quirk state, this allows them less strain on stamina with constant abilities. Mutant quirks are more often than not great front line fighters but can on occasion depending on quirk be amazing ranged fighters as well.

One of the lesser known quirk types, accumulators can accrue power by taking in things like kinetic energy, food, sunlight, etc. Their play style varies depending but they can be devastating front and backline fighters.


Starting Tags Emitter


Shoot: Emitter Tag Effect: This tag allows the user to shoot or expel a projectile for 1d4+technique damage at any target within 30ft. Emitters may increase their damage with QXP and eventually learn different projectiles with training.

Transform: Transformation Tag Effect: This effect allows the user to transform themselves for a +1 boost to a specific base stat for 3 rounds. More transformations may be gained through training and practice.



Store: Accumulator Tag Effect: When a predesignated condition is met a player may add a +1 to a counter on their sheet or notes and expel or expend the use for healing, an attack or a boost determined by the player and DM.

Body: Mutant Tag Effect: Mutant players have a -1 QXP cost to buff tags and may utilize tags from other classes with the DM’s discretion.

This attack, boost or healing can be determined and charged further with more accumulation. 67

Quirk Usage & Abilities Abilities


Quirk abilities are actions or inherent

Quirk attacks are the opposite of abilities.

abilities that don’t always need to be

These attacks made by the players cost

activated but can always be called upon. In

stamina and therefor are limited in their

example, Asui Tsuyu and her massive jump

use. Though they may be limited, they are

height, Dekus Danger Sense or even

grand in their scope. Attacks are the bread

Todoroki Shotos resistance to fire and ice

and butter for a heroes combat. Heroes

based attacks. Abilities do not cost stamina

should diversify when possible and can

and can be used or activated anytime.

create attacks at any point during the campaign should they have all the components required (damage, range, outline and whatever other tags necessary


Piecing Together Attacks Once players have purchased damage die, ranges, and tags they can begin the process of building out a roster of moves. Once they have one of each, they can begin by placing the desired pieces together to create their own attacks or abilities. Note tags can only be used once.

Damage Die




Quirk Experience (QXP) Quirk Experience is going to be the players main method of increasing their roster of attacks and capabilities. As will explained in more detail later, players will be allowed to purchase damage die, ranges and tags to create their own attacks and abilities. These damage die, ranges and tags are stored in your notes and can be pieced together using whatever flavor text players wish to use that describe the action taking place. As characters experience their journey there will be a few scenarios where they can add QXP points to their sheet! ●

Defeating enemy bosses!

Saving lives from dire situations!

Using their quirks to do immeasurable good for others! Truly, it’s at the DM’s discretion but just know these points won’t be easy to come upon.


Designing Quirk Attack Stats Player designing attacks with this page must decide what damage and what range they are going to


QXP Stamina













part of the players character sheet, until they are used




to create the players new attack.




use. Each choice will cost a certain amount of QXP and can be given to a new attack only one time until they must be purchased again. Whenever any of these parts are purchased they can be stored on any notes or

When upgrading an attack by stacking another damage die of the same type, the cost is exponential. For example, a player stacking their 1d4 attack must



pay 2 QXP, then 3, then 4, etc. This multiplier does

5ft / Melee


not apply to the stamina cost, instead should reflect

10 ft


15 ft


20 ft


30 ft


35 ft


40 ft


The QXP of an attack depends entirely on how

45 ft


much has been put into it. A player who has an attack

50 ft


which deals 2d12 will have an attack that cost 10

55 ft



55+ ft

9+1 every 5ft

the base cost for each die when calculating stamina. To calculate the stamina cost of these attacks, players should refer to the following formula

Attack Stamina Cost = QXP Total


Quirk Ability and Attack Effect Customization DM Information Depending on the playstyle of quirks and whether or not you start with a quirk, this sheet is here to layout an idea of what the abilities should appear with on a sheet. The customizations include being able to use abilities or attacks whenever you’re attacked or even being able to use it multiple times per turn as well as what movement changing abilities like “flight” should act like Here are some example tags. When choosing quirk tags to add to your roster, there are a set few that players must get permission or be given to by their DM, these are DM tags.

X ➤ DM Tags X ➤ Player Tags

DM Tags

DM Tags: These are tags provide no bane or boon, only adding keywords to your quirk to identify where it is relevant for certain situations. For example, a DM tag may say something to the tune of “Fire/Flame” which neither provides no advantage or disadvantage, only an indication that it uses flames. This helps when targets have some form of interaction, such as ice melting from flame or flames being put out from a lack of oxygen. DM tags may not be taken by players at any time but can be given by the DM at any time. Starting Tags: These tags are starting tags that players always have access to given their class. These tags are not DM tags but also cannot be given freely, they must be given to players with the appropriate quirk class.


DM Tags (effects wip) Outline Tags Tag Name: Prerequisite Tag Effect: Resistance: All Quirk Classes Tag Effect: The target receives halved damage from the type of damage listed. Immunity: All Quirk Classes Tag Effect:The target does not receive any damage from the type of damage listed. Tether: EMI Tag Effect:The user may tether two targets together, meaning each anchorpoint may not travel a certain distance from the other. Element Control: EMI, ACU Tag Effect: Players gain control of an element or elements that acts realistically in response to other elements. This control is moderate and neither weak or strong. Tag Name: Prerequisite Tag Effect:\

ACU ➤ Accumulator EMI ➤ Emitter TRA ➤ Transformation MUT ➤ Mutant

No Range Limit: All Quirk Classes Tag Effect:Any attack with this tag has no limit to the range of the quirk and its effects. Pyro: All Quirk Classes Tag Effect: Tagged with Pyro means this attack or ability takes increased damage from water, ground and other fire suppressants. This tag also increases damage against ice, metal or other meltable based quirks or structures. Cryo: All Quirk Classes Tag Effect:Tagged with Cryo means this attack or ability takes increased damage from fire and other heat based attacks. This tag also increases damage against water and other liquid based quirks. Hydro: All Quirk Classes Tag Effect: Tagged with Hydro means this attack or ability takes increased damage from electric, ice and other effects that harm water. This tag also increases damage against fire, earth or liquid based targets. Tag Name: Prerequisite Tag Effect:\ Tag Name: Prerequisite Tag Effect:\ Tag Name: Prerequisite Tag Effect:\ Tag Name: Prerequisite Tag Effect:\ Tag Name: Prerequisite Tag Effect:\ 73

Quirk Ability and Attack Effect Customization Player Information Ability and Attack Tags Outline Tags: Outline tags will, effectively act as skill trees for both attacks and abilities. This set of tags has the widest variety of abilities players can achieve and thusly are priced relative to the bonus. These tags are either meant for abilities or attacks and can be stacked to provide game changing new techniques.

Attack Tags Buff Tags: Buff tags, normally, cost about 3 QXP due to their inherent bonuses, this is to ensure that players don’t stack buffs continuously as easily as they could if they were to cost less. Buff tags provide new ways to attack, rescue and save. These tags range from allowing attacks to target and destroy items, use attacks as reactions instead of actions, ignore damage resistances, etc. Debuff Tags: Debuff tags cost no QXP, their payment for use is in their debuff to the attacks damage. Debuff tags are tags that can provide players to opt into a certain debuff to provide moments for themselves to shine even brighter. For example, a player with an accumulator quirk that generates electricity, could add a tag that requires a charge time of 1 round of combat, though it removes some of the stamina cost or greatly increases the range the longer it’s charged.


ACU ➤ Accumulator EMI ➤ Emitter TRA ➤ Transformation MUT ➤ Mutant

Outline Tags

AT ➤ Attack AB ➤ Ability

Attack / Ability tags Activates on Hit: All Quirk Classes Tag Effect:The activation of effects and damage of this attack require the attack to strike a target. Cost: 1 |AT/AB| Area of Effect: All Quirk Classes Tag Effect: The effects and damage of this attack are not single target but instead hit all targets within a set range and shape starting from the user. Cost: 1 |AT/AB| Trap: Emitter, Accumulator Tag Effect:The ability or attack must be triggered by having one of its prerequisite met before the damage and effects may activate. Cost: 1 |AT/AB| Tag Name: Prerequisite Tag Effect: Cost: 1 Tag Name: Prerequisite Tag Effect: Cost: 1

Attack tags Counter: All Quirk Classes Tag Effect: The effects and damage of this attack activate upon the user being attacked with any amount of damage. To-Hit rolls and stamina still required. Cost: 1 |AT| SKILL Change: All Quirk Classes Tag Effect: The attack no longer uses CONTROL as a check to hit, instead using another selected skill relevantly chosen. Cost: 1 |AT| Tag Name: Prerequisite Tag Effect: Cost: 1


Outline Tags (2) Support Tags Healing: All Quirk Classes Tag Effect: The (self/target) is healed 1 die of d4, the number of die equal to their technique level, the d4 grows to d6/8/10/12 as the tag is stacked. Cost: 1 |AT/AB| Cleanse: All Quirk Classses Tag Effect: Expending stamina, the user may remove a lingering effect, these effects can be chosen from the conditions page. Players may cleanse one effect per stack of this tag and must specific which effect the move cleanses. Cost: 3 |AB|

Movement tags Flight: All Quirk Classes Tag Effect: Allows the player 30 ft of flight. Cost: 3 Hover: All Quirk Classes Tag Effect: Allows the player to negate downward gravity and remain at their hovering height. Cost: 2 Fast Swimmer: All Quirk Classes Tag Effect: The player gains 30 ft of movement in water per round. Cost: 1 Wall Walk: All Quirk Classes Tag Effect: The user may now walk on sheer surfaces as if they were a regular path, this does not allow for ceiling walking. Cost: 1 \Tag Name: Prerequisite Tag Effect: Cost: 1


Outline Tags (ACU) Tag Name: Prerequisite Tag Effect: Cost: 1 Quarter Fire: ACU Tag Effect: The user releases a quarter of their stored power. Cost: 1 Half: ACU Tag Effect: The user releases half of their stored power. Cost: 2 Full Force: ACU Tag Effect: The user releases all of their stored power. Cost: 3 Tag Name: Prerequisite Tag Effect: Cost: 1


Outline Tags (TRA) Tag Name: Prerequisite Tag Effect: Cost: 1 Give and Take: TRA Tag Effect: The user may now take a -1 to a base stat in order to gain a +1 in another for (6/rounds) Cost: 1 Speed Form: TRA Tag Effect: The user may relinquish 1 AC, a quarter of health or -1 from another base stat in order to gain a +1 in speed and it’s derived stats for 5 rounds. Cost: 1 Size Change(_): TRA Tag Effect: When the user enters a form with this tag their height changes and their health changes to compensate. (small) Sizes smaller lose half their base health but gain doubled speed. (Big)Sizes larger gain doubled health but lose half their speed. Cost: 1 Tag Name: TRA Tag Effect: Cost: 1 Note: All transformation effects end and stats return to their original numbers when the user loses their transformation or otherwise ends the effects.


Outline Tags (EMI) Tag Name: Prerequisite Tag Effect: Cost: 1

Movement Warp: Emitter Tag Effect: Allows the player to effectively teleport within 30 ft to an unoccupied space within sightline. Cost: 5 |AT/AB|

Buff Buff: Emitter Tag Effect: Allows players to target (number of targets equal to stacked tags) allies and boost derived stats (+2) for 1 minute (10/rounds) or bases stats +1 for 6 seconds (1/round) Cost: 1


Outline Tags (MUT) Tag Name: Prerequisite Tag Effect: Cost: 1


Buff Tags (effects wip) Reaction: All Quirk Classes Tag Effect: Attacks with this tag may be used as a reaction for every stack of this tag. Cost: 2 Breaker: All Quirk Classes Tag Effect: Attacks tagged may target items, armor and weapons and break them with a strength check. Cost: 3 Booster: ACU, TRA, MUT Tag Effect: Allows the user to selectively boost 1 base stat by +1 for 1 round per stack. Cost: 3 Armor Boost: All Quirk Classes Tag Effect: Allows the user to increase their AC by +1 for 3 rounds. This tag can stack in AC (+1) or time armored (+3 rounds) per stack. Cost: 3 Knockback: All Quirk Classes Tag Effect: The users attacks knockback the target a number of spaces equal to the users FORCE level. Cost: 3 Infect: Emitter Tag Effect: If the user has a tick damage ability, enemies who come within range (5ft per stack) of afflicted enemies gain the affliction Cost: 3 Tough (Body Part): All Quirk Classes Tag Effect: The user chooses a body part that now takes half damage from strikes targeting that part. Cost: 3

ACU ➤ Accumulator EMI ➤ Emitter TRA ➤ Transformation MUT ➤ Mutant

Lucky Strike: All Quirk Classes Tag Effect: When a user critically strikes a target they gain a bonus die of damage. Cost: 3 Multi-hit: ATK: Prerequisite Tag Effect: Cost: 3 Homing: ATK: Prerequisite Tag Effect: Cost: 3 Quick: ATK: Prerequisite Tag Effect: Cost: 3 Grappling: ATK: Prerequisite Tag Effect: Cost: 3 Tag Name: Prerequisite Tag Effect: Cost: 3 Tag Name: Prerequisite Tag Effect: Cost: 3 Tag Name: Prerequisite Tag Effect: Cost: 3 Tag Name: Prerequisite Tag Effect: Cost: 3 Tag Name: Prerequisite Tag Effect: Cost: 3


Debuff Tags (effects wip) Charge Time: All Quirk Classes Tag Effect: The attack requires 1 round per level to charge the attack. Bonus: Gain a bonus die of damage per level. Straight Shot: All Quirk Classes Tag Effect: The user must attack moving in 1 direction and may not deviate from the path. Bonus: Range increased by another half of the original range. Uncontrollable: All Quirk Classes Tag Effect: The attack tagged becomes so volatile that you must roll a 1d20 at the start of combat, on a 5 or below the attack must be used first on closest targets. Bonus: The attack gains doubled damage. HAZARDOUS: Prerequisite Tag Effect: The attack or user, emanates a toxic or hazardous material that requires all targets within 30ft to make a FORTITUDE check of 12 (increasing with tag level) and take 1d8 damage or half on a failed check. Bonus: The user of this attack is immune to all fallout or damages and heals 1 point of damage every round unless unconscious. Explosive: EMI, ACU Tag Effect: The attack tagged becomes far more volatile and explosive, dealing damage to the target and those within 10 ft of the target hit. Bonus: The attack used deals an extra 1d8 of damage.

ACU ➤ Accumulator EMI ➤ Emitter TRA ➤ Transformation MUT ➤ Mutant

Tag Name: Prerequisite Tag Effect: Bonus:


The Ultimate Tags

(Fill In): All Quirk Classes Tag Effect: This tag allows the user to effectively, work how they wish it to. Communicate with your DM about how this tag works and add it to your sheet, naming it appropriately. This tag could be mind control, a massive area of effect buff or just allow users to manipulate time itself, as long as the players and dm understand it, it works. Cost: DM’s permission

(DM’s Wish): All Quirk Classes Tag Effect: This tag may contain any new ability, attack or effect that the DM wishes to grant. These are great for altering gameplay to more accurately reflect a quirks abilities. The effects of this tags can range from debuffs, buffs or game altering new capabilities. Cost: None


Super Moves When it comes to being a superhero, there is little to no other more iconic feature than a heroes “Super Move”. A super move, in the class 1-c system at least, is when players choose a current quirk attack they consider to be their most iconic and push it to its limit.


Chapter 6 NPCʼs


Pre-Created NPC Stat Blocks NPC’s in any game will have Average Citizen

wide varieties of stats.Villains











and allies are no different, though they differ depending on skill level. When pulling

Common Criminal / Villain

stats for NPCs DM’s can use P










Pro Hero, Teacher, Villain, etc

two different methods, precreated as seen here or they can use a preset number and assign them to each stat,











scaling them usually to the earlier outline from character creation listed underneath the pregenerated stats. Stat Outlines Freshman: (1,1,1,2,3) 2nd/3rd Year: (2,2,3,3,4) Pro Hero / Villain: (3,4,4,5,5)


Pre-Created NPC Sheets Common Stats

Average Citizen P










Common Attacks

Health: 10 - 15

Attacks: 2

AC: 4

Abilities: 2

Stamina: 10

DMG: 1-3d4, 1-2d6,1d8

Actions: 1

RANGE: 5ft-15ft

QXP: 10

Common Stats Common Thief / Hero in Training

Common Attacks

Health: 20 - 30

Attacks: 3-5

AC: 5-8

Abilities: 4-6






Stamina: 25

DMG: anywhere from 3d4,






Actions: 1-2

2d6, 2d8 to 1d20

QXP: 25

RANGE: 3oft - 90ft Common Stats

Pro Hero, Teacher, Villain, etc











Common Attacks

Health: 70 - 90

Attacks: 6+

AC: 10-15


Stamina: 40+

DMG: anywhere between 3d6


to 2d20

QXP: 40

RANGE: 3oft - 120ft+

QXP in the listed common stats is for the

The damage ranges suggested are

DM’s that would like to custom craft their

for quirk attacks, these damages

own quirk attacks and abilities, it’s used a

are calculated more so for their

baseline for deciding what tags these NPCs

total possible damage, like 3d6

can have.

being 18, the reason dice rolls were used were more so for an idea of what the attack damage should look like and are not actually required.


Chapter 7 Character Death


Death. While death is possible, it’s not often supposed to be thrown at the players. If a player falls to zero they can continue to take ½ of their total health in extra damage before a die even needs to be cast. When a player breaks this threshold of health they must make check for a check with any stat of their choosing, succeeding a check equal to the total of all their base stats combined.

*Allowing the player to choose gives them a better shot but can also be considered a test of willpower and allows them to rely on their most practiced stat to save them in their hour of need. Bonuses can be applied by outside forces or the DM. 89



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