Case Presentation Rubric

July 29, 2024 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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UNIVERSITY OF THE VISAYAS COLLEGE OF NURSING GULLAS MEDICAL CENTER Gov. M. Cuenco Ave., Banilad, 6014 Mandaue City, Phils. Tel. No.: (032)346-9292 loc.126; (032)416-1538 CASE PRESENTATION RUBRIC Name: Ram Allen__________________________________________ Date:_____05/30/2020_______________ Year Level:______________________IV___________________________________ Score:___________________ Criteria Nursing Assessment

4 Responds and demonstrates understanding of all components of nursing assessment for selected patient.

3 Responds and demonstrates understanding of most of the components of nursing assessment for selected patient.

2 Responds and demonstrates understanding of some of the components of nursing assessment for selected patient.

1 Responds and demonstrates minimal understanding of the components of nursing assessment for selected patient.

Score 3

Clinical Understanding

Responds and demonstrates thorough understanding of patient's diagnosis and potential complications.

Responds and demonstrates adequate understanding of patient's diagnosis and potential complications.

Responds and demonstrates only partial understanding of patient's diagnoses and potential complications.


Plan of Care

Outlines a complete and effective plan of care for selected patient

Outlines an effective care plan for selected patient, with one or two missing components

Professional Roles

Responds and demonstrates thorough understanding of the role of nurses and other professionals in the care of selected patient.

Responds and demonstrates adequate understanding of the role of nurses and other professionals in the care of selected patient.

Plan of care is incomplete, with several components that are missing or not relative to the selected patient's condition Responds and demonstrates only partial understanding of the role of nurses and other professionals in the care of selected patient.

Responds and demonstrates minimal or incorrect understanding of patient's diagnosis and potential complications. Plan of care is incomplete, with most components missing or not relative to the selected patient's condition.


Assignment Instructions

Follows all assignment instructions completely, including comprehensive responses to all questions related to selected patient.

Follows most assignment instructions completely. May have one or two unanswered questions or incomplete answers related to selected patient.

Responds and demonstrates minimal or incorrect understanding of the role of nurses and other professionals in the care of selected patient. Does not follow all assignment instructions. Several unanswered questions related to selected patient. Answers are incomplete or do not answer question sufficiently.


Student follows very few assignment instructions. Many questions related to selected patient are unanswered or have minimal responses



Total: 17/ 89.5

Clinical Instructor:__________Raul Niño V. Moran___________________________________________________ RUBRIC COMPETENT: Standards Met Consistently/ Expectations EXPERIENCED: Standards Met Often/ Frequently DEVELOPING: Standards Met Sometimes/ Improvement Needed NOVICE: Standards Not Met or Seldomly Met Prepared by: Ulysses Earl L. Tenchavez R.N., M.A.N. Clinical Instructor Approved by: Yvonne M. Sevilla R.N., M.A.N. Dean

Score 4 3 2 1


Total 20 – 15 14 – 10 10 – 5 4–1

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