A11 - Portfolio Icpna

August 11, 2024 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Student: Yurely Quispe Ruiz

Teacher: Elias Peñaranda


1. Do you think an animal’s ability to imitate human behavior is a sign of high intelligence? Explain

Yes, I believe that the ability of animals to imitate human behavior is a sign of high animal intelligence because not all animals can do something that humans do like make tools or talk because it requires the animal think.

2. Do you think domesticated animals (dogs, horses, monkeys, parrots) that can be trained are more intelligent than animals living in the wild?

I think both type of animals are intelligent in their own way because the domesticated animals like dogs are able to follow orders and think in their own way to coexist harmoniously with humans. In the other hand, a wild animal like wolf does its best to survive and thinks in its own way just to stay alive or just to eat.

3. Work in a small group. Think of three animals you believe are intelligent. What do they do that makes them seem intelligent?

Pigs solve mazes, understand and display emotions, and understand symbolic language. Gorillas can form original sentences to communicate with humans and understand the use of symbols to represent objects and more complex concepts. Elephants have exceptional memories, cooperate with each other, and demonstrate self-awareness. Like primates and birds, they engage in play.



1) Achieve


2) Acquired


3) Apparently


4) Approach


5) Behavior


6) Category


7) Cognition


8) Controversy


9) Obvious


10) Perception





When I get older, I want to be able To succeed in finishing something or You have failed our entire to say something meaningful when reaching an aim, especially after a lot family and me with your they ask me what I have of work or effort shameful actions. accomplished! Our neighbor intends to sell To get or obtain something I got a new bike for my birthday. their house and lot. Used to say you have read or been He evidently tried to find something She doesn't understand how told something although you are not to say, but failed. unlikely that is. certain it is true To come near or nearer to something A stranger came up to me and I was just getting ready to or someone in space, time, quality, or shook my hand. leave the house. amount He seemed to be dozing out The way that someone behaves His manner can be condescending. of sheer idleness. Each individual in the group A type, or a group of things having He's the type of man who never has their own unique talents some features that are the same listens to what you're saying. and abilities. We have to change the public's The use of conscious mental He disregarded his father's perception that money is being processes advice and left school. wasted. A lot of disagreement or argument about something, usually because it There was a disagreement over who There is wide agreement on affects or is important to many should pay the bill. this issue. people Easy to see, recognize, or It was unclear last night It was clear that he was unhappy. understand when they can return. A belief or opinion, often held by The complete ignorance in many people and based on how Newton is a man of great intellect. which we live is very trying. things seem


A. INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH Thesis statement: In the article “Extreme perception and animal Intelligence”, authors Temple Grandin and Catherine Johnson discusses about how some animals can show high intelligence in different situations.

B. BODY Animals that display a deep understanding of the world around them are plentiful. o Dogs who are truly intelligent will apply their thinking skills to new situations.  No one knows how seizure response dogs read sings given off by humans before a seizure. o Clever Hans was not really counting but was able to detect and understand human sings that even humans could not see, just as seizure alert dogs can.  Hans was intelligence because he read a member of different species and was able to train himself.

C. CONCLUDING PARAGRAPH In summary, the authors conclude by making a comparison between the development of intelligence in animals versus humans, mentioning that ¨Intelligence is people using their built-in perceptual and cognitive skills to achieve usual and sometimes remarkable goals.

In Extreme perception and animal Intelligence, the authors Temple Grandin and Catherine Johnson mention that animal intelligence has to do with the ability to solve situations or problems without any training and the authors explain some cases through which these ideas are demonstrated. The first case is the one of seizure alert dogs that can predict seizures before they happen using their own perception. There are many dogs that develop these abilities by their own and they alert their owners when a seizure is going to happen by barking or dragging to a safe place before the seizure starts and hurt their owners. These are signs that there is not possibility that alert dogs can be trained for that, it’s just their perception. The second case is about a horse named Clever Hans who seemed to be able to solve mathematical problems, because he was trapping out a number with his hoof to answer a math question from his owner, so he thought that Hans could count. But it was found that Clever trained himself to react to unconscious movements that people made before. In conclusion, the authors believe that animal’s actions show great intelligence, not just instinctive behavior. They conclude that intelligence has many aspects, such as a problem solving and using skills to achieve useful goals and according to them, some animals do things that they don’t have to do and without human command or help.

What I have learned in this unit is that animal intelligence is based on the cognitive and perceptual skills that they use to achieve something. Although many people think that it’s only animal instinct, we read cases of animals that prove the opposite. So, people must bear in mind that animals are intelligent in their own way before feeling superior to them. We are all value and deserve the same respect.

Regarding my learning in the language, I can say that I have new words in my vocabulary, which I’ll use from now on. Also, I reinforced the grammar already learned, because it’s always good to review it. But most of all, I kept practicing my writing skills writing a summary. It has always been difficult for me to summarize my ideas because I have a lot to write, but after studying some techniques, I finally learned it.

1. It has been projected that by the year 2050, the average lifespan will reach 125, and by 2087 it will be 150! Do you think living longer is a good thing? Why or why not? Think about how such issues as relationships, marriage, family structure, and career might be affected.

I believe that living longer is a good thing because you can achieve more goals, live more experiences, visit more places. If our lifetime increased, we could study more careers and no longer focus only on 1 career like studying medicine and law.

2. Immortality means living forever. Do you know stories or myths about the desire or search for immortality?

I don't know myths about immortality, but I have seen movies or stories that deal with immortality or the search for it. I don't believe in immortality stories, but these are interesting because you can consider what it would be like to live so many years.

3. If scientists could create a pill that would allow you to live twice as long while staying healthy, would you take it?

Yes, I would take the pill because I could do more with my life and it would give me health. The things that I could do have 2 or 3 careers or only focus on 1 career that is the one I am studying. I study medicine and by focusing on this career

WORD 1) Vigorous

FORM Adjective

2) Punctually


3) Immeasurably


4) Disparate 5) Utterly

Adjective Adverb

6) Awesome


7) Impetuous


8) Insufferable


9) Chilly


10) Presumptuous


DEFINITION Very forceful or energetic


She was active in local politics She felt too apathetic even to for many years. move.

At the expected or correct time She came promptly on the dot and not late of eleven. In a way that is so large or great that it cannot be measured or I admire her boundless energy. known exactly My opinion is entirely different Different in every way from yours. Completely or extremely Causing feelings of great admiration, respect, or fear Likely to do something suddenly, without considering the results of your actions Very annoying, unpleasant, or uncomfortable, and therefore extremely difficult to bear Of weather, conditions in a room, or parts of the body) cold A person who is presumptuous shows little respect for others by doing things they have no right to do


The train was 40 minutes late. I'm a little bit hungry. I agree with you 100 percent

My car was completely wrecked Schools in the area are still in the accident. inadequately resourced. There is something amazing I have a terrible cold. about playing in the street. He needs to learn to control his She is usually a calm and impulsive behavior. diplomatic woman. The atmosphere at work at the It was a delightful surprise. moment is almost unbearable. Your hands are cold!

It's a breezy day.

He's prideful and arrogant.

She enjoyed modest success with her singing career.

Have you ever imagined being inmortal? Have you ever trought you would be over 170 years old? It's another amazing day with my family in 2175, the breakfast it’s done and the smell of a hot coffee cup makes me feel happy every morning. I feel like my life is a book that I don't














everyone. Sincerely, my life is like a ladder, although bad things have happened to me, I have always been able to continue climbing and progressing. Life has been a kind of crazy for these last years. I have had many different experiences in this long live that I am living. I always get up early and I noticed that the sun is like a diamond and it’s wonderful. This life got my happiness and my sadness, but I go on with my new lifestyle. First, I am glad to have studied Economics because it was a great opportunity. In this longer life, I have worked as an economist, engineer, lawyer, etc. I have worked a lot of time. After learning a little about each one, I started my own business. I was really happy to travel around the world in my 100’s. About my life, I got married, we have been married for more than 140 years. We have formed a wonderful family. I really believed that I would never have a family like this, but time helps change one's perspective. So, I met my husband one day in the most spontaneous way possible. From my point of view, life is not over yet and every moment or experience or knowledge, I have to share it and that is what I will do until the last of my days. In a few words, I can say my life has been likely a lovely dream from which I would not like to wake up. In a few words, I can say my life has been likely a lovely dream from which I would not like to wake up.

MY LIFE IN 2175 Have you ever imagined being inmortal? Have you ever trought you would be over 170 years old? A longer life has more positive aspects than negative, it's a good thing. Now, I'm 174 years old and I'm very happy to say that thanks to the immortality I can do whatever I can think about without worrying about the time. I feel like my life is a book that I don't know how to read, but it has some happy and sad chapters like everyone. Sincerely, my life is like a ladder, although bad things have happened to me, I have always been able to continue climbing and progressing. For example, I live in one of the highest places, I could say on top of a skyscraper. It was fascinating. About my life, I got married, we have been married for more than 140 years. We have formed a wonderful family. I really believed that I would never have a family like this, but time helps change one's perspective. So, I met my husband one day in the most spontaneous way possible. I remember we played videogames after college, whenever we had time. That was something we shared. Other aspect of my life, I finished my economics degree. In this longer life, I have worked as an economist, engineer, lawyer, etc. I have worked a lot of time. After learning a little about each one, I started my own business. My purpose was that I helped everyone I could. Together with my husband, we built an organization that helped those who didn't have resources. I am really quite fond of him. When I felt fulfilled, I took up a hobby. As I have been studying piano since I was a child. I decided that it was a good idea to teach music, so that I could share more time with my children. From my point of view, life is not over yet and every moment or experience or knowledge, I have to share it and that is what I will do until the last of my days. In a few words, I can say my life has been likely a lovely dream from which I would not like to wake up. To conclude, I only hope that the future of my descendants becomes big and vigorous. I hope that they manage to leave a positive mark, specially by protecting our planet. Our planet will no longer be unlivable if people continue to ignore their responsability for global warming, deforestation, etc.


Life has been a kind of crazy for these last years. I have had many different experiences in this long live that I am living. I always get up early and I noticed that the sun is like a diamond and it’s wonderful. Unfortunately, my life has changed a lot since I lost my parents, but life goes on. After that, my heart was as sad as a black stone under the blue sea. This life got my happiness and my sadness, it’s incredible to think for all that I went through and how I could improve my life and make it better, but now I go on with my new lifestyle and adapting to it. I feel like my life is a book that I don't know how to read, but it has some happy and sad chapters like everyone. Sincerely, my life is like a ladder, although bad things have happened to me, I have always been able to continue climbing and progressing.

First, there are many experiences about my happiness, I am glad to have studied Economics because it was a great opportunity. For this reason, I have been working on my third company since 2173, I have had 8 companies so far. Also, my life changed when I study Commercial Aviation too. I was really happy to travel around the world in my 100’s. When I traveled to Alemania, I met Noah. Now, I married with him, and we have been together since 2000. Our love is like feeling butterflies in my stomach. He is so vigorous. It’s true that I have married 3 times before, but they were a passenger love. One thing that makes me happy and that I share with him is my life goal. My purpose has always been to help everyone I can. Together with my husband, we built an organization that help those who don't have resources. I am really quite fond of him.

Second, my life was not too perfect, and I suffered a lot when my parents died, so that made me got my sadness. I have a big family and I have 4 sons. I always wanted to have twins and I had them. Unfortunately, my second son died when he was 2

years old. That was the first problem that caused me depression. My first daughter has been living with me for 70 years. Sometimes, she is so insufferable and presumptuous, I don’t know when she is going to marry someone. I think it’s her time. I gave 18 grandchildren and I have been waiting for them for a long time. When I noticed that I was a grandmother I was a river of tears. Finally, I bought a big house in San Isidro. That place is so immeasurably. Despite the suffering about my parents and my son. I had the opportunity to see more than one generation at the same time. Also, I know what everybody means when they say “together forever”, because I have been married with the same man for 175 years, and I love it. I had to live two terrible moments in all my life, but I tried to be positive and spend more time with the great family that I managed to create. My life has changed a lot, but I am with my favorite people in life and I’m happy to live for over 150 years. To conclude, I can say my life has been likely a lovely dream from which I would not like to wake up.

What I have learned in this unit is that there is a possibility to extend human life. However, this can have both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, it would be incredible to spend more quality time with our loved ones, watch more generations grow up, learn languages or how to play a musical instrument, practice more sports, travel, study more careers, etc. The benefits can be several, but on the other hand, it cannot be something convenient for current social problems. Therefore, no technology has yet been developed to make this possible.

Regarding my learning in the language, I was surprised because the meaning I had assumed of some words was actually different. And for that reason, I will never forget those words. In addition, I remembered some grammar rules to know when to use simple past, present perfect and present perfect continuous. Finally, I remembered how to write a descriptive essay because I hadn't done it in a long time. It was a bit difficult because I’m not a creative person, but the guidelines in the book helped me a lot.

1. What do you think the people in the photo are doing?

They are digging, I think they are trying to dig a well or fix something like a road.

2. Philanthropy is a way of showing concern for other people by giving money or volunteering (working without pay) to help people in need or organizations that help people in need. What do you think people can learn from volunteering?

I believe that through volunteering people see how these people live, through volunteering people can learn to sympathize with these people and learn to help others. For example, at school I volunteered in an VIH children's home, when I went there, I was scared but I learned how to treat them and it made their day. The same thing happened to me when I volunteered with young mothers. I think you learn a lot as a person because you can sympathize with them.

3. Have you ever done any volunteering? If so, what motivated you to volunteer? What did you learn from this experience?

I really like helping others so whenever my school organized volunteer events, I always participated and supported. I believe that when you participate in volunteering you can better understand the condition in which the other person is and everything that has and had to happen, by participating you empathize with the other person and it is an amazing experience.



1) Passion


2) Proudly


3) Challenge


4) Donate


5) Admiring


6) Determined


7) Devote


8) Inspired


9) Manage


10) Thrilled


DEFINITION Very powerful feeling, for example of sexual attraction, love, hate, anger, or other emotion With feelings of satisfaction and pleasure Is something new and difficult which requires great effort and determination To give money or goods to help a person or organization



She described her complete She watched them with a cool adoration of her brother. indifference. He knocks boldly at the door who He is an ignorant old racist. brings good news. Her objection was that he was too The university has sent me a young letter of acceptance.

This booklet provides useful I keep my hammer in the information about local services. toolbox. Bianca gave him a The audience stood and Showing admiration disapproving look that quickly applauded her performance. melted into a smile. Wanting to do something very I am resolved to do something The apartment is mine for an much and not allowing anyone about the issue. undetermined amount of time. Give all or a large part of one's She dedicates 10 percent of each The house is in a state of time or resources to (a person, paycheck to her savings. neglect. activity, or cause) He finds the ruling party weak Excellent, or resulting from She gave an animated description and his native people inspiration of the project. uninspired. To succeed in doing or dealing Men in liquor must be handled She forgot how to set up the with something, especially differently. tent. something difficult Extremely happy about The players were pumped that She remained unhappy for the something they were going to finals. rest of her life.

What I have learned in this unit is the importance of helping others. One of them is to be a volunteer in a certain organization for a specific purpose. I think people are forgetting that what makes us human is empathizing with others. Society needs to understand that we can make a big difference if everyone does their part. The change lies in doing it together.

I also want to express that this unit has helped me to learn more about the language because I have learned new words, I have reviewed the grammar, and I have learned some techniques to organize information before writing a persuasive essay. To sum up, what I have learned in these three units has been very enriching. I feel more prepared to continue with the next and last level, especially because I have improved my writing skills, and that makes me happy

Express your opinion: Leo was “ten times her age.” Would you marry someone older than you? By how much? What possible advantages or disadvantages are there to marrying someone much older than you?

Yes, I’d marry someone up to 10 years older than me. I consider that the possible advantages of marrying someone older is having the certainty that you’re with a person who is focused on all aspects of his life and determined to achieve his goals. In addition, he can offer you stability and a healthy relationship because he has already gone through his immature stage (in many cases). On the other hand, the possible disadvantages are having different ideologies and losing your life partner earlier, that would be dolorous.

The story mentions that with the Process, “these days you could look as young as you like.” What age would you choose to look if you were having the Process? Why?

I'm not completely sure, but I’d choose to look 25 because I think it’s the perfect age where I’d reach the necessary maturity to face life. In addition, I’d be full of strength and desire to build a better future for everyone. And finally, it’s the perfect age to concentrate on all the things that I’d like to achieve, having the money, time and energy necessary.

Leo has had many different careers. “He reinvents himself every decade or two. That’s as necessary to him as the Process itself.” Why do you think he changes careers so often? Would you want to reinvent yourself every decade or two? Why or why not?

I believe that Leo changes careers so often because he wants to feel useful and increase his knowledge, since he does not feel vigorous with what he knows. In my opinion I would like to reinvent myself every decade, so as not to feel impetuous in the face of everything, I would like to expand my knowledge and investigate courses that are of interest to me, finally, I would share my knowledge with the people around me, motivating them to be curious and fond to the studio.

He changes careers so often because he wants to gain knowledge and experience in as many areas as possible. On the other hand, I also would like to reinvent myself in that way because we don't have to pigeonhole ourselves in just one career, we can be excellent in many others, so why not?

Synthesize: Bioethicist Daniel Callahan asked, when talking about the potential for doubled lifespans, “What will we get as a society?’ I suspect it won’t be a better society.” On a separate piece of paper, write a paragraph about whether you agree or disagree with his statement. Support your answer with at least three pieces of information from Step 1.

I agree with Daniel Callahan. As we know, a lot of people get married, and those same people don't always last with that same person. I mean we don't end our lives with the first person we marry. Always, there will be multiple short marriages in the future and also an extremely large age difference between the spouses. Furthermore, the job market is becoming more and more challenging. This means that there will be fewer jobs, which is why people or everyone in general must be on par with the progress that the country and society as a whole are making. It is a fact that competition will also increase. Also, if people live longer, they would have to deal with multiple ex-wives or husbands and stepchildren, that sounds a little crazy to us and populations will increase, will it reach overpopulation? Finally, a large age difference between siblings would create a different set of social relationships, everything is going to change and we are not prepared for that.

Synthesize: Imagine you are Justin Lebo. Use a separate piece of paper or go to My English Lab and write a letter to one of the two authors of the editorials in Reading Two. Be sure to clearly state your opinion about mandatory volunteering. Use Justin’s experience as a volunteer to either disagree with or support the position stated in the editorial and explain why. Use the quotes or statements that you underlined in Step 1.

I agree with you, who thinks that mandatory volunteering shouldn’t be a requirement for school. In my opinion, you are right, and I think mandatory volunteering is unnecessary. I know that there are many benefits of mandatory volunteering, but there’s are also many drawbacks. I believe that volunteering should be something that you want to do without pressure. I'm not against those who like and enjoy volunteering, but there are many students who care more about university. Apart from that, I understand the fact that we are agents of change and we have to contribute in some way to our society or the country in general. If we have to support, contribute, but that contribution has to be because one is born to do so. If a person is forced to volunteer because they are required to, they are not helping them. On the contrary, that person will do it just to do it and not in the way it should be done. Besides, I don't think it's a good idea to give them points if they volunteer many hours a day. 5 hours? It's a disparate idea! It takes a lot of hours to volunteer and I know that most students would rather do something else important than volunteer. Finally, if it is mandatory they will do it, but not because they want to or like to do it. It will be a horrible project! If students want to do it themselves there is no problem. But schools don't have to impose something that no one wants.

Exercise Practice Rewrite these sentences using hedging language. 1. Playing violent video games causes more aggression, bullying, and fighting. 2. Mars is the focus of much scientific study and the foremost planet for human colonization. 3. News reports can never be trusted because of media bias, journalist interpretation and agenda setting. 4. The main concerns for the future generations are global food supplies and population growth. Both of these have to be addressed by international leaders within the next five years. 5. Most people think that Climate Change is caused by human activities. 6. The key factor of divorce is gender hierarchy and gender inequality. 7. The impact of the UK’s ageing population will lead to increased welfare costs. Consequently, this will result in higher taxes and an increased retirement age for younger people. 8. Everybody agrees that the main cause of the financial crash was subprime mortgage lending.

DEVELOPMENT (POSSIBLE ANSWERS) 1. It looks like playing violent video games causes more aggression, bullying, and fighting.

It is assumed that playing violent video games may cause more aggression, bullying, and fighting.

2. It seems like mars is the focus of much scientific study and the foremost planet for human colonization.

Mars is certainly the focus of much scientific study and often considered the foremost planet for human colonization.

3. News reports can never be trusted it could be the case that media bias, journalist interpretation and agenda setting occur.

It could be the case that certain news reports can never be trusted because of the possibility of media bias, journalist interpretation and agenda setting.

4. The main concerns for the future generations are global food supplies and population growth, possibly both of these have to be addressed by international leaders within the next five years.

It could be suggested that the main concerns for the future generations are probably going to be global food supplies and population growth. This seems to suggest that both of these should be addressed by international leaders within the next five years.

5. Most people tend to think that climate change is caused by human activities.

It is generally believed that Climate Change is caused by human activities.

6. It could be the case that one key factor of divorce is gender hierarchy and gender inequality.

7. The impact of the UK’s ageing population will arguably lead to increased welfare costs. Consequently, this will probably result in higher taxes and an increased retirement age for many younger people.

8. Evidence indicates that the main cause of the financial crash was subprime mortgage lending.


Michael the Gorilla is a very famous animal, this animal was born on March 17, 1973 and died on April 19, 2000. This animal was the cause of much controversy among the people of his time, since Michael the gorilla could communicate with signs thanks to the teaching of another gorilla named koko. Both gorillas learned this skill from Dr. Francine Patterson at Stanford University. Michael the gorilla behavior was very unique, because he apparently wanted to express his thoughts and emotions with sign language. Michael the gorilla knew 600 signs in sign language, an ability acquired from other gorilla and humans. Many people claimed that this was not intelligence, they said

that it was just an animal that had learned signs but did not know what they meant. On the contrary, the doctor and many scientists at the university could ensure that Michael was capable of expressing his emotions with signs and interacting with another person. Finally, it can be concluded that this animal was extremely intelligent, it was capable of learning a new language, it was capable of expressing its feelings and emotions, and it was capable of communicating, in a limited way, with people. An animal cannot be compared with the capabilities of a human, but with the capabilities of other animals of the same species, thus it is shown that Michael the gorilla was an extremely intelligent animal.

Topic N° 2

If a rabbit defined intelligence the way man does, then the most intelligent animal would be a rabbit, followed by the animal most willing to obey the commands of a rabbit.” —Robert Brault (writer, born 1938). How does the quotation apply to the problems of testing animal intelligence that is discussed in Reading One and Reading Two?

That phrase by Robert Brault reflects how humans measure the intelligence of an animal, since humans consider intelligent animals that follow their orders exactly. It would be very easy to use this phrase to contradict the thinking of people who claimed that Clever Hans and Connie Standley's dogs were not intelligent animals. Since it could invalidate the idea that an intelligent animal is an animal that follows the orders of the human being. On the contrary, the perception of intelligence should be based on the abilities that an animal has in comparison with others of the same species. In this way, the acquired behavior of an animal through learning could be appreciated in a different way. Apparently, the idea that animals are intelligent is being accepted by people, since the unique abilities that some animals have are being valued more than others. Finally, it can be concluded that animals can become very intelligent, often being able to help us in our daily lives, warn us of dangers, feel our state of mind just by looking at us, and are capable of reasoning.


Volunteering is an activity that allows us to support other people selflessly, demonstrating our empathy and solidarity. The program that is being promoted requires that all students carry out their community service, with a minimum of 5 hours per month. This provision is raised in this way, in order to better organize the students. Since in this way a large number of students would participate on a daily basis. This program will be beneficial for all students, because it will teach them that they can take advantage of the time to help their neighbor. In addition, they will personally experience the needs of other people and will feel personal satisfaction when noticing how valuable their support was. Finally, it should be noted that this program will help students mature, because it will show them the reality of life, how difficult it is to live day by day for many people. They will activate their instinct for help and they will be the ones who promote more people to be part of the community help program.

PERSUASIVE ESSAY Nowadays, even though there seems to be more social awareness in the world, there are few volunteer students in high school, so some schools are starting to force students to volunteer in order to graduate. However, students live very different lives and do very different things; some have better economic stability and others need to make sacrifices and go out to work to get ahead, which is admiring. For the latter, the economic factor is very important in their daily lives. I believe that mandatory volunteering economically affects low-income students and generates more poverty. First, it is difficult to be forced to volunteer for someone who comes from a lowincome family. There are children who have to work because they are the support of their family or to pay their own bills, but in addition to that, they need to manage their time for projects, homework, studies and have at least a little social life. These guys have to take time off from their jobs to volunteer, which means losing money for them. In a rudimentary way, it can be said that this line of thinking is based on the fact that, finally, time is money. Second, volunteering involves spending money during activities. Despite offering your work for free, you also have to pay not only for the trip, but also for the stay. You have to pay for food, accommodation and sometimes you have to make a donation to be in a certain protected area. Although, many people say that little money is spent on volunteering, low-income students are hit hard financially. Finally, mandatory volunteering for low-income people generates more poverty as a consequence of stopping working and the economic expense they must incur. Furthermore, if poverty increases, it is also not possible to achieve sustainable development, which means satisficing people's needs without affecting others. In conclusion, demanding volunteering that affects the economy of low-income students and increase poverty is an oxymoron. The universities, in spite of trying to help, do not realize they can affect other people. It’s good to see the efforts to help, but if we want to achieve sustainable development, it’s important to focus on all aspects and make decisions strategical

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