1132047-Alpenvaesen 1 0

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ALPENVAESEN ADVENTURE IN THE MYTHIC ALPS Travel to the Mythic Alps ranging from eastern France to western Slowenia. Take up one of 4 new archetypes complete with 17 additional talents and solve mysteries containing 23 new vaesen from the region complete with 3 mystery hooks each.

by Daniel “Salynrad” Sluschny

This product was created under license. Vaesen and its logo are trademarks of Fria Ligan AB and Johan Egerkrans. This work contains material that is copyright Fria Ligan AB, Johan Egerkrans and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Free League Workshop. All other original material in this work is copyright 2023 by Daniel Ewald Sluschny and published under the Community Content Agreement for Free League Workshop.

· Character Options - Archetypes ·


Choose among the suggestions below or make one up your-

· Character Options - Archetypes ·


Choose among the suggestions below or make one up your-





◆ FIRST NAME: Gustav, Fritz, Peter,

◆ FIRST NAME: Roland, Vincent, Thomas,

Anna, Gabriella, Erika

Cornelia, Brigitte, Paula

◆ LAST NAME: Schenker, Dieler, Mostler

◆ LAST NAME: Stiegler, Grabner, Ecker



◆ Interesting tales sell more drinks.

◆ Find the Vaesen that killed my father.

◆ I'm concerned for my business.

◆ Chart the Mountains.

◆ Researching Spirits to get inspire to brew more Spirits.

◆ Steal a Mountain Spirits treasure.



◆ Nearly asphyxiated down in the cider cellar.

◆ Barely survived an avalance.

◆ Almost beaten to death by drunk abusive parent.

◆ Encountered a Mountain-Spirit, had to bargain for my

◆ Seeing someone fall down the stairs and gruesomely


break their neck.

◆ Stuck up in the mountains for weeks, fighting with wolves.

DARK SECRET ◆ I served the devil and let him pay in souls.


◆ When I found out I would inherit my aunts Inn, I helped

◆ Left my companion to die in the mountains to save my-

a bit in her untimely demise.


◆ I sourced my liquor from merchants that never reached

◆ I increased my rates midway threatening to abandon

their destination....

the people I guided in the mountains. ◆ A voice from a treacherous cavern asked me to feed it


human flesh and I obliged.

Choose a relationship for each of other other player characters, or make up your own.


◆ … has the worst table manners.

Choose a relationship for each of other other player

◆ … thinks running this place is so easy they could do it

characters, or make up your own.

single- handedly

◆ Rescued … from the Mountain once.

◆ … hasn't paid their tab in 2 years.

◆ … has never climbed higher than 1000 meters. ◆ … needs to be reminded to eat healthier.



◆ MAIN SKILL: Inspiration

◆ MAIN SKILL: Vigilance

◆ TALENTS: German Courage,

◆ TALENTS: Face like a Mountain,

Speakeasy, Ill-Tempered

Fearless, Fighting Spirit



◆ EQUIPMENT: Clean Towels, Stash of

◆ EQUIPMENT: Camping Gear, Climbing

Moonshine or Cooking utensils,

Gear, Pair of Ski, Knife

Tinderbox, an establishment.



· Character Options - Archetypes ·


Choose among the suggestions below or make one up your-

· Character Options - Archetypes ·


Choose among the suggestions below or make one up your-





◆ First Name: August, Bernhard, Severin

◆ FIRST NAME: Florian, Adam, Otto,

Hilde, Irina, Doris

Greta, Hilde, Zilli

◆ Last Name: Kaufmann, Meier, Laufsteiner

◆ LAST NAME: Senner, Hirter, Almblick



◆ Mountain Spirits always hoard treasure somewhere...

◆ I want to make the alms a safer place for my flock.

◆ I want to deal between both worlds

◆ I want to help others.

◆ Gather stories on my travels to embellish my wares.

◆ There must be more to life than herding sheep.



◆ Almost died from an Aufhocker ambush at night.

◆ The beast ripping apart my flock at night was no wolf

◆ Lost my wares and almost my life during a stormy night

after all...

on a mountain pass.

◆ I couldn't control my herd and it tumbled down a ravine.

◆ Got robbed at gunpoint but a strange white beast saved

◆ I suffer from amnesia and remember nothing from be-


fore the farmer took me in.



◆ Most of the trinkets and tinctures I sell are fake.

◆ I created the Herdsman's Doll that killed my colleagues.

◆ I source a lot of my wares from a shady individual who

◆ You cannot trust people, you can only trust in the ani-

gives me excellent rates.

mals you've raised yourself.

◆ I owe a lot of money to moneylenders.

◆ The animals I herd are stolen.



Choose a relationship for each of other other player

Choose a relationship for each of other other player

characters, or make up your own.

characters, or make up your own.

◆ ... is very good at making deals.

◆ ... probably just thinks of me as a dumb shepherd

◆ ... doesn't know the true value of my work.

◆ ... doesn't get what it means to care for a herd of ani-

◆ ... probably plans on stealing something from me, the



◆ ... is very nice to my animals, maybe even too nice...



◆ MAIN SKILL: Manipulation

◆ MAIN SKILL: Agility

◆ TALENTS: Blabbermouth, Walk it off,

◆ TALENTS: Herd Mentality, Clear Skies,

Far Traveled.

Gentle Soul



◆ EQUIPMENT: A stash of goods to barter

◆ EQUIPMENT: Camping Gear, Walking

with, Road maps, a dagger, a Rifle.


stick or Knife, Herd or pet dog.


· title title ·

· Part 2 - Alpenvaesen ·

TALENTS A good for nothing ne’er-do-well they called him. Let the idiot watch the sheep. Silent as always he took it, spending his



days and nights out in the cold rain and burning sun. He weathered the hail, the storms and the constant stalking of the

There is strength in numbers.

You can always sense when something bad is about to

wild things while they sat down in the valley in their warm homes laughing and celebrating. Like each year not a single

Strength and safety…


sheep was lost and when he returned and like every year they kept teasing him.

Whenever you and an ally would be subject to fear, a curse

Once per Session, immediately before you are ambushed

He took it stoically, biding his time until his talents were asked for again.

or mental conditions caused by the same source you may

or a fight breaks out the GM may choose to inflict a mental

The following list of talents is available to all characters, regardless of their archetype. If they do not fit your setting feel free to adjust them.

elect to treat any related rolls from your Ally as your result

Condition upon you as you get a vague glimpse of what is

instead of rolling on your own. You must choose to do so

about to happen. The GM will then hint at what is about to

before rolling.

expire and you get to perform a Single Action, or in case of a Fight that is about to break out a single Turn, before Initiative is drawn or the Event you have foreseen transpires.




Oh don’t you get me started on…

The fear too will pass through me and were it once

They say you run hot like a Forest fire.

become broken the GM may not grant you any

It's very easy for you to insert yourself into any local

was nothing will be left in it’s place.

Upon being attacked, insulted or provoked you may gain


rumor mill granting you +1 on Rolls to spread misinforma-

You gain a +2 Dice Bonus on Fear Tests.

the Angry Condition and immediately perform a Slow

tion or gathering questionable Information.

If gaining another Mental Condition would cause you to

Action targeting the source of the Attack, Insult or Provocation. You may not do so if you are already suffering from the Angry Condition.



You are at your best as long as all is well.

Most people find it disorienting, but to you the ringing



+1 to all Rolls using Logic or Empathy while not suffering

in your head grants a certain kind of clarity.

Almost defeated she lay, her opponent gloating, she

You have seen so much in your life that it seems easy

from any Conditions.

While suffering from the Battered Condition you gain a +2

rose to her legs for one terrible final stand.

now to rationalize most of everything.

Bonus on Mental Tests.

If you are suffering from 3 Physical or 3 Mental Conditions

If you fail a Fear Test you may choose to gain the Fright-

you may choose to gain +3 on your next Roll, pushing

ened Condition instead of one of the Fear effects. You may

yourself to the limit. After the Roll, you immediately gain

not do so if you are already suffering from the Frightened

the broken Condition and roll for a Mental Trauma, then


you loose this Talent.



They say that your take on aspects of your surround-

Your best weapon is your disarming demeanor.

ings if you contemplate them for long enough.

As long as you don't perform any hostile actions during



Others gain a penalty of -2 to Observation Rolls against

Combat, Vaesen or Beasts suffer a -2 Penalty to attacks

This is the moment where all eyes rest upon you, this

What’s another few shillings in the pocket of the bar-

you, you take a -2 penalty to any Rolls that require you to

against you. Human Opponents suffer a -1 Penalty.

is the moment everything hinges upon. Do not fail

keep in the pursuit of friendship and camaraderie?

convey emotion like Inspiration or Manipulation.


Barkeep! Another Round on me!

ignore all conditions for a single Roll - once per session.

You know the art of subtly acquiring information and interrogating people over a few drinks.



Chances are you’ve been there before…

Like bread and bratwurst serve as a sponge to suck up



Whenever you come to a new town or village, make a Ma-

excess alcohol, so does alcohol act as a sponge to suck

You have learned to find sense in meaninglessness.

Nothing better than a good hike to relieve some stress

nipulation Roll. On a success you've been here before and

up the unpleasantness of life.

While suffering from the Hopeless Condition you gain a

and get a different perspective on things.

either have an established contact there or know some-

If you are drunk you may ignore the first Fear test you

+2 Bonus on Logic Tests, but suffer -2 on Empathy Tests.

After traveling by foot for at least half a day you may clear a

thing about the place that isn't common knowledge.

make but you sober up in the process.

Ignore the regular -1 Penalty from suffering from this

single Mental Condition.




· title title ·

· Part 2 - Alpenvaesen ·



Here you will find a suggestion on how to set up operations in the framework of the society for your campaign that ties into

The following pages contain a collection of Vaesen from all across the Alpine Region of central Europe.

the short flavor texts provided for each Vaesen in this publication. All Information from here on out is strictly Gamemaster facing and Players should avoid reading on to avoid spoilers for their games.



This Branch of the Society was founded by the Viennese

Castle Büchsenhausen is the Headquarter of the Society in

writer Peter Bruchthaler, who on his travels took note of

the Alps. It is situated in Hötting, a Part of Innsbruck fur-



the strange creatures he saw. After an excessive amount of

ther up the Northern Mountainrange than the rest of the

In the source material that has been gathered for this

Many Vaesen from the Core Book or the Mythic Britain and

research and getting laughed at by the scientific community

City, granting a beautiful view. Before it was converted to a

publication many of the following creatures have a habit of

Ireland expansions are either very similar to ones appear-

for his crude drawings that depicted entities from folklore

small castle it was a foundry for cannons which is where it

either revealing themselves to the general population or

ing in the folklore of the alps or can otherwise be easily

rather than real animals he found out about the Order of

takes it's name. The Knights of Lama were in control of the

being outright visible to onlookers at all times.

adapted to fitting the setting.

Artemis ins Sweden and decided to travel there, to learn

Castle between 1686 and 1833 but after their passing it was


bought by the writer and patron of the Arts Johan Nepomuk

As a direct result these Vaesen tend to be more of a

The following Vaesen can appear in the setting with little to

von Aplenburg. Who used it to created plenty of Room for

immediate factor in the front and center of the stories they

no changes an you can find their descriptions an stats

Workshops and Residence to house free thinkers and

feature in instead of silent actors that pull the strings in the

in the official publications:

artists and the first public bath of Innsbruck.

back or are unknown to the larger part of society. This

◆ ASH TREE WIFE: Similar to Dryads

doesn't have to mean that every NPC your investigators en-

◆ FAIRIES: As Sylphs

counter has seen a Vaesen in their lifetime, just that most


people outside of the cities at least know someone who


claims to have seen one and even if they label them as mad

◆ MARES: As the local Variant Drud

and insane there is a certain superstition and anxiety about


the invisible things that lurk just outside their field of view,


regardless of whether the Gamemaster rules if they can be


seen by regular people or not.


During his 6 year tenure at the Order of Artemis he learned

During your campaign, your Investigators can use Castle

more than he could ever imagine and vowed to create an in-

Büchsenhausen as a room to house their Headquarters and

The observable manifestation of Vaesen or the absence

stitution similar to the one he'd been part of in the Alpine

most Upgrades they want to acquire. The Patron and owner,

thereof can be a powerful tool in bringing them and their

region to mediate conflicts between Vaesen and humanity.

Johan Nepomuk von Alpenburg is a curious and interested

schemes to life and can have a lot of impact on the myster-

fellow who attracts all sorts of interesting people that can

ies you play.

◆ HAGS ◆ NISSE: Are somewhat similar to Kobolds, but look


provide Services and has a habit to not ever veto any acquisitions his Residents want to make, especially not while they He soon found a second hand in the enigmatic and mute

are paying for them.

Ms. Wagner, who complimented his outgoing and heavily improvisation based approach with inexorable precision, a calculating mind and a hand for violence should any of their endeavors go southward. When Peter didn't return from one of his travels to France and everybody assumed he had passed away Wagner refused to take over the leadership of the Society to instead fade the background continuing to handle her duties as she had before. Since then management of the Society has gone through many hands until the last leader passed it on to the characters, who inherit the offices at castle Büchsenhausen, a library of Case-files and Travel-notes and the help of Ms. Wagner.



· Alpenvaesen - Alber ·

· Alpenvaesen - Alber ·

ALBER Often when I get to a hut in the mountains to investigate the first thing I have to do is interrogate the herds-people staying


there. While they are rarely outright hostile, most of them are rather reluctant to tell me of any of the odd things they have witnessed during their stay, probably thinking I'd take them for mad if they'd tell me about the flying furniture or howling

in the night as well as the strange fiery shapes that fly through the night sky. I've started to make up reasons for staying a bit longer and observing them and their reactions to it. A Little "have you seen that?" or "I think I'm going mad!" here and there

usually goes a long way to get them to open up.


Cussing – Annoyed, the Alber in-


sults it's assailants Cursing +1 – The Alber hurls curses at those who attack it

-Excerpt from the traveling journal of Peter Bruchthaler.

Shifting – If it hasn't done so al-






Claws & Jaws



*Only in Dragon Form

ready, the Alber Transforms into it's DRAGON FORM Albers appear as hideous humans with almost horse


like long heads. In this form their feet are slick and wet and help fertilize the ground they walk. If they are threatened or


have to travel long distances they transform into fiery drag-


ons formed from hanging, molten flesh. Regardless of the

DRAGON FORM: the Alber changes into

form they take, their back is always hollowed out and full of

it's dragon form, changing it's charac-

worms just like with most other demons.

teristics and gaining the ability to fly

It is a protector of the alm and huts that looks out for the herds-people on the alm and punishes evil deeds, and laziness among them. On occasion it acts like a poltergeist


Raging +2 – It lets out a head

◆ A few weeks ago the hut on the Fellhorn has changed

splitting roar causing all who can □

hear it to roll FEAR

owners. Gerhard Hausberger, the new owner decided

Ruined -1 – The Alber tries to take

to venture up to inspect his new property before the

off, knowing it can't win this en-

first large snowfall and encountered a haunted building


as the Alber who had already taken up residence did not

Broken – The Alber dissolves and

recognize him and defended the hut fiercely. He is now

as well as the CLAWS & JAWS Attack. It

manifests again in 1d6 days close

searching for exorcists willing to travel up in the snow-

maintains it's CONDITIONS.

by the last hut it occupied.

fall to get the hut cleared for the next season. ◆ One day a mysterious scorched Iron Box appears like it

BURNING RAGE: The Alber releases a

throwing objects around but if the people inhabiting the hut

torrent of flames that consume every-

has fallen from the sky. It's contents: a charred corpse

are just it cleans up over night.

thing within RANGE 1 of it, forcing tar-

of a man who cannot be identified. An Alber has deliv-

gets to succeed on an AGILITY ROLL or

ered terrible justice on the Man for various crimes


committed at the nearby Hut it watches over. It is up to

When the herds-people move from the alm back to the valley in autumn it moves into the hut and protects it from unwelcome guests, which is anyone who gains access to the

the Society to piece everything together and find out

hut through unsavory means.

what happened and who the mystery person is. ◆ When two Albers abduct a high ranking Bishop in the Area of Landeck for stoking the population against


them and painting them as devils it only makes matters

It is easy to avoid the Albers ire by going about ones day

worse. The Society is called upon to return the bishop

productively on the alm but it takes offense if it isn't left an

and get rid of the two Albers once and for all. The event

offering when the people move off the alm and is known to

was staged and the two Albers are in fact innocent.

wreck the building in their absence.

SECRET The Alber is capable of shapeshifting and can




turn into any inanimate object as long as it is burnable. It is known to punish people by turning


into an object and spontaneously combusting in


their hands once they carry it. In the region of Landeck the church has declared




the Albers to be in lieu with the devil and thus they take on a more hostile demeanour in this re-




· 10 ·

· 11 ·

· Alpenvaesen - Aufhocker ·

· Alpenvaesen - Aufhocker ·




The Alps can be difficult to navigate sometimes even during the day. When walking the valleys and overgrown forests one

It is possible to get rid of an Aufhocker by walking through

◆ The popular pilgrims Path Via Sacra, from Vienna to

can get lost easily. At night the rough winding roads can cause many an accident and help is sparse and hard to find. But

the light coming from an open church door, or in general,

Mariazell, is being haunted by a group of Aufhockers,

this isn't the only reason the locals advise against traveling at night. A woodcutter told me a story once about returning home

walking on sanctified ground that isn't a graveyard. The

jumping the overzealous pilgrims that don't stop at

after sundown and meeting an old woman on his way. At first enjoying her company as they walked next to each other talked

Aufhocker will attempt to steer the carrier clear from such

night. Apart from drastically reducing the amount of

about this and that but then she slipped on the rough terrain. Unable to get up she asked if he could carry her home and when


pilgrims that safely arrive in Mariazell, people have

he complied and lifted her up she crawled on his back. As they walked, he told me it was as if she was getting heavier with

started dying from the exhaustion and the bishop of

each step, goading him onward with the promise that the next house they would pass by was hers. He felt like he was trapped

Mariazell is searching for someone to investigate why

in a nightmare as he walked the entire night, spurned on by her. At first i jokingly asked him why he didn't put her down to

this keeps happening.

catch his breath but this just seemed to unsettle him. He said it didn't occur to him at the time and so he carried her until the from the ordeal and the old hag nowhere to be seen as if she had vanished into thin air. Needless to say he did not manage to

◆ Bregenz has recently seen an increase in people dying


first rays of the sun started to rise over the mountains at which point he found himself one valley over, completely broken

on their way home from late nights at the local pub.

Annoyed +1

Breaking their necks stumbling into drains or drowning

get back to work in time. So when you travel out there at night remember - everybody has their own package to carry and

Cursing +2 – curses its assailants

in the Bodensee are just a few of the more common re-

not every good deed will be repaid in kind.

Frothing with Rage – +2 to might

cent occurrences that have been reported and a rumour

-2 to Body Control, Manipulation.

about the "Beast of Bregenz", a black dog that stalks the

Broken – vanishes into thin air,

streets courting death makes it's rounds.

-Excerpt from the traveling journal of Peter Bruchthaler. □

◆ A Mysterious body has been found on the Road close to

manifests 1d6 evenings later at The Aufhocker is a malevolent spirit that appears in the

Kufstein on the Tyrolian border, bearing the heraldry of

the last crossing it was carried by.

evening and stays active the entire night. It jumps on the

a bavarian messenger he seemingly died from exhaus-


back of travelers and is impossible to shake off until sunrise, growing heavier with every step they take. At first it


usually takes an inconspicuous form like a small dog or old


SHAPE-SHIFT: The Aufhocker can

women walking along the same path as the traveler. After a while the being will attempt to get on the back of it's victim, through which means depends on it's guise. A small animal for instance will simply try to jump up while a

tion. The sensitive information he has been carrying stolen in the early hours of morning the Bavarian authorities want his murderer found and documents re-


shape-shift into any form it deems fit-


ting for its purpose.







HOP ON: The Aufhocker attempts to



covered as this is a violation of the Congress of Vienna.

Aufhocker disguised as a humanoid will likely fake sprain-

jump on its victims back by making a

ing its ankle or concoct another reason to request to be car-

BODY CONTROL Roll which can be re-


sisted using AGILITY. If it wins, its victim

To truly destroy an Aufhocker it must be tricked

automatically suffers the effects of the

into entering a Church and remain trapped in-

Regardless of it's methods as soon as the Aufhocker has


*Ignores Armor

Press Attack at the start of each of its

side until sunrise. Otherwise it will reform at the

reached it's goal it becomes impossible for the person car-

turns. Additionally if it is targeted by

last crossing it has been carried past within a few

rying it to shake or turn around. They are forced to wander

attacks it splits any damage received


with the demon on their back until the sun rises again.

evenly with its victim. It is impossible to resist this ability if the victim agreed

While carrying an Aufhocker isn't lethal in most cases,

to carry the Aufhocker.

both the physical and mental strain it exerts on it's victim

◆ THIS WAY!: The current victim of the

can cause severe trauma.

Aufhockers Hop On ability must spend their fast action to move as decided by the Aufhocker or suffer the effects of the press attack.





FEAR 0/1

· 12 ·

· 13 ·

· Alpenvaesen - Basilisk ·

· Alpenvaesen - Basilisk ·



Of the many customs I've encountered over my travels none stuck out to me as much as the lowering of a Mirror into the well.


A Basilisk will burst if it gazes upon its mirror image.

◆ The famous Buschenschank Maushof in Selztal is in

Usually performed by the servants before beginning the grueling task of descending down into the well to clean it, this is a

trouble. Servants entering the wine cellar under the

safety measure employed to get rid of a particular creature that is said to make it's home down there, the Eponymous Basilisk.

building to conjure up the fine vintages on offer have a

While I applaud the inventiveness of these individuals which would certainly have been a boon to Perseus in his fight against

tendency to disappear or be found dead without any


medusa in the old Greek stories, it still pains me to withhold from them the information that, of the many Basilisks I've

clue as to what killed them. The wines that are retrieved

encountered in my time, not a single one was stuck down a well...

For whatever reason, a basilisk looking at itself in

-Excerpt from the traveling journal of Peter Bruchthaler.

a water surface will not die.

are rotten and foul. A young basilisk has made it its hunting grounds down there.

A blinded Basilisk looses it's Heart Stopping Gaze


A Basilisk looks like a Rooster the size of a Dog, it's hind transitioning into a snake. It walks on a variable number of


◆ A strange sickness has struck on the beautiful fields of


Waidhofen an der Ybbs. Crops turn sour, entire herds of

Wearing a t mask drenched in urin makes one im-

cattle and sheep are found dead on the field. The People

mune to the Basilisks Breath of Entropy.

are scared and desperate.

Spiders have an innate sense for when a basilisk

◆ The Viennese occultist and Alchemist Klaus Baumherr

is near and flee as far as they can.

has found a strange book arguing for the Basilisks abil-

chicken legs ranging from the regular 2 up to 8. It's breath

geting the Basilisk must succeed on

ity to transmute metal. He followed the old legends to

is foul and causes plants in it's surroundings to wither away

an OBSERVATION Roll against the

breed his own basilisk to complete his research but it

and meeting its gaze causes the onlookers heart to stop

Basilisks MAGIC Roll, suffering all Physi-

beating instantly.

cal Conditions and becoming broken if they fail as they met it's gaze and

There is nothing subtle about a basilisk and frequently

their heart stops. Unless they are

the only way to get rid of them is to get them to look at their

healed or succeed on a PHYSIQUE Roll

own mirror image to make them burst.

on their next turn they immediately

escaped when is apprentice got too careless when


cleaning its cage. Now it is loose in the streets o Vienna



Beak & Claws



Staring Contest



as strange in explainable deaths crop up all over.

die. ◆



within RANGE 1 of the Basilisk Suffer 1 PHYSICAL CONDITION which ignores Ar-




mour as they breathe in the foul va-


pors coming from its gullet. Plants in

FEAR 0/2

Range rot and wither away. ◆ VILE STENCH: The rotten smell surround-

ing a basilisks lair and hunting grounds make it hard to concentrate. Rolls on any Skill using PRECISION incur


a penalty of -1

Angry +1

Rolls relying on Smell incur a penalty

Furious +2

of -2.

Fleeing -2 – The Basilisk will try to

◆ RAPTOR: In the first turn the Basilisk

retreat from combat

draws two initiative cards and acts on

Broken – Still dangerous due to it's

both, then it discards the worse one, it

magical Powers but too wounded

attacks using BODY CONTROL instead of

to move.


· 14 ·

· 15 ·

· Alpenvaesen - Berggeist ·

· Alpenvaesen - Berggeist ·

SPIRIT OF THE MOUNTAIN - BERGGEIST The Storms fell upon us abruptly and without warning. Hernan, our guide, led us further up the mountain towards a small forest to seek shelter between the old and gnarled trees with both hail and wind bearing down on us. As we gathered under a rocky outcrop we noticed that not all of us had made it and that both Bertram and Olga had been lost. Hernan instructed us to wait here while he would go out to search for the two missing people and as he walked down the slope we came up. I looked after him and there I could see it for a brief moment, a gargantuan silhouette superimposed over the white lightning that lit


the sky. After about 20 minutes the storm subsided just as quickly as it had started and the melting hailstones were the only sign left

of what had transpired. We waited a little longer just as he had instructed us but when they didn't come back we got up and

Angered – The Weather takes a turn for the worse, reflecting the

began searching for them. We found Hernan in a chasm, bloody and broken on the harsh rocks below, Bertram we found

Spirits mood.

further down impaled on some old wood breathing his last. He told us that the weather had assaulted him like a bear and

Enraged +1 – The Spirit unleashes

had thrown him around. As for Olga in the two years since the incident she hasn't been found. It's as she has been swallowed

Thunder and Storm upon its op-

whole by the mountain...


-Excerpt from a notebook found among unsorted case-files

Seething +2 – The mountain cracks and tries to swallow its opponents.


Unleashed +3 – The Mountain-

The Mountain-spirits of the alps are as unique and in-

Most Mountain-spirits accept offerings of bread, cheese

spirits curses and Enchantments

dividual as the mountains they inhabit, taking many differ-

and schnapps to leave simple wanderers alone, however, to

target all Opponents instead of

ent shapes.

get their permission to hunt or mine the depths of their

just a single one

mountains greater offerings must be brought, usually in ◆ The Spirit of Zugspitze for instance takes the form of an enormous vulture preying on Herb gatherers for which

Broken – The Mountain-spirit van-

form of a task that must be completed or a favor that is

ishes abruptly but reforms within

owed and inherited from generation to generation.

1d6 hours, somewhere in its

it has a particular taste carrying them up into the air to



let them break on the cragged stone below.


◆ Frau Hitt takes the form of a regal woman lodging on the peak of the mountain, surveying her domain and


gifting her subjects with sunshine and storms.




FEAR 2/1

◆ Rübezahl, the Spirit of the Riesenberg in the

◆ The Spirit of Zugspitze is holding an expedition hostage in an avalanche because they slaughtered Capricorn to


sustain themselves instead of bringing provisions. They will die in the snow if the Spirit can't be appeased.

Chiemgauer Alps, who frequently appears as a rugged

◆ When Frau Hitt called for an offering for her treasure in

monk in gray robes speaks in riddles which must be

a stormy night the people of the Inntal scrambled to ful-

passed lest the interlopers become hopelessly lost in his









fill her wish for they knew that the reward they stood to gain was even greater. When they made their prepara-

◆ Others don the guise of shepherds and Mountaineers


tions a rush to the peak began but not everybody is

intrigued by the mannerisms and clothing of those they


playing fair and so the precious Necklace that the Gem-

mimic,. Despite this adaptability their gargantuan scale

TOMB OF STONE: Cracking open the

cutter Armand Kosmann prepared has vanished. The


earth beneath its targets feet the

Investigators find themselves in a race against time to

Mountain-spirits are as constant and immovable

mountain itself tries to swallow and

find the perpetrator before they can offer it to the

as the Mountains they rule over. They cannot be

entomb them forever. The targets

Mountain Spirit them self.

banished even for a moment. They do not hold

and semi-opaqueness always betrays their true nature. Mountain-spirits can be vengeful and are known for throwing people down their cliffs for the slightest

must succeed on an AGILITY Roll

◆ The Spirit Rübezahl has decreed that for now none may

grudges and are swift to enact justice upon those

perceived insult and immovable as the rock they call their

opposed by the Mountain Spirits

pass anymore through his domain and everybody who

that venture in their domain, believing that those

own. They are the protectors of the Animals that call the

MAGIC or tumble down into an open-

tries is somehow turned around in the treacherous ter-

who survive their wrath deserve to live on. The

mountain their home and the Treasures that lie within.

ing chasm to be lost forever in the

rain to end up where they started. The Merchant Tobias

only way to get along with them is making an


Vittel has tasked the investigators to find out why which

offering and following their rules.

inevitably will lead to a confrontation with the Spirit.

· 16 ·

· 17 ·

· Alpenvaesen - Bloodfoot ·

· Alpenvaesen - Bloodfoot ·




When i was traveling along the Lech i caught word of a series of incidents in the area that involved the mysterious vanishing

Although a formidable opponent, the Bluatschink can be

◆ The only son of the rich Landowner Bernhard

of children. Thought to have been killed by overzealous farmers for the insolence of trampling through their poppy- and

vanquished by means similar to any other living creature.

Großbauer has vanished while playing out in the field.

bean- fields the authorities didn't do much about it but as i wandered, things kept happening and something smelled rotten

He blames his rival Udo Bohnfarmer for allegedly ab-

to me.

ducting or outright killing his son to avoid an old mar-

When i talked to the local kids, all frightened from what was happening, what they described wasn't a farmer killing their

riage contract that would have lead to the Großbauer


playmates, but instead something different. A furry bear-looking thing but with the naked legs of a human hiding by the river

boy marrying the Bohnfarmer daughter and inheriting

and in the fields, preying on them. One particular gruesome account described to me in tears how this monstrosity had

Cuts & Scratches +1

the Bohnfarmers estate. Bernhard is in the market for

caught a playmate and through some kind of magic or something similar drained all their blood of them in minutes, shrink-

Riled Up +2 – roaring with anger

entrepid investigators returning his son and saving his

ing the crying child down to a dry husk before swallowing the lifeless remains whole. When the farmer showed me the dried

the Bluatschink retaliates immedi-

wealth and bloodline. Little does he know that a Blu-

up index finger and bloody footprints he had found in his field i knew something had to be done.

ately with an attack of it's own.

atschink who currently goes by the name of Ferdinand

Frenzied +2 – the Bluatschink

Fratzhuber and is visiting the local town has already

draws an additional initiative card

consumed the boy whole.

-Excerpt from the traveling journal of Peter Bruchthaler

◆ The Old Farmer Hans Küssenauer has a bad reputation

and acts on both. Bluatschinks are cursed creatures preying on children

Upon catching a victim they drain them of their blood

Fleeing -1 – cutting it's losses the

with the local children. They call him a cannibal and a

Bluatschink withdraws to the next

monster just because he gets angry and shouts at them

body of water to hide.

when they play in his fields, trampling his crop. But the

Broken – defeated it lies there,

kids keep vanishing and now the authorities started to

with the Ritual somehow going awry due to their impa-

crawling, begging for mercy, be-

pay attention as well. With the entire village of Schlitters

tience, and them being transformed into hideous creatures.

ware for it can still grapple and

seemingly hellbent on ruining what little reputation he

drain your blood

has left he turns to the investigators to ask them for aid

that stray too far from home.

using magic a process which can only be halted by escaping

Legends of their origins tell of vain, often male, individ-

their formidable grasp. They tend to consume the rest of

uals that resorts to magical means to increase their beauty

the corpse after it has dried up.

Each Bluatschink is a unique individual and their ap-


pearance can differ drastically. The Vaesen mentioned in the excerpt above is the size and likeness of a brown bear


with naked human legs that consistently bleed causing it to



in finding the missing children. ◆ Extortion and Abduction is a dirty business but Paul


Bäcker and his gang pride themselves on their profes-

FEAR 2/0

leave bloody footprints wherever it goes.

sional handling of each of their transactions. After all,

Others tell of a gaunt Man with a bleeding face dressed

this reputation all but guarantees a lucrative payday. If

in green rags carrying chains.

this professionalism isn't maintained for some reason,

What they all have in common is a lust for human blood

like for instance selling an abducted child back to the

and flesh, preferably of young children sharing their gen-

wrong person regardless of how much coin they paid,


der. They are driven by the belief that consuming their blood will restore their former beauty.

will inevitably reflect on all future transactions. Also having an angry landowner backed up by the authorities

DRAIN BLOOD: The Bluatschink drains

the Blood of another creature it is cur-

coming down on them for loosing his child is very bad

rently GRAPPLING, inflicting a PHYSICAL


CONDITION upon their target and

mending one of it's own. ◆


AMBUSH PREDATOR: The Bluatschink is


surprisingly stealthy for its size. It gains

The Bluatschink lairs beneath the surface of a lo-

+2 on all STEALTH related BODY CONTROL

cal river.

Rolls. When drawing for INITIATIVE the

If they consume a child of their own gender they

Bluatschink draws TWO CARDS and dis-

revert back to their original form for a brief time,


cards the lower.

passing as a normal human.








WATER CREATURE: The Bluatschink can

This transformation doesn't last long and usually

breath underwater as if it was air and

ends on the next sunrise.

moves through it unimpeded.

· 18 ·


*Engages in GRAPPLE with the target

· 19 ·

· Alpenvaesen - Butzemann ·

· Alpenvaesen - Butzemann ·



The woman is gone. She said something about getting a sizeable amount of salt! As if this could help against such a being in

The sound of children singing can cause them to run away

a situation like this! I fear these will be the last words I write. What a fool I have been, i can hear them all laughing. I can

enraged, as does laughing about their looks once they are

hear grandmas dishes shaking in the cupboard and the lamp is swinging around. I think it is close now, please if anyone ever


finds this, please believe me, there is something in the dark, I can see it, I can hear it cackle like a mad witch. It's been making my live a living hell, always being in the corner my eye and now that everybody hs turned from me, it'll come, it'll come and collect it's prize... It'll come It'll come It'll c...


-Bloody piece of paper found sorted in with other casefiles

◆ A woman in Gais was so fed up with her children's antics that she opened the window and called out for the A diminutive humanoid figure with grotesque facial

To be able to move freely among people while searching

Butzmother to take it from her. When it had vanished

features, the Butzeman is a manifestation of the poltergeist

for prey it wraps itself in cloth so only it's piercing yellow

from it's bed on the next morning, struck with regret

that is vengeful in nature. It loathes boastful people and

eyes and gnarled hands betray it's true nature.

about causing it to run away she hires the investigators

children and, once it has singled out a target, will proceed

to bring it back. Little does she know that it has actually

to terrorize them until they seek for help, vanishing and

The female variant of this vaesen is referred to as Butz-

later reappearing until no one believes them anymore at

been taken by a Butzmother which is preparing a nice

mother or Butzgrandma.

soup to stew it in right now.

which point it will abduct the distraught individual to make

◆ The Orphans of Rankweil in Vorarlberg are living in fear

a meal of them.

of a Butzemann they call wrapped Bill who has a vengeance against them. The Vaesen likes to single them out and they are too scared for their own life to CHARACTERISTICS





FEAR 2/2




POLTERGEIST: The Butzemann can

help each other. None of the adults believe them think-


ing the missing children have run away. ◆ Frederik Zaunsteller has been haunted by a particularly

Twisted +1 – Poltergeist book sized objects, 1 Damage

tenacious Butzemann his entire life. It has caused him

Angry +1 – Poltergeist chair sized

much depression growing up and while he managed to

objects, 2 Damage

avoid it's grasp as his mother was always been a very

Enraged+2 – Poltergeist table

stable and supportive person in his live, now that she

sized objects, 3 Damage

has died he finds himself alone and plummeting into a

Desperate -1 – attempts to run

deep hole. He fears the Butzemann waits around the

away and dissolves into ghost

next corner to take him away.

form after turning a corner □

Broken – returns after 1d6 days

cause objects up to the size of a large

with a vengeance on those who

table to violently shoot through the

attacked it


room, becoming lethal projectiles. It may choose any loose object in Long

Just singing and nagging it isn't enough to drive

distance to fly at any target withing

them off as they gather sustenance from fear.

long distance of the object. The Target

Only if it's quarry can oppose it without fear the

must succeed on a AGILITY Roll to

Butzemann will be driven off for good. Otherwise

dodge the object. Refer to Conditions

it will try to take revenge later.

for Object Size and Damage. ◆

To banish it a group of three must sing a song


GHOSTLY FORM: As a fast action the ATTACK

Butzemann can choose to become a spectral at will, becoming immune to

Vicious Bite

physical attacks if it does.

· 20 ·

ridiculing it while another draws a circle of salt





around it which makes it impossible for it to escape. Forced to listen to the song sooner or later it's head will explode.

· 21 ·

· Alpenvaesen - Dahu ·

· Alpenvaesen - Fireman ·



Despite feeling more like a strange whim of nature than an actual vaesen I feel like I should include it here as while it is

Ghosts are always filled with regret, sticking to this world due to some unresolved business or unfulfilled oath of vengeance.

certainly rather limited in it's capabilities the Dahu is the vaesen appearing most frequently in my notes and casefiles. Of

Sometimes however an apparition appears, sometimes wrought in flames, sometimes simply carrying a light, that serves

course this is largely due to the fact that it is often associated with other vaesen like mountain spirits or Fanggen that can

penance instead, warning of fires or other imminent dangers. Regardless of if you are dealing with ghosts or these flaming

cause much more trouble and are generally the main perpetrators of those aforementioned casefiles, but still even something

sinners, always remember that they were once human and treat them with the same respect you would show the living, you

so small and innocuous can at times cause shockwaves which ripple far and wide, just as the proverbial wings of a butterfly.

might be surprised...

-Excerpt from the traveling journal of Peter Bruchthaler.

-excerpt from "apparitions and the supernatural", from Klaus Baumgartner

RITUAL Dahus look very similar to regular Capricorns or moun-

Getting gifted a Dahu can only be avoided by giving the gift-

Sinners doomed to carry the flames of purgatory with

tain goats. They distinguish themselves only through their

giver a good reason for needing a different kind of dahu like

them at all times. Often they appear as flaming blackened

legs on one side being shorter which leads them to dwell on

"it must be able to face downwards so it can guard the door".

skeletons or walking corpses carrying blazing brass

mountain slopes with their shorter legged side always fac-

If the gift-giving vaesen cannot provide a dahu that fulfills

lanterns. Sometimes they even appear as burning riders or

ing upwards. This leads to 4 types of Dahu that can be dis-

all criteria it will gift a regular mountain-goat instead.


tinguished from

Calling out for a Dahu from a direction it cannot face by imitating its call will cause it to turn and most likely topple

Sometimes their fur on the shorter-legged side is of a

over, rolling down the mountainside..


a reward to those who aid them. These gifts however can


turn out to be curses as they get very offended if this gift is





good like guiding the lost back to civilization, warning of


fires that are about to break out in the vicinity or rescuing

◆ In life Victor Grams was a miser and a hoarder, burning

people from the winter cold. At other times they zealously

bridges even to his closest friends and relatives over

guard treasures held in life or land they considered their

debts unpaid and petty qualms. When he died, he did so


alone and forgotten in his bed. Now in death he still pa-



Spooked -1

with the devil for her goats are misshapen and have

Broken – if it hasn't done so

shorter legs on one side. She is a favorite of Frau Hitt

already, the Dahu will fall over and

and has been gifted with a number of Dahus. She has

roll down the hillside

hired the investigators to find a way around getting


lynched by the mob or being punished for mistreating

It is said that thanking them for a good deed they commit-

the Mountain Spirits Gifts.

ted releases them from their undead state.


Valentin tries his best to warn the people and bring this new Arsonist to justice. ◆ Walter Fintel is a man not to be trifled with. As a Christian Priest he is determined to guide his flock in

could have sworn to have encountered a new species of

Erzberg to salvation using any means necessary. As he

and brought the strange misshapen animal to the town with slightly smaller legs on one side. Now he's plagued

comes upon a Fireman he promises him salvation in ex-


to show off it's strange fur it looked like a regular goat


Rosenheim in his name. Rising again as a Fireman

◆ - It hasn't been a good week for Norbert Torfstecher. He

fur but no one believed him, so when he hunted it down


tory upon his death to be consumed in eternal flames.


Now, twenty years later a new Arsonist ravages

mountain goat while out on the mountains with strange RANGE

may claim what is rightfully his. ◆ Valentin Brams was an Arsonist in life entering purga-



a flaming steed so nobody, not even his distant relatives


◆ - Birgit Traunhofer has been accused of being in lieu



trols his former estate close to Obersdorf as a Rider on


Hooves & Horns


*Causes minor BURNING




Depending on their sins in life they may exhibit quite

not well received or improperly cared for.



Burning Swings

different behaviors, some of which could be considered

strange and color and can be quite valuable. Mountain Spirits and similar Vaesen often gift Dahus as


change for a number of small services and one by one the black sheep of his flock start to go up in flames.

APPARITION: Firemen cannot be hurt

by any means. It usually isn’t hostle. ◆


by one stroke of bad luck after another as the Lyskamm

be dowsed, being in direct contact

mountain Spirit is taking it's revenge on the poacher.

with a fireman or getting Attacked by


◆ - Valentin Grutzbauer has acquired what he took for

one will cause the victim to catch on

Only if the thanks are uttered by a pious person

The strange colours fade from a Dahus fur within

regular goats in an attempt to free himself from the op-

fire unless they succeed an AGILITY Roll

and include a "god bless you" they are released.

hours of it being removed from the animal, loos-

pressive clutch from his family now he is stuck with odd

as part of a Fast Action.

Anything else sends them back to purgatory until

ing all value.

animals he cannot get off the mountain as they seem to

they emerge again.

be incapable of walking ob flat ground.

· 22 ·

· 23 ·

· Alpenvaesen - Fanggen ·

· Alpenvaesen - Fanggen ·




Wagner has been dragging us through the forest for days now. That woman can't be for of mortal make, the way she scouts

◆ The Woodcutter Gabriel Fäller has made the terrible

Fanggen cannot stand the ringing of bells as it causes them

ahead and we, barely able to follow. When we catch up she has her typical 3 word quips she fires at us about how important

mistake to purchase a plot of land inhabitet by a

much pain, thus the prolonged ringing of churchbells is

it is that we find that kid before hell freezes over or if we made sure that we protect the offering from the rain. It's almost

Fanggen named Kratzbürster who keeps attacking him

usually enough to drive them off. Additionally. Fanggen love

insufferable but she was right to insist on us bringing all this stuff. We would be dead without it. At least the Fanggen we

and his associates. Now that a few people have died the

cats which they often refer to "hairy worms", believing they

encountered so far were quite friendly. She can speak surprisingly well with them considering how little she speaks at all.

local village of Büstegg is getting involved too in what

bring luck. Harming a cat in the presence of a Fanggen is

could soon turn out to be a bloodbath.

usually ill advised but being nice to a cat or allowing the

I just hope they are not leading us towards a trap and that they will accept this offering in return for the boy... -Excerpt from the diary of Augustin Bäckmann, returned to the society after his tragic death.

◆ Grauschwarter was content and happy working for the

Fanggen to pet it when prompted is usually a good way to

Farm close to Taschen but when she saw the owner,

ingratiate oneself with them.

Michael Bulblitzer mistreat one of the farms cats it The Fanggen are a breed of forest spirits or demons


(depending who is asked) that appear in the entire area of the alps but are particularly common in the area around the


Arlberg, with male members of the species being more





common on west of it and female members of the species

broke her. She went on a rampage killing both the


farmer and his wife but sparing the other farmhands before returning to the forest. Now the farmers son

Hartmund is seeking revenge...

stay at a distance and hurl rocks

◆ Little Otto has been abducted by a Group of Fanggen

being more common on the east side.

at it's opponents.

and his mother Stefanie is convinced that they want to

They have distorted faces and grinning mouths reach-

eat him. She calls the investigators to rescue her son.

ing from one ear to another. Their bristly fur grows all over entire backside and overgrowing with beard or fishbone

lichen. Their eyes are deep black pools of darkness unless

friends □

diately makes a single attack

UNERRING AIM: Fanggen have excellent

against the opponent who in-

Aim and use their Might to perform

and start glowing like angry coals. Their voices are harsh

ranged attacks instead of Body Con-

flicted this condition □


animal furs and moss. If they go to war or expect a fight they

will fashion armor from the bark of a tree.

throwing Rocks after their assailants, even if it means they

The Fanggen have an ARMOUR VALUE of

the course of their lifetime. they can be as small as a new-

4 when attacked from the front and 8

born child or as tall as a birch tree but oddly enough will

from the back.

Hurt -1 – The Fanggen tries to withdraw a bit but isn't above

THICK BRISTLES: The Fanggens thick

bristled fur protects them from harm.

Fanggen vary greatly in size, never changing much over

Enraged +2 – The Fanggen imme-


they get agitated or enraged at which point they flare up and crunchy like a dying fire and they clad themselves in

Angry +1 – The Fanggen will call for assistance from it's family and


their body but most have it growing out long down their

Annoyed – The Fanggen will try to

catch up. □

Wounded -2 – The Fanggen tries to run away and hide in the forest.

never have the same size as a human.

Broken – The Fanggen is severely wounded and incapable of mov-

Fanggen have odd names like Jochtraga, Rauhrinta or

ing. If not treated it might bleed

Stutzförcha and they are considered to be not very smart.


They are bound to a single forest for their entire life and cannot leave it for prolonged periods of time. Because of this Woodcutters are their mortal enemies and they are actively hostile towards them. Fanggen have a taste for human


flesh and can be very dangerous when encountered in the


wild, but they can be helpful too and, particularly the female ones, are known to help out on farms where their


strength and magical knowledge of nature is greatly appre-

Fanggen are not the smartest beings around.


They cannt swim and are too simple minded to





Throw Rock



grasp the concept of lying. Jokes are also not their

*Or other things, damage depends on

strong suit. In folklore the best way to deal with

the size of the Rock.

Fanggen is to outwit them.

· 24 ·


· 25 ·

· Alpenvaesen - Hazelworm ·

· Alpenvaesen - Hazelworm ·



Of all the monsters we encounter in our work, both the human ones and the other none are as vile and dangerous as the

◆ Sarah Unger hasn't seen her betrothed Victor in weeks

Hazelworm. Seemingly innocuous, almost incapable of defending itself and yet twisting fate itself to it's advantage. I'm still

and she thinks something is off. First he got bullied by

not sure if it is many or a single one and i don't know which would be worse knowing how often i have cut off it's vile head.

David Hirter for his size, then it seemed to her he had a

The sly silver-tongued fiend taunts me, acting as if it knows but never giving any concrete evidence. To whomever reads

sudden growth spurt and then he mysteriously van-

attempt to STAR CROSS the person

this, whatever do, don't follow its suggestions, not even if it tells you to cut off it's head.

ished. Little does she know that Victors has been

trying to kill it by suggesting a

Especially if it tells you to cut of it's head...

granted magic by a Hazelworm that makes him grow

-excerpt from the traveling journal of Peter Bruchthaler.

every time someone says "Have you grown?" As he's got-


A Large snake with the head of a young human child or toddler. It speaks silver-tongued and delights in tempting


people to give in to their deepest and darkest desires.




FEAR 0/2


Bargaining -1 - The Hazelworm will

course of action. □

Broken – The Hazelworm dissolves

ten quite big already and his bullies are hunting for him

and reforms in 1d6 weeks in a lo-

as self proclaimed witch hunters, he has taken to hide in

cation of it's choice

the woods where no one can say those dreaded words. ◆ In Unterau the Hazelworm poses as a talking baby capable of reading the future. Allegedly enchanted by a witch


it prophesied that the town would burn if they burned According to Legends it is the very being that tricked

her, which turned out to be alright. When Gernot

Eve and Adam into eating the apple which suggests that it is

Freiburger locked the unnatural creature away as it

eternal and cannot truly be destroyed.

suggested it just made the people of Unterau want to


It isn't much of a fighter and will seldom attack, relying


on its guile instead, bringing out the worst in people with


it's silver tongue. Bargaining about teaching them the dark

Poison Bite

hear it's advice more. Now the entire town is in riot and

*Poisonous, TOXICITY 6

Gernot doesn't know what to do. ◆ There are rumors of one of the small baroque angels in

SILVERTONGUED: It is impossible to

the Chapel of Mariazell being able to talk and giving

arts or giving them advice on how to fulfill their deepest de-

MANIPULATE a Hazelworm.

people advice on how to live their lives. So far the advice

sires. Following it's suggestions is never a good idea.

Rolls to oppose the Hazelworms

hasn't been good and the cardinal is searching for some

MANIPULATION suffer a penalty of -2.

intrepid investigators to find out what has gotten into


STAR CROSSED: If someone follows a

his flock.

course of action the Hazelworm suggests this always leads to the worst


possible outcome for the person.

The Hazelworm can only be harmed by cutting off it's head

ILL FATED: Attacks by non-blessed

with a blessed knife or other blade which will cause it to

weapons against the Hazelworm ric-

dissolve into insects and worms scurrying away and bur-

cochet or glance off hurting the next

rowing into the ground.

closest ally or the Attacker himself instead, whichever makes more sense.

The Hazelworm can grant others the ability to perform Enchantments or Curses. It usually chooses a single magical Effect to bestow upon the Person which can be triggered by uttering a benign phrase that can occur in normal conversation. The Spell always succeeds but is usually twisted in a


detrimental way that causes more harm than good to the

The Hazelworm is immortal and will reform

surroundings of the Spell-caster.

within a fortnight when killed. It sees it's own death very pragmatically as a means to an end and holds no grudges. Krampus, Panther and the Percht will try to kill the Hazelworm on sight and can do so without risk.

· 26 ·

· 27 ·





· Alpenvaesen - Irrwurzel ·

· Alpenvaesen - Irrwurzel ·


EXAMPLES OF CONFLICTS The highway-woman Linda Strauch has made a deal


former home. Did not bring back any memories. Caused them and their relatives lots of distress. Tried to run away but got

with a number of Astray roots to make her work a little

The Astray Root must be made to return the peo-

completely turned around in the gardens. Drove them back to the asylum.

easier. Since this has started lots of naked amnesiacs

ples memories and sense of direction. This is

Case: Devislroot Day 8: Will head out to Ried where he was discovered once more afterwards to search for "the root". Will

have wandered out of the Innersbach ravine.

usually done by tormenting it with song and clob-

Case: Devilsroot Day 6: Subject still doesn't show any sign of remembering who they once were. Have brought them to their

bring Theodor with me just to make sure. Vaesen appears to be rather dangerous. Will attempt to catch it and force it to

◆ The Alchemist Martin Mischer is hunting for an Astray

bering it until it surrenders. If it is burnt before

return memories. Hopefully with success...

root for one of his experiments. When it escaped into

this is done, the lost memories and sense of di-

-Excerpt from Wagners Fieldnotes

the town of Vandans he hired some Ruffians to help him

rection of the people who touched it will go up in

find it. When one after another they accidentally

flames with the being.

touched it they forgot about their task and are now


A fiendish Vaesen taking the form of an exposed tree

making the life of the citizens progressively worse.

root or similar plant matter growing right in the center of

To lift the curse the Root must be dug up and caught in a

◆ On their travels one of the investigators accidentally

an unplastered road.

burlap sack to be burnt. The burlap sack is used to avoid it's

trips over an astray root. While they are lucky enough to

touch and any kind of container can be used to trap it.

not suffer from amnesia, their sudden inability to dis-

When stepped on or otherwise touched, it's magic completely destroys any sense of direction making navigation

tinguish directions is something worth of an investiga-

completely impossible.


On occasion it also causes Amnesia leaving the person that stepped on it completely stranded out on the road with


no idea of who they are or where they are going. When it is dug up it looks more like a diminutive hu-

manoid made from roots and will try to run away.

the astray root is a real nuisance □



Goading+1 – feinting, insulting and manipulating, the Astray root


Irritating +1 – having come to life

attempts to touch the people


fighting it.

FEAR 1/0

Pleading -1 – The Astray Root surrenders promising to return the lost memories and sense of direction to their owners if it is let go.



Broken –The Astray Root surrenders unconditionally


touches or steps onto the Astray root immediately looses their sense of direction. Additionally they must suc-


ceed on an OBSERVATION Roll against the roots MAGIC Roll or suffer from am-


nesia, forgetting everything about


their person. If the Person touching the





Astray root is unaware of its true na-

*Counts as getting touched in

ture it gains a +2 Bonus to its MAGIC

regards to the OBLIVION’S TOUCH



· 28 ·

· 29 ·

· Alpenvaesen - Adderking ·

· Alpenvaesen - Adderking ·




When I was resting from my travels at the Scharfetter Hof north of Axams, one evening while talking to the servants in the

It is said that the only way to stop the King of Snakes and the

◆ The Merchant Otto Kaltweber has caught word of a King

kitchen I saw Margarete the old maid warm a small dish of milk on the last embers of the oven before putting it out. Trying

snake population from chasing one who has attracted it's

of Snakes residing near the Village of Brandenberg in

to strike a conversation with her I remarked how friendly I thought it that she warmed the milk for the stray cats that gath-

ire is to pass through nine doorways at which point it will

Tyrol. Wanting to steal it's crown for himself he built up

ered around the estate. She just laughed heartily remarking that this gesture wasn't meant for the cats but for the Krönlnat-

stop it's chase and loose it's magical abilities within a few

a small militia of ne'er-do-wells to assist him in this

ter, the King of Snakes who apparently was a frequent guest around this parts. When I inquired more about this supposed

weeks. Should it choose to pass through the ninth itself the

task, much to the dismay of the local population that

king of snakes she had a few stories to tell that ranged from the intriguing to the absurd, of it attending a wedding to honor

King of Snakes is outright killed.

benefits from the Kings blessings.

a long held friendship with a milkmaid from a close by estate to a merchant who attempted to steal it's crown just to be chased

◆ Gernot Hinterebner, a traveling gambler who has re-

back all the way to Innsbruck by the largest gathering of snakes ever witnessed in the area. She even told me about the choir of snakes singing to their lord gathering out in the forest at night. I guess I'll be sneaking out later to see what all of this is about.


-Excerpt from the traveling journal of Peter Bruchthaler.

cently acquired the Crown of a King of Snakes, has ar-



rived in St. Johann boasting about his wealth, staying at





the local inn gambling away irresponsible sums of money and sponsoring drinks for everybody. Some people are starting to ask questions about his wealth,

Also referred to as the Krönlnatter, the King of Snakes takes

usually by interrupting it's court or attempting to steal it's

the authenticity of the coinage he carries and how he

the form of a slightly larger than usual adder dressed in

crown is a sure-fire way to make an enemy of the entire

never seems to run out, wanting the mystery chest he

white, black, or red scales wearing a small golden crown on

snake population of the area.

keeps locked away in his room for themselves. Also

it's head. It is considered to be the lord of all snakes in the

It's bite, if angered, is lethal within seconds.

there is the local snake population which has increased

Area and holds court in the forests all over Austria under

drastically since his arrival which the local priest sees as

the moonlit sky where the snakes gather to sing to it.

It is well known that an offering of a small dish of warm

a bad omen of witchcraft...

Judging from the different accounts there are many

milk pleases the king and causes it to extend it's blessings

◆ Hannes Blumhauser has witnessed the impossible. A

Kings of Snakes reigning over different areas all over in-

over the household, while raising it's ire which is quite hard

coven of witches, transforming themselves into snakes

stead of a single individual ruling over all snakes.

to accomplish, usually by interrupting it's court or attempt-

to sing their profane odes to the crowned devil at night

ing to steal it's crown is a surefire way to make an enemy of

out in the forest around Kindberg. At least that must be

the entire snake population of the area.

what is happening there for he has never before wit-

The King of Snakes possesses a few magical abilities granted to it by it's crowning ceremony. So is it well known that an offering of a small dish of warm milk pleases the

It's bite, if angered, is lethal within seconds.

nessed snakes sing nor a snake wearing a crown. He

king and causes it to extend it's blessings over the house-

would be a fool to fight them in their poisonous form

hold, while raising it's ire which is quite hard to accomplish, ◆




and thus has begun keeping close eyes on the female



population to find out which of them slink away to that meadow at night in their snakeskin. Stricken by para-

SUMMON SNAKES: The King of Snakes

calls out to all snakes of the region

noia he begins killing those he suspects to be witches

and summons them to chase and at-

but their ranks don't seem to thin out...

tack the victim. Snakes will persist in


their Animosity until the King deems it enough and lifts the curse. Only


snakes in the region the King resides CONDITIONS

over are openly hostile and aggressive

It is said that a pocket, coffer or chest containing

towards the victim.

the Kings crown will never run dry, regardless of

Regal +1

Angry +1 – Summons snakes to it's

non venomous family of snakes, the


Kings bite is poisonous and can kill in-

Furious +2 – Tries to use it's Deadly

stantly if he's Angry or Furious. For

Bite to regain it's crown.

Player Characters they immediately

Broken – Will hide but still chase a

check all their Physical Conditions. If

crown thief or summon snakes to

they are not healed or succeed on a

chase them

body test the next turn they die.

□ □

how many coins are taken out of it.

◆ DEADLY BITE: Despite stemming from a

· 30 ·

· 31 ·

· Alpenvaesen - Korngeist ·

· Alpenvaesen - Korngeist ·




Its the third day I'm spending in bed after the incident with the creature. While all I remember is a hazy mess of a confronta-

The Korngeist can be excorcised by harvesting the field as

◆ The Farmer Edward Hiesenheim is sick and dying. The

tion out on the field Wagner assured me that I was very hard to "get off the beast" as she put it. Whatever it fed me is still in

it will move on if there is nothing to protect.

Local clergy thinks he is possessed by a demon as he

my body and weakens me too much to get out of bed, despite my memories of even drinking something it offered being rather

toils and screams in his sleep, betting pursued by a

cloudy. When I'm ready to leave again I'll have to extend a very special thank you to our hosts for keeping us around as long

strange creature in his dream and being made to drink

as we did. I'm just glad Wagner and Theodor managed to banish it without my help.

it's milk. As attempts to exorcise the vile spirit have


-Excerpt from the traveling journal of Peter Bruchthaler.

been fruitless so far his wife has contacted the investi-

A Korngeist will return to a field the next year if it

gators as her last hope in saving her husband.

is merely harvested. If it is particularly unhappy

◆ In the village of Buch children are dying from a strange

with a harvest it will torment and poison the

poison. Their families blame the local farmer Thomas

farmer until next years harvest, frequently caus-

Braun for distributing poison in his fields to stop them

ing a sudden death during the harsh months of

from playing there and ruining the harvest. He is

over their back. The waving of cornstalks in the absence of

winter. Only if the stubs of crop that remain on

scheduled to be executed by he end of the week.

wind signifies their presence and they guard cornfields

the field after the harvest are burnt the Korngeist

from anything that could damage or jeopardize the harvest.

will depart for good.


This Demon takes the shape of a gaunt woman with burning claws for their hands and smoldering iron tops on


their breasts which are long enough for them to sling them




FEAR 2/1

◆ The Kaiserberg Farm in Ebbs has been a sorry sight to behold for the past 12 years. the Cornfields are rotting and the animals keep wasting away driving anyone bold


They delight in terrorizing children and animals and force them to drink the poisonous ichor that runs from

enough to settle there to ruin as a vile Korngeist takes

Enchanting +1 – the Korngeist,

revenge on the booming township for building housing

their breasts, but they also punish and torment farmers

beckons its enemies to come and

where there once were wide and proud cornfields for it

who harvest their crop too early or too late, or generally in


to stalk.

a wrong way by using their magical powers.

Enraged +2 – the Korngeist curses its opponents.

Murderous +2 – The Korngeist rages furiously, when being attacked by it's rending claws, halve your ARMOUR


Desperate -2 – the Korngeist wails


madly. in the next round it draws


an additional INITIATIVE CARD and


discards it's lowest card


on both. ◆

Broken – The Korngeist dissolves and reemerges from it's field after

COME AND DRINK: The Korngeist beck-

1d6 hours

ons its target to come closer and drink the black ichor from its breasts. The Target must succeed on an OBSERVATION Roll or succumb to it's al-


lure and spend their next turn moving close to the Korngeist and drink from


their breast if possible. If they do, they

Rending Claws

suffer POISON with a TOXICITY of 6.

· 32 ·





· 33 ·

· Alpenvaesen - Krampus ·

· Alpenvaesen - Krampus ·

KRAMPUS I remember back during my childhood, when the snow still began to fall with the beginning of December and the Christian


Advent Time we've waited eagerly at home, looking out the window into the snow expecting the Saint Nikolaus, clad in his


red traveling robe, staff in hand with is shaggy horned companion right behind. Sometimes he would come in chains, clad in



black fur, sometimes red, his face always contorted and the tongue lolling out of his mouth. Back then we were scared of the



Krampus. Our parents kept telling us that he would punish us for this and that. So each 6th of December we held our breath

FIENDISH FANCY: The Krampus knows

as St. Nikolaus asked us "Have you been good children this past year?". I always felt the Krampus seemed to know when we

the Sins and Dark Secrets of any he

lied, where we hid the broken glass, and how we threw the village cat into the river. He made vague suggestions towards those

looks upon and will use this knowledge

things but never enough for our parents to catch on. just smirking his smile as if it was etched into stone and handing each

to taunt and unnerve any that get in

of us a piece of coal in addition to the fruits we got from St. Nikolaus.

his way. a single Target must make a





Fear Roll opposed by the Krampus

Bemused – Playing his devilish

With what I know today I'm not quite sure if this devil was just one of our neighbors in disguise who had witnessed our

Manipulation. If they fail they have a -

tricks and mind games the Kram-

misdeeds or if there was something more behind those glowing eyes.

2 Penalty on all Rolls Targeting the

pus stalks, searching for an open-

-From the Private Notes of Theodor Eck

Krampus for the remainder of the


The Krampus is a frequent visitor in the homes of the


scene. The Krampus prefers veiled

Reveling +1 – The Krampus relishes

threats over straight up spilling the se-

a Challenge. Upon gaining this

crets he sees.

Condition he will use his Fiendish

Austrians and Bavarians during the early Winter time as the

◆ Kidnappers have used the cover of a Krampuslauf to

servant of St. Nikolaus. He can take the human form as

kidnap young William Frost. The Investigators are hired

Knecht Ruprecht, an old angry man who delights in punish-

by his parents to return him only to find out that the

port himself and anyone within his

ing bad children, or appear as a red or black furred devil

Krampus doesn't take lightly to being impersonated for

sack to hell in a blaze of Fire where he

such terrible plots.

proceeds to inflict punishment onto

demeanor the Krampus will at-

them. The Rules state that he cannot

tempt to grapple and bring his quarry down to hell for a good

with a long prehensile tongue.

◆ The Teacher Gunther Braumann is taking on the Role of

RIDE TO HELL: The Krampus can trans-

Fancy on the Character who inflicted it. □

Angered +1 – Dropping his playful

The Krampus delights in punishing wrongdoers and

St. Nikolaus for this years festivities. Little does he know

keep anyone for longer than 7 days

does so according to the verdict of St. Nikolaus. Catching

that the last minute Krampus to his Nikolaus is the Devil

and he hardly ever will keep anyone

them in his bag and bringing them down to hell for a beat-

himself and his overexaggerated judgement of the Kids

for more than 3. Roll a d6 for each day

ing and look at what awaits them if they don't change their

that torment him all year in school isn't going to go over

spent in hell. On a Roll of 6 the Char-

himself at his assailants in reck-

well with the strange volunteer.

acter that has been taken to hell suf-

less abandon. Letting only off of

wicked ways. He may also lash out with his rod made of birch twigs to deliver swift and light punishment instead.

punishment. □

◆ When the Krampus refuses to take young Timmy Unter-

Furious +2 – The Krampus throws

them after they are bruised and

mair and instead takes his father Klaus with him for the


The Krampus never kills and cannot keep anyone in hell

full seven days questions arise. What did he do to de-

for longer than 7 days, a punishment he reserves for partic-

serve this and is there a chance to redeem his fathers

lets off their Target and vanishes

ularly bad offenders.

immortal soul?

back to hell in a circle of Red Fire.

RITUAL Around the 6th day of December St. Nikolaus visits the chil-


dren of Bavaria and Austria to judge them for their

Being subservient to a Christian Saint, the

behavior the past year.

Krampus is acting out the will of god instead of

Broken – Begrudingly the Krampus


following his personal evil schemes. That being



Crack of the Rod



In the Sack you go



Flaming Coals



While these two entities are often impersonated by people

said, he is still a wicked devil from hell that de-

from the Village, donning masks and fake beards, every now

lights in dealing out punishment and plaguing the

and then the Krampus in particular likes to get his hands

living. According to a legend, getting beaten by his


dirty, appearing in his impostors stead or filling in if no one

rod brings with it fertility. The Krampus never

**Causes minor BURNING

in a village is able or willing to take up his mantle.


· 34 ·

· 35 ·

· Alpenvaesen - Melusine ·

· Alpenvaesen - Melusine ·



*Let me tell you my son, now that you have finally found the woman of your dreams and are about to be wed in a fortnight, that marriage isn't always a calm water. I feel like I've fought with your mother almost as long as I've spent trying to spoil


her. Despite our differences I've fallen in love with her again and again and even though she is no longer with us I can feel


that she is out there somewhere watching. I'll join her soon enough. It makes me sad that I cannot be with you on your great

LUCK THIEF: The Melusine makes a


Cold – Remorseless, the Melusine speaks her curse on her assailants

day but I hope this letter and the attached gift make up for your old fathers inabilities. I wish you well and just want to

Magic Roll opposed by the targets Ob-

impart to you one final advice that suited me well throughout the years: Honor her demands, cherish the mystery she imparts

servation. If she is successful the tar-

draws and tries to pick off her as-

for it is at the core of your relationship. I know about our curious nature, I know it will be hard, but take it from an old man,

get suffers from this curse until the

sailants one by one from hiding,

respect her boundaries.

Melusine willingly lifts it or dies. When-

preferably from the water

- In love, Dad.*

ever the target makes a Roll they must

The Melusine are a breed of Water Spirits that take the


shape of beautiful women. They can be found near springs and tranquil ponds in the forest where they tend to the an-


imals and wash their hair.



Furious +2 – The Melusine breaks

name a number between 1 and 5

out in a frenzy calling down

before rolling.


The Roll may only score as many suc-


Hunting +1 – The Melusine with-

Bargaining -1 – seeing that she is

cesses as the named Number has

outmatched the melusine will re-

been rolled.

sort to bargaining to save her life,

(If they named 4 and only have a sin-

she is willing to lift a curse or re-

the large and powerful tail of a snake - their true form

gle 4 in their result but two 6s only a

lease a target of her serpents em-

which they usually try to hide from humans as they can be

single 6 counts as success. If they

FEAR 0/1

When submerged in water their lower body turns into


quite sociable and sometimes mingle with ordinary people.

A Melusine can be discovered by throwing her into water at which point she will reveal her true nature and change from


haven't rolled a single 4 no success

can be achieved.) ◆

curses are lifted and she dissolves

SERPENTS EMBRACE: The Melusine at-

a regular women to having the tail of a snake. Doing so will

tempts to wrap and restrain a target

enrage her..

using its long serpentine tail. The Tar-

Broken – The Melusine dies, her into water.

get must succeed on an AGILITY ROLL


opposed by the Melusines BODY CONTROL or be restrained, loosing



all ability to move or act until it frees


itself using a slow action to repeat the




20 years but her insistence that he cannot see her bathe

opposed roll or being freed by some-

is making him anxious and jealous as he overheard his

one else. The Melusine may use it's




servants talking about her. Smelling infidelity he hires

COIL ATTACK against the target of it's

*Only against targets of

the investigators to make sense of the situation.

Serpents Embrace every turn for free.


◆ William Färber has been married to his wife Harietta for

◆ Gabriella Paldauer, a Melusine married to a normal man

WATER SPIRIT: The Melusine is a Water

has been seen bathing in the woods by a Woodcutter

Spirit and thus can dwell under water

who has alerted the local clergy that she is a monstrous

without the need for air, she can

witch and must be burned. She tries to contact the in-

merge partially with a larger natural

vestigators to resolve the issue without her husband

body of water giving everyone a

finding out about her true nature.

-2 penalty on Rolls to spot or target

If the Melusine leaves in anger she takes all good


fortune with her, causing bad luck and ill fates.

◆ - The circus Operntal is in Innsbruck and is showing of


a collection of curious animals and freaks. The young

Luck may be returned if the person angering her

Artist Valentin Jägerhut has completely fallen in love

makes amends but she will never trust them

with one of it's exponents, the beautiful Lady Raia, a


Melusine trapped by the circus owner Titus Operntal and forced to perform for the masses. He wants to get her out and needs the investigators assistance to do so.

· 36 ·


· 37 ·

· Alpenvaesen - Panther ·

· Alpenvaesen - Panther ·

PANTHER Little to do with it's namesake, the dark feline local to the southern hemisphere of our world, the beast colloquially known in


as Panther is white, red-horned and spewing fire out of every orifice when angered. Just recently I had the chance to strike

◆ Rudolf Brauer has made a deal with the Panther of

up a conversation with one of these elusive beasts who believe to be sent by god to purge evil from this world in all its shapes.

Erzberg trading in the location of the dragon Ursulfirs

Predominantly they hunt for dragons and sinners which in this case put us at odds as it wanted to kill a particular Florian

lair for a blessing in gold. Too bad that Ursulfir, or Ur-

Villenhofer who I was tracking to provide witness testimony on another case. Ever willing to experiment I offered up the

sula how she is actually called, is not a dragon but a bar-

location of a dragon sighting in the Lechthal I wanted to investigate next month which caused it to drop the chase on Florian.

maid in Vordernberg Rudolf owes a lot of money to.

I guess I'll see then if the society will have to reevaluate our threat ranking on Vaesen in regards to those two beasts...

A fact she tries to use to pressure him into marriage.

-Excerpt from the traveling journal of Peter Bruchthaler.


reason with it's assailant. □

Stalking +1 – the Panther withdraws a bit, fighting cautiously until it finds an opening.

◆ On the run from a Panther for his many crimes, Titus


Irritated – The Panther will try to

Grobschmied has taken shelter in the small village of

Fiery +1 – the Panther will use of it's BREATH OF HOLY FIRE Power

Lassing. Now the Panther threatens to burn the village

Ablaze +2 – the Panthers BREATH

A large quadrupedal beast with a wiry long body coated

The panther only threatens those that walk the path of evil

if they don't hand over the murderer in their midst.

OF HOLY FIRE is permanently active

in white fur, a forked tail and an elongated feline head,

but can be overzealous in its pursuit. Directing it towards a

◆ The Vigilante Hans Traunstall is being hunted by a Pan-

and automatically affects anyone

crowned by two red horns and spewing a constant strwam

greater evil, repenting for ones sins or gaining absolution

ther for his crimes of robbing a local bishop that has

of fire from every orifice, the panther is a menacing side to

from a pure-hearted priest are ways to escape it's wrath..

been embellishing donations and giving it to the poor.


moving into range. □

He needs help in convincing the Panther that he isn't

Furious 2 – the Panther roars in anger, drawing an additional

the bad guy in this situation.

INITIATIVE card, it acts on both.

Often considered to be anathema to the dragon, it is

Cautious -1 – realizing that it is

displayed proudly on many coats of arms - a true christian

outmatched the Panther with-

symbol of virtue in the fight against the devil and his le-

draws again attempting to parlay


with it's opponents. □

Broken – The Panther surrenders to its opponents and is willing to set terms and conditions.




If vanquished it's spirit returns to MAGIC 6

heaven and it reforms on the next


Sunday at the closest church.




BREATH OF HOLY FIRE: The Panthers fire

envelops everything within RANGE 2 of it causing severe BURNING to those who


have sinned and not be granted ab-

If given evidence, the panther will always see a

solution. Sinners suffer 3 PHYSICAL CON-

dragon or Tatzelwurm as a greater evil and pur-

DITIONS reduced by 1 for each success

sue leads about them instead as long as the lie is

on an AGILITY Roll.

well crafted. If however it learns that it has been


lied to it's wrath will be dire. Also if being made to hurt the innocent it can be convinced to repent for it's sins which causes it to





Whipping Tails



*Can hit up to 3 targets.

dissolve for some time.

· 38 ·


· 39 ·

· Alpenvaesen - Pechmandl ·

· Alpenvaesen - Pechmandl ·



I always knew that something is profoundly off about the people of my adopted home of Innsbruck. Just the folk living the sandman in other places is responsible for making people fall asleep and sending them off into the realm of dreams. This

◆ Ulrik Gnadenberg hasn't been the same since he has


wedged between the alps could manifest an even more baffling explaination for sleep inf form of the Pechmandl which, like

reawoken from coma. His wife Laura asked the Pech-

Angered +1 – If it hasn't done so

mandl for help in returning him to her but now she

one however smears the eyes of people with pitch of all things. A substance I would prefer not to get into my eyes. The twines

yet the Pechmandl will use the

fears it has made a mistake as the person inside Ulriks

tethering peoples souls to their body however are an indicator for their actual existence, conforming with local legends and

Twine that binds on its assailants.

body is violent and inscrutable - not at all like her dear

fables. Once i get back from my travels I'll have to look more into this vaesen...

-Excerpt from the traveling journal of Peter Bruchthaler.


Devious +2 – Upon gaining this

◆ Innsbruck is in crysis. A strange sleeping disease rav-

condition the Pechmandl targets


A local variation of the Sandman, the Pechmandl is a

the character that inflicted this

ages the City as less and less people everyday wake from

Condition with GLUE YOUR EYES SHUT

their slumber. Jonathan Liebwitz, a no-good gambler is

Desperate -1 – The Pechmandl

using his knowledge of the Pechmandls twine to cut

wiry gnomish creature of purplish skin and shaggy hair that

The Pechmandl is called by singing lullabies. It likes to

tries to flee or bargain for it's life.

loose from life the people he owes money to and has

makes its home in the Inntal Region. It wears long robes

linger and listen to particularly beautiful ones that describe

It may also threaten to cut loose a

started taking on contracts on peoples heads to earn

that have two deep pockets stitched into them. One of these

the dreams the singer would like to have to be able to grant

pockets contains pitch which it smears into the eyes of peo-

them. Celebratory and boisterous music keeps it away.

some more money to gamble away...

consciousness from a body. Broken – The Pechmandl vanishes

◆ The People of Hall haven't been able to catch any sleep

ple to make them fall asleep, the other contains twine which

into thin air until the next sundown.

at all for weeks now. Sleep just doesn't come and ru-

it uses to connect the bodies of the dreamers with their

No one in the general area who

mours make the rounds that the very ground they built

consciousness when they rise up to the dreamworld. It is

isn't asleep already will be able to

their town upon is cursed. Little do they know that Si-

sleep this night.

mon Grubthaler, investor and real estate broker, has


said that if such a thread is severed the consciousness can't find its way back into the body and the person will stay


dreaming forever.



hired a paranormal investigator to keep the Pechmandl


from their town to lower the price of their houses.





GLUE YOUR EYES SHUT: With an enor-




Trip Up



Burning Pitch






mous leap and a deft stroke the Pechmandl smears shut the targets eyes

*Target unable to move

with pitch from its pockets. The target

**Causes minor BURNING

must succeed on an AGILITY Roll or become blinded and fall asleep. ◆

THE TWINE THAT BINDS: Using it's magic,


the Pechmandl connects two Targets

Like the Sandman the Pechmandl can enter into

with it's twine. Both may make an

the dreamworld and search for people that have

OBSERVATION Roll to avoid this fate. Any

been unable to wake up. It only does so for a suit-

CONDITIONS suffered by either Targets

able offering like twine made from precious ma-

are suffered by the other as well, un-

terials or valuable gems. While generally very

less they already suffer from it. This

careful and thorough with its search there have

binding lasts until the Pechmandl

been incidents where it returned the wrong

ends it willingly.

consciousness to a body.

· 40 ·

· 41 ·

· Alpenvaesen - Percht ·

· Alpenvaesen - Percht ·



When the rough nights come the rural population of the alps braces itself for with it comes the Percht to judge the people. It

The Percht is all about Rituals and adhering to them. If all

is a time when only the most foolhardy drunkards reach for the bottle, when the most abusive factories grant their employees

manners and morals have been adhered to, the Percht will

the week off and when mothers hide their newborn under the crib. Hardly anyone I've met on my travels doesn't know the

leave the people of the house in peace.

stories about the Percht or has a distant relative or friend who has been punished by her. While her motives are true her punishments are harsh and unforgiving and I have to say that every year we manage to close

To protect a house from the Percht incense and speik must

shop around the rough nights so far has been a yar that was better for it...

be burned before she arrivesin the rough nights during

-Excerpt from the traveling journal of Peter Bruchthaler.


The Percht is a spirit of wind and winter, taking the

She is the patron of all weavers and punishes them for

shape of an old ugly hag. Often wearing naught but tiger fur

leaving tow out on the distaff by twisting it around the

she is capable of growing to enormous size.

weavers fingers and burning it.


Reproachful´+1 – the Percht ob-

She enforces manners and morals and can be very dan-

Wrongdoers are abducted during the night and brought

gerous. She appears mostly during winter time but can be

to far off shores. When they return the following morning

witnessed washing her clothes at the river all year round

they lifespan will be cut short and they die within a week

take an extra action each turn to

wher she scares away women that still wash their clothes

from mysterious circumstances.

speak a magical rhyme, which

serves it's opponents cautiously. □

saturday after closing time.

has the effect of a curse or enchantment.






Enchant Curse

LIKE THE WIND: The stormy demeanor


of the Percht allows her to draw TWO

◆ The Percht has cast a chain around the small town of St.

Angry +2 – the Percht starts a full on assault, trying to trap at least 1 opponent in its burlap sack.

Furious +3 – The Percht disengages and, if it has someone

INITIATIVE CARDS and act on both. RIDE WITH ME: The Percht attempts to

grappled in her burlap sack, she will ride with them on the wind. □

Cursing -1 – driven back the Per-

Leonhard judging it to be impure and full of sinners

cht groves to immense propor-

who have forgotten the old ways, making it impossible

tions cursing her assailants

shoulder a sack containing a grap-

to leave once entered. Instead of working together and

pled target and ride the wind into dis-

breaking the curse the population is turning on each

thin air, reforming the next rough-

tant lands, returning when it had

other trying to root out the corruption via old fashioned

night or saturday evening, which-

enough, rapidly shortening the victims

corporal punishment.

ever comes sooner, carrying a

◆ For his sins, the ruthless magnate Paul Bettelmann has

lifespan in the process.

FEAR 1/2

Boisterous +1 – the Percht can

The victim must make an OBSERVATION

been abducted by the Percht and carried over distant


Roll or loose 25 YEARS of their life with

countries overnight. Now he fears for his life as he

-Washing, cleaning or weaving during rough

each Success reducing this number

knows any day could be his last. Unable to come to

nights will attract her ire, even if incense and

by 5.

terms with his lot he is determined to escape his fate

speik was burned.

and will stop at nothing to do so.

-Being abducted by her during the night can be


chts rhymes may not make sense but

◆ Gernot Flachsenbauer a landowner in Radstadt is forc-

they always have some sort of magi-

ing his weavers to work through the night to get a large

young children under the crib.

cal effect.

order done, much to the disdain of the Percht. Not

- If she is provided with food and accepts it the

seenig what is beind the overzealousness of the workers

following year will be luckier than the last.

she punishes them instead of him and becomes more

- The Chains she casts out can be broken by col-

curely by the week.

lective prayer.

· 42 ·

Broken – The Percht dissolves into



prevented by sleeping under the bed or placing



In the Sack you go



Mean right Hook



*Causes Grappled

· 43 ·

· Alpenvaesen - Rollibock ·

· Alpenvaesen - Rollibock ·




The Aletschglacier is truly an impressive sight to behold and is home to many a mystery. None if them quite so enticing as

The only way to escape the onslaught of the Rollibock is to

◆ A mysterious man, completely unshaven and naked, ar-

the Story of the Mörjelen Lake. Many a treasure hunter has attempted to find it but most of them don't last long high up there

step over the threshold of a church or chapel which it can-

rived in Fiesch. He has odd mannerisms and speaks like

and climb back down, telling stories about the unpredictable weather and a monsters that assaulted them in the thick snow.

not pass over. It will stay outside circling and howling until

he is from a long gone time. He is also scared of elec-

Rollibock they call it. A fierce goat-faced giant that rampages like a freight train over the ice. So far it seems to be very

the sun comes back up again at which point it will concede

tricity and similar inventions. When he suddenly claims

territorial and hasn't made its way down from the glacier but should that ever change I feel we will have our work cut out

and return to it's lair.

a house that is currently lived in by a young family is is

for us.

and becomes aggressive the police tries to detain him

-Excerpt from the traveling journal of Peter Bruchthaler.

but he escapes leaving the young family fearing for their life. ◆ Maria Goldheimer hasn't seen her betrothed Manuel


A monstrous hulking humanoud figure clad in long fur


tipped by hundreds of crystalline ice shards that rattle and sing when it moves. It's goatlike head is crowned by wide,


winding horns, it's eyes glow in a fiery red and its muzzle is




Findel in months and is searching for entrepid investi-

Furious +1

gators to find him or his remains. The last time she saw

Berserk +2

him he said he wanted to search the rumored treasure

Onslaught +3 – The Rollibock im-

of the Aletschglacier for their wedding. The rumours

lined by needle like teeth. When standing upstraight the

mediately takes an action and re-

about a monster stalking the mountain unsettle her

monster is about 3 meters tall.


greatly. Little does she know that he found what he was

Faltering -1 – The Rollibock can

searching for and has been cursed by the treasure to

The Rollibock acts as the guardian of the Aletsch glacier


in the swiss alps, fiercely attacking any that attempt to

only act on either of it's initiative

climb it.

counts but not both.

It's charge is heralded by an otherworldly roar followed

become the new Rollibock. ◆ Peter Pendelbach has come all the way from Vienna to

Broken – The Rollibock will pass on

construct a beautiful Lodge up on the Aletschglacier

by the trampling of it's hooves down the slopes. Sometimes

it's next two actions as it regener-

where he just acquired a wonderful plot of land. Con-

it chauses avalanches or ice breakage, and when it reaches

ates, then continue its onslaught.

structions come to a halt as his workers keep vanishing

its target it doesn't stop its onslaught until it has ground it

at night and tell stories of a Monster that stalks the

to a bloody pulp.

mountainrange. Being a reasonable man Peter hires a team of investigators to see what is going on up there.







has supernatural regeneration and






removes a single condition whenever


it performs an action. ◆

BESTIAL FRENZY: The Rollibock draws

*Knocks anyone it hits prone.

TWO INITIATIVE CARDS and acts on both

counts. It can move as part of it's Charge Attack. ◆

BONE CHILLING ROAR: As an Action the

Rollibock let's out a bone chilling roar.


Any who can hear it must test FEAR 2/1.

It is said the Rollibock defends the treasure of Mörjelen-lake which is located at the origin of it's spring somewhere up in the glacier. The treasure is cursed and any who try to take it become the next Rollibock.

· 44 ·

· 45 ·

· Alpenvaesen - Sennenpuppe ·

· Alpenvaesen - Sennenpuppe ·




The Stories of the Herdman's Dolls and Herdman's Hoanzls are well known far and wide. They are told down in the villages

The Doll becomes posessed as soon as it is treated like a hu-

◆ When Otto Bauer returned from the alm he was alone

as cautionary tales and still I'm sitting here at the murder scene of my fourth Herdman's doll this year alone. I'm starting to

man and while it will wait to deliver judgement upon it's

and shaken from a night of horror. His two comrades

think that this malevolent entity actually influences its victims already way before they build a host body for it. Either that

abusers until the last night of their stay on the alm, it will

had been murdered by a doll they made to pass time or

or murder is an acceptable pasttime in the herdsmens circles. I'll have consult with Wagner about this theory once i get back

attempt to defend itself much sooner if someone tries to

so he claims. He'll face justice for double murder if the

to Innsbruck.

destroy it. This can be done only by burning it in a fire.

investigators cannot find the true perpetrator.

-Excerpt from the traveling journal of Peter Bruchthaler.

◆ Knowing the stories and having realized his predicament after he had already built the doll in a drunken haze and spent a night doing who knows what with it


Sometimes when the herdsmen out on the alm get

A variation of this is the Sennenhoanzl that is specially

lonely and need company they build themselves a hu-

built to do work instead of the herdsman that built it and

The society believes that no herdsman builds a

fear of the doll coming to life and murdering him as

manoid doll that they dress up, feed, dance with and some-

will animate immediately to do so, but just like the doll it

doll out of their own volition and instead does so

soon as he decides to head back. His wife Hannah is

times even take to bed.

will deliver upon them terrible revenge the night before

while already under the vaesens influence. The

worried sick about his whereabouts and hires the In-

their return.

vaesen manifests itself so to speak. That being

Little do they know that the night before they head back to civilization the doll will come to live and take revenge for

said, it appears to target herdsmen that have the

all the abuse it suffered, often ending in the death of the

tendency to vile and devious behaviour on their


own and merely amplifies.

Bernd Graf has decided to never return to civilization in

vestigators to find him. ◆ While traveling the alps one of the investigators is suddenly compelled to construct a doll...


chasing the person that has




Cracked -1 – If it isn't already caused this condition, it is now.


FEAR 2/1

Damaged -2 – If it isn't already chasing the person that has caused this condition, it is now.

Disemboweled -3 – If it isn't already chasing the person that has caused this condition, it is now.


Broken – Unless this condition is


suffered as a result of BURNING the


Doll will use it's next turn to stitch

FORCE OF NATURE: As long as it isn't

itself back together and clear all

BURNING the doll doesn't suffer any

it's conditions.

negative effects from Conditions.

Otherwise it is destroyed.

REAPER: Once the doll has decided to

punish someone it will not let go until it has achieved it's goal. In addition if one of it's attacks would


cause a CRITICAL INJURY, instead of ATTACK

rolling it may choose which Injury to inflict. ◆

Make ends meet






draws TWO INITIATIVE cards each turn

*The Doll uses whichever equipment

and discards the lower one.

it finds to attack.

· 46 ·

· 47 ·

· Alpenvaesen - Spina Del Mul ·

· Alpenvaesen - Spina Del Mul ·



*Some nights the eerie ghost light bathes the craggy face of the dolomites in blue light, painting a serene picture under the

When the blue ghost light hangs over the dolomites the

starry sky. Truly a sight to behold that has inspired many a painter and poet to great feats. If they but knew what this light

Spina Del Mul is on the prowl and anyone who walks the

entails they'd probably stay clear from their inspiration for it heralds the time of the Spina Del Mul or so I've been told by

roads is in danger of being attacked by the beast. It will not

the locals. Ladin isn't my strongest language so from what I could gather this monstrosity it appears as a skeletal mule whose

leave it's domain and must always turn right on a crossing.

hind legs are missing. This pitiful appearance seems to be a deception however as it is known to come at it's victims like a thunderstorm and if they don't fall dead from fear right there and then gores and tramples their bodies to a pulp, leaving them where they fell as a warning to those who come after. As I look out at the mountains drenched in blue light I can't help but wonder if Florian Villenhofer, my quarry, is still alive out there or if I'll have to return a mangled corpse to my employer tomorrow.


-Excerpt from the traveling journal of Peter Bruchthaler. □

Goading – The Spina Del Mul tries to goad its assailants into splitting

This vile creature takes the shape of a skeletal donkey

It is known to throw debilitating curses against more

missing it's hind legs. It is dragging its spine along the

formidable opponents and rumor has it, it draws out the

ground eerily. Its rattling and the thunderous galloping of

souls of its victims when they open their mouth to scream

its hooves can be heard all across the dolomites where it

in fear as it approaches devouring them to prolong its

attempt to make a gristly display

makes its haunting grounds, stalking for those foolish

unnatural life.

of one of it's assailants. I'ts next

up or making another sort of mistake. □

Grisly +1 – The Spina Del Mul will

enough to enter its domain. After singling out it's prey It

Gore attack causes all onlookers

charges from complete darkness, approaching in a cacoph-

to Roll Fear 1

ony of sound echoing from all around only to blaze into blue


flame shortly before it is upon its victim, trampling or goring them to death.




Cursing +1 – Circling in the darkness, just outside of the reach of


any light it whispers foul curses at

FEAR 2/1

its assailants. □

Furious +2 – Enraged the Monster throws itself at its assailants


◆ People keep vanishing in the dolomites at night and the

Pragmatic -1 – The Spina Del Mul


cuts its losses and tries to escape

eerie blue lights playing along the mountainrange are


unnerving to the local population. It is up to the Inves-

as fast as possible.

The Spina Del Mul is the form of choice of an an-

Broken – The Spina Del Mul is van-

cient shape-shifting sorcerer bent on harvesting

quished and falls to dust.

the souls of the living to prolong his own life. If it

tigators to find the source of the light and the missing


people. Hopefully they do not run afoul of the Spina Del


once was human all of this pretence has been lost

PREDATOR: The Spina Del Mul draws

over the ages and the being takes on a mercurial

Mul. ◆ The Stonecutter Marco Orselli has taken it upon himself

two initiative cards and acts on both, it

character. It speaks an old ladin dialect and can

to slay the vile beast for causing a rockslide and killing

may Move in conjunction with the

be bargained with by those who are brave or fool-

his former coworkers. He has encountered the beast a

STAMPEDE attack and if it does it gains

few times already and wants to make sure to succeed

a +2 BONUS on related rolls.

this time which is why he hires the Investigators to find

out about the Monsters weaknesses.

GHOSTLIGHT: Surrounded by eerie blue

light that flashes and fades seemingly

hardy enough to try to measure up against its an-


cient intellect.



The Rumour that it can only turn right at a crossing is not true but a trick it uses to give it's victims

at random it is hard for human eyes to




Spina Del Mul. He is recruiting brave adventurers to

adjust to the light making it hard to

slay the beast but in fact he is just poviding it with a sup-

follow its movements. All actions




ply of fresh, wholeheartedly misinformed souls. In ex-

targeting the Spina Del Mul in dark-

*Can be used as part of a movement

otherwise it will reform at the next full moon at

change, the Spina Del Mul grants him treasure and the

ness suffer a PENALTY OF -2.


the point it was defeated.

◆ The Merchant Angelo Schatz has made a deal with the

a false sense of security. To truly kill the Spina Del Mul it must be run through with a silver blade as the killing blow,

remains of its victims.

· 48 ·

· 49 ·

· Alpenvaesen - Walen ·

· Alpenvaesen - Walen ·

WALEN The last months have been silent. Correspondence has been sparse. I've asked Peter about our financial situation and he just told me not to worry about it. Always makes me skeptical when he is this cryptic. Mentioned before he's from a poor family. Despite this maintaining our staff appears to not be a problem for him. I've seen the recipes for our work, it doesn't add up.


Doesn't strike me as the criminal type but money has to come from somewhere. I'll investigate further... -Excerpt from Wagners early Fieldnotes

◆ Irwin Brauer, a gambler and drunkard thought he had finally hit it big when a strange little creature told him where to find an old treasure hoard for helping it pick some flowers that were growing in a planter on a win-


Palm sized mountain spirits knowledgeable about the

dowsill. When he managed to gamble away all those

treasures of their surroundings, both natural and other-

The simplest way to get rid of them is by refusing to help

newfound riches as well he made a plan to kidnap one


them in whatever they are currently trying to achieve.

of these strange beings and force it to give up more secrets should he ever encounter one again.

They are sometimes referred to as Venedigermandl by

◆ Gavin Volkers isn't one to keep a secret, but never has it

the rural population as they have a thick accent which al-

cost him as dearly. The second he came back from the


most sounds like them speaking another language.

forest where he found a huge vein of gold a weird little

The Walen may gift minor magical pow-

man had told him about and told his friends in the local

ers those who help them, granting them a

bar about it all he owned was gone in an instant and the

mountains they are usually on an errand like gathering

Magic Rating of 4 and one or more of the

gold he found in the forest was also nowhere to be found

herbs, searching for rare ores or gems or taming an animal.

following Spells:

again. Abandoned by his friends and family he is now

These errands are always adhered to to the letter. The Ani-

When encountered outside of their burrows deep in the

searching for the small being to at least get some clo-

LUCKY RUB: By rubbing their targets

mal that has to be tamed is a particular one, as is the herb

shoulder and wishing them good luck

or food they are foraging for or the vein of ore they are

the Caster may grant them +1 on their

◆ Olga Freudens has had an encounter with a Walen and


next roll. If the Magic Roll fails, the tar-

is now better off than ever. After quitting her job in the

get suffers a -1 penalty instead.

factory and buying a new home for her family of 6 she

Walen are attracted to exceptionally generous or caring

COME TO ME: A Palm sized object that's

people and despise those that only look out for themselves,

no more than a few meters away from

placing mischievous spells on them like making them stut-

the caster flies into their hands. If the

ter whenever they lie or sneeze if they ignore a plea for help or alms from a beggar.






doesn't know is that Victor Gerber, her former employer is watching her closely, taking an interest in the origin

Magic Roll fails, the small item over-

itself but try to reason with it's as-

of her sudden wealth and will stop at nothing to attain

shoots and makes a lot of noise, alert-



ANIMAL FRIENDSHIP: by holding out an

open palm towards an animal the


has taken it on herself to help those in need. What she

CONDITIONS Distraught –The Walen will defend

ing its potential original carrier. ◆

sure about what happened.

Scared -1 – the Walen will attempt to flee

Broken –The Walen melds into the

caster suggests that they want to do it

ground, cursing or enchanting it's

no harm. The animal will relax for

assailant one final time. It will re-

some time and not attack or flee un-

form in it's burrow 1d6 days later.

SECRET Assisting the Walen in their errand often leads

less provoked. ◆


CRACK: By pointing at a loose rock no

them to share their secrets which range from the

bigger than oneself and imitating the

locations of long lost treasures to sharing some

sound of lightning the caster can


break the rock in two. If the Magic Roll


fails the casters finger bends unnatu-

Any Ability from the HELPING HAND list

rally inflicting a -1 Penalty on Precision Rolls for the rest of the day.

minor magical boons.



However, being granted such a gift also places a





curse on those who accept it: should they ever tell anyone about the origin of their newfound wealth all the riches to their name will instantly melt into nothingness.

· 50 ·

· 51 ·

· Alpenvaesen - Winds Bride ·

· Alpenvaesen - Winds Bride ·



Usually when I arrive on the scene of a crime my task is to analyze the body and find it's murderer but on occasion things

Throwing a Knife into a wind gust can wound them, causing

work out differently. This time i was contacted by a young boy working the fields around the arzler alm to find out who the

them to flee or lash out in anger.

victim was and where the young woman belonged. There was no need to search for the murderer because he was pretty sure

In some regions of upper Austria the people stick three

that he himself did the deed explaining that he simply threw his knife into the wind, enraged about it continuously toppling

loafs of bread on their fence to bargain with the wind brides

his haystacks when suddenly a dead women hit the ground. He was scared and wanted to pay ammends to the family but

for a good year. In other regions people sacrifice flour to

after weeks of searching i determined that she probably wasn't related to any of the local and i elected to shelve the case after

them by spreading it in the door-frame under the front

a proper burial was had.


-Excerpt from the traveling journal of Peter Bruchthaler.


Mischievous Spirits that control the wind. They like to play tricks on the common folk, toppling stacks of hay and

◆ Lara Pflüger the daughter of Ulf Pflüger was a winds

carrying away clothes put out to dry. They are capable of

bride. One day while out on the wind she played some

producing strong gusts and wind hoses and have a in-

mischievous pranks on her love Ferdinand Großstädter

scrutable demeanor. Those who can perceive them see

who, not knowing about her nature threw his blessed

them as lithe women floating in the wind.

knife into the wind and killed her. Grief struck and scared of what her father might do, he hid the body under the shed. Now her father is hiring investigators to find his missing daughter... ◆ Being fed up about their mistreatment by the male pop-




ulation, the winds brides of Schönachtal have decided to retaliate by wrapping the area in unnatural and dan-



gerous storms. The local Priest Arthur Baumann has


begun arming his flock with knowledge about the vile wind witches plaguing the area and has started a witch

Vengeful +1 – Immediately upon


gaining this condition the Winds

◆ The Winds bride Verena Pustertaler has fallen hope-

bridge will SUMMON STORMS. Wounded -1 – the Winds bride will

lessly in love with the shepherd Walter Auenbach. As a

attempt to save itself by flying

sign of her affection she has begun to abduct sheep


from all around and adding them to his flock which

Broken – The Winds Bridge is

hasn't gone unnoticed. Walter, who doesn't know about

can only be harmed with blessed

dying, it will attempt to fly to safety

any of this is now under fire for stealing livestock and

weapons. In addition, draws

but it is probably already too late.

Verena will do anything to protect him from her mis-



LIKE THE WIND: While in Wind shape,


TWO INITIATIVE cards and acts on both.

Attacks with BODY CONTROL instead of Might. ◆


SUMMON STORMS: Enemies within

Range 2 must succeed on a FORCE Roll




Flying Debris



The thrown Knife has to be blessed to be able to

Swift Punches




against this characters MAGIC. If they fail they must choose to either take 1 PHYSICAL CONDITION or be KNOCKED DOWN.

hit and wound the winds bride. This can kill them leading to the corpse of a naked woman to appear seemingly out of thin air. Many wind brides live as

*Knocks anyone it hits prone.

normal women among the people.

· 52 ·

· 53 ·

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