February 10, 2025 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
目錄 Table of Contents 本書編輯方針
Chapter 1 Travel Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5
The Beauty of Norway 挪威之美 Protecting Africa’s Beauty 保護非洲自然美景 Colder Is Better in Quebec City 魁北克市:愈冷愈熱鬧 Cologne: A Cultural Capital 德國文化之都:科隆 Finding Happiness in Denmark 丹麥:發展綠能的幸福國度
8 14 21 27 35
Chapter 2 Environment Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9
Life in a Frozen Land 白色大地生機盎然 The Benefits of Conserving Water 省水好處多 Nitrogen Footprint 被遺忘的酸雨幫兇「氮足跡」 The War against Food Waste 終結剩食大作戰
44 50 58 65
Chapter 3 Culture Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12 Unit 13 Unit 14
The Empire of the Incas 印加帝國 The Railway in Taiwan 台灣鐵路史 Japan’s National Flowers 日本國花 Homestay Etiquette 寄宿禮儀 To Tip, or Not to Tip? 改變中的美國小費文化
72 77 84 90 97
Chapter 4 Health Unit 15 Unit 16 Unit 17 Unit 18 Unit 19
The Importance of Moderation 適度的重要性 The Secrets of Yoga 瑜珈的祕密 Therapy Dogs 狗醫生 Is MSG Actually Bad for You? 味精有害健康? A Red Light for Coffee 咖啡紅綠燈
106 112 118 124 132
Chapter 5 Leisure Unit 20 Unit 21 Unit 22 Unit 23
The First Ferris Wheel 浪漫摩天輪 Toy Collectors 玩具收藏家 E-book Library 電子書圖書館 Fingerboarding: Skating at Your Fingertips 手指滑板:指尖上的極限運動
142 148 156
Unit 24 Bored? Play a Tabletop Game 無聊嗎?來玩桌遊吧
Chapter 6 Education Unit 25 Idioms from Greek Mythology 源自希臘神話的英文成語 Unit 26 The Benefits of Speaking a Second Language 學第二語言讓你變聰明! Unit 27 Watching Your Words: The Issue of Political Correctness 政治正確語言,你用對了嗎? Unit 28 Tips for Remembering What You’ve Learned 幫助記憶的訣竅
178 184 191 198
Chapter 7 Sports Unit 29 Old Metals Become New Medals 東京奧運將廢金屬變成獎牌 Unit 30 Olympics Out of the Ordinary 古怪奧運賽事一籮筐 Unit 31 Working Out the Truth about Exercise Myths 發掘運動迷思的真相
206 211 217
Chapter 8 Technology Unit 32 Unit 33 Unit 34 Unit 35
Ingestible Origami Robot 微型摺紙機器人 The New Buzz about Robot Bees 機器人蜜蜂新話題 Smartphone Snoopers 智慧型手機正在監聽你? Driverless Cars: Steering Us in a New Direction 自動駕駛車駛向新未來
學測模擬試題 單字索引
226 232 239 246
254 262 3
本書編輯方針 From the Editors 《英語高頻字彙完全攻略》是一本針對升大學考試而設計的字彙書。收錄的 字彙是依據「大考中心」頒布的「高中英文參考詞彙表」來編纂,此參考詞 彙表分為六級,而本書選用的是其中第三級至第五級的字彙,並根據單字在 學測歷屆考古題中出現的頻率,篩選出用字頻率較高的重要單字。這些單字 不但常出現在學測中,也是指考、全民英檢、多益考試及日常閱讀等的必備 字彙,對於不論是要準備考試或是精進英文能力的讀者,皆能大有助益。 本書依主題分為八個章節,全部共含三十五個單元。每單元先藉由閱讀範文 來認識字彙,再透過全面性的單字解說熟練每字的重要用法,最後再從課後 練習立即驗收學習成效。按照本書穩紮穩打的學習步驟相信能有效累積大考 必備的字彙量,游刃有餘地面對升大學考試。 關於本書的架構說明如下:
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Chapter 1
Unit 1
The Beauty of Norway
Unit 2
Protecting Africa’s Beauty
Unit 3
Colder Is Better in Quebec City
Unit 4
Cologne: A Cultural Capital
Unit 5
Finding Happiness in Denmark
Chapter 1 Travel TRACK 01
The Beauty of Norway Before traveling to Norway, all I had heard about this high-latitude1 country was its abundanceu of natural resources2, how extremely3 difficult it was to travel there on a budget4, and, of course, Viking folklore5. It wasn’t until I broadened6 my horizons by visiting Norway that I realized there’s much more to tell about this country. One thing that isn’t to be missed is the popular sightseeing7 trip “Norway in a Nutshellu.” This tour, which can be arranged online, lets travelers8 take in9 magnificent10 sights. Ferrying11 inland12 along the fjordsu, visitors will be amazed by the steep13, awe-inspiring14 cliffs15 cut out by glaciers16. Green trees grow on the sides of mountains capped with white snow, where flowing waterfalls can sometimes be spotted. The boats pass by several small, rural17 villages and farms located on the banks, showing what civilization18 is like in this isolated19, heavenly20 world. In a nutshell, the tour will make you see why visiting Norway is worth the expense21.
閱讀理解 請在下列選項中,選出最適合的答案。
What is “Norway in a Nutshell”? (A) A museum (B) A kind of food (C) A travel plan (D) A location
What does the writer think of Norway after traveling in the country? (A) It is good value considering the cost. (B) It costs a lot of money to live there. (C) It has an exciting history. (D) It is too cold to live there.
4 budget 104
n. [C, U] 緯度
Paris and Vancouver share the same latitude. 巴黎和溫哥華的緯度相同。
102 99 96 95 90
latitude 為名詞,指「緯度」,-tude 為抽象 名詞字尾,大多接在拉丁文的形容詞或分詞之 後,其他帶有此字尾的字包括:
• altitude [`1lt4~tjud] 海拔;高度 • aptitude [`1pt4~tjud] 天資;天賦 • attitude [`1t4~tjud] 態度 • gratitude [`gr1t4~tjud] 感激之情 • longitude [`l3nd.4~tjud] 經度
The Beauty of Norway
1 latitude
n. [C] 預算;財政收支狀況
Their budget did not cover the cost of staying in an expensive hotel. 他們的預算不夠讓他們支付住昂貴旅館的花 費。 vi./vt. 把……編入預算;詳細規劃
Fiona plans to budget carefully this year so she can take a trip through Europe next summer. 費歐娜今年打算仔細編預算,這樣她明年夏 天才可以來趟橫跨歐洲之旅。
The manager is very good at budgeting his time. 經理非常擅於規劃他的時間。
2 resource 107 105 100 99 94
n. [C] 資源;財富;財力
The workers in the company are its best resource. 這家公司的員工是它最好的資源。 衍
resourceful adj. 有臨機應變之才的;富智謀 的
resources 人力資源(簡稱 HR) 詞 natural resources 自然資源 詞 renewable energy resources 可再生能 詞
adj. 預算有限的;價格低廉的
Ted always stays in budget hotels to save money. 泰德總是投宿廉價旅店來省錢。 片
is trying to save up to buy a house, so he is on a very serious budget right now.
源 片
3 extremely 107 103
adv. 非常;極度地;極端地
Although the movie was extremely long, it was still fun to watch. extraordinarily adv. 非常;格外地
92 同
severely adv. 嚴重地;嚴苛地
stay 算
on budget 控制在預算內;不超出預
stay on budget, we are going to have to cut down on the amount of money we spend on advertising.
雖然這部電影非常長,但還是很好看。 99 同
budget 經濟拮
on a (serious/tight) 据;手頭緊
on/under/within 沒超出預算
budget 在預算之內;
Edwards thanked his team for finishing the project under budget.
Chapter 1 Travel 片
out of 預算
/ over one’s budget 超出某人的
dress is beautiful, but it’s a little out of my budget.
8 traveler 103 97 94
n. [U] 民間故事;民間傳說
Many of the stories in this book come from the country’s folklore.
6 broaden 101
When Jules worked in a hotel, he met many travelers. 詞
107 衍
travel vi. 旅行;行進 vt. 周遊
[tek] [6n]
We drove along the coast and took in the views. 我們沿著海岸開車,一邊欣賞風景。
take in 指「觀看;參觀」時,同 watch(即 本課用法)。take in 還有其他含意,列舉如下: • 吸收;領會
The company broadened its search to find qualified employees. 該公司擴大了搜尋範圍,以便找到符合資格 的員工。 broaden one’s 擴展視野/知識
check 旅行支票
v. phr. 參觀;欣賞;觀看
9 take in
這本書裡的許多故事是根據該國的民間傳 說。
n. [C] 旅客
5 folklore
The lecture was so detailed that Kevin could not take it all in.
這門課太鉅細靡遺了,凱文沒辦法吸收全部 的內容。
job will give you a chance to broaden your horizons in the music business.
• 欺騙(受詞為人) All the girls were taken in by Roberto’s smooth charms.
的機會。 Jill broadened
her knowledge of Chinese history while in college.
7 sightseeing
10 magnificent 97 96
sightseeing 觀光 I can’t wait to go sightseeing once we arrive. 片
adj. 壯觀的;宏偉的
He lives in a magnificent house high up in the mountains. 他住在高山上的一處豪宅。
n. [U] 觀光;遊覽
Jade spent her vacation shopping and sightseeing.
magnificence n. [U] 壯麗;宏偉
11 ferry 103
No one could ferry to the island that day due to the harsh weather. 因為天候惡劣,那天沒人能夠搭船去那座 島。
vt. 運送;(乘渡輪)渡過
14 awe-inspiring
They used a helicopter to ferry workers to the island.
The Beauty of Norway
Ferries run every fifteen minutes to take people across the harbor. 渡輪每十五分鐘一班,載人橫渡港灣。
12 inland
Climbing up the steep hill tired us out. 爬上陡峭的山丘把我們累壞了。 adj.(價格或要求)過高的
103 97
steeped in 充滿著…… The old ruins that were found in the jungle are steeped in mystery.
n. [C] 冰河;冰川
Thousands of years ago, Canada was covered by glaciers.
17 rural 107 105 92
adj. 鄉村的;郊區的
The rural area did not have many stores, but the air was clean and the people were friendly. 這個鄉村地區沒有很多商店,但是空氣很乾 淨且人們很和善。 反
vt./vi. 浸泡
cliffhanger n. [C] 緊張懸疑的連續劇(或電 影等)
16 glacier
The company charges a steep price for its services.
You must steep your tea well before drinking it.
awesome adj. 讓人驚嘆的;令人敬畏的
adj. 陡峭的;急遽的
We stood on the mountain cliff and looked down at the sea.
在岸邊玩了一段時間之後,那個旅行團往內 陸移動前往山區。
Lake Baikal is the largest inland body of water in the world.
awe n. [U] 讚嘆;敬畏
n. [C] 懸崖;峭壁
After spending time at the coast, the tour traveled inland to the mountains.
adj. 內陸的
15 cliff
adv. 往內陸地;在內陸地
The view from the top of the mountain was awe-inspiring.
n. [C] 渡輪
adj. 令人嘆為觀止的;令人驚嘆的
13 steep
urban adj. 城市的
18 civilization 98 93
n. [U] 文明;文明地區 [C, U] 文明社會
Jacob read a book about the ancient Egyptian civilization. 雅各讀了一本關於古埃及文明的書。 衍
civilize vt. 教化;使文明
civilized adj. 文明的;有教養的
civilian n. [C] 平民;百姓
Chapter 1 Travel 19 isolated 107 99 92
adj. 孤立的;偏僻的
Because Vince didn’t understand the language, he often felt isolated.
105 衍
isolate vt. 使與世隔絕;使孤立隔離 isolation n. [U] 孤立無援;孤獨
20 heavenly
the expense of 以……為代價 Wendy got her promotion at the expense of her former supervisor.
溫蒂獲得升遷,而她的前主管則遭到撤 換。
因為文斯不懂這個語言,他常覺得被孤立。 衍
at sb.’s expense 拿某人開玩笑 My wife had a good laugh at my expense when I tripped over the cat. 我太太拿我被貓絆倒的事來嘲笑我。
107 衍
expensive adj. 昂貴的
adj. 令人愉悅;美好的;天堂的
Two weeks in Tahiti sounds heavenly. 在大溪地待兩個星期聽起來非常美好。 詞
heavenly body 天體;星體(用於天文學 或氣象學等領域) heaven n. [U] 天堂;極樂世界
21 expense 106 96 95
abundance [4`b9nd4ns] n. [U] 豐富;充足 in a nutshell [6n] [4] [`n9t~]5l] phr. 簡言之;概括 來說
fjord [fi`7rd] n. [C] 峽灣
n. [C, U] 花費;支出
The expense of a first-class ticket is too high for me. 頭等艙的票價費用對我來說太高了。
單字填空 請利用本單元學過的單字,完成下列句子。
q Jane was scared of heights and would not go near the edge of the c w The road was too s
p for the scooter to drive up.
e The general had three trucks f
y his soldiers to the front.
r Paul wanted to take the slow train so he could t
n the view
from the window.
t Around thirty degrees north l
e, a strong wind blows across the Pacific.
克漏字測驗 請根據文意,選出正確的答案。
q (A) inland
(B) isolated
(C) steep
(D) resourceful
w (A) folklore
(B) travelers
(C) sightseeing
(D) glaciers
e (A) urban
(B) civilized
(C) expensive
(D) magnificent
r (A) steep
(B) isolate
(C) broaden
(D) ferry
t (A) budget
(B) longitude
(C) latitude
(D) civilization
The Beauty of Norway
Alaska is one of the most q areas of North America, yet travelers continue to want to visit to take in the awe-inspiring landscape. It’s true that in Alaska can be a bit of a challenge due to its immense size, the w vast areas of wild land that can’t be reached by road, and the expense of getting there. However, those who have made the trip say it is an extremely unforgettable experience. Alaska is home to relatively few people, but does contain many species of animals and birds, including bears and eagles. The landscape is e , with open plains, mighty cliffs and mountains, and around 100,000 glaciers. If you decide to visit, you can also r your knowledge of Alaska’s native civilizations by visiting one of the 229 tribes that still exist in Alaska. If you can stretch your to visit this heavenly place, there has never been a better time to go. t
Chapter 1 Travel TRACK 03
Protecting Africa’s Beauty Kruger National Park, in operation1 since 1927, is South Africa’s oldest national park. Almost two-thirds the size of Taiwan, it is estimated2 that 300,000 animals, predators3 and prey4 alike, occupy5 the park. Some one million tourists access6 the park every year to take an intimate7 look at nature in its original8 condition. Kruger Park is a safe and wonderful place to hike9 and get a little taste of wild Africa—as long as you don’t go wandering10 off alone. There are many large animals hiding in the bushes11. There is the possibility of seeing a crocodile12 floating in the water, a herd13 of hippos lying in the shade14, porcupine gnawing15 on bones, or one of the Big Five mammals16—elephant, rhino, buffalo, lion, and leopard. The park acts as a reserve17 to protect these beautiful animals from mankind18. Hunting on the grounds is strictly forbidden19. More than hunting, the spread of agriculture20 has destroyed their natural homes. Only by carefully protecting these animals will we keep them from vanishing21 completely.
閱讀理解 請在下列選項中,選出最適合的答案。 q Why was Kruger National Park established? (A) To protect the Big Five from other animals (B) So zoo animals could live in the wild (C) Because the animals needed protection from humans (D) So people had a better place to hunt wild animals w What best summarizes the article? (A) South Africa protects its wild animals from humans. (B) Kruger National Park is South Africa’s oldest park. (C) Many animals live in Kruger National Park. (D) Thanks to Kruger National Park, animals will not vanish completely.
1 operation 104 103 100
n. [U] 運作
3 predator 102 93
n. [C] 掠食動物;掠奪者
106 93
As it is losing money, the company plans to shut down its overseas operations.
operate vt./vi. 操作;運作
operational adj. 操作上的
n. [U] 被捕食的獵物;傷害的對象
Many of the small animals on the island are prey for the large snakes.
predator 食物鏈頂端的動物(如鯊
這座島上許多小動物都是這種大型蛇類的獵 物。
這家公司因為虧錢,打算關閉海外公司的營 運。
apex 魚)
4 prey
n. [C] 活動;營運
operation 運作中;施行中 In Europe, most trains are very modern, but some really old ones are still in operation.
fall prey 控制
She fell prey to an online scam.
5 occupy 107 106 104 101
to 成為……的犧牲品;受到……
vt. 占領;占用
The army occupies large parts of the region. 軍隊占領這個地區大部分的地方。
2 estimate
Lucy’s toys occupy most of the shelves in her closet.
104 102 98 92 91 95
[`5st4~met] vt. 估計;估價
Police estimated that over a million people joined the protest.
99 衍
estimated adj. 估計的;大約的
underestimate vt. 低估;小看
overestimate vt. 高估;對……評價過高
one’s attention 占據某人的心
problem has been occupying my attention all afternoon.
[`5st4m6t] n. [C] 估計;估算;估價
occupy 思
Bill asked the plumber to give him an estimate for the bathroom repair.
Nesting high on the cliff wall, the birds were safe from dangerous predators.
n. [C] 手術
這群鳥在懸崖高處築巢,得以免受危險掠食 者的威脅。
經過三個月的準備,是把計畫付諸實行的時 候了。
She made the courageous decision to have the operation.
Protecting Africa’s Beauty
After three months of preparation, it was time to put the plan into operation.
99 片
我一整個下午都在思考這個問題。 97 衍
occupation n. [U] 占據;占用 [C] 職業
6 access 103 99 93
vt. 進入;接近
You will need a special card to access this part of the building. 你必須有一張特殊卡片才能進入此建築的這 個區域。
Chapter 1 Travel 106 103 99
vt. 存取(電腦的檔案);使用
I can’t access my files at work because my Internet connection is down.
•(在行為上或想法上)創新的;獨 特新穎的;有獨創性的
我沒有辦法取得工作上需要的檔案,因為我 的電腦連線故障了。
Only students and teachers can access books in the school’s library.
只有學生和老師可以使用學校圖書館的書 籍。 103 93
由於天候問題,我們必須取消我們 原本的計畫。
If you want access to the hotel’s pool, you have to get a key at the front desk.
•(對新事物或新點子)有創意的 •(人)有創造力的(= inventive) Brenda’s story is short, but still very creative.
如果你想要去飯店的游泳池,你必須跟櫃台 人員拿鑰匙。 have
access to + N. 能夠使用(某事物) Donald’s apartment is special because it is the only one in the building that has access to the roof.
史坦有生動的想像力,而且是個很 有創造力的作家。
裡唯一一間能夠通往屋頂的。 accessible adj. 易使用的;易接近的
inaccessible adj. 難以理解的;難接近的
7 intimate 104 97
intimately adv. 熟悉地;親密地 intimacy n. [U] 親密;親近
8 original 101 91 90
adj. 原始的;最初的;原創的
This is a copy. Where is the original document? 這是影印本。原始文件在哪裡?
• 通常置於名詞前 Martin takes a novel approach to almost everything he does. 馬汀幾乎做任何事都有新穎的做 法。
I threw a small party and only invited a few intimate friends.
adj. 親密的;私下的
92 衍
我辦了一個小派對,只邀請一些親密的朋 友。
Stan had a vivid imagination and was a very creative writer.
唐諾的公寓很特別,因為它是這棟建築物 衍
瑪辛匠心獨具的點子讓她跟其他時 尚業人士不同。
We had to cancel our original plans due to the weather.
n. [U] 進入(權);通道;查詢(或使用) 的機會、權利
107 片
• 原初的;原來的 Maxine’s original ideas distinguished her from the rest of the fashion industry.
originality n. [U] 創造性;獨創性
9 hike 106 91
vi./vt. 徒步旅行
We were hiking in the forest and saw some deer. 我們在森林裡徒步旅行,看到了一些鹿。 vt. 使……大幅增加
The store hiked up their prices because they couldn’t pay the rent. 那家商店因為付不起店租而大幅提高售價。 n. [C] 徒步旅行
The hikes we took this summer were very difficult. 我們今年夏天的徒步旅行很艱辛。 16
hiker n. [C] 登山者;健行者
10 wander 107 104 103 96 90
延伸 本文中還出現許多其他動物的名稱,一起來看 看吧:
vi./vt. 閒逛;遊蕩
Henry wandered around the department store, looking for a gift for his mom.
• hippo [`h6po] 河馬(為 hippopotamus [~h6p4`p3t4m4s] 的縮寫)
Amanda had a rose bush growing in her garden. 阿曼達在花園裡種了一叢玫瑰。 beat 擊西
around the bush 拐彎抹角;聲東
Please stop beating around the bush and just tell me what you want me to do. 請不要再拐彎抹角了,只要告訴我你想要 我怎麼做。
12 crocodile
n. [C] 鱷魚(可簡稱為 croc [kr3k])
There is no swimming in this river because there are many crocodiles. 不可以在這條河裡游泳,因為有很多鱷魚。 慣
• leopard [`l5p0d] 豹
13 herd
n. [C] 灌木;灌木叢 [S](未開發的)叢林地帶
• buffalo [`b9f4~lo] 水牛
11 bush
crocodile tears 假裝傷心 Mark shed crocodile tears over the theft of his old car.
馬克的老爺車被偷的時候,他假裝傷心掉 了幾滴眼淚。
Protecting Africa’s Beauty
off 遊蕩;走失 Children should not be allowed to wander off alone.
• porcupine [`p7rkj4pa6n] 豪豬(複數形為 porcupine 或 porcupines) • rhino [`ra6no] 犀牛(為 rhinoceros [ra6`n3sr4s] 的縮寫)
亨利逛百貨公司,想找一份禮物送給媽媽。 片
102 96 90
n. [C](牛、象、馬、羊等)獸群
In the distance we could see a herd of deer walking across the field. 我們可以看見遠方有一群鹿正在穿越田野。 vt./vi. 將……趕在一起;畜牧
The man herded his sheep with the help of his specially trained dog. 那男人利用特別訓練的狗來牧羊。 99 衍
herder n. [C] 牧人
比較 英文中有許多修飾群體的計量詞,依修飾的對象 不同用法也不同,以下為基本的分類方式:
• 群居的牛、羊、馬、象等 a herd of horses • 鳥、雞、羊、山羊等體型較小的動物 flock a flock of sheep • 人類 group a group of people • 狼、犬類 pack a pack of wolves • 獅子 pride a pride of lions • 魚類及水生動物 school a school of fish • 蜂、蟻類等群聚型昆蟲 swarm a swarm of ants • 靈長類、哺乳類等 troop a troop of monkeys herd
Chapter 1 Travel 14 shade
17 reserve
n. [U] 陰涼處;陰影
n. [C] 自然保護區;禁獵區
After walking all day, they sat in the shade to rest. 走了一整天後,他們坐在樹蔭下休息。
David gave a large piece of land to a group that wanted to create a bird reserve.
n. [C](色彩的)深淺;色度
大衛把一大塊土地送給一個想成立鳥類保護 區的團體。
The room was painted in many different shades of blue.
shade 遮蔭;乘涼 Terry and Anna sought shade under a table umbrella at the café.
泰瑞和安娜在咖啡館的露天咖啡座下乘 涼。
比較 shade
n. [U] 儲備(金錢、物品等);儲備量
I always keep some money in reserve in case there is an emergency.
我總是預備一筆錢,以防有緊急事件發生。 107 106 105 102
vt. 預約;預訂;保留
I’ve reserved a room for us in a five-star hotel. 我在一間五星級飯店幫我們訂了一間房。
• 蔭涼處;遮蔭處 We stood in the shade to get out of the sun. 我們站在蔭涼處來避開太陽。
93 衍
reservation n. [C] 預訂或保留的房間(或席 座)
•(人或物在光線照射下所形成的) 影子 shadow
I saw the man’s shadow on the ground. 我看到那男人的影子在地面上。
15 gnaw
• 維護;保存(事物原貌使不受損) • 保存(食物使之不腐爛) The building has been preserved so that future generations can enjoy it.
有一隻老鼠把木門咬出一個洞,進入了房子 裡。
朵莉絲為自己和友人預訂了一家高 級餐廳的座位。
A rat gnawed through the wooden door to get inside the house.
16 mammal
• 預先保留(以便日後之用) • 預訂(餐廳、機票等) This computer is reserved for guests at the hotel. Doris reserved a table at a fancy restaurant for her and her friends.
vi./vt. 啃囓
n. [C] 哺乳類動物
The largest mammal in the world is the blue whale. 世界上最大的哺乳類動物是藍鯨。
該建築已被保存下來,如此一來世 世代代都可以欣賞它。
Putting the food in the refrigerator will help preserve it for longer. 把食物放進冰箱有助讓它能保存久 一點。
Most of the land in this region is used for agriculture. 103 衍
Many endangered animals could vanish as a result of climate change. 很多瀕危動物可能因為氣候變遷而絕種。 片
being n. [C] 人 同 humankind n. [U] 人類(統稱)
into thin air 憑空消失;不翼而飛 I don’t know what happened to my car keys, but they seem to have vanished into thin air. 我不知道我的車鑰匙到哪去了,但好像就 是憑空消失了。
19 forbidden
vi. 消失;滅絕
Global warming is a threat to all mankind. 107 同
agricultural adj. 農業的
動物不獵食時藉由休息來保有體 力。
n. [U] 人;人類
21 vanish
n. [U] 農業
Animals conserve energy by resting when they’re not hunting.
18 mankind 100
20 agriculture
Protecting Africa’s Beauty
• 保護(事物使之免於受損或改 變,作此義時相當於 preserve) • 節省;保存 Laws were put in place to conserve (= preserve) the nation’s forests.
vanishing adj. 消逝中的;開始消失的
adj. 禁止的;禁忌的
It is forbidden to talk during the exam. 考試中禁止交談。 詞
106 衍
forbidden 的歡愉)
fruit 禁果(法律或道德所不容
forbid vt. 禁止;不准(forbid-forbadeforbidden)
Chapter 1 Travel 字彙測驗 請利用本單元學過的單字,選出正確的答案。
q Jason _______ that it would take more than ten hours to fly to Australia.
(A) occupied
(B) preserved
(C) reserved
(D) estimated
w Without her ID card, Tina wouldn’t have _______ to her office building.
(A) access
(B) intimacy
(C) originality
(D) occupation
e It is believed that eagles can spot their _______ from as far as two miles away.
(A) shadow
(B) herd
(C) prey
(D) crocodile
r Dean and Kurt remained _______ friends throughout their lives.
(A) creative
(B) original
(C) intimate
(D) accessible
t If you are hot, maybe you should sit in the _______ for a few minutes.
(A) swarm
(B) shade
(C) operation
(D) estimate
克漏字測驗 請根據文意,選出正確的答案。
The Greeks had a story about the origin of winter. There was a goddess named Demeter, who was the goddess of q . She made plants grow and become green. One day her daughter w , and no one knew where she had gone. Demeter e all over looking for her daughter. Leaves on the trees turned brown, and the flowers, r , and crops would not grow. The king of the gods realized that if conditions did not get better, all t would die. So he told Demeter where her daughter was. Another god, Hades, had taken her. Hades agreed to let the girl go to her mother if she came back for three months every year. Those three months became winter.
q (A) personality
(B) reservation
(C) agriculture
(D) mammal
w (A) estimated
(B) vanished
(C) hiked
(D) operated
e (A) wondered
(B) accessed
(C) occupied
(D) wandered
r (A) reserves
(B) shade
(C) bushes
(D) herds
t (A) mankind
(B) attention
(C) education
(D) tradition
Colder Is Better in Quebec City Unit
3 Colder Is Better in Quebec City
If you’re looking for a winter paradise 1, Quebec City is a top destination2. When Quebec was a French colony3, its residents4 began a tradition of celebrating before Lentu with food and fun. Named Carnaval de Quebec, it has grown into the largest winter carnival5 in the world. Come to cheer on ice canoe6 racers and admire snow sculptures7. Take part in dogsledding8 and ice fishing. For a souvenir9, make sure to snap10 a picture with Bonhomme Carnaval, snowman and official festival representative11, at his ice palace12. Of course, no trip would be complete without tasting local delicacies13. In Quebec, that means lots of maple14 syrup15. Look for maple syrup pie, maple-curedu ham, and maple taffy cooled on top of snow. Then, end the day in the fancy16 Hotel de Glace. This hotel is entirely composed17 of ice! Don’t worry—they have hot tubs18 to warm up in. For those who go to Quebec City and embrace19 its icy beauty, they are ensured20 a memorable experience in a winter wonderland.
閱讀理解 請在下列選項中,選出最適合的答案。 q What is the Carnaval de Quebec? (A) A special food during Lent (B) A hotel company (C) A colony of France (D) A large and famous festival w Which two things are combined in Quebec City? (A) Syrup and sculptures (B) Syrup and ice (C) Maple and snow (D) Maple and tubs
Chapter 1 Travel 高頻字彙
1 paradise 105 98 96 91
n. [C, U] 樂園;極美的地方 [C] 天堂
Arizona’s desert landscape is a nature lover’s paradise.
4 resident 107 103
• 指「天堂;天國」,也可用來 形容「極美之處;頗受人喜愛 之處」。例如: a shopper’s paradise「購物者的天堂」。
107 衍
境」,也可以指「景色優美的 地方;美景」。例如名著《愛 麗絲夢遊仙境》就是 Alice in Wonderland。
Children love Disneyland because it is like a magical wonderland.
深受兒童喜愛的嘉年華會每年夏天都會在這 裡舉辦。
6 canoe
3 colony
destination 觀光景點 [`k3l4ni]
n. [C] 殖民地;聚落;(生物)群落
North America was once a colony of England. 北美洲曾是英國的殖民地。
104 衍
colonist n. [C] 開拓者
colonial adj. 殖民地的
colonize vt./vi. 將……開拓成殖民地
n. [C] 獨木舟;划艇
Nellie and her dog went down the river in a canoe. 奈麗和她的狗乘著獨木舟順流而下。 91
vi./vt. 乘獨木舟;划獨木舟
During the day, we canoed to the different islands in the lake.
Belize is famous as a cheap vacation destination with great diving.
A carnival that the children love is held here during the summer each year.
n. [C] 目的地;終點
貝里茲以便宜、且能享受絕佳浮潛的度假聖 地而聞名。
reside vi. 居住
n. [C] 嘉年華會;狂歡
孩子們都愛迪士尼樂園,因為它 是個魔法般的仙境。
2 destination
residential adj. 住宅的
5 carnival
• 可指「童話世界中的仙境;奇
The residents of the building were told that the fire alarms were being tested.
n. [C] 居民
這棟建築物的居民被告知消防警報在測試 中。
The island seemed like a paradise to visitors.
亞利桑那州的沙漠景觀是大自然愛好者的天 堂。
白天時,我們在湖中乘獨木舟到不同的小 島。
7 sculpture 106 97 93
n. [C, U] 雕刻品;雕塑品
The artist made the sculpture of the woman out of stone. 這位藝術家用石頭製作那女子的雕像。
97 衍
sculptor n. [C] 雕刻家
97 衍
sculpt vt. 使成形;雕塑;雕刻
8 dogsledding
vt./vi. 猛咬
The crocodiles were snapping at the meat, but it was too high for them to get.
n. [U] 狗拉雪橇
Whether you plan to go skiing or dogsledding, you are going to have a great time in Alaska.
鱷魚猛咬肉塊,但是肉放得太高了牠們咬不 到。
無論你打算去滑雪或乘坐狗拉雪橇,你在阿 拉斯加都能玩得很愉快。
n. [C] 紀念品
泰拉最後終於能從她的壞心情中振作起 來。
11 representative
n. [C] 代表(= rep)
10 snap
我趁那家店舉辦書籍大特賣時搶購了十二 本書。
out of sth.【口】從某事中振作起來 Tara was finally able to snap out of her bad mood. 片
There are many shops near here that sell souvenirs like mugs and T-shirts. 這附近有很多賣馬克杯和 T 恤等紀念品的商
Colder Is Better in Quebec City
9 souvenir
up 搶購 I snapped up a dozen books at the store’s big book sale. 片
dogsledding 從事狗拉雪橇運動 衍 dogsled n. [C] 狗雪橇 vi./vt. 狗拉雪橇 衍 dogsledder n. [C] 駕駛或乘坐狗雪橇的人 衍 sledding n. [U] 滑雪橇(運動) 衍 sled n. [C] 雪橇 vi. 乘雪橇 詞
snapshot n. [C] 快照
A representative of our company will meet you at the airport.
Smile! I am going to snap a few photos now.
106 105
adj. 具代表性的(後常接 of)
The song I Am So Blue is representative of the singer’s depressed period. 《我很憂鬱》這首歌是那位歌手抑鬱時期的 一首代表作品。
snap 為狀聲詞,描寫按下相機快門、拍照的聲 音,同 click、pop。狀聲詞常可作動詞用。其
• swish 刷刷作響地揮動;鞭打;抽打 • sizzle 煎烤食物時(熱油等)滋滋作響 • crackle 劈劈啪啪的爆裂聲;使發爆裂聲 • crash(發出猛烈聲音地)碰撞;墜落 • whack 用力打、重擊的聲音;猛擊;重擊
12 palace 107
office 辦事處;代表處
n. [C] 皇宮;宮殿
The princess lived in a beautiful palace. 公主住在美麗的皇宮裡。
palace 總統府 詞 Buckingham Palace 白金漢宮 詞
vt./vi. 應聲折斷;突然折斷
I snapped small sticks in half and used them to feed the fire. 我對半折斷幾根小樹枝,放進火裡助燃。
Chapter 1 Travel 13 delicacy
n. [S] 喜好 n. [U, C] 幻想;奇想
Victor’s interest in taekwondo turned out to be just a passing fancy.
n. [C] 珍饈;佳餚(尤指有某處風味的)
Snails are considered a delicacy in France, and I’ve eaten them many times.
結果維克多對跆拳道的興趣只不過是三分鐘 熱度而已。
a fancy to + N. 愛上/喜歡上…… Saskia took a fancy to a rabbit she saw at the pet store.
蝸牛在法國被視為一道佳餚,我吃過很多次 了。 104 衍
delicate adj. 精緻的
14 maple
n. [C] 楓樹
Every autumn, the leaves on the maple trees turn a beautiful golden color. 每年秋天,楓樹的葉子就會轉變為一種漂亮 的金黃色。
15 syrup
莎斯姬亞愛上了她在寵物店看到的一隻兔 子。
17 compose 106 105 102 101 97
vt. 組成
The group is composed of professors and students. = Professors and students compose the group. 這個團體是由教授和學生組成的。
n. [U] 糖漿
After making pancakes, I topped them with butter and syrup.
composed of 由……所組成
vt. 創作;書寫;構圖
The painter spent many hours composing the picture before he started to paint.
syrup 玉米糖漿 詞 maple syrup 楓糖漿 詞
16 fancy 104 101
adj. 華麗的;精緻的;昂貴的
For Helen’s birthday, her boyfriend composed a song about her.
We stayed at a fancy hotel during our trip to Paris.
海倫的男友為了她的生日作了一首關於她的 曲子。
vt. 【口】喜愛;想要(+ N./V-ing)
Lauren fancies fine jewelry, and she spends a lot of money on it each year. 羅倫喜歡精美的珠寶,她每年花大筆錢在這 方面。
Do you fancy having some cake with your tea? 你想要來點蛋糕配茶嗎?
vt./vi. 譜曲
composer n. [C] 作曲家
18 tub 96
n. [C] 浴缸;桶;盆
Beth filled the tub with hot water and took a long bath. 貝絲在浴缸放滿熱水,泡了一個很久的澡。
tub 熱水澡盆 同 bathtub n. [C] 浴缸 詞
19 embrace 98 96
vt. 欣然接受;支持(想法、情況等)
Over time, Lisa learned to embrace her family’s troubled history as part of who she is.
Lent [l5nt] n. [U] 大齋期(是基督教教會年曆的一個 節期。整個節期是從 Ash Wednesday「聖灰星期三」 到 Easter「復活節」前一日為止,不計期間的六個主 日共為期四十天。在此期間為了紀念耶穌在曠野禁食 四十晝夜並受魔鬼試探,因此鼓勵教徒齋戒和懺悔。)
maple-cured [`mepy`kj8rd] adj. 楓糖醃漬的(cure
vt. 擁抱
3 Colder Is Better in Quebec City
She rushed to embrace her father; it had been so long since they had seen each other. 她衝過去擁抱她父親;他們已經好長一段時 間沒有見面了。
20 ensure 101 96 93
vt. 保證;確保
Getting exercise every day will ensure deep sleep at night. 每天運動會確保晚間能有深層睡眠。 比較
• 確保(某事會恰當地發生) • 句型:ensure + N. / that 子句 (接子句時可用 make sure 代換) Kelly ensured a good time for her guests by providing lots of great food and music at her party. 凱莉在派對上提供許多美食和好音 樂,確保她的客人玩得盡興。
I’ll ensure (= make sure) that all materials arrive in a timely manner. 我會確保所有材料都能如期抵達。
•(向某人)保證(某事會發生) • 句型: assure + sb.(+ that 子 句)
The cat will come back when it gets hungry, I assure you. assure
我跟你擔保,那隻貓餓了一定會回 來。
I can assure you that your pet pig will be well cared for. 我跟你保證你的寵物小豬將會被妥 善照顧。
Chapter 1 Travel 單字填空 請利用本單元學過的單字,完成下列句子。
q Massachusetts was one of the original thirteen British c
s that later
became the United States.
w Visitors from all over the world visit Rio de Janeiro every year to experience its famous c
e Mr. Lee is the company r
e who will speak to the reporters.
r Many people think that bacon and s
p make the perfect topping for
t Julie’s first book is c
d of several short stories about her teenage years.
文意選填 請根據文意,選出正確的答案。
If you are looking for a unique travel q , you should pay a visit to Colonial Williamsburg in Virginia, USA. Colonial Williamsburg is a living museum in which you can w history as you walk through the old streets. The guides in the town pretend to be the 18th century e , wearing the fancy clothing of the time and even using old-fashioned language. One building you must visit is the Governor’s Palace, which will r that you gain understanding of how the colony’s representatives struggled with their British rulers. There are also two art galleries to visit where you can see a variety of paintings and t . Don’t forget to y some pictures and buy some souvenirs from the charming little shops to give to your friends back home. Once you get hungry, you can try a variety of 18th century u in one of the many restaurants in the town. You might want to end your day with a relaxing soak in the hot i at the local spa, where you can reflect on America’s rich history.
(A) tub
(B) ensure
(C) snap
(D) residents
(E) destination
(F) sculptures
(G) embrace
(H) delicacies
Cologne: A Cultural Capital Located on the banks of the Rhine River, Cologne is a tourist destination steeped in majesty 1 . This ancient city comes highly 2 recommended3 as an important cultural center. Unit
4 Cologne: A Cultural Capital
Cologne was thoroughly4 rebuilt following World War II, resulting in a unique cityscape 5. The Old Town, marked by its distinctive 6 architecture7, carries an unmistakable charm. First-time visitors often make a reservation8 in this neighborhood9 for the duration10 of their stay, as it is within walking distance of the river and Cologne’s twelve Romanesqueu churches. Art lovers in particular will be fascinated11 by Museum Ludwig. Its galleries12 host some of the world’s finest contemporary13 art, not limited to its enviableu American Pop Art collection and an impressive Picasso collection. Overlooking14 the city is Cologne Cathedral15, a massive16 Gothic masterpiece17 and UNESCO World Heritageu Site. This beautiful building was designed and ornamented18 to house the Shrine19 of the Three Kings, said to contain the bones of the biblicalu Wise Men. Understandably, the cathedral is the most visited landmark in Germany. For the adventurous a 533-step climb up the tower affords20 marvelous21 views of the city. After sightseeing, make sure to try some traditional cuisine 22. A popular meal in Cologne consists of Kölsch beer and Halve Hahn— rye bread served with cheese, butter, and mustard23. Other regional fare includes Mettbrötchen—raw24 chopped pork served on rolls with raw onion—and Himmel un Aad, translated25 as “Heaven and Earth”, which combines mashed26 potatoes and apple slices27 accompanied28 by German blood sausage. From historical buildings to traditional cuisine to art galleries, it’s no wonder that this cultural capital is one of the most-visited cities in Germany.
Chapter 1 Travel 閱讀理解 請在下列選項中,選出最適合的答案。 q Why should first-time visitors to Cologne stay in the Old Town? (A) It has a popular art scene. (B) There are many museums there related to World War II. (C) It is located very close to the river. (D) Some of the hotels are inside churches. w Which place in Cologne is said to offer a great view of the city? (A) Museum Ludwig (B) Cologne Cathedral (C) Kölsch beer factory (D) The Romanesque church
1 majesty
n. [U] 雄偉;壯麗
Once you see the majesty of the mountains in Nepal, you will never forget them. 一旦你見過尼泊爾雄偉的群山,你就永遠不 會忘記。
93 92 91
vt. 推薦;勸告
Nathan recommended that his sister take her money out of the stock market. 奈森建議他姊姊把資金從股市中抽回來。
104 片
(+ to sb.) 推
傑拉德推薦這本書給我,但是我不是很喜 歡。 片
majestic adj. 崇高的;高貴的
adv. 極度;非常
Ron was able to take down the thief because he is highly skilled in martial arts. 片
speak 價很高
彼得很讚賞他的朋友愛莉西亞,所以我想 你應該見見她。
sb. to + V. 推薦/建議某人
學校建議學生籃球賽早點到場。 99 片 96
recommend that + 推薦/建議某人做某事
S. (+ should) + V.
Camille recommends that people who travel to Paris (should) visit this museum.
highly of sb. 讚揚某人;對某人評
Peter speaks very highly of his friend Alicia, so I think you should meet her.
recommend 做某事
The school recommended students to arrive early for the basketball game.
recommend + N./V-ing 薦某事物(給某人)
People in the country admire the majesty of the king.
2 highly 96
Jared recommended this book to me, but I didn’t really like it.
3 recommend
n. [U](帝王的)統治權、權威或尊嚴 [C](大 寫)陛下
卡蜜兒推薦去巴黎旅行的人參觀這座博物 館。 96 衍 衍
recommended adj. 受到推薦的 recommendation n. [U, C] 推薦
4 thoroughly 103 97
• 明顯不同的;易區別的;清楚
adv. 徹底;完全
Ethan searched the house thoroughly, but he couldn’t find his camera.
伊森徹底搜尋過房子,但是他沒能找到他的 相機。 107 同 衍
completely adv. 完全地 thorough adj. 徹底的;仔細的
5 cityscape
The government preserved the cityscape by only allowing developers to build low-rise apartment blocks.
n. [U] 建築(風格);建築學
字尾 -scape 表示「……的風景」,常接在名詞 的後面。以 -scape 結尾的字還有:
• seascape 海景
馬德里以其宏偉的建築風格而 聞名。
• streetscape 街景
• 各式公私立建物,如
• waterscape 水景;海景
• 建築學;建築風格或樣式, 如 Roman architecture 「羅馬建築」、Byzantine architecture「拜占庭建 Madrid is famous for its magnificent architecture.
• townscape 城鎮景觀
adj. 有特色的;特殊的
The archeologist could see the distinctive outline of several human shapes in the cave painting.
醫院、學校、商業機 構等,如 educational establishment「教 育機構」、financial establishment「金融機 構」。
Malls are open on Labor Day, but most local establishments will be closed.
那位考古學家能看出洞窟壁畫上有好幾個特 殊的人形輪廓。
勞動節那天購物商場有營業, 但大部分的本地商家都不會營 業。
• 建造;公共營造工程,如公
• 特殊的;有特色的 Meredith could tell it was Harold in front of her because he has a very distinctive walk. 梅勒迪斯可以看出走在她前面的 是哈洛德,因為他走路的方式非 常特別。
• landscape(大自然)風景
6 distinctive
Hong Kong has some of the most interesting modern architecture in the world.
政府為了維護市容,只准許建商興建低樓層 的公寓大樓。 延伸
Cologne: A Cultural Capital
n. [C] 都市風景
distinction n. [C, U] 特質;特別之處
7 architecture 97
Each of these two types of tea has a distinct flavor.
路、鐵路、橋樑、隧道等, 如 under construction 指 「(工地)施工中;(網站) 建構中」; construction industry 表「營造業」。
Construction on the stadium will begin next year. 那座體育館的建造工程會在明 年開始。 29
Chapter 1 Travel 107 衍 衍
architect n. [C] 建築師 architectural adj. 建築(學)的
8 reservation 93
如果你沒有預約,就無法住進這間飯店的房 間。
105 衍
92 90
Lenny had reservations about buying the car due to its high price.
107 衍
reserve vt. 預訂;預約;保留
9 neighborhood
The bright colors and loud music of the parade fascinated the child.
延伸 名詞字尾 -hood 可指共有某種情況或特性的 人,亦可表示「時期;狀態;性質」。這類常 見單字包括:
• boyhood(男性的)少年時代 • brotherhood 兄弟;手足之情
someone with . . . 讓(某人)
凱莉的故事讓我們著迷不已。 91 衍 103 衍
fascinating adj. 迷人的 fascination n. [U, S] 魅力;令人著迷的事物
12 gallery 100
n. [C] 美術館;畫廊
Rachel has a show of her paintings at a gallery in the city.
The houses in my neighborhood are old, but they still look very nice. 我社區裡的房子歷史悠久,但它們看起來依 然良好。
fascinate 對……著迷
Kelly fascinated us with her stories.
n. [C] 鄰近地區;社區;居住區
瑞秋在城裡一間畫廊辦了一場她的畫作展。 106 詞
gallery 畫廊;藝廊
13 contemporary 106
adj. 當代的;同時代的
Some contemporary art that I’ve seen is difficult to understand. 我看過的某些當代藝術很難理解。
• childhood 童年
n. [C] 同時代的人;同輩
• livelihood 生計
Living a simple life, the politician is different from his contemporaries.
• motherhood 母性;母親身分
10 duration
n. [U] 持續期間;持久
The increased duration of the school day meant that students were very tired. 30
vt./vi. 使著迷;強烈吸引
reservation 預訂;預約(飯店、
遊行的鮮明色彩與宏亮的音樂讓孩子們深深 著迷。
因為價格的緣故,藍尼對於買下那部車的想 法還是有所保留。
Howard made a reservation at a nice restaurant.
durable adj. 耐用的;持久的
11 fascinate
n. [C, U] 保留意見
make a 餐廳等)
duration 持續很久;持續好一段
n. [C] 預約;預訂
for the 時間
Mr. Wu hopes his new assistant will be here for the duration.
You won’t be able to get a room in this hotel without a reservation.
那位政治人物與他同時代的人們不同,他過 著簡樸的生活。 同
present-time adj. 當代的
modern adj. 現代的
14 overlook 106
vt. 俯瞰;在……之上
The house overlooks the beach, and you can usually hear the sound of the ocean.
16 massive 107 105 103
adj. 極大的;極多的
The slippery roads during the ice storm caused a massive car accident on the highway.
這棟房子眺望著海灘,所以你常能聽到海洋 的聲音。
冰風暴時路非常滑,導致高速公路上一起大 規模的車禍。
vt. 忽略;忽視
We should choose Wendy for the team, and let’s not overlook Ida.
17 masterpiece
數百幅出自最知名畫家的傑作就掛在博物館 的牆上。
Jack overlooked the possibility
傑克在計畫野餐時,忽略了下雨的 可能性。
•(故意)忽略(某事物) •(故意)不理會(不喜歡的人事物) Do not ignore your friends’ advice. ignore
18 ornament 101
如果你輕忽婚姻,它不會維持很久 的。
15 cathedral
n. [C](內設主教座的)教區總教堂; (堂皇宏偉的)大教堂
n. [C, U] 裝飾品
Every Christmas, we decorate a tree with lights and colorful ornaments. 每年聖誕節,我們都用燈泡與多彩的裝飾品 來裝飾一棵樹。 衍
•(因不夠用心而)疏忽(自身的責 If you neglect your marriage, it will not last very long.
vt. 裝飾;美化
凱文只是想惹你生氣,所以你盡量 不要理會他。
Lizzie’s wedding dress was ornamented with beads and pearls.
Kevin is just trying to make you angry, so do your best to ignore him.
4 Cologne: A Cultural Capital
the picnic.
Hundreds of masterpieces by some of the most famous painters hung on the walls of the museum.
overlook of rain when he was planning
n. [C] 傑作;名作
我們應該挑選溫蒂加入球隊,還有不要忽略 艾達。 比較
massively adv. 大型地;大規模地
ornamental adj. 裝飾的;作裝飾用的
19 shrine 92
n. [C] 神殿;紀念場所
Japanese students often visit this shrine before exams to pray for good grades. 日本學生經常在考試前參訪這座神社,祈求 能有好成績。 衍
enshrine vt. 珍藏;奉為神聖
It took almost 100 years to build the giant stone cathedral. 蓋這座巨大的石造教堂花了將近一百年的時 間。
Chapter 1 Travel 20 afford
24 raw
vt. 提供;給予
The holiday afforded Harold a little extra time to get his work done. 這個假期讓哈洛有多一點時間來完成工作。 103 96 95 91
vt. 買得起;負擔得起
The estimate to get my car fixed turned out to be more than I could afford. 結果修車的預估費用超出我所能負擔的。 片
afford sth. / to 擔……(的價格)
V. 買得起……;能夠負
We can’t afford a trip to Europe because the flights are too expensive. 我們負擔不起去歐洲旅行,因為航班太貴 了。
95 94
adj. 未加工的;生的;未熟的
Lily prefers raw over cooked vegetables. 莉莉喜歡生鮮蔬菜勝於煮過的。 100 反
cooked adj. 煮熟的
25 translate 90
Please help me translate this document from Chinese into English. 請幫我把這份中文文件譯成英文。 vt./vi. 轉化;轉變(+ into)
I ’ m looking for a program that can translate MP3 files into other file types. 我在找一個可以把 MP3 檔案轉成其他檔案 格式的程式。
• 筆譯 • 在口語中或非正式的情況下, translate 也經常用來表示「口
adj. 非常棒的;了不起的;令人驚嘆的
That restaurant we went out to last night was marvelous!
譯」。 translate
This book was written in French but translated into English.
我們昨晚去的那間餐廳真是太棒了! 同
97 衍
• 口譯 I understood the Russian’s speech because someone interpreted it for me.
marvel vi./vt. 感到驚奇 n. [C] 令人驚奇的人 事物
我聽得懂那個俄國人的演講,因為 有人口譯給我聽。
n. [U, C](具地方特色的)菜餚;烹調(方法)
When people think of American cuisine, they often think of hamburgers and hot dogs. 當人們想到美式佳餚時,他們想的通常是漢 堡與熱狗。
23 mustard
n. [U, C] 芥末(醬);芥子
In Chicago, people never put ketchup on their hot dogs, only mustard. 在芝加哥,人們從不在熱狗上淋番茄醬,他 們只淋芥末醬。 32
這本書是用法文寫的,但是被翻譯 成英文。
awesome adj.【口】極棒的;令人敬畏的
22 cuisine
vt./vi. 翻譯(+ into)
Lauren says that she can afford to go on a short vacation this year.
21 marvelous 97
103 衍
translation n. [C, U] 翻譯
26 mash
vt. 把……搗成糊狀
Rick used a spoon to mash the potatoes. 瑞克用一根湯匙把馬鈴薯搗成糊狀。 詞
potatoes 馬鈴薯泥
27 slice 106
28 accompany
n. [C] 薄片;部分
There is nothing better than eating a slice of cold watermelon in summer. 在夏天沒有什麼比吃片冰涼的西瓜更棒的 了。 90
104 100 90
vt. 陪同;陪伴;伴隨
Olive sometimes accompanies her children on their walk to school. 奧莉薇有時會陪孩子們走路去上學。
98 衍
company n. [U] 陪伴
vt. 切片
You will need a sharper knife to slice the potato into thin pieces.
slice of the/that pie 一份好處 Although there were already many fitness apps on the market, Johnny wanted a slice of the pie for his new app.
Romanesque [~rom4n`5sk] adj. 羅馬式的 enviable [`5nv64by] adj. 可羨慕的;引起妒忌的
Cologne: A Cultural Capital
你需要更鋒利的刀子才能把馬鈴薯切成薄 片。
heritage [`h5r4t6d.] n. [U, S] 遺產 biblical [`b6bl6ky] adj. 聖經的
雖然市面上已經有許多健身應用程式,強 尼還是希望他的新應用程式能分一杯羹。
字彙測驗 請利用本單元學過的單字,選出正確的答案。
q Mark speaks very _______ of his school because he thinks his teachers are excellent.
(A) massively
(B) completely
(C) highly
(D) thoroughly
w There are not many places to eat in my _______, so I usually go downtown.
(A) neighborhood (B) livelihood
(C) motherhood
e Gordon was _______ by the way the factory operated.
(A) accompanied (B) ignored
(C) fascinated
(D) childhood (D) neglected
r The weather was _______ when we went on holiday last week.
(A) distinct
(B) architectural
(C) durable
(D) marvelous
t The artist’s painting was considered a real _______ of modern art.
(A) cityscape
(B) construction
(C) shrine
(D) masterpiece
Chapter 1 Travel 克漏字測驗 請根據文意,選出正確的答案。
One reason to visit the Spanish city of Barcelona is to admire its famous . The most famous building in the city is Antoni Gaudi’s massive q cathedral, the Sagrada Familia, which is due to be completed in 2026, more than 140 years after construction began. It has fallen to w engineers and architects to interpret Gaudi’s original designs and complete his masterpiece. The majesty of the cathedral dominates the cityscape, but Barcelona’s other attractions shouldn’t be . As well as beautiful buildings and marvelous galleries, you can walk e through charming old neighborhoods and sample the delicious local r . There is so much tasty food to try in Barcelona, that another t activity is to take a food tour around the city’s many cafés, bars, and restaurants. With so much art, design, sunshine, and food to enjoy, it’s understandable that Barcelona is one of Europe’s top tourist destinations. q (A) establishment (B) translation
(C) fascination
(D) architecture
w (A) distinctive
(B) contemporary (C) massive
(D) raw
e (A) afforded
(B) overlooked
(C) reserved
(D) translated
r (A) majesty
(B) duration
(C) cuisine
(D) ornament
t (A) ignored
(B) recommended (C) enshrined
(D) accompanied
Finding Happiness in Denmark Denmark is reported to be one of the happiest countries in the world, and it’s easy to understand why. Its cities feel small and cozy1, yet contain a variety of treasures. On top of this, the gorgeous2 countryside, with dense3 forests and rolling farmlands, invites Danesu to stay in touch with nature. Unit
5 Finding Happiness in Denmark
As evidenced by the country’s status4 as one of the most bicyclefriendly nations in the world, Denmark is a leader in green living. Over 12,000 kilometers5 of fairly6 flat bicycle tracks allow you to cycle across islands, over bridges, and onto ferries. With an organized bike tour, you can conveniently book a bike, choose your route7, and have your luggage transferred8 from place to place. Pedaling9 past a background10 of historic sites and rows of colorful houses will acquaint11 you with Copenhagen’s overall12 outline13, but several points of interestu deserve14 a closer look. New as well as oldfashioned rides create a charming atmosphere 15 at the 175-year-old amusement16 park Tivoli Gardens. You also shouldn’t overlook several castles around Copenhagen. Kronborg Castle, the inspiration17 for the setting of Shakespeare’s tragedy18 Hamlet, boasts stunning19 Renaissanceu interiors20, and Rosenborg Castle houses the Danish crown21 jewels. Why not conclude22 a tiring day of castle hopping with dinner in Nyhavn? Once a commercial23 port, today it’s where locals go for food and fun. The father of the modern fairy tale24, Hans Christian Andersen, lived in Nyhavn and wrote some of his most famous stories there. With cultural and natural attractions25, and where green living sits high on the agenda26, Danes have much to smile about. Visit Denmark and let some of that happiness rub offu!
Chapter 1 Travel 閱讀理解 請在下列選項中,選出最適合的答案。 q What can be organized through a bike tour in Denmark? (A) You will get a discount on the ferries. (B) Your bike can be shipped to your home country. (C) You will get an award for green living. (D) Your luggage can be sent to your next destination. w What can a visitor do at Tivoli Gardens? (A) Shop in a jewelry store (B) Buy a Renaissance painting (C) Get on an old-fashioned ride (D) See the inspiration for one of Shakespeare’s works
1 cozy
4 status
adj. 舒適愜意的
Lauren invited a few of her closest friends over for a cozy dinner party.
102 101 100
蘿倫邀請了一些最親近的朋友參加愜意的晚 餐派對。
2 gorgeous
n. [S] 情況;狀態 [U] 地位;身分
Regarding the status of the train line to the airport, we expect to be finished with construction by the end of next year.
Mark’s work promotion raised not only his income but also his social status.
We stayed in a hotel that had gorgeous views of the ocean and the mountains.
馬可工作獲得升遷不只增加了收入,還提升 了他的社會地位。
我們住在視野絕佳的飯店,可以觀海也可看 山。
詞 詞
102 99 97
adj. 密集的;濃稠的
The dense growth of plants made it difficult to walk in the field. 植物茂密生長使得在田野中行走很不容易。
densely adv. 稠密地;密集地
density n. [U, C] 密度
關於通往機場的鐵路狀況,我們預期能在明 年底前完工。
adj. 引人入勝的;美麗迷人的;華麗的
3 dense
quo 現狀 social status 社會地位
5 kilometer 105
[k4`l3m4t0] / [`k6l4~mit0]
n. [C] 公里
The people in the race had to run ten kilometers. 這場賽跑中的人必須跑上十公里。
延伸 在公制的長度或重量單位中,字首 kilo- 表示 「千」,字首 cent(i)- 表「百;百分之一」; 而 milli- 則表「千分之一;毫」。
take/follow a route (往……)的路徑
(to sth.) 遵循
I took a different route to work this morning, and it turned out to be much quicker.
• gram 公克
我今天早上走一條不同的路去上班,結果 快多了。
kilogram 公斤(一千公克) centigram 厘克(百分之一公克) milligram 毫克(千分之一公克) The doctor told him to take 80 milligrams of the medicine twice a day for three days.
• 指「(交通工具的)航線;路線」,通 常可在地圖上找到此路線
醫生告訴他每次服藥八十毫克,每天兩次、 連續服用三天。
• meter 公尺
• 也可指「(前往某處的)特定路線」 If you want to get to the river, going through the farm would be your best route.
kilometer 公里(一千公尺) centimeter 公分(百分之一公尺) millimeter 公釐;毫米(千分之一公尺) The snake was around ninety centimeters long.
Finding Happiness in Denmark
如果你想到那條河去的話,穿過農莊會 是你最好的路線。
• 指「(專供某種交通工具使用的)車 道」,如: bicycle lane「腳踏車專用 lane
• 也可指「巷」,常出現於地址中 The farm is at the end of this lane. 那個農莊就在這條巷子底。
6 fairly 106 101
adv. 相當地;還算
The sofa was fairly expensive, but I bought it anyway.
那沙發相當貴,不過我還是買了。 adv. 公正地;公平地
The teacher treats all of his students fairly.
unfairly adv. 不公平地
7 route 103 101 98
[ra8t] / [rut]
n. [C] 路線;道路;行車路線
8 transfer
What’s the fastest route by car from New York to Washington?
route to 在……途中 We were stopped at the Syrian border while en route to Baghdad.
• 路;道路;公路 • 人、馬、車的行進途徑 Frank’s car blocked other cars on the road.
• 街;街道,旁邊多有建築物 • 通常指「城市的」商店街、娛樂街 street There are a lot of stores on this street.
那位老師公平對待所有的學生。 反
• 常指「(經人類或動物踏出的)小徑」 • 森林或山區中經開闢或標記的小路 You’ll see a path that goes through the farm.
101 96 95
vt. 遷移;轉移
Transfer the meat from the stove to the oven, and let it bake for fifteen minutes. 把肉從爐子上移到烤箱,然後烤十五分鐘。
在前往巴格達的途中,我們在敘利亞國界 被擋下來。 37
Chapter 1 Travel 11 acquaint
vi. 轉乘(交通工具)
I transfer at this train station every day on my way to work.
vt. 使熟識;使了解
The new workers aren’t acquainted with the company’s policies yet.
vt./vi. 轉換;轉調
Brad was transferred to another department in the company.
money 轉帳 Judy’s father transferred money to her bank account. 茱蒂的爸爸已經匯了一筆錢到她的戶頭。
9 pedal
n. [C] 踏板
Candice enjoyed the overall look of the film, but she wasn’t impressed by the plot or acting. 坎蒂絲欣賞那部電影的全貌,但並不怎麼喜 歡它的情節或演技。 104
Pushing down on the pedal will cause the car to speed up.
104 102 98 92
pedal 煞車踏板 [`b1k~gra8nd]
The painter likes to draw thick outlines for the objects he paints. 該畫家喜歡將他畫的物品畫粗線條的輪廓。 vt. 概述;畫出輪廓
Gordon is rich now, but he comes from a very poor background.
The candidate outlined the changes he would bring about if elected.
我哥哥有銀行背景,所以理財方面的問題 我總是問他。
background 家庭背景 詞 cultural background 文化背景 詞 educational background 教育背景 詞
n. [C] 輪廓;外形
a background in 有……的背景 My brother has a background in banking, so I always ask him for advice about money.
Overall, it took the IT staff three days to recover the lost files.
13 outline
Take a picture with the mountains in the background.
adv. 大體上;總共地;從頭到尾
n. [C] 背景;出身背景;學經歷
adj. 整體的;全面的
10 background
acquaintance n. [C] 熟人 [U] 相識
12 overall
Two people can pedal this bicycle at the same time.
sb. with sth. 使某人認識/熟
vi./vt. 騎(自行車)
acquaint 悉某事物
This class will acquaint students with the basics of art history.
布萊德被調到公司另外一個部門。 片
14 deserve 96 95 93
vt. 應受;應得;值得(之後接 N. 或 to V.)
Ethan thought he deserved a better grade on his science project. 伊森認為他的科學專題應得到更好的成績。
No one thought that Erica deserved to win the prize. 沒人覺得艾瑞卡應該贏得那個獎項。
deserve(s) it 這是某人應得的 Enjoy your vacation—you deserve it!
The thief is serving five years in prison and he deserves it! 這個小偷被送去坐五年牢。他活該!
15 atmosphere 103 101
n. [C] 氛圍;氣氛
107 衍
inspirational adj. 激發靈感的;鼓舞人心的
107 衍
inspire vt./vi. 激勵;鼓舞
18 tragedy 92
這間餐廳的氛圍很適合兩個人的約會。 95
16 amusement
amuse vt. 使娛樂;使開心
104 衍
17 inspiration 105
inspiration 神來一筆的靈感 The artist credited divine inspiration for his biblically themed paintings.
那位畫家把他以聖經為主題的畫作歸功於 神啟的靈感。
tragically adv. 不幸的是;悲慘地 comedy n. [C, U] 喜劇
stun vt. 使……大吃一驚;使……目瞪口呆
n. [C, S] 內部;內在
The house doesn’t look nice from the outside, but the interior is quite beautiful.
My inspiration for the poem came from watching leaves fall onto the wet street.
20 interior
n. [U] 靈感 [C] 鼓舞人心的人事物
Jody is an inspiration for all dancers.
tragic adj. 悲慘的;不幸的;悲劇的
我這首詩的靈感來自觀看落葉掉在潮濕的街 道上。
親眼看過那位女演員之後,我被她絕美的外 貌深深吸引。
park 遊樂園
amusing adj. 有趣的;好玩的
這小島要從這場災難中復原需要一段很長的 時間。
After meeting the actress in person, I was struck by her stunning good looks.
adj. 絕美的;令人震驚的
Amos likes to read detective novels for amusement. amusement
It will be a long time before the island recovers from the tragedy.
19 stunning
n. [U] 娛樂;消遣
n. [C, U] 不幸;悲劇;災難;悲劇(作品)
105 衍
Finding Happiness in Denmark
n. [S] 大氣層;空氣(常用單數形)
The rocket successfully made it out of the atmosphere.
flash of inspiration 突然一陣靈感 Her idea for the new product came to her in a flash of inspiration.
她這項新產品的構想來自於突然閃過的靈 感。
The atmosphere of the restaurant was perfect for two people on a date.
這棟房子從外面看不怎麼好看,但是內部卻 相當漂亮。 104
adj. 內部的;室內的
The interior rooms of the house were badly damaged by water that leaked in. 這棟房子裡面的房間因為漏水而嚴重受損。 反
exterior n. [C, S] 外觀;外部 adj. 外觀的; 外部的 interior
designer 室內設計師
Chapter 1 Travel 延伸
字首 in- 可指「在裡面;進入」,最常見的相 關字就是 inside。注意有時候 in- 會變形成 im-。而 ex- 的意思和 out 差不多,表示「在 外面;往外」,exit「出口」就是由此而來。 由這兩個字首衍生出的對照字還有:
• inhale 吸氣/ exhale 吐氣
21 crown
一旦兩名商人完成交易,他們就會握手並 外出共享晚餐。 101 衍
The judges placed a golden crown on the winner’s head.
101 98 91
A new king was crowned after the war. 戰爭之後有一位新國王被加冕。 片
be 譽
crowned (as) 被封為;接受……的榮
Because of his great achievement in popular music, Michael Jackson was crowned (as) the King of Pop. 麥可‧傑克遜因流行樂的超凡成就而被封 為流行樂天王。 詞
adj. 商業的
We’re renting this house for commercial use; we don’t plan on living in it.
n. [C] 商業廣告;電視或電台廣告
That commercial is on TV every ten minutes! 那支廣告在電視上每十分鐘就播出一次! 比較
•(平面媒體、電視、電台及 網路上的)廣告
vt./vi. 總結;結束
We concluded the party by giving out small gifts to everyone. 我們在宴會結束時,給每個人一份小禮物。 106 105 98 97 95 93 92
•(電視或廣播中的)商業廣告 Acting in a television commercial helped launch the actor’s career. 在電視廣告中演出幫助這名演 員開創事業。
crown jewels 國王、女王加冕時所授與的 王冠或權杖
22 conclude
我們租這間房子是為了商業用途,並不打算 住在裡頭。
評審在優勝者頭上放上金色皇冠。 vt. 加冕;立為國王
conclusion n. [C] 結論;結尾
23 commercial 100
n. [C] 王冠;(戴在頭上的)冠狀物
deal 完成(交易、
Once the two businessmen conclude the deal, they will shake hands and go out for dinner together.
• import 進口/ export 出口 • include 包括在內/ exclude 排除在外
conclude/close a/the 買賣等);訂立(協議
陶德在報上登了一則廣告。 反
The article concluded that the president’s decision was right. 這篇文章的結論是總統的決策是正確的。
• 用法較廣 Todd put an advertisement in the newspaper.
103 衍 衍
noncommercial adj. 非營利的;無經濟價 值的 commercially adv. 商業地 commercialized adj. 商業化的
24 fairy tale
n. [C] 議題;議事日程;待辦事項
Every night, Nathan reads to his daughter from a book of fairy tales.
There is a meeting today at noon, but I don’t know what the agenda is.
每天晚上,奈森都會讀書中的童話故事給他 女兒聽。
今天中午有個會議,但是我不知道議程是什 麼。
fairy n. [C] 小仙子
25 attraction 103 97
attraction 旅遊勝地;觀光勝地 衍 attractive adj. 有吸引力的 衍 attract vt./vi. 吸引;招引
Finding Happiness in Denmark
on the agenda 第一要務;首要事
The Eiffel Tower is one of the world’s most popular tourist attractions.
high 項
Improving customer satisfaction is high on the company’s agenda.
n. [C] 吸引人的事或物 [U] 吸引;吸引力
艾菲爾鐵塔是世上最受歡迎的觀光景點之 一。 107
n. [C] 童話故事
100 衍
26 agenda
[`f5r6] [tel]
Dane [den] n. [C] 丹麥人 point of interest [p76nt] [4v] [`6ntr6st] n. [C](導
航軟體)地標;景點(= POI)
Renaissance [`r5n4~s3ns] n. [S](大寫)文藝復興 rub off [r9b] [7f] v. phr. 影響;感染
字彙測驗 請利用本單元學過的單字,選出正確的答案。
q Esther and Leon were looking for a(n) _______ restaurant for their next date.
(A) dense
(B) cozy
(C) interior
(D) tragic
w It’s _______ easy to find my house, especially if you use the map I gave you.
(A) commercially (B) tragically
(C) overall
(D) fairly
e Before Jim left the office, he _______ all the files to a new folder on his computer.
(A) pedaled
(B) transferred
(C) crowned
(D) concluded
r The art teacher took the students to a gallery so that they could get some _______.
(A) inspiration
(B) attraction
(C) outline
(D) tragedy
t The latest Star Wars film was a(n) _______ success, but critics didn’t like it.
(A) amusing
(B) gorgeous
(C) commercial
(D) attractive
Chapter 1 Travel 文意選填 請根據文意,選出正確的答案。
Why would any adult want to visit Disneyland without kids? Many people think the famous Disney q park is only for children, but the truth is many adults love to visit the park too. It has the w of being the oldest and most visited theme park e , and for good reason. For most visitors, taking a picture in front of the fairy tale castle is high on the r . Of course you will also want to go on some rides, but just by walking through the streets of Disneyland, you will be taking in the magical t . On arrival, most people take a standard route to y themselves with the wonders of the park, but it’s a good idea to take a different path. Either way, you are likely to cover several before the end of the day! After all that walking, you will i a u rest, but you will also realize that a visit to Disneyland without kids is very enjoyable.
(A) status
(B) overall
(C) kilometers
(D) deserve
(E) atmosphere
(F) amusement
(G) acquaint
(H) agenda
Chapter 2
Unit 6
Life in a Frozen Land
Unit 7
The Benefits of Conserving Water
Unit 8
Nitrogen Footprint
Unit 9
The War against Food Waste
Chapter 2 Environment TRACK 11
Life in a Frozen Land At first glance1, the frozen Arcticu appears empty2 of life. The air is so cold that bare skin freezes 3 within five minutes. Despite these harsh4, dreadful5 conditions, this land sustains6 at least a dozen species of wildlife7. Arctic animals are often fat, fluffyu creatures. They depend on natural defenses8 to tolerate9 the winter environment. Their layers10 of fat and fluff keep them warm and protect them from icy winds. Many grow distinctive white fur11 that allows them to hide in the snow, and most animals move very slowly to preserve energy. In the spring, blades12 of grass will poke 13 up through the blanket 14 of snow, and colorful wildflowers will flourish15 as the snow melts. Spring warmth16 will cause white fur to change to colors that blend in with this new environment. Many animals are so well adapted17 that they never leave the confines18 of this geographical19 region.
閱讀理解 請在下列選項中,選出最適合的答案。
What is not used to explain how animals survive in the Arctic? (A) Arctic animals have fur that matches the environment. (B) Fluffy fur keeps the animals warm in icy winds. (C) Animals move slowly so that they do not waste energy. (D) The melting snow provides water for the animals.
Which of the following could replace “poke up” in the passage? (A) Dig (B) Rise (C) Punch (D) Strike
1 glance
•(某地方)沒人在的;(某物)沒人使 用的,如旅館的空房、醫院的空床 或職位的空缺
n. [C] 一瞥;掃視
You need more than a glance at the book to understand it.
要看懂這本書不能只是隨便翻翻而已。 vi./vt. 一瞥;掃視
of 沒有/缺乏…… The police made sure the building was empty of people. 片
glimpse n. [C] 一瞥;掃視 vi./vt. 瞥見 at
first glance 乍看之下 At first glance, the insect looked like it was part of the tree’s branch.
2 empty
警察確認過大樓裡沒有人。 衍
adj. 空的;空虛的;空洞的
vi./vt. 凍 僵;( 使 ) 結 冰 vt. 冷 凍( 食 物 ) (freeze-froze-frozen)
The train was empty except for one old man.
The water in the bucket froze during the night.
vt. 清空;倒空
Wes emptied his backpack so he could pack clothes in it for his trip.
Every time Steve tried to open the file, his screen froze.
威斯清空他的背包,這樣他才能為旅行打包 衣服。
每次史蒂夫試著打開檔案,他的螢幕就會當 掉。
vi. 突然停住;站住不動
• 空無一人的 •(容器中)空無一物的 The school’s library is usually empty on weekends. 學校的圖書館在週末時經常空無一 人。
She poured water into the empty cup. 她把水倒進空杯內。
empty-handed adv. 空手地
3 freeze 100
Life in a Frozen Land
四○三號房是空的;這是一間附浴室 的雙人房。
我經過商店櫥窗時瞥了一眼。 90 片
Room 403 is vacant; it’s a double with a bathroom.
There were no vacant beds in the hospital.
I glanced in the window of the store as I passed it. 同
The police officer told the criminal to freeze. 警官叫那個罪犯站住不要動。
up(電腦)無反應;當機 Brad’s computer froze up again. 片
布萊德的電腦又當機了。 衍
97 衍
freezing adj. 酷寒的;冰凍的 frozen adj. 結凍的
freezer n. [C] 冷凍庫;冰箱
point 冰點
Chapter 2 Environment 4 harsh 106 102 90
adj. 惡劣的;嚴峻的;嚴厲的
台灣中部的山區是種類廣泛的野生動物棲息 地。
104 同
n. [C] 防禦物;屏障 [U, C] 防禦;防衛
adj. 可怕的;討厭的
106 衍
self-defense n. [U] 自我防衛
This book describes the dreadful war that made thousands of families lose loved ones.
107 衍
defend vt./vi. 保衛;防守
95 衍
9 tolerate 107 97
dread vt./vi./n. [U, S] 害怕;恐懼
6 sustain
vt. 維持;供養;支撐;遭受
The Earth is the only planet known to sustain life.
I am not going to tolerate your rudeness any longer. 我再也不容忍你的無禮了。
107 同 96 92
up with v. phr. 容忍 We’ll just have to put up with the noise from the construction site until the work is completed.
直到施工完成前,我們只好忍受工地傳來 的噪音。 tolerant adj. 容忍的;(植物、動物)能 耐……的;有耐受性的
My sister’s support has sustained me through many hard times.
92 衍
我姊姊的支持讓我在許多艱難時期能撐下 來。
104 衍
Even though Mary sustained injuries from the accident, her doctor told her that she would soon heal.
10 layer
雖然瑪莉在意外中受傷,她的醫生告訴她她 很快就會痊癒了。 衍
98 衍 衍
sustainable adj. 能長期維持的;能持續的 unsustainable adj. 無法持續的 sustainability n. [U] 永續性;持續性
vt. 容忍;容許;忍受
在現知的行星中,地球是唯一能供養生命的 星球。
A long, warm coat is a good defense against the cold.
這本書描述使數千個家庭失去摯愛的可怕戰 爭。
8 defense
tough adj. 艱難的;棘手的
5 dreadful
n. [U] 野生生物(集合名詞)
Taiwan’s central mountains are home to a diverse range of wildlife.
莫妮卡對我說了一些惡毒的話,但後來她道 歉了。
Canada’s weather can be very harsh in January and February. Monica said some harsh words to me, but later she apologized.
7 wildlife
105 101
tolerance n. [U] 寬容;寬大 [U, C] 忍耐; 忍耐力
n. [C] 層
Lasagna is made from layers of meat sauce, pasta, and cheese. 義大利千層麵是由層層的肉醬、義大利麵與 起司疊製而成。
vt. 使成層堆疊、堆積
The pastry chef layered the birthday cake with chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry.
107 96
14 blanket
n. [U](動物的)軟毛 [C, U] 毛皮;皮草
Put a blanket on the baby. 在寶寶身上蓋一件毯子。
•(動物的)皮毛 A bear’s fur is very thick.
n. [C] 葉片;刃;槳葉
Blades of grass come up from the soil when spring arrives.
vi. 興盛;繁榮
The owners believe that one day their business will flourish.
vi. 冒出;露出
鮑伯的大腳趾從他襪子的破洞露出來。 vt./vi. 戳;捅
Jim got hurt at the park when a tree branch poked him in the eye. 吉姆在公園時被樹枝戳到眼睛而受傷了。
vi. 茂盛;繁茂
因為氣候溫和,這區域內各種動植物生機蓬 勃。
blades 直排輪
Bob’s big toes are poking through holes in his socks.
All kinds of plants and animals flourish in this area because of the mild weather.
剪刀的刀片很利,所以不要讓你的小妹拿去 玩。
13 poke
blanketed with 佈滿著…… This hill is blanketed with flowers in the spring.
15 flourish
The blades of the scissors are very sharp, so don’t let your little sister play with them.
Life in a Frozen Land
furry adj. 覆有毛皮的;毛絨絨的
12 blade
Leaves from the trees blanketed the ground in my front yard.
•(人類的)毛髮 Everyone admires her long, shiny hair. 大家都很欣賞她一頭閃亮的長髮。
vt. 覆蓋
n. [C] 一層(覆蓋物);毯子
A blanket of flowers covered the floor.
The gray cat’s fur is soft and silky. 比較
fun at 嘲弄;拿……開玩笑 You should never poke fun at people just because they are different from you.
你不應該因為別人和你不一樣就取笑他 們。
那位甜點師父在生日蛋糕上鋪上巧克力、香 草及草莓。
11 fur
flourishing adj. 繁榮的
16 warmth 98
n. [U] 溫暖;熱度;保暖;熱情
Walking through the snow, Jane regretted leaving the warmth of her bed. 珍走過雪地,後悔離開溫暖的床舖。 47
Chapter 2 Environment 17 adapt 105 98 96
105 衍 101
vi./vt.(使)適應(+ to)
Confining wild animals to cages is seen as cruel by some people.
Camels have adapted to living in areas with little water.
有些人認為將野生動物監禁在籠子裡很殘 忍。
If you move to a new country, you must adapt to the different culture.
如果你搬到一個新的國家,你必須使自己適 應不同的文化。
這位知名的製作人雇請古德先生來將這個故 事改編成電影。
confined to 限制在……;侷限於…… The prisoner was confined to a small room with no windows.
這名犯人被監禁在一個沒窗戶的小房間 裡。
vt. 改編
The famous producer hired Mr. Gold to adapt the story into a movie.
confine [k4n`fa6n] vt. 限制;使受侷限;監 禁
19 geographical 102
adj. 地理(學)的(= geographic)
It’s an area of geographical beauty.
adaptation n. [U] 適應 [C] 改編本
adaptable adj. 能適應新環境的
geographically adv. 地理上
geographer n. [C] 地理學家
18 confines
96 衍
geography n. [C] 地景 n. [U] 地理;地理學
n. [P] 邊界;界限;範圍(作此義時恆用複數)
The children are not permitted to leave the confines of the school. 孩子們不准離開學校的校區範圍。
Arctic [`3rkt6k] n. [U] 北極(專有名詞) fluffy [`fl9fi] adj. 毛茸茸的(fluff 為名詞,指「蓬鬆物; 絨毛」)
單字填空 請利用本單元學過的單字,完成下列句子。
q The country’s first line of d
e was its army.
w Jenny’s orange and black shirt was made to look like tiger f e The ant was walking along the edge of a b r When he drank the hot coffee, he could feel its w
e of grass. h flow through his
t Art and literature f
d during the Italian Renaissance.
文意選填 請根據文意,選出正確的答案。
At first q , the Arctic tundra appears to be just a large, frozen area of land. It is a w environment where there is little wildlife and hardly any plants grow. However, this empty landscape is actually of great e importance. The reason we should pay more attention to the Arctic tundra is because it is at risk due to global warming, which could have r consequences for our planet. A sheet of frozen ground t the tundra, keeping dangerous gases trapped below the surface. If holes start to appear in the top y , the gases will escape and cause the Earth to warm up even faster. It is important that the temperature on Earth remains within sustainable u , as it is unlikely that humans could i a temperature rise of more than 2° Celsius.
6 (A) harsh
(B) geographical (C) confines
(D) blankets
(E) dreadful
(F) tolerate
(H) glance
(G) layer
Life in a Frozen Land
Chapter 2 Environment TRACK 13
The Benefits of Conserving Water It is important to protect our environment, and one of the best ways to do this is to conserve1 water. Water is one of the most valuable resources on our planet. Water is used for drinking, growing crops, and producing energy. Sadly, the world’s supply of water is under threat2. People have persisted3 in neglecting4 water conservation, and changes in the global5 climate mean that droughtsu and water-usage restrictions6 are becoming increasingly common. Hope is not lost. You can take simple steps that will make a big difference. Using less water when showering and brushing your teeth should be routine7, even if only to be financially8 sensible. To really make an impact environmentally, you can campaign9 for government water conservation projects. Campaigns may urge10 for a change to the framework11 of conservation laws so that greater penalties12 are set for violating13 minimum14 standards. The passage15 of such regulations16 would lead to changes in habits taking place at home and in industries more swiftly.17 Agricultural18 businesses put the greatest demands19 on fresh water worldwide. It’s vital20 that this industry use this resource responsibly. Many farmers schedule 21 daily, automatic irrigation u of their crops. However, paying attention to rainfall22 would make the watering of crops unnecessary occasionally. Farmers should also recover23 excess24 water before it absorbs chemicals from the ground and drains25 into public water systems. The water could be reused rather than being allowed to pollute26 streams and rivers. Manufacturers27 can also do their part by making farming machines that irrigate efficiently. Conserving water benefits everyone. Simply put28, it is a smart thing to do. By conserving water, you can help save energy, money, and our planet.
閱讀理解 請在下列選項中,選出最適合的答案。 q Which paragraph discusses ways for the reader to conserve water? (A) Paragraph one (B) Paragraph two (C) Paragraph three (D) Paragraph four w What is the purpose of the article? (A) To ask readers to stop wasting water (B) To explain how water is wasted (C) To talk about why water is important (D) To imagine a world without water
100 片
vt. 節省;保存
衍 衍
104 衍
conservative adj. 保守的;守舊的 n. [C] 保 守者;保守派
2 threat 100 99
n. [C] 威脅;恐嚇
The barking dog is noisy, but it isn’t a threat. 這隻吠叫的狗很吵,但牠不是個威脅。
threat (of sth.) 受到……的威脅 The world’s panda population is under threat. 片
全構成威脅,因為這條河每幾年就會氾濫 一次。
conservation n. [U] 保存;保護 conservationist n. [C] 自然保育人士;自 然保育論者
The Benefits of Conserving Water
Animals sleep much of the time in order to conserve energy.
a threat to 造成威脅 Having a house so close to the river poses a threat to your safety, because the river floods every few years.
1 conserve
3 persist 100 94
vi./vt. 持續;堅持
Although the girl was told to stop talking in class, she persisted with her behavior. 雖然這個女孩被告知要停止在課堂上說話, 她還是持續這樣的行為。
Though it was difficult, the writer persisted until he finished his novel. 雖然艱難,該名作家仍堅持不懈直到完成他 的小說。 101 衍 衍
persistent adj. 堅持不懈的;持續的 persistence n. [U] 堅忍不拔;持續不放棄
Chapter 2 Environment 比較
•(不顧反對與告誡,繼續頑固地) 堅持(做某事)
5 global 104 103
如果你繼續這麼頑皮的話,我會把 你留在家裡!
105 同
worldwide adj. 遍及全球的
105 詞
The problem has persisted for more than a century.
105 衍
6 restriction
• 堅持(意見、主張、要求等) • 常用句型: S. + insist + on/upon + N./ V-ing S1 + insist + that + S2 + V. I tried to tell Dan that it’s easier to use the train, but he insists on driving.
100 99 98
4 neglect
衍 衍
salesman neglected to mention that I had to pay sales tax on the item.
稅。 52
restricted adj. 受限制的;受約束的
restrictive adj. 限制的;束縛的;約束的 [ru`tin]
adj. 例行的;一般的;平凡的
Police did a routine traffic stop to check drivers’ documents. 警方進行例行交通攔檢來查看駕駛人的證 件。 107 99 97
n. [U, C] 例行公事;慣例
Laura’s daily routine includes going to the gym after work. 蘿拉每天的例行公事包括下班後去健身房。
那隻狗已不再友善,因為牠多年來都受到忽 視。
to + V. 忽略……(而沒做);忘
restrict vt. 限制;約束
7 routine
The dog was no longer friendly because it had suffered years of neglect.
neglect 了去……
n. [C, U] 限制(規定、法規);約束
105 衍
n. [U] 忽略
vt. 忽略;忽視
warming 全球暖化 globalization n. [U] 全球化
There are many restrictions about what you can carry with you onto an airplane.
If you neglect your studies, your test scores will be bad.
There was a global protest when the war began.
My parents insist that I go to college.
adj. 全球的;全世界的
• 常用句型: S. + persist + in + N./V-ing •(不好的事物)持續發生或存在 If you persist in being naughty, I will leave you at home!
我試著跟丹說搭火車比較省事,但 他堅持開車。
routinely adv. 慣常地;常規地
8 financially 105
adv. 財務上;金錢上
Veronica works hard to keep her family financially comfortable. 維拉妮卡努力工作使她的家人財務不虞匱 乏。
105 衍 96 衍
financial adj. 金融的;財務的
11 framework
finance n. [U] 財務;財政學 [C](對事業的) 資金支援
9 campaign
n. [C] 組織;構造
The course provided a general framework for understanding recent history.
vi. 從事;參加(政治或商業性的運動)
這堂課提供了一個概略的架構,可幫助理解 近代歷史。
The group campaigned against the bad treatment of animals.
98 94 93
那個團體發起活動,來反對以惡劣方式對待 動物。
framework 是由 frame + work 所構成,英文 中還有一些與 work 組合而成的字,列舉如下:
n. [C](政治或社會的)活動;運動
• firework [`fa6r~w-k] 煙火
Everyone should join the campaign for gun control.
• homework [`hom~w-k] 家庭作業
• network [`n5t~w-k] 網絡系統;網路
campaign 廣告宣傳活動 詞 promotional campaign 促銷活動 詞
10 urge
• housework [`ha8s~w-k] 家事
12 penalty 107
Everyone in my family urged Holly to follow her dream of becoming an actress.
13 violate 100
vt. 違犯;違背
Paul violated his girlfriend’s privacy by reading her e-mail without asking. 保羅未經詢問就看他女友的電子郵件,侵犯 了她的隱私。
n. [C] 衝動;強烈的渴望
the law 違反法律 The YouTube video violated copyright law by including a song owned by Sony Music. 這支 YouTube 影片因為用了索尼音樂公
當菲爾的女朋友告知她想分手時,他有想哭 的衝動。
on 激勵;鼓舞 Penny urged her sister on as they rode their bicycles up the steep hill. 片
penalty 死刑
我家每個人都力勸赫莉追逐成為女演員的夢 想。
Phil had the urge to cry when his girlfriend told him she wanted to break up.
如果你沒有準時繳款,信用卡公司會收取一 筆遲繳費作為罰款。
家長們極力主張改善他們孩子校內自助餐廳 的菜色。 vt. 催促;力勸(+ to V.)
n. [C, U](因違法或違反規定所受的)懲罰
The Benefits of Conserving Water
Parents are urging for improvements to the menu at their children’s school cafeteria.
The credit card company will charge you a late fee as a penalty if you don’t pay your bills on time.
vi. 極力主張;強烈要求(+ for N.)
司的一首歌而違反了著作權法。 衍
violation n. [U, C] 違反;妨害
佩妮在和妹妹一起騎腳踏車上斜坡時不斷 鼓舞她。 53
Chapter 2 Environment 14 minimum 103 97
adj. 最低(限度)的
The minimum wage in the United States is $7.25 an hour.
16 regulation
n. [C] 最小量;最低限度
You will need a minimum of thirty minutes to walk from here to the post office. 片
keep sth. 最低限度
to a minimum 將……維持在
Careful planning can keep expenses to a minimum.
104 反
98 衍
minimize vt.(使)減到最少;(使)縮到 最小
92 衍
miniature adj. 袖珍的;縮小版的 n. [C] 縮 圖;小型物
15 passage
The passage through the tunnel took almost an hour.
那個百貨公司由一條地下通道連到捷運站。 106 105 103 102
n. [C](文章、樂曲等的)一段
Sarah memorized a passage from her favorite book. 莎拉牢記了她最愛的書的其中一段。
adv. 迅速地;快速地
swift adj. 快速的
18 agricultural 103 94
adj. 農業的
Corn is an agricultural product that can be used to feed animals like cows and pigs. 玉米是一種可用來餵食牛或豬等動物的農產 品。
103 衍
agriculture n. [U] 農業
19 demand 100 97 90
n. [C, U] 需求;所需求的事物;需求量
The demand for new cars has decreased in recent years. 近年來,對於新車的需求已經下降。
The department store is connected to the MRT station by an underground passage.
穿越隧道花了將近一小時。 n. [C] 通道
regulations 交通規則 regulate vt. 規範;管控;調節
Jon walked swiftly down the hallway.
n. [U] 通過;穿過
17 swiftly
n. [U] 通過(法律、法規等)
According to regulations, everyone in the work area must wear a helmet.
The passage of this new law will mean that some criminals will spend longer in jail.
n. [C] 規章;規則
maximum adj./n. [C] 最大值(的);最大限 度(的) minimal adj. 最小的
根據規定,在工作區域的每個人都必須戴安 全帽。
rite of passage 象徵人生從某個階段到另 一個階段的重要事件或儀式
105 94
vt. 要求;需求
Angie demanded that Barney return the book that he had borrowed from her. 安琪要求巴尼把之前跟她借的書還給她。 比較 demand
•(作為權利的)要求;強求 The upset customer demanded to see the manager. 那位生氣的顧客要求見經理。
•(尋求准許、幫助、忠告或資訊等 的)要求
21 schedule 92
We asked him politely to leave. Larry asked Jake to lend him twenty dollars. 賴瑞請求傑克借他二十美元。
We asked the waiter for the check.
我的會議排在下午兩點半。 104 99 97 94
demands on 向……要求、需求 The tough deadline put heavy demands on the staff. 片
n. [C] 計程計畫;時刻表
Let’s check the train schedule before we go to the station. 我們去車站前先查看火車時刻表吧。
我們請服務生結帳。 片
vt. 安排;預定
My meeting is scheduled for 2:30 p.m.
我們客氣地要求他離開。 ask
high demand 搶手的 This cool phone is in high demand right now, so many stores sell it.
demand 一經要求即給予的 Electricity lets us have light on demand in any room we walk into.
demanding adj. 費力的;要求高的
104 100 90
adj. 極其重要的;攸關生命的
Getting enough sleep is vital to our health. is vital/important/essential/ necessary that sb. + (should) + V. = it is vital/important/essential/ necessary for sb. to + V. It is vital that people have access to good health care. = It is vital for people to have access to good health care. 讓民眾獲得完善的健康醫療是至關重要的 事。 詞 衍
sign 生命跡象(如脈搏、呼吸) vitality n. [U] 活力;生氣
of schedule If you finish your work ahead of schedule, you can take the rest of the day off.
22 rainfall 105 100 98 93
n. [U, C] 降雨量;降雨
The scientist was measuring rainfall in this area to see if this year was drier than past years. 這個科學家測量了這個地區的降雨量,來查 看今年是否比過去幾年乾燥。
睡眠充足對我們的健康相當重要。 片
The Benefits of Conserving Water
20 vital
schedule 進度落後 Let’s get as much work done as possible today so that we don’t fall behind schedule. 我們今天能做多少工作就盡量做,這樣才 不會進度落後。
電力讓我們走進任何房間都隨時有燈光。 107 衍
schedule 準時;依照預定時間 The flight left the airport on schedule.
這支酷炫手機現在很搶手,所以很多店都 有賣。 片
23 recover 107 103 97 96
vt. 找回;恢復
Sally was very happy when the police recovered her stolen car. 警方找回莎莉遭竊的車時,她非常開心。
101 100 97
vi. 復原;康復(+ from)
Jack still hasn’t recovered from his cold, so he won’t be at work today. 傑克感冒還沒康復,所以他今天不會來上 班。 55
Chapter 2 Environment 延伸
n. [C] 大量消耗;耗費(之後常接 on + N.)
字首 re- 有「再度;回到原先狀態;取消已做 動作」等意思。
The project was a drain on the team’s time and energy.
• recall vt./vi. 回憶;想起
• rethink vt./vi. 重新考慮
drain 人才流失;人才外流 片 (go) down the drain 白費;付諸東流 When the manager left, the company went down the drain. 詞
• replace vt. 取代;替代 • reunion n. [U, C] 團聚;團圓 96 衍
recovery n. [U, C] 復原;痊癒;恢復
24 excess 105
[`5k~s5s] / [6k`s5s]
adj. 過量的;額外的
If you are carrying excess luggage, the airline will charge you extra for it.
26 pollute 107 102 93
如果你攜帶過量的行李,航空公司會收取額 外費用。 n. [S, U] 過多;過量
There is an excess of glue on the paper, so you should wipe some of it off. 紙上的膠水太多了,所以你應該把一些擦 掉。 99 衍 片
excessive adj. 過度的;過量的 in
excess of 多於;超過 The large animal’s weight was in excess of 300 kilograms. 這隻巨型動物重達三百公斤以上。
25 drain 107
vi./vt. 漸漸抽出;排掉;耗盡
Plant pots have holes in the bottom so water can drain.
vt. 污染
Factories pollute the air when they burn coal to produce energy. 工廠燒煤產生能源時就會污染空氣。
102 衍
pollution n. [U] 污染
102 衍
pollutant n. [C] 污染源;污染物
27 manufacturer 104 103 102 94
n. [C] 製造商
The toy manufacturer sold a lot of products during the holiday season. 這家玩具製造商在假期季節賣出很多產品。
104 衍
manufacture vt./vi.(大量)製造
28 simply put
[`s6mpli] [p8t]
phr. 簡單來說(= to put it simply)
Tom is not in good physical shape. Simply put, he should exercise more. 湯姆身體不好。簡單來說,他應該要多運動。
If the pipe is blocked, it can’t drain water from the sink. 如果水管堵塞的話就沒辦法將水排出水槽。
drought [dra8t] n. [U, C] 乾旱;旱災
n. [C] 排水管 [P] 排水設備
irrigation [~6r4`ge]4n] n. [U] 灌溉(irrigate 為動詞)
There is a strange smell coming from the bathtub’s drain. 浴缸的排水管裡飄出怪味道。
單字填空 請利用本單元學過的單字,完成下列句子。
q John said he could eat a horse. S
t, he is very hungry!
w After the financial crisis, the g e A new r
l economy took a long time to recover.
n was introduced to stop illegal parking in the city.
r If you feel unwell, it is v
l that you see a doctor.
t It doesn’t make sense f
y for us to buy a new car.
克漏字測驗 請根據文意,選出正確的答案。
q (A) persist
(B) conserve
(C) violate
(D) drain
w (A) threats
(B) restrictions
(C) routines
(D) campaigns
e (A) minimum
(B) routine
(C) restrictive
(D) financial
r (A) passages
(B) rainfall
(C) penalties
(D) manufacturers
t (A) insist
(B) urge
(C) neglect
(D) recover
7 The Benefits of Conserving Water
Many global campaigns have been started recently to try to q our oceans. One of the biggest w our oceans face is from plastic pollution. If people persist in the e use of plastics, the problem will not be solved. There should be more regulation on the use of plastics from governments, and manufacturers must be urged to look for other materials for their products and packaging. As well as using less plastic, people should try to recycle what they do use, and r could be introduced for not recycling. It is essential that we act swiftly to demand change, because if we continue to t our oceans, we will all regret it later.
Chapter 2 Environment TRACK 15
Nitrogen Footprint In quest1 of a greener environment, many people are concerned2 about their carbon3 footprint. However, people hardly think about their nitrogenu footprint—a measure of how much a person or corporation4 contributes5 to nitrogen pollution. Similar to carbon pollution in how it’s made and how it affects the world, nitrogen pollution is a relatively6 new and ongoing problem. Of course, nitrogen isn’t fundamentally7 bad. Nitrogen is the fourth most abundant8 element in the human body and is important in the function of muscle and tissue. It’s used to preserve packaged foods by preventing oxidation u. It has medical 9 uses, such as in anesthetics u and antibioticsu. In addition, nitrogen finds widespread10 application in the chemical and electronics industries, as well as in refrigeration equipment11 and steel manufacturing. Almost 80 percent of the air we breathe is composed of nitrogen as N2. Since the industrial revolution, however, humans have been burning fossil12 fuels13, which has released reactive nitrogen into the atmosphere. Furthermore, reactive nitrogen is being poured into the ground as fertilizer 14. In contrast 15 to N 2, reactive nitrogen negatively impacts environmental and human health and is partly16 blamed17 for air and water pollution, acid18 rain, and the destruction of ecosystems like the Great Barrier19 Reef. What can be done about it? Scientists suggest imposing20 a nitrogen tax 21, which would encourage factories to use greener methods of production 22. Also, products could be labeled with their nitrogen footprint as a reminder23 for people to make informed24 choices about their purchases25. As consumers26, we can reduce our nitrogen footprint by choosing foods produced on sustainable farms, reducing our food waste, and more.
閱讀理解 請在下列選項中,選出最適合的答案。 q What does the article say about nitrogen? (A) It is the most common element in our body. (B) It is the most common element in the air. (C) It is considered a chemical to doctors. (D) It is used to cook food. w What is a harmful effect of reactive nitrogen? (A) The Great Barrier Reef is growing quickly. (B) Our fertilizer is becoming ineffective. (C) It causes water levels to recede. (D) It contributes to environmentally unfriendly rain.
1 quest
102 衍 99
n. [C] 追尋;探求
Humankind’s quest to find life in outer space has so far found nothing.
quest of sth. 為了……;尋求、追求…… In quest of a better understanding of the universe, Jordan decided to take a class in astronomy.
care concerns all of us and not only those who are sick.
on a/one’s 事物之旅
quest for sth. 踏上尋求某
Many early California settlers were on a quest for gold. 許多早期去加州定居的人都是為了淘金。
2 concerned 107 102 95 94
adj. 擔憂的(+ about/with)
A movie star is usually concerned about his or her image. 電影明星通常很注重自己的形象。
關係到生病的人。 107 衍 99
concern n. [C] 關心(的事);擔憂(的事) [U] 憂慮;擔心 have more important concerns to talk about at the meeting.
為了更了解宇宙,喬丹決定去上天文學課 程。 片
concern vt. 關於;涉及;對……有影響(不 用被動式)
Nitrogen Footprint
人們對外星生命的追尋到目前為止還未有斬 獲。
3 carbon
n. [U] 碳 [C, U] 複寫紙
The smoke released from the factory looks black because there is a lot of carbon in it. 工廠排放的煙看起來是黑色的,因其包含了 很多碳。 詞
98 詞
carbon 物
copy 副本;副寫本;一模一樣的事
carbon footprint 碳足跡(製程中產生的 溫室氣體的量,尤指二氧化碳)
Chapter 2 Environment 99 詞
carbon CO2)
dioxide 二氧化碳(化學式為
emission 碳排放
4 corporation 104
104 衍
The region’s abundant sunshine makes it ideal for growing wine grapes. 這個地區充足的日照使之成為種植釀酒葡萄 的理想地點。
corporate adj. 公司的;團體的
incorporate vt./vi. 包含;使併入
plentiful adj. 大量的
abundantly adv. 充分地;充沛地
incorporated adj.(美)有限責任的(簡寫 為 Inc.,附於公司名稱之後,相當於英式用法 中的 Ltd.)
5 contribute 102 99 93
vi./vt. 做出貢獻;促成;導致(接 to + 受詞)
contribute A B;為 B 付出 A
to/towards B 貢獻 A 給
the typhoon, we all contributed money to help the survivors.
颱風過後,我們都捐錢來幫助生還者。 106 衍 衍
contribution n. [C, U] 貢獻;捐獻
106 104 97 93 92
This shop is relatively new; it opened only a few months ago. 這間店相較起來算新店;它幾個月前才剛開 幕。 relative adj. 相對的;相比較的 n. [C] 親戚; 親屬
Tammy went into the medical building for some tests. 譚美去醫學大樓做些檢查。
chart 病歷表 詞 medical history 病史 詞 medical fee 醫療費用 詞 medical treatment 醫學療法
106 104 91
adv. 基本上;根本地
The Internet fundamentally changed the way people get information. 網路從根本上改變了人們取得資訊的方式。 60
adj. 普遍的;廣泛的
The disease has caused widespread fear, even though it is hard to catch. 這種疾病已造成普遍性的恐慌,即使它並不 容易感染。 同
far-reaching adj. 深遠的;廣泛的
11 equipment 107 105 102 101 94
n. [U] 器材;設備
Josh keeps most of his sports equipment in the garage. 喬許把他大多數的運動器材存放在車庫裡。 衍
7 fundamentally
10 widespread
adv. 比較地;相對而言
104 衍
adj. 醫學的;醫療的
contributor n. [C](報紙、雜誌)撰稿人; 捐贈者
6 relatively 96
9 medical
Marcus contributed to the dinner by making a cake. 片
adj. 豐富的;充裕的
n. [C] 股份(有限)公司;大公;大企業
fundamental adj. 基礎的;根本的
8 abundant
McDonald’s has grown from a small business into a huge corporation.
essentially adj. 基本上;實質上
equip vt. 使裝備;配備
12 fossil
15 contrast 99
n. [C] 化石
凱倫在科學博物館看見有幾百萬年歷史的化 石。
凱倫說這兩種顏色的對比會讓房間看起來比 較大。
fossil fuel 化石燃料(包括煤炭、石油和天 然氣)
vt. 使對比;使對照
fossil-fueled adj.(使用)化石燃料的
13 fuel
The book’s goal is to contrast modern and traditional furniture designs.
n. [U, C] 燃料
這本書的目標是將現代和傳統的家具設計作 對照。
Most cars use gasoline as fuel.
vi. 形成對照(+ with N.)
大多數汽車使用汽油作為燃料。 104 96
Her deep, strong voice contrasted with her small size.
vt. 激發;助長
The scandal was fueled by rumors about the pop star’s private life. 那位流行巨星私生活的傳聞使那起醜聞更加 瘋傳。 vt. 提供燃料或力量
別忘了用健康的早餐為你的一天加油。 衍
biofuel n. [U, C] 生質燃料
fuel 柴油
fuel cell 燃料電池(裝有氫等燃料及氧化劑, 可將之轉換成電力的裝置)
fuel to the fire 火上加油 My mom is already angry with me. I’ll only add fuel to the fire if I tell her I failed my math test. 片
媽媽已經在生我的氣了。如果我告訴她我 數學考試不及格只會火上加油。
14 fertilizer
contrast 相較之下;相反地 Megan is shy. Erin, by contrast, likes to be the center of attention.
106 片 104 95 94 93
contrasting adj. 充滿對比的;截然不同的 in/by
Nitrogen Footprint
Don’t forget to fuel your day with a healthy breakfast.
n. [C, U] 對比;對照;差別
Karen says that the contrast between the two colors will make the room look bigger.
At the science museum, Karen saw fossils that were millions of years old.
矚目的焦點。 片
in 於
contrast to/with + N./V-ing 相較
In contrast
to the Paris Metro, Taipei’s MRT is very clean.
16 partly
adv. 部分地;在某種程度上
I didn’t complete the race, partly because I was so tired from the night before. 我沒有跑完賽跑,部分原因是因為我前一晚 太累了。
n. [U, C] 肥料
Before planting his crops, the farmer put fertilizer on his field. 種植作物之前,那位農夫先在田裡施放肥 料。 98 衍
fertilize vt. 使肥沃;施肥 61
Chapter 2 Environment 17 blame 107 105
19 barrier
vt. 責怪(+ for sth.)
Don’t blame other people for your own mistakes.
The barriers weren’t strong enough to keep fans from climbing onto the stage.
High taxes are a barrier for free trade.
n. [U](對不好的事應負的)責任;責備
20 impose
106 104
A on B 把 A 歸咎於 B The coach blamed the baseball team’s loss on the pitcher.
the blame for sth. 對……負責 I didn’t wake up on time, so I’ll take the blame for making us late. 片
sth.) 某人事物難辭
To protect citizens, the government imposes strict regulations on food imports.
a tax on sth. 對……課稅 The government plans to impose a tax on plastic bottles.
遲到的責任。 be to blame (+ for 其咎;某人事物應負責
vt. 強制實施;把……強加於
我沒有準時起床,所以我會承擔起害我們 片
barrier 語言障礙
為了保護國民,政府針對食品進口實施嚴格 的規定。
21 tax
bad food is to blame for my stomachache.
n. [C, U] 稅
The hotel added ten percent to my bill for tax.
18 acid
[`1s6d] 106
n. [C, U] 酸
tax 所得稅 詞 tax break 減稅方案 詞
adj. 酸味的;含酸的
Connor washes his windows with an acid solution of vinegar and water. 康納用混合了醋和水的酸性溶液清洗窗戶。
vt. 課稅
Canada taxes most goods and services.
The acid was so strong that it burned through metal. 酸性極強以致於燒穿了金屬。
22 production 105 103 100 99 98 95 94
n. [C] 生產
Although the clothing factory was damaged by fire, production continued. 雖然這家服飾工廠因火災而毀損,但仍持續 生產。 衍
We shouldn’t place all of the blame on him. 片
n. [C] 阻礙;關卡;障礙物
這個柵欄不夠穩固,無法阻擋粉絲爬上舞 台。
Poor hygiene is blamed for the rise of infections.
90 詞
reproduction n. [C] 繁殖;複製 mass
production 量產
23 reminder 102 94
n. [C] 提醒物;喚起記憶的事物
Without the reminder, I would have forgotten to pick up the birthday cake.
25 purchase 102 99 93
若沒有這個提醒,我就會忘記去拿生日蛋 糕。
reminder of + N. 令人想起……的事物 The ruined building in the city center acted as a reminder of the war. 片
sb. to + V. 提醒某人做某事 Please remind me to call Sally when we get home. 片
remind sb. that + S. + V. 提醒某人…… I reminded Tony that it was his turn to wash the dishes.
101 片
The store gives customers a free gift with every purchase they make.
vt. 購買
You should learn more about digital cameras before you purchase one. 購買數位相機之前,你應該多做功課。
戰爭。 remind vt. 提醒
n. [C] 購買的東西 [U] 購買行為
這間商店針對每一筆消費提供顧客一份免費 贈品。
市中心那棟毀壞的大樓提醒人們記得那場 106 衍
26 consumer 102 99 92
That cell phone is popular with many consumers. 那款手機受到很多消費者歡迎。 比較
24 informed 99
The review helped Justin make an informed decision when he bought a new phone. 賈斯汀買新手機時,這篇評論協助他獲得足 夠資訊做決定。 衍
98 衍 片
inform (someone) 知某人某事
that + S. + V. 告
to inform James that I will not be able to meet him.
I have
•(購買商品或固定上某些店消費 的)顧客;客戶 customer
There are ten customers in the store right now. 現在店裡有十個顧客。
•(律師、會計師等專業人士的) 委託人;客戶 client
well-informed adj. 非常熟悉的;消息靈通 的 inform vt. 通知;告知
每逢假期時,消費者通常會增加花 費。
adj. 了解情況的;資訊充足的
• 提到消費者的權利時會用此字 Consumers usually increase their spending around the holidays.
Nitrogen Footprint
sb. of + N. 使某人想起某人事物 remind me of a friend I had in high school.
•(指有購買行為或使用某服務 的)消費者
n. [C] 消費者
我提醒東尼輪到他洗碗了。 106 片 94
The lawyer has many rich clients. 這名律師有很多富有的委託人。
106 衍
consume vt./vi. 消耗;食用
100 衍
consumption n. [U] 銷售量;消耗量
nitrogen [`na6tr4d.4n] n. [U ] 氮 oxidation [~3ks4`de]4n] n. [U] 氧化(作用) anesthetic [~1n4s`q5t6k] n. [C] 麻醉劑 antibiotic [~1nt6ba6`3t6k] n. [C] 抗生素
Chapter 2 Environment 字彙測驗 請利用本單元學過的單字,選出正確的答案。
q A(n) _______ group of students went to see the teacher about the increase in
homework. (A) relative
(B) corporate
(C) concerned
(D) abundant
w Tessa wanted to do something to reduce her _______ footprint.
(A) acid
(B) carbon
(C) fuel
(D) tax
e In this parking lot, you have to insert a coin to raise the _______.
(A) consumer
(B) purchase
(C) production
(D) barrier
r Jimmy was interested in dinosaurs and had an interesting _______ collection.
(A) equipment
(B) fossil
(C) fertilizer
(D) reminder
t Sally was asked to _______ some money towards a present for the teacher.
(A) contribute
(B) concern
(C) fuel
(D) contrast
文意選填 請根據文意,選出正確的答案。
Could the q use of fertilizers be harmful to humans? The need for abundant crops to feed an ever-growing human population has led to a rise in the use of chemical fertilizers. In their w to grow more food, farmers have turned to these methods to increase production of healthy crops. There is growing , however, that these crops are not as healthy as they appear. It is e believed that chemical fertilizers are r to blame for global warming, as using more chemicals than the plants can absorb leads to the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. In addition, t professionals are worried that these chemicals can lead to cancer and other diseases. Finally, large-scale use of chemical fertilizers can actually do more harm than good, as it makes soil more over time. The fact that large u control most of our food y production means that it is relatively hard to prevent overuse of fertilizers. However, consumers do have the power to make i choices that will protect our crops, our planet, and our health in the long run.
(A) quest
(B) medical
(C) informed
(D) acid
(E) widespread
(F) corporations
(G) partly
(H) concern
The War against Food Waste Many of us get rid of food we can’t finish without much hesitation1. But when we discard2 food, we’re contributing to a serious global issue3: food waste. Roughly one-third of all food, 1.3 billion tons4 each year, is wasted. Restaurants, especially all-you-can-eat buffets, discard heaps5 of food daily. Supermarkets regularly exclude6 produce from shelves if it isn’t attractive enough. The consequences of wasting food are substantial7. Economically8, food waste results in financial losses. Socially, wasted food is food that could have been used to feed the poor. Environmentally, food loss represents a waste of the Earth’s resources. For example, the amount of land needed to grow all the world’s wasted food annually would be around the size of China. Moreover, wasted food produces a large amount of greenhouse9 gas emissions10. Unit
9 The War against Food Waste
Many countries intend11 to challenge food waste. French laws ban12 supermarkets from trashing13 unsold food. Instead, supermarkets give it away to charities. Germany has initiated 14 improvements to food packaging so that consumers can better inspect15 the product, since the sell-by date often doesn’t reflect16 the food’s actual state. In Taiwan, they’ve instituted17 a program18 that sends kitchen waste to feed livestock 19. There’s similar cooperation20 in Japan, where 35 percent of food waste goes to pig farms. Governments are leading the mission21 to reduce food waste, and you can help. To begin with, shop wisely—don’t be tempted22 to buy food in excess. Treat sell-by dates as guidelines23 rather than restrictions. Then, learn how to store food so it doesn’t go bad easily. Lastly, in restaurants, don’t leave leftoversu. Ask for a doggy bagu so you can gobble24 it down later.
Chapter 2 Environment 閱讀理解 請在下列選項中,選出最適合的答案。 q What is said about supermarkets? (A) More and more of them are offering buffet-style food. (B) They waste 1.3 billion tons of food. (C) Wasting food saves them money in the end. (D) They get rid of ugly-looking fruit. w Why is China mentioned in relation to food waste in this article? (A) To explain how food relates to economy (B) To explain how many people waste food (C) To explain how much land would be needed to produce the amount of food wasted (D) To tell us where the most food gets wasted
1 hesitation 101 97 96 91
There was a moment of hesitation before the woman said, “I do.”
那個女人遲疑了一下子才回答:「我願意。」 hesitate vt./vi. 躊躇
2 discard
107 103 102
The man discarded most of the old furniture that was left in the apartment. 那名男子將公寓裡多數舊家具丟掉了。 throw
out v. phr. 扔掉
延伸 字首 dis- 有「分離;相反;缺少」的意思。例如:
• disapprove [~d6s4`pruv] vt./vi. 不同意;不贊 成
• disgrace [d6s`gres] vt. 使丟臉;使蒙羞 • disposal [d6`spoz4l] n. [U] 處理;處置
3 issue 107 105 103 99 98
vt. 發布;核發
The drug company issued a warning for one of its drugs. 那個藥廠對所生產的一種藥品發布警告。
vt./vi. 丟棄
n. [C](雜誌的)期;號
Readers said that recent issues of the magazine have been much more interesting.
n. [C, U] 猶豫;遲疑
99 衍
n. [C] 議題;重要問題
Politicians should pay more attention to environmental issues. 政治人物應該更加關心環保議題。
4 ton 90
n. [C] 公噸
How many tons does an elephant weigh? 一隻大象重達幾公噸呢? 104 片 99
ton of/ tons of + N. 很多某物 I have a ton of work to do tonight, so I can’t go to dinner with you.
我今晚有很多工作要做,所以我不能跟你 一起去吃晚餐。
There were tons of people in the park on the sunny day. 晴天時公園裡有一大堆人。
5 heap 94
9 greenhouse
n. [C] 一堆
n. [C] 溫室
A heap of clothes sat on the floor of the room.
May can grow roses all year inside her greenhouse.
vt./vi. 堆放;堆積
The children heaped their bags and coats on benches and ran toward the playground.
Riding a bike and walking can help reduce carbon emissions. 騎腳踏車和走路有助減少碳排放量。
vt. 排除
Doris is trying to stick to a new diet that excludes foods that contain processed sugar. 朵莉絲嘗試遵守一種排除任何含有精製糖食 物的新飲食法。
7 substantial
瑪麗亞每星期花很多空閒時間讀小說。 104 同
considerable adj. 相當多的
106 同
significant adj. 重要的;顯著的
adv. 在經濟上
emit vt. 排出;散發
11 intend 101 98 93 91
vt. 意圖;打算(+ to V.)
What do you intend to do after you graduate? 你畢業後打算做什麼?
104 衍
intention n. [C, U] 意圖 intentionally adv. 故意地
The owner banned customers from bringing outside food into her restaurant. 該餐廳業主禁止顧客攜帶外食。 n. [C] 禁令
The city could benefit economically from the creation of more tourist attractions.
Smokers want the government to lift the ban on smoking in public places.
這座城市可以從創造更多的旅遊勝地來得到 經濟上的利益。
癮君子想要政府解除不能在公共場合抽菸的 禁令。
104 衍
economical adj. 符合經濟效益的;節約的
107 衍
economic adj. 經濟上的
100 衍
economics n. [U] 經濟學
unintentionally adv. 非故意地;無心地
12 ban 90
The War against Food Waste
Maria spends a substantial amount of her free time each week reading novels.
8 economically
98 衍
adj. 可觀的;重大的
n. [C, U] 排放;排放物
heaping adj. 堆得高高的;堆滿的
6 exclude
greenhouse gas 溫室氣體(會造成溫室效 應的氣體,如二氧化碳)
10 emission
小朋友把包包和外套堆在長凳上朝遊樂場跑 去。
104 同
prohibit vt.(以法令、規定等)禁止
Chapter 2 Environment 13 trash
vt. 丟棄;把……視為廢物
It’s an important decision, so you should reflect on it carefully.
You should trash this terrible lamp and buy a new one.
這是個重要的決定,所以你應該仔細考 慮。
你應該丟掉這盞糟糕的燈,買盞新的。 103 102 99
The salesperson’s friendly attitude reflects well on the whole company.
n. [U] 垃圾
Why did you throw the letter in the trash?
業務人員友善的態度為整個公司帶來了好 的評價。
你為什麼把那封信丟進垃圾堆裡? 107 衍
14 initiate 107 100
vt. 開始(計畫等);發起
15 inspect
The government instituted new regulations for foreign workers. 政府針對外籍勞工訂定了新法規。 98
vt./vi. 檢查;審閱
這位廚師在買蘋果前檢查每一顆是否有軟爛 的地方。 94 衍 衍
inspection n. [C, U] 查看;檢查 inspector n. [C] 檢查員;巡察員
16 reflect 106
106 衍
你報告中的錯誤反映出你對所做的事不用 心。 vt./vi. 反射;倒映
The store window reflected the image of people walking in the street. 商店的櫥窗倒映出街上行人的影像。
institution n. [C] 機構(可指精神療養院、 孤兒院、大學、教會等)
18 program 104 103 99 93
n. [C] 課程;計畫
Kevin tried out a new diet program, but it didn’t work at all.
凱文嘗試了一個新的節食計畫,但是一點用 都沒有。
n. [C] 節目
vt. 反映;顯示
The errors in your report reflect your lack of care for what you do.
n. [C] 協會;學會;研究機構
The institute is known for its pioneering cancer research.
The chef inspected each apple for soft spots before he bought them.
vt. 建立;制定
稅務當局開始調查那家公司。 initiative n. [C, U] 創新的計畫;倡議;主動 進取的精神
reflection n. [C, U] 倒影;反射
17 institute
The tax authorities initiated an investigation of the company. 衍
reflect on/upon sth. 認真思考;反省; 使給人……的印象(或評價)
The new TV program features famous national parks around the world. 這個新電視節目以全世界著名的國家公園為 主題。
vt. 設計、設定程式;為……制訂計畫
The man programmed his computer to figure out the amount of money he owes in taxes each year. 男子在電腦上設定程式來算出每年要繳多少 稅。 衍
95 衍
programmer n. [C] 程式設計師;節目製作 人
20 cooperation
n. [U] 合作;配合
Through their cooperation, the students were able to finish their project in only two hours.
99 衍 衍
cooperate vi. 合作;協力 cooperative adj. 願意合作的
21 mission 99 98 95 92
94 片
be tempted 事)
to + V.(某人)很想(做某
Peter was tempted to eat another bowl of ice cream, but he didn’t because he was too full. 彼得很想再吃一碗冰淇淋,但因為太飽就 沒吃。 99 衍
tempting adj. 誘人的;吸引人的
94 衍
temptation n. [U] 誘惑
23 guideline
n. [C] 指導方針;指導原則(常用複數形)
Please complete the application form according to the guidelines. 請依據指示來完成這份申請表。
24 gobble
vt./vi. 狼吞虎嚥(常與 up/down 並用)
The dog gobbled up all of the food that had fallen to the floor.
The War against Food Waste
透過合作,學生們得以只花兩小時就完成專 題研究。
n. [U](總稱)家畜(集合名詞)
我姑姑在她農場裡養了幾種家畜,包括了雞 和火雞。
Geri tempted the cat down from the tree with a piece of fish.
My aunt raises several types of livestock on her farm, including chickens and turkeys.
vt. 引誘;使很想要
programming n. [U] 程式設計;節目製作
19 livestock 94
22 tempt
那隻狗把掉在地上的食物狼吞虎嚥地吃光 了。 參考詞彙
n. [C, U] 任務;使命;太空任務;太空飛行
leftover [`l5ft~ov0] n. [C] 剩飯
The mission of this group is to help people plant gardens in the city.
doggy bag [`d7g6] [b1g] n. [C] 打包袋
這個團體的任務是協助人們在城市中建花 園。
Chapter 2 Environment 字彙測驗 請利用本單元學過的單字,選出正確的答案。
q A huge amount of _______ plastic is polluting our oceans.
(A) disgraced
(B) discarded
(C) heaped
w There are many _______ facing our planet today.
(A) inspections
(B) reflections
(C) institutions
(D) emitted (D) issues
e We shouldn’t _______ Samantha from our trip to the movies.
(A) exclude
(B) hesitate
(C) disapprove
(D) cooperate
r If you can catch the criminal, there will be a(n) _______ reward.
(A) intentional
(B) cooperative
(C) heaping
(D) substantial
t A(n) _______ was used to grow different types of plants and flowers.
(A) trash
(B) greenhouse
(C) cooperation
(D) economics
克漏字測驗 請根據文意,選出正確的答案。
Taiwan has become famous for its unique waste management program. Before the program, Taiwan used to be known as “trash island.” Now, the q of the program has forced people to reflect on every item they discard. w Five days a week, trash is collected in special trucks: one for general trash and one for recyclable waste. Cooperation between officials and volunteers means that all trash is e and put into the correct bin. There are bins for paper, plastic, cans, and even food waste, which is used to feed r . Meanwhile, general trash is disposed of in government-issued blue bags. These bags must be bought, as the government’s t is to reduce the total amount of waste. People caught not following this guideline will be punished. The program has been a success in Taiwan, which now boasts a recycling rate of over 50 percent.
q (A) initiating
(B) reflecting
(C) tempting
(D) hesitating
w (A) issue
(B) disposal
(C) emission
(D) institution
e (A) banned
(B) gobbled
(C) inspected
(D) prohibited
r (A) institutes
(B) inspectors
(C) livestock
(D) programmers
t (A) ton
(B) mission
(C) heap
(D) ban
Chapter 3
Unit 10
The Empire of the Incas
Unit 11
The Railway in Taiwan
Unit 12
Japan’s National Flowers
Unit 13
Homestay Etiquette
Unit 14
To Tip, or Not to Tip?
Chapter 3 Culture TRACK 19
The Empire of the Incas Around AD 1200, a tribal1 group of violent2, warlike people residing3 in Peru began invading4 and conquering5 neighboring clans6. They were remarkably successful. By the 16th century, these warriors7, called the Incas, ruled more than eleven million people, scattered8 over an area almost thirty times the size of Taiwan. The expansion 9 of this vast 10 empire 11 along the Pacific 12 coast consisted of one group—the Incas—ruling over many smaller ones. The Incas offered power and wealth to leaders that accepted their rule, while the powerful Inca army threatened13 to crush14 any that opposed15 them or refused to submit16. The social and religious practices of newly acquired followers were then absorbed into Inca customs. The Inca emperor ruled with an iron fistu, with all but a few people close to the emperor made to work. Inca subjectsu endured17 a lifestyle closely resembling18 slaveryu. But they helped the empire grow into the Western Hemisphere’su largest, wealthiest, and most powerful native nation.
閱讀理解 請在下列選項中,選出最適合的答案。
What happened to a group that joined the Inca population? (A) They had to stop their religious practices. (B) They were forced to fight for the Inca army. (C) They had to work hard for their Inca leader. (D) They had to give all their money to the Incas.
How did the Inca group become so big and strong? (A) They built large buildings in Peru. (B) They conquered many smaller groups. (C) They were farmers and ate big meals. (D) They bought all the land in Peru.
1 tribal 106 104 99 96 92
5 conquer 105
adj. 部落的
vt. 征服;克服
I wanted to stop, but I conquered my tiredness and kept going.
我本來想停下來,但我克服了疲累繼續前 進。
tribe n. [C] 部落
2 violent 90
adj. 暴力的
The people in the village are all from the same clan. 這個村莊的人都來自於相同的家族。
violence n. [U] 暴力 domestic
3 reside
violence 家暴
7 warrior
The warriors fought a long battle against their enemy.
vi. 居住
Peter used to live in Taiwan, but he now resides in a small town in France.
107 衍 衍
residence n. [U, C] 住所;住宅 resident n. [C] 居民 residential adj. 住宅的
100 97
vt./vi. 入侵;侵略
The movie is about little blue men from Jupiter who invade our planet. 這部電影是關於來自木星的小藍人入侵地球 的故事。 衍
invader n. [C] 入侵者;侵略者
invasion n. [U, C] 侵犯;湧入
104 衍
invasive adj. 入侵的
8 scatter 98
vt./vi. 散布在各處;分散
The criminals scattered when the police car drove up.
The Empire of the Incas
4 invade
n. [C] 武士;戰士
彼得曾住過台灣,但他現在住在法國的小鎮 裡。
n. [C] 宗族;氏族;集團;派系
Tina wouldn’t let her children play the violent video game.
105 衍
conqueror n. [C] 征服者
6 clan
The guide was dressed in traditional tribal clothing.
100 衍
vt. 撒在……上
Clothing was scattered all over the living room floor. 衣服到處散落在客廳地板上。 片
be scattered 處都是……
with . . . 遍布著……;到
The living room was scattered with toys that the child had forgotten to put away. 客廳裡到處都是那個孩子忘記收起來的玩 具。
Chapter 3 Culture 9 expansion
n. [U, C] 擴展;擴張;擴大物
The expansion of the company led to the hiring of many new employees. 該公司的擴展以致於要雇用許多新員工。
13 threaten 107 103 102 99 94 93
The expansion of the metal tube was caused by heat.
106 衍
96 92 91
expand vt./vi. 擴張;擴大
The rock concert took place in a vast hall that held 10,000 people.
vt. 壓碎;徹底擊敗;使消沉;心煩意亂
The children were crushed when they found out that their trip to Disneyland was canceled.
n. [U, C] 帝國;大企業;軍權
孩子們發現迪士尼樂園之旅取消之後心情很 消沉。
At its height, the British empire included more than twenty percent of the world’s land area.
n. [C] 壓碎;擁擠的人群
The crush at the train station is at its worst during the morning rush hour.
大英帝國在巔峰時期涵蓋了世界超過百分之 二十的土地面積。
emperor n. [C] 帝王;皇帝
12 Pacific 100 98 91
太平洋是世界最大洋。 98 詞 詞
Ocean 太平洋 outh Pacific 南太平洋 S
on sb. 對某人有好感;迷戀、
passed a note to Jenny that said he had a crush on her.
Rob had never seen the Pacific Ocean until he moved to California for college.
The Pacific is the world’s largest ocean.
have a crush 愛上某人
adj. 太平洋的 n. [C] 太平洋
羅伯在搬去加州上大學之前,從來沒有看過 太平洋。
The boys crushed the empty cups under their feet.
immense adj. 巨大的
11 empire
life-threatening adj. 威脅生命的;危及性 命的
14 crush
這場搖滾音樂會在一個可容納一萬人的大禮 堂舉行。
95 衍
凱莉威脅彼得如果他再對她說惡劣的話,她 就要告訴她媽媽。
adj. 巨大的;廣大的
Kelly threatened to tell her mother if Peter said mean things to her again.
新高速公路的興建危害到稀有鳥類的棲息 地。
expansive adj. 廣闊的
10 vast
vt./vi. 威脅;恐嚇;危害到
The building of the new freeway threatened the rare birds’ home.
那根金屬管因遇熱擴張。 衍
15 oppose 105 102 91
vt./vi. 對抗;反對
Some people opposed the chairperson’s decision, while others agreed with it. 有些人反對主席的決定,而有些人贊成。
opposed to 反對 Peter is opposed to the new tax law, and he has written letters to the newspaper about it. 片
16 submit
The fighter knew he had lost, and he shouted, “I submit! I submit!” 這位戰士知道他已經輸了,於是大喊:「我 投降!我投降!」
The CEO did not submit to investors’ demands to step down.
submissive adj. 服從的;柔順的
17 endure 105
vt. 提交
蜜雪兒把她寫的詩寄給雜誌,並等待著編輯 的回覆。
• 忍受(令人不悅的人事物) • 口語用法 I can’t stand employees who are always late. 我無法忍受老是遲到的員工。
那位執行長並未服從投資方要他下台的要 求。
Michelle submitted the poems she wrote to a magazine and is waiting to hear back from the editors.
米雪兒並不介意酷熱的天氣,但她 受不了潮濕。
The rope could not bear the weight, and it finally broke.
vi. 順從;屈服;投降
•(最廣義的)忍受 • 承受(重量) Michelle didn’t mind the heat, but she couldn’t bear the humidity.
•(包容、寬大地)容忍;容許 The boss will not tolerate you being late so often, so try to get here on time. 老闆不會容忍你這麼常遲到,所以 就試著準時到吧。
100 衍 衍
enduring adj. 持久的;持續的 endurance n. [U] 耐久力;耐力
18 resemble 106
vt. 與……像;類似
Many people say that I closely resemble my mother.
vt. 忍耐;忍受
The soldier endured long hours in the desert during the war.
resemblance n. [U, C] 相似;相似處 bear a resemblance 與……有相似之處
to sb./sth.
vi. 持久;持續
I know
Many Native American languages have endured for thousands of years.
許多美國原住民語言已持續存在有幾千年之 久。 比較
10 The Empire of the Incas
a person who bears a close resemblance to Hugh Jackman.
iron fist [`a60n] [f6st] n. [C] 鐵腕;專制統治(iron
•(長期)忍受(困難或不幸) The sailors had to endure days without food after getting lost at sea.
水手們在海上迷航後得忍受好幾天 沒有食物。
slavery [`slev4ri] n. [U] 奴隸身分;奴隸制度
subject [`s9bd.6kt] n. [C] (君主制度國家的)臣民;
hemisphere [`h5m4~sf6r] n. [C] 半球 75
Chapter 3 Culture 字彙測驗 請利用本單元學過的單字,選出正確的答案。
q In Taiwan, it is still possible to visit traditional _______ villages.
(A) submissive
(B) expansive
(C) tribal
(D) residential
w Table Mountain in South Africa is so called because it _______ a table top.
(A) resembles
(B) expands
(C) tolerates
(D) invades
e Sam wasn’t allowed to watch the movie because his parents thought it was too
_______. (A) enduring
(B) immense
(C) violent
(D) invasive
r The British used to have a large _______ that covered 20% of the world’s land area.
(A) tribe
(B) empire
(C) emperor
(D) clan
t I need to decide where to _______ when I move to New York.
(A) resemble
(B) oppose
(C) reside
(D) scatter
文意選填 請根據文意,選出正確的答案。
Alexander was twenty when his father died and he was made the king of Macedonia. Within a few years, all the cities of Greece had q to this young king. Since he was still young, he had big plans. To the east was the w Persian empire, which controlled millions of soldiers. For many years, they had Greece and the two countries had fought many wars. Violent battles e had broken out continuously between the opposing r . Alexander decided the only way for Greece to be safe was if he t this enemy. Despite the great number of enemy soldiers, Alexander was able to quickly y the Persian army. Within ten years of acquiring the throne, the u of his empire had reached all the way to India. He also created a legend that would to the modern day. i
(A) vast
(B) crush
(C) endure
(D) warriors
(E) threatened
(F) conquered
(G) submitted
(H) expansion
11 The Railway in Taiwan
The Railway in Taiwan
The railway was the major means of transportation1 between cities in Taiwan, and its creation2, rise, and fall reflect the changing times. Construction of the first segments3 of railway in Taiwan started in the Qing dynasty4, and a basic network5 was functioning under Japanese colonial rule. The completion6 of the South-link line in 1993 enabled the possibility of full, round-island journeys7. This was a milestone8 in the history of transportation in Taiwan. In the early years, the railway not only allowed people to commute9 between cities, but also fulfilled 10 a role as an industrial lifeline, transporting commodities11 like sugar, coal, and timber12. Most industrial freight13 railways have been abandoned14 for transportation by motor15 vehicles16, but some of them still have regular departures17 and arrivals18 for tourists, such as the forest train on Mount Ali. Other lines, like the Pingxi and Neiwan lines, are blessed19 with lovely scenery20 and provide places for outingsu. More than just a structure21 of transportation networks, the railway is a monument22 to the industrial and cultural development of Taiwan.
閱讀理解 請在下列選項中,選出最適合的答案。 q Which of the following describes the train system during Japanese rule? (A) The trains went completely around Taiwan. (B) The first railways were being built. (C) Trains only ran between important locations. (D) The railway looked the same as it does now. w What could be understood from the article? (A) The railway was part of Taiwan’s development. (B) The railway slowed Taiwan’s development. (C) Taiwan developed without the railway. (D) There are no more industrial trains in Taiwan.
Chapter 3 Culture 高頻字彙
1 transportation 98 97 95
Lisa takes public transportation to get to school.
消費分析專家將潛在買家依年齡層和收入分 類。
• 交通運輸,如火車、公車、 捷運等大眾運輸
The subway is an excellent form of transportation.
地鐵是一種很棒的交通運輸方 式。
The traffic in big cities is very noisy.
96 95
transport vt. 搬運;運輸
107 105 97
recreation n. [C, U] 休閒;消遣
3 segment
n. [C] 部分;片段
A small segment of this country’s population has caught a terrible disease. 這個國家有一小部分的人口染上了可怕的疾 病。
A network of secret passages runs under the castle.
In the world of business, you’ve got to network if you want to stay ahead. 在企業界,如果你想保持優勢就得建立人 脈。
n. [U, C] 創造;創作品
n. [C] 網絡系統;網路
vi./vt. 建立人脈;開拓人際關係
The creation of the telephone made communication more convenient than ever before.
2 creation
n. [C] 王朝;朝;代
5 network
system 運輸系統 詞 public transportation 大眾運輸工具 詞
segment 市場區塊
大城市裡的交通很嘈雜。 90 衍
These paintings are from the Ming dynasty.
segmentation n. [U] 分割(成部分)
4 dynasty
•(馬路上的)交通狀況或流 There was a lot of traffic on the highway.
vt./vi. 分割;分為片段
Consumer analysts segment potential buyers into different age groups and incomes.
n. [U] 交通工具;交通運輸系統;運輸
networking site 社群網站
6 completion 95 92
n. [U] 完成;完工;結束
The building project took ten years to achieve completion. 這項建築計畫花了十年才完成。
107 衍
complete vt. 完成;使完整 adj. 完全的;徹 底的
7 journey 105 102 91 90
I am getting used to the long commute to work.
n. [C] 旅行
The journey by car from Portland to San Francisco will take about eleven hours.
衍 衍
我們的團隊沿河上行旅行了三天。 • 通常指帶有某種目的任務的「旅
94 91
程」,時間較長,過程也較辛苦 journey
Our journey around the world began in Melbourne.
telecommuter n. [C] 遠距離工作者
Bill never fulfilled my request to clean out the garage.
旅行是個能遇見有趣的人的好方 式。
明年,麗莎計畫要實現到印度各地旅遊的 夢想。
Let’s take a trip to Australia next year.
journal n. [C] 日記;日誌
n. [C] 里程碑;重大事件
Our company reached a milestone last year with the sale of our millionth product. 我們公司去年達成了銷售一百萬件產品的里 程碑。
9 commute 95
carry out one’s dream(s) 實
Next year, Lisa plans to fulfill her dream of traveling across India.
8 milestone
fulfill / 現夢想
• 旅行(的統稱) Travel is a good way to meet interesting people.
99 衍
train 通勤列車
vt. 實現(願望);達到(目標)
• 從一地到另一地的旅途,通常結 trip
telecommute vi.(在家裡使用電子通訊) 遠距離工作或辦公
比爾從來沒有完成我的要求,把車庫清乾 淨。
commuter n. [C] 通勤者
10 fulfill 107
從波特蘭開車到舊金山的旅行大約要花上 十一個小時。
Our group journeyed up the river for three days.
n. [C] 通勤路程
The Railway in Taiwan
fulfilling adj. 充實的
fulfillment n. [U] 完成;履行;實現
unfulfilled adj. 未完成的;未實現的
11 commodity 105
n. [C] 商品
Every new item our factories can make is another commodity we can trade. 我們工廠能製作出的每個新品項都是我們可 以交易的商品。 107 同
product n. [C] 產品;產物
105 同
goods n. [P] 商品;貨物
vi. 通勤;上下班往返
It takes Jane an hour to commute between her high school and her home. 珍從學校到家裡要花一小時通勤。
Chapter 3 Culture 12 timber
They decided to abandon the plan after realizing that it was too difficult to carry out.
n. [U] 木材;原木
Timber is one of Brazil’s biggest exports.
他們了解這個計畫太難以執行之後就決定放 棄。
木材是巴西最大宗出口品之一。 比較
vt. 中途放棄;終止(工作、活動等)
• 可作木材的樹木、林木 • 被砍伐下來的木材 The forest produced a lot of timber.
•(因危險而)離開(某地或交通工 具)
There was a huge stack of timber left in the forest.
有一大堆木料被遺留在森林裡。 料、木板
My father bought a lot of lumber in order to build a porch in front of our house.
•(違背自身的責任或義務,於危難 時)拋棄;遺棄(某人事物)
• 泛指木頭、木材、木料等 This table is made of wood. 這張桌子是用木頭做的。 desert [d6`z-t]
• 多指從樹上直接砍下來的原木/ 圓木 log
These logs will be used to make paper.
Ground freight generally takes twice the time of air freight.
107 102 96
vt. 放棄;丟棄;遺棄
When the car broke down, the driver abandoned it on the side of the road. 當車子故障時,司機把它棄放在路邊。
14 abandon
• 放棄;停止(做某事) You should quit smoking, for the sake of your health. 為了健康考量,你應該停止吸煙。
charge 運費 詞 freight company 貨運公司
史蒂夫所有的朋友都在他最需要他 們幫助時遺棄他。
一小群士兵在敵方攻擊時棄哨而 去。
n. [U, C] 貨物;貨運
•(士兵)擅離職守 All of Steve’s friends deserted him when he needed them most.
A small group of soldiers deserted their posts when the enemy attacked.
13 freight
洪水來襲時,人們被迫離開他們的 家園。
我父親買了很多木料要在我們的房 子前面興建門廊。 wood
It is against the law to abandon pets in the street. As the flood waters rose, the people were forced to abandon their homes.
• 經初步裁切可用作建築材料的木
abandoned adj. 被遺棄的
15 motor 103 99 98 93
adj. 汽車的;發動機驅動的
We took a motor trip across the country. 我們搭車旅行橫跨這個國家。
n. [C] 馬達;引擎;發動機
n. [C, U] 抵達;到來
motorist n. [C] 開汽車的人
motorcyclist n. [C] 摩托車騎士
n. [C] 車輛;交通工具;媒介;方法
There are too many vehicles on the road, and that is causing the air quality to become worse.
• disposal n. [U, C] 處置;處理 • refusal n. [C] 拒絕 • removal n. [U, C] 搬遷;排除
許多人都將大學文憑視為找到好工作的媒 介。
17 departure 104
n. [U, C] 出發;啟程;改變;背離
The train’s time of departure has been
delayed by thirty minutes.
104 衍
The priest blessed all of the people inside the church. 牧師祝福教堂裡的所有人。 片
我沒有見到傑克本人,因為他今天一早就 出門了。 片
depart 去……
blessed with 享有……;有幸擁有某事
Eric has been blessed with a great job and family.
depart vi./vt. 啟程;出發;離開
from + 地方 離開…… I didn’t meet Jack in person, as he had departed from home early this morning.
be 物
Bali is blessed with warm weather and beautiful beaches.
這位作者的最新小說與他早期的作品有所不 同。 depart
vt. 為……祈求;保佑;使有幸得到
The writer’s latest novel is a departure from his earlier work.
arrive vi. 抵達;到達
19 bless
103 衍
-al 除了是常見的形容詞字尾之外(如本課出現 的 industrial、cultural),亦可作名詞字尾, 接在動詞之後,表示「某個行為或過程」。 例 如:
Most people see a university degree as a vehicle to landing a good job.
Everyone was waiting for the king’s arrival.
16 vehicle 103
The Railway in Taiwan
My car will not start; there must be a problem with the motor.
18 arrival
艾瑞克有幸擁有好工作和美滿的家庭。 片
one’s blessing 同意;贊成;准允 Ben’s father gave his blessing to take a year off from school to travel.
班的父親准許他休學一年去旅行。 102 衍
blessing n. [C, U] 祝福;賜福
for + 地方 啟程前往……;出發
The boss is departing for Tokyo in less than four hours. 老闆在不到四個小時內就要啟程前往東 京。
Chapter 3 Culture 20 scenery 97
•(值得一看的)名勝;風景,常作 複數形 sights •(有特色的人事物)景象,作單數
n. [U] 景色;風景
Let’s take a picture of this magnificent scenery!
• 視力 This brochure will tell you all about the sights you can see in this town.
我們來給這壯麗的景色照一張相吧! 103 衍 97 衍
scene n. [C] 景象;場景 scenic adj. 景色優美的
•(泛指某地的)景色;風景 •(舞台等的)布景;場景 Don’t forget to bring your camera along; the scenery by the ocean is beautiful.
Seeing the family reunited after twenty years was quite a sight. 看到這個家庭在二十年後重聚真是 動人的景象。
The man lost his sight in a car accident.
Dana designed the scenery for the video game.
•(人對某事物的)觀點;看法 The house has a magnificent view of the ocean.
•(從畫、照片中,或某人所在的位 置所看到的)景象;景色
•(尤指壞事發生的)現場;地點 John missed a crucial scene in the movie when he was visiting the snack bar. scene
這個雕塑品描繪一場知名戰役中的 一景。
The criminal fled the scene of the crime. 那名罪犯逃離犯罪現場。
Rob and his brother Ted do not think the same; they have contrary views. 羅伯和他弟弟泰德的想法並不同, 他們的看法相反。
約翰去點心吧時,錯過了電影中重 要的一幕。
The sculpture depicted a scene from a famous battle.
這本小冊子會告訴你在這個小鎮能 看到的所有名勝。
21 structure 106 103 102 101 97 90
n. [C] 建築物;結構體 [C, U] 結構;組織
The parking structure could hold 500 cars. 那座停車場可容納五百輛車。
The accident damaged the structure of the car. 這場車禍損壞了車子的結構。 103 衍
infrastructure n. [U, C] 基礎建設
22 monument 103 94
monument to + N. 某事物永恆的紀念 The city will erect a monument to those who lost their lives.
n. [C] 紀念碑;歷史遺跡;典範
11 The Railway in Taiwan
The Statue of Liberty is one of America’s most famous monuments.
自由女神像是美國最聞名的紀念建物之一。 衍
monumental adj. 重要的;不朽的
outing [`a8t6;] n. [C] 遠足;郊遊 單字填空 請利用本單元學過的單字,完成下列句子。
q The Romanovs were the last d w A n
y of emperors to rule Russia.
k of telephone lines connects the world together.
e Kelly was b
d with good looks and intelligence.
r People should use public t
n more often instead of their cars.
t Many visitors to Taiwan admire the beautiful s
克漏字測驗 請根據文意,選出正確的答案。
One of the most famous Native American q is the Totem Pole. These poles are made from w that is carved with symbols and figures. As well as honoring ancestors and beliefs, some carvings represent e in the life of the tribe. The poles serve as structures to welcome visitors, or as a means to make fun of someone with funny images. The carving of the poles takes a lot of skill and, on r , the poles are raised in a special ceremony. The t of totem poles continues to this day and can be seen in various places around North America. With their colorful and fascinating images, they certainly add an interesting aspect to the surrounding scenery. q (A) monuments
(B) scenes
(C) segments
(D) networks
w (A) traffic
(B) timber
(C) commuter
(D) freight
e (A) fulfillments
(B) milestones
(C) disposals
(D) vehicles
r (A) arrival
(B) departure
(C) refusal
(D) completion
t (A) creation
(B) journey
(C) commute
(D) removal 83
Chapter 3 Culture TRACK 23
Japan’s National Flowers Flowers have had a great significance throughout the ages to people of all nationalities1. When deciding upon their national flower, most nations adopted flowers that are seen to possess2 historical or spiritual3 qualities. In Japan, the official flower of the imperial 4 family is the chrysanthemumu. Because the chrysanthemum blooms5 in autumn, the season when most flowers die, it is appreciated6 for its strength7. The Japanese imperial throne8 is often referred to9 as the Chrysanthemum Throne, and the flower’s image10 can be seen on Japanese currency11 today. However, many Japanese attach12 national pride to another flower— the cherry blossom 13, known in Japanese as the sakura. The cherry blossom, which blooms beautifully but briefly, has a reputation14 for reflecting the samurai spiritu: the value of life is not in its length, which is not eternal15, but in its weight of honor and glory16. In the hearts of the Japanese, no floral symbol is more esteemed17 than these two: chrysanthemums for their history and representation of authority, and cherry blossoms for conveying18 the delicate19 nature of life.
閱讀理解 請在下列選項中,選出最適合的答案。 q Why is the chrysanthemum the national flower of the imperial family? (A) It is a strong flower that blooms in the spring. (B) It was the first ruler’s favorite flower. (C) It blooms at a time when other flowers do not. (D) It was originally used as money in Japan. w Which topic could be added to paragraph two? (A) The official flower of South Korea (B) Details about kinds of chrysanthemums (C) How to make chrysanthemum tea (D) The location of Japan’s throne
1 nationality 101
n. [U, C] 國籍;民族
5 bloom 93
Leslie has Canadian nationality.
106 衍
national adj. 國家的;全國性的
2 possess 101 91
The bloom of the rose is just beginning to turn brown.
The ring is said to possess strange magical powers.
bloom(花朵)盛開 All the flowers in the field are in bloom.
101 衍
repossession n. [C, U] 收回貨物或抵押品
(簡稱 repo) 詞
goods/possessions 財產
3 spiritual 95 94 93
repossess vt. 收回;重新擁有 possession n. [U] 擁有 [C] 所有物;財產
6 appreciate 106 93
vt. 欣賞;感謝
Matt appreciates good food and rarely eats at fast-food restaurants. 麥特欣賞美食,很少在速食餐廳吃飯。
adj. 心靈的;精神(上)的
appreciation n. [U] 欣賞;喜愛
Abby will focus on her spiritual development this year.
appreciative adj. 感激的;感謝的
93 衍 105 衍 衍
107 反
spiritually adv. 精神上地;心靈上地
physical adj. 身體的
4 imperial
adj. 皇帝的;帝國的
The imperial family was forced to leave the palace and hide away after the war broke out. 戰爭爆發後皇室被迫離開皇宮躲起來。 衍
95 衍
imperialism n. [U] 帝國主義 emperor n. [C] 皇帝
appreciation 表達感謝 didn’t show any appreciation for all that we’ve done for him.
spirit n. [C, U] 精神;心靈 spirituality n. [U] 與精神有關的事物
n. [C] 花
vt. 擁有;具有
106 105
vi. 開花;綻放;興盛
Japan’s National Flowers
nation n. [C] 國家
Her garden is most beautiful when the roses are blooming.
萊絲莉有加拿大國籍。 105 衍
7 strength 106 98 95
n. [U] 力氣;力量 [C] 長處;優點
Lenny used all his strength to lift the heavy box. 藍尼用盡全力把那沉重的箱子抬起來。
and weaknesses 優點與缺點 Randall compiled a list of his strengths and weaknesses. 詞
93 衍
蘭德爾彙整了他優缺點的清單。 strengthen vt./vi. 強化;加強
Chapter 3 Culture 8 throne
n. [C] 寶座 [S] 王位
The king and queen sat on their thrones in the palace. 國王和王后坐在皇宮裡的王座上。
the throne 繼位;加冕 King Henry VIII took the throne of England in 1509. 片
the throne 在位 Do you know the name of the king who is on the throne of Thailand?
106 104 103 102 100 98 92
This type of chili pepper is so spicy that it is referred to as “the bomb” by locals.
98 94 90
You’re the spitting image of your mother.
妳和妳媽媽簡直是一個模子印出來的。 [`k-4nsi]
rate 匯率 詞 currency exchange 貨幣兌換處 詞
The movie ended with a beautiful image of a mother holding her child. 這部電影以一位母親抱著她孩子的美麗影像 作結。 imagery n. [U] 意象;(具象徵意義的)圖 片
12 attach 105 93
vt./vi. 使附著;使依附
Rick attached the note to the fridge with a magnet. 瑞克用磁鐵把便條紙固定在冰箱上。
101 衍
n. [C] 影像;形象
spitting image of sb. 和某人長
當你出國旅遊時務必確認你有隨身帶一些當 地的貨幣。
這種辣椒非常辣,以致於被當地人稱為「炸 彈」。
10 image 99
be the 得很像
Make sure you have some local currency with you when you travel abroad.
v. phr. 稱……為;提及(常搭配 as N.);參閱
如果你對這台冰箱有疑問,請參閱使用說 明。
這名男星靠著演出浪漫喜劇,擺脫了動作 英雄的硬漢形象。
11 currency
[r6`f-] [tu]
If you have questions about this refrigerator, please refer to the instructions.
n. [C, U] 貨幣 [U] 通用;流通
9 refer to 107
By starring in a romantic comedy, the actor shed his image as a tough action hero.
one’s image as . . . 擺脫……的形
shed 象
attachment n. [C] 附件;附屬物;附加設 備 attached adj. 依戀的;充滿愛心的
13 blossom 107
n. [C, U] (果樹的)花
Next to the house was a cherry tree, covered in blossom. 屋子旁邊有一棵櫻花樹,覆滿盛開的櫻花。
vi. 開花;繁榮;興盛
• 永恆的 • 同義字為 everlasting「永恆
When the trees blossomed, they looked like they were covered in snow.
•(長在樹上的)花 The blossoms fell from the tree and covered the ground. •(長在地面的)花 Paul gave Cindy some flowers for her birthday.
14 reputation 106 94 90
• 永久(性)的;長期(性)的 • 反義字為 temporary「暫時性
Ted’s reputation will be at risk if he fails to win his court case.
的」 permanent There is a permanent position
have a reputation 以……聞名/聲譽卓著
我父母的餐廳因供應好吃又便宜的食物而 聲譽卓著。 drag
sb.’s reputation through the
mud 使某人名譽掃地 The newspaper article dragged the politician’s reputation through the mud. 新聞報導讓那名政治人物的名譽掃地。
reputable adj. 有名氣的;獲好評的
reputed adj. 據說的;普遍認為的
15 eternal 106 94 93
opening up at the company if you want to apply for it.
for (something)
My parents’ restaurant has a reputation for good, inexpensive food.
adj. 永恆的;永久的
• 不死的;不朽的 • 同義字為 undying「不死的」 The Greek gods were immortal, but their actions came across as very human sometimes. 希臘諸神都長生不死,不過有時 祂們的行徑卻跟凡人很像。
n. [U, C] 名聲
追求青春永駐的人使用各種產品 來讓肌膚看起來更年輕。
Japan’s National Flowers
People desiring eternal youth use all sorts of products to make their skin look younger.
如果你想應徵的話,這家公司現 在有一個長期性的職缺。 106 衍
eternity n. [U] 永恆
16 glory 106 95
n. [U] 光榮;榮耀 [C] 引以為榮的事
The general earned glory through his achievements during the war. 這位將軍在戰爭中立下的功績為他贏得榮 耀。 片
in (all) 洋洋
one’s glory 呈現最佳狀態;得意
The model was arrayed in all her glory for the photo shoot.
glorious adj. 光榮的;榮耀的
It is believed that after death, people go on to live an eternal life in Heaven. 大家認為人們死後會繼續在天堂過著永恆的 生活。
Chapter 3 Culture 17 esteem
19 delicate 104
vt. 視為;尊重
adj. 易碎的;纖細嬌弱的;精美的
Tiger Woods is esteemed as one of the best golfers in the world.
These delicate plates are made of fine china.
老虎‧伍茲被視為是世界上最好的高爾夫球 手之一。
這些精美易碎的盤子是上好的陶瓷製的。 99
n. [U] 尊重;尊敬
Jenny will only eat sauces that have a delicate flavor.
I have a lot of esteem for the teachers I had in high school.
我對我高中的老師十分尊敬。 片
. . . in high esteem = . . . be held in high esteem
105 反
delicacy n. [U] 美食;佳餚 firm adj. 結實的
My college professor was held in high esteem by all of his students. 我大學教授的所有學生都對他評價甚高。 衍 衍
esteemed adj. 受人尊敬的 self-esteem n. [U] 自尊;自尊心
18 convey 105 104 103
vt. 傳達;傳遞
Karl conveyed his feelings through poetry. 卡爾透過詩詞表達情感。 衍
conveyor n. [C] 搬運者;運輸裝置
詞 conveyor
belt 傳輸帶
chrysanthemum [kr6`s1nq4m4m] n. [C] 菊花 samurai spirit [`s1m4~ra6] [`sp6r4t] n. phr. 武士道 精神
單字填空 請利用本單元學過的單字,完成下列句子。
q Everyone r
o Professor Adams as the “Wise Old Man.”
w The young soldier knew he needed courage and a strong will to achieve military
e The king sat on his t
Japan’s National Flowers
e and greeted visitors to his court.
r After living in another country for many years, Jake wanted to change his n
t That vase is very d
e, so be careful when you pick it up.
文意選填 請根據文意,選出正確的答案。
Emperor Qin Shi Huang took the q throne of the Qin state in ancient China in 246 BC. He was only thirteen years old at the time and didn’t any experience of being a ruler. However, he soon built up a(n) w as being an ambitious leader. He wanted to show his r by e uniting all the states of ancient China. He succeeded and was therefore as the “first emperor of China.” He introduced many reforms, including t the introduction of a standard way of writing and a common y . However, he also had the image of being very cruel. The emperor was obsessed with life and had a large tomb made that included 8,000 terracotta soldiers u for protection in the afterlife. This delicate terracotta army is one of modern China’s major tourist attractions. Today people i the achievements of Qin Shi Huang but realize that they came at a heavy price.
(A) strength
(B) currency
(C) appreciate
(D) eternal
(E) possess
(F) reputation
(G) imperial
(H) esteemed
Chapter 3 Culture TRACK 25
Homestay Etiquette Staying with a family in a foreign country can leave you with priceless1 memories. Depending on how you conduct2 yourself on their property3, your hosts may find the feeling mutual4. A little bit of courtesy5 will reflect favorably6 on you. By practicing good etiquetteu, both you and your host family will be guaranteed7 an enjoyable8 experience. If you want to make a good first impression, you can’t go wrong by bearing gifts—especially something distinctive to your country. It’s a gesture that shows your generosity 9 and forms an immediate 10 connection11 between you and the family. When they show you where you can put your belongings12, you can ask if you need to negotiate13 certain things like the times to use the kitchen or bathroom. That way you’ll avoid any awkward14 situations during your stay. Once you understand the house rules, be sure to abide by15 them. Keep your bedroom tidy 16 . Offer to do the dishes, your own laundry17, or other household18 chores19. Tell your hosts when you’re going out. Some people might think it’s rude to use the telephone without asking, especially if you are making long-distance phone calls. Don’t fuss20 over small things, but if you do have a complaint21, let your hosts know before it becomes a bigger problem. They will appreciate having the chance to fix it while you’re there rather than afterward22. When it’s finally time to depart and return to your own dwelling23, leave a short thank-you note, and maybe send a postcard later on. By following these practical 24 rules, your hosts will be very grateful25—after all, you might be better behaved than their own kids!
閱讀理解 請在下列選項中,選出最適合的答案。 q Which topic is not mentioned in the article? (A) Making phone calls (B) Drinking water (C) Saying thank you (D) Making a good impression
1 priceless 100
95 91
conduct oneself(在公共或正式場合中) 舉止;表現
Tom’s coworkers criticized him for the way he conducted himself at the company picnic.
這個娃娃屋是我媽媽做的,所以它對我來說 是無價之寶。
湯姆的同事批評他在公司野餐時的行為舉 止。
invaluable adj. 無價的;價值無法衡量的 valueless adj. 沒有價值的
2 conduct
My mother made this dollhouse, so it’s priceless to me.
adj. 無價的;珍貴的
99 同
107 105
Homestay Etiquette
w What is the goal of this article? (A) To give hints on finding a good homestay (B) To instruct people hosting foreigners (C) To tell people how to be good homestay guests (D) To show the differences between living in the East and West
vt. 進行;實施
I plan to conduct an investigation into this matter. 我計畫對這件事進行調查。 vt. 傳導(電或熱);引導
Different metals conduct electricity with different levels of efficiency. 不同金屬的導電效率程度不同。 vi./vt. 指揮(樂團或合唱團);帶領
The little girl conducted as her friends sang “Happy Birthday.”
91 衍
conductor n. [C](樂團)指揮
3 property 105
n. [C, U] 房地產 [U] 財產
Owen wanted to build a house on his property. 歐文想在自己的地產上蓋一棟房子。 n. [C] 特質
I read in a book that honey may have some healing properties. 我在一本書上讀到說蜂蜜可能有幫助癒合的 特性。
property 智慧財產 詞 public property 公共財物 詞
Chapter 3 Culture 4 mutual 102 99
104 103
adj. 共同的;彼此的
Bill and Larry worked together for their mutual benefit.
All of our products come with a money back guarantee. 我們所有產品都保證能退款。
比爾和賴瑞為了共同的利益而合作。 104 衍
n. [U, C] 保證書;保證
mutually adv. 相互地;彼此;共通地
trust 互信 詞 mutual fund 共同基金 詞
n. [U, C] 禮貌;謙恭有禮的言辭(或舉動)
We should always show courtesy to our teachers. 我們隨時都應該尊師重道。 片
(by) courtesy 許使用)
of 承蒙……(的提供、允
/ out of courtesy 出自禮貌 Out of courtesy, the children asked to be excused before leaving the table.
visit 禮貌性拜訪 衍 courteous adj. 有禮貌的;謙恭的 詞
6 favorably 106 90
100 97 90
adj. 讓人感到愉悅的;有樂趣的
Swimming is an enjoyable hobby during the summer.
104 同 同
98 同 107 衍
delightful adj. 令人愉快的 pleasant adj. 令人愉快的 enjoy vt. 享受
Ed often takes advantage of others’ generosity, which is why he has few friends. 艾德常常利用別人的慷慨,這就是為什麼他 朋友不多。 105 衍
10 immediate
favorable adj. 有利的;討人喜愛的
n. [U] 慷慨
Maggie’s proposal was received favorably by the committee.
generous adj. 慷慨的;大方的
adj. 立即的;直接的;鄰近的
Her immediate response to his offer of marriage was to scream.
vt. 保證;確保;使必然發生
I guarantee that you will be successful if you work hard.
There are many stores in the immediate surroundings of our office.
我們辦公室附近有很多商店。 102 同
amusing adj. 有趣的
9 generosity
7 guarantee 103
adv. 有利地;贊同地;善意地
95 衍
sb. sth. 保證…… The company guaranteed Tom a pay raise.
8 enjoyable
基於禮貌,孩子們請求准許離去後才離 桌。
The images in this news story are courtesy of the Associated Press. 這篇新聞報導的圖片由美聯社提供。
(that) + 子句 保證…… The salesman guarantees that we will like this TV.
售貨員保證我們會喜歡這台電視。 片
5 courtesy
prompt adj. 迅速的;即時的 instant adj. 立即的;立刻的
99 衍 片
pressing adj. 急迫的;緊急的 immediately adv. 立刻;馬上
96 95 94
ring belonged to my greatgrandmother.
immediate effect 立即生效 The defective products were recalled with immediate effect.
Weasley belongs to the Order of the Phoenix.
n. [C, U] 聯繫;關係;關聯
Mark has felt a connection with Ella since the day they met. 自從他們相遇以來,馬克就覺得他和艾拉之 間有某種聯繫。
The police tried to discover the woman’s connection to the thief.
13 negotiate 105 104 90
(to + 城市 )
When I land in Chicago, I’ll only have a few minutes to catch my connection to Boston. 我抵達芝加哥後只有幾分鐘可以趕搭轉往 波士頓的班機。 106 衍
connect vt./vi. 連結;聯繫
12 belongings 93
n. [P] 隨身財物;所有物品
Please make sure you have all your belongings before getting off the bus. 下公車前,請確認有攜帶您的隨身物品。 101 同 衍
The government refuses to negotiate with terrorists.
106 同 衍
connection with 與……有關聯 A businessman was questioned by police in connection with a crime.
catch one’s connection 轉機(到某城市)
possessions n. [P] 所有物 belonging n. [U] 歸屬;親密而安全的關係
of belonging comes only after many years of living in a country.
vt./vi. 協商;談判
一位企業家因為牽涉某犯罪案件而遭到警 方詢問。
警方試圖找出這名女子與小偷的關聯。 片
Homestay Etiquette
belong to(某物)屬於(某人);(某人) 屬於(某組織、團體)
11 connection 107
106 片 90
discuss vt. 討論;商談 negotiation n. [C, U] 談判;商議(常用複 數形)
negotiator n. [C] 交涉者;談判者
negotiable adj. 可協商的
14 awkward 101 99
adj. 令人尷尬的;笨拙的;困窘的
There were a few awkward moments, but overall it was a good first date. 有一些尷尬的時候,不過整體來說,第一次 約會還算不錯。 衍
awkwardly adv. 笨拙地;難堪地
15 abide by
[4`ba6d] [ba6]
v. phr. 遵守;信守
I refuse to abide by the decision that was made by my boss, so I will have to leave the company. 我拒絕遵守我老闆做的決定,所以我得離開 公司。 衍
abide vt. 忍受;容忍(常用於否定句意中)
I can’t abide his bad moods.
A feeling
我無法忍受他的壞心情。 衍
law-abiding adj. 守法的
住在一個國家多年才會有歸屬感。 衍
belong vi. 屬於;適合在 93
Chapter 3 Culture 16 tidy
n. [C] 家庭;家族
Many households in this building have pets.
adj. 整齊的;整潔的
Henry was a good little boy who kept his bedroom tidy.
vi./vt. 整理;收拾(後常接 up)
Please tidy up the kitchen after you finish cooking. and tidy 乾淨整齊 Please make sure that the living room is neat and tidy before our guests arrive.
請確定我們的客人來之前客廳乾淨又整 齊。 反
sloppy adj. 草率的;邋遢的
17 laundry
19 chore 99 90
奈森把地板上的那堆髒衣服拿起來放進洗衣 機。
Bring your clothes to the laundry when they’re dirty. 你衣服髒了就把它們拿到洗衣間去。 do
one’s/the laundry 洗衣服 Pete is twenty-five, but his mom still does his laundry.
彼得二十五歲了,但他媽媽還幫他洗衣 服。 money
laundering 洗錢
18 household 103 99
One of my chores is to take the garbage out every night. 我要做的家務事之一就是每天晚上倒垃圾。
Nathan picked up the pile of dirty laundry on the floor and put it in the washing machine.
chores 家務事 appliances 家用電器
n. [C] 家務事(作此義常用複數);雜物;瑣事
n. [U] 待洗的衣服 [C] 洗衣店;洗衣間
name 家喻戶曉的人事物 After a string of hit movies, the star became a household name.
在拍過幾部賣座強片之後,這位影星已成 為家喻戶曉的人物。
你煮完東西後請把廚房收拾乾淨。 片
adj. 家用的;家庭的;家喻戶曉的
We need to buy garbage bags and other household items. 我們需要買垃圾袋和其他居家用品。
do household 做家事
chores / housework
Bob enjoys doing household chores. 鮑伯喜歡做家事。
20 fuss
vi. 煩惱;大驚小怪;忙亂(後接介系詞 over)
Let’s take care of the big problems first, and we can fuss over the smaller ones later. 咱們先處理大問題,可以之後再為小問題操 煩。 n. [U] 爭議;大驚小怪
There was a big fuss about which horse actually won the race. 關於哪隻馬才是真正贏得比賽出現極大爭議。 片
a fuss over 大吵大鬧;過分關心 I don’t understand why Carrie made a fuss over breaking a nail. 我不了解凱莉為什麼因為弄斷一片指甲就 小題大作。
Please don’t make a big fuss over my birthday—a small party is all I want. 我生日不要大張旗鼓——我只想要一個小 派對就好。
the fuss . . . 有什麼好大驚小怪的 What’s the fuss if we lost a few clients by standing up for our principles? 如果我們因為堅持自己的原則而丟了一些 客戶,那有什麼好大驚小怪的?
fussy adj. 挑剔的;大驚小怪的;小題大作的
104 99 98 92
n. [U, C] 抱怨;病症;身體不適
If you want your store to be successful, you should listen to the customer complaints. 如果你想要你開的店成功,你應該聽聽顧客 的抱怨。
Marv has been experiencing stomach complaints for some time. 馬文胃痛有一段時間了。 104 衍
complain vt./vi. 抱怨
22 afterward 104
107 101
adj. 實用的;實際的;務實的
We need a practical solution to the problem. 我們需要一個解決問題的實用方法。
Jim was a practical person who never dreamed of the impossible. 吉姆是個務實的人,他從不夢想不可能之 事。 反
impractical adj. 不切實際的
practically adv. 幾乎;差不多
25 grateful
joke 惡作劇 [`gretf4l]
Mandy was grateful when her husband returned home safely. 當她丈夫安然返家,曼蒂滿懷感激。 片
be grateful 而)感謝某人
to sb. (for sth.) (因某事
Steven had dinner, and afterward, he went for a walk in the park.
Penny is very grateful to her aunt for the gift she was given for her high school graduation.
101 同
afterwards adv. 之後;後來
thankful adj. 感激的;感謝的
103 反
beforehand adv. 預先,事先
ungrateful adj. 忘恩負義的;不領情的
97 衍
adj. 感激的;表示感謝的
adv. 之後;後來
23 dwelling
Homestay Etiquette
21 complaint
24 practical
105 衍
gratefully adv. 滿心歡喜地;心懷感激地 gratitude n. [U] 感激
n. [C] 住宅;房舍
There are only a few families living in small dwellings in the tiny town.
etiquette [`5t6k4t] n. [U] 禮儀;規矩
在這個小鎮裡只有一些家庭住在小型住宅 裡。 同
95 衍 片
residence n. [U, C] 住所;住宅 dwell vi. 存在;居住 dwell
on sth. 細想;詳述 Don’t dwell on your failures, for no one succeeds all the time. 別對失敗耿耿於懷,因為沒有人一直都是 成功的。
Chapter 3 Culture 單字填空 請利用本單元學過的單字,完成下列句子。
q Michael was g
l that his friends were there to help him move.
w Howard likes to keep his room t e Ken often takes his l
y, so he cleans every day.
y home for his mother to wash.
r When he moved out, he had to buy dishes and other h t Tim had to finish all of his c
d items.
s before he could go out with his friends.
克漏字測驗 請根據文意,選出正確的答案。
If you visit Japan, you might be invited into a true Japanese q . Like in any home, there are ways you should conduct yourself and some w steps you can follow. Show courtesy by arriving on time. Arriving too early could be awkward for your hosts, while showing up late could upset them. Don’t test your hosts’ e by bringing extra guests. It’s polite to bring a gift when you visit someone’s home. Show respect for your hosts’ property by removing your shoes and don’t sit down immediately; wait to be seated. If you are invited for a meal, a good way to make a(n) r is by praising the food. You certainly should never make a fuss if you don’t like what is served! Your hosts will be grateful if you offer to help with the chores afterward. Finally, remember to thank your hosts for a(n) visit. If you follow these tips, you will have the priceless experience of a t genuine Japanese welcome and your hosts will judge you favorably.
q (A) courtesy
(B) belongings
(C) complaint
(D) dwelling
w (A) practical
(B) priceless
(C) awkward
(D) sloppy
e (A) generosity
(B) laundry
(C) household
(D) gratitude
r (A) guarantee
(B) connection
(C) negotiation
(D) conductor
t (A) mutual
(B) tidy
(C) enjoyable
(D) ungrateful
To Tip, or Not to Tip? As anyone who’s visited the United States will tell you, tipping in America can be a real headache. In most countries, the rules for tipping in a restaurant are pretty straightforward1. If a service charge is expected, it is automatically2 included on your bill. In the US, however, it’s up to the customer to judge how much the server3 deserves. 4
14 To Tip, or Not to Tip?
While the precise origin of tipping is uncertain, it is commonly believed to have begun in seventeenth-century England. Overnight5 guests to private homes would give money to the host’s servants. Later, people began tipping at coffeehouses and other establishments6. In the 19th century, rich American tourists brought the custom back home. Gradually7, the custom became fixed in American culture. Tipping has died out in England, but leaving no tip in the US should occur only when the service is truly rotten.
A major reason for this tipping culture is that tipped employees earn less than minimum wage8. Employers only pay three dollars per hour in some states, meaning tips aren’t a bonus9—they’re a necessity10 for earning a sufficient11 income. Many people protest12 that paying serving staff13 a fair wage should be the employer’s responsibility14, not the customer’s. Danny Meyer is a New York restaurateuru and the architect15 of a policy he calls “hospitalityu included.” Ten of his restaurants have switched16 to a strict no-tipping policy. Customers can’t expect to be stingy17, though. The menu prices are raised to make up for waiters’ wages being bumped18 up; hence19 the final bill will be about the same. It remains to be seen what results Meyer’s voluntary20 management21 decision will yield22. America’s obsession23 with tipping could potentially24 become a thing of the past!
Chapter 3 Culture 閱讀理解 請在下列選項中,選出最適合的答案。 q Which of the following is thought to be the earliest form of tipping? (A) Giving tips on ships (B) Giving tips in cafés (C) Giving tips to servants (D) Giving tips to hosts w What is true of Danny Meyer’s policy “hospitality included”? (A) Customers pay servers’ wages directly. (B) Customers decide if the servers deserve a tip or not. (C) Customers will end up spending about the same amount. (D) Customers will be able to afford more food than before.
1 straightforward
adj. 簡單易懂的;直接了當的
This new software is very straightforward and easy to use.
2 automatically 105 103 98
adv. 自動地;不自覺地
The lights in the room will turn on automatically when you walk in.
Benjamin takes a straightforward approach to business.
字首 auto- 表「自動的;自己的」意思。相同 字首的字還有:
• automated adj. 自動化的 • autopilot n. [U, C] 自動駕駛儀
字尾 -ward 有「向……;往……」的意思, 通常作副詞時拼成 -wards,作形容詞時則拼 成 -ward,不過在美語中,副詞有時也會拼成 -ward。
• -ward 形容詞或副詞字尾 onward adj./adv. 向前(的)
• automobile n. [C] 汽車 • autobiography n. [U, C] 自傳 反
104 衍
forward adj./adv. 向前(的) backward adj./adv. 向後(的) outward adj./adv. 向外(的) • -wards 副詞字尾 afterwards adv. 後來 onwards adv. 向前 forwards adv. 向前 backwards adv. 向後 outwards adv. 向外 98
manually adv. 手動地 automatic adj. 自動的;自動化的 n. [C] 自 動排檔車 automated/automatic teller machine 自動提款機;自動櫃員機(= ATM)
3 server
6 establishment
n. [U, C] 居住或做生意的地方或機構(常指商 店、企業、醫療機構等)
n. [C] 服務生;侍者;(電腦)伺服器
The server came over to our table and refilled our glasses with water.
John owns this establishment; he founded it 30 years ago.
I was not able to get the e-mail you sent because there were problems with the server at my company. 我收不到你寄的電子郵件,因為我公司伺服 器有問題。
101 99 90
對於預計參加會議的人數,你可以給我一個 明確數字嗎? to
be precise 精確地說 To be precise, the camp is 23.7 km from here.
精確地說,那個營地離這裡有二十三點七 公里。 104 反
vague adj. 含糊的;曖昧的;朦朧的
107 衍
precisely adv. 精確地 precision n. [U] 精確(性)
establish vt. 設立;訂定
威廉漸漸習慣在新國家的生活了。 91 衍 反
gradual adj. 逐步的;逐漸的 suddenly adv. 突然地
8 wage
While Marjorie’s company doesn’t pay high wages, there are a lot of other benefits that it offers. 瑪喬莉的公司給薪不高,但提供很多其他福 利。 wage
•(按日、時數給付的)薪水,多用於 • 全職工作及打零工皆可使用 Lisa earns a wage of seven dollars an hour. 莉莎時薪七塊美金。
earner 領薪階級
The film was an overnight success and brought its lead actors worldwide fame.
Regina couldn’t change her eating habits overnight.
n. [C] 薪水;工資
adv. 一夜間;突然
William gradually got used to being in a new country.
adj. 隔夜的;過夜的;突然的
Morris took the overnight train and arrived in Boston in the morning.
adv. 漸漸地;逐步地
5 overnight
established adj. 確立的;既定的
7 gradually 98
Can you give me a precise figure for how many people you expect to attend the conference?
96 衍 106 衍
adj. 精確的
約翰擁有這間機構,他是在三十年前創立 的。
To Tip, or Not to Tip?
4 precise
•(年)薪;(月)薪 • 用於全職工作者 Lawyers earn very high salaries, easily fifty thousand US dollars a year. 律師的薪水很高,年薪很容易就有五 萬美金。
Chapter 3 Culture 9 bonus 94
n. [C] 紅利;獎金;額外的好處
Because of your hard work, we’ve decided to give you a bonus. 由於你的努力工作,我們決定給你一份獎 金。
10 necessity 105 99
13 staff 104 103 102 98 96
n. [C, U] (某一組織的)全體工作人員
The boss thanked the members of her staff for their hard work. 那位老闆很感謝員工辛苦的工作。 衍
waitstaff n. [P](總稱)服務生
understaffed adj. 人手不足的
n. [C] 必需品 [U] 必要;需要
Designer clothes are a luxury, not a necessity. 設計師服裝是奢侈品,不是必需品。 片
of necessity 出於必要;出於需要 Some people work for fun, but most work out of necessity.
104 衍
necessary adj. 必要的;必然的
11 sufficient 107 94
staff 裁減員工 In order for the company to survive the next financial year, it must cut staff by forty percent.
為了讓公司度過下一個財政年度,它得裁 掉百分之四十的員工。
有人為樂趣而工作,但大多數人卻是出於 需要而工作。
14 responsibility 95
Owning a pet is a serious responsibility. 養寵物是很重大的責任。 比較
insufficient adj. 不足的;不充分的
sufficiently adv. 足夠地;充足地
self-sufficient adj. 自足的
12 protest 91
環保人士抗議自然保護區附近的一家工廠開 業。 104
n. [C, U] 抗議;反對
The students held a protest against animal testing. 學生舉行一場反對動物實驗的抗議活動。
protestor n. [C] 抗議者
rally 抗議集會;抗議遊行
• 較抽象 Revising the new policy is my responsibility. 修訂新政策是我的責任。
•(依據職務、社會規範、宗 教、法律等而來的)責任; 義務;職責 duty
vt./vi. 提出異議;抗議
Environmental activists protested against the opening of a factory near a nature reserve.
•(將某人事物處理好或照料 妥當的)責任
adj. 足夠的;充足的;充分的
Do you have sufficient gas in the car to get home?
n. [U] 責任
• 較具體 Your duties include feeding and walking the animals. 你的職責包括餵食動物,以及 帶牠們去散步。
(the) responsibility for sth. / of + V-ing 為……負責 Kyle took responsibility for the mistake at work and said he would fix it.
凱爾為工作上所犯的錯誤負責,並表示他 會把事情處理好。
Chris shouldn’t have to take the responsibility of correcting the mistakes his brother made. 克里斯不須負責修正他弟弟所犯的錯。
100 衍 詞
responsible adj. 負責任的;對…… 負責的 a
sense of responsibility 責任感
15 architect 107 103 94
17 stingy 101
n. [C] 創造者;締造者;建築師
A famous architect designed this building.
艾瑞克不是小氣;他只是對自己的錢很謹慎。 105 反
106 101 99
vt./vi. 碰撞(+ into)
I bumped into a vase and broke it.
architectural adj. 建築(學)的
bumpy adj. 崎嶇不平的
vi. 轉換;改變(+ to) vt. 交換
If you don’t like this TV show, we can switch to a different one.
101 片
The teacher asked the student to switch places with his classmate.
He pressed the switch and turned the coffeemaker on. 慣
switch on/off = turn on/off 打開/關掉(……的電源)
Nobody could hear Mike because he forgot to switch on the microphone.
from A to B 由 A 轉換到 B The farmer switched from growing wheat to growing corn.
這名農夫原本種麥,後來改種玉米。 片
gears 轉換話題 It was hard to follow the professor’s lecture as he switched gears quickly.
into sb. 撞上某人;無意中遇見某人 Alice bumped into a waiter in the restaurant and caused him to spill the food on his tray.
你絕對猜不到我在市場巧遇誰——是保 羅!
You’ll never guess who I bumped into at the market—Paul!
n. [C] 開關
up 增加;提高(數量、尺寸、等級等) Harriet was bumped up to first class because business class was full.
愛麗絲在餐廳裡撞上服務生,使得他把托 盤上的食物灑了出來。
沒有人聽得見麥可的聲音,因為他忘記打 開麥克風了。
哈里特被升等到頭等艙,因為商務艙客滿 了。
如果你不喜歡這個電視節目,我們可以改看 另一個節目。
architecture n. [U] 建築學 n. [U, C] 建築
16 switch
To Tip, or Not to Tip?
generous adj. 慷慨的
18 bump
這棟建築物是一位知名建築師設計的。 101 衍
adj. 吝嗇的;小氣的
Eric isn’t stingy; he’s just careful with his money.
Blair is the chief architect of the merger.
/ a bump in the road 小困難 Stan’s vacation hit a bump in the road when he lost his luggage. 史丹的旅程因為行李遺失而出了點小問 題。
19 hence 107 100
adv. 因此;基於此
The captain has given his order. Hence, we must follow it. 船長已下了命令。因此,我們必須遵從。
要跟上這名教授的課很難,因為他轉換話 題的速度很快。 101
Chapter 3 Culture 慣
n. [C] 產量;投資收益
the name 因此得名 Death Valley is the hottest location in North America, with summer temperatures going above 50° Celsius, hence the name.
After a mild summer with plenty of rain, the yield at harvest was excellent. 溫暖夏天的充沛雨量帶來相當不錯的收穫 量。
死亡谷是北美最熱的地方,夏天氣溫超過 攝氏五十度,因此得名。 107 同 94 同
therefore adv. 因此 consequently adv. 因此
20 voluntary 99
Dana does voluntary work at the hospital in her free time.
23 obsession
98 衍
103 90
Karl’s obsession with making money is beginning to affect his social life in a bad way.
involuntary adj. 不受意識控制的;不由自 主的 volunteer adj. 志工的;自願的 n. [C] 志工; 自願者
21 management
卡爾對於賺錢的執著已開始對其社交生活有 負面影響。 衍
n. [U] 管理;管理部門
Alice is in charge of the management of company money. management plan 理財計畫 詞 time management 時間管理 衍 manage vt. 管理;經營 vi. 設法應對
99 98 96
vt. 產出
The apple tree in my backyard yields a lot of fruit each year. 我後院的蘋果樹每年都結很多果實。 vi. 讓路;屈服(+ to)
(be) obsessed 於……
with 著迷於……;執著
吉娜很迷史努比,她已用這個角色來裝飾 公寓。
22 yield
obsess vt. 使著迷
Gina is obsessed with Snoopy, and she has decorated her apartment with the character.
艾莉絲負責管理公司的公款。 詞
n. [U, C] 使人著迷的人事物; 癡迷;著魔(+ with)
達娜空閒時在醫院做義工。 反
one’s seat (to sb.) 讓座(給某人) I yielded my seat on the train to an elderly lady even though I had a ticket for it.
儘管我有坐票,我還是把我在火車上的座 位讓給一名年長的婦人了。
adj. 義務性的;自願的
24 potentially 99
adv. 可能地
The school bans clothing with potentially offensive language. 校方禁止可能有冒犯意味言語的衣物。 107 同
possibly adv. 可能地
107 衍
potential adj. 潛在的;可能的 n. [U] 潛力; 可能性
The accident was caused when the car refused to yield to the motorcycle. 這場車禍肇因於那輛車拒絕禮讓那台摩托 車。
The company yielded to pressure from environmentalists. 那家公司屈服於環保人士的施壓。 102
restaurateur [~r5st4r4`t-] n. [C] 餐廳老闆 hospitality [~h3sp6`t1l4t6] n. [U] 殷勤招待
字彙測驗 請利用本單元學過的單字,選出正確的答案。
q If a young child asks you a question, you should try to give a(n) _______ answer.
(A) automated
(B) straightforward (C) vague
(D) voluntary
w My roommate’s love of the movie star is turning into a(n) _______.
(A) duty
(B) necessity
(C) bonus
(D) obsession
e You can’t expect things to change _______; it’s a gradual process.
(A) hence
(B) possibly
(C) onward
(D) overnight
r All the _______ at the hospital look after the patients very well. (A) staff
(B) architects
(C) protestors
(D) servers
To Tip, or Not to Tip?
t If you register with us, you will _______ receive our updates.
(A) gradually
(B) automatically (C) manually
(D) suddenly
文意選填 請根據文意,選出正確的答案。
A campaign for male and female actors to earn the same q for movies is gaining many followers. It seems that the Hollywood w has for many years been stingier with female actors. Over the past year, many wage differences have been publicized and actresses have started to r about it. The e amounts that female actresses are being underpaid by are not always clear. Nonetheless, what is apparent is that male actors seem to automatically get paid more to star in movies. In addition, they often earn higher bonuses for promoting movies and helping to sell products with the movie’s logo on them. Salaries for actresses are unlikely to be t overnight. However, many hope that the movie industry will gradually change its payment policies. The industry as a whole should take y for equal wages. It is hoped that this will be a voluntary move if there are u calls for change. Swift action on this issue could i make the movie industry a leader in equal pay and equal rights for women.
(A) establishment (B) bumped up
(C) precise
(D) wages
(E) potentially
(G) sufficient
(H) responsibility
(F) protest
Chapter 4
Unit 15
The Importance of Moderation
Unit 16
The Secrets of Yoga
Unit 17
Therapy Dogs
Unit 18
Is MSG Actually Bad for You?
Unit 19
A Red Light for Coffee
Chapter 4 Health TRACK 29
The Importance of Moderation You may have heard the following advice1 from a physician2: exercise, drink lots of water, take vitamins, and eat a healthy diet3. But did you know that many of the things that are supposed4 to be vital to your health can also badly5 harm6 your body? People who exercise a lot and drink water at every opportunity are at risk of serious problems. Too much water can lead to a shortage7 of essential salts in the body, causing the brain to swell8 and fluidu to leak9 into the lungs10, which would eventually be fatal11. Too many vitamins can also cause health problems. Too much vitamin A is associated12 with poor bone growth and liver damage. For some, too much vitamin C can lead to kidney stones. Vitamin D can leave calcium deposits13 in your tissue. Even fiber14 can be bad at high levels, causing your body to stop absorbing minerals15. If you are consuming too much of any of these things, you should lighten16 up on your diet. The message is clear: don’t overdo17 it!
閱讀理解 請在下列選項中,選出最適合的答案。
What could happen if a person drinks too much water? (A) Salt levels in the brain increase. (B) Water goes directly into the lungs. (C) Material leaks into the brain. (D) The brain becomes swollen.
Which idea would best belong in paragraph three? (A) A problem caused by too much vitamin E (B) The benefits of taking vitamin C (C) Ways to remove a kidney stone (D) The effects of liver damage
1 advice 107 101 97
98 93
n. [U] 意見;勸告;忠告
Peter gave Betty some excellent advice.
98 片
on a diet 在節食 Jane has been on a diet for two weeks, but she is no lighter than before.
adviser n. [C] 顧問(也可拼成 advisor)
sb.’s advice 遵從某人的建
my advice and get a haircut before you go to the job interview.
聽我的建議,去面試工作前先去剪頭髮。 advise
104 92
• dentist [`d5nt4st] 牙醫 • pediatrician [~pid64`tr6]4n] 小兒科醫生 • dermatologist [~d-m4`t3l4d.6st] 皮膚科醫 生
• psychiatrist [sa6`ka64tr6st] 精神科醫生
98 95 93
practice 飲食習慣 [s4`poz]
supposed to 認為;應該 United States, the bride’s father is supposed to pay for the wedding.
In the
• surgeon [`s-d.4n](施行手術的)外科醫生
102 片 99
文中出現的 physician 是指「內科醫生」,以 下列舉各科醫生的說法︰
我不是很喜歡動作片,但若你想看我想我們 可以去看。
3 diet
dietary adj. 飲食上的
I’m not really into action movies, but I suppose we could go see one if you want to.
n. [C] (內科)醫生
年長者在開始從事任何運動之前總是應該先 問過他們的醫生。
vt. 認為;猜想;假定
Old people should always ask their physician before starting any kind of exercise.
4 suppose
2 physician
The Importance of Moderation
sb. to + V. 建議(某人)做某事 The captain advised passengers to remain seated with their seat belts fastened.
104 片
It is no use dieting if you do not also exercise. 片
advise [4d`va6z] vt./vi. 給予意見;建議 take/follow 議、忠告
vi. 節食;按規定飲食
彼得給了貝蒂一些很棒的建議。 106 衍
n. [C] 特別飲食 [C, U] 日常飲食;節食
Athletes eat special diets when they are training for competitions. 運動員比賽集訓時會吃特別的飲食。
supposedly adv. 據稱
5 badly 107 99 91
adv. 非常地;拙劣地
By the end of the long class, Charlie badly needed to find the bathroom. 在冗長的課程結束後,查理非常需要找洗手 間。
Even when things were going badly for him, Kevin tried to remain optimistic. 儘管事情進展地很不順,凱文還是試著保持 樂觀。 93 同
poorly adv. 拙劣地
Chapter 4 Health 6 harm 107 93
shortage of 短缺;不足 There was a shortage of cashiers today, so Marshall had to wait in line for a long time.
vt. 傷害;危害;損害
Eating a little candy won’t harm your teeth.
吃一點糖果不會危害牙齒。 104 93
n. [U] 傷害
My father was happy that there was no harm to his car after the storm.
8 swell
do harm 成損害
When Gina hurt her ankle, it swelled to twice the normal size and turned purple.
to sb./sth. 傷害……;對……造
吉娜腳踝受傷時腫脹到平常的兩倍大,還變 成紫色。
Excitement in the audience swelled as the singer took the stage.
too much may do harm to your stomach.
no harm to sb./sth. = do sb./sth. no harm
對……沒有壞處;不會傷害……(常用於建議 別人不妨做某事)
The number of people waiting for the bus swelled.
I don’t
know why Charles is mad at me; I’ve done no harm to him.
The rivers were swollen by the recent heavy rains.
do you no harm to listen to your mother once in a while.
It would
more harm than good 弊大於利 I think that pressuring Jerry to get a summer job will do more harm than good. 片
大於利。 104 衍
harmful adj. 有害的
106 衍
harmless adj. 無常的
100 衍
unharmed adj. 沒有受傷的
7 shortage
n. [U, C] 缺少;短缺
Cities all over the world have been experiencing water shortages. 全球的城市都在經歷水資源短缺。 詞
shortage 糧食短缺
with sth. 充滿(某種情緒) mother swelled with pride when her son won the award.
當兒子贏得獎項時,這名母親充滿了驕傲。 106 衍
swollen adj. 腫大的;膨脹的
9 leak
Rain leaked through the roof and flooded Pam’s kitchen. 雨水滲過屋頂,淹滿了阿潘家的廚房。 102
n. [C] 裂縫
Did you find the leak in the pipe, or should we call someone else to come and fix it? 你有發現管子的漏洞嗎?還是我們應該打電 話找別人來修? 衍
vi.(身體)腫脹;(聲音)增強 (swell-swelled-swelled/swollen)
我爸爸很高興他的車在暴風雨後沒有受到任 何損害。 片
leaky adj. 有漏洞的
10 lung 100 98 94 92 91
13 deposit
n. [C] 肺
n. [C] 礦床;沉澱物;押金;存款
Birds and mammals use their lungs to breathe.
The miner searched for a year before he found a deposit of gold in the mountains.
鳥類和哺乳類都是用肺呼吸。 片
the top of their lungs 聲嘶力竭地 The children on the roller coaster were screaming at the top of their lungs.
雲霄飛車上的小朋友們放聲尖叫著。 98 詞
cancer 肝癌
Steve had to pay a deposit on the expensive car. 史提夫必須付那輛昂貴轎車的押金。 107 102 98 95
• brain [bren] n. [C] 腦 • kidney [`k6dni] n. [C] 腎 (kidney stone 指「腎結石」) • liver [`l6v0] n. [C] 肝臟;肝 (fatty liver 指「脂肪肝」)
High waves deposited sand onto the boardwalk. 巨浪在海濱木板路上堆積了沙。
15 The Importance of Moderation
文章還有涵蓋其他身體器官的說法,一起來看 看:
vt. 沉積;存款;存放
Tim spends half of the money he makes and deposits the other half in the bank. 提姆賺的錢一半花掉,另一半則存進銀行。
Jared always deposits his keys on the small table by the door. 傑瑞德總是將鑰匙放在門旁邊的小桌子上。
11 fatal 94
adj. 致命的
Thankfully, Will’s illness was not fatal. 幸好,威爾的病不會致命。 同
deadly adj. 致命的;致死的
fatality n. [C](因災害等)意外死亡(者)
12 associated 104
adj. 相關的(+ with)
Mitch wants to find a job that is associated with design. 米契想要找一份與設計相關的工作。 105 片 97
associate 在一起
A with B 把 A 跟 B 聯想/結合
people would associate ice cream with summer, but I like to eat it during winter, too.
14 fiber
slip 存款單
n. [U](食物)纖維 [C, U] 織物;纖維製品
Snacking on fruit and nuts is a good way to get enough fiber in your diet. 將水果與堅果當作點心來吃是個在飲食中攝 取足夠纖維質的好方法。 衍
high-fiber adj. 高纖的
延伸 除了文中提到的纖維質與維生素(vitamin)之 外,以下補充其他重要營養素的說法:
• calcium [`k1ls64m] 鈣質 • carbohydrate [~k3rb4`ha6dret] 碳水化合物; 醣
• iron [`a60n] 鐵質 • protein [`pro~tin] 蛋白質 • sodium [`sodi4m] 鈉
Chapter 4 Health 15 mineral
17 overdo
n. [C] 礦物質;礦物
This natural spring water contains many healthy minerals. 這個天然的泉水含有許多有益健康的礦物 質。 詞
16 lighten 97 91
vt. 把……做得過多;做得過火
Spices add to the flavor of the soup, but you shouldn’t overdo it. 香料能增添湯的美味,但不要加過頭了。
too far 太過分;太過火 This time, you’ve gone too far! 同
water 礦泉水
vt./vi. 減輕;變淡;變亮
overdo 是由 over- + do 而構成的,over- 是 表示「超過;越過」的字首,其他以 over- 為
The teacher lightened the difficult math problem by solving it on the blackboard for her students.
• overeat [~ov0`it] vt./vi. 吃得過多 • overuse [~ov0`juz] vt./n. [U] 使用過度 • overload [~ov0`lod] vt./n. [C] 使超載;使負
老師在黑板上為學生們解開那道困難的數學 題,把題目變簡單了。
The sky is lightening in the east, so I know the sun will soon rise.
• overweight [~ov0`wet] adj./n. [U] 超重 (的);過重(的)
東方的天空正在變亮,所以我知道太陽快要 升起了。
up 放輕鬆;別那麼嚴肅 James really needs to lighten up and relax a little.
95 片
fluid [`flu6d] n. [C, U] 液體;流質
單字填空 請利用本單元學過的單字,完成下列句子。
q The ink l
d out of the pen and made Bill’s finger black.
w Ken got hit in the face and his eye began to s
e John was badly hurt in the accident, but it was not f r For a week, Tim lived on a d
t of water and bread.
t Kelly stayed inside because she was afraid too much sun would h skin.
m her
克漏字測驗 請根據文意,選出正確的答案。
Type 2 Diabetes is a disease q with diet that is becoming more common worldwide. If the condition is not treated by a w , it can have serious consequences. This is because it can lead to more serious conditions that can be fatal. It is very important for people with Type 2 Diabetes to follow medical . Diabetes is caused by a shortage of insulin, a substance that regulates e sugar in the body. Signs of the disease might include extreme thirst and tiredness. You should not r that nothing can be done to prevent the disease though. You can try to lose weight, exercise more, and eat more t . Even if you can’t prevent this disease, taking these steps certainly won’t do you any harm. (B) overused
(C) associated
(D) dietary
w (A) shortage
(B) physician
(C) dentist
(D) kidney
e (A) deposit
(B) adviser
(C) advice
(D) protein
r (A) overload
(B) overdo
(C) lighten
(D) suppose
t (A) fiber
(B) lung
(C) diet
(D) surgeon
15 The Importance of Moderation
q (A) harmful
Chapter 4 Health TRACK 31
The Secrets of Yoga Yoga1 has been a popular form of exercise for quite a while now. You might often read about famous actresses and their secrets behind keeping lean2, elegant3 figures. TV ads show athletic4 bodies twisted5 into impossible positions or standing like a statue6. With twenty million people practicing yoga in the States, it is more than just a fad7. But what exactly is yoga? Yoga is an ancient system of exercise from India that stretches and strengthens8 the entire body. Yoga can raise your pulse9 like any sport, but it isn’t competitive. Its emphasis10 is on the individual discovering and expanding his or her bodily11 limits. Having yoga as a consistent12 part of your routine is exceedingly13 beneficial14. Your body will become less stiff15 and more flexible16. The breathing exercises will sharpen 17 your mind and make it easier to concentrate. You’ll stand straighter and become less easily fatigued18. This will make you more comfortable with your body and give a boostu to your ego19. All things considered, you won’t be disappointed20 with the healthful21 effects of yoga.
閱讀理解 請在下列選項中,選出最適合的答案。 q What makes yoga different from most sports? (A) It isn’t competitive. (B) It’s good for your body. (C) Many people enjoy it. (D) People in the States do it. w Which of the following is NOT a benefit of practicing yoga? (A) Your flexibility will improve. (B) You will become less fatigued. (C) You will stand up straighter. (D) You will become popular.
1 yoga
106 衍 衍
n. [U] 瑜珈
My gym has a yoga class on Tuesdays. 我的健身房每週二都有瑜珈課。
2 lean
104 101
adj. 瘦的;精簡的
That director’s movies always have exciting twists at the end.
another twist 再次出現重大轉折 The bank-robbery story took another twist yesterday when the police discovered that the banker’s wife was one of the robbers. 片
瑪麗想買一件雅緻的洋裝穿去倫敦的劇院。 graceful adj. 優雅的
dancers move in a graceful manner.
elegantly adv. 高雅地;優美地
4 athletic
98 93
6 statue 104 92
adj. 運動員的;運動細胞發達的
Drew is not very athletic, so he usually doesn’t join us when we play volleyball on the beach.
芭蕾舞者優雅地舞動。 elegance n. [U] 優雅
Mary wants to buy an elegant dress to wear to the theater in London.
twisted adj. 曲折的;蜿蜒的
and turns 迂迴曲折 People like to watch soap operas because the stories are filled with twists and turns. 片
adj. 優雅的;(文字、想法)巧妙;簡鍊的
90 同
meat 瘦肉
3 elegant
n. [C] 意想不到的轉折
The Secrets of Yoga
chubby adj. 豐滿的;圓胖的
He twisted his neck to see what was behind him.
那位導演的電影總是在結尾有激動人心的轉 折。
skinny adj. 很瘦的;皮包骨的
vt./vi. 扭轉;旋轉;纏繞;扭傷
這對老夫婦走在街上時倚靠在彼此身上,以 求扶持。 103 同
Betty twisted her knee while rollerskating.
The old couple leaned against each other for support as they walked down the street.
athletics n. [P] 運動;體育活動
Rebecca works out every day so that she can get a lean body. vi./vt. 靠;偏向
athlete n. [C] 運動員
5 twist 107
n. [C] 雕像
A large marble statue of the general stands in the middle of the square. 一座巨大的大理石將軍雕像矗立在廣場中 央。 詞
of Liberty 自由女神像
德魯不太擅長運動,所以我們在沙灘打排球 時他通常不會加入。 113
Chapter 4 Health 7 fad
9 pulse
n. [C] 一時的流行
Many people wrongly believed that the Internet was just a fad.
n. [C] 脈搏;規律的振動或節奏
Your pulse will slow down a lot when you feel very relaxed.
• 指在很短時間內突然大受歡迎、
In the concert hall, bright, colorful lights pulsed along to the music.
蔚為風潮 fad
Hula hoops were a fad in the United States in the 1950s.
在演奏廳裡,明亮多彩的燈光隨著音樂規律 閃爍。
呼拉圈在五○年代的美國風行一 時。
• 指地方或社會在某一段時間的流 行,特別指服裝、用語或習慣 等。意思與 style 相同。 fashion
93 片
The 80s look is the new fashion for fall.
八○年代的打扮是今年秋天的新流 行。
8 strengthen 93
impulse n. [C, U] 衝動 on
(an) impulse 衝動;不加思索 On an impulse, the woman bought some candy that she saw near the cash register in the store. 女子一時衝動就買下在商店收銀機旁看到 的那些糖果。
10 emphasis
vt. 加強;鞏固;強化 vi. 壯大
n. [C, U] 著重;強調 ( 複數形為 emphases)
Wanda is exercising more often now because she wants to strengthen her heart.
The emphasis of this course will be recent European history. 這堂課強調的是歐洲近代史。
汪妲現在比較常運動,因為她想要強化心 臟。 同
106 衍
enhance vt. 增加;提高
• dark 暗的 + -en = darken(使)變暗 • sharp 尖銳的 + -en = sharpen(使)敏銳 • sweet 甜的 + -en = sweeten(使)變甜 • light 明亮的;淡的 + -en = lighten 使光明; (使)變淡
• length 長度 + -en = lengthen(使)變長
emphasis on + N.
company put great emphasis on teamwork rather than individual talents.
strength n. [U] 力量;力氣
-en 接在形容詞或名詞後面,指「(使)變 得……」,如文中用名詞 strength「強度」加 -en,形成 strengthen,指「強化;增強」。
lay/put/place 著重 ……
是其次。 102 衍
emphasize vt./vi. 著重;強調
11 bodily 95
adj. 身體的;肉體的
Many people on the bus had serious bodily injuries after it crashed. 那輛公車上的許多人在車禍之後都有嚴重的 外傷。 詞
function 身體功能
12 consistent 98
adj. 與……一致的;始終如一的;連貫的
15 stiff 102
The restaurant always delivers consistent quality.
99 衍 衍
丹必須睡在硬地板上,隔天早上他就覺得身 體很僵硬。
inconsistent adj. 不一致的;不協調的;易 變的
The cookie mixture was so stiff that Bob could hardly stir it.
consistently adv. 一致地;一貫地 consistency n. [U, C] 一致;(液體等的) 濃稠
13 exceedingly
餅乾的麵團很硬,以致於鮑伯幾乎無法攪 拌。
I thought Danny was stiff, but he’s really a lot of fun.
adv. 非常地;極其
The boy is exceedingly strong and should be able to make the football team. 105 同
enormously adv. 極度地;巨大地
107 衍 92
exceed vt./vi. 超出;勝過
Please do not exceed the speed limit.
14 beneficial 104 97
我本來還以為丹尼很拘謹,事實上他非常風 趣。
16 flexible 105 104 103 98
benefit vt./vi. 對……有益;獲益 n. [C, U] 益 處
The drinking straws at this café are flexible.
瑪莉的工作時間很彈性,讓她可以管理自己 的時間。
Vitamin C is believed to be beneficial to one’s immune system. 據信維生素 C 對人的免疫系統有益。
104 衍
adj. 可彎曲的;有彈性的;可變通的
Mary has a flexible work schedule that lets her manage her own time.
adj. 有利的;有益的
helpful adj. 有幫助的
106 同
The Secrets of Yoga
adj. 僵硬的;凝固的;(態度等)很生硬的; 拘謹的
Dan had to sleep on the hard floor, and he felt very stiff the next morning.
該餐廳總是維持固定的品質。 反
inflexible adj. 不容改變的;不知變通的
flexibility n. [U] 柔軟度;靈活性
17 sharpen 97
vt. 使敏捷;使鋒利;精進(技巧、能力等)
Learning a language can help you sharpen your mind. 學習語言可以幫助你讓腦袋更清楚。
The cook sharpened his knife before he cut the meat. 廚師在切肉之前把刀磨利。
Greg sharpened his drawing skills by attending art school. 克雷格去上藝術學校以便精進他的繪畫技 巧。
Chapter 4 Health 100 衍
sharp adj. 敏銳的;反應靈敏的;……整(指 時間)
sharpener n. [C] 磨削用具
sharpener 削鉛筆機
18 fatigue
20 disappointed 100 96 95 91
adj. 失望的
I was disappointed to hear that you won’t be joining us tonight. 聽到你今晚不能和我們同行讓我很失望。
vt./vi. 使疲累;疲倦(文中 fatigued 為過去分詞, 表示「疲憊的」)
She was fatigued by a nasty case of the flu. n. [U] 疲倦;疲勞
The fatigue in the runner’s legs caused him to slow down at the end of the race.
be disappointed in/with 對某人/某物感到失望
+ sb./sth.
21 healthful 98
adj. 有益健康的
Jane committed herself to living a more healthful lifestyle.
這位跑者的疲憊雙腿導致他在比賽尾聲放慢 了速度。
19 ego
disappoint vt. 使失望
We were disappointed with the quality of the restaurant’s food.
她因為嚴重的流感而疲累不堪。 106
珍致力於維持更健康的生活方式。 101 同
healthy adj. 健康的
n. [C] 自我意識;自尊心(複數為 egos)
The harsh critic really hurt the actor’s ego. 那位嚴厲的評論家使該演員的自尊心大大受 損。
ego 大人物 詞 alter ego 分身;個性中的另一面 詞
boost [bust] n. [C] 助力;刺激;提高 vt. 提高; 增加
單字填空 請利用本單元學過的單字,完成下列句子。
q She likes to do y
a every morning before she leaves for work.
w Larry lifted weights every day to s e Cindy looked quite e r The clown t
n his body.
t in her long black dress. d the balloon into the shape of a dog.
t Eating less and exercising more is the only way to get a l
n and healthy
文意選填 請根據文意,選出正確的答案。
(A) disappointed (B) emphasis
(C) fatigue
(D) pulse
(E) flexible
(G) stiff
(H) beneficial
(F) sharpen
The Secrets of Yoga
Many people see dancing as just a fun hobby. However, studies show that dancing can be q to your physical, mental, and social health. If you want to have a leaner body, be more w , reduce stress, or make friends, dancing can help you achieve these things. Dancing is a form of aerobic exercise that raises your rate and will therefore help you lose weight if done consistently. Many e dance moves increase flexibility and stop you from feeling r , which is useful as you get older. Unlike many other forms of exercise, dancing will strengthen nearly every muscle group in the body. Furthermore, the t on music and social interaction has been shown to reduce stress. Learning new dance moves can also help y the mind and lower the risk of memory loss. Finally, a dance class is the perfect place to expand your social circle, which is extremely good for your physical and mental health too—having friends reduces anxiety and increases your bodily ability to heal itself. So if you are suffering from physical or mental , why not give dancing a try? You won’t be i ! u
Chapter 4 Health TRACK 33
Therapy Dogs The elderly1 folks2 in the nursing home have little to do but sit, read, and watch TV on a typical3 day. Many are lonely and most have health limitations4. But today, the residents are in for5 a special treat, for two dogs are coming to visit. The effect is noticeable 6 as soon as the dogs come in the door. There’s an immediate wave of smiles throughout the facility7, from the patients in wheelchairs8, to visiting relatives9, to senior10 staff members. The interaction11 magically12 transforms13 the atmosphere into one of relaxation14 and playfulness, almost like a playground. Dogs like these are in attendance15 at nursing homes, orphanages16, and other facilities. Their purpose is to improve the mental well-being of residents, and they can often be more helpful than doctors or medicine. Studies have proven that petting and touching the dogs can relieve17 stress, lower blood pressure18, and ease depression and anxiety19. Perhaps it’s true when they say, “laughter is the best medicine.”
閱讀理解 請在下列選項中,選出最適合的答案。 q What is the dogs’ purpose at the nursing home? (A) To teach the residents a new skill (B) To help the residents in their daily life (C) To play with residents and make them happy (D) To help residents improve their memory w Based on the article, what must residents do to receive benefits from the dogs? (A) Touch the dog (B) Look at the dog (C) Walk by the dog (D) Eat next to the dog
1 elderly 107 103
104 92
adj. 年長的
Tim visits his elderly parents every Sunday.
adj. 民俗的
Henry is in a band that plays folk music at fairs. 亨利是個在市集中表演民俗樂的樂團成員。
提姆每個星期天都會去看他年邁的雙親。 比較
folk 可泛稱某一群體或某類型的人。複數形可 用 folk 或 folks 表示,美語中多用 folks,如文 中用法;英式英語則常用 folk。其常見的相關
•(尤指過中年,正邁入)老年的; 上年紀的;年長的
• the elderly 可指「老人;長者」 Julia checked up on her elderly grandfather.
• folk music 民俗音樂;民謠;民歌
• folk dance 民俗舞蹈
The government started a new program to care for the elderly. 政府開始了一項關懷老人的新計畫。
•(強調年齡)老邁的,常帶有體弱 的意思
They’ve got one son, Jack, aged 5.
• folk song 民謠;民歌
98 衍
3 typical 107 106 105 97 94 92
•(事物、地方)古老的;久遠的 • 古代的;古人的 The professor found the ruins of an ancient city.
雪倫研究古代史,特別是古希臘 史。 同
107 詞
senior adj. 年長的 the
elderly 老年人;年長者
Folks in this town gather at church on Sundays. 這個鎮上的人每個禮拜天在教堂聚會。
typically adv. 典型地;有代表性地;通常
stereotypical adj. 刻板印象中的;老套的
abnormal adj. 反常的
typical of . . . 典型的…… painting is typical of Van Gogh’s work.
4 limitation 107 98 95 91
n. [C, U](能力)侷限;限制
His only limitation as a model is that he is too short. 他當模特兒的唯一限制是他太矮了。
n. [P] 人;人們
Please describe your typical weekend to me.
2 folk
Sharon studies ancient history, especially ancient Greek history.
adj. 典型的;有代表性的
107 衍
folklore n. [U] 民間傳說
Therapy Dogs
• ……歲的 Mike looks after his aged parents.
push beyond 越極限
limitations 突破限制;超
of the firefighting crew were pushed beyond their limitations.
消防隊成員被要求要超越極限。 106 衍
limit vt. 限制;限定 n. [C] 界限;限度 119
Chapter 4 Health 5 be in for sth.
[6n] [f7r]
phr. 即將獲得……;必定遭到……
9 relative 103
Every year, Caroline’s relatives get together for a big family dinner.
卡洛琳的親戚每年都會團聚辦一場盛大的家 族晚宴。
sb. + be 好的體驗
in for a real treat 某人將有美 104
of delicious food are in for a real treat if they visit Taiwan.
6 noticeable 95
adj. 顯而易見的;明顯的
apparent adj. 明顯的
ambiguous adj. 不明確的
106 衍 衍
Jenny enjoyed the relative quiet of the street after leaving the loud dance club.
102 衍
relatively adv. 相對地;相較之下
107 同
relation n. [C, U] 親戚;親戚關係
noticeably adv. 明顯地;顯著地
adj. 較資深的;年長的(+ to)
瑪麗亞比辦公室裡的所有人都要資深,所以 她必須負起較多的責任。
n. [C] (具特定功能的) 場所或設備;設施(作 此義時常用複數形)
Senior citizens can enjoy discounted prices at the museums.
The ambulance took the man to a nearby medical facility.
年長者可以在博物館享受優惠票價。 n. [C] 年長者
The movie theater offers cheaper tickets to students and seniors.
This university has excellent facilities. 這所大學有許多精良的設施。 105 衍
這間電影院提供較便宜的電影票給學生和年 長者。
facilitate vt. 促進;助長
8 wheelchair
n. [C] 輪椅
The old man can’t walk anymore and needs a wheelchair to get around. 那位老人不能再走路了,需要輪椅才能四處 活動。 衍
close/distant relative 近親/遠親
Maria is senior to everyone else in her office, so she must take on much more responsibility.
10 senior
notice vt. 注意;察覺 n. [C, U] 通知
7 facility
adj. 相對的;相比較的
珍妮離開喧嘩的舞廳後享受著街道上相對的 寧靜。
After leaving home, there was a noticeable change in his attitude. 他離家後,態度有很明顯的改變。
n. [C] 親戚;同類
You won the lottery? Your family is in for a surprise! 慣
wheelchair-bound adj. 坐輪椅的(此字 有歧視意味) a
motorized wheelchair 電動輪椅
107 同 詞
junior adj. 年紀較輕的 n. [C] 年紀較輕的人; 晚輩 elderly adj. 年長的 the
senior 年長者
11 interaction 103 95 93
n. [U, C] 互動
Carol doesn’t have classes with Sam, so they don’t have much interaction during the day. 卡洛沒和山姆一起上課,所以他們白天沒什 麼互動。
104 衍
interact vi. 互動
103 衍
interactive adj. 互動的
12 magically 92 90
15 attendance 95
n. [U, C] 出席;到場人數
Attendance at the club dinner is encouraged but not required.
adv. 如魔法般地;神奇地;不可思議地
我們鼓勵大家出席俱樂部晚宴,但並非一定 要參加。
The cup appeared to magically float above the desk. 那個杯子看起來像有魔法般地飄浮在桌子上 方。
in attendance 出席 Several prominent politicians will be in attendance when the play opens.
106 衍
magical adj. 奇妙的;神祕的;有魔力的
107 衍
magic n. [U] 魔法;巫術
開幕。 107 同
13 transform 106 105 96
vt./vi. 使改變;改造
The new furniture completely transformed the living room.
transformation n. [U, C] 改造;轉變
convert vt./vi.(使)轉變;(使)轉化
14 relaxation 104 91
n. [U, C] 放鬆;鬆弛;休閒娛樂
Sasha told me that she wants her vacation to be about rest and relaxation. 莎夏告訴我她想要她的假期是休息且放鬆 的。
100 衍
relax vt./vi. 放鬆;休息
102 衍
relaxed adj. 放鬆的;悠閒的
107 衍
relaxing adj. 令人輕鬆的
absence n. [U, C] 缺席
attendee n. [C] 出席者 attend vt./vi. 伺候;照料;參加
90 衍
attendant n. [C] 服務員;侍者
attendant 空服員
16 orphanage 99 90
政府想將那幾棟老建築改建成大型購物商 場。
17 Therapy Dogs
A into B 將 A 改變成 B The government wants to transform the old buildings into a large shopping complex.
presence n. [U, C] 出席;存在
107 衍
新家具徹底改造了這個客廳。 106 片
n. [C] 孤兒院
John grew up in an orphanage after his parents passed away. 約翰的父母去世後,他就在孤兒院長大。 衍
orphan n. [C] 孤兒 vt. 使成為孤兒
17 relieve 107 99 92
vt. 減輕;解除;緩和
Gus took some medicine to relieve the pain in his back. 葛斯服用了一些藥來緩解背痛。
101 衍
relief [r6`lif] n. [U] (痛苦、緊張、憂慮等的) 解除;緩解;寬慰
tension n. [U, C] 緊張;緊張的情勢
Chapter 4 Health 片
relieve 為動詞,指「減輕;緩解」,其名詞為 relief,其他類似變化的字還有: • grieve [griv] vt./vi. 傷慟 grief [grif] n. [U, C] 悲傷
• believe [b4`liv] vt. 相信 belief [b4`lif] n. [U, C] 信仰;信心 [S] 信念 thief [qif] n. [C] 竊賊 103 衍 衍
relieved adj. 放心的;安心的 reliever n. [C] 救助者;解除苦痛的人
sb. of sth. 使某人免除…… The police officer who accepted a bribe was relieved of his duties. 片
104 99 95 93
pressure 有壓力;處於壓力之下 Lisa has a tendency to eat a lot when she’s under pressure.
n. [U, C] 焦慮不安
reliever 止痛藥
105 衍
I get headaches sometimes when the air pressure is very low. 氣壓很低時我有時候會頭痛。
I’ve been under a lot of pressure at work lately. 我最近工作壓力很大。 vt. 逼迫;催促
Julian was pressured into going to KTV, despite the fact that he hates singing. 朱利安被迫去 KTV,儘管他討厭唱歌。 pressure 血壓 詞 pressure cooker 壓力鍋
緊湊的截稿時間讓部門的所有人備感壓 力。
n. [U, C] 壓力
105 詞
Chris has suffered from anxiety for much of his life.
18 pressure 105
The tight deadlines have been putting pressure on everyone in the department.
19 anxiety 106
on sb. 使某人感受到壓力;
• thieve [qiv] vt./vi. 偷竊
put pressure 對某人施壓
104 反
anxious adj. 焦躁的;緊張不安的 anxiety
disorder 焦慮失調 calmness n. [U] 平靜
therapy [`q5r4pi] n. [U] 治療 [C, U] 治療方法
字彙測驗 請利用本單元學過的單字,選出正確的答案。
q Every Friday, Tom took his _______ father out for lunch.
(A) elderly
(B) junior
(C) ancient
(D) magical
w My company places _______ on how much time we can take off.
(A) tension
(B) limitations
(C) absence
(D) relief
e If you read that book you will be _______ a big shock when you get to the end.
(A) relieved
(B) in for
(C) anxious
(D) relaxed
r My wife volunteers at the _______ and helps take care of the children.
(A) presence
(B) folklore
(C) senior
(D) orphanage
t The _______ to get good grades became too much for James.
(A) calmness
(B) magic
(C) pressure
(D) transformation Unit
克漏字測驗 請根據文意,選出正確的答案。
17 Therapy Dogs
Some experts believe that colors have an impact on our feelings. Most people will agree that a room painted in black has a different atmosphere than one painted in white. Experts in color say that it goes further than that. Different colors will have effects on people. Blue, for example, makes people calm and helps q tension. Red makes people more active. Yellow makes e w nervous, and babies will cry the most in yellow rooms. Many companies are listening. They hire these experts to choose the colors for painting their r . They want to get rid of t and make their staff as productive and happy as possible. q (A) interactive
(B) relative
(C) typical
(D) noticeable
w (A) transform
(B) relieve
(C) notice
(D) facilitate
e (A) relations
(B) attendants
(C) folks
(D) orphans
r (A) facilities
(B) wheelchairs
(C) juniors
(D) seniors
t (A) relaxation
(B) interaction
(C) anxiety
(D) attendance
Chapter 4 Health TRACK 35
Is MSG Actually Bad for You? Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a substance1 that is most wellknown in North America for its use in Chinese food. It is used to heighten2 the savory flavor of food. Some North Americans claim that MSG induces3 an allergic4 reaction5, prompting many Chinese restaurants to notify6 customers with signage reading “No MSG.” But is MSG really bad for you? MSG is a combination of glutamate—a naturally occurring amino acid —and sodium, which is found in table salt. MSG has been regarded as unhealthy for years due to7 many vague8 reports of people reacting to it by getting ill. However, scientific9 research of MSG over the years has found no solid10 evidence to support these stories. u
One study did document11 that a small number of people responded12 badly to huge quantities of MSG consumed on an empty stomach, but seldom13 would that occur outside of a laboratory. A series14 of tests was conducted on people who made a declaration15 of being sensitive to MSG. The examiners16 found that almost all of their claims were hollow17 and were due to simply believing their food contained MSG. Participants18 told beforehand19 that they would be given MSG reported feeling unwell, consciously 20 unaware they were not actually given any. Feelings of sickness after eating are more likely due to high sodium levels, greasy21 foods, or overeating. Researchers seem to indicate that there’s no reason to be extra cautious 22 with MSG, and the United States Food and Drug Administrationu (FDA) classifies23 it as safe. Of course, whether or not you choose to indulge24 is still your callu.
閱讀理解 請在下列選項中,選出最適合的答案。 q Why is MSG put into food? (A) To charge more money for the food (B) To make food less greasy (C) To make people eat less (D) To make food taste better w Why couldn’t researchers prove that MSG causes illness? (A) The researchers couldn’t get enough participants in their study. (B) Several participants in the study never had Chinese food before. (C) The researchers found the sodium levels too high for their study. (D) Several participants in the study got sick without consuming MSG.
1 substance 100 99
3 induce
vt. 導致;引誘
The statue was made out of a white substance.
The pills I was given helped induce sleep, and I ended up sleeping more than 10 hours.
那座雕像是用白色的物質做的。 衍
substantial adj. 數目大的;可觀的
substantially adv. 大大地;本質上地
vt./vi. 提高;增強
Terror threats heightened the country’s state of alert. 恐怖威脅提高了該國的警戒狀態。 同
enhance vt. 加強
106 反
reduce vt./vi. 減少
100 衍
height n. [U, C] 高度
at the 巔峰期
height of + N. 在……的全盛期、
At the height of her career, the actress decided to stop working.
我拿的藥幫助入睡,結果我睡超過十個小 時。 衍
substance abuse 藥物濫用;物質濫用(多 指對藥物、毒品、煙、酒等的上癮)
2 heighten
Is MSG Actually Bad for You?
n. [C] 物質 [U] 重要性;實質性;要點
stress-induced adj. 壓力誘發的 inducement n. [C] 誘因;動機 [U] 引誘; 勸誘
4 allergic 97
adj.( 對…… )過敏的;十分反感的
Jim had an allergic reaction to something in the air. 吉姆對空氣中的某個東西起了過敏反應。 97 詞
reaction 過敏反應
allergy n. [U, C] 過敏反應;過敏症
allergen n. [C] 過敏原
allergenic adj. 引起過敏症的
trigger 過敏原
Chapter 4 Health 片
+ have + a/an + N. + allergy = sb. + have + an allergy to + N. 有某過敏症
If you have any food allergies (= allergies to food), please tell the waiter.
如果你對任何食物過敏,請告知服務生。 片
allergic to + N. 對……過敏 I’m allergic to peanuts, and I could stop breathing if I eat just one. 我對花生過敏,光是吃一顆我就可能會無 法呼吸。
5 reaction 100 97 95 92
7 due to
105 101 100 99
phr. 因為(+ N./V-ing)
Michael was late due to the bus breaking down. 麥可因為公車拋錨而遲到。
97 96 95 94
of phr. 由於 同 owing to phr. 因為;由於 同 as a result of phr. 因為;由於 同 on account of phr. 因為;由於 衍 due adj. 預定的;到期的;應得到的 Kent is due to arrive tomorrow morning.
106 同
93 90
n. [C, U] 反應;回應 [P] 應變能力
Victor had a bad reaction to the medicine.
reactive adj. 反應的;應變的;被動的
due to sb. 應支付某人的;欠某人的 The rent is due to the landlord on the first of every month.
reactor n. [C] 核子反應爐
107 衍
react vt./vi. 做出反應;使起(化學)反應
off a chain reaction 引發連鎖反應 The explosion at the fireworks factory set off a chain reaction.
炮竹工廠的爆炸事件引發了一連串的連鎖 反應。
6 notify 91
[dju] [tu]
In most countries, the media notifies the public in case of natural disasters.
due time 在適當的時候;及時 Vincent was sure that in due time, his company would recognize his worth.
all due respect 恕我直言 With all due respect, this wasn’t your best work. 恕我直言,這並不是你最優秀的作品。
在大多數國家中,萬一天災發生,媒體會通 知大眾。 98 同
文森肯定的是,時候到了公司就會認可他 的價值。
vt. 知會;通知
notification n. [U, C] 通知;通知書 inform vt./vi. 通知;告知
one’s dues 奮鬥有成 The baseball player paid his dues in the minor leagues before getting a break in the majors.
那位棒球選手在小聯盟奮鬥有成後,有機 會進了大聯盟。
sb. of sth. 通知/告知某人某事 The manager notified the employees of the boss’s decision.
8 vague
adj. 含糊的;籠統的
Micah was vague about his plans for after graduation. 米迦對於他畢業後的計畫還不清楚。 126
ambiguous adj. 含糊不清的
107 反
clear adj. 清楚的
102 反
concrete adj. 具體的
vaguely adv. 含糊地
vagueness n. [U] 含糊
9 scientific 107 105 101 92
我父親很可靠,需要幫助或建議時我總是 能依賴他。
This bridge was built rock solid so that it would last hundreds of years. 這座橋非常堅固,可以耐用幾百年。
This scientific paper discusses the use of plants in medicine.
這篇科學論文討論的是植物在醫學上的用 途。 science n. [U, C] 科學
105 衍
scientist n. [C] 科學家
scientific community 科學界
10 solid 107 99 96
adj. 可信賴的;穩固的
104 衍
104 103
solidarity n. [U] 團結一致
vt. 記載;(以書面證據)證明
The safety inspector documented several violations at the factory.
When water freezes, it becomes solid.
adj. 純粹的;素色的
documentary n. [C] 紀錄片
I prefer clothes in solid colors to clothes with patterns on them.
undocumented adj. 無證的;沒有記錄的
When Martha was sick, she couldn’t eat any solids. 瑪莎生病時,無法吃任何固體食物。
confidential document 機密文件
12 respond 107 93
n. [C] (正式或電腦)文件
Pat had to prepare several documents to give to his lawyer.
n. [C] 固體
Is MSG Actually Bad for You?
adj. 固體的;堅固的
我喜歡素色的衣服,而不是上面有圖案的。 99
solidify vt./vi. 使鞏固;使凝固;凝固
92 92
bet 穩固的選擇 Analysts said the stock was a solid bet.
11 document
The lawyer listed the solid facts showing his client was innocent. 這個律師列出可信賴的事實顯示出他的當事 人是清白的。
scientifically adv. 合乎科學地
105 衍
rock solid
My father is solid as a rock, and I can always depend on him when I need help or advice.
adj. 科學上的;關於某個科學的
98 衍
(as) solid as a rock / 值得信賴的;堅若磐石的
vi./vt. 回答;回應
If you don’t respond before Thursday, I will make plans without you. 如果你週四前不回應,我就會把你排除在計 畫外。
107 片
to 對……有反應、回應 Countries around the world responded to the news of the disaster by sending relief to the people.
世界各國對這則災難新聞的回應是寄送救 援物資給當地人民。 127
Chapter 4 Health 片
in kind 以牙還牙 Clarence was a friendly man but if someone treated him badly, he responded in kind.
15 declaration 93
103 衍
response n. [U, C] 回應;回答 respondent n. [C] 應答者
correspond vi. 相當於;相對應
98 衍
101 97 92 91
Please do not take my photo. I seldom look good in pictures. 請不要替我拍照。我在照片上幾乎沒有好看 的時候。
104 反
frequently adv. 頻繁地
14 series 94 92
adv. 不常;很少;幾乎沒有
rarely adv. 很少
100 同
107 衍
correspondence n. [U] 來往信件
13 seldom 104
珍妮突然宣布她要搬到英國,讓她的父母很 震驚。
reply vi./vt. 回答
The TV series that I like to watch the most is a comedy show that is based in New York City. 我最愛看的電視節目是一齣場景設在紐約市 的喜劇。 衍 詞
miniseries n. [C] 電視連續短劇 reality series 真人實境系列節目(標榜不由 演員搭景演出,而是呈現一般人在真實情境中 的真實反應)
a declaration 做出聲明 The politician made a declaration that he was against raising taxes.
n. [C] 檢查人;審查員;主考官
The students’ essays will be corrected and graded by their teacher and one external examiner. 那些學生的論文將會由他們的老師以及一位 外部的考官來訂正並評分。
n. [C] 系列;連續(單複數同形)
n. [C](書籍、電視、廣播等的)系列;系列節目
Declaration of 《美國獨立宣言》
16 examiner
A series of rainy days made Sandy feel a bit depressed.
declare vt./vi. 宣布
105 衍
一連下好幾天的雨讓姍蒂有點沮喪。 106
n. [U, C] 宣布
Jeanne’s sudden declaration that she was moving to England shocked her parents.
克萊倫斯是個友善的人,但如果有人待他 不好,他就會以牙還牙。 同
inspector n. [C] 檢查員 examine vt./vi. 檢查
examination n. [U, C] 檢查
17 hollow 107
examiner 法醫 [`h3lo]
adj. 空洞的
Darla’s lack of success in business left her feeling hollow . 達拉在事業上無法成功讓她感到很空虛。 adj. 中空的
The dead tree is hollow, and a family of squirrels now lives in it. 那棵死樹是中空的,而現在有一窩松鼠住在 裡面。
empty adj. 空虛的
meaningful adj. 有意義的
hollowness n. [U] 凹陷;空曠;空虛
hollow-hearted adj. 不誠實的;虛偽的
18 participant [p3r`t6s4p4nt] 102 98 97
n. [C] 參加者
The writing contest is open to participants between the ages of 14 and 18. 寫作比賽開放十四到十八歲的人參加。
104 衍
participate vt./vi. 參加;參與(後接介系詞 in)
103 衍
participation n. [U] 參加
19 beforehand 103 99 97 93
adv. 事先;提前
如果你知道會有問題,你應該要事先說一 聲。 in
advance phr. 預先 afterward adv. 之後;後來 反 subsequently adv. 隨後;緊接著
104 反
101 94 91
adv. 有意識地
Bobby bites his nails all the time, but he doesn’t do it consciously. 鮑比總是在咬指甲,但他不是有意識地這麼 做。 反
92 衍
107 衍
unconsciously adv. 無意識地 conscious adj. 注意到的;意識到的;有知覺 的 subconsciously adv. 潛意識地
21 greasy 107
The police had to be cautious when they entered the building. 警方進入這棟大樓時必須十分謹慎。 片
adj. 油膩的;滑溜的
Rita’s hands were very greasy after she ate a bucket of chicken wings. 麗塔吃了一桶雞翅後手很油膩。 同
oily adj. (含)油的;多油的
fatty adj. 油膩的
non-greasy adj. 無油脂的
grease n. [U] 油脂
cautious about sth. 小心…… You should be cautious about what you post online.
你應該要小心你張貼到網路上的東西。 同
prudent adj. 謹慎的;慎重的
rash adj. 輕率的;魯莽的 caution n. [U, C] 謹慎;慎重 vt./vi. 告誡;警 告
104 衍
precaution n. [C] 預防;警惕;謹慎
cautiously adv. 十分小心地;謹慎地
23 classify
vt. 將……分類/歸類
Dr. Keller is classifying the plants that he found in the rain forest. 凱勒博士正為他在雨林中找到的植物做分 類。 同
categorize vt. 將……分類
assort vt. 把……分類;把……分級
classified adj.(文件)機密的;分類的
classification n. [U, C] 分類
18 Is MSG Actually Bad for You?
20 consciously
adj. 小心的;謹慎的
If you knew there was going to be trouble, you should have said so beforehand.
101 同
22 cautious
延伸 動詞字尾 -ify/-fy 意為「使……化;使成 為……」,形成名詞時要去掉字尾的 -y、加上 -ication。其他類似用法還有:
• clarify [`kl5r4~fa6] 澄清 clarification [~kl5r4f4`ke]4n] 澄清
• identify [a6`d5nt4~fa6] 辨認;鑑定 identification [a6~d5nt4f4`ke]4n] 識別(證);鑑定
• justify [`d.9st4~fa6] 證明……是正當 justification [~d.9st4f4`ke]4n] 證明為正當;辯護
• qualify [`kw3l4~fa6] 使有資格 qualification [~kw3l4f4`ke]4n] 賦予資格
• simplify [`s6mpl4~fa6] 使簡化 simplification [~s6mpl4f4`ke]4n] 簡化 129
Chapter 4 Health 24 indulge 95
vi./vt. 沉溺;放縱恣意享受(之後常接 in + N.) vt. 寵溺;縱容
Alice sometimes indulges in a glass of wine with her dinner.
amino acid [4`mino] [`1s4d] n. [C] 氨基酸 administration [4d~m6n4`stre]4n] n. [C] 行政機關 be one’s call phr. 由某人決定
愛麗絲有時候會在晚餐時讓自己好好享受一 杯紅酒。
Jim indulged himself and took another slice of cake. 吉姆恣意享受又吃了另一塊蛋糕。
Jill indulges her son too much, and he is becoming very spoiled. 吉兒太溺愛她兒子,所以他變得非常驕縱。 衍
indulgent adj. 放縱的;縱容的
indulgence n. [U] 沉溺;放縱
字彙測驗 請利用本單元學過的單字,選出正確的答案。
q Kelly was a _______ in the running race, but she didn’t win it.
(A) substance
(B) participant
(C) reaction
w Emily rarely _______ in sweet things like chocolate or cake.
(A) responds
(B) notifies
(C) indulges
(D) notification (D) declares
e To get more _______ financial advice, you should talk to an expert.
(A) solid
(B) hollow
(C) indulgent
(D) greasy
r Lance is _______ to seafood, so I can’t share my shrimp salad with him.
(A) scientific
(B) meaningful
(C) prudent
t Children need to be very _______ when crossing the road.
(A) concrete
(B) vague
(C) cautious
(D) allergic (D) substantial
克漏字測驗 請根據文意,選出正確的答案。
People who suffer from allergic q regularly are often given an allergy test by the doctor. The aim of the test is to find out which substances will cause a reaction. Participants in such a test will be given a(n) w of questions beforehand to try to identify what they could be allergic to. Then various allergens are placed on the skin. The examiner will document how the patient e over the course of a week or two. Often these allergy tests will induce r sensitivity and itching if the participant is allergic to something. It’s a scientific way to test for allergies when a person only has a(n) t idea of what is making them suffer. q (A) reactions
(B) substances
(C) solids
(D) documents
w (A) declaration
(B) examiner
(C) series
(D) examination
e (A) induces
(B) notifies
(C) responds
(D) informs
r (A) scientific
(B) hollow
(C) greasy
(D) heightened
t (A) due
(B) vague
(C) substantial
(D) empty
18 Is MSG Actually Bad for You? 131
Chapter 4 Health TRACK 37
A Red Light for Coffee Everyone knows a red traffic light means you should stop moving forward, but are they ready for a red dot to tell them to stop consuming caffeineu for the day? Following an idea proposed by the Consumer Protection1 Commission2, many coffee shops around the country are now displaying the amount of caffeine in the drinks they offer. The system employs3 the same color signs used by traffic signals—green means that the amount of caffeine is lower than 100 milligrams, yellow between 100 to 200 milligrams, and red over 200. Some people drink coffee to stay awake 4, others are fond 5 of its fragrance 6. But for some, caffeinated u beverages induce insomnia 7, anxiety, restlessness, or an irregular heartbeat. If you are the victim8 of any of these miseries9, or if you are just trying to keep your money in your savings10 account, try putting the brakes11 on coffee. However, abruptly12 ceasing 13 caffeine consumption has a tendency 14 to cause headache, fatigue, and bad temper. These withdrawal15 symptoms are moderate16 and recovery from them takes a few days. A safer way to change your habit is to keep tabs onu what you drink by scanning17 labels on drinks as well as pain relievers. You can also make the withdrawal symptoms more tolerable18 by cutting back gradually. Some find it useful to substitute19 herbal tea or decafu coffee. Experts warn20 that a person’s daily intake of caffeine should be restricted to 300 milligrams—and even less for adolescents21. With the new visual22 system in place, customers will have no trouble monitoring23 their caffeine when grabbing24 a cup of joeu. Although it is not required by law to follow the commission’s proposal25, officials say that most coffee shops have committed26 to following the suggestion.
閱讀理解 請在下列選項中,選出最適合的答案。 q Why does the writer talk about traffic lights? (A) To introduce a system being used by coffee shops (B) To tell readers to stop drinking coffee when driving (C) To show that drinking coffee in a car is dangerous (D) To say that readers should stop drinking coffee w Using the new system, which of the following would not be advised by experts? (A) Drinking a cup of red-dot coffee and a cup of green-dot coffee (B) Drinking two cups of red-dot coffee (C) Drinking three cups of green-dot coffee (D) Drinking two cups of yellow-dot coffee
1 protection 102 100 96 94
2 commission
n. [U, C] 保護;防衛
n. [C] 委員會
You will need to wear this helmet for protection when you go into the cave.
The commission for the environment will be doing a study on global warming.
你進入洞穴時會需要戴上這頂頭盔作為保 護。 同
harm n. [U] 傷害 environmental
protection 環保
protect vt. 保護
n. [C, U] 佣金
protective adj. 保護的;防衛的
凱莉在店裡賣的每件衣服都能收取一筆佣 金。
protectionism n. [U](貿易)保護主義
vt. 委任;委託……製作
against/from 保護免於受到 The sunglasses protect the driver’s eyes against harmful UV rays. 片
protective of 想保護…… Jonah is very protective of his little sister. 片
Kelly makes a commission on every dress she sells at the store.
106 衍
A Red Light for Coffee
104 反
defense n. [U, C] 保護
The government commissioned the artist to create a sculpture for the city’s new park. 政府委託這名藝術家為該市的新公園創作一 座雕塑品。 105 同 衍
committee n. [C] 委員會;小組 commissioner n. [C] 委員;政府官員
Chapter 4 Health 3 employ
• 為動詞,在口語中通常與 up 連 用,wake up 指「醒來」,wake (someone) up 指「喚醒(某人)」 I wake up at five o’clock every morning.
vt. 使用;採用
This phone employs the same technology as a computer.
Tom is still sleeping. When should we wake him up?
vt. 雇用
The company employs over a thousand people.
湯姆還在睡。我們應該什麼時侯叫醒 他?
這間公司雇用一千多人。 105 同
apply vt. 採用
106 衍
employer n. [C] 雇主
107 衍
employee n. [C] 受雇者
92 衍 衍
unemployed adj. 失業的
unemployment n. [U] 失業(人數)
101 99
adj. 醒著的
vt./vi. 醒來;喚醒(awake-awoke-awoke/awoken)
When Carl awoke, he saw that it was already 10:00. 片
• 作動詞用時,後面不可接 up,且多 用於書寫中。
• 動詞三態為 awake-awoke-awoke/ awoken。 • 也可作形容詞用,表「醒著的;警 覺的」,常和 be、stay、keep 等動 awake
I awoke to the sound of rain and thunder. 我被雨聲和雷聲吵醒。
You have to be awake when you drive in the city’s busy traffic. 你在市內交通繁忙時開車,得保持清 醒才行。
awake 毫無睡意的 A strong cup of coffee worked like a charm, and I was wide awake for my early morning meeting.
to 意識到;醒悟 The financial report awoke Linda to the possibilities of making money on the stock market.
這份財經報告讓琳達意識到在股市中獲利 的可能性。
卡爾醒來時,他看到時間已經十點了。 比較
sb. awake 使某人保持清醒 I’m having trouble keeping myself awake; I only slept for three hours last night.
一杯濃咖啡真的很有效,讓我一大早開會 就精神抖擻。
Tom was still awake at three in the morning. 湯姆凌晨三點還醒著。
我難以讓自己保持清醒;我昨晚只睡了三 小時。
employment n. [U] 職業;受雇
4 awake 107
awakened from 自……中被驚醒 I hate it when I’m awakened from a great dream by my alarm clock.
5 fond 103
adj. 喜歡的(+ of);(回憶)愉悅的
Kelly is very fond of chocolate ice cream. 凱莉非常喜歡巧克力冰淇淋。 98 同
pleasant adj. 愉悅的
fondness n. [U] 喜愛;鍾愛
fondly adv. 熱切喜愛地
a fondness for 喜歡上…… After living in Germany, I developed a fondness for different kinds of sausage.
7 insomnia 97
98 97
n. [C] 香味;芳香;香水
The fragrance of the roses could be smelled from across the street.
n. [U] 失眠症
Max has an ongoing problem with insomnia.
住過德國後,我變得喜歡吃各種不同的香 腸。
6 fragrance
8 victim 105 90
n. [C] 受害者;受難者
The accident victims were sent to the nearest hospital for treatment. 意外的受難者被送往最近的醫院治療。
玫瑰的香氣從對街就可以聞得到。 衍
fragrant adj. 芳香的
victimize vt. 使受害;使受苦
odor n. [U, C] 臭味
9 misery 102
n. [U, C] 悲慘(的境遇);苦難
我們可以從松樹上聞到芳香的味 道。
The people lived in misery for years after their country lost the war.
Women’s fragrances (= perfumes) are located on the first floor of the department store.
在國家戰敗後,他們的人民多年來都生活在 苦難中。 104 同 反
cheer n. [U] 高興
•(尤指獨特且怡人的)香味 •(人或動物發出的)氣味 The flower has an appealing scent.
miserable adj. 悲慘的;不幸的
miserly adj. 吝嗇的;小氣的
那隻熊的體味標示了牠的勢力範 圍。
•(泛指一般)氣味 • 可指異味 The smell of stinky tofu turns Josh’s stomach. 臭豆腐的味道讓喬許反胃。
What’s that smell? Is something burning? 那是什麼怪味?有東西燒焦了嗎?
suffering n. [U, C] 苦難的經歷
The bear’s scent marked the limits of its territory.
A Red Light for Coffee
• 通常意為「香氣;芳香;香 味」,意近 scent • 可指「香水」,此時同 perfume We could smell the sweet fragrance (= scent) coming from the pine trees.
victim to 成為……的受害者 The local economy fell victim to globalization and outsourcing of jobs.
misery index 痛苦指數,乃是依一地的 年度失業率(unemployment rate)加上通貨 膨脹率(inflation rate)計算而得,也稱為
discomfort index
10 saving 98 95
n. [P] 存款 [C] 節約;節儉
Joe spent all of his savings on a new computer. 喬把所有積蓄都花在新電腦上了。
You can make huge savings by ordering in bulk. 大量訂購可以省下很多錢。
account 儲蓄帳戶 詞 life savings 畢生積蓄 詞
Chapter 4 Health 11 brake 95
commence vt./vi. 開始;著手
n. [C] 煞車;制動器
cease-fire n. [C] 停戰
If the brakes on your car aren’t working properly, you should get them fixed immediately.
如果你車子煞車有毛病,你應該馬上修理。 103
vi. 煞車
The man braked hard to avoid hitting the little boy playing in the street.
the brakes on sth. 減緩;限制 Let’s put the brakes on the project until we’ve been given the go-ahead by the boss.
on the brakes 急踩煞車 The driver slammed on the brakes when the car in front of his suddenly stopped.
• 用法最廣泛 Let’s stop for lunch soon.
When the bus stopped abruptly, many of the standing passengers almost fell over. 當公車突如其來停車時,許多站著的乘客差 點跌倒。 107 同 衍
suddenly adv. 意外地 abrupt adj. 突然的
13 cease 105 100
珍妮絲不停談論自己。我覺得無聊死 了!
14 tendency 104 100 98
隨著孩子不斷成長,他們不再對年幼時喜歡 玩的玩具感興趣了。
n. [C] 習慣;傾向
Mike had a tendency to scratch his chin when he was thinking. 麥克想事情時有抓下巴的習慣。
inclination n. [C, U] 傾向;意向 同 propensity n. [C](行為方面)傾向;習性 片 have a/the tendency to + V. 傾向
90 同
vt./vi. 停止
As they grow up, children cease to be interested in toys they liked when they were younger.
Janice never stops talking about herself. She bores me to death!
adv. 突然地;意外地
A sudden fit of coughing caused the old man to pause his story.
light 煞車燈 lever 手剎車桿 詞 brake pedal 煞車踏板
12 abruptly
• 暫停;停頓;中斷 No need to pause the DVD; I’ll be back in a flash. 不用暫停 DVD;我一下子就回來。
那個老人講故事時突然咳了一陣子而 暫停下來。
那名駕駛在前車突然停下來時急踩煞車。 詞
中午工人們去吃午餐時,噪音便停止 了。
在老闆指示我們進行之前,我們先緩一緩 這個計畫吧。 片
• 用法較正式 The noise ceased at noon when the workmen went for lunch.
The fighting ceased after the two countries met for talks.
這名男子用力踩煞車,避免撞到那個在街上 玩的小男孩。 片
Kevin has a tendency to say everything twice. 凱文往往每件事都會說兩次。 106 衍 衍
tend vi. 趨向 vt. 照料;護理 untended adj. 無人照料的
15 withdrawal
n. [U, C] 戒毒斷癮所引起的痛苦症狀; 提款;領錢;收回
18 tolerable 107 102
Emily experienced headaches and other signs of withdrawal when she quit smoking.
Thomas decided to make a withdrawal while he was at the bank. 同
recession n. [U, C] 撤回;撤走
102 衍
99 97
endurable adj. 可忍受的;持久的
intolerable adj. 難耐的;不能忍受的
92 衍 片
immoderate adj. 極端的;不合理的
moderation n. [U] 適度
moderately adv. 適當地;適度地
17 scan
vt. 細看;審視;掃描
When you go to the airport, your luggage will be scanned by a machine.
tolerant of . . . 容忍……;對……寬容 Parents tend to be tolerant of their children’s bad behavior.
vt./vi. 代替
You can substitute beef for shrimp if you can’t have seafood. 如果你不能吃海鮮的話,你可以將蝦子換成 牛肉。 100
n. [C] 代替的人或物
A Red Light for Coffee
tolerant adj. 容忍的;寬容的
19 substitute
temperate adj. 溫和的 excessive adj. 過度的
tolerate vt. 忍受
bearable adj. 能耐的;忍得住的
Some doctors say that a moderate amount of red wine is good for one’s health.
99 反
105 衍
symptom 戒斷症狀
adj. 適度的;溫和的
The noise from the building site outside was tolerable only when we shut our windows.
withdraw vt./vi. 提取;撤回(withdrawwithdrew-withdrawn)
16 moderate 100
adj. 可忍受的;還可以的
外面建築工地傳來的噪音只有在我們把窗戶 關上時才有辦法忍受。
愛蜜莉戒煙時有頭痛及其他戒斷症狀的徵 兆。
There are many good tofu products that serve as substitutes for meat. 有很多優良的豆腐製品可當作肉的替代食 品。 107 同
replace vt. 取代;替換
103 同
replacement n. [U, C] 替換;代替物
92 衍
substitution n. [U, C] 替換;代替物
你去機場時,行李會被機器掃瞄檢視。 104
n. [C] 粗略一看;瀏覽
A quick scan of the newspaper revealed no new information about the politician. 快速瀏覽報紙後並沒有發現任何關於該名政 客的新消息。 95 衍
scanner n. [C] 掃描器
Chapter 4 Health 比較
•(暫時地)代替(原本人事物的位 置)
• 用法: substitute A for B 或 substitute B with A「用 A 代替 B」 I think I will substitute the rice for the potatoes when I order substitute this dish next time.
21 adolescent 99
這個遊戲適合青少年,但不適合很小的孩童。 103 96 92
To save money, the hotel substituted the live plants in the lobby with fake ones.
•(將較差或壞掉的人事物永久 地)汰換掉
• 用法: replace A with B「用 B 取代 A」 Billy replaced his old car with a sports car after he made a fortune.
比利發財後就把他的舊車換成跑車 了。
20 warn 107 103 102
vt./vi. 警告;告誡
Sammy warned his brother not to play with fire. 山米警告他弟弟別玩火。
104 同 同
alert vt. 使警覺;使注意 caution vt./vi. 警告;告誡
107 衍
warning n. [U, C] 警告
107 片
warn sb. 人事物
of + N./V-ing 警告某人留意某
I was about to cross the street when my friend warned me of an approaching car. 當我正要過街時,我朋友警告我留意一輛 接近中的車。 片
sb. not to + V. 警告某人不要…… The mother warned her son not to touch the hot stove.
母親警告兒子別去碰燒燙的火爐。 138
n. [C] 青少年
This game is OK for adolescents, but not for children who are very young.
我下次點這道菜時想用白飯來取代 馬鈴薯。
為了節省開銷,飯店在大廳放置假 盆栽取代真盆栽。
adj. 青少年的;青春期的
Most people do not have many responsibilities during their adolescent years. 大部分的人在青少年時期並沒有許多要負的 責任。 衍
adolescence n. [U] 青春期;青少年時期
22 visual 97 93
adj. 視覺的
If you like the visual arts, you should visit this museum. 如果你喜歡視覺藝術,你應該參觀這座博物 館。 n. [C] 視覺圖像、效果
I think the visuals were the best part of this movie. 我認為這部電影最好的地方在視覺效果。 同 反 詞 詞 衍 詞 詞
106 衍 衍
90 衍 104 衍
optical adj. 視力的;視覺的;光學的
nonvisual adj. 非視覺的 visual arts 視覺藝術 visual communication 視覺傳達 visually adv. 視覺上;外表上 visually impaired 視障的 visually challenged 視力不良;看不清楚 vision n. [U, C] 視力;視覺;看見;所見事物 visible adj. 可看見的 visibility n. [U] 能見度 visualize vt./vi. 使看得見;使視覺化;想像
23 monitor 107 102
vt. 監控;監測
102 同
suggestion n. [U, C] 建議
100 衍
propose vt. 提議;建議;提出;求婚
The doctor checked on the patient every few hours to monitor his progress. 那名醫生每幾個小時就會檢查該病人的狀況 以便監控病情。 n. [C] 螢幕
I bought a computer complete with a keyboard and a monitor for my son. 我幫兒子買了一組附有鍵盤和螢幕的電腦。 同
screen n. [C] 螢幕
24 grab 98 95
26 commit 105 103
monitor 液晶顯示器
vt. 使承擔義務;投注於……(+ to N./V-ing)
The soldiers were committed to finding the enemy and completing their mission. 軍人們致力於找到敵人並完成任務。
vt. 犯(罪);做(錯事等)
vt. 順便買或帶;隨手取得 vt./vi. 抓住;攫取 (grab-grabbed-grabbed)
Samuel didn’t break any laws, so he has committed no crime.
Sandy grabbed a sandwich on her way to school.
山繆爾並沒有犯法,所以他沒有犯罪。 同
entrust vt. 信託;委託
Olive’s little brother grabbed the last cookie and ran away. 奧莉薇的弟弟抓了最後一塊餅乾跑掉了。 grab
a bite (to eat) 去吃東西;吃飯 I’m starving! Let’s grab a bite to eat at that little restaurant on the corner.
hold of + N. 緊握住…… The boy grabbed hold of the dog’s leash and kept the animal from chasing after people.
seize vt./vi. 抓住;奪取;利用;理解
25 proposal
n. [C] 提議;提案
commit oneself 證、承諾做某事
to + N./V-ing 某人保
泰德保證他這學期會努力。 92 衍 105 衍
commitment n. [U] 承諾;奉獻 committed adj. 盡心盡力的;堅定的
caffeine [k1`fin] n. [U] 咖啡因 keep tabs (on) [kip] [t1bs] [3n] v. phr. 密切注意; 監控
The manager will most likely turn down our proposal.
decaf [`di~k1f] n. [U, C] 無咖啡因(為 decaffeinated
a cup of joe【俚】一杯咖啡
Ted committed himself to working hard this semester.
小男孩緊握住狗的鍊條,以防牠追著人 跑。 102 同
電影的結局是主角最後自殺結束了自己的 生命。
我餓死了!我們去轉角那間小餐廳吃點東 西。 片
suicide 自殺 The main character in the movie commits suicide at the end of the film.
A Red Light for Coffee
proposal 求婚 Marsha is in love with Kevin, and she hopes he will make a marriage proposal soon.
瑪莎與凱文正在談戀愛,她希望他很快就 會向她求婚。
coffee 的非正式說法)
offer n. [C] 提議 139
Chapter 4 Health 單字填空 請利用本單元學過的單字,完成下列句子。
q Jenny is very f w Users often e
d of her new puppy, and she spends a lot of time with it. y passwords to protect their accounts.
e Once I start a project, I completely c r Jack exercises a m t Shall we g
t to working on it until it’s done.
e amount, but he thinks he should do it more. b a coffee on our way to the office?
文意選填 請根據文意,選出正確的答案。
Psychologists are warning of a growing problem in today’s society: q . Not getting enough sleep is a particularly worrying trend amongst w . Increasingly, teenagers are staying e at night because they want to continuously monitor their electronic devices. Every little noise from a phone or computer makes them want to get up and r their device for new messages or social media posts. Teachers report that this t is leading to tiredness at school and problems with concentration. Adolescents need to know when to put the y on their electronics, and night time is one of those times. Ceasing the use of phones at night might be hard at first, but they will soon see the benefits of getting more sleep. Not only will their school work improve, but their overall health will be better too. Parents can help to protect their children by not allowing them to become u of this modern-day problem. Experts warn that unless teenagers commit to i phones with sleep, the problem will only get worse and lead to more misery in the future.
(A) awake
(B) insomnia
(C) substituting
(D) brakes
(E) tendency
(F) victims
(G) scan
(H) adolescents
Chapter 5
Unit 20
The First Ferris Wheel
Unit 21
Toy Collectors
Unit 22
E-book Library
Unit 23
Fingerboarding: Skating at Your Fingertips
Unit 24
Bored? Play a Tabletop Game
Chapter 5 Leisure TRACK 39
The First Ferris Wheel At any amusement park, the Ferris wheel is the most popular ride for lovers of all ages. There is something romantic about the sensation1 of drifting2 so high up together. As the wheel turns, the noise from the ground fades3 away into a murmur4, leaving the pair privately enclosed5 in their passenger car to enjoy precious6 quiet moments together. At over eighty meters high and holding up to 2,160 passengers, the first Ferris wheel was an extraordinary7 structural8 endeavor9. It was erected10 for the 1893 World’s Fair in Chicago and meant to rival11 the Eiffel Tower, which had been built for the 1889 Paris expositionu. Though delayed construction caused it to miss the opening ceremony12 in May, the giant wheel made a full revolution13 without a creak14 in June, in turn renewing15 interest in the World’s Fair that year. On the night it was unveiled, the Ferris wheel met with a warm reception16. Ladies wore ball gowns17, and gentlemen smoked cigars18. Since then, the fascination with the Ferris wheel has lessened19, but nonetheless20 the romance remains. It is a symbol of love from a time gone by.
閱讀理解 請在下列選項中,選出最適合的答案。
What was special about the Ferris wheel made for the Chicago World’s Fair? (A) It was made the same as the one in Paris. (B) It was the first Ferris wheel ever made. (C) It turned faster than the one in Paris. (D) It was much larger than the one in Paris.
What is true about today’s Ferris wheels? (A) They are more popular than they were in the past. (B) They are much larger than the ones of the past. (C) They are still as romantic as the ones of the past. (D) They are noisier than the ones of the past.
1 sensation 94
3 fade 102
n. [U, C] 感覺;知覺
Being on a boat for the first time is a strange sensation.
100 94
第一次搭船有種奇怪的感覺。 衍
vanish vt./vi.(使)消失 disappear vi. 消失;滅絕
away 逐漸消失 As the morning warmed up, the fog on the lake slowly faded away. 片
4 murmur
Before the movie started, the theater was filled with a low murmur from the audience.
drift 日
through life 隨波逐流;渾渾噩噩度
has just been drifting through life, and he can’t seem to find a job that he really likes.
歡的工作。 片
off to sleep drifted off to sleep during the boring part of the movie.
在電影開演前,戲院充滿了觀眾的低語聲。 101
vt./vi. 輕聲說;說悄悄話
20 The First Ferris Wheel
n. [C] 低語;悄悄話
班尼並沒有明說他負債累累,但我大概能明 白他的話。
out(聲音或影像等)逐漸變暗或變弱 end of the movie, the scene slowly faded out.
The smell of baking cookies drifted into the room from the kitchen.
in and out of sleep 忽醒忽睡 little baby drifted in and out of sleep during the four-hour train ride.
At the
那艘救生艇漂流了好幾天才被一艘貨船發 現。
The paint on the car faded after years in the hot sun.
107 同
The raft drifted for days before it was spotted by a cargo ship.
Benny didn’t clearly say that he’s deep in debt, but I could catch his drift.
vi. 褪色;逐漸黯淡;減弱 vt. 使褪色;使黯淡
107 同
vt./vi. 漂流;漂泊;緩慢移動
n. [U, C] 漂流;大意
在經年累月的烈日照射下,車上的烤漆都褪 色了。
sensational adj. 引起轟動的;感官的
2 drift
The chairperson of the meeting asked people to voice their opinions instead of murmuring among themselves. 會議主席要大家把意見說出來而不是在底下 竊竊私語。 107 同
whisper vt./vi./n. [C] 低語;悄悄話
drone vt./vi./n. [U] 持續的低音
babble vt./vi./n. [U] 模糊不清地說
Chapter 5 Leisure 5 enclose 107 106 102
103 衍
vt. 圍住;圈起;封閉
A metal fence enclosed the school. 這個學校被金屬柵欄包圍。
92 反 衍
106 衍
97 95 94 93 91
enclosure n. [U, C] 圍欄;圈養地;圍場; 圍住;附函
Climbing that mountain will be a difficult endeavor.
enclosed adj. 附件的;密閉的
vi. 力圖(+ to V.)
valuable adj. 寶貴的;有價值的
撰寫這份報告時,你該極力避免文法和拼字 的錯誤。
10 erect 104
metal 貴重金屬
7 extraordinary
95 同
103 反
ordinary adj. 平凡的;普通的
8 structural 105
adj. 建築上的;結構的
The building sustained structural damage during the earthquake. 那棟建築在地震期間受到結構性的損害。 106 衍
structure n. [U, C] 建築物;結構
The quality of the camera in this cell phone rivals that of a regular camera. 這支手機的相機功能品質可與一般相機匹 敵。
珍妮費了好一番努力才達成銷售業績目標。 phenomenal adj. 了不起的;非凡的
up v. phr. 豎立
construct vt. 建立
vt. 與……匹敵;媲美
It took an extraordinary effort for Jenny to make her sales goal.
11 rival
exceptional adj. 卓越的
vt. 建立;豎立
adj. 特別的;非凡的
105 同
The city erected a monument to honor its founder.
worthless adj. 沒用的;無價值的
You should endeavor to avoid grammar and spelling mistakes when writing this report.
priceless adj. 貴重的;無價的
little 鳳毛麟角;少得可憐 There was precious little that made Steve stand out from the crowd. 片
These old photos of your grandparents are precious, so take good care of them.
100 同
n. [U, C] 任務(尤指需要投注許多努力 才能完成的);盡力
你祖父母的這些舊照片很珍貴,所以要好好 保存它們。
9 endeavor
adj. 珍貴的;重要的
infrastructure n. [C] 基礎建設
disclose vt. 揭露;公開
6 precious 105
infrastructural adj. 基礎建設的
105 98
n. [C] 對手;競爭者
The company’s biggest rivals are all located overseas. 該公司最大的競爭對手都位於海外。
98 同 100 同
competitor n. [C] 競爭者;對手 opponent n. [C] 對手
rivalry n. [C, U] 敵對;競爭
rivalrous adj. 競爭性的;敵對性的
12 ceremony 107 106 99 90
vi. 發出咯吱咯吱聲
Mary walked as quietly as she could, but the wood floor still creaked under her feet.
n. [U, C] 典禮;儀式
The women in the ceremony wore robes of pure white, and the men wore red ones.
瑪莉盡可能安靜地走路,但是她腳下的木質 地板還是嘎吱作響。
典禮上女仕穿著純白色長袍,男仕穿著紅色 長袍。 99 同 106 同
rite n. [C] (宗教等的)儀式;典禮 ritual n. [U, C] (尤指)宗教儀式
on ceremony 拘泥於禮節 You don’t have to stand on ceremony at the party—just wear comfortable clothing and relax. 片
15 renew 105 92 91
ceremony 開幕典禮 衍 ceremonial adj. 禮儀的;禮節的;用於禮 詞
opening 儀的
13 revolution 107 95 91 90
The wheel makes an odd sound every time it makes a revolution.
revolve vt./vi. 旋轉
revolutionist n. [C] 革命家
destroy vt. 毀壞;破壞
107 衍
renewable adj. 可再生的
renewed adj. 更新的
renewal n. [U, C] 復活;復興;更新;復原
16 reception
The king was given a grand reception upon arriving at the castle. 國王抵達城堡時受到盛大的歡迎。 107
n. [C] 接待處;歡迎會;招待會
n. [C] 嘎吱聲
The creak of the door as I entered woke my parents up. 我進門時,門板發出的嘎吱聲吵醒了我父 母。
When you leave the hotel, please leave your room key at the reception desk. 您離開旅館時,請把房間鑰匙留在接待櫃 台。 衍
14 creak
n. [C] 接待;歡迎
Revolution 文化大革命
restore vt. 恢復;修復;歸還
The First Ferris Wheel
revolutionize vt. 使革命化;徹底改革
resume vt./vi. 重新開始;恢復(關係)
105 反
The Internet has created a revolution in the way we communicate. 衍
The television show renewed my interest in boats.
90 同
vt./vi. 使恢復;重建;更新
n. [C] 旋轉;迴轉;革命
creaky adj. 嘎吱作響的
receptionist n. [C] 接待員
17 gown 99
n. [C] 禮服;長袍
My mother made my sister’s wedding gown. 我姊姊的結婚禮服是我媽媽做的。 詞
gown 晚禮服
Chapter 5 Leisure 18 cigar
20 nonetheless
n. [C] 雪茄
adv. 然而;儘管如此
Americans often give out cigars when a baby is born.
Mike is seriously ill with cancer, but nonetheless, he continues to work.
94 衍
cigarette n. [C] 香菸
19 lessen 94
104 同
nevertheless adv. 然而;不過
107 同
however adv. 然而;不過
vi./vt. (使)減少;(使)減輕
Regular exercise lessens the risk of many illnesses.
exposition [~5ksp4`z6]4n] n. [C] 博覽會
規律的運動減少罹患許多疾病的風險。 103 同
decrease vt./vi. (使)減少;(使)降低
temper vt./vi. 使緩和;使溫和
enlarge vt./vi. 擴大;擴充;放大
106 反
expand vt./vi. 擴大;增加
107 衍
l ess adj. 較少的(形容不可數名詞,為 little 的比較級)
單字填空 請利用本單元學過的單字,完成下列句子。
q The princess wanted a white g
n to wear to the dance.
w As the two boys moved away from the crowd, the sound began to l e You need to e r Sam needed to r t A r meeting.
e a recent photograph with your application letter. w his membership at the gym every year.
n will be held for all of the salesmen coming into town for the
克漏字測驗 請根據文意,選出正確的答案。
Every year in Hollywood the famous Oscars ceremony is held to recognize the endeavors of talented people in the movie industry. A huge golden statue is at the end of a long, red carpet. It is here that actresses parade q their beautiful gowns and w jewels in front of fans and the media. A will usually go through the watching crowd as the most sensational e dresses appear. After the official Oscars ceremony, receptions and so-called “after parties” are held across town. r parties endeavor to attract the biggest names in Hollywood. Finally, after another successful night, as the rich and famous start to drift away and memories begin to t , party planners will already be turning their attention to the following year’s event. q (A) erected
(B) drifted
(C) enclosed
(D) renewed
w (A) structural
(B) ordinary
(C) creaky
(D) precious
e (A) sensation
(B) drift
(C) murmur
(D) ceremony
r (A) Renewal
(B) Ritual
(C) Rival
(D) Revolution
t (A) creak
(B) fade
(C) construct
(D) destroy Unit
20 The First Ferris Wheel 147
Chapter 5 Leisure TRACK 41
Toy Collectors When you see adults in a toy store, they are not always buying stuff1 for their children. Some are shopping for themselves. They are toy collectors and are often just as enthusiastic2 when buying new toys as the kids around them. Toy collectors keep stocks3 of rare toys, antiques4, or toys that make them recall 5 their childhoods 6. They join clubs, read toy-collecting magazines, and put pictures of special toys on Internet sites7. If their value is especially great, their owners may take out an insurance8 policy on them. For some, toy collecting is a profitable 9 investment 10. They do research online and attend toy conventions11 around the world. It helps them learn to calculate12 which goods13 have a high profit margin14. In addition, they will often go to garage sales. Many families have boxes of old toys—toys they think are junk15, but may in fact be prized possessions16 that command17 thousands of dollars. These toys often get dumped18 or sold at garage sales, giving a smart collector the opportunity to seize19 some great bargains20.
閱讀理解 請在下列選項中,選出最適合的答案。
According to the article, what is special about the toys that collectors buy? (A) They can only be found at garage sales. (B) They are very expensive and only made by designers. (C) They weren’t available in the past. (D) They are hard to find and require research.
What is the main topic of the fourth paragraph? (A) How to sell toys at garage sales (B) Why collectors shop at garage sales (C) How to buy toys at garage sales (D) Why people sell toys at garage sales
3 stock
n. [U] 東西;物品
Our store doesn’t carry a large stock of pine furniture.
我們店裡的松木家具備貨不多。 98
I stuffed the books into my bag. 我把書塞進我的包包裡。 vi. 吃飽(通常用過去分詞表示)
I’m so stuffed. I don’t even want to look at food again! 我吃得好飽。我甚至不想再看到食物了! 100 同 片
substance n. [U, C] 物質;物品 stuff
of legends 傳奇 amazing achievements of Ray Charles have become the stuff of legends.
雷‧查爾斯驚人的成就已成傳奇。 stuffed adj. 填充的;塞滿的(stuffed animal 表示「填充動物標本或玩偶」) stuffing n. [U, C] 填塞物;作料(通常塞於 雞、鴨腹中) stuffy adj. 通風不良的;(鼻子)塞住的
2 enthusiastic
adj. 熱烈的;熱情的
n. [C, U](公司的)股票;股份
I think this company is going to be very successful, and I plan to buy some of its stock. 我覺得這間公司會很成功,而且我計畫要買 些它的股票。 vt./vi. 儲備;貯存(常與介系詞 with 連用)
The sailors had to stock the ship with all sorts of food before their long journey. 船員得在長途旅程前在船上儲備各種食物。
stock 存貨;有現貨的 The new smartphones are quite popular, and most stores don’t have them in stock anymore. 片
of stock 缺貨 Batteries were out of stock at the convenience store the day before the typhoon hit. 片
Tim is a great student, and he is enthusiastic that school is starting again.
up 囤積;存貨 I stocked up on bottled water and canned foods before the typhoon hit.
提姆是一個很棒的學生,而且他對於學校即 將再度開學充滿熱情。
(be) enthusiastic 於……
about + N. 熱衷
is enthusiastic about basketball.
他很迷籃球。 95 同
n. [C, U] 存貨;庫存品
My big closet holds a lot of personal stuff. vt. 塞滿;裝滿
Toy Collectors
1 stuff
passionate adj. 熱情的;熱烈的
eager adj. 熱切的;渴望的
enthusiastically adv. 熱情地
enthusiast n. [C] ……的狂熱者;熱衷者
enthusiasm n. [U, C] 熱忱;熱情
stock in 看重;信任 I put a lot of stock in the abilities of our senior employees. 片
我相當看重公司資深員工的能力。 98 詞
market 股票市場
Chapter 5 Leisure 4 antique
7 site 101
n. [C] 古董
Marvin collects antiques, especially furniture.
99 97
n. [C] 網站(作此義時相當於 website);地點; 場所
Julie found many new friends on a chat site on the Internet. 茱莉在網路上的聊天網站找到許多新朋友。
adj. 古董的;古時的
Before the offices were built, there was a church on this site.
I came across an antique vase while cleaning out the garage.
在這些辦公室興建之前,這個地點有一間教 堂。
我打掃車庫時發現了一個古董花瓶。 詞
5 recall 104 102 94
dealer 古董商
vt./vi. 想起;回憶起
I can’t recall the last time I saw such a funny movie. 我想不起上次我是什麼時候看到這麼好笑的 電影了。 vt. 召回;收回
98 92
103 98
那些減肥藥丸因使用有害成分而被回收下 架。
to mind phr. 使回憶起;想起 同 withdraw vt. 撤回;收回 同
6 childhood 106 103 91
104 反
adulthood n. [U, C] 成年時期
one’s childhood 從小 Since my childhood, I’ve always loved to draw.
n. [U] 保險
Doug’s insurance will pay for some of the repairs to his car. 詞
98 詞
agent 保險業務員 company 保險公司 詞 insurance policy 保單 詞 insurance carrier 保險的承保單位;承保 公司
n. [U, C] 童年
卡拉對狗的恐懼源自於童年一個不好的經 驗。
98 衍
life/health/travel/car /健康險/旅遊險/車險
96 95 92
insurance 壽險
insure vt. 投保;承保
9 profitable
adj. 賺錢的;獲利的
We had a profitable afternoon selling our secondhand clothes at the flea market. 我們那天下午在跳蚤市場賣二手衣,結果獲 利不錯。 同
101 同 反
Carla’s fear of dogs stems from a bad childhood experience.
8 insurance 104
The weight-loss pills were recalled due to the use of harmful ingredients.
site 網站 詞 social media site 社群網站 詞 construction site 建築工地 同 location n. [C] 地點 同 spot n. [C] 場所;處所 衍 on-site adj./adv. 在現場的(地) 詞
lucrative adj. 有利可圖的;賺錢的 economic adj. 有利可圖的 unprofitable adj. 賺不到錢的;無益的
106 衍
profit vt./vi./n. [U, C] 獲利;利潤
107 衍
nonprofit adj. 非營利的 for-profit adj. 營利用途的
profitability n. [U] 有利;收益性
10 investment
106 93
98 片
invest vt./vi. 投資;資助 investor n. [C] 投資者;投資機構
in 投資…… Alan was unwilling to invest in the risky company.
106 101
n. [C] (某一組織、政治團體的)大會 [C, U] 習俗;慣例;公約
convention 打破窠臼 Bob broke convention by wearing shorts to work.
鮑伯穿短褲去上班,打破了巢臼。 100 同
conference n. [C] 會談;研討會
101 同
meeting n. [C] 會議;集會
102 同
custom n. [U, C] 風俗;習俗
treaty n. [U, C] 條約;協定
105 衍
conventional adj. 傳統的;守舊的
107 衍
unconventional adj. 不按慣例的;非常規 的
n. [P] 商品;貨物(恆為複數)
The delivery company transports goods across the country. 同 詞
班要去拉斯維加斯參加《星艦迷航記》的影 迷大會。
在西方國家當你與人握手時眼睛看著對方是 可接受的習慣。
Ben is going to a Star Trek convention in Las Vegas.
It is an accepted convention in the West that you look someone in the eye when shaking their hand.
figure vt./vi. 計算 同 compute vt./vi. 計算;估算 衍 calculator n. [C] 計算機 衍 calculation n. [U, C] 計算 衍 calculated adj. 預先計畫的;故意的 片 (to be) calculated to + V. 經過盤算的 Bill’s comment was calculated to make May happy.
13 goods 100
I will need a minute to calculate the cost of the vacation for each person.
11 convention
vt./vi. 計算
n. [C] 有用的投資物 [U] 投資;投入 [C, U] 投資金額
102 衍
The government is trying to encourage overseas investment.
Toy Collectors
12 calculate
merchandise n. [U] 商品;貨品 electrical/household/consumer goods 電器商品/家用品/消費品 capital
goods 資本財
14 margin 107
n. [C] 利潤;幅度;餘地;頁邊空白
Cost-saving efforts increase margins. 努力節省成本增加了利潤。
With such strict guidelines, there is no margin for error with this project. 有如此嚴格的指導方針,這項專案沒有出錯 的餘地。
Notes were written in a strange language in the margins of the ancient book. 這本古書的頁面邊緣以奇怪的語言寫著註 記。
Chapter 5 Leisure 比較
•(社會或組織的)邊緣 • 頁邊空白處 Many troubled youths are living on the margins of society.
15 junk 102
這些舊收音機都是沒用的東西,所以就把它 們扔了吧。 同
97 同
這株植物位在架子的邊緣,差點就 掉下去了。
The chef sharpened the knife to a keen edge. 廚師把那把刀的刀刃磨利。
•(開口容器或圓狀物的)邊緣,如 眼鏡邊框或輪胎邊緣
Rick’s reading glasses have wire rims. rim
Someone stuck a piece of bubble gum along the rim of the trash can. 有人把一片泡泡糖黏在垃圾桶邊 緣。
profit margin 利潤率(即「淨利率」,指 每元收入實際賺得的金額);利潤幅度
a narrow margin 微幅地 Kelly won the game, but by a very narrow margin. 片
marginalize vt. 使……邊緣化;排擠
marginally adv. 稍微
n. [U, C] 所有物;財產(常用複數)
The family lost all their possessions when their house burned down. 這家人的房子燒毀後失去了所有的財物。 105 同 同
property n. [U, C] 所有物;財產 belongings n. [P] 財產
possession of 占有;獲得 Valerie took possession of her new car two weeks after she paid for it. 片
薇拉蕊付清車款兩週後就領到了她的新 車。
possession of sth. 占有……;擁有…… Harold is in possession of the code to open the safe. 片
哈洛德擁有打開保險箱的密碼。 have sth. 有某物
in one’s possession 某人持
A man called to tell me that he found my wallet, and he has it in his possession.
一名男子打電話告知我說他尋獲並持有我 的皮夾。
凱莉僅以些微差距贏得比賽。 marginal adj. 邊緣的;微不足道的
garbage n. [U] 垃圾
16 possession
rubbish n. [U] 垃圾(英式用法)
food 垃圾食物 詞 junk mail 垃圾信件 衍 junker n. [C](老舊且即將報廢的)破車 詞
那本舊書中有很多頁的頁邊空白處 寫滿了奇怪的文字。
•(事物的)邊緣 •(刀劍的)刃 The plant was on the edge of the shelf and nearly fell off.
n. [U] 垃圾;廢棄無用的物品
These old radios are junk, so just throw them away.
許多問題青年生活在社會的邊緣地 帶。
Many pages in the old book had strange writing all down the margins.
101 衍
possess vt. 有;擁有
17 command 102
vt. 應得;值得;命令
The police commanded us to leave the area. 警察命令我們離開這個區域。 101 98 95
n. [U, C] 命令;指揮;掌握
The troops fired on the enemy at the general’s command.
102 93
98 片
dictate [`d6ktet] vt./vi. 支配;命令 decree [d6`kri] n. [C] 政令;命令;判決 vt./vi. 頒布命令;裁定 have
a strong/good command of +
某語文 某語文的造詣很好;精通某語言
dumping n. [U] 傾銷;傾倒
dumpster n. [C] 大型垃圾箱
dumpsite n. [C] 垃圾棄置場
19 seize
將軍一聲令下,部隊便向敵軍開火。 同
98 同 105 同 片
吉米的狗會聽命令跳起來和打滾。 衍
commander n. [C] 指揮官;領導人
18 dump 107 103
vt./vi. 丟棄;拋棄
Would you please dump the garbage for me? 可以請你幫我倒垃圾嗎? n. [C] 垃圾場
grab vt./vi. 抓取 capture vt. 捕獲;保存 seize
the day 把握今天;活在當下 The crowing cock and the rising sun both remind people to seize the day.
啼叫的公雞以及東昇的旭日提醒人們要好 好珍重今朝。
command of . . . 指揮……;統率…… Rita’s father was in command of a nuclear submarine while in the navy.
command 聽從命令 Jimmy’s dog can jump and roll over on command.
Emily seized the moment and told Frank that she loved him.
dump 垃圾場;垃圾堆
vt./vi. 利用;理解;抓住;奪取
安迪精通葡萄牙文,因為他在葡萄牙長 大。
芮塔的父親在海軍服役時負責指揮一艘核 子潛艇。
愛蜜莉抓住這個時機,告訴法蘭克說她愛 他。
Andy has a good command of Portuguese because he grew up in Portugal.
in the dumps 情況糟到極點 He’s been down in the dumps for several weeks.
Toy Collectors
The former president commands about $100,000 for giving speeches.
up 動彈不得;停止運作 Fear caused the climber to seize up.
20 bargain 107
n. [C] 交易;便宜貨
Freddy got a great bargain on a new computer. 弗萊迪以特惠價買了一台新電腦。 vi. 議價;討價還價
You can save a lot of money by learning to bargain. 你學會議價可以就省很多錢。 同
haggle vi. 講價
hunter 找尋價廉物美之物的人
The garbage trucks took all of the trash to the dump on the edge of town. 垃圾車把所有垃圾運送到城邊的垃圾場。 153
Chapter 5 Leisure for 討價還價;預料到 In traditional markets, you can usually bargain for the best price. 片
more than someone bargained for 並非某人原本想要的 The house Bill just bought needs lots of work; he sure did get more than he bargained for. 比爾剛買的房子需要大規模整修,這肯定
brought the books you asked for; now you have to keep your end of the bargain and lend me that DVD.
我那片 DVD。
with 討價還價 Go back and bargain with the sales representative. 你該回去和那個業務代表講講價。 片
bargain (物)
away sth.(退讓談判)放棄某事
employees refused to bargain away their rights.
那些員工拒絕放棄自身的權利。 片
bargain 內的)
on sth. 預料到某事(非能力控制
hadn’t bargained on rain when we scheduled the picnic.
strike a bargain (with sb.) (與某人) 達成協議(尤指經多次磋商和爭論之後)
online video streaming service struck a bargain with several movie companies.
不是他原本想要的。 片
one’s end of the bargain 遵守
傳統市場裡通常都能講到最優惠的價格。 片
keep 協議
達成協議。 片
a hard bargain 極力討價還價 drive a hard bargain, but I’ll agree to your terms with a couple of minor changes.
字彙測驗 請利用本單元學過的單字,選出正確的答案。
_______ he had. (A) sites
(B) stuff
(C) margins
Toy Collectors
q It was only when Jack was packing up to go to college that he realized how much (D) bargains
w The store manager bought too much _______ and had to send some back to the
factory. (A) stock
(B) junk
(C) possession
(D) insurance
e I can’t _______ how many people came to my party, but I know there were a lot
of people there. (A) dump
(B) insure
(C) recall
(D) withdraw
r Many adults wish they could return to the happy days of their _______.
(A) convention
(B) childhood
(C) investment
(D) possession
t When you install new software on your computer, you should follow the _______
on screen. (A) stocks
(B) goods
(C) antiques
(D) commands
文意選填 請根據文意,選出正確的答案。
Everyone would like to find hidden treasure. That is one of the reasons eBay has become one of the most popular q on the Internet. It is a place where people can sell things, and some traders are w to visit the site nearly every day! They buy and sell just about everything, including e , computers, and even the Hollywood sign! You can find rare r for sale, sometimes for cheap prices. It is a great place to look for a(n) t . Most of the stuff you see on the site might look familiar. You might have something like it at home, sitting in a closet. Maybe it is something that you think of as y . However, you might want to take a closer look at your possessions—they might be worth a lot of money and could make you rich! So before you decide to have a clear-out and stuff in the trash, think about whether your old things could be sold. A u small i of your time on eBay could end up being very profitable.
(A) bargain
(B) investment
(C) junk
(D) sites
(E) goods
(F) enthusiastic
(G) dump
(H) antiques
Chapter 5 Leisure TRACK 43
E-book Library BiblioTech, opened in Texas in 2013, is a 100 percent digital1 public library. Apart from2 some private university3 libraries, BiblioTech is the first library to contain no physical books. This promising4 format5 has dramatically6 changed the way we borrow books. Its success has led to multiple7 branches in the San Antonio area and one satellite8 branch. BiblioTech members are able to check out an e-reader for two weeks. This grants9 everyone the privilege 10 of engaging11 in reading on an e-reader even if one isn’t affordable12. The e-reader can be loaded up with literature13 or educational14 materials. Although the facility that houses BiblioTech was old, designers made it appealing15 by making it resemble an Apple Store. This included having a large number of iMacs, tablets16, and other gadgetsu available for the public’s use. The library opened with about ten thousand titles in circulation17 and has received a steady18 100,000 visitors annually19. Evidently20 bookless libraries are a hit, and BiblioTech may be the most influential21 library of modern times.
閱讀理解 請在下列選項中,選出最適合的答案。 q What has BiblioTech done? (A) Made a big difference in the way we borrow books (B) Offered free coffee and snacks to guests (C) Made Apple products easier to buy (D) Allowed people to borrow e-readers for two months w How was the old facility improved to make it more attractive? (A) The walls were knocked down and rebuilt. (B) Musicians were invited to perform. (C) It remained open twenty-four hours per day. (D) It was made to look a lot like an Apple Store.
1 digital
adj. 數位的
. . . apart 分辨……的不同 The two sisters look so much alike that I can’t tell them apart.
那對姐妹看來如此相像以致於我無法分辨 她們。
22 E-book Library
Kyle can use his digital watch to time the race for us.
camera 數位相機 詞 digital library 數位圖書館(館藏以數位化 詞
格式儲存且便於透過網路達到資源共享功能的 圖書館) 衍 digitally adv. 以數位方式地 digit n. [C] 數字;數位;(解剖學)手指;腳 趾 衍 digitalize vt. 數位化
3 university 103 97 92
[4`p3rt] [fr3m]
phr. 除了……之外
Apart from English, Nick can also speak Japanese. 除了英文外,尼克還會說日文。 107 衍 102 91 93
apart adj./adv. 分開的/地 After being apart for two years, the couple joyfully ran into each other’s arms. 在分開兩年後,那對情人歡喜地投入彼此 的懷抱。
. . . apart from 使……與眾不同 Leonard’s love of studying sets him apart from his classmates. 雷納德熱愛讀書,讓他和班上同學有所不 同。
apart 分崩;瓦解 Our plan fell apart when Dan left the team.
當丹離開小組時,我們的計畫就失敗了。 93 片
. . . apart 拆開;拆卸 I’ll have to take this engine apart in order to find out what’s wrong. 我必須拆引擎看看出了什麼問題。
n. [C, U] 大學
My brother graduated from university last year. 我弟弟去年從大學畢業。
102 衍
2 apart from
106 衍 衍
universal adj. 普遍的;通用的 universe n. [C] 宇宙
4 promising 107 100
adj. 有前途的;大有可為的
The promising basketball player signed a deal with a professional team. 那位前途看好的籃球員和一支職業球隊簽了 合約。
107 衍
promise vt./vi./n. [C] 保證;承諾
to + V. 允諾做…… Jerry promises to quit smoking. 片
傑瑞允諾要戒菸。 promise sb. sth. 答應某人(某事)(也 可說 promise sth. to sb.)
I promised
my sister a new toy for her birthday.
我答應妹妹她生日時買新玩具給她。 片
promise 人……
sb. + that 子句 答應、允諾某
promised his mom that he would be home before 10:30 p.m.
比利答應媽媽晚上十點半前會到家。 詞
Promised Land 應許之地(為聖經 Exodus 〈出埃及記〉中上帝答應許給希伯來人「流著 奶和蜜」、如樂園一般的棲身之所。之後用以 延伸表示「最終會獲得快樂和希望的地方」)
Chapter 5 Leisure 5 format 102
8 satellite
n. [U, C] 格式;形式
adj. 附屬的;衛星的
These books are now available in electronic format.
The company has a satellite office in the neighboring town.
vt. 為……編排格式
We only get five satellite channels on our TV.
Catherine formatted the report in an easy-to-read way. 凱薩琳為這份報告編排格式,將其排成容易 閱讀的樣式。
我們的電視只有五個衛星頻道。 102 98 96
n. [C] 衛星;人造衛星
reformat vt. 重新格式化(電腦系統)
These pictures of Mars came from a satellite.
107 衍
formation n. [U, C] 構成;形成;組成
107 衍
form vt./vi. 形成 n. [U, C] 形式;類型
105 衍
formative adj. 形成的;構成的
6 dramatically 103
adv. 劇烈地;大幅地;戲劇性地
After the country’s currency dropped in value, its exports increased dramatically. 該國貨幣貶值後,出口隨之大幅成長。 同
97 衍 衍
drastically adv. 劇烈地;大大地 dramatic adj. 戲劇性的;劇烈的 overdramatic adj. 過分戲劇化的
7 multiple 106
老師印了很多份試題解析並發給學生。 同
99 衍 衍
manifold adj. 許多的;各種各樣的 multiply vt./vi. 乘;成倍數增加 multitude n. [C] 許多;一大群人
9 grant
dish 衛星天線盤;衛星接收器
vt. 給予;答應
The genie granted Aladdin three wishes. 精靈給了阿拉丁三個願望。 n. [C] 許可;答應;授與;補助金;獎學金
The university gave Alice a one-year grant. 那所大學給愛麗絲一年獎學金。 衍
granted adv./conj. 假定;就算;的確;沒錯
Drew has never held a real job. Granted, he is wealthy enough that he never needed to work.
德魯一直都沒有真正的工作。也是啦,他 有錢到不必工作。
adj. 眾多的;多重的
The teacher made multiple copies of the test review and handed them out to her students.
no quarter 不憐憫;不心軟 The professor is harsh. He grants his students no quarter. 片
. . . for granted 視……為理所當然 People in democratic countries often take their freedoms for granted.
101 片 90
在民主國家中,人民通常將所享有的各種 自由視為理所當然。
10 privilege 97
of literature 文學作品 衍 literary adj. 文學的 衍 literarily adv. 文學上地;學術上地
n. [C, U] 特權;殊榮
It was a privilege to meet the Prime Minister when he visited our city.
104 同 91 同 衍
honor n. [U] 殊榮 favor n. [U] 偏袒;給予較好的待遇
14 educational 105 101 96 92 91
privileged adj. 享有特權的
11 engage
vi. 從事;忙於(常與介系詞 in 並用) vt. 占用(時間、精力等)
engage 行……
Linda’s mind was too distracted to engage in their conversation.
琳達太過心煩意亂而無法進行他們的對 話。
104 衍 衍
engaged adj.(已)訂婚的
We found an affordable home in a good neighborhood. 我們在一個優良社區找到一間我們負擔得起 的住宅。 反
103 衍 衍
unaffordable adj. 負擔不起的 afford vt. 買得起;提供 affordability n. [U] 可負擔性;負擔能力
13 literature 104 103 91
n. [U, C] 文學作品;文學
The writer produced an impressive body of literature during his career.
educationalist n. [C] 教育家;教育學家
educationally adv. 教育上地 educate 人……
sb. in/on/about + N. 教導某
The librarian educated students in the proper use of the library.
圖書館員指導學生使用圖書館的正確方 式。
15 appealing
engaging adj. 迷人的
adj. 負擔得起的
101 99
establishment 教育機構
educate vt. 教育
education n. [U, C] 教育
engagement n. [C] 訂婚
12 affordable
這部電影具有教育性,但學生們認為這部電 影很無聊。
104 衍
in + N./V-ing 從事……;進
The movie was educational, but the students thought it was boring.
105 衍
97 91
adj. 具教育性的;教育的
Sally engaged the help of her friends to paint her new apartment. 106 片 103
E-book Library
當首相造訪我們的城市時能夠與他會面,真 是一項殊榮。
adj. 吸引人的
This French restaurant is appealing to couples who want to spend a quiet evening together. 這家法國餐廳吸引想要共度一個寧靜夜晚的 情侶。
107 同 反
107 衍
attractive adj. 引人入勝的;迷人的 unappealing adj. 無吸引力的;乏味的 appeal vi. 吸引 n. [U] 吸引力
to sb. 吸引某人 The new animated film should appeal to children.
107 片
那部新動畫片應該會吸引小朋友。 be
appealing to the eye(s) 賞心悅目 flowers on the table were quite appealing to the eyes.
那位作家在他的寫作生涯中創作了為數可觀 的大量作品。 159
Chapter 5 Leisure 16 tablet
n. [C] 平板(電腦);藥錠
Mack stared enviously at Andy’s new tablet.
20 evidently 107 104
麥克嫉妒地盯著安迪的新平板電腦。 詞
adv. 顯然
This plant evidently didn’t get enough water because now it is dead. 這株植物顯然沒有得到足夠的水份,因為它 現在枯死了。
tablet 繪圖板
100 同
17 circulation 103 96
n. [U, C] 流通;循環;(報刊等的)發行量
98 95
adj. 有影響力的
flow n. [U, C] 流;流動
Larry’s grandmother was the most influential person in his life.
circulation 流通 rumor has been in circulation for a long time.
circulate vt./vi. 循環;流通;流傳
circulative adj. 循環的
Gene watched the steady rise of the balloon into the sky. stable adj. 穩定的;牢靠的
105 反
unsteady adj. 不穩定的;易變的
104 衍
steadily adv. 穩定地;持續不斷地
adv. 每年地
Most doctors advise getting a physical checkup annually. 大部分醫師都建議每年做一次健康檢查。
107 衍
107 同
powerful adj. 有權勢的;有影響力的
100 同
dominant adj. 具有支配地位的
106 衍
mighty adj. 強而有力的 influence vt./n. [U, C] 影響
adj. 穩定的
19 annually
self-evidently adv. 不言而喻地
evidence n. [U] 證據;證明
107 衍
evident adj. 明顯的
21 influential
18 steady 103
94 衍
obviously adv. 明顯地;顯然地
The new coins were taken out of circulation shortly after they were put in.
anniversary n. [C] 週年紀念 annual adj. 每年的;一年一度的
gadget [`g1d.6t] n. [C] 小巧的器械
單字填空 請利用本單元學過的單字,完成下列句子。
q Greg will have to study very hard when he gets to u w M
e teams will be competing in this sporting event.
E-book Library
e The teacher g
d me another week to finish the assignment.
r That newspaper is no longer in c
n, but you can still read it online.
t Many soccer players earn more money weekly than I do a
文意選填 請根據文意,選出正確的答案。
In recent years, Netflix has q changed the way we watch movies and other shows. The number of people signing up for Netflix in the United States has now overtaken the number of people signing new cable TV contracts, making it the preferred w for watching shows. Netflix has seen a(n) e rise in viewers over recent years. Nevertheless, it still has some way to go to compete with other cable companies. If you add r subscriber numbers to cable subscribers, Netflix still trails behind. However, the increase in subscribers is a(n) sign for Netflix. It proves that viewers are finding their programs t appealing. Evidently many viewers prefer using their y and other digital devices to stream or download movies and shows these days. In addition, Netflix is a(n) u way to catch the movies you might have missed, as it allows you to have one account on multiple devices. Apart from the movies and shows Netflix offers from other entertainment companies, it is now also offering a growing number of hugely popular original shows of its own. It looks like Netflix will continue to viewers and maintain its rise in popularity for many years to come. i
(A) steady
(B) affordable
(C) engage
(D) promising
(E) satellite
(F) dramatically
(G) tablets
(H) format
Chapter 5 Leisure TRACK 45
Fingerboarding: Skating at Your Fingertips Have you ever wanted to skateboard but were too afraid of falling off and injuring1 yourself? With a fingerboard, you can ollieu, kickflipu, and grind2 to your heart’s content without ending up bruised3 and bloodied! People of all ages can do it, and because it’s safe, there’s no need to buy expensive protective gear, such as helmets4 or knee pads5. A fingerboard is simply a tiny skateboard that you ride with your fingers. They seemed to appear out of nowhere as key chain accessoriesu in the 1980s. They then became a pop culture phenomenon 6 after professional skateboarders were seen playing around with them in skate7 videos. Shortly8 after, fans were attempting9 their own fingerboard tricks at home and showing off their technique10 on sites like YouTube. Today, many fingerboard specialists11 have gained recognition12 on the Internet, and hundreds of people flock to annual fingerboarding conventions and competitive gatherings in places all over the world. Fingerboarding can be done almost anywhere. Weighing only a few ounces13, just tuck14 your portable15 board into your pocket and take it out whenever the urge strikes. Or, when you need a quick break from your work, shuttle16 it back and forth across your desk and make jumps over your stationeryu. Many distributors offer complete sets of fingerboards including all the tiny parts you need to get started. Some companies let you create distinct characteristics17 for your fingerboard: choose vivid18 colors, change the wheels, or add glitter19! After you get yours, all you need to rely20 on is your creativity21 to take part in this fun hobby. Go ahead and give it a try—don’t let the fun slip through your fingers.
閱讀理解 請在下列選項中,選出最適合的答案。 q Where were fingerboards first seen? (A) In the background of skate videos (B) In advertisements on YouTube (C) As decoration on key chains (D) As drawings on helmets
1 injure 101 100 99 95 92
Three people were seriously injured in the car accident. 這場車禍中有三人受重傷。
98 同
injury n. [U, C] 傷害;損傷
wound [wund] vt./vi. 使受傷;傷害 n. [C] 傷 口;創傷
What you said really injured my reputation. 你說的話真的損害了我的名聲。
•(常指因槍砲刀劍等而)受傷 • 可作名詞用,指「傷口;創傷」 The man was wounded by a knife during the fight. 那個人在打架時被刀子刺傷了。
The nurse put a bandage on the wound to stop the bleeding. 護士在傷口上紮了繃帶以止血。
She hurt her husband’s feelings when she said he should lose weight. 她對老公說該減肥了,傷了他的心。
It takes a long time to get over the hurt when someone is mean to you.
•(尤指在事故中)受傷 • 損害(名聲、成就或自尊心等) Bianca was injured in the fall, but she will be OK in a few weeks. 碧安卡跌落時受傷,但她幾個星期後 就會沒事。
•(身體某部位)感到疼痛 •(使人)痛心難過 • 可作名詞用,指「疼痛;傷痛」 She was only hurt a little when the baseball hit her.
vt. 傷害;損害;使受傷
105 衍
Fingerboarding: Skating at Your Fingertips
w What is the purpose of the third paragraph? (A) To explain the popularity of fingerboards (B) To explain why fingerboards are safe (C) To encourage bigger fingerboard competitions (D) To encourage the reader to get into fingerboarding
有人對你很惡劣時,要花一段很長的 時間才能對那份傷痛釋懷。
2 grind 107
vi. 磨擦;文中指滑板動作「磨輪架」 (grind-ground-ground)
We put oil in the machine so its parts would not grind together. 我們把油放進機器讓它的零件不會互相摩 擦。 vt. 磨(碎);碾(碎)
You need to grind the pepper into a powder before using it on the meat. 你要先把胡椒磨成粉才能把它灑在肉上。 163
Chapter 5 Leisure 衍
pork/beef 豬/牛絞肉 片 grind down 磨碎 The traditional doctor ground down the roots to make medicine. 詞
中醫師把這些根磨碎做成藥。 片
pad 滑鼠墊 詞 number pad(電腦上的)數字鍵盤
ground adj. 磨碎的;磨平的
to a halt 停止;暫停 When the machine broke down, work at the factory ground to a halt.
6 phenomenon 100 95 91
Jenny sat down on the bench and began to lace up her ice skates. 珍妮坐在長椅上並開始綁溜冰鞋的鞋帶。 vi. 溜冰;滑冰
n. [C] 瘀傷
I hurt my knee while learning how to skate.
Pam had a big bruise on her leg after walking into the pole.
潘走路撞到柱子後,腿上有一大塊瘀青。 bruised adj. 瘀青的
4 helmet
n. [C] 安全帽;頭盔
To be safe, wear a helmet when you ride your bicycle. 為了安全起見,你騎單車時要戴安全帽。 safety
5 pad 99
helmet 安全帽
skater n. [C] 溜冰者;滑冰者
skateboard n. [C] 滑板
104 103 102 98 92
Please have a seat; the doctor will see you shortly. 請先坐一下;醫生不久就會來替你看診。 片
after 旋即;不久之後 Jen left home for college and shortly after found a part-time job.
珍離家上大學,不久後就找到一份兼職工 作。
adv. 不久;立刻
n. [C] 護墊;襯墊;(一疊)便條紙
The new Apple computer is as thin as a pad of paper.
skater 花式溜冰運動員
8 shortly
Wear a pad to protect your elbow.
n. [C] 溜冰;溜冰鞋;滑冰鞋
如果你讓蘋果掉下去,會讓落地的那一邊碰 傷。
phenomenal adj. 非凡的;驚人的
7 skate
If you drop an apple, you will bruise the side of it that landed on the ground.
For Dan, forgetting his books is a common phenomenon.
披頭四在一九六○年代是搖滾樂壇轟動一時 的人物,他們的音樂到現在仍然很受歡迎。
vt./vi. 挫傷;使瘀傷;(蔬果)碰傷
n. [C] 現象;轟動、傑出的人事物(複 數為 phenomena 或 phenomenons)
The Beatles were a rock phenomenon in the 1960s, and their music is still popular today.
Paula bruised her arm when she fell off her bicycle.
這部機器故障時,這間工廠的作業都停擺 了。
3 bruise
106 同 91 同 同
soon adv. 很快地 in
no time phr. 馬上;立刻 in a short time phr. 很快地
9 attempt 93
vt. 嘗試;試圖
We attempted to fix the car ourselves.
我們試圖要自己修車。 106 98
10 technique 106 99
n. [U] (藝術、體育等方面的)技藝;技能 [C] 技術;技巧;方法
The players need to practice in order to improve their technique.
n. [C] 嘗試;企圖
It was a bold attempt, but he just couldn’t finish the race.
These pots were made using a new technique.
這些壺是用新的技術製成的。 比較
• 嘗試(較艱難的任務) She’s going to attempt a very difficult dive.
• 強調不同領域的專業能力、技術 或是科學方法
她打算嘗試一個高難度的跳水動 作。
The director is known for the shaky camera technique used in his films. 那位導演以影片中搖晃的鏡頭攝影 技巧而聞名。
Has anyone ever attempted to swim across the ocean?
• 指透過後天學習、練習、訓練後
累積而成的技能,常帶有精熟、 擅長的意思
• 嘗試(較普遍的事物) Let’s try that new restaurant downtown.
我們去試試鬧區的那間新餐廳。 片
attempts to + V. 企圖做某事 Several people made attempts to reach the top of the mountain, but only one person succeeded.
an attempt to + V. 企圖做某事 Gloria ran as fast as she could in an attempt to catch the bus.
葛蘿莉亞盡力快跑,想要追上那班公車。 片
in an attempt 企圖、嘗試
at + N./V-ing 對……的
He eats vegetables for breakfast in an attempt at living a healthy life. 他企圖過健康的生活而吃蔬菜當早餐。
Spending two months in Paris benefited Kay’s language skills greatly. 在巴黎度過兩個月對凱的語言能力 幫助很大。
幾個人試圖攻頂,但只有一人成功。 片
Fingerboarding: Skating at Your Fingertips
那是個大膽的嘗試,但他就是無法跑完那場 賽跑。
104 衍 98 衍
technical adj. 專業的;技術性的 technically adv. 嚴格來說;技術上
11 specialist 104 95
n. [C] 專家;專科醫師
Fiona is studying to be a computer specialist. 費歐娜正攻讀要成為一位電腦專家。
A skin specialist at the hospital tried to find out what was wrong with the patient. 醫院的皮膚專科醫師試著找出這位病患的問 題所在。 106 同 同
expert n. [C] 專家;能手 professional n. [C] 專家;專業人士
Chapter 5 Leisure 12 recognition 106 102 97
n. [U] 讚賞;認可;辨識;辨認
14 tuck 107
vt. 把……塞進;把……藏入
The store owner gained recognition for his local volunteer work.
Lauren tucked her hands into her coat to warm them up.
那間店的老闆因為在當地做志工服務而獲得 讚譽。
蘿蘭把手塞進外套裡來讓手暖和。 片
The clerk showed no recognition of me, even though I had spoken to him before.
voice-recognition 軟體
98 93
recognition of 以表彰……;承認…… An award was given to the teacher in recognition of all the work she did over the years.
13 ounce
I have a portable radio that we can take to the beach.
portable document 件格式(簡稱為 PDF)
format 可攜式文
portability n. [U] 可攜帶性;輕便
16 shuttle
vt./vi. 往返運送(人、貨物);往返穿梭
The MRT shuttles passengers all over the city.
You will need an ounce of butter for this recipe.
捷運在全市往返運送乘客。 95 92
n. [C] 定時往返兩地的班車;接駁車
We can take a shuttle to the airport; that is cheaper than a taxi.
• 表重量
ounce 盎司(常寫為 oz,約等於 28.3 公克)
pound 磅(約等於 453.6 公克,16 盎司等於 1 磅) kilogram 公斤
• 表高度或長度
adj. 手提式的;便於攜帶的
n. [C] 盎司(英制重量單位)
tucked away 很隱密、人煙稀少的地
15 portable
recognize vt./vi. 辨識;識別;承認;確認
(be) 方
漢克帶茱莉去一間隱藏在巷道中的時髦爵 士酒吧。
那位老師獲頒一項獎項以表揚她多年來的 奉獻。 106 衍
away 把(某物)藏起來 Sarah read the note from Bill then tucked it away in her inside pocket.
Hank took Julie to a hip jazz club that was tucked away down a side street.
from + N. 得到……的
Sherry won recognition from the judges in the dance competition. 片
software 語音辨識
facial recognition system 臉部辨識系 統(能分析人的臉部特徵來辨別身分) win recognition 肯定、認同
莎拉看了比爾給她的紙條,然後把它藏在 衣服內袋裡。
即使我之前和這名店員說過話,他還是認不 出我來。
inch 英吋(約等於 2.54 公分) foot 英呎(約等於 30.48 公分,複數為 feet) mile 英里(約等於 1.6 公里)
102 詞
shuttle space
bus 接駁巴士 shuttle 太空梭
17 characteristic 107 106 105 95
n. [C] 特色;特徵
Patience is one of Jeffrey’s finest characteristics. 耐心是傑佛瑞最棒的特質之一。 adj. 典型的;特有的
用在印度料理的香料有一種特殊的味道。 107 衍
characterize vt. 描述……的特性
18 vivid 106 98 90
106 105 102 94 92
Jack didn’t want to rely on his parents for anything. 傑克不想任何事都依賴父母。 depend
on/upon v. phr. 依賴;信賴 同 count on v. phr. 仰賴;依靠;指望
21 creativity 107 94 90
vi. 依賴;依靠;信賴(之後須接 on 或 upon)
105 同 99
n. [U] 創造力;創意
It takes a lot of creativity to write a television show every week. 每週要寫一齣電視劇要有許多創意。
106 衍
creative adj. 有創意的
107 衍
creation n. [U, C] 創作品;產物
史丹有生動的想像力,而且是個很有創意的 作家。 106 衍
vividly adv. 歷歷在目地;逼真地
19 glitter
n. [U](裝飾用)小發光物;亮片
Some girls put glitter in their hair when they go dancing.
The walls were painted a vivid red. Stan had a vivid imagination and was a very creative writer.
Fingerboarding: Skating at Your Fingertips
The spices used in Indian cooking have a characteristic flavor.
20 rely
ollie [`3li] vi. 豚跳(指一項滑板動作,即以雙腳帶板 起跳,可踩著滑板越過障礙、跳上台階甚至矮牆等) kickflip [`k6kfl6p] vi. 腳尖翻板 accessory [1k`s5s4r6] n. [C] 裝飾品;配件(作此義 時常用複數形)
stationery [`ste]4~n5ri] n. [U] 文具
一些女孩去跳舞時在頭髮上放了閃亮的飾 品。 vi. 閃閃發光;閃爍
Annie’s jewelry glittered in the sunlight. 安妮的珠寶在陽光下閃閃發光。 衍
glittering adj. 閃耀的;發光的
glittery adj. 閃爍的;華麗的
Chapter 5 Leisure 單字填空 請利用本單元學過的單字,完成下列句子。
q Try not to i
e yourself when you go skiing this winter!
w When Todd got home from his soccer game, he was covered in b e You can’t r
y on your parents to do the work for you.
r Kelly’s dad always has to s
e her from place to place.
t Electronic devices are becoming much more p
e these days.
克漏字測驗 請根據文意,選出正確的答案。
The Dutch are famous for their love of ice skating. There are many shallow canals in The Netherlands that often freeze in winter. As soon as the water freezes, Dutch people take to the ice and skating has become a cultural q . Young children w to stand on the ice as soon as it freezes. They seem to have no fear that they will injure themselves and never wear e or pads. Dutch people rely on this natural ice to practice their skating techniques. This is one reason why they have won r as the best ice skaters in the world. A few bruises along the way will not stop them, and their t toughness has taken them to the top of the skating world.
q (A) skill
(B) expert
(C) phenomenon (D) wound
w (A) attempt
(B) grind
(C) recognize
(D) depend
e (A) skateboards
(B) helmets
(C) glitter
(D) creativity
r (A) recognition
(B) creation
(C) portability
(D) hurt
t (A) glittering
(B) bruised
(C) technical
(D) characteristic
Bored? Play a Tabletop Game A family is gathered together indoors1 after dinner, but they aren’t communicating. The parents watch TV, while the kids surf2 the Internet. Do these circumstances3 sound familiar? Fortunately4, there’s a simple way to break down this communication barrier: play a tabletop game. 5
24 Bored? Play a Tabletop Game
Tabletop games enable people to interact with one another through laughter and sharing. By virtue of6 playing them, we are forced to pay attention to others’ words and actions, which is the basis of communication. We also get to spend quality time together. Besides strengthening relationships, areas of our brains responsible for memory formation7 can benefit from these games. A stronger brain has a lower risk of disease. Consequently 8, another primary 9 benefit of playing tabletop games is a reduced chance of cognitive10 difficulties, such as those related11 to Alzheimer’s.
There are hundreds of tabletop games, but a few are particularly good for developing our imagination12 and communication. Dixit Odyssey comes with a set of cards that have colorful, fantastic images. In this game, the “storyteller” gives an oral13 clue regarding14 a selected card, and the other players must guess which card the storyteller used. If drawing is your preferred mode15 of communication, there’s Pictomania. Players furiously16 draw and guess what their opponents17 are drawing. Other exciting games test your wits through role play. In a game with a Wild West theme18 called Bang!, players take on various identities, and the winner is determined by which characters manage19 to stay alive. These and other tabletop games take entertainment to a whole new level. They not only have a high fun factor20 and let us feel connected21 to each other, but you might also start thinking like a genius22.
Chapter 5 Leisure 閱讀理解 請在下列選項中,選出最適合的答案。 q What is an advantage of playing tabletop games? (A) It cures diseases of the brain. (B) It makes talking less important. (C) It makes us better at remembering things. (D) It is one of the easiest things to do on the Internet. w What do you do in the game Bang!? (A) Guess a card (B) Look at pictures (C) Play a character (D) Tell a story
1 indoors 94
the Internet 上網 The computer comes complete with all the software you’ll need to surf the Internet.
adv. 在室內
During periods of rain, the children spend more time indoors.
105 衍
3 circumstance
vt./vi. 上網瀏覽
Kylie surfed the Web looking for good travel deals to Europe.
vi. 衝浪
indoor adj. 室內的;戶內的
n. [C] 情形;情況 [P](事情)原委;詳情; 生活狀況;環境
If we want our business to survive, we have to adapt to changing circumstances.
Danny learned to surf in Australia.
若我們想要事業能存活下來,就得適應瞬息 萬變的情況。
n. [U] (沖擊岩石、海岸的)碎浪;海浪; 浪花
The children played in the surf at the beach while their parents watched them. 那些孩子在父母的看顧下,在海邊的浪花中 嬉戲。 同
and turf 海陸雙併;海鮮牛排餐 surfer n. [C] 衝浪客 衍 surfing n. [U] 衝浪 詞
outdoors adv. 在戶外;往戶外
2 surf
下雨期間,孩子們花比較多時間待在室內。 反
browse vt./vi./n. [U, S] 瀏覽
surroundings n. [P] 環境;周遭的情況
107 同
environment n. [C] 環境
107 同
condition n. [U, C] 環境;狀況
107 同
situation n. [C] 情況
pomp and 場面、儀式
circumstance 盛大而隆重的
felt that the pomp and circumstance associated with the Oscars was boring; she only wanted to know who had won.
5 enable 105 104 95
under the same 同的情況、情勢下
circumstances 在相
it possible phr. 使之可能 disable vt. 使失去能力;使傷殘 片 enable sb. to + V. 使某人能夠做…… Your help enabled us to finish the project on time. 同
under any circumstances 在任何情況 下;無論如何
4 fortunately
幸好公車正好在開始下雨前抵達,所以我們 沒淋濕。 91 同 106 反 91 衍
luckily adv. 幸運地;幸好 unfortunately adv. 不幸地;遺憾地;可惜 fortunate adj. 幸運的
100 衍
unfortunate adj. 不幸的;倒霉的
107 衍
fortune n. [U, C] 財富;財產;好運
misfortune n. [U, C] 不幸;厄運
virtue n. [U, C] 優點;長處
7 formation 107 105 102 96
n. [U] 形成;[C] 隊形
The formation of gray clouds in the sky suggested that it was about to rain. 空中有烏雲形成顯示快要下雨了。
adv. 幸運地;幸好
Fortunately, the bus arrived right before it started to rain, so we didn’t get wet.
[ba6] [`v-t]u] [4v]
馬克靠著父親的人脈進了那所聲譽卓著的大 學。
no circumstances 決不;無
By virtue of his father’s connections, Mark was admitted to the prestigious university.
no circumstances are you allowed to look at students’ medical records.
phr. 依靠;憑藉
not let Jane use my computer under any circumstances.
under/in 論如何不
enabling adj. 授權的;賦予權力的
6 by virtue of
I will
91 片
Bored? Play a Tabletop Game
had been under the same circumstances as the people on the damaged plane, you would have been scared too. 狀況,也會驚嚇不已的。
The scholarship enabled Sam to go to college.
103 反
If you
vt. 使能夠;使成為可能
107 衍
form vt./vi. 形成 n. [U, C] 形式;類型
102 衍
format n. [U, C] 模式;格式 vt. 格式化
105 衍
formative adj. 形成的;構成的
8 consequently 94 93
adv. 結果;因此
Jack broke his arm. Consequently, he had to drop out of the tournament. 傑克摔斷了手臂。因此,他不得不退出比賽。
107 同
hence adv. 因此
107 同
therefore adv. 因此
consequent adj. 隨之發生的;作為結果的
consequential adj. 隨之發生的
107 衍
consequence n. [C] 後果;結果;重要性 171
Chapter 5 Leisure 9 primary [`pra6~m5r6]
12 imagination [6~m1d.4`ne]4n]
95 92
adj. 主要的;最初的
The primary use of this tool is to get ice off car windows.
103 90
這個工具的主要用途是去除車窗上的冰。 97 反
102 衍
secondary adj. 次要的
107 同
For a healthy body, eating low-fat foods is secondary to a balanced diet.
primarily adv. 主要地;基本地
cognitively adv. 認知上地
you write a story, you should let your imagination run wild.
102 101 100 97 92
adj. 有關聯的;有親屬關係的
These articles are on related topics. 這些文章在題材上是有關聯的。
cities like Paris capture people’s imagination because they are so beautiful.
意。 93 衍 衍
91 衍
107 95
related to 與……有關 All of the work I do is related to the publishing industry.
107 片
92 衍
我的工作全都與出版業有關。 relate vt./vi. 有關;涉及;使有聯繫
102 衍
relation n. [C, U] 關係
103 衍
relationship n. [C, U] 關係;感情
104 衍
relative adj. 有關的 n. [C] 親戚
102 衍
relatively adv. 相對地;相較而言
imagine vt./vi. 想像 imaginary adj. 幻想的;虛構的
adj. 口頭的;口述的;口腔的
The students were more afraid of the test’s oral section than the written part. 比起筆試,學生們更害怕考試的口試部分。
金和強納森有姻親關係。 unrelated adj. 不相關的;無關的
imaginative adj. 有想像力的
13 oral [`7r4l]
Kim and Jonathan are related through marriage. 反
capture one’s imagination 使某人感興 趣;吸引某人注意
cognition n. [U] 認知;知識
11 related [r6`let6d] 105
one’s imagination run wild = let one’s imagination take flight
為了身體健康,吃低脂食物的重要性僅次 於均衡飲食。
Cognitive functions become stronger as children get older.
106 衍
creativity n. [U] 創意;創造力
adj. 認知的
You have to use your imagination to appreciate this painting. 你得運用想像力才有辦法欣賞這幅畫。
10 cognitive [`k3gn4t6v] 106
n. [U, C] 想像力
orally adv. 口述地;口頭地;口服地
14 regarding [r6`g3rd6;] 104 101 95 94
prep. 關於;至於
Carl had a talk with his boss regarding his coworkers. 卡爾和老闆談了關於同事的事。
96 同
concerning prep. 關於;涉及
93 同
106 衍
regard to phr. 關於;涉及 regard vt./vi. 與……有關;注重
15 mode [mod]
n. [C] 方式;模式;風格
Psychology studies different modes of thought.
manner n. [S] 方式;方法 method n. [C] 方法;辦法
adv. 猛烈地;拼命地;狂怒地
湯姆拼命工作以完成他的專案。 同
madly adv. 狂怒的;猛烈的
furious adj. 大發雷霆的;狂怒的;猛烈的
17 opponent [4`pon4nt] 100
In spite of the storm, the pilot managed to land the plane safely. 儘管有暴風雨,飛行員還是設法將飛機安全 降落了。
98 95
vt. 管理;經營
103 衍
management n. [U] 管理;經營
107 衍
manager n. [C] 經理;經理人
rival n. [C] 競爭對手 supporter n. [C] 支持者;擁護者
18 theme [qim]
91 反
vi. 設法應對或處理(+ to V.)
Nina narrowly beat her opponent to win the tennis match.
competitor n. [C] 競爭者;對手
Jake managed a small company.
98 同
n. [C] 主題;主旋律;主題曲
Have you been to that new bar with the Hawaiian theme? 你去過那間以夏威夷為主題的新酒吧嗎?
105 同
subject n. [C] 主題
park 主題樂園 衍 themed adj. 以……為主題的 詞
n. [C] 對手;敵手
105 同
19 manage
Bored? Play a Tabletop Game
Tom worked furiously to finish his project.
•(寫文章或者討論的)主題 Let’s change the topic; I’m tired of talking about the movie. 我們換個話題吧,我厭倦討論這部電 影了。
16 furiously [`fj8r64sl6] 104
The movie’s theme is that good will always defeat evil. 這部電影的中心思想是邪不勝正。
心理學研究不同的思考模式。 103 同
20 factor 105 103 102 99 98
n. [C] 要素;因素
His background became a factor when he was looking for a job. 他在找工作時,背景成了一項因素。 vt. 把……作為因素計入;把……分解成
Gina forgot to factor the cost of commuting to her new job into her monthly budget. 吉娜忘了將新工作的通勤花費計入每月的預 算。 106 同
element n. [C] 要素;成分
Chapter 5 Leisure 21 connected [k4`n5kt6d]
22 genius [`d.inj4s]
adj. 有聯繫的;有關連的
I like to feel connected to my friends, so I often look at social media.
105 90
a stroke of genius 靈光一現;神來之筆 Not usually an original thinker, his last idea was a stroke of genius. 片
Laurie is interested in any topic that is connected to art.
蘿瑞對任何與藝術相關的主題都有興趣。 disconnected adj. 分離的;不連貫的
106 衍
connect vt./vi. 建立關係;連結
107 衍
connection n. [U, C] 連結
Ernest is a genius with languages. 恩尼斯特是個語言天才。
我喜歡和朋友彼此有連結的感覺,所以我常 看社群媒體。
107 反
n. [C] 天才 [U, S] 天賦;天資
平時雖不是個具獨創想法的人,但他上次 那個點子可真是神來之筆。
connectible adj. 可連結的
字彙測驗 請利用本單元學過的單字,選出正確的答案。
q My friend goes to Hawaii every year because he loves to _______.
(A) browse
(B) surf
(C) enable
(D) imagine
w Because of her job _______, Tina won’t be going on vacation this year.
(A) formation
(B) connection
(C) virtue
(D) circumstances
e Most people consider Albert Einstein to have been a(n) _______.
(A) element
(B) manager
(C) genius
r The tennis player beat his _______ in an exciting match.
(A) surroundings (B) format
(C) opponent
(D) competitor (D) supporter
t Cost is often a(n) _______ when deciding which college to go to.
(A) factor
(B) relation
(C) method
(D) fortune
文意選填 請根據文意,選出正確的答案。
(A) manage
(B) mode
(C) imagination
(D) cognitive
(E) indoors
(F) connected
(G) themes
(H) primary
24 Bored? Play a Tabletop Game
It doesn’t take a genius to realize that kids love playing video games. The amount of time teens in particular are devoting to this activity is a worry for some. Parents are worried that their kids are spending too much time q and are not spending time with friends. Consequently, video games have received a lot of negative attention. Fortunately, studies have found that playing video games is not all bad, and there are actually many positive factors for teenagers. The goal of many video games is to use skill to beat an opponent. When w playing in multi-player e , teens can be seen furiously pressing buttons on their controllers. This behavior may seem extreme, but it actually enables teenagers to develop essential r skills. Many popular video games also require a great deal of t , as players build their own unique worlds and characters. Many parents don’t like the violent y in some video games and feel like their children’s oral and social skills are suffering. However, most kids would say that these games are social and allow them to stay u with friends even if they live miles away. Instead of stopping kids from playing video games, parents should the time spent gaming. As long as there is a balance between gaming i and other activities, there is probably no harm in it.
Chapter 6
Unit 25
Idioms from Greek Mythology
Unit 26
The Benefits of Speaking a Second Language
Unit 27
Watching Your Words: The Issue of Political Correctness
Unit 28
Tips for Remembering What You’ve Learned
Chapter 6 Education TRACK 49
Idioms from Greek Mythology There are many expressions in English that can be traced1 back to Greek mythologyu. By looking into the stories behind these idioms2, we can better understand their meanings. According to legend, Achilles was Greece’s greatest warrior. However, he was eventually killed in the Trojan War by an arrow shot through his heel3. Nowadays4 we call someone’s weak spot their “Achilles’ heel.” The war ended when the Trojans found an enormous5 wooden horse at the outer6 city border7. Deceived8 into believing it a peace offering, they naively9 rolled it inside. That night, Trojan soldiers were awakened and killed by Greeks who had been hiding within. This is the origin of the idiom “beware10 of Greeks bearing gifts.” Moreover11, a “Trojan horse” describes a seemingly harmless program that actually compromises12 computer data, or generally anything that brings about defeat13 through deception. Greek mythology is full of tragic14 stories. To find more that impacted the English language, look up the myths15 “Pandora’s box” to see how curiosity16 brought evil17 into the world and the “Midas touch” to see how helping a god’s companion18 led to the power to make anything golden.
閱讀理解 請在下列選項中,選出最適合的答案。
Which idiom describes something that lacks strength? (A) Achilles’ heel (B) Trojan horse (C) Pandora’s box (D) Midas touch
Why did the Greeks give the Trojans a gift? (A) To show off their skills (B) To give the Trojans a trophy (C) To trick the Trojans (D) To give up the fight
1 trace 107 104 101
vt. 追溯;查出(常接 back to + 時間、來源或起因)
My family line can be traced back to a king of England.
the entire race on the heels of the lead runner, but I could never pass him.
vt. 追蹤
We need to trace the e-mail back to the person who first sent it.
company is hot on our heels! We’d better come up with some ideas for new products fast.
retrace vt. 折返;回溯 trace (something’s) 源頭;追本溯源
roots 找尋……的 片
have traced the roots of the story back to a Greek myth.
following at/on the 接在另一件事之後發生
25 Idioms from Greek Mythology
(hot) on (someone’s) heels 緊追在(某 人)後面;(在競爭的情況下)緊隨(某人) 之後
I spent
heels of 某事緊
right on the heels of winning an Oscar, Nicole Kidman has just won another award.
2 idiom
n. [C] 成語;慣用語
“It’s raining cats and dogs” is an English idiom used to say that it’s raining very
4 nowadays 106 104 102
「下貓狗雨」是一個英文慣用語,用來表示 雨下得很大。
3 heel
95 92
adv. 現今;時下
Nowadays people spend several hours a day at their computers. 現今人們一天花好幾個鐘頭在電腦上。
106 同
n. [C] 腳後跟;(鞋子)後跟
99 同
recently adv. 近來;最近 lately adv. 近來;最近;不久前 these
days phr. 近來這些日子
Chloe cut her heel on some glass hidden in the sand.
5 enormous
Janice isn’t used to wearing shoes with high heels. 珍妮絲不習慣穿鞋跟高的鞋子。 衍
adj. 巨大的;龐大的
We went to see the whales and they were enormous! 我們去賞鯨,牠們非常巨大!
well-heeled adj. 富有的
Chapter 6 Education vt. 與……毗鄰或接壤;形成……的邊界
The street that borders the park has large trees on it.
• 有比較意味 • 正式用語 As the storm approached, the beach was buffeted by enormous waves.
no borders 眾所周知;風行全球 Baseball is played all over the world; it knows no borders. 片
隨著暴風雨的逼近,巨浪不斷衝擊 著沙灘。
Mr. Donaldson has an enormous fortune, so he does not need to work.
bordered by 被……環繞 My grandmother’s house is bordered by a lot of apple trees.
全球。 片
唐納森先生擁有龐大的財富,所以 他不需要工作。 等)巨大的
• 無比較意味 • 普通用法 Tom had a huge dinner; he’s so full that he can hardly walk.
我祖母的房子四周有許多蘋果樹。 衍
borderline n. [C] 邊界;邊境
8 deceive 93
vt./vi. 欺騙;欺瞞
Sue’s boyfriend promised that he would never deceive her.
湯姆晚餐吃了很多,他飽到幾乎走 不動。
蘇的男友承諾他永遠不會欺騙她。 比較
The new office is really huge. 新的辦公室真的很大。 99 同
grand adj. 雄偉的;盛大的
91 同
tremendous adj. 巨大的;極大的
106 反
102 93 91
edge 外緣部分 [`b7rd0]
n. [C] 邊界;鑲邊
Matt drove from the United States across the Canadian border. 麥特開車從美國跨越加拿大邊界。
事或從某人身上取得某物) trick
I can’t believe my friends tricked me into coming to this party. 我不敢相信我的朋友哄騙我來這場派 對。
92 衍
inner adj. 內部的;靠近中心的
7 border 97
The outer circle was bigger than the circle inside.
Don’t try and deceive me; tell me the truth! 別想騙我,跟我說實話!
adj. 外部的;外面的
102 反
•(隱瞞實情或顛倒是非來)欺騙、矇 蔽、誤導(某人)
tiny adj. 極小的;微小的
6 outer
deception n. [C] 欺騙;騙人的把戲 n. [U] 欺騙;欺詐
9 naively 94
adv. 天真地;無邪地
I naively believed that I could fix the problem. 我天真地相信自己能解決那個問題。 衍
naive adj. 天真的;稚氣的
10 beware
vi. 當心;小心(+ of)vt. 提防;注意
該支棒球隊的球員在慘敗之後覺得非常沮 喪。
11 moreover 93
n. [C, U] 失敗;戰敗
The players on the baseball team were very upset after their terrible defeat.
When you walk in the woods, you should beware of snakes. Beware the sharp curve in the road up ahead.
13 defeat
96 92 91
這碗湯比那個漢堡便宜。此外,它比較健康, 還能提供你更多能量。
14 tragic 105 96 92
furthermore adv. 此外 in
addition phr. 此外
12 compromise
Smoking cigarettes compromises your health by damaging your heart and lungs. 抽煙會因傷害心臟及肺部而危及健康。 vi. 妥協;屈服
The boss compromised, giving us extra holidays but no raise.
adj. 悲慘、不幸的;悲劇的
The tragic love story of Romeo and Juliet is known by many people.
103 反 衍
94 衍
comic adj. 喜劇的;使人發笑的 tragically adv. 不幸的是;悲慘地 tragedy n. [U] 悲劇體裁 [C] 悲劇;慘案; 災難
15 myth 103
n. [C, U] 神話(= mythology [m6`q3l4d.6])
There is a myth about how a woman in a lake gave a sword to King Arthur. 有一個神話是關於湖中女子賜給亞瑟王一把 神劍。
老闆妥協了,提供我們額外的休假但沒有加 薪。
n. [C] 迷思;沒有根據或錯誤的想法
n. [C] 妥協(方案);折衷(辦法)
In the West, there used to be a myth that women were worse drivers than men, but it was proved to be untrue.
The two businessmen finally reached a compromise after having a long meeting.
vt. 損害;危及;連累
defeated adj. 覺得挫敗的;被擊敗的
Idioms from Greek Mythology
This soup is less expensive than that hamburger. Moreover, it is healthier and will give you more energy.
95 同
The blue team defeated the red team in the football game. 藍隊在足球賽中擊敗了紅隊。
adv. 而且;此外
105 同
vt. 擊敗;戰勝
在西方曾有女士開車技術比男士差的迷思, 但已證明那並非事實。
這兩名商人在歷經冗長的會議後終於有了折 衷方案。 同
give-and-take n. [U] 折衷;妥協
Chapter 6 Education 比較
• 神話,通常由虛構的人事物構成 Every culture has its own myths about how the world was created.
17 evil 96 91
每個文化都有自己的神話,解釋世界 是如何被創造出來的。
• 傳說,有可能是真實的歷史事件 • 傳奇人物 According to legend, Robin Hood stole from the rich and gave to the poor.
費雯麗是好萊塢傳奇人物。 衍
mythical adj. 虛構的;神話的
16 curiosity
n. [C, U] 禍害;惡行;罪惡
The hero in the story fights evil and defends justice. 那個故事裡的英雄對抗邪惡並維護正義。
adj. 邪惡的;惡毒的
The evil guy in the movie was killed at the end. 那部電影裡的壞蛋最後被殺死了。
Vivien Leigh is a Hollywood legend.
lesser of two evils 兩害相權取其輕
18 companion 96 93
n. [C] 同伴
The hero and his companions had many adventures together.
n. [U] 好奇心
那位英雄與他的伙伴一起經歷了許多的探 險。
Children have a lot of curiosity about things that surround them.
小孩子對他們周圍的事物有很大的好奇心。 n. [C] 罕見而新奇、珍奇之物
The magician’s home was filled with curiosities.
•(泛指)同伴;夥伴;朋友 I hope to find a companion to travel with me on my next companion trip. 我希望下一次的旅行能找到同伴 和我一起去。
of curiosity 出於好奇 Out of curiosity, the children opened the large wooden box. 片
•(婚姻)伴侶;配偶 •(工作)夥伴;搭檔 As you would choose a partner for life, so should you choose a career.
盒。 慣
105 衍 衍
Curiosity killed the cat. 好奇心害死貓 (警戒人們不要過分好奇)。 curious adj. 好奇的;渴望知道的
•(公事上的)同伴;同事 My colleagues and I speak English at work.
curiously adv. 好奇地;奇異地;奇怪地
你選擇職業應該跟選擇人生伴侶 一樣。
Bruce is looking for a partner for his new business. 布魯斯正在為他的新事業尋找夥 伴。
mythology [m6`q3l4d.6] n. [U, C](總稱)神話 182
單字填空 請利用本單元學過的單字,完成下列句子。
q Maggie was trying to t w N
e her cousin who she had never met.
s people seem more interested in looking at their phones than
e The workers n r You should b
y thought that their factory would stay open. e of e-mails that ask you for money.
t Jake went to see the band perform out of c
25 Idioms from Greek Mythology
克漏字測驗 請根據文意,選出正確的答案。
William Shakespeare is considered the greatest writer in the English language. His work has been translated into every major language and has influenced the English language itself, with many q still being used nowadays. He wrote a(n) w amount, including many poems and plays. One of his most famous plays is Macbeth. It is a tragic story of the desire for power. In the play, the character Macbeth hears from three witches that he will be king. His curiosity and ambition is aroused. With his wife’s help, he kills the king and steals the Scottish kingdom. He his former companion and also has him killed. Macbeth becomes truly e evil as more murders follow. Even though the witches told Macbeth to beware, he is eventually defeated when an army crosses the r from England. The play is considered so horrifying that there is a(n) t that claims that it is cursed and its name should never be spoken. Instead, it is often called “The Scottish Play.” Nevertheless, it remains as one of Shakespeare’s most performed plays. q (A) idioms
(B) heels
(C) deceptions
(D) partners
w (A) outer
(B) enormous
(C) tragic
(D) evil
e (A) compromises (B) deceives
(C) retraces
(D) borders
r (A) colleague
(B) companion
(C) border
(D) defeat
t (A) tragedy
(B) compromise
(C) myth
(D) trick
Chapter 6 Education TRACK 51
The Benefits of Speaking a Second Language To many people, the point of learning a second language may not be very obvious1. Recently, several studies have shown that learning a second language provides benefits that extend beyond being able to speak with different groups of people—it may actually make you smarter! Bilingual2 people tend to perform better on mental tasks such as problem-solving, planning, and recalling details3. Those fluent4 in two languages have also proven to excel5 at focusing on strictly useful information. In regard to social advantages, bilingualism improves a person’s ability to perceive6 emotions. Surprisingly, the ability to speak a second language may even aid in the prevention of mental disorders7. It has been demonstrated that as a person matures8, bilingualism delays the effects of cognitive loss and can even increase the likelihood9 of recovering from a stroke10. It was once believed that bilingual children could suffer major disadvantages11, such as developing learning difficulties or even split12 personalities 13. Thankfully 14, these beliefs have been proven false. Nevertheless, it’s true that bilingual people are more likely to have weaker verbal15 skills in both of the languages they speak since the knowledge of one language causes interference16 with the other. Moreover, bilingual people may have more trouble recalling a specific word. Most would agree that the pros outweigh the cons. Across the world, schools are adding more and more second-language programs to their curriculum17. Sometimes certain academic18 subjects are even instructed19 in a second language to maximize20 student learning. Though the path to bilingualism may be challenging, don’t despair21! With all its amazing benefits, any time devoted to learning a second language is undoubtedly22 time well spent.
閱讀理解 請在下列選項中,選出最適合的答案。 q In what way do bilingual people tend to improve their cognitive ability? (A) They read information faster than average. (B) They have more things to talk about with their families. (C) They encounter more problems to solve. (D) They become better at remembering things. w What is a downside to learning more than one language? (A) The person may get angry more easily. (B) The person may lose his or her identity. (C) The person may be slow to remember certain words. (D) The person may suffer from a stroke. Unit 高頻字彙
98 96
bi- 作字首時發音為 [ba6],指「二;雙;兩倍」。 bi- 也可以表示「每兩……發生一次」或「兩次」 的意思。同樣以 bi- 為字首的字還有: • biracial [ba6`re]4l] adj. 雙種族的
The most obvious sign of a cold is sneezing. 感冒最明顯的徵兆是打噴嚏。 apparent adj. 顯而易見的
unobvious adj. 不明顯的
it is 然
obvious that . . . ……是明顯的;顯
obvious that the cheap handbag is not made of genuine leather.
那個廉價手提包顯然不是真皮製成的。 100 衍
obviously adv. 顯然
2 bilingual 95
• biannual [ba6`1nj84l] adj. 每年兩次的;每半
evident adj. 明白的;顯而易見的
adj. 雙語的
People whose parents speak two different languages often grow up bilingual.
adj. 明顯的;顯然的
94 同
The Benefits of Speaking a Second Language
1 obvious
• biweekly [ba6`wikli] adj. 每兩週一次的;每 週兩次的
3 detail 95 92
n. [U, C] 細節;詳述
The lawyer refused to discuss the case in any detail. 那位律師不願意討論這案件的任何細節。 片
into detail 詳細說明 Vanessa went into detail about why she thought her business plan ultimately failed.
凡妮莎詳述她認為自己的生意會失敗的原 因。
那些父母說兩種不同語言的人通常長大後也 能通雙語。 衍 衍
lingual adj. 舌的 bilingualism n. [U] 習用兩種語言;能用兩 種語言 185
Chapter 6 Education 片
93 衍
to the last detail 極為仔細地 The salesman planned his sales presentation down to the last detail.
detailed adj. 細緻的;詳細的
布蘭達罹患嚴重的胃病。 90 同
disturbance n. [U, C] 混亂;騷動;擾亂 disorderly adj. 混亂的;無秩序的
adj. 流利的;流暢的
William is fluent in both French and German.
107 衍 99 衍
excellent adj. 極好的;卓越的 excellence n. [U] 優秀;卓越
6 perceive
vt. 意識到;察覺
Many animals will run away if they perceive a threat. perceive 是……
隨著小企鵝發育成熟,牠也開始掉毛。 107 101 100
adj. 成熟的
You act like a little boy, not like a mature man. 你表現得像個小男孩,不像成熟的男人。 片
into 成為;發展為 grandmother watched her grandson mature from a child into a young man.
祖母看著孫子從一個孩子長成為年輕人。 比較
sb./sth. as . . . 把……視為
Smiths perceived the neighborhood as dangerous and did not buy the house.
98 衍 衍
•(水果、人或動物)成熟的 •(人)深思熟慮的;慎重的 Don’t pick the fruit until it matures. 等到水果熟了再摘。
He is physically mature, but emotionally he’s still a child. 他生理上是個成熟的人,但是情感 上還是個孩子。
史密斯夫婦認為那個社區治安不好而沒買 衍
As the baby penguin matured, it also began to lose its fur.
許多動物若察覺到威脅就會跑走。 片
Stress Disorder 創傷
vi. 趨於成熟;完善
Allan excels at any sport that he tries because he is a natural athlete.
Post-Traumatic 後壓力症候群
8 mature
vi. 突出;擅長(之後常接 at 或 in) vt. 勝過他人
Amy excels the rest of the class in math.
disorder 飲食失調 genetic disorder 遺傳性疾病;先天性疾 病
fluency n. [U] 流暢
艾倫是天生的運動員,所以他嘗試的任何運 動都表現傑出。
n. [C, U] 疾病;失調 [U] 混亂;騷亂
Brenda is suffering from a serious stomach disorder.
5 excel 93
這個業務員十分謹慎地準備他的業務報 告。
4 fluent 91
7 disorder
He made a mature judgment.
perceived adj. 理解的;認為的
perception n. [U, C] 洞察;理解
•(水果、穀物等)成熟的 We can pick the apples when they are ripe.
perceptive adj. 察覺的;能掌握情況的
蘋果成熟時我們就可以摘了。 186
98 衍
immature adj. 不成熟的 premature adj. 過早的
9 likelihood 105
n. [U] 可能性
The likelihood of finding pieces of gold in the river is very small. 要在這條河裡找到金子的可能性很小。 片
all likelihood 可能性極高;十之八九 In all likelihood, it will rain this afternoon, so bring your umbrella with you. 今天下午很有可能會下雨,所以隨身帶把 傘吧。
10 stroke 97
n. [C] 中風;(病)突然發作
After my grandfather had a stroke, he had trouble moving his right arm. 我爺爺中風後,他的右臂活動不便。 n. [C] 筆觸
The painter uses short, quick pencil strokes to draw pictures. 這名畫家採用簡短迅速的筆觸來作畫。 vt. 輕摸;撫摸
Jean stroked her dog’s fur to calm it down. 琴撫摸她狗狗的毛讓牠平靜下來。
stem stroke 腦幹中風 片 a stroke of luck 意外的好運 It was a stroke of luck finding the coat you wanted on sale! 詞
101 99
n. [C] 缺點;不利因素;劣勢(dis- 表示「相反; 否定」)
One of the disadvantages of living alone is that you have to do all of the chores yourself. 獨居的缺點之一就是得自己做所有家事。 vt. 使處於不利地位;損害
The proposed tax law would disadvantage small business owners. 被提出的稅法將不利於小型企業主。 105 反 衍
advantage n. [C] 好處;優勢;有利條件 disadvantaged adj. 弱勢的;貧困的
12 split
stroke 作名詞時亦可指划船、游泳的划法或游
曬太多炙熱的陽光會讓頭髮尾端分叉。 vt. 劈開;分開(過去式和過去分詞皆為 split)
Mike used a knife to split the apple into two parts. 麥可用刀子把蘋果分成兩半。
The teacher split his class into two groups for the debate. 老師將班上學生分成兩組進行辯論。 vt. 分割;分配
Mark and Tracy split the profits from their bake sale. 馬克和崔西分配他們賣蛋糕的利潤。 比較
•(將完整的東西)分成(幾個部分) • 分攤(費用等) The thieves split the money among themselves. 那群小偷自己平分了那筆錢。
Are we going to split the bill?
• breaststroke 蛙式
• backstroke 仰式 • side stroke 側泳
Too much hot sun can give you split ends in your hair.
• butterfly stroke 蝶式
adj. 分裂的
能找到你想要的外套在特賣真是意外的好 運啊!
The Benefits of Speaking a Second Language
11 disadvantage
• 撕破;撕碎(紙張、布料等) This fine paper tears very easily. 這紙質地細緻,很容易撕破。 187
Chapter 6 Education 片
up(男女朋友、夫妻)分手 Alex and Theresa split up last weekend.
14 thankfully 103
昨晚我家被闖空門,不過幸好有價值的東西 沒有被偷走。
n. [C, U] 個性;性格 [C] 名人
Jean’s personality makes it hard for her to make friends. 珍的個性讓她不易結交朋友。
•(多指天生的)個性;性情 •(透過外在言行舉止及內在思想
Morris has a kind personality and everybody likes him.
Jamie has a down-to-earth personality.
105 92
Paula has such an energetic personality; she lit up the party as soon as she arrived.
•(多為後天養成的)品格;性 格;品行
personality 人格分裂
interfere vi. 介入;干預
n. [C] 課程(複數可寫成 curricula [k4`r6kj4l4] 或 curriculums)
The international school teaches the same curriculum used in the United Kingdom. 那間國際學校教授的課程和英國採用的相 同。
鮑伯的好性格歸功於他父母的影 響。
Samuel objected to his mother’s interference into his private life.
17 curriculum
n. [U] 妨礙;干涉;介入
Bob’s great character is attributable to the influence of his parents.
Tom is a man who has good character.
verbally adv. 口語地;口頭地
• 偏「道德」層面用語,如正、邪
verbalize vi./vt. 用言語表達;說出;(使) 變成動詞
16 interference
寶拉個性如此活潑,她一出現整 個派對就熱鬧了起來。
adj. 言語的;口頭的;動詞的
雖然傑克沒有簽訂任何文件,但他的確在口 頭上同意了。
• 偏「感情;情緒」層面用語,
莫理斯個性親切,大家都很喜歡 他。
Although Jack didn’t sign anything, he did give a verbal agreement.
情緒,而給人強烈印象的)個人 特質
thankful adj. 感謝的;感激的
15 verbal 100
adv. 幸好;幸虧
My house was broken into last night, but thankfully, nothing of value was stolen.
13 personality
18 academic 103
adj. 學業方面的;學術的;學院的
The university has very high academic standards. 這所大學有很高的學術水準。
n. [C] 大學教師;教授;大學生;學者
21 despair
This summit is open to academics, industry leaders, and government workers.
vi. 絕望;垂頭喪氣
You can’t win at tennis every time you play, so don’t despair.
這個高峰會開放給學者、業界領袖及政府職 員參加。 99 衍
n. [U] 絕望
In despair, the lost child started yelling for his parents.
vt. 指示;吩咐;指導
Professor Nell instructed his students in proper essay writing. 奈爾教授指導學生如何適當地書寫論文。
業務經理吩咐他的團隊要多了解公司的產 品。 104 衍
99 衍
instruction n. [U] 教學;指導 [C] 指示;命 令 [P] 用法說明;指導手冊 instructor n. [C] 教練;教師;指導員
20 maximize
22 undoubtedly 99
adv. 毫無疑問地;無庸置疑地
There are undoubtedly more people at the festival this year than there were last year.
今年參加節慶的人毫無疑問比去年多。 105 同
The Benefits of Speaking a Second Language
The sales manager instructed his team to learn more about the company’s products.
academically adv. 學術上
19 instruct
certainly adv. 無疑地;必定;確實
a doubt phr. 毫無疑問 question phr. 無疑 同 no question about (something) phr. (某事)毋庸置疑;毫無疑問
vt. 將……擴大到極限
To maximize profit, the company looked for ways to cut the costs of production. 為了要擴大利潤,該公司尋求能縮減生產成 本的方式。 98 反
minimize vt.(使)減到最少;(使)縮到 最小
延伸 本字由形容詞 maxim(um) 加上字尾 -ize 而 來。-ize 為動詞字尾,常接在名詞或形容詞之 後,表示「使……」。例如:
• apolog(y) 歉意 + -ize = apologize 道歉 • energ(y) 活力 + -ize = energize 使充滿活 力
• memor(y) 記憶力 + -ize = memorize 熟 記;背誦
• final 最終的 + -ize = finalize 使完結;定案 • special 專門的 + -ize = specialize 使專門 化;專攻 189
Chapter 6 Education 字彙測驗 請利用本單元學過的單字,選出正確的答案。
q Children who live in another country are often _______.
(A) obvious
(B) apparent
(C) bilingual
w The student included a lot of _______ in her report.
(A) interference
(B) detail
(C) disturbance
(D) split (D) curriculum
e My sister has a rare _______ which means she can’t go in the sun.
(A) instruction
(B) despair
(C) stroke
(D) disorder
r The garden was filled with many _______ plants and trees.
(A) mature
(B) detailed
(C) disadvantaged (D) thankful
t The _______ of you getting into that university is pretty slim.
(A) advantage
(B) likelihood
(C) excellence
(D) perception
文意選填 請根據文意,選出正確的答案。
In our ever-changing world, many parents are turning to more unusual education choices for their children. Traditional schools are q by some to disadvantage learners in the modern age. All parents want their children to at school, but what this means exactly can vary greatly from family to w family. The curriculum in most traditional schools focuses on e learning, getting good grades, and achieving a place at college or a good job upon graduation. Some parents feel, however, that this does not allow for differences in r and does not allow children to mature at their own pace. The pressure on children, especially teenagers, in today’s society is t leading to increased levels of stress and despair. This is one of the reasons why some parents are seeking something new. The Montessori teaching method instructs children in open, mixed-age classrooms and y free choice in their learning. Waldorf schools place a lot of emphasis on freedom, social skills, and u communication. Foreign languages are taught from an early age, allowing children to become i early on. While there are obvious advantages to these methods, many worry that students at these schools are disadvantaged in the college application process. Thankfully, more colleges are recognizing the value of other forms of education, meaning that parents have more choices now than ever before.
(A) excel
(B) maximizes
(C) verbal
(D) undoubtedly
(E) personality
(F) perceived
(G) fluent
(H) academic
Watching Your Words: The Issue of Political Correctness Language is constantly changing, and a term that is morally 1 acceptable2 at one time and place might have a different interpretation3 at another. The effort to prevent offence4 by avoiding coarse5 language is known as political6 correctness. Take the adjective handicapped7 for instance. This word has become offensive because it focuses on the negative aspect8 of a disease or accident and defines a person in a nasty9 lightu. It is more proper10 to use personfirst terminologyu by saying a person with a handicap. Unit
27 Watching Your Words: The Issue of Political Correctness
While there are some clear types of offensive language, such as racial11 and sexist insults12, others are less obvious. For instance, words that contain the suffixu -man, like policeman and chairman13, have now largely been replaced by genderless14 expressions such as police officer or chairperson. Similarly, in some news publications15, the feminine16 suffix -ess may also be avoided, so both men and women are now called actors. The problem is that there is no general agreement in some of these cases. Even seemingly obvious examples of politically incorrect words are not always clear-cut. Generations17 prior18, the word negro was used before being replaced by colored. This word gave way to the word black and more recently African-American. However, black is the preferred term for the majority19 of British people and has become commonplace20 again in the United States. In South Africa, the term colored is used to refer to people of mixed-race origin, though elsewhere 21 it screams22 racismu. Political correctness began as a movement to change the way language influences our ideas. Although critics feel it sometimes goes too far, its intentions23 are noble24. Language is a powerful weapon, and we should be cautious not to discriminate25.
Chapter 6 Education 閱讀理解 請在下列選項中,選出最適合的答案。 q Which of the following is an example of being politically correct? (A) Trying to use language that does not offend others (B) Driving within the legal speed limit (C) Not worrying about how your words will be interpreted (D) Voting for a person who has the same values as you do w Which term avoids giving a gender label? (A) Mailman (B) Stewardess (C) Saleswoman (D) Businessperson
1 morally 103
adv. 道德上;道德地
106 同
explanation n. [U, C] 解釋;說明;闡述
107 衍
interpret vt./vi. 表達;演繹;口譯
It is morally wrong to spread rumors about other people. 散佈他人謠言是不道德的。 反
98 衍 衍
immorally adv. 不道德地
She didn’t mean to cause offence, but she was always upsetting people.
satisfactory adj. 滿意的
unacceptable adj. 無法接受的 accept vt./vi. 接受
acceptance n. [U] 接受;認可;承認
acceptability n. [U] 可容許性
3 interpretation 99
reinterpretation n. [U, C] 重新詮釋
morality n. [U] 道德;道義
n. [U] 冒犯;觸犯;得罪
In the past, it wasn’t socially acceptable for women to wear short skirts.
interpreter n. [C] 口譯員
4 offence
她無意冒犯,但她總是會讓人覺得不高興。 衍
offensive adj. 冒犯的
104 衍
offend vt. 冒犯;觸怒
adj. 可接受的;滿意的
107 衍
moral adj. 道德上的;有道德的
2 acceptable 99
n. [U, C] 詮釋;闡明
I’m not sure I agree with your interpretation of the character. 我不太認同你對那個角色的詮釋。
5 coarse 90
adj. 粗魯的;(質地)粗糙的
The students were punished for their coarse behavior in the classroom. 學生們因為他們在教室裡的粗魯行為而被懲 罰。
After years of living at the beach, Pete’s skin had turned coarse and brown. 在海邊居住多年後,彼特的皮膚變得粗糙、 黝黑。
99 同
rough adj. 粗糙的
coarsen vt./vi.(使)變厚;變粗糙
coarsely adv. 粗糙地
6 political
10 proper 101 99
adj. 政治的
The president clarified his position on political reform during his live televised speech.
105 衍 94 衍
Everything should be put back in its proper place.
99 同
appropriate adj. 合適的;恰當的
99 反
improper adj. 不合適的;不恰當的
106 衍
politically adv. 政治上
politics n. [U] 政治;政治學
politician n. [C] 政客;政治人物
7 handicapped
adj. 適合的;適當的;正確的;得體的
總統在現場直播的電視演說中,闡明他在政 治改革上的立場。 衍
handicap n. [C] 障礙;不利條件
8 aspect 106 104 103
n. [C] 方面;部分;(事物)外觀;樣子(常接 of)
Talking to customers is an important aspect of a salesperson’s job. 與顧客談話是業務工作中很重要的一個面 向。
105 同
11 racial 103 100 93
adj. 令人不快的;讓人討厭的
Veronica’s nasty attitude usually made her teacher quite upset. 維若妮卡討人厭的態度常讓她的老師生氣。 同
disgusting adj. 令人厭惡的
hateful adj. 討厭的;可恨的
98 反
pleasant adj. 令人愉快的
adj. 種族的
The government guaranteed racial equality. 政府保證種族平等。
discrimination 種族歧視 The passage of the Civil Rights Act in 1964 made racial discrimination illegal in the US. 詞
明示種族歧視為違法之舉。 107 衍
keep/maintain a proper distance from + N. 與……保持適當距離
appearance n. [C] 外貌;外表;露面
9 nasty
懂得適當聆聽是良好溝通的關鍵。 improperly adv. 不適當地;不正確地
Watching Your Words: The Issue of Political Correctness
Knowing how to listen properly is a key to good communication.
important to keep a proper distance from the TV to avoid damaging your eyes.
adj. 殘障的
安迪正在建造混凝土坡道,讓行動不便的顧 客也能進入他的店。
properly adv. 正確地;適當地
Andy is installing a concrete ramp so that handicapped customers can access his shop.
race n. [U, C] 種族;比賽
racially adv. 按人種地;人種上
racialism n. [U] 種族主義
12 insult [`6ns9lt] n. [C] 侮辱
Sam often takes people’s criticism as an insult. 山姆經常將別人的批評當作是侮辱。
Chapter 6 Education 90
[6n`s9lt] vt. 侮辱;羞辱
形容詞字尾 -less 表示「沒有;無」的意思,如 文中的 gender 加上 -less,表示「無性別差異 的」,來看其他例子:
Leroy insulted Jessica by telling her that she has bad taste in clothes. 李洛伊羞辱潔西卡,說她穿衣服的品味很糟。 101 同 93 反
• meaning 意義 + -less = meaningless 無意
abuse vt./vi./n. [U] 辱罵
• speech 言語 + -less = speechless 說不出話
compliment vt./n. [C] 恭維;讚美
insult to injury 雪上加霜 Jeanne’s boss recently started giving her much more work to do, and to add insult to injury, he told her he was lowering her salary. 片
珍的老闆最近開始大幅增加她的工作量, 更糟的是,他還說要砍她的薪水。
insulting adj. 侮辱的;無禮的
13 chairman
• thought 思考 + -less = thoughtless 欠考 慮的
• worth 價值 + -less = worthless 無價值的
15 publication 104
The chairman began the meeting.
我們的雜誌公司每月發行二到三本出版品。 105 衍
主席開始了會議。 101 同
chairperson n. [C] 議長;主席
14 genderless
性別 sex
• 可用於指稱整體的男性或女性 We can determine the sex of the bird by the color of its feathers.
publisher n. [C] 發行人;出版商
masculine adj. 男性的;有男子氣概的
feminism n. [U] 女性主義;女權運動
feminist n. [C] 女性主義者
99 96
n. [C] 代;世代;同代人
Colin’s family has lived in this village for six generations. 柯林家族住在這個村子裡已有六代了。 片
from 代代
generation to generation 世世
This farm was passed down from generation to generation in my family.
從這隻鳥羽毛的顏色我們就可以確定 牠的性別。
17 generation
At the religious school, classes were divided by age and gender. • 泛指生物(包括人、動植物)上的
gender n. [C] 性別 [C, U](語法中的)性
publishing n. [U] 出版業
Many people say pink is a very feminine color.
• 用於表示人的性別 • 常用於表示社會、文化、心理、語
adj. 女性的;女人味的
Some stores have started to introduce genderless clothing for children.
publish vt./vi. 出版;發行;刊登
16 feminine
adj. 無性別差異的;無性的
102 衍
n. [C] 出版物
Our magazine company puts out two to three publications per month.
n. [C] 議長;主席;社長;董事長
104 衍 衍
generate vt. 產生
22 scream
regeneration n. [U] 再生;新生
100 97
18 prior
We were given no prior notice that the meeting time would be changed.
每當布蘭登吹噓他的成就時,就顯示出他的 不安全感。
The boys screamed loudly on the roller coaster.
104 片
94 衍
to 在……之前;先於 The teacher asked the students if they had any questions prior to the exam.
n. [C] 尖叫
My cousin let out a scream when the bat flew at her.
priority n. [C] 優先事項;優先
For the present, your first priority is to finish your homework.
當那隻蝙蝠飛向我表姐時,她發出一聲尖 叫。 同
96 同 衍
n. [S] 多數;大多數
The majority of students start college right after high school. 大多數學生唸完高中後就會直接唸大學。
103 反
minority n. [S] 少數族群;少數
107 衍
major adj. 主要的
20 commonplace
104 100 93
adv. 在別處;往別處
The store did not have the knife that I wanted, so I had to look elsewhere. 那家店沒有我想要的刀子,所以我必須去別 的地方找。
Richard actually had no intention of attending the party. intentional adj. 故意的 intent n. [U] 意圖
24 noble 93
adj. 高尚的;值得稱頌的;貴族的
Tammy did a noble thing when she stopped the boys’ fight.
rare adj. 罕見的
21 elsewhere
n. [C] 意圖;目的;打算
新科技會有問題是很常見的。 107 反
screaming adj. 叫喊的;使人驚嘆不已的
Problems with new technology tend to be commonplace.
yell vt./vi. 大喊;吼叫
23 intention
adj. 普遍的;常見的
shriek vt./vi. 尖叫
Watching Your Words: The Issue of Political Correctness
19 majority 102
vt.(詞語或形象)極為醒目;高聲喊出 vi. 尖叫;驚呼
Whenever Brandon brags about his accomplishments, it screams insecurity.
譚美阻止男生們打架的行為值得推崇。 101
n. [C] 貴族
The king invited all the nobles to a great feast. 國王邀請所有貴族參與盛宴。 同
lofty adj. 崇高的;高尚的
aristocratic adj. 貴族的
nobly adv. 高貴地;高尚地
nobleness n. [U] 高貴 195
Chapter 6 Education 25 discriminate 105 93
in a . . . light [6n] [4] [la6t] phr. 從……的角度
vt./vi. 歧視;偏袒;有差別地對待
person-first terminology [`p-sx`f-st]
The company cannot discriminate on the grounds of age.
[~t-m4`n3l4d.6] 以人為本的術語
suffix [`s9f6ks] n. [C] 單字字尾
The disease does not discriminate between ethnicity or gender.
racism [`res6z4m] n. [U] 種族歧視
discriminate against sb. 歧視某人 The new law discriminates against minorities.
105 衍 衍
discrimination n. [U] 歧視;辨別 indiscriminate adj. 無差別的;不加區別的
單字填空 請利用本單元學過的單字,完成下列句子。
q Most people think it is m w It is often difficult for h e There’s a n r This p
d people to get around the city.
y smell in here—please wash the dishes! n will tell you all about the latest movies.
t I bought some flowers p
y wrong to steal from others.
r to visiting my grandmother.
克漏字測驗 請根據文意,選出正確的答案。
Mean and nasty teasing, or bullying, is a(n) q problem in many schools. Some children are insulted on a daily basis. Most schools have the noble intention to prevent bullying. However, many w that can lead to bullying exist in a lot of schools. This is because most schools have a(n) e of students who are part of a large group based on income level, race, language, or ability. Students who are outside of this group for racial or gender reasons, or because they are handicapped in some way, are more likely to be bullied. They are against at school and elsewhere. Even though most people consider r this morally unacceptable, there has been little political will in most countries to make schools more inclusive. Proper, inclusive education would mean that the next would be more tolerant and instances of bullying would be reduced. t q (A) commonplace
(B) acceptable
(D) genderless
w (A) interpretations (B) aspects
(C) insults
(D) nobles
e (A) scream
(B) offence
(C) publication
(D) majority
r (A) abused
(B) accepted
(C) discriminated (D) insulted
t (A) intention
(B) chairman
(C) generation
27 Watching Your Words: The Issue of Political Correctness
(C) political
(D) explanation
Chapter 6 Education TRACK 55
Tips for Remembering What You’ve Learned When it’s time to prepare for an exam, many students study by rereading their textbooks in earnest 1. However, drilling 2 the same chapters3 over and over may not be the most economic4 occupation5 of time. You get most of the useful information from a text during your initial6 reading. The second time around, your mind tells you that you know the information already. This makes you pay less attention to what you’re reading. A good strategy is to create questions about the material and then try to answer them. If you’re learning about a war, ask yourself where and when it took place and how it started. This way, your strengths and weaknesses regarding the text will become evident. Even if you don’t get all the answers right, the procedure7 of asking and answering will make you less forgetful8 of your material. There are other good approaches to retaining9 information. Drawing pictures to represent information works especially well for the sciences. For example, instead of reading over geography texts again, you can illustrate10 the continents11 and label them. Creating images helps you clarify12 how things are related. Flash cards are an active learning tool for learning vocabulary words. When we’re using these, we should review both what we’re not familiar with yet and what we already know. However, cramming13 right before the deadline14 is not an adequate15 method. This style of study is sure to leave you with shortages in your knowledge foundation16. Instead, grant yourself enough time to have gaps17 between study sessionsu. Like any part of the body, the brain needs to be trained with diligence18. Choose the right methods of exercise so you don’t waste time and energy while studying.
閱讀理解 請在下列選項中,選出最適合的答案。 q When does a student get most of the information from a text? (A) On the first reading (B) On the second or third reading (C) While writing a summary (D) While taking a test w What is the recommended method for studying how human organs work? (A) Ask yourself when human organs first developed and where they came from. (B) Write down each organ’s name on a piece of paper with a definition on the back. (C) Draw a picture of the entire human body with the organs shown and then name them. (D) Read your biology book as many times as possible on the night before the test.
1 earnest 105 104 103
adj. 認真的;真誠的
瑪莎是個認真的學生,她努力唸書要成為律 師。 in
earnest 認真地;鄭重地 When Bill learned he was moving to Japan, he started learning Japanese in earnest.
當比爾得知他要搬去日本,就開始認真學 日文。
n. [C, U] 操練;訓練;演習 [C] 鑽頭
During training, soldiers spend many hours doing drills.
Our lesson today was interrupted by a fire drill. 我們今天的課程因為消防演習而中斷了。
Kay used a drill to make a hole in the wood. 凱用一支鑽頭在木頭上鑽洞。 詞
vt. 操練;訓練
The teacher drilled the class in the new vocabulary they had to learn. 老師訓練學生牢記必須學習的生字。 vi./vt. 鑽(孔);鑽探
2 drill
Tips for Remembering What You’ve Learned
Marsha is an earnest student who is studying hard to become a lawyer.
electric/power drill 員
drill 電鑽
home 反覆講透(要點、想法等) My father is constantly trying to drill home the importance of saving money to me.
我父親不斷試圖向我反覆講述存錢的重要 性。
The company wants to drill for oil here, but the government won’t allow it. 該公司希望在此探鑽石油,但政府不允許。
Chapter 6 Education 3 chapter 106 96
n. [C] 章;篇;(人生)階段;(歷史)時期
The book was divided into twenty chapters.
5 occupation 101 97
4 economic 107 105 101 98
我只和那名男子短暫交談,所以我並不知道 他的職業為何。
那位藝人離開勒戒中心後,展開了人生新 的一頁。 [~ik4`n3m6k]
adj. 經濟的;經濟學的
The world is going through difficult economic times right now.
107 衍
occupy vt. 占領;占用
occupier n. [C] 占領者
101 同 同
104 衍 詞
economy n. [U, C] 節約;節省;經濟情況; 經濟結構 economical adj. 符合經濟效益的;節約的
100 99
• 經濟上的 • 通常置於名詞前 The president’s economic advisors are trying to solve the financial crisis.
adj. 最初的;開始的
The initial step of the game is to give each player five cards.
n. [P](姓名或組織名的)首字母
All of Jessica’s towels have her initials on them. 潔西卡所有的毛巾上都有她名字的首字母。 106 衍 詞
initially adj. 起初;剛開始
initial minimum deposit(銀行)最低 開戶金額
initial public offering 首次公開發行(簡 稱為 IPO,為企業公開上市的一種方式,即透 過證券交易所首次推出股票供社會大眾認購, 以募集企業發展所需的資金)
總統的經濟顧問正試著解決金融 危機。
holding n. [C] 把持;保持
這個遊戲一開始的步驟是給每個玩家五張 牌。
economy class(客機的)經濟艙
possession n. [U] 擁有 [C] 所有物;財產
6 initial
世界現正經歷著艱難的經濟時局。 98 衍
Japanese occupation of Taiwan began in 1895 and lasted until 1945.
I only talked to the man briefly, so I never learned what his occupation was.
亞當經歷痛苦的離婚之後,熱切期盼展開生 命的新階段。
whole new chapter 新的局面 After leaving rehab, the star began a whole new chapter of her life.
n. [U] 占據;占用 [C] 職業;工作
日本人占據台灣始於一八九五年一直持續到 一九四五年。
After his painful divorce, Adam was eager to start a new chapter in his life.
• 符合經濟效益的;節約的 It’s more economical to have roommates than to live alone.
7 procedure
n. [U, C] 程序;步驟;手續;(手術)療程
There are many steps in the procedure for applying for this job. 申請這份工作程序上有很多步驟。
The doctor assured Mona that the procedure would be painless.
延伸 字尾 -ful 可與名詞或動詞組成形容詞,表示有 「……特質的」。如 forgetful 為 forget 遺忘 + -ful = forgetful「健忘的」。其他例子還有︰
醫生向夢娜保證這個手術不會痛。 詞
customs procedure 報關手續;通關程序
• meaning 意義 + -ful = meaningful 有意義 的
• 常指書面、會議或工作上的程
• harm 傷害 + -ful = harmful 有害的
序或步驟 procedure
我的律師解釋了我開業需要辦的 手續。
• use 功用 + -ful = useful 有用的
My lawyer explained the procedures that I need to go through to set up a business.
• 常指步驟間的過程 Jeremy visited a factory and watched the process of making ice cream.
• beauty 美麗 + -ful = beautiful 美麗的(原 字字尾為 -y 時要去 -y 再加 -iful)
9 retain 100 97
傑瑞米參觀了一家工廠,觀看冰 淇淋的製造過程。
8 forgetful
vt. 記住;保留;保有
I studied French for five years in school, but I retained barely any of what I learned. 我在學校學了五年法語,但所學的都沒有記 住。
Even though Eric is old, he has retained the happy energy he had as a child.
My brother is very forgetful, and often leaves his keys at home.
雖然艾瑞克老了,他仍保有小孩時的那份快 樂能量。
衍 衍
forgetfulness n. [U] 健忘;疏忽 forgettable adj. 易被忘記的;可能被忘記 的
• 健忘的 You are so forgetful! You didn’t remember to meet me after work. 你好健忘喔!你不記得下班後要 跟我碰面。
• 易被忘記的 Most of the author’s books are forgettable, but he wrote forgettable one that I really liked. 這位作者大部分的書都很容易被 遺忘,但他寫了一本我真的很愛 的書。
retain 有權
Tips for Remembering What You’ve Learned
adj. 健忘的
a/one’s foothold 維持立足點 It’s becoming increasingly difficult for us to retain a foothold in the e-commerce sector. 要在電子商務領域維持立足點,對我們來 說是越來越難了。
10 illustrate 102 91
Jake is a professional artist who recently illustrated a children’s book. 傑克是專業畫家,最近替一本童書畫插畫。
The painting illustrates the English countryside. 這幅畫描繪了英國鄉村風貌。
I’ll show you some examples to illustrate my point. 我會給你看一些例子來說明我的論點。 201
Chapter 6 Education 106 衍 91 衍 詞
illustration n. [U, C] 說明;圖示;插圖
14 deadline
illustrated adj. 有插畫的
book 繪本
11 continent 92 91
n. [C] 大陸;洲
Columbus sailed west in 1492 and found a new continent.
I don’t think that thin coat will be adequate, because it is supposed to get very cold tonight.
我不認為穿那件薄外套會是恰當的,因為今 天晚上會變得非常冷。 107 同
市長發表演說闡明他的立場。 clarification n. [C, U](意義等的)澄清; 說明;(液體的)淨化
13 cram
vi./vt. 硬記;填鴨教學;把……塞進或塞滿
I have to go home and cram for tomorrow’s test.
sufficient adj. 足夠的;充分的 inadequate adj. 不充分的;不足的
16 foundation 96 92
n. [C] 基礎;根基;地基;基金會
This course is designed to give students a strong foundation in Spanish grammar.
這門課是設計來讓學生打穩西班牙語的文法 基礎。
You either cram all those clothes into one suitcase or pay to take a second one.
The workers first made the foundation, and then they started to build the walls of the house.
你不是把全部的衣服塞進一個行李箱,就是 得付費帶第二個箱子。
school 補習班 片 be crammed with 塞滿 The store is only small, but it is crammed with clothing. 詞
adj. 足夠的;合乎需求的;適當的
vt. 闡明;使清楚;使純淨
The company does not have adequate staff to do the work required.
continental breakfast 歐陸式早餐(以 供應麵包和咖啡為主,較為簡便的早餐)
The mayor gave a speech to clarify his position.
Jordan worked hard to meet the project’s deadline.
15 adequate
continental adj.(大寫)歐陸的;大陸的
12 clarify
n. [C] 截止期限
哥倫布一四九二年西航發現新大陸。 衍
工人先建造地基,然後他們開始建造房子的 牆壁。
He started up a foundation to help the victims of the earthquake. 他創立一個基金會來幫助地震受害者。 詞
foundation 根基
stone 建築物的基石;穩固的
lay the foundation(s) for 子時)打地基;為……奠定基礎
We must lay the foundation for the house before winter. 我們必須在冬天之前為這棟房子打好地 基。
The research laid the foundations for major developments in this field. 那項研究為這個領域的重大發展奠定了基 礎。
17 gap 106
18 diligence
n. [U] 勤奮;勤勉
Completing the marathon took great diligence and mental strength. 馬拉松競賽需要強大的毅力和意志力。 詞
due diligence 審慎調查;必要準備(常用 於商業領域中,指企業或組織投資之前,為了 評估風險所做的審慎分析或必要的準備工作)
session [`s5]4n] n. [C](活動等的)一段時間
n. [C] 縫隙;缺口;欠缺
My dog escaped from our yard through a small gap in the fence. 我的狗從院子圍欄的小縫隙逃跑了。 延伸
gap 常用來形容在某個範疇裡,兩方或兩者 之間有很大的差異、差距或隔閡。以下列舉和
gap 相關的常見詞彙: • generation gap 代溝 • age gap 年齡差距
28 Tips for Remembering What You’ve Learned
• pay gap 薪資差距/差異 • education gap 教育差距 • information gap 資訊落差 • technology gap 科技落差
Chapter 6 Education 字彙測驗 請利用本單元學過的單字,選出正確的答案。
q The teacher told his students to read one _______ of the book each week.
(A) procedure
(B) process
(C) chapter
(D) illustration
w The _______ growth of the country has slowed down in the last decade.
(A) illustrated
(B) forgetable
(C) sufficient
(D) economic
e It is very hard to become a successful actor, so you should consider a different
_______. (A) possession
(B) occupation
(C) clarification
(D) drill
r Craig was very _______ and could never remember his appointments.
(A) economical
(B) forgetful
(C) continental
(D) adequate
t I don’t understand your instructions; could you please _______ them for me?
(A) clarify
(B) occupy
(C) cram
(D) retain
文意選填 請根據文意,選出正確的答案。
The q of any geography course at school is often to know which countries make up our world and where to find them. However, many people have in their knowledge in this area. Most students are aware of all the w continents, but can’t remember the names of countries. Even when they the names repeatedly, the knowledge doesn’t stick. Now a website has e come up with a fun way to learn and r country names. In the “Countries of the World” quiz by JetPunk, a map t the world and you have 15 minutes to type in as many country names as you can remember. The map is filled in as you type and once the y passes, you can see which countries you missed. Your u score may be quite low, but you will notice that you become less forgetful of names the more you play. This is a less i way to cram for a geography test than reading the chapters of a textbook, but it’s still a great way to learn!
(A) drill
(B) initial
(C) retain
(D) earnest
(E) illustrates
(F) gaps
(G) deadline
(H) foundation
Chapter 7
Unit 29
Old Metals Become New Medals
Unit 30
Olympics Out of the Ordinary
Unit 31
Working Out the Truth about Exercise Myths
Chapter 7 Sports TRACK 57
Old Metals Become New Medals Every two years, countries send out their best delegation1 of athletes2 to strive3 for thousands of gold, silver, and bronze4 medals in dozens of categories5 at the Olympic Games. For the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo, the city’s Olympic organizing committee6 is using an unconventional7 source to harvest8 the metal needed to make these medals: mobile phones9. By the summer of 2020, Tokyo will need to manufacture 10 five thousand medals for its Olympic and Paralympicu Games. To meet this goal, Japan is encouraging its citizens to chip11 in by sacrificing12 their old phones. Mobile phones have small amounts of valuable metals in them which can be loosened13 through a chemical process. The committee says it is a recipe14 for reaching 100 percent recycled15 content for the Games. It predicts16 that in excess of eight tons of metal will be collected. While this campaign will provide relief17 to the environment and reduce the cost of financing18 the Games, these aren’t its only benefits. Japan is showing that giving out a medal can be just as much a triumph19 as receiving one.
閱讀理解 請在下列選項中,選出最適合的答案。
What is Japan asking for from its citizens? (A) Gold (B) Medals (C) Athletic training (D) Mobile phones
What will Japan’s campaign for the 2020 Olympics do? (A) It will increase the cost of hosting. (B) It will allow for every medal to be made from recycled material. (C) It will guarantee that Japan wins some gold medals. (D) It will attract fewer competitors to the Games.
1 delegation 95
n. [C] 代表團
A Brazilian delegation will attend the trade conference in June. 巴西代表團將會參加六月份的貿易研討會。
a category with 與……屬於同類 The writer is in a category with some of the horror fiction greats. 片
Basketball players are among the tallest athletes. 籃球選手位居身高最高的運動員之列。 衍
103 94
6 committee 101 98
athletics n. [P] 田徑比賽;體育運動
3 strive
n. [C] 運動員
n. [C] 種類;範疇;類別
由主管分派任務是大多數辦公室裡常見的作 法。
98 90
The Taiwanese movie won a prize in the foreign films category.
The delegation of tasks by managers is a common practice in most offices.
copper adj. 銅的;銅製的;紅銅色的 n. [U] 銅 [C] 銅製品
5 category
n. [U](工作、職責等的)分配;委派;授權
2 athlete
n. [C, U] 委員會
The committee focuses on the prevention of violence against women. 這個委員會著重於預防女性遭受暴力對待。
vi. 努力;力求(之後接 to V. 或 for N.) (strive-strove/strived-striven/strived)
如果你想成功,就必須努力做到更好。 106 同
pursue vt.(努力)追求
106 同
endeavor vi. 努力;力圖
4 bronze
adj. 青銅製的
On her bookshelf, Veronica has a small bronze statue of an elephant.
The museum is showing bronzes from ancient Iran. 博物館正在展示來自古伊朗的青銅器。
committee 福委會
7 unconventional 107 99
adj. 非常規的;非慣例的;非一般的
Sometimes unconventional solutions are the most effective. 有時候非常規的解決方法是最有效的。
105 反
conventional adj. 慣例的;常見的
8 harvest
vt. 獲得;得到
The author is very famous and has harvested many awards.
維若妮卡的書櫃上有一個小的青銅大象雕 像。 n. [U] 青銅;[C] 青銅器
subcommittee n. [C] 小組委員會
Old Metals Become New Medals
If you want to succeed, you must strive to do better.
這位作者非常有名且多次獲獎。 97 94
vt. 收穫;收割
The farmer did not want to harvest his wheat right after the rain. 農夫不想在剛下完雨時就收割他的麥子。
Chapter 7 Sports 104 99
n. [C, U] 收割;收成
They celebrated the harvest with a huge feast.
My favorite snack is a bag of chips and a soda.
他們以盛大的宴會來慶祝豐收。 衍
over-harvest vt./vi. 過度採收;過度捕撈
9 mobile phone
[`mob4l] [fon]
n. [C] 手機
I’ll be out of the office all day, so call me on my mobile phone if you need to reach me.
104 94
chippy adj. 碎片的;易怒的;暴躁的
vt. 製造;生產
Many companies in Taiwan manufacture computer equipment.
n. [C, U] 犧牲
Maggie had to make a lot of sacrifices to send her son to the expensive school. 瑪姬必須做出很多犧牲才能送她兒子去上那 所昂貴的學校。
n. [C] 製品
13 loosen
The company is developing new methods of paper manufacture.
103 100
該公司正在發展生產紙製品的新方式。 104 衍
manufacturer n. [C] 製造商
11 chip
The government loosened some immigration rules. 政府鬆綁了一些移民規定。 片
up 放鬆(心情) Ed’s been under a lot of pressure at work; he needs to loosen up. 艾德一直在高壓中工作,他需要放鬆。
loosen one’s 的支配、控制
grip on 使某人失去對……
Some analysts think that Google might loosen its grip on the browser market.
vt. 鑿
During winter, many Canadians have to chip ice off their cars before driving to work. 冬天時,許多加拿大人在開車上班前得鑿下 他們車上的冰。
vt./vi. 使鬆弛;鬆開;放寬
vi. 捐助;共同出錢;插嘴(+ in)
We all chipped in and got Sam an iPod for his birthday. 我們一起湊錢買 iPod 作為山姆的生日禮物。
chip 績優股
Kim sacrificed her personal life for her job. 105
chipper adj. 爽朗的
vt./vi. 犧牲;獻出
phone n. [C] 手機
10 manufacture
12 sacrifice
我一整天都會離開辦公室,所以要聯繫我請 打我的手機。 103 同
n. [C] 洋芋片(美語);炸薯條(英語); 碎屑;晶片
有些分析師認為谷歌可能會失去瀏覽器市 場的掌控。 片
loosen 大開支
the purse strings 放寬預算;擴
The board is going to loosen the purse strings and approve additional spending. 董事會將放寬預算並核准額外花費。 208
14 recipe 107 104 103 90
n. [C] 訣竅;方法;食譜
John thinks his new idea will be the recipe for success that he has been looking for.
這份食譜裡需要牛奶,但柔依卻用豆漿代 替。
15 recycle 103 101 99 98 94
relief 減稅 詞 debt relief 債務清償 詞
103 98 91
Steve isn’t very good at managing his finances; he is often short of money. 史帝夫不擅於管理自己的財務,他常缺錢。 105 衍 衍
vt. 預測;預言
93 衍
105 衍 同
financial adj. 金融的;財務的 refinance vt./vi. 重新貸款
19 triumph 101 96
prediction n. [C, U] 預料;預計 predictable adj. 可預料的;老套的;了無 新意的
贏得這場賽跑對那位年輕跑者來說是很大的 勝利。
forecast vt. 預測;預言
17 relief
n. [U, S] 寬慰;(焦慮、痛苦等)減輕;解除
When the three-hour meeting was over, it was a huge relief to everyone. 長達三小時的會議結束時,每個人都鬆了一 大口氣。 n. [U] 救濟物品;救濟金
n. [C] 勝利;巨大的成就
Winning the race was a great triumph for the young runner.
unpredictable adj. 不可預料的
Old Metals Become New Medals
科學家還不能準確預測什麼時候會發生地 震。
n. [P] (個人、企業或公司)財力;財源 [U] 財務;金融
recycling n. [U] 資源回收
Scientists cannot yet accurately predict when there will be an earthquake.
vt./vi. 提供資金;籌措資金
你的事業計畫看起來不錯,但你打算怎麼為 新的服飾店籌措資金?
recyclable adj. 可回收利用的
Your business plan looks good, but how do you plan to finance your new clothing shop?
16 predict 105
People need to recycle to help save resources.
18 finance
vt./vi. 回收;再利用
105 衍
a sigh of relief 鬆了一口氣 The accused breathed a sigh of relief when the judge dismissed the case.
約翰認為他的新點子將會是他一直以來所尋 求成功的關鍵。
The recipe called for milk, but Zoe used soymilk instead.
vi. 獲勝;成功
In most Hollywood movies, good always triumphs over evil. 在好萊塢大多數的電影中,邪不勝正。 衍 衍
triumphant adj. 勝利的;成功的 triumphantly adv. 得意洋洋地;勝利地
Paralympic [~p1r4`l6mp6k] adj. 傷殘奧運的 (Paralympic Games 常譯為「帕拉林匹克運動會」)
The villagers were happy when the relief arrived. 救濟物品到時,村民們都很高興。 209
Chapter 7 Sports 單字填空 請利用本單元學過的單字,完成下列句子。
q There was a huge b
e statue outside the museum.
w I dropped my m
e and now I can’t call anyone.
e My friend asked me to c r David always l
n some money for the party. s his tie when he comes home from work.
t Winning the “best student” award was a t
h for Susie.
克漏字測驗 請根據文意,選出正確的答案。
Behind nearly every elite q is a family member who has put in years of hard work and sacrifice, even though they will not be the one winning the medals. Families of top athletes lead w lives, often scheduling meals, holidays, school, and finances around their child’s chosen sport. In e for sporting success, athletes rely on their parents to chip in and lend a helping hand. If a son or daughter is lucky enough to join the Olympic r of their country, the costs in terms of time and money can be high. However, seeing the young athlete harvesting the medals is the ultimate reward for these parents. Not to mention the fact that parental support is the t for success for many athletes.
q (A) bronze
(B) category
(C) athlete
(D) committee
w (A) recyclable
(B) predictable
(C) unconventional (D) triumphant
e (A) striving
(B) harvesting
(C) manufacturing
(D) predicting
r (A) sacrifice
(B) delegation
(C) finance
(D) forecast
t (A) relief
(B) recipe
(C) chip
(D) endeavor
Olympics Out of the Ordinary Baseball was withdrawn 1 in 2012. Golf gained admission 2 in 2016. Historically 3, the Olympics have shown a willingness to make adjustments4, which has allowed it to keep up with sports trends. The Tokyo 2020 Olympics will see the inclusion of surfing and climbing. Looking back, some events seem so outdated to us now that it’s hard to believe they were ever included at all! Take the 1900 Olympics in Paris for example. Besides “normal5” sports such as athletics and swimming, hot-air ballooning, kite-flying, and cannon6-shooting were also featured! That year also saw the first appearance of tug-of-waru as an Olympic sport. While tug-of-war is certainly a popular activity on school playgrounds, few now think of it as an Olympic-worthy7 sport. It remained a hotly contested8 event at the Olympics until 1920.
30 Olympics Out of the Ordinary
For a large part of the 20th century, the Olympics weren’t just about sports. When revived9 in 1896, the goal was to capture the original spirit of the ancient games. The ancient Olympics were also gathering places for artists and scholars10, and consisted of both artistic11 and physical competitions. From 1912 to 1948, Olympians could earn distinctions12 for excellence13 as poets, sculptors14, or even architects! The reason these events were eventually canceled was because the Olympics were supposed to be a competition for amateurs. The sportsmen15 who competed16 held downu other jobs between competitions, while many of the artists were artists full-time. We really shouldn’t laugh too loudly at these strange events of the past. Who knows—in a hundred years’ time, when long-distance hover17 boarding around moon craters18 has been added to the Olympic program, perhaps people will look back on established19 events like the 100-meter sprint20 and roll their eyesu.
Chapter 7 Sports 閱讀理解 請在下列選項中,選出最適合的答案。 q Which point is made in the first paragraph? (A) There are always some Olympic events that nobody likes. (B) The events of each Olympics can be slightly different. (C) Surfing is the most popular sport in current times. (D) Athletes must work hard to get into the Olympics. w Which event is listed as having been part of the 1900 Olympics? (A) Golf (B) Climbing (C) Tug-of-war (D) Sculpting
1 withdraw 102
vt./vi. 撤回;提取(withdrawwithdrew-withdrawn)
3 historically 101 93
Robert decided to withdraw his bid on the house. 羅伯特決定撤回他對那間房子的出價。 104 同
recall vt./vi. 回收;召回;回想
100 同
retreat vt./vi. 撤退;引退;退避
107 反 衍
retract vt./vi. 撤回;收回(聲明等) deposit vt. 存入 withdrawal n. [U, C] 提款;撤回
2 admission 96 91
n. [U] 准許進入;准許加入;入場費;承認
You need to be eighteen to gain admission to this movie. 你必須滿十八歲才可以看這部電影。 同
104 衍
admittance n. [U] (建築物、機構等的)進 入權;進入 acknowledgement n. [U, C] 承認;認可 admit vt./vi. 承認;准許進入
adv. 歷史上地;根據史實地
This university now admits both men and women, but historically it was women-only. 這所大學現在接受男女生入學,但歷史上曾 只收女生。
104 衍 94 衍
107 衍
historical adj. 歷史的;史學的 historic adj. 歷史上著名的;歷史上有重大意 義的 history n. [U] 歷史;史學
4 adjustment 94
n. [U, C] 適應;調整
The employees will go through a period of adjustment while the new management takes over. 新的管理部門接手時,員工會經歷一段調適 期。 衍
106 衍
readjustment n. [U, C] 重新調整;重新適 應 adjust vt./vi. 調整
5 normal 107 102 96 95 90
• 值得(某價格或行為) • 句型: be worth + 金額「價值多
adj. 普通的;正常的
It was just a normal day at the office, until he heard the scream.
be worth + V-ing「某事 值得做」
那天辦公室一如往常,直到他聽到尖叫聲。 反
107 反 片
abnormal adj. 不正常的 unusual adj. 不尋常的;罕見的 under normal (一般)情況下
worth [w-q] adj./n. [U]
circumstances 在正常
This car is worth NT$1,000,000. 這輛車值台幣一百萬。
This book is worth reading.
的。 99 衍
A diamond’s worth is determined partly by its cut.
normally adv. 正常地
6 cannon
一顆鑽石的價值部分取決於它的切 工。
n. [C] 大砲
Old cannons were placed all around the outside of the castle. 老式大砲被安置在城堡的外側周圍。
fodder 炮灰 The general sent the inexperienced cannon fodder in to wear down the enemy. 詞
trustworthy adj. 值得信賴的;可靠的
30 Olympics Out of the Ordinary
102 99 95
• 句型: be worthy of + N. / being p.p.「值得某事物;值得
noteworthy adj. 值得注意的
The criminal contested the judge’s decision. 105
worthy [`w-\6] adj.
creditworthy adj. 信譽卓著的
Eric is worthy of being elected president of our class.
The two countries contested ownership of the trade route.
• 值得(尊敬、支持、重視等抽象
worthiness n. [U] 值得尊重;有價值
[k4n`t5st] vt./vi. 競爭;爭奪;對……提出異議
adj. 值得的;配得上……
8 contest
cannonball n. [C] 舊砲彈
7 worthy
worthwhile adj. 值得的;重要的
上前線去當炮灰。 衍
96 衍
normal circumstances, I would not need you to help me.
• 可作形容詞或名詞 How much is your house worth?
[`k3n~t5st] n. [C] 比賽;競爭
Sandra desperately wanted to win the beauty contest. 珊卓拉非常想贏得這場選美比賽。
107 同
competition n. [U, C] 競爭;比賽
contestant n. [C] 參賽者;競爭者
• 為形容詞 This idea is worthy of careful consideration. 這個點子值得仔細考慮。 213
Chapter 7 Sports 9 revive 96
To be successful, an actor today needs to have a distinction unlike any other.
vt./vi. 使再度興盛;使復興;復興
The film revived interest in traditional handicrafts. 這部電影再度引起人們對傳統手工藝品的興 趣。
After a bad year, the company’s fortunes finally revived. 經過不順的一年後,那家公司終於時來運 轉。 衍
revival n. [U, C] 復活;再生
10 scholar 106 93
今日一個演員要成功,就必須有不同於他 人的特別之處。 103 衍
distinct adj. 明顯有別的
103 衍
distinctive adj. 獨特的
academic n. [ C] 學者
11 artistic 106 105 93
adj. 藝術的
The artistic bowl is meant to be looked at, not to be used as a soup bowl. 這個充滿藝術感的碗是欣賞用的,不是拿來 當湯碗的。 詞
n. [U] 優秀;卓越
superiority n. [U] 優越
scholarship n. [U, C] 學問;獎學金 scholarly adj. 勤奮好學的;學術性的;博學 的
talent 藝術天分 Cynthia has no artistic talent, but she is very good with numbers.
107 衍
excellent adj. 極好的;卓越的
106 衍
excel vt./vi. 勝過;優於
14 sculptor 97
The sculptor incorporates many different materials into his works. 雕刻家將許多不同的媒材納入他的創作。 延伸 字尾 -or 接在動詞後面形成名詞,表示「從事 該動作的人」,通常為職業名稱。其他例子還 有:
The student earned a distinction for her well-written essay. 那個學生因為她優異的論文贏得特殊榮譽。
• illustrator 插畫家(illustrate 去 -e 後加 上 -or) • educator 教育家(educate 去 -e 後加 上 -or) • inventor 發明家(invent 加上 -or)
artistically adv. 精美地;精巧地
n. [U, C] 榮譽;特殊獎勵;區別
n. [C] 雕刻家
art n. [U] 藝術
12 distinction
excellence 出類拔萃的 Ryan is baker par excellence.
辛西雅沒有藝術天分,但她對數字很在 行。 106 衍
這家麵包店以其巧克力蛋糕的卓越品質而聞 名。
distinguishable adj. 可區別的;可辨別的
This bakery is known for the excellence of its chocolate cakes.
The professor is a visiting scholar.
105 衍
indistinct adj. 模糊不清的
13 excellence
n. [C] 學者;獎學金獲得者
106 衍
sculpture n. [U, C] 雕刻;雕塑品
15 sportsman
n. [C] 環形山;火山口;(火山口似的)坑
He has been a keen sportsman all his life.
The meteorite left an immense crater where it struck the ground.
athlete n. [C] 運動員
sportsmanship n. [U] 運動家精神
sportsmanlike adj. 有運動員風範的
16 compete 100
18 crater
n. [C] 運動員(複數形為 sportsmen)
106 同
19 established 106 96
The established medical community is beginning to study traditional medicine. 醫界正開始學習傳統醫藥。
vi. 比賽;競爭
Most athletes will not compete without warming up first.
104 同
106 衍
for 為……競爭 Sean competed with Bill for Mary’s friendship.
compete 美;比得上
deep-rooted adj. 根深蒂固的 establish vt. 建立;創辦
n. [C, S] 短距離賽跑
Jason had the fastest time on the track team for the 100-meter sprint.
against/with 與……競爭;媲
The two rivals always competed with each other.
traditional adj. 慣例的
20 sprint
西恩與比爾競逐瑪麗的芳心。 片
傑森在田徑隊裡跑出百米賽跑最快的時間。 99
vi. 快跑;短跑
The runners sprinted down the track.
vie vt./vi. 爭;競爭
107 衍
competition n. [U, C] 競爭;角逐;比賽
100 衍
competitive adj. 有競爭力的
competitor n. [C] 競爭者;對手
17 hover
vi. 懸停、停留在空中;(鳥、 直升機等在空中)盤旋
Some insects can hover in the air, while others have to keep moving forward.
30 Olympics Out of the Ordinary
98 衍
sprinter n. [C] 短跑選手
tug-of-war [~t9g4v`w7r] n. [C, S] 拔河 hold down [hold] [da8n] v. phr. 保有(工作等) roll one’s eyes [rol] [w9ns] [a6z] phr. 某人翻白眼
一些昆蟲可以盤旋在空中,而其他昆蟲必須 持續前進。 片
over . . . 在……上空停留/盤旋 The rescue helicopter hovered over the area where the diver went missing.
救難直昇機在潛水客失蹤的區域上方盤 旋。 215
Chapter 7 Sports 字彙測驗 請利用本單元學過的單字,選出正確的答案。
q Fashion designers are _______ styles that were popular in the 1960s.
(A) withdrawing
(B) excelling
(C) reviving
(D) establishing
w This museum displays only a small portion of the famous _______ body of work.
(A) sprinter’s
(B) contestant’s
(C) cannon’s
(D) sculptor’s
e Scientists agree that the newly discovered animal is _______ of being studied.
(A) worthy
(B) historic
(C) academic
(D) deep-rooted
r The product was considered dangerous, so the company _______ it from the
market. (A) revived
(B) withdrew
(C) competed
(D) hovered
t This school has a good reputation for developing _______ talents like painting and
writing music. (A) artistic
(B) abnormal
(C) scholarly
(D) athletic
克漏字測驗 請根據文意,選出正確的答案。
Ask any hockey fan who the greatest player ever is, and you almost certainly will hear one answer: Wayne Gretzky. Gretzky displayed his ability to q at the highest levels for twenty seasons in the NHL. Though he retired in 1999, Gretzky still holds the w of sixty NHL records. One of those records is being the only player to ever score 200 points in a single season—something Gretzky did four times. Traditionally, a player has to wait a minimum of three years before getting the chance to gain e into the Hockey Hall of Fame. However, Gretzky’s was so established that it was decided to allow him into the Hall r immediately following his retirement. When it comes to choosing hockey’s all-time best player, there really is no t . q (A) establish
(B) hover
(C) withdraw
(D) compete
w (A) competitor (B) acknowledgement (C) scholarship (D) distinction
e (A) admission
(B) adjustment
(C) superiority
(D) withdrawal
r (A) revival
(B) excellence
(C) admittance (D) deposit
t (A) scholar
(B) sprinter
(C) contest
(D) sculpture
31 Working Out the Truth about Exercise Myths
Working Out the Truth about Exercise Myths
In today’s health-conscious1 society, many people have resolved2 to exercise regularly. But be careful: there are many fundamental misunderstandings about exercise that should be dismissed3. First, forget “no pain, no gain.” Even a small amount of exercise is good, and on the contrary4 it doesn’t need to hurt. Some muscle5 soreness6 is OK, but anything worse is an indication7 that you’ve overdone it. The tiny tears in your muscles caused by normal exercise require rest to heal8 and strengthen. Therefore, rest is just as important as physical activity. Exercise is about overall health, not just weight loss. So don’t jump on the scale9 every time you go to the gym10! With exercise, you’ll become more alert11 and you’ll reduce your risk for heart disease, diabetesu, and cancer. Always warm up before you start, but don’t confuse12 stretching with warming up. Stretching actually tightens13 the targeted muscles and can hurt performance. Also, if you’re a woman, don’t worry about bulking up 14. For the average woman, weight training develops muscle tone instead of building mass. Are you drinking protein shakes? Those are useful for advanced bodybuilders, but otherwise15 they just serve as an extra meal. Just eat naturally protein-rich food in your regular diet. But don’t reach for a sports drink. Those contain a lot of sugar and add unnecessary calories16. If you overeat, drink alcohol17 in excess, or regularly smoke cigarettes, don’t think that exercise will prevent future misery. Exercising every day won’t make up for bad lifestyle choices. A healthier you doesn’t have to be a fantasy18; it can be your reality. Don’t let false beliefs be obstacles19 to a good exercise routine, and you’ll be on your way to lifelong20 strength and fitness.
Chapter 7 Sports 閱讀理解 請在下列選項中,選出最適合的答案。 q What should happen when you exercise regularly? (A) Your muscles will stop tearing. (B) You’ll make better progress if it feels very painful. (C) Your desire for food will decrease. (D) You’ll be more mentally responsive and perceptive. w What happens when you stretch a muscle? (A) The muscle becomes bulkier. (B) The muscle becomes weak. (C) The muscle becomes tense. (D) The muscle becomes loose.
1 conscious 94 92
conscious 表示「有所意識的;有所察覺的」, 經常與一個名詞搭配形成複合形容詞,表示 「對……有所意識的;對……有概念的;注 重……的」。如文中的 health-conscious 指 「有健康意識的」。其他常見的搭配還有:
adj. 有意識的;有知覺的
The hybrid car appeals to environmentally conscious drivers. 這款油電混合車吸引有環保意識的駕駛人。 反
• self-conscious 【哲】【心】有自我意識的;
unconscious adj. 喪失意識的;不省人事的
conscious of = stay aware of = pay attention to 片
• money-conscious 有金錢概念的 • fashion-conscious 對流行敏銳的;有時尚 品味的
It’s important to stay conscious of cyclists when you are driving.
開車的時候隨時注意單車騎士是很重要 的。
be/become 到……
conscious of sth. 意識
Shelley had always been conscious of the fact that Hal was in love with her. 雪莉一直很清楚哈爾愛上她了。 conscience n. [C, U] 良心
• safety-conscious 注重安全的 • eco-conscious 有環保意識的 • image-conscious 注意形象的
2 resolve 105
vi. 下定決心;決定(resolve to V. 指 「決定要……」)vt. 解決(問題等)
James resolved to stay at his company even though he no longer liked working there. 詹姆斯決定要留在他的公司,即使他不再喜 歡在那裡工作了。
It will take an expert to help us resolve this computer problem. 我們需要一個專家來幫忙解決這個電腦問 題。 218
n. [C] 決心;決意 [U] 剛毅;果斷
107 95
公司想要討好工人的決心已促成了休假日的 增加。 衍
resolution n. [C] 決心;決定;決議 [U] 解決; 解答;果斷力
resolved adj. 下定決心的;斷然的
unresolved adj. 無決斷力的;未解決的
make a resolution (做……)
102 91
adj. 相反的;對立的
Contrary to popular belief, learning to surf is not that difficult. 與一般認知相反的是,學衝浪並沒有那麼 難。
(to + V.) 下定決心
to the contrary 相反的;反對的(常接在 名詞後面)
(something 尚待處理
I thought Brenda was quitting but I just heard a rumor to the contrary.
我以為布蘭達要辭職,但是我剛聽到一個 完全相反的謠言。
be) unresolved(某事項)
The question of the lease extension is unresolved.
vt. 否決;不接受
You shouldn’t dismiss my advice without thinking about it first. 你不應該不先考慮就否決我的建議。 vt. 讓……離開;遣散;解雇
那位女士遣散了打掃人員,因為她不再需要 她的服務了。 片
dismiss 低;鄙視
as 沒有將某人事物看得很認真;貶
Columbus said the world was round, but many dismissed his talk as nonsense. 哥倫布說世界是圓的,但很多人視他的言 論為胡言亂語。
to + N. 與……不同、相反 to what you might think, Bianca’s hair color is natural.
The woman dismissed her cleaner because she no longer needed her service.
3 dismiss
On the contrary, I wouldn’t dream of taking your umbrella.
Harold made a resolution to learn a foreign language this year.
n. [S] 相反的事物
Working Out the Truth about Exercise Myths
The company’s resolve to please their workers led to more holidays.
4 contrary
A be 對的
contrary to B A 和 B 是相反的、相
The high quality of the food at this restaurant is contrary to what I had expected.
這間餐廳的食物品質之高與我原本的預期 不同。
5 muscle 103
n. [C, U] 肌肉
Craig lifts weights because he wants bigger muscles. 克雷格練舉重,因為他想讓肌肉變大。
pain 肌肉痛 詞 muscle strength 肌力(指肌肉在對抗阻 詞
力時,盡最大努力收縮時所產生的最大力量) 詞
skeletal muscles 骨骼肌(又稱橫紋肌, 藉由肌腱與皮膚、骨骼相連,透過收縮來主控 人的一切動作)
Chapter 7 Sports a muscle 拉傷肌肉 Dan pulled a muscle and was unable to take part in the track meet. 片
丹拉傷了肌肉,無法參加田徑賽。 put 力點
some muscle into it 多用點力;努
After the pitcher threw a slow pitch, the coach yelled at him to put some muscle into it.
投手投出一記慢球後,教練對他大吼,要 他加把勁。
8 heal 107 106 96 92
vi./vt. 治癒;痊癒;恢復
Keep the pressure off your knee to let it heal. 要讓膝蓋痊癒就別讓它承受壓力。 比較 heal
•(傷口或痛處自行)痊癒;癒合 The cut on my arm healed in a week. 我手臂上的割傷一週內癒合了。
6 soreness
• 句型: cure sb. of sth. • 及物動詞,也可作名詞 Is it possible to cure cancer?
n. [U] 痠痛;悲傷
You will feel some soreness after running the race.
你賽跑完之後會有一點痠痛。 衍 詞
sore adj.(肌肉)痠痛的;感到疼痛的
So far, no cure has been found for a cold.
eyes 賞心悅目的事物;
The hotel was a sight for sore eyes to Leo after hours of walking.
9 scale
在走了好幾個小時後,里歐很高興看到這 stick out like a sore thumb 顯眼;引 人注意(原意以大拇指若紅腫起來會很明顯、 很難不讓周遭的人注意到,引申指「引人注 目」)
a T-shirt and blue jeans, Paul really stuck out like a sore thumb in an office of neatly dressed professionals. 身著 T 恤和藍色牛仔褲,保羅在滿是穿 著整齊的專業人士的辦公室裡變得很顯 眼。
7 indication
n. [C, U] 徵兆;跡象;表明
Poor grades are an indication of poor study habits. 成績不好是學習習慣不良的跡象。 102 衍
indicate vt. 指示;指向
n. [C] 秤;磅秤;天平
間飯店。 慣
The doctor cured the patient of his disease. 醫生將病人的病治好了。
sore subject/spot/point 令人難過的話 題;痛處 a sight for sore 樂於看到的人或物
I weigh myself on the bathroom scale once a week. 我每週會用浴室裡的體重計量一次體重。 107 103
n. [C, U] 規模;範圍;程度
The scale of the problem is greater than we thought. 這個問題的嚴重性比我們想的還大。 n. [C] 鱗;鱗片
Before you cook the fish you will need to remove the scales. 你煮魚之前需要先去掉魚鱗。 vt./vi. 攀登;到達頂點
Sara and her friends hope to scale Jade Mountain this weekend. 莎拉和她朋友們希望這個週末能攀登玉山。
scale back/down + N. 減縮;縮小 As demand for the product fell, the company scaled back its production. 片
Why didn’t anyone alert me to the safety problem?
由於這項產品的需求減少,公司縮減了它 的生產量。
這場示威活動規模浩大,有超過五萬人在 市政府前抗議。
a small scale 小規模地 The theater was not very big, so the props for the play had to be made on a smaller scale to fit the stage. 片
這間劇院不是很大,所以演出用的道具必 須配合舞台做得小一點。
upscale adj. 高檔的
full-scale adj. 全面的;照原尺寸的
10 gym 101 99
n. [C] 健 身 房; 體 育 館(= gymnasium [d.6m`nezi4m])
Amy goes to the gym to exercise three times a week. 艾美每週去健身房運動三次。
The basketball competition was held in the gymnasium. 這場籃球比賽是在體育館裡舉行的。 衍
gymnast n. [C] 體操運動員
gymnastic adj. 體操的;體操訓練的
gymnastics n. [U] 體操(運動)
11 alert 105
adj. 警示的;警覺的
The soldiers had to always be alert to enemy attacks.
a large scale 大規模地;大量地 This demonstration took place on a large scale, with over 50,000 people protesting in front of City Hall. 片
vt. 使警覺、注意;警戒(alert sb. to sth. 表示「提 醒某人某事」)
Working Out the Truth about Exercise Myths
alert 保持警覺 The country is on alert after threats of a terrorist attack. 片
12 confuse 93
vt. 使困惑;攪亂;搞混
The difficult math problem confused the students. 這個困難的數學題把學生弄得很困惑。 100 衍 92 衍
confused adj. 困惑的 confusion n. [U] 困惑;困擾
A with B 誤以為 A 是 B People often confused Sarah with her sister, Susan. 片
13 tighten
vt./vi. 使變緊、繃緊
Give me a moment to tighten my necktie. 給我些許時間來將領帶繫緊。
up 鎖緊 The door hinge was loose, so Robert tightened up the screws.
one’s belt 勒緊褲帶;縮衣節食 The government is asking people to tighten their belts during the economic crisis. 片
那群士兵必須隨時對敵人的攻擊有所警覺。 103
n. [C] 警戒;警報
The government gave out an alert that a storm was approaching. 政府發出警報通知一個風暴正在接近。 221
Chapter 7 Sports 14 bulk up
[b9lk] [9p]
v. phr.(人)增壯;加大;加厚
16 calorie 95
Sumo wrestlers eat large amounts of food in order to bulk up. The publisher bulked up the book by adding a lot of illustrations and photos.
這個漢堡很好吃,但它的熱量有將近七百大 卡!
出版商增添許多插畫和照片來讓這本書加 厚。
This is a document of unbelievable bulk.
Is there a discount for bulk printing?
103 92 90
deep-sea 深海的 high-calorie 高熱量的 low-calorie 低熱量的;低卡的 low-fat 低脂的 short-term 短程的 • N.-Adj. calorie-rich 富含熱量的 fat-free 脫脂的 ice-cold 冰冷的 world-famous 舉世聞名的
17 alcohol 102
adv. 在其他方面;除此以外
It rained one day last week, but otherwise the weather has been great recently. 上週有一天下雨,但除此之外最近的天氣都 很好。 adv. 否則;不那樣的話
Let’s leave now; otherwise we’ll miss our bus. 我們現在就離開吧,否則我們會錯過巴士。 adv. 不一樣地;用別的方式
I could send you the documents by mail, unless you tell me otherwise. 我可以把文件郵寄給你,除非你跟我說用別 的方式。
• Adj.-N.
15 otherwise 105
bulky adj. 體積龐大的;笨重的
purchase 大量訂購 詞 quantity/bulk discount 大筆訂購折扣 片 in bulk 大量地;整批地 Unit prices are usually lower when buying in bulk. 詞
bulk n. [C, U] 大塊;大量;大部分 adj. 大批的; 大量的
99 衍
n. [C] 卡;卡路里(熱量單位) (亦可拼作 calory)
This hamburger tastes great, but it contains almost seven hundred calories!
n. [U] 酒精(飲料);酒
Marianne doesn’t drink alcohol because it makes her feel sick. 瑪莉安不喝酒,因為那會讓她不舒服。 詞
106 衍
blood alcohol content 血液酒精濃度 (簡稱為 BAC,常作為酒後駕車的處罰標準) alcoholic adj. 含酒精的;酗酒的
alcoholic 的字尾 -holic(時常拼成 -aholic 或 -oholic)有「……狂;……迷」之意,前方 可接動詞或名詞,指「對……成癮的人」。如:
• bookaholic 愛書成痴之人;書蟲 • chocoholic 嗜吃巧克力成癮的人 • shopaholic 購物狂 • workaholic 工作狂
18 fantasy 91
19 obstacle
n. [C, U] 幻想;憧憬;奇幻作品
n. [C] 障礙;阻礙;障礙物
I met many obstacles when I tried to find a new job.
On Monday afternoon, a new fantasy cartoon will be on TV.
The road was littered with various obstacles that made driving difficult.
路上到處散布著各種障礙物,導致開車不 易。
91 衍 片
novel 奇幻小說
fantastic adj. 奇妙驚人的;荒誕離奇的
a flight of fantasy/imagination 異想 天開;天馬行空的想法;空想
Mylie’s dreams of becoming a famous singer are a flight of fantasy as she can barely sing a note.
20 lifelong 100
Working Out the Truth about Exercise Myths
Vera has fantasies about being a member of the royal family.
course 障礙賽道或場地 [`la6f%l7;]
adj. 畢生的;終生的
It is Betty’s lifelong dream to travel to Africa.
麥莉成為知名歌手的夢想根本是癡人說 夢,因為她五音不全。
diabetes [~da64`bit6z] n. [U] 糖尿病 單字填空 請利用本單元學過的單字,完成下列句子。
q Oscar had to take time off work to h
l from his injury.
w Mandy is spending a lot of time in the g e Small children often c
e left and right.
r We had better leave right now; o t You shouldn’t d
m because she wants to get fit.
e we will be late!
s my idea just because it will cost more money.
Chapter 7 Sports 文意選填 請根據文意,選出正確的答案。
Many climbers have a(n) q dream of climbing the world’s highest peak, Mount Everest. More and more people are w the mountain, despite famous stories of Everest disasters being published and made into movies. Climbers are conscious of these disasters, but it doesn’t stop them. They dismiss these stories, as they think adequate preparation will prevent such a tragedy from happening to them. They e to climb the difficult mountain no matter what. To prepare for the challenge, climbers spend months in the gym, as well as climbing smaller peaks. They take in extra r in an attempt to bulk up. Often they avoid alcohol before a climb. After spending some time at base camp, if weather are good, they will make an attempt to reach the top of Everest. t Unfortunately, even experienced climbers are often not prepared for the y they face, including snow storms, lack of oxygen, and sickness caused by the high altitude. Sometimes even when severe weather u have been issued, it has not been enough to stop determined climbers, and many have died or been seriously injured. As numerous Everest disasters have shown, reaching the top of the world will remain an unattainable i for many.
(A) alerts
(B) resolve
(C) scaling
(D) obstacles
(E) lifelong
(F) indications
(G) fantasy
(H) calories
Chapter 8
Unit 32
Ingestible Origami Robot
Unit 33
The New Buzz about Robot Bees
Unit 34
Smartphone Snoopers
Unit 35
Driverless Cars: Steering Us in a New Direction 246
Chapter 8 Technology TRACK 63
Ingestible Origami Robot Doctors frequently see cases of people accidentally swallowing foreign objects. In the United States, button batteries1 alone are swallowed by around 3,500 human beings every year. Though most small objects pass through and exit2 the digestive system, objects like batteries can cause permanent3 damage if left inside the stomach for too long. Researchers from multiple universities have invented an ingestibleu origamiu robot that can help. The robot consists of a small magnet 4 inserted5 into a sheet of dried pig intestinesu, which is folded like origami to make the robot as small as possible. For easy swallowing, the robot is put into an ice capsuleu. Once the capsule melts, the robot can receive course guidance6 in the stomach via7 magnetic fields external8 to the body. Besides fetching9 foreign objects, the robot has prospects10 of being an efficient 11 medicine-delivery 12 agent 13 inside a patient’s body or mending14 internal15 wounds without surgery16. There are also plans to add sensors17 to the robot so that it can control itself independently. With such potential18, these ingestible robots might be tiny miracles19 in the future of medicine.
閱讀理解 請在下列選項中,選出最適合的答案。
How do ingestible origami robots remove objects from a person’s stomach? (A) By using magnets (B) By folding around them (C) By battery power (D) By natural digestion
What is mentioned as a way for ingestible robots to help people? (A) They may repair our intestines. (B) They may remove failing organs. (C) They may detect a disease. (D) They may avoid the need for surgery.
1 battery
94 同
n. [C] 電池
You need to put two batteries into the toy dog before it will turn on. 玩具狗的電源開啟之前,你得先放兩顆電池 進去。 the
temporary adj. 暫時性的
106 衍
permanently adv. 永久地;長期不變地
4 magnet 105
a/the battery 充電 take a few hours to charge the battery.
2 exit
battery 可充式電池
field 磁場 Jupiter’s magnetic field is twenty thousand times stronger than Earth’s.
magnetic adj. 有磁性的;有吸引力的
vt. 插入;嵌入
David inserted coins in the machine and bought a can of soda.
n. [C] 出口
哈維留意了一下出口,以防他需要在緊急時 逃出。 105 反 95 反
insertion n. [U, C] 插入;嵌入;插入物
6 guidance 96
n. [U] 指導;引導
enter vt./vi. 進入
We need expert guidance on how to handle the press.
entrance n. [C] 入口
3 permanent 92
The passengers stood up and waited to exit the airplane.
Harvey took note of the exits in case he had to get out in an emergency.
98 衍
5 insert
vt./vi. 離開
n. [C] 磁鐵
98 詞
充電要花好幾個小時。 rechargeable
adj. 永久的;終身的;長期固定的
The doctor said that the scars on Tony’s face aren’t permanent. 醫生說湯尼臉上的傷疤不是永久的。
我用一塊磁鐵將我的暑期計畫表固定在冰箱 門上。
It will
I used a magnet to attach my summer schedule to the door of the refrigerator.
沒電了。 charge
everlasting adj. 永久的;永遠的
105 反
我想讓你借我的手機,但不幸的是,電池 片
eternal adj. 永恆的
Ingestible Origami Robot
battery is dead 電池沒電 I’d let you borrow my cell phone, but unfortunately the battery is dead. 片
106 同
under 下
one’s guidance 在某人的引領之
the guidance of her personal trainer, Jane managed to lose 10 pounds.
磅。 106 衍
guide vt./vi. 指導;引導 n. [C] 指導者;導遊; 指南
Chapter 8 Technology 7 via 103 99
[`va64] / [`vi4]
prep. 經由;透過
The highway had a lot of traffic so we went to the beach via back roads. 快速道路交通流量大,所以我們經由鄉間小 路前往海邊。
8 external 90
That special skin cream is for external use only. 那款特殊潤膚霜僅供外用。 102 同 94 反 衍
exterior adj. 外部的;外表的 outer adj. 外在的;外表的 internal adj. 體內的;內部的 externally adv. 外部地;表面上
9 fetch
94 91
adj. 有效率的
Debbie is very efficient; she never wastes time.
106 同
inefficient adj. 沒有效率的
unproductive adj. 產量少的;效果不佳的
effective adj. 有效的
efficiency n. [U] 效率
efficiently adv. 有效率地
107 衍
energy-efficient adj. 省電的;節能的
12 delivery 98 91
n. [U, C] 運送;投遞;分娩
The pizzeria promises delivery in 30 minutes or less.
vt./vi. 去拿;取來
那家披薩店保證外送最多三十分鐘就會抵 達。
The dog ran over and fetched the stick.
107 反 片
n. [U] 丟接遊戲(指主人把一樣物品丟向遠 處,再讓動物撿回來的遊戲)
蘿克希是一隻特別的貓,喜歡玩丟接遊戲。 106 同 片
far-fetched adj. 牽強的;令人難信服的
up 最終到達;結束 The bottle that fetched up on the shore had a note in it. 105
delivery (of sth.) 收貨;提貨 The airline took delivery of five new aircraft on Monday, and they are scheduled to be in operation by the end of the month.
n. [C] 作用劑;媒介;代理人;探員
Lemons can be used as an agent to get rid of bad smells in the refrigerator. 檸檬可被用來作為冰箱裡的除臭劑。
Allan did all he could to improve his career prospects.
agent 神經性毒劑 infectious agent 致病因子;病媒 詞 accelerating agent 促進劑 詞 secret agent 秘密情報員 詞 real estate agent 房地產經紀人 衍 agency n. [C] 行政機構;代理機構 詞
13 agent
n. [P, U, C] 前景(恆用複數);指望;景象
94 同
collection n. [U, C] 收取
room 產房 衍 deliveryman n. [C] 送貨員 詞
10 prospect
withdrawal n. [U, C] 收回;撤回
該航空公司週一收到五架新飛機,預計將 於月底開始運作。
bring vt. 拿來
productive adj. 有生產力的;有成效的
Roxy is a unique cat that likes to play fetch.
那隻狗跑過去把木柴叼回來。 106
adj. 外部的
11 efficient
outlook n. [C, U] 前景;可能性 prospective adj. 可能的;預期的 101
14 mend
vt./vi. 使癒合;修復;痊癒
Sarah needs surgery to mend her broken collar bone.
It took some time, but John’s broken leg did mend.
one’s ways 改過;自我改正 After years of fooling around, Jon decided to mend his ways.
mend 係
on the mend 逐漸康復 Following an extended illness, Nancy is on the mend.
mendable adj. 可改正的;可修理的
15 internal 94 90
16 surgery 97 93
Because of all its internal problems, the company went bankrupt.
90 反
n. [U, C] 外科手術
The doctors said that my father’s knee surgery went well. 醫生說我爸爸的膝蓋手術進行得很順利。
104 同
operation n. [C] 手術
external adj. 外部的
surgeon n. [C] 外科醫生
clock 生理時鐘 詞 internal affairs 內政 詞 internal medicine 內科 衍 internally adv. 內部地;內在地 衍 internalize vt. 使內在化
94 詞
•(某物)裡面的;內部的 • 內情的;內幕的 The sweater’s washing instructions are on the inside label. The journalist was able to obtain inside information.
adj. 內部的;體內的
病了好一段時間的南西已在逐漸康復中。 amend vt./vi. 修改;改正
•(坐落或接近某事物)內部的 • 內心的 The tour guide led us through the inner chambers of the castle.
心理學家幫助南西克服內心的恐 懼。
公司合併之後,管理階層修彌與昔日商業 對手的關係。
The psychologist helped Nancy overcome her inner fears.
(one’s) fences 試圖和好;修彌關
After the merger, management mended fences with their former business rivals.
Ingestible Origami Robot
持續多年無所事事之後,強恩決定改正自 己的行為。 片
The new positions will be filled by internal staff.
花了一段時間,但約翰斷掉的腿確實痊癒 了。 片
•(身體)內部的 •(機關或組織)內部的 The traffic accident victim had internal injuries.
17 sensor 105
surgery 整型手術
n. [C] 感應器
The motion sensor detected an intruder. 動態感應器偵測到入侵者。
Chapter 8 Technology 93 衍 107 衍
sensory adj. 感官的 sense vt. 感覺到;意識到 n. [U, C] 感覺;明 智
18 potential 107 103 96
n. [U] 潛力;可能性
This kind of essential oil works miracles on sleep problems.
100 99
adj. 潛在的;可能的
You should make yourself aware of all potential problems. possibility n. [C, U] 可能性
107 同
possible adj. 可能的
99 衍
potentially adv. 可能地
19 miracle 101
n. [C] 奇蹟;不可思議的事
It’s a miracle that you weren’t hurt when the car hit you.
of sth. 驚人、神奇的事物;奇
The new museum is a miracle of green architecture, and it uses very little energy for heating and cooling.
這個博物館真是令人讚嘆的綠色建築,其 暖氣與空調所耗費的能源少之又少。
drug 特效藥 衍 miraculous adj. 奇蹟的 詞
你自己應該警覺所有潛在的問題。 105 同
a miracle 葩
傑若米是個有抱負且充滿潛力的年輕人。 103
miracles 產生奇蹟;有
105 片
Jeremy is an ambitious young man full of potential.
perform/work 奇效
ingestible [6n`d.5st4by] adj. 可攝取的 origami [~7r4`g3m6] n. [U] 源自日文,常譯為「摺 紙術」
intestine [6n`t5st6n] n. [C] 腸 capsule [`k1psy] n. [C] 膠囊
單字填空 請利用本單元學過的單字,完成下列句子。
q Paul went into the kitchen to f
h a glass of water.
w Ken dropped the package off at the post office for d
e It’s hard to tell what kind of business is inside that building by its e features.
r The group’s leader believes he is an a t The new president is hoping to m countries.
t of change in society. d relationships with neighboring
克漏字測驗 請根據文意,選出正確的答案。
q (A) potential
(B) entrance
(C) insertion
(D) surgeon
w (A) battery
(B) magnet
(C) guidance
(D) outlook
e (A) surgeries
(B) agents
(C) miracles
(D) sensors
r (A) far-fetched
(B) efficient
(C) external
(D) permanent
t (A) mend
(B) exit
(C) fetch
(D) insert
32 Ingestible Origami Robot
For firefighters moving through smoke-filled buildings, every second counts. Researchers at King’s College London believe they have a tool that has the to help: robot dogs. As it’s difficult for firefighters to see, the robot dog q provides w through the building. It is equipped with e that help find people and objects hiding in the smoke, and it sends information to the firefighter following behind. The people developing the robot dog believe it will make searching a burning house much more r . Obviously, this would be great for firefighters who could do their job and also t the building more quickly. Researchers hope this device will be available to fire stations in the near future.
Chapter 8 Technology TRACK 65
The New Buzz about Robot Bees Bees are dying faster than ever, and that should worry everyone. Rates of colony collapse1 have increased dramatically over the past decade. The very existence2 of many bee species is at risk. Experts suggest global warming upsetting the normal blossoming cycle3 of flowers, pesticideu use, and bee habitatu loss are contributing to this negative phenomenon. Many scientists are trying to find ways to protect bees, but others have come up with an imaginative4 plan: mechanical5 bees. These beelike robots are equipped6 with a wrapping7 of horse hair and a specially designed gel to pollinateu crops. This combination secures8 pollenuenough to transport9 it from plant to plant, yet is loose10 enough for portions11 to spill12 onto new plants. These dependable13 pollen carriers14 could also be used to apply pesticides to plants very accurately15. This would protect bees by limiting their pesticide exposure. Experts agree that rescuing16 bees from their flight toward extinction should be the first priority. Even with artificial17 bee replacements18, the loss of the real thing will certainly sting19.
閱讀理解 請在下列選項中,選出最適合的答案。 q Which of the following is causing the bee population to fall? (A) Flower species appearing where they didn’t exist before (B) Farmers lacking resources that bees need to survive (C) Territories where bees live becoming less suitable (D) Bans against the use of pesticides w What are robot bees able to do? (A) Produce honey at a faster rate (B) Encourage bees to reproduce (C) Spread pollen among flower gardens (D) Generate a specially designed gel
1 collapse 99
3 cycle
n. [U] 崩潰;倒塌
The catastrophic bridge collapse claimed the lives of several commuters.
100 98
那起橋面坍塌災難奪走多名通勤者性命。 102 100 94
vi. 倒塌;坍塌
It is lucky that no one was on the bridge when it collapsed.
104 102 93
My work never changes, but in each cycle there are new problems.
vi./vt. 使循環;騎腳踏車
The team of bicyclists cycled around the island in five days.
cycle 生命週期 詞 economic cycle 經濟循環(指社會體中包 詞
With a lot of hard work, we brought a new play into existence.
owe one’s existence 在全歸功於……
103 衍
to . . . 某人的存
I owe
my existence to my mother and father.
into existence 開始出現;存在 Jeans came into existence around the mid-nineteenth century. 片
out of existence 消失;不再存在 Typewriters are slowly going out of existence. 片
打字機正慢慢消失中。 衍
coexistence n. [U] 共存
coexist vi. 共存
exist vi. 存在
含物價、股價等趨勢,呈現週期性循環變動的 情況)
在許多努力之後,我們讓新話劇實現。 being n. [U] 存在
n. [U] 存在
The New Buzz about Robot Bees
n. [C] 週期;循環;(運轉)一周
You can quickly cycle through the windows on screen by holding the alt key and pressing tab. 只要按住 alt 鍵再按 tab 鍵,就可以輪流切
Colony Collapse Disorder 蜂群崩壞症 候群(即蜂巢內的工蜂突然大規模消失;沒有 足夠的工蜂製造蜂蜜及照顧幼蜂,最終導致蜂 巢崩壞的現象)
2 existence
我的工作一成不變,但每個週期都會有新的 問題。
幸運的是橋坍塌時沒有人在橋上。 詞
recycle vt. 回收;重新利用
cycling n. [U] 自行車運動
cyclist n. [C] 單車騎士
4 imaginative 93
adj. 有想像力的
The imaginative boy made up a game for all of them to play. 這想像力豐富的男孩自創了一個遊戲讓他們 所有人玩。 同
inventive adj. 有創意的
ingenious adj. 獨創的;巧妙的
105 衍 衍
imagination n. [U, C] 想像力 imagine vt./vi. 想像
Chapter 8 Technology 比較
•(事物)有創造性的 •(形容人)具想像力的;想像
6 equip 90
vt. 裝備;配備;使做好準備
Each soldier was equipped with a gun.
• 如 an imaginative child「想
The plan was imaginative, but it didn’t sound easy to do.
我女兒是個想像力豐富的女孩, 她寫了一些很棒的短篇故事。
107 衍
n. [U, C] 包裝紙;包裝材料
• 可想像得到的 There are a few imaginable outcomes to the present situation.
We need to buy some wrapping paper to wrap the Christmas gifts. 我們需要買包裝紙來包裝聖誕禮物。 wrap 包裝
up 結束;圓滿完成(工作或任務);
就目前的情況來看,有幾個可想 像得到的結果。
I have to go in five minutes, so we need to wrap up the meeting quickly.
再五分鐘我就得走了,所以我們得快點結 束會議。
You should wrap up the glasses before you put them in the box.
你應該先把那些玻璃杯包起來再放進盒子 裡。
The story was about an imaginary land where animals could talk to people. 這個故事是關於一個虛構的國 家,那裡的動物可以跟人交談。
5 mechanical
101 衍
adj. 機械的;機械式的
The warranty only covers mechanical problems. 保固只涵蓋機械方面的問題。
pencil 自動鉛筆 衍 mechanically adv. 機械地;機械方面地 衍 mechanism n. [C] 機械裝置;機制 衍 mechanic n. [C] 機械工 詞
equipment n. [U] 設備;器材
7 wrapping
• 如 an imaginary friend「想
furnish vt. 配備;給……配置家具
equipped with . . . 配備有…… My new car is equipped with a GPS device. 片
這計畫很有創意,但聽起來滿難 實行的。
My daughter is an imaginative girl who writes great short stories.
wrap vt./vi. 包裹
unwrap vt./vi. 拆開;打開
wrapper n. [C] 包裝紙
8 secure 99
vt. 保護;使安全;獲得
The software program secured the computer from viruses. 這個軟體程式保護電腦免於受到病毒感染。 adj. 安穩的;牢固的
My uncle has a secure job in the post office. 我叔叔在郵局有份安穩的工作。
107 衍 衍
90 衍
insecure adj. 缺乏安全感的 security n. [U, C] 安全;保障
11 portion 94
unsecured adj. 無擔保的
每位隊員都得到了一份獎金。 107 同
9 transport 90
serving n. [C](食物的)一份
vt. 運送;傳送
98 衍
transmit vt./vi. 傳播;運送
If your pants are too loose, wear a belt. 如果你褲子太鬆了,就繫一條皮帶。 同
baggy adj. 寬鬆的
lax adj. 鬆散的;馬虎的
104 反 片
tight adj. 緊的 on
the loose 不受拘束;四處遊蕩 An unknown man attacked people in the mall last night and he is still on the loose.
昨晚有一個不知名男子在購物中心攻擊了 群眾,他現在還逍遙法外。 片
loose 掙脫;逃脫 The town is panicking because the lion at the local zoo has broken loose from its cage.
proportion n. [U, C] 比例
12 spill
vt./vi. 使濺出;撒出
The child spilled its milk on the table and began to cry.
adj. 寬鬆的;鬆脫的
農夫將他一小部分的土地賣給他的鄰居。 衍
transportation n. [U] 運輸;運輸工具
10 loose
of sth. 某事物中……的一部分 The farmer sold a small portion of his land to his neighbor.
The New Buzz about Robot Bees
part n. [U, C] 部分
The delivery company transports goods across the country.
n. [C] 部分;一份
Each team member received a portion of the prize money.
securely adv. 安全地
tugged his daughter’s seat belt to see if it was securely fastened.
那個小孩把牛奶濺到桌上而開始哭泣。 107
n. [C] 濺出;溢出物
We cleaned up the spill with a towel. 我們用一條抹布把濺出來的東西清乾淨。
13 dependable
adj. 可靠的;可信的;可依賴的
Carl is one of the company’s most dependable employees. 卡爾是公司裡最值得信賴的員工之一。 107 同 反
105 衍 衍
105 衍
reliable adj. 可信賴的;可依靠的 undependable adj. 不可靠的 depend vi. 依靠;信賴 dependability n. [U] 可信任;可靠性 dependent adj. 依靠的;依賴的
這個小鎮陷入恐慌,因為當地動物園的獅 子從籠子裡逃脫了。 103 衍
loosen vt./vi. 使鬆弛;鬆開;放寬
104 衍
loosely adv. 不嚴謹地;粗略地
Chapter 8 Technology 14 carrier 98
n. [C] 運送者;航空公司;帶菌者
The old woman requested that a baggage carrier help her to her room. 衍
rescuer n. [C] 援救者;救助者
The airline carrier sent out an e-mail announcing discounts on all flights to Paris.
17 artificial
航空公司寄出電子郵件公告所有飛往巴黎的 班機都有折扣。
The woman accurately described the man who stole her purse. 這個女子精確地描述偷她錢包的男子長相。
99 衍 105 衍
103 93
precisely adv. 精確地
adj. 人工的;人造的;假的
Tony’s father has an artificial leg; he lost his real one in a car accident. 湯尼的爸爸有一條腿是義肢;他在一場車禍 中失去了一條腿。
105 同 同
adv. 精確地
107 同
carrier 航空母艦
15 accurately
107 反 詞
103 詞
man-made adj. 人造的;人工的 synthetic adj. 人造的;合成的 natural adj. 天然的 artificial
limb 義肢 artificial intelligence 人工智慧(簡稱為 AI)
inaccurately adv. 不精確地
18 replacement
accurate adj. 準確的;精確的;確切的
accuracy n. [U] 正確(性);準確(性)
In annual reports, accuracy is most important. 在年度報告裡,準確性是最重要的。
16 rescue
There is a shop around here that sells replacement parts for bicycles. 這附近有一間賣腳踏車替換零件的店。 片
vt. 援救;營救
直升機上的消防員把那名男子從失火的建築 物中救出來。 n. [U, C] 救援;營救
The rescue of the ship passengers was shown on TV. 船難乘客的救援過程在電視上播出。
n. [U, C] 替換(物);取代;歸還
Firefighters in a helicopter rescued the man from the burning house.
to one’s rescue 前去營救…… Gary came to my rescue when I locked myself out of my apartment.
當我把自己反鎖在公寓外面時,蓋瑞來救 了我。
那位老婦人要求一位行李員幫她把行李拿到 房間。
replacement for 取代 Watching a sport on TV is not a replacement for playing the sport.
在電視上看運動節目不能取代真正的運 動。 92 同 107 衍
substitution n. [U, C] 代替的人或物 replace vt. 替換;取代
Our office should replace these broken-down chairs with new ones. 我們的辦公室應該買新的椅子來替換這些 已經壞掉的。
19 sting
vi. 使 被 刺 痛; 使 感 到 灼 痛(sting-stungstung)
The bad reviews of Maurice’s performance in the movie stung. 針對莫理斯在電影中的表現所做出的負面評 論很傷人。
pesticide [`p5st4~sa6d] n. [U, C] 殺蟲劑 habitat [`h1b4~t1t] n. [U, C] 動植物的棲息地 pollinate [`p3l4~net] vt. 為……授粉 pollen [`p3l4n] n. [U] 花粉
vt./vi. 刺;螫
Alex was stung by a jellyfish when he was swimming in the ocean.
The New Buzz about Robot Bees
艾力克斯在海中游泳時被水母咬了。 n. [C] 刺痛感;刺傷
This needle won’t hurt you, but you will feel a little sting. 這針不會讓你受傷,但你會有一股輕微的刺 痛感。 107 同
bite vt./vi./n. [U, C] 叮;蜇
字彙測驗 請利用本單元學過的單字,選出正確的答案。
q Cars are currently trapped on the island because its only bridge _______.
(A) recycled
(B) stung
(C) coexisted
(D) collapsed
w The book is so rare that there is only one copy of it in _______.
(A) replacement
(B) carrier
(C) existence
(D) security
e The flowers in my mother’s house have no scent because they are all _______.
(A) accurate
(B) secure
(C) imaginable
(D) artificial
r The waiter offered the couple a discount after he accidentally _______ some
drinks on them. (A) wrapped
(B) spilled
(C) collapsed
(D) cycled
t The cookbook contains _______ recipes that I would have never thought of on
my own. (A) mechanical
(B) natural
(C) insecure
(D) imaginative
Chapter 8 Technology 文意選填 請根據文意,選出正確的答案。
With the ability to fly through the air and take high quality images of the land, drones are set to change the world. The average person may know that drones can packages, but people from many industries are excited to see how q drones can help them. The changes drones are making have already begun. Zipline is a company that uses drones to w medical supplies and deliver them to hard-toreach villages. The same could be done in disaster areas following hurricanes or earthquakes. It has also become common to see drones e with cameras shooting video for live television, real estate listings, and more. For photographers, they are a(n) r for having to take shots from the sky in a helicopter. Drones have proven they are t , and it’s believed they will continue to be. Facebook, for one, has experimented with drones that can provide wireless Internet access. Drones can also help police officers and firefighters in an emergency by showing them y of a building they couldn’t otherwise see. Another major application is using drones above our oceans. Oil companies may be the first to take advantage of drones to assist in planning deep-water drilling operations. They would also be critical in search-and-u missions. From medicine i to artist’s tool to Internet provider to ocean explorer, it’s clear that drones are going to have a big impact on how we see the future.
(A) portions
(B) transport
(C) carrier
(D) secure
(E) equipped
(F) dependable
(G) rescue
(H) replacement
Smartphone Snoopers If someone wanted to spy1 on you 24-7 to learn everything about you, where would they put the bugu? Your smartphone? Bingo! This scary2 idea might be more than just imagination.
34 Smartphone Snoopers
A lot of people have had experiences that have made them cry foul3 on their smartphones. They tell someone they’re having tax problems; before long their Facebook ads are mostly4 about tax advisors. They innocently5 mention6 to their friends that they need a vacation; travel company ads aggressively7 start popping8 up all over their browsers. Could there be any truth to these suspicions or are they merely9 a form of digital age paranoiau? All an app10 needs is permission to use your phone’s microphone11. Once the data is imported12, customized13 ads can be sent to you. Cybersecurity14 experts have shown that a program coded15 to do just that would not drain the phone’s battery or show unusual amounts of data being used. You would have no idea that it was even happening. Companies like Google give assurances16 that they are intolerant17 of this behavior and state clearly that any app that secretly collects data from a user will be deleted18 from their app stores. Some researchers say that these experiences may all boil down tou a psychological19 exaggeration20. This theory essentially21 states that we notice things more when they’ve recently entered our consciousness22. Perhaps those ads for tax advisors were always there, but you didn’t notice them until you started thinking about tax problems. Despite this, we still have every right to be a little paranoid. When using apps, don’t be indifferent23; take precautions24 and read the privacy 25 policies carefully to make sure that nobody is snoopingu on us.
Chapter 8 Technology 閱讀理解 請在下列選項中,選出最適合的答案。 q What is the main idea of paragraph two? (A) Internet users are more than willing to give out advice, but not all of it is good advice. (B) Companies such as travel agencies try too hard to market to new customers. (C) Smartphones today seem as if they are designed to need more repairs than they used to be. (D) People talk with their friends about something, and the next day they see marketing about it. w What makes it difficult for people to know if their smartphone is spying on them? (A) There would be little to no difference in their battery usage. (B) Apps often don’t need to ask permission to use your microphone. (C) There’s no way of telling which apps in Google’s store use this type of technology. (D) Privacy policies are updated so frequently that it’s difficult to keep up with them.
1 spy
vi. 暗中監視(+ on)vt. 看見;發現 (spy-spied-spied)
• 讓人感到害怕的;可怕的 It’s sometimes scary to travel by yourself.
Georgina spied on Nate to find out where he hid her birthday present. 喬吉娜暗中監視奈特想知道他把她的生日禮 物藏在哪裡。
• 令人毛骨悚然的;陰森恐怖的;令 人聯想到鬼魂的 spooky
I spied a man climbing over the fence, so I called the police.
scare vt./vi.(使)害怕
n. [C] 間諜;密探
104 衍
scared adj. 感到害怕的
2 scary
我晚上不敢進去那棟陰森的老房子。 106 衍
那個間諜在他能把資訊傳給老闆之前就被抓 了。
I wouldn’t dare go into that spooky old house at night.
The spy was caught before he could give the information to his boss.
away 嚇跑 The burglar was scared away when the large dog started barking.
97 片
3 foul
adj. 駭人的;令人毛骨悚然的
n. [C] 犯規行為
It was difficult to go to sleep after hearing the scary story.
The soccer player got a foul for pushing a player on the other team.
那位足球選手因為推了另一隊的球員被判犯 規。
5 innocently
vt. 弄髒;污染
Chemicals from the factory fouled the water in the lake.
adv. 無辜地;無惡意地;天真地
Linda innocently asked a question that made Kevin very uncomfortable.
adj. 惡劣的;辱罵性的;難聞的;(食物) 腐敗的
琳達無惡意地問了一個讓凱文很不舒服的問 題。
You should never use foul language when you talk to children. 你對小孩子說話時,永遠不該說髒話。
A foul smell came from Jill’s refrigerator when she opened the door. 吉兒開冰箱的門時,有一股難聞的味道從裡 面飄出來。 cry
94 同
naively adv. 天真爛漫地;無邪地
96 衍
innocent adj. 無罪的;無辜的;天真的
6 mention 105 103 100 99 93 91
Frank mentioned that you are thinking of leaving. Is it true?
我昨天才跟莉莎聊天,她沒提到交了男朋友 的事。
foul of 與……有衝突;冒犯…… Turkey dropped its death-penalty policy because it fell foul of regulations to enter the EU.
to mention 更不用說…… Bill’s article was full of grammatical errors, not to mention misspellings. 片
盟的規定。 foul
I just talked to Lisa yesterday, and she made no mention of having a boyfriend.
vt. 提到;說起
n. [C, U] 提及;論及
環保人士抱怨政府為了石油鑽探而販賣北 片
了。 慣
94 92
adv. 大部分地;主要地
This room is used mostly for storage, so you can put the boxes in here. 這間房間主要是用來儲藏物品,所以你可以 把箱子放這裡面。 同
in large/great 多半
play 不正當手段;犯罪行徑;謀殺
4 mostly
Smartphone Snoopers
foul 對某事發出不平之鳴;抱怨 Environmentalists cried foul over the government selling arctic land for oil drilling. 片
part phr. 在很大程度上;
house is a mess, in large part because we are in the middle of moving.
7 aggressively 100
it. 別客氣(用來回應別人 [4`gr5s6vl6]
adv. 有衝勁地;侵略地
The dog barked aggressively at the strange man near the house. 狗狗對房子附近的怪異男子狂吠。 100 衍
Don’t mention 的道謝)。
衍 詞
aggressive adj. 積極的;作風強勢的;具侵 略性的 aggressiveness n. [U] 挑釁行為;激進 passive aggressiveness 消極反抗(以不 合作或陽奉陰違的消極抵抗方式來發洩敵意)
Chapter 8 Technology 8 pop
延伸 字首 micro- 意為「微小的;百萬分之一的」。 其他相同字首的字還有:
The words popped out of my mouth before I really thought about them.
• microscope [`ma6kr4~skop] n. [C] 顯微鏡 • microscopic [~ma6kr4`sk3p6k] adj. 只能從顯
在我真正詳加思考前,這些話就從我嘴巴脫 口而出。
• microbiology [~ma6kroba6`3l4d.i] n. [U] 微 生物學
• microwave [`ma6kro~wev] vt./n. [C] 微波
Winnie popped a few breath mints into her mouth and headed out for her date. 維妮很快地放了幾片薄荷喉糖到嘴裡,然後 出門去約會。
up(突然、快速)出現;冒出 Shoe and bag cleaning shops have popped up all over the city. 片
102 97 96
12 import 105 102 94
清潔鞋子和包包的店家很快就在該市各處 出現。
9 merely 106
• microsecond [`ma6kro~s5k4nd] n. [C] 百萬
[6m`p7rt] vt. 輸入;引進;進口
The new model will be able to scan and import 3D images. 這個新的機型可以掃描並輸入 3D 圖像。 Most toys are imported from China.
adv. 僅僅;只不過
[`6m~p7rt] n. [C] 進口品 [U] 進口
John merely wanted to say he was sorry.
The president asked people to buy local products instead of cheap imports.
總統要求民眾購買本地商品,而非便宜的進 口商品。
107 同 衍
simply adv. 單單地;只是 mere adj. 僅僅;只是
101 反 詞
10 app
n. [C]( 手 機 的 ) 應 用 程 式( 為 application [~1pl4`ke]4n] 的簡稱)
You’ve downloaded too many apps— that’s why your phone is running so slowly! 你下載太多應用程式了——所以你的手機才 會跑那麼慢!
11 microphone
n. [C] 擴音器;麥克風
After the microphone was fixed, Reggie went on with his speech. 麥克風修好後,瑞奇繼續演講。
export vt. 輸出 n. [C] 出口品 [U] 出口 import
duty 進口關稅
13 customize 105
vt. 客製化;訂做;量身訂做
Martin customized his car with flared fenders and tinted windows. 馬汀的訂製他的車,有加寬擋泥板和上色玻 璃窗。 衍
customized adj. 訂做的
customization n. [U] 客製化
customizable adj. 可客製化的
102 衍
customer n. [C] 顧客
14 cybersecurity
n. [U] 網路安全
The government formed a team to address cybersecurity threats. 政府成立了一個團隊來向大眾說明網路安全 的威脅。
93 衍
104 衍
92 反 衍
105 衍
vt. 編碼;寫成程式
A team of programmers coded the computer software. 有一組程式工程師編寫電腦軟體。 106 102 101 93
n. [C] 規範;法規;密碼;【電腦】程式碼
Everyone has a moral code that helps them determine what is right and wrong.
code of behavior 行為準則 詞 bar code 條碼 詞 dress code 著裝規定 詞
16 assurance 106
n. [U, C] 保證
Parents wanted assurances from the school that all of the fire safety equipment was working. 父母們想要學校保證所有防火設備都在正常 運作中。
I deleted my entire essay before submitting it; now I have to start all over again!
101 衍
deletion n. [C, U] 刪除
19 psychological 97
adj. 心理(學)的;精神上的
The hospital has a department that cares for patients’ psychological health. 那所醫院有一個照顧病人心理健康的部門。 104 衍
decode vt. 解碼;解譯
vt. 刪除
這套電腦程式碼有問題,需要修正。 衍
tolerate vt. 容許;允許;容忍
我在交報告前把它整份刪除掉了;現在我得 全部重寫!
每個人都有一套道德規範,幫助他們決定是 非對錯。
There are problems with the computer code that need to be fixed.
intolerance n. [U] 無法忍受;不寬容
18 delete 101
15 code
tolerant adj. 寬容的;寬恕的
Smartphone Snoopers
• cyberspace 網際空間
adj. 無法忍受的;不耐的;不寬容的
• cyberbully 網路霸凌 • cybercrime 網路犯罪
Intolerant people are not willing to listen to other people’s views.
cyber- 作字首指「和電腦或網路有關的」,以 下列舉幾個以 cyber- 為首的單字:
• cybercafé 網咖
assure vt. 向……保證
17 intolerant
• cyberattack 網路攻擊
reassurance n. [C, U] 能消除疑慮的話;保 證
102 衍
psychologically adv. 心理(學)地;精神 上地 psychology n. [U] 心理學 psychologist n. [C] 心理學家
psycho n. [C] 精神病患(口語用法)
psychopath n. [C] 精神病患
barrier 心理障礙
20 exaggeration 105
n. [C, U] 誇張;言過其實
My boss says he’s smarter than Einstein, but I’m sure that’s an exaggeration. 我老闆說他比愛因斯坦還聰明,我很確定他 誇大了。 243
Chapter 8 Technology 105 衍 衍
exaggerate vt./vi. 誇張;誇大
24 precaution
exaggerated adj. 誇大的;言過其實的
21 essentially
adv. 基本上;根本上;本質上
The band’s success is essentially due to its popularity among teenagers. 該樂團的成功基本上是因為它在青少年族群 中享有高人氣。 同
90 同
fundamentally adv. 基本上 basically adv. 基本上
n. [C] 防範措施;預防
If you take the right precautions, you can have a safe trip abroad. 如果採取正確的防範措施,你就能有個安全 的國外旅行。
precaution 安全措施 片 take precautions 採取預防措施 You must take precautions against insects in this country because many of them carry diseases. 詞
104 同
essence phr. 基本上;最根本地
22 consciousness
n. [U] 意識;知覺;清醒
The idea for the story has been floating around in my consciousness for some time now.
After getting hit on the head with a baseball, Brian briefly lost consciousness. 布萊恩被棒球砸到頭時短暫地失去意識。 反
unconsciousness n. [U] 無意識
conscious adj. 有意識的;清醒的
stream of consciousness 意識流 (形容 人內心一連串的想法與感覺)
25 privacy
n. [U] 隱私;私生活
Privacy is very important to Oscar, so don’t be surprised if he won’t answer your questions. 隱私對奧斯卡很重要,所以如果他不回答你 的問題時別驚訝。 105 衍
private adj. 私人的;私有的
adj. 無關緊要的;不感興趣的(+ to 或 toward)
You can pick whichever you want. I am indifferent. 你要哪一個就選哪一個。我沒差。
23 indifferent
precautionary adj. 預先警戒的;小心的
precautionary/preventive measures 做好防範措施 We need to take precautionary measures against the rising water of the river, for otherwise our town will be in danger of flooding. 片
is basically the only person who can do the job well.
put a bug in one’s ear phr. 事先給人警告;暗示 (本文中 bug 指「竊聽器」)
Ted tends to be indifferent to what others are saying when he plays online games.
paranoia [~p1r4`n764] n. [U] 偏執病;誇大妄想症 (paranoid 為形容詞,指「偏執的;多疑的」)
泰德玩線上遊戲時往往對他人所說的話漠不 關心。
unconcerned adj. 漠不關心的
indifference n. [U] 漠不關心;冷淡
boil down to [b76l] [da8n] [tu] v. phr. 歸結為……; snoop [snup] vi. 窺探(snooper 為名詞,指「窺探 者」)
單字填空 請利用本單元學過的單字,完成下列句子。
q When Michael fell from the tree, he lost c w The woman i
s for several minutes.
y spent a $1,000 bill that she didn’t realize was fake.
e Carrie m
d her idea to her boss, and he seemed interested in hearing
more about it.
r The sports league is i
t of cheating and it has banned several players.
t The teacher showed me a painting and asked me to describe it with the first word that p
d into my head.
34 Smartphone Snoopers
克漏字測驗 請根據文意,選出正確的答案。
There’s nothing wrong with sharing our lives on social media, but it might not always be your friends who find out your information. The first thing you should be aware of is your q settings for sharing information. You can your settings to share with everyone or only with small groups. It’s w better to only accept invitations from people you know in real life. If you’ve never met somebody, then you don’t know if they are pretending to be somebody they’re not or playing some other e game with you. You should also take when making any online announcement. New parents may think it’s a r good idea to post the name or birthday of their newborn baby, but that is valuable information to criminals. Now might be a good time to check the information you’ve shared in the past and t anything that gives away too much information! q (A) privacy
(B) code
(C) foul
(D) essence
w (A) assure
(B) customize
(C) delete
(D) decode
e (A) spooky
(B) aggressive
(C) psychological (D) private
r (A) intolerance
(B) indifference
(C) assurance
(D) precautions
t (A) delete
(B) mention
(C) import
(D) exaggerate
Chapter 8 Technology TRACK 69
Driverless Cars: Steering Us in a New Direction The race to create driverless vehicles has shifted into high gearu. Google has both modified1 existing car models to be self-driving and designed its own prototype: a comfortable two-seater with no steering2 wheel or pedals—just a power button on the dash3. Google’s prototype employs what is basically a computer designed for driving which uses lasers4, radar, and cameras to navigate5 its surroundings6. The company’s tests have all had a human operator7 in the car in case of emergencies8, but they’ve achieved an exceptional9 safety record. To be sure, self-driving cars have had critics voice objections10 and reservations, and there are big challenges to overcome. First off, these cars are controlled by computers, so computer crashes11 would mean car crashes. Cyberterrorists could interfere12 with onboard computers, which creates a whole new set of worries. New federal13 regulations relating to safety standards, legal responsibility, and operating credentialsu will also need to be approved14 for driverless cars. These issues need to be dealt with before people can confidently use self-driving cars. Still, the potential benefits are overwhelming 15. We may see the prevention16 of human errors caused by drowsiness17, reckless18 driving, distractedu driving, and drunk driving. Aside from19 that, people walking and biking wouldn’t have to anxiously20 cross streets, and people too young or too old to drive would be more mobile21. What’s more, selfdriving cars will be able to communicate with other cars and drive smarter to increase efficiency, helping people get to places faster and reducing pollution caused by cars idling22 in traffic. Cars that aren’t self-driving are soon to be considered primitive23 technology. Though there are significant challenges on the horizon24, this ambitious25 enterprise shows no signs of slowing down.
閱讀理解 請在下列選項中,選出最適合的答案。 q Why does Google test their driverless cars with a human inside? (A) To keep a record of the data (B) To operate the onboard camera (C) To take action if something goes wrong (D) To answer questions any people have about the car w What will be a benefit of having driverless cars? (A) There will be more space inside the cars. (B) There will be no need to ride bikes or walk anywhere. (C) Operators can go as fast as they like. (D) Operators won’t have to pay attention to their surroundings. Unit 高頻字彙
vt. 修改;更改;修飾
The marketing team modified their proposal to better meet the client’s needs. 行銷部修改他們的提案以便更加符合客戶的 需求。 同
alter vt. 改變;修改
modification n. [C, U] 修改;改變
2 steer
vt. 掌舵;操縱;駕駛
Frank skillfully steered his car through the narrow streets. 法蘭克有技巧地將他的車開過狹窄的街道。 詞
wheel 方向盤 clear of sb./sth. 遠離某人或某物 Steer clear of that angry-looking man over there.
3 dash
35 Driverless Cars: Steering Us in a New Direction
1 modify
n. [C](汽車)儀表板(= dashboard) [S] 倉促; 急衝;一點兒
Don’t rest your feet on the dash—that’s dangerous! 不要把腳放在儀表板上面——很危險! vi. 猛衝;急奔
Cindy dashed to the store to buy some milk. 欣蒂衝到商店去買些牛奶。 vt.(使希望)破滅;使沮喪
Rainy weather dashed the family’s hopes of a Sunday picnic. 天公不作美,那家人在星期日野餐的希望破 滅了。 片
a mad dash 急匆匆地 When the school bell rang, all the kids were in a mad dash to leave the classroom.
學校鐘聲響時,所有的孩子都急著衝出教 室。
Chapter 8 Technology 片
dash of 少許、少量的…… Paula added a dash of soy sauce to the fried rice to make it taste better.
5 navigate 98
Sailors used to use stars to navigate the oceans.
a dash for . . . 迅速衝向…… As soon as Betty checked into her hotel room, she made a dash for the bar.
貝蒂一辦好飯店住房手續,就立刻衝到酒 吧去了。
Tablet users navigate the device using a touch interface.
The pilot navigated the ship into the busy harbor. 舵手將船駛入那個繁忙的港口。
away 匆匆離開 Brenda dashed away after receiving her assignment.
平板電腦的使用者利用觸控介面來瀏覽這種 裝置。
Brian found it difficult to navigate all the local customs while living in Japan.
off 急速趕去;一溜煙跑掉 The girl dashed off to tell her mother the good news she had heard.
布萊恩住在日本時,覺得要摸透所有當地風 俗是很困難的。
女孩急忙跑去告訴媽媽她聽到的好消息。 衍 詞
dashing adj. 帥氣的;充滿魄力的 dash
cam 行車記錄器(即 dashboard
4 laser
n. [C] 雷射
Lasers have many uses in medicine, such as in eye surgery and skin treatments. 雷射在醫藥上有很多用途,像是眼部手術和 皮膚治療。 衍
navigation n. [U] 導航
navigational adj. 導航的
navigator n. [C] 航海家
6 surroundings 103 95
It was easy to relax in the surroundings of the hotel. 這間旅館的環境讓人很容易放鬆。 比較
•(某人事物周遭的)環境或事 物,複數名詞
The employee adapted quickly to her new surroundings.
我們看到政府將重心放在國家的健保制度 上。
n. [P] 環境
laser-printed adj. 雷射列印的
light 雷射光 詞 laser beam 雷射光束 片 a laser-like focus 全神貫注;全心全意 We are seeing the government put a laser-like focus on the country’s health care system. 詞
vt./vi. 辨識方位;導航;瀏覽;操縱;摸索
寶拉加了少許的醬油到炒飯裡,讓它變得 更好吃。
布蘭達收到作業後就匆匆離開了。 片
那位員工迅速適應她周遭的新 環境。
In order to protect themselves, some chameleons can mimic the colors of their surroundings. 為了保護自己,有些變色龍可 以變得跟環境的顏色一樣。
The hotel has beautiful surroundings, and many famous people stay there. 248
那間飯店環境優美,許多名人 都會住那邊。
•(自然)環境,單數名 詞,作此義時要寫成 the
9 exceptional 105
Sarah’s life is dedicated to protecting the environment. environment
傑瑞是位傑出的員工,他工作認真且為公司 奉獻出力。 107 同
Arctic animals must survive in a harsh environment. 北極的動物得在嚴峻的環境下 生存。
Sue hates the countryside; she prefers an urban environment.
extraordinary adj. 非凡的;使人驚奇的
phenomenal adj. 非凡的;傑出的
exceptionally adv. 特別;非常;特殊地
100 衍
exception n. [C] 例外
10 objection 106 102 99
n. [C] 異議;反對(常接 to N./V-ing)
My coworkers had some objections to the decisions our boss made.
35 Driverless Cars: Steering Us in a New Direction
蘇討厭鄉下,她比較喜歡都市 的環境。
adj. 傑出的;出類拔萃的
Jerry is an exceptional employee who works hard and contributes to the company.
莎拉的一生致力於保護自然環 境。
7 operator 92
n. [C] 操作者;經營者;接線生
104 衍
The machine was made to stop if the operator of it let go of the controls. 如果機器的操縱者放開操縱裝置,它就會停 止運轉。
I called the operator to get the number for the new Italian restaurant.
operate vt./vi. 操作;使運轉;動手術
104 衍
operation n. [U] 操作;運作 [C] 公司;企 業
98 衍
cooperate vi. 配合;合作
99 衍
cooperation n. [U] 合作
8 emergency
107 105 93
n. [C] 緊急事件;事故
In an emergency, push the red button. 有緊急狀況時,按下這個紅色按鈕。 詞
room 急診室
emergence n. [U] 出現;浮現
objectionable adj. 令人不快的;令人反感 的
n. [C](電腦)當機;相撞(事故)
I’ve been experiencing computer crashes at least once everyday. 我最近每天至少經歷一次電腦當機。
Police were quick to arrive at the scene of the car crash. 警方很快就抵達車禍現場。 103
object [4b`d.5kt] vt./vi. 反對;不贊成 [`3bd.6kt] n. [C] 物體
11 crash
我打給接線生問新開的義大利餐廳電話。 103 衍
disapproval n. [U] 不贊同;反對
102 91
Uh-oh! My computer crashed before I saved that important file. 啊喔!我的電腦在我儲存那個重要檔案前當 機了。
The car was not going fast when it crashed, so no one was hurt. 車子碰撞時速度不快,所以沒有人受傷。 詞
course 速成課程 249
Chapter 8 Technology 片
crash 作電腦相關用語時指「故障或當機」, 以下補充其他與電腦相關的常用語:
designs must meet the boss’s approval first.
• central processing unit (CPU) 中央處理器 • debug 排除(程式中的)錯誤
15 overwhelming
adj. 巨大的;不可抗拒的;壓倒性的
• motherboard 主機板
For salespeople, the pressure to make sales can be overwhelming.
• retrieve 檢索
• server 伺服器
The event was an overwhelming success.
12 interfere
vi. 干涉;干預(+ with)
The disease interferes with the body’s ability to heal itself.
was overwhelmed by grief when she learned that her close friend had died.
interference n. [U] 干預;阻擾
13 federal
16 prevention
adj. 美國聯邦政府的;中央政府的
It is against federal law in the US to smoke on an airplane. Federal Bureau of (FBI) 美國聯邦調查局
14 approve 106
Fire prevention in the factory is one of the most important safety concerns. prevention 消防 慣 An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. 預防勝於治療(字面指「一
vt./vi. 贊成;認可;准許
approve 許……
of + N./V-ing 贊同……;准
parents don’t approve of her choice of friends.
梅姬的父母不認可她的交友選擇。 反
105 衍 衍
disapprove vt./vi. 不同意;不喜歡 approval n. [U] 認可;贊成 disapproval n. [U] 不贊同;反對
盎司的預防價值一磅的治療」,引申指花少少 的力氣做好預防措施,好過於疾病或壞事發生 後再投入大量精力來治療或處理)。
n. [U] 預防;防止
I hope my boss approves my idea for the Smith project.
在飛機上抽菸違反美國的聯邦法律。 詞
overwhelm vt.(感情)充溢;使人無法招架; 擊敗;征服
這種疾病干擾人體自癒的能力。 105 衍 92
• download/upload 下載/上傳 • reboot 重開機
approval 經過某人
• back up 備份 • chip 晶片
meet (someone’s) 的同意
17 drowsiness 94
n. [U] 嗜睡;睏倦
Drowsiness is a side effect associated with the drug. 嗜睡是這個藥的副作用。 105 衍
drowsy adj. 昏昏欲睡的
18 reckless 103
adv. 急切地;焦急地
The cop cited the woman for reckless driving.
She waited anxiously as her husband underwent heart surgery.
當她的老公在做心臟手術時她焦急地等待 著。
careless adj. 不小心的 recklessly adv. 不在乎地
19 aside from 102
adj. 輕率的;鹵莽的
91 同
20 anxiously
[4`sa6d] [fr9m]
phr. 除了……之外(還有);除了……之外(沒有) (+ N./V-ing)
Aside from (= Besides) Fred, Janice has also won prizes for roller-skating. 除了弗雷德,珍妮絲也在直排輪比賽中贏得 獎項。
除了到處走走,在這座公園裡沒有什麼事可 做。 延伸 英文中有幾個與 aside 有關的片語都很常用, 一起來看看:
• put/set aside 將……擱置一旁;撥出(時 間或金錢)
She set her phone aside and got back to work. 她將手機放在一旁然後繼續工作。
We need to put aside some time to discuss our plans for the long weekend. 我們需要空出一點時間來討論我們週末連續 假期的計畫。
• put aside 儲存;積蓄 David ate a slice of pie and then put the rest aside for later. 大衛吃了一塊派,剩下的就留著晚點再吃。
anxious adj. 焦慮不安的
106 衍
anxiety n. [U, C] 焦慮
21 mobile 103 94
adj. 活動的;可移動的;行動自如的
A mobile health service is available for those who live far from clinics. 有一個行動健康醫療服務可供住在離診所很 遠的人使用。
103 衍 衍
mobility n. [U] 可動性;機動性;方便
35 Driverless Cars: Steering Us in a New Direction
Aside from (= Except for) walking around, there’s nothing much to do in this park.
105 衍
automobile n. [C] 汽車
22 idle
vi. 無所事事;閒混;閒逛
The boys’ favorite thing to do in the summer was idle by the lake all day long. 那群男孩夏天最喜歡做的事就是整天在湖邊 閒晃。 adj. 無所事事的;閒置的
Having written most of the report, Matty had been idle for the last few days. 馬蒂的報告寫得差不多了,所以這幾天閒閒 沒事做。
away 虛度(時間);浪費(金錢) The boys idled away the hours watching television on Saturday. 片
• cast sb./sth. aside 捨棄;拋棄 The director cast the actress aside and chose someone else for the part in the film. 導演捨棄了這位女演員,另選他人來演出片 中這個角色。
Chapter 8 Technology idle 閒置;枯坐;無所事事;坐視不管 Lucy refused to sit idle while there were stray animals in her community that needed shelter. 片
24 horizon 101
n. [S] 地平線(常用 the horizon 表示) [C] 眼界;範圍
The sun sank below the horizon as night fell.
隨著夜幕低垂,太陽沉入地平線下。 比較
Many people say that travel can help you to broaden your horizons.
• 無事可做的;閒著的 •(機器、工廠)閒置的;沒運轉的 I’m always looking for things to fill my idle time. 我總是在找事做來填滿我的閒暇時間。
很多人說旅行可以幫你拓展視野。 衍
105 衍
The machine sat idle while the workers had lunch.
23 primitive 105 104 103 93
adj. 原始的;未開化的
The anthropologists discovered a primitive tribe in the rain forest. 人類學家在雨林中發現了一個原始部落。
103 反 93 反
25 ambitious 95
horizontally adv. 水平地
the horizon 即將發生 The scientists claim that a cure for the disease is on the horizon. 片
•(人的個性)懶惰的;怠惰的 Lazy people are not usually successful.
horizontal adj. 水平的 n. [C] 水平線
adj. 有企圖心的;具野心的
Paula is very ambitious, and she plans to retire by the time she is forty. 寶拉很有企圖心,打算要在四十歲前退休。 衍
ambitiously adv. 野心勃勃地
ambition n. [C, U] 抱負;雄心;企圖
developed adj. 已開發的 evolved adj. 已進化的
shift into high gear []6ft] [`6ntu] [ha6] [g6r] phr. 如火如荼地展開(字面指汽車轉換至高速檔,引申形 容卯足全力、加快速度)
credential [kr6`d5n]4l] n. [C] 資格;憑據(常作複 數形)
distracted [d6`str1kt6d] adj. 分心的
字彙測驗 請利用本單元學過的單字,選出正確的答案。
q During some summer days, there are places in the world where the sun doesn’t go
below the _______. (A) prevention (B) objection
(C) dash
(D) horizon
w Steve studied hard because he was _______ for a career as a lawyer.
(A) ambitious
(B) primitive
(C) reckless
(D) federal
e The president isn’t completely happy with the proposal and he hopes it can be _______.
(A) modified
(B) interfered
(C) navigated
r George has no money _______ from what’s in his pocket.
(A) around
(B) awake
(C) aside
t Iris lay on the quiet beach and enjoyed its peaceful _______.
(A) ambitions
(B) drowsiness
(C) emergencies
(D) approved (D) along
(D) surroundings
35 Driverless Cars: Steering Us in a New Direction
文意選填 請根據文意,選出正確的答案。
Car drivers, get ready for a shock. A new wearable called Steer is here, and it may be just as important as your seat belt. As we all know, seat belts save the lives of people who get into a car q . What makes Steer w is that it stops the driver from making a mistake. You won’t run into a(n) e at all. Steer deals with a common problem for car r : getting sleepy behind the wheel. Driving while t leads to car accidents—some say it’s just as bad as drunk driving. Tired driving happens without us realizing it. One moment we’re y the road safely, and the next we’re holding the wheel with our eyes closed for a few seconds too long. This is where Steer comes in. Steer wraps around your arm like a bracelet. It measures heart rate and sweat production on your skin. When it senses that you are losing some focus on the road, Steer sends a vibration. If it senses that you are losing a lot of focus, it sends an electrical shock. It’s there to protect you before anything can go wrong. Steer is an amazing invention that will assist in the u accidents. The only thing Steer can’t do is save you from other i
of many drivers.
(A) crash
(B) operators
(C) exceptional
(D) reckless
(E) navigating
(F) emergency
(G) drowsy
(H) prevention
學測模擬試題 Model Test 一、詞彙題:請根據文意選出最適當的答案。 1. Everyone who walks by our shop is a(n) _______ customer. (A) accurate (B) circular (C) potential
(D) impersonal
2. If you follow these _______, you will complete the assignment correctly. (A) guidelines (B) deadlines (C) milestones (D) barriers 3. The accident was terrible and the man involved has _______ injuries, but at least he survived. (A) beneficial (B) minimum (C) multiple (D) additional 4. John had the _______ of accompanying his professor to the conference. (A) optimism (B) virtue (C) privilege (D) clue 5. Though not many people speak the language, it still _______ to this day. (A) exaggerates (B) endures (C) eliminates (D) equips 6. Keenan _______ with the sales agent until he was offered a fair price. (A) excluded (B) suspended (C) negotiated (D) confronted 7. Ian only had brothers growing up, so he wasn’t used to seeing _______ products in the bathroom. (A) honorable (B) hostile (C) feminine (D) shameful 8. Besides the temporary exhibitions it has every month, the museum has an excellent _______ collection. (A) classic (B) lifelong (C) worthwhile (D) permanent 9. Norman was very _______, and worked very hard at getting promoted. (A) revolutionary (B) ambitious (C) academic (D) reluctant 10. The woman _______ herself in a professional manner during the interview. (A) suppressed (B) disguised (C) conducted (D) overwhelmed 11. This island has _______ been a fueling station for ships. (A) naively (B) historically (C) thankfully
(D) precisely
12. Steven took _______ to what critics said about his book. (A) guidance (B) misery (C) warmth
(D) offence
13. The Louvre is _______ one of the finest museums in the world. (A) innocently (B) heavenly (C) sufficiently
(D) undoubtedly
14. It’s too soon to _______; don’t give up hope yet. (A) despair (B) compete (C) monitor
(D) relate
15. Anthony wanted to see a horror movie, but he was willing to make a(n) _______ and see the new romantic comedy. (A) reaction (B) insurance (C) compromise (D) dynasty 254
二、綜合測驗:請根據文意選出最適當的答案。 第 16-20 題為題組
We all know college students tend to drink. It is common at social gatherings to 1^ _______ in drinking games involving taking numerous shots of liquor. 1& _______, a glass of red wine a day is good for you. But when that one glass turns into three or four—or even a whole bottle—you know there is a problem. Even though some students may binge drink once or twice a week, the thought that they might one day acquire alcoholism does not normally cross their minds. Alcoholism aside, binge drinking itself can be quite a dangerous practice. Alcohol can be toxic. If a drinker over-1* _______, they could poison themselves and stop breathing. It can be fatal.
學 測 模 擬 試 題
Binge drinking is described as having five or more drinks in one sitting. It can lead to more long-term problems than just a(n) 1( _______ headache the following day. You could end up with a(n) 2) _______ battle with alcohol addiction.
16. (A) engage
(B) access
(C) mention
(D) gnaw
17. (A) Initially
(B) Spiritually
(C) Essentially
(D) Artistically
18. (A) evolves
(B) breeds
(C) protects
(D) indulges
19. (A) refreshing
(B) intimate
(C) affordable
(D) nasty
20. (A) triumphant
(B) lifelong
(C) winning
(D) ridiculous
第 21-25 題為題組
Vincent van Gogh was a great painter in the late 1800s, though not many people knew that while he was alive. He couldn’t support himself 2! _______ through his art as he only sold one painting in his lifetime. It wasn’t long after his death, however, that his work began to gain 2@ _______ recognition and van Gogh’s name became famous. More artists were exposed to his works and drew 2# _______ from them. Today, van Gogh’s 2$ _______ are among the most prized and most valuable in the world. Unfortunately he wasn’t alive to see it, but the world has 2% _______ van Gogh and his artistic vision.
21. (A) financially
(B) accurately
(C) innocently
(D) extremely
22. (A) inland
(B) widespread
(C) beforehand
(D) onwards
23. (A) exposition
(B) reputation
(C) cooperation
(D) inspiration
24. (A) masterpieces
(B) adolescences
(C) participants
(D) establishments
25. (A) endured
(B) drained
(C) embraced
(D) composed
第 26-30 題為題組
Boys are not the only ones renting ice time at local rinks these days. Girls are 2^ _______ the face of hockey by lacing up their skates and dominating the game. If you still think hockey is a guys’ sport, you are in for a rude awakening. When you chart the recent growth in Canadian hockey, you must look at the 2& _______ on the women’s teams. According to the Hockey Canada website, there has been a 400 percent increase in women’s hockey in the last ten years. This is quite a(n) 2* _______ achievement. Seventeen-year-old twins Amy and Jesse Pasternak won a victory for women’s rights when they were allowed to register for their high school boy’s hockey team. When the city of Toronto decided to proceed with the building of a new arena, the first since 1981, they emphasized that it was needed for women’s hockey. Female hockey players are creating a stir, gaining equal rights to the ice and 2( _______ as strong athletes. Given these statistics and the fact that the Canadian Olympic women’s hockey team 3) _______ on any ice surface their blades touch, it is no wonder women’s hockey is one of the fastest growing sports in Canada.
26. (A) conforming
(B) performing
(C) informing
(D) transforming
27. (A) seniors
(B) warriors
(C) superiors
(D) inferiors
28. (A) jam-packed
(B) shameful
(C) awe-inspiring
(D) farsighted
29. (A) reputations
(B) victims
(C) temptations
(D) destinations
30. (A) challenges
(B) retreats
(C) attempts
(D) triumphs
三、文意選填:請根據文意將下列 (A) 到 (J) 選項填入空格中。 第 31-40 題為題組
There is an entire industry built upon the 3! _______ for the perfect mate. Internet dating services have started a revolution in the dating 3@ _______. Now it’s easier than ever for perfect strangers to 3# _______ with one another. Normally, one would have to approach someone in person in order to get a date. With online dating, the 3$ _______ is off the individual. You do not have to reveal your name or meet face-to-face unless you want to. Each person posts a photo, and if there is an instant attraction, you 3% _______ a conversation. You can compare 3^ _______, occupations, and interests. This helps you get a(n) 3& _______ good idea of what each other might be like in person. As long as everyone 3* _______ their intentions sincerely and is honest about their personal information, chatting online can be a great way to find someone special. If you feel the 3( _______ to go out on a real date together, you can do that. Sometimes, if you are lucky, you find real romance. Other times, in spite of getting to know each other online, you do not hit it off. In either case, you are likely to have a memorable evening, so you won’t be 4) _______ if you give it a try.
(A) quest (F) impulse 256
(B) conveys (G) pressure
(C) initiate (H) disappointed
(D) backgrounds (E) scene (I) fairly (J) network
四、閱讀測驗:請根據各篇文章之文意選出最適當的選項。 第 41-44 題為題組
Norway’s capital Oslo has a reputation for friendly people, good transportation, and great views. You might want to make it your next travel destination. Many people in Oslo are bilingual, so it will be easy to interact with people there. Norwegian people are happy to tell you anything you want to know, so go ahead and ask them any questions you think of! They’ll help you find where you’re going or share things about themselves with you.
學 測 模 擬 試 題
Geographically, Oslo is located somewhat far north. Despite this fact, the climate is milder than other cities that lie on a similar latitude. There are many forests, mountains, and lakes in and around the confines of the city. When it’s time to enjoy local cuisine, strongly flavored meats and freshly caught fish are easy to find. Norwegian currency is called the krone. Prior to your trip, you may want to exchange a lot of it at the bank! Some expenses are high in Oslo, so you’ll want to make a budget beforehand. However, the city and its extraordinary features are very easy to access. Once you experience the beauty and relaxation in Oslo, not to mention the warm reception from the people, you’ll be glad you went. 41. What is the main point of the article? (A) To recommend a city to visit (B) To recommend a way to earn money (C) To introduce surprising facts (D) To introduce a country’s history 42. Why is it easy to communicate with people in Oslo? (A) People there don’t see many foreigners. (B) People there like to ask questions. (C) People there have books with information. (D) People there speak more than one language. 43. Which food is most likely to be common is Oslo? (A) Apples (B) Potatoes (C) Salmon (D) Rice 44. What is recommended to prepare before going to Oslo? (A) A gift for someone local (B) Enough money (C) A warm coat (D) Language lessons 257
第 45-48 題為題組
My day begins something like this: my alarm goes off, I jump in the shower, I eat breakfast, gather my books, and begin my classes. It is much like a typical morning for an average high school teenager. What might not be so typical, however, is that I frequently get to sleep in longer than most of my peers because I do not have a strict start to my school day. It is also not unusual for me to be in my pajamas during class. On the flip side, I never get snow days. My desk is in my living room, my classmates are my siblings, and my teacher is often instructing from the TV screen. I am a homeschooler. My entire elementary and secondary school years have been spent at home. Most of my high school classes have been on DVD, and my principal, who has no special training or teaching qualifications, is my mother—always available for one-on-one interaction if I have questions or concerns. Homeschoolers are often said to be lazy, lucky, or just plain weird. In just the last decade or so, the view of homeschooling began to change. It is not such a unique way to be educated after all. Homeschoolers are not rare. They are not undereducated or socially awkward. More and more people are seeing this as a normal and perfectly acceptable alternative to public school. There are around 80,000 homeschoolers across Canada this year. Around 20,000 to 30,000 of those are in Ontario, and the number is growing each year. For years, homeschooling was a movement largely unaccepted and unrecognized by the majority of society, especially most post-secondary institutions. Because they lacked a recognized diploma, homeschoolers found it difficult to continue their education after completing high-school courses. Today, though, this is finally changing. 45. According to the passage, how is the writer different from other kids of the same age? (A) The writer wears pajamas to school every day. (B) The writer received an education at home. (C) The writer is socially awkward. (D) The writer watches television all day long. 46. Why might homeschoolers have difficulty being accepted to university? (A) They do not have a high school diploma. (B) They are undereducated. (C) They are lazy. (D) They have illegal diplomas. 47. In the passage, which word means “equals”? (A) Siblings (B) Classmates (C) Peers (D) Homeschoolers
48. What message is being inferred by the passage? (A) Homeschoolers are very rare in Canada. (B) Homeschooling is rare but growing in popularity. (C) Universities in Canada do not accept homeschoolers. (D) Homeschooling diplomas are not valid. 第 49-52 題為題組
You may have heard the saying “if you cannot take the heat, get out of the kitchen.” But what if the kitchen is your classroom and basically your second home? That would make it Le Cordon Bleu Culinary Arts Institute, the secret Ottawa hideout of good-food lovers, known as foodies. The school, which is blocks away from several fast-food outlets, passes on techniques for respecting food and the craft of food preparation. Ryan Clark is one of its devotees.
學 測 模 擬 試 題
Clark, who was born in the Yukon but raised in British Columbia, says cooking is just something he grew up with and he could not see himself doing anything else. On a typical day in class, students like Clark will be given the ingredient lists for about three recipes and watch as the chefs demonstrate how to prepare each one. These seminars are the only opportunity for scribbling notes because the practical part starts as soon as the instructors are finished. The students then proceed to the practical kitchens, where they recreate the recipes for the chefs to taste, test, and mark. “They pretty much throw you in the kitchen,” says former student Mike Syring. “It’s very hands-on.”
49. What is a “foodie,” according to the article? (A) A foodie is a cooking instructor. (B) A foodie is someone who appreciates good food. (C) A foodie is a cooking student. (D) A foodie is a restaurant owner. 50. Where is the school in the passage located? (A) In London, England
(B) In the Yukon
(C) In Ottawa
(D) In British Columbia
51. What are Le Cordon Bleu students given in order to complete their tasks? (A) They are given complete instructions. (B) They are given the chance to taste. (C) They are given the chance to watch the food being prepared. (D) They are given the opportunity to test the chefs. 52. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage? (A) The Star Students of Le Cordon Bleu (B) The Gourmet Capital of Canada (C) The Master Chefs of Le Cordon Bleu (D) The Practical Approach of Le Cordon Bleu 259
第 53-56 題為題組
Hepatitis C is an infectious virus that attacks the liver. It is carried in the infected person’s blood. More than five million Americans carry the virus, but only one third are aware that they have it. The Hep C sufferer does not normally show any symptoms of illness until advanced liver damage occurs. Currently there is no vaccine to prevent against the infection of Hep C, but there are treatments available. The key is getting early diagnosis and care before serious liver complications develop. The most common methods of Hep C infection are the following: the sharing of needles; blood transfusion or organ donation before testing began in 1992; exposure to infected blood through sports; the sharing of personal care equipment, such as razors or toothbrushes; and unprotected sex. Hep C has also been contracted through inadequately sterilized injections and medical equipment, tattoos or piercings with used needles, or manicures and pedicures with equipment that has been (unknowingly) used on a carrier. The only way to protect yourself from contracting Hep C is to avoid exposure to the blood of other people who may be carrying the disease. As mentioned above, this includes the equipment that might have come in contact with Hep C-infected blood. If you are diagnosed with Hepatitis C, it is important to build up your body’s strength and resistance naturally, in addition to the treatment that will be provided by your doctor. Avoid alcohol or recreational drug use, eat well, exercise regularly, and get plenty of rest.
53. Which of the following people might risk becoming infected with Hepatitis C? (A) Someone who had a blood transfusion in 1998 (B) Someone who donated blood (C) Someone who used the same toothbrush for over six months (D) Someone who shared a needle with another drug user 54. How can you protect yourself against getting Hepatitis C? (A) Get yourself vaccinated against the disease. (B) Never agree to a blood transfusion or an organ transplant. (C) Avoid exposure to the blood of other people. (D) Get regular manicures and pedicures.
55. What measures were taken against the spread of Hep C in the early ’90s? (A) An extensive immunization program began. (B) Extensive testing began on blood used in medical procedures. (C) Doctors began treating people for the disease. (D) Doctors began sterilizing needles and medical equipment. 56. According to the passage, which of the following is true?
學 測 模 擬 試 題
(A) It is possible to contract Hepatitis C through kissing. (B) You can cure yourself of Hepatitis C simply by getting plenty of rest. (C) There is no preventative vaccination for Hepatitis C. (D) Hepatitis C is a disease that attacks all of the internal organs.
單字索引 Index A abandon 80 abide by 93 abruptly 136 abundant 60 academic 188 acceptable 192 access 15 accompany 33 accurately 236 acid 62 acquaint 38 adapt 48 adequate 202 adjustment 212 admission 212 adolescent 138 advice 107 afford 32 affordable 159 afterward 95 agenda 41 agent 228 aggressively 241 agricultural 54 agriculture 19 alcohol 222 alert 221 allergic 125 ambitious 252 amusement 39 annually 160 antique 150 anxiety 122 anxiously 251 apart from 157 app 242 appealing 159 appreciate 85 approve 250 architect 101 architecture 29 arrival 81 262
artificial 236 artistic 214 aside from 251 aspect 193 associated 109 assurance 243 athlete 207 athletic 113 atmosphere 39 attach 86 attempt 165 attendance 121 attraction 41 automatically 98 awake 134 awe-inspiring 11 awkward 93
B background 38 badly 107 ban 67 bargain 153 barrier 62 battery 227 be in for sth. 120 beforehand 129 belongings 93 beneficial 115 beware 181 bilingual 185 blade 47 blame 62 blanket 47 bless 81 bloom 85 blossom 86 bodily 114 bonus 100 border 180 brake 136 broaden 10 bronze 207
bruise 164 budget 9 bulk up 222 bump 101 bush 17 by virtue of 171
C calculate 151 calorie 222 campaign 53 cannon 213 canoe 22 carbon 59 carnival 22 carrier 236 category 207 cathedral 31 cautious 129 cease 136 ceremony 145 chairman 194 chapter 200 characteristic 167 childhood 150 chip 208 chore 94 cigar 146 circulation 160 circumstance 170 cityscape 29 civilization 11 clan 73 clarify 202 classify 129 cliff 11 coarse 192 code 243 cognitive 172 collapse 233 colony 22 command 153 commercial 40
commission 133 commit 139 committee 207 commodity 79 commonplace 195 commute 79 companion 182 compete 215 complaint 95 completion 78 compose 24 compromise 181 concerned 59 conclude 40 conduct 91 confines 48 confuse 221 connected 174 connection 93 conquer 73 conscious 218 consciously 129 consciousness 244 consequently 171 conserve 51 consistent 115 consumer 63 contemporary 30 contest 213 continent 202 contrary 219 contrast 61 contribute 60 convention 151 convey 88 cooperation 69 corporation 60 courtesy 92 cozy 36 cram 202 crash 249 crater 215 creak 145 creation 78 creativity 167
crocodile 17 crown 40 crush 74 cuisine 32 curiosity 182 currency 86 curriculum 188 customize 242 cybersecurity 243 cycle 233
D dash 247 deadline 202 deceive 180 declaration 128 defeat 181 defense 46 delegation 207 delete 243 delicacy 24 delicate 88 delivery 228 demand 54 dense 36 departure 81 dependable 235 deposit 109 deserve 38 despair 189 destination 22 detail 185 diet 107 digital 157 diligence 203 disadvantage 187 disappointed 116 discard 66 discriminate 196 dismiss 219 disorder 186 distinction 214 distinctive 29 document 127 dogsledding 23
drain 56 dramatically 158 dreadful 46 drift 143 drill 199 drowsiness 250 due to 126 dump 153 duration 30 dwelling 95 dynasty 78
E earnest 199 economic 200 economically 67 educational 159 efficient 228 ego 116 elderly 119 elegant 113 elsewhere 195 embrace 25 emergency 249 emission 67 emphasis 114 empire 74 employ 134 empty 45 enable 171 enclose 144 endeavor 144 endure 75 engage 159 enjoyable 92 enormous 179 ensure 25 enthusiastic 149 equip 234 equipment 60 erect 144 essentially 244 established 215 establishment 99 esteem 88
單 字 索 引
estimate 15 eternal 87 evidently 160 evil 182 exaggeration 243 examiner 128 exceedingly 115 excel 186 excellence 214 exceptional 249 excess 56 exclude 67 existence 233 exit 227 expansion 74 expense 12 external 228 extraordinary 144 extremely 9
F facility 120 factor 173 fad 114 fade 143 fairly 37 fairy tale 41 fancy 24 fantasy 223 fascinate 30 fatal 109 fatigue 116 favorably 92 federal 250 feminine 194 ferry 10 fertilizer 61 fetch 228 fiber 109 finance 209 financially 52 flexible 115 flourish 47 fluent 186 folk 119 264
folklore 10 fond 134 forbidden 19 forgetful 201 format 158 formation 171 fortunately 171 fossil 61 foul 240 foundation 202 fragrance 135 framework 53 freeze 45 freight 80 fuel 61 fulfill 79 fundamentally 60 fur 47 furiously 173 fuss 94
G gallery 30 gap 203 genderless 194 generation 194 generosity 92 genius 174 geographical 48 glacier 11 glance 45 glitter 167 global 52 glory 87 gnaw 18 gobble 69 goods 151 gorgeous 36 gown 145 grab 139 gradually 99 grant 158 grateful 95 greasy 129 greenhouse 67
grind 163 guarantee 92 guidance 227 guideline 69 gym 221
H handicapped 193 harm 108 harsh 46 harvest 207 heal 220 healthful 116 heap 67 heavenly 12 heel 179 heighten 125 helmet 164 hence 101 herd 17 hesitation 66 highly 28 hike 16 historically 212 hollow 128 horizon 252 household 94 hover 215
I idiom 179 idle 251 illustrate 201 image 86 imagination 172 imaginative 233 immediate 92 imperial 85 import 242 impose 62 indication 220 indifferent 244 indoors 170 induce 125
indulge 130 influential 160 informed 63 initial 200 initiate 68 injure 163 inland 11 innocently 241 insert 227 insomnia 135 inspect 68 inspiration 39 institute 68 instruct 189 insult 193 insurance 150 intend 67 intention 195 interaction 120 interfere 250 interference 188 interior 39 internal 229 interpretation 192 intimate 16 intolerant 243 invade 73 investment 151 isolated 12 issue 66
J journey 79 junk 152
K kilometer 36
L laser 248 latitude 9 laundry 94 layer 46
leak 108 lean 113 lessen 146 lifelong 223 lighten 110 likelihood 187 limitation 119 literature 159 livestock 69 loose 235 loosen 208 lung 109
M magically 121 magnet 227 magnificent 10 majesty 28 majority 195 mammal 18 manage 173 management 102 mankind 19 manufacture 208 manufacturer 56 maple 24 margin 151 marvelous 32 mash 32 massive 31 masterpiece 31 mature 186 maximize 189 mechanical 234 medical 60 mend 229 mention 241 merely 242 microphone 242 milestone 79 mineral 110 minimum 54 miracle 230 misery 135 mission 69
mobile 251 mobile phone 208 mode 173 moderate 137 modify 247 monitor 139 monument 83 morally 192 moreover 181 mostly 241 motor 80 multiple 158 murmur 143 muscle 219 mustard 32 mutual 92 myth 181
單 字 索 引
N naively 180 nasty 193 nationality 85 navigate 248 necessity 100 neglect 52 negotiate 93 neighborhood 30 network 78 noble 195 nonetheless 146 normal 213 noticeable 120 notify 126 nowadays 179
O objection 249 obsession 102 obstacle 223 obvious 185 occupation 200 occupy 15 offence 192 operation 15
operator 249 opponent 173 oppose 74 oral 172 original 16 ornament 31 orphanage 121 otherwise 222 ounce 166 outer 180 outline 38 overall 38 overdo 110 overlook 31 overnight 99 overwhelming 250
P Pacific 74 pad 164 palace 23 paradise 22 participant 129 partly 61 passage 54 pedal 38 penalty 53 perceive 186 permanent 227 persist 51 personality 188 phenomenon 164 physician 107 poke 47 political 193 pollute 56 pop 242 portable 166 portion 235 possess 85 possession 152 potential 230 potentially 102 practical 95 precaution 244 266
precious 144 precise 99 predator 15 predict 209 pressure 122 prevention 250 prey 15 priceless 91 primary 172 primitive 252 prior 195 privacy 244 privilege 159 procedure 200 production 62 profitable 150 program 68 promising 157 proper 193 property 91 proposal 139 prospect 228 protection 133 protest 100 psychological 243 publication 194 pulse 114 purchase 63
Q quest 59
R racial 193 rainfall 55 raw 32 reaction 126 recall 150 reception 145 recipe 209 reckless 251 recognition 166 recommend 28 recover 55
recycle 209 refer to 86 reflect 68 regarding 172 regulation 54 related 172 relative 120 relatively 60 relaxation 121 relief 209 relieve 121 rely 167 reminder 63 renew 145 replacement 236 representative 23 reputation 87 rescue 236 resemble 75 reservation 30 reserve 18 reside 73 resident 22 resolve 218 resource 9 respond 127 responsibility 100 restriction 52 retain 201 revive 214 revolution 145 rival 144 route 37 routine 52 rural 11
S sacrifice 208 satellite 158 saving 135 scale 220 scan 137 scary 240 scatter 73 scenery 82
schedule 55 scholar 214 scientific 127 scream 195 sculptor 214 sculpture 22 secure 234 segment 78 seize 153 seldom 128 senior 120 sensation 143 sensor 229 series 128 server 99 shade 18 sharpen 115 shortage 108 shortly 164 shrine 31 shuttle 166 sightseeing 10 simply put 56 site 150 skate 164 slice 33 snap 23 solid 127 soreness 220 souvenir 23 specialist 165 spill 235 spiritual 85 split 187 sportsman 215 sprint 215 spy 240 staff 100 statue 113 status 36 steady 160 steep 11 steer 247 stiff 115 sting 237
stingy 101 stock 149 straightforward 98 strength 85 strengthen 114 strive 207 stroke 187 structural 144 structure 82 stuff 149 stunning 39 submit 75 substance 125 substantial 67 substitute 137 sufficient 100 suppose 107 surf 170 surgery 229 surroundings 248 sustain 46 swell 108 swiftly 54 switch 101 syrup 24
T tablet 160 take in 10 tax 62 technique 165 tempt 69 tendency 136 thankfully 188 theme 173 thoroughly 29 threat 51 threaten 74 throne 86 tidy 94 tighten 221 timber 80 tolerable 137 tolerate 46 ton 66
trace 179 tragedy 39 tragic 181 transfer 37 transform 121 translate 32 transport 235 transportation 78 trash 68 traveler 10 tribal 73 triumph 209 tub 24 tuck 166 twist 113 typical 119
單 字 索 引
U unconventional 207 undoubtedly 189 university 157 urge 53
V vague 126 vanish 19 vast 74 vehicle 81 verbal 188 via 228 victim 135 violate 53 violent 73 visual 138 vital 55 vivid 167 voluntary 102
W wage 99 wander 17 warmth 47 warn 138
warrior 73 wheelchair 120 widespread 60 wildlife 46 withdraw 212 withdrawal 137 worthy 213 wrapping 234
Y yield 102 yoga 113
字首、字尾 字首 字首 字首 字首 字首 字首 字首 字首 字首 字首 字首 字首 字尾 字尾 字尾 字尾 字尾 字尾 字尾 字尾 字尾 字尾 字尾 字尾 字尾
auto- 98 bi- 185 cent(i)- 37 cyber- 243 dis- 66 ex- 40 in- 40 kilo- 37 micro- 242 milli- 37 over- 110 re- 56 -(i)fy、-ication 129 -al 81 -en 114 -ful 201 -holic 222 -hood 30 -ief 122 -ize 189 -less 194 -or 214 -scape 29 -tude 9 -ward(s) 98
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