Distinguishing Test WORKSHEET
Short Description
organic distinguishing test...
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY WORKSHEET Distinguish between the following pi!s of o!gni" "o#poun$s % Pair of Organic compounds
Name of the Test
Observations wrt with each compound
Equations where applicable .
Chlorobenzene and Benzyl Chloride
Silver nitrate test
Alcoholic AgNO3
Benzyl Chloride- Will give white ppt of silver chloride Chlorobenzene-No reaction.
CCl# and C$Cl3
Carbyla!ine %est
n-propyl alcohol and ,so propyl alcohol
,odo ,odoffor! or! %est
&ri!ary a!ine li'e C$3 N$ N$( alcoholic )O$*NaO$ NaO$ NaO$, ,(
C$Cl3 + gives offensive s!elling isocyanide gas. CCl# + No reaction. ,so propyl alcohol is C$3C$O$ C$3 gives yellow ppt of C$,3
C$3C$O$ C$3CO C$3 C$3
NaO$ NaO$, ,(
n-propyl alcohol +No reaction 1thanol gives yellow ppt of C$,3
C$3CO C$3 /NaO, C$,3 / C$3COONa C$3C$(O$ C$3C$O
NaO$ NaO$, ,(
0ethanol +No reaction 1thanol gives yellow ppt of C$,3 benzyl alcohol+No reaction
C$3C$(O$ C$3C$O
0ethanol and ethanol
1thanol and benzyl alcohol
,odo ,odoffor! or! %est
,odo ,odoffor! or! %est
Important points
benzyl chloride has chlorine attached to side chain so precipitate will be for!ed . in the case of chloro benzene no AgCl precipitate will be for!ed as the chlorine benzene bond is strong d"e to resonance... R-NH2 + CHCl3 + 3KOH --------> RNC + 3KCl + 3H2O
C$3C$O / NaO, C$,3 / $COONa
C$3C$O / NaO, C$,3 / $COONa
Alcohols with str"ct"re si!ilar to C$3C$-O$ 2 2$ or al'yl gro"p.
Acetaldehyde and for!aldehyde
,odofor! %est
Acetaldehyde gives yellow ppt of C$,3 5or!aldehyde +No reaction
C$3C$O / NaO, C$,3 / $COONa
Acetaldehyde and acetone
%ollen9s 2eagent %est
ammoniacal silver nitrate solution (Tollens’ reagent) [Ag(NH3)2]+
Acetaldehyde- gives shiny silver !irror Acetone - No reaction
C$3C$O / [Ag(NH3)2]+ +OH- C$3COONa /Ag/$(O/N$3
Benzaldehyde ,odofor! %est and acetaldehyde
C$3C$O / NaO, C$,3 / $COONa
Bezaldehyde and ,odofor! %est acetophenone
3-pentanone and (- pentanone
,odofor! %est
Acetaldehyde gives yellow ppt of C$,3 Benzaldehyde +No reaction Acetophenone gives yellow ppt of C$,3 Benzaldehyde +No reaction (- pentanone gives yellow ppt of C$,3 3-pentanone +No reaction
Acetophenone and Benzophenone
,odofor! %est
C$3CO C:$; /NaO, C$,3 / C:$;COONa
&henol and Benzoic acid
Ne"tral ferric chloride test
&henol and
Ne"tral ferric
Acetophenone gives yellow ppt of C$,3 Benzophenone +No reaction &henol gives violet colo"ration Benzoic acid-No reaction. &henol gives violet
4ive positive iodofor! test. Aldehydes and 'etones having at least one !ethyl gro"p lin'ed to the carbonyl carbon ato! 6!ethyl 'etones C$3CO--7 are o8idised by NaO, 6NaO, is for!ed when NaO$ reacts with ,( 7 ,odofor! test cannot be "sed as both will react .
C$3CO C:$; /NaO, C$,3 / C:$;COONa C$3CO C3$
Whenever the co!po"nd has (-one in na!e "s"ally iodofor! test can be "sed.
Whenever phenol is given "se ferric chloride test.
Acetic acid
chloride test
1thanol and Acetic acid
,odofor! %est
1thyla!ine and Aniline
Azo dye test
colo"ration Acetic acid-No reaction. 1thanol gives yellow ppt of C$,3 Acetic acid +No reaction
C$3C$(O$ C$3C$O C$3C$O / NaO, C$,3 / $COONa
NaNO2/HCl (nitrous aci is !orme in situ) !ollo"e #$ #eta na%&t&ol
Aniline "it& NaNO2/HCl (nitrous aci is !orme in situ) give #en'ene ia'oniu m c&lorie "&ic& reacts "it& #eta na%&t&ol to !orm orange %%t o! an a'o $e 1thyla!ine reacts to !orm an alco&ol instea o! $e
C:$; N$( / NaNO2+ HCl C:$; N(Cl /NaCl/$(O
1thyla!ine- %"rbidity is seen which dissolves in al'ali ?iethyla!ine%"rbidity is seen which is insol"ble in al'ali &henol gives violet colo"ration Acetic acid-No reaction. (-!ethyl -(- propanol will give t"rbidity i!!ediately.
C*H,O2Cl + C($; N$( C*H,O2 N$ C($;
@-propanol will not give t"rbidity at roo! te!perat"re
C$3C6C$3 7Cl C$3
1thyla!ine and ?iethyla!ine
$insberg 2eagent
en'enesul%& on$l c&lorie (C*H,O2Cl) is Hins#erg’s reagent
&henol and Aniline
Ne"tral ferric chloride test
@-propanol and (-!ethyl -( propanol
"cas %est
ucas reagent (conc HCl an .nCl2)
C:$;O$ / 5e/3 = 6C:$;O735e>
C$3C6C$3 7O$ / HCl(.nCl2) C$3
&henol and Cyclohe8anol.
Ne"tral ferric chloride test
5or!ic acid and Acetic acid
%ollen s reagent test
ammoniacal silver nitrate solution (Tollens’ reagent) [Ag(NH3)2]+
&henol gives violet colo"ration Acetic acid-No reaction. for!ic acid red"ces %ollen s reagent to !etallic silver b"t acetic acid doesn t.
C:$;O$ / 5e/3 = 6C:$;O735e>
$COO$ / (=Ag6N$37(>/ / (O$- --- (Ag / CO( / ($(O / #N$3 C$3COO$ / =Ag6N$37(>/ ---- no silver !irror
5or!ic acid is the only acid to give / test for tollens n fehlings
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