1. He is famous for the idea of "conspicuous consumption". Conspicuous consumption, along with "conspicuous leisure", is performed to demonstrate wealth or mark social status. a. William James c. Thorstein eblen b. John Dewey d. Charles !anders eirce #. $t was de%eloped as a criti&ue of positi%ism in the social sciences. a. $nterpreti%ist aradigm c. 'elati%ist (ntology b. henomenology d. !ub)ecti%ist *pistemology +. $t assumes that reality as we know it is constructed intersub)ecti%e through the meanings and understandings de%eloped socially and eperientially. a. $nterpreti%ist aradigm c. 'elati%ist (ntology b. henomenology d. !ub)ecti%ist *pistemology -. ssumes that we cannot separate oursel%es from what we know. a. $nterpreti%ist aradigm c. 'elati%ist (ntology b. henomenology d. !ub)ecti%ist *pistemology /. in philosophy, the science or study of phenomena, things as they are percei%ed, as opposed to the study of being, the nature of things as they are. a. $nterpreti%ist aradigm c. 'elati%ist (ntology b. henomenology d. !ub)ecti%ist *pistemology 0. e is the founding figure of phenomenology, specifies that phenomenology is to study how we 2conscious of3 them, how they 2appear3, and, in short, how things become 2phenomena3. a. *dmund usserl c. erbert 6lumer b. 4eorge . 5ead d. Thorstein eblen 7. e attempted to account for the origins and de%elopment of human mind 8 or intelligence 9 by locating it within the process of e%olution, by showing that the origins of human mind lie in human society. a. *dmund usserl c. erbert 6lumer b. 4eorge . 5ead d. Thorstein eblen :. $t is an merican theory that de%elops from practical considerations and that alludes to people;s particular utili. $t is a ma)or branch of theory within sociology that is distincti%e for how its creators shift their analytic lens, assumptions, and topical focus away from the male %iewpoint and eperience. a. =eminist Theory c. sychoanalysis b. 5arist Theory d. uman 9 *n%ironment !ystem 1?. !ome feminist theory pro%ides an analytic framework for understanding how women;s location in, and eperience of, social situations differ from men;s a. 4ender Differences c. 4ender (ppression b. 4ender $ne&uality d. !tructural (ppression 11. $t handles adaptation function by ad)usting to and transforming the eternal world. a. ction !ystem b. !ocial !ystem c. ersonality !ystem
d. Cultural !ystem
1#. $t copes with the integration by controlling its component parts. a. ction !ystem b. !ocial !ystem c. ersonality !ystem
d. Cultural !ystem
1+. $t performs the goal attainment function by defining system goals and mobili. e wrote influential books on different branches of psychology and on the philosophy of pragmatism. a. William James c. Thorstein eblen b. John Dewey d. Charles !anders eirce >. e is coined as the founder of merican ragmatism. a. Charles !anders eirce b. William James
c. John Dewey d. Thorstein eblen
#?. e was a @! philosopher, psychologist and educational reformer and he was an important early de%eloper of the philosophy of pragmatism. (ne of the founders of functional psychology. a. William James c. Thorstein eblen b. John Dewey d. Charles !anders eirce #1. =eminist theories that focus on gender disparity recogni
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