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October 12, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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In the Court of the I-Addl. District & Sessions Judge, KOLAR. SC. 13/2017    




Duly Sworn on 22-12-2018

Name Father’s Name 

Dr. T. Govindaraju B-  Thimmaiah V

Age   Occupation

years B- Medical Officer, General Hospital,   Srinivaspur  B- Srinivaspur






Examination in Chief by learned Spl. P.P:I am working as Medical Officer since 08-08-2013 to till date at General Hospital, Srinivaspur. On 09-09-2016 at about 5-30 p.m, I received requisition from C.P.I. Srinivaspur Circle, to conduct Post Mortem on the dead body of an unknown person aged about 75 to 80 years pertaining to C.R.No. 225/2016. On the next day i.e., on 10-09-2016 I have conducted the Post Mortem on the said dead body from 12-40 to 2.40 p.m. On examination I noticed that the body was of a male aged about 75 to 80 years, length of the body was 6 feet 2 inches.

Body in pugilistic attit attitude, ude, foul smell pr present, esent, Tongue protru protruded ded and

swollen, whole body is charred, abdomen distended, skin over the right side of the rd

head burnt and bones exposed, 3  degree burns seen over the back, gluteal region, thigh, arms, shoulders exposing the muscles and subcutaneous fat, lipocure present, scalp hair fully burned. burned. On internal examination of neck I noticed that the muscles had softened, fracture of both greater horn of hyoid present. Trachea, esophagus, larynx, softened and no sooth particles were seen. On examination of Chest, I noticed that larynx and bronches was intact, softened and no sooth particles were seen. The lungs were intact and softened and cut section petichial hemorrhage present.


-2SC No. 13/2017 PW: 27 I have collected the visceras such as: 1)  Brain piece 2)  Lung and Heart pieces 3)  Stomach and Intestine pieces 4)  Liver and Kidney pieces and 5)  Skin in formalin. Above said articles were stored in Sodium Chloride. The Post Mortem duration was 24 to 48 hours. The final opinion was kept pending for F.S.L. Report. I have sent the above articles for F.S.L. Chemical Analysis through P.C. 607 in sealed manner. On 16-01-2018 I have received F.S.L. report from C.P.I. Srinivaspur vide letter dated.04-01-2018 to furnish my final opinion on the cause of death of the aforesaid unknown body. body. The F.S.L. Report revealed that the residues of volatile poisons, pesticides, barbituratites, benzodiazepine group of drugs, toxic metal ions and anions were not detected in all the above stated articles which were sent for F.S.L. examination. On the basis of the F.S.L. Report and P.M. report I have opined that death was due to asphyxia secondary to compression over the neck. I am now seeing the Post Mortem report and final Opinion furnished by me and same are marked as Ex.P-30 and Ex.P-31 and my signatures are marked as Ex.P-30(a) and Ex.P-31(a). It is true that if a person who is sitting inside the car and pressed with force over chest the petichial hemorrhage present in the chest mentioned at page No.2 of  P.M. report Ex.P-30 is likely to occur. It is true that if a person is strangulated by using a rope, the fracture of both greater horn of hyoid bone is likely likel y to occur.


-3SC No. 13/2017 PW: 27

Cross Examination : By Sri. K.V.S. Advocate for accused:It is suggested by defense counsel that since the body had sustained 3rd degree burns it is not possible to identify the body, witness voluntarily states that only few parts of the body such as, back thigh, gluteal region, arms and shoulders st

were burnt and the rest of the body had only sustained 1  degree burns, as such the body could be identify. It is suggested by defense counsel that if rope is used for strangulation the ligature mark will be present on the neck, witness voluntarily states since the body had sustained burn injuries the ligature marks were we re not visible. It is true that in a case of accident and compression to chest the petichial hemorrhage to lungs is llikely ikely to occur. It is true tthat hat in an accident if a person comes in contact with an iron rod and sustains compression on the neck, there is a possibility of the fracture of the both greater horn of hyoid bone. Re-examination :- Nil:(Computerized my dictation in open court hall.)   R O I & A C,   Sd/  (N.V. Vijay)   I Addl. Dist. & Sessions J Judge, udge, Kolar.

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