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Hi and Welcome to Discover English! It is our belief that your experience of teaching and learning with Discover English will be as enjoyable and satisfying as planning, designing and writing the course!

Discover English motivates the learners by addressing the need for:

Involvement! Discover English aims to harness the learner's natural curiosity of the world that surrounds them and creates an opportunity to explore and become involved in a variety of real issues that will make their English class a positive and enriching experience. Discover English is more than a text book; it is full of exciting information that will motivate the learners to connect with the English speaking world, and discover insights into topics as varied as Extreme Weather and Space.

Variety! Discover English contains all the elements that make learning effective and fun. There is a careful balance of different types of activities including dialogues, texts, stories, songs, raps, games, all enhanced by a wide variety of support material designed to make the teacher's role both pleasant and rewarding.

Celebrating Diversity! Discover English has been developed to reach all learners, respecting the different learning styles and paying attention to the diverse nature of our classrooms. We carefully considered the need for multi-sensory teaching, the Theory of Multiple Intelligences, Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, as well as the importance of providing a variety of activities to stimulate Whole Brain Learning.

Clarity! Discover English carefully guides the learners through the new structure and vocabulary of each unit. We have kept in mind throughout the need for clarity and controlled language models as well as the need to make the language meaningful. The learners themselves are also able to clearly monitor their own progress. The revision pages include an opportunity for self-assessment, reflection and celebration of their growing knowledge and ability to use and understand English. Discover English is easy to use and, with the additional recourses, will give dedicated and professional teachers all the support necessary to enjoy every aspect of the teaching programme.

We wish you all, teachers and learners, a happy and successful school year!

Izabella and Jayne


Students' Book contents pages


Introduction .. .. '" .. ..

Course components Students' Book features Teacher's Book features Active Teach and CYLETs In the classroom


6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-15

. '

Discover English Games Bank



Teacher's notes


Word list


Extra Words answer key


Workbook answer key


Photocopiable resources eM

Grammar .worksheets teaching notes and answer key



Grammar worksheets resources - consolidation and extension



Teaching notes for photocopiable resources



Beginning of Year resources



Unit resources


Festival resources - 1 Hallowe'en


Festival resources - 2 Easter


Festival resources - 3 Happy New Year!


..., .


Possessive adjectives; to be this / that / these / those


Countries and nationalities Favourite things

singula r / pl ural nouns


Objects Family Appearance adjectives

Possessive 5


have got there is / there are + some / any



Prepositions of place Impe ratives



can / can't (ability)

Animals Body parts Action verbs

My life


Present simple: affirmative, negative, questions

Routine verbs Transport

Question words

Furniture Rooms


Sports Seasons and times of day

like / love / hate + - ing Object pronouns; in / on / at





Present conti nuous: affirmative, negative, questions

Clothes Places in town



Frequency adverbs Present simple and present continuous

Dates The weather

was / were School


School subjects Feelings Time expressions






Past simple regular: affirmative, negative, questions Past simple irregular: affirmative, negative, questions Sequencers Revision of tenses

Places and activities Camping equipment

want to


Entertainment Opinion adjectives




Discover Skills: Cool People! Study Skill: Reading

Let's Revise! Pronunciation: Ihl

e:1g instructions

Discover Culture: Homes Project: My Home

Let's Revise! Pronunciation: 181101 Song: Ghost

"£1 g for and giving permission

Discover Skills: Water Wonders Study Skill: Listening

Let's Revise! Pronunciation: I~I la:1

Discover Culture: UK Meals Project: My Meals

Let's Revise! Pronunciation: hzl Isl Izl Song: Cha Cha Slide

Discover Skills: Holiday Fun! Study Skill: Speaking

Let's Revise! Pronunciation: Iwllvl

Discover Culture: Spies and Detectives Project: A Famous Spy

Let's Revise! Pronunciation: Il]l Song: I Spy



ri bing people

_ :1g the time


," £1 g suggestions

-1g di rections

Discover Skills: Festivals . Study Skill: Writing

Let's Revise! Pronunciation: hi li:l

_ "ng about feelings

Discover Culture: School Project: My School

Let's Revise! Pronunciation: It! I dl I Song: Celebrate

= :~ ri n g events

Discover Skills: Star Report Study Skill: Remembering words

Let's Revise! Pronunciation: lullu:1

= : ~e ss ing preferences

Discover Culture: Captain Cook Project: Explorers

Let's Revise! Pronunciation: I lllarl Song: You Belong To Me

_ "£1 g about the weather

~r;)~ Cambridge Young

At Learners Englisli

Course components Students' Book overview Discover English 1 Students' Book contains ten units and a shorter Starter Unit at the beginning. The Starter Unit introduces the Discovery Web team and deals with basic grammar and vocabulary points. It provides a motivating, practical starting point for the school year. Units 1 to 10 consist of an opening page followed by five lessons, a- e. The opening page in each unit introduces key vocabulary, while language items are introduced and practised in lessons a and b with one of the lessons based on the Discovery Web children. Lesson c in each unit features the Earth Explorer cartoon, and lesson d or e in each unit consists of a revision lesson, Let's Revise! Finally, every other unit contains a Discover Skills or a Discover Culture lesson. The Find extra words feature on page 109 motivates students to develop their vocabulary. The codebreaker key is also on page 109. There is a word list on page 110 featuring key vocabulary introduced in each unit.

Teacher's Book overview The comprehensive Teacher's Book contains: concise teaching notes for each lesson all the Students' Book pages Students' Book and Workbook answer keys Test Book answer key Students' Book tapescripts where necessary one photocopiable grammar worksheet with consolidation and extension resources for each of the ten units. Both have teacher's notes and answer keys one photocopiable resource for each of the ten units with teacher's notes and answer keys three extra photocopiable resources to use at the beginning of the school year three photocopiable festival worksheets Hallowe'en, Easter and New Year 80 flashcards covering key lexis taught on the course.

Workbook overview The Workbook contains: grammar, vocabulary and skills exercises which provide thorough consolidation and practice for each unit in the Students' Book a starring system of one to three stars for level of difficulty on the grammar exercises for flexibility exercises to practise the extra words from the Students' Book a page of stickers. It can be used for homework or, alternatively, can be used in class as additional revision material. It could also be used to help deal with fast finishers.

Audio CD The class audio CD (three CDs) contains all the dialogues and texts from the Students ' Book. Exercises involving listening are very easy to manage as all track numbers are shown next to the relevant exercise on the page.

Students' CD-ROM The Students' CD-ROM contains audio of the Students' Book dialogues and texts as well as lots of additional practice material in a very easy-to-follow format which is ideal for motivating self-access. Students simply need to: start the CD-ROM choose a unit (1- 10) from the menu down the side of the screen choose a practice activity. Activity types include: games, word squares and anagrams check their own answers. Students can keep track of their progress with a learner diary. If your school has computer facilities, you could book them at the beginning of the year to teach students how to use the CD-ROM.

Test Book and Test Master The Test Book contains two progress tests for each unit, 'Student A: and 'Student B'. Each test covers the lexis, grammar and functional areas taught in the Students' Book unit. Both the two unit tests

cover exactly the same material and use exactly the same question-types. There are two versions to help you deal with the unfortunate classroom reality of cheating; give Student A and Student B tests to students sitting next to each other. Alternatively, you may like to use one of the tests as a diagnostic test at the beginning of the unit and the other as a final unit progress test. There are also Student A and Student B skills tests every two units, providing assessment of listening, reading, writing and speaking. These are extremely easy to use as they are adapted to your classroom reality. The tests begin with a listening test and finish with a short, easy-to-manage speaking test. Finally, a Student A and Student B end-oJ-year test facilitates assessment across a longer time period. They are especially easy to use as they follow exactly the same format as the progress tests. _-\. marking grid for all tests is also provided for you to record your students' marks. In order to help you adapt material to your ow n classroom context and to provide as much :lexibility as possible, all the tests are provided as editable Word documents on the Test Master section of the Active Teach disk.

_-\. motivating DVD also accompanies the course, 'yhich really helps to bring 'live' English into the classroom and to provide variety. -=ne DVD, entitled Life in Britain, follows a young JOy w ho is involved in creating a website. -:ne DVD has an optional 'interactive' feature TI?'l{!-ll~~~

\"It' dan run and climb,''' , It can't fly. What is it? ,


It's a tiger !


Complete the sentences.

Jse can or can't. ,

The elephants in the Thai Elephant Orchestra can play music.


Sam ~ paint.


Ja bu ca ,,'t play the guitar. Twiggy ca,,'t fly. Dolphins ~ sing. Dolphins can't see colours.

Exercise 8

Give students time to do the matching exercise individually or in pairs. Play the recording once or twice to check answers.

What about you? True or false? I can swim. _ I can't play the guitar. My friend can play the drums. My father can't paint nice pictures. My granny can water ski. Correct the false sentences.

y granny can't water ski.

Answers --. student page

Speaking • Now you play the game. Make question cards and ask your friends!

Itcan ...

iting Read about Lenny. Then write about Scrat.

::J It', a


~enny i, a ,hark. He', from the film Sh ark', Tale. He can ,wim and ,in9 but h e can't jump or climb. Jump

Swim Climb Sing












Exercise 9 • (Books closed) Ask students to think of three animals from the unit but not to tell anyone. • (Books open) Give each student three question cards to complete. Ask students to play the guessing game in groups of three or four. Students take it in turns to read out their cards. The others in the group guess the animal. Fast finishers: Ask them to complete extra question cards and to continue.

negative sentences with can/can't after you. (Books open) Ask students to study the grammar box.

Exercise 5 Ask students to read the sentences and to answer for themselves. Ask individuals to tell the class about themselves, e.g. I can swim.

rcise 4 Give students time to do the exercise individually or in pairs. Ask them to look at the text to find and check their answers, not just to rely on their memory. Answers --. student page

Exercise 6 Give students time to complete the exercise. Move round the class, correcting as necessary.

Exercise 7 Using L1 if necessary, ask students

Exercise 3 - Tapescript 1 2

dance swim 3 run 4 climb 5 sing 6 fly 7 water ski 8 play music 9 paint 10 jump

Extra words practice, Workbook, page 87. Photocopiable resource 3, page 758 .

New language Grammar: qu estions with can, irregular plurals: teeth, feet Vocabulary: body parts Function s: asking about ability Pre-teach: exh ibition, robot Preparation: Exercise 3. Bring flashcards 19- 28 to class.

Exercise 1


Ask students to look at the photos. Tell them the web team are at an exhibition. Translate exhibition if necessary. Ask if th ey have ever b een to one. Ask students to cover the d ialogue and p redict the answers to the true/ false questions. Check p redictions w ith the class. Play th e recording w h ile students follow in their books. Give students tim e to ch eck th eir answers individu ally before ch ecking w ith the whole class.

Gemma, Ben, Monica and Felix are at the Animal Robot Exhibition.



Listen and read. True or


2 3 4 5

The children are at a zoo. false The robots can't move. fal,e Th e ch ameleon is different colours. true The bat has got a long neck. fal,e Feli x can fl y. fal,e

Talking Tips!

D' 0


Li st en, repeat and match.

1 No way! A 2 Come on. 13

Answers -+ student page Exercise 2 •


Give students time to look at the pictures before they listen to the recording twice. Th e second time, sto p to ask the whole class to repeat th e target language, copyin g the intonation. Check answers.


Exercise 3

Monica Wow l Look at these robot animals. They're really big and they can move! Gemma We can write about them on Discovery Web. Ben That giraffe is amazing. Look at its long neckl Felix Hey! Can you see the chamel eon? Monica Where? Felix There l It's blue and green. It's nextto the giraffe. It's reall y cool! Ben What's this? Gemma It's a bat. Ben A bat? No way! Monica Yes, it's got ears, a mouth .. and t here are its feet. Ben Where's Felix? Felix Look! I'm Batman! Monica Very funny, Felix! Can you fly? Felix Ouch! Er, no I can't. Gemma Come on Felix, let's go.

-+ student page


Give students tim e to look individually at the dialogue again an d


underline the n am es of body p arts. Check answers with the w hole class like this. Student: Foot. Teach er: Thanks. Now touch y our foot. Give students time to do the labelling individu ally or in pairs . Play the recording twice to check answers and for students to repeat.

Suggestion: Play Simon says! If you have space, use it. This can also be done while students are sitting. Say: Simon says touch your head. (Students touch their head.) Continue like this. Then say: Touch your feet. Students who do so are out as Simon did not 'say' anything.

Answers -+ student page Suggestion: Use flashcards 19-28 to consolidate or introduce vocabulary with slower classes.

Tapescript -+ end of notes


D Practise with a fr iend. Use th e act ion verbs


on page 30.

Listen and repeat. Poi nt to t he body :;)arts of Fel ix and the robot dog. 1.46

eye ear nose mouth neck hand finger leg foot

A Can you swim? B Yes, I can. / No, I can't.

tooth arm ha ir one tooth one foot _

Can you .. ? you he she it we they

Do the example with one student. Ask students to continue in pairs. Point out the irregular plurals teeth and feet.

two teeth two feet

0 ----- ... swim? " 1.48 Listen and compl ete the rap. Use these words.

Yes, we can. /








,, ,,


\ Have you got long 1 @s&? ~ Can you stand and wal k? : Have you got a big 2 movth ? I Can you sing and talk?

~ stening

Have you got white 3 teeth ? Ca n you eat, eat, eat? Can you jump and run home On your two big 4 feet ?


Have you got two 5 ~? Can you see and cry? Have you got two 6 hand, ? Can you wave goodbye?


Match t he questions with th ese ;;:nswers. Listen and check. 1.47


Yes, he can. 'I No, he can't. Z He can say hello and goodbye. 3 He can walk and run . 1






Now listen again and say the rap.







--- - - - -


(Books closed) Ask stu dents to listen to the rap once or twice and touch the parts of the body they h ear. (Books open) Give students time to read the rap. Play the recording again. Ask students to follow and complete the rap. Give them time to finish and compare their answers. Check answers by stopping the recording before each space. Ask the whole class to call out the answers. If you have a slower group write the answers on the board.


-+ student page

-----Exercise 5 - Tapescript A This is Aibo, the robot dog. B What can he do? A Well, he can walk and run. B Dogs can jump. Can Aibo jump? A No, he can't, but he can talk. B Wh at can he say?

Answers Introduce Aibo, the robot dog. Ask: Can he swim? Let students guess. them to repeat the question after you. Ask students to study the grammar box.

ercise 4 Give students time to order the questions individually or in pairs. Check by inviting students to write answers on the board.

A He can say hello and goodbye. B Can he sing?

2 Can Aibo jump? 3 What can he say? 4 Can he sing?

A Yes, he can, and he can play your favourite CDs too. Listen!

Grammar worksh eet 3, page 739.

Exercise 5


Do the matching exercise with the whole class. Play the recording twice, then check answers.


-+ student page

New language Vocabulary: adjectives for describing animals Functions: asking for and giving permission Pre-teach: take photos, clever

Exercise 1

01 .50

(Books closed) Tell students it is time for Earth Explorer again. Kit and Fiz are at the zoo. Ask students to predict what animals they see. • (Books open) Ask students to look at the cartoon and check their predictions. Use the cartoon to practise can. Ask: What can you see? Play the recording while students follow in their books.

Exercise 2 •

Ask students to read the questions and check the text. Ask them to underline key words. Refer to them when checking answers.

Fiz: Wow! Thi s is a cool place. Kit: Can I take photos? Girl : Yes, you can. But you can't touch the animals.

Fiz: Hello. Can you talk? Parrot 1: Yes, we can. We can fly too. Parrot 2: We're very clever and very

Kit: They're monkeys. They can jump and climb. Fiz: Can I touch them ? Kit: No, you can 't! Parrot 1: No, you can't!

Fiz: Oh no, it's Bandit's big brother! Parrot 1: It's a tiger. You can touch it. Parrot 2: Yes, you can. It's very slow.

Suggestion: With a strong group ask students to close their books. Ask the true/false questions. See if individual students can remember the answers.


Exercise 3 •

-+ student page


Give stu dents time to do the matching exercise and to complete the crossword. Check answers with the class.


-+ student page

Tiger: Roooa aar! Fiz: Aaarrggh! It isn't slow, it's fast!

Fast finishers: Have students make their own crosswords individually. They can use the animals from the unit and any others that they know. Then have students swap with a partner and do each other's puzzles.

Kit: Fiz! You can't touch the animals in the zoo. They' re dangerous. Bandit: ... and I'm dangerous too, Fiz. Gm!

Exercise 4 Write monkey, parrot and tiger on the board. Ask the first question (Which animal ... is clever?) and point at the three animals. Ask the class what they think. Remember to get them to put their hands up before accepting a contribution. Ask students to continue in pairs. Check answers with the whole class.

Answers --. student page



:'3 J

Li st en and read.

~ Break the code ! Write the report. ~

Read th e senten ces. True or false? 1 2 3 4 5 6


There are animals at the zoo. true Fiz has got a camera. fal,e You can take photos at the zoo. true You can touch th e animals. fal,e The parrots can't talk. fake The tiger is Fi z's friend. fal,e


Tip: Occasionally give the whole class time limits, e.g. Five more minutes to practise! This helps ensure they finish together.

: '"


Order t he questions.

Tigers are fast.

Mat ch them wi th the answers. Label the animal. eye ear nose mouth leg fo ot toe



swim with Can I it? CGO I n,"im ",iib it? 2 Can we it pla y with? Can ",e Fla)l"'itb it? 3 Can see I it ? CgO I reI:: it? a Yes, of course you can. 2 b Yes, look. 3 No, it's dangerous. 1

Animals: dolphin, monkey, giraffe, elephant, shark, tiger Action verbs: run, dance, sing, paint, water ski, climb

I can name different animals. I can use can / can't. I can use action ve rbs. I can label body pa rts. I can ask for and give permission .

Exercise 2 Give students time to do the exercise individually. Move round, correcting and prompting as necessary.

Exercise 3 Give stu dents time to do the lab elling. Write the answers on the board so students can check their answers.



student page

Exercise 4

Exercise 6

" Ask students to look at the photograph in Exercise 3. Ask them what they think Cheetah can and can't do. Give them time to do the exercise, then check with the whole class.



(Books open) Give students time to order the questions and do the matching. Ask students to practise in pairs.



student page

student page

Checklist Exercise 5 See Introduction page 15 .

See page 15 of the Introduction for

01.56 ideas.

they are not in the correct order. Play the recording and give students time to order the pictures. Ask them to compare their ideas with a partner. Don't check answers yet.

Hello! .... Our new webpage is about . our daily routines. Oh no! I'm late for school!

Tapescript -+ end of notes

02.2 Listen. Order the pictures.

Exercise 2



Play the recording, stopping to check answers as you go. Say: What's number 1? Ask students to give you the matching letter. Ask them to repeat the target vocabulary after you in chorus.


-+ student page

Tapescript -+ end of notes Suggestion: Play Pelmanism (create sets of pairs of pictures from page 39).

Exercise 3 Use 11 to explain the same or different if necessary and ask students if their day is the same as or different from the one shown. Ask for examples, but avoid focusing on negatives at this stage.


Is your day the same or different?

• • • •

routine verbs present simple transport telling the time


ew language Vocabulary: routine verbs Pre-teach: late, the same, different Preparation: Exercise 2 . Cut up small paper cards to play Pelmanism see Introduction).

Culture notes :n Britain the school day usually begins at 9 o'clock. It finishes iJetween three and five o'clock, depending on the school.

Exercises 1 and 2 - Tapescript

Unit introduction


Tell students that Discovery Web in Unit 4 is all about daily routine. Use an idea suggested in the Introduction to focus on In this unit.

Exercise 1



Ask students to look at the pictures and see how much vocabulary they know. Tell them the pictures are about daily routine but that

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

[sound of alarm clock, girl yawning] Bye mum! See you all tomorrow. Hi Alex! Hi ]o! It's pizza tonight. Hello and welcome to the Music Show! This is very difficult! Goodnight.

New language Grammar: present simple affirmative Vocabulary: routine verbs, at one o'clock/two o'clock, etc. Functions: speaking about daily routine, telling the time Pre-teach: after, breakfast, cereal, drums

0. 0

We have breakfast at eight 2.4

Listen and read.

o'clock. I eat cereal. Then

we walk to school.

Culture notes Some people in Britain eat a traditional English breakfast such as fried or scrambled eggs, bacon and sausages. Some people just eat cereal and milk with toast and jam. Porridge is especially popular in Scotland.


Exercise 1


Ask students to look at the photostory. Establish where Felix and Gemma are in each photograph and recycle as much vocabulary as you can. Students listen to the recording and follow the text.


Exercise 2


.. Give students time to silently read the photo story and do the matching exercise, then ask them to compare answers with a partner. (You may need to point out the sun and moon in pictures A and C.) Play the recording, pausing as you go along to check the answers.



student page

8- 02.5 Read and listen . Match Fel ix's activities to the times. 1 fini sh school B

! ::~:~:r:;t C~ fA:-

5 wa tch TV A


© '0

'iCE) C0


D (@


Suggestion: (Books closed) Ask

Exercise 3

students to imagine you are Felix. Talk about your day but make mistakes with the times. Ask students to correct you, e.g. Teacher: I go to bed at eight o'clock. Student: No! You go to bed at nine o'clock! Students could continue in pairs .

.. Give students time to do the exercise before they listen to the recording twice. The second time, stop and ask the whole class to repeat the target language. Check answers.

Answers ~ student p age




to complete the exercise . Play the recording again if necessary. Check answers by asking students to write them on the board. This is important so students can check spelling. Point out that the third person of have is has (and not


Talking Tips!

• Work with a fr iend. Mime an action and draw a time. You r friend can guess.

Listen, repeat and match.

That's disgusting! f3 2 Go away! A

You have breakfast at eight o'clock!



4':,: ~ -=

'rifiiiii@h I




present simple: affirmative

get up watch TV st udy have brea kfast

and repeat.

==:::::;11 at seven o'clock.

He She It

Exercise 6

, ,,

02.8 Listen and complet e. Then listen \ Bill gets up and plays the 1 drums. \ At one o'clock or two.

studies has brea kfast



have / eat: breakfast, lunch, dinner, cereal, chips


He says goodnight to Mum and 4----'1al=L a dress? Gemma 18 don'tl;keWearing dresses. Monica Or a skirt? You can wear my purp le skirt. Gemma Than ks, but Ilike 9 -=c'-"4- jeans. Monica 10 _~ about a new T·shirt then? Gemma Hmm, the re's a nice red T·shi rt here and som e fun ny green and red socks 1 Monica Oh Gemma , you're joking !

15py ~


I spy, With my little eye. It's a mystery, Can you help me find the


I can use the present continuous, I can describe clothes. I can give and ask for direct ions.

I can use my 2 ",a9n;fy;n9 9Ia" . To look for a clue that·s from the past. It's time to solve. it·s time to find. A mystery of a different kind. Chorus I spy Cl spy). With my little eye (with my little eye). Can you give me a 3 clve Can you tell me what to do. I spy (I spy). With my little eye (with my little eye). It·s a mystery. key Can you help me find the 4

(p) "


listen, check and sing t he song.

exercise individually. Ask two strong students to read the complete dialogue. Ask the oth ers to follow the directions w ith their fingers .

5 Is Alex smiling? No, he isn't smiling. 6 Are they talking? No, they a ren't talking . 7 Is Sabina feeling scared? Yes, she's feeling scared.

Answers --t student page


The missing piece of the 5 pvzzle May be right before your eyes. A secret or a message that is. Cleverly disguised.

I. can name places in town.

Ask the class to look at the photograph. Ask the class what they think Gemma's doing. (Shopping.) Give students time to read the dialogue and complete as much of the dialogue as they can. Play the recording and give them time to complete the dialogue. Play it again. Stop b efore each space and ask for the answer-

Answers --t student page

Give students time to do the matching exercise and check answers with the class.

Answers --t student page Exercise 9 Suggestion: Play 'I-spy' with th e group (see Culture notes and Introduction, page 16). Give students time to complete the spaces. Make sure they understand they must use all the words from Exercise 8, including key again.

Exercise 10

0 2.51

Play the song twice. The second time, stop before each space and ask the class for the answer. Play it again and sing.

Answers --t stu dent p age Exercise 5 See Introduction page 14.

Give students time to do the


Tip: Make sure the students have a checked and corrected written record of their final texts when carrying out writing activities like this.

Checklist See page 15 of the Introduction for ideas.

New language Functions: describing famous spies/detectives Preparation: Exercise 3. Ask students to bring information and photographs to class about a favourite spy or detective.

Exercise 1

- --


Sherlock Holmes is a great British ~ detective. He's from London and his \ house is in Baker Street. Holmes is a tall, thin man and he is very clever. In . this picture he's wearing a hat and ) he's looking for a clue. There are sixty Sherlock Holmes stories. The stories are by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and you can read them in sixty-three languages!


Ask students to look at the three photos. Ask them what they know about the characters. Play the recording while students follow the texts. Give them time to do the matching task. Check answers. Answers

A-3 B-1 Reading

Exercise 2 Give students time to read the questions and match the characters. Check answers with the class, asking students to quote the relevant part of the text. Answers

-+ student page

Fast finishers: Ask them to make some more Who ... ? questions to try on the group.

Exercise 3 (Books closed) Ask students w h at they know about Ethan Hunt. (Books open) Ask them to look at his factfile. Ask them to copy a blank factfile into their notebooks and complete it with information about their chosen spy/ detective. Ask them to use any extra information they have

2.52 Read, listen and match t he photos with the descriptions. There is

A Famous Spy

one extra photo.

. , Think about a spy or detective. Com


Read and match.

a James Bond b Sherlock Holmes Who ... wears a hat? b Sherlock Holmes 2 is very clever? b is in t wenty-one films? a has got a hou se on Baker Street? b is dangerous? a

brought to class. Ask them to tell a friend.

Exercise 4 Give students time to write. Move round the class, correcting and prompting. Ask students to stick a picture/ photograph next to their work, or to draw their famous person. Create a display!

a factfile like this. Tell your friend . det ective / spy

Ethan Hunt


brown eyes f ro m


your favourite fil m / st ory Now write a paragraph . Use your ideas the factfile.

Fast finishers: Write five common mistakes on the board and ask fast finishers to correct them individually. Then, when all students have finished the exercise, ask the stronger students to come to the board and correct the mistakes. This could also be carried out in two teams to make it competitive.

Unit introduction



Play some music to introduce the theme. Use the photographs to establish the theme and check vocabulary. Tell students that the Discovery Web page in Unit 7 is all about celebrations. Use an idea suggested in the Introduction to focus on In this unit.

Complete th e cal endar. Listen, check and chant.

October May February 8etemBe-f July September Ap ril November :faftttafy August March June

Exercise 1 January



Give students time to complete the calendar individually or in pairs. Play the recording once or twice to check answers. Play it again two or three times. Ask students to repeat and clap the rhythm of each month.

Feb rua ry Marc h

April May jVlle


A!t9!t\t September October

Answers --+ student page

NO Ve mber


Exercise 2 ,

Which month? I go on holiday in _ __ 2 My birthday is in _ _ _ 3 Christm as is in _ __ When is Monica's birthday?

It's in winter. It's after Christmas. It's a short month. It's got e ight letters.

Tell students about yourself, e.g. I go on holiday in August ... Give students time to do the exercise. Ask students to exchange information in groups of three or four.

Now write your own puzzle.

• • • •

frequency adverbs present simple and present continuous dates talking about the weather


New language

Culture notes

Grammar: in + months Vocabulary: months Pre-teach: celebration, Christmas, Hallowe'en, Easter, egg, pumpkin, calendar, after Preparation: Introduction. Bring music students will identify with a celebration, e.g. a Christmas song.

New Year is a very important celebration in Scotland as Christmas was not celebrated by the Protestant Kirk (church) for many years . Scottish people call New Year Hogmanay. Many towns and cities such as Edinburgh celebrate with bonfires and fireworks. Immediately after midnight it is traditional to sing Robert Burns' Auld Lang Syne (1788) .

Exercise 3 Read the puzzle, using gesture and mime. Invite guesses.


--+ student page

Exercise 4 Give students time to write their own puzzle. Move round, correcting and prompting. Ask some students to try their puzzle on the class.

New language Grammar: adverbs of frequency + present simple Functions: talking about frequency Pre-teach: birthday, card, remember, buy, present, open, fair, late, cake, eat

Culture notes Friends and families in Britain usually exchange cards and presents on each other's birthdays.

Exercise 1



Use the photo to introduce the theme and check any vocabulary. Ask students to guess whose birthday it is. Play the recording while students follow the dialogue. Ask whose birthday it is (Ben's).

Students do the exercise individually or in pairs .

Answers 1 false Tbey are in a

3 4

5 6

card shop. false It's his birthday on Saturday. true false He likes rock music. true false Her birthday is in June.

Exercise 3



Students look at the pictures before they listen to th e recording twice. The second time, stop to ask th e class to repeat the target language, copying the intonation, and ask for each answer.


Gemma Monica Gemma Monica Gemma

Exercise 2


Gemma Monica

-+ student page

Monica Gemma Monica Gemma Monica Gemma Monica

Hey, Mon ica l Oh hi! I'm looking for a card for Ben. It's his birthday on Saturday. Yes, you're rightl I never remember birthdays! How about buying a present with me? OK, but what? We often buy football things for Felix. I don't know. What about a CD? That's a good idea. He likes rock music. He usually listens to McFly. But he's got all their music. He sometimes listens to pop music too. How about a Shakira CD? Yeah! Shakira CDs are always good. Let's buy one and listen to it today. That isn't fair, Gemma! It's for Ben. We aren't opening his presents now. It's a Joke, Monica! But it's my birthday in June. Oh Gemma!

Grammar Ask your students to look at th e grammar box and make sure they understand the diagram. Ask them to repeat the examples after you in chorus and find them in the text.

Exercise 4 Make sure students understand the chart. Give them time to do the exercise individually or in pairs.


-+ student page



Listen and read.

True or false? Correct th e false sentences. 2 3 4 5 6

Monica and Ge mma are in a cafe. false It's Ben's birthday t oday. Monica is bu ying Ben a card. Ben doesn't like rock music. Ben's got a lot of McFly CDs. Gemma's bi rth day isn't in June.

Talking Tips!



Listen, repe at and match.

1 Thatisn'tfair! 13 2 That's a good idea. A

Exercise 5 Students do the exercise individually. Ask the class for some examples.

Watch Out! Ask students to look at the Watch Out! box. Tell them the frequency adverbs in the affirmative come before the verb but after be.

'rif! frequency adverbs always usually often sometimes never

To start this activity ask the class two or three of the questions. Ask them to continue in pairs.


He always listens to Sha kira. He usually listens to McFly. She often listens to rock music. He sometimes listens to music. I never remember birthdays.

Order the sentences.

Exercise 9 Give students time to do the writing exercise. Move round, correcting and prompting as necessary.

2 3 4

I) Look at the chart. Complete

S 6

Exercise 7 - Tapescript

the sentences.

Rock: Hi! This is Rock Thompson at Radio Pop. Today I'm talking to Jessie, a McFly fan from London. Jessie is twelve today. Hi there Jessie, and Happy Birthday! Jessie: Hi Rock. Thanks!



3.5 Listen and tick. How does Jessie celebrate her birthday?




always often

Rock: So, Jessie how do you celebrate your birthday?

usually sometimes

Jessie: Well, I usually have a party with my friends from school.

never 1 She ~ liste ns to Sha .s 2 She,ometime"iste ns to c.: . 3 She ~ liste ns to ?'4 She ~ liste ns to Cc :::2

D Write true sente nces.

3 4 S 6

Rock: Do you have a birthday cake?


Wh at about you? Work with a friend. Ask and answer - e questions.


frequency adverb.



I _ _ have a par:y
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