Discourses on k Riya Yoga

February 23, 2017 | Author: Getsuga Tenshou | Category: N/A
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Swami HariharaI}anda




Edited by




M. A., ( Visva-Bharati),



Discourses on Kriya Yoga

D. Lilt. (Utka/)



.Second Kriya




More About Second Kriya





Discourse At Humberg


How to be a Kriyaban


The Descent of Goddess Durga


Significmce of Sivaratri


Significance of Goddess Worship


Three Teachings of the Master


Meditation Guidance And Instruction


Meditation Guidance



Meditation Guidance

~ Three

Distributors KARAR ASHRAM, PURl·


752001, ORISSA, INUIA • J





Dial -

22481. 21872. Gram-CARBON




will be accepted



How to get immortality Meditation Printed at




Guidance -



What is the Goal of Human Life


113 117

DISCOURSES ON KItIYA !ODA PREFACE India holds ancient heritage of spiritual practice from its past and Kriya Yoga is a bridge bE:tween the past, and present spiritual tradition. It is a modern science of sou) culture with ancient secrets and hoary wisdom with a mt:ssage of hope for the future. It is designed to bring about physical, mental and spiritual benefits of human race. Swami Hariharananda Giri, the modern exponent of that great tradition is an embodiment of spiritual practice of Kriya- Yoga. At the binding force of inspiration for the benefit of Kriyabans throughout the world, I embdrked upon the task of collecting the discourses on Kriya- Yoga delivered by Swami Hariharananda, as I did previously putting his thoughts in the form of books both in English and Oriya languages. Fortunately the book 'KRIYAYOGA' the scientific technique of soul culture, which we have edited has been rendered into different international languages and has already received world recognition. The materials of this present volume have been made available with the kind help of Karar Ashram, Puri and from series of cassets presented to me: by Revered Gurudev for my personal use. The thought and language of Gurudev in original fcrm ha's been retained in the articles as far as practicable. Though it is a technical (

( ii ) book on Kriya- Yoga inteniled for ad vanced pupils, the general reader may find flood of information about the mystery of spirjtual practice for their own benefit. It will help people to find inner peace and control of mind amid world of turmoil and would inspire them to take up the path of spiritual practice. This would serve as a message of hope and inspiration for the human race. Kriya':yoga bas become a mode of philosophy of life and a life long practice for many aspirants in [ndia and throughout the world. I hope this book will enable them to practice Kriya and meditation with better understanding and spiritual attainment. Sri Laxminarayan Agrawal, a kriyaban of Sambalpur has gladly taken up the responsibility of printing of this book. It is proposed that the donations received after distribution of this book will be spent for further publications of Kriya literature and propagation of Kriya- Yoga. I request the readers of this book to contribute their mite for this great purpose. I am grateful to all who helped me in bringing out this volume. \Ve seek the blessings of Gurudev on the occasion of this precious publication.


G. M. College Campus Sambalpur - 768004 Orissa, India.





Swami Hariharananda Giri, the greatest master of Kriya- Yoga, is the head of KARAR ASHRAM, PURL ORISSA, INDIA which was founded by his GURU Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri, the Great GURU of Paramahamsa Yogananda - founder of Y. S. S. and S. R. F. As directed by Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri, Swami Hariharananda Giri learnt the technique of Kriya-Yoga from Paramahansa Yogananda. Swami Srimat Satyananda Giri. Acharya of Ranchi, Brahmacharya Ashram and Srimat Bhupendranath Sanyal. the renowned Kriya- Yogi and disciple of Yogiraj Shyamacharan Lahiri. He received the secret technique of Samad hi from an unknown young Yogi and attained all the six sta~es of Kriya- Yoga Samadhi, Nirvikalpe Samadhi and Paramahansa stage. the highest stage for a dedicated Yogi, within a short period and was empowered by Paramahansa Yogananda to initiate disciples into Kriya- Yoga as an 1\charya (Spiritual preceptor) to guide the divine seekers. .He is an erudite scholar and has deep knowledge of BIble, Turu, Koran, Buddhist Scriptures. Veda, U panisad, Patanjali Sutra, Brahma Sutra, Bhagabat Geeta and many other scriptures including System of Yoga, Astrology, Astronomy, Palmistry, Classical music and Rabindra Sangit.

Through his proficiency in many languages he is acceptable to people of different countries of the World and is acclaimed as a World Teacher. He visits foreign countries every year and h?s a large number of disciples belonging to different walks of life. They include Governors, Ministers, Chief Justices, Administrators, Doctors, Engineers, Scientists, Musicians, Respected Business men as well as poor persons. He has no dogma while initiating his disciples and makes no distinction between a Brahmachari and a householder in this matter. He also empowers competent disciples to intiate people into Kriya- Yoga either in India or abroad.




Letter from Gurudev Swami Hariharananda



My affectionate and divine father Raghabananda Baba, Baba. many are teaching wrong technique. Please see, ( I am giving diagram, accordingly :you .all will teach). It is imide the divine well, not outside the spine well. You see the red arrow marks; student will come up inside the spinal well and will come down inside the spinal canal. Although I wrote, Om, Na, MA outside the ~pinal, yet it is not outside, it must be inside the spinal canal. Only to make you all to understand I wrote and show the technique of 2nd Kriya. First Kriya is just like that. You will teach first, you exhale fully, then you see God is pulling breath slowly from lower Center to llpper Center. Give more stress on sound and Vibration than watching the breath. Because sound and vibration are the result of the technique. Student will get the result of the formless stage. Prasad of Lord Jagannath is more valuable than Oarshan of Lord Jagannath. The grace of Lord is, in fact, the Prasad of Jagannath So you tell them to watch more vibration and sound while practising Kriya.

A realised soul in the line of Sri Lahiri Baba, Sri Yukteswarjee and Paramahansa Yogananda he occupies a unique position among the Yogis of this Country.

* /


Kriya Yoga gives constant liberation, if the student feels God is doing everything, If whole day a student feels God is doing work through me, then he will work and that will be his or her worship. All religions teach to be


extrovert and for a short period meditation. but Kriya Yoga will give you constant sound - Ista mantra and constant liberation.


Again I am telling most probably I wrote one story told by Sri Yukteswarjee. He used to say a ghost wanted work, so he told, you please catch the ring of the well and come up inside th e well and again come down inside the well. Similarly everyone should watch everything is done by God, only God is in your whole system, See Bhagawat Geeta, 13th Chapter, 14th Verse, In our whole system God is abiding. so we are to watch two things at a time - inside the gross hand invisible hand is working. Inside the visible leg invisible legs are activating. Inside the visible eye invisible eye is working -

SELF-REALISATION. The quest for the self·realisation is the great heritage and distinctive feature of Indian tradition. India is the greatest seat of pilgrimage for self.meditation. The pursuit of spiritual knowledge through the physiology of man is the very beginning. middle and end of India's Cl'lltural system. The greatest contribution of India to humanity is its Yoga· dharma. Through practice of Yoga, poverty striken India has found out the ways to achieve peace in the violent, restive and bewildered world of to-day. The people of the world. excepting the Indians have not so far been able to explore the ways to eternal peace, in spite of their unique and glorious achievements in the sphere of material gains through the help of physical science. Therefore, they are now very eagerly and anxiously engaged in quest of that path. On the other hand the Indians also, in spite of being the worthy inheritors of that precious episterilOlogy and elixir of life, have become way-ward for want of.their appropriate application in the sphere of the life of the individual and of the community.


Please meditate deeply. \Vith love Hariharananda.


blessings for all who

Hariharananda Giri


It is the ,common prejudice that Yoga is a intricate process and.is not intended for common in its day-to-day life. The fundamental essence of is to bring about communion between God and

vely man Yoga man.

( ii )


The state of communion or Yoga is there at each and every moment and it depends on the will of man how to realise it. A rusty wire is transformed to an immensly power generating element when it is connected to an electric plug. Similarly, if Gyan (knowledge), Vigyan {detailed knowledge} and progyan (perfect knowledge) can be infused in to the extrovert and vacillating nature of our Jiva. the darkness of ignoran..::e will vanish away in the twinkle of an eye and the very life of the individual will gleam ~ith Divine illumination. The Kriyayoga process itself is a scientific technique for the transformation of our material body - consciousness to a state of spiritual superconsciousness or cosmic consciousness.

the Upanishads and in all other sastras will be actualised in life. Therefore, requisite knowledge and practices are necessary in the modes of our technique for altering the station.

One has to become the Brahma himself in order to have the real conception in the essence of Brahma. It has been mentioned in the scriptuH's that by transforming one self into Divinity one has to worship God. It is not possible to realise the essence of Divinity if one has not exalted himself to the level of God-head after crossing the stage of Jiva-hood. Just as through the m~dium of radio, one broadcasting station can be switched over to another, in the similar manner, through a scientific process the Jiva bread casting station can be converted to the broadcasting centre of the Divinity, As long as the centre of the conciousnness of the extrinsic Jiva has not been locked up, the intrinsic consciousness of God will not be attained, nor man will be able to realise the significance of the Universal spirit. Human birth will achieve perfection and its worth, when it will reach the stage of the all pervading Brahma. The ultimate truth propounded in the Gita, the Vedas,



The great ascetics and seers with their farsightedness in the realisatiun of Ultimate Reality have come to understand that within the back-bone, there is asporous nerve which stretches across from the cocyx to the brain, known as ·Susumna'. The different moods of the mind vary in accordance with the variations in their positions within the different planes of this ·Susumna'. Each and every mood of ours has to pass through Susumna. From muladhara it rises up to sahasrara and is ultimately revealed through kutastha (pituitary~. This kutastha is no other than Brahma·yoni. If the sadhak (aspirant) can transcend his mind beyond the cocyx (muladhara), sacrum ( swadhisthan ), lumbar ( manipur J, dorsal ( anahat ), and cervical ( bisudha ) circuit or the centres within the susumna nadi. then the right state of mind is attained and the extrinsic Jiva gets automatically purged. If the mind achieves concentration on the M edula oblongta (ajna-chakra) and pituitary and if the sadhak so desires, he can realise the self, suspending the restiveness of.Jiva, even in t~e midst of all sorts of worldly consciousness and perplexities. Swasa-bayu ( inhalation and exhalation ). is the very life-blood of man. If this' vayu becomes restive then man becomes insane with lust, anger and greediness and becomes insensible having no proper power of judgement. Mind is the lord of all passions; but this

(iv) vayu also controlled can obtain his mortal

(v )

is the controller of the mind. If vayu is by the scientific Kriya processessJ then man the realisation of God within the sphere of existence.

Nadi·chakra ( the circuit of nerves) becomes purged by swasa-bayu or prana bayu, which can be quickly achieved through the practice of Kriya - yoga process. Consequently the passage to susumna within the backbone is opened. As soon as it is opened the air w.ithin the susumna passage passes on to kutastha as well as to sahsrara, as a result of which wit, wisdom and eaoism " reach the stage of mental equilibrium. Life becomes ambrosial and filled with cdestial bliss with the direct perception of Divine Effulgence. Kriya·yoga is the quickest means of success. The speciality of Kriya yog
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