Director of Lands vs Bisnar
Short Description
G.R. No. 83609, October 26, 1989 DIRECTOR OF LANDS, PETITIONER, VS. CORT OF APPEALS, APPEALS, I!ARRA, !ISNAR AND A"ELIA !ISNAR, Re#$o%&e%t. Re#$o%&e%t. F'ct#( In th thei eirr join jointt appl applic icat atio ion n for for regi regist stra rati tion on of title to two (2) parcels of land led on July 20, 197, the applicants I!arra and "#elia $isnar clai#ed to !e the owners in fee si#ple of %ots & and &70 of the 'ilar adastra, containing an area of 2& hectares (2&,2 s*+#+) and hectares (-,&- s*+#+) situated in !arrio .en+ /ion, unicipality of 'res 'resid iden entt o3a o3as, s, 'ro4 'ro4in ince ce of api api (p+ (p+ 1, 1, ollo)+ 5he applicants alleged that they inherited those parcels of land (p+ 1, ollo) and they had !een paying the ta3es thereon (p+ 0, ollo)+ 5he 6irector of %ands and the 6irector of the
$ureau of orest 6e4elop#ent, opposed the application+ 8n e!ruary 2, 1977, the applicants led an a#ended application, which was appro4ed on arch 1, 1977, and included the following allegation "Should the Land Registration Act invoked be not applicable to the case, they hereby apply for the benets of Chapter 8, Commonealth Act !!, as amended, as they and their predecessors#in#interest have been in possession of the land as oners for more than fty $%&' years(" $p( !), Rollo(' "fter hearing, the trial court ordered the registration of the title of the lots in the na#es of the applicants, herein pri4ate respondents+ 8n appeal, the "ppellate ourt a:ir#ed the trial court;s decision+
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