Directional Drilling Training Manual

February 8, 2017 | Author: Craig Branson | Category: N/A
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Directional Drilling I Training Curriculum

T R AI NI N ES S T. 2000 E













Drilling & Evaluation Services

Training Department 16178 West Hardy Road, Houston, Texas 77060 Telephone: 281.260.5700 Facsimile: 281.260.5780

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Calculation: Slide vs Rotate Distance to Slide = (Joint Length) * ((BR Proposed – BR Rotating) / (BR Sliding – BR Rotating)) Distance to Slide = (BR Required / BR Actual) * (Joint Length) Build Rate Required = [(Sin Inc TGT) – (Sin Inc Present)] * 1719 TVD TGT – TVD Present Rate of Build = ((Cos TF Setting) * (Expected D/L Motor) * (Sliding Length)) / 30 Rate of Turn = (Sin TF Setting) * ((Expected D/L Motor * Sliding Length) * (Sin Inc)) / 30 BR Actual = (Inc Present – Inc Previous) / Course Length Bit Inclination = (BR Actual * Bend to Bit Distance) + Inc Present Radius = 1719 / BR Proposed TVD = R * Sin (delta Inc) Disp = R- (Cos (delta Inc) * R) MD = (Delta Inc * 30) / BR Survey to Survey Calculations Course Deviation = Course Length * (Sin IncAVG) Latitude = Course Deviation * (Cos AzmAVG) Departure = Course Deviation * (Sin AzmAVG) TVD = Course Length * (Cos IncAVG) Vertical Section = Course Deviation * (Cos (AzmTGT – AzmAVG)) IncAVG = (IncPresent + IncPrevious) / 2 AzmAVG = (AzmPresent + AzmPrevious) / 2 Closure Direction = Atan (Departure2 + Latitude2) Closure = (Latitude2 + Departure2)1/2 Anti Collision = (delta Latitude2 + delta Departure2 + delta TVD2 )1/2 Computalog USA, Inc. This document contains Company proprietary information which is the confidential property of Computalog Drilling Services and shall not be copied, reproduced, disclosed to others, or used in whole or in part for any other purpose or reason except for the one it was issued without written permission.

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Western Canadian Maps

Prairie Survey System

Adapted from Government of Alberta Website Any parcel of land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta or the Peace River Block of British Columbia can be located by its legal land description. Legal land descriptions are based on the Township System (TS). The system uses a simple grid network to divide the prairies into equal sized parcels of land. Under the system land is described as being west of the 1st to the 6th Meridian. The 1st Meridian runs north south right through Winnipeg. The 4th Meridian (110 degrees west longitude) is the Alberta – Saskatchewan border. The 5th Meridian (114 degrees west longitude) is in the center of the province and the 6th Meridian (118 degrees longitude) is east of the Alberta – B.C. border.

Between meridians are six-mile wide columns called ranges, which run north to south. The ranges are numbered consecutively starting with number one directly west of the meridian and increasing to 26 as you move further west. Townships are six-mile rows that intersect the ranges. They are increase in numbers from south to north. Township 1 is at the Canada USA Border and township 126 is at the Northwest Territories border. Township is also used to describe the six-mile square formed by the intersection of a range and a township. Townships are then further divided into 36 one-mile square sections. Each section is divided into quarters: northeast, northwest, southeast, and southwest or into 16 legal subdivisions or LSD's. Here is an example of how to use the system. You are asked to haul a load to a well that is located at 13 – 1 – 87 – 18W4. Where is it? It’s easy if you know that the first number is the LSD, the second is the section, the third is township, the fourth is range and the last one is the meridian. This means our location is Legal Subdivision 13, Section 1, Township 87, Range 8 West of the 4th meridian. Drilling Services Training

Houston, TX Telephone: 281.260.5771 Edmonton, AB Telephone: 780.462.6300

British Columbia Survey System (NTS System)

Adapted from NTS-Grid Map ‘North East British Columbia’, ISBN 1-895526-32-9. The National Topographic System (NTS) used in British Columbia functions as follows. Map number, unit, sheet, zone, centizone, and unit define a specific location. This is how you find the location: 93 – F – 12 Map Unit Sheet


E – 53 – b Zone Centizone Unit

• • • • • •

93 is the map number. British Columbia is divided into map numbers running south to north. F is the unit. There are 16 units in each map. They run from A to P. 12 is the sheet. Each unit is divided into sheet of 16 equal parts. E is the zone. Each zone is divided into 12 parts ranging from A to I. 53 is the centizone number. Each zone is divided into a 100 block centizone. b is the unit designation within the centizone. Each block in the centizone is divided into 4 units – a, b, c, and d.

Tips For Getting There

Once you have the legal land description, you can then plan your route to that area using a regular road map, oil company maps, customer provided directions, or route information from your dispatcher. Do not deviate from the route given to you by your dispatcher. This is critical because the route has been planned with road bans and bridge capacities in mind. If you get off the route, you could end up damaging a road or a bridge and your company may be responsible for paying for the repairs. It is also very important to get specific landmarks that you can use to help find your off-highway destination. As you may know, it can be difficult to locate well sites even if you have the legal description. One final point; remember to ask for directions if you are not sure where you are.

Drilling Services Training

Houston, TX Telephone: 281.260.5771 Edmonton, AB Telephone: 780.462.6300

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Basic Math – Assignment 1. Define the following: Sin θ = φ


Cos θ =

A θ

Sin φ = Cos φ =


Tan θ = Tan φ = A2 + B2 = 2. A = 3 and B = 4 φ


Find: C=

A θ


φ= θ=

3. A = 1 and B = 1 φ


Find: C=

A θ


φ= θ=

4. C = 120 and B = 75 φ


Find: A=

A θ


φ= θ=

5. C = 100 and φ = 65° φ


Find: A=

A θ



θ= 6. A = 50 and θ = 50°



Find: B=

A θ




In the above triangle, which side is the hypotenuse? ________ In all triangles, the angles must add up to _______ degrees. 7. r sin φ = φ

r cos φ =

r y

Sqrt (x2 + y2) =


r and φ are ___________ coordinates. x and y are ____ ______ coordinates. If you are given x and y, how do you find r and φ ? 8.

Convert the following rectangular coordinates to polar coordinates:

Latitude = 100m Latitude = -65m Latitude = -84m Latitude = 65m R = 100m R = 65m R = 3000m R = 1000m

Departure = 100m Departure = 84m Departure = -2m Departure = -20m

Direction = 20 degrees Direction = 140 degrees Direction = 225 degrees Direction = 280 degrees

r= r= r= r= Latitude: Latitude: Latitude: Latitude:

direction = direction = direction = direction = Departure: Departure: Departure: Departure:

Basic Rig Calculations 9. Buoyancy Factor (1200 kg.m3 mud) =

10. You require 15,000 daN WOB. How many drill collars are required if you are using DC that weigh 150 kg/m and the mud density is 1200 kg/m3 ?

How many DC are required for the same WOB if the inclination is 10 degrees?

If the inclination is 25 degrees?

11. What is the annular volume for 222mm hole with 114.3mm DP at a depth of 900m?

12. If pump output is 1.5 m3/min, what is the bottoms up time?

Basic Math – Assignment 1. Define the following: Sin θ = A / C φ


Cos θ = B / C

A θ

Sin φ = B / C Cos φ = A / C


Tan θ = A / B Tan φ = B / A A2 + B2 = C2 2. A = 3 and B = 4 φ


Find: C=5

A θ


φ = asin 4/5 = acos 3/5 = 53.13° θ = asin 3/5 = acos 4/5 = 36.87°

3. A = 1 and B = 1 φ


Find: C = 1.41

A θ


φ = atan 1/1 = 45° θ = atan 1/1 = 45°

4. C = 120 and B = 75 φ


Find: A = sqrt(1202+752) = 93.67

A θ


φ = asin 75/120 = 38.68° θ = acos 75/120 = 51.32°

5. C = 100 and φ = 65° φ


Find: A = 100 * cos 65° = 42.26

A θ

Β =100 * sin 65° = 90.63


θ = 90° – 65° = 25° 6. A = 50 and θ = 50°



Find: B = 50 / tan 50° = 41.95

A θ

C = 50 / sin 50° = 65.27


φ = 90° - 50° = 40° In the above triangle, which side is the hypotenuse? ___C____ In all triangles, the angles must add up to __180__ degrees. 7. r sin φ = x φ

r cos φ = y

r y x

Sqrt (x2 + y2) = r r and φ are ___polar___ coordinates. x and y are __rectangular_ coordinates.

If you are given x and y, how do you find r and φ ? φ = Atan (x + y) r = sqrt (x2 + y2) 8.

Convert the following rectangular coordinates to polar coordinates:

Latitude = 100m Latitude = -65m Latitude = -84m Latitude = 65m R = 100m R = 65m R = 3000m R = 1000m

Departure = 100m Departure = 84m Departure = -2m Departure = -20m

Direction = 20 degrees Direction = 140 degrees Direction = 225 degrees Direction = 280 degrees

r = 141.42 r = 106.21 r = 84.02 r = 68.0 Latitude: Latitude: Latitude: Latitude:

direction = 45° direction = 127.73° direction = 181.4° direction = 342.9°

93.97 -49.79 -2121.32 173.65

Departure: Departure: Departure: Departure:

34.20 41.78 -2121.32 -984.81

Basic Rig Calculations 10. Buoyancy Factor (1200 kg.m3 mud) = BF = 1- 1200 / 7849 = 0.847 11. You require 15,000 daN WOB. How many drill collars are required if you are using DC that weigh 150 kg/m and the mud density is 1200 kg/m3 ? Determine air weight required: 15,000 / 0.847 = 17,709 daN Determine length of collars required: 17,709 / (150 * 0.981) = 120 m Determine number of collars required:

Assuming 9.1m/DC 120 / 9.1 = 13.23 DC = 14 DC How many DC are required for the same WOB if the inclination is 10 degrees? Vertical well = 14 DC Directional well = 14 / Cos(10°) = 14.22 DC = 15 DC If the inclination is 25 degrees? Vertical well = 14 DC Directional well = 14 / Cos(25°) = 15.45 DC = 16 DC 13. What is the annular volume for 222mm hole with 114.3mm DP at a depth of 900m? = =

π 4




× Doh2 − D p2 × depth



× 0.222 2 − 0.1143 2 × 900 4 = 25.60m 3 14. If pump output is 1.5 m3/min, what is the bottoms up time? = 25.60m3 / 1.5m3/min = 17.07 min

Label the Diagram


Build Section Locked in Section

TVD Tangent Vertical Section Use the following Labels: • TVD • Tangent • Vertical Section • Locked in Section • Build Section • KOP

Label the following Horizontal Projection:




Proposal Direction E Departure

Vertical Section Calculated on Proposal Direction Use the following Labels: • Latitude • Departure • Closure • Vertical Section calculated on proposal direction • Proposal Direction

Label the Diagram


Build Section Locked in Section

TVD Tangent Vertical Section Use the following Labels: • TVD • Tangent • Vertical Section • Locked in Section • Build Section • KOP

Label the following Horizontal Projection:




Proposal Direction E Departure

Vertical Section Calculated on Proposal Direction Use the following Labels: • Latitude • Departure • Closure • Vertical Section calculated on proposal direction • Proposal Direction

Average Angle Survey Calculation Sheet 1



Measured Depth






4 Course Length

5 Average Inclination


Ave Inc

Proposal Direction: 6 7 Average Change in Azimuth TVD Ave Az

4*Cos (5)

88 8 TVD TVD + 7

9 Change in Displacement

10 Change in Latitude

4*Sin (5)

9*Cos (6)


11 Latitude Lat + 10

12 Change in Departure 9*Sin (6)


13 Departure Dep + 12

14 Closure Direction Atan(13/11)

15 Closure sqrt(112+132)


16 Vertical Section 15*Cos(PD-14)





















































































10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

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Average Angle Survey Calculation Sheet 1



Measured Depth






4 Course Length

5 Average Inclination


Ave Inc

Proposal Direction: 6 7 Average Change in Azimuth TVD Ave Az

4*Cos (5)

8 TVD TVD + 7

9 Change in Displacement

10 Change in Latitude

4*Sin (5)

9*Cos (6)


11 Latitude Lat + 10

12 Change in Departure 9*Sin (6)


13 Departure Dep + 12

14 Closure Direction

15 Closure

16 Vertical Section

Atan(13/11) sqrt(112+132) 15*Cos(PD-14)






















































































10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

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WELZ – Well Planning Exercise Assumptions: Target TVD: = 3000 m Target Latitude = 500m N Target Departure = 700m W FTD = 3500 m TVD 1) If KOP = 1200m and BR = 2.5°/30m, find: Target Inclination: Target Azimuth: MD at EOB (End of Build): Displacement at EOB: MD at FTD: Displacement at FTD:

2) If Target Inclination = 25° & BR = 2.0°/30m, find: KOP: MD at Target: MD at EOB: Displacement at EOB: MD at FTD: Displacement at FTD:

WELZ – Well Planning Exercise Assumptions: Target TVD: = 3000 m Target Latitude = 500m N Target Departure = 700m W FTD = 3500 m TVD 3) If KOP = 1200m and BR = 2.5°/30m, find: Target Inclination:


Target Azimuth:


MD at EOB (End of Build):


Displacement at EOB:


MD at FTD:


Displacement at FTD:


4) If Target Inclination = 25° & BR = 2.0°/30m, find: KOP:


MD at Target:


MD at EOB:


Displacement at EOB:


MD at FTD:


Displacement at FTD:


Hydraulics – Reed Slide Rule 1 • • •

Your rig has a Continental – Emsco F-800 pump with 152mm liners. Determine the following: Pump output at 120 spm assuming 100% volumetric efficiency. Pump speed for a pump output of 1.5 m3/min with 95% volumetric efficiency. Nozzle pressure drop for 3 x 14.3mm nozzles with a pump output of 1.5 m3/min in o o o

Water: 1200 kg/m3 mud: 900 kg/m3 mud:

Nozzle velocity for: o o o o

3 x 14.3mm nozzles with a pump output of 1.5 m3/min: 3 x 14.3mm nozzles with a pump output of 1.0 m3/min: 3 x 10.3mm nozzles with a pump output of 1.5 m3/min: 3 x 10.3mm nozzles with a pump output of 1.0 m3/min

Hydraulics – Reed Computer Program Input data • 152 mm hole • well depth = 1200m • 150m of 121mm x 57mm DC • 88.9 mm 19.8kg/m DP w/3-1/2” IF connections • Case 2 surface equipment • Planned motor pressure drop = 3500kPa (sealed bearing motor) • MWD pressure drop = 700kPa • Maximum stand pipe pressure = 15,000kPa • Drilling Fluid density = 1100kg/m3 • Maximum desired flow rate = 750l/min • Minimum desired flow rate = 500l/min Determine: • Nozzles sizes for a tricone bit: • Planned flow rate: • Pump Pressure: • Bit Pressure Drop: • Annular velocity beside DP: • Annular velocity beside DC: • If 3 – 8.7mm nozzles were used, determine: • • •

Planned flow rate: Pump Pressure: Bit Pressure Drop:

Commander Mud Motors Name the five main components of a mud motor: 1 2 3 4 5 For a 121mm Commander MN4535 motor, determine the following: •

Lobe configuration:

# of stages:

torque output at 2500kPa differential pressure:

RPM at 2500kPa differential pressure while pumping: o 660 lpm o

950 lpm

Distance from bit box to bend:

Maximum dynamic load:

Hydraulics – Reed Slide Rule 2

Your rig has a Continental – Emsco F-800 pump with 152mm liners. Determine the following:

• • •

Pump output at 120 spm assuming 100% volumetric efficiency: 1.5 m3/min 3 Pump speed for a pump output of 1.5 m /min with 95% volumetric efficiency: 127 spm Nozzle pressure drop for 3 x 14.3mm nozzles with a pump output of 1.5 m3/min in



1,490 kPa


1200 kg/m3 mud: 1790 kPa


900 kg/m3 mud: 1340 kPa

Nozzle velocity for: o

3 x 14.3mm nozzles with a pump output of 1.5 m3/min:

52 m/sec


3 x 14.3mm nozzles with a pump output of 1.0 m3/min:

35 m/sec


3 x 10.3mm nozzles with a pump output of 1.5 m3/min:

100 m/sec


3 x 10.3mm nozzles with a pump output of 1.0 m3/min:

67 m/sec

Hydraulics – Reed Computer Program Input data • 152 mm hole • well depth = 1200m • 150m of 121mm x 57mm DC • 88.9 mm 19.8kg/m DP w/3-1/2” IF connections • Case 2 surface equipment • Planned motor pressure drop = 3500kPa (sealed bearing motor) • MWD pressure drop = 700kPa • Maximum stand pipe pressure = 15,000kPa • Drilling Fluid density = 1100kg/m3 • Maximum desired flow rate = 750 l/min • Minimum desired flow rate = 500 l/min Determine: • Nozzles sizes for a tricone bit:

3 x 7.1 mm

Planned flow rate:

0.75 m3/min

Pump Pressure:

14,289 kPa

Bit Pressure Drop:

6,589 kPa

Annular velocity beside DP:

62.8 m/min

Annular velocity beside DC:

113 m/min

If 3 – 8.7mm nozzles were used, determine: •

Planned flow rate:

0.75 m3/min

Pump Pressure:

10,693 kPa

Bit Pressure Drop:

2,993 kPa

Commander Mud Motors Name the five main components of a mud motor: 1 Dump Sub Assembly 2

Power Section


Drive Assembly


Adjustable Assembly


Sealed Bearing Section

For a 121mm Commander II motor, determine the following: •

Lobe configuration:

# of stages:

torque output at 2500kPa differential pressure:

RPM at 2500kPa differential pressure while pumping: o 660 lpm 160 o

950 lpm




Distance from bit box to bend:

Maximum dynamic load: 17,000 daN


1300 Nm

How to Single Shot 101: 1. Double check your proposal and well information, confirm with company man, and then compare location with well license. 2. Stop drilling one single or more above KOP and strap out. 3. Double-check all tools and connections. Test single shot sensor, timer, and angle units. 4. Pick up tools and make sure that you are oriented correctly. Insure that all connections in the BHA are torqued correctly. RIH Survey on way in if needed. 5. Double-check tie-on data and target data in computer. 6. Rotary drill to KOP (depending on how single lengths work out you may consider kicking off a few meters high). Always try and start on a high kelly or at least most of one. 7a. The First Single: Work all rotary torque out of drill string and run a survey (make sure motorman "flags" survey line). Keep an eye on whoever is running the survey line and make sure that the survey tool does not get "spudded". Assuming the drillpipe is between 4" and 5" OD and KOP is between 100 and 500 meters you will get 2045 degrees reactive torque (depending on the amount of weight that you carry). Orient on a magnetic heading (assuming the hole is so far straight) which will be the direction that you want to go (remember to correct for magnetic declination). Turn the pipe to the right an additional 20-40 degrees to correct for reactive torque (right should always be the same as rotary right and left should always be rotary left or reverse). Lock table and work pipe. Chain out single and run a check survey to insure you are going to drill in the right direction. If check shot was OK scribe pipe with chalk (make sure to scribe a line under the tool joint or on the "bottle neck" as this will prevent it being wiped off once the joint goes into the hole). Now make another scribe that matches the one on the pipe on the side of the kelly bushing (after making kelly back up but before pulling the slips). When scribing pipe always try and be consistent in the way that you do it. For example: some people always keep the scribe in the same spot and this is done by picking a spot like the front of the pipe (facing out the v-door). Assume that the scribe is facing out the v-door and you want to turn the pipe 30 degrees to the right. Make a second scribe 30 degrees left of the first one (on the bushings) and then turn the kelly 30 degrees right so the second scribe is now facing out the v-door, rub out the first scribe and work the pipe. Pick the bushings out of the table and rub the scribe on the pipe off and replace it with one that matches the new scribe on the bushings. This way of orienting always insures that the scribe stays in the same place. Once you are successfully oriented and all trapped torque is worked down to the bit you are ready to drill. Drill the first single with light weight to insure Computalog USA, Inc. This document contains Company proprietary information which is the confidential property of Computalog Drilling Services and shall not be copied, reproduced, disclosed to others, or used in whole or in part for any other purpose or reason except for the one it was issued without written permission.


that an initial correct direction is established. Watch to see if there is any "slop" between the bushings and the kelly, because you will have to correct for this (the same goes for any play between bushings and table and in the rotary lock dogs). At kelly down work the pipe once with the rotary off (if you work the pipe with the pumps on be very careful that the bushings do not come out of the table because if the bit touches anything with the bushings out or the table unlocked the pipe will spin backwards at 300 RPM). When you are ready to make the connection and the pipe is in the slips check to see if the scribe on the pipe has been washed off. If it has been washed off replace it by using the scribe that will still be on the bushings. Chain out the kelly and make the connection (leave the pump off) .Now you have to carry the scribe from the old single all the way up the single you just added to the string. The best way to do this is to pick a spot on the underside of the bushings and keep your eye on it while they run the new single in (try not to get squashed by the bushings). When the bushings get down to you make a mark on the bottom of the bushings and pick the new single up again. When you get to the old single you should be able to see if the original scribe matches the mark on the bottom of the bushings. I fit does not then do it over again until it does. After successfully carrying the scribe up the new single mark under the tool joint of the new single and rub out the old scribe on the bushings. Replace the old scribe on the bushings with one that matches the new one on the drill pipe. Turn the bushings so the scribe is pointing back where it should be (it should be OK unless the new single turned while running it in or the pipe turned in slips). Chain out and run a survey. Assuming that your survey point is lets say 14 meters back of bit you will not see any angle on this survey (because you have only drilled about 9.5 meters of hole) What you will see however is where your toolface is pointing and this should be very close to the original setting that you made (magnetic direction). If you get any toolface other than the one that you are expecting you have a problem and you need to figure out what it is (and right away). Assuming everything is as expected make the kelly back up. Double-check to see if the pipe scribe still matches the scribe on the bushings. During the course of drilling single shot wells sooner or later somebody will ask you to survey off bottom (or before the connection) as versus surveying on bottom (or after the connection), it is a bad idea to survey off bottom because you will be so far back with your survey point that it will be difficult to get a good handle on what the well is doing. The only good reason to survey off bottom is if you are having hole trouble and a high risk of getting stuck exists. 7b. The Second Single: Generally speaking you may be rotating this single down however this memo is not going to tell anybody what to slide and what to rotate, what slides to make and motor settings are a judgment call that are best made by the directional driller. In any case lets assume you are going to rotate this single down. Kick in the rotary and put more weight to it, as this is a good time to make hole and check how much higher the differential pressure is. Computalog USA, Inc. This document contains Company proprietary information which is the confidential property of Computalog Drilling Services and shall not be copied, reproduced, disclosed to others, or used in whole or in part for any other purpose or reason except for the one it was issued without written permission.


7c. The Third Single: At kelly down turn the scribe back to where it was before and work the pipe (rotary off and pump on) to get to the torque out. Chain out and make the connection. Then carry the scribe up the new single, turn it to face where you are orienting to (probably the front) work the pipe (with the pump off) and chain out the kelly. Run another survey. If you returned the pipe to the correct spot you should already be very close to the correct direction (on the magnetic toolface and in azimuth). When you look at the survey you should be seeing some build because you have drilled about 19 meters and your survey point is about 14 meters back (you should of course know exactly how far your survey point is because you have measured it). It is critical at this point to get the direction as accurate as possible. It is much easier to correct direction at low angle than it is at higher angle so now is the time to get it right. After reading the survey and deciding what your build rate probably is and what correction you need to make to your azimuth (at this point you have made your previous set at a magnetic heading so if your azimuth is within 15 degrees of what it should be you are probably alright). Decide how much you are going to slide on this single (remember that there is no reason not to slide part of every single and rotate part of every single). Some directional drillers always slide whole singles and then rotate off singles until they get the build rate that they need (surveying every 2-4 singles). This is a very risky practice because you can get badly out of shape and 1 or put large doglegs in the well. It is a much better practice to make shorter slides and survey every single. During the build section you should never go more than 2 singles without surveying, and on the hold section you should not go more than 3 singles. If you are good enough to single shot well after well with no problems and never put higher than proposed doglegs in the well then you can survey whenever you want (assuming its OK with the oil company), however if you are not at this skill level then I would recommend surveying more often and keeping very close track of what your well is doing. After making the decision of what to set to make and drilling this single down you will have drilled 3 singles. At this point you may have enough angle in the hole to go to "high side" toolface. The sets that you have made previously have all been magnetic heading orientations and once the well has established a direction and angle (over 3 degrees inclination) you can use your toolface in a highside orientation. This would mean that you read your inclination and azimuth as per normal but your toolface now reads right or left of highside (top of the wellbore). Make sure that you do not get screwed up when you make this mental switch. Continue to try and carry your scribe line on every single. If you are doing this correctly once you turn the pipe back so that the scribe is facing where you want it (and worked the torque out) when you drop your survey it should confirm that the motor is already oriented highside (or very close to it), this makes orienting and keeping track of reactive torque much easier. Continue on drilling. 8. Watch your reactive torque closely as it will increase with depth and you must Computalog USA, Inc. This document contains Company proprietary information which is the confidential property of Computalog Drilling Services and shall not be copied, reproduced, disclosed to others, or used in whole or in part for any other purpose or reason except for the one it was issued without written permission.


constantly adjust for it. 9. Try to carry your scribe accurately and on every single as this will keep the motor oriented right where it should be before you even surveyor make adjustments. 10. Change out your angle units often. If you are running a 12 change it out to a 20 as soon as you think that you have 9 or 10 degrees on bottom. Change out a 20 for a 90 as soon as you think you have over 15 on bottom. Then make sure you swap your 20 or 90 compasses back and forth with each other. If an angle unit sticks and you do not catch it you will drill in the wrong direction (and these things do stick). 11. If you get a survey that indicates that something may not be quite right downhole change out the angle unit and resurvey. If this survey confirms the original one take a few minutes and think it through, double check your slide sheet. Do not continue drilling hoping that a problem will go away or fix itself, if the well is going in the VTong direction or doing something else strange you must figure it out before you make hole. 12. When in doubt trip it out. 13. Draw little pictures. When a person gets extremely tired simple mistakes happen. It is possible to get turning right and turning left mixed up, a lot of people have done it and almost none will admit to it. If in doubt about where the well is going or what you are doing draw a picture. 14. Doglegs. What can I say except keep them down. If a well is proposed for a 2degree build rate you should not have doglegs over a 4. If a well is proposed for a 3-degree build rate you should have nothing much over a 5. Doglegs cause rod wear in oil wells and cost oil companies big bucks. 15. The turning left dilemma. When orienting the pipe sometimes it is easier to turn it left than right (for example it is easier to turn 45 left than 315 right). This is of course is a little on the risky side because you can back off pipe in the hole. It is a judgment call but I would suggest that you should not turn the pipe more than 45 degrees left without working it thoroughly I also would suggest that you should probably not turn the pipe more than 90 degrees left ever. If you are not confidant in your ability to turn the pipe left without backing it off then do not turn it left at all. 16. Double-check or re-read all your surveys, preferably right after your set is started. Sometimes if you are tired your eyes may play tricks on you so try to catch your mistakes before you get in a bind. 17. Start drilling with a fairly lightweight and make sure you have the well on track before you go for the "Run of the Week”. Computalog USA, Inc. This document contains Company proprietary information which is the confidential property of Computalog Drilling Services and shall not be copied, reproduced, disclosed to others, or used in whole or in part for any other purpose or reason except for the one it was issued without written permission.


18. Do not hesitate to resurvey. If you have any doubt about an orientation, run a check shot. 19. Insure that all rotary torque (after rotating pipe) is worked out of the string before you orient (work the pipe as much as you need to) and then make sure when you do orient that the torque from your orientation is worked down to bottom (or else you will not be oriented correctly). This is the number one cause of problems on single shot jobs and it gets worse the deeper you go. 20. Put a scribe line (that indicates the keyway alignment on the stinger) on the running gear just below the snubber, then when you pull the survey tool all the way out to check the "walter" or drywall plug you will see if the running gear has backed off. When you grab the stinger after changing the "walter" give it a hard twist as this may indicate if any spacer bars or the stinger has backed off. 21. Turning the pipe left (with no reverse). It is possible on some rigs to disengage the motor clutch, engage the hoist clutch and engage the rotary clutch. If you have enough hole under you it should be possible to "squeak" down the kelly and as a result turn the rotary backwards. If both you and the driller on tower don't know exactly what you are doing do not bother trying this. 22. If you are out of shape with the well or having trouble controlling the well start surveying every single. Once you have the well back on track you can increase the number of singles between surveys. 23. Stalls. If you are rotating a single and the motor stalls, pick it up to free the bit and wait for the differential pressure to return to normal and then go back drilling. If you are sliding a single and the motor stalls it gets a little trickier. The motor can torque quite a bit to the left when it stalls (over 100 degrees) and the question becomes if you work the pipe after a stall will all that torque come back out and is your original toolface setting still OK. On deeper wells and holes with a lot of drag or high doglegs it is possible that your toolface is not quite where it should be even after working the pipe. It is up to the directional driller to decide if a resurvey and re-orient is needed or not. 24. If you are going to trip (for any reason) it is a good idea to survey before you pull out. If you have not caught a survey for several singles and you are going to trip you defiantly should run a survey. 25. Never trust a computer. The number one rule when using a computer to drill a directional well is not to trust the computer. Do not believe that the information you get from your to-target screen is necessarily correct (actually the information probably is correct however the information may not be complete or it may not be what you think it is). To prevent problems from occurring the best rule is extrapolate, extrapolate and then extrapolate again. If there are two directional Computalog USA, Inc. This document contains Company proprietary information which is the confidential property of Computalog Drilling Services and shall not be copied, reproduced, disclosed to others, or used in whole or in part for any other purpose or reason except for the one it was issued without written permission.


drillers on location it never hurts to run both computers so that you can both check each other’s data. 25a Why we extrapolate: Lets say you are drilling a standard directional well and you are using wellz or HP48 gx. The planned terminal angle is 15 degrees and the PDD (proposed drift direction) is azimuth 45 degrees. Lets also say that you have 150 meters to drill to target TVD and that your inclination is 13 degrees and your azimuth is 40. You pull up your target screen (or to-target) and it gives you data on inclination to left side, right side, backside, front side and center it also gives you the same information in regards to azimuth. You of course are low in inclination and on the left side of the target in azimuth. Now is a good time to cover another basic principal. If you are headed for the dead center of a lets say 10 meter radius target then the closer that you get to the target the more it will "grow” or open up around you. As you get closer and closer to the target TVD the bigger and bigger the target will become until when you are very close to the target it will become impossible to miss, and this is good. However if you are outside the target radius the exact opposite happens. The closer you get to the target TVD (assuming you are still outside the target radius) the faster the target will appear to move away from you, and as you get closer still to the target TVD the target will soon become impossible to hit no matter what you do. This is very bad. And now back to our directional well. You are still low and to the left of target. You pull up the totarget (a short note here: I did not bother to figure this example out on the computer, the numbers are wrong, so do not bother checking out these numbers instead use your own) and it says that you need azimuth 43 to the left side and 14 degrees inclination to the front. You still have 13 degrees inclination and azimuth 40. Not so bad you think I only need to turn right 3 degrees and build 1 degree and life is good. Dead wrong. The to-target extrapolation is a straight-line projection (it even says that) and it assumes that your well is going to instantaneously build 1 degree and turn 3 degrees right. It does not take into account that you will have to drill hole to turn and build (and therefore it is giving you misleading information). It gets worse, when the to-target says you need a 43 azimuth to catch the left hand side of the target it is assuming that your inclination is heading for dead center (lets say your target inclination to center in this case is 16 degrees). Therefore you would need an inclination of 16 degrees in order to catch the left side of the target with an azimuth of 43. You of course have an inclination of 13. What is happening here is that: 1) the to-target is not taking into account that you have to drill up hole to turn and build and 2) that by giving you left, right, front and back of target it is creating a "box" or square target and the reality is most targets are circles and the corners of the" box" do not exist. To make things still worse you are outside the target radius with 150 meters TVD to drill and if you do not get inside that target radius as you drill ahead that target is going to start " moving away" from you at an ever-increasing rate. The answer is to extrapolate and find out where you are really going to be. Computalog USA, Inc. This document contains Company proprietary information which is the confidential property of Computalog Drilling Services and shall not be copied, reproduced, disclosed to others, or used in whole or in part for any other purpose or reason except for the one it was issued without written permission.


25b. How to extrapolate: There are several ways to extrapolate ahead depending on the software. you are using: you can use a project ahead function, you can use a project to bit function, you can "cook" it in as fake survey station or you could import the survey file into a planning program. I will use the "cooked" survey technique as an example. When you extrapolate ahead you are initially only concerned with three numbers (horizontal wells are a little different). They are inclination, azimuth and TVD. You get your TVD by "cooking" in a measured depth that gives the TVD that you are looking for (usually target TVD). Lets use the last example over again, you had 13 degrees of inclination and the to-target said you only needed 14 degrees to the front side, you had an azimuth of 40 and the to-target said you only needed 43 to the left side. So you only need to build 1 degree and turn 3 degrees right. Create a survey station lets say 20 meters deeper than your last survey and include 1-degree build and 3 degrees right turn. If the dogleg is acceptable and you are confidant that you can build 1 degree and turn 3 degrees right in 20 meters (and you should be) fake in a second survey station. This one will be a straight hold of 14 degrees inclination and azimuth 43 all the way to target TVD. Put in a measured depth that will get you close to the TVD that you are looking for, in this case try adding about 140 meters to your existing depth. The resulting survey station will give you a TVD that is either slightly higher or lower than what you are looking for. Delete the last station and adjust the measured depth to give a more accurate TVD. This is kind of a pain but you should be able to get the correct TVD fairly quickly. Once you have the correct TVD in for your survey station the numbers you are interested in are your rectangular coordinates, compare them to the target coordinates. You have a 10 meter radius target so you should be able to see if your extrapolated coordinates are within 10 meters of the given target coordinates. If not than you will miss the target by following this plan. Delete the two " cooked" survey stations. Call up your to-target screen again and find out what it says you need to target center. Create another survey station with an achievable build and turn rate to the bearing and inclination that you need to target center. Then re-extrapolate again to your given target TVD. Compare your rectangular coordinates with the given target coordinates. In theory they should be identical but they probably will not be because of the "straight line projection" error we covered earlier. Delete the two "cooked" surveys again. Try and figure out a plan with an achievable build rate and turn rate that hits the dead center of your target. It should compare realistically with your to-target projection (not the same but realistically close). In the past directional drillers (not with Phoenix) have got out of shape and been drilling along trying to catch up to the line when a simple extrapolation showed that it was impossible to hit the target from where they were. This is unbelievably stupid and of course everybody else (other directional companies) had a great laugh about it. There is no excuse for not extrapolating ahead and knowing exactly what you need to hit the target from where you are, anybody that cannot do this probably should not be directional drilling. On horizontal wells it is even more critical to extrapolate ahead. I realize that this memo is about single-shots however there are some areas of common Computalog USA, Inc. This document contains Company proprietary information which is the confidential property of Computalog Drilling Services and shall not be copied, reproduced, disclosed to others, or used in whole or in part for any other purpose or reason except for the one it was issued without written permission.


ground. On a horizontal well you are not concerned with bearings and inclinations to the left and right of the target. What you are concerned about is drilling a curve down a fixed azimuth. If you get slightly ahead of the curve and correct it you will still probably be slightly long in section. If you get behind the curve and correct it you probably will still be short in section. Section and TVD at the landing area (generally 90 degrees) are usually critical (on most horizontal wells errors of more than I meter in TVD are considered a big deal and on some wells errors of 1 meter or more in section are unacceptable). For this reason it is critical to constantly extrapolate ahead while drilling, in fact you should have several different scenarios constantly extrapolated ahead. 26. The tugger is your friend. On some drilling rigs there appear to only be about 6 notches for the rotary lock dogs to catch (and sometimes these keep popping out), and sometimes you may want turn the table slightly to the left (and the rig has no reverse). Take a chain and rap it several times around the bottom of the front aleg, attach a snatch block to the chain (like the one used to rack back the kelly), run the tugger line through the snatch block sheave, make at least two complete wraps around the bushings with the tugger line and then attach the hook end to the bushings with a clevice. Unlock the table and adjust your orientation with the tugger. This contraption is a pain on connections but it is the most accurate way to orient. 27. How an angle unit works. First we will use a 12-degree or a 20-degree compass as an example. The angle unit (or compass) consists of a tube filled with oil and it has a compass card that is free to spin mounted inside it. Hanging above the card is a tiny plumb bob that is hanging on a tiny wire. The compass card has the standard directions and graduations that most compasses have printed around the circumference. It also has a series of concentric circles (like a target) starting in the center and moving out to the edge. These are used in conjunction with the plumb bob to show inclination (or deflection). Direction is read by aligning the plumb bob reading with the compass headings printed along the circumference of the card. The only other reading to be made is toolface; this is a fixed mark (or line) inside the angle unit tube that indicates where the motor is pointed (or highside). If you think about it you will realize that a plumb bob always points straight down and the concentric circles that indicate inclination are showing the inclination of the bottom of the well bore. This means two things: 1) That even though on a single shot job you are probably building angle fairly steadily the little plumb bob is reading the angle of deflection at the bottom of the well bore (or the angle of the low side of the hole) and: 2) The compass card is really reversed (north is south and east is west). This sounds confusing but it has to work this way. Lets say we have an oil well with 20 degrees inclination going due north. You stand at the well head facing north with a normal compass in your hand, in your other hand you hold a plumb bob with the tip right on dead center of the compass card. Tip the front of the compass (the part reading north) up by 20 degrees to simulate the well bore. The plumb bob will be over due south. If this were a single-shot compass you would be reading 180 degrees out in direction. So Computalog USA, Inc. This document contains Company proprietary information which is the confidential property of Computalog Drilling Services and shall not be copied, reproduced, disclosed to others, or used in whole or in part for any other purpose or reason except for the one it was issued without written permission.


they reversed the directions on the single-shot compass. Stand at the wellhead with a single-shot compass in your hand and tilt up the bottom of the compass by 20 degrees in a north direction to simulate the well bore. The plumb bob reads 20 degrees inclination in a north direction (the opposite of a normal compass). If this ever confuses you take a known direction (lets say north) and tip the bottom end of a single shot compass up (towards north) to simulate building angle north. If you look down into the compass the plumb bob should be over a north direction, if you are holding the compass the same way that it will be oriented by the snubber and stinger than the high side marker line will also be at north. A 90degree compass works pretty much the same way, however instead of a compass card it has a thing like a little black marble with the compass directions printed on it. It is on gimbals so that it can spin and turn at the same time. Inclination is read off a little strip or bar that hovers over the marble. 28. Toolface. There is a possibility of sometimes getting toolfaces mixed up on a single shot job. The problem is with the survey readers each kit comes with. Some readers have left on one side and right on the other, a different type of reader may be reversed. Some readers want hole direction at the top and others at the bottom, and of course it makes a difference if you flip the disk over. With all the flipping and turning going on once in a while confusion sets in. The solution is to keep track of what is going on down hole in your mind. Keep track of how direction works: starting from due north and moving east you are turning right (rotary right). If you start due north and move to the west you are turning left. Now lets take a hypothetical single shot picture and read it. Lets say the inclination is 20 degrees and the direction is N45E (corrected). Lets also say that the direction you want to go is N40E, and you are confused about the toolface. The first thing to recognize is that you physically want to turn this well 5 degrees to the left (rotary left). The only way to do this is to put the toolface (or where the motor is pointed) on the left hand side of highside (if you want straight left turn you could orient at 75-85 degrees left and if you want turn and build you could orient anywhere between 20 and 65 left, keep in mind you must also adjust for reactive torque). Now lets look at the toolface, find the little toolface line on the survey and ignore the graduated right left marks on the reader. Compare where the toolface direction is to the survey direction. For example lets say the toolface direction looks like it is at S40E or so. This is approximately 95 degrees right of hole direction (or highside). Now read the toolface using the little graduated marks on the reader, if it says something like 100 degrees left then you know you have a problem with the reader (or more) likely the way you are using it). This is a good way to insure that you are using the reader correctly. 29. Magnetic declination. Magdec is the difference in the direction between magnetic north and true north. True north never moves but magnetic north moves around a little bit from year to year. Make sure that you always correct for the difference with a correct magnetic declination and be careful to check that any data that you receive has not already been corrected or corrected with a different declination than you are using. Computalog USA, Inc. This document contains Company proprietary information which is the confidential property of Computalog Drilling Services and shall not be copied, reproduced, disclosed to others, or used in whole or in part for any other purpose or reason except for the one it was issued without written permission.


30. Azimuth and quadrant. Azimuth is a way of measuring direction by describing a 360-degree circle to the right. N89E is azimuth 89, due S is 180, S89W is 269 and due N can be 0 or 360. Quadrant divides the 360-degree circle up into four equal sections of 90 degrees. The four quadrants are NE, SE, SW and NW. See above. 31. Correcting for magdec. The correction for declination is always applied to the right Gust like azimuth always turns right). If you are applying a declination to a quadrant direction it works like this, in the NE quadrant add the declination, in the SE quadrant subtract the declination, in the SW quadrant add the declination and in the NW quadrant subtract the declination. All you have to remember is that adding declination will always turn the direction slightly to the right (in the northern hemisphere). 32. Magnetic heading and highside. This applies to both MWD systems and single shot survey equipment. When a hole is perfectly straight (vertical) it cannot have a direction. Most straight holes do however have a slight amount of angle in them. Generally when a straight hole is drilled it slowly corkscrews to the right and hole angle will vary between 0 and 1.5 degrees. We tend to assume that a hole like this for practical purposes has no direction. Now obviously a hole with no direction cannot have a high side (or top of hole) so we cannot orient with a high side heading. On a single shot job we would then have to orient by magnetic heading (in other words we start drilling in the direction we want to go), this is done by putting the toolface indicator mark on the direction you want to go (after correcting for declination and reactive torque). Once you have an established hole direction (say over 3 degrees in the proposed direction) you can mentally switch over and use the toolface indicator as "highside". On an MWD job it works a little differently. The MWD tool is preprogrammed to switch over from magnetic heading to "highside" toolface at a fixed inclination (usually between 2.5 and 3 degrees). Make sure you discuss this with the MWD operator and know exactly when the MWD tool "crosses over"; if you do not and the tool changes over in the middle of a slide you could end up drilling in the wrong direction. It should be mentioned here that if you ever have to hold angle at about 3 degrees with MWD in the hole it can turn into a nightmare with the tool constantly flipping back and forth from magnetic heading to "highside" heading. Study obscure far eastern religious books and become “one with the well”. 33. Reaming and circulating. If the oil company wants to circulate on bottom you will probably wash out the hole and lose your build rate if you sit there long enough. Try to talk the oil company representative into letting you pick it up a few meters instead. If they want to circulate with no pipe rotation then make sure that the motor is pointed towards highside. If they want to circulate and rotate the pipe (a good practice) insure that the driller works the pipe every few minutes and moves the drill string to slightly different spots (but try not to work the pipe or circulate in the bottom few meters of the hole), as this will prevent ledges from being formed. When reaming in the hole great care must be taken not to sidetrack the Computalog USA, Inc. This document contains Company proprietary information which is the confidential property of Computalog Drilling Services and shall not be copied, reproduced, disclosed to others, or used in whole or in part for any other purpose or reason except for the one it was issued without written permission.


well bore. As long as you ream into the hole faster than the formation will drill you have very little chance of sidetracking. F or example if the area you are reaming drilled at 5 min/meter and you are reaming in at 1 min/meter there is very little chance of a sidetrack. If however the area you are reaming is slowing down and getting closer to the original ROP (and is taking increasingly more weight) you may be developing a problem. You may have to check your slide sheet and surveys to decide if you should be reaming oriented or not. 34. Be nice to the rig hands (in fact be nice to everybody on location). On single shot jobs if you do not plan to stand on the rig floor for the duration of the entire well you had better make sure that those drillers are your buddies. 35. There is no "right way" to drill a well and this outline is simply intended to provide some ideas about directional drilling. It is assumed that most people who read this will already know just about everything written here. If that is the case then just chuck this in the garbage. The intention of writing this was for the people who might be able to find a little useful info here or maybe clear up something they were not certain about. In any case it is not suggested that you change the way you drill wells if you already have a successful method of singleshot.

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Computalog USA, Inc. This document contains Company proprietary information which is the confidential property of Computalog Drilling Services and shall not be copied, reproduced, disclosed to others, or used in whole or in part for any other purpose or reason except for the one it was issued without written permission.





10 20



40 340









320 60

50 40
















90 W

270 260


E 90

90 100










240 130

230 220 50


140 210 200



150 190



160 40


30 20

20 10



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Quick Start Guide


Prepared For: Computalog Drilling Services Ltd.

By: Pangaea Systems Inc.

Quick Start Guide

Contents - i

Contents Overview


About First............................................................................................................ 5

Getting Started


Quick View ........................................................................................................... 6



Creating A New Job.............................................................................................. 7

Entering Data


General Tab ......................................................................................................... 8 Contents..................................................................................................................................... 8 Wellsite Info / Personnel.......................................................................................................... 8 Wellsite Info / Personnel cont’d……….................................................................................. 9 Surface Info/ Wellbore Sections............................................................................................. 9 Hole Planning / Planned Targets .........................................................................................10 General Notes .........................................................................................................................10

Rig Data Section................................................................................................. 10 Contents...................................................................................................................................10 Rig Tools Inventory................................................................................................................11 Rig Bits .....................................................................................................................................11 Rig Pumps ...............................................................................................................................12

Inventory Section ................................................................................................ 12 Contents...................................................................................................................................12 Directional Tools .....................................................................................................................13 MWD Tools..............................................................................................................................13 Motors ......................................................................................................................................14 Other Inventory.......................................................................................................................14 Inventory Notes.......................................................................................................................14

BHA Section....................................................................................................... 15 Contents...................................................................................................................................15 BHA Information – Part 1 ......................................................................................................15 BHA Information – Part 1 cont’d………..............................................................................16 BHA Information – Part 2 ......................................................................................................16

Daily Section ...................................................................................................... 17 Contents...................................................................................................................................17 Daily Information – Part 1......................................................................................................17 Daily Information – Part 1 cont’d…….. ...............................................................................18 Daily Information – Part 2......................................................................................................18 Daily Information – Part 3......................................................................................................19

Costs Section ..................................................................................................... 20 Contents...................................................................................................................................20 Segment Costs Detail............................................................................................................20

Logs Section ...................................................................................................... 22 Contents...................................................................................................................................22 Additional Job Charges .........................................................................................................22 Usage Control.........................................................................................................................23 Incidents Log...........................................................................................................................24 Tool Transfer Log...................................................................................................................24 Tool Transfer Log Cont’d………..........................................................................................25 Quick Start Guide

Contents - ii

Surveys Log ............................................................................................................................25

Menus ................................................................................................................ 26 File............................................................................................................................................26 File – Import ............................................................................................................................26 File – Import cont’d……….................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. File – Export ............................................................................................................................28 Edit............................................................................................................................................28 Section.....................................................................................................................................28 Page .........................................................................................................................................28 Reports.....................................................................................................................................28 Tools .........................................................................................................................................28 View..........................................................................................................................................29 Help ..........................................................................................................................................29

Navigational Bar ................................................................................................. 30 Reports .............................................................................................................. 31 Inventory List...........................................................................................................................31 Detailed BHA...........................................................................................................................31 Doghouse BHA.......................................................................................................................31 Slide Sheet..............................................................................................................................31 Motor Evaluation.....................................................................................................................31 Daily Activity............................................................................................................................31 Daily Costs ..............................................................................................................................31 Job Costs Sheet.....................................................................................................................31 Cost Summary........................................................................................................................32 Usage Control.........................................................................................................................32 Tool Transfer Ticket...............................................................................................................32 Consolidated Tool Transfer..................................................................................................32 Incident Report........................................................................................................................32 Terms & Conditions................................................................................................................32 BHA Worksheet......................................................................................................................32 Slides Worksheet....................................................................................................................32

Lookup Lists....................................................................................................... 33

Glossary of Terms

Quick Start Guide


Contents - iii

Overview About First The Field Reporting System (FIRST ) is an application to track and maintain data collected at drilling rig sites. FIRST allows you to store, maintain and retrieve information about drilling jobs without the need for repetitive, time consuming paperwork when you are in the field. In addition to saving time by entering data only once, FIRST allows you to retrieve and re-use previously entered data, transfer drill site info and reports, and offers safer storage of crucial information. All this can be done quickly and easily. FIRST was designed with you in mind. Resembling a typical notebook or daytimer, using the application will seem familiar even if it’s your first time.

Quick Start Guide

Overview - 5

Getting Started Quick View FIRST’s tabbed sections make it easy to record rig site information. Within each section there is a contents or selection page, followed by the pages of recorded information. Simply point your mouse to an item and left click to quickly access a different section or page. (See Glossary for additional Tab Information) Main Menu Bar Tool Bar

General Tab

Rig Data Tab

Inventory Tab

BHA Tab Navigational Bar

Daily Tab

Job Costs Tab

Reports Palette

Quick Start Guide

Logs Tab

Getting Started - 6

Using FIRST Creating A New Job Creating a new jobfile is a simple process. Just follow these instructions: ? ? ?

Double Click on the FIRST icon that appears on your desktop. (FIRST will open to the last jobfile used as a default.) Using your mouse, go to the Main Menu Bar, Click on File ->New. A New Job File window will open. Defaults for the Job Number, Start Date and End Date are already entered. Enter the File No. (2 optional alpha characters – base code – followed by 4 or 5 digits) and the start date of the job. Enter a date for the end of the job. This can be changed throughout the course of the job, so that the last day of the job is the final date in the paperwork. Click OK.


FIRST will prepare the files and database ready for you to enter the job data.


Ensure units are consistent with the country you are in. If you need to change, go to Tools -> Job Options on the main menu bar.

Quick Start Guide

Using FIRST - 7

Entering Data General Tab Contents The first page in the General Tab lists the contents of the general section. When your mouse is moved over a selection, the selection highlights. When your selection is highlighted, simply left click to jump to your selection. You can also quickly turn to the next page by clicking the mouse on the Page Turn symbol at the bottom corners.

Page Turn Symbol

Wellsite Info / Personnel The Job File No., Job Start/End dates that you entered on the Create New Job File screen will appear on the General – Wellsite Info page. As you move your mouse around the page, editable fields will be outlined with a red box. Down Arrows and the Magnifying Glass indicate a drop down list allowing you to select an entry for the field.

If an appropriate selection does not exist, edit the box to reflect the appropriate data. Fill in the Wellsite information sections for File Numbers, Well Info and Rig with the information provided to you by the company.

Quick Start Guide

Entering Data - 8

Wellsite Info / Personnel cont’d………. Page G – 3 is used to set up a contacts list. Using the drop down lists, select the Company Name (default is Computalog Drilling Services Ltd.), and then select the correct Phone and Fax numbers. Type in the Sales Rep name from the information provided to you. To add a new person to the Personnel List, click on the + sign. In the Personnel Info, “New Contact” will appear. The Personnel Info can be edited with the person’s correct information. Ensure that all required information on the Company Man, Directional Supervisor and MWD Supervisor is entered. It is suggested that you include any other personnel that you have contact with as well. A drop down list with job descriptions is provided for easy entry (Please do not change the spelling of the descriptions). Once a person is entered, he can be deleted using the – symbol. It is possible to browse through the personnel detail records by clicking on each Person in the Personnel List with the mouse or by clicking a Person and then using the computer keyboard up and down arrows. Note the order the personnel appear in the Personnel list determines the order in which they are printed in the reports. This ordering can be changed by selecting a person and using the up and down arrows appearing at the bottom of the Personnel List.

Surface Info/ Wellbore Sections Fill in all geographical and geomagnetic information on page G-4. When data must

be entered in a specific manner, hints are provided in italics or light blue letters. Selection information in the drop-down boxes can be edited if no appropriate selections are offered. AFE, PO, WO number spaces are provided. Not all jobs will have a number for each of these spaces, but all jobs will have at least one of them. This can be obtained from the onsite Oil Company Representative. To start filling in the required Wellbore section information, click on the + sign to add new section information. Again, where data must be entered in a specific manner, hints are provided in light blue or gray printing.

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Hole Planning / Planned Targets

Fill in the Planned Well Details and Survey Details on page G-6 by following the hints provided in light gray text. Some fields also have drop down lists to choose from. To enter Target Info (Planned), click on the + sign to add new targets. After entering Target Info will appear in the Target List (Planned) at the top of page G – 7. Remember to enter the information in the format shown by the light gray hint text.

General Notes Use this section for any relevant job site details, changes etc. daily. This will print on the “Job Overview” report. There should be a brief summary entered every day in this report.

Rig Data Section Contents The first page in the Rig Data Tab lists the contents of the section. When your mouse is moved over a selection, the selection highlights. When your selection is highlighted, simply left click to jump to your selection. You can also quickly turn to the next page by using the Page Turn symbol at the bottom corner.

Page Turn Symbol

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Rig Tools Inventory

Use this section to add all rig tools (tools supplied by drilling contractor or Oil Company) that will be used on the job. Simply click on the + sign to add a tool. This will activate the fields on the page R – 3. Light gray text will indicate how to enter required fields. Make sure you enter all tools as they are included in BHA’s. Once you have entered the rig tools, the information will be available in lookup lists in other sections of FIRST . Once an inventory item is used in a BHA, you cannot delete it from the inventory until you have removed it from the BHA. You may however modify the data fields for the item – the item will still be connected to the BHA. In the Component field you can select a component from the items in the drop down list or type one in if an item doesn’t appear in the list. It is recommended to use the selection supplied whenever possible. This will standardize the data, allowing effective database searches when your job file is merged with the central database. Note the length field is just an average length – when rig tools are added to the BHA later, the total length of a group of drill pipe for example must be manually entered.

Rig Bits

Pages R – 4 and R – 5 allow you to add bits to the rig bit list. Click on the + sign to add bits. Include the serial number to make it easier to identify the bit later. Bit information will be referenced by the BHA and Daily reports.

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Rig Pumps

Click on the + sign to add rig pumps to the rig pump list. It is important to fill in the stroke length so the flow rate can be calculated in the Daily Section. The order that the pumps appear in the list will be the same order that is used on the Daily page where the flow rates are calculated. Pump efficiency will alter the flow rate calculated by the program.

Inventory Section Contents

Page Turn Symbol

The first page in the Inventory Section Tab lists the contents of the section. When your mouse is moved over a selection, the selection highlights. Simply left click on the highlighted selection to jump to your selection. You can also quickly turn to the next page by using the Page Turn symbol at the bottom corner.

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Directional Tools

Directional inventory is added to the Directional Tools list. Fill in all details that apply, including length, as it is used in BHA length calculations. This includes all tubulars that may need to be tracked in a BHA Leave Product Code blank unless you have the code used by your office for each item. Original Field Date is the date the item was shipped to a job from the base. Job Receive Date is the date the item was shipped to location or the day the job started. If on a multi-well project, the original Field Date should stay the same for all wells until the tool is shipped elsewhere or the project ends. The Job Receive Date should reflect the start date of the current well, or the date the item was shipped to the current well. Job Depart Date is the date the tool was transferred from location to base or another job – this field is read-only on this form since it is set to the Transfer Ticket Date in the LOGS – Tool Transfer. **NOTE – Include MWD tubulars if they are part of the BHA items and are to be tracked automatically in the usage chart.

MWD Tools

Click on the + sign to add MWD inventory to the MWD Tools list. Only include tools that are not tracked in the BHA components list (i.e. non-tubular MWD tools). MWD Tools in this list are manually tracked in the usage grid. (Batteries). Not all fields may apply here.

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Click on the + sign to add Motors inventory to the Motors list. Motor information is referenced by the BHA and Daily reports.

Other Inventory

Click on the + sign to add items to the list that do not fit into other categories. Use the drop-down lists as much as possible.

Inventory Notes

Use this page to record notes regarding inventory issues. For example, you may note that certain tools were sent to another job site, lost or damaged items. The notes will print out on the inventory report.

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BHA Section Contents Add or Delete BHA

Change BHA Name Move Up or Down in List

Go to BHA Symbol Page Turn Symbol

BHA Section Contents lists the BHAs. Add a BHA by using the + sign. You may also right click your mouse and select Add BHA from the menu or by pressing the Insert button on your keyboard while your cursor is in the list. Delete a BHA by selecting a BHA and then using the – sign, or pressing the Delete key on your keyboard. If the BHA is referenced in the Daily Activities section, you will not be able to delete it until all references to it have been removed from the Daily Activities section. Navigating to listed BHAs is simple. You can use the arrows to move up and down in the list. When you have made your selection either double left click your mouse key, press the Go to BHA symbol or use the Page Turn symbol to move page by page.

BHA Information – Part 1

Refresh symbol ZOOM symbol

Clone symbol Edit Component

Use the left side of the page to add Components from the inventories into the BHA. Click the + sign to open the Edit Component screen. To open a larger selection screen, simply click the ZOOM symbol. Pressing the Clone symbol will allow you to copy the Components list from another BHA in the job into the current BHA. Note – when cloning, the current BHA component list will be completely overwritten with the cloned BHA component list. Once the component list has been cloned it is possible to make additions or changes in the current BHA component list.

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BHA Information – Part 1 cont’d………. Edit Component Screen

Zoom Screen

Select a Source from the list box selections, then select a component from the Component list box and click OK. Enter your bit usage and motor usage information on the right-hand page. Motor comments will appear on the motor evaluation report along with other automatically gathered information. You may enter up to 4 bit nozzle sizes. Flow areas for the nozzles and total combined flow area will be automatically calculated. If there are more than 4 nozzles or there are no actual nozzles on the bit, a manually entered TFA can be used. If this is the case, make sure that the other nozzle diameters are set to 0. Also ensure that the manual TFA data field is 0 if the data fields for individual nozzles are used.

BHA Information – Part 2

Enter BHA parameters on the left-hand page. Start/end dates and depths are automatically obtained from the Daily Activities entries, where depths and BHA numbers are assigned to each activity. Angle in and angle out values are pulled from the slide sheet record. On the right page, add slide sheet information to the list box. You can add slide records by using the + sign, or you can open a zoom window with the Zoom button. You only need to enter your single length, bit depth, and slide meters; the rest will be calculated. If you enter a single length of 0.0, then you can enter a non-contiguous bit depth (i.e. it does not continue directly from where the previous record finished rotating). Otherwise, when the numbers recalculate, the bit depths are adjusted to be equal to the last ‘rotate to’ depth plus the single length

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Daily Section Contents

Set Job Start/Set Job End buttons

The calendar on this page shows the dates for the job in green. Double-click on a date to jump to the relevant page, or use the Go to Date button. The date range for the job can be changed by selecting the desired date and then using the Set Job Start/Set Job End buttons or using the menu items in the right-click menu. When this is done, it will change the start/end days in the general section as well, but will not change the cost segment dates.

Daily Information – Part 1

Add daily activities on the left-hand page. You may use the + sign for the Edit Activity Item or the Zoom (Daily Activities List) screen shown below, for this task. Edit Activity Item Screen Zoom Screen

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Daily Information – Part 1 cont’d…….. For the first day of the job, there is a data field for the starting depth (Depth In On First Day) at the top of the page. The Work Status drop-down determines an Operating or Standby day. This field must be filled in for proper meterage calculations. Double-clicking on a list item, or using the Edit button or the Edit menu item on the right-click menu can edit activity items. Adding and deleting follows the standard methods. For more detail in adding activities, use the Zoom button or the Zoom right-click menu item. This opens a large window with pre-defined activity codes on the left and an enlarged view of the activities list box on the right. Working in this screen is very similar to working in the BHA zoom screen. Activities are categorized into Circulating, Drilling, MWD, Tripping, Rig and Other. Use the activities that are provided. You cannot add new activities to the lists. The existing activities are coded as to the type of hours associated with the activity (i.e. motor drilling hours, rotary drilling hours etc.). Each activity can only be associated with one type of hours, so split up combined periods from the tour sheets into separate activities. Make sure you include the correct BHA number and depth in each activity. Meterage for the day and for each BHA is calculated from the depths entered. When starting a sidetrack, enter the depth for the sidetrack and click the box ‘set new start depth’ in the bottom left corner of the Edit Activity Item box. This will ensure the proper meterage calculations for the sidetrack. The total meterage for the day will show the sum of the meters made before the sidetrack and since the sidetrack. Do not leave a depth blank; it will be interpreted as a zero depth and throw off calculations. Also, do not leave the BHA number blank during a series of entries. It can only be blank between BHAs and ensure the BHA numbers are contiguous (no gaps and do not alternate i.e. 1,2,1,1). This will cause unpredictable results in the calculated hours and meterage. Fill in other daily parameters on the right-hand side.

Daily Information – Part 2

On the left page, enter the daily mud information. Liquid Type/Rate, Gas Type/Rate are for UBD applications only and can be left blank when this does not apply. On the right page, flow rates and pressures are recorded. You can enter the SPM and liner size for up to three pumps. The order of the pumps is the order that is shown in the list box on the Rig Pumps page. The flow rates will be calculated automatically.

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Daily Information – Part 3 New Page Personnel On Site

Zoom symbol

Clone symbol

Add daily Personnel On Site on the left-hand page. You may use the + sign for the Edit Personnel On Site , the Zoom (Personnel On Site List) screen shown below, or the Clone for this task. Clone allows you to copy the Personnel On Site List from another day in the job to the currently selected day. Cloning the personnel list from another day with the same list is a short cut method of entering the personnel list. Once the list has been cloned it may be edited for any additions or changes. Note – when cloning, the current Personnel On Site list will be completely overwritten with the cloned daily personnel list. It is recommended therefore, clone the desired daily personnel list before making any changes.

Zoom Screen

Edit Personnel On Site Screen

When adding personnel to the current day using either the Zoom or the Edit Personnel On Site you will be required to specify the personnel Work Type (Field, Standby, Training or Travel). This designation is independent of the daily Work Status in Daily Information – Part 1. Enter any comments on the right page, they will appear in the Daily Activities report.

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Costs Section Contents

Change Segment Name

The Contents page list of Job Cost Segments. Using the + sign allows you to add a new segment, the – sign is used to delete, clicking on the Go symbol will take you to the highlighted segment. It is possible to change the name of an existing segment with Change Segment Name activity.

Segment Costs Detail

The Costs in this Segment page (page C-2) allows you to move up and down, add, delete, edit, refresh and clone segment. Clicking on the plus sign or the Zoom symbol will bring up the Segment Costs List allowing you to select the itemized costs for the segment.

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On the Segment Costs List screen, the tabs at the bottom left of the screen allow you to pick cost

Segment Costs List Screen

items from different areas of FIRST – Price Book, Inventory Items and Additional Charges (see Logs Section – Additional Job Charges for entering items that will appear in this Additional Charges list). If you need to change the unit price of a selected item (i.e. if you need to charge for motor hours), from the Segment Costs List screen double click on the item or from the Costs in this Segment list double click the item or select the item and press the Edit Item symbol to edit the cost. Select the Override Price and UOM for this item and enter the cost. The Segment Costs page (page C-3) shows the segment costs by day. This is a small grid showing the quantities for each cost item for each day, along with daily cost totals and job totals for each cost item. Double-clicking in the grid on a cell or pressing the Edit Amount symbol while a cell is selected will put the cell into edit mode so that you can change the quantity charged for the selected item for that day. The quantities for inventory items are not automatically calculated, in case there are special arrangements regarding the billing for the items so, make sure that you set the quantities for each inventory item that is charged, for each day as required. Pressing the Zoom symbol on this page will bring up a larger version of the Segment Costs grid.

Segment Costs Zoom Screen

Edit Amount symbol

Editing the quantities on this screen are the same as on the smaller Segment Costs grid page.

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Logs Section Contents

Page Turn Symbol

The first page in the Logs Section Tab lists the contents of the section. When your mouse is moved over a selection, the selection highlights. Simply left click on the highlighted selection to jump to your selection. You can also quickly turn to the next page by using the Page Turn symbol at the bottom corner.

Additional Job Charges

Items not appearing in the Inventory or the Price Book but are charged to the job will be entered here. These items will show up on the Additional Charges tab of the Segment Costs List edit screen. Press the + sign to add an item. Use the Product Code 999999 for items that do not have an assigned code.

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Usage Control

Sort symbol

Toggle Value symbol

The Usage Items list on the right-hand page shows all the personnel and inventory items on the job, followed by the total days that each is used over the length of the job – if they are not used the Days will total 0 (zero). If the list is not ordered the way you like, it can be reordered using the up and down arrows to move or the mouse to drag and drop individual items up and down in the list. Pressing the Sort symbol will sort the entire list so the alphabetized personnel appear at the top and the alphabetized inventory appears at the bottom. Sorting items in the Usage Items list affects the ordering in the Usage Control grid. The Usage Control grid on the left-hand page shows the specific days that each item in the Usage Items list is used on the job. Cells with a 1 indicate the item was used on the job for that day. For most of the items appearing in this grid, the usage is determined automatically by FIRST based on the entries in Daily – Personnel list and the BHA – Components list(s). The usage for inventory items such as Lift Subs, Pickup Subs, Survey Kits, Single/Multi-shot survey tools, Tool Baskets and MWD tools, items that do not make up part of the external BHA components, cannot be automatically determined. The descriptions for these items are presented in blue, indicating the usage for that item can be toggled off and on manually. To toggle these items for a specific day double-click the appropriate cell or select the cell and then press the Toggle Value symbol. Pressing the Zoom symbol on this page will bring up a larger version of the Usage Control grid.

Usage Control Zoom Screen

In the Usage Control zoom screen it is possible to toggle the ‘adjustable’ cells by double-clicking on the appropriate cell.

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Incidents Log

Incidents or problems that arise on the job are entered here. Press the + sign at the bottom of the Incidents list to add an item. It is important to complete as much of the Incident Details information and summaries as possible.

Tool Transfer Log New Page Tool Transfer Log

Change Ticket Number symbol

Tools that are transferred from the current job to another job or back to the base are entered here. Tool Transfer Tickets are created on the left-hand page. You may use the + sign at the bottom of the Transfer Tickets list to create new tickets. The ticket number is generated automatically, but it is possible to either specify a different number when the ticket is created or after ticket creation by pressing the Change Ticket Number symbol. The Destination Details, Shipping Details and Transfer Comments (if any) make up the cover information for the Transfer Ticket, therefore tools on a Ticket may only go to one destination. Note – the ticket transfer date that is specified here is the date will appear in Job Depart Date field for all inventory items included on the ticket. Transfer Tickets for tools returning to the base should be specified by selecting ‘RETURN TO BASE’ from the Well Name drop-down list. For Tickets going to other jobs the Well Name selection information in the drop-down box can be edited to allow entry the appropriate information.

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Tool Transfer Log Cont’d………. On the left-hand page, you may use the + sign for the Edit Transfer Item, or the Zoom (Transfer Items List) shown below, to add Transfer Items, tools, to the ticket. Use the – sign to remove tools from a ticket. Note - removing a tool item from a ticket also clears its inventory Job Depart Date . FIRST does not allow a tool to be transferred on two tickets. In the Transfer Items List zoom Transfer Items List Zoom Screen

Edit Transfer Items Screen

screen, items appearing in the Inventory Selections list on the left with a gray background are items that already appear on a transfer ticket. The Edit Transfer Items screen does not display items that have already been transferred.

Surveys Log This section is not currently available.

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Menus File This sub menu allows you to perform FIRST job related actions. It includes New, Open, Save, Save a Copy to Floppy Disk, Import, Export, and Exit. By default FIRST will save and open job files in the c:\first4\jobfiles directory. Job files will have a JOB file extension. The explanation of New is covered in Using FIRST – Creating a New Job above. Aside from Import and Export (explained below), the other menu items are self-explanatory.

File – Import The import FIRST Job File… menu item allows you to import job data from another job file. Importing information from another Job file can greatly reduce the amount of import required to start a new job. Importing from another job file is intended for use with newly created job files only, as previously existing data in several areas are replaced and in some it is discarded. Data is replaced in: General Section: Client, Field, Prov/State, Country, Rig Name, Rig Number, Service Co., Service Type and all Personnel records Rig Section: Tools, Bits, Pumps Inventory: DIR Tools, MWD Tools, Motors, Other Tools Segments: Segments, Segment Costs, but not daily charges Logs: Additional Job Charges All the data above is replaced even though you may not choose any inventory items to import. Data is discarded in: BHA: BHAs, BHA Components, BHA Slides Daily: BHA field in Daily Activity lines When you use the import FIRST Job File… to open a job file the Select Inventory Items to Carry Forward From Previous Job screen is displayed. Select the tools you want to import by checking

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the box beside each item, either individually or with the Select All button. All the imported items will have the inventory Job Receive Date set to the Receive Date entered on this screen. By default the current date will be used as the Receive Date however it is adjustable to any date on or between the Job Start Date and Job End Date. The Carry Forward Original Field Dates? flag, allows you to carry forward the Original Field Date for all imported inventory items. The import Lookups Data File… menu item allows you to import other Lookups Data files that may have been updated with other information, replacing your current lookups data. Lookups Data files are by default saved with a LKP file extension. It is recommended that you export your current lookups data prior to importing new lookups data. Using the import Tool Transfer File… menu item, it is possible to import the inventory tools sent from the Dispatch System and therefore reduce the amount of typing to enter the inventory used on the job. When the Transfer File, created with a TTR file extension, is opened, the Select Tools to Import from Dispatch Ticket screen will be displayed. This lists all the tools available for import in

the transfer file. Select the tools you want to import by checking the box beside each item, either individually or with the Select All button. It is possible to change the tool Type for each item prior to importing, so check that each type is correct. All the imported items will have the inventory Job Receive Date and Original Field Date set to the Receive Date entered on this screen. By default the current date will be used as the Receive Date however it is adjustable to any date on or between the Job Start Date and Job End Date. After the tools have been imported go through all the imported items in the Inventory screens and complete any of the fields missing relevant data.

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File – Export As you begin to add and adjust items in the various lookup fields, these changes are saved in the FIRST database. It is possible to export this Lookup Data so that this revised list can be used on other computers running FIRST. By default, the exported file will have a LKP file extension.

Edit This menu item provides the standard edit functions such as Cut, Copy, Paste, and Select All.

Section In addition to the Section tabs and the Navigational Bar already provided in FIRST, this sub menu provides the menu items as well as hot keys for navigating to the different parts of the FIRST application.

Page This sub menu provides page-level movement through FIRST. History Back and History Forward to allow you to move back to where you were. First and Last provide the ability to move quickly to the first and last pages of the current section. Next and Prior allow you to move to the next and previous pages including from section to section.

Reports This sub menu provides the menu items plus hot key short cuts for printing the various reports.

Tools This sub menu provides a number of tools helpful and necessary for the proper functioning of FIRST . The Spell Check facility is available for all Notes, Comments and text items. Note – it is available through the F7 short cut key.

The Job Options… item allows you to specify the currency type and measurement units to be used for operating FIRST. If the need arises, Change Job File Name… allows you to change the file name of the existing job

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– it is possible to change the File Number as well as the Date Code. Changing the Date Code here will not change the Job Start Date. The Rebuild Data Files and Data Viewer options are intended for usage only if you are experiencing major data problems with FIRST and even then it is recommended that these items only be used on the advice of the Systems Administrator. The Calculator displays the calculator available from the Windows® operating systems.

View This sub menu allows you to adjust which FIRST features are displayed. You can toggle off and on the various menu bars; Tool Bar, Navigational Bar, and the Reports Palette. The 640 x 800 Mode, which was included for computers with lower resolutions, toggles off the Tool Bar, Navigational Bar and the Reports Palette and makes the Tool Bar into a ‘floating menu’ so as to conserve display space.

Help As well as providing some of the standard items that you would find under help, this sub menu also includes an Expiry Date… item.

The Expiry Date feature allows you to see what the FIRST current expiry date is and can also be used to extend the license period. It is necessary to phone the Systems Administrator for the valid code that can be entered in the input box provided.

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Navigational Bar The Navigational Bar appearing along the left side of FIRST provides quick access to the various sections and pages of the application. Clicking on the ‘Section Bars’ will open up a menu with icons for the various activities in each section. The icons on the BHA menu represent 2 pages and on Daily 3 pages. In addition to using the Page Turn symbols to go to these respective pages in BHA and Daily, it is possible to traverse through the pages represented by these icons by either clicking on the icon again or by right-clicking the mouse on the icon and selecting the desired page from the

Navigational Bar

Right -click menu on Daily

Page Turn symbol


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Reports There are a few ways to access reports for FIRST . You can use the Reports menu and select a menu item to print a particular report. You can use the Quick Print button on the toolbar if it makes sense for the current page (i.e. current inventory section, current BHA, current day). You can also use the report palette at the bottom of the main window. For most reports, you will be presented with a selection dialog box that will allow you to choose, for example, which inventory sections, or which BHAs, or which days to print. Then, a report preview is shown. You can cancel the printouts at this point, or click the print button on the toolbar to print the report.

Inventory List This report can show each inventory section (Directional Tools, MWD Tools, Motors, Other Tools) individually or combined together.

Detailed BHA The detailed BHA report includes the components list, motor info, bit info, and daily info for selected BHAs.

Doghouse BHA The doghouse BHA report is a list of the BHA components, printed in a landscape orientation. No other information is displayed. It is meant for use as a reference in the doghouse.

Slide Sheet This report shows the slide sheet information for selected BHAs.

Motor Evaluation This report shows the motor usage comments for selected BHAs along with relevant BHA, motor, bit, and daily information combined automatically by the program.

Daily Activity The Daily Activity report shows all daily information, including activities list, hours breakdown, BHAs used information, mud, pressures, flow rates, and daily comments. There is a sign-off spot for the customer.

Daily Costs This report lists out the cost items for the job, with the quantities and costs for the selected days. There is a sign-off spot for the customer.

Job Costs Sheet This report shows all cost items and job days in a grid format with totals. There is a sign-off spot for the customer.

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Cost Summary This report lists out the cost items for the job, with the quantities and costs for the entire job or for specific segments. There is a sign-off spot for the customer.

Usage Control The usage control report shows all inventory items and job days in a grid format with totals.

Tool Transfer Ticket This report shows the shipping information and the tools being transferred.

Consolidated Tool Transfer This report shows a consolidated list of the selected Tool Transfer Tickets on which tools were transferred from the job including general tool information and the destination for each item.

Incident Report This report shows a report for each selected incident.

Terms & Conditions This report shows the general Terms & Conditions under which services, personnel, equipment etc. are provided.

BHA Worksheet A blank spreadsheet for recording BHA components.

Slides Worksheet A blank spreadsheet for recording slides information.

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Lookup Lists There are two type of lookup lists – ones that you can edit (add, delete, modify), and ones where the choices are fixed. The lookups that can be edited allow you to add your own items to save on typing when you need to use that item again later. The non-editable lists are restricted from user editing in order to preserve their exact contents. The items in these lists will be used as key values in database searches when the job files are combined into the main database. The activity lists are shown below for reference.

Activity Lookup List – Circulating -

Blow Down Hole With N2 Circ & Accumulate Surveys Circ & Condition Hole Circ & Condition Mud Circ & W.O.O. Circ Bottoms Up Circ Sample Circulating Circulating - See Comments Displace Hole Displace Hole With N2 Flow Test Pump Down Survey Barrel Pump Out Singles Unplug Nozzles Unplug Tools Work Stuck Pipe & Circ Work Tight Hole & Circ

Activity Lookup List – Drilling -

Quick Start Guide

Back Ream Build Trough Control Drill Drill Mouse Hole Drill Out Flt, Shoe & Cmnt Motor Drill To KOP Orienting With Motor Polish Cement Plug Ream - See Comments Ream Hole Rotary Drill Rotary Drill To KOP Rotating With Motor Time Drill

Entering Data - 33

Activity Lookup List - MWD -

Change Batteries Change MWD Change Pulser EM MWD Surveys Gamma Rerun Gyro Wellbore Shallow Pulse Check Shallow Test Tools Wait On MWD Tools Work On EM MWD Work On MWD

Activity Lis t – Other -

Cement Casing Coring DST Fishing Logging Make Up Fish Tools Mill Window Move Rig MU Whipstock Other - See Comments Recover Core BBL Released Run Casing Run Liner Set Bridge Plug Set Cement Plug Standby Travel Home Travel To Job Undefined - See Comments W/L Surveys & Orienting Wait On Cement Wait On Cementers Wait On Daylight Wait On Directional Wait On Directional Tools Wait On Fisherman Wait On Loggers Wait On Mobilization Wait On Orders Wait On Other Tools Wait On Weather

Activity List – Rig Quick Start Guide

BOP Drill Change Pump Liners Fire Up Boiler Flow Check Lay Down Derrick Entering Data - 34


Move In Rotary Tools Nipple Up BOPs Pressure Test Rig Out Rotary Tools Rig Repair Rig Service Rig Up

Activity Lookup List – Rig cont’d -

Rig Up Cementers Rig Up Derrick Rig Up RBOPs Rig Up Rotary Tools Rig Up Top Drive Rig Up UBD Equipment Safety Meeting Slip And Cut Spot Shacks Tear Out Rig Tear Out Top Drive Weld On Conductor Wireline Survey Work on Pumps Work on Top Drive

Activity List - Trip Quick Start Guide

Change Bit Change Bit And Motor Change Motor Change Out Drill Collars Change Out Drill Pipe Handle Directional Tools Lay Down Directional Tools Lay Down Drill Collars Lay Down Drill Pipe Lay Down HW Drill Pipe Pick Up Drill Collars Pick Up Drill Pipe Pick Up HW Drill Pipe Pipe Swap POOH - See Comments POOH For Bit POOH For Directional POOH For EM MWD POOH For Motor POOH For MWD POOH To Change BHA POOH To Change Mtr Set POOH To Check For Wash POOH To Check Tools POOH To Log POOH To Recover Surv Barrel POOH To Run Casing POOH With Fishing Tools Entering Data - 35

POOH With Gyro - POOH With Reamer - POOH With Whipstock - POOH, Lay Down DC - POOH, Lay Down DP - POOH, Lay Down HWDP - PU Directional Tools - Pull Back For Sidetrack - RIH - RIH - See Comments - RIH Open Ended - RIH With Directional - RIH With Fishing Tools - RIH With Gyro - RIH With New BHA - RIH With New Bit

Activity Lookup List – Trip cont’d -

Quick Start Guide

RIH With Overshot RIH With Rotary Tools RIH With Whipstock Snub Out Strip In Survey On Trip In Trip In Trip Out For DST Trip Out Sideways Trip Out With DST Trip To Set Up Motor Trip To Turn Down Motor Wiper Trip Work Stuck Pipe Work Tight Hole

Entering Data - 36

Glossary of Terms Reports Palette:

Allows quick, easy access to all available reports.

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Glossary of Terms - 37

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Western Canadian Maps

Prairie Survey System

Adapted from Government of Alberta Website Any parcel of land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta or the Peace River Block of British Columbia can be located by its legal land description. Legal land descriptions are based on the Township System (TS). The system uses a simple grid network to divide the prairies into equal sized parcels of land. Under the system land is described as being west of the 1st to the 6th Meridian. The 1st Meridian runs north south right through Winnipeg. The 4th Meridian (110 degrees west longitude) is the Alberta – Saskatchewan border. The 5th Meridian (114 degrees west longitude) is in the center of the province and the 6th Meridian (118 degrees longitude) is east of the Alberta – B.C. border.

Between meridians are six-mile wide columns called ranges, which run north to south. The ranges are numbered consecutively starting with number one directly west of the meridian and increasing to 26 as you move further west. Townships are six-mile rows that intersect the ranges. They are increase in numbers from south to north. Township 1 is at the Canada USA Border and township 126 is at the Northwest Territories border. Township is also used to describe the six-mile square formed by the intersection of a range and a township. Townships are then further divided into 36 one-mile square sections. Each section is divided into quarters: northeast, northwest, southeast, and southwest or into 16 legal subdivisions or LSD's. Here is an example of how to use the system. You are asked to haul a load to a well that is located at 13 – 1 – 87 – 18W4. Where is it? It’s easy if you know that the first number is the LSD, the second is the section, the third is township, the fourth is range and the last one is the meridian. This means our location is Legal Subdivision 13, Section 1, Township 87, Range 8 West of the 4th meridian. Drilling Services Training

Houston, TX Telephone: 281.260.5771 Edmonton, AB Telephone: 780.462.6300

British Columbia Survey System (NTS System)

Adapted from NTS-Grid Map ‘North East British Columbia’, ISBN 1-895526-32-9. The National Topographic System (NTS) used in British Columbia functions as follows. Map number, unit, sheet, zone, centizone, and unit define a specific location. This is how you find the location: 93 – F – 12 Map Unit Sheet


E – 53 – b Zone Centizone Unit

• • • • • •

93 is the map number. British Columbia is divided into map numbers running south to north. F is the unit. There are 16 units in each map. They run from A to P. 12 is the sheet. Each unit is divided into sheet of 16 equal parts. E is the zone. Each zone is divided into 12 parts ranging from A to I. 53 is the centizone number. Each zone is divided into a 100 block centizone. b is the unit designation within the centizone. Each block in the centizone is divided into 4 units – a, b, c, and d.

Tips For Getting There

Once you have the legal land description, you can then plan your route to that area using a regular road map, oil company maps, customer provided directions, or route information from your dispatcher. Do not deviate from the route given to you by your dispatcher. This is critical because the route has been planned with road bans and bridge capacities in mind. If you get off the route, you could end up damaging a road or a bridge and your company may be responsible for paying for the repairs. It is also very important to get specific landmarks that you can use to help find your off-highway destination. As you may know, it can be difficult to locate well sites even if you have the legal description. One final point; remember to ask for directions if you are not sure where you are.

Drilling Services Training

Houston, TX Telephone: 281.260.5771 Edmonton, AB Telephone: 780.462.6300

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